[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

 If I may interject here, AAB -- AFAIK I am neither MZ, nor William of
Occam -- but just for the record, I also found at a certain point that
CC, GC, and UC were both experienceable at will and were essentially
ephemeral: that is, they too were simply experiences which had a
beginning and an ending, being waves or manifestations of a much
larger That, or Us -- which is a priori and is a kind of indescribable
perfection which simply IS and has always been here and now, but which
we had conveniently managed to overlook by virtue of being unconsciously
attached to the idea of a separate experiencer: an I-particle which was
addicted to the idea of growth, of being in spacetime, which
consequently rejected that Us as being its own death.

 Perhaps not coincidentally, it was RC himself who in confronting me
delivered one of the coups-de-grace which finally shook Us loose from
that particular identification. (For which, thank you again, Robin.) But
it appears many others have come to the same realization. One such was
Jay Latham, who wrote in Galaxy of Fire of this Understanding and of his
confronting Maharishi with his realization that CC, GC, and UC were
essentially BS (my paraphrase) and of Maharishi's vehemently
enthusiastic endorsement of his realization (YES! YES! YES!).

Thanks Rory - that makes total sense, good to have you back and hope you
post more.
 And in retrospect, it appears self-evidently obvious that MMY knew
this state well and spoke of it as Brahman or as the pathless path from
here to here, but we hadn't ears to hear here :-)

[FairfieldLife] One for the I know because the authority I trust knows crowd

2011-06-26 Thread turquoiseb
It occurs to me that those wanting to ask MZ or any other authority on
this forum questions, as if their answers would satisfy them, are kinda
missing the point. That relies on the vagaries of the authority's
memory, not to mention reputation. If all you want is an answer that
we've already prepared, why not rely on the Ultimate Authority? It's
not only more authoritative, it's faster.



[FairfieldLife] Special offer for participants of the Gurupurnima Assembly

2011-06-26 Thread merlin


Special offer for participants of the Gurupurnima Assembly

Sat, 25 Jun 2011 22:12:51 +0200

Reinhard Rau reinhard...@maharishi.net


Dear Course Participant, 
We look forward to welcoming you to MERU for a very full and inspiring Guru 
Purnima Assembly. 
We also want to draw your attention to a very special course starting next 
week: Dr. Peter Swan’s course: Applying Principles of Maharishi Vedic 
Agriculture and Gardening for the Development of Personal Enlightenment, Global 
Abundance, and Sustainability. 
The course has been received with great enthusiasm by everyone who attended it. 
In the invitation you will find below there are some very outstanding 
testimonials from previous course participants.
The course ends on 6 July at lunchtime, but as a participant in the Guru 
Purnima assembly we want to give you this very special offer: After attending 
the MVOA course you will be able to stay on campus from 6 to 8 July for free, 
meals included. On the 8th you will be moving to the accommodation you have 
reserved for the assembly. 
Please click on the link for more details and feel free to contact us for more 
Jai Guru Dev 
Best wishes 
Course Administration 

[FairfieldLife] The Two Types Of SEBs*

2011-06-26 Thread turquoiseb
* SEBs. Supposedly Enlightened Beings. SOBs is something else.

It seems to me that history presents us with two different types of
enlightened beings. Yes, of course I know that it's more varied than
that, and that on one level each individual SEB is an individual, and
thus unique. On the other hand I think it's valid to sort these
individual SEBs into types, the same way you might sort animals into

I see two basic species of SEBs. (At least today, in this cafe.) The
first archetype of the SEB is the more common. I would characterize this
first species as becoming more inner-directed after claiming that they
were enlightened, or being declared enlightened. For them the primary
focus of their recorded lives and recorded talks or teachings after
realization tend to be abstract, more philosophical or religious, and
very much as if the relative (or real world, as some call it) either
didn't really exist or wasn't all that important if it did. I would term
such enlightened beings ISEBs -- Internally-oriented Supposedly
Enlightend Beings.

Then there are the other guys. They are less common. They are of the ilk
of Ikkyu, the Sixth Dalai Lama, and any number of Asian (where it hasn't
gotten a bad name yet) Crazy Wisdom teachers. They tend to realize their
enlightenment and then, instead of going all postal on their inner
lives, turn their focus outward, both embracing and celebrating the
relative. For example, when Ikkyu was presented with his 'inka'
(certificate of enlightenment -- an actual piece of paper) from one of
the most prestigious schools of Zen in Japan, he reportedly took it,
threw it to the ground, stomped it flat and stalked off, never to return
to the monastery. Instead of going inner, he went outer. Ikkyu spent
the rest of his life walking the earth like Caine in Kung-Fu, drinking,
carousing with the ladies, enjoying nature, and along the Way writing
some of the best poetry in human history.

The Sixth Dalai Lama did essentially the same thing. Declared the next
incarnation of the most important Dalai Lama in Tibetan history, he
refused to take his vows as a monk and thereafter spent his days on the
throne of the Potala palace, but his nights in Lhasa's red-light
district, Shol-town. There he too spent the rest of his life writing
some of the most beautiful poetry this planet has ever seen, under the
pen name the Turquoise Bee.

More recently Chogyam Trungpa went this route. Like the Sixth Dalai
Lama, he was embraced as a tulku, the living reincarnation of a
previously-enlightened master of his lineage. And yet he went outer
too, diving into a lifestyle of fucking anything that moved and
eventually drinking himself to death. But again, along the Way he
managed to write some remarkable books about Buddhist thought. And some
of *them* were remarkably inner. In a guy who had rejected the ISEB
path and embraced the outer world. Go figure.

I call this second set of Supposedly Enlightened Beings ESEBs --
Externally-oriented Supposedly Enlightened Beings.

Call me crazy, but I think it's valid to divide the historical figures
presented to us by history into these two categories. Yes, each
individual SEB had his or her own personality and self (or lack thereof,
however you swing on the self issue), but *in general* the SEBs of
history have tended to primarily fall into one or the other camps.

At least that's what their PR says. As we all know, some SEBs have had a
public persona of renouncing the relative world and its pleasures or
sins and a vastly different private persona, which had no problem with
indulging in the very things the public persona renounced and denounced.
That's not the kinda SEB I'm talking about in this rap and the sub-raps
that I can already feel will follow it :-). I'm talking the kinda SEBs
who mainly walk their talk, and live their lives the way that they claim
to be living them.

I find this seeming dichotomy fascinating. Some SEBs announce their
enlightenment (and even have it confirmed) and go inner, spending most
of the rest of their lives in a bit of a solipsistic Inner Disneyland Of
The Spirit, focusing mainly on their inner, subjective lives and
experiences and what they think both mean. They tend to act as
missionaries for this inner-directed life, prosyeltizing it to others
and suggesting that it's the highest path.

And then other SEBs go outer, and spend the rest of their lives
focusing mainly on the outer world and its beauty, other people and
their beauty, and turning others onto this beauty through their works,
and the example of their lives.

It should go without saying that I resonate more with ESEBs than I do
ISEBs. If I run into an SEB, I'm more likely to ask him what movies he's
liked lately or which restaurant in town has the best sole meuniere than
I am to ask him what the answer is to the question of life, the
universe, and everything. I already know the answer we have already
prepared for that one. 42. I'd rather have the SEB rap about what he

[FairfieldLife] Re: Special offer for participants of the Gurupurnima Assembly

2011-06-26 Thread turquoiseb
Dear Course Administration,

I thank you for drawing my attention to this marvelous
opportunity to spend more money on Maharishi(TM) products.

Although I live in the Netherlands, and thus within a short
train ride from Vlodrop and MERU, I had not planned on 
attending the upcoming Guru Purnima Assembly. But based on
your generous offer of throwing in Dr. Swan's course on 
Vedic Agriculture and Gardening, I'm considering it.

What I'm interested in is whether Dr. Swan's presentation
will limit itself to the proper Vedic way to raise flowers
and vegetables, or will branch out into more commercial
crops. For example, will it cover the proper Vedic way to
raise one of the biggest cash crops of the Netherlands,

Although I'm not a big imbiber of this particular crop, I
am always open to money-making opportunities, and it seems
to me that if the Knowledge Of The Vedas can be brought to
bear not only on carrots and posies but can be applied as
well to raising some high-quality weed, there is money to 
be made there. 

Thus this query letter. I'm hoping to learn whether the
course will deal with such things before committing myself
to attending. Will Dr. Swan deal with whether open-air 
growing or greenhouse growing produces the more Vedic high?
Will he deal with the thorny question of which direction
the individual plants should be facing, S-V wise? I mean,
if some of your plants grow up with their leaves facing
South, should you toss them out and only harvest the ones
with leaves that face East? Will he cover the different
vata types of individual cannabis strains, and how those
vatas affect their buzz or lack thereof?

Thank you for your attention to these important questions.
I look forward to your reply.

Possibly considering a career change, I remain Vedically


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merlin vedamerlin@... wrote:

 Dear Course Participant, 
 We look forward to welcoming you to MERU for a very full 
 and inspiring Guru Purnima Assembly. 
 We also want to draw your attention to a very special course 
 starting next week: Dr. Peter Swan's course: Applying Principles 
 of Maharishi Vedic Agriculture and Gardening for the Development 
 of Personal Enlightenment, Global Abundance, and Sustainability. 
 The course has been received with great enthusiasm by everyone 
 who attended it. In the invitation you will find below there 
 are some very outstanding testimonials from previous course 
 The course ends on 6 July at lunchtime, but as a participant 
 in the Guru Purnima assembly we want to give you this very 
 special offer: After attending the MVOA course you will be 
 able to stay on campus from 6 to 8 July for free, meals included. 
 On the 8th you will be moving to the accommodation you have 
 reserved for the assembly. 
 Please click on the link for more details and feel free to contact 
 us for more information. 
 Jai Guru Dev 
 Best wishes 
 Course Administration

[FairfieldLife] The experiences of higher states of consciousness are clearly described

2011-06-26 Thread nablusoss1008

June 21
2011.html  The experiences of higher states of consciousness are
clearly described in the holy texts of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The experiences of higher states of consciousness are clearly described

2011-06-26 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 June 21
 2011.html  The experiences of higher states of consciousness are
 clearly described in the holy texts of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.


This fellow definately knows what he is talking about, quite contrary to the 
many posters here who think they have an understading of what  Enlightenment 
really is (Jim excluded) 

In and out of Unity Consciousness ? Please, rather be in the foolish amaturish 
world of Lady Gaga. Many here knows what gaga means in french :-) A tripple 
checking would be desired.

Do listen to this tape, with knowledge about the subject from  Western 
religions and Islam in the light of Maharishi's unique understanding.

[FairfieldLife] Re: One for the I know because the authority I trust knows crowd

2011-06-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 It occurs to me that those wanting to ask MZ or any other
 authority on this forum questions, as if their answers would
 satisfy them, are kinda missing the point.

Could it be that some people ask the person questions not
because they expect to get The Answer, but simply because
they're interested in how the person thinks?

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread authfriend
Hey, gang, especially when responding to MZ's VERY LONG
posts, but also just in general, could we *please, please*
remember to snip the stuff we aren't commenting on

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 wayback71@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
   Hi. I didn't receive answers to my last two questions, but


[FairfieldLife] Re: Special offer for participants of the Gurupurnima Assembly

2011-06-26 Thread Robert
Did you know that weed is the most fav herb of Shiva..?

Now that's something they left out of the literature, but nonetheless, it's 
true that's Shiva does get high...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Dear Course Administration,
 I thank you for drawing my attention to this marvelous
 opportunity to spend more money on Maharishi(TM) products.
 Although I live in the Netherlands, and thus within a short
 train ride from Vlodrop and MERU, I had not planned on 
 attending the upcoming Guru Purnima Assembly. But based on
 your generous offer of throwing in Dr. Swan's course on 
 Vedic Agriculture and Gardening, I'm considering it.
 What I'm interested in is whether Dr. Swan's presentation
 will limit itself to the proper Vedic way to raise flowers
 and vegetables, or will branch out into more commercial
 crops. For example, will it cover the proper Vedic way to
 raise one of the biggest cash crops of the Netherlands,
 Although I'm not a big imbiber of this particular crop, I
 am always open to money-making opportunities, and it seems
 to me that if the Knowledge Of The Vedas can be brought to
 bear not only on carrots and posies but can be applied as
 well to raising some high-quality weed, there is money to 
 be made there. 
 Thus this query letter. I'm hoping to learn whether the
 course will deal with such things before committing myself
 to attending. Will Dr. Swan deal with whether open-air 
 growing or greenhouse growing produces the more Vedic high?
 Will he deal with the thorny question of which direction
 the individual plants should be facing, S-V wise? I mean,
 if some of your plants grow up with their leaves facing
 South, should you toss them out and only harvest the ones
 with leaves that face East? Will he cover the different
 vata types of individual cannabis strains, and how those
 vatas affect their buzz or lack thereof?
 Thank you for your attention to these important questions.
 I look forward to your reply.
 Possibly considering a career change, I remain Vedically
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merlin vedamerlin@ wrote:
  Dear Course Participant, 
  We look forward to welcoming you to MERU for a very full 
  and inspiring Guru Purnima Assembly. 
  We also want to draw your attention to a very special course 
  starting next week: Dr. Peter Swan's course: Applying Principles 
  of Maharishi Vedic Agriculture and Gardening for the Development 
  of Personal Enlightenment, Global Abundance, and Sustainability. 
  The course has been received with great enthusiasm by everyone 
  who attended it. In the invitation you will find below there 
  are some very outstanding testimonials from previous course 
  The course ends on 6 July at lunchtime, but as a participant 
  in the Guru Purnima assembly we want to give you this very 
  special offer: After attending the MVOA course you will be 
  able to stay on campus from 6 to 8 July for free, meals included. 
  On the 8th you will be moving to the accommodation you have 
  reserved for the assembly. 
  Please click on the link for more details and feel free to contact 
  us for more information. 
  Jai Guru Dev 
  Best wishes 
  Course Administration

[FairfieldLife] New Crop Circle; Honeystreet, Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire.

2011-06-26 Thread nablusoss1008


Honeystreet, Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. Reported 26th June.
Map Ref:
This Page has been accessed
  [Hit Counter]

Updated  Sunday 26th June2011
  http://www.7fires.net/   AERIAL SHOTS
26/06/11 26/06/11 26/06/11 26/06/11 26/06/11 26/06/11

Discuss this circle on our Facebook



[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread Robert

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  I think all Maharishi was doing was taking the idea of
  Unity Consciousness to its logical conclusion, complete
  Unity, complete Oneness, complete control over physical
  manifestation. Is that even desirable?
 In Unity, who is it who has this control?
 Don't mean to sound like a neo-Advaitin, but isn't this
 where the rubber meets the road?
 I know Michael Dean Goodman isn't exactly popular here,
 but boy, we could use the clarity of his explanations
 on this topic, at least when we're trying to figure out
 what MMY meant when he said...

We're sorry, but Michael is busy doing the Lingam Initiation, with his latest 
recruit to the Harem, but we expect him back any day now...

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  I think all Maharishi was doing was taking the idea of
  Unity Consciousness to its logical conclusion, complete
  Unity, complete Oneness, complete control over physical
  manifestation. Is that even desirable?
 In Unity, who is it who has this control? 
 Don't mean to sound like a neo-Advaitin, but isn't this
 where the rubber meets the road?

An excellent question, Judy. In my model of UC, anyhow -- as still 
(more-or-less vehemently) opposed to What IS or Reality or Brahman -- there is 
still (despite the term Unity) a core-seed of separation, of I-ness as 
opposed to an other, or to all of the others (as in *I* am in UC! You, maybe, 
not so much...), which shows that in UC One is still primarily identifying 
with a particle withIN spacetime, and thus, like it or not, merely another 
creature. From this point of view, a true marriage with physical manifestation 
and all within it -- one's wife, as it were -- is utterly impossible, and would 
be regarded as the death of the I-particle. The only kind of marriage it 
could envision or embody would probably be a tyranny, complete control over 
physical manifestation. As you suggest, Jim, not even desirable. 

My view of the siddhis and their mastery has changed quite a bit over the 
years. Now, I see and spontaneously practice the siddhis as simply more 
particle-work, or demon-feeding, like the chod technique, to convert my 
demons back into devatas. That is, I simply accept these thought-streams or 
I-particles as they are (instead of pushing them away or denying them) and give 
my needy particles whatever they believe they need, as soon as they get my 

To me, providing whatever they need is just an ordinary thought, no big deal. 
You need love and appreciation? I give you infinite love and appreciation. 

You need wealth? I give you infinite wealth. 

You need liberation? I give you infinite liberation. 

You need to be the Lord of creation? I give you a glorious Universe to rule. 

Like Shiva, of myself I have no Shakti, no inherent power. But to them -- the 
I-particles, my Shakti-body -- my every thought is like scripture carved in 
stone, holy writ, and in believing my thoughts they make them so, and they melt 
back into loving and trusting and upholding me. And as they believe and accept 
me, so my body shifts to uphold that new belief, that love and trust and 
support, and the world changes accordingly. 

They are devatas, so they manifest creation. And so through them I get to 
experience and enjoy the sensory results of my thoughts. Like a parent who 
knows the truth about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but heartily enjoys the 
bliss of his children who believe in them.

 I know Michael Dean Goodman isn't exactly popular here,
 but boy, we could use the clarity of his explanations
 on this topic, at least when we're trying to figure out
 what MMY meant when he said...

Yes, his presence here is always a privilege and a joy!

[FairfieldLife] A seagull's-eye view of Cannes

2011-06-26 Thread turquoiseb
This viral video purports to show the adventures of a 
camera in movie mode stolen by a seagull, flown over
Cannes, and then deposited on the wall of a nearby
castle. Is it real or Memorex. You decide.


[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

Dear Rory, I should have included you in those here in the know of 

But you tend to use a lot of words, a LOT of words ! 

Very shortly it would nice to hear your understanding of the Crop Circles, see 
post above. What is your understandig of this ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread whynotnow7
In Unity, who is it who has this control?

From a personal perspective, we do. One thing I've noticed about stabilized 
states of consciousness is that they always feel normal. So if someone is in 
the waking state, or CC, or Unity, it always feels normal, it always feels 
like us. 

I was just thinking that the progression, the evolution of states of 
consciousness, is like learning to dance with an invisible partner, and by 
doing so, we learn bit by bit how to perform the dance as perfectly, as 
creatively, and as powerfully as the Universe itself. Cosmic life.

But there is always a me in the experience, a unique way of expressing this 
no self. Once the Universe has granted us the grace to express ourselves on 
Its behalf, we continue to move forward as ourselves, simultaneously seeing the 
innocent reflection of the Divine everywhere, yet continuing to do the things 
we ourselves enjoy doing, regardless of the state of our consciousness.

Does that answer your question? 

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together -
I Am The Walrus - Beatles 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  I think all Maharishi was doing was taking the idea of
  Unity Consciousness to its logical conclusion, complete
  Unity, complete Oneness, complete control over physical
  manifestation. Is that even desirable?
 In Unity, who is it who has this control?
 Don't mean to sound like a neo-Advaitin, but isn't this
 where the rubber meets the road?
 I know Michael Dean Goodman isn't exactly popular here,
 but boy, we could use the clarity of his explanations
 on this topic, at least when we're trying to figure out
 what MMY meant when he said...

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

Dear Rory, I should have included you in those here in the know of 
 But you tend to use a lot of words, a LOT of words ! 

Wow! And here I was thinking I was being nice and succinct! Always room for 
less, I guess. But as to Enlightment, I know nothing :-)

 Very shortly it would nice to hear your understanding of the Crop Circles, 
 see post above. What is your understandig of this ?

At present, I have no understanding of this, but they feel rather like new 
chakras singing themselves into existence. It's always nice to see I-particles 
creating new works of art! :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Special offer for participants of the Gurupurnima Assembly

2011-06-26 Thread whynotnow7
FYI, they have begun introducing GMO strains into cannabis in the Netherlands, 
and the TMO doesn't support that. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@... wrote:

 Did you know that weed is the most fav herb of Shiva..?
 Now that's something they left out of the literature, but nonetheless, it's 
 true that's Shiva does get high...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Dear Course Administration,
  I thank you for drawing my attention to this marvelous
  opportunity to spend more money on Maharishi(TM) products.
  Although I live in the Netherlands, and thus within a short
  train ride from Vlodrop and MERU, I had not planned on 
  attending the upcoming Guru Purnima Assembly. But based on
  your generous offer of throwing in Dr. Swan's course on 
  Vedic Agriculture and Gardening, I'm considering it.
  What I'm interested in is whether Dr. Swan's presentation
  will limit itself to the proper Vedic way to raise flowers
  and vegetables, or will branch out into more commercial
  crops. For example, will it cover the proper Vedic way to
  raise one of the biggest cash crops of the Netherlands,
  Although I'm not a big imbiber of this particular crop, I
  am always open to money-making opportunities, and it seems
  to me that if the Knowledge Of The Vedas can be brought to
  bear not only on carrots and posies but can be applied as
  well to raising some high-quality weed, there is money to 
  be made there. 
  Thus this query letter. I'm hoping to learn whether the
  course will deal with such things before committing myself
  to attending. Will Dr. Swan deal with whether open-air 
  growing or greenhouse growing produces the more Vedic high?
  Will he deal with the thorny question of which direction
  the individual plants should be facing, S-V wise? I mean,
  if some of your plants grow up with their leaves facing
  South, should you toss them out and only harvest the ones
  with leaves that face East? Will he cover the different
  vata types of individual cannabis strains, and how those
  vatas affect their buzz or lack thereof?
  Thank you for your attention to these important questions.
  I look forward to your reply.
  Possibly considering a career change, I remain Vedically
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merlin vedamerlin@ wrote:
   Dear Course Participant, 
   We look forward to welcoming you to MERU for a very full 
   and inspiring Guru Purnima Assembly. 
   We also want to draw your attention to a very special course 
   starting next week: Dr. Peter Swan's course: Applying Principles 
   of Maharishi Vedic Agriculture and Gardening for the Development 
   of Personal Enlightenment, Global Abundance, and Sustainability. 
   The course has been received with great enthusiasm by everyone 
   who attended it. In the invitation you will find below there 
   are some very outstanding testimonials from previous course 
   The course ends on 6 July at lunchtime, but as a participant 
   in the Guru Purnima assembly we want to give you this very 
   special offer: After attending the MVOA course you will be 
   able to stay on campus from 6 to 8 July for free, meals included. 
   On the 8th you will be moving to the accommodation you have 
   reserved for the assembly. 
   Please click on the link for more details and feel free to contact 
   us for more information. 

   Jai Guru Dev 
   Best wishes 
   Course Administration

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 But there is always a me in the experience, a unique way of expressing this 
 no self. Once the Universe has granted us the grace to express ourselves on 
 Its behalf, we continue to move forward as ourselves, simultaneously seeing 
 the innocent reflection of the Divine everywhere, yet continuing to do the 
 things we ourselves enjoy doing, regardless of the state of our consciousness.
 Does that answer your question? 
 I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together -
 I Am The Walrus - Beatles 

For whatever strange reason this was always on the top 5 of my favorite songs 
from the Beatles.


[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  I know Michael Dean Goodman isn't exactly popular here,
  but boy, we could use the clarity of his explanations
  on this topic, at least when we're trying to figure out
  what MMY meant when he said...
 Yes, his presence here is always a privilege and a joy!

Well, more to some than to others! But he really has a
quite extraordinary gift for articulating MMY's teaching.

Boy, I'd love to see a three-way between you, MZ, and

(MZ, do you by any chance have stock in a popcorn company?
Because I just had to lay in a new supply, given how fast
I've been running through it since you arrived.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   I know Michael Dean Goodman isn't exactly popular here,
   but boy, we could use the clarity of his explanations
   on this topic, at least when we're trying to figure out
   what MMY meant when he said...
  Yes, his presence here is always a privilege and a joy!
 Well, more to some than to others! But he really has a
 quite extraordinary gift for articulating MMY's teaching.

Indeed he does.
 Boy, I'd love to see a three-way between you, MZ, and

Ha! I am imagining how Curtis would respond to that phrasing :-)

 (MZ, do you by any chance have stock in a popcorn company?
 Because I just had to lay in a new supply, given how fast
 I've been running through it since you arrived.)


[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 In Unity, who is it who has this control?
 From a personal perspective, we do. One thing I've noticed about stabilized 
 states of consciousness is that they always feel normal. So if someone is in 
 the waking state, or CC, or Unity, it always feels normal, it always feels 
 like us. 
 I was just thinking that the progression, the evolution of states of 
 consciousness, is like learning to dance with an invisible partner, and by 
 doing so, we learn bit by bit how to perform the dance as perfectly, as 
 creatively, and as powerfully as the Universe itself. Cosmic life.
 But there is always a me in the experience, a unique way of expressing this 
 no self. Once the Universe has granted us the grace to express ourselves on 
 Its behalf, we continue to move forward as ourselves, simultaneously seeing 
 the innocent reflection of the Divine everywhere, yet continuing to do the 
 things we ourselves enjoy doing, regardless of the state of our consciousness.
 Does that answer your question?

Well, it's *an* answer, thanks. But I've been reading
some of Michael DG's old posts, and he makes a
distinction, as I understand him, between the state
where there's still a me in the experience and the
state where that disappears (maybe Brahman Consciousness
rather than Unity? I'll have to go back and check).

I'm also faintly remembering a post Jonathan Levy made
(another brilliant articulator of MMY's teaching) on the
old, old TM-list back in the late '90s that had to do
with the dynamics of a person in Unity having the desire
that a bird should sing. I can't begin to recapitulate
what he said, other than that there was no way to
formulate that situation in words without paradox. And
then he went ahead and formulated the paradox.

I mention it just in case anyone here who was on that
list remembers what he said. It was a sort of Aha!
experience for me; it's still the basis of my (purely
intellectual) understanding of Unity, but it's so
abstract I just give up trying to express it in words.

[FairfieldLife] Re: One for the I know because the authority I trust knows crowd

2011-06-26 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  It occurs to me that those wanting to ask MZ or any other
  authority on this forum questions, as if their answers would
  satisfy them, are kinda missing the point.
 Could it be that some people ask the person questions not
 because they expect to get The Answer, but simply because
 they're interested in how the person thinks?

That is why I ask questions. Nobody is going to give me the Answer. I have to 
find that out myself. There are many interesting posters on this forum. MZ is 
one, Turq is another. Judy is another. And of course others. All of you give 
shape to my own experience one way or another. Being on this forum is a way to 
discover your own authority, not someone else's. It's the challenge factor. If 
someone delivers a salvo it highlights where one's own thinking is weak, 
muddled, or derivative. Like a boxing match where a left hook sends you to the 
mat - it means you missed something.

The authority one must learn to trust is one's own.

[FairfieldLife] So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread Tom Pall
Judy gave a URL to an old message (
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/71883 ), quoting an
excerpt of a book by this Jay Lathom fellow.  This Jay's new to me.  I
stopped reading about spiritual/enlightenment matters after reading
of a Yogi* and *Be Here Now*.  IME, reading about enlightenment and
spiritual matters is about as satisfying compared to experiencing as
watching porn is compared to engaging in the real thing.   I /think/ the
implication was that JL was describing RC's encounter with Maharishi and
Maharishi's validation of RC's ?enlightenment?.  Am I correct in the
assumption?   Is Jay Lathom another pseudonym for FFL's latest noodnick,
Masked Zebra?

With respect to Masked Zebra/RC.  I notice that though RC posted out, he's
still posting.  Shows to go you how Rick never just set this group in
motion, hands off, and never, ever provides his slant on things.   Rick
receives I'm sure, dozens of emails a day yet only certain ones he posts to
the group and then only in the spirit of fairness and balance.  Yeah.
Nabby, there are some things I have to agree with you about.

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  In Unity, who is it who has this control?
  From a personal perspective, we do. One thing I've noticed about stabilized 
  states of consciousness is that they always feel normal. So if someone is 
  in the waking state, or CC, or Unity, it always feels normal, it always 
  feels like us. 
  I was just thinking that the progression, the evolution of states of 
  consciousness, is like learning to dance with an invisible partner, and by 
  doing so, we learn bit by bit how to perform the dance as perfectly, as 
  creatively, and as powerfully as the Universe itself. Cosmic life.
  But there is always a me in the experience, a unique way of expressing 
  this no self. Once the Universe has granted us the grace to express 
  ourselves on Its behalf, we continue to move forward as ourselves, 
  simultaneously seeing the innocent reflection of the Divine everywhere, yet 
  continuing to do the things we ourselves enjoy doing, regardless of the 
  state of our consciousness.
  Does that answer your question?
 Well, it's *an* answer, thanks. But I've been reading
 some of Michael DG's old posts, and he makes a
 distinction, as I understand him, between the state
 where there's still a me in the experience and the
 state where that disappears (maybe Brahman Consciousness
 rather than Unity? I'll have to go back and check). snip

That coincides with my model; Brahman = disappearance of Me. Surrender into 
Brahman may consist of two distinct stages -- first, the Dark Night or 
Crucifixion in which the golden Light of God, the Master, and the I AM 
Witness itself is extinguished into the vast black-hole of death or 
emptiness, No-thing, nirguna; and second, the rediscovery of the great paradox 
of everything, fullness, inside of One, saguna, as a black-hole moves through 
the singularity-point and re-emerges as a white-hole to contain the entirety. 

And then the work may really begin! :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread wayback71

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 Hey, gang, especially when responding to MZ's VERY LONG
 posts, but also just in general, could we *please, please*
 remember to snip the stuff we aren't commenting on
Will do.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 wayback71@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
Hi. I didn't receive answers to my last two questions, but

[FairfieldLife] Re: So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@... wrote:
 I /think/ the implication was that JL was describing RC's
 encounter with Maharishi and Maharishi's validation of RC's ?
 enlightenment?.  Am I correct in the assumption?

Whose implication? Not mine.

 Is Jay Lathom another pseudonym for FFL's latest noodnick,
 Masked Zebra?

I doubt it.

 With respect to Masked Zebra/RC.  I notice that though RC posted 
 out, he's still posting.

You missed Alex's post giving him a reprieve this time
because he's new.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Special offer for participants of the Gurupurnima Assembly

2011-06-26 Thread raunchydog
In Jamaica, Bob Marley smoking a fattie in his Rastafarian dreadlocks
appears on T-shirts and chotchkies from ashtrays to teacups.   According
to the Urban Dictionary, ganja is not a Jamaican word, it's a Sanskrit
word for hemp. Who knew? It turns out that folks in the West Indies may
have sprouted their matted locks and ganja from roots and shoots in
India.  Indians call dreadlocks jata and  they are generally worn by
adherents of Shiva.

yah mon, smoke i di ganja all day long


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@... wrote:

 Did you know that weed is the most fav herb of Shiva..?

 Now that's something they left out of the literature, but nonetheless,
it's true that's Shiva does get high...

[FairfieldLife] Children of the Night

2011-06-26 Thread sparaig
So, I'm curious as to how MZ, not to mention Vaj, respond to this:


[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
 Dear Rory, I should have included you in those here in the know of 
  But you tend to use a lot of words, a LOT of words ! 
 Wow! And here I was thinking I was being nice and succinct! Always room for 
 less, I guess. But as to Enlightment, I know nothing :-)
  Very shortly it would nice to hear your understanding of the Crop Circles, 
  see post above. What is your understandig of this ?

 At present, I have no understanding of this, but they feel rather like new 
 chakras singing themselves into existence. 

Beautiful ! Your words sends sparcles of light up my spine. If you want to 
expand on the nature of Crop Circles, please do.
Thank you for posting this !


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Two Types Of SEBs*

2011-06-26 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
You are in good form today.

I suppose I am an ISEB according to your classification. Nonetheless I like 
movies, and I am not overly critical about whether they are good or bad. If 
they start and then end, that is usually enough. I have a certain fondness for 
horror movies. I like food. I like music, but more in the classical domain. I 
think my favorite enlightenment story is that of the Zen master Bobo Roshi. I 
like good coffee, but in its absence I will drink worse with cream and sugar. 
It seems the Japanese mostly cornered the market for Jamaica Blue Mountain a 
third of a century ago. I like beautiful women, though I am a bit too old now, 
and not in the best of health to pursue this particular delight.

If we had ever met, we probably would travel in different circles, have 
different friends, and that would not diminish either of us.

You know of course your classification is BS. You do not need it (you indicated 
you might lose interest by tomorrow). But it is a fun classification, and like 
all decently thought out classifications, it provides a workable distinction.

You answered a question I had but never asked, where the moniker turquoiseb was 
derived from.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 * SEBs. Supposedly Enlightened Beings. SOBs is something else.
 It seems to me that history presents us with two different types of
 enlightened beings. Yes, of course I know that it's more varied than
 that, and that on one level each individual SEB is an individual, and
 thus unique. On the other hand I think it's valid to sort these
 individual SEBs into types, the same way you might sort animals into
 I see two basic species of SEBs. (At least today, in this cafe.) The
 first archetype of the SEB is the more common. I would characterize this
 first species as becoming more inner-directed after claiming that they
 were enlightened, or being declared enlightened. For them the primary
 focus of their recorded lives and recorded talks or teachings after
 realization tend to be abstract, more philosophical or religious, and
 very much as if the relative (or real world, as some call it) either
 didn't really exist or wasn't all that important if it did. I would term
 such enlightened beings ISEBs -- Internally-oriented Supposedly
 Enlightend Beings.
 Then there are the other guys. They are less common. They are of the ilk
 of Ikkyu, the Sixth Dalai Lama, and any number of Asian (where it hasn't
 gotten a bad name yet) Crazy Wisdom teachers. They tend to realize their
 enlightenment and then, instead of going all postal on their inner
 lives, turn their focus outward, both embracing and celebrating the
 relative. For example, when Ikkyu was presented with his 'inka'
 (certificate of enlightenment -- an actual piece of paper) from one of
 the most prestigious schools of Zen in Japan, he reportedly took it,
 threw it to the ground, stomped it flat and stalked off, never to return
 to the monastery. Instead of going inner, he went outer. Ikkyu spent
 the rest of his life walking the earth like Caine in Kung-Fu, drinking,
 carousing with the ladies, enjoying nature, and along the Way writing
 some of the best poetry in human history.
 The Sixth Dalai Lama did essentially the same thing. Declared the next
 incarnation of the most important Dalai Lama in Tibetan history, he
 refused to take his vows as a monk and thereafter spent his days on the
 throne of the Potala palace, but his nights in Lhasa's red-light
 district, Shol-town. There he too spent the rest of his life writing
 some of the most beautiful poetry this planet has ever seen, under the
 pen name the Turquoise Bee.
 More recently Chogyam Trungpa went this route. Like the Sixth Dalai
 Lama, he was embraced as a tulku, the living reincarnation of a
 previously-enlightened master of his lineage. And yet he went outer
 too, diving into a lifestyle of fucking anything that moved and
 eventually drinking himself to death. But again, along the Way he
 managed to write some remarkable books about Buddhist thought. And some
 of *them* were remarkably inner. In a guy who had rejected the ISEB
 path and embraced the outer world. Go figure.
 I call this second set of Supposedly Enlightened Beings ESEBs --
 Externally-oriented Supposedly Enlightened Beings.
 Call me crazy, but I think it's valid to divide the historical figures
 presented to us by history into these two categories. Yes, each
 individual SEB had his or her own personality and self (or lack thereof,
 however you swing on the self issue), but *in general* the SEBs of
 history have tended to primarily fall into one or the other camps.
 At least that's what their PR says. As we all know, some SEBs have had a
 public persona of renouncing the relative world and its pleasures or
 sins and a vastly different private persona, which had no problem with
 indulging in the very things the public persona renounced and denounced.
 That's not the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread whynotnow7
It is the difference between concept and experience. The experience is that we 
must have a me, a personalization to accomplish the journey of the not me. 
Perhaps we see that we are witnessing everything. That doesn't sound normal to 
me, nor were my experiences of it. It is much more fascinating and fulfilling 
to be ourselves. I look at it like a little kid (me) playing hide and go seek 
with Mother Divine. I lose myself again and again in the world, only to 
rediscover Her in the most unlikely places. 

Makes the entire journey of life a wondrous thing, established in the 
impersonal foundation of Being. It is the ocean in a drop experience. I cannot 
come up with a logical explanation for any experience, that doesn't then turn 
spherical, and therefore holistic, and without logic. In order for perception 
in the moment to occur, multiple paradoxes must be accepted, such as Brahman 
encompassing both ourselves and One as One, including not One.

Yogastah you know the rest.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  In Unity, who is it who has this control?
  From a personal perspective, we do. One thing I've noticed about stabilized 
  states of consciousness is that they always feel normal. So if someone is 
  in the waking state, or CC, or Unity, it always feels normal, it always 
  feels like us. 
  I was just thinking that the progression, the evolution of states of 
  consciousness, is like learning to dance with an invisible partner, and by 
  doing so, we learn bit by bit how to perform the dance as perfectly, as 
  creatively, and as powerfully as the Universe itself. Cosmic life.
  But there is always a me in the experience, a unique way of expressing 
  this no self. Once the Universe has granted us the grace to express 
  ourselves on Its behalf, we continue to move forward as ourselves, 
  simultaneously seeing the innocent reflection of the Divine everywhere, yet 
  continuing to do the things we ourselves enjoy doing, regardless of the 
  state of our consciousness.
  Does that answer your question?
 Well, it's *an* answer, thanks. But I've been reading
 some of Michael DG's old posts, and he makes a
 distinction, as I understand him, between the state
 where there's still a me in the experience and the
 state where that disappears (maybe Brahman Consciousness
 rather than Unity? I'll have to go back and check).
 I'm also faintly remembering a post Jonathan Levy made
 (another brilliant articulator of MMY's teaching) on the
 old, old TM-list back in the late '90s that had to do
 with the dynamics of a person in Unity having the desire
 that a bird should sing. I can't begin to recapitulate
 what he said, other than that there was no way to
 formulate that situation in words without paradox. And
 then he went ahead and formulated the paradox.
 I mention it just in case anyone here who was on that
 list remembers what he said. It was a sort of Aha!
 experience for me; it's still the basis of my (purely
 intellectual) understanding of Unity, but it's so
 abstract I just give up trying to express it in words.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Two Types Of SEBs*

2011-06-26 Thread whynotnow7
Went to the Blackhawk Grille yesterday, off Crow Canyon and Tassajara Road, not 
too far from Mt. Diablo, with swans and ducks swimming in a canal in front of 
the floor to ceiling glass windows. Had a flat iron steak medium well and a 
fried egg over hard with a Bloody Mary (Skyy vodka), finished with Framboise 
dessert wine (from Bonny Doon in the Santa Cruz mountains). Excellent fresh 
food, great service. And at the other end of the canal is the Blackhawk car 
museum, which is just an amazing collection, though we didn't go this time. 
Movies? Someone just gave me Sherlock Holmes with RD Jr. Favorite.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 You are in good form today.
 I suppose I am an ISEB according to your classification. Nonetheless I like 
 movies, and I am not overly critical about whether they are good or bad. If 
 they start and then end, that is usually enough. I have a certain fondness 
 for horror movies. I like food. I like music, but more in the classical 
 domain. I think my favorite enlightenment story is that of the Zen master 
 Bobo Roshi. I like good coffee, but in its absence I will drink worse with 
 cream and sugar. It seems the Japanese mostly cornered the market for Jamaica 
 Blue Mountain a third of a century ago. I like beautiful women, though I am a 
 bit too old now, and not in the best of health to pursue this particular 
 If we had ever met, we probably would travel in different circles, have 
 different friends, and that would not diminish either of us.
 You know of course your classification is BS. You do not need it (you 
 indicated you might lose interest by tomorrow). But it is a fun 
 classification, and like all decently thought out classifications, it 
 provides a workable distinction.
 You answered a question I had but never asked, where the moniker turquoiseb 
 was derived from.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  * SEBs. Supposedly Enlightened Beings. SOBs is something else.
  It seems to me that history presents us with two different types of
  enlightened beings. Yes, of course I know that it's more varied than
  that, and that on one level each individual SEB is an individual, and
  thus unique. On the other hand I think it's valid to sort these
  individual SEBs into types, the same way you might sort animals into
  I see two basic species of SEBs. (At least today, in this cafe.) The
  first archetype of the SEB is the more common. I would characterize this
  first species as becoming more inner-directed after claiming that they
  were enlightened, or being declared enlightened. For them the primary
  focus of their recorded lives and recorded talks or teachings after
  realization tend to be abstract, more philosophical or religious, and
  very much as if the relative (or real world, as some call it) either
  didn't really exist or wasn't all that important if it did. I would term
  such enlightened beings ISEBs -- Internally-oriented Supposedly
  Enlightend Beings.
  Then there are the other guys. They are less common. They are of the ilk
  of Ikkyu, the Sixth Dalai Lama, and any number of Asian (where it hasn't
  gotten a bad name yet) Crazy Wisdom teachers. They tend to realize their
  enlightenment and then, instead of going all postal on their inner
  lives, turn their focus outward, both embracing and celebrating the
  relative. For example, when Ikkyu was presented with his 'inka'
  (certificate of enlightenment -- an actual piece of paper) from one of
  the most prestigious schools of Zen in Japan, he reportedly took it,
  threw it to the ground, stomped it flat and stalked off, never to return
  to the monastery. Instead of going inner, he went outer. Ikkyu spent
  the rest of his life walking the earth like Caine in Kung-Fu, drinking,
  carousing with the ladies, enjoying nature, and along the Way writing
  some of the best poetry in human history.
  The Sixth Dalai Lama did essentially the same thing. Declared the next
  incarnation of the most important Dalai Lama in Tibetan history, he
  refused to take his vows as a monk and thereafter spent his days on the
  throne of the Potala palace, but his nights in Lhasa's red-light
  district, Shol-town. There he too spent the rest of his life writing
  some of the most beautiful poetry this planet has ever seen, under the
  pen name the Turquoise Bee.
  More recently Chogyam Trungpa went this route. Like the Sixth Dalai
  Lama, he was embraced as a tulku, the living reincarnation of a
  previously-enlightened master of his lineage. And yet he went outer
  too, diving into a lifestyle of fucking anything that moved and
  eventually drinking himself to death. But again, along the Way he
  managed to write some remarkable books about Buddhist thought. And some
  of *them* were remarkably inner. In a guy who had rejected the ISEB
  path and embraced the outer world. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius

Jay Latham was a friend of mine. He was a TM teacher. When I first met him, he 
talked a bit like a fundamentalist Southern Christian, but he had some 
hilarious stories of his experiences in life, told with infectious verve. I 
lost contact with him, but did see him once briefly in Fairfield when I was in 
the area, probably 15 years ago or so. He seemed a bit tired that day, and he 
told me he was taking people on trips to spiritual places in the East. I had 
not realised he had written a book, or had the experiences that he seemed to 
have had with the regard to the big E. His book is out of print it seems; I 
have not seen the book. So I heard, Jay was very ill, something like influenza, 
and died unexpectedly in his sleep by asphyxiation. He was a regular guy, a no 
nonsense kind of guy.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@ wrote:
  I /think/ the implication was that JL was describing RC's
  encounter with Maharishi and Maharishi's validation of RC's ?
  enlightenment?.  Am I correct in the assumption?
 Whose implication? Not mine.
  Is Jay Lathom another pseudonym for FFL's latest noodnick,
  Masked Zebra?
 I doubt it.
  With respect to Masked Zebra/RC.  I notice that though RC posted 
  out, he's still posting.
 You missed Alex's post giving him a reprieve this time
 because he's new.

[FairfieldLife] Hollywood loves SA doc's therapy

2011-06-26 Thread merlin

Hollywood loves SA doc's therapy
by Rowan Philp

Times Live - South Africa    Translate This Article
25 June 2011

On 25 June 2011 Times Live - South Africa reported: Dr Norman Rosenthal, who 
left South Africa in the 1970s when he was 26, recently reported research 
results showing that war veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder 
(PTSD) showed a 50% reduction in symptoms after two months of Transcendental 
Meditation practice. The results were published this month in the US journal 
Military Medicine. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this 
news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi 
has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of health. 

Now a professor at Georgetown Medical School in Washington DC, Dr Rosenthal, 
61, said Transcendental Meditation could also offer healing to thousands of 
South Africans traumatised by apartheid and criminal violence. 

The article describes Dr Rosenthal's book, Transcendence: Healing and 
Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation, which describes this and 
other research on PTSD, and also features interviews with Paul McCartney, film 
director Martin Scorsese, and actress Laura Dern. Also noted is the launch of a 
campaign by director David Lynch to train 10,000 US war veterans in TM. 

Click here to read the entire article. 

© Copyright 2011 AVUSA, Inc. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/26/2011 09:50 AM, Tom Pall wrote:
 Judy gave a URL to an old message (
 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/71883 ), quoting an
 excerpt of a book by this Jay Lathom fellow.  This Jay's new to me.  I
 stopped reading about spiritual/enlightenment matters after reading
 of a Yogi* and *Be Here Now*.  IME, reading about enlightenment and
 spiritual matters is about as satisfying compared to experiencing as
 watching porn is compared to engaging in the real thing.

I hear ya.  I do like to read about people journeys and missteps like 
the one guy who wandered off to India as a teenager and learned all 
kinds of stuff and came back and wrote a book about it.  But indeed 
enlightenment is something to be experience not dissected ad nausea 
which seems to be the favorite sport here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 I hear ya.  I do like to read about people journeys and missteps like 
 the one guy who wandered off to India as a teenager and learned all 
 kinds of stuff and came back and wrote a book about it.  But indeed 
 enlightenment is something to be experience not dissected ad nausea 
 which seems to be the favorite sport here.

I agree. Thats why one feels blessed having Jim aboard, and Rory ofcourse, 
though the latter likes to spend words like a drunken sailor spends money :-)

To Rory, to Jim, on behalf of many here on FFL, on behalf of the Queen and 
myself: We love you both; Cheers ! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Two Types Of SEBs*

2011-06-26 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius

Did not know of these things, but after my family moved to the States, I lived 
near that area, I did have a dentist in Lafayette when I was a child. His name 
was Dickson. I heard some years ago when he was in his 60s, he married his 28 
year old office manager, and they stayed together. I think he went through the 
est training, so I have been told. I remember 'forcing' my parents to take me 
to a science fiction movie in Walnut Creek, probably when I was about ten years 
old. I never did much fine dining, either not enough cash, or no opportunity. 

When in college, I cooked for myself, usually stayed by myself. My first and 
only batch of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee I bought from Mr. Peet who was in 
his Berkeley store at the time. I think he sold out years ago. You are an ESEB. 
I passed through Walnut Creek once about five years ago, but never got further 
south than that. I live on my brother-in-law's farm near Brewster, NY now, and 
do not get out much for health reasons. I am still mostly an ISEB. Fine dining 
I like, but it is much finer if someone else pays for it.

Mt. Diablo was a kind of mysterious object for me when I was a child. I seldom 
saw it, but it was a peculiar place, just sitting there isolated. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 Went to the Blackhawk Grille yesterday, off Crow Canyon and Tassajara Road, 
 not too far from Mt. Diablo, with swans and ducks swimming in a canal in 
 front of the floor to ceiling glass windows. Had a flat iron steak medium 
 well and a fried egg over hard with a Bloody Mary (Skyy vodka), finished with 
 Framboise dessert wine (from Bonny Doon in the Santa Cruz mountains). 
 Excellent fresh food, great service. And at the other end of the canal is the 
 Blackhawk car museum, which is just an amazing collection, though we didn't 
 go this time. Movies? Someone just gave me Sherlock Holmes with RD Jr. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  You are in good form today.
  I suppose I am an ISEB according to your classification. Nonetheless I like 
  movies, and I am not overly critical about whether they are good or bad. If 
  they start and then end, that is usually enough. I have a certain fondness 
  for horror movies. I like food. I like music, but more in the classical 
  domain. I think my favorite enlightenment story is that of the Zen master 
  Bobo Roshi. I like good coffee, but in its absence I will drink worse with 
  cream and sugar. It seems the Japanese mostly cornered the market for 
  Jamaica Blue Mountain a third of a century ago. I like beautiful women, 
  though I am a bit too old now, and not in the best of health to pursue this 
  particular delight.
  If we had ever met, we probably would travel in different circles, have 
  different friends, and that would not diminish either of us.
  You know of course your classification is BS. You do not need it (you 
  indicated you might lose interest by tomorrow). But it is a fun 
  classification, and like all decently thought out classifications, it 
  provides a workable distinction.
  You answered a question I had but never asked, where the moniker turquoiseb 
  was derived from.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   * SEBs. Supposedly Enlightened Beings. SOBs is something else.
   It seems to me that history presents us with two different types of
   enlightened beings. Yes, of course I know that it's more varied than
   that, and that on one level each individual SEB is an individual, and
   thus unique. On the other hand I think it's valid to sort these
   individual SEBs into types, the same way you might sort animals into
   I see two basic species of SEBs. (At least today, in this cafe.) The
   first archetype of the SEB is the more common. I would characterize this
   first species as becoming more inner-directed after claiming that they
   were enlightened, or being declared enlightened. For them the primary
   focus of their recorded lives and recorded talks or teachings after
   realization tend to be abstract, more philosophical or religious, and
   very much as if the relative (or real world, as some call it) either
   didn't really exist or wasn't all that important if it did. I would term
   such enlightened beings ISEBs -- Internally-oriented Supposedly
   Enlightend Beings.
   Then there are the other guys. They are less common. They are of the ilk
   of Ikkyu, the Sixth Dalai Lama, and any number of Asian (where it hasn't
   gotten a bad name yet) Crazy Wisdom teachers. They tend to realize their
   enlightenment and then, instead of going all postal on their inner
   lives, turn their focus outward, both embracing and celebrating the
   relative. For example, when Ikkyu was presented with his 'inka'
   (certificate of enlightenment -- an actual piece of paper) from one of
   the most prestigious 


2011-06-26 Thread merlin
Dear Meditator,
this very new beautifull website 
You can read in 9 languages 
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And here You find the latest news 
New Video Gallery: Click Here
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New Course Announcement: Click Here
~~~  Jai  Guru  Dev ~~~


Re: [FairfieldLife] Children of the Night

2011-06-26 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/26/2011 10:05 AM, sparaig wrote:
 So, I'm curious as to how MZ, not to mention Vaj, respond to this:


It doesn't have to be TM either.  My tantra guru taught meditation to 
similar kids through a program on of students who is a juvenile office 
set up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Two Types Of SEBs*

2011-06-26 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 I never did much fine dining, either not enough cash, or no 
 opportunity. ... I live on my brother-in-law's farm near 
 Brewster, NY now, and do not get out much for health reasons. 
 I am still mostly an ISEB. Fine dining I like, but it is much 
 finer if someone else pays for it.

Should you find someone else to pay for it, I can 
recommend a fine dining experience near you. It's
called Le Chateau (1410 Route 35, South Salem, NY).


Then click the 'View and Print our e-Brochure' link.

It's a nice restaurant occupying an estate built in 1907 by 
J P Morgan. It occupies the highest hill in the area, and
the property takes up most of that hilltop. I used to not
only eat there, I lived there.

If you ever get to visit, just beyond the main chateau is 
a smaller stone cottage, referred to by the owners as the
hunting lodge (because that's what it was when Morgan
built the place). I rented it for a couple of years. Can
you imagine being stuck out in the middle of nowhere late
at night, miles from the nearest town or 7/11, and getting
the munchies? Well, now imagine that when the place next 
door is a five-star restaurant. Life's a bitch sometimes.
Gained ten pounds while living there, and felt fortunate
that it wasn't more.

One of the reasons I liked the place was that it was built
by J P Morgan, but not for himself. It was built for his
pastor, William S. Rainsford. According to the owners of
the property when I lived there, Reverend Rainsford got 
this house not because Morgan loved his spiritual advice,
but because he loved the Reverend's wife, and was having
a torrid affair with her that the Rev never knew about.
It's good to be rich.

[FairfieldLife] WWWilliamofOccamD?

2011-06-26 Thread at_man_and_brahman

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 wayback71@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
  Hi. I didn't receive answers to my last two questions, but I'll pose a 
  AFAIK, you're the only person in recorded history to have achieved a 
  state of consciousness or any other flavor of enlightenment and then 
  it as false. Are you aware of anyone else who has done so, and, if not, do 
  think you're the first and why? As I'm sure you'll agree, there is a long
  tradition of enlightenment in the East, and it would be surprising that no 
  else would have ever made the same claim, assuming your current 
  reflects reality.
 MZ- thank you for taking the time to reply to the above questions that 
 someone posed.  I appreciate that you have really gone through an incredible 
 journey in your life andthere could be a good deal of truth of some sort in 
 your ideas about MMY, states of consciousness, and whether plain old reality 
 as we are born in to it is as real and good as it gets, assuming your brain 
 is healthy and does not start to malfunction and therefore modify your 
 perceptions of that reality.
 It does sound as if you have been faced with incredible challenges for the 
 past 24 years as you have - all alone - tried to deal with switching from one 
 state of unwanted consciousness, to another that you think is more the honest 
 reality. A lonely, confusing, apparently very complicated task that might 
 have been made even more so by the incredible intellect and unusual style of 
 thinking that you have.  I have no way of knowing if your interior battle for 
 the real reality is going to lead anywhere, but I hope you arrive at a place 
 that is relaxed and comfortable and is without the controlling efforts of the 
 forces and paradigms you are trying to escape.  Maybe no paradigm, just 
 simple being, is the healthiest way of living for all of us.  The obvious 
 response to your style and your writings is to ask if you ever get out of 
 your head and into your body - exercise, or get some medicine to stop the 
 onrushing thoughts - because it does not sound balanced, but then perhaps you 
 have tried all that.  Have you ever had a job or earned a living?  Or, this 
 is your journey and it is all consuming?I genuinely wish you well.

Thank you, Robin, for a very clear set of answers to my questions. I take it 
you've seen A Beautiful Mind? John Nash lived in a perceptual world opposed to 
reality, and used his intellect to deconstruct the schizophrenia, a process 
taking the rest of his life. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Two Types Of SEBs*

2011-06-26 Thread whynotnow7
I like the Catskills in New York - I spent a year up there at Livingston Manor, 
saw the northern lights several times, blazing fall colors in the trees and the 
quietest, thick snowfalls, sometimes a deer. Also spent a summer in Vermont, 
near Montpelier, building a log house.

I was married in Walnut Creek in 2007. Haven't seen any sci-fi movies there, 
but went to a few good restaurants. They have a good Tibetan gift shop there 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 Did not know of these things, but after my family moved to the States, I 
 lived near that area, I did have a dentist in Lafayette when I was a child. 
 His name was Dickson. I heard some years ago when he was in his 60s, he 
 married his 28 year old office manager, and they stayed together. I think he 
 went through the est training, so I have been told. I remember 'forcing' my 
 parents to take me to a science fiction movie in Walnut Creek, probably when 
 I was about ten years old. I never did much fine dining, either not enough 
 cash, or no opportunity. 
 When in college, I cooked for myself, usually stayed by myself. My first and 
 only batch of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee I bought from Mr. Peet who was in 
 his Berkeley store at the time. I think he sold out years ago. You are an 
 ESEB. I passed through Walnut Creek once about five years ago, but never got 
 further south than that. I live on my brother-in-law's farm near Brewster, NY 
 now, and do not get out much for health reasons. I am still mostly an ISEB. 
 Fine dining I like, but it is much finer if someone else pays for it.
 Mt. Diablo was a kind of mysterious object for me when I was a child. I 
 seldom saw it, but it was a peculiar place, just sitting there isolated. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  Went to the Blackhawk Grille yesterday, off Crow Canyon and Tassajara Road, 
  not too far from Mt. Diablo, with swans and ducks swimming in a canal in 
  front of the floor to ceiling glass windows. Had a flat iron steak medium 
  well and a fried egg over hard with a Bloody Mary (Skyy vodka), finished 
  with Framboise dessert wine (from Bonny Doon in the Santa Cruz 
  mountains). Excellent fresh food, great service. And at the other end of 
  the canal is the Blackhawk car museum, which is just an amazing collection, 
  though we didn't go this time. Movies? Someone just gave me Sherlock Holmes 
  with RD Jr. Favorite.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
  anartaxius@ wrote:
   You are in good form today.
   I suppose I am an ISEB according to your classification. Nonetheless I 
   like movies, and I am not overly critical about whether they are good or 
   bad. If they start and then end, that is usually enough. I have a certain 
   fondness for horror movies. I like food. I like music, but more in the 
   classical domain. I think my favorite enlightenment story is that of the 
   Zen master Bobo Roshi. I like good coffee, but in its absence I will 
   drink worse with cream and sugar. It seems the Japanese mostly cornered 
   the market for Jamaica Blue Mountain a third of a century ago. I like 
   beautiful women, though I am a bit too old now, and not in the best of 
   health to pursue this particular delight.
   If we had ever met, we probably would travel in different circles, have 
   different friends, and that would not diminish either of us.
   You know of course your classification is BS. You do not need it (you 
   indicated you might lose interest by tomorrow). But it is a fun 
   classification, and like all decently thought out classifications, it 
   provides a workable distinction.
   You answered a question I had but never asked, where the moniker 
   turquoiseb was derived from.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
* SEBs. Supposedly Enlightened Beings. SOBs is something else.

It seems to me that history presents us with two different types of
enlightened beings. Yes, of course I know that it's more varied than
that, and that on one level each individual SEB is an individual, and
thus unique. On the other hand I think it's valid to sort these
individual SEBs into types, the same way you might sort animals into

I see two basic species of SEBs. (At least today, in this cafe.) The
first archetype of the SEB is the more common. I would characterize this
first species as becoming more inner-directed after claiming that they
were enlightened, or being declared enlightened. For them the primary
focus of their recorded lives and recorded talks or teachings after
realization tend to be abstract, more philosophical or religious, and
very much as if the relative (or real world, as some call it) either
didn't really exist or wasn't all that important if it did. I would term

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Two Types Of SEBs*

2011-06-26 Thread whynotnow7

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  I never did much fine dining, either not enough cash, or no 
  opportunity. ... I live on my brother-in-law's farm near 
  Brewster, NY now, and do not get out much for health reasons. 
  I am still mostly an ISEB. Fine dining I like, but it is much 
  finer if someone else pays for it.
 Should you find someone else to pay for it, I can 
 recommend a fine dining experience near you. It's
 called Le Chateau (1410 Route 35, South Salem, NY).
 Then click the 'View and Print our e-Brochure' link.
 It's a nice restaurant occupying an estate built in 1907 by 
 J P Morgan. It occupies the highest hill in the area, and
 the property takes up most of that hilltop. I used to not
 only eat there, I lived there.
 If you ever get to visit, just beyond the main chateau is 
 a smaller stone cottage, referred to by the owners as the
 hunting lodge (because that's what it was when Morgan
 built the place). I rented it for a couple of years. Can
 you imagine being stuck out in the middle of nowhere late
 at night, miles from the nearest town or 7/11, and getting
 the munchies? Well, now imagine that when the place next 
 door is a five-star restaurant. Life's a bitch sometimes.
 Gained ten pounds while living there, and felt fortunate
 that it wasn't more.
 One of the reasons I liked the place was that it was built
 by J P Morgan, but not for himself. It was built for his
 pastor, William S. Rainsford. According to the owners of
 the property when I lived there, Reverend Rainsford got 
 this house not because Morgan loved his spiritual advice,
 but because he loved the Reverend's wife, and was having
 a torrid affair with her that the Rev never knew about.
 It's good to be rich.

[FairfieldLife] Re: So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 Jay Latham was a friend of mine. He was a TM teacher. When I first met him, 
 he talked a bit like a fundamentalist Southern Christian, but he had some 
 hilarious stories of his experiences in life, told with infectious verve. I 
 lost contact with him, but did see him once briefly in Fairfield when I was 
 in the area, probably 15 years ago or so. He seemed a bit tired that day, and 
 he told me he was taking people on trips to spiritual places in the East. I 
 had not realised he had written a book, or had the experiences that he seemed 
 to have had with the regard to the big E. His book is out of print it seems; 
 I have not seen the book. So I heard, Jay was very ill, something like 
 influenza, and died unexpectedly in his sleep by asphyxiation. He was a 
 regular guy, a no nonsense kind of guy.

Jay was a handsome man, very masculine and sexy IMO. He had a few sessions with 
me for a physical therapy issue he wanted to resolve, so I got to know him a 
little. I don't know if anyone remembers this but, MUM, in an attempt to get 
feedback from the community had us fill out a questionnaire and make 
suggestions for improvements. They followed up with a meeting in the dome to 
talk about it. 

Keith Wallace conducted the meeting. Boy, was that a mistake. Jay must have had 
a laundry list of complaints so when he had a chance to speak, he ran over 
Keith like a truck. It was like watching a beach body hunk kick sand in the 
face of a 90 pound weakling. It  wasn't pretty. I don't remember what words 
they exchanged, only that the intensity of feeling in the room was squirm 
inducing and palpably uncomfortable. Jay made quite a splash in my 
consciousness that day.

Every good lawyer knows you never ask a question unless you already know the 
right answer. Bevan must have been out of town or such a meeting would never 
have happened. 

Some months later, I was surprised to hear that Jay had died in his sleep. He 
was such a vital, healthy, specimen of a human being, it was hard to believe 
that he died in his prime of life. R.I.P., dearest Jay.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@ wrote:
   I /think/ the implication was that JL was describing RC's
   encounter with Maharishi and Maharishi's validation of RC's ?
   enlightenment?.  Am I correct in the assumption?
  Whose implication? Not mine.
   Is Jay Lathom another pseudonym for FFL's latest noodnick,
   Masked Zebra?
  I doubt it.
   With respect to Masked Zebra/RC.  I notice that though RC posted 
   out, he's still posting.
  You missed Alex's post giving him a reprieve this time
  because he's new.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Special offer for participants of the Gurupurnima Assembly

2011-06-26 Thread Tom Pall
On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 1:05 PM, raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:

 In Jamaica, Bob Marley smoking a fattie in his Rastafarian dreadlocks
 appears on T-shirts and chotchkies from ashtrays to teacups.  According to
 the Urban Dictionary, ganja is not a Jamaican word, it's a Sanskrit word for
 hemp. Who knew? It turns out that folks in the West Indies may have sprouted
 their matted locks and ganja from roots and shoots in India.  Indians call
 dreadlocks jata and they are generally worn by adherents of Shiva.

 *yah mon*, *smoke i di ganja all day long*

So why don't we introduce ganja into those Shiva Abhishekams in VC?   Or is
that old news?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread Vaj

On Jun 26, 2011, at 5:25 AM, maskedzebra wrote:

 Hi. I didn't receive answers to my last two questions, but I'll pose a third.
 AFAIK, you're the only person in recorded history to have achieved a 
 state of consciousness or any other flavor of enlightenment and then 
 it as false. Are you aware of anyone else who has done so, and, if not, do you
 think you're the first and why? As I'm sure you'll agree, there is a long
 tradition of enlightenment in the East, and it would be surprising that no one
 else would have ever made the same claim, assuming your current consciousness
 reflects reality.
 RESPONSE: No, I have never heard of anyone who has achieved a unity-type 
 state of consciousness or any flavor of 'enlightenment' and then has 
 denounce[d] it as false. And yes, I might be the first. Certainly there 
 is a long tradition of enlightenment in the East, and if my claim is correct 
 why is it that no one else [has] ever made the same claim . . .?
 Very good question. Here's where it gets interesting—and controversial. And 
 where most (if not all) readers will soon depart company with me. Those that 
 are not already convinced that my claim to be in Unity Consciousness, and 
 then to have 'de-enlightened' myself OUT of UC is, on the face of it, 
 preposterous. Certainly, before (and during) my enlightenment, someone who  
 made such an assertion (as I have made, and am making) would be 
 considered—and, I suppose, apprehended as—deluded in the extreme—probably 
 mentally ill. For an individual to claim to be enlightened—the supreme state 
 of the perfection of the human being in terms of consciousness—and then to 
 repudiate the truth of this state of consciousness, is disqualified to say 
 anything about enlightenment. Clearly he or she was not enlightened in the 
 first place—certainly not completely enlightened. Because, as far as I know, 
 once you reach cosmic consciousness you can't regress back to waking state 
 (just by itself). It is an irreversible state of spiritual evolution, a 
 distinct mode of personal functioning that is mechanically and 
 physiologically based. There is nothing subjective about Unity Consciousness: 
 you are either in Unity or you are not in Unity. And once you are there, 
 there's no going back.
 I absolutely adhered to this belief; in fact I knew beyond anything that my 
 enlightenment was more real, more convincing, more unchangeable than the 
 state of being unenlightened. No power in the universe could tamper with or 
 influence what had happened to me on that mountain in 1976 when I 'slipped 
 into Unity—even Maharishi himself (although had he verbally said something 
 to contradict my experience—and eventually in exigent circumstances he was 
 forced to do exactly this, which represented a repudiation of what he had 
 more or less explicitly said in the past, and when I first announced at my 
 Six Month Course that I had gone into Unity Consciousness).—I would have to 
 live with that dissonance. But anything that Maharishi might say to me, just 
 by definition of what Unity Consciousness is—and how it was being experienced 
 by me—could not alter or affect the objective stability and mode of 
 functioning that constituted the state of Unity Consciousness. Look, 
 Maharishi laid out the criteria for determining what Unity Consciousness was, 
 and how one could tell whether one was in Unity Consciousness or not. Every 
 initiator I knew was familiar with what constituted the proof of whether you 
 were enlightened or not. I met the standard of proof, even in the estimation 
 of the most skeptical and sophisticated of initiators. And no one, in the ten 
 years when I was in Unity Consciousness, came anywhere close to putting into 
 doubt the state of consciousness I was in: my consciousness, because it was 
 enlightened, maintained its integrity in the presence of anyone, although, of 
 course initiators were the most receptive to the physical and mental and 
 behavioural exhibition of Unity Consciousness.
 Now how did it come about that 1. I rejected the validity of Unity 
 Consciousness; and 2. I was able to escape from Unity Consciousness and 
 return to my ordinary waking state consciousness, without having to 
 experience reality according to how I experienced it in Unity Consciousness?
 Well, this gets interesting. First of all, I never rejected, nor could I 
 reject, the FACT of Unity Consciousness. There IS such a thing as 
 enlightenment, and Unity Consciousness as far as I can tell is the summit of 
 what it means to be enlightened. (I should say in passing that I never went 
 through the first two stages of enlightenment: Cosmic Consciousness and then 
 God Consciousness: I went from ignorance right into Unity—and I told this to 
 Maharishi. He made it clear in his response that such a transition was 
 possible and even natural. In fact, if I remember correctly, towards the end 
 of our Six Month Course he began to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Two Types Of SEBs*

2011-06-26 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius


Thanks for the tip about what looks like a very expensive restaurant. It is 
about 20-25km from where I live. I actually was driven by there last week in 
one of my few outings, but I never thought about what was there. I remember a 
sign. Usually, if I get out at all it is to an Indian Restaurant other members 
of my sister's family like, Jaipore, which is much closer. This restaurant is 
housed in a building that used to be Charles Chaplin's studio way back when. 

The Indians (not the earlier so-called native ones from East Asia) seem to have 
taken over the lower tier motel business in the United States, even in places 
like Rawlins, Wyoming, but this means - sometimes - decent Indian food can be 
found in odd places. 

Once when I lived nearer to MIU, some friends wanted me to see one of those 
Indian 'saints', I think it might have been the infamous Amma (the one that 
gets people kicked out of the dome). Anyway, we stayed in Napierville, 
Illinois, and there was an exquisite Indian restaurant, with a buffet, in a 
small strip mall. The other memorable event of this trip, not Amma to be sure, 
was at a motel right under the Napierville water tower. I went to the vending 
machine room, and there was this exquisitely beautiful Hispanic girl, probably 
one of the maids; didn't speak English (and I no Spanish). Just breathtaking. 
Just seeing that face. Well look what you have done here. I had better get back 
to my reclusive ways, to justify my ISEB embossed baseball cap.

Nice story about JP Morgan. I like history too, but not the kind that shows up 
in spiritual movements, where facts are a fatality. Facts are a fatality 
anyway, but there are still some historians, not the post-modern ones, that are 
still interested in facts.

I could find nothing about the Morgan affair with Rainsford's wife on the 
Internet. This must have been really secretive, and it would seem you got the 
information by hand-me-down from a small coterie of people that knew about it 
over the years. The Rev. Rainsford wrote an autobiography, and the small 
portion I looked at described his battle with Morgan over the control of the 
finances of the church in which Morgan was the outstanding member.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  I never did much fine dining, either not enough cash, or no 
  opportunity. ... I live on my brother-in-law's farm near 
  Brewster, NY now, and do not get out much for health reasons. 
  I am still mostly an ISEB. Fine dining I like, but it is much 
  finer if someone else pays for it.
 Should you find someone else to pay for it, I can 
 recommend a fine dining experience near you. It's
 called Le Chateau (1410 Route 35, South Salem, NY).
 Then click the 'View and Print our e-Brochure' link.
 It's a nice restaurant occupying an estate built in 1907 by 
 J P Morgan. It occupies the highest hill in the area, and
 the property takes up most of that hilltop. I used to not
 only eat there, I lived there.
 If you ever get to visit, just beyond the main chateau is 
 a smaller stone cottage, referred to by the owners as the
 hunting lodge (because that's what it was when Morgan
 built the place). I rented it for a couple of years. Can
 you imagine being stuck out in the middle of nowhere late
 at night, miles from the nearest town or 7/11, and getting
 the munchies? Well, now imagine that when the place next 
 door is a five-star restaurant. Life's a bitch sometimes.
 Gained ten pounds while living there, and felt fortunate
 that it wasn't more.
 One of the reasons I liked the place was that it was built
 by J P Morgan, but not for himself. It was built for his
 pastor, William S. Rainsford. According to the owners of
 the property when I lived there, Reverend Rainsford got 
 this house not because Morgan loved his spiritual advice,
 but because he loved the Reverend's wife, and was having
 a torrid affair with her that the Rev never knew about.
 It's good to be rich.

[FairfieldLife] Re: So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread authfriend
Somebody ought to talk to his publisher, Sunstar Publishing
in Fairfield, about reissuing/reprinting Galaxy of Fire.
(I assume it's out of print; Amazon has only three used copies
for $80-some each!) If Sunstar still has the electronic files
for the book, they might think about selling it as a PDF for
download. It would cost them very little. I'd buy a copy.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread Tom Pall
On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 1:03 PM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@... wrote:
  I /think/ the implication was that JL was describing RC's
  encounter with Maharishi and Maharishi's validation of RC's ?
  enlightenment?.  Am I correct in the assumption?

 Whose implication? Not mine.

  Is Jay Lathom another pseudonym for FFL's latest noodnick,
  Masked Zebra?

 I doubt it.

  With respect to Masked Zebra/RC.  I notice that though RC posted
  out, he's still posting.

 You missed Alex's post giving him a reprieve this time
 because he's new.


No, Judy, you missed it.   Alex said the first time, and hist post hasn't
changed, that he'd be inclined to let RC slide this week as he's a newbie,
but that Rick is the owner.   Rick has software running such that any
mention of the word Rick get's his attention and he zooms in on the post.
He did not rule against RC.  I didn't expect him to.  If it slams Maharishi,
Rick's tacitly all for it.  I agree with Nabby here.  Rick's tacit
aggressive when it comes to Maharishi.

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Nice rap/reply.  Enjoyed all of it.  And what a refreshing perspective
 from the usual fare we get here.  I haven't read ahead, but likely you
 will have provoked the outrage of others who are always at the ready to
 slam a perspective that runs counter to their views.

Oh baloney. I've read RC's posts just to see how he thinks. He has a uniquely 
functioning mind and I find that fascinating. He has an amazing story to tell 
in the context of a TM movement history we share and that's fascinating as 
well. What's to criticize? I wouldn't have wanted to face the challenges he has 
had just as he wouldn't have wanted to face the challenges I've had. Everyone's 
journey has surprising twists and turns...it just a ride.

[FairfieldLife] Re: So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread whynotnow7
Here's a link to the first 50 pages.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 Somebody ought to talk to his publisher, Sunstar Publishing
 in Fairfield, about reissuing/reprinting Galaxy of Fire.
 (I assume it's out of print; Amazon has only three used copies
 for $80-some each!) If Sunstar still has the electronic files
 for the book, they might think about selling it as a PDF for
 download. It would cost them very little. I'd buy a copy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@... wrote:

 On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 1:03 PM, authfriend jstein@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@ wrote:
   I /think/ the implication was that JL was describing RC's
   encounter with Maharishi and Maharishi's validation of RC's ?
   enlightenment?.  Am I correct in the assumption?
  Whose implication? Not mine.
   Is Jay Lathom another pseudonym for FFL's latest noodnick,
   Masked Zebra?
  I doubt it.
   With respect to Masked Zebra/RC.  I notice that though RC posted
   out, he's still posting.
  You missed Alex's post giving him a reprieve this time
  because he's new.
 No, Judy, you missed it.

No, Tom, I saw it.

 Alex said the first time, and hist post hasn't
 changed, that he'd be inclined to let RC slide this week
 as he's a newbie, but that Rick is the owner.

He always says that when he proposes some ruling before
he's checked with Rick.

 Rick has software running such that any
 mention of the word Rick get's his attention and he zooms in
 on the post. He did not rule against RC.  I didn't expect him

Neither did I. Why should he have? It's a reasonable
exemption for a newbie.

  If it slams Maharishi, Rick's tacitly all for it.  I
 agree with Nabby here.  Rick's tacit aggressive when it comes
 to Maharishi.

That's nonsense. (I think you mean passive aggressive, no?)
And why should you care anyway?

[FairfieldLife] Re: So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread authfriend
Thanks. That part's all about Vietnam, though. Why the heck
don't they put the whole thing up for download and charge
something for it?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 Here's a link to the first 50 pages.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Somebody ought to talk to his publisher, Sunstar Publishing
  in Fairfield, about reissuing/reprinting Galaxy of Fire.
  (I assume it's out of print; Amazon has only three used copies
  for $80-some each!) If Sunstar still has the electronic files
  for the book, they might think about selling it as a PDF for
  download. It would cost them very little. I'd buy a copy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Children of the Night

2011-06-26 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 06/26/2011 10:05 AM, sparaig wrote:
  So, I'm curious as to how MZ, not to mention Vaj, respond to this:
 It doesn't have to be TM either.  My tantra guru taught meditation to 
 similar kids through a program on of students who is a juvenile office 
 set up.

That wasn't my question. Both MZ and Vaj agree for sure on one thing:

TM is not-good, disguised as good.


[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2011-06-26 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jun 25 00:00:00 2011
End Date (UTC): Sat Jul 02 00:00:00 2011
186 messages as of (UTC) Mon Jun 27 00:09:31 2011

33 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
27 authfriend jst...@panix.com
13 turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
12 whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com
10 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 9 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
 9 RoryGoff roryg...@hotmail.com
 9 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
 8 sparaig lengli...@cox.net
 8 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 7 wayback71 waybac...@yahoo.com
 6 seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 5 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 4 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 Tom Pall thomas.p...@gmail.com
 3 merlin vedamer...@yahoo.de
 3 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 2 maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 at_man_and_brahman at_man_and_brah...@sbcglobal.net
 2 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 2 Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
 1 obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
 1 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
 1 babajii_99 babajii...@yahoo.com
 1 anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
 1 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 1 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 1 Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com

Posters: 29
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

 Dear Rory, I should have included you in those here in the know of
  But you tend to use a lot of words, a LOT of words !

 Wow! And here I was thinking I was being nice and succinct! Always
room for less, I guess. But as to Enlightment, I know nothing :-)

  Very shortly it would nice to hear your understanding of the Crop
Circles, see post above. What is your understandig of this ?

 At present, I have no understanding of this, but they feel rather like
new chakras singing themselves into existence. It's always nice to see
I-particles creating new works of art! :-)

Dear Rory; what is a I-particle ?

[Display until 14th July 2011] 


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Images Gordon Burns Copyright 2011


[FairfieldLife] Re: WWWilliamofOccamD?

2011-06-26 Thread Robert

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, at_man_and_brahman 
at_man_and_brahman@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 wayback71@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
   Hi. I didn't receive answers to my last two questions, but I'll pose a 
   AFAIK, you're the only person in recorded history to have achieved a 
   state of consciousness or any other flavor of enlightenment and then 
   it as false. Are you aware of anyone else who has done so, and, if not, 
   do you
   think you're the first and why? As I'm sure you'll agree, there is a long
   tradition of enlightenment in the East, and it would be surprising that 
   no one
   else would have ever made the same claim, assuming your current 
   reflects reality.
  MZ- thank you for taking the time to reply to the above questions that 
  someone posed.  I appreciate that you have really gone through an 
  incredible journey in your life andthere could be a good deal of truth of 
  some sort in your ideas about MMY, states of consciousness, and whether 
  plain old reality as we are born in to it is as real and good as it gets, 
  assuming your brain is healthy and does not start to malfunction and 
  therefore modify your perceptions of that reality.
  It does sound as if you have been faced with incredible challenges for the 
  past 24 years as you have - all alone - tried to deal with switching from 
  one state of unwanted consciousness, to another that you think is more the 
  honest reality. A lonely, confusing, apparently very complicated task that 
  might have been made even more so by the incredible intellect and unusual 
  style of thinking that you have.  I have no way of knowing if your interior 
  battle for the real reality is going to lead anywhere, but I hope you 
  arrive at a place that is relaxed and comfortable and is without the 
  controlling efforts of the forces and paradigms you are trying to escape.  
  Maybe no paradigm, just simple being, is the healthiest way of living for 
  all of us.  The obvious response to your style and your writings is to ask 
  if you ever get out of your head and into your body - exercise, or get some 
  medicine to stop the onrushing thoughts - because it does not sound 
  balanced, but then perhaps you have tried all that.  Have you ever had a 
  job or earned a living?  Or, this is your journey and it is all consuming?  
I genuinely wish you well.
 Thank you, Robin, for a very clear set of answers to my questions. I take it 
 you've seen A Beautiful Mind? John Nash lived in a perceptual world opposed 
 to reality, and used his intellect to deconstruct the schizophrenia, a 
 process taking the rest of his life.

Sounds like your still playing the one up game on everyone Robin...
Who else could come up with such a story...

Reality in the West is based on Seperation from God and Original Sin...

I guess if you want to play these mind games, it's ok...

But to use this technique you seem to have perfected to 'One Up' everyone...
Just sounds like the same old robin to me...

Hope you come back to reality, whatever that is...

As far as being on the Drudge Report, that is the most ludicrice thing I ever 

We do live in one crazy reality don't we...?

It's called the 'Earth Experience'...

Did you ever here of the song 'Imagine' by John Lennon

Perhaps you should listen to it again..

I guess John Lennon was also deluded...

This has got to be the craziest forum on the whole of the internet...

Maybe we could use this as an advertisement...

FF life is the craziest Group on the whole of the Internet...!

[FairfieldLife] 'Enlightenment is not a function of the Mind'

2011-06-26 Thread Robert
Enlightenment is not of the Rational Mind...

It is an intuitive reality...

Ego is a funtion of the rational mind...

Ego is what divides us all...

Human Being are the only beings on the planet that have developed Ego...

Human Beings are the only beings on the planet that have created war, greed, 
lust and all the rest of it...

Developing the mind and the intellect has gotten humanity where it is 
today...on the brink of collapse...

The only way to save this planet from Destruction is to form some kind of 
Intuition that we are all One...

This was Jesus' essential teaching also...

Don't be deluded by the ego...in whatever form it takes...

And especially by one's whose egos have gotten beyond the brink..

Hitler was also a teacher of seperation...

The South still wants to be seperate from the Union...

Seperateness breeds contempt...

Seperateness breeds death...

Seperateness is not the ultimate reality, period.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread Tom Pall
On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 7:47 PM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:

  No, Judy, you missed it.

 No, Tom, I saw it.

  Alex said the first time, and hist post hasn't
  changed, that he'd be inclined to let RC slide this week
  as he's a newbie, but that Rick is the owner.

 He always says that when he proposes some ruling before
 he's checked with Rick.

  Rick has software running such that any
  mention of the word Rick get's his attention and he zooms in
  on the post. He did not rule against RC.  I didn't expect him

 Neither did I. Why should he have? It's a reasonable
 exemption for a newbie.

  If it slams Maharishi, Rick's tacitly all for it.  I
  agree with Nabby here.  Rick's tacit aggressive when it comes
  to Maharishi.

 That's nonsense. (I think you mean passive aggressive, no?)
 And why should you care anyway?

 No, I meant tacit aggressive.   If you look at the letters to the owner he
chooses to post, you'll notice that if they're a slam on Maharishi or a slam
on the TMO, no matter how far out it might be, Rick will decide to post it,
anonymous to the author, but claim he's being fair and, well, it's not his
writing.   Like, for example, that ?psychologist? who launched an incoherent
tirade against Maharishi and the TMO some months ago.  People asked why it
is Rick chose to post /that/ but Rick just said something like he posted it
because it was available for posting or some such inane excuse.   Why does
it bother me?   Because I've seen Rick play this very subtle but after a
while very obvious and IMO pretty damn inconsiderate and nasty game of
saying he's not getting involved, that he's at most acting as facilitator to
get all sides of an argument out.  But his bias and agenda become obvious.
That rankles me because 1) It's very dishonest and 2) His hidden agenda
becomes first obvious then insulting. Rick does this not only on FFL but in
real life as well.   I like to hear both sides.  I'd prefer, of course, two
sides to post an approximately equal number of words.  If you are
enlightened or were and decided you're better than that now, it appears it's
part of your enlightenment to throw in at least a thousand extra big, florid
words which don't move your story along because, well, rambling and
confusing people with your meaning appears to be part and parcel of
enlightenment.Maharishi spoke for hours at a tim, but crystallized his
main points into pithy epigrams.  Rory, Ravi and now RC, OTOH, figure the
more words they throw at you the more you'll lap it up.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Children of the Night

2011-06-26 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/26/2011 05:09 PM, sparaig wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 06/26/2011 10:05 AM, sparaig wrote:
 So, I'm curious as to how MZ, not to mention Vaj, respond to this:

 It doesn't have to be TM either.  My tantra guru taught meditation to
 similar kids through a program on of students who is a juvenile office
 set up.

 That wasn't my question. Both MZ and Vaj agree for sure on one thing:

 TM is not-good, disguised as good.


I wasn't responding to your question but to the article you linked.

[FairfieldLife] Re: So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread curtisdeltablues

Not only is RC new here, but he has been besieged from many sides by people 
riled up by his provocative posts.  With so many people posting AT you, it is 
really hard to keep to the limit set for the rest of us who have had time to 
settle in.  RC is learning who to respond to but I support Rick's giving the 
guy a pass this week.

I believe your bias charge is bogus.  Imagine if a movement bigwig signed on 
and over posted while stimulating discussions.  Everyone would feel the same 
way.  Stimulating discussions here is good.  I don't care which side is doing 
the stimulating.

If I use the term stimulating one more time I am totally gunna pitch a 
tent...too late. Sorry gotta run to 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@... wrote:

 On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 7:47 PM, authfriend jstein@... wrote:
   No, Judy, you missed it
  No, Tom, I saw it.
   Alex said the first time, and hist post hasn't
   changed, that he'd be inclined to let RC slide this week
   as he's a newbie, but that Rick is the owner.
  He always says that when he proposes some ruling before
  he's checked with Rick.
   Rick has software running such that any
   mention of the word Rick get's his attention and he zooms in
   on the post. He did not rule against RC.  I didn't expect him
  Neither did I. Why should he have? It's a reasonable
  exemption for a newbie.
   If it slams Maharishi, Rick's tacitly all for it.  I
   agree with Nabby here.  Rick's tacit aggressive when it comes
   to Maharishi.
  That's nonsense. (I think you mean passive aggressive, no?)
  And why should you care anyway?
  No, I meant tacit aggressive.   If you look at the letters to the owner he
 chooses to post, you'll notice that if they're a slam on Maharishi or a slam
 on the TMO, no matter how far out it might be, Rick will decide to post it,
 anonymous to the author, but claim he's being fair and, well, it's not his
 writing.   Like, for example, that ?psychologist? who launched an incoherent
 tirade against Maharishi and the TMO some months ago.  People asked why it
 is Rick chose to post /that/ but Rick just said something like he posted it
 because it was available for posting or some such inane excuse.   Why does
 it bother me?   Because I've seen Rick play this very subtle but after a
 while very obvious and IMO pretty damn inconsiderate and nasty game of
 saying he's not getting involved, that he's at most acting as facilitator to
 get all sides of an argument out.  But his bias and agenda become obvious.
 That rankles me because 1) It's very dishonest and 2) His hidden agenda
 becomes first obvious then insulting. Rick does this not only on FFL but in
 real life as well.   I like to hear both sides.  I'd prefer, of course, two
 sides to post an approximately equal number of words.  If you are
 enlightened or were and decided you're better than that now, it appears it's
 part of your enlightenment to throw in at least a thousand extra big, florid
 words which don't move your story along because, well, rambling and
 confusing people with your meaning appears to be part and parcel of
 enlightenment.Maharishi spoke for hours at a tim, but crystallized his
 main points into pithy epigrams.  Rory, Ravi and now RC, OTOH, figure the
 more words they throw at you the more you'll lap it up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@...
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  Nice rap/reply. Enjoyed all of it. And what a refreshing perspective
  from the usual fare we get here. I haven't read ahead, but likely
  will have provoked the outrage of others who are always at the ready
  slam a perspective that runs counter to their views.

 Oh baloney. I've read RC's posts just to see how he thinks. He has a
uniquely functioning mind and I find that fascinating. He has an amazing
story to tell in the context of a TM movement history we share and
that's fascinating as well. What's to criticize? I wouldn't have wanted
to face the challenges he has had just as he wouldn't have wanted to
face the challenges I've had. Everyone's journey has surprising twists
and turns...it just a ride.

Exactly how I feel. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread curtisdeltablues

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
I know Michael Dean Goodman isn't exactly popular here,
but boy, we could use the clarity of his explanations
on this topic, at least when we're trying to figure out
what MMY meant when he said...
   Yes, his presence here is always a privilege and a joy!
  Well, more to some than to others! But he really has a
  quite extraordinary gift for articulating MMY's teaching.
 Indeed he does.
  Boy, I'd love to see a three-way between you, MZ, and
 Ha! I am imagining how Curtis would respond to that phrasing :-)

Oh yeah, blame it on the blues guy!  The new the devil mad me do it.  Like I 
am the patron saint of smut among then pure of heart! 

Funny Rory, nice to be shouted out to brother!

  (MZ, do you by any chance have stock in a popcorn company?
  Because I just had to lay in a new supply, given how fast
  I've been running through it since you arrived.)

[FairfieldLife] Investigating Healthy Minds

2011-06-26 Thread eustace10679
American Public Media - Being

Investigating Healthy Minds with Richard Davidson (June 23, 2011)

Once upon a time we assumed the brain stops developing when we're young. 
Neuroscientist Richard Davidson helped overturn this idea by studying the 
brains of meditating Buddhist monks. Now he's working on conditions like ADHD 
and autism. He focuses not on fixing what is wrong, but on rewiring our minds 
with life-enriching behaviors.


Listen to the program:


[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:
 Dear Rory; what is a I-particle ?

Dear Nablusoss; succinctly, an I-particle is an ego, a wave on the ocean of Us, 
a being believing it exists as a separate entity in spacetime. We collapse into 
them constantly; every thing that exists may be called an I-particle; we 
contain them all and are constantly surprised by them/Us :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: So who is Jay Lathom? Is that a pseudonym?

2011-06-26 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@... wrote:
snip  Rory, Ravi and now RC, OTOH, figure the
 more words they throw at you the more you'll lap it up.

Dear Tom, I feel I know you well enough by now to be pretty sure you won't lap 
up anything I say, no matter how many or how few words I might use. But then 
again, you might surprise me one day.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Enlightenment is not a function of the Mind'

2011-06-26 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@... wrote:

 Enlightenment is not of the Rational Mind...

Enlightnement, if it includes anything, it includes everything. It doesn't 
change anything, but it includes all in its perspective. It includes the 
rational mind, but as the rational mind is a subset of all that can be included 
in a definition of mind, the rational mind cannot quite grasp the whole of 
 It is an intuitive reality... 

Yes, but we would never hear about enlightenment if the rational mind did not 
make up material to explain the experience.

 Ego is a funtion of the rational mind...

I think ego is more primitive than that, the rational mind provides a story or 
justification for the experience of ego. I think you meant 'function' here. I 
am not sure what a 'funtion' is; maybe it is what Barry does when he tells me 
to go suck on eggs: 'Funtion off Xeno, I am not interested in your pompous 

 Ego is what divides us all... 

I would say yes and no here. Ego gets people together too. It is an aspect of 
falling in love, or being in a group that has particular ideals. The greatest 
highs and lows in life are a function of ego. But ego does result in suffering, 
but also elation. Enlightenment kind of damps out the amplitude somewhat.
 Human Being are the only beings on the planet that have developed Ego...

This might not be true. Chimpanzee's may have something like ego, though I am 
not sure about this. Expeimentally they seem to show a certain amount of 
self-relfection and an ability to conceptualize.
 Human Beings are the only beings on the planet that have created war, greed, 
 lust and all the rest of it...

Chimpanzees go to war against their own kind. I once saw an eerie documentary 
showing male chimps moving out of their camp, single file and completely silent 
to go attack another group. They also use weapons. Genetically we are 99% 
chimp. (If my percent is in error, Judy will make the proper correction.)
 Developing the mind and the intellect has gotten humanity where it is 
 today...on the brink of collapse... 

Of course. No other animal or plant has restructured the world as we have. You 
would still be in the forest or scavenging for food on the Savannah if it were 
not for this. Or not exist at all. 
 The only way to save this planet from Destruction is to form some kind of 
 Intuition that we are all One...

That might work, but historically no one has been able to get humanity to 
uniformly agree to such a high degree of conformity, to get everyone to buy 
into the idea. And those that have the experience also do not seem to display a 
high degree of conformity anyway.
 This was Jesus' essential teaching also...

Look where he ended up, and what happened to the organisations that have risen 
in his name.

 Don't be deluded by the ego...in whatever form it takes...

This is what enlightenment is for, but there is still going to be some shadow 
of it there as long as there is a body that localises experience to a specific 
 And especially by one's whose egos have gotten beyond the brink..

In terms of enlightenment, the brink is the ego, the fragmentation of 
experience into parts without seeing the whole. By the time everyone is five 
years old, they are beyond the brink.
 Hitler was also a teacher of seperation...

Hitler, however one may dislike what he did, was strangely brilliant. The 
political system in Germany had dozens of parties, which he sarcastically 
mocked. He focused the population on a single enemy to unify them, by creating 
a single separation to focus on instead of many. Perverted, sure, but it 
worked, for a while. And it helped to unify many other countries against him. 
It also resulted in creating a considerably greater solidarity among the Jews 
than existed before World War II, and a greater appreciation in the West of the 
dangers of genocide. Separation and Unity are strange bedfellows, they are each 
others whore, neither can exist as an idea without the other.
 The South still wants to be seperate from the Union...

The Union, the 'united STATES' (this is how it was capitalized in the final 
parchment of the Declaration of Independence) was initially conceived as a 
federation of independent states. You see something similar in the European 
Union, and similar problems, currently for example with the financial problems 
of Greece. Greece might have to temporarily drop out of the union if it fails 
to get its financial house in order.
 Seperateness breeds contempt...

Yes, and everything else that exists, as long as you see separate things. Even 
if you experience the whole, you still can see separate things. And some of 
those separate things appear as great beauty, which attracts and can inspire. 
The concept of god consciousness depends on separateness for it to have any 
significance. The concept of unity also depends on separateness similarly.
 Seperateness breeds 

[FairfieldLife] Re: WWWilliamofOccamD?

2011-06-26 Thread emptybill

Chaim yer takin' b.s. again. Are you still on stage?

Your statement about the West is obstructively Euro-centric (and Roman
Catholic at that). Get out your prayer shawl `cause them goy-s is
tired of your Ashkenazi theologizing.

There is more to the Western culture than you seem to
understand. This is due to a poverty of education foisted upon us by
teachers who really did not know the difference.

Think Plato. Think Neo-Platonism. Think Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
None of these either had or currently have the assumptions which you so
blindly wish upon them.

Jimminy Cricket (Il Grillo Parlante) could do better than this. Why not

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@... wrote:

 Reality in the West is based on Seperation from God and Original

[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  Dear Rory; what is a I-particle ?
 Dear Nablusoss; succinctly, an I-particle is an ego, a wave on the ocean of 
 Us, a being believing it exists as a separate entity in spacetime. We 
 collapse into them constantly; every thing that exists may be called an 
 I-particle; we contain them all and are constantly surprised by them/Us :-)

...also, the sum-total of I-particles constitutes our body of awareness and our 
objective Reality.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Children of the Night

2011-06-26 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 06/26/2011 05:09 PM, sparaig wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
  On 06/26/2011 10:05 AM, sparaig wrote:
  So, I'm curious as to how MZ, not to mention Vaj, respond to this:
  It doesn't have to be TM either.  My tantra guru taught meditation to
  similar kids through a program on of students who is a juvenile office
  set up.
  That wasn't my question. Both MZ and Vaj agree for sure on one thing:
  TM is not-good, disguised as good.
 I wasn't responding to your question but to the article you linked.

I understand. I was still trying to goad a response from them.


[FairfieldLife] Mechanics of Vedic Engineering

2011-06-26 Thread John
As a reminder for those who have doubts, MMY explains how the unmanifest 
becomes real in the world of creation.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Children of the Night

2011-06-26 Thread emptybill
Vaj is a concern troll posting here to convert us styoopid TM
meditators so we will take up his brand of cross-eyed joka.
WTF? Why expect something else?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  On 06/26/2011 10:05 AM, sparaig wrote:
   So, I'm curious as to how MZ, not to mention Vaj, respond to this:
  It doesn't have to be TM either.  My tantra guru taught meditation
  similar kids through a program on of students who is a juvenile
  set up.

 That wasn't my question. Both MZ and Vaj agree for sure on one thing:

 TM is not-good, disguised as good.


[FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-26 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   Nice rap/reply. Enjoyed all of it. And what a refreshing perspective
   from the usual fare we get here. I haven't read ahead, but likely
   will have provoked the outrage of others who are always at the ready
   slam a perspective that runs counter to their views.
  Oh baloney. I've read RC's posts just to see how he thinks. He has a
 uniquely functioning mind and I find that fascinating. He has an amazing
 story to tell in the context of a TM movement history we share and
 that's fascinating as well. What's to criticize? I wouldn't have wanted
 to face the challenges he has had just as he wouldn't have wanted to
 face the challenges I've had. Everyone's journey has surprising twists
 and turns...it just a ride.
 Exactly how I feel.

My own take is that MZ, like many others on this forum (most others?) is stuck 
in some way.

IT is an interesting thing to note that those who are laying claim to full 
enlightenment reject MMY's assertion that perfect performance of all the sidhis 
is a test of full enlightenment. One presumes this is because none of them can 
perfectly perform all the sidhis.

Certainly, from what MZ says, if he WAS able to perfectly perform all the 
sidhis, he wouldn't be claiming that it is merely an illusory state. 
Ironically, I think that MMY's comment may have been directed specifically at 
HIM, personally.

Which goes back to the point about shared history. MZ is the person, I believe 
for whom that quote was crafted in the first place. It is ironic that he 
rejects the quote while asserting that his state is exactly what MMY implied it 
was: not really all there yet.