Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
There is no rule that says he has to be let back on to respond.  He dug 
his grave and now needs to lie in it.  It's his karma.  Who knows how 
many groups and sites he's been booted from for being obnoxious.  
Someone his age and background should know better.   Posting what is 
essentially graffiti postings will get you the boot from many moderators.

On 06/17/2015 10:02 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

It was Richard, and if you guys have any smarts at all, you'll all 
just STFU about it so that he can't complain that you're all talking 
smack about him and demand to be let back in so that he can respond. 
BTW, it was Rick, not Buck, who did the deed.

---In, wrote :

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Dear Friends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received a 
compliant having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL that 
was actionable. The offending post was removed and the author of the 
invasion on someone's privacy using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removed 
from the community. -JaiGuruYou

Are you going to tell us who it was or will we have to identify them 
by their absence?


[FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 “ ..and don't invade other people's privacy.” 

 In going forward in accord with Rick's original intent for protecting privacy 
on FFL know that in responding [replying] to posts made on FFL an unsolicited 
use of someone's legal name on FFL is an invasion of privacy as it also is 
considered a violation of the yahoo-groups guidelines here. Expect to have your 
writing removed from FFL. Expect to have your posts moderated. Expect to have 
your membership revoked if such invasion of people's privacy continues either 
as by impulse without intent or with meditated intent to abuse someone by 
invasion of privacy as used in method. 

 For instance, as people signing on to FFL do post and people do respond with 
replies then for example in reply: 'Turqb isTurqb', 'Fleetwood is Fleetwood', 
'CDB is CDB', 'Serious is Serious', 'Buck is Buck', 'Nablusoss is Nablusoss', 
and 'Authfriend is Authfriend'. Whatever their legal names in life may be, now 
going forward you shall be moderate in this as Rick originally intended. Show 
self-restraint and respect for other people's privacy here. Simple. That is 
part of the communal collaboration asked for in making this a particular 
free-speech zone as it was hoped for. Have a nice day, -JaiGuruYou


 I used to post with my usual email address which is just my actual name - not 
Salyavin amazingly - and a different username but changed it when I found that 
someone unknown to me had copied some of my posts onto another site.

 My memory is sketchy but I think they were about the physics of yogic flying 
or rather the possibility of yogic flying according to actual physics - you 
know the sort of thing I usually go on about. But what I didn't anticipate was 
that in having my real email address with my name on that would get copied too 
if anyone felt like they wanted to back up their arguments with a bit of 
serious thinking [ahem]. So basically I ended up getting some odd emails from 
some odd people. And offers to join other groups which was nice, but one 
doesn't like to spread oneself too thinly I find.

 None of it was unpleasant or trollish it was just another thing to have to 
deal with in the day so I went anonymous to avoid it happening in future. I 
think privacy is best on the net as you never know where your address might end 
up or what someone might do with it.







---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Thanks A., good to know. In going forward with moderation on FFL, protection 
of privacy has always been a mainstay feature of FFL as Rick's free speech 
list. This feature of protection has been under siege and fallen to a form of a 
disrespect used by some writers on FFL. Everyone take this as a warning right 
now going forward: where someone posting to the list uses an anonymous screen 
name it is quite proper form on FFL as a yahoo-group to respond to posts using 
a person's screen name and make no mention of their real name otherwise.  


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 Please ignore what he says about me. He has it completely wrong.



---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Serious_Richard brings up in this particular thread an important point about 
privacy on FFL. From the beginning Rick has been intent on creating a 
safe-space of privacy for folks to post on FFL. Rick's principles in creating 
safe-space have been under attack, degraded and methodically violated by some 
writers here evidently to abuse or intimidate other folks personally who have 
been members of the community of FFL. 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Thanks for offering this, Serious. Yes I feel this is an excellent example 
that you offer of precedence in how to directly moderate a list that has gone 
so bad like this. I shall make note of it and emulate Rick in this as much as 
possible. The yahoo-groups guidelines themselves are quite simple and require 
of writers only some self-control. -JaiGuruYou!

 Just for the record, I should point out that Rick banned me from the group 
without sending me a single message or email explaining why. So, I appealed to 
him and he reinstated my posting privileges. Apparently an informant objected 
to my using their real name, although they had previously posted under their 
real name. Go figure.
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Sad news. 


 The really sad part of this is that [] has not apologized to me for over two 
decades for posting my real name on a.m.t. Go figure.

 But, this brings up an interesting subject. From what I've read, authfriend 
has never used her real name on FFL, so I guess that everyone that ever used 
her real name should be banned from the group. That would include almost 
everyone currently posting. Can anyone spell cognitive dissonance?


[FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

 reference:  FFL# 416332

---In, wrote :

 “ ..and don't invade other people's privacy.” 

 In going forward in accord with Rick's original intent for protecting privacy 
on FFL know that in responding [replying] to posts made on FFL an unsolicited 
use of someone's legal name on FFL is an invasion of privacy as it also is 
considered a violation of the yahoo-groups guidelines here. Expect to have your 
writing removed from FFL. Expect to have your posts moderated. Expect to have 
your membership revoked if such invasion of people's privacy continues either 
as by impulse without intent or with meditated intent to abuse someone by 
invasion of privacy as used in method. 

 For instance, as people signing on to FFL do post and people do respond with 
replies then for example in reply: 'Turqb isTurqb', 'Fleetwood is Fleetwood', 
'CDB is CDB', 'Serious is Serious', 'Buck is Buck', 'Nablusoss is Nablusoss', 
and 'Authfriend is Authfriend'. Whatever their legal names in life may be, now 
going forward you shall be moderate in this as Rick originally intended. Show 
self-restraint and respect for other people's privacy here. Simple. That is 
part of the communal collaboration asked for in making this a particular 
free-speech zone as it was hoped for. Have a nice day, -JaiGuruYou

---In, wrote :

 Thanks A., good to know. In going forward with moderation on FFL, protection 
of privacy has always been a mainstay feature of FFL as Rick's free speech 
list. This feature of protection has been under siege and fallen to a form of a 
disrespect used by some writers on FFL. Everyone take this as a warning right 
now going forward: where someone posting to the list uses an anonymous screen 
name it is quite proper form on FFL as a yahoo-group to respond to posts using 
a person's screen name and make no mention of their real name otherwise.  


 ---In, wrote :

 Please ignore what he says about me. He has it completely wrong.



---In, wrote :

 Serious_Richard brings up in this particular thread an important point about 
privacy on FFL. From the beginning Rick has been intent on creating a 
safe-space of privacy for folks to post on FFL. Rick's principles in creating 
safe-space have been under attack, degraded and methodically violated by some 
writers here evidently to abuse or intimidate other folks personally who have 
been members of the community of FFL. 

---In, wrote :

 Thanks for offering this, Serious. Yes I feel this is an excellent example 
that you offer of precedence in how to directly moderate a list that has gone 
so bad like this. I shall make note of it and emulate Rick in this as much as 
possible. The yahoo-groups guidelines themselves are quite simple and require 
of writers only some self-control. -JaiGuruYou!

 Just for the record, I should point out that Rick banned me from the group 
without sending me a single message or email explaining why. So, I appealed to 
him and he reinstated my posting privileges. Apparently an informant objected 
to my using their real name, although they had previously posted under their 
real name. Go figure.
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Sad news. 


 The really sad part of this is that [] has not apologized to me for over two 
decades for posting my real name on a.m.t. Go figure.

 But, this brings up an interesting subject. From what I've read, authfriend 
has never used her real name on FFL, so I guess that everyone that ever used 
her real name should be banned from the group. That would include almost 
everyone currently posting. Can anyone spell cognitive dissonance?

 Might I propose, before Doug starts banning people, that you and Rick insist 
on a few guidelines for *him* when he does this. 


 I'm suggesting 

Re: [FairfieldLife] International day of Yoga!

2015-06-17 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
However, the technologies of Yoga in the Vedic tradition, particularly as 
brought to light in the west by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi with Transcendental 
Meditation, while improving all aspects of mind, body, behavior and society, 
take the individual and society to the field of all unity – the unified field 
of all the Laws of Nature.
What a crock of shit. All you have to do is look at India to see how much big 
bullshit this is.

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:39 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] International day of Yoga!


|  |



| Yoga Day AnnouncementAll Maharishi Invincibility Centres worldwide to 

International Day of Yoga

Founded by the United Nations 

21 June 2015
 It is a pleasure to invite all Sidhas and Meditators to join this special 
event to commemorate the United Nations International Day of Yoga. The annual 
event was proposed by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, and major 
celebrations will take place for India in New Delhi, and for the United Nations 
in New York City.
21 June is the solstice – midsummer day in the Northern Hemisphere, and 
midwinter day in the Southern Hemisphere – a traditional day to celebrate, and 
now we can add the theme of International Day of Yoga to our celebration, and 
bring Maharishi’s unique vision of Yoga to our Meditators and Sidhas, to the 
press, and to our country.
The Eight Limbs of Yoga
Most people understand Yoga mainly in terms of asanas (physical postures or 
exercises). However, Maharishi’s enlightened vision of Ashtanga Yoga (the Eight 
Limbs of Yoga) illuminates that the eight limbs grow together on the basis of 
the experience of Samadhi, Transcendental Consciousness. The reality of Yoga 
(unity) is to be created on all levels – body, mind, consciousness, society, 
and even World Peace.
An opportunity
This is an opportunity to highlight everything Maharishi taught us about Yoga 
in his supreme vision of integration of life, and what Maharaja Adhiraj 
Rajaraam has brought out in terms of Yoga in the physiology, to celebrate it, 
tell others, and enjoy spreading the influence of wellbeing for all mankind. 
See Maharaja-ji’s profound message below.
The International Day of Yoga calls for an upsurge of unity in world 
consciousness. For this purpose, Maharishi’s global organization will hold 
events everywhere on that day to enliven the true value of Yoga in every 
country. We celebrate the simultaneous growth of unity in every area of life 
through contact with that level of unity that is fundamental to everything.
Celebrate with Meditators and Sidhas at Maharishi Invincibility Centres
There will be Coherence Day events with a National conference call to celebrate 
the International Day of Yoga throughout the United Kingdom. Please see the 
email of 11 June about the National Coherence Day, and please call your TM 
Centre for details of your local event. On the conference call, which will 
begin at 2.30 pm, Raja Peter will be speaking on the significance of the 
International Day of Yoga, and Dr William Sands, Dean of the College of 
Maharishi Vedic Science at Maharishi University of Management, will speak on 
'The True Meaning of Yoga'. Facebook page
The International Day of Yoga is being celebrated in Maharishi Invincibility 
Centres in 115 countries around the world where Transcendental Meditation is 
taught. Group photos from the Coherence Day events and brief report will also 
be added to
Message from Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam on the International day of Yoga, 21 
June 2015
Yoga Day will no doubt become a milestone in human history, particularly if 
highlighted as the day of Unity. Yoga is unity between mind and body, between 
the individual and society, between all societies, between all nations and 
between all individual values of culture, tradition, belief systems, and racial 
Yoga brings together all separate and even apparently conflicting and opposite 
values. The dynamics of creation and evolution require some things to move up, 
others to move down. Some aspects of nature are dry and some others are wet; 
some cool, some hot. When balanced they create the steps of transformation and 
evolution. Yoga is that aspect of Natural Law, that aspect of Veda, which 
guarantees that all diversity is progressing on the basis of supreme Unity.
As brought to light by Maharishi, Yoga is not only one of the 40 aspects of 
Vedic science, which like all others make a profound theoretical contribution 
to knowledge, but it also has a practical aspect which allows every individual 
to directly experience and live
supreme unity within diversity. Yoga Asana 
helps to balance the physiology and strengthen the body, thus promoting a 
healthy body for a healthy 

[FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

 LOL, the Holy wars have started!

 This is a bunch of bullshit Buck, Turq was right from the start: you are a 

 I hope this fascist witch hunt doesn't have Rick's blessing because you aint 
half got a job on your hands going through the entire FFL database looking for 
things that don't fit in with your precious guidelines.

 Here's the offending post to save people the trouble of searching for it 


 This is amazing. You read through this and you think, How could anyone 
possibly BE so gullible as to fall for this? But then you think about people 
like David Lynch, who was so gullible he paid Maharishi a million dollars so 
that he could attend an Enlightenment Course, and then Maharishi didn't even 
have the courtesy to show up in person to teach it. 


 See anything wrong with that as a comment on the enlightenment courses, 
because I don't.

 This partisan, Stalinist bullshit. And dug up no doubt because he's had a go 
at you for spamming the place with your endless control freak bollocks.


 All apologies to Barry for not giving him first stab at a response but hey, I 
like a good rant. Ooops delete me! I broke the guidelines!



 reference:  FFL# 416332

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 “ ..and don't invade other people's privacy.” 

 In going forward in accord with Rick's original intent for protecting privacy 
on FFL know that in responding [replying] to posts made on FFL an unsolicited 
use of someone's legal name on FFL is an invasion of privacy as it also is 
considered a violation of the yahoo-groups guidelines here. Expect to have your 
writing removed from FFL. Expect to have your posts moderated. Expect to have 
your membership revoked if such invasion of people's privacy continues either 
as by impulse without intent or with meditated intent to abuse someone by 
invasion of privacy as used in method. 

 For instance, as people signing on to FFL do post and people do respond with 
replies then for example in reply: 'Turqb isTurqb', 'Fleetwood is Fleetwood', 
'CDB is CDB', 'Serious is Serious', 'Buck is Buck', 'Nablusoss is Nablusoss', 
and 'Authfriend is Authfriend'. Whatever their legal names in life may be, now 
going forward you shall be moderate in this as Rick originally intended. Show 
self-restraint and respect for other people's privacy here. Simple. That is 
part of the communal collaboration asked for in making this a particular 
free-speech zone as it was hoped for. Have a nice day, -JaiGuruYou

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Thanks A., good to know. In going forward with moderation on FFL, protection 
of privacy has always been a mainstay feature of FFL as Rick's free speech 
list. This feature of protection has been under siege and fallen to a form of a 
disrespect used by some writers on FFL. Everyone take this as a warning right 
now going forward: where someone posting to the list uses an anonymous screen 
name it is quite proper form on FFL as a yahoo-group to respond to posts using 
a person's screen name and make no mention of their real name otherwise.  


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 Please ignore what he says about me. He has it completely wrong.



---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Serious_Richard brings up in this particular thread an important point about 
privacy on FFL. From the beginning Rick has been intent on creating a 
safe-space of privacy for folks to post on FFL. Rick's principles in creating 
safe-space have been under attack, degraded and methodically violated by some 
writers here evidently to abuse or intimidate other folks personally who have 
been members of the community of FFL. 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Thanks for offering this, Serious. Yes I feel this is an excellent example 
that you offer of precedence in how to directly 

[FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I object to this overreach of moderator power into content censorship by a 
blatant misread of the explicit intention of this guidline. The guideline 
applies to members of the list, and David lynch is not a member, he is a public 
figure. He is not being degraded because he will never read this and that is 
not the intention of the guidleline anyway.

 You are attempting to censor content to your own subjective standard 
inappropriately by misreading the guideline to apply to  a personal opinion 
about a public figure. Mentioning that it is a non sequitur to the post is also 
a misread of the intentions of the guidelines which does not address this at 
all since adding new points is the nature of a public forum. Calling it 
exploitative is also a misread of the meaning of the word. Barry is 
exploiting nothing by posting his opinion about a public figure and his 
actual actions. Please read what Barry wrote and weigh in if the community 
believes this is an outrageous comment that needs the intervention of 

What Barry actually wrote:

This is amazing. You read through this and you think, How could anyone 
possibly BE so gullible as to fall for this? But then you think about people 
like David Lynch, who was so gullible he paid Maharishi a million dollars so 
that he could attend an Enlightenment Course, and then Maharishi didn't even 
have the courtesy to show up in person to teach it.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

 reference:  FFL# 416332

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 “ ..and don't invade other people's privacy.” 

 In going forward in accord with Rick's original intent for protecting privacy 
on FFL know that in responding [replying] to posts made on FFL an unsolicited 
use of someone's legal name on FFL is an invasion of privacy as it also is 
considered a violation of the yahoo-groups guidelines here. Expect to have your 
writing removed from FFL. Expect to have your posts moderated. Expect to have 
your membership revoked if such invasion of people's privacy continues either 
as by impulse without intent or with meditated intent to abuse someone by 
invasion of privacy as used in method. 

 For instance, as people signing on to FFL do post and people do respond with 
replies then for example in reply: 'Turqb isTurqb', 'Fleetwood is Fleetwood', 
'CDB is CDB', 'Serious is Serious', 'Buck is Buck', 'Nablusoss is Nablusoss', 
and 'Authfriend is Authfriend'. Whatever their legal names in life may be, now 
going forward you shall be moderate in this as Rick originally intended. Show 
self-restraint and respect for other people's privacy here. Simple. That is 
part of the communal collaboration asked for in making this a particular 
free-speech zone as it was hoped for. Have a nice day, -JaiGuruYou

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Thanks A., good to know. In going forward with moderation on FFL, protection 
of privacy has always been a mainstay feature of FFL as Rick's free speech 
list. This feature of protection has been under siege and fallen to a form of a 
disrespect used by some writers on FFL. Everyone take this as a warning right 
now going forward: where someone posting to the list uses an anonymous screen 
name it is quite proper form on FFL as a yahoo-group to respond to posts using 
a person's screen name and make no mention of their real name otherwise.  


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 Please ignore what he says about me. He has it completely wrong.



---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Serious_Richard brings up in this particular thread an important point about 
privacy on FFL. From the beginning Rick has been intent on creating a 
safe-space of privacy for folks to post on FFL. Rick's principles in creating 
safe-space have been under attack, degraded and methodically violated by some 
writers here evidently to abuse or intimidate other folks personally who have 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Buh By

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
As long as I'm still here... 


 ---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 [...]The Doug as CEO (his term) of FFL seems to be a case of someone wanting 
control of what other people say on the forum who was not popularly supported 
to take that role with us. There was no Yahoo guidelines problem here, this was 
a contrivance to assert unwanted control over posters here.[...]

 If this was indeed a contrivance, it was one fully supported by Rick, as you 
know from the quote I provided you from his post earlier. Here is the relevant 
part again:

 [...] I think we are obligated to at least abide by Yahoo’s guidelines. 
Theoretically, frequent violation of those guidelines could get the group shut 
down. Doug Hamilton has volunteered to moderate and to limit his moderation to 
ensuring adherence to Yahoo’s guidelines and no more. He will not moderate with 
his puritanical Buck alter-ego. I know some will bristle at what they perceive 
as a restriction of their freedom of speech, but different types of speech are 
appropriate in different contexts, and again, in the context of a Yahoo group, 
we are obligated to abide by Yahoo’s guidelines. [...]


[FairfieldLife] The Real Lone Ranger

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Bass Reeves was an archetypal Lone Ranger, being a deputy US Marshall in the 
Indian Territories and bringing to justice over 3,000 fugitives. Featured in 
Bill O'Reilly's Legends and Lies series and the book. (1838 - 1910); shown 
below with pics of the famous TV character, which I was fond of. Reeves even 
had an Indian sidekick:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Runs for President

2015-06-17 Thread ultrarishi
I, for one, really like Neil Young and his music.

What cracks me up though is over the years these GOP candidates keep getting 
rock anthems, ballads, and pop tunes to jin up excitment.  They really should 
look into seeing if the writer / artist supports their ideology first. I've 
seen this so many times.  Many folks in the music business are probably 
laughing all the way to the bank.

Here's Neil a few weeks ago promoting the Pono player crowdfunded music player.

Triangulation 199 | TWiT.TV 
 Triangulation 199 | TWiT.TV Triangulation 
199 | TWiT.TV
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Thu 18-Jun-15 00:15:06 UTC

2015-06-17 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 06/13/15 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 06/20/15 00:00:00
291 messages as of (UTC) 06/18/15 00:10:38

 41 richard
 27 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 25 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 24 anartaxius
 22 salyavin808 
 21 Bhairitu noozguru
 19 authfriend
 18 dhamiltony2k5
 18 curtisdeltablues
 17 steve.sundur
 11 jr_esq
  8 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  6 yifuxero
  6 Duveyoung 
  5 jason_green2
  4 emptybill
  3 s3raphita
  2 wleed3 WLeed3
  2 ultrarishi 
  2 hepa7
  2 email4you mikemail4you
  2 William Leed WLeed3
  1 turquoiseb
  1 laughinggull108 
  1 j_alexander_stanley
  1 feste37 
  1 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius
  1 'Rick Archer' rick
Posters: 28
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread feste37
I agree with Curtis on this one, but TurquoiseB is in fact lucky still to be 
here. He should have been given a red card some weeks ago when he falsely 
accused, in a specially created subject line, another FFL member of advocating 
murder on this forum and giving that poster's real name, at a time when that 
poster was using an anonymous handle. TurquoiseB did this deliberately to 
defame the individual concerned forever via the Google search engine. He 
actually gloated over this very point. If that was not a malicious action then 
the word has no meaning. He should have been expelled. I believe he later 
deleted his own post but some of the damage had already been done. 

---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 I object to this overreach of moderator power into content censorship by a 
blatant misread of the explicit intention of this guidline. The guideline 
applies to members of the list, and David lynch is not a member, he is a public 
figure. He is not being degraded because he will never read this and that is 
not the intention of the guidleline anyway.

 You are attempting to censor content to your own subjective standard 
inappropriately by misreading the guideline to apply to  a personal opinion 
about a public figure. Mentioning that it is a non sequitur to the post is also 
a misread of the intentions of the guidelines which does not address this at 
all since adding new points is the nature of a public forum. Calling it 
exploitative is also a misread of the meaning of the word. Barry is 
exploiting nothing by posting his opinion about a public figure and his 
actual actions. Please read what Barry wrote and weigh in if the community 
believes this is an outrageous comment that needs the intervention of 

What Barry actually wrote:

This is amazing. You read through this and you think, How could anyone 
possibly BE so gullible as to fall for this? But then you think about people 
like David Lynch, who was so gullible he paid Maharishi a million dollars so 
that he could attend an Enlightenment Course, and then Maharishi didn't even 
have the courtesy to show up in person to teach it.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

 reference:  FFL# 416332

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 “ ..and don't invade other people's privacy.” 

 In going forward in accord with Rick's original intent for protecting privacy 
on FFL know that in responding [replying] to posts made on FFL an unsolicited 
use of someone's legal name on FFL is an invasion of privacy as it also is 
considered a violation of the yahoo-groups guidelines here. Expect to have your 
writing removed from FFL. Expect to have your posts moderated. Expect to have 
your membership revoked if such invasion of people's privacy continues either 
as by impulse without intent or with meditated intent to abuse someone by 
invasion of privacy as used in method. 

 For instance, as people signing on to FFL do post and people do respond with 
replies then for example in reply: 'Turqb isTurqb', 'Fleetwood is Fleetwood', 
'CDB is CDB', 'Serious is Serious', 'Buck is Buck', 'Nablusoss is Nablusoss', 
and 'Authfriend is Authfriend'. Whatever their legal names in life may be, now 
going forward you shall be moderate in this as Rick originally intended. Show 
self-restraint and respect for other people's privacy here. Simple. That is 
part of the communal collaboration asked for in making this a particular 
free-speech zone as it was hoped for. Have a nice day, -JaiGuruYou

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Thanks A., good to know. In going forward with moderation on FFL, protection 
of privacy has always been a mainstay feature of FFL as Rick's free speech 
list. This feature of protection has been under siege and fallen to a form of a 
disrespect used by some writers on FFL. Everyone take this as a warning right 
now going forward: where someone posting to the list uses an anonymous screen 
name it is quite 

[FairfieldLife] Rick, you jumped the shark.

2015-06-17 Thread Duveyoung
It's on you, Rick.  Doug's been peter-principled by you.
Doug, step down.all our hearts are aching to see you assigned to an 
Doug, you get to be you, but no one could be the moderator here without a civil 
 war resulting.  I don't want to see how this might end for you and your 
reputation here if you continue to try to do this job by applying your own POV 
to the task.  Your own honesty and integrity is going to be your downfall, and 
the truths of the others here will equally drive them into vociferous 
opposition to your management.   


[FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Just popping back in quickly with a helpful note: 

 It's absurdly easy to find a post via the Website when you have the post 
number, which was provided by the moderator in this case. Just go to the 
Message View page. At the top, under the banner photo to the right, is a box 
labeled Message #, with a magnifying glass icon. Type the post number in the 
box. Hit Return. Voila!

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 [...] I find it incredibly difficult to find any message even a couple of days 
old. Neo has made it very difficult to locate past messages.[...]
 ---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 [...] Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this 
posting of his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this 
be left to the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. 

 reference:  FFL# 416332




Re: [FairfieldLife] International day of Yoga!

2015-06-17 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
what I think should happen is all the Marshy guru types and their true believer 
followers should all go to the fundamentalist countries and do their meditation 
and chanting thing with the publicly expressed intention to convert the 
medieval savages into a coherent, sattvic peaceful way of life. 

Wait a month, notify next of kin for all the gurus and their followers and then 
all we have left to deal with are the Game of Thrones type people (having read 
the books and watched most of the shows, I can tell you the milk of human 
kindness is greatly lacking in  Geo. RR Martin's world).

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 4:37 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] International day of Yoga!

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

However,the technologies of Yoga in the Vedic tradition, particularly asbrought 
to light in the west by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi withTranscendental Meditation, 
while improving all aspects of mind, body,behavior and society, take the 
individual and society to the field ofall unity – the unified field of all the 
Laws of Nature.
What a crock of shit. All you have to do is look at India to see how much big 
bullshit this is.

Are we to take it you won't be going to your nearest Maharishi Invincibility 
Centre MJ?
I actually like the idea of group coherence - I just wish it worked - but I 
can't find it in my heart anymore to hope that the world can be saved by 
anything other than hard work and ingenuity. And where is the impetus for a 
solution coming from? Nowhere I can see, every country is in it for themselves.
I think you only have to look at the world in general to see it's all going to 
hell. Just today we had news in the UK of three married women running off to 
Syria with their young children to join ISIS. WTF? Like we don't have TV here. 
Like nobody knows what's going on! The only conclusion is they must think it's 
great in the middle east at the moment. Go figure.
What hope have we the sane against the massed ranks of medieval superstition 
still running rampant through humanity?

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:39 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] International day of Yoga!


|  |



| Yoga Day AnnouncementAll Maharishi Invincibility Centres worldwide to 

International Day of Yoga

Founded by the United Nations 

21 June 2015
 It is a pleasure to invite all Sidhas and Meditators to join this special 
event to commemorate the United Nations International Day of Yoga. The annual 
event was proposed by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, and major 
celebrations will take place for India in New Delhi, and for the United Nations 
in New York City.
21 June is the solstice – midsummer day in the Northern Hemisphere, and 
midwinter day in the Southern Hemisphere – a traditional day to celebrate, and 
now we can add the theme of International Day of Yoga to our celebration, and 
bring Maharishi’s unique vision of Yoga to our Meditators and Sidhas, to the 
press, and to our country.
The Eight Limbs of Yoga
Most people understand Yoga mainly in terms of asanas (physical postures or 
exercises). However, Maharishi’s enlightened vision of Ashtanga Yoga (the Eight 
Limbs of Yoga) illuminates that the eight limbs grow together on the basis of 
the experience of Samadhi, Transcendental Consciousness. The reality of Yoga 
(unity) is to be created on all levels – body, mind, consciousness, society, 
and even World Peace.
An opportunity
This is an opportunity to highlight everything Maharishi taught us about Yoga 
in his supreme vision of integration of life, and what Maharaja Adhiraj 
Rajaraam has brought out in terms of Yoga in the physiology, to celebrate it, 
tell others, and enjoy spreading the influence of wellbeing for all mankind. 
See Maharaja-ji’s profound message below.
The International Day of Yoga calls for an upsurge of unity in world 
consciousness. For this purpose, Maharishi’s global organization will hold 
events everywhere on that day to enliven the true value of Yoga in every 
country. We celebrate the simultaneous growth of unity in every area of life 
through contact with that level of unity that is fundamental to everything.
Celebrate with Meditators and Sidhas at Maharishi Invincibility Centres
There will be Coherence Day events with a National conference call to celebrate 
the International Day of Yoga throughout the United Kingdom. Please see the 
email of 11 June about the National Coherence Day, and please call your TM 
Centre for details of your local event. On the conference call, which will 
begin at 2.30 pm, Raja Peter will be speaking on the significance of the 
International Day of Yoga, and Dr William Sands, Dean of the College of 
Maharishi Vedic Science at Maharishi University of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
For whatever my opinion is worth, I would slur and revile Lynch to a 
fair-thee-well. He is obviously a hypocrite which puts him in good company 
since most of the TM leadership I ever had dealings with were too, and he is 
the purveyor of a way to save the world while adding to its degradation with 
his awful twisted schlock. 

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 4:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
    David Lynch is a public figure in the TM movement, and worldwide. He is not 
part of the FFL Yahoo group. He is in a different category than members of this 
group. Criticism of Lynch as a public figure is fair game on-line and in the 
press as long as it is not libel. I feel this is NOT a violation of Yahoo group 
guidelines and you are overstepping your authority. I find it incredibly 
difficult to find any message even a couple of days old. Neo has made it very 
difficult to locate past messages. However, I did find that post. You have got 
to be kidding 'dhamiltonyk5'.
I believe I know someone who went on that course. That person did not get 
enlightened. I think that person is very gullible, based on considerations 
other than that person having gone on that course. Saying someone is gullible 
is a mere opinion, but it is something that could be backed up with evidence. 
Gullible: easily persuaded to believe something; credulous, naive, 
over-trusting, over-trustful, easily deceived, easily taken in, exploitable, 
dupable, impressionable, unsuspecting, un-suspicious, unwary, ingenuous, 
innocent, inexperienced, unworldly, green;
Furthermore, it was not a non sequitur, 'TurquoiseBee' was responding to a 
similar event of gullibility, providing what he thought was another example of 
the same, so it was germane to the conversation.
We have all been taken in by something in our lives. There are a lot of us who 
feel that the TMO has taken advantage of people's inexperience in certain areas 
of life, and that as a spiritual movement, it and those supporting it have in 
some ways gone off track.
And if you have ever watched all of David Lynch's work, he is a pretty weird 
guy by most normal person standards.
And that post was over 10 days ago. A moderator is supposed to be doing this 
more or less in real time, dealing with current 'offences', like the broadcast 
loop delay on live broadcasts a moderator can delete certain words in almost 
real time. This example is more like the Inquisition looking for someone as a 
I think anyone who took a course for a fee like that is out of their mind. Even 
worse than gullible. Unless they are thinking of it as a conscious donation to 
a cause they believe is real, it seems to lack judgement. 
---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups.”“..and don't invade other people's privacy.”The dragging of someone in 
to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them using FFL, a yahoo-group..Whoa, 
for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and quite 
evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he was 
there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade DLynch 
personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. Now in a choice 
of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of his post haste 
and protect his membership status here or will this be left to the FFL 
moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou
reference:  FFL# 416332 

  #yiv4362838950 #yiv4362838950 -- #yiv4362838950ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4362838950 
#yiv4362838950ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv4362838950 
#yiv4362838950ygrp-mkp #yiv4362838950hd 
0;}#yiv4362838950 #yiv4362838950ygrp-mkp #yiv4362838950ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv4362838950 #yiv4362838950ygrp-mkp .yiv4362838950ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv4362838950 #yiv4362838950ygrp-mkp .yiv4362838950ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv4362838950 #yiv4362838950ygrp-mkp .yiv4362838950ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4362838950 #yiv4362838950ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv4362838950ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv4362838950 
#yiv4362838950ygrp-sponsor #yiv4362838950ygrp-lc #yiv4362838950hd {margin:10px 
#yiv4362838950ygrp-sponsor #yiv4362838950ygrp-lc .yiv4362838950ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv4362838950 #yiv4362838950actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv4362838950 

[FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Dear Friends of FFL;
 These posts in this thread are all very interesting but it turns out as I look 
at the moderator's moderation log for FFL that Rick, my master, was ahead of me 
and deleted an even more inflammatory post by Turqb in this thread before this 
one of Turq's that I cited. the world turns. 5,4,3,2..

 I feel that FFL will be fine as people come to write within the parameters of 
the yahoo-groups guidelines. 

  Take a moment to read the yahoo-groups guidelines.  For our new members 
signing in, for context take a look at,
  but you all will be really fine as you self-moderate accordingly. 

  It would be really fine to be able to have voices from the DLynch side of the 
movement be able to come on to FFL for discussion and then trust that they 
could be fairly heard without just being knee-capped by folks here. There is 
security for everyone writing within the Yahoo-groups guidelines. Have a good 
night. -JaiGuruYou!

---In, wrote :

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

 reference:  FFL# 416332

---In, wrote :

 “ ..and don't invade other people's privacy.” 

 In going forward in accord with Rick's original intent for protecting privacy 
on FFL know that in responding [replying] to posts made on FFL an unsolicited 
use of someone's legal name on FFL is an invasion of privacy as it also is 
considered a violation of the yahoo-groups guidelines here. Expect to have your 
writing removed from FFL. Expect to have your posts moderated. Expect to have 
your membership revoked if such invasion of people's privacy continues either 
as by impulse without intent or with meditated intent to abuse someone by 
invasion of privacy as used in method. 

 For instance, as people signing on to FFL do post and people do respond with 
replies then for example in reply: 'Turqb isTurqb', 'Fleetwood is Fleetwood', 
'CDB is CDB', 'Serious is Serious', 'Buck is Buck', 'Nablusoss is Nablusoss', 
and 'Authfriend is Authfriend'. Whatever their legal names in life may be, now 
going forward you shall be moderate in this as Rick originally intended. Show 
self-restraint and respect for other people's privacy here. Simple. That is 
part of the communal collaboration asked for in making this a particular 
free-speech zone as it was hoped for. Have a nice day, -JaiGuruYou

---In, wrote :

 Thanks A., good to know. In going forward with moderation on FFL, protection 
of privacy has always been a mainstay feature of FFL as Rick's free speech 
list. This feature of protection has been under siege and fallen to a form of a 
disrespect used by some writers on FFL. Everyone take this as a warning right 
now going forward: where someone posting to the list uses an anonymous screen 
name it is quite proper form on FFL as a yahoo-group to respond to posts using 
a person's screen name and make no mention of their real name otherwise.  


 ---In, wrote :

 Please ignore what he says about me. He has it completely wrong.



---In, wrote :

 Serious_Richard brings up in this particular thread an important point about 
privacy on FFL. From the beginning Rick has been intent on creating a 
safe-space of privacy for folks to post on FFL. Rick's principles in creating 
safe-space have been under attack, degraded and methodically violated by some 
writers here evidently to abuse or intimidate other folks personally who have 
been members of the community of FFL. 

---In, wrote :

 Thanks for offering this, Serious. Yes I feel this is an excellent example 
that you offer of precedence in how to directly moderate a list that has gone 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
I like Lynch's films too. They are dark for the most part, and in the view of 
people I watched them with, sick. He seems to have a preference for head 
injuries. My favourite is still his first major foray, Eraserhead. Although I 
suspect the non-linear character of many of them lead some to consider him a 
genius because they cannot understand them. It is those short scenes of human 
behaviour that display a strange deviant creepiness that I find intriguing, 
such as feeding the mutan kid in Eraserhead, or that guy in Muholland Drive 
dumping his trollop wife's jewellery into paint cans and massaging them with 
his hands to get revenge. That his films contain scenes most people I know 
would rather not experience does not necessarily mean he is sick, but I am sure 
it makes a lot of people wonder about him, because such thoughts do not occur 
to them, or if they do, they edit them out of their minds, especially in 
conversation so they appear nice and normal.
  From: Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
 I like Lynch's films.  I also being in the arts myself know how some 
artists think and Lynch has found TM useful and doesn't want to be bothered 
doing anything else.  I'm sure some of his artist friends have told him there 
are better things out there but he doesn't care, he just wants to get on with 
his art.  OTOH, I've known MUM Vedic Studies grads who like to explore other 
paths too.
 But I hear that all seasons of the Andy Griffith Show are available on Netflix 
if that suits you.  :-D 
 On 06/17/2015 02:52 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

    For whatever my opinion is worth, I would slur and revile Lynch to a 
fair-thee-well. He is obviously a hypocrite which puts him in good company 
since most of the TM leadership I ever had dealings with were too, and he is 
the purveyor of a way to save the world while adding to  its degradation with 
his awful twisted schlock. 
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 4:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
    David Lynch is a public figure in the TM movement, and worldwide. He is 
not part of the FFL Yahoo group. He is in a different category than members of 
this group. Criticism of Lynch as a  public figure is fair game on-line and in 
the press as long as it is not libel. I feel this is NOT a violation of Yahoo 
group guidelines and you are overstepping your authority. I find it  incredibly 
difficult to find any message even a couple of days old. Neo has made it very 
difficult to locate past messages. However, I did find that post. You have got 
to be kidding  'dhamiltonyk5'. 
  I believe I know someone who went on that course. That person did not get  
enlightened. I think that person is very gullible, based on considerations 
other than that person having gone on that course. Saying someone is gullible 
is a mere opinion, but it is something that could be backed up with evidence. 
Gullible: easily persuaded to believe something; credulous, naive, 
over-trusting, over-trustful, easily deceived, easily taken in,  exploitable, 
dupable, impressionable, unsuspecting, un-suspicious, unwary, ingenuous, 
innocent, inexperienced, unworldly, green; 
  Furthermore, it was not a non sequitur, 'TurquoiseBee' was responding to a 
similar event of gullibility, providing what he  thought was another example of 
the same, so it was germane to the conversation. 
  We have all been taken in by something in our lives. There are a lot of us  
who feel that the TMO has taken advantage of people's inexperience in certain 
areas of life, and that  as a spiritual movement, it and those supporting it 
have in some ways gone off track. 
  And if you have ever watched all of David Lynch's work, he is a pretty weird 
guy by most normal person standards. 
  And that post was over 10 days ago. A moderator is supposed to be doing this 
more or less in real time, dealing with current 'offences', like the broadcast 
loop delay on  live broadcasts a moderator can delete certain words in almost 
real time. This example is more like the Inquisition looking for someone as a 
  I think anyone who took a course for a fee like that is out of their mind. 
Even worse than gullible. Unless they are thinking of it as a conscious 
donation to a cause they believe is  real, it seems to lack judgement.   
 ---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
  Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in  
Groups.” “..and don't invade other people's privacy.” The dragging of someone 
in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur  them using FFL, a yahoo-group.. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Runs for President

2015-06-17 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Frank Sinatra won't cut it.
  From: ultrarishi
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 5:58 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Runs for President
    I, for one, really like Neil Young and his music.

What cracks me up though is over the years these GOP candidates keep getting 
rock anthems, ballads, and pop tunes to jin up excitment.  They really should 
look into seeing if the writer / artist supports their ideology first. I've 
seen this so many times.  Many folks in the music business are probably 
laughing all the way to the bank.

Here's Neil a few weeks ago promoting the Pono player crowdfunded music player.

Triangulation 199 | TWiT.TV 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I like Lynch's films.  I also being in the arts myself know how some 
artists think and Lynch has found TM useful and doesn't want to be 
bothered doing anything else.  I'm sure some of his artist friends have 
told him there are better things out there but he doesn't care, he just 
wants to get on with his art.  OTOH, I've known MUM Vedic Studies grads 
who like to explore other paths too.

But I hear that all seasons of the Andy Griffith Show are available on 
Netflix if that suits you. :-D

On 06/17/2015 02:52 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
For whatever my opinion is worth, I would slur and revile Lynch to a 
fair-thee-well. He is obviously a hypocrite which puts him in good 
company since most of the TM leadership I ever had dealings with were 
too, and he is the purveyor of a way to save the world while adding 
to its degradation with his awful twisted schlock.

*From:* [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Wednesday, June 17, 2015 4:27 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

David Lynch is a public figure in the TM movement, and worldwide. He 
is not part of the FFL Yahoo group. He is in a different category than 
members of this group. Criticism of Lynch as a public figure is fair 
game on-line and in the press as long as it is not libel. I feel this 
is NOT a violation of Yahoo group guidelines and you are overstepping 
your authority. I find it incredibly difficult to find any message 
even a couple of days old. Neo has made it very difficult to locate 
past messages. However, I did find that post. You have got to be 
kidding 'dhamiltonyk5'.

I believe I know someone who went on that course. That person did not 
get enlightened. I think that person is very gullible, based on 
considerations otherthan that person having gone on that course. 
Saying someone is gullible is a mere opinion, but it is something that 
could be backed up with evidence. Gullible: easily persuaded to 
believe something;credulous, naive, over-trusting, over-trustful, 
easily deceived, easily taken in, exploitable, dupable, 
impressionable, unsuspecting, un-suspicious, unwary, ingenuous, 
innocent, inexperienced, unworldly, green;

Furthermore, it was not a non sequitur, 'TurquoiseBee' was responding 
to a similar event of gullibility, providing what he thought was 
another example of the same, so it was germane to the conversation.

We have all been taken in by something in our lives. There are a lot 
of us who feel that the TMO has taken advantage of people's 
inexperience in certain areas of life, and that as a spiritual 
movement, it and those supporting it have in some ways gone off track.

And if you have ever watched all of David Lynch's work, he is a pretty 
weird guy by most normal person standards.

And that post was over 10 days ago. A moderator is supposed to be 
doing this more or less in real time, dealing with current 'offences', 
like the broadcast loop delay on live broadcasts a moderator can 
delete certain words in almost real time. This example is more like 
the Inquisition looking for someone as a scapegoat.

I think anyone who took a course for a fee like that is out of their 
mind. Even worse than gullible. Unless they are thinking of it as a 
conscious donation to a cause they believe is real, it seems to lack 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 

“..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur 
them using FFL, a yahoo-group..
Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite 
evidently for good reasons and quite evidently Lynch knew well enough 
the scope of the 'what for and why' he was there. Quite evidently 
Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade DLynch personally by 
jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur posting 
publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL].
Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this 
posting of his post haste and protect his membership status here or 
will this be left to the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice 
is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

reference:  FFL# 416332

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
That was helpful, I do not think I ever noticed that. But when I am using 
e-mail it is a bit more difficult as there is no box. Usually a post number is 
not mentioned. That the word message# is in grey reduces its visibility. Part 
of ergonomic software design is to test a population of typical users and give 
them a task and see if they can complete it. Often software designers discover 
what seemed obvious to them was in effect, invisible to the typical user, in 
which case, if there is time, they make a change. On the other hand the Search 
bar at the top is rather prominent. A good design would allow the typing 
'message #xx' in that box and would come up with results, but that does not 
work unless the message# is in the message itself. If not it returns posts with 
the word message in them. So the software has the search routines split into 
two separate functions. I see the date functions in Advanced Search now do not 
give error messages, but with my browser, still do not return a date range. I 
am not usually interested in past posts so I do not use the search functions 
that often.
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
    Just popping back in quickly with a helpful note:
It's absurdly easy to find a post via the Website when you have the post 
number, which was provided by the moderator in this case. Just go to the 
Message View page. At the top, under the banner photo to the right, is a box 
labeled Message #, with a magnifying glass icon. Type the post number in the 
box. Hit Return. Voila!

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

[...] I find it incredibly difficult to find any message even a couple of days 
old. Neo has made it very difficult to locate past messages.[...]
---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

[...] Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this 
posting of his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this 
be left to the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. 
reference:  FFL# 416332 

  #yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923 -- #yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv7069415923 
#yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv7069415923 
#yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp #yiv7069415923hd 
0;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp #yiv7069415923ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp .yiv7069415923ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp .yiv7069415923ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp .yiv7069415923ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv7069415923ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv7069415923 
#yiv7069415923ygrp-sponsor #yiv7069415923ygrp-lc #yiv7069415923hd {margin:10px 
#yiv7069415923ygrp-sponsor #yiv7069415923ygrp-lc .yiv7069415923ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv7069415923 
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#yiv7069415923activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923activity span 
.yiv7069415923underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv7069415923 
0;width:400px;}#yiv7069415923 .yiv7069415923attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv7069415923 .yiv7069415923attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv7069415923 .yiv7069415923attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv7069415923 .yiv7069415923attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv7069415923 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv7069415923 .yiv7069415923bold 
.yiv7069415923bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv7069415923 dd.yiv7069415923last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv7069415923 dd.yiv7069415923last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv7069415923 
dd.yiv7069415923last p span.yiv7069415923yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv7069415923 div.yiv7069415923attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv7069415923 div.yiv7069415923attach-table 
{width:400px;}#yiv7069415923 div.yiv7069415923file-title a, #yiv7069415923 
div.yiv7069415923file-title a:active, #yiv7069415923 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for that too.
  From: Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
 Message numbers are embedded in the headers emails from Yahoo Groups. It 
is the second part of the Newman-Id:
 X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: 3920196-m417027 417027 is the message number for your post 
below.  Not sure if that helps any but that's where it's given in the message 
 On 06/17/2015 07:34 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

     That was helpful, I do not think I ever noticed that. But when I am using 
e-mail it is a bit more difficult as there is no box. Usually a post number is 
not mentioned. That the word message# is in grey reduces its visibility. Part 
of ergonomic software design is to test a population of typical users and give 
them a task and see if they can complete it. Often software designers discover 
what seemed obvious to them was in effect, invisible to the  typical user, in 
which case, if there is time, they make a change. On the other hand the Search 
bar at the top is rather prominent. A good design would allow the typing 
'message #xx' in that box and would come up with results, but that does not 
work  unless the message# is in the message itself. If not it returns posts 
with the word message in them. So the software has the search routines split 
into two separate functions. I see the date functions in Advanced Search now do 
not give error messages, but  with my browser, still do not return a date 
range. I am not usually interested in past posts so I do not use the search 
functions that often. 
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
    Just popping back in quickly with a helpful note: 
  It's absurdly easy to find a post via the Website when you have the post 
number,  which was provided by the moderator in this case. Just go to the 
Message View page. At the top, under the banner photo to the right, is a box 
labeled Message #, with a magnifying glass icon. Type the post number in the 
box. Hit Return. Voila! 
 ---In, anartaxius@... wrote :
 [...] I find it incredibly difficult to find any message even a couple  of 
days old. Neo has made it very difficult to locate past messages.[...] 
   ---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
  [...] Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this 
posting of his post haste and protect his membership status here or  will this 
be left to the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. 
  reference:  FFL# 416332   

  #yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349 -- #yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0519605349 
#yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv0519605349 
#yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp #yiv0519605349hd 
0;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp #yiv0519605349ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp .yiv0519605349ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp .yiv0519605349ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp .yiv0519605349ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv0519605349ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv0519605349 
#yiv0519605349ygrp-sponsor #yiv0519605349ygrp-lc #yiv0519605349hd {margin:10px 
#yiv0519605349ygrp-sponsor #yiv0519605349ygrp-lc .yiv0519605349ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv0519605349 
 #yiv0519605349activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv0519605349 
#yiv0519605349activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349activity span 
.yiv0519605349underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv0519605349 
0;width:400px;}#yiv0519605349 .yiv0519605349attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv0519605349 .yiv0519605349attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv0519605349 .yiv0519605349attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv0519605349 .yiv0519605349attach 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Message numbers are embedded in the headers emails from Yahoo Groups. It 
is the second part of the Newman-Id:

X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: 3920196-m417027

417027 is the message number for your post below.  Not sure if that 
helps any but that's where it's given in the message header.

On 06/17/2015 07:34 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
That was helpful, I do not think I ever noticed that. But when I am 
using e-mail it is a bit more difficult as there is no box. Usually a 
post number is not mentioned. That the word message# is in grey 
reduces its visibility. Part of ergonomic software design is to test a 
population of typical users and give them a task and see if they can 
complete it. Often software designers discover what seemed obvious to 
them was in effect, invisible to the typical user, in which case, if 
there is time, they make a change. On the other hand the Search bar at 
the top is rather prominent. A good design would allow the typing 
'message #xx' in that box and would come up with results, but that 
does not work unless the message# is in the message itself. If not it 
returns posts with the word message in them. So the software has the 
search routines split into two separate functions. I see the date 
functions in Advanced Search now do not give error messages, but with 
my browser, still do not return a date range. I am not usually 
interested in past posts so I do not use the search functions that often.

*From:* [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:30 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

Just popping back in quickly with a helpful note:

It's absurdly easy to find a post via the Website when you have the 
post number, which was provided by the moderator in this case. Just go 
to the Message View page. At the top, under the banner photo to the 
right, is a box labeled Message #, with a magnifying glass icon. 
Type the post number in the box. Hit Return. Voila!

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

[...] I find it incredibly difficult to find any message even a couple 
of days old. Neo has made it very difficult to locate past messages.[...]

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

[...] Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete 
this posting of his post haste and protect his membership status here 
or will this be left to the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The 
choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

reference:  FFL# 416332

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
This has really become too sad to get involved with.
Rick, please do something to help Doug -- like removing him from his position 
as moderator. The responsibility and the genuine impossibility of the task have 
clearly caused him to become mentally ill. 

It was entertaining for a while when he was just embarrassing himself. But now 
he's embarrassing the whole forum.
Moderator or not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longer bother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like our 
recently departed member, he no longer exists. By acting this crazy, he has 
effectively -- and ironically -- deleted himself. 

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
    Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups.”“..and don't invade other people's privacy.”The dragging of someone in 
to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them using FFL, a yahoo-group..Whoa, 
for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and quite 
evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he was 
there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade DLynch 
personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. Now in a choice 
of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of his post haste 
and protect his membership status here or will this be left to the FFL 
moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou
reference:  FFL# 416332 

---In, wrote :

“ ..anddon't invade other people's privacy.”
Ingoing forward in accord with Rick's original intent for protectingprivacy on 
FFL know that in responding [replying] to posts made onFFL an unsolicited use 
of someone's legal name on FFL is an invasionof privacy as it also is 
considered a violation of the yahoo-groupsguidelines here. Expect to have your 
writing removed from FFL.Expect to have your posts moderated. Expect to have 
your membershiprevoked if such invasion of people's privacy continues either as 
byimpulse without intent or with meditated intent to abuse someone byinvasion 
of privacy as used in method. 
Forinstance, as people signing on to FFL do post and people do respondwith 
replies then for example in reply: 'Turqb isTurqb', 'Fleetwoodis Fleetwood', 
'CDB is CDB', 'Serious is Serious', 'Buck is Buck','Nablusoss is Nablusoss', 
and 'Authfriend is Authfriend'. Whatevertheir legal names in life may be, now 
going forward you shall bemoderate in this as Rick originally intended. Show 
self-restraintand respect for other people's privacy here. Simple. That is part 
ofthe communal collaboration asked for in making this a particularfree-speech 
zone as it was hoped for. Have a nice day, -JaiGuruYou

---In, wrote :

Thanks A., good to know. In going forward with moderation on FFL, protection of 
privacy has always been a mainstay feature of FFL as Rick's free speech list. 
This feature of protection has been under siege and fallen to a form of a 
disrespect used by some writers on FFL. Everyone take this as a warning right 
now going forward: where someone posting to the list uses an anonymous screen 
name it is quite proper form on FFL as a yahoo-group to respond to posts using 
a person's screen name and make no mention of their real name otherwise.  

---In, wrote :

Please ignore what he says about me. He has it completely wrong.

---In, wrote :

Serious_Richardbrings up in this particular thread an important point about 
privacyon FFL. From the beginning Rick has been intent on creating asafe-space 
of privacy for folks to post on FFL. Rick's principlesin creating safe-space 
have been under attack, degraded andmethodically violated by some writers here 
evidently to abuse or intimidateother folks personally who have been members of 
the community of FFL. 

---In, wrote :

Thanksfor offering this, Serious. Yes I feel this is an excellent examplethat 
you offer of precedence in how to directly moderate a list thathas gone so bad 
like this. I shall make note of it and emulate Rickin this as much as possible. 
The yahoo-groups guidelines themselvesare quite simple and require of writers 
only some self-control. -JaiGuruYou!

Just for the record, I should point out that Rick banned me from the group 
without sending me a single message or email explaining why. So, I appealed to 
him and he reinstated my 

Re: [FairfieldLife] On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
Note that 'Buck' does not appear in the data Yahoo now posts on the group, nor 
does it appear in the e-mail. And what do we do if someone's real name is part 
or the whole of their e-mail address, or if the person signs off with their 
real name somewhere in the e-mail and does not care, and we respond to that? 
What if we repost an older post and the person's real name was in that? Buck is 
a nickname, but I assume others might use it where you live. I sometimes use 
the full e-mail address name, but not the company name ( for 
example). What if a person wants to use their real name, are they prohibited? 
Please clarify.
Summary of this message   
   - person's real name in e-mail address   

   - person wants to use real name   

   - person wants to use a nickname that people in real life call him/her by   

   - person's real name appears in older posts   

   - person doesn't care if real name is used
   - person's real name is posted by person somewhere in e-mail (deliberately)  

Xenophaneros Anartaxius  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 5:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
    “ ..anddon't invade other people's privacy.”
Ingoing forward in accord with Rick's original intent for protectingprivacy on 
FFL know that in responding [replying] to posts made onFFL an unsolicited use 
of someone's legal name on FFL is an invasionof privacy as it also is 
considered a violation of the yahoo-groupsguidelines here. Expect to have your 
writing removed from FFL. Expect to have your posts moderated. Expect to have 
your membershiprevoked if such invasion of people's privacy continues either as 
byimpulse without intent or with meditated intent to abuse someone byinvasion 
of privacy as used in method. 
Forinstance, as people signing on to FFL do post and people do respondwith 
replies then for example in reply: 'Turqb isTurqb', 'Fleetwoodis Fleetwood', 
'CDB is CDB', 'Serious is Serious', 'Buck is Buck', 'Nablusoss is Nablusoss', 
and 'Authfriend is Authfriend'. Whatevertheir legal names in life may be, now 
going forward you shall bemoderate in this as Rick originally intended. Show 
self-restraintand respect for other people's privacy here. Simple. That is part 
ofthe communal collaboration asked for in making this a particularfree-speech 
zone as it was hoped for. Have a nice day, -JaiGuruYou

---In, wrote :

Thanks A., good to know. In going forward with moderation on FFL, protection of 
privacy has always been a mainstay feature of FFL as Rick's free speech list. 
This feature of protection has been under siege and fallen to a form of a 
disrespect used by some writers on FFL. Everyone take this as a warning right 
now going forward: where someone posting to the list uses an anonymous screen 
name it is quite proper form on FFL as a yahoo-group to respond to posts using 
a person's screen name and make no mention of their real name otherwise.  

---In, wrote :

Please ignore what he says about me. He has it completely wrong.

---In, wrote :

Serious_Richardbrings up in this particular thread an important point about 
privacyon FFL. From the beginning Rick has been intent on creating asafe-space 
of privacy for folks to post on FFL. Rick's principlesin creating safe-space 
have been under attack, degraded andmethodically violated by some writers here 
evidently to abuse or intimidateother folks personally who have been members of 
the community of FFL. 

---In, wrote :

Thanksfor offering this, Serious. Yes I feel this is an excellent examplethat 
you offer of precedence in how to directly moderate a list thathas gone so bad 
like this. I shall make note of it and emulate Rickin this as much as possible. 
The yahoo-groups guidelines themselvesare quite simple and require of writers 
only some self-control. -JaiGuruYou!

Just for the record, I should point out that Rick banned me from the group 
without sending me a single message or email explaining why. So, I appealed to 
him and he reinstated my posting privileges. Apparently an informant objected 
to my using their real name, although they had previously posted under their 
real name. Go figure.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Sad news. 

The really sad part of this is that [] has not apologized to me for over two 
decades for posting my real name on a.m.t. Go figure.
But, this brings up an interesting subject. From what I've read, authfriend 
has never used her real name on FFL, so I guess that everyone that ever used 
her real name should be banned from the group. That would include almost 
everyone currently posting. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Buh By

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Hey Barry,

I don't know what Doug's role in this was except it was after the fact of me 
emailing Rick.

Funny troll graphic with non English speaker spelling.
Thanks for understanding the need to be careful not to stir what must be kept 
in the ground.

The Doug as CEO (his term) of FFL seems to be a case of someone wanting control 
of what other people say on the forum who was not popularly supported to take 
that role with us. There was no Yahoo guidelines problem here, this was a 
contrivance to assert unwanted control over posters here.

The warning to Edg was the first indication of the new direction. I hope the 
push back on that as enough to stop further moves. Reading Edg without F bombs 
would be like drinking a Roy Rodgers at a bourbon bar.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Thanks for explaining that, Curtis. It adds credence to my intuitive inner 
feeling when I read Doug's announcement -- that by adopting the Royal we, he 
was trying to take credit for something that someone with more integrity than 
he has had done.

 Message received about not speaking ill of the dead, to make sure they stay 
that way. Graphics are cool, though...right?  :-)



 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 5:31 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Buh By
   Here is how it went down. R was phishing for my professional name. I told 
him that I keep my names separate on social media to prevent casual searches 
from combining my business and personal life. He responded by posting my 
personal Facebook page to out my real name AGAIN.

While this was going on Doug was occupied scolding Edg for his word choices 
that have never given Yahoo groups any trouble since he has been posting here.

So I emailed Rick who acted immediately to restore order in the kingdom.

Last time R did this he got banned for a month but was brought back because he 
was being talked about and couldn't respond. Personally I would like to see him 
stay in his crypt this time. 

I have not experienced such bizarrely unwarranted online malice since the other 
malicious R was ousted for trying to F me on the search engines. Both times 
Rick acted to protect my participation here and I appreciate that.

Posting on FFL has been a useful tool for me. I hope it can remain so. That way 
that happens IMO is for moderators to take out predators with clearly malicious 
agendas and leave the rest of the adults alone to post their mind freely with 
having to to worry:  I wonder what another person with more prudish language 
standards than I have will think about what I write?



---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 All of what I say below said, and meant, I don't think I'm alone here in 
saying that if the poster banned for outing someone turns out to be Tedious 
Dickhead, we can consider Doug's short tenure as FFL moderator a total success. 

 From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]

 From: salyavin808
 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Speaking of the Yahoo-Groups Guidelines, I just wanted to let you know that 
the 1,680-word rant that someone keeps spamming to Fairfield Life in violation 
of the guidelines has shown up again. Some hacker seems to have pasted it into 
your post, just after the announcement. Much of it (everything after the first 
300 words or so) seems to have been written by a previous poster to Fairfield 
Life who, as I understand it, was specifically asked by Rick not to insinuate 
his faux persona into the duties of moderator. Just sayin'...


 I know you'll want to get right on this. 


 Turq B survived the first putsch. That's a relief. 


 Yeah. Like Michael, I seriously wondered when I pressed Send whether my post 
would go through.  :-)


 But I think the guidelines will be posted regularly to keep the fear quotient 
high. Uniform blandness will be achieved!

 I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with the *actual* Yahoo-Groups Guidelines being 
posted regularly. What I object to are the 1,300+ words of insulting SPAM that 
Doug has chosen to follow them with. They were written by a fictional persona 
named Buck that Doug is not supposed to be channeling in his duties as FFL 
moderator. And yet Doug is reposting them as if *his rant* is an integral part 
of the guidelines. I find that remarkably un-self-aware and offensive. Not to 
mention being contrary to what he promised Rick.

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
   Dear Friends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received a 
compliant having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL that was 
actionable. The 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Runs for President

2015-06-17 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
In the words of Lynyrd Skynyrd, and I hope Neil Young will remember, a 
southern man don't need him around anyhow. Neither does Donald Trump or anyone 
else for that matter.
   From: ultrarishi
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 10:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Runs for President
    Neil Young: Donald Trump wasn't authorized to use my song 
||||   Neil Young: Donald Trump wasn't authorized to use 
my...  Neil Young isn't happy too with Donald Trump. ||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|

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Re: [FairfieldLife] International day of Yoga!

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 However, the technologies of Yoga in the Vedic tradition, particularly as 
brought to light in the west by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi with Transcendental 
Meditation, while improving all aspects of mind, body, behavior and society, 
take the individual and society to the field of all unity – the unified field 
of all the Laws of Nature.

 What a crock of shit. All you have to do is look at India to see how much big 
bullshit this is.


 Are we to take it you won't be going to your nearest Maharishi Invincibility 
Centre MJ?

 I actually like the idea of group coherence - I just wish it worked - but I 
can't find it in my heart anymore to hope that the world can be saved by 
anything other than hard work and ingenuity. And where is the impetus for a 
solution coming from? Nowhere I can see, every country is in it for themselves.

 I think you only have to look at the world in general to see it's all going to 
hell. Just today we had news in the UK of three married women running off to 
Syria with their young children to join ISIS. WTF? Like we don't have TV here. 
Like nobody knows what's going on! The only conclusion is they must think it's 
great in the middle east at the moment. Go figure.

 What hope have we the sane against the massed ranks of medieval superstition 
still running rampant through humanity?

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:39 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] International day of Yoga!
 Yoga Day Announcement
 All Maharishi Invincibility Centres worldwide to celebrate

International Day of Yoga

Founded by the United Nations 

21 June 2015
 It is a pleasure to invite all Sidhas and Meditators to join this special 
event to commemorate the United Nations International Day of Yoga. The annual 
event was proposed by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, and major 
celebrations will take place for India in New Delhi, and for the United Nations 
in New York City.
21 June is the solstice – midsummer day in the Northern Hemisphere, and 
midwinter day in the Southern Hemisphere – a traditional day to celebrate, and 
now we can add the theme of International Day of Yoga to our celebration, and 
bring Maharishi’s unique vision of Yoga to our Meditators and Sidhas, to the 
press, and to our country.
The Eight Limbs of Yoga
Most people understand Yoga mainly in terms of asanas (physical postures or 
exercises). However, Maharishi’s enlightened vision of Ashtanga Yoga (the Eight 
Limbs of Yoga) illuminates that the eight limbs grow together on the basis of 
the experience of Samadhi, Transcendental Consciousness. The reality of Yoga 
(unity) is to be created on all levels – body, mind, consciousness, society, 
and even World Peace.
An opportunity
This is an opportunity to highlight everything Maharishi taught us about Yoga 
in his supreme vision of integration of life, and what Maharaja Adhiraj 
Rajaraam has brought out in terms of Yoga in the physiology, to celebrate it, 
tell others, and enjoy spreading the influence of wellbeing for all mankind. 
See Maharaja-ji’s profound message below.
The International Day of Yoga calls for an upsurge of unity in world 
consciousness. For this purpose, Maharishi’s global organization will hold 
events everywhere on that day to enliven the true value of Yoga in every 
country. We celebrate the simultaneous growth of unity in every area of life 
through contact with that level of unity that is fundamental to everything.
Celebrate with Meditators and Sidhas at Maharishi Invincibility Centres
There will be Coherence Day events with a National conference call to celebrate 
the International Day of Yoga throughout the United Kingdom. Please see the 
email of 11 June about the National Coherence Day, and please call your TM 
Centre for details of your local event. 
 On the conference call, which will begin at 2.30 pm, Raja Peter will be 
speaking on the significance of the International Day of Yoga, and Dr William 
Sands, Dean of the College of Maharishi Vedic Science at Maharishi University 
of Management, will speak on 'The True Meaning of Yoga'. 
 Facebook page
The International Day of Yoga is being celebrated in Maharishi Invincibility 
Centres in 115 countries around the world where Transcendental Meditation is 
taught. Group photos from the Coherence Day events and brief report will also 
be added to
Message from Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam on the International day of Yoga, 21 
June 2015
Yoga Day will no doubt become a milestone in human history, particularly if 
highlighted as the day of Unity. Yoga is unity between mind and body, between 
the individual and society, between all societies, between all nations and 
between all individual values of culture, tradition, belief 

[FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
David Lynch is a public figure in the TM movement, and worldwide. He is not 
part of the FFL Yahoo group. He is in a different category than members of this 
group. Criticism of Lynch as a public figure is fair game on-line and in the 
press as long as it is not libel. I feel this is NOT a violation of Yahoo group 
guidelines and you are overstepping your authority. I find it incredibly 
difficult to find any message even a couple of days old. Neo has made it very 
difficult to locate past messages. However, I did find that post. You have got 
to be kidding 'dhamiltonyk5'. 

 I believe I know someone who went on that course. That person did not get 
enlightened. I think that person is very gullible, based on considerations 
other than that person having gone on that course. Saying someone is gullible 
is a mere opinion, but it is something that could be backed up with evidence. 
Gullible: easily persuaded to believe something; credulous, naive, 
over-trusting, over-trustful, easily deceived, easily taken in, exploitable, 
dupable, impressionable, unsuspecting, un-suspicious, unwary, ingenuous, 
innocent, inexperienced, unworldly, green;

 Furthermore, it was not a non sequitur, 'TurquoiseBee' was responding to a 
similar event of gullibility, providing what he thought was another example of 
the same, so it was germane to the conversation.

 We have all been taken in by something in our lives. There are a lot of us who 
feel that the TMO has taken advantage of people's inexperience in certain areas 
of life, and that as a spiritual movement, it and those supporting it have in 
some ways gone off track.

 And if you have ever watched all of David Lynch's work, he is a pretty weird 
guy by most normal person standards.

 And that post was over 10 days ago. A moderator is supposed to be doing this 
more or less in real time, dealing with current 'offences', like the broadcast 
loop delay on live broadcasts a moderator can delete certain words in almost 
real time. This example is more like the Inquisition looking for someone as a 

 I think anyone who took a course for a fee like that is out of their mind. 
Even worse than gullible. Unless they are thinking of it as a conscious 
donation to a cause they believe is real, it seems to lack judgement. 
---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

 reference:  FFL# 416332



[FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Dear Friends of FFL;
 These posts in this thread are all very interesting but it turns out as I look 
at the moderator's moderation log for FFL that Rick, my master, was ahead of me 
and deleted an even more inflammatory post by Turqb in this thread before this 
one of Turq's that I cited. the world turns. 5,4,3,2..

 So you feel like you're off the hook and don't owe us an apology for abusing 
your power? 

 Or how about a reassurance that you now understand the difference between 
valid comments and abuse and won't get the two confused again just because you 
carry a torch for a particular point of view?

 And how is it possible for a post to be even more inflammatory than one that 
wasn't inflammatory at all?


 I feel that FFL will be fine as people come to write within the parameters of 
the yahoo-groups guidelines. 

  Take a moment to read the yahoo-groups guidelines.  For our new members 
signing in, for context take a look at,
  but you all will be really fine as you self-moderate accordingly. 

  It would be really fine to be able to have voices from the DLynch side of the 
movement be able to come on to FFL for discussion and then trust that they 
could be fairly heard without just being knee-capped by folks here. There is 
security for everyone writing within the Yahoo-groups guidelines. Have a good 
night. -JaiGuruYou! 

 Do you have any idea how creepy this Jai Guru You! thing is when you're 
acting like a WW2 propaganda minister?


 Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself.

 Potter Stewart
The prime goal of censorship is to promote ignorance

 Felice Picano
Censorship ends in logical completeness when nobody is allowed to read any 
books except the books that nobody reads.

 George Bernard Shaw


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

 reference:  FFL# 416332

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 “ ..and don't invade other people's privacy.” 

 In going forward in accord with Rick's original intent for protecting privacy 
on FFL know that in responding [replying] to posts made on FFL an unsolicited 
use of someone's legal name on FFL is an invasion of privacy as it also is 
considered a violation of the yahoo-groups guidelines here. Expect to have your 
writing removed from FFL. Expect to have your posts moderated. Expect to have 
your membership revoked if such invasion of people's privacy continues either 
as by impulse without intent or with meditated intent to abuse someone by 
invasion of privacy as used in method. 

 For instance, as people signing on to FFL do post and people do respond with 
replies then for example in reply: 'Turqb isTurqb', 'Fleetwood is Fleetwood', 
'CDB is CDB', 'Serious is Serious', 'Buck is Buck', 'Nablusoss is Nablusoss', 
and 'Authfriend is Authfriend'. Whatever their legal names in life may be, now 
going forward you shall be moderate in this as Rick originally intended. Show 
self-restraint and respect for other people's privacy here. Simple. That is 
part of the communal collaboration asked for in making this a particular 
free-speech zone as it was hoped for. Have a nice day, -JaiGuruYou

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Thanks A., good to know. In going forward with moderation on FFL, protection 
of privacy has always been a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Speaking of the Yahoo-Groups Guidelines, I just wanted to let you know that 
the 1,680-word rant that someone keeps spamming to Fairfield Life in violation 
of the guidelines has shown up again. Some hacker seems to have pasted it into 
your post, just after the announcement. Much of it (everything after the first 
300 words or so) seems to have been written by a previous poster to Fairfield 
Life who, as I understand it, was specifically asked by Rick not to insinuate 
his faux persona into the duties of moderator. Just sayin'...


 I know you'll want to get right on this. 


Turq B survived the first putsch. That's a relief. 

 But I think the guidelines will be posted regularly to keep the fear quotient 
high. Uniform blandness will be achieved!

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
 Dear Friends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received a 
compliant having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL that was 
actionable. The offending post was removed and the author of the invasion on 
someone's privacy using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removed from the community. 

 Your use of Groups is subject to these Guidelines,  Keep your content 
relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.
 Be courteous.
 Moderate your content.

 “Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don't invade other 
people's privacy.
 ..the group owner may remove your content — or you — from the group 

 “2. Don't be unkind. Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 

 Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit or advantage;

 to use selfishly for one's own ends.

 Degrading: causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating

 Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or attitude.

 Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. A 
disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult is an 
expression, statement (or sometimes behavior) which is disrespectful or 

 Slur: an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them 
or damage their reputation.

 Profanity: abusive, vulgar, or irreverent. 

 To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.

 Keep your content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don't 
be unkind”. 

 We depend on each member to help keep it [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive 
place for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion, may terminate or 
remove any content, Group or your Yahoo ID immediately and without notice if 
(a) Yahoo believes that you have acted inconsistently with the spirit or the 
letter of the Yahoo Terms of Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) 
Yahoo believes you have violated or tried to violate the rights of others. 
Please help us keep Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience.
 If you see a Group or content that violates our rules, please let us know by 
contacting us []. 

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines
 Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests 
and passions. We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and 
positive place for everyone.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




 [..Some people evidently are not amenable to group collaborations which it 
seems is why groups, organizations or larger society may well protect and 
preserve themselves for the utility and well-being of their larger membership 
by removing or separating destructive asocial members.

 There is good reason to lack trust in collaboration on FFL at Yahoo-groups by 
what has been allowed to become a dominant culture of a few here. Of a fear of 
getting needlessly ensnared by any participation of putting ones thoughts and 
self forward. Folks generally are denied the opportunity to think together with 
good people on FFL for all the snark of the ad hominem attack.

 It takes skills and practice to see discussion as thinking but it takes allies 
of kindness to think together creatively. For the engagement within a group 
[FFL] to be effective there need be folks and a moderation willing and able to 
stand up to bullies who would destroy forum, to have a thinking forum.

 Truth evidently won't 'set us free' 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
All of what I say below said, and meant, I don't think I'm alone here in saying 
that if the poster banned for outing someone turns out to be Tedious Dickhead, 
we can consider Doug's short tenure as FFL moderator a total success.  :-)
  From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

From: salyavin808
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Speaking of the Yahoo-Groups Guidelines, I just wanted to let you know that the 
1,680-word rant that someone keeps spamming to Fairfield Life in violation of 
the guidelines has shown up again. Some hacker seems to have pasted it into 
your post, just after the announcement. Much of it (everything after the first 
300 words or so) seems to have been written by a previous poster to Fairfield 
Life who, as I understand it, was specifically asked by Rick not to insinuate 
his faux persona into the duties of moderator. Just sayin'...

I know you'll want to get right on this. 

Turq B survived the first putsch. That's a relief. 

Yeah. Like Michael, I seriously wondered when I pressed Send whether my post 
would go through.  :-)

But I think the guidelines will be posted regularly to keep the fear quotient 
high. Uniform blandness will be achieved!
I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with the *actual* Yahoo-Groups Guidelines being 
posted regularly. What I object to are the 1,300+ words of insulting SPAM that 
Doug has chosen to follow them with. They were written by a fictional persona 
named Buck that Doug is not supposed to be channeling in his duties as FFL 
moderator. And yet Doug is reposting them as if *his rant* is an integral part 
of the guidelines. I find that remarkably un-self-aware and offensive. Not to 
mention being contrary to what he promised Rick.
  From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
 DearFriends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received acompliant 
having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL thatwas actionable. The 
offending post was removed and the author of theinvasion on someone's privacy 
using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removedfrom the community. -JaiGuruYou

Your use of Groups is subject to theseGuidelines, Keep your content relevant 
to the groupand moderate it correctly.Be courteous.Moderate your content.
“Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don'tinvade other 
people's privacy...the group owner may remove yourcontent — or you — from the 
group altogether.
“2. Don't be unkind. Exploitativeor degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome arebelligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 
Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit oradvantage;
to use selfishly for one's own ends.
Degrading: causing a loss ofself-respect; humiliating
Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, orattitude.
Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. Adisrespectful 
or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult isan expression, statement 
(or sometimes behavior) which isdisrespectful or scornful.
Slur:an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insultthem or 
damage their reputation.
Profanity: abusive, vulgar, orirreverent. 
To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.
Keepyour content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don'tbe 
We depend on each member to help keepit [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive place 
for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion,may terminate or remove any 
content, Group or your Yahoo IDimmediately and without notice if (a) Yahoo 
believes that you haveacted inconsistently with the spirit or the letter of the 
Yahoo Termsof Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) Yahoo believes 
youhave violated or tried to violate the rights of others. Please helpus keep 
Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience. Ifyou see a Group or 
content that violates our rules, please let usknow by contacting us 
Yahoo Groups Guidelines

 | Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of 
people who share your interests and passions. We depend on each member to help 
keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for everyone. | 
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |


[..Some people evidently are notamenable to group collaborations which it seems 
is why groups,organizations or larger society may well protect and preserve 
themselves for theutility and well-being of their larger membership by removing 
orseparating destructive asocial members.
There is good reason to lacktrust in collaboration on FFL at Yahoo-groups by 
what has beenallowed to become a dominant 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Speaking of the Yahoo-Groups Guidelines, I just wanted to let you know that the 
1,680-word rant that someone keeps spamming to Fairfield Life in violation of 
the guidelines has shown up again. Some hacker seems to have pasted it into 
your post, just after the announcement. Much of it (everything after the first 
300 words or so) seems to have been written by a previous poster to Fairfield 
Life who, as I understand it, was specifically asked by Rick not to insinuate 
his faux persona into the duties of moderator. Just sayin'...

I know you'll want to get right on this. 

Turq B survived the first putsch. That's a relief. 

Yeah. Like Michael, I seriously wondered when I pressed Send whether my post 
would go through.  :-)

But I think the guidelines will be posted regularly to keep the fear quotient 
high. Uniform blandness will be achieved!
I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with the *actual* Yahoo-Groups Guidelines being 
posted regularly. What I object to are the 1,300+ words of insulting SPAM that 
Doug has chosen to follow them with. They were written by a fictional persona 
named Buck that Doug is not supposed to be channeling in his duties as FFL 
moderator. And yet Doug is reposting them as if *his rant* is an integral part 
of the guidelines. I find that remarkably un-self-aware and offensive. Not to 
mention being contrary to what he promised Rick.
  From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
 DearFriends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received acompliant 
having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL thatwas actionable. The 
offending post was removed and the author of theinvasion on someone's privacy 
using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removedfrom the community. -JaiGuruYou

Your use of Groups is subject to theseGuidelines, Keep your content relevant 
to the groupand moderate it correctly.Be courteous.Moderate your content.
“Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don'tinvade other 
people's privacy...the group owner may remove yourcontent — or you — from the 
group altogether.
“2. Don't be unkind. Exploitativeor degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome arebelligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 
Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit oradvantage;
to use selfishly for one's own ends.
Degrading: causing a loss ofself-respect; humiliating
Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, orattitude.
Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. Adisrespectful 
or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult isan expression, statement 
(or sometimes behavior) which isdisrespectful or scornful.
Slur:an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insultthem or 
damage their reputation.
Profanity: abusive, vulgar, orirreverent. 
To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.
Keepyour content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don'tbe 
We depend on each member to help keepit [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive place 
for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion,may terminate or remove any 
content, Group or your Yahoo IDimmediately and without notice if (a) Yahoo 
believes that you haveacted inconsistently with the spirit or the letter of the 
Yahoo Termsof Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) Yahoo believes 
youhave violated or tried to violate the rights of others. Please helpus keep 
Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience. Ifyou see a Group or 
content that violates our rules, please let usknow by contacting us 
Yahoo Groups Guidelines

|  |
|  | Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of 
people who share your interests and passions. We depend on each member to help 
keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for everyone. |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


[..Some people evidently are notamenable to group collaborations which it seems 
is why groups,organizations or larger society may well protect and preserve 
themselves for theutility and well-being of their larger membership by removing 
orseparating destructive asocial members.
There is good reason to lacktrust in collaboration on FFL at Yahoo-groups by 
what has beenallowed to become a dominant culture of a few here. Of afear of 
getting needlessly ensnared by any participation of puttingones thoughts and 
self forward. Folks generally are denied theopportunity to think together with 
good people on FFL for all thesnark of the ad hominem attack.
It takes skills and practice tosee discussion as thinking but it takes allies 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: salyavin808
 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Speaking of the Yahoo-Groups Guidelines, I just wanted to let you know that 
the 1,680-word rant that someone keeps spamming to Fairfield Life in violation 
of the guidelines has shown up again. Some hacker seems to have pasted it into 
your post, just after the announcement. Much of it (everything after the first 
300 words or so) seems to have been written by a previous poster to Fairfield 
Life who, as I understand it, was specifically asked by Rick not to insinuate 
his faux persona into the duties of moderator. Just sayin'...


 I know you'll want to get right on this. 


 Turq B survived the first putsch. That's a relief. 


 Yeah. Like Michael, I seriously wondered when I pressed Send whether my post 
would go through.  :-)


 Ha, me too. But my eyes went to the new topic button to see if it was still 
there or was I doomed to never to waffle on FFL again...


 But I think the guidelines will be posted regularly to keep the fear quotient 
high. Uniform blandness will be achieved!

 I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with the *actual* Yahoo-Groups Guidelines being 
posted regularly. What I object to are the 1,300+ words of insulting SPAM that 
Doug has chosen to follow them with. They were written by a fictional persona 
named Buck that Doug is not supposed to be channeling in his duties as FFL 
moderator. And yet Doug is reposting them as if *his rant* is an integral part 
of the guidelines. I find that remarkably un-self-aware and offensive. Not to 
mention being contrary to what he promised Rick.

 I don't mind seeing them either, as long as no one minds me ignoring them 
occasionally. I'd hate to be a member of any club that would accept me, as 
Groucho Marx kinda said. 

 The only thing that annoys me here is when people come here just to whine and 
criticise and make the place unreadable, as a certain gentleman from Texas has 
admitted doing.

 Be the change you want to see in the world. That's what I say.


 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
 Dear Friends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received a 
compliant having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL that was 
actionable. The offending post was removed and the author of the invasion on 
someone's privacy using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removed from the community. 

 Your use of Groups is subject to these Guidelines,  Keep your content 
relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.
 Be courteous.
 Moderate your content.

 “Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don't invade other 
people's privacy.
 ..the group owner may remove your content — or you — from the group 

 “2. Don't be unkind. Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 

 Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit or advantage;

 to use selfishly for one's own ends.

 Degrading: causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating

 Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or attitude.

 Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. A 
disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult is an 
expression, statement (or sometimes behavior) which is disrespectful or 

 Slur: an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them 
or damage their reputation.

 Profanity: abusive, vulgar, or irreverent. 

 To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.

 Keep your content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don't 
be unkind”. 

 We depend on each member to help keep it [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive 
place for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion, may terminate or 
remove any content, Group or your Yahoo ID immediately and without notice if 
(a) Yahoo believes that you have acted inconsistently with the spirit or the 
letter of the Yahoo Terms of Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) 
Yahoo believes you have violated or tried to violate the rights of others. 
Please help us keep Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience.
 If you see a Group or content that violates our rules, please let us know by 
contacting us []. 

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines
 Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Speaking of the Yahoo-Groups Guidelines, I just wanted to let you know that the 
1,680-word rant that someone keeps spamming to Fairfield Life in violation of 
the guidelines has shown up again. Some hacker seems to have pasted it into 
your post, just after the announcement. Much of it (everything after the first 
300 words or so) seems to have been written by a previous poster to Fairfield 
Life who, as I understand it, was specifically asked by Rick not to insinuate 
his faux persona into the duties of moderator. Just sayin'...

I know you'll want to get right on this. 

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
    DearFriends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received 
acompliant having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL thatwas 
actionable. The offending post was removed and the author of theinvasion on 
someone's privacy using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removedfrom the community. 

Your use of Groups is subject to theseGuidelines, Keep your content relevant 
to the groupand moderate it correctly.Be courteous.Moderate your content.
“Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don'tinvade other 
people's privacy...the group owner may remove yourcontent — or you — from the 
group altogether.
“2. Don't be unkind. Exploitativeor degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome arebelligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 
Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit oradvantage;
to use selfishly for one's own ends.
Degrading: causing a loss ofself-respect; humiliating
Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, orattitude.
Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. Adisrespectful 
or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult isan expression, statement 
(or sometimes behavior) which isdisrespectful or scornful.
Slur:an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insultthem or 
damage their reputation.
Profanity: abusive, vulgar, orirreverent. 
To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.
Keepyour content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don'tbe 
We depend on each member to help keepit [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive place 
for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion,may terminate or remove any 
content, Group or your Yahoo IDimmediately and without notice if (a) Yahoo 
believes that you haveacted inconsistently with the spirit or the letter of the 
Yahoo Termsof Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) Yahoo believes 
youhave violated or tried to violate the rights of others. Please helpus keep 
Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience. Ifyou see a Group or 
content that violates our rules, please let usknow by contacting us 
Yahoo Groups Guidelines
||   Yahoo Groups Guidelines  Yahoo Groups helps you connect with 
groups of people who share your interests and passions. We depend on each 
member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for everyone. ||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|


[..Some people evidently are notamenable to group collaborations which it seems 
is why groups,organizations or larger society may well protect and preserve 
themselves for theutility and well-being of their larger membership by removing 
orseparating destructive asocial members.
There is good reason to lacktrust in collaboration on FFL at Yahoo-groups by 
what has beenallowed to become a dominant culture of a few here. Of afear of 
getting needlessly ensnared by any participation of puttingones thoughts and 
self forward. Folks generally are denied theopportunity to think together with 
good people on FFL for all thesnark of the ad hominem attack.
It takes skills and practice tosee discussion as thinking but it takes allies 
of kindness to thinktogether creatively. For the engagement within a group 
[FFL] to beeffective there need be folks and a moderation willing and able to 
stand up to bullies who would destroy forum, to have athinking forum.
Truth evidently won't 'set usfree' until we have the courage, skills, habit and 
moral courageto kindly explore it. There evidently are few allies of 
civildiscourse on FFL and Rick Archer in moderation is seldom here toevenly 
protect civil discourse. Kind thoughtful discussion is up tothe folks left here 
to seize if it can be had at all. Kind discoursehas been 'thrown to the dogs' 
on FFL to tear up by a lack ofmoderation let alone any self-control.
The bullies have run most wild here unchecked because nice people were not 
protected and thoughtful folks often inside are afraid of embroiling mean 
conflict upon themselves 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Well, let's see - Sal is still here, Barry is still here, Doug is still here, 
if this post goes through that will mean I am still here, dunno about 
Duveyoung, or Seraphita, hm. Could it be that Steve,Willy's Clone got the 


 Let me hit send and see if it was me.


 Nope I got that one, you must not have transgressed the guidelines meant for 
idiot newbies.

 Maybe Doug is going to remove us like Stalin did in that photo of the 
Politburo in Red Square where people got airbrushed away one at a time until 
there was only a couple left and total conformity was achieved.

 Why do I feel uneasy like I should point out that was a joke? I guess that's 
how paranoia works...



 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 6:48 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Friends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received a 
compliant having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL that was 
actionable. The offending post was removed and the author of the invasion on 
someone's privacy using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removed from the community. 

 Are you going to tell us who it was or will we have to identify them by their 

 Your use of Groups is subject to these Guidelines,  Keep your content 
relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.
 Be courteous.
 Moderate your content.

 “Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don't invade other 
people's privacy.
 ..the group owner may remove your content — or you — from the group 

 “2. Don't be unkind. Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 

 Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit or advantage;

 to use selfishly for one's own ends.

 Degrading: causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating

 Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or attitude.

 Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. A 
disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult is an 
expression, statement (or sometimes behavior) which is disrespectful or 

 Slur: an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them 
or damage their reputation.

 Profanity: abusive, vulgar, or irreverent. 

 To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.

 Keep your content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don't 
be unkind”. 

 We depend on each member to help keep it [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive 
place for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion, may terminate or 
remove any content, Group or your Yahoo ID immediately and without notice if 
(a) Yahoo believes that you have acted inconsistently with the spirit or the 
letter of the Yahoo Terms of Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) 
Yahoo believes you have violated or tried to violate the rights of others. 
Please help us keep Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience.
 If you see a Group or content that violates our rules, please let us know by 
contacting us []. 

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines
 Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests 
and passions. We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and 
positive place for everyone.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




 [..Some people evidently are not amenable to group collaborations which it 
seems is why groups, organizations or larger society may well protect and 
preserve themselves for the utility and well-being of their larger membership 
by removing or separating destructive asocial members.

 There is good reason to lack trust in collaboration on FFL at Yahoo-groups by 
what has been allowed to become a dominant culture of a few here. Of a fear of 
getting needlessly ensnared by any participation of putting ones thoughts and 
self forward. Folks generally are denied the opportunity to think together with 
good people on FFL for all the snark of the ad hominem attack.

 It takes skills and practice to see discussion as thinking but it takes allies 
of kindness to think together creatively. For the engagement within a group 
[FFL] to be effective there need be folks and a moderation willing and able to 
stand up to bullies who would destroy forum, 

[FairfieldLife] Water water everywhere....

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808
...but none that we can drink:

 The shocking map that shows the world is running out of water
 The shocking map that shows the world is running out of ...
 The world’s largest underground aquifers – a source of fresh water for 
hundreds of millions of people — are being depleted at alarming rates, 
according to new NASA ...
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Hardly surprising. Deserts are growing, overpopulation, changes in rainfall 
patterns, deforestation. The water we need all ends up in the sea faster than 

 In the UK we need 250,000 new homes every year just to keep up with demand. 
Most of those seem to be being built in my street, with gardens being turned 
into blocks of flats. One bungalow became 6 very small semis, all of which will 
have two cars but nowhere to park them, and all will be connected to the 
rapidly dwindling water supply. There is never any more or less water on Earth, 
do the people in charge ever think about that?

 I think we should all be extra special bad so that god sends another flood to 
punish us. Or maybe as that didn't work last time he's going to starve us out..

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic Psychiatry

2015-06-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Yes it reads like continued harassmentand ranting at this point. It is getting 
time for folks to relinquishhere this antagonized feeling about the 
groups-guidelines and to moveforward in greater alignment with them or move on. 
But he is in alignment with them as you did used to post endless rants about 
how the place was going downhill, ironically in part because of your refusal to 
join in and post interesting and relevant stuff (like a lot of other people 
round here). You can't threaten people for complaining about you if they are 
justified in doing so. 

Thanks for getting my point. Since becoming moderator, Doug has been unable to 
find a single offence on the forum that he thought he could get away with 
moderating (a euphemism for deleting). Yet he seemingly has no intention of 
ceasing his endless rants about how this place needs moderation. Go figure. 
I'm merely suggesting that a case can be made that the only person still 
posting negativity to FFL on a regular basis and trying to bring people down by 
getting them to focus on it IS the moderator. 

And considering how much crap Tedious Dickwad posts on the average day that 
doesn't get as much as a mere mention from you one could almost say you are 
starting on a depressingly partisan note.
I think we should all keep an eye on any potential hypocrisy from you.
I suspect that such efforts would be justified. When the so-called moderator 
responds favorably to two people with a *long* history of stalking and 
harassing the posters they don't like on Fairfield Life, and in response 
threatens to delete posts by someone who is simply pointing out the moderator's 
*own* partisan bias, then something may just be rotten in the state of Denmark.
---In, richard@... wrote :

This sounds seriously personal so we could probably all agree that it could be 
deleted from the archive without anyone missing it. LoL!
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Doug, in all seriousness, if what you say below is true, this should be the 
last time we hear from you on the subject of moderation, right? 

I mean, if no one is hurling personalized invective, there will be no one's 
posts to delete, and more important THERE WILL BE NOTHING FOR *YOU* TO COMMENT 
No more 1,600+ word rants spammed to Fairfield Life every other day for months. 
No more posts from you that *intentionally* attempt to preach the need for 
moderation or that attempt to blame it on a small group of people with whom 
you just *happen* to disagree on most philosophical points. 

It looks as if your job is done. Good. And goodbye. Not to mention good 
We fervently hope that your quest as moderator from here on out is both 
successful, and SILENT, and that we never hear from you on the subject of 
moderation again. Ever. 

  From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 6:18 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic Psychiatry
 This evidently is progressing.  As I read throughthis thread I feel you all 
moderating yourselves in accord with theadvice of the Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
I find no need now to step inhere between you all. Had it completely devolved 
simply to thepersonal belligerence of a spitting contest, 'you're angry vs I'm 
notangry' ad nauseam I should advise self-moderation and that you 
takeyourselves off-list and spare the community your personalizedargument.
However this thread in process seems tobe resolving itself in thoughtful way 
around the content. Generallyif it were to continue on devolved as just a 
pissing contest I wouldrequest that folks take their personal argument off-line 
and sparethe list otherwise or else suffer having the flow of their posts 
asthey write to FFL be moderated, and then possibly released to thelist for 
general reading as I may get around to them.
More succinctly, we've learned a lotabout Edg here by his writing in this 
thread and people seem to be self-moderatingas this goes along. If this or any 
other argument devolves topersonalized arguments of “You're a [..insert 
insulting slur]person. - No, I'm not [insult]” endlessly, folks will feel 
thelevers of moderation pulled in accord with the Yahoo-groupsguidelines. 

---In, richard@... wrote :

Well, yes, this is what subscribers are supposed to do: read the messages and 
post their comments. Moderators are supposed to also read all the messages and 
then delete the inappropriate responses. It's not complicated. 
---In, anartaxius@... wrote :
he has to scrutinise a lot more messages, which I would think is a thankless 
chore, and then make some kind of judgement call that seems fair in relation to 
the group's dynamics and all the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Friends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received a 
compliant having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL that was 
actionable. The offending post was removed and the author of the invasion on 
someone's privacy using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removed from the community. 

 Are you going to tell us who it was or will we have to identify them by their 

 Your use of Groups is subject to these Guidelines,  Keep your content 
relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.
 Be courteous.
 Moderate your content.

 “Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don't invade other 
people's privacy.
 ..the group owner may remove your content — or you — from the group 

 “2. Don't be unkind. Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 

 Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit or advantage;

 to use selfishly for one's own ends.

 Degrading: causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating

 Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or attitude.

 Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. A 
disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult is an 
expression, statement (or sometimes behavior) which is disrespectful or 

 Slur: an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them 
or damage their reputation.

 Profanity: abusive, vulgar, or irreverent. 

 To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.

 Keep your content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don't 
be unkind”. 

 We depend on each member to help keep it [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive 
place for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion, may terminate or 
remove any content, Group or your Yahoo ID immediately and without notice if 
(a) Yahoo believes that you have acted inconsistently with the spirit or the 
letter of the Yahoo Terms of Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) 
Yahoo believes you have violated or tried to violate the rights of others. 
Please help us keep Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience.
 If you see a Group or content that violates our rules, please let us know by 
contacting us []. 

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




 [..Some people evidently are not amenable to group collaborations which it 
seems is why groups, organizations or larger society may well protect and 
preserve themselves for the utility and well-being of their larger membership 
by removing or separating destructive asocial members.

 There is good reason to lack trust in collaboration on FFL at Yahoo-groups by 
what has been allowed to become a dominant culture of a few here. Of a fear of 
getting needlessly ensnared by any participation of putting ones thoughts and 
self forward. Folks generally are denied the opportunity to think together with 
good people on FFL for all the snark of the ad hominem attack.

 It takes skills and practice to see discussion as thinking but it takes allies 
of kindness to think together creatively. For the engagement within a group 
[FFL] to be effective there need be folks and a moderation willing and able to 
stand up to bullies who would destroy forum, to have a thinking forum.

 Truth evidently won't 'set us free' until we have the courage, skills, habit 
and moral courage to kindly explore it. There evidently are few allies of civil 
discourse on FFL and Rick Archer in moderation is seldom here to evenly protect 
civil discourse. Kind thoughtful discussion is up to the folks left here to 
seize if it can be had at all. Kind discourse has been 'thrown to the dogs' on 
FFL to tear up by a lack of moderation let alone any self-control.

 The bullies have run most wild here unchecked because nice people were not 
protected and thoughtful folks often inside are afraid of embroiling mean 
conflict upon themselves enough to invest in it, provoking the bullying 
Turqb asserting..“For the record, I apologize for nothing. Rien. Nada. Nichevo. 
Bupkus. I meant everything I've ever said here, and stand by it fully.”

 In thinking together, people often may fail in process of creative thought out 
of fears to extend themselves individually in to the 

[FairfieldLife] The REAL reason TM TBs want to moderate FFL

2015-06-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fancy that!

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 Gary Larson is one of my all-time favourites. To constantly and consistently 
turn out those surreal cartoons of his that catch one off guard and leave you 
chuckling in a good frame of mind show that he has a hotline to the Creative 
Intelligence running the show. 

He certainly seems to have a feel for how seriously anyone should take religion.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Fancy that!

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 ---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 Gary Larson is one of my all-time favourites. To constantly and consistently 
turn out those surreal cartoons of his that catch one off guard and leave you 
chuckling in a good frame of mind show that he has a hotline to the Creative 
Intelligence running the show. 

He certainly seems to have a feel for how seriously anyone should take religion.

 I believe he was the first syndicated cartoonist to feature god, and he got a 
lot of stick for it. It didn't bother the letter writers that he portrayed the 
great man as dignified with a flowing beard and light emanating from his halo, 
just by featuring the creator in a humorous setting he had blasphemed and his 
career nearly came to an early end. But then it did almost every week as 
nervous editors, scared of controversy, sought to censor the offending items.

 To be sure I'd have to dig out my copy of Larson's kinda biography The 
prehistory of the Far Side - where he details all his early battles to stay 
unmoderated - but I think the below is god's first appearance in a panel 
cartoon. Hard to believe that cartoons like these were ever considered 
contraversial by anyone:




 But then there are a lot of people who would kill you still for portraying an 
image like this of a holy figure, religious people can be fucking nuts I 
shouldn't have to tell you. They fear other people being different to them to 
the point that they will chop your head off. Saudi Arabia has executed 100 
people this year for crimes like witchcraft and having opinions contrary to 
those of the religious authority. One guy got 10 years in jail and 1000 lashes 
for daring to suggest that religious societies stifle free speech and keep you 
in a self-perpetuating circle of fear. Nice of them to underline his point by 
punishing him like that really. Doubt he's seeing the funny side though the 
lashes are administered 10 a week.

 The UK minister for that sort of thing was asked in the commons what she 
thought about Saudi Arabia's shockingly medieval approach to crime and 
punishment and said that the UK supports free speech but isn't going to object 
to the Saudi's because the punishment gets the approval of the majority of 
Saudi society. The hell it does. Maybe it didn't occur to her that maybe people 
don't object for a reason?

 And it's nothing to do with the massive amounts of weapons we sell them, oh 
no. Or that our respective royal families are very good friends. Society 
seems to be held together by such slender threads. We used to bullshit that the 
reason we do trade with hideous foreign regimes is so they can be exposed to 
our superior values and then change their societies once they'd seen the light. 
I can't tell if that was just a sinister or self-deluding joke or not. But now 
that China holds all the trump cards I can't help feeling we're going to be 
sorry for not demanding social justice in countries we trade with before we 
ship them advanced weaponry systems.



[FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Friends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received a compliant 
having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL that was actionable. The 
offending post was removed and the author of the invasion on someone's privacy 
using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removed from the community. -JaiGuruYou

 Your use of Groups is subject to these Guidelines,  Keep your content 
relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.
 Be courteous.
 Moderate your content.

 “Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don't invade other 
people's privacy.
 ..the group owner may remove your content — or you — from the group 

 “2. Don't be unkind. Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 

 Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit or advantage;

 to use selfishly for one's own ends.

 Degrading: causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating

 Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or attitude.

 Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. A 
disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult is an 
expression, statement (or sometimes behavior) which is disrespectful or 

 Slur: an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them 
or damage their reputation.

 Profanity: abusive, vulgar, or irreverent. 

 To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.

 Keep your content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don't 
be unkind”. 

 We depend on each member to help keep it [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive 
place for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion, may terminate or 
remove any content, Group or your Yahoo ID immediately and without notice if 
(a) Yahoo believes that you have acted inconsistently with the spirit or the 
letter of the Yahoo Terms of Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) 
Yahoo believes you have violated or tried to violate the rights of others. 
Please help us keep Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience.
 If you see a Group or content that violates our rules, please let us know by 
contacting us []. 

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



 [..Some people evidently are not amenable to group collaborations which it 
seems is why groups, organizations or larger society may well protect and 
preserve themselves for the utility and well-being of their larger membership 
by removing or separating destructive asocial members.

 There is good reason to lack trust in collaboration on FFL at Yahoo-groups by 
what has been allowed to become a dominant culture of a few here. Of a fear of 
getting needlessly ensnared by any participation of putting ones thoughts and 
self forward. Folks generally are denied the opportunity to think together with 
good people on FFL for all the snark of the ad hominem attack.

 It takes skills and practice to see discussion as thinking but it takes allies 
of kindness to think together creatively. For the engagement within a group 
[FFL] to be effective there need be folks and a moderation willing and able to 
stand up to bullies who would destroy forum, to have a thinking forum.

 Truth evidently won't 'set us free' until we have the courage, skills, habit 
and moral courage to kindly explore it. There evidently are few allies of civil 
discourse on FFL and Rick Archer in moderation is seldom here to evenly protect 
civil discourse. Kind thoughtful discussion is up to the folks left here to 
seize if it can be had at all. Kind discourse has been 'thrown to the dogs' on 
FFL to tear up by a lack of moderation let alone any self-control.

 The bullies have run most wild here unchecked because nice people were not 
protected and thoughtful folks often inside are afraid of embroiling mean 
conflict upon themselves enough to invest in it, provoking the bullying 
Turqb asserting..“For the record, I apologize for nothing. Rien. Nada. Nichevo. 
Bupkus. I meant everything I've ever said here, and stand by it fully.”

 In thinking together, people often may fail in process of creative thought out 
of fears to extend themselves individually in to the collective, for fear of 
engaging with evidently untrustworthy folks. Engagement that may provoke 
unfriendly embroilment which potentially might be brought on to 

[FairfieldLife] Employment Opportunity in Fairfield, Iowa

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Help wanted with work in progress..



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Well, let's see - Sal is still here, Barry is still here, Doug is still here, 
if this post goes through that will mean I am still here, dunno about 
Duveyoung, or Seraphita, hm. Could it be that Steve,Willy's Clone got the 

Let me hit send and see if it was me.

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 6:48 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

DearFriends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received acompliant 
having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL thatwas actionable. The 
offending post was removed and the author of theinvasion on someone's privacy 
using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removedfrom the community. -JaiGuruYou
Are you going to tell us who it was or will we have to identify them by their 

Your use of Groups is subject to theseGuidelines, Keep your content relevant 
to the groupand moderate it correctly.Be courteous.Moderate your content.
“Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don'tinvade other 
people's privacy...the group owner may remove yourcontent — or you — from the 
group altogether.
“2. Don't be unkind. Exploitativeor degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome arebelligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 
Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit oradvantage;
to use selfishly for one's own ends.
Degrading: causing a loss ofself-respect; humiliating
Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, orattitude.
Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. Adisrespectful 
or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult isan expression, statement 
(or sometimes behavior) which isdisrespectful or scornful.
Slur:an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insultthem or 
damage their reputation.
Profanity: abusive, vulgar, orirreverent. 
To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.
Keepyour content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don'tbe 
We depend on each member to help keepit [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive place 
for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion,may terminate or remove any 
content, Group or your Yahoo IDimmediately and without notice if (a) Yahoo 
believes that you haveacted inconsistently with the spirit or the letter of the 
Yahoo Termsof Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) Yahoo believes 
youhave violated or tried to violate the rights of others. Please helpus keep 
Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience. Ifyou see a Group or 
content that violates our rules, please let usknow by contacting us 
Yahoo Groups Guidelines

|  |
|  | Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of 
people who share your interests and passions. We depend on each member to help 
keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for everyone. |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


[..Some people evidently are notamenable to group collaborations which it seems 
is why groups,organizations or larger society may well protect and preserve 
themselves for theutility and well-being of their larger membership by removing 
orseparating destructive asocial members.
There is good reason to lacktrust in collaboration on FFL at Yahoo-groups by 
what has beenallowed to become a dominant culture of a few here. Of afear of 
getting needlessly ensnared by any participation of puttingones thoughts and 
self forward. Folks generally are denied theopportunity to think together with 
good people on FFL for all thesnark of the ad hominem attack.
It takes skills and practice tosee discussion as thinking but it takes allies 
of kindness to thinktogether creatively. For the engagement within a group 
[FFL] to beeffective there need be folks and a moderation willing and able to 
stand up to bullies who would destroy forum, to have athinking forum.
Truth evidently won't 'set usfree' until we have the courage, skills, habit and 
moral courageto kindly explore it. There evidently are few allies of 
civildiscourse on FFL and Rick Archer in moderation is seldom here toevenly 
protect civil discourse. Kind thoughtful discussion is up tothe folks left here 
to seize if it can be had at all. Kind discoursehas been 'thrown to the dogs' 
on FFL to tear up by a lack ofmoderation let alone any self-control.
The bullies have run most wild here unchecked because nice people were not 
protected and thoughtful folks often inside are afraid of embroiling mean 
conflict upon themselves enough to invest in it, provoking the bullying 
Turqb asserting..“For the record, I apologize for nothing. Rien. Nada. Nichevo. 
Bupkus. I meant everything I've ever said here, and stand by it fully.”

Re: [FairfieldLife] Water water everywhere....

2015-06-17 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Well... we certainly aren't having a water shortage here in Texas these days. 
Maybe we can export the stuff. California!? As far as the UK goes, maybe you 
guys should reconsider your immigration policies as we should. We're all 
getting too Islamized. They don't seem to adapt very well to the culture of 
their host countries but rather expect their new hosts to adapt to them.
   From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 6:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Water water everywhere
    ...but none that we can drink:
The shocking map that shows the world is running out of water
||||   The shocking map that shows the world is running out 
of ...  The world’s largest underground aquifers – a source of fresh water for 
hundreds of millions of people — are being depleted at alarming rates, 
according to new NASA ...||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|

Hardly surprising. Deserts are growing, overpopulation, changes in rainfall 
patterns, deforestation. The water we need all ends up in the sea faster than 
In the UK we need 250,000 new homes every year just to keep up with demand. 
Most of those seem to be being built in my street, with gardens being turned 
into blocks of flats. One bungalow became 6 very small semis, all of which will 
have two cars but nowhere to park them, and all will be connected to the 
rapidly dwindling water supply. There is never any more or less water on Earth, 
do the people in charge ever think about that?
I think we should all be extra special bad so that god sends another flood to 
punish us. Or maybe as that didn't work last time he's going to starve us out.. 
 #yiv9420809979 #yiv9420809979 -- #yiv9420809979ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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div#yiv9420809979ygrp-mlmsg #yiv9420809979ygrp-msg p a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Coming Home in Mediating Fairfield, Iowa

2015-06-17 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I have a question for you Doug - if one were to go to FF, and were not at all 
happy in the Dome becuse of the air quality or whatnot, are there other places 
for people to go, off the TMO's grid where people do TM together in groups?

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:42 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Coming Home in Mediating Fairfield, Iowa
    I've always enjoyed this image of theboatmen.   It holds a lot of the 
feeling of folks living now in what isbecome the retired meditating community 
in Fairfield, Iowa. Thecamaraderie of old friends, the meditation, pleasant 
diversions,coming home with the spiritual harvest after work in our case.  

  #yiv6079698408 #yiv6079698408 -- #yiv6079698408ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6079698408 
#yiv6079698408ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv6079698408 
#yiv6079698408ygrp-mkp #yiv6079698408hd 
0;}#yiv6079698408 #yiv6079698408ygrp-mkp #yiv6079698408ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv6079698408 #yiv6079698408ygrp-mkp .yiv6079698408ad 
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{font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv6079698408 

[FairfieldLife] Coming Home in Mediating Fairfield, Iowa

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I've always enjoyed this image of the boatmen.   It holds a lot of the feeling 
of folks living now in what is become the retired meditating community in 
Fairfield, Iowa. The camaraderie of old friends, the meditation, pleasant 
diversions, coming home with the spiritual harvest after work in our case. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
That is kind of how the Peak seems to me, the few times I took a look - its all 
Oh, that was a fine post you posted there! That is wonderful! and variations 
on that sort of theme. Nice, but not very engaging for long. 

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 7:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Speaking of the Yahoo-Groups Guidelines, I just wanted to let you know that the 
1,680-word rant that someone keeps spamming to Fairfield Life in violation of 
the guidelines has shown up again. Some hacker seems to have pasted it into 
your post, just after the announcement. Much of it (everything after the first 
300 words or so) seems to have been written by a previous poster to Fairfield 
Life who, as I understand it, was specifically asked by Rick not to insinuate 
his faux persona into the duties of moderator. Just sayin'...

I know you'll want to get right on this. 

Turq B survived the first putsch. That's a relief. 
But I think the guidelines will be posted regularly to keep the fear quotient 
high. Uniform blandness will be achieved!

  From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
 DearFriends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received acompliant 
having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL thatwas actionable. The 
offending post was removed and the author of theinvasion on someone's privacy 
using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removedfrom the community. -JaiGuruYou

Your use of Groups is subject to theseGuidelines, Keep your content relevant 
to the groupand moderate it correctly.Be courteous.Moderate your content.
“Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don'tinvade other 
people's privacy...the group owner may remove yourcontent — or you — from the 
group altogether.
“2. Don't be unkind. Exploitativeor degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome arebelligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 
Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit oradvantage;
to use selfishly for one's own ends.
Degrading: causing a loss ofself-respect; humiliating
Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, orattitude.
Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. Adisrespectful 
or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult isan expression, statement 
(or sometimes behavior) which isdisrespectful or scornful.
Slur:an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insultthem or 
damage their reputation.
Profanity: abusive, vulgar, orirreverent. 
To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.
Keepyour content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don'tbe 
We depend on each member to help keepit [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive place 
for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion,may terminate or remove any 
content, Group or your Yahoo IDimmediately and without notice if (a) Yahoo 
believes that you haveacted inconsistently with the spirit or the letter of the 
Yahoo Termsof Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) Yahoo believes 
youhave violated or tried to violate the rights of others. Please helpus keep 
Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience. Ifyou see a Group or 
content that violates our rules, please let usknow by contacting us 
Yahoo Groups Guidelines

|  |
|  | Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of 
people who share your interests and passions. We depend on each member to help 
keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for everyone. |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


[..Some people evidently are notamenable to group collaborations which it seems 
is why groups,organizations or larger society may well protect and preserve 
themselves for theutility and well-being of their larger membership by removing 
orseparating destructive asocial members.
There is good reason to lacktrust in collaboration on FFL at Yahoo-groups by 
what has beenallowed to become a dominant culture of a few here. Of afear of 
getting needlessly ensnared by any participation of puttingones thoughts and 
self forward. Folks generally are denied theopportunity to think together with 
good people on FFL for all thesnark of the ad hominem attack.
It takes skills and practice tosee discussion as thinking but it takes allies 
of kindness to thinktogether creatively. For the engagement within a group 
[FFL] to beeffective there need be folks and a moderation willing and able to 
stand up to bullies who would destroy forum, to have athinking forum.
Truth evidently won't 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Don't see how you could EVER get the boot from Doug in the Dome, Sal. You have 
done so much in the past for the TMO, and have consistently been of a favorable 
mind towards TM the technique itself. No, you would have to do something mighty 
egregious to merit dismissal and banishment. 

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 7:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

Well, let's see - Sal is still here, Barry is still here, Doug is still here, 
if this post goes through that will mean I am still here, dunno about 
Duveyoung, or Seraphita, hm. Could it be that Steve,Willy's Clone got the 

Let me hit send and see if it was me.

Nope I got that one, you must not have transgressed the guidelines meant for 
idiot newbies.
Maybe Doug is going to remove us like Stalin did in that photo of the Politburo 
in Red Square where people got airbrushed away one at a time until there was 
only a couple left and total conformity was achieved.
Why do I feel uneasy like I should point out that was a joke? I guess that's 
how paranoia works...

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 6:48 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

DearFriends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received acompliant 
having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL thatwas actionable. The 
offending post was removed and the author of theinvasion on someone's privacy 
using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removedfrom the community. -JaiGuruYou
Are you going to tell us who it was or will we have to identify them by their 

Your use of Groups is subject to theseGuidelines, Keep your content relevant 
to the groupand moderate it correctly.Be courteous.Moderate your content.
“Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don'tinvade other 
people's privacy...the group owner may remove yourcontent — or you — from the 
group altogether.
“2. Don't be unkind. Exploitativeor degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome arebelligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 
Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit oradvantage;
to use selfishly for one's own ends.
Degrading: causing a loss ofself-respect; humiliating
Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, orattitude.
Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. Adisrespectful 
or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult isan expression, statement 
(or sometimes behavior) which isdisrespectful or scornful.
Slur:an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insultthem or 
damage their reputation.
Profanity: abusive, vulgar, orirreverent. 
To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.
Keepyour content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don'tbe 
We depend on each member to help keepit [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive place 
for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion,may terminate or remove any 
content, Group or your Yahoo IDimmediately and without notice if (a) Yahoo 
believes that you haveacted inconsistently with the spirit or the letter of the 
Yahoo Termsof Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) Yahoo believes 
youhave violated or tried to violate the rights of others. Please helpus keep 
Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience. Ifyou see a Group or 
content that violates our rules, please let usknow by contacting us 
Yahoo Groups Guidelines

|  |
|  | Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of 
people who share your interests and passions. We depend on each member to help 
keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for everyone. |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


[..Some people evidently are notamenable to group collaborations which it seems 
is why groups,organizations or larger society may well protect and preserve 
themselves for theutility and well-being of their larger membership by removing 
orseparating destructive asocial members.
There is good reason to lacktrust in collaboration on FFL at Yahoo-groups by 
what has beenallowed to become a dominant culture of a few here. Of afear of 
getting needlessly ensnared by any participation of puttingones thoughts and 
self forward. Folks generally are denied theopportunity to think together with 
good people on FFL for all thesnark of the ad hominem attack.
It takes skills and practice tosee discussion as thinking but it takes allies 
of kindness to thinktogether creatively. For the engagement within a group 
[FFL] to beeffective there need be folks and a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 That is kind of how the Peak seems to me, the few times I took a look - its 
all Oh, that was a fine post you posted there! That is wonderful! and 
variations on that sort of theme. Nice, but not very engaging for long. 


Yes, I tire of the anodyne blandness of mood-making spiritual types very 
quickly. I believe the actual meaning of the word Nirvana is without fire or 
extinguished. So maybe they think they are better off when all their passion 
has gone? 

 I doubt it though, what are a few choice words or a knee-jerk rant between 
friends eh? You've got to care about something enough to get excited about it 
or you've lost something important I think. 

 Or maybe not, maybe we'd all be happier as the Yahoo Stepford Wives club?
 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 7:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Speaking of the Yahoo-Groups Guidelines, I just wanted to let you know that 
the 1,680-word rant that someone keeps spamming to Fairfield Life in violation 
of the guidelines has shown up again. Some hacker seems to have pasted it into 
your post, just after the announcement. Much of it (everything after the first 
300 words or so) seems to have been written by a previous poster to Fairfield 
Life who, as I understand it, was specifically asked by Rick not to insinuate 
his faux persona into the duties of moderator. Just sayin'...


 I know you'll want to get right on this. 


Turq B survived the first putsch. That's a relief. 

 But I think the guidelines will be posted regularly to keep the fear quotient 
high. Uniform blandness will be achieved!

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
 Dear Friends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received a 
compliant having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL that was 
actionable. The offending post was removed and the author of the invasion on 
someone's privacy using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removed from the community. 

 Your use of Groups is subject to these Guidelines,  Keep your content 
relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.
 Be courteous.
 Moderate your content.

 “Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don't invade other 
people's privacy.
 ..the group owner may remove your content — or you — from the group 

 “2. Don't be unkind. Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 

 Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit or advantage;

 to use selfishly for one's own ends.

 Degrading: causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating

 Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or attitude.

 Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. A 
disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult is an 
expression, statement (or sometimes behavior) which is disrespectful or 

 Slur: an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them 
or damage their reputation.

 Profanity: abusive, vulgar, or irreverent. 

 To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.

 Keep your content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don't 
be unkind”. 

 We depend on each member to help keep it [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive 
place for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion, may terminate or 
remove any content, Group or your Yahoo ID immediately and without notice if 
(a) Yahoo believes that you have acted inconsistently with the spirit or the 
letter of the Yahoo Terms of Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) 
Yahoo believes you have violated or tried to violate the rights of others. 
Please help us keep Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience.
 If you see a Group or content that violates our rules, please let us know by 
contacting us []. 

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines
 Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests 
and passions. We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and 
positive place for everyone.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




 [..Some people 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Don't see how you could EVER get the boot from Doug in the Dome, Sal. You have 
done so much in the past for the TMO, and have consistently been of a favorable 
mind towards TM the technique itself. No, you would have to do something mighty 
egregious to merit dismissal and banishment. 


 You can tell I'm not enlightened because I instantly saw that as a challenge 

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 7:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Well, let's see - Sal is still here, Barry is still here, Doug is still here, 
if this post goes through that will mean I am still here, dunno about 
Duveyoung, or Seraphita, hm. Could it be that Steve,Willy's Clone got the 


 Let me hit send and see if it was me.


 Nope I got that one, you must not have transgressed the guidelines meant for 
idiot newbies.

 Maybe Doug is going to remove us like Stalin did in that photo of the 
Politburo in Red Square where people got airbrushed away one at a time until 
there was only a couple left and total conformity was achieved.

 Why do I feel uneasy like I should point out that was a joke? I guess that's 
how paranoia works...



 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 6:48 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Friends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received a 
compliant having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL that was 
actionable. The offending post was removed and the author of the invasion on 
someone's privacy using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removed from the community. 

 Are you going to tell us who it was or will we have to identify them by their 

 Your use of Groups is subject to these Guidelines,  Keep your content 
relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.
 Be courteous.
 Moderate your content.

 “Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don't invade other 
people's privacy.
 ..the group owner may remove your content — or you — from the group 

 “2. Don't be unkind. Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 

 Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit or advantage;

 to use selfishly for one's own ends.

 Degrading: causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating

 Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or attitude.

 Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. A 
disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult is an 
expression, statement (or sometimes behavior) which is disrespectful or 

 Slur: an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them 
or damage their reputation.

 Profanity: abusive, vulgar, or irreverent. 

 To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.

 Keep your content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don't 
be unkind”. 

 We depend on each member to help keep it [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive 
place for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion, may terminate or 
remove any content, Group or your Yahoo ID immediately and without notice if 
(a) Yahoo believes that you have acted inconsistently with the spirit or the 
letter of the Yahoo Terms of Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) 
Yahoo believes you have violated or tried to violate the rights of others. 
Please help us keep Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience.
 If you see a Group or content that violates our rules, please let us know by 
contacting us []. 

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines

 Yahoo Groups Guidelines
 Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests 
and passions. We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and 
positive place for everyone.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




 [..Some people evidently are not amenable to group collaborations which it 
seems is why groups, organizations or larger society may well protect and 
preserve themselves for the utility and well-being of their larger membership 
by removing or separating destructive asocial members.

 There is good reason to lack trust 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Maybe it is just your refined Creative Intelligence kicking in, you know cause 
you have stored so much of it up, doin' TM and all.

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 10:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

Don't see how you could EVER get the boot from Doug in the Dome, Sal. You have 
done so much in the past for the TMO, and have consistently been of a favorable 
mind towards TM the technique itself. No, you would have to do something mighty 
egregious to merit dismissal and banishment. 

You can tell I'm not enlightened because I instantly saw that as a challenge 
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 7:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

Well, let's see - Sal is still here, Barry is still here, Doug is still here, 
if this post goes through that will mean I am still here, dunno about 
Duveyoung, or Seraphita, hm. Could it be that Steve,Willy's Clone got the 

Let me hit send and see if it was me.

Nope I got that one, you must not have transgressed the guidelines meant for 
idiot newbies.
Maybe Doug is going to remove us like Stalin did in that photo of the Politburo 
in Red Square where people got airbrushed away one at a time until there was 
only a couple left and total conformity was achieved.
Why do I feel uneasy like I should point out that was a joke? I guess that's 
how paranoia works...

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 6:48 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

DearFriends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received acompliant 
having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL thatwas actionable. The 
offending post was removed and the author of theinvasion on someone's privacy 
using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removedfrom the community. -JaiGuruYou
Are you going to tell us who it was or will we have to identify them by their 

Your use of Groups is subject to theseGuidelines, Keep your content relevant 
to the groupand moderate it correctly.Be courteous.Moderate your content.
“Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don'tinvade other 
people's privacy...the group owner may remove yourcontent — or you — from the 
group altogether.
“2. Don't be unkind. Exploitativeor degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome arebelligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 
Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit oradvantage;
to use selfishly for one's own ends.
Degrading: causing a loss ofself-respect; humiliating
Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, orattitude.
Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. Adisrespectful 
or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult isan expression, statement 
(or sometimes behavior) which isdisrespectful or scornful.
Slur:an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insultthem or 
damage their reputation.
Profanity: abusive, vulgar, orirreverent. 
To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.
Keepyour content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.  “Don'tbe 
We depend on each member to help keepit [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive place 
for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion,may terminate or remove any 
content, Group or your Yahoo IDimmediately and without notice if (a) Yahoo 
believes that you haveacted inconsistently with the spirit or the letter of the 
Yahoo Termsof Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) Yahoo believes 
youhave violated or tried to violate the rights of others. Please helpus keep 
Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience. Ifyou see a Group or 
content that violates our rules, please let usknow by contacting us 
Yahoo Groups Guidelines

|  |
|  | Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of 
people who share your interests and passions. We depend on each member to help 
keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for everyone. |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


[..Some people evidently are notamenable to group collaborations which it seems 
is why groups,organizations or larger society may well protect and preserve 
themselves for theutility and well-being of their larger membership by removing 
orseparating destructive asocial members.
There is good reason to lacktrust in collaboration on FFL at Yahoo-groups by 
what has beenallowed to become a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Runs for President

2015-06-17 Thread ultrarishi
Neil Young: Donald Trump wasn't authorized to use my song
 Neil Young: Donald Trump wasn't authorized to use my...
 Neil Young isn't happy too with Donald Trump. 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Buh By

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Here is how it went down. R was phishing for my professional name. I told him 
that I keep my names separate on social media to prevent casual searches from 
combining my business and personal life. He responded by posting my personal 
Facebook page to out my real name AGAIN.

While this was going on Doug was occupied scolding Edg for his word choices 
that have never given Yahoo groups any trouble since he has been posting here.

So I emailed Rick who acted immediately to restore order in the kingdom.

Last time R did this he got banned for a month but was brought back because he 
was being talked about and couldn't respond. Personally I would like to see him 
stay in his crypt this time. 

I have not experienced such bizarrely unwarranted online malice since the other 
malicious R was ousted for trying to F me on the search engines. Both times 
Rick acted to protect my participation here and I appreciate that.

Posting on FFL has been a useful tool for me. I hope it can remain so. That way 
that happens IMO is for moderators to take out predators with clearly malicious 
agendas and leave the rest of the adults alone to post their mind freely with 
having to to worry:  I wonder what another person with more prudish language 
standards than I have will think about what I write?



---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 All of what I say below said, and meant, I don't think I'm alone here in 
saying that if the poster banned for outing someone turns out to be Tedious 
Dickhead, we can consider Doug's short tenure as FFL moderator a total success. 

 From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]

 From: salyavin808
 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Speaking of the Yahoo-Groups Guidelines, I just wanted to let you know that 
the 1,680-word rant that someone keeps spamming to Fairfield Life in violation 
of the guidelines has shown up again. Some hacker seems to have pasted it into 
your post, just after the announcement. Much of it (everything after the first 
300 words or so) seems to have been written by a previous poster to Fairfield 
Life who, as I understand it, was specifically asked by Rick not to insinuate 
his faux persona into the duties of moderator. Just sayin'...


 I know you'll want to get right on this. 


 Turq B survived the first putsch. That's a relief. 


 Yeah. Like Michael, I seriously wondered when I pressed Send whether my post 
would go through.  :-)


 But I think the guidelines will be posted regularly to keep the fear quotient 
high. Uniform blandness will be achieved!

 I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with the *actual* Yahoo-Groups Guidelines being 
posted regularly. What I object to are the 1,300+ words of insulting SPAM that 
Doug has chosen to follow them with. They were written by a fictional persona 
named Buck that Doug is not supposed to be channeling in his duties as FFL 
moderator. And yet Doug is reposting them as if *his rant* is an integral part 
of the guidelines. I find that remarkably un-self-aware and offensive. Not to 
mention being contrary to what he promised Rick.

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
   Dear Friends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received a 
compliant having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL that was 
actionable. The offending post was removed and the author of the invasion on 
someone's privacy using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removed from the community. 

 Your use of Groups is subject to these Guidelines,  Keep your content 
relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.
 Be courteous.
 Moderate your content.

 “Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don't invade other 
people's privacy.
 ..the group owner may remove your content — or you — from the group 

 “2. Don't be unkind. Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 

 Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit or advantage;

 to use selfishly for one's own ends.

 Degrading: causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating

 Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or attitude.

 Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. A 
disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult is an 
expression, statement (or sometimes behavior) which is disrespectful or 

 Slur: an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them 
or damage their reputation.

 Profanity: abusive, vulgar, or irreverent. 

 To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Coming Home in Mediating Fairfield, Iowa

2015-06-17 Thread William Leed [FairfieldLife]
Thanks !!! Doug 4 this painting EXCELLENT as I usually d learned a good deal 
from Ur hands again in up lifting joy THANKS Bill Leed in Buffalo.

I  read all Ur comments here mostly very up lifting  expressed in a polite  
positive manor in spit of the slings  arrows sent Ur way  that of other kind 
souls here. I find Ur a great exponent of TRANSCENDENTALISM  often from a 
Society of Friends view point coupled with the Sidhi insights  that of TM as 
well, again my   even our thanks ! My great great grandfather was of Quaker 
heritage Lancaster county PA I value it very much! 

-Original Message-
From: [FairfieldLife]
To: FairfieldLife
Sent: Wed, Jun 17, 2015 9:42 am
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Coming Home in Mediating Fairfield, Iowa

I've always enjoyed this image of the boatmen.   It holds a lot of the feeling 
of folks living now in what is become the retired meditating community in 
Fairfield, Iowa. The camaraderie of old friends, the meditation, pleasant 
diversions, coming home with the spiritual harvest after work in our case. 





[FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Runs for President

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
On the news this morning, the Trump campaign said they paid for the rights to 
use the song. Song writers are not usually involved in rights negotiations 
directly. For example an acquaintance of mine paid about $500 to use four lines 
of one of Paul Simon's songs in a book. Simon was not involved at all, it was 
just a standard fee for a particular use, handled by his company. Be 
interesting to see how this will pan out.

---In, wrote :

 Neil Young: Donald Trump wasn't authorized to use my song
 Neil Young: Donald Trump wasn't authorized to use my...
 Neil Young isn't happy too with Donald Trump. 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Buh By

2015-06-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for explaining that, Curtis. It adds credence to my intuitive inner 
feeling when I read Doug's announcement -- that by adopting the Royal we, he 
was trying to take credit for something that someone with more integrity than 
he has had done.

Message received about not speaking ill of the dead, to make sure they stay 
that way. Graphics are cool, though...right?  :-)

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 5:31 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Buh By
    Here is how it went down. R was phishing for my professional name. I told 
him that I keep my names separate on social media to prevent casual searches 
from combining my business and personal life. He responded by posting my 
personal Facebook page to out my real name AGAIN.

While this was going on Doug was occupied scolding Edg for his word choices 
that have never given Yahoo groups any trouble since he has been posting here.

So I emailed Rick who acted immediately to restore order in the kingdom.

Last time R did this he got banned for a month but was brought back because he 
was being talked about and couldn't respond. Personally I would like to see him 
stay in his crypt this time. 

I have not experienced such bizarrely unwarranted online malice since the other 
malicious R was ousted for trying to F me on the search engines. Both times 
Rick acted to protect my participation here and I appreciate that.

Posting on FFL has been a useful tool for me. I hope it can remain so. That way 
that happens IMO is for moderators to take out predators with clearly malicious 
agendas and leave the rest of the adults alone to post their mind freely with 
having to to worry:  I wonder what another person with more prudish language 
standards than I have will think about what I write?


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

All of what I say below said, and meant, I don't think I'm alone here in saying 
that if the poster banned for outing someone turns out to be Tedious Dickhead, 
we can consider Doug's short tenure as FFL moderator a total success.  :-)
  From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]

From: salyavin808
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Speaking of the Yahoo-Groups Guidelines, I just wanted to let you know that the 
1,680-word rant that someone keeps spamming to Fairfield Life in violation of 
the guidelines has shown up again. Some hacker seems to have pasted it into 
your post, just after the announcement. Much of it (everything after the first 
300 words or so) seems to have been written by a previous poster to Fairfield 
Life who, as I understand it, was specifically asked by Rick not to insinuate 
his faux persona into the duties of moderator. Just sayin'...

I know you'll want to get right on this. 

Turq B survived the first putsch. That's a relief. 

Yeah. Like Michael, I seriously wondered when I pressed Send whether my post 
would go through.  :-)

But I think the guidelines will be posted regularly to keep the fear quotient 
high. Uniform blandness will be achieved!
I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with the *actual* Yahoo-Groups Guidelines being 
posted regularly. What I object to are the 1,300+ words of insulting SPAM that 
Doug has chosen to follow them with. They were written by a fictional persona 
named Buck that Doug is not supposed to be channeling in his duties as FFL 
moderator. And yet Doug is reposting them as if *his rant* is an integral part 
of the guidelines. I find that remarkably un-self-aware and offensive. Not to 
mention being contrary to what he promised Rick.
  From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
 DearFriends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received acompliant 
having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL thatwas actionable. The 
offending post was removed and the author of theinvasion on someone's privacy 
using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removedfrom the community. -JaiGuruYou

Your use of Groups is subject to theseGuidelines, Keep your content relevant 
to the groupand moderate it correctly.Be courteous.Moderate your content.
“Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don'tinvade other 
people's privacy...the group owner may remove yourcontent — or you — from the 
group altogether.
“2. Don't be unkind. Exploitativeor degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome arebelligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 
Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit oradvantage;
to use selfishly for one's own ends.
Degrading: causing a loss ofself-respect; humiliating
Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile 

[FairfieldLife] On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
“ ..and don't invade other people's privacy.” 

 In going forward in accord with Rick's original intent for protecting privacy 
on FFL know that in responding [replying] to posts made on FFL an unsolicited 
use of someone's legal name on FFL is an invasion of privacy as it also is 
considered a violation of the yahoo-groups guidelines here. Expect to have your 
writing removed from FFL. Expect to have your posts moderated. Expect to have 
your membership revoked if such invasion of people's privacy continues either 
as by impulse without intent or with meditated intent to abuse someone by 
invasion of privacy as used in method. 

 For instance, as people signing on to FFL do post and people do respond with 
replies then for example in reply: 'Turqb isTurqb', 'Fleetwood is Fleetwood', 
'CDB is CDB', 'Serious is Serious', 'Buck is Buck', 'Nablusoss is Nablusoss', 
and 'Authfriend is Authfriend'. Whatever their legal names in life may be, now 
going forward you shall be moderate in this as Rick originally intended. Show 
self-restraint and respect for other people's privacy here. Simple. That is 
part of the communal collaboration asked for in making this a particular 
free-speech zone as it was hoped for. Have a nice day, -JaiGuruYou

---In, wrote :

 Thanks A., good to know. In going forward with moderation on FFL, protection 
of privacy has always been a mainstay feature of FFL as Rick's free speech 
list. This feature of protection has been under siege and fallen to a form of a 
disrespect used by some writers on FFL. Everyone take this as a warning right 
now going forward: where someone posting to the list uses an anonymous screen 
name it is quite proper form on FFL as a yahoo-group to respond to posts using 
a person's screen name and make no mention of their real name otherwise.  


 ---In, wrote :

 Please ignore what he says about me. He has it completely wrong.



---In, wrote :

 Serious_Richard brings up in this particular thread an important point about 
privacy on FFL. From the beginning Rick has been intent on creating a 
safe-space of privacy for folks to post on FFL. Rick's principles in creating 
safe-space have been under attack, degraded and methodically violated by some 
writers here evidently to abuse or intimidate other folks personally who have 
been members of the community of FFL. 

---In, wrote :

 Thanks for offering this, Serious. Yes I feel this is an excellent example 
that you offer of precedence in how to directly moderate a list that has gone 
so bad like this. I shall make note of it and emulate Rick in this as much as 
possible. The yahoo-groups guidelines themselves are quite simple and require 
of writers only some self-control. -JaiGuruYou!

 Just for the record, I should point out that Rick banned me from the group 
without sending me a single message or email explaining why. So, I appealed to 
him and he reinstated my posting privileges. Apparently an informant objected 
to my using their real name, although they had previously posted under their 
real name. Go figure.
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Sad news. 


 The really sad part of this is that [] has not apologized to me for over two 
decades for posting my real name on a.m.t. Go figure.

 But, this brings up an interesting subject. From what I've read, authfriend 
has never used her real name on FFL, so I guess that everyone that ever used 
her real name should be banned from the group. That would include almost 
everyone currently posting. Can anyone spell cognitive dissonance?

 Might I propose, before Doug starts banning people, that you and Rick insist 
on a few guidelines for *him* when he does this. 


 I'm suggesting this because I think everyone here is aware that Doug 
is...uh...not quite in touch with reality these days, and tends to see things 
that aren't really there. 


 So what I suggest is that if he is indeed given the power to ban someone, he 
cannot do so without reposting *the exact post* that Doug feels is in violation 
of the Yahoo Guidelines, and without explaining to the group *exactly why* he 
thinks this poster needs to be banned. 


 Otherwise, you know what's going to happen. Doug will just ban the people he 
doesn't like, without telling *anyone*, and they'll just fall off the radar 
because they can't post any more, either to complain or to defend themselves. 


 I think we all know that a tyrant has just been handed the keys to the 
kingdom. I think we also all know what he will do with them. I'm just 
suggesting a procedure that insures he can't do it in secret. 


 From: j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It was Richard, and if you guys have any smarts at all, you'll all just STFU 
about it so that he can't complain that you're all talking smack about him and 
demand to be let back in so that he can respond. BTW, it was Rick, not Buck, 
who did the deed.

---In, wrote :


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Friends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received a 
compliant having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL that was 
actionable. The offending post was removed and the author of the invasion on 
someone's privacy using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removed from the community. 

 Are you going to tell us who it was or will we have to identify them by their 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Buh By

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 --In, wrote :

 We do too. 

 Willytex is one of the very few few people here I won't miss because he really 
did just come here to stir trouble. What he got out of it is anyone's guess.

 I've been calling for Rick and Alex to set him free for ages because there 
must surely be something positive in his life for him to concentrate on. Who in 
their right mind would want to carry on wasting their time like that?

Hope to see a bit more of you old chap.

Me: Thanks man.

I was quite wary of posting while he was still here the second time because I 
could tell he wasn't going to stop trying to F with my business. In a weird way 
it was basically suicide by moderator (rather than by cop) because I told him 
exactly what would happen if he used my real name again. So it wasn't like the 
outcome was a big mystery. Internet weirdness!


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 Here is how it went down. R was phishing for my professional name. I told him 
that I keep my names separate on social media to prevent casual searches from 
combining my business and personal life. He responded by posting my personal 
Facebook page to out my real name AGAIN.

While this was going on Doug was occupied scolding Edg for his word choices 
that have never given Yahoo groups any trouble since he has been posting here.

So I emailed Rick who acted immediately to restore order in the kingdom.

Last time R did this he got banned for a month but was brought back because he 
was being talked about and couldn't respond. Personally I would like to see him 
stay in his crypt this time. 

I have not experienced such bizarrely unwarranted online malice since the other 
malicious R was ousted for trying to F me on the search engines. Both times 
Rick acted to protect my participation here and I appreciate that.

Posting on FFL has been a useful tool for me. I hope it can remain so. That way 
that happens IMO is for moderators to take out predators with clearly malicious 
agendas and leave the rest of the adults alone to post their mind freely with 
having to to worry:  I wonder what another person with more prudish language 
standards than I have will think about what I write?

 We do too.

 Willytex is one of the very few few people here I won't miss because he really 
did just come here to stir trouble. What he got out of it is anyone's guess.

 I've been calling for Rick and Alex to set him free for ages because there 
must surely be something positive in his life for him to concentrate on. Who in 
their right mind would want to carry on wasting their time like that?

 Hope to see a bit more of you old chap.



---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 All of what I say below said, and meant, I don't think I'm alone here in 
saying that if the poster banned for outing someone turns out to be Tedious 
Dickhead, we can consider Doug's short tenure as FFL moderator a total success. 

 From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]

 From: salyavin808
 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Speaking of the Yahoo-Groups Guidelines, I just wanted to let you know that 
the 1,680-word rant that someone keeps spamming to Fairfield Life in violation 
of the guidelines has shown up again. Some hacker seems to have pasted it into 
your post, just after the announcement. Much of it (everything after the first 
300 words or so) seems to have been written by a previous poster to Fairfield 
Life who, as I understand it, was specifically asked by Rick not to insinuate 
his faux persona into the duties of moderator. Just sayin'...


 I know you'll want to get right on this. 


 Turq B survived the first putsch. That's a relief. 


 Yeah. Like Michael, I seriously wondered when I pressed Send whether my post 
would go through.  :-)


 But I think the guidelines will be posted regularly to keep the fear quotient 
high. Uniform blandness will be achieved!

 I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with the *actual* Yahoo-Groups Guidelines being 
posted regularly. What I object to are the 1,300+ words of insulting SPAM that 
Doug has chosen to follow them with. They were written by a fictional persona 
named Buck that Doug is not supposed to be channeling in his duties as FFL 
moderator. And yet Doug is reposting them as if *his rant* is an integral part 
of the guidelines. I find that remarkably un-self-aware and offensive. Not to 
mention being contrary to what he promised Rick.

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
   Dear Friends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received a 
compliant having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL that was 

[FairfieldLife] Gary Larson influence

2015-06-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I believe Larson's The Far Side inspired a whole new generation of cartoonists, 
although most of them have never been able to maintain the amount of 
consistency he achieved. If one (in the U.S) looks at the comics section in 
today's papers, it is terribly bland. When I was a child, there were many 
strips that were dramatic stories, science fiction, detectives, espionage, etc. 
Most of this is all gone. A whole new generation of cartoonists is appearing on 
the Internet given them the opportunity to discuss subjects that newspaper 
editors would shy away from, and Larson created that crack in the door. 

 Larson made use of contradictory ideas such as in his panel showing a meat 
wagon about to crash into a vegetarian restaurant.

 The following cartoon appeared on a site called and the file 
name was 'unfunny joke' as someone did not like it but posted it from its 
original website. But the cartoon shows up the nature of hypocrisy, in which 
the human mind holds two opposing views at the same time. I feel Larson opened 
the way for cartoonists to deal with more an just simple-minded situation 
humour and although he typically did not delve into the darker side of human 
thought, he provided the inspiration for others to try these things out.


[FairfieldLife] International day of Yoga!

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808

 Yoga Day Announcement
 All Maharishi Invincibility Centres worldwide to celebrate

International Day of Yoga

Founded by the United Nations 

21 June 2015
 It is a pleasure to invite all Sidhas and Meditators to join this special 
event to commemorate the United Nations International Day of Yoga. The annual 
event was proposed by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, and major 
celebrations will take place for India in New Delhi, and for the United Nations 
in New York City.
21 June is the solstice – midsummer day in the Northern Hemisphere, and 
midwinter day in the Southern Hemisphere – a traditional day to celebrate, and 
now we can add the theme of International Day of Yoga to our celebration, and 
bring Maharishi’s unique vision of Yoga to our Meditators and Sidhas, to the 
press, and to our country.
The Eight Limbs of Yoga
Most people understand Yoga mainly in terms of asanas (physical postures or 
exercises). However, Maharishi’s enlightened vision of Ashtanga Yoga (the Eight 
Limbs of Yoga) illuminates that the eight limbs grow together on the basis of 
the experience of Samadhi, Transcendental Consciousness. The reality of Yoga 
(unity) is to be created on all levels – body, mind, consciousness, society, 
and even World Peace.
An opportunity
This is an opportunity to highlight everything Maharishi taught us about Yoga 
in his supreme vision of integration of life, and what Maharaja Adhiraj 
Rajaraam has brought out in terms of Yoga in the physiology, to celebrate it, 
tell others, and enjoy spreading the influence of wellbeing for all mankind. 
See Maharaja-ji’s profound message below.
The International Day of Yoga calls for an upsurge of unity in world 
consciousness. For this purpose, Maharishi’s global organization will hold 
events everywhere on that day to enliven the true value of Yoga in every 
country. We celebrate the simultaneous growth of unity in every area of life 
through contact with that level of unity that is fundamental to everything.
Celebrate with Meditators and Sidhas at Maharishi Invincibility Centres
There will be Coherence Day events with a National conference call to celebrate 
the International Day of Yoga throughout the United Kingdom. Please see the 
email of 11 June about the National Coherence Day, and please call your TM 
Centre for details of your local event. 
 On the conference call, which will begin at 2.30 pm, Raja Peter will be 
speaking on the significance of the International Day of Yoga, and Dr William 
Sands, Dean of the College of Maharishi Vedic Science at Maharishi University 
of Management, will speak on 'The True Meaning of Yoga'. 
 Facebook page
The International Day of Yoga is being celebrated in Maharishi Invincibility 
Centres in 115 countries around the world where Transcendental Meditation is 
taught. Group photos from the Coherence Day events and brief report will also 
be added to
Message from Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam on the International day of Yoga, 21 
June 2015
Yoga Day will no doubt become a milestone in human history, particularly if 
highlighted as the day of Unity. Yoga is unity between mind and body, between 
the individual and society, between all societies, between all nations and 
between all individual values of culture, tradition, belief systems, and racial 
Yoga brings together all separate and even apparently conflicting and opposite 
values. The dynamics of creation and evolution require some things to move up, 
others to move down. Some aspects of nature are dry and some others are wet; 
some cool, some hot. When balanced they create the steps of transformation and 
evolution. Yoga is that aspect of Natural Law, that aspect of Veda, which 
guarantees that all diversity is progressing on the basis of supreme Unity.
As brought to light by Maharishi, Yoga is not only one of the 40 aspects of 
Vedic science, which like all others make a profound theoretical contribution 
to knowledge, but it also has a practical aspect which allows every individual 
to directly experience and live
supreme unity within diversity. Yoga Asana 
helps to balance the physiology and strengthen the body, thus promoting a 
healthy body for a healthy mind and improving mind-body coordination. This is 
unity between mind and body.
However, the technologies of Yoga in the Vedic tradition, particularly as 
brought to light in the west by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi with Transcendental 
Meditation, while improving all aspects of mind, body, behavior and society, 
take the individual and society to the field of all unity – the unified field 
of all the Laws of Nature. Science today has glimpsed that field by showing 
that at the basis of all that is material and physical there are progressively 
unified fields of electromagnetism, grand unification and ultimately the 
one Unified Field. Yoga in its ultimate 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Water water everywhere....

2015-06-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
We keep hearing from Australian scientists that the El Nino is bigger 
than what was expected. IOW, California may have to endure dry summer 
but have a cold wet winter with floods.  I guess we've driven Mother 
Nature crazy! :-D

In the meantime folks are putting locks on their outside spigots. I 
haven't yet but then my security camera just so happens to point right 
at it so whoever is trying to steal water will get caught. Another good 
thing is that the previous owner having gone through some droughts put 
in foliage that does well with little water and there is no lawn to deal 

On 06/17/2015 06:41 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Well... we certainly aren't having a water shortage here in Texas 
these days. Maybe we can export the stuff. California!? As far as the 
UK goes, maybe you guys should reconsider your immigration policies as 
we should. We're all getting too Islamized. They don't seem to adapt 
very well to the culture of their host countries but rather 
expect their new hosts to adapt to them.

*From:* salyavin808
*Sent:* Wednesday, June 17, 2015 6:34 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Water water everywhere

...but none that we can drink:

The shocking map that shows the world is running out of water


The shocking map that shows the world is running out of ... 

The world’s largest underground aquifers – a source of fresh water for 
hundreds of millions of people — are being depleted at alarming rates, 
according to new NASA ...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Hardly surprising. Deserts are growing, overpopulation, changes in 
rainfall patterns, deforestation. The water we need all ends up in the 
sea faster than ever.

In the UK we need 250,000 new homes every year just to keep up with 
demand. Most of those seem to be being built in my street, with 
gardens being turned into blocks of flats. One bungalow became 6 very 
small semis, all of which will have two cars but nowhere to park them, 
and all will be connected to the rapidly dwindling water supply. There 
is never any more or less water on Earth, do the people in charge ever 
think about that?

I think we should all be extra special bad so that god sends another 
flood to punish us. Or maybe as that didn't work last time he's going 
to starve us out..

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buh By

2015-06-17 Thread salyavin808


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 Here is how it went down. R was phishing for my professional name. I told him 
that I keep my names separate on social media to prevent casual searches from 
combining my business and personal life. He responded by posting my personal 
Facebook page to out my real name AGAIN.

While this was going on Doug was occupied scolding Edg for his word choices 
that have never given Yahoo groups any trouble since he has been posting here.

So I emailed Rick who acted immediately to restore order in the kingdom.

Last time R did this he got banned for a month but was brought back because he 
was being talked about and couldn't respond. Personally I would like to see him 
stay in his crypt this time. 

I have not experienced such bizarrely unwarranted online malice since the other 
malicious R was ousted for trying to F me on the search engines. Both times 
Rick acted to protect my participation here and I appreciate that.

Posting on FFL has been a useful tool for me. I hope it can remain so. That way 
that happens IMO is for moderators to take out predators with clearly malicious 
agendas and leave the rest of the adults alone to post their mind freely with 
having to to worry:  I wonder what another person with more prudish language 
standards than I have will think about what I write?

 We do too.

 Willytex is one of the very few few people here I won't miss because he really 
did just come here to stir trouble. What he got out of it is anyone's guess.

 I've been calling for Rick and Alex to set him free for ages because there 
must surely be something positive in his life for him to concentrate on. Who in 
their right mind would want to carry on wasting their time like that?

 Hope to see a bit more of you old chap.


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 All of what I say below said, and meant, I don't think I'm alone here in 
saying that if the poster banned for outing someone turns out to be Tedious 
Dickhead, we can consider Doug's short tenure as FFL moderator a total success. 

 From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]

 From: salyavin808
 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Speaking of the Yahoo-Groups Guidelines, I just wanted to let you know that 
the 1,680-word rant that someone keeps spamming to Fairfield Life in violation 
of the guidelines has shown up again. Some hacker seems to have pasted it into 
your post, just after the announcement. Much of it (everything after the first 
300 words or so) seems to have been written by a previous poster to Fairfield 
Life who, as I understand it, was specifically asked by Rick not to insinuate 
his faux persona into the duties of moderator. Just sayin'...


 I know you'll want to get right on this. 


 Turq B survived the first putsch. That's a relief. 


 Yeah. Like Michael, I seriously wondered when I pressed Send whether my post 
would go through.  :-)


 But I think the guidelines will be posted regularly to keep the fear quotient 
high. Uniform blandness will be achieved!

 I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with the *actual* Yahoo-Groups Guidelines being 
posted regularly. What I object to are the 1,300+ words of insulting SPAM that 
Doug has chosen to follow them with. They were written by a fictional persona 
named Buck that Doug is not supposed to be channeling in his duties as FFL 
moderator. And yet Doug is reposting them as if *his rant* is an integral part 
of the guidelines. I find that remarkably un-self-aware and offensive. Not to 
mention being contrary to what he promised Rick.

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
   Dear Friends of FFL; Regrettably as moderators we recently received a 
compliant having to do with protecting people's privacy on FFL that was 
actionable. The offending post was removed and the author of the invasion on 
someone's privacy using FFL, a Yahoo-group, was removed from the community. 

 Your use of Groups is subject to these Guidelines,  Keep your content 
relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.
 Be courteous.
 Moderate your content.

 “Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don't invade other 
people's privacy.
 ..the group owner may remove your content — or you — from the group 

 “2. Don't be unkind. Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 

 Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit or advantage;

 to use selfishly for one's own ends.

 Degrading: causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating

 Belligerence: a warlike or 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Runs for President

2015-06-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Licenses are often handled by the Harry Fox Agency.  Rates can vary from 
cheap to the absurd.  But back in the 1990s some of the record companies 
began offering 30 seconds of tunes in their catalog for $300 for some 
uses.  A record company president told me he thought the Fox Agency was 
a bit out of step with the times when I told him how they wanted for 
title we wanted to use.  But sometimes the artists retain enough control 
that they can intercede and offer tunes for use even for free if they 
like the project.

On 06/17/2015 08:27 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

On the news this morning, the Trump campaign said they paid for the 
rights to use the song. Song writers are not usually involved in 
rights negotiations directly. For example an acquaintance of mine paid 
about $500 to use four lines of one of Paul Simon's songs in a book. 
Simon was not involved at all, it was just a standard fee for a 
particular use, handled by his company. Be interesting to see how this 
will pan out.

---In, wrote :

Neil Young: Donald Trump wasn't authorized to use my song 


Neil Young: Donald Trump wasn't authorized to use my... 

Neil Young isn't happy too with Donald Trump.

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