[FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Occupy Wall Street will only get bigger

2011-09-29 Thread Robert

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

   Now that communism is gone, the next to go is capitalism -Maharishi
 Actually the next to go was Maharishi.
Maharishi continues to live on in the hearts and minds of all T.B's...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt

2011-09-29 Thread Denise Evans
Obama has grown the debt the least of all the presidents back to Reagan.  
This is the present! 

From: wgm4u anitaoak...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 8:02 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of authfriend
 Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 6:07 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt


I think it's time to stop finger pointing and time to start 
cutting(government spending). Living in the past won't help the present.


[FairfieldLife] Whos Father??

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Whos Father??

[--- In serenityandtolera...@yahoogroups.com, Tish deborahs23@...

'Forgive them Father. They don't know what they are doing'.

Whose father??

Tish  ]

You had best go and ask him. He is on the Fairfield life group - not a
nice place. I did not ask him :- )   BUT, you must surely know that some
of the ancient silly fuck faces have called that bit of ourselves which
exists in paradise as OUR FATHER which art in heaven.  Didn't you know
that?  Frig me mate, where have you been hiding?


[FairfieldLife] The Father in Heaven Symbol

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

The Father in Heaven Symbol

Actually, and with NO respect for the bastards that did it, the symbol
of OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN is a very good symbolism indeed.

For you see (you must get an education you know) that part of ourselves
COMES FIRST. It come before the incarnate personality on earth. Why the
frig don't you study yourself. A life not studied is a life wasted
miss, or missus.

But without that first bit of our self we would not exist. Life
incarnate would not exist. Consciousness would not exist. Nothing would
be known.  I AM the first to be brought forth !  Don't you frigging
get it yet  WAKEY WAKEY rise and shine ! Time to wake up from thy
slumber ma'am.

However that part of us is there to find and to live it – go find
your SELF !  But don't look around the world or time and space for
it for you will NOT find it there and you will not find it in a fucking
DOWNWARDS. Not up in the fucking sky ! KNOW THY SELF ! No wonder the
world is getting in the shit ! They have found no SUBSTANCE. Tis a world
of money, food, greed, profit, tits, arses, booze and drugs   Maybe
a fucking great lump of rock ought to come and smash it all up !

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] The Son of the Father Symbol

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

The Son of the Father Symbol

And while we are on that bloody dangerous symbolism CRAP let us do the
other bit, the frigging Son (not the sun) bit. I am the son (incarnate
progeny) of  I AM.  They seem to know fuck all about the Trinity of our
manifestation and being do they, blind as bats in a dark cave mate, and
without radar. Talk about bloody Plato's dark cave of shadows :-
 They do ALL their learning from bloody silly books NOT LIFE ! They
repeat things and copy each other like bloody sheep – Lemmings
running off the edge of a cliff.  Or dancing to the tune of the Pied
bloody Piper. Jasus bloody Ker-Riced the world of humanity has gone NUTS
! Here we go gathering nuts in may ! Just like groups now where they all
cut and past but have fuck all to say for themselves.

Let us do the other bit as well, the holy fucking ghost. That is LIFE
and CONSCIOUSNESS. You will never ever ever ever find either of them !!!

I AM the father and I am the son, and I AM LIFE and I AM consciousness.
Gawd they are DIM aint they.  I AM not a mystery and I am not a mystery
but LIFE and Consciousness IS a mystery; an ETERNAL mystery. (mysticism)
Know your SELF and you will know Eternity and deepest depths of THE ALL,
and you will know that life and consciousness sprung up from out of the
dark nebular move stuff in paradise. GO HOME and find out. It is ever
waiting for you. I will be with you until the end of time and beyond.

They don't understand fuck all do they !  Ppphhht:!   THAT is what
religion and priestcraft did for them – mangled their bloody brains.
And they inflict it on to their progeny. Poor bastards ! Cut the chain
and walk free amigos, a New kind of man is coming – Homo Ensophicus

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Re: BBC: 'First Irish case' of death by spontaneous combustion

2011-09-29 Thread turquoiseb
Sometmes, doubling down on a previous embarrassing moment,
still pretending it's not one, and still obsessing years later, deserves
a comment. I saw this church billboard today, which provides the
perfect one.

Try to even *imagine* a person so obsessed as to have written the
stuff below, *still* holding on to the ludicrous claim of a death
threat, after all these years. Do you think she ever thinks of
anything BUT Barry?  :-)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@ wrote:
   Watch out, Judy.  This could happen to you.
  Watch out yourself, Tom. Based on past FFL history,
  someone is likely to claim that you made a death
  threat against them.  :-)

 Um, no. Tom is being kind enough to give me a warning,
 whereas Barry made a *prediction*, remember? Because
 raunchy and I were, according to Barry, dumb angry
 cunts too stupid to live.

 (And why were we dumb angry cunts too stupid to live?
 Because we'd made some negative posts about Obama. This
 was back during the primary campaign. In light of the
 current situation, I'd say we were prescient.)

 Anyway, the most fascinating aspect of that episode was
 that when in a different thread I mentioned in passing
 (parenthetically and metaphorically) that women here
 had been the target of a lot of misogynistic vomit
 (including death threats), nobody knew what I meant by
 death threats.

 Except Barry.

 I hadn't named him. But he knew exactly what I was
 referring to and even went on to quote the post of his
 in which he'd fantasized about raunchy and me undergoing
 spontaneous combustion because we were dumb angry cunts
 too stupid to live.

 He had absolutely no trouble making that connection. He
 fought it tooth and nail, of course, because death
 threat was so uncomfortably close to describing his
 murderous misogynistic rage against raunchy and me.

[FairfieldLife] No way

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

No way

[ I think the world has been waiting for you Merlin. ]

:- )  No way ! The world is waiting for the next fix, the next box of
pills, the next bottle of whiskey, the next visit to the shrink, the
next fuck, the next prostitute, the next profit returns.  I would not
touch their world with somebody else's fucking barge pole mate. The
only one who was ever waiting for me to arrive here was my mother –
I was big :- )  And I landed here on the night of Halloween just after
midnight near the witching hour – PLOP!  That scared the shit out of
folks :- ) They tried to bomb me out of existence for the next six years
– but they kept missing :- ) But they sure did come close twice, two
nights running in 1940. There will come lots of Merlin's my dear,
and that is for sure. WE must bring back the old ways :- )  But WITHOUT
SYMBOLISM !  Just tell it AS IT IS !

Have a nice day. I am going to go sit by a tree over the moors.


[FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt

2011-09-29 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 Obama has grown the debt the least of all the presidents back to Reagan. 
  This is the present! 

I think both parties are at fault, remember, many of those Presidents had 
Democrat Congresses! What? they get a free ride?... Who really cares, come on, 
let's just solve the problem.

PS Obama's term ain't over yet.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Occupy Wall Street will only get bigger

2011-09-29 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

   Now that communism is gone, the next to go is capitalism -Maharishi
 Actually the next to go was Maharishi.

Really ? Maharishi foresaw this in 1989. You do the math.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Occupy Wall Street will only get bigger

2011-09-29 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 My solution would be global socialism but a not in your face kind.  
 Streamlined and supportive of the world populace instead of just a few.  
 Also don't bother with socialism running small business and let people 
 who want to be their own bosses do that.  Get rid of middle men, they 
 are fine when there is slack but we can no longer afford them.  Look at 
 models like Trader Joe's where they don't have any middle men and sell 
 their own products.  Even at my local grocery the house products are 
 cheaper and often just as good as the big name brands.

The new soscialism that is coming in the Age of Enlightenment will have an 
element of capitalism but subdued and strongly regulated. According to Benjamin 
Creme much like the systems in the worlds most affluent countries today; the 
Scandinavian countries.

[FairfieldLife] When in Paris: Club Silencio was conceived and designed by David Lynch,

2011-09-29 Thread nablusoss1008
Club Silencio was conceived and designed by David Lynch, from the
interior to the furniture.

The club will open its doors starting Thursday 6th October 2011, from
Tuesday to Sunday,  6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.

Until midnight, Club Silencio is accessible for members and their
guests. Members have access to concerts, films and other performances.

Concerts by artist-in-residence and prestigious guests, up-and-coming
bands and eclectic DJs.

A new cinema experience with a programme of premieres, movies of the
week and retrospectives.

Club Silencio offers a large choice of original and unique cocktails,
wines and spirits, finger food as well as food tasting. Next

[FairfieldLife] Re: When in Paris: Club Silencio was conceived and designed by David Lynch,

2011-09-29 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 Club Silencio was conceived and designed by David Lynch, from the
 interior to the furniture.
 . . . 
 Club Silencio offers a large choice of original and unique 
 cocktails, wines and spirits, finger food as well as food 

I don't know about the rest of you, but if I were 
trying finger food at a restaurant owned by David
Lynch, I'd double-check to make sure it wasn't made
from real fingers.


Just sayin'...

[FairfieldLife] If Time Ends?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

If Time Ends?

[ If time ends there will be nobody to know anything. ]

Time will end for everybody. But not all at the same time :- ) It is not
a question of IF Time ends for us all it is question as to IF it will
come back again. But what TIME are you talking about?  If you are
talking about SPACETIME and the physical universe OUT THERE, then if
that can happen once it can happen trillions of dillions of times; time
and gain. But if you are talking about personal time then wait and see
if it comes back for you. It came back for me :- )  Perhaps it cannot do
without me ;- )  BUT you do not need spacetime or even moving time to be
aware of existing.  Make it clear what you are talking about eh. Or are
we supposed to guess.  DON'T try to fill a two pint pot with one
pint of awareness. Nor judge a two pint pot from being stuck inside a
one pint pot.


[FairfieldLife] But when a child comes here?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

But when a child comes here?

[ But when a child comes here then how could he or she be sure that it
was not you here again? ]

:- )  It cannot :- )  But why should it assume that it is? Assumption
aint a good travelling companion mate. However, there IS a rather
profound point here, so try not to miss it. In a way every child IS me
in that they would all say I AM ME. I say that too, and always have. Do
you see?  PLUS EVERYTHING and Everyone is all connected up to the same
thing in the Ground of Being. That child is not me there, but it is the
I AM consciousness. Every living thing is my twin brethren. We are all
made of the same stuff – but strung together differently. Life and
existence is so bloody clever mate – ONE thing is easy to get your
head around but the multiple variety is bloody astonishing. Go figure.
In the meantime tis best to just live your life and be yourself and try
to make the most of it and do the best which you can always, and do no
harm.  That is not bloody hard is it. And no matter who I bloody was or
will be then I will always be ME ! Live one lifetime at a time eh, and
make it one worth living. Go and leave footprints in the sands of time.
Let the bastards know that you were here :- )  We are all bastards you
know, we haven't got a daddy.  Or a mummy for that matter. 
DON'T try to make everything in your own physical likeness. Enjoy


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Son of the Father Symbol

2011-09-29 Thread seventhray1

Dirk, stand down a few notches.  You're getting all riled up.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rwr dick.richardson@... wrote:

 The Son of the Father Symbol

 And while we are on that bloody dangerous symbolism CRAP let us do the
 other bit, the frigging Son (not the sun) bit. I am the son (incarnate
 progeny) of I AM. They seem to know fuck all about the Trinity of our
 manifestation and being do they, blind as bats in a dark cave mate,
 without radar. Talk about bloody Plato's dark cave of shadows :-
  They do ALL their learning from bloody silly books NOT LIFE !
 repeat things and copy each other like bloody sheep – Lemmings
 running off the edge of a cliff. Or dancing to the tune of the Pied
 bloody Piper. Jasus bloody Ker-Riced the world of humanity has gone
 ! Here we go gathering nuts in may ! Just like groups now where they
 cut and past but have fuck all to say for themselves.

 Let us do the other bit as well, the holy fucking ghost. That is LIFE
 and CONSCIOUSNESS. You will never ever ever ever find either of them

 I AM the father and I am the son, and I AM LIFE and I AM
 Gawd they are DIM aint they. I AM not a mystery and I am not a mystery
 but LIFE and Consciousness IS a mystery; an ETERNAL mystery.
 Know your SELF and you will know Eternity and deepest depths of THE
 and you will know that life and consciousness sprung up from out of
 dark nebular move stuff in paradise. GO HOME and find out. It is ever
 waiting for you. I will be with you until the end of time and beyond.

 They don't understand fuck all do they ! Ppphhht:! THAT is what
 religion and priestcraft did for them – mangled their bloody
 And they inflict it on to their progeny. Poor bastards ! Cut the chain
 and walk free amigos, a New kind of man is coming – Homo

 Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Re: No way

2011-09-29 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rwr dick.richardson@... wrote:

 Have a nice day. I am going to go sit by a tree over the moors.

That's awesome.  Sounds like you don't have an issue with arthritis. 
You know, WWII era vet and all that.

[FairfieldLife] What do I define as objective?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

What do I define as objective?

[ What do you define as objective Richard? ]

Everything that is not me.  Isn't that obvious?  That which I am not
is objective. My body is objective, it is not me; it is OUT THERE.  The
world is objective, it is not me. The Ground of my Being, that
transcendent timeless place, is not me, it is objective. The middle
part, my soul/sub conscious workshop which connects Time to Eternity, is
not me, it is objective. IF you want to find out what you are NOT then
first find out what you ARE.  But if it does not interest you then fuck
it, read a book instead  :- ) I AM nothing but conscious awareness, the
lover of the loved, the knower of the known, the observer of the
observed. I have no material substance, no objective substance, before
time moved I AM ME. When time is no more I AM.

Seeing is not me, for it is I who sees. Thinking is not me, for it is I
that thinks (when in time that is). Hearing is not me, for it is me that
hears.  And if you are curious about the assertion of being made of
three parts than that is NOT ME it is EMANATION. I pass through them. I
am a journeyman, from Eternity for this purpose. Learn these thing for
yourself, not second hand from me.  I cannot eat or see or drink for
you. I cannot understand for you. You must do it.  What have you been
learning all these years and where have you been learning it? Life does
not charge us for learning.  Nor does it demand anything of us. It is
free. Even the kids in the slums amigo. You have only got to be there
and be with it, and it is done.  Learning is inevitable – unless you
deliberately block it out. When they ask me how one gets mystical
experience and inner learning I ask them as to how they do not.  Perhaps
they have a godo who does not like them ;- ) Best dump it in which case
and walk alone :- )  Pick up your bed and walk !

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Son of the Father Symbol

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

You cant read. The name is not Dirk.

Anyway, mind your own fucking bussiness, you DONT have to read it sommy

Dick Richardson.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@...

 Dirk, stand down a few notches. You're getting all riled up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: No way

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

No Arthur Right us :- ) No problems :- )  I am not a WW2 Vet for I was a
bit too young more is the pitty, I would have loved to have stuck the
cold steal up em :- ) But I was showing yanks around London during the
war. They were OK, I used to gets fags, chewing gum and some sweets from
them for showing them around the joint. Had a great time. But yeah, I am
a pre war veteran :- )  They don't make them like that vintage any more.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rwr dick.richardson@ wrote:

  Have a nice day. I am going to go sit by a tree over the moors.

 That's awesome. Sounds like you don't have an issue with arthritis.
 You know, WWII era vet and all that.

[FairfieldLife] Why are you connected to a body Richard?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Why are you connected to a body Richard?

[ Why are you connected to a body here Richard? ]

Because THAT is the way it happened here mate. Read the book – The
Mystical Gnosis Event and the Human Situation.

But it is GREAT being connected to a body. Because I can touch your skin
and look into your eyes and I can feel your excited panting breath on my
neck. We can have fun in the fields of gold doing all the things which
the bishop says is naughty. And it is the light which shines out of your
eyes which puts the stars to shame; it is the smile which you offer me
that makes life worth living. Without you I am empty. I love you until
the end of days. And together we can bring more here.


Don't forget however than in every body there is a real life person,
and they FEEL. Make them feel good. Incarnation is short lived. GRAB THE


[FairfieldLife] More TV blather for those who watch it

2011-09-29 Thread turquoiseb
The first episode of Terra Nova was formulaic, but looks watchable, mainly 
due to Jason O'Mara in the lead, who was so good in the real (UK) version of 
Life On Mars. He's got a hunky Everyman quality that'll serve his part well. 
Seeing Stephen Lang from Avatar as a good guy takes some getting used to, but 
he's OK. CGI seems adequate, and the plotting, although pedestrian and 
B-movie-ish, isn't too horribly embarrassing. I'll give it a few episodes...

I'm still watching Unforgettable, mainly for the redhead factor, ignoring the 
fact that other than the trick of her remembering everything that has ever 
happened to her, it's a standard cop show.

I've almost given up on New Girl, despite TM offspring Zooey Deschanel's 
adorablenessitude. You can only push that so far, and after two episodes it's 
already starting to wear on me.

Alphas doesn't really seem to be worth continuing to watch; standard people 
with abilities stuff, a la Heroes. David Strathairn is wasted in it.

Boardwalk Empire is back and more of the same, which is generally a good 
thing. Same with Nikita and Castle. I'll probably give Prime Suspect a 
try; Maria Bello is no Helen Mirren, but I liked her in the last scene of the 
pilot, so if she continues with that kinda toughness I'll give her a couple of 
more episodes. 

I'll sorta miss Breaking Bad when it goes dark after the next episode until 
next season. I still like Gus and Jesse, although Walt is at this point too 
dumb to live. I honestly don't know how they're going to find a way *to* keep 
him living; I suspect there will be a line in the script for the final episode 
that goes, And then a miracle happens...  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raunchydog Videos

2011-09-29 Thread raunchydog
Thanks, Denise. New links:

Steam Engines

Train Robbery

Rainy Day

After the Rain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 Hi Raunchy.  The Steam Engines and After the Rain with Kids were great. 
  I  love seeing kids (and adults) playing outside.  Other two don't show 
 From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 9:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Raunchydog Videos
 One of the charms of living in Iowa is time traveling in farmer consciousness 
 to The Old Threshers Reunion in Mt. Pleasant.  Every year the whole town 
 pitches in to host over 100,000 visitors. Out-of-towners bring buggies and 
 babies, tractors and trailers, camping out through Labor Day to experience 
 the rich agricultural heritage of the Midwest. If you're not wearing bibs and 
 boots, you're just a tourist.
 Old Threshers is a slice of Americana's forgotten steam engines, 
 putt-putt-popping, sputtering engines small enough to churn your butter and 
 wash your clothes or large enough to harvest grain.  Gigantic screeching, 
 clanging  trains and threshing machines let off steam, toot-toot tooting 
 ear-piercing whistles, coming alive as rusty ghosts, newly painted and oiled.
 Old Thresher Reunion videos, edited with a Flip camera:
 Steam Engines
 Train Robbery
 Rainy Day
 After the Rain with Kids

[FairfieldLife] Re: When in Paris: Club Silencio was conceived and designed by David Lynch,

2011-09-29 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  Club Silencio was conceived and designed by David Lynch, from the
  interior to the furniture.
  . . . 
  Club Silencio offers a large choice of original and unique 
  cocktails, wines and spirits, finger food as well as food 
 I don't know about the rest of you, but if I were 
 trying finger food at a restaurant owned by David
 Lynch, I'd double-check to make sure it wasn't made
 from real fingers.
 Just sayin'...

This special episode in italian is for the Turqo only.


Anyway I don't see how they would allow you a membership at the silencio-club, 
so no need to fear the menu :-)

[FairfieldLife] Lost Highway

2011-09-29 Thread nablusoss1008
I'm happy that you are finally starting to watch real films Turqo !
This one could be made for you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Roman Catholic Church is doomed to extinction

2011-09-29 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  As like that last Youtube thing Turqb posted was completely 
 ? un-called for and un-needed in the flow of what was a thoughtful 
  and uplifting spiritual conversation. I wish the list moderators 
  here would do a better job of screening the members and what 
  gets published here.  
 Does anyone else get the feeling that Buck is so
 out of it that he doesn't even realize that the clip
 I posted is from one of David Lynch's (the TMO's most
 spiritual person, since he is literally the only one
 promoting TM at this point) movies? 
 Buck made the point of saying that he hoped that the
 poor, depraved Rhianna could be saved by David Lynch.
 I merely posted a clip showing how thoroughly that the
 current TMO Poster Boy saved the virtue and the image
 of *his own wife* in that film.
 I'm thinkin' that if there is anyone trying to drag the
 flow of spiritual conversation down to a new low, it's
 the organization that would promote David Lynch as a 
 role model.

Om now I am more enlightened by Turqb.  Okay, Turqb could stay.  It is David 
Lynch though by evidence who should be restricted from posting here or there 
being any mention of him or his pornographic works until he gets right.  
Evidently facilitating the knowledge or even being a TM teacher is not enough. 
Being a an energetic corrupter of the spiritual in people is manifestly mortal 
sin.  I would hope the mmoderators of this list would protect the community 
here from any further mention of David Lynch.

-Buck on the road   

[FairfieldLife] Re: BBC: 'First Irish case' of death by spontaneous combustion

2011-09-29 Thread authfriend
If Barry doesn't want to be reminded of his embarrassing
moment, he should refrain from bringing it up. Because
when he does that and then portrays *me* as carrying a

That's *quadrupling down* on the embarrassing moment.

First he revealed his murderous rage against two women
by calling us dumb cunts too stupid to live. Then he
confirmed it represented his desire for us to die
violently by being the only person on FFL to realize I
was referring to that post when I later called it--
without naming him or quoting the post--a death threat.

If he had wanted to pretend that isn't what it was, he
should have feigned ignorance. But no, he had to double
down and embarrass himself a second time.

And now he's doubling down *again* by bringing it up
once more and claiming *I'm* the one holding the grudge.

If it upsets him when I remind folks of how it all went
down, he should keep his mouth shut and not hand me the
opportunity to do so on a silver platter.

And if he doesn't want to demonstrate for the umpteenth
time his obsession with me, he should find a good
exorcist who can help him evict me from his head.
Because he's obviously incapable of doing it on his own.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Sometmes, doubling down on a previous embarrassing moment,
 still pretending it's not one, and still obsessing years later, deserves
 a comment. I saw this church billboard today, which provides the
 perfect one.
 Try to even *imagine* a person so obsessed as to have written the
 stuff below, *still* holding on to the ludicrous claim of a death
 threat, after all these years. Do you think she ever thinks of
 anything BUT Barry?  :-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@ wrote:
Watch out, Judy.  This could happen to you.
   Watch out yourself, Tom. Based on past FFL history,
   someone is likely to claim that you made a death
   threat against them.  :-)
  Um, no. Tom is being kind enough to give me a warning,
  whereas Barry made a *prediction*, remember? Because
  raunchy and I were, according to Barry, dumb angry
  cunts too stupid to live.
  (And why were we dumb angry cunts too stupid to live?
  Because we'd made some negative posts about Obama. This
  was back during the primary campaign. In light of the
  current situation, I'd say we were prescient.)
  Anyway, the most fascinating aspect of that episode was
  that when in a different thread I mentioned in passing
  (parenthetically and metaphorically) that women here
  had been the target of a lot of misogynistic vomit
  (including death threats), nobody knew what I meant by
  death threats.
  Except Barry.
  I hadn't named him. But he knew exactly what I was
  referring to and even went on to quote the post of his
  in which he'd fantasized about raunchy and me undergoing
  spontaneous combustion because we were dumb angry cunts
  too stupid to live.
  He had absolutely no trouble making that connection. He
  fought it tooth and nail, of course, because death
  threat was so uncomfortably close to describing his
  murderous misogynistic rage against raunchy and me.

[FairfieldLife] David Lynch michelaneous worth seeing

2011-09-29 Thread nablusoss1008
Michael J Anderson about David Lynch 

David Lynch says no one has ever come close to his interpretation of Eraserhead 


David Lynch: Working with Marilyn Manson

David Lynch's Bizarre Car Commercial 

David Lynch Coffee commercial 

Rammstein, one of my favorite bands, AND David Lynch; must be something. And it 
is. Please turn the volume UP (hope your neighbour likes this) !

Rammstein - Rammstein - Directed by David Lynch 

[FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt

2011-09-29 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

Denise Evans:
 Obama has grown the debt the least of all 
 the presidents back to Reagan...
From what I've read, the president of the U.S.
has no control over the national debt or how
much gold is in Fort Knox, or not. 


What's important is which party controlled 
congress during the time illustrated on the 
chart and which party borrowed all the paper
money and spent it on what.

'Debt Ceiling Debate Bolsters Ron Paul and 
the Gold Standard'

[FairfieldLife] Re: When in Paris: Club Silencio was conceived and designed by David Lynch,

2011-09-29 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   Club Silencio was conceived and designed by David Lynch, 
   from the interior to the furniture.
   . . . 
   Club Silencio offers a large choice of original and unique 
   cocktails, wines and spirits, finger food as well as food 
  I don't know about the rest of you, but if I were 
  trying finger food at a restaurant owned by David
  Lynch, I'd double-check to make sure it wasn't made
  from real fingers.
  Just sayin'...
 This special episode in italian is for the Turqo only.

Nabby, even two hours of TA couldn't get me to 
sit through another David Lynch movie. :-) I thank
you for the thought, but seriously I regret the two
hours I gave it as a favor to someone here more than
I do the hours I spent this month watching American
TV shows. At least I got paid for the latter. No
offense to your TM Hero, but he's really just an
indulgent, uninteresting filmmaker. I am convinced
that his fame is purely because of the obscurity of
his films; there is a certain element who think that
if something is obscure and hard to figure out, it's
actually saying something. I am not convinced that
Lynch has ever had anything to say. 

 Anyway I don't see how they would allow you a membership 
 at the silencio-club, so no need to fear the menu :-)

Fortunately, my feelings about private clubs echo 
Groucho's: I wouldn't be a member of any club that
would have me as a member. The only exception I 
have ever made to this rule ( if you forget the TMO
and the Rama trip :-) was a members-only Japanese
club in Chicago. It was Japanese-only; the only 
reason they let me become a member (it only cost me
buying an expensive bottle of whiskey to live behind
the bar for me to drink from when I visited) was 
because legally they had to. They *hated* me being
there; other than expensive hookers accompanying
the Japanese businessmen, I was the only gaijin in
the place. But I wanted to soak up the atmosphere
of the place for something I was writing that had
Japanese characters in it, so it was worth it to me.

Having lived in Paris, and gotten into pretty much
every joint I wanted to, I doubt I'd have much of a 
problem getting into Dave's Cafe Indulgencia if I
wanted to. All it usually takes is flashing my watch
at the doorman; it's recognizably rare and expensive
enough that it has opened many doors for me. 

But why do you think I *wouldn't* be accepted as a 
member of such a club, if membership is really required?
Do you think that the scanners at the door would detect
my latent Buddhistic tendencies and set off an alarm? :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: BBC: 'First Irish case' of death by spontaneous combustion

2011-09-29 Thread turquoiseb
Got her.

I apologize for goading the dragon, but the minute I saw that
photo I just *knew* it would make her go ballistic.  :-)

Thanks for all the free rent, Jude. And for so many years. :-)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 If Barry doesn't want to be reminded of his embarrassing
 moment, he should refrain from bringing it up. Because
 when he does that and then portrays *me* as carrying a

 That's *quadrupling down* on the embarrassing moment.

 First he revealed his murderous rage against two women
 by calling us dumb cunts too stupid to live. Then he
 confirmed it represented his desire for us to die
 violently by being the only person on FFL to realize I
 was referring to that post when I later called it--
 without naming him or quoting the post--a death threat.

 If he had wanted to pretend that isn't what it was, he
 should have feigned ignorance. But no, he had to double
 down and embarrass himself a second time.

 And now he's doubling down *again* by bringing it up
 once more and claiming *I'm* the one holding the grudge.

 If it upsets him when I remind folks of how it all went
 down, he should keep his mouth shut and not hand me the
 opportunity to do so on a silver platter.

 And if he doesn't want to demonstrate for the umpteenth
 time his obsession with me, he should find a good
 exorcist who can help him evict me from his head.
 Because he's obviously incapable of doing it on his own.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Sometmes, doubling down on a previous embarrassing moment,
  still pretending it's not one, and still obsessing years later,
  a comment. I saw this church billboard today, which provides the
  perfect one.
  Try to even *imagine* a person so obsessed as to have written the
  stuff below, *still* holding on to the ludicrous claim of a death
  threat, after all these years. Do you think she ever thinks of
  anything BUT Barry?  :-)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@


 Watch out, Judy.  This could happen to you.
Watch out yourself, Tom. Based on past FFL history,
someone is likely to claim that you made a death
threat against them.  :-)
   Um, no. Tom is being kind enough to give me a warning,
   whereas Barry made a *prediction*, remember? Because
   raunchy and I were, according to Barry, dumb angry
   cunts too stupid to live.
   (And why were we dumb angry cunts too stupid to live?
   Because we'd made some negative posts about Obama. This
   was back during the primary campaign. In light of the
   current situation, I'd say we were prescient.)
   Anyway, the most fascinating aspect of that episode was
   that when in a different thread I mentioned in passing
   (parenthetically and metaphorically) that women here
   had been the target of a lot of misogynistic vomit
   (including death threats), nobody knew what I meant by
   death threats.
   Except Barry.
   I hadn't named him. But he knew exactly what I was
   referring to and even went on to quote the post of his
   in which he'd fantasized about raunchy and me undergoing
   spontaneous combustion because we were dumb angry cunts
   too stupid to live.
   He had absolutely no trouble making that connection. He
   fought it tooth and nail, of course, because death
   threat was so uncomfortably close to describing his
   murderous misogynistic rage against raunchy and me.

[FairfieldLife] Fort Knox Gold?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

There isn't any gold in Fort Knox, only godo lives there now. The
Chinese pinched the gold for the lock was too easy to pick. Go pick some
blackberries instead. Nice fresh air out there too, if you can breath
any through the car fumes. What goes around comes around.


  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardwillytexwilliams
willytex@... wrote:

 Denise Evans:
  Obama has grown the debt the least of all
  the presidents back to Reagan...
 From what I've read, the president of the U.S.
 has no control over the national debt or how
 much gold is in Fort Knox, or not.

[FairfieldLife] Gold in Fort Knox?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

There isn't any gold in Fort Knox, only godo lives there now. The
Chinese pinched the gold for the lock was too easy to pick. Go pick some
blackberries instead. Nice fresh air out there too, if you can breath
any through the car fumes.


[FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt

2011-09-29 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 It appears that the Republicans, particularly Ronald Reagan, are the culprits 
 for running the national debt we have today.

It's not the 'Republican Debt' it's the 'National Debt', both parties ran it up 
and every citizen benefited one way or the other. Time to pay up that's all.

(BTW, the graph that was posted gave NO idea at how those numbers were arrived 

[FairfieldLife] Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

Thought this groups was supposed to be about metaphysics/spirituality :-
)  Huh, they aint got none of that either :- ) When the cash has gone
they are out of spirit too :- ) Did your guru's fuck you all up or did
you do it yourselves - DIY job ?


[FairfieldLife] The Spain-Netherlands Conundrum

2011-09-29 Thread turquoiseb
Still puzzling over the differences between the Dutch culture and the
Barcelona culture, after my recent trip back there. I think it comes
down to living for the future vs. living in the moment.

Spain is to some extent a live-in-the-moment culture. Part of this is
that they're still emerging from the Franco years, one of the longest,
dreariest periods any people has had to endure. There is still an
ever-present appreciation for having the right to party, having the
right to dance, having the right to wear whatever you want, and having
the right *not* to have the Guardia Civil pound on your door in the
middle of the night to disappear you. If all of those things sound like
inalienable rights to you, as if they are to be taken for granted,
they were denied to the Spanish people for 40 years; to some extent
they're still making up for lost time.

Interestingly the youth, who never lived under Franco, caught the wave
of relief felt by their parents, and tend to party like there is no
tomorrow. I am told by the party crowd (and no, I'm SO not one of
them...too old) that part of the reason for the renewed popularity of
cocaine is to get people through the 72-hours-without-sleep marathons
that are Barcelona weekends. They add the cocaine to whatever E and Red
Bull they're living on. Not really my kinda scene.

Still, I really appreciated feeling an overriding sense of enjoying the
Now in Barcelona. I don't feel that as much here in the Netherlands. As
nice a culture as it is in many ways, I get the feeling -- except in
certain hoods in Amsterdam -- that most people have their lives all
planned out by the time they're 16, and rarely, if ever, deviate from
that plan. They may party down on Friday and Saturday nights, but rarely
Sunday night, because they have school or work the next morning, and
it's important to actually do a good job there. Which I appreciate. The
only worse work ethic I've ever seen to Spain's was in Hawaii; you
couldn't count on getting anything done in either place on a Monday or a
Friday if your life depended on it.

Anyway, these are just cafe ramblings pondering (yet again) the
usefulness of Road Trips. It's fascinating how just taking yourself out
of your normal environment for a few days allows you to view it as not
normal, and thus not to be taken for granted. I still prefer it here,
but I miss some of the spontaneous joy I got to take for granted in

[FairfieldLife] More commercials and short stuff directed by David Lynch

2011-09-29 Thread nablusoss1008
David Lynch's opium commercial 

In The Night Garden by David Lynch 

David Lynch. 45-sec film 

David Lynch - Funny Moments 

David Lynch Sings 

David Lynch Favorites Movies and FilmMakers 

Obsession by Calvin Klein Ad 3 - David Lynch 

A conversation with David Lynch 

Rammstein - Rammstein - Directed by David Lynch 

This is David Lynch (Angelo Badalamenti vs David 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Occupy Wall Street will only get bigger

2011-09-29 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 You can see the rhetoric is heating up an
 we may well see an American Fall... 

So, how are the Wall Street 'squatters' going 
to create more jobs so people can make more
money to get the economy growing again? 

When we see 'America Fall' you and several
million other people are going to starve to 
death in about thirty days. You can't buy
food with paper money - it would be worthless
if America were to fall.


[FairfieldLife] Re: When in Paris: Club Silencio was conceived and designed by David Lynch,

2011-09-29 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 But why do you think I *wouldn't* be accepted as a 
 member of such a club, if membership is really required?
 Do you think that the scanners at the door would detect
 my latent Buddhistic tendencies and set off an alarm? :-)

Eggsactly my thought :-)
Not the mention the 1500.- euros fee.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

2011-09-29 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rwr dick.richardson@... wrote:

 Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

Big mistake. This is the Funny Farm Lounge, where
some gather to watch the machinations of crazy
people. True, some of the watchers are crazy, too,
but that just adds to the charm of the place. :-)

With all due respect, Dick, this seems to be yet
another of your periodic drive-bys, cruising for
attention. Have you ever considered just interacting
with people as if *they* were interesting, as opposed
to assuming that they'll reply to you because they
think you are? Hint: you're not. 

Not to be rude or anything, and not being interested
enough to look it up, didn't you announce on a previous
FFL drive-by that you were dying? I mean, we all are, 
but you made it sound more short-term, and as if it were
a done deal. What's up with that? If it was true, and
you're in remission from whatever it was, I wish you
nothing but the best. But I am curious.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Occupy Wall Street will only get bigger

2011-09-29 Thread rwr
The world was eating and having fun before the American land mass was
populated. My house is older the the USA :- ) Some nations sure do fancy
themselves don't they :- ) I wonder what makes them so unpopular in the
big wide world. Don't think that takes much working out does it. Gung ho
and Gas.
Merlin the Mangy Celt

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardwillytexwilliams
willytex@... wrote:

  You can see the rhetoric is heating up an
  we may well see an American Fall...
 So, how are the Wall Street 'squatters' going
 to create more jobs so people can make more
 money to get the economy growing again?

 When we see 'America Fall' you and several
 million other people are going to starve to
 death in about thirty days. You can't buy
 food with paper money - it would be worthless
 if America were to fall.


[FairfieldLife] Re: BBC: 'First Irish case' of death by spontaneous combustion

2011-09-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Got her.

Um, no. Other way around. Pretending otherwise just
doubles down--again--on your embarrassment.

When you're in a hole, *stop digging*.

 I apologize for goading the dragon, but the minute I saw that
 photo I just *knew* it would make her go ballistic.  :-)
 Thanks for all the free rent, Jude. And for so many years. :-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  If Barry doesn't want to be reminded of his embarrassing
  moment, he should refrain from bringing it up. Because
  when he does that and then portrays *me* as carrying a
  That's *quadrupling down* on the embarrassing moment.
  First he revealed his murderous rage against two women
  by calling us dumb cunts too stupid to live. Then he
  confirmed it represented his desire for us to die
  violently by being the only person on FFL to realize I
  was referring to that post when I later called it--
  without naming him or quoting the post--a death threat.
  If he had wanted to pretend that isn't what it was, he
  should have feigned ignorance. But no, he had to double
  down and embarrass himself a second time.
  And now he's doubling down *again* by bringing it up
  once more and claiming *I'm* the one holding the grudge.
  If it upsets him when I remind folks of how it all went
  down, he should keep his mouth shut and not hand me the
  opportunity to do so on a silver platter.
  And if he doesn't want to demonstrate for the umpteenth
  time his obsession with me, he should find a good
  exorcist who can help him evict me from his head.
  Because he's obviously incapable of doing it on his own.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   Sometmes, doubling down on a previous embarrassing moment,
   still pretending it's not one, and still obsessing years later,
   a comment. I saw this church billboard today, which provides the
   perfect one.
   Try to even *imagine* a person so obsessed as to have written the
   stuff below, *still* holding on to the ludicrous claim of a death
   threat, after all these years. Do you think she ever thinks of
   anything BUT Barry?  :-)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@
  Watch out, Judy.  This could happen to you.

 Watch out yourself, Tom. Based on past FFL history,
 someone is likely to claim that you made a death
 threat against them.  :-)
Um, no. Tom is being kind enough to give me a warning,
whereas Barry made a *prediction*, remember? Because
raunchy and I were, according to Barry, dumb angry
cunts too stupid to live.
(And why were we dumb angry cunts too stupid to live?
Because we'd made some negative posts about Obama. This
was back during the primary campaign. In light of the
current situation, I'd say we were prescient.)
Anyway, the most fascinating aspect of that episode was
that when in a different thread I mentioned in passing
(parenthetically and metaphorically) that women here
had been the target of a lot of misogynistic vomit
(including death threats), nobody knew what I meant by
death threats.
Except Barry.
I hadn't named him. But he knew exactly what I was
referring to and even went on to quote the post of his
in which he'd fantasized about raunchy and me undergoing
spontaneous combustion because we were dumb angry cunts
too stupid to live.
He had absolutely no trouble making that connection. He
fought it tooth and nail, of course, because death
threat was so uncomfortably close to describing his
murderous misogynistic rage against raunchy and me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

2011-09-29 Thread rwr
:- )  You would not have a clue as to what is true if it crawled up your
arse sonny jim. Hows about a bet that I was on this group before you
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rwr dick.richardson@ wrote:
  Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

 Big mistake. This is the Funny Farm Lounge, where
 some gather to watch the machinations of crazy
 people. True, some of the watchers are crazy, too,
 but that just adds to the charm of the place. :-)

 With all due respect, Dick, this seems to be yet
 another of your periodic drive-bys, cruising for
 attention. Have you ever considered just interacting
 with people as if *they* were interesting, as opposed
 to assuming that they'll reply to you because they
 think you are? Hint: you're not.

 Not to be rude or anything, and not being interested
 enough to look it up, didn't you announce on a previous
 FFL drive-by that you were dying? I mean, we all are,
 but you made it sound more short-term, and as if it were
 a done deal. What's up with that? If it was true, and
 you're in remission from whatever it was, I wish you
 nothing but the best. But I am curious.

[FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt

2011-09-29 Thread authfriend
Rick, this chart is bogus. See here:



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of authfriend
 Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 6:07 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt
 Chart didn't show up at all on the Web site. Did it have
 a link?

[FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt

2011-09-29 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 Rick, this chart is bogus. See here:

I figured as much, well, you know the old saying, If you can't dazzle them 
with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh#t.

Nice work as usual Judy, (honest, and non-partisan). Hey, let the chips fall 
where they may.

Now, will Rick delete it from the FFL files? Or will they become just partisan 
hack accumulations of half-truths? Will Rick apologize?  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Where did Gnostics go wrong?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Where did Gnostics go wrong?

[ Where do you see modern day gnostics as having gone wrong? ]

I don't see them as having gone wrong at all. To have gone wrong
implies that they were right before they went wrong. Were they right
before they went wrong?  I do see them wasting their time keep bashing
away at christiannuty to see what is wrong with that instead of studying
life and themselves and the phenomena of conscious experiential
existence. Just wasting all their precious time and efforts mate. Never
mind, weep no more my lady, weep no more today. For the old Kentucky
home far away.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Roman Catholic Church is doomed to extinction

2011-09-29 Thread obbajeeba
Haha. Watch the whole boxed set next time! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 ...OK, though I am really not into re-runs of Glee club.:-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  I think the whole point was the Turq, whether he has a life or not and 
  maybe should get one, pointed out the post Mr. Buck H was complaining about 
  was a clip from a David Lynch film he had posted. 
  The fact that the Yin dude ( the mime of photos of art) posted a picture of 
  a fictional painting of a Priest holding the breast of a Nun, that appeared 
  to send Mr. Buck into a spontaneous wet dream.. LOL
  and wished to see the moderators monitor the board a little more. 
  So who's art will it be that gets suspended? Anything David Lynch has 
  created will be allowed. Anyone else's are, be it may, fiction, should  be 
  sent to the trash pile?   I think naught!  LOL
  You dudes crack me up. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
   You may want to be aware that David Lynch makes movies that are 
   *fiction*, and when a *fiction* movie is made, anybody can play any of 
   the parts, or be cast as any of the characters, because it is *fiction*. 
   However, since the story you have of your life Turq, is *fiction*, 
   perhaps that makes it really difficult for you to tell the difference 
   between what is *real*, and what is *fiction*. My suggestion? Get out 
   more. There's an entire *real* world out there, with *real* people and 
   *real* events. Learn to tell the difference.:-)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

 I noticed  Hahahahahahahahaha! 

Thanks for getting it. Barcelona humor. :-)

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlwlXf5Tnq0 This one is pretty 
 clean dedicated to Nabby : ) (because of the Aliens.)

Seriously, one of the reasons I think Nabby consistently
defends David Lynch is that his example proves that Nabby
is not the most out-there TB TMer in the world. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   As like that last Youtube thing Turqb posted was completely 
  ? un-called for and un-needed in the flow of what was a thoughtful 
   and uplifting spiritual conversation. I wish the list moderators 
   here would do a better job of screening the members and what 
   gets published here.  
  Does anyone else get the feeling that Buck is so
  out of it that he doesn't even realize that the clip
  I posted is from one of David Lynch's (the TMO's most
  spiritual person, since he is literally the only one
  promoting TM at this point) movies? 
  Buck made the point of saying that he hoped that the
  poor, depraved Rhianna could be saved by David Lynch.
  I merely posted a clip showing how thoroughly that the
  current TMO Poster Boy saved the virtue and the image
  of *his own wife* in that film.
  I'm thinkin' that if there is anyone trying to drag the
  flow of spiritual conversation down to a new low, it's
  the organization that would promote David Lynch as a 
  role model.


[FairfieldLife] The joys of having a captive audience

2011-09-29 Thread turquoiseb
One of the joys of being somewhat of a troll by nature is knowing that
-- unlike many here -- I *know* that at least a few people on this forum
will read what I write, whatever I write. The few who like it will click
on the post and see if its subject matter interests them and then either
read it or not, depending on how they feel that day, and that's just
fine with me. The majority who have figured out that I rarely say
anything of interest to them will just click Next. But the ones who know
in advance that they *won't* like it, because it comes from...uh...ME,
will not only read it, but read every word.

They have to. They -- being classic trollvictims, and compelled to
answer and rebut anything that challenges either who they are or what
they believe, and knowing that I have done so in the past -- are
terrified to skip any post. They're afraid that I will mention them or
something they believe, and they won't have the opportunity to reply.

This gives me an advantage that they do not have. I really don't much
give a shit what they think (or say) about me. Besides, most of them are
so predictable that a discerning reader can figure out what they're
going to say in the body of their posts from the precis shown in Message
View. After all these years of predictability, why would anyone ever
need to read more?

This is Troll Heaven. I know that they'll be reading every word of every
post I write. Thus I get to write in these cafes about whatever the fuck
I want, including writing about subjects that I know will push the
buttons they wear on their sleeves that say, in big letters, PUSH ME. Or
not. Either way, they're MY captive audience. Their very obsession with
me makes them one.

Let's pause now, and allow them to try to find some way to deny it.


[FairfieldLife] Google Gaydar

2011-09-29 Thread turquoiseb
Interesting use of technology -- outing. 


It makes me wonder what would happen if Google, repository
of Truth for so many millions, decided to go all Facebook
on people's asses and extend this service to normal people.

There is simply no question how it would class guys who
write lengthy love letters to their male gurus. SO gay. 
The question of how it would rate women who do the same for
female politicians they're enamored with is still pending. 

And what about the gamers who are obviously more in love
with their latest software download than with any flesh-
and-blood sentient being? Do we need a new term for them,
like AI-BI?  :-)

Fortunately Curtis and I are safe, as are many others here.
Hetero we write, and hetero will be our rank. Very rank. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The joys of having a captive audience

2011-09-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 I really don't much give a shit what they think (or say)
 about me.

He cares so little that this is his *third response* to me
so far today, all attempting to defend himself from a
comment I made on one of his posts.

Once he's started digging himself a hole, he can't stop, 
even after you point out to him what he's doing.

[FairfieldLife] Talking of guru busters Arhata Osho

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Talking of guru busters Arhata Osho

Given that you call yourself a guru buster mister Arhata Osho or
whatever your bloody name is, that is such a big pathetic joke that I
feel obliged to give you a little tip; so listen up.  Somebody who does
guru busting would never ever call themselves a guru buster :- ) They
just do the job and then smile :- ) It is OTHERS who call them a guru
buster. I know :- )  Moreover, to call yourself a guru buster would
warn them that you were coming EVEN if you were one, which you aint :- )
You are just SO SILLY and out of it all.  But one would not warn them
that you are coming. You would play it cool to start with and get them
yakking, then you would put questions to them which they could not
answer, or lie in the attempt to, which is easily seen through. Man, you
really are clueless. Why don't you just carry on cutting and pasting
:- ) As if folks could not read the daily news for themselves :- ))
Oh, and if you don't like my English Accent, as you say, then tough
luck. It was our bloody language you know :-   NOEL :- )


[FairfieldLife] Re: Raunchydog Videos

2011-09-29 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 Oh, gee, aren't these great! Her post didn't show up on
 the Web site, maybe because she wanted to do something
 with Train Robbery and Rainy Day and took them down and
 deleted the post? Because I couldn't access the videos
 either. I wouldn't have known about them if it weren't
 for your post, Denise.
 Raunchy, you may have a whole new career doing this
 kind of thing. You have a knack for interviewing, and
 as several of us noted before, you've got just the
 nicest voice. The kids with the little car are
 fabulous. Love the older gal with the pigtail, with
 her hands on her hips! The last shot of the toddler
 playing in the puddle with those big tanks looming
 behind him is stunning.
 Fix the other two so we can see them too, please!

I'm not ready to quite my day job for an interviewing career but thanks for the 
compliments, Judy. Editing is the fun part of making videos. I'm starting to 
get the hang of it. I deleted the earlier post that Denise snagged somehow, 
then I tinkered with the video before putting it up again. I decided to use 
YouTube for public viewing and Picasa for family videos. 

I have Janis Joplin's Bobbie McGee in my i-tunes file. I used it for the Rainy 
Day video. YouTube put up a notice that Germany will not play it because of 
copyright laws. I didn't know there could be a copyright infringement if I 
purchased a song from i-tunes.

Steam Engines

Train Robbery

Rainy Day

After the Rain
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@ wrote:
  Hi Raunchy.  The Steam Engines and After the Rain with Kids were 
  great.  I  love seeing kids (and adults) playing outside.  Other two 
  don't show up.  
  From: raunchydog raunchydog@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 9:08 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Raunchydog Videos
  One of the charms of living in Iowa is time traveling in farmer 
  consciousness to The Old Threshers Reunion in Mt. Pleasant.  Every year the 
  whole town pitches in to host over 100,000 visitors. Out-of-towners bring 
  buggies and babies, tractors and trailers, camping out through Labor Day to 
  experience the rich agricultural heritage of the Midwest. If you're not 
  wearing bibs and boots, you're just a tourist.
  Old Threshers is a slice of Americana's forgotten steam engines, 
  putt-putt-popping, sputtering engines small enough to churn your butter and 
  wash your clothes or large enough to harvest grain.  Gigantic screeching, 
  clanging  trains and threshing machines let off steam, toot-toot tooting 
  ear-piercing whistles, coming alive as rusty ghosts, newly painted and 
  Old Thresher Reunion videos, edited with a Flip camera:
  Steam Engines
  Train Robbery
  Rainy Day
  After the Rain with Kids

[FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Occupy Wall Street will only get bigger

2011-09-29 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 The world was eating and having fun before the 
 American land mass was populated...

Not sure if the world was 'having fun' before the 
American land mass was populated 40,000 years ago.

  So, how are the Wall Street 'squatters' going
  to create more jobs so people can make more
  money to get the economy growing again?
  When we see 'America Fall' you and several
  million other people are going to starve to
  death in about thirty days. You can't buy
  food with paper money - it would be worthless
  if America were to fall.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt

2011-09-29 Thread Denise Evans
I agree that both parties bear responsibility and the days of wine and roses 
are over in my mind - it is time to adjust our expectations.  

From: wgm4u anitaoak...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 1:23 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 Obama has grown the debt the least of all the presidents back to Reagan. 
  This is the present! 

I think both parties are at fault, remember, many of those Presidents had 
Democrat Congresses! What? they get a free ride?... Who really cares, come on, 
let's just solve the problem.

PS Obama's term ain't over yet.


[FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt

2011-09-29 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

  Rick, this chart is bogus. See here:
 I figured as much, well, you know the old saying, 
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle 
them with bullsh#t.

Reagan: Up 14.9 percentage points
George H.W. Bush: Up 7.1 percentage points
Clinton: Down 13.4 percentage points
George W. Bush: Up 5.6 percentage points
Obama: Up 21.9 percentage points (through December 2010 only)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raunchydog Videos

2011-09-29 Thread Bhairitu
On 09/29/2011 08:48 AM, raunchydog wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriendjstein@...  wrote:
 Oh, gee, aren't these great! Her post didn't show up on
 the Web site, maybe because she wanted to do something
 with Train Robbery and Rainy Day and took them down and
 deleted the post? Because I couldn't access the videos
 either. I wouldn't have known about them if it weren't
 for your post, Denise.

 Raunchy, you may have a whole new career doing this
 kind of thing. You have a knack for interviewing, and
 as several of us noted before, you've got just the
 nicest voice. The kids with the little car are
 fabulous. Love the older gal with the pigtail, with
 her hands on her hips! The last shot of the toddler
 playing in the puddle with those big tanks looming
 behind him is stunning.

 Fix the other two so we can see them too, please!

 I'm not ready to quite my day job for an interviewing career but thanks for 
 the compliments, Judy. Editing is the fun part of making videos. I'm starting 
 to get the hang of it. I deleted the earlier post that Denise snagged 
 somehow, then I tinkered with the video before putting it up again. I decided 
 to use YouTube for public viewing and Picasa for family videos.

 I have Janis Joplin's Bobbie McGee in my i-tunes file. I used it for the 
 Rainy Day video. YouTube put up a notice that Germany will not play it 
 because of copyright laws. I didn't know there could be a copyright 
 infringement if I purchased a song from i-tunes.

All you purchased from iTunes was the right to play the tune for 
yourself and not for use in your videos.  That requires another license 
entirely.   Just about any popular tune will require a clearance and 
they'll usually a fee paid.  But there are sites that have free music 
you can use with a Creative Commons license.  If you are musician you 
could create a tune that hints at Bobbie McGee but doesn't infringe.  I 
hint at the Beatles Cry Baby Cry in my Republican Cry Babies video 
but there is not enough there for them to claim infringement.

In Germany the young folks have started the Pirate Party as a new 
political group and they want to revamp copyright laws.  Those laws have 
become absurd.  Disney was the prime villain in the mess using the 
excuse that Mickey Mouse was falling out of copyright so they wanted it 
extended.  However research showed that the original Steamboat Willie 
was improperly copyrighted so Mickey has NEVER been protected by 
copyright law.  However Disney does hold a trademark on Mickey which is 
sufficient for their interests.  I think that what they were really 
going after was keeping the their 1930s era cartoon productions out of 
the public domain so they could keep selling them to the public.  Little 
kids don't know much difference between a 1930s cartoon (often better 
drawn) and a modern day one.

However Disney's actions are criminal as they have hampered innovation 
in society and stifled a lot of free speech.  Some copyright change 
advocates suggest a 3 year lifetime should be enough.  I would argue 15 
years.  If you can't make money off of it by then it wasn't worth 
anything anyway.  There is nothing new under the sun and chances are if 
you dig deep into the archives of traditional folk tunes you'll find 
about every melody existed before.  It's been said that Burt Bacharach 
has an extensive library of folks songs and would select a folk song 
close to what he wanted to write and base it on that.  That way if some 
nut job thought he stole his tune Burt could show that it was based on a 
200 year old folk song.  One could probably build computer searchable 
MIDI libraries of folk tunes and start a business to destroy song 
copyright lawsuits.  Most composers have no idea if they tune they've 
written has ever been written before.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

2011-09-29 Thread Bhairitu
On 09/29/2011 07:05 AM, rwr wrote:
 Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

 Thought this groups was supposed to be about metaphysics/spirituality :-
 )  Huh, they aint got none of that either :- ) When the cash has gone
 they are out of spirit too :- ) Did your guru's fuck you all up or did
 you do it yourselves - DIY job ?


Before enlightenment we chop wood and carry water.  After enlightenment 
we chop wood and carry water but that's really boring so we discuss 
politics, economics, movies, music, TV shows, sinister yogis, arm 

Re: [FairfieldLife] More TV blather for those who watch it

2011-09-29 Thread Bhairitu
On 09/29/2011 05:37 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 The first episode of Terra Nova was formulaic, but looks watchable, mainly 
 due to Jason O'Mara in the lead, who was so good in the real (UK) version of 
 Life On Mars. He's got a hunky Everyman quality that'll serve his part 
 well. Seeing Stephen Lang from Avatar as a good guy takes some getting used 
 to, but he's OK. CGI seems adequate, and the plotting, although pedestrian 
 and B-movie-ish, isn't too horribly embarrassing. I'll give it a few 

 I'm still watching Unforgettable, mainly for the redhead factor, ignoring 
 the fact that other than the trick of her remembering everything that has 
 ever happened to her, it's a standard cop show.

 I've almost given up on New Girl, despite TM offspring Zooey Deschanel's 
 adorablenessitude. You can only push that so far, and after two episodes it's 
 already starting to wear on me.

 Alphas doesn't really seem to be worth continuing to watch; standard 
 people with abilities stuff, a la Heroes. David Strathairn is wasted in 

 Boardwalk Empire is back and more of the same, which is generally a good 
 thing. Same with Nikita and Castle. I'll probably give Prime Suspect a 
 try; Maria Bello is no Helen Mirren, but I liked her in the last scene of the 
 pilot, so if she continues with that kinda toughness I'll give her a couple 
 of more episodes.

 I'll sorta miss Breaking Bad when it goes dark after the next episode until 
 next season. I still like Gus and Jesse, although Walt is at this point too 
 dumb to live. I honestly don't know how they're going to find a way *to* keep 
 him living; I suspect there will be a line in the script for the final 
 episode that goes, And then a miracle happens...  :-)

I'm looking forward to American Horror which starts on FX next week 
and of course Walking Dead coming up AMC after Breaking Bad 
finishes.  And Sunday is loaded with Dexter and Homeland starting up 
on Showtime.  AND let's not forget that Enlightened also starts on HBO 
also this Sunday.  Shades of FFL on HBO?

[FairfieldLife] So scared of being busted

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

So scared of being busted

[ I call my self my name, my teen mother discovered I could not talk, so
she gave me a name, which I still arbitrarily use. When I grew up, I
selected my own name! Isn't that something!!

To you who espouse that you are a mystic, I suggest that 'guru buster'
with no attachment to it. You are not a guru/mystic or whatever and
neither am I, nor do I ever mention it. I walk silently about what I do,
however, please defend your claim to be a mystic, and that it's a
special position, at least from your writings you seem to think it is? I
have several friends who claim they are 'enlightened' - my response is,
I've seen enough of the 'enlightened' to know that's one of the last
'things' I would wish upon myself! Take away certain mental
proclivities, and all I've seen is self aggrandizement. Peace be upon

Arhata  ]

Oh botherrations and suffering suffertags I am so worried about being
busted by a guru buster that I had better quit and keep me cake hole

Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay,

Gone are my friends from the cottages away,

Gone from the earth to a safer place I know,

I hear their gentle voices calling  Mer Lin O.

I'm coming, I'm coming, for my beer is getting low,

I hear their gentle voices calling Mer Lin O

Why do I sleep, when my heart should fight and strain,

Why do I sigh when my friends come not again?

Saddened for forms now departed long ago.

I hear their gentle voices calling Mer Lin O.

Where are the hearts once happy and so free?

The children so dear that once sat on my knee?

Gone to  a place where my self now has to go,

I hear their gentle voices calling Mer Lin O.

I'm a-coming. All down one leg and a bootfull.

But until I do go then let us get at em!  Actually it was NOT I who said
I was a mystic or a guru buster or a gnostic or called myself Merlin. It
was others. You should have been where the action was at years ago :- )
I am just a snotty nosed know nothing kid from the slums before the war.

Merlin (due respects to a very fine old song)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Cutting and pasting old sayings again eh. You are indeed SO BORING. Tell
me about your enightenemt. What is that?  NO GUTS - GO FOR IT WINDBAG !

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 Before enlightenment we chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment
 we chop wood and carry water but that's really boring so we discuss
 politics, economics, movies, music, TV shows, sinister yogis, arm

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

2011-09-29 Thread Bhairitu
You mean you haven't achieved enlightenment yet?  Maybe that's why you 
don't understand this group. :-D

On 09/29/2011 09:45 AM, rwr wrote:
 Cutting and pasting old sayings again eh. You are indeed SO BORING. Tell
 me about your enightenemt. What is that?  NO GUTS - GO FOR IT WINDBAG !

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:

 Before enlightenment we chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment
 we chop wood and carry water but that's really boring so we discuss
 politics, economics, movies, music, TV shows, sinister yogis, arm

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raunchydog Videos

2011-09-29 Thread Denise Evans
Cool.  I love that line about waiting for the rain to let up.  Where I live, 
in the Pacific Northwest, when it starts raining, we have absolutely no 
expectation that it is going to stop in an hour, or a day, or a month, or a 
couple of months for that matter.  That's what I love about 
thunderstorms...they come, they dump, and then the sun comes out.  

From: raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:42 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raunchydog Videos

Thanks, Denise. New links:

Steam Engines

Train Robbery

Rainy Day

After the Rain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 Hi Raunchy.  The Steam Engines and After the Rain with Kids were great. 
  I  love seeing kids (and adults) playing outside.  Other two don't show 
 From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 9:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Raunchydog Videos
 One of the charms of living in Iowa is time traveling in farmer consciousness 
 to The Old Threshers Reunion in Mt. Pleasant.  Every year the whole town 
 pitches in to host over 100,000 visitors. Out-of-towners bring buggies and 
 babies, tractors and trailers, camping out through Labor Day to experience 
 the rich agricultural heritage of the Midwest. If you're not wearing bibs and 
 boots, you're just a tourist.
 Old Threshers is a slice of Americana's forgotten steam engines, 
 putt-putt-popping, sputtering engines small enough to churn your butter and 
 wash your clothes or large enough to harvest grain.  Gigantic screeching, 
 clanging  trains and threshing machines let off steam, toot-toot tooting 
 ear-piercing whistles, coming alive as rusty ghosts, newly painted and oiled.
 Old Thresher Reunion videos, edited with a Flip camera:
 Steam Engines
 Train Robbery
 Rainy Day
 After the Rain with Kids


[FairfieldLife] You haven’t achieved Enlightenment yet?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

You haven't achieved Enlightenment yet?

[Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

You mean you haven't achieved enlightenment yet? Maybe that's why you
don't understand this group. :-D

On 09/29/2011 09:45 AM, rwr wrote:

 Cutting and pasting old sayings again eh. You are indeed SO BORING.
 me about your enightenemt. What is that? NO GUTS - GO FOR IT WINDBAG !

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Kv2iWzw , Bhairitunoozguru@... wrote:

 Before enlightenment we chop wood and carry water. After
 we chop wood and carry water but that's really boring so we discuss
 politics, economics, movies, music, TV shows, sinister yogis, arm
 wrestling.  ]

NOPE.. Don't even know what fucking enlightenment is supposed to be
:- ) I just talk about life experience and what it revealed and my
feeling about it. Such as the transcendent mystical reunion and the
Reciprocal that brings it all back to earth again.  My first love IS
politics by the way. But YOU tell us what enlightenment is. NO GUTS, GO
FOR IT WINDBAG  I aint got a clue what enlightenment is. BUT YOU TELL ME

Merlin der dratted Guru Buster as ever was.

[FairfieldLife] Enlightenment is a trap?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Enlightenment is a trap?

[Re: [Psychognosis_Archive]  You haven’t achieved Enlightenment

I dropped enlightenment! Living 'with' people is much more satisfying!
Enlightenment is not an achievement but a state to avoid as it has
nothing to do with enjoying life more..
I suggest knowing and enjoying yourself with everyday an exciting
venture. 'Enlightenment' is a trap of the ego. Arhata ]

Ahh, so that is what enlightenment is eh. Slap me bloody vitals I
didn't know that. But anyway it aint my ball park. I talk and write
about mystical experience and life not enlightenment.  Anyway, feel free
to tell us what it is like living with people. I have never known that.
Oh you are a funny little Osho aren't you – and you cant even
see it :- )  Do you ware pink knickers too?


[FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt

2011-09-29 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardwillytexwilliams willytex@... 

   Rick, this chart is bogus. See here:
  I figured as much, well, you know the old saying, 
 If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle 
 them with bullsh#t.
 Reagan: Up 14.9 percentage points
 George H.W. Bush: Up 7.1 percentage points
 Clinton: Down 13.4 percentage points
 George W. Bush: Up 5.6 percentage points
 Obama: Up 21.9 percentage points (through December 2010 only)

Pretty pathetic when you have to make up a bogus chart to support your views, I 
guess if the facts aren't on your side you can make them up! :-(

[FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt

2011-09-29 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u anitaoaks4u@... wrote:

 Pretty pathetic when you have to make up a bogus chart to 
 support your views, I guess if the facts aren't on your 
 side you can make them up! :-(

Ahem. If I were really a troll, I'd say something about
the irony of this comment appearing on a TM-oriented
(and thus TM-science-oriented) discussion group. But 
I won't. 


[FairfieldLife] So when are you going to bust me Guruhat?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

So when are you going to bust me Guruhat?

So when are you going to bust me Guruhat?  I am waiting and panting in
the slips. When are you going to deny what I have written and tell me
what life should have been?  How are you going to do that?  As you have
lived and known people then it should make it easy for you. You can even
bring them along to help you and I will stand alone. Are you saying that
the things I have written about for fifty years are lies?  Prove it. 
Why don't you begin with the short exegesis which I did fifty years
ago.  Disprove it. Even if only with logical and rational words. I am
awaiting buddy boy pink shoes.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

2011-09-29 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 You mean you haven't achieved enlightenment yet?  Maybe that's why you 
 don't understand this group. :-D
 On 09/29/2011 09:45 AM, rwr wrote:
  Cutting and pasting old sayings again eh. You are indeed SO BORING. Tell
  me about your enightenemt. What is that?  NO GUTS - GO FOR IT WINDBAG !
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
  Before enlightenment we chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment
  we chop wood and carry water but that's really boring so we discuss
  politics, economics, movies, music, TV shows, sinister yogis, arm

Best answer!  hahahahaha! 

[FairfieldLife] Religion is like...

2011-09-29 Thread turquoiseb


[FairfieldLife] Busting Merlin?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Busting Merlin?

[ It's happened. Treat yourself to a special nite out dinner, and be
free of these self induced complications. I'm a painless executioner 
Aharat ]

If you mean  a night out dinner then my wife has just cooked a fine one
thanks, and I have just eaten it. She got me a beer to go with it too.
Nice lady.  But of course you have not done it, you have not even
started to bust me you idiot. You MUST begin busting me by what I first
wrote for the public domain about transcendence fifty years go. So
fucking read it and bust it you great twerp. Take it all apart word for
word you great steaming egocentric prick ! And lots of others have known
that first one too, so you aint half going to look a pink pratt :- )


[FairfieldLife] Schroedinger, QM, and TM

2011-09-29 Thread Yifu
No (known) connection between TM, Being, Hagelin's Constitution of the 
Universe, and Schroedinger's Wave equation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: So when are you going to bust me Guruhat?

2011-09-29 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rwr dick.richardson@... wrote:

 So when are you going to bust me Guruhat?

You seem to be fixated on that fellow, Arhata Osho. He used to post here, but 
he's been gone for more than two years. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: So when are you going to bust me Guruhat?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Nahh, just in a fiesty mood today and I love pulling the sperm out of
the spunkless.
Merlin of Exmoor.  Did you know that a Merlin is a bird of prey?  Maybe

n FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley
j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rwr dick.richardson@ wrote:
  So when are you going to bust me Guruhat?

 You seem to be fixated on that fellow, Arhata Osho. He used to post
here, but he's been gone for more than two years.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Spain-Netherlands Conundrum

2011-09-29 Thread Bhairitu
On 09/29/2011 07:07 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 Still puzzling over the differences between the Dutch culture and the
 Barcelona culture, after my recent trip back there. I think it comes
 down to living for the future vs. living in the moment.

 Spain is to some extent a live-in-the-moment culture. Part of this is
 that they're still emerging from the Franco years, one of the longest,
 dreariest periods any people has had to endure. There is still an
 ever-present appreciation for having the right to party, having the
 right to dance, having the right to wear whatever you want, and having
 the right *not* to have the Guardia Civil pound on your door in the
 middle of the night to disappear you. If all of those things sound like
 inalienable rights to you, as if they are to be taken for granted,
 they were denied to the Spanish people for 40 years; to some extent
 they're still making up for lost time.

 Interestingly the youth, who never lived under Franco, caught the wave
 of relief felt by their parents, and tend to party like there is no
 tomorrow. I am told by the party crowd (and no, I'm SO not one of
 them...too old) that part of the reason for the renewed popularity of
 cocaine is to get people through the 72-hours-without-sleep marathons
 that are Barcelona weekends. They add the cocaine to whatever E and Red
 Bull they're living on. Not really my kinda scene.

 Still, I really appreciated feeling an overriding sense of enjoying the
 Now in Barcelona. I don't feel that as much here in the Netherlands. As
 nice a culture as it is in many ways, I get the feeling -- except in
 certain hoods in Amsterdam -- that most people have their lives all
 planned out by the time they're 16, and rarely, if ever, deviate from
 that plan. They may party down on Friday and Saturday nights, but rarely
 Sunday night, because they have school or work the next morning, and
 it's important to actually do a good job there. Which I appreciate. The
 only worse work ethic I've ever seen to Spain's was in Hawaii; you
 couldn't count on getting anything done in either place on a Monday or a
 Friday if your life depended on it.

 Anyway, these are just cafe ramblings pondering (yet again) the
 usefulness of Road Trips. It's fascinating how just taking yourself out
 of your normal environment for a few days allows you to view it as not
 normal, and thus not to be taken for granted. I still prefer it here,
 but I miss some of the spontaneous joy I got to take for granted in

I have a theory that people who live in colder climates tend to be more 
cerebral and rule based because the winters are cold and they can't do 
much other than sit around and think.  Whereas more southerly and 
tropical environments where it is warmer most of the year and one can 
live off the fruits of the jungle tends to make people more emotionally 
based and more spontaneous because they don't have an incentive to sit 
around and think.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Busting Merlin?

2011-09-29 Thread Vaj

On Sep 29, 2011, at 2:48 PM, turquoiseb wrote:

OK, am I the only one who sees this whole act as
deja vu? I mean, you've got a 70-ish person so
stuck in their head and stuck in front of their
computer that they've come to believe that they
are important, searching the Internet for more
and more forums on which to announce that import-
ance, and then sit back waiting for people to
adore and praise them? To the point of trying to
get people to jump into the Wayback Machine and
read their greatest hits?

Dick, on this forum, that is SO been there, seen
that. You might want to try another approach.
Just sayin'...

Maybe trance channelling has made it's way to email lists?

Isn't Merlin a TM-Sidha trance channeler?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Busting Merlin?

2011-09-29 Thread turquoiseb
OK, am I the only one who sees this whole act as 
deja vu? I mean, you've got a 70-ish person so 
stuck in their head and stuck in front of their 
computer that they've come to believe that they
are important, searching the Internet for more 
and more forums on which to announce that import-
ance, and then sit back waiting for people to 
adore and praise them? To the point of trying to
get people to jump into the Wayback Machine and
read their greatest hits?

Dick, on this forum, that is SO been there, seen
that. You might want to try another approach.
Just sayin'...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rwr dick.richardson@... wrote:

 Busting Merlin?
 [ It's happened. Treat yourself to a special nite out dinner, 
 and be free of these self induced complications. I'm a painless 
 executioner Aharat ]
 If you mean  a night out dinner then my wife has just cooked a 
 fine one thanks, and I have just eaten it. She got me a beer 
 to go with it too.
 Nice lady.  But of course you have not done it, you have not even
 started to bust me you idiot. You MUST begin busting me by what 
 I first wrote for the public domain about transcendence fifty 
 years go. So fucking read it and bust it you great twerp. Take 
 it all apart word for word you great steaming egocentric prick ! 
 And lots of others have known that first one too, so you aint 
 half going to look a pink pratt :- )

[FairfieldLife] The Waning of War

2011-09-29 Thread authfriend


Via Andrew Sullivan's The Dish blog on Daily Beast.

[FairfieldLife] Talking of war?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr
Do you remember the war in the forties?  Quite a big one wasnt it. How
many times did you get blown out of house and home ? Shall we talk about
war as they don't want to talk about mystical transcendent experiences?
Or maybe your dads or grandads were here.
Dick Richardson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Two nights during the blitz

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Two nights during the blitz

One evening during the blitz in 1940 we (or rather they – I was bit
young for poker) were playing poker in the house and they thought this
will amount to nothing so they stayed there in the house. We were
supposed to have gone down in the Anderson shelter in the back garden by
our stables in the house at Tottenham Hale. Anyway the shelter had a
fucking great bomb drop on it and we would have all be dead if we were
in it. But we were OK in the house. One of my fathers young brothers
just got some shrapnel in his arm, that is all.

The next night they thought sod this, but there was no shelter to go in,
so they went down in an underground cellar in a factory across the raid
(Gestetners, they made duplicating machines).  Anyway, when we came up
in the morning the bloody lot of it had gone. Our house and one each
side of it.  I still have a few things from the wreckage two antique cut
glass wine decanters that were not touched and a wooden clothes horse :-
) my mother and I had no place to go and only the clothes which we stood
up in; so we walked the streets. So, if we had been in the shelter
either of those nights then – end of time :- )

My mother was a weaver in a factory just along the road, she ran four
big looms. The Stukers used to come down and machine gun them in the
streets when they were going and coming from work. Great fun eh. But it
only went on for six years. Man the stories I could tell :- )  My father
came home on leave for a while and he said sod this and was glad when he
got back to France out of the crap that rained down every day and night
he thought it was too dangerous here :- ) But we smiled and got on with
it. No good crying is it.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Waning of War

2011-09-29 Thread whynotnow7
Thanks for posting this. I have seen similar stats tracking the unusual and 
rapid decline of violent crime in the US. More sound, less fury. In spite of 
those here who have been seduced by their own negative views of life, 
Maharishi's strategies to bring Peace on Earth appear to be working quite well! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 Via Andrew Sullivan's The Dish blog on Daily Beast.

[FairfieldLife] Yogic Flying

2011-09-29 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] Well what DO you want to talk about?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Well what DO you want to talk about?

So, OK, if you don't want to talk about mystical experience and nice
things and profound life enhancing things and you don't want to talk
about the war and being hungry and all that then what do you want to
talk about? I am game for anything. How about the mating habits of Three
Toad Sloth's?  Or what about stamp collecting?


RE: [FairfieldLife] Well what DO you want to talk about?

2011-09-29 Thread Rick Archer
There have been over a quarter millions posts (290K) since this group was
founded 10 years ago. Many things have been and continue to be discussed.
Relax, settle in, see what comes up, participate if it resonates, ignore it
if it doesn't, introduce your own topics, but don't mind if they don't
stimulate a discussion. You have control over action alone, never over its
fruits. Live not for the fruits of action nor attached yourself to
inaction. - Bhagavad Gita


From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of rwr
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 3:37 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Well what DO you want to talk about?



Well what DO you want to talk about?


So, OK, if you don't want to talk about mystical experience and nice things
and profound life enhancing things and you don't want to talk about the war
and being hungry and all that then what do you want to talk about? I am game
for anything. How about the mating habits of Three Toad Sloth's?  Or what
about stamp collecting? 




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[FairfieldLife] Or we could talk about being in the army

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Or we could talk about being in the army

Some of you geezers must have been in the army when you were seventeen
so we could talk about that if you like. I had lots of vehicles and two
of them were Yank Vehicles. A Diamond T Tank Transporter. With a sixty
foot trailer and a centurion tank on it was 100 tones. Big brute. Also
had one of those DUKW's which went on land or in the sea. That was
fun. Also had  BARV, a converted Sherman tank with high turrets which
went into the sea for recovery on beach landings.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Well what DO you want to talk about?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

So, the group is NOT actualy about anything then - right? :- ) I have
been doing groups (over 400 of them) for over twelve years, and I have
not found one that was not about something :- )  Well, I have now :- ) 
So this is yak for yak sake is it? Are they lonley perhaps ?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 There have been over a quarter millions posts (290K) since this group
 founded 10 years ago.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well what DO you want to talk about?

2011-09-29 Thread Rick Archer
It's about everything. As stated in the description, pretty much any topic
is fair game. 


From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of rwr
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 3:58 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well what DO you want to talk about?



So, the group is NOT actualy about anything then - right? :- ) I have been
doing groups (over 400 of them) for over twelve years, and I have not found
one that was not about something :- )  Well, I have now :- )  So this is yak
for yak sake is it? Are they lonley perhaps ? 



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 There have been over a quarter millions posts (290K) since this group was
 founded 10 years ago. 

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[FairfieldLife] Back door of an army bog

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Back door of an army bog

Went into a karzie one day while I was in the army and some geezer wrote
on the back of the door while trying to have a crap – here am I
broken hearted,  took of me battle dress and only farted.

The next day some other geezer wrote under it – Hear am I mean and
artful took of me PT kit and dropped a cartful.


[FairfieldLife] Did I ever tell you

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Did I ever tell you

Did I ever tell you the story of when I and two mates from Tottenham
found a big house with twenty young women in it between the ages of
seventeen and twenty. They were all from rich homes and they were all
nymphomaniacs and there was only us three guys – man that was fun :-
) Nights and Days of wine and roses :- )  That was very good year.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Well what DO you want to talk about?

2011-09-29 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rwr dick.richardson@... wrote:

 Well what DO you want to talk about?
 So, OK, if you don't want to talk about mystical experience and nice
 things and profound life enhancing things and you don't want to talk
 about the war and being hungry and all that then what do you want to
 talk about? I am game for anything. How about the mating habits of Three 
 Toad Sloth's?  Or what about stamp collecting?

Finally two topics that I know something about, I think.

Just to clarify, by mating habits of Three Toed Sloth's you mean the mating 
that occurs naturally when a human catches one between trees on the ground and 
the human assumes that its lack of speed getting away and up a tree implies 
consent?  If so I am in with a grin and have a lot to say.  If it is about the 
mating the little slut does in the trees with other sloths, then no.  Still a 
little bitter about that topic.

And when you say stamp collecting, you are referring, I hope, to the wax stamps 
used to seal letters that one automatically sends by the dozens to certain 
women who contact me telepathically on the metro and then act as if following 
them to where they work so I can get their address for the letters is like a 
federal crime! So if it is about that then I have a bunch of them. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Well what DO you want to talk about?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

No, I meant the stamps which started with the Penny Black. That was
started by a guy from Tottenham too. And I meant the mating habits with
make and female Three Toed Sloth's. It is so funny.

You a lot are SOOO frigging boring so I am going up the apples and pears
to get some Bo Peep an give me mince pies some slice of breast. No
wonder they are going fucking bankrupt :- ))


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 Finally two topics that I know something about, I think.

 Just to clarify, by mating habits of Three Toed Sloth's you mean the
mating that occurs naturally when a human catches one between trees on
the ground and the human assumes that its lack of speed getting away and
up a tree implies consent?  If so I am in with a grin and have a lot to
say.  If it is about the mating the little slut does in the trees with
other sloths, then no.  Still a little bitter about that topic.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well what DO you want to talk about?

2011-09-29 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of rwr
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 4:33 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well what DO you want to talk about?



No, I meant the stamps which started with the Penny Black. That was started
by a guy from Tottenham too. And I meant the mating habits with make and
female Three Toed Sloth's. It is so funny. 

You a lot are SOOO frigging boring so I am going up the apples and pears to
get some Bo Peep an give me mince pies some slice of breast. No wonder they
are going fucking bankrupt :- ))


Slice of breast should keep Curtis engaged in the dialog.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Well what DO you want to talk about?

2011-09-29 Thread obbajeeba
There was a girl named Penny, she got black stuff on her...
Then a guy from Tottenham says, too much jam, but that cleared the black stuff 
on her fanny.

There was a girl named Penny Black who breasts sat where no man lacked. The 
Tottenham man, licked a stamp to his hand and placed it on Penny's 

A tribe of nymphomaniacs lived at the Inn, not too far or too close to  attend, 
for the wine stories and rose thrones gave the man a wonderful horn, to blow 
his dang bugle to Three Toed Sloth's den. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rwr dick.richardson@... wrote:

 No, I meant the stamps which started with the Penny Black. That was
 started by a guy from Tottenham too. And I meant the mating habits with
 make and female Three Toed Sloth's. It is so funny.
 You a lot are SOOO frigging boring so I am going up the apples and pears
 to get some Bo Peep an give me mince pies some slice of breast. No
 wonder they are going fucking bankrupt :- ))
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Finally two topics that I know something about, I think.
  Just to clarify, by mating habits of Three Toed Sloth's you mean the
 mating that occurs naturally when a human catches one between trees on
 the ground and the human assumes that its lack of speed getting away and
 up a tree implies consent?  If so I am in with a grin and have a lot to
 say.  If it is about the mating the little slut does in the trees with
 other sloths, then no.  Still a little bitter about that topic.

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi's 'true' successor?

2011-09-29 Thread wgm4u
I wonder if Rick has interviewed him yet?  I mean, with beads like that, well, 
that must mean something. 


He says he is actually a 'Vedic Master'...wow, or whew?


The number of people enlightened on this planet could fit under a small 
umbrella, Charles Lutes

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's 'true' successor?

2011-09-29 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u anitaoaks4u@... wrote:

 I wonder if Rick has interviewed him yet?  I mean, with beads like that, 
 well, that must mean something. 
 He says he is actually a 'Vedic Master'...wow, or whew?
 The number of people enlightened on this planet could fit under a small 
 umbrella, Charles Lutes

I guess this fellow, like many others, stole the TM technique from Maharishi 
presenting as his own. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch michelaneous worth seeing

2011-09-29 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 Michael J Anderson about David Lynch 
 David Lynch says no one has ever come close to his interpretation of 
 David Lynch: Working with Marilyn Manson
 David Lynch's Bizarre Car Commercial 
 David Lynch Coffee commercial 
 Rammstein, one of my favorite bands, AND David Lynch; must be something. And 
 it is. Please turn the volume UP (hope your neighbour likes this) !
 Rammstein - Rammstein - Directed by David Lynch 

You like this one too, right Nabby?  ; ) 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJmv_NyYCkk  ow.

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch michelaneous worth seeing

2011-09-29 Thread authfriend
And then there's these:



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  Michael J Anderson about David Lynch 
  David Lynch says no one has ever come close to his interpretation of 
  David Lynch: Working with Marilyn Manson
  David Lynch's Bizarre Car Commercial 
  David Lynch Coffee commercial 
  Rammstein, one of my favorite bands, AND David Lynch; must be something. 
  And it is. Please turn the volume UP (hope your neighbour likes this) !
  Rammstein - Rammstein - Directed by David Lynch 
 You like this one too, right Nabby?  ; ) 
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJmv_NyYCkk  ow.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2011-09-29 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Sep 24 00:00:00 2011
End Date (UTC): Sat Oct 01 00:00:00 2011
444 messages as of (UTC) Thu Sep 29 23:36:19 2011

47 authfriend jst...@panix.com
44 rwr dick.richard...@ymail.com
36 turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
34 Yifu yifux...@yahoo.com
27 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
27 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
24 whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com
18 richardwillytexwilliams willy...@yahoo.com
18 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
15 seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
15 obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
13 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
11 Tom Pall thomas.p...@gmail.com
10 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
10 merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
10 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
 9 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 9 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 9 Denise Evans dmevans...@yahoo.com
 7 wgm4u anitaoak...@att.net
 7 PaliGap compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 5 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 5 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 5 Mark Landau m...@sky5.com
 5 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 4 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 4 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 2 martyboi marty...@yahoo.com
 2 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
 2 RoryGoff roryg...@hotmail.com
 2 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 1 richardnelson108 richardnelson...@yahoo.com
 1 pranamoocher no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 jpgillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 1 johnt johnlasher20002...@yahoo.com
 1 wle...@aol.com
 1 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
 1 Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
 1 Jean jeanjes...@q.com

Posters: 39
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] featuring Frank Kortan

2011-09-29 Thread Yifu

[FairfieldLife] Clock watching

2011-09-29 Thread Yifu
by Kris Lewis

[FairfieldLife] Union of Twin Rays

2011-09-29 Thread Yifu
There's MMY, top center. This is the Holy Tantric Tradition that people talk 
about in hushed tones.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Union of Twin Rays

2011-09-29 Thread obbajeeba
Omg, there are unicorns in the picture. shhh. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 There's MMY, top center. This is the Holy Tantric Tradition that people talk 
 about in hushed tones.

  1   2   >