[FairfieldLife] The Science Of Objectification (was Re: Can an Enlightened Person Lust?)

2011-11-10 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 Why do you want to have sex with Ravi's wife?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  IMO, the message is that love conquers all, even lust
  itself. With love, having sex with your wife would be
  a divine gift. Ravi, quit kidding yourself. Be a man!
  (See Russel Peters video clips to get this message).

Right on, Obba. It's been clear for some time that JohnR is by far
the most sexually repressed and hung up person here. Devoid of
actual experience with the other sex, all he can do *is* imagine
women and try to objectify them as performing according to the
strict limits of his closed little belief system.

Here's an interesting article on the different ways people objectify
those they see, both clothed and unclothed. It makes me wonder
about the Internet, and whether people as uptight as John visualize
the people they're writing to as clothed or unclothed.  :-)

The science of objectification
nThe common wisdom is that naked women are seen
as objects, but new research says it's more complicated than thatWhen
Sharon Bialek stepped before the press this week, she wore a  demure,
long-sleeved black dress. The 50-year-old single mom also made  sure to
detail exactly what she wore when she was allegedly sexually  harassed
by Herman Cain. This is because she and her bulldog lawyer well  know
that women are judged by what, and how little, they wear.
A  new study attempts to explain exactly how that judgment works and why
our perceptions of people rely on the amount of skin they show. It's
a  question at the heart of contentious debates about everything from 
objectification in pornography to work-appropriate attire. Typically 
it's been assumed that this is something that happens when men
perceive  women — the infamous male gaze — and that it
involves, as one of the  study's researchers, Kurt Gray of the
University of Maryland, put it,  the wholesale stripping away of
mind (in other words, viewing someone  as a mindless sex object).
This study challenges all of those ideas,  he told me by

As  a red-blooded woman, I don't find it at all surprising that men
aren't  the only ones capable of some level of objectification, nor
is it  unexpected that we perceive a person in their birthday suit as
having  less agency than, say, someone in a business suit. More 
intriguing, though, is that the data suggests that despite all that, our
perception of naked people doesn't involve the aforementioned 
wholesale stripping of mind. Nakedness does change how we
perceive a  person, but it tends to make us see them as more sensitive,
vulnerable  and emotional, the researchers say. Gray explains,
People perceive  minds along two dimensions and not along one. So
instead of seeing them  as an object versus a person, we see them as two
kinds of people. An  agent and an experiencer.

The study, More Than a Body: Mind  Perception and the Nature of
Objectification, is actually composed of  several smaller studies,
some of which asked participants to come to  conclusions about naked and
clothed porn stars pictured in photographs.  In one exercise, images
were featured from the book XXX: 30 Porn Star  Portraits,
which contrasts high-quality portraits of stars like Jenna  Jameson
wearing regular street clothes with images of the same  performers
standing stark naked but, importantly, without any  come-hither
posturing. In another study, they had participants evaluate  male and
female models in photographs showing just their face, or their  face and
upper torso, in an attempt to see how perceptions change when  the focus
is on a person's body and not his or her face.

The study  itself argues that people with exposed flesh are seen as
beings who  are less capable of thinking or reasoning but who may
be even more  capable of desires, sensations, emotions, and
passions. This may not be  the most humanizing view, but the
authors note that being perceived as  such can actually be a good thing
in certain situations — like when  you're complaining to your
doctor about a pain. In that case, it might  be beneficial to be seen as
a feeling body instead of a mind. Gray adds,  If you're with
your partner then you might want to think of them as a  body, he
says. If you want to make love, you want to be thinking about 
their experience and not, like, `Oh, are we planning on submitting 
these mortgage payments on time?' It's useful for our
perceptions of  people to change, depending on the context. Sometimes
the outcome is  positive, sometimes it's negative, but Gray argues,
Psychological  phenomena aren't intrinsically good or bad.

It's important to  note that although the research positions itself
in part as a response  to debates over objectification and pornography,
it didn't look at  actual X-rated movies or anything of the sort
— even the naked 


2011-11-10 Thread nablusoss1008
 [Maharishi Global Family Chat Banner]
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Celebrating Maharishi's Supreme Blessings to Mankind

Welcome to the Global Winter Assembly
and Celebration of 12 January 2012 with Maharishi's
Worldwide Movement Family in MERU, Holland

Celebrating Knowledge: 27 - 31 December 2011
Celebrating Silence: 1 - 9 January 2012
Celebrating Dynamism: 8 - 15 January 2012

The Rajas, Raj Rajeshwaris, and Ministers of the Global Country of World
Peace warmly invite all Governors, Sidhas, and Meditators from all
countries to participate in the Global Winter Assembly at MERU. It will
be a celebration of the supreme blessings of Total Knowledge that we
have received from Maharishi, from Guru Dev, and from the eternal
tradition of Vedic Masters.

Daily Highlights

* Group Programme—Deepen your inner experience of Maharishi's
Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme by joining your friends
in extended group programme in the peaceful and serene environment of
MERU. The experience of deep rest over many days results in a profound
reduction of accumulated stress and tension, providing a foundation for
the unfoldment of higher states of consciousness, inner happiness, and
support of Nature in all aspects of daily life.
* Daily Enlightening Video Lectures by Maharishi at Maharishi's
Peace Palace in MERU
* Recitations by the Maharishi Vedic Pandits—Enlivening the
Impulses of Natural Law— Enliven the impulses of Creative
Intelligence that reside in your own self-referral awareness by enjoying
daily recitations performed by Maharishi Vedic Pandits in
Maharishi's Peace Palace in MERU.

  [Vedic Pandits]
  [Celebrating Knowledge]

1. The Individual Is Cosmic

`Here is the first and final disclosure of knowledge that presents
every human being as the embodiment of the total creative process in
Nature and renders human life as a field of all possibilities.'

  [Vedic Man] A new course that sparked tremendous interest when
introduced at MUM this summer will be offered at this assembly by Drs.
Alarik  Cynthia Arenander.

This course brings to our awareness an invaluable depth of Vedic
Knowledge that Maharishi had uncovered. The course utilises the
beautiful electronic display that Maharishi designed with the scientists
to offer practical application to Maha­raja's discovery that
human physiology is the expression of Veda and Vedic
Literature—showing that the individual is cosmic.

The course provides knowledge and experience to align yourself with
Total Natural Law, the Constitution of Universe.

Innocently hearing the impulses of Veda while at the same time seeing
the corresponding part of the physiology light up on the beautiful
electronic display of Veda and Human Physiology helps align the
individual expression of intelligence with Cosmic Intelligence.

2. Maharishi Vedic Astrology Knowledge Series

Gaining Mastery Over Natural Law through the
Maharishi Jyotish and Maharishi Yagya Programmes

`Maharishi Jyotish and Maharishi Yagyas are for the development of
enlightenment—life free from dependence on surroundings and
circumstances, and mastery over one's own destiny.'

The Vedic disciplines of Maharishi Jyotish and Maharishi Yagya are the
science and technology of prediction and transformation and provide the
intellectual and experiential means to gain integration of mind, body,
and environment; avert problems from arising; and promote good fortune
in life.

This course features historic lectures by Maharishi, animations and
lectures by Maharaja ­Adhiraj Rajaraam and other leaders of the
Global Country of World Peace to give insight into the extraordinary
contributions Maharishi Jyotish and Yagya can make to individual and
society—life in enlightenment, self-sufficiency, and all

Discover how the movements of the sun, moon, planets, and stars
influence our brain, behaviour, and environment, and how this cosmic
relationship can be managed for maximum success, health, and happiness.
Learn the mechanics of how large groups of Maharishi Vedic Pandits apply
the technologies of Yoga and Yagya to generate nourishing waves of
peace—powerful enough to transform the trends of time for our world
Hundreds of course participants from more than 60 nations have enjoyed
the profound and practical knowledge contained in the online version of
this course. Now dive deeply into these fascinating disciplines of
Maharishi Vedic Science in the heavenly atmosphere of coherence and
Total Knowledge that Maharishi created at MERU and begin to enjoy a
brighter future today!

  [Solar System]
  [Celebrating Silence]

* January 1 – 7: Retreat into blissful silence in deep
self-referral experience of long Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi
Programme in large groups.
* Special 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Monkees Fan Club metaphor

2011-11-10 Thread turquoiseb
Well, this was certainly an effective troll. :-) But the more I think
about it, the more apt an analogy it is to Fairfield Life, or to
Fairfield itself, and the level of fanboy fanaticism that people who
frequent those worlds often display.

What I expected when I posted this was for about half the people to
laugh, getting that their everyday behavior on FFL really *does*
equate to over-the-top fans of a non-memorable faux pop group. In other
words, I expected folks to be able to laugh at themselves a little.

Big mistake. T'would seem that this is impossible for many here, who
feel that 1) everything they write is not only a statement of truth but
one that has to be sold to others *as* truth, and 2) that they are so
important that they *have* to be taken seriously. That's *exactly* the
level of fanatical fandom you would find in a real-life group of Monkees
fans. They, too, would be incapable of seeing themselves as they appear
to more...uh...normal people, and incapable of laughing at that image.
Instead, they'd get angry and uptight. *Just* like a few here seem to
have done.

The thing is, what they're angry about IMO (and all I write on this
forum *is* opinion, not truth) is that the metaphor just *nails* it.
They've managed to turn a simplistic form of meditation into a religion,
just as they turned 20 minutes twice a day into several hours a day,
and being unable to talk about anything else, because in their lives
there IS nothing else. Or little else. TMers on FFL have become as
monotopical as fanatical Monkees fans would be, if they still existed.

Anyway, I thought it was a fun metaphor at the time, and still do. And I
suspect that its accuracy is proved by how strongly some reacted to
having a little fun poked at them.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Sometimes, scanning the list of posts on FFL searching for one that I
 find interesting enough to reply to, I find myself also searching for
 metaphor to explain the sense of incredulity I feel at the
 same-old-same-old repetitiveness of it all. This morning I came up
 such a metaphor, and it made me laugh, so I'll pass it along. Consider
 this my version of Bhairitu's The Funny Farm Lounge metaphor.  :-)

 Reading FFL is like stumbling across a weird group of fanatical
 fans. They get together in cyberspace and endlessly talk about the
 days of Mickey, Davy, Peter and Michael as if they were gods. They
 about which songs were most cosmically important, and the deep
 meaning of their lyrics. When other musicians' names come up, the
 Monkees fans get angry and feel that they have to put them down,
 however good these other musicians may be, after all they're not the
 Monkees. Some are so fanatical and so enduringly loyal to the Monkees
 that they think anyone who gets caught attending a concert by any
 musician should be banned from the Monkees Fan Club for life as the
 heretics they are. But the most amazing part is that the fan club is
 still going strong, still doing all of this every day, 40+ years after
 the popularity of the group they revere jumped the shark.

 And all of this for a pop group that wasn't very good in the first

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-10 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 Use your common sense.  Watch this clip and weep.

If you are not yourself free how can you convincingly talk about freedom ?

[FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:09 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  The reason is that in the years between then and now 
  I've had many more experiences, some of which put the 
  earlier experiences in the shade and raised the bar 
  on my internal Woo Scale. What I used to consider a 9 
  I now consider a 4. I'm sure you get what I'm talking 
 Oh yes, definitely. It was a long time before I was able 
 to wrap my head around the fact that TM-style phenomenon 
 were largely mental plane phenomenon. The light mental 
 bliss I thought was so special, was just a mere shadow; 
 the kundalini, mere prana-kundalini and the visions 
 mental mirages. The perspective of time and experience 
 changes everything.

What's amazing to me lately is how profoundly many 
on this forum have gone mental, in that they seem
to live almost entirely in their heads. They get so
attached to their ideas and beliefs, and seek to argue
them and defend these ideas and beliefs as if they had 
real substance, or as if they had any real existence 
at all *outside* their heads.

That's the main reason I can no longer identify with
many of the things discussed here enough to participate
in such discussions. I'm really not like that. To me 
ideas and beliefs are like toys. You take them out of
the toy box and play with them for a while, just for
their entertainment value. When you get bored with one
toy, you take out another and play with it for a while.

So I'm finding it increasingly difficult to *comprehend*
those who are so attached to their own ideas and beliefs
as to feel that 1) they are synonymous with something 
they call truth, 2) that anyone who believes something
different than they do is obligated to debate these ideas 
and beliefs with them, and 3) that ANY of this matters. 

I don't feel any of that. I just spout opinions, for the
fun of trying them on and rapping from that POV for a 
while. When the rap is done, often so are the ideas or
beliefs. To me they really ARE nothing but toys, things
without any substance that flit across the surface of my
mind from time to time. They're either entertaining AS
they flit by, or they aren't. If the former, I rap about
them for a while; if the latter, I click Next and look 
for some idea that might be entertaining enough to...uh...
entertain for long enough to dash off a post about it.

Then again, I don't believe in even the concept of truth.
I honestly don't believe that such a thing has ever existed
in the entire history of planet Earth, or ever will. All 
that ever HAS existed were humans spouting opinion. That 
IMO is the content of all scriptures, revealed writings,
dharma talks, philosophy, et al. 

I find it difficult to even *comprehend* people so attached
to the things they believe that they feel the need to argue 
and defend them, or worse, attempt to convince others that
they are something approaching truth. As a result, I find
it almost impossible to take such people seriously. When
someone trots out a mentation toy here and claims that it's
truth, my first impulse is to laugh at them as the overly
serious dweebs they are. My second impulse in the past has
been to write something provocative, to see exactly *how*
attached they are to the mentation toy. 

But that's starting to wear on me. The people who feel that
others are obligated *to* argue with them, or to somehow
just are not gonna lighten up. So the time may be approach-
ing in which I'm not gonna find anything posted here inter-
esting enough to reply to. It's all been done to death and
argued endlessly *in exactly the same words* for decades
now. SO been there, done that. 

Some seem to have no problem with this. They strike me as
the kinds of people who might still be listening to their
old Monkees records, and still believing them not only 
original (which they never were), or originated by actual
musicians (which the Monkees themselves never were). I 
just can't get off on the same-old-same-old-ness of it
all any more. 

What I DO like are the occasional interactions I have here
with people who seem to function more like myself, and use
ideas as playthings. We have fun from time to time throw-
ing out ideas like real musicians throw out a good melody
line, and then riff on it, just for the fun of it. But
those conversations have become few and far between, and 
there are possibly not enough of them to warrant my 
continued participation. 

All I can say is that if becoming convinced of the truth
of one's ideas and beliefs has the effect of making people
so *angry* when those ideas and beliefs are challenged or
poked fun at, then I'm not convinced it's a good thing.
Feels more like fundamentalism and ego-enhancement to me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 Spoiled mantras
 H.H. Jagadguru Swami Swaroopananda, Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math  
 interviewed by David Sieveking
 Translator: When he did the TM course of Mahesh Yogi he was asked to  
 pay $2500. He was then seated in front of Gurudev's photo and given a  
 mantra. He wishes to know Shankaracharyaji's thoughts on this...
 Tell him your mantra...
 David: Shring.
 Translator:  Shring?
 David: Shring...they say it is the meaningless word but I found out  
 that it invokes...
 Translator: How do you spell it?
 David: I'll write it for you...
 2nd translator: He has also been told that the mantra has no meaning  
 and that he simply has to recite it [mentally].
 HH Swarupananda: This is not a mantra. Had it been Shrim i.e. S-H-R-I- 
 M, then it would have been a mantra.

Sorry, but that seems like rubbish to me. IMO, the basic 
element of that category of biija mantras seems to be
'agni' read backwards: 'inga'. If the first/final a-sound
is only implied, like in 'agni' (agniH/agnim/agninaa, etc)
 for some sandhi positions,([a]gni/ing[a]), it might make that basic element 
even more effective?? :o

 Translator: He was given this mantra in front of Gurudev`s photo. So  
 he wants to know whether this has been the tradition from long time ago?
 HH Swarupananda: Mahesh Yogi was not a brahnman and hence did not  
 have the right to give anybody any mantra's hence he would place the  
 Gurudev's picture so as to symbolise that the mantra was being given  
 through Gurudev.
 The tradition is such that the mantra is a very private and secretive  
 conversation between a Guru and a disciple. It is said that when it  
 goes in 6 ears the mantra's powers are lost...it has to remain in  
 between the two ears of the Guru and the two ears of the Shishya or  
 disciple any other person is not to be party to it.
 2nd translator: First of all this mantra was not a mantra. The  
 procedure for giving it was a guru can give it to the shishya but as  
 Maharishi was not a brahman maybe he was keeping a picture of Gurudev  
 to give the mantra...but according to tradition it has to be between  
 the 2 ears of yours and the two ears of Guru, if it goes to six ears  
 [i.e. via a TM teacher] then its a spoiled mantra.
 Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  Spoiled mantras
  H.H. Jagadguru Swami Swaroopananda, Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math  
  interviewed by David Sieveking
  Translator: When he did the TM course of Mahesh Yogi he was asked to  
  pay $2500. He was then seated in front of Gurudev's photo and given a  
  mantra. He wishes to know Shankaracharyaji's thoughts on this...
  Tell him your mantra...
  David: Shring.
  Translator:  Shring?
  David: Shring...they say it is the meaningless word but I found out  
  that it invokes...
  Translator: How do you spell it?
  David: I'll write it for you...
  2nd translator: He has also been told that the mantra has no meaning  
  and that he simply has to recite it [mentally].
  HH Swarupananda: This is not a mantra. Had it been Shrim i.e. S-H-R-I- 
  M, then it would have been a mantra.
 Sorry, but that seems like rubbish to me. IMO, the basic 
 element of that category of biija mantras seems to be
 'agni' read backwards: 'inga'. If the first/final a-sound
 is only implied, like in 'agni' (agniH/agnim/agninaa, etc)
  for some sandhi positions,([a]gni/ing[a]), it might make that basic element 
 even more effective?? :o

Whoa! The form '´gni' + any inflectional suffix (´gnim, ´gniH, etc.)
seems to be quite rare in the Rk. The first one we found was in
I 112, 1:

ILe dyAvApR^ithivI pUrvachittaye.agniM [ = puurvacittaye 'gniM] gharmaM 
suruchaM yAmanniShTaye |

Griffith's translation:

1 To give first thought to them, I worship Heaven and Earth, and Agni, [ = I do 
TM using a mantra derived from 'agni'??] fair bright glow, ***to hasten their 
approach***. (That is,
the approach of Heaven on Earth? ;-) )

In this case the elision of the 'a' in 'agnim' is due to
the final e-sound in 'puurvacittaye', to avoid the (for Sanskrit)
awkward sequence 'e[h] + a[h]'.

[FairfieldLife] Humanized phone?

2011-11-10 Thread cardemaister


jotain aivan uskomantonta = something totally incredible

[FairfieldLife] Re: Humanized phone?

2011-11-10 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

 jotain aivan uskomantonta = something totally incredible

Oops: uskomatonta

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread Vaj

On Nov 10, 2011, at 5:43 AM, cardemaister wrote:

Sorry, but that seems like rubbish to me. IMO, the basic
element of that category of biija mantras seems to be
'agni' read backwards: 'inga'. If the first/final a-sound
is only implied, like in 'agni' (agniH/agnim/agninaa, etc)
for some sandhi positions,([a]gni/ing[a]), it might make that basic  
element even more effective?? :o


And meaning is vitally important, the idea of meaningless sounds is  
quite simply, a lie.

One of my favorite mantra dictionaries is the Mantrarthabhidanam from  
the Varada Tantra. It's first verse quotes Shiva, directly  
communicating to his counterpart, Parameshsvari:

Sri Shiva said: Listen Oh Parameshsvari! Now I shall describe to you  
the meaning of Mantras. In the absence of any knowledge of which no  
one can get siddhi, even with a million sadhanas.

Pretty clear, huh! What makes it so special is the clarity with which  
it describes the TM mantras.

For example, another level of the TM mantra Shreeng is Sa (the  
first letter) indicates Mahalakshmi, Repha (the guttural whirring of  
the R-sound) indicates dAna (giving, imparting, paying back);  
ee (I) indicates Tushti, satisfaction and contentment, the Nada  
indicates Para, the transcendent--that which is beyond; and the  
Bindu indicates the destroyer of discomforts and uneasiness. Thus  
shreeng is the Bija or Seed for the worship of Lakshmi. -The  

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Interesting the part in that TM documentary film where David Lynch turns to 
 the camera vehemently saying, Leave us alone.  Bevan back in 1993 came 
 through Fairfield and said the same thing about meditators here who did not 
 have a level of ,, faith and belief in Maharishi.  That people who did not 
 have faith and belief in Maharishi should leave us alone and leave 
 Fairfield.  Bevan methodically moved through the community saying that then 
 and has ever since been testing people's loyalty to that.  

Very good. Bevan is truly a good man !

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread turquoiseb
Buck, has it ever occurred to you that all of this verbiage is just a
way of saying, We don't agree with the way you're running the Self
Importance Club. We're just as self-important as you are, whether we
'see saints' or not. You should let us back in to the club and treat us
as your equals so that we can all be equally self-important together.

I mean, the very *concept* of being banned from the domes means
nothing except to a handful of people hanging on to the past in
Fairfield, Iowa. Could you even *begin* to explain to someone who has
never felt it necessary to head lemming-like to some gaudy dome
structure twice a day the way the Eloi did in H.G. Wells' The Time
Machine WHY they'd ever want to do that?

They missed all of the decades of indoctrination that you still carry
around, and regard as truth. The only thing you're questioning are the
footnotes to the thing you consider truth, the who is allowed to be a
lemming and who is not by-laws. You're still buying into the idea that
a bunch of people bouncing on their butts on foam actually DOES

Some of us don't buy that. Many long-term TMers on this forum don't buy
that. They, based on objective evidence and their own subjective
experiences, have come to the conclusion that the whole thing is and
always was a crock of manufactured bullshit, just another way for
Maharishi to develop the herd mentality in his followers.

If you're going to continue running this schtick here, could you
consider devoting a post or two to WHY you think bouncing on your butt
in the domes has *any effect whatsoever*? Please don't insult us with,
Look at the science. The science is and always was bullshit, just a
bunch of self-serving hokum thrown together by guru devotees too
guru-whipped to tell the truth about their twice-a-day lemming run and
why they do it: We do it because Maharishi told us to.

What would you say to someone who doesn't believe that Maharishisez is
a viable reason for doing ANYTHING, or to those who don't consider him
an expert or an authority about much of anything. I am one such person,
so you can aim your reply at me if you like. I think he was at best a
well-intentioned charlatan and at worst a less-well-intentioned
charlatan. I don't even think HE believed the horseshit he served up
about the ME. So no appeal to that kind of argument can possibly work on
me. Neither can any appeal to the science, any more than it's worked
for thinking TMers like Dr. Pete or others here who see the science as
the crock of shit it is.

So how *would* you speak to someone who doesn't already buy into the
Going to the domes is important meme that you do? Can you even
conceive of doing so?

I am suggesting that your whole schtick depends as much on being part of
the herd and preaching to the already converted as Bevan's does, or as
the Rajas' does.

Try it. Try to give an introductory lecture to someone off the street,
someone who has never been indoctrinated by the TMO about why they
should consider bouncing on their butts for peace. My bet is that you
can't do it, and that neither can anyone else here. The whole idea seems
rational only to those who abandoned rationality decades ago.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Interesting the part in that TM documentary film where David Lynch
turns to the camera vehemently saying, Leave us alone.  Bevan back in
1993 came through Fairfield and said the same thing about meditators
here who did not have a level of ,, faith and belief in Maharishi. 
That people who did not have faith and belief in Maharishi should leave
us alone and leave Fairfield.  Bevan methodically moved through the
community saying that then and has ever since been testing people's
loyalty to that.

 The Mayor's Dome numbers are interesting in that when you subtract out
what is left behind the Pundit numbers and the 'small groups' like the
tru-believers out in Vedic City are people in the domes who have
survived years of Bevan's winnowing of fealty in his role as University
President and emissary from Maharishi.  A lot of the people left in the
domes now meditate in a fear of test, accusation, and possibly being
found out otherwise.

 For the Fairfield Dome meditation numbers to really survive the
imminent retreat of the Pundits going home, the TM-Rajas now must
rescind their anti-saint policy over the community.   They have long
destroyed the conscience of the community allowing it to rein.  Yes,
Change Comes from Within, however change here will come from within
the TM-Rajas of necessity, if they have spine.  -Buck in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: Occupy the Domes!!

2011-11-10 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of Buck
 Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 7:55 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Occupy the Domes!!
 Up at Occupy the Domes in the Dome parking lot someone told me they will
 no longer go inside the dome to meditate because they visit saints. The
 Rajas have not changed that policy guideline so this person is not going to
 stop seeing the saints and hence is not going to go inside to meditate
 anymore. Is a long time TM-movement person. Has a valid dome badge and just
 stopped going.
 A friend of mine just got turned down for the same reason. She said to the
 course office guy that if they kicked out all the people who see saints,
 they'd have very few left. He admitted that was true, but said they have to
 boot the ones they know about. In other words, machine guns still firing at
 the movement's feet.

Now, only if they really were saints, (doubtful). Getting kicked out of the 
dome for seeing saints?, funniest thing I've heard all year (how Bizarre).

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread Buck
Evidently 'good' is not the same thing as effective as the Fairfield Dome 
numbers would testify.  The numbers evidently stop with Bevan and the TM 
taliban rajas right now. It's a horse-race between the TM taliban conservatives 
and TM progressives.  -Buck in FF

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  Interesting the part in that TM documentary film where David Lynch turns to 
  the camera vehemently saying, Leave us alone.  Bevan back in 1993 came 
  through Fairfield and said the same thing about meditators here who did not 
  have a level of ,, faith and belief in Maharishi.  That people who did 
  not have faith and belief in Maharishi should leave us alone and leave 
  Fairfield.  Bevan methodically moved through the community saying that then 
  and has ever since been testing people's loyalty to that.  
 Very good. Bevan is truly a good man !

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Evidently 'good' is not the same thing as effective as the Fairfield Dome 
 numbers would testify.  The numbers evidently stop with Bevan and the TM 
 taliban rajas right now. It's a horse-race between the TM taliban 
 conservatives and TM progressives.  -Buck in FF

Why don't the so-called progressives follow the rules ?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   Interesting the part in that TM documentary film where David Lynch turns 
   to the camera vehemently saying, Leave us alone.  Bevan back in 1993 
   came through Fairfield and said the same thing about meditators here who 
   did not have a level of ,, faith and belief in Maharishi.  That people 
   who did not have faith and belief in Maharishi should leave us alone 
   and leave Fairfield.  Bevan methodically moved through the community 
   saying that then and has ever since been testing people's loyalty to 
  Very good. Bevan is truly a good man !

[FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
  So the time may be approach-
 ing in which I'm not gonna find anything posted here inter-
 esting enough to reply to. It's all been done to death and
 argued endlessly *in exactly the same words* for decades
 now. SO been there, done that.

We are not worthy!
Actually, I think if Barry wanted to be honest about it, his posting
here is more akin to what we probably all did at least once or twice
when we were eight year olds - namely ringing someone's door bell and
then running away.
I mean, sheesh, if you are into pushing peoples buttons, why not stick
around every once in a while instead of going and hiding behind a tree.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Monkees Fan Club metaphor

2011-11-10 Thread merudanda
You MZ lives in limbs,
And looks through eyes not yours
With lovely yearning?
Keeps grace, (abiding in the sanctifying grace):
that keeps all his goings graces?
  And denying now the instressness, the shaping force within creatures
of nature and art at FFL, in contradiction to your previous insistence
that inscape was the essence of the postings at FFL  landscape by
quoting  Hopkins then and there?
Then and there the inscaped landscape markedly holding its most simple
and beautiful oneness up from the ground through a graceful swerve below
the spring of the branches up to the tops of the FFL timber. I saw the
inscape freshly, as if my mind were still growing, though now the eye
and the ear are for the most part shut. And instress, the doing-be of
turquoiseb(ee) the positing or pitching of his whole self in his
selving act of artistic will and thisness...  now cannot come.

Is there is one notable dead tree . . ? [:D]

Verbum dei clarescit in forma hominis,
Et ideo fulgemus cum illo,
Edificantes membra sui pulcri corporis.

Hildegard von Bingen: Ordo Virtutem
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 The Barry Wright Syndrome

 Barry decides he has a point of view about something—e.g. Puja is
trained moodmaking; persons on FFL are all bigoted Monkees Fan Club
members. He then asserts that his point of view must be the equivalent
of reality. But you see, he never conceives of the responsibility he has
to prove this, or at least even try to make his case. No, Barry is a
kind of totalitarian of the mind: he insists on the truth of his point
of view, without seemingly any capacity or even inclination to convince
even himself that what he says is true.

 This is a strange phenomenon; asserting something is the case, but
refusing to argue it out as if there is any process [implicit in stating
a strong opinion/judgment] whereby one has any obligation to demonstrate
the reasonableness much less the truth of one's point of view. It is
quite incredible to me. Barry, from within his highly charged emotional
reactiveness, dreams up concepts and ideas which then can serve the
purpose of expressing his own disillusionment, bitterness, cynicism.
Barry feels entitled to say something is a certain way, and he never
thinks: I must really experience this is true; or even: do I really
believe that reality will somehow, either in the articulation of my
point of view, or in the culmination of having expressed it, corroborate
this opinion?

 But no, it all comes out of his uncontrollable need to lash out, to
ridicule, to sneer, and to make the world over in the image of his own
experience of being Barry Wright. I mean, certainly every idea and
opinion that Barry expresses—we are mostly talking here about
matters pertaining to TM, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the TM Movement: i.e.
what has first drawn us into posting at FFL—is worth considering,
examined objectively; but the problem is this: Barry drags in his
negative emotionality—I suppose he is oblivious to this—and lets
that drive his opinion. So that what—take this post here—happens
is that someone has said: Your mother is ugly and she behaves like a
whore. The child of the woman who has thus been so characterized
wonders: Is my mother really that unattractive, and is she prostituting

 But Barry never lays out his case against the woman. He merely repeats
his insult, and then proceeds to act—through what follows in his
post—as if this description of the person does not need explanation
or defence; Barry Wright has said it; that is enough to make it true.

 Now if Barry would assert something is the case; and then follow it
out as so we could understand how Barry became convinced in himself that
what he is asserting is true, we would be in a position to assess the
merits of his point of view. But as it is, Barry compulsively,
reflexively ignores even the theoretical possibility that there is data
contradictory to his point of view; he merely ignores the very idea of
another, competing point of view. Barry is thus selectively biased in
this sense: Barry decides it serves his psychological needs to believe a
certain thing is one way; or rather he has a strong emotional need to
have the world appear a certain way to him. If he can pretend that it
does seem this way, then this enables him to project onto the world what
is most convenient for the perpetuation of his own undisciplined
predilections. Barry never has got beyond the simple act of: 1. I
experience x to be a certain way 2. I will insist that x must be the way
I experience x.

 Barry doesn't realize one basic thing about human beings: the mere
fact that you would like things to be seen in a way which conforms to
your need for them to be that way, cannot replace the work and effort
required to go from being predisposed—compelled somehow—to see
things a particular way, to deciding well, they must be that way. We, on
the other hand, have to see how it is reasonable to draw the same

[FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread seventhray1
I just can't help myself.
If the typical form follows, we should be hearing shortly about Curtis
and Marek as examples of  high value posters.  But really, isn't the
manly thing to do just stop posting, without the long pre-amble, 
Okay guys, I putting everyone on notice.  I may quit posting soon, 
followed by, Okay everyone, I really, really mean it this time.  I may
see fit to end my participation here.  Jesus man, just do it or not do
it, but quit the whining.  It does not become you.
Remember this.  Now here's a man!  Make to at least the brass balls near
the end.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   So the time may be approach-
  ing in which I'm not gonna find anything posted here inter-
  esting enough to reply to. It's all been done to death and
  argued endlessly *in exactly the same words* for decades
  now. SO been there, done that.

 We are not worthy!
 Actually, I think if Barry wanted to be honest about it, his posting
 here is more akin to what we probably all did at least once or twice
 when we were eight year olds - namely ringing someone's door bell and
 then running away.
 I mean, sheesh, if you are into pushing peoples buttons, why not stick
 around every once in a while instead of going and hiding behind a

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Monkees Fan Club metaphor

2011-11-10 Thread merudanda
Then I saw your Fairy Field life post, now I'm a believer

I thought FFL was only true in fairy tales
Meant for someone else but not for me.
But FFL was out to get me
That's the way it seemed.
Disappointment haunted all my dreams.

Then I saw your post, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
I couldn't leave the place if I tried.

I thought FFL was more or less a givin' thing,
Seems the more I gave the less I got.
What's the use in tryin'?
All you get is pain.
When I needed sunshine I got rain.

Then I saw your post, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind.

a true FFL believer...
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Well, this was certainly an effective troll. :-) But the more I think
 about it, the more apt an analogy it is to Fairfield Life, or to
 Fairfield itself, and the level of fanboy fanaticism that people who
 frequent those worlds often display.

 What I expected when I posted this was for about half the people to
 laugh, getting that their everyday behavior on FFL really *does*
 equate to over-the-top fans of a non-memorable faux pop group. In
 words, I expected folks to be able to laugh at themselves a little.

 Big mistake. T'would seem that this is impossible for many here, who
 feel that 1) everything they write is not only a statement of truth
 one that has to be sold to others *as* truth, and 2) that they are so
 important that they *have* to be taken seriously. That's *exactly* the
 level of fanatical fandom you would find in a real-life group of
 fans. They, too, would be incapable of seeing themselves as they
 to more...uh...normal people, and incapable of laughing at that image.
 Instead, they'd get angry and uptight. *Just* like a few here seem to
 have done.

 The thing is, what they're angry about IMO (and all I write on this
 forum *is* opinion, not truth) is that the metaphor just *nails* it.
 They've managed to turn a simplistic form of meditation into a
 just as they turned 20 minutes twice a day into several hours a day,
 and being unable to talk about anything else, because in their lives
 there IS nothing else. Or little else. TMers on FFL have become as
 monotopical as fanatical Monkees fans would be, if they still existed.

 Anyway, I thought it was a fun metaphor at the time, and still do. And
 suspect that its accuracy is proved by how strongly some reacted to
 having a little fun poked at them.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Sometimes, scanning the list of posts on FFL searching for one that
  find interesting enough to reply to, I find myself also searching
  metaphor to explain the sense of incredulity I feel at the
  same-old-same-old repetitiveness of it all. This morning I came up
  such a metaphor, and it made me laugh, so I'll pass it along.
  this my version of Bhairitu's The Funny Farm Lounge metaphor.  :-)
  Reading FFL is like stumbling across a weird group of fanatical
  fans. They get together in cyberspace and endlessly talk about the
  days of Mickey, Davy, Peter and Michael as if they were gods. They
  about which songs were most cosmically important, and the deep
  meaning of their lyrics. When other musicians' names come up, the
  Monkees fans get angry and feel that they have to put them down,
  however good these other musicians may be, after all they're not the
  Monkees. Some are so fanatical and so enduringly loyal to the
  that they think anyone who gets caught attending a concert by any
  musician should be banned from the Monkees Fan Club for life as the
  heretics they are. But the most amazing part is that the fan club is
  still going strong, still doing all of this every day, 40+ years
  the popularity of the group they revere jumped the shark.
  And all of this for a pop group that wasn't very good in the first

[FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  So the time may be approach-
  ing in which I'm not gonna find anything posted here inter-
  esting enough to reply to. It's all been done to death and
  argued endlessly *in exactly the same words* for decades
  now. SO been there, done that.
 We are not worthy!

Some are more worthy than others. :-)

 Actually, I think if Barry wanted to be honest about it, 
 his posting here is more akin to what we probably all did 
 at least once or twice when we were eight year olds - namely 
 ringing someone's door bell and then running away.
 I mean, sheesh, if you are into pushing peoples buttons, 
 why not stick around every once in a while instead of going 
 and hiding behind a tree.

Why bother? Everything I need to know about who got
their buttons pushed and how severely they got pushed
is visible in Yahoo's Message View. 

And I thought I stated quite explicitly that I don't
feel I owe anyone here anything. Not a response to
something they post, and certainly not an argument
or an impassioned defense of something I said. 

What I say is OPINION. What *they* say is OPINION.
Neither of these OPINIONS has anything to do with 
truth or anything even remotely like it. I am 
content with merely stating my opinions and then 
watching the reactions to them. Some, it would seem, 
are not. They feel that they are owed some kind of 
argument or debate or discussion about their opinions, 
as if by offering up one that is contrary to theirs 
you have to become a captive audience to how they
got their buttons pushed, or their attempts to push 
yours in response. Not my idea of discussion, sorry.

I just spout opinions, and allow others to do the
same. I hold no one on this forum's (and, for that
matter, no one on this planet's) opinions to be 
better than my own. They are on exactly the same 
equal footing as what they are -- OPINIONS. 

Those who don't feel that their opinions ARE opinions
are welcome to make a big to-do about that and act 
like drama queens. I shall graciously allow them to 
do so, while chuckling from behind my tree.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Monkees Fan Club metaphor

2011-11-10 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 Then I saw your Fairy Field life post, now I'm a believer
 I thought FFL was only true in fairy tales
 Meant for someone else but not for me.
 But FFL was out to get me
 That's the way it seemed.
 Disappointment haunted all my dreams.
 Then I saw your post, now I'm a believer
 Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
 I couldn't leave the place if I tried.
 I thought FFL was more or less a givin' thing,
 Seems the more I gave the less I got.
 What's the use in tryin'?
 All you get is pain.
 When I needed sunshine I got rain.
 Then I saw your post, now I'm a believer
 Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
 a true FFL believer...

See? Now THAT is a witty response. 

No call to argue, no implication that meru's POV (if
he even has one) is true or truth, no putdowns or
insults. Just taking the melody and riffing on it.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Well, this was certainly an effective troll. :-) But the more I think
  about it, the more apt an analogy it is to Fairfield Life, or to
  Fairfield itself, and the level of fanboy fanaticism that people who
  frequent those worlds often display.
  What I expected when I posted this was for about half the people to
  laugh, getting that their everyday behavior on FFL really *does*
  equate to over-the-top fans of a non-memorable faux pop group. In
  words, I expected folks to be able to laugh at themselves a little.
  Big mistake. T'would seem that this is impossible for many here, who
  feel that 1) everything they write is not only a statement of truth
  one that has to be sold to others *as* truth, and 2) that they are so
  important that they *have* to be taken seriously. That's *exactly* the
  level of fanatical fandom you would find in a real-life group of
  fans. They, too, would be incapable of seeing themselves as they
  to more...uh...normal people, and incapable of laughing at that image.
  Instead, they'd get angry and uptight. *Just* like a few here seem to
  have done.
  The thing is, what they're angry about IMO (and all I write on this
  forum *is* opinion, not truth) is that the metaphor just *nails* it.
  They've managed to turn a simplistic form of meditation into a
  just as they turned 20 minutes twice a day into several hours a day,
  and being unable to talk about anything else, because in their lives
  there IS nothing else. Or little else. TMers on FFL have become as
  monotopical as fanatical Monkees fans would be, if they still existed.
  Anyway, I thought it was a fun metaphor at the time, and still do. And
  suspect that its accuracy is proved by how strongly some reacted to
  having a little fun poked at them.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   Sometimes, scanning the list of posts on FFL searching for one that
   find interesting enough to reply to, I find myself also searching
   metaphor to explain the sense of incredulity I feel at the
   same-old-same-old repetitiveness of it all. This morning I came up
   such a metaphor, and it made me laugh, so I'll pass it along.
   this my version of Bhairitu's The Funny Farm Lounge metaphor.  :-)
   Reading FFL is like stumbling across a weird group of fanatical
   fans. They get together in cyberspace and endlessly talk about the
   days of Mickey, Davy, Peter and Michael as if they were gods. They
   about which songs were most cosmically important, and the deep
   meaning of their lyrics. When other musicians' names come up, the
   Monkees fans get angry and feel that they have to put them down,
   however good these other musicians may be, after all they're not the
   Monkees. Some are so fanatical and so enduringly loyal to the
   that they think anyone who gets caught attending a concert by any
   musician should be banned from the Monkees Fan Club for life as the
   heretics they are. But the most amazing part is that the fan club is
   still going strong, still doing all of this every day, 40+ years
   the popularity of the group they revere jumped the shark.
   And all of this for a pop group that wasn't very good in the first

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Monkees Fan Club metaphor

2011-11-10 Thread whynotnow7
Yeah, you're a real (yawn) bad-ass, Barry. You are unable to have a discussion 
with anyone about anything, and now that this is widely recognized, you attempt 
to play the only card you have left, supposedly relishing the role of troll, 
button-pusher, and  misanthrope. Did you dress up as Freddy Lenz for Halloween 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Well, this was certainly an effective troll. :-) But the more I think
 about it, the more apt an analogy it is to Fairfield Life, or to
 Fairfield itself, and the level of fanboy fanaticism that people who
 frequent those worlds often display.
 What I expected when I posted this was for about half the people to
 laugh, getting that their everyday behavior on FFL really *does*
 equate to over-the-top fans of a non-memorable faux pop group. In other
 words, I expected folks to be able to laugh at themselves a little.
 Big mistake. T'would seem that this is impossible for many here, who
 feel that 1) everything they write is not only a statement of truth but
 one that has to be sold to others *as* truth, and 2) that they are so
 important that they *have* to be taken seriously. That's *exactly* the
 level of fanatical fandom you would find in a real-life group of Monkees
 fans. They, too, would be incapable of seeing themselves as they appear
 to more...uh...normal people, and incapable of laughing at that image.
 Instead, they'd get angry and uptight. *Just* like a few here seem to
 have done.
 The thing is, what they're angry about IMO (and all I write on this
 forum *is* opinion, not truth) is that the metaphor just *nails* it.
 They've managed to turn a simplistic form of meditation into a religion,
 just as they turned 20 minutes twice a day into several hours a day,
 and being unable to talk about anything else, because in their lives
 there IS nothing else. Or little else. TMers on FFL have become as
 monotopical as fanatical Monkees fans would be, if they still existed.
 Anyway, I thought it was a fun metaphor at the time, and still do. And I
 suspect that its accuracy is proved by how strongly some reacted to
 having a little fun poked at them.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Sometimes, scanning the list of posts on FFL searching for one that I
  find interesting enough to reply to, I find myself also searching for
  metaphor to explain the sense of incredulity I feel at the
  same-old-same-old repetitiveness of it all. This morning I came up
  such a metaphor, and it made me laugh, so I'll pass it along. Consider
  this my version of Bhairitu's The Funny Farm Lounge metaphor.  :-)
  Reading FFL is like stumbling across a weird group of fanatical
  fans. They get together in cyberspace and endlessly talk about the
  days of Mickey, Davy, Peter and Michael as if they were gods. They
  about which songs were most cosmically important, and the deep
  meaning of their lyrics. When other musicians' names come up, the
  Monkees fans get angry and feel that they have to put them down,
  however good these other musicians may be, after all they're not the
  Monkees. Some are so fanatical and so enduringly loyal to the Monkees
  that they think anyone who gets caught attending a concert by any
  musician should be banned from the Monkees Fan Club for life as the
  heretics they are. But the most amazing part is that the fan club is
  still going strong, still doing all of this every day, 40+ years after
  the popularity of the group they revere jumped the shark.
  And all of this for a pop group that wasn't very good in the first

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Monkees Fan Club metaphor

2011-11-10 Thread raunchydog
Robin, you have quite a talent for removing the mask from slippery
characters. Kudos! Judy has calling Barry out for the same behavior for
years and he still doesn't get it. Never will.  A zebra doesn't change
its stripes.


http://youtu.be/1pAcfJQgxjE http://youtu.be/1pAcfJQgxjE

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 The Barry Wright Syndrome

 Barry decides he has a point of view about something—e.g. Puja is
trained moodmaking; persons on FFL are all bigoted Monkees Fan Club
members. He then asserts that his point of view must be the equivalent
of reality. But you see, he never conceives of the responsibility he has
to prove this, or at least even try to make his case. No, Barry is a
kind of totalitarian of the mind: he insists on the truth of his point
of view, without seemingly any capacity or even inclination to convince
even himself that what he says is true.

 This is a strange phenomenon; asserting something is the case, but
refusing to argue it out as if there is any process [implicit in stating
a strong opinion/judgment] whereby one has any obligation to demonstrate
the reasonableness much less the truth of one's point of view. It is
quite incredible to me. Barry, from within his highly charged emotional
reactiveness, dreams up concepts and ideas which then can serve the
purpose of expressing his own disillusionment, bitterness, cynicism.
Barry feels entitled to say something is a certain way, and he never
thinks: I must really experience this is true; or even: do I really
believe that reality will somehow, either in the articulation of my
point of view, or in the culmination of having expressed it, corroborate
this opinion?

 But no, it all comes out of his uncontrollable need to lash out, to
ridicule, to sneer, and to make the world over in the image of his own
experience of being Barry Wright. I mean, certainly every idea and
opinion that Barry expresses—we are mostly talking here about
matters pertaining to TM, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the TM Movement: i.e.
what has first drawn us into posting at FFL—is worth considering,
examined objectively; but the problem is this: Barry drags in his
negative emotionality—I suppose he is oblivious to this—and lets
that drive his opinion. So that what—take this post here—happens
is that someone has said: Your mother is ugly and she behaves like a
whore. The child of the woman who has thus been so characterized
wonders: Is my mother really that unattractive, and is she prostituting

 But Barry never lays out his case against the woman. He merely repeats
his insult, and then proceeds to act—through what follows in his
post—as if this description of the person does not need explanation
or defence; Barry Wright has said it; that is enough to make it true.

 Now if Barry would assert something is the case; and then follow it
out as so we could understand how Barry became convinced in himself that
what he is asserting is true, we would be in a position to assess the
merits of his point of view. But as it is, Barry compulsively,
reflexively ignores even the theoretical possibility that there is data
contradictory to his point of view; he merely ignores the very idea of
another, competing point of view. Barry is thus selectively biased in
this sense: Barry decides it serves his psychological needs to believe a
certain thing is one way; or rather he has a strong emotional need to
have the world appear a certain way to him. If he can pretend that it
does seem this way, then this enables him to project onto the world what
is most convenient for the perpetuation of his own undisciplined
predilections. Barry never has got beyond the simple act of: 1. I
experience x to be a certain way 2. I will insist that x must be the way
I experience x.

 Barry doesn't realize one basic thing about human beings: the mere
fact that you would like things to be seen in a way which conforms to
your need for them to be that way, cannot replace the work and effort
required to go from being predisposed—compelled somehow—to see
things a particular way, to deciding well, they must be that way. We, on
the other hand, have to see how it is reasonable to draw the same
conclusions as Barry has. But he deprives us of this opportunity, and
makes his own subjective consciousness the only arbiter of the matter:
we either trust him on this, or else we are unable to enter into the
context within which he has come to believe what he says is the case. If
only Barry Wright would contemplate: I despise anyone on FFL who tries
to argue on behalf of a point of view which is at odds with my own point
of view. Therefore I am just going to attack that point of view as if it
is stupid and indefensible—but I will never explain why this is so.
I will just go on repeating my own judgment, without ever attempting to
persuade, convince, much less convert, others to my point of view.

 Is this not clearly 

[FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread whynotnow7
So the time may be approaching in which I'm not gonna find anything posted 
here interesting enough to reply to. It's all been done to death and argued 
endlessly *in exactly the same words* for decades
now. SO been there, done that.

Really?? We have heard this swan song from you before, and it hasn't amounted 
to much, but I personally would find it awesome if you would stop with your 
overall mood of whining, and go away for awhile.:-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:09 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
   The reason is that in the years between then and now 
   I've had many more experiences, some of which put the 
   earlier experiences in the shade and raised the bar 
   on my internal Woo Scale. What I used to consider a 9 
   I now consider a 4. I'm sure you get what I'm talking 
  Oh yes, definitely. It was a long time before I was able 
  to wrap my head around the fact that TM-style phenomenon 
  were largely mental plane phenomenon. The light mental 
  bliss I thought was so special, was just a mere shadow; 
  the kundalini, mere prana-kundalini and the visions 
  mental mirages. The perspective of time and experience 
  changes everything.
 What's amazing to me lately is how profoundly many 
 on this forum have gone mental, in that they seem
 to live almost entirely in their heads. They get so
 attached to their ideas and beliefs, and seek to argue
 them and defend these ideas and beliefs as if they had 
 real substance, or as if they had any real existence 
 at all *outside* their heads.
 That's the main reason I can no longer identify with
 many of the things discussed here enough to participate
 in such discussions. I'm really not like that. To me 
 ideas and beliefs are like toys. You take them out of
 the toy box and play with them for a while, just for
 their entertainment value. When you get bored with one
 toy, you take out another and play with it for a while.
 So I'm finding it increasingly difficult to *comprehend*
 those who are so attached to their own ideas and beliefs
 as to feel that 1) they are synonymous with something 
 they call truth, 2) that anyone who believes something
 different than they do is obligated to debate these ideas 
 and beliefs with them, and 3) that ANY of this matters. 
 I don't feel any of that. I just spout opinions, for the
 fun of trying them on and rapping from that POV for a 
 while. When the rap is done, often so are the ideas or
 beliefs. To me they really ARE nothing but toys, things
 without any substance that flit across the surface of my
 mind from time to time. They're either entertaining AS
 they flit by, or they aren't. If the former, I rap about
 them for a while; if the latter, I click Next and look 
 for some idea that might be entertaining enough to...uh...
 entertain for long enough to dash off a post about it.
 Then again, I don't believe in even the concept of truth.
 I honestly don't believe that such a thing has ever existed
 in the entire history of planet Earth, or ever will. All 
 that ever HAS existed were humans spouting opinion. That 
 IMO is the content of all scriptures, revealed writings,
 dharma talks, philosophy, et al. 
 I find it difficult to even *comprehend* people so attached
 to the things they believe that they feel the need to argue 
 and defend them, or worse, attempt to convince others that
 they are something approaching truth. As a result, I find
 it almost impossible to take such people seriously. When
 someone trots out a mentation toy here and claims that it's
 truth, my first impulse is to laugh at them as the overly
 serious dweebs they are. My second impulse in the past has
 been to write something provocative, to see exactly *how*
 attached they are to the mentation toy. 
 But that's starting to wear on me. The people who feel that
 others are obligated *to* argue with them, or to somehow
 just are not gonna lighten up. So the time may be approach-
 ing in which I'm not gonna find anything posted here inter-
 esting enough to reply to. It's all been done to death and
 argued endlessly *in exactly the same words* for decades
 now. SO been there, done that. 
 Some seem to have no problem with this. They strike me as
 the kinds of people who might still be listening to their
 old Monkees records, and still believing them not only 
 original (which they never were), or originated by actual
 musicians (which the Monkees themselves never were). I 
 just can't get off on the same-old-same-old-ness of it
 all any more. 
 What I DO like are the occasional interactions I have here
 with people who seem to function more like myself, and use
 ideas as playthings. We have fun from time to time throw-
 ing out ideas like real musicians throw out a good melody
 line, and then riff on it, just for the fun of it. But

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

  Sorry, but that seems like rubbish to me...
 One of my favorite mantra dictionaries is the 
 Mantrarthabhidanam from the Varada Tantra...
So, you believe in 'Buddhas'. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread Vaj

On Nov 10, 2011, at 10:10 AM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:

  Sorry, but that seems like rubbish to me...
 One of my favorite mantra dictionaries is the
 Mantrarthabhidanam from the Varada Tantra...

So, you believe in 'Buddhas'.

I've met a few.

[FairfieldLife] The Science Of Objectification (was Re: Can an Enlightened Person Lust?)

2011-11-10 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

   IMO, the message is that love conquers all, even 
   lust itself...
 Right on, Obba. It's been clear for some time that 
 JohnR is by far the most sexually repressed and hung 
 up person here...

So, you're opposed to normal sexual relations with a 
wife? The left-handed tantric's main goal, which is to 
have sexual relations with their mother, Sri Lakshmi,
short of that, sex with a sixteen year old. Did I get 
that right? 


Sort of like with Zen Master Rama and that girl he 
gave the sleeping pills to up in Westchester?

Thanks for all your help!

Lenz, 48, and a female companion, who was not identified, 
tried to kill themselves April 11 by taking a large amount 
of Valium, Gierasch said. They then went out on a dock at 
the rear of his $2 million home, where Lenz fell into the 
water. His body was found two days later with a dog collar 
around his neck.

The Three Village Herald reports that 33-year-old Lacey 
Brinn, who was found at Lenz's mansion, said Lenz had 
taken 150 tablets of the sedative and she had taken 50...

- The Three Village Herald, April 16

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Clinton's Ideas to Fix US Economy

2011-11-10 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 A US president is supposed to lead the people to 
 the American dream...

Our entitlement system, meanwhile, is designed to 
redistribute wealth. But this redistribution doesn't 
go from the idle rich to the working poor; it goes 
from young to old, working-age savings to retiree 
consumption, middle-class parents to empty-nest 
seniors. . . 

'What Tax Dollars Can't Buy'
New York Times:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

   One of my favorite mantra dictionaries is the
   Mantrarthabhidanam from the Varada Tantra...
  So, you believe in 'Buddhas'.
 I've met a few.

How many 'Dakinis' do you know?

'Dakini Teachings' 
By Padmasambhava
North Atlantic Books, 2004

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread Buck
 Why don't the so-called progressives follow the rules ?

Well, the anti-saint policy of the TM-Rajas in reality is a terrible dissonance 
while, the children at Maharishi School are
taught the behavioral rasayana, 'Be with wise people'.
Guru Dev taught people to sit with Saints, Mahatmas and the Wise.
Maharishi told a lot of people all along to keep the company of the Saints and 
holy people.

Left now with the TM-Rajas assailing the meditating community with their 
anti-saint policy guidelines, is it no wonder the Fairfield dome numbers are in 
turmoil.  There is no conscience in the TM-Raja position.  They need to abandon 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  Evidently 'good' is not the same thing as effective as the Fairfield Dome 
  numbers would testify.  The numbers evidently stop with Bevan and the TM 
  taliban rajas right now. It's a horse-race between the TM taliban 
  conservatives and TM progressives.  -Buck in FF
 Why don't the so-called progressives follow the rules ?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
Interesting the part in that TM documentary film where David Lynch 
turns to the camera vehemently saying, Leave us alone.  Bevan back in 
1993 came through Fairfield and said the same thing about meditators 
here who did not have a level of ,, faith and belief in Maharishi.  
That people who did not have faith and belief in Maharishi should 
leave us alone and leave Fairfield.  Bevan methodically moved through 
the community saying that then and has ever since been testing people's 
loyalty to that.  
   Very good. Bevan is truly a good man !

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Monkees Fan Club metaphor

2011-11-10 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 Yeah, you're a real (yawn) bad-ass, Barry. 
 You are unable to have a discussion with 
 anyone about anything, and now that this is 
 widely recognized, you attempt to play the 
 only card you have left, supposedly relishing 
 the role of troll, button-pusher, and  

The acts of those who have OCD may appear 
paranoid and potentially psychotic. However, OCD 
sufferers generally recognize their obsessions 
and compulsions as irrational, and may become 
further distressed by this realization...

'Obsessive-compulsive disorder'

[FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread maskedzebra

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  So the time may be approach-
  ing in which I'm not gonna find anything posted here inter-
  esting enough to reply to. It's all been done to death and
  argued endlessly *in exactly the same words* for decades
  now. SO been there, done that.

 We are not worthy!

Some are more worthy than others. :-)

 Actually, I think if Barry wanted to be honest about it,
 his posting here is more akin to what we probably all did
 at least once or twice when we were eight year olds - namely
 ringing someone's door bell and then running away.

 I mean, sheesh, if you are into pushing peoples buttons,
 why not stick around every once in a while instead of going
 and hiding behind a tree.

Barry Wright: Why bother? Everything I need to know about who got
their buttons pushed and how severely they got pushed
is visible in Yahoo's Message View.

Santa Claus: Barry, Baby, you are asserting something without any feel for the 
way it is playing in reality. This is called perfect subjective dislocation 
from the necessary feedback which the universe is giving you. Get it, Barry? 
When you blow your nose on your sleeve, there is some mucus there which, if you 
want to still look pretty, you have to remove. 

You can't just say: The Kleenex idea, it's just an opinion. My sleeve is just 
as good an absorber of my snot as your bloody Kleenex. I don't need no fucking 
Kleenex—You wimps.

I blow my snot on myself and you guys offer me a Kleenex: Hey, I guess I 
pressed your button once more! 

Barry Wright: And I thought I stated quite explicitly that I don't
feel I owe anyone here anything. Not a response to
something they post, and certainly not an argument
or an impassioned defense of something I said.

Santa Claus: If you tell us, Barry, that ice-cream tastes good because of the 
placebo effect, we are not exercised about this. It don't bother us ice-cream 
eaters that much. Even though you used to be one of those who licked down to 
the bottom and then ate the cone. The deliciousness of ice-cream: just so you 
know, everyone: That was trained moodmaking.

Maybe. Maybe not. But if in trying to tell us ice-cream just tasted good 
because we were told it was good, then it isn't really a matter of opinion, 
Barry: it is a matter of negative wish-fulfillment. 

 It is not a question of opinion. It is a question of the sensation in your 
mouth. For some reason you tasted a different brand of ice-cream [by the way, I 
stopped eating that damn ice-cream myself—not good for me; still I don't say it 
didn't go down good with me at the time]—and then found yourself having to kill 
off the old ice-cream memories.

But your ice-cream maker—your second one—didn't he choke to death on one of his 
own cones? My opinion, maybe; but if he's not sending you any e-mails, and 
can't be located anywhere, maybe it's not an opinion. Your last Guru, Barry: 
he's dead. That's my strongest opinion.

You aren't, are you—merely giving your opinions when you get your hate on about 
someone on FFL, are you, Barry boy? Opinions mean some absence of knowledge. 
But you, surely if you were only expressing opinions in your hatred, would have 
to question the truthfulness of these opinions. And since you give us your 
opinions about, say, the geocentric reality of the universe, us Galileos, have 
to set you right: the universe is not Barry-centric; it is, as far as we can 
tell—scientists will back this up with their opinions—heliocentric.

Is Sati merely a matter of opinion, Barry? Should a woman be obliged to throw 
herself upon her husband's funeral pyre? Is your hatred of Judy mere opinion? 
Do you hold your views to be opinions only? How can an opinion generate intense 
feelings of hostility? And why, Barry dearest, do you ever refuse to argue out 
your case?

Barry, if you expressed your attitude and beliefs *as if you knew when you 
stated them* they were just opinions, and they held only this status with you, 
then why are you bothered when we come back with our opinions about your 
opinions? You say x is y here at FFL. Does that mean that if someone realizes 
that x is not y, that making this known to you constitutes your having pressed 
their buttons?

If you truly felt everything everyone said here on FFL was just opining, then 
why not join in the fun and defend yourself against counter-opining? You seem 
to take very seriously everything anyone says here contra your own opinions, 
because you are silent and unresponsive. This decision *never ever to rebut 
those who disagree with you*, that is decision you make at the level of 
opinion? As in: it is my opinion that no matter what Robin or anyone's else 
says, I should not respond? But if *that* is but an opinion, Barry, then 
perhaps it is a mistaken opinion. Perhaps your refusal to enter into the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread Vaj

On Nov 10, 2011, at 10:57 AM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:

   One of my favorite mantra dictionaries is the
   Mantrarthabhidanam from the Varada Tantra...
  So, you believe in 'Buddhas'.
 I've met a few.

How many 'Dakinis' do you know?


[FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

   The reason is that in the years between then and now 
   I've had many more experiences, some of which put the 
   earlier experiences in the shade and raised the bar 
   on my internal Woo Scale. What I used to consider a 9 
   I now consider a 4. I'm sure you get what I'm talking 
  Oh yes, definitely. It was a long time before I was able 
  to wrap my head around the fact that TM-style phenomenon 
  were largely mental plane phenomenon. The light mental 
  bliss I thought was so special, was just a mere shadow; 
  the kundalini, mere prana-kundalini and the visions 
  mental mirages. The perspective of time and experience 
  changes everything.
 That's the main reason I can no longer identify with
 many of the things discussed here enough to participate
 in such discussions. I'm really not like that. To me 
 ideas and beliefs are like toys. You take them out of
 the toy box and play with them for a while, just for
 their entertainment value. When you get bored with one
 toy, you take out another and play with it for a while.
So, you've never been married. But, doesn't hanging out at
bars and cafes get boring after forty years? Maybe you
should just face reality and get a job so you can support
a family. It's a little late, you're what over 50, but
anything is possible. You're not even a homeowner, right?

My advice to you is to get over the MMY and Rama, and just
move on with your life. Are you thinking you can hide
from life forever? You're a little old to be still living
in a commune in downtown Amsterdam, incessantly posting
about your old gurus!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 One of my favorite mantra dictionaries is the
 Mantrarthabhidanam from the Varada Tantra...

So, you believe in 'Buddhas'.
   I've met a few.
  How many 'Dakinis' do you know?

Did you ever meet up with the Yeshe Tsogyel, concubine
of Guru Padmasambhava? 

'Sky Dancer'
The Secret Life of the Lady Yeshe Tsogyel 
by Stag-am Nus-ldan-rdo-rje
Snow Lion, 1996

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Monkees Fan Club metaphor

2011-11-10 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Nov 10, 2011, at 8:06 AM, merudanda wrote:

 I thought FFL was only true in fairy tales
 Meant for someone else but not for me.
 But FFL was out to get me
 That's the way it seemed.
 Disappointment haunted all my dreams.
 Then I saw your post, now I'm a believer
 Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
 I couldn't leave the place if I tried.
 I thought FFL was more or less a givin' thing,
 Seems the more I gave the less I got.
 What's the use in tryin'?
 All you get is pain.
 When I needed sunshine I got rain.
 Then I saw your post, now I'm a believer
 Not a trace of doubt in my mind.



RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 6:35 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Interesting the part in that TM documentary film where David Lynch turns
to the camera vehemently saying, Leave us alone. Bevan back in 1993 came
through Fairfield and said the same thing about meditators here who did not
have a level of ,, faith and belief in Maharishi. That people who did not
have faith and belief in Maharishi should leave us alone and leave
Fairfield. Bevan methodically moved through the community saying that then
and has ever since been testing people's loyalty to that. 

Very good. Bevan is truly a good man !


Yes. That was vividly illustrated the time he was hosting a hoity-toity
campus gathering, when a man stormed into the room, shoved Bevan to the
floor, and stood over him with fists clenched, threatening to beat the shit
out of him if Bevan ever again touched his wife.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Monkees Fan Club metaphor

2011-11-10 Thread Bhairitu
Funny, after all this chat yesterday about the Monkees, I searched to 
see if anything new had happened with my 60's Seattle group.  To my 
surprise one of our recordings wound up on a soundtrack of an Adam 
Sandler movie Strange Wilderness.  I put the Bluray in my NF queue to 
check it out.

On 11/10/2011 06:06 AM, merudanda wrote:
 Then I saw your Fairy Field life post, now I'm a believer

 I thought FFL was only true in fairy tales
 Meant for someone else but not for me.
 But FFL was out to get me
 That's the way it seemed.
 Disappointment haunted all my dreams.

 Then I saw your post, now I'm a believer
 Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
 I couldn't leave the place if I tried.

 I thought FFL was more or less a givin' thing,
 Seems the more I gave the less I got.
 What's the use in tryin'?
 All you get is pain.
 When I needed sunshine I got rain.

 Then I saw your post, now I'm a believer
 Not a trace of doubt in my mind.

 a true FFL believer...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoisebno_reply@...  wrote:
 Well, this was certainly an effective troll. :-) But the more I think
 about it, the more apt an analogy it is to Fairfield Life, or to
 Fairfield itself, and the level of fanboy fanaticism that people who
 frequent those worlds often display.

 What I expected when I posted this was for about half the people to
 laugh, getting that their everyday behavior on FFL really *does*
 equate to over-the-top fans of a non-memorable faux pop group. In
 words, I expected folks to be able to laugh at themselves a little.

 Big mistake. T'would seem that this is impossible for many here, who
 feel that 1) everything they write is not only a statement of truth
 one that has to be sold to others *as* truth, and 2) that they are so
 important that they *have* to be taken seriously. That's *exactly* the
 level of fanatical fandom you would find in a real-life group of
 fans. They, too, would be incapable of seeing themselves as they
 to more...uh...normal people, and incapable of laughing at that image.
 Instead, they'd get angry and uptight. *Just* like a few here seem to
 have done.

 The thing is, what they're angry about IMO (and all I write on this
 forum *is* opinion, not truth) is that the metaphor just *nails* it.
 They've managed to turn a simplistic form of meditation into a
 just as they turned 20 minutes twice a day into several hours a day,
 and being unable to talk about anything else, because in their lives
 there IS nothing else. Or little else. TMers on FFL have become as
 monotopical as fanatical Monkees fans would be, if they still existed.

 Anyway, I thought it was a fun metaphor at the time, and still do. And
 suspect that its accuracy is proved by how strongly some reacted to
 having a little fun poked at them.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
 Sometimes, scanning the list of posts on FFL searching for one that
 find interesting enough to reply to, I find myself also searching
 metaphor to explain the sense of incredulity I feel at the
 same-old-same-old repetitiveness of it all. This morning I came up
 such a metaphor, and it made me laugh, so I'll pass it along.
 this my version of Bhairitu's The Funny Farm Lounge metaphor.  :-)

 Reading FFL is like stumbling across a weird group of fanatical
 fans. They get together in cyberspace and endlessly talk about the
 days of Mickey, Davy, Peter and Michael as if they were gods. They
 about which songs were most cosmically important, and the deep
 meaning of their lyrics. When other musicians' names come up, the
 Monkees fans get angry and feel that they have to put them down,
 however good these other musicians may be, after all they're not the
 Monkees. Some are so fanatical and so enduringly loyal to the
 that they think anyone who gets caught attending a concert by any
 musician should be banned from the Monkees Fan Club for life as the
 heretics they are. But the most amazing part is that the fan club is
 still going strong, still doing all of this every day, 40+ years
 the popularity of the group they revere jumped the shark.

 And all of this for a pop group that wasn't very good in the first

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

  On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
  Very good. Bevan is truly a good man !
 Yes. That was vividly illustrated the time he was hosting 
 a hoity-toity campus gathering, when a man stormed into 
 the room, shoved Bevan to the floor, and stood over him 
 with fists clenched, threatening to beat the shit
 out of him if Bevan ever again touched his wife.

I would have paid good money to see that. 

TMO's biggest playground bully gets to kiss the
pavement in public. One wonders whether he ever
displayed any change in behavior afterwards, or
whether he brushed it off as just unstressing.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Nov 10, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
  Interesting the part in that TM documentary film where David Lynch turns to 
  the camera vehemently saying, Leave us alone. Bevan back in 1993 came 
  through Fairfield and said the same thing about meditators here who did not 
  have a level of ,, faith and belief in Maharishi. That people who did not 
  have faith and belief in Maharishi should leave us alone and leave 
  Fairfield. Bevan methodically moved through the community saying that then 
  and has ever since been testing people's loyalty to that. 
 Very good. Bevan is truly a good man !
 Yes. That was vividly illustrated the time he was hosting a hoity-toity 
 campus gathering, when a man stormed into the room, shoved Bevan to the 
 floor, and stood over him with fists clenched, threatening to beat the shit 
 out of him if Bevan ever again touched his wife.

Gee, I wonder why Bevan never reported that to the cops?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread Bhairitu
On 11/10/2011 01:53 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vajvajradhatu@...  wrote:
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:09 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 The reason is that in the years between then and now
 I've had many more experiences, some of which put the
 earlier experiences in the shade and raised the bar
 on my internal Woo Scale. What I used to consider a 9
 I now consider a 4. I'm sure you get what I'm talking
 Oh yes, definitely. It was a long time before I was able
 to wrap my head around the fact that TM-style phenomenon
 were largely mental plane phenomenon. The light mental
 bliss I thought was so special, was just a mere shadow;
 the kundalini, mere prana-kundalini and the visions
 mental mirages. The perspective of time and experience
 changes everything.
 What's amazing to me lately is how profoundly many
 on this forum have gone mental, in that they seem
 to live almost entirely in their heads. They get so
 attached to their ideas and beliefs, and seek to argue
 them and defend these ideas and beliefs as if they had
 real substance, or as if they had any real existence
 at all *outside* their heads.

 That's the main reason I can no longer identify with
 many of the things discussed here enough to participate
 in such discussions. I'm really not like that. To me
 ideas and beliefs are like toys. You take them out of
 the toy box and play with them for a while, just for
 their entertainment value. When you get bored with one
 toy, you take out another and play with it for a while.

 So I'm finding it increasingly difficult to *comprehend*
 those who are so attached to their own ideas and beliefs
 as to feel that 1) they are synonymous with something
 they call truth, 2) that anyone who believes something
 different than they do is obligated to debate these ideas
 and beliefs with them, and 3) that ANY of this matters.

 I don't feel any of that. I just spout opinions, for the
 fun of trying them on and rapping from that POV for a
 while. When the rap is done, often so are the ideas or
 beliefs. To me they really ARE nothing but toys, things
 without any substance that flit across the surface of my
 mind from time to time. They're either entertaining AS
 they flit by, or they aren't. If the former, I rap about
 them for a while; if the latter, I click Next and look
 for some idea that might be entertaining enough to...uh...
 entertain for long enough to dash off a post about it.

 Then again, I don't believe in even the concept of truth.
 I honestly don't believe that such a thing has ever existed
 in the entire history of planet Earth, or ever will. All
 that ever HAS existed were humans spouting opinion. That
 IMO is the content of all scriptures, revealed writings,
 dharma talks, philosophy, et al.

 I find it difficult to even *comprehend* people so attached
 to the things they believe that they feel the need to argue
 and defend them, or worse, attempt to convince others that
 they are something approaching truth. As a result, I find
 it almost impossible to take such people seriously. When
 someone trots out a mentation toy here and claims that it's
 truth, my first impulse is to laugh at them as the overly
 serious dweebs they are. My second impulse in the past has
 been to write something provocative, to see exactly *how*
 attached they are to the mentation toy.

 But that's starting to wear on me. The people who feel that
 others are obligated *to* argue with them, or to somehow
 just are not gonna lighten up. So the time may be approach-
 ing in which I'm not gonna find anything posted here inter-
 esting enough to reply to. It's all been done to death and
 argued endlessly *in exactly the same words* for decades
 now. SO been there, done that.

 Some seem to have no problem with this. They strike me as
 the kinds of people who might still be listening to their
 old Monkees records, and still believing them not only
 original (which they never were), or originated by actual
 musicians (which the Monkees themselves never were). I
 just can't get off on the same-old-same-old-ness of it
 all any more.

 What I DO like are the occasional interactions I have here
 with people who seem to function more like myself, and use
 ideas as playthings. We have fun from time to time throw-
 ing out ideas like real musicians throw out a good melody
 line, and then riff on it, just for the fun of it. But
 those conversations have become few and far between, and
 there are possibly not enough of them to warrant my
 continued participation.

 All I can say is that if becoming convinced of the truth
 of one's ideas and beliefs has the effect of making people
 so *angry* when those ideas and beliefs are challenged or
 poked fun at, then I'm not convinced it's a good thing.
 Feels more like fundamentalism and ego-enhancement to me.

Okay, this is your Amy riff of the day.  But I will agree it is 
interesting that people here live in the 

[FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread whynotnow7
Enjoyable, again MZ. It is by proving through your posts that you have a clear 
mind and heart that I am able to enjoy your dialogues immensely, like watching 
an intricate jigsaw puzzle being assembled that at the end, despite the large 
number of pieces, forms a coherent whole, without a trace of self 
aggrandizement or tinge of nastiness. Well done!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   So the time may be approach-
   ing in which I'm not gonna find anything posted here inter-
   esting enough to reply to. It's all been done to death and
   argued endlessly *in exactly the same words* for decades
   now. SO been there, done that.
  We are not worthy!
 Some are more worthy than others. :-)
  Actually, I think if Barry wanted to be honest about it,
  his posting here is more akin to what we probably all did
  at least once or twice when we were eight year olds - namely
  ringing someone's door bell and then running away.
  I mean, sheesh, if you are into pushing peoples buttons,
  why not stick around every once in a while instead of going
  and hiding behind a tree.
 Barry Wright: Why bother? Everything I need to know about who got
 their buttons pushed and how severely they got pushed
 is visible in Yahoo's Message View.
 Santa Claus: Barry, Baby, you are asserting something without any feel for 
 the way it is playing in reality. This is called perfect subjective 
 dislocation from the necessary feedback which the universe is giving you. Get 
 it, Barry? When you blow your nose on your sleeve, there is some mucus there 
 which, if you want to still look pretty, you have to remove. 
 You can't just say: The Kleenex idea, it's just an opinion. My sleeve is just 
 as good an absorber of my snot as your bloody Kleenex. I don't need no 
 fucking Kleenex—You wimps.
 I blow my snot on myself and you guys offer me a Kleenex: Hey, I guess I 
 pressed your button once more! 
 Barry Wright: And I thought I stated quite explicitly that I don't
 feel I owe anyone here anything. Not a response to
 something they post, and certainly not an argument
 or an impassioned defense of something I said.
 Santa Claus: If you tell us, Barry, that ice-cream tastes good because of the 
 placebo effect, we are not exercised about this. It don't bother us ice-cream 
 eaters that much. Even though you used to be one of those who licked down to 
 the bottom and then ate the cone. The deliciousness of ice-cream: just so you 
 know, everyone: That was trained moodmaking.
 Maybe. Maybe not. But if in trying to tell us ice-cream just tasted good 
 because we were told it was good, then it isn't really a matter of opinion, 
 Barry: it is a matter of negative wish-fulfillment. 
  It is not a question of opinion. It is a question of the sensation in your 
 mouth. For some reason you tasted a different brand of ice-cream [by the way, 
 I stopped eating that damn ice-cream myself—not good for me; still I don't 
 say it didn't go down good with me at the time]—and then found yourself 
 having to kill off the old ice-cream memories.
 But your ice-cream maker—your second one—didn't he choke to death on one of 
 his own cones? My opinion, maybe; but if he's not sending you any e-mails, 
 and can't be located anywhere, maybe it's not an opinion. Your last Guru, 
 Barry: he's dead. That's my strongest opinion.
 You aren't, are you—merely giving your opinions when you get your hate on 
 about someone on FFL, are you, Barry boy? Opinions mean some absence of 
 knowledge. But you, surely if you were only expressing opinions in your 
 hatred, would have to question the truthfulness of these opinions. And since 
 you give us your opinions about, say, the geocentric reality of the universe, 
 us Galileos, have to set you right: the universe is not Barry-centric; it is, 
 as far as we can tell—scientists will back this up with their 
 Is Sati merely a matter of opinion, Barry? Should a woman be obliged to throw 
 herself upon her husband's funeral pyre? Is your hatred of Judy mere opinion? 
 Do you hold your views to be opinions only? How can an opinion generate 
 intense feelings of hostility? And why, Barry dearest, do you ever refuse to 
 argue out your case?
 Barry, if you expressed your attitude and beliefs *as if you knew when you 
 stated them* they were just opinions, and they held only this status with 
 you, then why are you bothered when we come back with our opinions about your 
 opinions? You say x is y here at FFL. Does that mean that if someone realizes 
 that x is not y, that making this known to you constitutes your having 
 pressed their buttons?
 If you truly felt everything everyone said here on FFL was just opining, then 
 why not join in 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of turquoiseb
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 10:49 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

  On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
  Very good. Bevan is truly a good man !
 Yes. That was vividly illustrated the time he was hosting 
 a hoity-toity campus gathering, when a man stormed into 
 the room, shoved Bevan to the floor, and stood over him 
 with fists clenched, threatening to beat the shit
 out of him if Bevan ever again touched his wife.

I would have paid good money to see that. 

TMO's biggest playground bully gets to kiss the
pavement in public. One wonders whether he ever
displayed any change in behavior afterwards, or
whether he brushed it off as just unstressing.

Reportedly, after the incident he just left the room, and there were no
known consequences for his attacker.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread whynotnow7

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:

 On Nov 10, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   Interesting the part in that TM documentary film where David Lynch turns 
   to the camera vehemently saying, Leave us alone. Bevan back in 1993 
   came through Fairfield and said the same thing about meditators here who 
   did not have a level of ,, faith and belief in Maharishi. That people 
   who did not have faith and belief in Maharishi should leave us alone 
   and leave Fairfield. Bevan methodically moved through the community 
   saying that then and has ever since been testing people's loyalty to 
  Very good. Bevan is truly a good man !
  Yes. That was vividly illustrated the time he was hosting a hoity-toity 
  campus gathering, when a man stormed into the room, shoved Bevan to the 
  floor, and stood over him with fists clenched, threatening to beat the shit 
  out of him if Bevan ever again touched his wife.
 Gee, I wonder why Bevan never reported that to the cops?

That's what I was hoping to see in David Wants To Make A Movie, instead of the 
mopey, no surprises, overly long piece it turned out to be.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Monkees Fan Club metaphor

2011-11-10 Thread emptybill

Barry's Baritric-I has opined here many times that everything that can
be said is just opinion ... i.e. there is not nor can there be such a
thing as truth.

Like writing there is no such thing as writing or declaring it
is absolutely true that only relative truth exists, Barry
continues to troll forward on FFL with his multiple absurdities.

As you have pointed out, Barry is so wrapped in his own subjectivity
that the world seems to be his great canvas. This is the very definition
of Shankara's jagan mithya (the world is only appearance)
or Plato's chained cave-dwelling prisoners. Doxa (opinion)
represents his desperate wish to affirm his rule over his own world.

Because he hates authority, he hates quotes that describe a reality he
does not care to share. He probably even believes that the distance
between the Earth and Moon changes according to whether he agrees or
disagrees with someone about its correct measure. That is why I have
included the quote below.

Let him have his world. It will eat him soon enough and then later, like
a leaf in the wind, he will be engulfed in this one.

Lucifer: Not to admit that which exceeds us, and not to wish to exceed
oneself: that is in fact the whole program of psychologism, and it is
the very definition of Lucifer. The opposite or primordial and normative
attitude is: not to think except in reference to that which exceeds us,
and to live but for the sake of exceeding oneself; to seek greatness

where this is to be found, and not on the plane of the individual and
his rebellious pettiness. In order to rejoin true greatness, man must
first of all agree to pay the debt of his own pettiness by remaining
small on the plane where he cannot help being small; the sense of
objective reality, on the one hand, and of the absolute, on the other,
does not go

without a certain abnegation, and it is this abnegation in fact which
allows us to be fully

faithful to our human vocation.

from Logic and Transcendence, The Contradiction of Relativism by
Frithjof Schuon

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 The Barry Wright Syndrome

 Barry decides he has a point of view about something—e.g. Puja is
trained moodmaking; persons on FFL are all bigoted Monkees Fan Club
members. He then asserts that his point of view must be the equivalent
of reality. But you see, he never conceives of the responsibility he has
to prove this, or at least even try to make his case. No, Barry is a
kind of totalitarian of the mind: he insists on the truth of his point
of view, without seemingly any capacity or even inclination to convince
even himself that what he says is true.

 This is a strange phenomenon; asserting something is the case, but
refusing to argue it out as if there is any process [implicit in stating
a strong opinion/judgment] whereby one has any obligation to demonstrate
the reasonableness much less the truth of one's point of view. It is
quite incredible to me. Barry, from within his highly charged emotional
reactiveness, dreams up concepts and ideas which then can serve the
purpose of expressing his own disillusionment, bitterness, cynicism.
Barry feels entitled to say something is a certain way, and he never
thinks: I must really experience this is true; or even: do I really
believe that reality will somehow, either in the articulation of my
point of view, or in the culmination of having expressed it, corroborate
this opinion?

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Nov 10, 2011, at 11:11 AM, whynotnow7 wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:
 On Nov 10, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
 Interesting the part in that TM documentary film where David Lynch turns 
 to the camera vehemently saying, Leave us alone. Bevan back in 1993 came 
 through Fairfield and said the same thing about meditators here who did 
 not have a level of ,, faith and belief in Maharishi. That people who 
 did not have faith and belief in Maharishi should leave us alone and 
 leave Fairfield. Bevan methodically moved through the community saying 
 that then and has ever since been testing people's loyalty to that.
 Very good. Bevan is truly a good man !
 Yes. That was vividly illustrated the time he was hosting a hoity-toity 
 campus gathering, when a man stormed into the room, shoved Bevan to the 
 floor, and stood over him with fists clenched, threatening to beat the shit 
 out of him if Bevan ever again touched his wife.
 Gee, I wonder why Bevan never reported that to the cops?

BTW, Rick, my point in saying that was not to cast any
doubts on your story's veracity, which IMO sounds totally
credible. Makes you wonder how much else goes on over
there that never gets reported, and for good reason I'm
sure, as it would undoubtedly open up a huge box of worms
I'm sure the worms in crowns :)  would much rather leave


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Monkees Fan Club metaphor

2011-11-10 Thread merudanda
Thank you for prompting me to look at this again

The Word of God shines bright in human form,
And thus we shine with him,
Building up the limbs of his beautiful body.
(Verbum dei clarescit in forma hominis,
Et ideo fulgemus cum illo,
Edificantes membra sui pulcri corporis)

Kéeps gráce: thát keeps all his goings graces;
Acts in God's eye what in God's eye he is—
Chríst—for Christ plays in ten thousand places,
Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his
To the Father through the features of men's faces.

That final metaphor in the poem is an intensive one introducing both the
metaphor of 'play' (seems the verb 'plays' here is intransitive ) in
something, as well as the further one of doing so under the approving
eyes of a father (play 'to like in  a rap, in music-' interestingly not
'for' the Father )

The earlier version of the last two lines in Hopkins's poem was :

Lives in limbs, and looks through eyes not his
With lovely yearning

Using the earlier imagery (Lives in limbs, and looks through eyes not
With lovely yearning ), however, can help us towards the basic idea in
Hopkins's poem - that the presence of Hopkins's Christ may be found in
play in other human beings, and so guided towards the Father.
just a playful thoughtforgive me
only the thought of something bright and precise, that must have somehow
zigzagging back to the sky, its image too soon blurred to an idea after 
you open your prayerful hands to see what you have caught, that has been
tickling your palms with wings or feeler  reading your postings

The Large Family 1963 Rene Magritte

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 You MZ lives in limbs,
 And looks through eyes not yours
 With lovely yearning?
 Keeps grace, (abiding in the sanctifying grace):
 that keeps all his goings graces?
   And denying now the instressness, the shaping force within
 of nature and art at FFL, in contradiction to your previous insistence
 that inscape was the essence of the postings at FFL  landscape by
 quoting  Hopkins then and there?
 Then and there the inscaped landscape markedly holding its most
 and beautiful oneness up from the ground through a graceful swerve
 the spring of the branches up to the tops of the FFL timber. I saw the
 inscape freshly, as if my mind were still growing, though now the
 and the ear are for the most part shut. And instress, the doing-be
 turquoiseb(ee) the positing or pitching of his whole self in his
 selving act of artistic will and thisness...  now cannot come.

 Is there is one notable dead tree . . ? [:D]

 Verbum dei clarescit in forma hominis,
 Et ideo fulgemus cum illo,
 Edificantes membra sui pulcri corporis.

 Hildegard von Bingen: Ordo Virtutem
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
  The Barry Wright Syndrome
  Barry decides he has a point of view about something—e.g. Puja
 trained moodmaking; persons on FFL are all bigoted Monkees Fan Club
 members. He then asserts that his point of view must be the equivalent
 of reality. But you see, he never conceives of the responsibility he
 to prove this, or at least even try to make his case. No, Barry is a
 kind of totalitarian of the mind: he insists on the truth of his point
 of view, without seemingly any capacity or even inclination to
 even himself that what he says is true.
  This is a strange phenomenon; asserting something is the case, but
 refusing to argue it out as if there is any process [implicit in
 a strong opinion/judgment] whereby one has any obligation to
 the reasonableness much less the truth of one's point of view. It is
 quite incredible to me. Barry, from within his highly charged
 reactiveness, dreams up concepts and ideas which then can serve the
 purpose of expressing his own disillusionment, bitterness, cynicism.
 Barry feels entitled to say something is a certain way, and he never
 thinks: I must really experience this is true; or even: do I really
 believe that reality will somehow, either in the articulation of my
 point of view, or in the culmination of having expressed it,
 this opinion?
  But no, it all comes out of his uncontrollable need to lash out, to
 ridicule, to sneer, and to make the world over in the image of his own
 experience of being Barry Wright. I mean, certainly every idea and
 opinion that Barry expresses—we are mostly talking here about
 matters pertaining to TM, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the TM Movement: i.e.
 what has first drawn us into posting at FFL—is worth considering,
 examined objectively; but the problem is this: Barry drags in his
 negative emotionality—I suppose he is oblivious to this—and
 that drive his opinion. So that what—take this post
 is that someone has said: Your mother is ugly and she behaves like a
 whore. The child of the woman who has thus been so characterized
 wonders: Is my mother really that 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
  On Nov 10, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
Interesting the part in that TM documentary film where David Lynch 
turns to the camera vehemently saying, Leave us alone. Bevan back in 
1993 came through Fairfield and said the same thing about meditators 
here who did not have a level of ,, faith and belief in Maharishi. 
That people who did not have faith and belief in Maharishi should 
leave us alone and leave Fairfield. Bevan methodically moved through 
the community saying that then and has ever since been testing people's 
loyalty to that. 
   Very good. Bevan is truly a good man !

   Yes. That was vividly illustrated the time he was hosting a hoity-toity 
   campus gathering, when a man stormed into the room, shoved Bevan to the 
   floor, and stood over him with fists clenched, threatening to beat the 
   shit out of him if Bevan ever again touched his wife.

 That's what I was hoping to see in David Wants To Make A Movie, instead of 
 the mopey, no surprises, overly long piece it turned out to be.

Would have been interesting :-)

BTW; why did the wife of this fellow allow Bevan to touch her in the first 
place, perhaps her husband had necglected his duties for too long ?


2011-11-10 Thread Tom Pall
I assume Maharishi's Supreme Blessings to Mankind consisted of giving us an
imaginary currency, an imaginary country, an imaginary king and prince and
then finally shuffling off?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread Bob Price


From: maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 8:26:45 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  So the time may be approach-
  ing in which I'm not gonna find anything posted here inter-
  esting enough to reply to. It's all been done to death and
  argued endlessly *in exactly the same words* for decades
  now. SO been there, done that.

 We are not worthy!

Some are more worthy than others. :-)

 Actually, I think if Barry wanted to be honest about it,
 his posting here is more akin to what we probably all did
 at least once or twice when we were eight year olds - namely
 ringing someone's door bell and then running away.

 I mean, sheesh, if you are into pushing peoples buttons,
 why not stick around every once in a while instead of going
 and hiding behind a tree.

Barry Wright: Why bother? Everything I need to know about who got
their buttons pushed and how severely they got pushed
is visible in Yahoo's Message View.

Santa Claus: Barry, Baby, you are asserting something without any feel for the 
way it is playing in reality. This is called perfect subjective dislocation 
from the necessary feedback which the universe is giving you. Get it, Barry? 
When you blow your nose on your sleeve, there is some mucus there which, if you 
want to still look pretty, you have to remove. 

You can't just say: The Kleenex idea, it's just an opinion. My sleeve is just 
as good an absorber of my snot as your bloody Kleenex. I don't need no fucking 
Kleenex—You wimps.

I blow my snot on myself and you guys offer me a Kleenex: Hey, I guess I 
pressed your button once more! 

Barry Wright: And I thought I stated quite explicitly that I don't
feel I owe anyone here anything. Not a response to
something they post, and certainly not an argument
or an impassioned defense of something I said.

Santa Claus: If you tell us, Barry, that ice-cream tastes good because of the 
placebo effect, we are not exercised about this. It don't bother us ice-cream 
eaters that much. Even though you used to be one of those who licked down to 
the bottom and then ate the cone. The deliciousness of ice-cream: just so you 
know, everyone: That was trained moodmaking.

Maybe. Maybe not. But if in trying to tell us ice-cream just tasted good 
because we were told it was good, then it isn't really a matter of opinion, 
Barry: it is a matter of negative wish-fulfillment. 

It is not a question of opinion. It is a question of the sensation in your 
mouth. For some reason you tasted a different brand of ice-cream [by the way, I 
stopped eating that damn ice-cream myself—not good for me; still I don't say it 
didn't go down good with me at the time]—and then found yourself having to kill 
off the old ice-cream memories.

But your ice-cream maker—your second one—didn't he choke to death on one of his 
own cones? My opinion, maybe; but if he's not sending you any e-mails, and 
can't be located anywhere, maybe it's not an opinion. Your last Guru, Barry: 
he's dead. That's my strongest opinion.

You aren't, are you—merely giving your opinions when you get your hate on about 
someone on FFL, are you, Barry boy? Opinions mean some absence of knowledge. 
But you, surely if you were only expressing opinions in your hatred, would have 
to question the truthfulness of these opinions. And since you give us your 
opinions about, say, the geocentric reality of the universe, us Galileos, have 
to set you right: the universe is not Barry-centric; it is, as far as we can 
tell—scientists will back this up with their opinions—heliocentric.

Is Sati merely a matter of opinion, Barry? Should a woman be obliged to throw 
herself upon her husband's funeral pyre? Is your hatred of Judy mere opinion? 
Do you hold your views to be opinions only? How can an opinion generate intense 
feelings of hostility? And why, Barry dearest, do you ever refuse to argue out 
your case?

Barry, if you expressed your attitude and beliefs *as if you knew when you 
stated them* they were just opinions, and they held only this status with you, 
then why are you bothered when we come back with our opinions about your 
opinions? You say x is y here at FFL. Does that mean that if someone realizes 
that x is not y, that making this known to you constitutes your having pressed 
their buttons?

If you truly felt everything everyone said here on FFL was just opining, then 
why not join in the fun and defend yourself against counter-opining? You seem 
to take very seriously everything anyone says here contra your own opinions, 
because you are silent and unresponsive. This decision *never ever to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

  Why don't the so-called progressives follow the rules ?
 Well, the anti-saint policy of the TM-Rajas in reality is a terrible 
 dissonance here
 while, the children at Maharishi School are
 taught the behavioral rasayana, 'Be with wise people'.
 Guru Dev taught people to sit with Saints, Mahatmas and the Wise.

Did Guru Dev instruct americans to do the same ? If everyone was to follow 
everyone else's instructions, even someone living in another age and continent 
it would all amount to a big mess.

 Maharishi told a lot of people all along to keep the company of the Saints 
 and holy people.

Right. And that was about 5o years ago. It's no longer valid, at least not for 
the Fairfield community. Get used to it.

 Left now with the TM-Rajas assailing the meditating community with their 
 anti-saint policy guidelines, is it no wonder the Fairfield dome numbers are 
 in turmoil.  

They are ? Did they not recently have historical high numbers ?

There is no conscience in the TM-Raja position.  They need to abandon it.

Perhaps it is our dear Buck who needs to start owning the Movement who belongs 
to those that move and are not stuck in the past.

[FairfieldLife] Vag's Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread emptybill
Vag is no Sanskrit reader.
This is where he gets this stuff ...


We've all had this discussion before. The Tantra-s assign meanings to
the various phonemes of a mantra. Of course it depends upon who is
writing the Tantra and which lineage (sampradaya) he belongs too.

The Vairagi Muni, Baba Hari Dass (of Ram Dass fame), has discussed this
question on the meaning and non-meaning of mantras upon his chackboard.
He says that in essence it boils down to whether it is a Nama-mantra
(name of a deity/devataa) used for devotional attunement with meaning or
a yogic mantra-sound used for meditation (dhyana) without any meaning -
only the sound value.

As usual, Vag cannot be objective so he employees subterfuge by using a
different standard (ie, Tantic literature). The guy owns shares in
Unipack, makers of Vaseline, so why expect anything else.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 And meaning is vitally important, the idea of meaningless sounds is
 quite simply, a lie.

 One of my favorite mantra dictionaries is the Mantrarthabhidanam from
 the Varada Tantra. It's first verse quotes Shiva, directly
 communicating to his counterpart, Parameshsvari:

 Sri Shiva said: Listen Oh Parameshsvari! Now I shall describe to you
 the meaning of Mantras. In the absence of any knowledge of which no
 one can get siddhi, even with a million sadhanas.

 Pretty clear, huh! What makes it so special is the clarity with which
 it describes the TM mantras.

 For example, another level of the TM mantra Shreeng is Sa (the
 first letter) indicates Mahalakshmi, Repha (the guttural whirring of
 the R-sound) indicates dAna (giving, imparting, paying back);
 ee (I) indicates Tushti, satisfaction and contentment, the Nada
 indicates Para, the transcendent--that which is beyond; and the
 Bindu indicates the destroyer of discomforts and uneasiness. Thus
 shreeng is the Bija or Seed for the worship of Lakshmi. -The

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:21 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers


BTW; why did the wife of this fellow allow Bevan to touch her in the first
place, perhaps her husband had necglected his duties for too long ?


Don't know. Such details weren't provided. Perhaps the touching wasn't
appreciated and was reported to the husband???


2011-11-10 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@... wrote:

 I assume Maharishi's Supreme Blessings to Mankind consisted of giving us an
 imaginary currency, an imaginary country, an imaginary king and prince and
 then finally shuffling off?

And in doing so, streching your silly little world to the limit. 

[FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread turquoiseb
-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 Okay, this is your Amy riff of the day.

LOL. I get that. :-)
. . .
 While I'm at head trips folks here may want to check the Milla
 Jovovich movie Face in the Crowd.  This is a psychological
 thriller where she plays a woman who suffer face blindness,
 the inability to remember people's faces. This is not a really
 great movie but they did pull off the experience of face
 blindness very well.  And that makes it quite a head trip
 as you're not sure who she's talking to or meeting with.

Thanks for mentioning this. I will check it out,
possibly even later tonight, since it turned out
to be a 20-minute download. Pirate. :-) Anyway,
I would probably watch it just for Milla Jovovich
I've been a real fan ever since I learned that
she made up Leeloo's language in The Fifth
Element. I even liked her in the Three Musk-
eteers movie I ragged on recently. Trapped in
a videogame production and script, I thought she
did a damned good job as Milady Winter, one of
the greatest female characters ever created in
literature. She definitely brought a new light
to the character.

Since we're on the subject of movies, I'm 32
minutes into A Dangerous Method. The fact that
I've paused it to read FFL should not be taken as
a positive review. :-)

So far, it's got the period and its mannerisms
down pat, but it's also been a curious mix of
underacting on the part of heavyweights Viggo
Mortenson (as Sigmund Freud) and Michael
Fassbinder (as Carl Jung), and overacting on
the part of Keira Knightley (as Sabina Spielrein,
former patient of both, who went on to become
a noted therapist herself).

I'll be interested in seeing how it portrays the
disputes that Jung had with Freud. All three of
the original characters were certainly fundamental
to the birth of the science we call psychoanalysis.
A good scene involves Freud, in his first meeting
with Jung, correcting him, Judy-style, when he
calls what they're co-inventing psychanalysis.
Freud tells him in no uncertain terms that his
word psychoanalysis is better. As portrayed
here, Freud was clearly a man used to getting
his own way.

The main problem I have with watching this movie
is that I keep chuckling at inappropriate points
during the dialogue between Freud and Jung, because
I keep remembering this Loose Parts cartoon.  :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:21 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers
 BTW; why did the wife of this fellow allow Bevan to touch her in the first
 place, perhaps her husband had necglected his duties for too long ?
 Don't know. Such details weren't provided. Perhaps the touching wasn't
 appreciated and was reported to the husband???

More speculation about the speculations; the wife flirted and invited him to 
touch, husband hears of this, goes bananas and now they're divorced. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Neonazi Billy's Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread Vaj

On Nov 10, 2011, at 2:16 PM, emptybill wrote:

Vag is no Sanskrit reader.
This is where he gets this stuff ...

No it's not where I get my materials. I own copies of both the  
original texts and the translations. I've been reading Sanskrit texts  
since I was 15 years old...

For the Shankaracharya tradition POV, I would rely on Brahmananda's  
successor who states: the mantras are being pronounced wrong and six  
eared. Perhaps this is why TMers go into demonic states of  

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 1:43 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com ]
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:21 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers
 BTW; why did the wife of this fellow allow Bevan to touch her in the first
 place, perhaps her husband had necglected his duties for too long ?
 Don't know. Such details weren't provided. Perhaps the touching wasn't
 appreciated and was reported to the husband???

More speculation about the speculations; the wife flirted and invited him to
touch, husband hears of this, goes bananas and now they're divorced. :-)


Coulda been. I really don't know. Of course, this was just one woman. There
were rumors of many. The apple does not fall far from the tree.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Neonazi Billy's Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread Yifu
Thx...although I've met countless TM'ers, I've not seen any evidence of demons 
except what I can grok coming out of the Domes. (Lots of frog demons infecting 
the place).
However, there's a lot of Wish Fulfillment from Another World; among the 
remaining TMO TB'rs.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 10, 2011, at 2:16 PM, emptybill wrote:
  Vag is no Sanskrit reader.
  This is where he gets this stuff ...
 No it's not where I get my materials. I own copies of both the  
 original texts and the translations. I've been reading Sanskrit texts  
 since I was 15 years old...
 For the Shankaracharya tradition POV, I would rely on Brahmananda's  
 successor who states: the mantras are being pronounced wrong and six  
 eared. Perhaps this is why TMers go into demonic states of  

[FairfieldLife] The Science Of Objectification (was Re: Can an Enlightened Person Lust?)

2011-11-10 Thread John

Since you brought the subject up, it appears that you are hung up on the 
objectification of women.  IMO, you have a specific image of what women should 
be like in your sexual fantasies.  But you have not accepted them as human 
beings.  Get over it dude!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  Why do you want to have sex with Ravi's wife?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   IMO, the message is that love conquers all, even lust
   itself. With love, having sex with your wife would be
   a divine gift. Ravi, quit kidding yourself. Be a man!
   (See Russel Peters video clips to get this message).
 Right on, Obba. It's been clear for some time that JohnR is by far
 the most sexually repressed and hung up person here. Devoid of
 actual experience with the other sex, all he can do *is* imagine
 women and try to objectify them as performing according to the
 strict limits of his closed little belief system.
 Here's an interesting article on the different ways people objectify
 those they see, both clothed and unclothed. It makes me wonder
 about the Internet, and whether people as uptight as John visualize
 the people they're writing to as clothed or unclothed.  :-)
 The science of objectification
 nThe common wisdom is that naked women are seen
 as objects, but new research says it's more complicated than thatWhen
 Sharon Bialek stepped before the press this week, she wore a  demure,
 long-sleeved black dress. The 50-year-old single mom also made  sure to
 detail exactly what she wore when she was allegedly sexually  harassed
 by Herman Cain. This is because she and her bulldog lawyer well  know
 that women are judged by what, and how little, they wear.
 A  new study attempts to explain exactly how that judgment works and why
 our perceptions of people rely on the amount of skin they show. It's
 a  question at the heart of contentious debates about everything from 
 objectification in pornography to work-appropriate attire. Typically 
 it's been assumed that this is something that happens when men
 perceive  women — the infamous male gaze — and that it
 involves, as one of the  study's researchers, Kurt Gray of the
 University of Maryland, put it,  the wholesale stripping away of
 mind (in other words, viewing someone  as a mindless sex object).
 This study challenges all of those ideas,  he told me by
 As  a red-blooded woman, I don't find it at all surprising that men
 aren't  the only ones capable of some level of objectification, nor
 is it  unexpected that we perceive a person in their birthday suit as
 having  less agency than, say, someone in a business suit. More 
 intriguing, though, is that the data suggests that despite all that, our
 perception of naked people doesn't involve the aforementioned 
 wholesale stripping of mind. Nakedness does change how we
 perceive a  person, but it tends to make us see them as more sensitive,
 vulnerable  and emotional, the researchers say. Gray explains,
 People perceive  minds along two dimensions and not along one. So
 instead of seeing them  as an object versus a person, we see them as two
 kinds of people. An  agent and an experiencer.
 The study, More Than a Body: Mind  Perception and the Nature of
 Objectification, is actually composed of  several smaller studies,
 some of which asked participants to come to  conclusions about naked and
 clothed porn stars pictured in photographs.  In one exercise, images
 were featured from the book XXX: 30 Porn Star  Portraits,
 which contrasts high-quality portraits of stars like Jenna  Jameson
 wearing regular street clothes with images of the same  performers
 standing stark naked but, importantly, without any  come-hither
 posturing. In another study, they had participants evaluate  male and
 female models in photographs showing just their face, or their  face and
 upper torso, in an attempt to see how perceptions change when  the focus
 is on a person's body and not his or her face.
 The study  itself argues that people with exposed flesh are seen as
 beings who  are less capable of thinking or reasoning but who may
 be even more  capable of desires, sensations, emotions, and
 passions. This may not be  the most humanizing view, but the
 authors note that being perceived as  such can actually be a good thing
 in certain situations — like when  you're complaining to your
 doctor about a pain. In that case, it might  be beneficial to be seen as
 a feeling body instead of a mind. Gray adds,  If you're with
 your partner then you might want to think of them as a  body, he
 says. If you want to make love, you want to be thinking about 
 their experience and not, like, `Oh, are we planning on submitting 
 these mortgage payments on time?' It's useful for our

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 More speculation about the speculations; the wife flirted 
 and invited him to touch, husband hears of this, goes 
 bananas and now they're divorced. :-)

Why do I have the creepy feeling that if Bevan had
hit on Nabby's girlfriend Nabby's reaction would 
have been to ask if he could watch them fuck?  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Neonazi Billy's Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread Vaj

On Nov 10, 2011, at 2:57 PM, Yifu wrote:

Thx...although I've met countless TM'ers, I've not seen any  
evidence of demons except what I can grok coming out of the Domes.  
(Lots of frog demons infecting the place).

Bizarre! I think Robin might possibly agree with you on this one.

I've told the story here before of showing up at Purusha headquarters  
in S. Fallsburg to visit a friend on Purusha. Two psychics who were  
in the car were afraid to get out when they saw the auras of the  
Pursuhites! WTF?

In order to keep using my TM mantra, I actually was given the full  
mantra by other gurus. Seems to work better for me. YMMV.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neonazi Billy's Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 Thx...although I've met countless TM'ers, I've not seen any 
 evidence of demons except what I can grok coming out of the 
 Domes. (Lots of frog demons infecting the place).

Dear Abby,

I'm find myself reading this and imagining Kermie as 
a demon, and somehow I don't find that image terrifying. 
Does this mean I've already gone over to the Dark Side? :-)

 However, there's a lot of Wish Fulfillment from Another 
 World; among the remaining TMO TB'rs.

Interesting comment. Care to expand upon it? No prob
if you don't. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Nov 10, 2011, at 2:16 PM, emptybill wrote:
   Vag is no Sanskrit reader.
   This is where he gets this stuff ...
  No it's not where I get my materials. I own copies of both the  
  original texts and the translations. I've been reading Sanskrit texts  
  since I was 15 years old...
  For the Shankaracharya tradition POV, I would rely on Brahmananda's  
  successor who states: the mantras are being pronounced wrong and six  
  eared. Perhaps this is why TMers go into demonic states of  

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Science Of Objectification (was Re: Can an Enlightened Person Lust?)

2011-11-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
Right on Barry.. we both agree on John. And we both read Salon.

Did you read this - 


I'm sure this is one of John's fantasies.

That's 50 and out for me.

I'll bring my needy, narcissistic ass back on Friday :-)

On Nov 10, 2011, at 12:34 AM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:
  Why do you want to have sex with Ravi's wife?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   IMO, the message is that love conquers all, even lust 
   itself. With love, having sex with your wife would be 
   a divine gift. Ravi, quit kidding yourself. Be a man! 
   (See Russel Peters video clips to get this message).
 Right on, Obba. It's been clear for some time that JohnR is by far
 the most sexually repressed and hung up person here. Devoid of
 actual experience with the other sex, all he can do *is* imagine 
 women and try to objectify them as performing according to the 
 strict limits of his closed little belief system.
 Here's an interesting article on the different ways people objectify 
 those they see, both clothed and unclothed. It makes me wonder 
 about the Internet, and whether people as uptight as John visualize
 the people they're writing to as clothed or unclothed.  :-)
 The science of objectification
 The common wisdom is that naked women are seen as objects, but new research 
 says it's more complicated than that
 When Sharon Bialek stepped before the press this week, she wore a demure, 
 long-sleeved black dress. The 50-year-old single mom also made sure to detail 
 exactly what she wore when she was allegedly sexually harassed by Herman 
 Cain. This is because she and her bulldog lawyer well  know that women are 
 judged by what, and how little, they wear.
 A new study attempts to explain exactly how that judgment works and why our 
 perceptions of people rely on the amount of skin they show. It's a question 
 at the heart of contentious debates about everything from objectification in 
 pornography to work-appropriate attire. Typically it's been assumed that this 
 is something that happens when men perceive women — the infamous male gaze 
 — and that it involves, as one of the study's researchers, Kurt Gray of the 
 University of Maryland, put it, the wholesale stripping away of mind (in 
 other words, viewing someone as a mindless sex object). This study 
 challenges all of those ideas, he told me by phone.
 As a red-blooded woman, I don't find it at all surprising that men aren't the 
 only ones capable of some level of objectification, nor is it unexpected that 
 we perceive a person in their birthday suit as having less agency than, say, 
 someone in a business suit. More intriguing, though, is that the data 
 suggests that despite all that, our perception of naked people doesn't 
 involve the aforementioned wholesale stripping of mind. Nakedness does 
 change how we perceive a person, but it tends to make us see them as more 
 sensitive, vulnerable and emotional, the researchers say. Gray explains, 
 People perceive minds along two dimensions and not along one. So instead of 
 seeing them as an object versus a person, we see them as two kinds of people. 
 An agent and an experiencer.
 The study, More Than a Body: Mind Perception and the Nature of 
 Objectification, is actually composed of several smaller studies, some of 
 which asked participants to come to conclusions about naked and clothed porn 
 stars pictured in photographs. In one exercise, images were featured from the 
 book XXX: 30 Porn Star Portraits, which contrasts high-quality portraits of 
 stars like Jenna Jameson wearing regular street clothes with images of the 
 same performers standing stark naked but, importantly, without any 
 come-hither posturing. In another study, they had participants evaluate male 
 and female models in photographs showing just their face, or their face and 
 upper torso, in an attempt to see how perceptions change when the focus is on 
 a person's body and not his or her face.
 The study itself argues that people with exposed flesh are seen as beings 
 who are less capable of thinking or reasoning but who may be even more 
 capable of desires, sensations, emotions, and passions. This may not be the 
 most humanizing view, but the authors note that being perceived as such can 
 actually be a good thing in certain situations — like when you're complaining 
 to your doctor about a pain. In that case, it might be beneficial to be seen 
 as a feeling body instead of a mind. Gray adds, If you're with your partner 
 then you might want to think of them as a body, he says. If you want to 
 make love, you want to be thinking about their experience and not, like, `Oh, 
 are we planning on submitting these mortgage payments on time?' It's useful 
 for our perceptions of people to change, depending on the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 10, 2011, at 5:43 AM, cardemaister wrote:
  Sorry, but that seems like rubbish to me. IMO, the basic
  element of that category of biija mantras seems to be
  'agni' read backwards: 'inga'. If the first/final a-sound
  is only implied, like in 'agni' (agniH/agnim/agninaa, etc)
  for some sandhi positions,([a]gni/ing[a]), it might make that basic  
  element even more effective?? :o
 And meaning is vitally important, the idea of meaningless sounds is  
 quite simply, a lie.
 One of my favorite mantra dictionaries is the Mantrarthabhidanam from  
 the Varada Tantra. It's first verse quotes Shiva, directly  
 communicating to his counterpart, Parameshsvari:
 Sri Shiva said: Listen Oh Parameshsvari! Now I shall describe to you  
 the meaning of Mantras. In the absence of any knowledge of which no  
 one can get siddhi, even with a million sadhanas.
 Pretty clear, huh! What makes it so special is the clarity with which  
 it describes the TM mantras.
 For example, another level of the TM mantra Shreeng is Sa (the  
 first letter) indicates Mahalakshmi, Repha (the guttural whirring of  
 the R-sound)

OMG! Must admit I've never heard or read that repha is a
*guttural* sound! Just tried it, sounds to me like I'm
extremely angry when I pronounce it! There's something
in it that reminds me of Siberian shamans and mammoth hunters... ;-)

At least here in Finland people pronounce the r-sound like
that when they imitate badly alcoholized people... :o

repha   m. a burring guttural sound , the letter %{r} (as so pronounced) Pra1t. 
S3rS. ; a word BhP. ; (in prosody) a cretic ($) Pin3g. ; passion , affection of 
the mind L. ; mfn. low , vile , contemptible L. (cf. %{repa}).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Neonazi Billy's Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread Vaj

On Nov 10, 2011, at 3:08 PM, turquoiseb wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 Thx...although I've met countless TM'ers, I've not seen any
 evidence of demons except what I can grok coming out of the
 Domes. (Lots of frog demons infecting the place).

Dear Abby,

I'm find myself reading this and imagining Kermie as
a demon, and somehow I don't find that image terrifying.
Does this mean I've already gone over to the Dark Side? :-)

Yes. But do 108 x 108 malas of the Miss Piggie Mantra and you'll be  
just fine.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neonazi Billy's Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

  Vag is no Sanskrit reader.
 I've been reading Sanskrit texts since I was 15 
 years old...
Maybe so, but you didn't seem to know that 'shring'
is a tantric bija mantra.

 For the Shankaracharya tradition POV, I would 
 rely on Brahmananda's successor who states...

Interestingly, if the opinions of these bodies are 
to be set aside at any time after 1941, only the 
lineage of Vasudevananda (through Santananda) can 
be traced directly to Brahmananda, without any 
interruptions. - Vidyasakar Sundaresan


[FairfieldLife] Re: Neonazi Billy's Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 10, 2011, at 3:08 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@ wrote:
   Thx...although I've met countless TM'ers, I've not seen any
   evidence of demons except what I can grok coming out of the
   Domes. (Lots of frog demons infecting the place).
  Dear Abby,
  I find myself reading this and imagining Kermie as
  a demon, and somehow I don't find that image terrifying.
  Does this mean I've already gone over to the Dark Side? :-)
 Yes. But do 108 x 108 malas of the Miss Piggie Mantra and 
 you'll be just fine.

Thank you, guru Vaj. I bow at your most bountiful
feet. I have performed the mantras as directed, but
now I find my mind full of fantasies that I -- low,
unevolved doofus that I am -- see as verging on 
barnyard porn. 

I admit to never before having entertained ideas of 
getting it on with a...pi...uh...with a person of 
the porcine persuasion. But since repeating the
Miss Piggie Mantra, I have. Is this a feature
of the technique you recommended, or a bug?

Hoping for it to be a bug, and for a speedy fixpack,


[FairfieldLife] Re: Neonazi Billy's Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread Yifu
re: Demonic possession at Domes.  It's a type of psychic awareness, strong 
enough to grok and state...an observation; but not yet scientific enough for 
acceptance on that level. (but stay tuned...additional corroboration may come 
later). The awareness is difficult to describe but leads to visceral reactions 
such as feelings of repugnance upon having encountered a Presence one should 
initially flee from. I'm experimenting with various mantras designed - - 
originally intended as karma busting procedures.
In regard of outright demonic attacks, for example at work, I used mantras on 3 
levels of activity:

1. Overall karma busting, without regard to any particular type of karma, with 
a focus on the Medicine Master Buddha usually.

2. With a focus on Shiva - again, a generalized approach but with the intention 
that the victim (the person at work sending me the bad vibes) will collapse 
in in herself/himself with the psychic attacks being repulsed, rebounded from 
my attention space.

3. In the case of really horrific attacks demanding immediate attention, the 
intense repetition of mantras associated with the Santeria Saints (originally 
the Orishas from W. Africa), are called for.  In other words, what might be 
called Voodoo. This usually does the trick if #1 and #2 are insufficient. These 
types of mantras block the psychic pathways of the victim and heap upon the 
recipient additional burdens and woes of the worst type. A Cuban Sorcerer 
initiated me into this practice. 
However, I might add that #1 and #2 are pre-emptive measures designed to offset 
bad karma before it happens, (demolishing it at the pass so to speak); while #3 
is a type of after-the-fact measure.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@ wrote:
  Thx...although I've met countless TM'ers, I've not seen any 
  evidence of demons except what I can grok coming out of the 
  Domes. (Lots of frog demons infecting the place).
 Dear Abby,
 I'm find myself reading this and imagining Kermie as 
 a demon, and somehow I don't find that image terrifying. 
 Does this mean I've already gone over to the Dark Side? :-)
  However, there's a lot of Wish Fulfillment from Another 
  World; among the remaining TMO TB'rs.
 Interesting comment. Care to expand upon it? No prob
 if you don't. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Nov 10, 2011, at 2:16 PM, emptybill wrote:
Vag is no Sanskrit reader.
This is where he gets this stuff ...
   No it's not where I get my materials. I own copies of both the  
   original texts and the translations. I've been reading Sanskrit texts  
   since I was 15 years old...
   For the Shankaracharya tradition POV, I would rely on Brahmananda's  
   successor who states: the mantras are being pronounced wrong and six  
   eared. Perhaps this is why TMers go into demonic states of  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neonazi Billy's Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 re: Demonic possession at Domes.  It's a type of psychic 
 awareness, strong enough to grok and state...an observation; 
 but not yet scientific enough for acceptance on that level. 
 (but stay tuned...additional corroboration may come later). 

Cool. I guess. I do not deny this, or bristle at it
in the slightest. I haven't been part of any dome
experience since probably 1978. I have no idea what
it might feel like to be in a modern golden dome and
have no desire to find out. No natural tendency of
the mind in that direction whatsoever.

 The awareness is difficult to describe but leads to visceral 
 reactions such as feelings of repugnance upon having encountered 
 a Presence one should initially flee from. I'm experimenting with 
 various mantras designed - - originally intended as karma 
 busting procedures.

Good luck. I guess. :-) I have no real experience in
this area to pass along to you, having reacted to the
occasional demonic presences in my life the same way
I react to attention vampires on FFL...by ignoring 
them. Except for one experience with a cool mantra.

I was having a spate of unsettling dreams, as in one
or more astral badasses trying to get me, which is WAY
rare for me, and I happened to mention it to a friend
who was in China, studying Taoist herbalogy and alchemy.
He wrote back that night to tell me the Taoist mantra
for dispelling dark forces, whether in dreams or in
everyday life. Strangely enough, the mantra was Ha!

That night, finding myself surrounded by the same
badasses in the dream plane, I remembered my friend's
advice and decided to shout out the Taoist mantra.
I did, with a mighty Ha! And all of the badasses
shriveled up into a tiny pile resembling a pile of
dead leaves. I awoke amazed, and having no explan-
ation for the sychronicity. I still have none. But
I really do love the image of beings who consider
themselves badassses being brought low simply by
being laughed at. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

  Sorry, but that seems like rubbish to me... 
 For example, another level of the TM mantra 
 Shreeng is Sa (the first letter) indicates 

The TM 'shring' bija has nothing to do with Sri 
Lakshmi. The Sri Vidya bijas are used in TM,
which come from Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, a
Sri Vidya adherent. You conjecture is rubbish!

However, the late orthodox leader of the largest 
Samaya school of Sri Vidya, Sri Chandrasekharendra 
Saraswati Swamigal, says that the Sri in Sri Vidya 
is a title of respect meaning The Vidya and has no 
connotation to Laksmi...


[FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 Thanks for mentioning this. I will check it out,
 possibly even later tonight, since it turned out
 to be a 20-minute download. Pirate. :-) 

You turned out to be quite the software pirate!

Do you ever pay for anything, or are you just poor? 

You probably even stole Bruse Cockburn albums! Maybe 
your next move should be to China - you'd fit right 
in! Go figure.

The latest offensive in the content industry's 
never-ending war on copyright infringement is the 
Stop Online Piracy Act, which was introduced in the 
House two weeks ago. It incorporates key provisions 
of the Senate's Protect IP Act as well as another 
Senate bill that makes unauthorized streaming a 

'The Stop Online Piracy Act: Big Content's full-on 
assault against the Safe Harbor'
Ars Technica:

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  More speculation about the speculations; the wife flirted 
  and invited him to touch, husband hears of this, goes 
  bananas and now they're divorced. :-)
 Why do I have the creepy feeling that if Bevan had
 hit on Nabby's girlfriend Nabby's reaction would 
 have been to ask if he could watch them fuck?  :-)

Because you are sick ?

[FairfieldLife] The Science Of Objectification (was Re: Can an Enlightened Person Lust?)

2011-11-10 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

Ravi Yogi:
 Did you read this - 
Maybe that's one of the reason you no longer have a wife?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread maskedzebra
The viciousness begins. Where is the 'opinion' here, Barry Baby?

Barry suckers punches—then insists: It's all opinion, folks!

The knife goes in. 

Fuck off, Barry. 

The human race is embarrassed. Curtis to the rescue pronto.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  More speculation about the speculations; the wife flirted 
  and invited him to touch, husband hears of this, goes 
  bananas and now they're divorced. :-)
 Why do I have the creepy feeling that if Bevan had
 hit on Nabby's girlfriend Nabby's reaction would 
 have been to ask if he could watch them fuck?  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

  Don't know. Such details weren't provided. Perhaps the touching wasn't
  appreciated and was reported to the husband???
 More speculation about the speculations; the wife flirted and invited him to
 touch, husband hears of this, goes bananas and now they're divorced. :-)
 Coulda been. I really don't know. Of course, this was just one woman. There
 were rumors of many. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

American predujice about sex, that's all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Don't know. Such details weren't provided. Perhaps the touching wasn't
   appreciated and was reported to the husband???
  More speculation about the speculations; the wife flirted and invited him to
  touch, husband hears of this, goes bananas and now they're divorced. :-)
  Coulda been. I really don't know. Of course, this was just one woman. There
  were rumors of many. The apple does not fall far from the tree.
 American predujice about sex, that's all.

Or prejudice, or whatever...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread Vaj

On Nov 10, 2011, at 4:11 PM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:

   Sorry, but that seems like rubbish to me... 
  For example, another level of the TM mantra 
  Shreeng is Sa (the first letter) indicates 
 The TM 'shring' bija has nothing to do with Sri 
 Lakshmi. The Sri Vidya bijas are used in TM,
 which come from Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, a
 Sri Vidya adherent. You conjecture is rubbish!

Mahesh was not a sishya of HD Swami Brahmananda we now know from first-hand 
sources Willy. So it's highly unlikely that he would have had any connection to 
samaya sri vidya. The first the world generally found out about Brahmananda's 
connection to sri vidya was when Swami Rama's publication Living with the 
Himalayan Masters was published. Shortly thereafter, I began posting this info 
(and source info on the TM mantras tantric origins) on early internet bulletin 
board services and despite a good number of TM teachers (mostly helping people 
damaged thru TM), no one knew about it.

Since then numerous folks have been initiated into samaya sri vidya, but none 
that I have spoken to have commented on ANY similarity whatsoever.

So I believe it's your conjecture that's rubbish.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread whynotnow7

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
   On Nov 10, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:

 Interesting the part in that TM documentary film where David Lynch 
 turns to the camera vehemently saying, Leave us alone. Bevan back 
 in 1993 came through Fairfield and said the same thing about 
 meditators here who did not have a level of ,, faith and belief in 
 Maharishi. That people who did not have faith and belief in 
 Maharishi should leave us alone and leave Fairfield. Bevan 
 methodically moved through the community saying that then and has 
 ever since been testing people's loyalty to that. 

Very good. Bevan is truly a good man !
Yes. That was vividly illustrated the time he was hosting a hoity-toity 
campus gathering, when a man stormed into the room, shoved Bevan to the 
floor, and stood over him with fists clenched, threatening to beat the 
shit out of him if Bevan ever again touched his wife.
  That's what I was hoping to see in David Wants To Make A Movie, instead of 
  the mopey, no surprises, overly long piece it turned out to be.
 Would have been interesting :-)
 BTW; why did the wife of this fellow allow Bevan to touch her in the first 
 place, perhaps her husband had necglected his duties for too long ?

It does seem odd though that the President of a University that is all about 
realizing one's potential doesn't have a stable relationship with a woman, and 
instead tries out his charms on the wives of those who work for him. Probably 
due to the bubble effect that occurs in any organization, in addition to his 
exalted status in the org. You'd think he could meet someone.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MERU GLOBAL WINTER ASSEMBLY [2 Attachments]

2011-11-10 Thread Tom Pall
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 2:27 PM, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@... wrote:
  I assume Maharishi's Supreme Blessings to Mankind consisted of giving us
  imaginary currency, an imaginary country, an imaginary king and prince
  then finally shuffling off?

 And in doing so, streching your silly little world to the limit.

Actually, I lived a silly world listening to and following the latest money
draw from His Holiness.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of whynotnow7
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 4:58 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers


It does seem odd though that the President of a University that is all about
realizing one's potential doesn't have a stable relationship with a woman,
and instead tries out his charms on the wives of those who work for him.
Probably due to the bubble effect that occurs in any organization, in
addition to his exalted status in the org. You'd think he could meet

Maharishi wouldn't let him get married and used to refer to him as the head
of Purusha so, like Maharishi, he couldn't publically have a partner, and
resorted to clandestine arrangements.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of whynotnow7
 Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 4:58 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers
 It does seem odd though that the President of a University that is all about
 realizing one's potential doesn't have a stable relationship with a woman,
 and instead tries out his charms on the wives of those who work for him.
 Probably due to the bubble effect that occurs in any organization, in
 addition to his exalted status in the org. You'd think he could meet
 Maharishi wouldn't let him get married and used to refer to him as the head
 of Purusha so, like Maharishi, he couldn't publically have a partner, and
 resorted to clandestine arrangements.

Which ofcourse is perfectly allright.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread Yifu
Photo captured of one of B's Mistresses:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of whynotnow7
 Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 4:58 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers
 It does seem odd though that the President of a University that is all about
 realizing one's potential doesn't have a stable relationship with a woman,
 and instead tries out his charms on the wives of those who work for him.
 Probably due to the bubble effect that occurs in any organization, in
 addition to his exalted status in the org. You'd think he could meet
 Maharishi wouldn't let him get married and used to refer to him as the head
 of Purusha so, like Maharishi, he couldn't publically have a partner, and
 resorted to clandestine arrangements.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 5:21 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers


 Maharishi wouldn't let him get married and used to refer to him as the
 of Purusha so, like Maharishi, he couldn't publically have a partner, and
 resorted to clandestine arrangements.

Which ofcourse is perfectly allright.


Just for Bevan, or for both Bevan and Maharishi?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 5:21 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers
  Maharishi wouldn't let him get married and used to refer to him as the
  of Purusha so, like Maharishi, he couldn't publically have a partner, and
  resorted to clandestine arrangements.
 Which ofcourse is perfectly allright.
 Just for Bevan, or for both Bevan and Maharishi?

For everyone. Why do you ask ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread emptybill

This is bullshit unless you can provide proof of how and when SBS
transmitted Shri Vidya bija mantras to MMY. TM mantras are standard
mantras used by every pandit and pujari in and out of India.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardwillytexwilliams
willytex@... wrote:
 The TM 'shring' bija has nothing to do with Sri
 Lakshmi. The Sri Vidya bijas are used in TM,
 which come from Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, a
 Sri Vidya adherent. You conjecture is rubbish!

 However, the late orthodox leader of the largest
 Samaya school of Sri Vidya, Sri Chandrasekharendra
 Saraswati Swamigal, says that the Sri in Sri Vidya
 is a title of respect meaning The Vidya and has no
 connotation to Laksmi...


[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2011-11-10 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Nov 05 00:00:00 2011
End Date (UTC): Sat Nov 12 00:00:00 2011
828 messages as of (UTC) Fri Nov 11 00:05:00 2011

52 richardwillytexwilliams willy...@yahoo.com
51 obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
51 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
50 authfriend jst...@panix.com
50 Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
50 Denise Evans dmevans...@yahoo.com
50 Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com
47 Yifu yifux...@yahoo.com
46 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
34 seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
33 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
32 turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
31 whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com
25 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
23 Tom Pall thomas.p...@gmail.com
22 John jr_...@yahoo.com
20 wgm4u anitaoak...@att.net
20 tartbrain no_re...@yahoogroups.com
19 maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
16 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
14 johnt johnlasher20002...@yahoo.com
12 merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
10 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 8 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 7 feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
 7 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 7 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
 6 jpgillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 5 Susan waybac...@yahoo.com
 5 MichaelB bax8...@aol.com
 4 wle...@aol.com
 4 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 3 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 3 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 2 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 2 seekliberation seekliberat...@yahoo.com
 1 stevelf ysoy1...@yahoo.com
 1 shainm307 shainm...@yahoo.com
 1 merlin vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 eustace10679 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 alexander_oprea_shift alexander_oprea_sh...@yahoo.com
 1 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 1 Bill Coop williamgc...@gmail.com

Posters: 43
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neonazi Billy's Shring?

2011-11-10 Thread emptybill

So you claim to read devanagari texts. We can therefore submit passages
which you will translate to demonstrate your skills. Right?

We've already gone over the variants of ing/.m which Svarupananda
chooses not to acknowledge. Your statement is just barking ... woof

BTW ... who is your guru/sampradaya and what is your date and place of
learning TM. Do you even claim to have learned TM?

O yeah, one more thing. I never was a neo-nazi and don't know much about
them. My predecessor was an altgenazim, which is not, however, to be
confused with an ashkenazim.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 10, 2011, at 2:16 PM, emptybill wrote:

  Vag is no Sanskrit reader.
  This is where he gets this stuff ...

 No it's not where I get my materials. I own copies of both the
 original texts and the translations. I've been reading Sanskrit texts
 since I was 15 years old...

 For the Shankaracharya tradition POV, I would rely on Brahmananda's
 successor who states: the mantras are being pronounced wrong and six
 eared. Perhaps this is why TMers go into demonic states of

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Monkees Fan Club metaphor

2011-11-10 Thread seventhray1
This was always one of my favorites.  Still is.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 Then I saw your Fairy Field life post, now I'm a believer
 I thought FFL was only true in fairy tales
 Meant for someone else but not for me.
 But FFL was out to get me
 That's the way it seemed.
 Disappointment haunted all my dreams.
 Then I saw your post, now I'm a believer
 Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
 I couldn't leave the place if I tried.
 I thought FFL was more or less a givin' thing,
 Seems the more I gave the less I got.
 What's the use in tryin'?
 All you get is pain.
 When I needed sunshine I got rain.
 Then I saw your post, now I'm a believer
 Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
 a true FFL believer...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Well, this was certainly an effective troll. :-) But the more I think
  about it, the more apt an analogy it is to Fairfield Life, or to
  Fairfield itself, and the level of fanboy fanaticism that people who
  frequent those worlds often display.
  What I expected when I posted this was for about half the people to
  laugh, getting that their everyday behavior on FFL really *does*
  equate to over-the-top fans of a non-memorable faux pop group. In
  words, I expected folks to be able to laugh at themselves a little.
  Big mistake. T'would seem that this is impossible for many here, who
  feel that 1) everything they write is not only a statement of truth
  one that has to be sold to others *as* truth, and 2) that they are so
  important that they *have* to be taken seriously. That's *exactly* the
  level of fanatical fandom you would find in a real-life group of
  fans. They, too, would be incapable of seeing themselves as they
  to more...uh...normal people, and incapable of laughing at that image.
  Instead, they'd get angry and uptight. *Just* like a few here seem to
  have done.
  The thing is, what they're angry about IMO (and all I write on this
  forum *is* opinion, not truth) is that the metaphor just *nails* it.
  They've managed to turn a simplistic form of meditation into a
  just as they turned 20 minutes twice a day into several hours a day,
  and being unable to talk about anything else, because in their lives
  there IS nothing else. Or little else. TMers on FFL have become as
  monotopical as fanatical Monkees fans would be, if they still existed.
  Anyway, I thought it was a fun metaphor at the time, and still do. And
  suspect that its accuracy is proved by how strongly some reacted to
  having a little fun poked at them.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   Sometimes, scanning the list of posts on FFL searching for one that
   find interesting enough to reply to, I find myself also searching
   metaphor to explain the sense of incredulity I feel at the
   same-old-same-old repetitiveness of it all. This morning I came up
   such a metaphor, and it made me laugh, so I'll pass it along.
   this my version of Bhairitu's The Funny Farm Lounge metaphor.  :-)
   Reading FFL is like stumbling across a weird group of fanatical
   fans. They get together in cyberspace and endlessly talk about the
   days of Mickey, Davy, Peter and Michael as if they were gods. They
   about which songs were most cosmically important, and the deep
   meaning of their lyrics. When other musicians' names come up, the
   Monkees fans get angry and feel that they have to put them down,
   however good these other musicians may be, after all they're not the
   Monkees. Some are so fanatical and so enduringly loyal to the
   that they think anyone who gets caught attending a concert by any
   musician should be banned from the Monkees Fan Club for life as the
   heretics they are. But the most amazing part is that the fan club is
   still going strong, still doing all of this every day, 40+ years
   the popularity of the group they revere jumped the shark.
   And all of this for a pop group that wasn't very good in the first

[FairfieldLife] Bunny and Santa

2011-11-10 Thread Yifu
by Todd Schorr

[FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread seventhray1

Hey, thanks for the reply.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 Those who don't feel that their opinions ARE opinions
 are welcome to make a big to-do about that and act
 like drama queens. I shall graciously allow them to
 do so, while chuckling from behind my tree. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread whynotnow7
I didn't realize Maharishi had not allowed him to do so. For a sensual beast 
like Bevan that must be quite a strain. I'd chuck it personally, but where else 
can he go, and get that kind of attention? A devil of a bargain.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of whynotnow7
 Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 4:58 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers
 It does seem odd though that the President of a University that is all about
 realizing one's potential doesn't have a stable relationship with a woman,
 and instead tries out his charms on the wives of those who work for him.
 Probably due to the bubble effect that occurs in any organization, in
 addition to his exalted status in the org. You'd think he could meet
 Maharishi wouldn't let him get married and used to refer to him as the head
 of Purusha so, like Maharishi, he couldn't publically have a partner, and
 resorted to clandestine arrangements.

[FairfieldLife] Gone Mental (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-10 Thread seventhray1

Good stuff.  Now I'm off to see the Blues play the Maple Leafs.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   So the time may be approach-
   ing in which I'm not gonna find anything posted here inter-
   esting enough to reply to. It's all been done to death and
   argued endlessly *in exactly the same words* for decades
   now. SO been there, done that.
  We are not worthy!

 Some are more worthy than others. :-)

  Actually, I think if Barry wanted to be honest about it,
  his posting here is more akin to what we probably all did
  at least once or twice when we were eight year olds - namely
  ringing someone's door bell and then running away.
  I mean, sheesh, if you are into pushing peoples buttons,
  why not stick around every once in a while instead of going
  and hiding behind a tree.

 Barry Wright: Why bother? Everything I need to know about who got
 their buttons pushed and how severely they got pushed
 is visible in Yahoo's Message View.

 Santa Claus: Barry, Baby, you are asserting something without any feel
for the way it is playing in reality. This is called perfect subjective
dislocation from the necessary feedback which the universe is giving
you. Get it, Barry? When you blow your nose on your sleeve, there is
some mucus there which, if you want to still look pretty, you have to

 You can't just say: The Kleenex idea, it's just an opinion. My sleeve
is just as good an absorber of my snot as your bloody Kleenex. I don't
need no fucking Kleenex—You wimps.

 I blow my snot on myself and you guys offer me a Kleenex: Hey, I guess
I pressed your button once more!

 Barry Wright: And I thought I stated quite explicitly that I don't
 feel I owe anyone here anything. Not a response to
 something they post, and certainly not an argument
 or an impassioned defense of something I said.

 Santa Claus: If you tell us, Barry, that ice-cream tastes good because
of the placebo effect, we are not exercised about this. It don't bother
us ice-cream eaters that much. Even though you used to be one of those
who licked down to the bottom and then ate the cone. The deliciousness
of ice-cream: just so you know, everyone: That was trained moodmaking.

 Maybe. Maybe not. But if in trying to tell us ice-cream just tasted
good because we were told it was good, then it isn't really a matter of
opinion, Barry: it is a matter of negative wish-fulfillment.

 It is not a question of opinion. It is a question of the sensation in
your mouth. For some reason you tasted a different brand of ice-cream
[by the way, I stopped eating that damn ice-cream myself—not good
for me; still I don't say it didn't go down good with me at the
time]—and then found yourself having to kill off the old ice-cream

 But your ice-cream maker—your second one—didn't he choke to
death on one of his own cones? My opinion, maybe; but if he's not
sending you any e-mails, and can't be located anywhere, maybe it's not
an opinion. Your last Guru, Barry: he's dead. That's my strongest

 You aren't, are you—merely giving your opinions when you get your
hate on about someone on FFL, are you, Barry boy? Opinions mean some
absence of knowledge. But you, surely if you were only expressing
opinions in your hatred, would have to question the truthfulness of
these opinions. And since you give us your opinions about, say, the
geocentric reality of the universe, us Galileos, have to set you right:
the universe is not Barry-centric; it is, as far as we can
tell—scientists will back this up with their

 Is Sati merely a matter of opinion, Barry? Should a woman be obliged
to throw herself upon her husband's funeral pyre? Is your hatred of Judy
mere opinion? Do you hold your views to be opinions only? How can an
opinion generate intense feelings of hostility? And why, Barry dearest,
do you ever refuse to argue out your case?

 Barry, if you expressed your attitude and beliefs *as if you knew when
you stated them* they were just opinions, and they held only this status
with you, then why are you bothered when we come back with our opinions
about your opinions? You say x is y here at FFL. Does that mean that if
someone realizes that x is not y, that making this known to you
constitutes your having pressed their buttons?

 If you truly felt everything everyone said here on FFL was just
opining, then why not join in the fun and defend yourself against
counter-opining? You seem to take very seriously everything anyone says
here contra your own opinions, because you are silent and unresponsive.
This decision *never ever to rebut those who disagree with you*, that is
decision you make at the level of opinion? As in: it is my opinion that
no matter what Robin or anyone's else says, I should not 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread whynotnow7

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 The viciousness begins. Where is the 'opinion' here, Barry Baby?
 Barry suckers punches—then insists: It's all opinion, folks!
 The knife goes in. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Monkees Fan Club metaphor

2011-11-10 Thread Vaj

On Nov 10, 2011, at 7:32 PM, seventhray1 wrote:

 This was always one of my favorites. Still is.

Me too. An old Carole King song.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2011-11-10 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, FFL PostCount ffl.postcount@... wrote:

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): Sat Nov 05 00:00:00 2011
 End Date (UTC): Sat Nov 12 00:00:00 2011
 828 messages as of (UTC) Fri Nov 11 00:05:00 2011
 52 richardwillytexwilliams willytex@...
 51 obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 51 Vaj vajradhatu@...

Looks like Vaj and Willytex get to join Obby for some time off. See y'all back 
here on the 18th.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Mayor's Dome Numbers

2011-11-10 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
  The viciousness begins. Where is the 'opinion' here, Barry Baby?
  Barry suckers punches—then insists: It's all opinion, folks!
  The knife goes in. 



[FairfieldLife] Pool party cam

2011-11-10 Thread Yifu
by Natalia Fabia:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pool party cam

2011-11-10 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 by Natalia Fabia:

Hot tub cam:


[FairfieldLife] New video of Jerry Jarvis

2011-11-10 Thread wgm4u
He sure has changed, amazing transformation. Looks like a democrat to me!

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