Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

2014-08-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

What I find kind of interesting is to see people here, over time, keep 
discounting anything to do with MMY.
I don't mean to single out Barry, but I've seen, (particularly with that quote 
Judy found), that MMY's stature has gone from someone enlightened, in Barry's 
eyes, to someone with no awakening, but rather a personality that people just 
latched onto because they had a cult mindset.

It's a natural process you might not be familiar with, Steve, because it's 
called "growing up." There has NEVER been a time on either a.m.t. or on FFL in 
which I said that I believed that Maharishi was enlightened, because it would 
not have been true. The only time I thought that was during the early years 
when I was as bamboozled by his act as anyone else. But during my TTC and 
afterwards, as I got to work more closely with Maharishi, I realized that I had 
never once seen or experienced anything I would categorize as "darshan" or 
"shakti" or even "charisma." As far as those qualities go, he had the charisma 
of a wet burrito, compared to many teachers I have worked with since. 

When I left the TMO and began to interface with other teachers from real 
traditions, I found out what real charisma and personal power were like, and 
thus realized how little of them Maharishi had had. I also got to learn from 
real spiritual traditions, as opposed to the ones he had made up and ripped off 
from Hinduism, just dressed in Western clothing. In terms of intellect and 
being able to give truly "advanced lectures," Maharishi was a spiritual 
kindergarten-level teacher at best. 

So there is simply no possibility of me considering him "enlightened." OR of 
considering him a good teacher. I *did* learn some useful things from him, and 
I thank him for those, but not to the point of feeling the need to put him up 
on some unrealistic pedestal for having qualities he never had. 

Do you still revere your kindergarten teacher, and place him or her up on some 
kind of pedestal of supposed wisdom, the way you might have "at the time?" Of 
course you don't. Similarly, I don't consider Maharishi anything more than one 
of the first teachers I ever worked with, back when I was young and naive and 
easily impressed. I have grown since then, and can "call a con man a con man" 
when it is appropriate.

People -- including yourself, Steve -- DID latch on to Maharishi because he 
cultivated in them a cult mindset. Some of us grew up and got over it, and can 
in retrospect see him a little more clearly. If you can't, and get uptight when 
you hear other people doing so, you'll have to forgive me if I don't consider 
that my problem.    

It really doesn't make a lot of sense, and as Jim likes to point out, says a 
lot more about the person finding fault, that the object of that person's 
I guess this is a just sayin' observation.

 ---In,  wrote :
 While reading this I see that this was a golden time for MMY and for the 
Movement. There is so much power behind what he says here and seemingly so much 
truth. This was a pleasure to read. It reminds me why I started to meditate 
back in 1970 and why I attended MIU. What a pleasure to read!
Jai Guru DevT​o ​subscribe, send a reply with "subscribe" entered as the 
subject or message; to ​unsubscribe​,​ ​send a reply with "unsubscribe" entered 
​as the subject or message.-- David Hooper1000 Purusha Place, Suite 219Romney, 
WV 26757

Re: [FairfieldLife] Yezidis Are Satanic Worshippers?

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
IMO, the IS militants are too radical for most Muslims.  They will, more 
likely, sow the seeds of their own destruction.  
 The world opinion is already rising against IS.  Its leaders will be hunted 
down and be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.  Ideally, Iraq's own army 
should be able to hunt them down, once the country's politicians are unified in 
fighting a common enemy in IS and the cancer of radical fundamentalism that is 
destroying their own country. ---In, 
 wrote : On 8/14/2014 11:33 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
   The IS militants apparently think so.  That's why they're being exterminated.

 >Apparently the goal of ISIS is to take over Iraq and Syria and make Mecca in 
 >Saudi Arabia the capital of the new Caliphate. There's a few problems with 
 >this plan: Iraq, Iran and Syria  and Kurdistan are are controlled by Shiite 
 >sects."By Allah, I know you are but a stone, but I saw the prophet kiss you." 
 >- Omar Ibn al-Khattab, the second Caliph of Islam> 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what's going on in Ferguson

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
They've turned over control for the area to the Highway Patrol, and taken it 
away from the local and county police departments who would have normally 
handled it. 
 I don't know if that is because the head of the Highway Patrol is an African 
American or not.
 The local prosecuting attorney is very unhappy about it. ---In,  wrote : On 8/14/2014 7:21 PM, 
steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   Today, I read that are going to try a different approach.  Something more 

 >It pretty much looks like a false flag incident planted by the New Black 
 >Panthers and the Black Muslims (Nation of Islam.) Go figure.> ---In 
 > mailto:noozguru@... wrote : Not much chatter here about what 
 >is happening in Ferguson, Mo. The gestapo there has even been arresting 
 >mainstream press. The police state rises in 


Re: [FairfieldLife] So what's going on in Ferguson

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 8/14/2014 11:38 AM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

HuffPo's headline is currently "Baghdad USA".  They arrested a HuffPo 
reporter while he was eating at McDonalds.

It looks like the New Black Panthers are taking over the riot in Ferguson:

"Nzinga said Obama is from Kenya. He called him a “Mau Mau” and said he 
needs “to go back to his roots and stop people from killing Africans in 
the streets.”

On 08/14/2014 09:26 AM, Share Long 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Bhairitu, I'm too horrified to comment much beyond this. Heck, maybe 
that's what the Overlords are hoping for: bombard us with Gaza and 
ebola and then throw this in the pot too...

On Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:07 AM, "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

Not much chatter here about what is happening in Ferguson, Mo. The
gestapo there has even been arresting mainstream press. The police
state rises in America.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what's going on in Ferguson

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 8/14/2014 7:21 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Today, I read that are going to try a different approach.  Something 
more inclusive.

It pretty much looks like a false flag incident planted by the New Black 
Panthers and the Black Muslims (Nation of Islam.) Go figure.


---In,  wrote :
Not much chatter here about what is happening in Ferguson, Mo. The 
gestapo there has even been arresting mainstream press. The police 
state rises in 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 8/14/2014 8:20 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
I will repeat - there are no scientific studies showing that TM does 
harm for the following reasons:

The main reason there are no scientific studies that show that TM does 
harm is that "TM" isn't a even a scientific term, and as yet undefined.


1 - No legitimate scientist gives a damn about TM. They are 
uninterested in studying something that leads once legitimate 
scientists to claim astrology is science, that one should live in an 
east facing home and that solar eclipses are bad karma.

Non sequitur.
2 - The TM scientists ALWAYS conduct their studies to find reasons for 
people to do TM. People have accused TM researchers of bias and of 
suppressing negative evidence for decades.

Non sequitur.
3 - The TM Movement has lied for years about the negative effects of 
TM. It was happening at least in the early to mid 1960's. Read Joyce 
Collin Smith's book Call No Man Master for some details.

Non sequitur.
4 - Since the Movement and its so-called scientists always lie about 
the effects of TM who cares what Orme-Johnson says about it?

Non sequitur.

*From:* keosauquakid 
*Sent:* Thursday, August 14, 2014 9:03 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation and Science

ShowArticle - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D. 

ShowArticle - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D. 

Does TM Produce Any Harm? The Issue: Is there any scientific research 
showing that the Transcendental Meditation program has harmed anyone? 
The Evidence:

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Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 8/14/2014 6:51 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I think we should make a new  FFL rule that you be required to make a 
minimum of 25 posts a week.


1. You may not bait, troll, or lurk on FFL with intent to trip or flame.

Baiting is defined as posting with a clear intent to provoke angry 
Trolling is posting incendiary messages with intent to form hostility 
and ridicule.

Lurking is behavior that results in trolling and baiting.
Tripping is laying out your trip, instead of getting on the TMer trip.
Flaming is an attempt to cause a forum war or riot by posting rumors.

---In,  wrote :
Wrong! I already know which cell provider works best in rural Iowa: US 
Cellular. What truly concerns me, to the point of obsession, is people 
not choosing their own cell phone providers according to *my* criteria 
and expectations.

---In,  wrote :
Barry is over concerned with Lawson
Judy is over concerned with Barry
Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
Emily is over concerned with Share
Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is 
rural Iowa

Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely 
dominate the discussion here
feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 

Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to 
every event, no matter how small
Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 

Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no 
matter how long it takes
Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all 


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Real Marshy

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 8/14/2014 6:11 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Joyce Collin-Smith:

We've already covered this years ago and Joyce Collin Smith's book was 
trashed by Judy. Apparently Smith was very JELLOS. Go figure.


Perhaps inevitably, in the early 1960s Joyce moved on to the Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi, who initiated her into the practice of Transcendental 
Meditation (TM) in his early days in the West. Feeling that she had 
finally found "a genuine master – a Guru", she spent about eight years 
with the Maharishi and also served as his driver.

After a while, however, she began to feel that the guru was beginning 
to lose "his cleanness of intent". She noted that he was becoming 
"rather ruthless" in the use of his spiritual power, showing no 
concern when people began breaking down as a result of practising TM 
(she herself was once driven to the brink of suicide as a result of 
overindulging in the practice), demanding big fees for "spiritual 
benefits", and discarding those followers who could not pay.

It was the beginning of her disillusionment with him. The final straw 
was the arrival of the Beatles.


Joyce Collin-Smith - Telegraph 

Joyce Collin-Smith, who has died aged 91, was a former journalist who 
found herself irresistibly drawn to consciousness-raising ideas and 
gurus; over more than half...

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Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is This True?

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

---In,  wrote :
A huge exaggeration, and pretty funny. The basic vibe is there, though 
not as bad as it used to be. Before they got so mainstream, it was the 
type of place frequented by back to the earthers, who didn't "pollute" 
their bodies with deodorant, much to my chagrin. Now that I can buy my 
odwalla protein drinks and occasional antipasto at Safeway, I don't 
shop at Whole Foods much - plus they are ridiculously expensive.I

On 8/14/2014 4:36 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
thought it was hilarious, actually. I'll need to find one when I 
venture back to the US of A and check it out.

510 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1C5

---In,  wrote : 

 I've never been so wondering how much rings true for those here who 
love this store.  Now, it makes me want to go to one.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Yezidis Are Satanic Worshippers?

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 8/14/2014 11:33 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

The IS militants apparently think so.  That's why they're being 

Apparently the goal of ISIS is to take over Iraq and Syria and make 
Mecca in Saudi Arabia the capital of the new Caliphate. There's a few 
problems with this plan: Iraq, Iran and Syria  and Kurdistan are are 
controlled by Shiite sects.

"By Allah, I know you are but a stone, but I saw the prophet kiss you." 
- Omar Ibn al-Khattab, the second Caliph of Islam


Re: [FairfieldLife] Biometrics

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 8/14/2014 11:24 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Richard, maybe they're gonna skip the national identity card step and 
go straight to implant chips!

Maybe, but the government would have to form a special agency to do 
that, so for now as long as you don't apply for a U.S. passport you 
probably won't have a chip with your name on it.


On Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:19 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  

On 8/14/2014 1:34 AM, TurquoiseBee 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:
All biometric facial recognition searches use a simplified 
hierarchical algorithm to "sort out" non-matches and reduce the 
search set so that it's as small as possible.

Congratulations! You now have a /Dutch National Identity Card/ - we 
don't have those in the U.S. yet. Go figure.

According to what I've read, they probably got most of your personal 
information from the chip on your biometric U.S. passport that uses 
smart card technology embedded in the front or back cover, or center 
page, of your paper document.

"There is no true national identity card in the United States of 

Plus, in this case, it's not as if they were trying to match my face 
to *all* faces, just a small subset of known terrorist and criminal 
faces. Still, I was impressed that my guvmint guy had his search 
results before we got back to his desk.

I figure that the scifi-like machine I sat at was hooked up on the 
back end to an array of parallel supercomputers designed to process 
these tasks alone, and thus optimized to produce reliable results, fast.

*From:* "Bhairitu 

*Sent:* Wednesday, August 13, 2014 10:56 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Biometrics

I suspect the matching process works more like this: your face is 
categorized by certain general features. Thus the search doesn't 
bother with faces on file that don't match that category and just 
searches on ones that do and possibly filter out sub categories that 
don't match too. Thus leaving a few possibilities which didn't 
match.  Much more efficient.

On 08/13/2014 12:09 PM, TurquoiseBee 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I had an odd experience today. I know that there is a lot of talk 
and paranoia on the Internet these days about how much guvmints know 
about us, and whether they should know that much, but it's never 
really concerned me because I've always assumed that I was too 
boring for any guvmint to become interested in enough to want to 
track me.

Well, it turns out I was right. I can officially tell you that I am 
on no "watchlists" maintained by any major guvmint, for any reason 

I know this because today I had to go to the Immigration Dept. to 
get my Dutch resident ID card renewed. In the past it's been mainly 
a formality -- take a new photo, get a new card, outa there. But 
this time, they told me I'd have to report first to "Biometrics." So 
I did, waited for a bit, and then a *remarkably* nice guvmint 
official verified that my renewal papers had arrived in the mail and 
then walked me into the Biometrics Room. I know that's what it was 
called because there was a sign over the door that said this. :-)

He sat me down at one of two science fiction-inspired machines, on 
which I had to first look into the screen while it took my photo, 
and then allow it to take my fingerprints and sign my signature. 
Electronically, of course -- no muss, no fuss. I was finished in a 
little over a minute and then he walked me back to his desk and 
looked at the results on his own computer monitor.

He said, "That looks red flags," and then said my new ID 
would be ready in about a week. But he really *was* a remarkably 
nice guvmint official, so I told him I worked with computers and was 
curious about this "Biometrics" thang and asked him to explain it to 
me. He did, even showing me his computer screen occasionally so I 
could see what he did.

It was spooky. The moment that scifi machine took my photo, the 
biometrics of my face were instantly recorded and compared against 
all known databases of "bad faces," those presumably belonging to 
terrorists or known criminals. My fingerprints and signature got the 
same electronic scrutiny. All in the time it took for me to walk 
back to this guy's cubicle.

Fortunately, I got no "red flags," and so my new ID card is in the 
mail. But I can't help but wonder what would have happened if my 
pleasing but aging face had had similar biometrics to the face of a 
known terrorist. I suspect that if that had happene

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 8/14/2014 11:03 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Bhairitu, you do realize don't you that woo woo is a relative term and 
some people might put ayurveda in that category and many more would 
definitely put jyotish there. Go figger (-:

Apparently Barry 2 doesn't seem to realize that lighting up joss sticks 
and chanting nonsense gibberish phrases down on his hands and knees in 
front of a small black doll figure in his spare room is considered "woo 
woo" by most people. Go figure.


On Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:55 AM, "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

Bhairtiu is concerned about "banksters". Banker | Gangster = 
bankster.  They have ways of making your life miserable and the public 
shouldn't tolerate them.

Of course woo woo types like to stick their heads in the sand and 
never pay any attention to what is going on in the world because it 
might "stress them out".  Hence they are the most apathetic among us. :-D

On 08/14/2014 04:26 AM, 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bharitu is over concerned with bankers

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 8/14/2014 10:55 AM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

Bhairtiu is concerned about "banksters".  Banker | Gangster = 
bankster.  They have ways of making your life miserable and the public 
shouldn't tolerate them.

Of course woo woo types like to stick their heads in the sand and 
never pay any attention to what is going on in the world because it 
might "stress them out".  Hence they are the most apathetic among us. :-D

Apparently you're doing alright using a Bank of America to get your 
Social Securitypayment. Go figure.


On 08/14/2014 04:26 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bharitu is over concerned with bankers

[FairfieldLife] Best headline ever

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Pilot's artificial arm comes off during landing
 Pilot's artificial arm comes off during landing
 A pilot for a budget airline briefly lost control of a flight after his 
artificial arm came loose during landing, an air accident report said Thursday. 
The Flybe pl...
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 
 I'm glad he pledged to keep it more firmly fastened in the future...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
or else you have to take the FFL challenge, which consists of dumping a bucket 
of popcorn over your head. ---In, 
 wrote : I think we should make a new  FFL rule that you be 
required to make a minimum of 25 posts a week. ---In,  wrote : Wrong! I 
already know which cell provider works best in rural Iowa: US Cellular. What 
truly concerns me, to the point of obsession, is people not choosing their own 
cell phone providers according to *my* criteria and expectations. ---In,  wrote : Barry is over 
concerned with Lawson Judy is over concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases
 - -



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How to Recognize Enlightenment

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
yeah, but not the one in hell, I bet - lol. I went to one about 15 years ago, 
in the Bay Area, that was just grim - dim yellow lighting, missing vinyl floor 
tiles, disheveled and misplaced merchandise, and clerks who looked and acted as 
if they were forever doomed. The only other one I've been to is on Maui, and 
aside from some truly horrible garlands of "candy" that my wife bought there (a 
consistency and flavor of mashed raisins and petroleum jelly - ack), it was a 
cool place to shop.  ---In,  
wrote : Hey, Fleetwood, I happen to like KMart now and then (-:
 On Thursday, August 14, 2014 5:47 PM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:
   "This description is so short of the Experience that it might be better 
described as a Shopping List for Enlightenment..." at a store that sucks. Like 
K-Mart, only in hell.
 ---In,  wrote : Dear 
anaranartaxiustaxius,This description is so short of the Experience that it 
might be better described as a Shopping List for Enlightenment.We can rely only 
on Scripture, the Enlightened, and Our Intuition.Sincerely and 
Respectfully,DanP.S. I hope my note is of help, if not you can continue using 
the WWW, but it's not Reliable Knowledge. Good Luck!



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I will repeat - there are no scientific studies showing that TM does harm for 
the following reasons:

1 - No legitimate scientist gives a damn about TM. They are uninterested in 
studying something that leads once legitimate scientists to claim astrology is 
science, that one should live in an east facing home and that solar eclipses 
are bad karma.
2 - The TM scientists ALWAYS conduct their studies to find reasons for people 
to do TM. People have accused TM researchers of bias and of suppressing 
negative evidence for decades. 
3 - The TM Movement has lied for years about the negative effects of TM. It was 
happening at least in the early to mid 1960's. Read Joyce Collin Smith's book 
Call No Man Master for some details.
4 - Since the Movement and its so-called scientists always lie about the 
effects of TM who cares what Orme-Johnson says about it?

 From: keosauquakid 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 9:03 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation and Science

ShowArticle - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.
   ShowArticle - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.  
Does TM Produce Any Harm? The Issue: Is there any scientific research showing 
that the Transcendental Meditation program has harmed anyone? The Evidence:   
View on Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Okay, no biggie, but what about the technique? 
 Okay, you've got Edg, who you respect, and so do I, saying, if I understand 
him correctly, that there are different means to transcend.  You can observe 
thoughts till you find a break in the action and then settle to a quieter place.
 You've got Barry who, again, if I understand it correctly, practices some form 
of meditation on a daily basis. Same with Salyavin, who has indicated that he 
does TM, at least some of the time.
 It seems to me that basically, they all work the same way.  So, why would one 
technique, be singled out as being harmful.
 Or maybe you give the technique a pass, but find fault with the culture around 
it, especially the upsell.
 But take that away, and I can't see where the basic technique differs much 
from any other forms of meditation.
 Yes, if I found myself giving an introductory lecture, I would say,with 
confidence, that the technique is natural and effortless, and that it follows 
the natural tendency of the mind to go to a field of great charm.  In my mind 
that field is sat chit ananda.  But I wouldn't use that term.
 And no, I would not say that is the "best" form of meditation available. 
 Anyway, I'd welcome your opinion, if you'd care to share it.
 ---In,  wrote : I disagree - I 
felt the same way. Through a series of circumstances I believed that Marshy was 
enlightened too. And over time I came to see that was not the case. It is a 
part of growing up in many ways to see through the smoke a mirrors a powerful 
personality or a charismatic personality creates, especially when lots of 
people will agree with and reinforce the illusion. As Rick as said on here, the 
truth is not harmful to anyone. Tough to swallow, but it doesn't hurt to know 
the truth.
 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" To: Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 7:49 PMSubject: 
[FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world 
will take of itself for us on that level
   What I find kind of interesting is to see people here, over time, keep 
discounting anything to do with MMY.
 I don't mean to single out Barry, but I've seen, (particularly with that quote 
Judy found), that MMY's stature has gone from someone enlightened, in Barry's 
eyes, to someone with no awakening, but rather a personality that people just 
latched onto because they had a cult mindset.
 It really doesn't make a lot of sense, and as Jim likes to point out, says a 
lot more about the person finding fault, that the object of that person's 
 I guess this is a just sayin' observation.
  ---In,  wrote :  While 
reading this I see that this was a golden time for MMY and for the Movement. 
There is so much power behind what he says here and seemingly so much truth. 
This was a pleasure to read. It reminds me why I started to meditate back in 
1970 and why I attended MIU. What a pleasure to read!

 Jai Guru Dev
T​o ​subscribe, send a reply with "subscribe" entered as the subject or 
message; to ​unsubscribe​,​ ​send a reply with "unsubscribe" entered ​as the 
subject or message.-- David Hooper1000 Purusha Place, Suite 219Romney, WV 26757



[FairfieldLife] Introducing TM Media Alert

2014-08-14 Thread Dick Mays [FairfieldLife]
> From: TM Media Alert 
> Subject: Introducing TM Media Alert
> Date: August 14, 2014 7:51:33 PM CDT
> The latest TM news articles and videos delivered to your inbox
> AUGUST 14, 2014
> Dear Meditator,
> We are pleased to announce TM Media Alert—simple, quick, and easy-to-read 
> emails covering the most recent news, videos, and media reports on the 
> Transcendental Meditation program.
> Whether it’s a report on new scientific research on the TM® program; a story 
> on how TM helps inner-city students rise to the top of their class; or 
> interviews with artists, professionals, and celebrities describing how the TM 
> program is helping them achieve higher levels of performance—TM Media Alert 
> will be there with the story.
> Below is a recent TM Media Alert. For the next few weeks, you’ll receive 
> these timely reports in your inbox once or twice per week.
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> Meditate to sharpen your assertive edge
> Charles Wallace, Financial Times via TM Blog / July 29, 2014
> Many people are using tranquilizers or sleeping pills to deal with workplace 
> stress. Read how Charles Wallace, writer for the Financial Times, found a 
> healthier solution, following the footsteps of the $150B hedge-fund, 
> Bridgewater, and executives of Goldman Sachs. Wallace learned that the TM 
> technique not only helps with chronic anxiety but also enhances focus and 
> sharpens the edge required for high performance.  ...more
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread keosauquakid
ShowArticle - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.
 ShowArticle - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.
 Does TM Produce Any Harm? The Issue: Is there any scientific research showing 
that the Transcendental Meditation program has harmed anyone? The Evidence: 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How to Recognize Enlightenment

2014-08-14 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Hey, Fleetwood, I happen to like KMart now and then (-:

On Thursday, August 14, 2014 5:47 PM, " 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

"This description is so short of the Experience that it might be better 
described as a Shopping List for Enlightenment..." at a store that sucks. Like 
K-Mart, only in hell.
---In,  wrote :
Dear anaranartaxiustaxius,This description is so short of the Experience that 
it might be better described as a Shopping List for Enlightenment.We can rely 
only on Scripture, the Enlightened, and Our Intuition.Sincerely and 
Respectfully,DanP.S. I hope my note is of help, if not you can continue using 
the WWW, but it's not Reliable Knowledge. Good Luck!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I disagree - I felt the same way. Through a series of circumstances I believed 
that Marshy was enlightened too. And over time I came to see that was not the 
case. It is a part of growing up in many ways to see through the smoke a 
mirrors a powerful personality or a charismatic personality creates, especially 
when lots of people will agree with and reinforce the illusion. As Rick as said 
on here, the truth is not harmful to anyone. Tough to swallow, but it doesn't 
hurt to know the truth.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 7:49 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, 
the world will take of itself for us on that level

What I find kind of interesting is to see people here, over time, keep 
discounting anything to do with MMY.
I don't mean to single out Barry, but I've seen, (particularly with that quote 
Judy found), that MMY's stature has gone from someone enlightened, in Barry's 
eyes, to someone with no awakening, but rather a personality that people just 
latched onto because they had a cult mindset.
It really doesn't make a lot of sense, and as Jim likes to point out, says a 
lot more about the person finding fault, that the object of that person's 
I guess this is a just sayin' observation.
 ---In,  wrote :
 While reading this I see that this was a golden time for MMY and for the 
Movement. There is so much power behind what he says here and seemingly so much 
truth. This was a pleasure to read. It reminds me why I started to meditate 
back in 1970 and why I attended MIU. What a pleasure to read!
Jai Guru DevT​o ​subscribe, send a reply with "subscribe" entered as the 
subject or message; to ​unsubscribe​,​ ​send a reply with "unsubscribe" entered 
​as the subject or message.-- David Hooper1000 Purusha Place, Suite 219Romney, 
WV 26757

[FairfieldLife] Re: So what's going on in Ferguson

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Today, I read that are going to try a different approach.  Something more 
inclusive. ---In,  wrote : Not much 
chatter here about what is happening in Ferguson, Mo. The gestapo there has 
even been arresting mainstream press. The police state rises in 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I clicked on this and saw a comment from John Mack, the Harvard professor who 
did alien abduction research on people under hypnosis. 
 I found all of that interesting in the book of his I read, (or skimmed, as it 
was quite voluminous as I recall), but one thing stood out for me which was 
that one subject, when taken under hypnosis, has some recollection of dinosaur 
era.  He said that even though they had small brains, they were actually quite 
intelligent, and had a remarkable sense of time.
 I am probably butchering it, but it stood out because I was under the grammar 
school teaching that because their brains were so small, they were not very 
 That was my main takeaway from the book.
 He was a brave guy, John Mack, to take on such a controversial subject matter. 
 I think they tried to kick him out, or at least discredit him. ---In,  wrote : Courtney Brown.  His book 
is on his site in PDF form. 08/14/2014 10:40 AM, 
Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   Oh man, please tell more! Who was this?
 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.comTo: Sent: 
Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:57 AMSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One 
- Wisdom from Spiritual Beings
 Remember the TM teacher who was channeling Brahmananda Saraswati?  He was on 
Art Bell a few times and I have his book around here somewhere. ;-) 
 On 08/14/2014 08:24 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

   What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?




[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 15-Aug-14 00:15:08 UTC

2014-08-14 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 08/09/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 08/16/14 00:00:00
563 messages as of (UTC) 08/15/14 00:04:13

 95 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
 85 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 47 Share Long sharelong60
 44 awoelflebater
 41 Bhairitu noozguru
 40 steve.sundur
 32 LEnglish5
 25 fleetwood_macncheese
 25 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 17 nablusoss1008 
 14 anartaxius
 11 dhamiltony2k5
 10 jr_esq
  8 emilymaenot
  8 Richard Williams punditster
  8 Duveyoung 
  6 j_alexander_stanley
  5 srijau
  5 s3raphita
  5 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  4 punditster
  4 cardemaister
  3 salyavin808 
  3 Dick Mays dickmays
  3 'Rick Archer' rick
  2 merudanda 
  2 feste37 
  2 dmevans365
  2 danfriedman2002 
  2 WLeed3
  1 yifuxero
  1 uns_tressor
  1 email4you mikemail4you
  1 azgrey 
  1 William Leed WLeed3
Posters: 35
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I know, like, "Don't have a cow man"  Bart S. ---In,  wrote : Barry - you are again 
demonstrating your inability to laugh at yourself!  What gives?  Please listen 
to and post some music today - you'll feel better.  If that doesn't work, try 
and have a deep and meaningful conversation with Share online here for us all 
to watch and comment on.   ---In, 
 wrote : ---In, 
 wrote : And -- to be perfectly honest -- these days you're a 
busybody with so little going on in your own life that you only "check in" here 
on FFL to be overly concerned with everybody else and tell them all how badly 
their lives are going and how much better those lives would be if they just 
lived them the way YOU want them to. 
 Hee, hee, when you look at this with just a smidgeon of objectivity and 
without the bawee -gggo you would realize you are speaking about 
yourself here. You are a constant source of hilarity, bawee.
 There was a time when you actually had things to contribute, but those days 
are now mainly a thing of the past. 
 I wouldn't know if you ever had anything to contribute that was worth reading 
"in the past" but 18 years is a long time to have been posting on the internet 
so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" To: Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 1:26 PMSubject: 
Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science
   Barry is over concerned with Lawson
 Judy is over concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases
 ---In,  wrote : You have your 
perspective on me and I have mine. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Moments like this, I just love you Em! ---In, 
 wrote : Steve!  Ha - a modest laugh for you.   Not to 
disappoint, I must comment that Share, for the most part, appears to be making 
progress and taking herself less seriously.  
 Share, how are you doing on letting go of those resentments?  Dig deep, baby, 
dig deep.  Love, Em.---In,  
wrote : Barry is over concerned with Lawson Judy is over concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases
 ---In,  wrote : You have your 
perspective on me and I have mine. 
 ---In,  wrote : From: 
"LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]"Nothing 
terribly wrong with the methodology except that responses to the survey were 
self-selected, so perhaps, one way, or another, the responses were NOT 
indicative of the majority of people who do TM.
 For all we know, the people who didn't respond were actually worse off than 
the ones who did.
 The point is that such surveys are never considered very accurate, and 
especially not when less than half of the people respond.My point is that I 
don't believe you. Based on your consistent posts and stance on this forum and 
on a.m.t., I think that if you encountered a study that was "pro-TM" and was 
based on a similar test subject self-selection process, you'd be touting it 
everywhere as accurate and reliable. It's the seeming *compulsion* you have to 
"find proof" for the things you've been taught to believe that I question. I 
think that's aberrant, and not a positive thing. I don't know of *any* other 
meditation technique that has the same compulsion to "prove itself BEST" that 
TM does. And it *all* comes from indoctrination, IMO. You were told from your 
first introductory lecture onwards that TM was "the best," and you believed it 
*without a shred of proof*. Now, years later, after you're old and not 
enlightened and most of TM's other promises have not really worked out, for you 
or others, you seem a little desperate to find "proof" -- *any* "proof" -- that 
will support these things you chose to believe *without proof*. As I've said 
many times, I don't think that TM is terribly harmful for most people, done 
20x20 as originally taught. On the other hand, I think that "rounding" and the 
TMSP *will* be harmful in some ways for *most* people. I don't think Maharishi 
ever even considered the latter possibility, because he was such a True 
Believer that he *couldn't*. He was such a naricssist that if he found himself 
saying it, for him it was true. Only it wasn't. It's not *just* that Maharishi 
didn't really CARE about any of these people who had negative results from TM 
or from rounding/TMSP. He didn't...I've seen dozens of examples of how little 
he cared about any individual students of his. But on a deeper level, I don't 
think he even admitted to himself that such people *existed*. He'd just tune 
them out, and not allow his mind to accept their existence, because that would 
mean that his "seeing" about things was wrong. Can't have that. So what I guess 
I'm saying is that I think you do something similar. At this point in your 
life, having invested 40 years in a beginner's technique of meditation cobbled 
together by Maharishi but presented to you as the "highest path" and "the best" 
form of meditation in the world, you seem increasingly desperate to find some 
*proof* that these things were true. My advice to you is to relax and stop 
obsessing, because the things you were told were NEVER true, and they are not 
true now. You're on a fool's errand. All that matters is whether you enjoy 
continuing to believe the untrue things you'v

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Are you calling me a prick?  (-:---In, 
 wrote : 
 Mac writes:
 "Barry = balloon. Steve = pin."
 OK, this is the funniest sentence I have read in a long time.
 ---In,  wrote : On 8/14/2014 
8:25 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think we should make a new  FFL rule that you be required to make a minimum 
of 25 posts a week. ---In, 
 wrote : Wrong! I already know which cell provider 
works best in rural Iowa: US Cellular. What truly concerns me, to the point of 
obsession, is people not choosing their own cell phone providers according to 
*my* criteria and expectations. ---In, 
 wrote : Barry is over concerned with Lawson Judy is over 
concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases
 - -



[FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
What I find kind of interesting is to see people here, over time, keep 
discounting anything to do with MMY. 
 I don't mean to single out Barry, but I've seen, (particularly with that quote 
Judy found), that MMY's stature has gone from someone enlightened, in Barry's 
eyes, to someone with no awakening, but rather a personality that people just 
latched onto because they had a cult mindset.
 It really doesn't make a lot of sense, and as Jim likes to point out, says a 
lot more about the person finding fault, that the object of that person's 
 I guess this is a just sayin' observation.
  ---In,  wrote :  While 
reading this I see that this was a golden time for MMY and for the Movement. 
There is so much power behind what he says here and seemingly so much truth. 
This was a pleasure to read. It reminds me why I started to meditate back in 
1970 and why I attended MIU. What a pleasure to read!

 Jai Guru Dev
T​o ​subscribe, send a reply with "subscribe" entered as the subject or 
message; to ​unsubscribe​,​ ​send a reply with "unsubscribe" entered ​as the 
subject or message.-- David Hooper1000 Purusha Place, Suite 219Romney, WV 26757

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Just kiddin' around.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

Yes, you are right.  I didn't sleep well for some reason.  Just firing on five 
(out of six) cylinders I guess.
---In,  wrote :
P.S. - It would be correct to say overly concerned rather than over concerned.

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" To: Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 8:57 AMSubject: 
Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science
Ha, good one!
---In,  wrote :
On 8/14/2014 6:48 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>>Steve, I can't stop smiling...makes me love
them all (-:
>>Lawson is
overconcerned with Collected Papers?
>>How about
merudanda? Overconcerned with
>Maybe Meru Danda is concerned, but not over concerned.>
Thursday, August 14, 2014 6:26 AM, "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
>Barry is over concerned with
>Judy is over concerned with
>Richard is over concerned with
Fred Lenz
>Emily is over concerned with
>Share is over concerned with
Jupiter's transit
>Steve is over concerned with
day to day tribulations and family
>Bharitu is over concerned with
>Michael is over concerned with
the past,present and future of the
>Nablusoss is over concerned
with, well you know what.
>Alex is over concerned with
which cell phone provider works best
is rural Iowa
>Rick is over concerned with
not stepping on anyone's toes
>Ann is over concerned making
sure no one steps out of line
>Jim is over concerned that
enlightenment isn't given short
>Mike is over concerned that
the liberal pov doesn't completely
dominate the discussion here
>feste is over concerned that
the more refined things in life
don't get overlooked
>Doug is over concerned that we
don't forget what "our" priorities
>jr_esq is over concerned that
there must an astrological basis to
every event, no matter how small
>Edg is over concerned that the
unique properties of water are not
duly appreciated
>Salyavin is over concerned
that any analysis is not "dry"
>Anataxius is over concerned
that ever angle must be considered,
no matter how long it takes
>Card is over concerned that we
know the etymological basis of most
all phrases
>---In,  wrote :
have your perspective on me and I
have mine.
>---In,  wrote :
>From: "LEnglish5@...
terribly wrong
with the
except that
responses to
the survey
so perhaps,
one way, or
another, the
responses were
NOT indicative
of the
majority of
people who do
>For all
we know, the
people who
didn't respond
were actually
worse off than
the ones who
>The point
is that such
surveys are
very accurate,
and especially
not when less
than half of
the people
point is that
I don't
believe you.
Based on your
posts and
stance on this
forum and on
a.m.t., I
think that if
encountered a
study that was
"pro-TM" and
was based on a
similar test
process, you'd
be touting it
everywhere as
accurate and
reliable. It's
you have to
"find proof"
for the things
you've been
taught to
believe that I
question. I
think that's
aberrant, and
not a positive
thing. I don't
know of *any*
technique that
has the same
compulsion to
"prove itself
BEST" that TM
does. And it
*all* comes
IMO. You were
told from your
onwards that
TM was "the
best," and you
believed it
*without a
shred of
proof*. Now,
years later,
after you're
old and not
and most of
TM's other
promises have
not really
worked out,
for you or
others, you
seem a little
desperate to
find "proof"
-- *any*
"proof" --
that will
support these
things you
chose to
proof*. As
I've said many
times, I don't
think that TM
is terribly
harmful for
most people,
done 20x20 as
taught. On the
other hand, I
think that
"rounding" and
the TMSP
*will* be
harmful in
some ways for
*most* people.
I don't think
Maharishi ever
considered the
because he was
such a True
Believer that
he *couldn't*.
He was such a
that if he
found himself
saying it, for
him it was
true. Only it
wasn't. It's
not *just*
that Maharishi
didn't really
CARE about any
of these
people who had
results from
TM or from
seen dozens of
examples of
how little he
cared about
any individual
students of
his. But on a
deeper level,
I don't think
he even
admitted to
himself that
such people
He'd just tune
them out, and
not allow his
mind to accept

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, you are right.  I didn't sleep well for some reason.  Just firing on five 
(out of six) cylinders I guess. ---In, 
 wrote : P.S. - It would be correct to say overly concerned 
rather than over concerned.
 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" To: Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 8:57 AMSubject: 
Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science
 Ha, good one!
 ---In,  wrote : On 8/14/2014 
6:48 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife] 
   Steve, I can't stop smiling...makes me love them all (-:
 Lawson is overconcerned with Collected Papers?
 How about merudanda? Overconcerned with nothing/everything...ness?

 >Maybe Meru Danda is concerned, but not over concerned.> 
 On Thursday, August 14, 2014 6:26 AM, "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
mailto:steve.sundur@...[FairfieldLife] wrote:
   Barry is over concerned with Lawson
 Judy is over concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases
 mailto:LEnglish5@... wrote : You have your perspective on me 
and I have mine. L
 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote : From: "LEnglish5@... 
[FairfieldLife]"   Nothing terribly wrong with the 
methodology except that responses to the survey were self-selected, so perhaps, 
one way, or another, the responses were NOT indicative of the majority of 
people who do TM.
 For all we know, the people who didn't respond were actually worse off than 
the ones who did.
 The point is that such surveys are never considered very accurate, and 
especially not when less than half of the people respond.My point is that I 
don't believe you. Based on your consistent posts and stance on this forum and 
on a.m.t., I think that if you encountered a study that was "pro-TM" and was 
based on a similar test subject self-selection process, you'd be touting it 
everywhere as accurate and reliable. It's the seeming *compulsion* you have to 
"find proof" for the things you've been taught to believe that I question. I 
think that's aberrant, and not a positive thing. I don't know of *any* other 
meditation technique that has the same compulsion to "prove itself BEST" that 
TM does. And it *all* comes from indoctrination, IMO. You were told from your 
first introductory lecture onwards that TM was "the best," and you believed it 
*without a shred of proof*. Now, years later, after you're old and not 
enlightened and most of TM's other promises have not really worked out, for you 
or others, you seem a little desperate to find "proof" -- *any* "proof" -- that 
will support these things you chose to believe *without proof*. As I've said 
many times, I don't think that TM is terribly harmful for most people, done 
20x20 as originally taught. On the other hand, I think that "rounding" and the 
TMSP *will* be harmful in some ways for *most* people. I don't think Maharishi 
ever even considered the latter possibility, because he was such a True 
Believer that he *couldn't*. He was such a naricssist that if he found himself 
saying it, for him it was true. Only it wasn't. It's not *just* that Maharishi 
didn't really CARE about any of these people who had negative results from TM 
or from rounding/TMSP. He didn't...I've seen dozens of examples of how little 
he cared about any individual students of his. But on a deeper level, I don't 
think he even admitted to himself that such people *existed*. He'd just tune 
them out, and not allow his mind to accept

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Not no Marshy, that's fer sure.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

---In,  wrote :
Oh man, please tell more! Who was this?Who did you used to channel MJ?

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
To: Sent: 
Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:57 AMSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One 
- Wisdom from Spiritual Beings
Remember the TM teacher who was
channeling Brahmananda Saraswati?  He was on Art Bell a few times
and I have his book around here somewhere. ;-) 

On 08/14/2014 08:24 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
>What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?

[FairfieldLife] The Real Marshy

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Joyce Collin-Smith:

Perhaps inevitably, in the early 1960s Joyce moved on to the Maharishi Mahesh  
Yogi, who initiated her into the practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM)  in 
his early days in the West. Feeling that she had finally found "a  genuine 
master – a Guru", she spent about eight years with the  Maharishi and also 
served as his driver. 

After a while, however, she began to feel that the guru was beginning to lose 
"his  cleanness of intent". She noted that he was becoming "rather  ruthless" 
in the use of his spiritual power, showing no concern when  people began 
breaking down as a result of practising TM (she herself was  once driven to the 
brink of suicide as a result of overindulging in the  practice), demanding big 
fees for "spiritual benefits", and  discarding those followers who could not 

It was the beginning of her disillusionment with him. The final straw was the  
arrival of the Beatles.
Joyce Collin-Smith - Telegraph
Joyce Collin-Smith, who has died aged 91, was a former journalist who found 
herself irresistibly drawn to consciousness-raising ideas and gurus; over more 
than half...  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to Recognize Enlightenment

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
"This description is so short of the Experience that it might be better 
described as a Shopping List for Enlightenment..." at a store that sucks. Like 
K-Mart, only in hell. ---In, 
 wrote : Dear anaranartaxiustaxius,This description 
is so short of the Experience that it might be better described as a Shopping 
List for Enlightenment.We can rely only on Scripture, the Enlightened, and Our 
Intuition.Sincerely and Respectfully,DanP.S. I hope my note is of help, if not 
you can continue using the WWW, but it's not Reliable Knowledge. Good Luck!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread nablusoss1008
Found this by randomly looking: "There is no saint without a past,
 no sinner without a future."
 Sri Babaji  
 Nice :-) 
 ---In,  wrote :
 I was enjoying the section on ramana maharishi - excellent bite sized chunks 
of wisdom. I am not sure I will read any others, but his expressions were like 
cool water. ---In,  
wrote : Looking forward to your report when you've read some of iy fleetwood 
!---In,  wrote : 
Thanks, Rick. I bookmarked it. ---In,  
wrote : Realized One

 Realized One is an archive of life wisdom transmitted through beings that have 
permanently ascended to the higher levels of consciousness and awareness.   The 
highest goal of the archive is to inspire the cultivation of insight, to ignite 
the spirit of enquiry into the nature of Reality and/or Ourselves, to bring our 
hearts to balance and our minds to silence in today's fast-paced world, most 
importantly to bring about Liberation as talked about in all ancient traditions 
of the past, present and future.   The website is still undergoing a major 
development, a lot of things are being developed in the background, you are 
welcome to contact us with suggestions here info@... mailto:info@...  
 Thank you, 
 Project Team



 Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi 1473 posts

 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj 897 

 Mooji 752 posts

 Paramahansa Nithyananda 452 

 Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev 331 posts

 Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic 326 posts

 Paramahansa Yogananda 298 posts

 Tibetan Buddhism 211 posts

 Lord Shiva 209 posts

 Buddha 205 posts

 Swami Sivananda posts

 Robert Adams 184 posts

 Shankara 182 posts

 Unknown 174 posts

 Papaji 170 posts

 Yoga Vashishta 137 posts

 Swami Vivekananda 131 posts

 Bhagavad Gita 117 posts

 Eckhart Tolle 103 posts

 Sri Ramakrishna 102 posts

 Adyashanti 100 posts

 Lao Tzu 93 posts

 Wisdom of East 85 posts

 Swami Chinmayananda 84 posts

 Ashtawakra Gita 80 posts

 Health News 77 posts

 Thich Nhat Hanh 75 posts

 Sri Anandamayi ma 74 posts

 Osho 73 posts

 Thayumanavar, Saint - Poet of India (1706 - 1744),%20Saint%20-%20Poet%20of%20India%20%281706%20-%201744%29
 71 posts

 Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya 67 posts

 The Upanishads 66 posts

 Albert Einstein 59 posts

 Kabir 53 posts

 Ribhu Gita 53 posts

 Hans Taeger 49 posts

 Prince Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha (563-483 BC) the Enlightened One 48 posts

 Sri Samartha Siddharameshwar Maharaj 48 posts

 Laya Yoga 47 posts

 Ven. Henepola Gunaratana 43 posts

 Sri Dattatreya 43 posts

 Thirumandiram by Siddhar Thirumoolar 43 posts

 Dalai Lama 41 posts

 Og Mandino 41 posts

 Львы Будды, Жизнеописание 84,000 сиддхов 40 posts

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is This True?

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It probably won't be as exciting as you hope. On the other side of the 
spectrum, I got a good chuckle when I visited my realtor's office (in Paradise) 
- The car next to mine had a huge bumper sticker on it, "Register liberals, not 
guns!". Awesome - I crack up over such strong opinions like that, about 
anything, and just fall in love with the world that much more as a result, 
especially in America, the most self righteous country in the world! 22 caliber 
ammo is also for sale next to the Chamber of Commerce. God, Guns, and Glory 
Hallelujah! Fuck, yeah. ---In, 
 wrote : ---In, 
 wrote : A huge exaggeration, and pretty funny. The 
basic vibe is there, though not as bad as it used to be. Before they got so 
mainstream, it was the type of place frequented by back to the earthers, who 
didn't "pollute" their bodies with deodorant, much to my chagrin. Now that I 
can buy my odwalla protein drinks and occasional antipasto at Safeway, I don't 
shop at Whole Foods much - plus they are ridiculously expensive.I thought it 
was hilarious, actually. I'll need to find one when I venture back to the US of 
A and check it out. ---In,  
wrote :
  I've never been so wondering how much rings true for those here who love this 
store.  Now, it makes me want to go to one.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Try chapter 21.

On 08/14/2014 01:36 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
He don't say nothin' about channelin' Guru Dev - but I must say, if 
Emory University really employs this goof ball they have lowered their 
standards. But from the degree of UFO crap he claims I am surprised 
Nabby is not camping out on his doorstep to soak up the vibes.

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Thursday, August 14, 2014 2:09 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from 
Spiritual Beings

Courtney Brown.  His book is on his site in PDF form.

On 08/14/2014 10:40 AM, Michael Jackson 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Oh man, please tell more! Who was this?

*From:* "Bhairitu 

*Sent:* Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:57 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from 
Spiritual Beings

Remember the TM teacher who was channeling Brahmananda Saraswati?  He 
was on Art Bell a few times and I have his book around here 
somewhere. ;-)

On 08/14/2014 08:24 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I am automatically greatly embarrassed for anyone who would indulge in this. It 
sounds like some sort of Ouija board shit. ---In, 
 wrote : ---In, 
 wrote : Oh man, please tell more! Who was this?Who did you 
used to channel MJ?
 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
To: Sent: 
Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:57 AMSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One 
- Wisdom from Spiritual Beings
 Remember the TM teacher who was channeling Brahmananda Saraswati?  He was on 
Art Bell a few times and I have his book around here somewhere. ;-) 
 On 08/14/2014 08:24 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
   What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?




[FairfieldLife] Re: Is This True?

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote : A huge 
exaggeration, and pretty funny. The basic vibe is there, though not as bad as 
it used to be. Before they got so mainstream, it was the type of place 
frequented by back to the earthers, who didn't "pollute" their bodies with 
deodorant, much to my chagrin. Now that I can buy my odwalla protein drinks and 
occasional antipasto at Safeway, I don't shop at Whole Foods much - plus they 
are ridiculously expensive.I thought it was hilarious, actually. I'll need to 
find one when I venture back to the US of A and check it out. ---In,  wrote :
  I've never been so wondering how much rings true for those here who love this 
store.  Now, it makes me want to go to one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I was enjoying the section on ramana maharishi - excellent bite sized chunks of 
wisdom. I am not sure I will read any others, but his expressions were like 
cool water. ---In,  
wrote : Looking forward to your report when you've read some of iy fleetwood 
!---In,  wrote : 
Thanks, Rick. I bookmarked it. ---In,  
wrote : Realized One

 Realized One is an archive of life wisdom transmitted through beings that have 
permanently ascended to the higher levels of consciousness and awareness.   The 
highest goal of the archive is to inspire the cultivation of insight, to ignite 
the spirit of enquiry into the nature of Reality and/or Ourselves, to bring our 
hearts to balance and our minds to silence in today's fast-paced world, most 
importantly to bring about Liberation as talked about in all ancient traditions 
of the past, present and future.   The website is still undergoing a major 
development, a lot of things are being developed in the background, you are 
welcome to contact us with suggestions here info@... mailto:info@...  
 Thank you, 
 Project Team



 Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi 1473 posts

 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj 897 

 Mooji 752 posts

 Paramahansa Nithyananda 452 

 Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev 331 posts

 Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic 326 posts

 Paramahansa Yogananda 298 posts

 Tibetan Buddhism 211 posts

 Lord Shiva 209 posts

 Buddha 205 posts

 Swami Sivananda posts

 Robert Adams 184 posts

 Shankara 182 posts

 Unknown 174 posts

 Papaji 170 posts

 Yoga Vashishta 137 posts

 Swami Vivekananda 131 posts

 Bhagavad Gita 117 posts

 Eckhart Tolle 103 posts

 Sri Ramakrishna 102 posts

 Adyashanti 100 posts

 Lao Tzu 93 posts

 Wisdom of East 85 posts

 Swami Chinmayananda 84 posts

 Ashtawakra Gita 80 posts

 Health News 77 posts

 Thich Nhat Hanh 75 posts

 Sri Anandamayi ma 74 posts

 Osho 73 posts

 Thayumanavar, Saint - Poet of India (1706 - 1744),%20Saint%20-%20Poet%20of%20India%20%281706%20-%201744%29
 71 posts

 Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya 67 posts

 The Upanishads 66 posts

 Albert Einstein 59 posts

 Kabir 53 posts

 Ribhu Gita 53 posts

 Hans Taeger 49 posts

 Prince Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha (563-483 BC) the Enlightened One 48 posts

 Sri Samartha Siddharameshwar Maharaj 48 posts

 Laya Yoga 47 posts

 Ven. Henepola Gunaratana 43 posts

 Sri Dattatreya 43 posts

 Thirumandiram by Siddhar Thirumoolar 43 posts

 Dalai Lama 41 posts

 Og Mandino 41 posts

 Львы Будды, Жизнеописание 84,000 сиддхов 40 posts

 Patriji posts

 Who Is This 35 posts

 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 34 posts

 Bodhidharma posts

 Sri Swami Vishwananda 

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to Recognize Enlightenment

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry is drunk again, and anartaxius hopes he wakes up enlightened tomorrow. 
So, what else is new?
 ---In,  wrote : From: 
"anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   While browsing this morning as an alternative to the Transcendental ISIS 
launching its mortars at Barry in its eternal East-West War...


 I found the following points on a web site which is claimed to enable one to 
recognise enlightenment. As far as I am concerned, enlightenment can't be 
recognised by reading something describing it. 


 I'm going to skip commenting on the handy hints. IMHO, the only way to be 
absolutely certain that a person is enlightened is if they are claiming to be 
while dressed as a member of the opposite sex while living in a trailer park in 
Chico. That's the big tip-off.  :-)
 It might mean something by reading it after the fact.
 But I am interested in how this group, so enlightened as it is, regards these 
points. I have noticed that if you make a selection from someone's writings, 
someone regarded as enlightened by a particular group, but not necessarily in 
the focus of the group the person you show the writing to belongs to, there is 
a tendency for that person to say of the selected writing, 'Obviously this 
person is not enlightened'. The list of points here is not the complete list, 
but a bit briefer, for brevity.
 Note regarding certain persons on this forum:
 Remember when someone criticises the movement and its people, the movement's 
response is typically containment, and if possible, search and destroy under 
the cover of darkness. Such is the nature of memetically infected minds, and 
every spiritual organisation has them, even when its stated purpose is to free 
the mind from such conceptual constrictions.
 This following portion of this post contains confidential information and is 
intended only for the Yahoo! group Fairfield Life. If you are not a member of 
the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this post. 
Please notify the sender immediately by carrier pigeon if you have read this 
post by mistake. Posting and e-mail re-transmission cannot be guaranteed to be 
secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, 
destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore 
does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this 
message, which arise as a result of electronic transmission.
 Anartaxius, X. | 41°23'55"N, 73°36'53"W (approx.)
 How to Recognize Enlightenment
 1. The experience of nothingness.
 No other state of human existence gets to be permeated with the 
all-encompassing feeling of nothingness. Upon suddenly seeing into our true 
self-nature, we are left with that unique 'aroma' of nothingness. Everything is 
as it is, and if at that moment a car is rushing toward you, you would see it 
and you'd move out of its way. So, in this respect, it is important to stress 
that enlightenment is not a state where all the cortical neural activity has 
ceased. You continue to function as every other sentient being.
 It is the very clear and vivid realization of nothingness of having nothing to 
learn, nothing to attain, nothing to explain, and nothing to do. There simply 
is no way that you could ever gain something or lose something. No attachments 
and no rejections.
 In this respect, and from the standpoint of everyday consciousness, 
enlightenment is a very unsophisticated state of affairs (if one can use this 
term). To the mind that used to harbor lofty ideals and grand plans, it is a 
very disappointing incident indeed. You may be saying to yourself: 'All these 
years I have spent building a more perfect head to put on top my own head, and 
now I see how it's been totally in vain!'
 2. Everybody else is also enlightened
 The insight that everybody and everything has surfaced to the enlightened 
state of mind simultaneously with you is definitely accompanying the very 
moment of realization. This is why you know that the reality is perfect. It is 
not perfect in its potentiality, it is perfect in its fully actualized state, 
standing with you hand in hand, face to face. 
 3. No need to talk about it
 This feeling is extremely pronounced in the first several weeks following the 
enlightenment. Talking, even thinking about it is felt to be as superfluous as 
asking a fellow passenger on a train: 'Are you, too, traveling in this train?' 
It's meaningless. Since everybody else is also enlightened, what's there to 
talk about? You just live. 
 4. The profound body of spiritual literature falls short of capturing it
 You may start developing a mild urge, after several days or so, to go and 
re-examine and compare your experience with the accounts recorded in the holy 
scriptures. Prepare yourself for a very disappointing experience. All the 
exalted words will look very pale and lifeless when put side by side with

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to Recognize Enlightenment

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yep, you got me. oh fuck. ---In,  
wrote : Well Number Three means Fleet Cheese is not enlightened for sure. 
 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" To: Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 2:00 PMSubject: 
[FairfieldLife] How to Recognize Enlightenment
   While browsing this morning as an alternative to the Transcendental ISIS 
launching its mortars at Barry in its eternal East-West War, I found the 
following points on a web site which is claimed to enable one to recognise 
enlightenment. As far as I am concerned, enlightenment can't be recognised by 
reading something describing it. It might mean something by reading it after 
the fact.
 But I am interested in how this group, so enlightened as it is, regards these 
points. I have noticed that if you make a selection from someone's writings, 
someone regarded as enlightened by a particular group, but not necessarily in 
the focus of the group the person you show the writing to belongs to, there is 
a tendency for that person to say of the selected writing, 'Obviously this 
person is not enlightened'. The list of points here is not the complete list, 
but a bit briefer, for brevity.
 Note regarding certain persons on this forum:
 Remember when someone criticises the movement and its people, the movement's 
response is typically containment, and if possible, search and destroy under 
the cover of darkness. Such is the nature of memetically infected minds, and 
every spiritual organisation has them, even when its stated purpose is to free 
the mind from such conceptual constrictions.
 This following portion of this post contains confidential information and is 
intended only for the Yahoo! group Fairfield Life. If you are not a member of 
the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this post. 
Please notify the sender immediately by carrier pigeon if you have read this 
post by mistake. Posting and e-mail re-transmission cannot be guaranteed to be 
secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, 
destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore 
does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this 
message, which arise as a result of electronic transmission.
 Anartaxius, X. | 41°23'55"N, 73°36'53"W (approx.)
 How to Recognize Enlightenment
 1. The experience of nothingness.
 No other state of human existence gets to be permeated with the 
all-encompassing feeling of nothingness. Upon suddenly seeing into our true 
self-nature, we are left with that unique 'aroma' of nothingness. Everything is 
as it is, and if at that moment a car is rushing toward you, you would see it 
and you'd move out of its way. So, in this respect, it is important to stress 
that enlightenment is not a state where all the cortical neural activity has 
ceased. You continue to function as every other sentient being.
 It is the very clear and vivid realization of nothingness of having nothing to 
learn, nothing to attain, nothing to explain, and nothing to do. There simply 
is no way that you could ever gain something or lose something. No attachments 
and no rejections.
 In this respect, and from the standpoint of everyday consciousness, 
enlightenment is a very unsophisticated state of affairs (if one can use this 
term). To the mind that used to harbor lofty ideals and grand plans, it is a 
very disappointing incident indeed. You may be saying to yourself: 'All these 
years I have spent building a more perfect head to put on top my own head, and 
now I see how it's been totally in vain!'
 2. Everybody else is also enlightened
 The insight that everybody and everything has surfaced to the enlightened 
state of mind simultaneously with you is definitely accompanying the very 
moment of realization. This is why you know that the reality is perfect. It is 
not perfect in its potentiality, it is perfect in its fully actualized state, 
standing with you hand in hand, face to face. 
 3. No need to talk about it
 This feeling is extremely pronounced in the first several weeks following the 
enlightenment. Talking, even thinking about it is felt to be as superfluous as 
asking a fellow passenger on a train: 'Are you, too, traveling in this train?' 
It's meaningless. Since everybody else is also enlightened, what's there to 
talk about? You just live. 
 4. The profound body of spiritual literature falls short of capturing it
 You may start developing a mild urge, after several days or so, to go and 
re-examine and compare your experience with the accounts recorded in the holy 
scriptures. Prepare yourself for a very disappointing experience. All the 
exalted words will look very pale and lifeless when put side by side with what 
you've been through. 
 Actually, the entire body of the world literature that was accumulated in 
thousands of years of written history looks like no more than t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote : Oh man, please 
tell more! Who was this?Who did you used to channel MJ?
 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
To: Sent: 
Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:57 AMSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One 
- Wisdom from Spiritual Beings
 Remember the TM teacher who was channeling Brahmananda Saraswati?  He was on 
Art Bell a few times and I have his book around here somewhere. ;-) 
 On 08/14/2014 08:24 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
   What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?




[FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread danfriedman2002
Rick,I have, at times watched (selectively) some of the interviews over at 
Batgap. This site is of the same genre. A smorgasbord, rather than a 
meal.Perhaps you can think back to our days in Estes Park, and regroup?A 
Sincere Admirer

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to Recognize Enlightenment

2014-08-14 Thread danfriedman2002
Dear anaranartaxiustaxius,This description is so short of the Experience that 
it might be better described as a Shopping List for Enlightenment.We can rely 
only on Scripture, the Enlightened, and Our Intuition.Sincerely and 
Respectfully,DanP.S. I hope my note is of help, if not you can continue using 
the WWW, but it's not Reliable Knowledge. Good Luck!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]

Brown's opinions inadvertently led to his involvement in an unfortunate affair 
in 1997. In November of 1996, he was a guest on the Art Bell Show, a late-night 
radio show that features interviews with people who espouse a variety of 
psychic experiences. That evening the question arose of a 
photograph of the recently discovered Hale-Bopp comet. The photo seemed 
to show a white circular object following the comet. Brown stated 
emphatically that the object was a spacecraft. As it turned out, Brown's 
statement found its way to a small group of believers in San Diego, 
California, who were looking for a spaceship to arrive and carry them away from 
Earth. Their belief in his statement became one factor leading to the mass 
suicide of the Heaven's Gate group at the spring equinox. Brown was, of course, 
in no way responsible for the suicide; his statement just happened to fit into 
their worldview.

 From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

Courtney Brown.  His book is on his site in PDF form.

On 08/14/2014 10:40 AM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

>Oh man, please tell more! Who was this?
> From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 
>Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:57 AM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings
>Remember the TM teacher who was channeling Brahmananda Saraswati?  He was on 
>Art Bell a few times and I have his book around here somewhere. ;-) 
>On 08/14/2014 08:24 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
>>What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
God damn!!
Courtney Brown
      Courtney Brown Author of  Cosmic Voyage, 1996. Farsite Org Courtney 
Brown, Ph.D., 
founded The Farsight Institute in 1995 Personal Web site   
View on www.bibliotecapleyade... Preview by Yahoo  

 From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

Courtney Brown.  His book is on his site in PDF form.

On 08/14/2014 10:40 AM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

>Oh man, please tell more! Who was this?
> From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 
>Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:57 AM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings
>Remember the TM teacher who was channeling Brahmananda Saraswati?  He was on 
>Art Bell a few times and I have his book around here somewhere. ;-) 
>On 08/14/2014 08:24 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
>>What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
He don't say nothin' about channelin' Guru Dev - but I must say, if Emory 
University really employs this goof ball they have lowered their standards. But 
from the degree of UFO crap he claims I am surprised Nabby is not camping out 
on his doorstep to soak up the vibes.

 From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

Courtney Brown.  His book is on his site in PDF form.

On 08/14/2014 10:40 AM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

>Oh man, please tell more! Who was this?
> From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 
>Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:57 AM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings
>Remember the TM teacher who was channeling Brahmananda Saraswati?  He was on 
>Art Bell a few times and I have his book around here somewhere. ;-) 
>On 08/14/2014 08:24 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
>>What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to Recognize Enlightenment

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Well Number Three means Fleet Cheese is not enlightened for sure. 

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 2:00 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] How to Recognize Enlightenment

While browsing this morning as an alternative to the Transcendental ISIS 
launching its mortars at Barry in its eternal East-West War, I found the 
following points on a web site which is claimed to enable one to recognise 
enlightenment. As far as I am concerned, enlightenment can't be recognised by 
reading something describing it. It might mean something by reading it after 
the fact.
But I am interested in how this group, so enlightened as it is, regards these 
points. I have noticed that if you make a selection from someone's writings, 
someone regarded as enlightened by a particular group, but not necessarily in 
the focus of the group the person you show the writing to belongs to, there is 
a tendency for that person to say of the selected writing, 'Obviously this 
person is not enlightened'. The list of points here is not the complete list, 
but a bit briefer, for brevity.
Note regarding certain persons on this forum:
Remember when someone criticises the movement and its people, the movement's 
response is typically containment, and if possible, search and destroy under 
the cover of darkness. Such is the nature of memetically infected minds, and 
every spiritual organisation has them, even when its stated purpose is to free 
the mind from such conceptual constrictions.
This following portion of this post contains confidential information and is 
intended only for the Yahoo! group Fairfield Life. If you are not a member of 
the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this post. 
Please notify the sender immediately by carrier pigeon if you have read this 
post by mistake. Posting and e-mail re-transmission cannot be guaranteed to be 
secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, 
destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore 
does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this 
message, which arise as a result of electronic transmission.
Anartaxius, X. | 41°23'55"N, 73°36'53"W (approx.)
How to Recognize Enlightenment
1. The experience of nothingness.
No other state of human existence gets to be permeated with the 
all-encompassing feeling of nothingness. Upon suddenly seeing into our true 
self-nature, we are left with that unique 'aroma' of nothingness. Everything is 
as it is, and if at that moment a car is rushing toward you, you would see it 
and you'd move out of its way. So, in this respect, it is important to stress 
that enlightenment is not a state where all the cortical neural activity has 
ceased. You continue to function as every other sentient being.
It is the very clear and vivid realization of nothingness of having nothing to 
learn, nothing to attain, nothing to explain, and nothing to do. There simply 
is no way that you could ever gain something or lose something. No attachments 
and no rejections.
In this respect, and from the standpoint of everyday consciousness, 
enlightenment is a very unsophisticated state of affairs (if one can use this 
term). To the mind that used to harbor lofty ideals and grand plans, it is a 
very disappointing incident indeed. You may be saying to yourself: 'All these 
years I have spent building a more perfect head to put on top my own head, and 
now I see how it's been totally in vain!'
2. Everybody else is also enlightened
The insight that everybody and everything has surfaced to the enlightened state 
of mind simultaneously with you is definitely accompanying the very moment of 
realization. This is why you know that the reality is perfect. It is not 
perfect in its potentiality, it is perfect in its fully actualized state, 
standing with you hand in hand, face to face. 
3. No need to talk about it
This feeling is extremely pronounced in the first several weeks following the 
enlightenment. Talking, even thinking about it is felt to be as superfluous as 
asking a fellow passenger on a train: 'Are you, too, traveling in this train?' 
It's meaningless. Since everybody else is also enlightened, what's there to 
talk about? You just live. 
4. The profound body of spiritual literature falls short of capturing it
You may start developing a mild urge, after several days or so, to go and 
re-examine and compare your experience with the accounts recorded in the holy 
scriptures. Prepare yourself for a very disappointing experience. All the 
exalted words will look very pale and lifeless when put side by side with what 
you've been through. 
Actually, the entire body of the world literature that was accumulated in 
thousands of years of written history looks like no more than twenty six 
letters of the alphabet when compared to the richness of the experience of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what's going on in Ferguson

2014-08-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

The movie the cops are afraid of:

On 08/14/2014 10:43 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Why don't you come on over with some yogic flyers to calm the situation?

*From:* nablusoss1008 
*Sent:* Thursday, August 14, 2014 12:53 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: So what's going on in Ferguson

It's all over international press with pictures of troops "Is this a 
warzone or an American city?"

---In,  wrote :
Not much chatter here about what is happening in Ferguson, Mo. The 
gestapo there has even been arresting mainstream press. The police 
state rises in 

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to Recognize Enlightenment

2014-08-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

While browsing this morning as an alternative to the Transcendental ISIS 
launching its mortars at Barry in its eternal East-West War...


I found the following points on a web site which is claimed to enable one to 
recognise enlightenment. As far as I am concerned, enlightenment can't be 
recognised by reading something describing it. 

I'm going to skip commenting on the handy hints. IMHO, the only way to be 
absolutely certain that a person is enlightened is if they are claiming to be 
while dressed as a member of the opposite sex while living in a trailer park in 
Chico. That's the big tip-off.  :-)

It might mean something by reading it after the fact.
But I am interested in how this group, so enlightened as it is, regards these 
points. I have noticed that if you make a selection from someone's writings, 
someone regarded as enlightened by a particular group, but not necessarily in 
the focus of the group the person you show the writing to belongs to, there is 
a tendency for that person to say of the selected writing, 'Obviously this 
person is not enlightened'. The list of points here is not the complete list, 
but a bit briefer, for brevity.
Note regarding certain persons on this forum:
Remember when someone criticises the movement and its people, the movement's 
response is typically containment, and if possible, search and destroy under 
the cover of darkness. Such is the nature of memetically infected minds, and 
every spiritual organisation has them, even when its stated purpose is to free 
the mind from such conceptual constrictions.
This following portion of this post contains confidential information and is 
intended only for the Yahoo! group Fairfield Life. If you are not a member of 
the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this post. 
Please notify the sender immediately by carrier pigeon if you have read this 
post by mistake. Posting and e-mail re-transmission cannot be guaranteed to be 
secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, 
destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore 
does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this 
message, which arise as a result of electronic transmission.
Anartaxius, X. | 41°23'55"N, 73°36'53"W (approx.)
How to Recognize Enlightenment
1. The experience of nothingness.
No other state of human existence gets to be permeated with the 
all-encompassing feeling of nothingness. Upon suddenly seeing into our true 
self-nature, we are left with that unique 'aroma' of nothingness. Everything is 
as it is, and if at that moment a car is rushing toward you, you would see it 
and you'd move out of its way. So, in this respect, it is important to stress 
that enlightenment is not a state where all the cortical neural activity has 
ceased. You continue to function as every other sentient being.
It is the very clear and vivid realization of nothingness of having nothing to 
learn, nothing to attain, nothing to explain, and nothing to do. There simply 
is no way that you could ever gain something or lose something. No attachments 
and no rejections.
In this respect, and from the standpoint of everyday consciousness, 
enlightenment is a very unsophisticated state of affairs (if one can use this 
term). To the mind that used to harbor lofty ideals and grand plans, it is a 
very disappointing incident indeed. You may be saying to yourself: 'All these 
years I have spent building a more perfect head to put on top my own head, and 
now I see how it's been totally in vain!'
2. Everybody else is also enlightened
The insight that everybody and everything has surfaced to the enlightened state 
of mind simultaneously with you is definitely accompanying the very moment of 
realization. This is why you know that the reality is perfect. It is not 
perfect in its potentiality, it is perfect in its fully actualized state, 
standing with you hand in hand, face to face. 
3. No need to talk about it
This feeling is extremely pronounced in the first several weeks following the 
enlightenment. Talking, even thinking about it is felt to be as superfluous as 
asking a fellow passenger on a train: 'Are you, too, traveling in this train?' 
It's meaningless. Since everybody else is also enlightened, what's there to 
talk about? You just live. 
4. The profound body of spiritual literature falls short of capturing it
You may start developing a mild urge, after several days or so, to go and 
re-examine and compare your experience with the accounts recorded in the holy 
scriptures. Prepare yourself for a very disappointing experience. All the 
exalted words will look very pale and lifeless when put side by side with what 
you've been through. 
Actually, the entire body of the world literature that was accumulated in 
thousands of years of written history looks like no more than twenty six 
letters of the alphabet when comp

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Courtney Brown.  His book is on his site in PDF form.

On 08/14/2014 10:40 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Oh man, please tell more! Who was this?

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:57 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from 
Spiritual Beings

Remember the TM teacher who was channeling Brahmananda Saraswati?  He 
was on Art Bell a few times and I have his book around here somewhere. 

On 08/14/2014 08:24 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?

[FairfieldLife] How to Recognize Enlightenment

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
While browsing this morning as an alternative to the Transcendental ISIS 
launching its mortars at Barry in its eternal East-West War, I found the 
following points on a web site which is claimed to enable one to recognise 
enlightenment. As far as I am concerned, enlightenment can't be recognised by 
reading something describing it. It might mean something by reading it after 
the fact.
 But I am interested in how this group, so enlightened as it is, regards these 
points. I have noticed that if you make a selection from someone's writings, 
someone regarded as enlightened by a particular group, but not necessarily in 
the focus of the group the person you show the writing to belongs to, there is 
a tendency for that person to say of the selected writing, 'Obviously this 
person is not enlightened'. The list of points here is not the complete list, 
but a bit briefer, for brevity.
 Note regarding certain persons on this forum:
 Remember when someone criticises the movement and its people, the movement's 
response is typically containment, and if possible, search and destroy under 
the cover of darkness. Such is the nature of memetically infected minds, and 
every spiritual organisation has them, even when its stated purpose is to free 
the mind from such conceptual constrictions.
 This following portion of this post contains confidential information and is 
intended only for the Yahoo! group Fairfield Life. If you are not a member of 
the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this post. 
Please notify the sender immediately by carrier pigeon if you have read this 
post by mistake. Posting and e-mail re-transmission cannot be guaranteed to be 
secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, 
destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore 
does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this 
message, which arise as a result of electronic transmission.
 Anartaxius, X. | 41°23'55"N, 73°36'53"W (approx.)
 How to Recognize Enlightenment
 1. The experience of nothingness.
 No other state of human existence gets to be permeated with the 
all-encompassing feeling of nothingness. Upon suddenly seeing into our true 
self-nature, we are left with that unique 'aroma' of nothingness. Everything is 
as it is, and if at that moment a car is rushing toward you, you would see it 
and you'd move out of its way. So, in this respect, it is important to stress 
that enlightenment is not a state where all the cortical neural activity has 
ceased. You continue to function as every other sentient being.
 It is the very clear and vivid realization of nothingness of having nothing to 
learn, nothing to attain, nothing to explain, and nothing to do. There simply 
is no way that you could ever gain something or lose something. No attachments 
and no rejections.
 In this respect, and from the standpoint of everyday consciousness, 
enlightenment is a very unsophisticated state of affairs (if one can use this 
term). To the mind that used to harbor lofty ideals and grand plans, it is a 
very disappointing incident indeed. You may be saying to yourself: 'All these 
years I have spent building a more perfect head to put on top my own head, and 
now I see how it's been totally in vain!'
 2. Everybody else is also enlightened
 The insight that everybody and everything has surfaced to the enlightened 
state of mind simultaneously with you is definitely accompanying the very 
moment of realization. This is why you know that the reality is perfect. It is 
not perfect in its potentiality, it is perfect in its fully actualized state, 
standing with you hand in hand, face to face. 
 3. No need to talk about it
 This feeling is extremely pronounced in the first several weeks following the 
enlightenment. Talking, even thinking about it is felt to be as superfluous as 
asking a fellow passenger on a train: 'Are you, too, traveling in this train?' 
It's meaningless. Since everybody else is also enlightened, what's there to 
talk about? You just live. 
 4. The profound body of spiritual literature falls short of capturing it
 You may start developing a mild urge, after several days or so, to go and 
re-examine and compare your experience with the accounts recorded in the holy 
scriptures. Prepare yourself for a very disappointing experience. All the 
exalted words will look very pale and lifeless when put side by side with what 
you've been through. 
 Actually, the entire body of the world literature that was accumulated in 
thousands of years of written history looks like no more than twenty six 
letters of the alphabet when compared to the richness of the experience of 
enlightenment. Learning and mastering the entire human thought, as it is 
recorded in the world, would amount to no more than grasping the alphabet.
 5. The realization of the sublime cosmic joke
 Earlier we said that the a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Can you imagine what a loser you'd have to be -- even in New Age circles -- to 
claim that you were able to channel Maharishi Mahesh Yogi? Who, after all, 
would pay to hear him repeat the same old stuff one more time?  :-)

 From: Duveyoung 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 5:24 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread nablusoss1008
Looking forward to your report when you've read some of iy fleetwood !---In,  wrote : Thanks, Rick. 
I bookmarked it. ---In,  wrote : 
Realized One

 Realized One is an archive of life wisdom transmitted through beings that have 
permanently ascended to the higher levels of consciousness and awareness.   The 
highest goal of the archive is to inspire the cultivation of insight, to ignite 
the spirit of enquiry into the nature of Reality and/or Ourselves, to bring our 
hearts to balance and our minds to silence in today's fast-paced world, most 
importantly to bring about Liberation as talked about in all ancient traditions 
of the past, present and future.   The website is still undergoing a major 
development, a lot of things are being developed in the background, you are 
welcome to contact us with suggestions here info@... mailto:info@...  
 Thank you, 
 Project Team



 Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi 1473 posts

 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj 897 

 Mooji 752 posts

 Paramahansa Nithyananda 452 

 Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev 331 posts

 Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic 326 posts

 Paramahansa Yogananda 298 posts

 Tibetan Buddhism 211 posts

 Lord Shiva 209 posts

 Buddha 205 posts

 Swami Sivananda posts

 Robert Adams 184 posts

 Shankara 182 posts

 Unknown 174 posts

 Papaji 170 posts

 Yoga Vashishta 137 posts

 Swami Vivekananda 131 posts

 Bhagavad Gita 117 posts

 Eckhart Tolle 103 posts

 Sri Ramakrishna 102 posts

 Adyashanti 100 posts

 Lao Tzu 93 posts

 Wisdom of East 85 posts

 Swami Chinmayananda 84 posts

 Ashtawakra Gita 80 posts

 Health News 77 posts

 Thich Nhat Hanh 75 posts

 Sri Anandamayi ma 74 posts

 Osho 73 posts

 Thayumanavar, Saint - Poet of India (1706 - 1744),%20Saint%20-%20Poet%20of%20India%20%281706%20-%201744%29
 71 posts

 Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya 67 posts

 The Upanishads 66 posts

 Albert Einstein 59 posts

 Kabir 53 posts

 Ribhu Gita 53 posts

 Hans Taeger 49 posts

 Prince Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha (563-483 BC) the Enlightened One 48 posts

 Sri Samartha Siddharameshwar Maharaj 48 posts

 Laya Yoga 47 posts

 Ven. Henepola Gunaratana 43 posts

 Sri Dattatreya 43 posts

 Thirumandiram by Siddhar Thirumoolar 43 posts

 Dalai Lama 41 posts

 Og Mandino 41 posts

 Львы Будды, Жизнеописание 84,000 сиддхов 40 posts

 Patriji posts

 Who Is This 35 posts

 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 34 posts

 Bodhidharma posts

 Sri Swami Vishwananda 31 posts

 Jesus Christ posts

 Benjamin Franklin 30 posts

 Remez Sasson http://realized

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what's going on in Ferguson

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Why don't you come on over with some yogic flyers to calm the situation?

 From: nablusoss1008 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 12:53 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what's going on in Ferguson

It's all over international press with pictures of troops "Is this a warzone or 
an American city?"
---In,  wrote :
Not much chatter here about what is happening in Ferguson, Mo.  The gestapo 
there has even been arresting mainstream press.  The police state rises in 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Oh man, please tell more! Who was this?

 From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

Remember the TM teacher who was channeling Brahmananda Saraswati?  He was on 
Art Bell a few times and I have his book around here somewhere. ;-) 

On 08/14/2014 08:24 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

>What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?

[FairfieldLife] Re: So what's going on in Ferguson

2014-08-14 Thread nablusoss1008
It's all over international press with pictures of troops "Is this a warzone or 
an American city?" ---In,  wrote : 
Not much chatter here about what is happening in Ferguson, Mo. The gestapo 
there has even been arresting mainstream press. The police state rises in 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thanks, Rick. I bookmarked it. ---In,  
wrote : Realized One

 Realized One is an archive of life wisdom transmitted through beings that have 
permanently ascended to the higher levels of consciousness and awareness.   The 
highest goal of the archive is to inspire the cultivation of insight, to ignite 
the spirit of enquiry into the nature of Reality and/or Ourselves, to bring our 
hearts to balance and our minds to silence in today's fast-paced world, most 
importantly to bring about Liberation as talked about in all ancient traditions 
of the past, present and future.   The website is still undergoing a major 
development, a lot of things are being developed in the background, you are 
welcome to contact us with suggestions here info@... mailto:info@...  
 Thank you, 
 Project Team


 Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi 1473 posts

 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj 897 

 Mooji 752 posts

 Paramahansa Nithyananda 452 

 Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev 331 posts

 Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic 326 posts

 Paramahansa Yogananda 298 posts

 Tibetan Buddhism 211 posts

 Lord Shiva 209 posts

 Buddha 205 posts

 Swami Sivananda posts

 Robert Adams 184 posts

 Shankara 182 posts

 Unknown 174 posts

 Papaji 170 posts

 Yoga Vashishta 137 posts

 Swami Vivekananda 131 posts

 Bhagavad Gita 117 posts

 Eckhart Tolle 103 posts

 Sri Ramakrishna 102 posts

 Adyashanti 100 posts

 Lao Tzu 93 posts

 Wisdom of East 85 posts

 Swami Chinmayananda 84 posts

 Ashtawakra Gita 80 posts

 Health News 77 posts

 Thich Nhat Hanh 75 posts

 Sri Anandamayi ma 74 posts

 Osho 73 posts

 Thayumanavar, Saint - Poet of India (1706 - 1744),%20Saint%20-%20Poet%20of%20India%20%281706%20-%201744%29
 71 posts

 Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya 67 posts

 The Upanishads 66 posts

 Albert Einstein 59 posts

 Kabir 53 posts

 Ribhu Gita 53 posts

 Hans Taeger 49 posts

 Prince Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha (563-483 BC) the Enlightened One 48 posts

 Sri Samartha Siddharameshwar Maharaj 48 posts

 Laya Yoga 47 posts

 Ven. Henepola Gunaratana 43 posts

 Sri Dattatreya 43 posts

 Thirumandiram by Siddhar Thirumoolar 43 posts

 Dalai Lama 41 posts

 Og Mandino 41 posts

 Львы Будды, Жизнеописание 84,000 сиддхов 40 posts

 Patriji posts

 Who Is This 35 posts

 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 34 posts

 Bodhidharma posts

 Sri Swami Vishwananda 31 posts

 Jesus Christ posts

 Benjamin Franklin 30 posts

 Remez Sasson 29 posts

 Гампопа 28 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
How embarrassing for him. ---In,  
wrote : Remember the TM teacher who was channeling Brahmananda Saraswati?  He 
was on Art Bell a few times and I have his book around here somewhere. ;-) On 
08/14/2014 08:24 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
   What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?


Re: [FairfieldLife] So what's going on in Ferguson

2014-08-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
HuffPo's headline is currently "Baghdad USA".  They arrested a HuffPo 
reporter while he was eating at McDonalds.

On 08/14/2014 09:26 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Bhairitu, I'm too horrified to comment much beyond this. Heck, maybe 
that's what the Overlords are hoping for: bombard us with Gaza and 
ebola and then throw this in the pot too...

On Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:07 AM, "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

Not much chatter here about what is happening in Ferguson, Mo. The
gestapo there has even been arresting mainstream press. The police
state rises in America.

[FairfieldLife] Yezidis Are Satanic Worshippers?

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The IS militants apparently think so.  That's why they're being exterminated.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Ah ha ha ha - damn - where did the modesty go?  That is LOL funny.   ---In,  wrote : Ahem, I 
believe I'm overLY concerned.Aand, it's not about water's properties -- 
it's about radiation's ability to make water PURE and ORDERLY.It's the light, 
not the water that fascinates me.  Jesus too, I understand.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Biometrics

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 8/14/2014 1:42 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
Interesting. As you'll realize in a followup post, Bhairitu was 
talking about how a computer does facial recognition processing, not 
the human brain. But now that you mention it, it reminds me that you 
have a mild case of "face blindness," so that something in your brain 
doesn't quite process such information as easily as most people.

I would imagine that the human brain tries to recognize faces pretty 
much the same way that computers do, focusing on certain prominent 
features first to "rule out" non-matches, and thus leaving a smaller 
search set to match against.

One of the simplest biometrics is if you have any natural head hair. I 
would think also that having no teeth might be a useful biometric. One 
simple way to be identified is to have some body markings on your 
forehead and/or neck. Also, those funny ear lobe enlarging devices might 
be a good biometric in some cases.

That way, they wouldn't even need a resident ID card to identify someone 
- they could just browse any local cafe or bar and look for a guy 
hunched over a laptop computer with a big toothless grin on his face 
when he hits Send. It's not complicated.


*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Thursday, August 14, 2014 12:09 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Biometrics

The brain has specialized hardware that is hardwired to make 
recognition of faces easier.
As far as I know, facial recognition is considered very much a pure 
connectionist thing where inputs get processed in a completely 
mechanistic way in the classical neural network sense that that 
features are evaluated in terms of how strongly individual neruons are 
activated and then pass along that activation to adjacent ( directly 
connected) neurons in the network.
There ARE probably specialized feature-recognition circuits in the mix 
but they function the same way.
There's no "logic circuits" that test things and say "close or not 
close?" and then do some kind of if-then-else decision making.
Our really high-level logic seems to work that way, but that is based 
on symbolic and verbal reasoning. Facial recognition is a much more 
low-level thing.
Of course, like any set of neurons in the brain, the facial 
recognition centers can do more than one thing.
Tests done on one of the Polgar Sisters (a trio of gorgeous Hungarian 
women who are also world-class chess players -one is the first 
non-male international grandmaster) showed that her ability to glance 
at a chess board and decide what was the best move to do next, 
involved activation of the same neurons that the rest of us mostly use 
just to recognize faces.

L---In,  wrote :
I suspect the matching process works more like this: your face is 
categorized by certain general features.  Thus the search doesn't 
bother with faces on file that don't match that category and just 
searches on ones that do and possibly filter out sub categories that 
don't match too.  Thus leaving a few possibilities which didn't 
match.  Much more efficient.On 08/13/2014 12:09 PM, TurquoiseBee 
turquoiseb@...  [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I had an odd experience today. I know that there is a lot of talk
and paranoia on the Internet these days about how much guvmints
know about us, and whether they should know that much, but it's
never really concerned me because I've always assumed that I was
too boring for any guvmint to become interested in enough to want
to track me.
Well, it turns out I was right. I can officially tell you that I
am on no "watchlists" maintained by any major guvmint, for any
reason whatsoever.

I know this because today I had to go to the Immigration Dept. to
get my Dutch resident ID card renewed. In the past it's been
mainly a formality -- take a new photo, get a new card, outa
there. But this time, they told me I'd have to report first to
"Biometrics." So I did, waited for a bit, and then a *remarkably*
nice guvmint official verified that my renewal papers had arrived
in the mail and then walked me into the Biometrics Room. I know
that's what it was called because there was a sign over the door
that said this. :-)

He sat me down at one of two science fiction-inspired machines, on
which I had to first look into the screen while it took my photo,
and then allow it to take my fingerprints and sign my signature.
Electronically, of course -- no muss, no fuss. I was finished in a
little over a minute and then he walked me back to his desk and
looked at the results on his own computer monitor.

He said, "That looks red flags," and then said my new ID
would be ready in about a week. But he really *was* a remarkably
nice guvmint official, so I t

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is This True?

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
A huge exaggeration, and pretty funny. The basic vibe is there, though not as 
bad as it used to be. Before they got so mainstream, it was the type of place 
frequented by back to the earthers, who didn't "pollute" their bodies with 
deodorant, much to my chagrin. Now that I can buy my odwalla protein drinks and 
occasional antipasto at Safeway, I don't shop at Whole Foods much - plus they 
are ridiculously expensive. ---In, 
 wrote :
  I've never been so wondering how much rings true for those here who love this 
store.  Now, it makes me want to go to one.

Re: [FairfieldLife] So what's going on in Ferguson

2014-08-14 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Bhairitu, I'm too horrified to comment much beyond this. Heck, maybe that's 
what the Overlords are hoping for: bombard us with Gaza and ebola and then 
throw this in the pot too...

On Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:07 AM, "Bhairitu 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Not much chatter here about what is happening in Ferguson, Mo.  The 
gestapo there has even been arresting mainstream press.  The police 
state rises in America.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Biometrics

2014-08-14 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, maybe they're gonna skip the national identity card step and go 
straight to implant chips!

On Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:19 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

On 8/14/2014 1:34 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>All biometric facial recognition searches use a simplified hierarchical 
>algorithm to "sort out" non-matches and reduce the search set so that it's as 
>small as possible. 
Congratulations! You now have a Dutch National Identity Card - we don't have 
those in the U.S. yet. Go figure.

According to what I've read, they probably got most of your personal
information from the chip on your biometric U.S. passport that uses
smart card technology embedded in the front or back cover, or center
page, of your paper document. 

"There is no true national identity card in the United States of

Plus, in this case, it's not as if they were trying to match my face to *all* 
faces, just a small subset of known terrorist and criminal faces. Still, I was 
impressed that my guvmint guy had his search results before we got back to his 
>I figure that the scifi-like machine I sat at was hooked up on the back end to 
>an array of parallel supercomputers designed to process these tasks alone, and 
>thus optimized to produce reliable results, fast. 
> From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 
>Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 10:56 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Biometrics
>I suspect the matching process works more like this: your face is categorized 
>by certain general features.  Thus the search doesn't bother with faces on 
>file that don't match that category and just searches on ones that do and 
>possibly filter out sub categories that don't match too.  Thus leaving a few 
>possibilities which didn't match.  Much more efficient.
>On 08/13/2014 12:09 PM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
>>I had an odd experience today. I know that there is a lot of talk and 
>>paranoia on the Internet these days about how much guvmints know about us, 
>>and whether they should know that much, but it's never really concerned me 
>>because I've always assumed that I was too boring for any guvmint to become 
>>interested in enough to want to track me. 
>>Well, it turns out I was
right. I can officially
tell you that I am on no
"watchlists" maintained
by any major guvmint,
for any reason
>>I know this because
today I had to go to the
Immigration Dept. to get
my Dutch resident ID
card renewed. In the
past it's been mainly a
formality -- take a new
photo, get a new card,
outa there. But this
time, they told me I'd
have to report first to
"Biometrics." So I did,
waited for a bit, and
then a *remarkably* nice
guvmint official
verified that my renewal
papers had arrived in
the mail and then walked
me into the Biometrics
Room. I know that's what
it was called because
there was a sign over
the door that said this.
>>He sat me down at one of
two science
machines, on which I had
to first look into the
screen while it took my

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry - you are again demonstrating your inability to laugh at yourself!  What 
gives?  Please listen to and post some music today - you'll feel better.  If 
that doesn't work, try and have a deep and meaningful conversation with Share 
online here for us all to watch and comment on.   ---In,  wrote : ---In,  wrote : And -- to be perfectly 
honest -- these days you're a busybody with so little going on in your own life 
that you only "check in" here on FFL to be overly concerned with everybody else 
and tell them all how badly their lives are going and how much better those 
lives would be if they just lived them the way YOU want them to. 
 Hee, hee, when you look at this with just a smidgeon of objectivity and 
without the bawee -gggo you would realize you are speaking about 
yourself here. You are a constant source of hilarity, bawee.
 There was a time when you actually had things to contribute, but those days 
are now mainly a thing of the past. 
 I wouldn't know if you ever had anything to contribute that was worth reading 
"in the past" but 18 years is a long time to have been posting on the internet 
so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" To: Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 1:26 PMSubject: 
Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science
   Barry is over concerned with Lawson
 Judy is over concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases
 ---In,  wrote : You have your 
perspective on me and I have mine. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Steve!  Ha - a modest laugh for you.   Not to disappoint, I must comment that 
Share, for the most part, appears to be making progress and taking herself less 
 Share, how are you doing on letting go of those resentments?  Dig deep, baby, 
dig deep.  Love, Em.---In,  
wrote : Barry is over concerned with Lawson Judy is over concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases
 ---In,  wrote : You have your 
perspective on me and I have mine. 
 ---In,  wrote : From: 
"LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]"Nothing 
terribly wrong with the methodology except that responses to the survey were 
self-selected, so perhaps, one way, or another, the responses were NOT 
indicative of the majority of people who do TM.
 For all we know, the people who didn't respond were actually worse off than 
the ones who did.
 The point is that such surveys are never considered very accurate, and 
especially not when less than half of the people respond.My point is that I 
don't believe you. Based on your consistent posts and stance on this forum and 
on a.m.t., I think that if you encountered a study that was "pro-TM" and was 
based on a similar test subject self-selection process, you'd be touting it 
everywhere as accurate and reliable. It's the seeming *compulsion* you have to 
"find proof" for the things you've been taught to believe that I question. I 
think that's aberrant, and not a positive thing. I don't know of *any* other 
meditation technique that has the same compulsion to "prove itself BEST" that 
TM does. And it *all* comes from indoctrination, IMO. You were told from your 
first introductory lecture onwards that TM was "the best," and you believed it 
*without a shred of proof*. Now, years later, after you're old and not 
enlightened and most of TM's other promises have not really worked out, for you 
or others, you seem a little desperate to find "proof" -- *any* "proof" -- that 
will support these things you chose to believe *without proof*. As I've said 
many times, I don't think that TM is terribly harmful for most people, done 
20x20 as originally taught. On the other hand, I think that "rounding" and the 
TMSP *will* be harmful in some ways for *most* people. I don't think Maharishi 
ever even considered the latter possibility, because he was such a True 
Believer that he *couldn't*. He was such a naricssist that if he found himself 
saying it, for him it was true. Only it wasn't. It's not *just* that Maharishi 
didn't really CARE about any of these people who had negative results from TM 
or from rounding/TMSP. He didn't...I've seen dozens of examples of how little 
he cared about any individual students of his. But on a deeper level, I don't 
think he even admitted to himself that such people *existed*. He'd just tune 
them out, and not allow his mind to accept their existence, because that would 
mean that his "seeing" about things was wrong. Can't have that. So what I guess 
I'm saying is that I think you do something similar. At this point in your 
life, having invested 40 years in a beginner's technique of meditation cobbled 
together by Maharishi but presented to you as the "highest path" and "the best" 
form of meditation in the world, you seem increasingly desperate to find some 
*proof* that these things were true. My advice to you is to relax and stop 
obsessing, because the things you were told were NEVER true, and they are not 
true now. You're on a fool's errand. All that matters is whether you enjoy 
continuing to believe the untrue things you've been conditioned to believe. 
You're NEVER going to convince others to believe them 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Biometrics

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 8/14/2014 1:34 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
All biometric facial recognition searches use a simplified 
hierarchical algorithm to "sort out" non-matches and reduce the search 
set so that it's as small as possible.

Congratulations! You now have a /Dutch National Identity Card/ - we 
don't have those in the U.S. yet. Go figure.

According to what I've read, they probably got most of your personal 
information from the chip on your biometric U.S. passport that uses 
smart card technology embedded in the front or back cover, or center 
page, of your paper document.

"There is no true national identity card in the United States of America..."

Plus, in this case, it's not as if they were trying to match my face 
to *all* faces, just a small subset of known terrorist and criminal 
faces. Still, I was impressed that my guvmint guy had his search 
results before we got back to his desk.

I figure that the scifi-like machine I sat at was hooked up on the 
back end to an array of parallel supercomputers designed to process 
these tasks alone, and thus optimized to produce reliable results, fast.

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Wednesday, August 13, 2014 10:56 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Biometrics

I suspect the matching process works more like this: your face is 
categorized by certain general features.  Thus the search doesn't 
bother with faces on file that don't match that category and just 
searches on ones that do and possibly filter out sub categories that 
don't match too.  Thus leaving a few possibilities which didn't 
match.  Much more efficient.

On 08/13/2014 12:09 PM, TurquoiseBee 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I had an odd experience today. I know that there is a lot of talk and 
paranoia on the Internet these days about how much guvmints know 
about us, and whether they should know that much, but it's never 
really concerned me because I've always assumed that I was too boring 
for any guvmint to become interested in enough to want to track me.

Well, it turns out I was right. I can officially tell you that I am 
on no "watchlists" maintained by any major guvmint, for any reason 

I know this because today I had to go to the Immigration Dept. to get 
my Dutch resident ID card renewed. In the past it's been mainly a 
formality -- take a new photo, get a new card, outa there. But this 
time, they told me I'd have to report first to "Biometrics." So I 
did, waited for a bit, and then a *remarkably* nice guvmint official 
verified that my renewal papers had arrived in the mail and then 
walked me into the Biometrics Room. I know that's what it was called 
because there was a sign over the door that said this. :-)

He sat me down at one of two science fiction-inspired machines, on 
which I had to first look into the screen while it took my photo, and 
then allow it to take my fingerprints and sign my signature. 
Electronically, of course -- no muss, no fuss. I was finished in a 
little over a minute and then he walked me back to his desk and 
looked at the results on his own computer monitor.

He said, "That looks red flags," and then said my new ID 
would be ready in about a week. But he really *was* a remarkably nice 
guvmint official, so I told him I worked with computers and was 
curious about this "Biometrics" thang and asked him to explain it to 
me. He did, even showing me his computer screen occasionally so I 
could see what he did.

It was spooky. The moment that scifi machine took my photo, the 
biometrics of my face were instantly recorded and compared against 
all known databases of "bad faces," those presumably belonging to 
terrorists or known criminals. My fingerprints and signature got the 
same electronic scrutiny. All in the time it took for me to walk back 
to this guy's cubicle.

Fortunately, I got no "red flags," and so my new ID card is in the 
mail. But I can't help but wonder what would have happened if my 
pleasing but aging face had had similar biometrics to the face of a 
known terrorist. I suspect that if that had happened, I would be in a 
cell somewhere, and wouldn't be writing this. :-)

Anyway, this was a very science fiction movie day for me. I got to 
find out first-hand that a lot of that "science fiction stuff" we see 
on TV and in movies isn't fiction. In less than two minutes, the 
Dutch guvmint scanned all my "biometrics" and decided that I was cool 
to renew as a resident. I can't help but be impressed by the tech 
behind that, even if as a computer scientist I know how terribly 
badly it could have gone if one of the Dutch programmers who built 
this system was a fuckup.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thanks - Steve's take was brilliant - there must be a formula whereby as 
arrogance increases, the inability to see yourself as others see you, markedly 
decreases. :-)---In,  wrote : 
 Mac writes:
 "Barry = balloon. Steve = pin."
 OK, this is the funniest sentence I have read in a long time.
 ---In,  wrote : On 8/14/2014 
8:25 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


[FairfieldLife] So what's going on in Ferguson

2014-08-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Not much chatter here about what is happening in Ferguson, Mo.  The 
gestapo there has even been arresting mainstream press.  The police 
state rises in America.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Bhairitu, you do realize don't you that woo woo is a relative term and some 
people might put ayurveda in that category and many more would definitely put 
jyotish there. Go figger (-:

On Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:55 AM, "Bhairitu 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Bhairtiu is concerned about "banksters".  Banker | Gangster = bankster.  They 
have ways of making your life miserable and the public shouldn't tolerate them.

Of course woo woo types like to stick their heads in the sand and
  never pay any attention to what is going on in the world because
  it might "stress them out".  Hence they are the most apathetic
  among us. :-D 

On 08/14/2014 04:26 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>Bharitu is over concerned with bankers

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Remember the TM teacher who was channeling Brahmananda Saraswati?  He 
was on Art Bell a few times and I have his book around here somewhere. ;-)

On 08/14/2014 08:24 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Bhairtiu is concerned about "banksters".  Banker | Gangster = bankster.  
They have ways of making your life miserable and the public shouldn't 
tolerate them.

Of course woo woo types like to stick their heads in the sand and never 
pay any attention to what is going on in the world because it might 
"stress them out".  Hence they are the most apathetic among us. :-D

On 08/14/2014 04:26 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bharitu is over concerned with bankers

[FairfieldLife] Is This True?

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
  I've never been so wondering how much rings true for those here who love this 
store.  Now, it makes me want to go to one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Realized One - Wisdom from Spiritual Beings

2014-08-14 Thread Duveyoung
What?  No one is channeling Maharishi?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote : Ahem, I 
believe I'm overLY concerned.Aand, it's not about water's properties -- 
it's about radiation's ability to make water PURE and ORDERLY.It's the light, 
not the water that fascinates me.  Jesus too, I understand.
 And here I thought you were consumed with all things circular and revolving.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Mac writes:
 "Barry = balloon. Steve = pin."
 OK, this is the funniest sentence I have read in a long time.
 ---In,  wrote : On 8/14/2014 
8:25 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Biometrics

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 8/13/2014 2:09 PM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
I had an odd experience today. I know that there is a lot of talk and 
paranoia on the Internet these days about how much guvmints know about 
us, and whether they should know that much, but it's never really 
concerned me because I've always assumed that I was too boring for any 
guvmint to become interested in enough to want to track me.

Well, it turns out I was right. I can officially tell you that I am on 
no "watchlists" maintained by any major guvmint, for any reason 

I know this because today I had to go to the Immigration Dept. to get 
my Dutch resident ID card renewed.

Apparently Barry was on the /U.S. Passport List/ with the U.S. 
Government and he is now on the Dutch Resident ID Card List with the 
Dutch Government. That in itself should raise a few red flags when Barry 
applies to be on the Dutch Government Welfare and Medical Care List. Go 

In the past it's been mainly a formality -- take a new photo, get a 
new card, outa there. But this time, they told me I'd have to report 
first to "Biometrics." So I did, waited for a bit, and then a 
*remarkably* nice guvmint official verified that my renewal papers had 
arrived in the mail and then walked me into the Biometrics Room. I 
know that's what it was called because there was a sign over the door 
that said this. :-)

He sat me down at one of two science fiction-inspired machines, on 
which I had to first look into the screen while it took my photo, and 
then allow it to take my fingerprints and sign my signature. 
Electronically, of course -- no muss, no fuss. I was finished in a 
little over a minute and then he walked me back to his desk and looked 
at the results on his own computer monitor.

He said, "That looks red flags," and then said my new ID would 
be ready in about a week. But he really *was* a remarkably nice 
guvmint official, so I told him I worked with computers and was 
curious about this "Biometrics" thang and asked him to explain it to 
me. He did, even showing me his computer screen occasionally so I 
could see what he did.

It was spooky. The moment that scifi machine took my photo, the 
biometrics of my face were instantly recorded and compared against all 
known databases of "bad faces," those presumably belonging to 
terrorists or known criminals. My fingerprints and signature got the 
same electronic scrutiny. All in the time it took for me to walk back 
to this guy's cubicle.

Fortunately, I got no "red flags," and so my new ID card is in the 
mail. But I can't help but wonder what would have happened if my 
pleasing but aging face had had similar biometrics to the face of a 
known terrorist. I suspect that if that had happened, I would be in a 
cell somewhere, and wouldn't be writing this. :-)

Anyway, this was a very science fiction movie day for me. I got to 
find out first-hand that a lot of that "science fiction stuff" we see 
on TV and in movies isn't fiction. In less than two minutes, the Dutch 
guvmint scanned all my "biometrics" and decided that I was cool to 
renew as a resident. I can't help but be impressed by the tech behind 
that, even if as a computer scientist I know how terribly badly it 
could have gone if one of the Dutch programmers who built this system 
was a fuckup.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Biometrics

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 8/13/2014 2:09 PM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
I had an odd experience today. I know that there is a lot of talk and 
paranoia on the Internet these days about how much guvmints know about 
us, and whether they should know that much, but it's never really 
concerned me because I've always assumed that I was too boring for any 
guvmint to become interested in enough to want to track me.

Well, it turns out I was right. I can officially tell you that I am on 
no "watchlists" maintained by any major guvmint, for any reason 

Apparently you are on the U.S. Social Security list and being watched to 
see when you will apply for your full retirement benefits. It's not 
complicated unless you don't qualify for any S.S. retirement benefits 
because you failed to pay in, which in that case you go onto the local 
government soup kitchen wait line list.  Go figure.


I know this because today I had to go to the Immigration Dept. to get 
my Dutch resident ID card renewed. In the past it's been mainly a 
formality -- take a new photo, get a new card, outa there. But this 
time, they told me I'd have to report first to "Biometrics." So I did, 
waited for a bit, and then a *remarkably* nice guvmint official 
verified that my renewal papers had arrived in the mail and then 
walked me into the Biometrics Room. I know that's what it was called 
because there was a sign over the door that said this. :-)

He sat me down at one of two science fiction-inspired machines, on 
which I had to first look into the screen while it took my photo, and 
then allow it to take my fingerprints and sign my signature. 
Electronically, of course -- no muss, no fuss. I was finished in a 
little over a minute and then he walked me back to his desk and looked 
at the results on his own computer monitor.

He said, "That looks red flags," and then said my new ID would 
be ready in about a week. But he really *was* a remarkably nice 
guvmint official, so I told him I worked with computers and was 
curious about this "Biometrics" thang and asked him to explain it to 
me. He did, even showing me his computer screen occasionally so I 
could see what he did.

It was spooky. The moment that scifi machine took my photo, the 
biometrics of my face were instantly recorded and compared against all 
known databases of "bad faces," those presumably belonging to 
terrorists or known criminals. My fingerprints and signature got the 
same electronic scrutiny. All in the time it took for me to walk back 
to this guy's cubicle.

Fortunately, I got no "red flags," and so my new ID card is in the 
mail. But I can't help but wonder what would have happened if my 
pleasing but aging face had had similar biometrics to the face of a 
known terrorist. I suspect that if that had happened, I would be in a 
cell somewhere, and wouldn't be writing this. :-)

Anyway, this was a very science fiction movie day for me. I got to 
find out first-hand that a lot of that "science fiction stuff" we see 
on TV and in movies isn't fiction. In less than two minutes, the Dutch 
guvmint scanned all my "biometrics" and decided that I was cool to 
renew as a resident. I can't help but be impressed by the tech behind 
that, even if as a computer scientist I know how terribly badly it 
could have gone if one of the Dutch programmers who built this system 
was a fuckup.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Biometrics

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 8/13/2014 2:09 PM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
I had an odd experience today. I know that there is a lot of talk and 
paranoia on the Internet these days about how much guvmints know about 
us, and whether they should know that much, but it's never really 
concerned me because I've always assumed that I was too boring for any 
guvmint to become interested in enough to want to track me.

Apparently they are tracking everyone who makes a purchase online and 
everyone who downloads a movie or a tune, legal or illegal. Since 
/everything comes over a tube /everything is beng stored somewhere in a 
large data center. All they have to do is run a bot using a simple query 
in SQL. Matters not if you are boring - all they need to know is that 
you have an internet connection ergo, some money to spend.


Well, it turns out I was right. I can officially tell you that I am on 
no "watchlists" maintained by any major guvmint, for any reason 

I know this because today I had to go to the Immigration Dept. to get 
my Dutch resident ID card renewed. In the past it's been mainly a 
formality -- take a new photo, get a new card, outa there. But this 
time, they told me I'd have to report first to "Biometrics." So I did, 
waited for a bit, and then a *remarkably* nice guvmint official 
verified that my renewal papers had arrived in the mail and then 
walked me into the Biometrics Room. I know that's what it was called 
because there was a sign over the door that said this. :-)

He sat me down at one of two science fiction-inspired machines, on 
which I had to first look into the screen while it took my photo, and 
then allow it to take my fingerprints and sign my signature. 
Electronically, of course -- no muss, no fuss. I was finished in a 
little over a minute and then he walked me back to his desk and looked 
at the results on his own computer monitor.

He said, "That looks red flags," and then said my new ID would 
be ready in about a week. But he really *was* a remarkably nice 
guvmint official, so I told him I worked with computers and was 
curious about this "Biometrics" thang and asked him to explain it to 
me. He did, even showing me his computer screen occasionally so I 
could see what he did.

It was spooky. The moment that scifi machine took my photo, the 
biometrics of my face were instantly recorded and compared against all 
known databases of "bad faces," those presumably belonging to 
terrorists or known criminals. My fingerprints and signature got the 
same electronic scrutiny. All in the time it took for me to walk back 
to this guy's cubicle.

Fortunately, I got no "red flags," and so my new ID card is in the 
mail. But I can't help but wonder what would have happened if my 
pleasing but aging face had had similar biometrics to the face of a 
known terrorist. I suspect that if that had happened, I would be in a 
cell somewhere, and wouldn't be writing this. :-)

Anyway, this was a very science fiction movie day for me. I got to 
find out first-hand that a lot of that "science fiction stuff" we see 
on TV and in movies isn't fiction. In less than two minutes, the Dutch 
guvmint scanned all my "biometrics" and decided that I was cool to 
renew as a resident. I can't help but be impressed by the tech behind 
that, even if as a computer scientist I know how terribly badly it 
could have gone if one of the Dutch programmers who built this system 
was a fuckup.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Another new Crop Circle with high WOW factor !

2014-08-14 Thread nablusoss1008
What's suspicious about having a membership ?
 And may I remind you of the $ 100.578 reward for being able to copy a Crop 
Circle. Details here:
 The Crop Circle Challenge, Are You Ready to Claim £100.000 ($100.578) for 6 
Hrs of Work | Educating Humanity
 The Crop Circle Challenge, Are You Ready to Claim £1...
 We are offering £100.000 (one hundred thousand pounds) to anyone who can 
create the replica of a crop circle called “The Galaxy” that was reported on 12 
 View on www.educatinghumani...
 Preview by Yahoo 
---In,  wrote :
 Sorry, Nabs, this is what makes the whole thing suspicious in my book:The 2014 
 Crop Circle Connector Membership to 7th April 2016
 The 2014  Crop Circle Connector Membership to 7... Frequently Asked Questions 
Crop Circle Connector Membership

 View on www.cropcircleconne...
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Soledad

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Another Perspective
Radio Host’s Blunt Interview With Al Jazeera America Cor...
Hugh Hewitt had one question for Soledad O'Brien on Monday: Is she on the 
payroll of terror sponsors? "Are you still a special correspondent for Al 
Jazeera?" Hewitt...  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote : And -- to be 
perfectly honest -- these days you're a busybody with so little going on in 
your own life that you only "check in" here on FFL to be overly concerned with 
everybody else and tell them all how badly their lives are going and how much 
better those lives would be if they just lived them the way YOU want them to. 
 Hee, hee, when you look at this with just a smidgeon of objectivity and 
without the bawee -gggo you would realize you are speaking about 
yourself here. You are a constant source of hilarity, bawee.
 There was a time when you actually had things to contribute, but those days 
are now mainly a thing of the past. 
 I wouldn't know if you ever had anything to contribute that was worth reading 
"in the past" but 18 years is a long time to have been posting on the internet 
so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" To: Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 1:26 PMSubject: 
Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science
   Barry is over concerned with Lawson
 Judy is over concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases
 ---In,  wrote : You have your 
perspective on me and I have mine. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This series of posts informs me that it's time for breakfast. ---In,  wrote : Barry = 
balloon. Steve = pin. 
 Yes, unlike the rest of us, including Curtis and Marek, FFL means the world to 
Barry, because it IS the world to Barry. No work, no love life, no creative 
energy; nothing to do except have power fantasies, while drowning in beer. When 
he was a big shot in Maharishi's and Freddie's organizations, I don't think 
being a desperate and nasty old prick, on an online forum, was the pinnacle of 
his dreams.---In,  wrote : Ah, 
Barry, I've been waiting to hear something like this. 
 And you, you, well, you're the guy who writes pages and pages of how 
uninteresting this place this, and why you just don't find much of interest, 
completely oblivious of the fact that it's your primary venue for social 
interaction.  Well, that and the other social venue you spend so much time.
 That and creating this ridiculous scenario that you remain here so that you 
show "reporters" what the cult mindset is like.  Do you have any idea of how 
ludicrous this is, or that anyone takes that seriously?
 You say people pay you to write the reviews.  Is this another fiction?  
 Barry, you really don't understand how you appear to people here, or really to 
anyone who happens to peak in.
 Anyway, maybe you'll be able to unwind a little and not take things so 
 Yes, yes, I know, you're the one who never takes things too seriously, who is 
impervious to all the ups and downs that most of humanity is subject to.  yada, 
yada, yada.  (-:
 Oh, that and pining for Curtis and Marek.  I sort of cringe when that comes up 
on a regular basis. Of course you chastise people for doing the same thing when 
they talk about past posters.
 It's a "go figger" Barry, if ever there was one.
 Love ya though. (-:
 ---In,  wrote : And -- to be 
perfectly honest -- these days you're a busybody with so little going on in 
your own life that you only "check in" here on FFL to be overly concerned with 
everybody else and tell them all how badly their lives are going and how much 
better those lives would be if they just lived them the way YOU want them to. 
 There was a time when you actually had things to contribute, but those days 
are now mainly a thing of the past. 
 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" To: Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 1:26 PMSubject: 
Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science
   Barry is over concerned with Lawson
 Judy is over concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases




[FairfieldLife] Re: Damn It

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Pretty nice. ---In,  
wrote : This is how I talk to myself.a lot.often"Everything is 
indicative of the real, but awareness is the only aspect of reality that is 
always available --  since it is the self, -- and this distinction is axiomatic 
and informs my intellect's inverted pyramid of conceptuality.  Ergo: silence is 
real, processes-illusions-delusions-manifestations -- not quiet as 
real."Objects of consciousness are "real" only if we pretend they can be 
separated from the back-ground-of-everything-else, and this is the core "sin" 
(error) of being un-enlightened -- it is assumed that, say, an apple on a tree 
in Eden can be touched without touching GOD'S NERVOUS SYSTEM.   Nope."It's all 
of a piece.  Only the universe can make a case for doer-ship, cuz everything 
affects everything all the time -- the butterfly wing flap causing a hurricane 
-- like that like that.  But every sentient entity assumes that there are 
separate individual 'things.'  This is the basis of dis-unity, obviously. 
 "Good news:  take comfort to know that everyone seems to know silence.  
Everyone knows when the "amount" of silence increases.  The nervous system 
somehow picks up on this PRESENCE of NOTHINGNESS.  As things quieten down, we 
don't miss it -- not a titch.  And if things really quieten down, maybe the 
true silence underlying everything eternally will be found to be SENTIENT."I 
muse as above, but the heart, language-less, can't be placated with "making 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

---In,  wrote :
Wrong! I already know which cell provider works best in rural Iowa: US 
Cellular. What truly concerns me, to the point of obsession, is people 
not choosing their own cell phone providers according to *my* criteria 
and expectations.

On 8/14/2014 8:51 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Alex, the man who can make me smile, hit to the heart of the matter 
and vanish again in the wink of an eye with fewest words written and 
with me wishing he would show up again soon and more often.

Maybe Alex spends most of his time on his cell phone trying to 
straighten out his own situation. It works for me and I have T-Mobile 
that works in rural Texas. Go figure.


---In,  wrote :
Barry is over concerned with Lawson
Judy is over concerned with Barry
Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
Emily is over concerned with Share
Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is 
rural Iowa

Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely 
dominate the discussion here
feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 

Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to 
every event, no matter how small
Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 

Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no 
matter how long it takes
Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread Duveyoung
Ahem, I believe I'm overLY concerned.Aand, it's not about water's 
properties -- it's about radiation's ability to make water PURE and 
ORDERLY.It's the light, not the water that fascinates me.  Jesus too, I 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote : Wrong! I 
already know which cell provider works best in rural Iowa: US Cellular. What 
truly concerns me, to the point of obsession, is people not choosing their own 
cell phone providers according to *my* criteria and expectations.
 Alex, the man who can make me smile, hit to the heart of the matter and vanish 
again in the wink of an eye with fewest words written and with me wishing he 
would show up again soon and more often.
 ---In,  wrote : Barry is over 
concerned with Lawson Judy is over concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases
 - -



[FairfieldLife] Re: Peter Coyote on Robin Williams

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I liked P. Coyote a whole lot better before he adopted his "zenbuddhistpriest" 
schtick (he is actually Jewish). Too bad - it has made him a self-conscious 
windbag. I was hoping like the rest of humanity, there was a little more sorrow 
shown by him, and not so much pontificating. "Sleeping Where I Fall" is a much 
more engaging view of this guy. 
 I came across something about Robin meditating a lot before he killed himself. 
A relative of mine did the same thing. Perhaps when a person is facing serious 
issues, opening the floodgates with a lot of meditation is simply overwhelming. 
 ---In,  wrote : Peter 
Coyote’s Wisdom Regarding Robin Williams’ Suicide
 Peter Coyote’s Wisdom Regarding Robin Williams’ ...
 I am still trying to get my arms around ROBIN WILLIAMS taking his own life.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In,  wrote : Rick, 
where did you find this?---In,  wrote : 
Robin William’s Last GiftRobin and I were friends. Not intimate, because he was 
very shy when he was not performing. Still, I spent many birthdays and holidays 
at his home with Marsha and the children, and he showed up at my 70th birthday 
to say “Hello” and wound up mesmerizing my relatives with a fifteen minute set 
that pulverized the audience.When I heard that he had died, I put my own sorrow 
aside for a later time. I’m a Zen Buddhist priest and my vows instruct me to 
try to help others. So this little letter is meant in that spirit.Normally when 
you are gifted with a huge talent of some kind, it’s like having a magnificent 
bicep. People will say, “Wow, that’s fantastic” and they tell you, truthfully, 
that it can change your life, take you to unimaginable realms. It can and often 
does. The Zen perspective is a little different. We might say, “Well, that’s a 
great bicep, you don’t have to do anything to it. Let’s work at bringing the 
rest of your body up to that level.”Robin’s gift could be likened to fastest 
thoroughbred race-horse on earth. It had unbeatable endurance, nimbleness, and 
a huge heart. However, it had never been fully trained. Sometimes Robin would 
ride it like a kayaker tearing down white-water, skimming on the edge of 
control. We would marvel at his courage, his daring, and his brilliance. But at 
other times, the horse went where he wanted, and Robin could only hang on for 
dear life.In the final analysis, what failed Robin was his greatest gift---his 
imagination. Clutching the horse he could no longer think of a single thing to 
do to change his life or make himself feel better, and he stepped off the edge 
of the saddle. Had the horse been trained, it might have reminded him that 
there is always something we can do. We can take a walk until the feeling 
passes. We can find someone else suffering and help them, taking the attention 
off our own. Or, finally, we can learn to muster our courage and simply sit 
still with what we are thinking are insoluble problems, becoming as intimate 
with them as we can, facing them until we get over our fear. They may even be 
insoluble, but that does not mean that there is nothing we can do.Our 
great-hearted friend will be back as the rain, as the cry of a Raven as the 
wind. He, you and I have never for one moment not been a part of all it. But we 
would be doing his life and memory a dis-service if we did not extract some 
wisdom from his choice, which, if we ponder deeply enough, will turn out to be 
his last gift. He would beg us to pay attention if he could

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote : oops, 
Lawson.. have to think a little more about that. little touchy I 
 I think Lawson was referring to another one of bawee's insufferable diatribes, 
one that we've heard 99 times before, not what you wrote.
 ---In,  wrote : Barry is over 
concerned with Lawson Judy is over concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases
 ---In,  wrote : You have your 
perspective on me and I have mine. 
 ---In,  wrote : From: 
"LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]"Nothing 
terribly wrong with the methodology except that responses to the survey were 
self-selected, so perhaps, one way, or another, the responses were NOT 
indicative of the majority of people who do TM.
 For all we know, the people who didn't respond were actually worse off than 
the ones who did.
 The point is that such surveys are never considered very accurate, and 
especially not when less than half of the people respond.My point is that I 
don't believe you. Based on your consistent posts and stance on this forum and 
on a.m.t., I think that if you encountered a study that was "pro-TM" and was 
based on a similar test subject self-selection process, you'd be touting it 
everywhere as accurate and reliable. It's the seeming *compulsion* you have to 
"find proof" for the things you've been taught to believe that I question. I 
think that's aberrant, and not a positive thing. I don't know of *any* other 
meditation technique that has the same compulsion to "prove itself BEST" that 
TM does. And it *all* comes from indoctrination, IMO. You were told from your 
first introductory lecture onwards that TM was "the best," and you believed it 
*without a shred of proof*. Now, years later, after you're old and not 
enlightened and most of TM's other promises have not really worked out, for you 
or others, you seem a little desperate to find "proof" -- *any* "proof" -- that 
will support these things you chose to believe *without proof*. As I've said 
many times, I don't think that TM is terribly harmful for most people, done 
20x20 as originally taught. On the other hand, I think that "rounding" and the 
TMSP *will* be harmful in some ways for *most* people. I don't think Maharishi 
ever even considered the latter possibility, because he was such a True 
Believer that he *couldn't*. He was such a naricssist that if he found himself 
saying it, for him it was true. Only it wasn't. It's not *just* that Maharishi 
didn't really CARE about any of these people who had negative results from TM 
or from rounding/TMSP. He didn't...I've seen dozens of examples of how little 
he cared about any individual students of his. But on a deeper level, I don't 
think he even admitted to himself that such people *existed*. He'd just tune 
them out, and not allow his mind to accept their existence, because that would 
mean that his "seeing" about things was wrong. Can't have that. So what I guess 
I'm saying is that I think you do something similar. At this point in your 
life, having invested 40 years in a beginner's technique of meditation cobbled 
together by Maharishi but presented to you as the "highest path" and "the best" 
form of meditation in the world, you seem increasingly desperate to find some 
*proof* that these things were true. My advice to you is to relax and stop 
obsessing, because the things you were told were NEVER true, and they are not 
true now. You're on a fool's errand. All that matters is whether you enjoy 
continuing to believe the untrue things you've been conditioned to believe. 
You're NEVER going to convince others to believe the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote : Barry is over 
concerned with Lawson Judy is over concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases
 This, my friend, was enjoyable reading and rather clever, if I do say so 
 ---In,  wrote : You have your 
perspective on me and I have mine. 






Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Wrong! I already know which cell provider works best in rural Iowa: US 
Cellular. What truly concerns me, to the point of obsession, is people not 
choosing their own cell phone providers according to *my* criteria and 
 ---In,  wrote : Barry is 
over concerned with Lawson Judy is over concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases
 - -



[FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote : 
8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself 
for us on that level
 "All desires will always be on the level of what we deserve. Whatever the 
level of consciousness, desires will be on that level. So we don't have to 
worry much about desires. What we have to look into is what we deserve. We 
don't have to worry for what we have; we have to worry for what we are. And as 
we are in an evolving context, more and more we will have of everything. More 
important is what we are.
 The world is to us as we are to the world. The world is celestial if we have 
the eye to see it; the world is different from us if we have that level of 
consciousness; the world is part and parcel of our own Self at another level of 
consciousness. So it depends on what we are; it depends on where we are, and 
then everything is for us on that level. Everything.
 So we have to take care of ourself, and then the world will take of itself for 
us. It's beautiful. We just take care of ourself, and what the world will be to 
us will be taken care of by the world. What we will be to the world, will be 
taken care of again by the world if we have well taken care of ourself. Only 
from small 's' we have to be big 'S' and that is all that is to be done. 
Self-realization is the key to all glories in life.
 Everything is available, only we have to start using it. Everything is there 
-- infinity is there ready for us to use it. It's there. Better start using it. 
It's there. Unboundedness of life is there. Start living it.
 And we have a systematic procedure that is a procedure-less procedure, a 
pathless path. We want to cognize and accomplish infinity, but that infinity is 
so close to us; it's permeating every fiber of us, every fabric of us, it's 
there. It's not that it's so far away beyond everything. That which is beyond 
everything is contained in everything, sustained in everything. The Self is 
composed of that. That is the essential constituent of life, so we don't have 
to go far beyond. We just look within. And there we are in infinite value, in 
the unboundedness. 
 That is the home of everything; That is the goal of everything; everything is 
coming on to That just like the ocean is the home of all the rivers. All 
prosperity, all knowledge, all power, all glory keeps coming on to the 
infinity. All the channels of life and living proceed on towards infinity, and 
that infinity is our own Self.
 Therefore, we don't have to run here, there or anywhere. We just be where we 
are, and then everything will come on to us as rivers naturally come on to the 
ocean. Only we have to be aware of our … oceanhood, if it's a right word. We 
are an ocean, only we have to be aware of that ocean-like unboundedness. That 
is all that is necessary. Be and [since] all the beings have their existence 
from It, in It, and all are proceeding onto It what we find is that all the 
enumerable channels of life keep creeping onto us, and we are then the 
well-wisher, the supporter of everything, and everything supports us. It's a 
mutual give-and-take. So why not take care of ourself, and then everything will 
be taken care of in a very, very nice way? This is our message which we want to 
whisper to every man everywhere, 'Now, come on, take care of yourself and 
everything will be glowing.'  
 If the bulb does not take care of the light within itself, it cannot emit 
light. If the self cannot take care of the unbounded possibility within itself, 
it can't radiate that infinite, that unbounded glory of life, that grace of 
God. No, it can't. Everything will radiate what it is, that's all. And, 
therefore, it is very, very vital that every meditator is aware of this fact 
that as he takes care of his own Self more and more, all the streams of growth, 
progress, achievement and fulfillment will rush on to him just as all the 
rivers rush on to the ocean and bring everything from every side at his feet. 
 This is the gospel of Being. We just be; we have only to be."

 ~Maharishi~~"Experiencing the Source of Creation through the Transcendental 
Meditation Program" (Videotape)~

 ​~Humboldt State University, Arcata, Califorinia, USA -- August 7,1970~


 While reading this I see that this was a golden time for MMY and for the 
Movement. There is so much power behind what he says here and seemingly so much 
truth. This was a pleasure to read. It reminds me why I started to meditate 
back in 1970 and why I attended MIU. What a pleasure to read!
 Jai Guru Dev
T​o ​subscribe, send a reply with "subscribe" entered as the subject or 
message; to ​unsubscribe​,​ ​send a reply with "unsubscribe" entered ​as the 
subject or message.-- David Hooper1000 Purusha Place, Suite 219Romney, WV 26757

[FairfieldLife] Re: Damn It

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
"And if things really quieten down, maybe the true silence underlying 
everything eternally will be found to be SENTIENT" 
 Yes, that is it - exactly. Brahman. Everything at its source is FELT and KNOWN 
to be silence. No more conjecture - actual perception, and no more separation. 
Thanks for sharing this. ---In, 
 wrote : This is how I talk to myself.a 
lot.often"Everything is indicative of the real, but awareness is the 
only aspect of reality that is always available --  since it is the self, -- 
and this distinction is axiomatic and informs my intellect's inverted pyramid 
of conceptuality.  Ergo: silence is real, 
processes-illusions-delusions-manifestations -- not quiet as real."Objects of 
consciousness are "real" only if we pretend they can be separated from the 
back-ground-of-everything-else, and this is the core "sin" (error) of being 
un-enlightened -- it is assumed that, say, an apple on a tree in Eden can be 
touched without touching GOD'S NERVOUS SYSTEM.   Nope."It's all of a piece.  
Only the universe can make a case for doer-ship, cuz everything affects 
everything all the time -- the butterfly wing flap causing a hurricane -- like 
that like that.  But every sentient entity assumes that there are separate 
individual 'things.'  This is the basis of dis-unity, obviously. 
 "Good news:  take comfort to know that everyone seems to know silence.  
Everyone knows when the "amount" of silence increases.  The nervous system 
somehow picks up on this PRESENCE of NOTHINGNESS.  As things quieten down, we 
don't miss it -- not a titch.  And if things really quieten down, maybe the 
true silence underlying everything eternally will be found to be SENTIENT."I 
muse as above, but the heart, language-less, can't be placated with "making 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Job Openings with Maharishi Foundation

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
in Raam. ---In,  wrote : Wow! I 
bet that one pays $150 a month.
 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" To: Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 7:43 AMSubject: 
[FairfieldLife] Re: Job Openings with Maharishi Foundation
   Second Position: Administration
 General purchasing. Coordinate insurance office for policies shared by various 
organizations, including: Purchase of general liability, property, Errors and 
Omissions, Directors and Officers, Workers' Compensation, and Inland Marine 
insurance policies. Notify carriers of changes in policy coverages. Claims 
management. Health Insurance (when adopted) and other benefits management. 
Approve final review of leases for new centers. Coordinate Legal Office 
including: Trademark compliance of mailings, websites, etc. Draft or review 
contracts for vendors or teaching projects. Serve as liaison with outside 
counsel. Manage staff. 
 Maharishi Foundation is looking to fill the following two high-level positions 
in its Administration, beginning September 1. The first position requires 
strong accounting and financial management experience, and the second position 
requires strong administrative experience, with legal experience a plus.
 Oversee finance office cash receipts and disbursements functions and deposits. 
Oversee monthly bank reconciliations. Approve all expenditures. Review and 
approve monthly payroll and compensation. Along with director of IT, oversee 
the setup and maintenance of the organization’s financial accounting and 
reporting. Oversee accounting functions, including review of federal tax return 
preparation, state registration and filing compliance. Work with finance 
office, audit liaison, and internal auditor to prepare annual audit. Must have 
experience managing staff, and good communication skills to work with staff and 
other managers. 
 General purchasing. Coordinate insurance office for policies shared by various 
organizations, including: Purchase of general liability, property, Errors and 
Omissions, Directors and Officers, Workers' Compensation, and Inland Marine 
insurance policies. Notify carriers of changes in policy coverages. Claims 
management. Health Insurance (when adopted) and other benefits management. 
Approve final review of leases for new centers. Coordinate Legal Office 
including: Trademark compliance of mailings, websites, etc. Draft or review 
contracts for vendors or teaching projects. Serve as liaison with outside 
counsel. Manage staff. 

  September 1. The first position requires strong accounting and financial 
management experience, and the second position requires strong administrative 
experience, with legal experience a plus.
 Oversee finance office cash receipts and disbursements functions and deposits. 
Oversee monthly bank reconciliations. Approve all expenditures. Review and 
approve monthly payroll and compensation. Along with director of IT, oversee 
the setup and maintenance of the organization’s financial accounting and 
reporting. Oversee accounting functions, including review of federal tax return 
preparation, state registration and filing compliance. Work with finance 
office, audit liaison, and internal auditor to prepare annual audit. Must have 
experience managing staff, and good communication skills to work with staff and 
other managers. 
 General purchasing. Coordinate insurance office for policies shared by various 
organizations, including: Purchase of general liability, property, Errors and 
Omissions, Directors and Officers, Workers' Compensation, and Inland Marine 
insurance policies. Notify carriers of changes in policy coverages. Claims 
management. Health Insurance (when adopted) and other benefits management. 
Approve final review of leases for new centers. Coordinate Legal Office 
including: Trademark compliance of mailings, websites, etc. Draft or review 
contracts for vendors or teaching projects. Serve as liaison with outside 
counsel. Manage staff. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry = balloon. Steve = pin. 
 Yes, unlike the rest of us, including Curtis and Marek, FFL means the world to 
Barry, because it IS the world to Barry. No work, no love life, no creative 
energy; nothing to do except have power fantasies, while drowning in beer. When 
he was a big shot in Maharishi's and Freddie's organizations, I don't think 
being a desperate and nasty old prick, on an online forum, was the pinnacle of 
his dreams.---In,  wrote : Ah, 
Barry, I've been waiting to hear something like this. 
 And you, you, well, you're the guy who writes pages and pages of how 
uninteresting this place this, and why you just don't find much of interest, 
completely oblivious of the fact that it's your primary venue for social 
interaction.  Well, that and the other social venue you spend so much time.
 That and creating this ridiculous scenario that you remain here so that you 
show "reporters" what the cult mindset is like.  Do you have any idea of how 
ludicrous this is, or that anyone takes that seriously?
 You say people pay you to write the reviews.  Is this another fiction?  
 Barry, you really don't understand how you appear to people here, or really to 
anyone who happens to peak in.
 Anyway, maybe you'll be able to unwind a little and not take things so 
 Yes, yes, I know, you're the one who never takes things too seriously, who is 
impervious to all the ups and downs that most of humanity is subject to.  yada, 
yada, yada.  (-:
 Oh, that and pining for Curtis and Marek.  I sort of cringe when that comes up 
on a regular basis. Of course you chastise people for doing the same thing when 
they talk about past posters.
 It's a "go figger" Barry, if ever there was one.
 Love ya though. (-:
 ---In,  wrote : And -- to be 
perfectly honest -- these days you're a busybody with so little going on in 
your own life that you only "check in" here on FFL to be overly concerned with 
everybody else and tell them all how badly their lives are going and how much 
better those lives would be if they just lived them the way YOU want them to. 
 There was a time when you actually had things to contribute, but those days 
are now mainly a thing of the past. 
 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" To: Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 1:26 PMSubject: 
Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science
   Barry is over concerned with Lawson
 Judy is over concerned with Barry
 Richard is over concerned with Fred Lenz
 Emily is over concerned with Share
 Share is over concerned with Jupiter's transit
 Steve is over concerned with day to day tribulations and family finances
 Bharitu is over concerned with bankers
 Michael is over concerned with the past,present and future of the TMO
 Nablusoss is over concerned with, well you know what.
 Alex is over concerned with which cell phone provider works best is rural Iowa
 Rick is over concerned with not stepping on anyone's toes
 Ann is over concerned making sure no one steps out of line
 Jim is over concerned that enlightenment isn't given short shrift
 Mike is over concerned that the liberal pov doesn't completely dominate the 
discussion here
 feste is over concerned that the more refined things in life don't get 
 Doug is over concerned that we don't forget what "our" priorities are
 jr_esq is over concerned that there must an astrological basis to every event, 
no matter how small
 Edg is over concerned that the unique properties of water are not duly 
 Salyavin is over concerned that any analysis is not "dry" enough
 Anataxius is over concerned that ever angle must be considered, no matter how 
long it takes
 Card is over concerned that we know the etymological basis of most all phrases
 ---In,  wrote : You have your 
perspective on me and I have mine. 
 ---In,  wrote : From: 
"LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]"Nothing 
terribly wrong with the methodology except that responses to the survey were 
self-selected, so perhaps, one way, or another, the responses were NOT 
indicative of the majority of people who do TM.
 For all we know, the people who didn't respond were actually worse off than 
the ones who did.
 The point is that such surveys are never considered very accurate, and 
especially not when less than half of the people respond.My point is that I 
don't believe you. Based on your consistent posts and stance on this forum and 
on a.m.t., I think that if you encountered a study that was "pro-TM" and was 
based on a similar test subject self-selection process, you'd be touting it 
everywhere as accurate and reliable. It's the seeming *compulsion* you have to 
"find proof" for the things you've been taught to believe that I question. I 
think that's aberrant, and not a positive thing. I don't know of *any* other 
meditation technique that has the same compulsio

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
P.S. - It would be correct to say overly concerned rather than over concerned.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation and Science

Ha, good one!
---In,  wrote :
On 8/14/2014 6:48 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>Steve, I can't stop smiling...makes me love
them all (-:
>Lawson is
overconcerned with Collected Papers?
>How about
merudanda? Overconcerned with
>Maybe Meru Danda is concerned, but not over concerned.>
Thursday, August 14, 2014 6:26 AM, "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Barry is over concerned with
Judy is over concerned with
Richard is over concerned with
Fred Lenz
Emily is over concerned with
Share is over concerned with
Jupiter's transit
Steve is over concerned with
day to day tribulations and family
Bharitu is over concerned with
Michael is over concerned with
the past,present and future of the
Nablusoss is over concerned
with, well you know what.
Alex is over concerned with
which cell phone provider works best
is rural Iowa
Rick is over concerned with
not stepping on anyone's toes
Ann is over concerned making
sure no one steps out of line
Jim is over concerned that
enlightenment isn't given short
Mike is over concerned that
the liberal pov doesn't completely
dominate the discussion here
feste is over concerned that
the more refined things in life
don't get overlooked
Doug is over concerned that we
don't forget what "our" priorities
jr_esq is over concerned that
there must an astrological basis to
every event, no matter how small
Edg is over concerned that the
unique properties of water are not
duly appreciated
Salyavin is over concerned
that any analysis is not "dry"
Anataxius is over concerned
that ever angle must be considered,
no matter how long it takes
Card is over concerned that we
know the etymological basis of most
all phrases
---In,  wrote :
have your perspective on me and I
have mine.
---In,  wrote :
From: "LEnglish5@...
terribly wrong
with the
except that
responses to
the survey
so perhaps,
one way, or
another, the
responses were
NOT indicative
of the
majority of
people who do
For all
we know, the
people who
didn't respond
were actually
worse off than
the ones who
The point
is that such
surveys are
very accurate,
and especially
not when less
than half of
the people
point is that
I don't
believe you.
Based on your
posts and
stance on this
forum and on
a.m.t., I
think that if
encountered a
study that was
"pro-TM" and
was based on a
similar test
process, you'd
be touting it
everywhere as
accurate and
reliable. It's
you have to
"find proof"
for the things
you've been
taught to
believe that I
question. I
think that's
aberrant, and
not a positive
thing. I don't
know of *any*
technique that
has the same
compulsion to
"prove itself
BEST" that TM
does. And it
*all* comes
IMO. You were
told from your
onwards that
TM was "the
best," and you
believed it
*without a
shred of
proof*. Now,
years later,
after you're
old and not
and most of
TM's other
promises have
not really
worked out,
for you or
others, you
seem a little
desperate to
find "proof"
-- *any*
"proof" --
that will
support these
things you
chose to
proof*. As
I've said many
times, I don't
think that TM
is terribly
harmful for
most people,
done 20x20 as
taught. On the
other hand, I
think that
"rounding" and
the TMSP
*will* be
harmful in
some ways for
*most* people.
I don't think
Maharishi ever
considered the
because he was
such a True
Believer that
he *couldn't*.
He was such a
that if he
found himself
saying it, for
him it was
true. Only it
wasn't. It's
not *just*
that Maharishi
didn't really
CARE about any
of these
people who had
results from
TM or from
seen dozens of
examples of
how little he
cared about
any individual
students of
his. But on a
deeper level,
I don't think
he even
admitted to
himself that
such people
He'd just tune
them out, and
not allow his
mind to accept
because that
would mean
that his
"seeing" about
things was
wrong. Can't
have that. So
what I guess
I'm saying is
that I think
you do
similar. At
this point in
your life,
invested 40
years in a
technique of
together by
Maharishi but
presented to
you as the
"highest path"
and "the best"
form of
meditation in
the world, you
desperate to
find some
*proof* that

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