[FairfieldLife] Millennial Movement.. Raise a Red Heifer in Israel

2015-07-13 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
In Old and New Testament: Rebuild The Temple, the Messiah Comes..Peace is at 

 Are you ready to be part of restoring the state of purity that will enable the 
rebuilding of the Holy Temple? Help the Temple Institute produce a kosher Red 
Heifer in the Land of Israel. https://www.indiegogo.com/ 
projects/raise-a-red-heifer- in-israel#/story 

 Are you ready? After millennia of yearning, only one organization is paving 
the way for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple. The Temple Institute, (מכון 
המקדש) located in the Old City of Jerusalem, is a research organization 
dedicated to preparing for the construction of the Third Temple, including the 
recreation of over 60 sacred Temple vessels ready for use once the Temple is 
rebuilt. These include the High Priest's breastplate featuring the twelve 
precious stones of the tribes of Israel, the half-ton golden menorah, and the 
musical instruments of the Levitical choir. Last year, the Temple Institute's 
successful Indiegogo campaign raised over $100,000 used to develop 
architectural plans for the Holy Temple. 
 The Holy Temple stands for the sanctity and dignity of human life and 
universal peace, and will be the center of an inspiring pilgrimage for all 
people (see Isaiah Ch. 2). 
 The Temple Institute is now beginning one of its most ambitious projects to 
date: Restoring the Divine commandment of the Red Heifer, enabling the return 
of tahara, the state of Biblical purity to the world. This is an integral part 
of the prophesied promise of the elevation and unity of all humanity. 
 What is a Red Heifer? Why Do We Need One? 
 The Red Heifer is a female cow, three years of age, with perfect consistency 
of a particular reddish hue, having not even two hairs of any other color. The 
heifer also may never be used for any type of labor, and must be totally 
blemish-free.  The ordinance of the para aduma, the Red Heifer, is found in the 
Torah, in the book of Numbers Chapter 19, and elucidated in the teachings of 
the Sages of Israel. The process of purification through the Red Heifer is the 
only antidote to the state of impurity caused by death, and thus, intrinsically 
imperative for the reestablishment of purity. 
 What's the Difference Between an Ordinary Red Cow, and a Proper Red Heifer? 
Red cattle can be found throughout the world, and are not uncommon. However, 
raising a perfect red heifer in accordance with Biblical requirements for the 
fulfillment of the Numbers Ch. 19 commandment is a daunting task requiring 
advance planning, exacting preparation and constant supervision. In order for a 
heifer to be considered kosher for the Biblical use, it must literally be 
raised from birth under specific circumstances and in a controlled environment. 
 The Project Has Begun: A Change in Conception Our Immediate Goal is $125,000.
 In the past the people of Israel waited for the birth of a potential Red 
Heifer. But with Torah knowledge and advanced science, the Temple Institute has 
now begun to actively pursue this commandment.  For this unprecedented project, 
the Temple Institute has joined forces with an experienced cattle rancher here 
in Israel. This expert in the science of animal husbandry, under the halachic  
supervision and guidance of the rabbis of the Temple Institute, is utilizing 
the technique of implanting the frozen embryos of Red Angus cattle in Israeli 
domestic cattle.  The end result of this program will be the introduction of 
the Red Angus breed into Israel. This method, authorized and approved by 
Israel's Ministry of Agriculture, has already proven successful with the birth 
of a number of male Red Angus. The location and other details of the cattle 
ranch will remain undisclosed to the general public during the initial stages 
of the project. The Temple Institute will release periodic progress updates. 
Myths and Facts

 לעברית לחץ כאן http://www.redcow.co.il/ 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Goodbye global warming?

2015-07-13 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Heck, in Fairfield, Iowa with Global Weird Weather I'd just like several days 
in a row of sunshine this month right now to be able to mow and make some 
decent hay. It is looking like a two-cutting summer..  




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote :

 The earth is 15 years from a mini ice-age that will cause bitterly cold 
winters during which rivers such as the Thames freeze over, scientists have 


 Man, am I confused. So we are in the early but terminal stages of global 
warming and at the same time we are going to experience a mini ice age. Great, 
just great. Do I order more sunblock or get out the down anorak (parka in North 

 http://tinyurl.com/pznt35q http://tinyurl.com/pznt35q


[FairfieldLife] Re: Pandits of Iowa

2015-07-13 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I hear recently that they are looking to support 150 pandits up in Vedic City, 
as being affordable [limited budget]. They also have winnowed it down to a 
group of pundits who are sincerely interested in that program.  For the 
conservative element of TM which seems a small number of folks left in the 
movement community, the pundits and other things like chanting Sanskrit or 
pulse diagnosis, StpV, and group meditation were important to Maharishi's 
teaching; hence, at their initiative they are keeping the pundit program going 
as a program element within the TM movement.  As some people may see it that is 
interesting and important somewhat as a matter of faith to fulfill on. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_...@yahoo.com wrote :

 It appears that the TMO will be copying the parish model of the Catholic 
Church which will have two or three pandits to serve the Fairfield community, 
including Vedic City, IA.  As such, the TMO might have to put these pandits at 
several large cities where there is a community of TMers.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 in red writes :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :


 ..but we simply have not been able to replace the unprecedented generosity of 
the Settle Foundation. Support of nature seems to be coming in the form of much 
farting in our general direction.  Our only option at this point is to change 
our strategy for creating an Invincible America.  Because nothing says, We're 
in charge now like scuttling the last 50 years of The World Plan.


 ..we will be able to keep the Vedic qualities alive in our community with a 
smaller, more permanent group of Vedic Pandits who consider Maharishi Vedic 
City their home.  Some may have outstanding warrants in India, but we favor the 
positive and don't ask.  The Pandit numbers will continue to decrease over the 
next year until we reach a size that we are able to practically sustain.  Right 
now, it looks like we can keep Suresh as Lawnmower Boy.  


 We are so grateful to all our cherished donors, who have been supporting the 
Vedic Pandits these past nine years. We could not have achieved any of this 
without you. And yes, most of your money still is unspent and hidden in bank 
accounts across six continents in Girish's name, so you know it's still there 
if the movement ever really really really gets smaller.  





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :

 Oprah Winfrey visited Vedic City to see the meditations and chants performed 
by the pandits.  Based on this video, it appeared that the pandits were 
isolated from the rest of the town residents.  Does anyone know if the pandits 
can go to downtown Fairfield to watch a movie and have dinner on weekends?  Can 
they associate with MUM students?

 srijau: they can audit  courses at MUM now, but nothing that would qualify 
them to do anything other than their traditional occupation. Otherwise, the 
answers would be no and no. Thats not what they signed up for. same deal as TTC 
or even a residence course.



[FairfieldLife] Re: for teachers

2015-07-13 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I can't help you but there are parallels between Subud and TM I suspect.  
 From Wiki: In the practice of the [Latihan] exercise, members are typically 
advised to follow 'what arises from within', not expecting anything in advance. 
One is recommended not to focus on any image or recite any mantra, nor to mix 
the exercise with other activities like meditation or use of drugs, but simply 
to intend to surrender to the Divine. During the exercise, practitioners may 
find that, in terms of physical and emotional expression, they involuntarily 
move, make sounds, walk around, dance, jump, skip, laugh, cry or whatever. The 
experience varies greatly for different people, but the practitioner is always 
wholly conscious throughout and free to stop the exercise at any time.

 So there's a similar focus on effortlessly going with the flow but whereas TM 
is purely mental, Subud is physical. It sounds to me that the two practices 
could complement each other.

 A word of warning: The method was later adopted by Osho (Bhagwan Shree 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

 Does anybody who was made an initiator remember what Maharishi said about the 
practice of *Subud*? All I can remember was that anyone seeking initiation who 
practiced it was to stop at least six months before we could initiate them.

[FairfieldLife] for teachers

2015-07-13 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Does anybody who was made an initiator remember what Maharishi said about the 
practice of *Subud*? All I can remember was that anyone seeking initiation who 
practiced it was to stop at least six months before we could initiate them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating Post, Judy

2015-07-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 No, definitely a she.  But...when Alex had the gall to tap 
on the brakes a little last week, thinking aloud if a particular post might 
have intruded on someone's privacy, she comes charging out of the gate calling 
him a pussy, and a wussy, a coward and an otherwise poor excuse for human 
being, I thought to myself, gene menetley, is this isn't a candidate for a 
nagging wife, who is? 

 But, maybe that's what 'ol Bar needs at this stage in his life. 

 I'll let you follow the activities of the love birds. I don't think I'll be 
able to attend the wedding, however. Please forward my regrets.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Actually, it's sorta sweet over there, Ann. 

 It's as though Barry's taken a wife, and we get to see the honeymoon, all up 
close and personal.

 They haven't yet come up with pet names for one another, but I suspect that 
should be happening soon.  
NIce. I am happy for them. It is amazing the kind of connections one can 
make online. Forums are no exception. You just know when the vibe is right and 
all is groovy. Listen to me, I'm just a tad giddy with the news. Are we sure 
Sal is a woman? There are many men out there with that name. That's fine my be 
me though, I'm one of those FB posters who changed their profile picture to all 
those neat rainbow colors to show my support for same sex marriage so even if 
Sal is a man I'm all for it. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 I have, so far managed to refrain from looking at FFL2 (except for that first 
morning Alex said he had set up a new site for the sake of quelling the moaning 
of the masses). For all I know, they're rehearsing for their next collaborative 
performance of Much Ado About Nothing. Or, perhaps, they are discussing how 
to help in ending world hunger or are raising money for the homeless. It's 
amazing how much positivity and intelligence can be generated when people get 
together as like-minded individuals. The whole is greater than the sum of the 
parts - or so they say. Yes, I am sure FFL2 must be a dazzling example of the 
heights to which individuals can soar when they put their mind to it.  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Yes, that post from t3rinity in 2008 really captures who Barry is.

 I thought it inadvertently revealed who Judy is. Imagine the thought process 
that remembered a post from long ago that she thought might be embarrassing to 
two people, searching for it, joining the group and hoping it does the job she 
never managed to do herself.

 Who does that? Does it sound like a reasonable way to spend the day? And what 
did she put in the reason for joining box on the site; I've got some muck to 

 I'm embarrassed on her behalf.



 And that is, is that he is really, his own cult.

 Perhaps that's the reason he talks about cults so much.

 If you subscribe to some things Curtis has written, you should always be 
suspicious of the topics people constantly bring up, especially it they make a 
repeated, and concerted effort to distance themselves from the given subject or 
behavior in question.

 You see it all the time with politicians who champion anti gay legislation.

 Those are one to look for as being closeted gays.

 With Barry, everything is hunky dory so long as you go along with his opinions.

 But you veer off, and don't correct in time, and... his 
cult pattern emerges.

 And since we're sorta on the topic, even though you have often referred to Sal 
Sunshine, as stupid, I would not go that far, simply out of courtesy, but she 
sure is clueless as to any kind of social cues.

 Anyway, I don't think I've ever seen anyone as happy and gabby as she is, even 
if she does excel at making a fool of herself.

 Oh, one other thing.  I did get a big laugh out of Barry fashioning himself as 
some sort of humanitarian after someone posted that personal information about 

 As he seems to be gearing up for an awards ceremony at some point, it sounds 
like for the 10th plus year (in a row), he is going to be the recipient of the 
Inadvertent Irony Award  (-:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating Post, Judy

2015-07-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Your thread here has descended to being personalized slurs between yourselves. 
Take your personal stuff this way offline between you.  Thanks in advance,  

 The only difference here, Doug, is that Judy is attempting to illustrate to 
Salyavin that a double standard is being supported. These kinds of exchanges 
have often degenerated into mud slinging in the past but with the removal or 
movement of many to the alternate forum this is less inclined to happen here 
now. Explanations for why someone posted something are not necessarily personal 
or not being a good citizen.
 In short: Be a good citizen — Treat others with respect and report content 
that violates our Guidelines. Stay on topic — Keep your content relevant to the 
group and moderate it correctly. Follow the law — We'll take appropriate action 
if we find you breaking the law. Here's how you can get the most out of Groups: 
Share what you know. Find the groups that are right for you. Chances are, 
someone can benefit from what you have to contribute. Be courteous. Everyone 
wants to be treated with respect, and showing respect to others makes the 
community better for all members. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 salyavin wrote:

 I thought it inadvertently revealed who Judy is. Imagine the thought process 
that remembered a post from long ago that she thought might be embarrassing to 
two people, searching for it, joining the group and hoping it does the job she 
never managed to do herself.

 Who does that? Does it sound like a reasonable way to spend the day? And what 
did she put in the reason for joining box on the site; I've got some muck to 

 I'm embarrassed on her behalf.


 OK, when I responded to this earlier, I couldn't find the FFL2 post that had 
reallly inspired my post with t3rinity's 2008 email, so I didn't mention it. 
Now I've found it. Here it is, if you have the guts to look:



 But I bet you don't.

 It's a link to a crazy essay Robin Carlsen wrote more than 30 years ago when 
he was in the throes of his purported Unity consciousness experience--and by 
his own estimation today, nutty as a bedbug. He repudiated the essay when 
t3rinity posted it a couple of years ago on FFL in order to embarrass him.

 Note that this time, t3rinity doesn't bother to date the essay nor point out 
that Robin has disavowed it, leaving the entirely false impression that it 
represents Robin's current thinking. t3rinity posted it with the intention of 
drawing me in to defend Robin, but I decided to post t3rinity's 2008 email 

 That's called Turnabout is fair play. Or What goes around, comes around.

 If you had any integrity, you'd now be embarrassed on t3rinity's behalf 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating Post, Judy

2015-07-13 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Your thread here has descended to being personalized slurs between yourselves. 
Take your personal stuff this way offline between you.  Thanks in advance,  
 In short: Be a good citizen — Treat others with respect and report content 
that violates our Guidelines. Stay on topic — Keep your content relevant to the 
group and moderate it correctly. Follow the law — We'll take appropriate action 
if we find you breaking the law. Here's how you can get the most out of Groups: 
Share what you know. Find the groups that are right for you. Chances are, 
someone can benefit from what you have to contribute. Be courteous. Everyone 
wants to be treated with respect, and showing respect to others makes the 
community better for all members. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote :

 salyavin wrote:

 I thought it inadvertently revealed who Judy is. Imagine the thought process 
that remembered a post from long ago that she thought might be embarrassing to 
two people, searching for it, joining the group and hoping it does the job she 
never managed to do herself.

 Who does that? Does it sound like a reasonable way to spend the day? And what 
did she put in the reason for joining box on the site; I've got some muck to 

 I'm embarrassed on her behalf.


 OK, when I responded to this earlier, I couldn't find the FFL2 post that had 
reallly inspired my post with t3rinity's 2008 email, so I didn't mention it. 
Now I've found it. Here it is, if you have the guts to look:



 But I bet you don't.

 It's a link to a crazy essay Robin Carlsen wrote more than 30 years ago when 
he was in the throes of his purported Unity consciousness experience--and by 
his own estimation today, nutty as a bedbug. He repudiated the essay when 
t3rinity posted it a couple of years ago on FFL in order to embarrass him.

 Note that this time, t3rinity doesn't bother to date the essay nor point out 
that Robin has disavowed it, leaving the entirely false impression that it 
represents Robin's current thinking. t3rinity posted it with the intention of 
drawing me in to defend Robin, but I decided to post t3rinity's 2008 email 

 That's called Turnabout is fair play. Or What goes around, comes around.

 If you had any integrity, you'd now be embarrassed on t3rinity's behalf 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating Post, Judy

2015-07-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 In t3rinity's *very first pompous post*, he told one of his many lies about 
me--that I was among those who all too eagerly line up behind the fascist 
mindset of Buck.

 I suppose I could have retaliated with a lie about t3rinity, but I'm not 
drawn that way, as Barry might say. And I was struck by the extraordinary 
personality differences between t3rinity in 2008, as exemplified in that post, 
and t3rinity today.

 So yes, it was a matter of taking him down a peg. And it did the job, just one 
post instead of a big long exchange of insults and invective (and lies on his 
part). If Barry was also embarrassed by it, that was collateral damage, but I 
doubt he was--especially after t3rinity groveled at his feet and begged his 

 Now everyone there knows a little more about both of them than they did 
before, and I've unsubscribed.

 I have, so far managed to refrain from looking at FFL2 (except for that first 
morning Alex said he had set up a new site for the sake of quelling the moaning 
of the masses). For all I know, they're rehearsing for their next collaborative 
performance of Much Ado About Nothing. Or, perhaps, they are discussing how 
to help in ending world hunger or are raising money for the homeless. It's 
amazing how much positivity and intelligence can be generated when people get 
together as like-minded individuals. The whole is greater than the sum of the 
parts - or so they say. Yes, I am sure FFL2 must be a dazzling example of the 
heights to which individuals can soar when they put their mind to it.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Yes, that post from t3rinity in 2008 really captures who Barry is.

 I thought it inadvertently revealed who Judy is. Imagine the thought process 
that remembered a post from long ago that she thought might be embarrassing to 
two people, searching for it, joining the group and hoping it does the job she 
never managed to do herself.

 Who does that? Does it sound like a reasonable way to spend the day? And what 
did she put in the reason for joining box on the site; I've got some muck to 

 I'm embarrassed on her behalf.



 And that is, is that he is really, his own cult.

 Perhaps that's the reason he talks about cults so much.

 If you subscribe to some things Curtis has written, you should always be 
suspicious of the topics people constantly bring up, especially it they make a 
repeated, and concerted effort to distance themselves from the given subject or 
behavior in question.

 You see it all the time with politicians who champion anti gay legislation.

 Those are one to look for as being closeted gays.

 With Barry, everything is hunky dory so long as you go along with his opinions.

 But you veer off, and don't correct in time, and... his 
cult pattern emerges.

 And since we're sorta on the topic, even though you have often referred to Sal 
Sunshine, as stupid, I would not go that far, simply out of courtesy, but she 
sure is clueless as to any kind of social cues.

 Anyway, I don't think I've ever seen anyone as happy and gabby as she is, even 
if she does excel at making a fool of herself.

 Oh, one other thing.  I did get a big laugh out of Barry fashioning himself as 
some sort of humanitarian after someone posted that personal information about 

 As he seems to be gearing up for an awards ceremony at some point, it sounds 
like for the 10th plus year (in a row), he is going to be the recipient of the 
Inadvertent Irony Award  (-:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Goodbye global warming?

2015-07-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Heck, in Fairfield, Iowa with Global Weird Weather I'd just like several days 
in a row of sunshine this month right now to be able to mow and make some 
decent hay. It is looking like a two-cutting summer..  

 In Victoria, you will never get two or three cuts unless you irrigate. It just 
basically never rains during July and August here. One thing we never get is 
tornado warnings which, although not as exciting, is fine by me with a barn 
full of horses. Tornados descending on animals just gets way too messy. 

 By the way, I'm loving the new FFL. Now, if some of our more interesting 
posters from a couple of years back would just return now that the din has 
lessened in here it would be most welcome.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote :

 The earth is 15 years from a mini ice-age that will cause bitterly cold 
winters during which rivers such as the Thames freeze over, scientists have 


 Man, am I confused. So we are in the early but terminal stages of global 
warming and at the same time we are going to experience a mini ice age. Great, 
just great. Do I order more sunblock or get out the down anorak (parka in North 

 http://tinyurl.com/pznt35q http://tinyurl.com/pznt35q


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating Post, Judy

2015-07-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
No, definitely a she.  But...when Alex had the gall to tap 
on the brakes a little last week, thinking aloud if a particular post might 
have intruded on someone's privacy, she comes charging out of the gate calling 
him a pussy, and a wussy, a coward and an otherwise poor excuse for human 
being, I thought to myself, gene menetley, is this isn't a candidate for a 
nagging wife, who is? 

 But, maybe that's what 'ol Bar needs at this stage in his life.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Actually, it's sorta sweet over there, Ann. 

 It's as though Barry's taken a wife, and we get to see the honeymoon, all up 
close and personal.

 They haven't yet come up with pet names for one another, but I suspect that 
should be happening soon.  
NIce. I am happy for them. It is amazing the kind of connections one can 
make online. Forums are no exception. You just know when the vibe is right and 
all is groovy. Listen to me, I'm just a tad giddy with the news. Are we sure 
Sal is a woman? There are many men out there with that name. That's fine my be 
me though, I'm one of those FB posters who changed their profile picture to all 
those neat rainbow colors to show my support for same sex marriage so even if 
Sal is a man I'm all for it. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 I have, so far managed to refrain from looking at FFL2 (except for that first 
morning Alex said he had set up a new site for the sake of quelling the moaning 
of the masses). For all I know, they're rehearsing for their next collaborative 
performance of Much Ado About Nothing. Or, perhaps, they are discussing how 
to help in ending world hunger or are raising money for the homeless. It's 
amazing how much positivity and intelligence can be generated when people get 
together as like-minded individuals. The whole is greater than the sum of the 
parts - or so they say. Yes, I am sure FFL2 must be a dazzling example of the 
heights to which individuals can soar when they put their mind to it.  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Yes, that post from t3rinity in 2008 really captures who Barry is.

 I thought it inadvertently revealed who Judy is. Imagine the thought process 
that remembered a post from long ago that she thought might be embarrassing to 
two people, searching for it, joining the group and hoping it does the job she 
never managed to do herself.

 Who does that? Does it sound like a reasonable way to spend the day? And what 
did she put in the reason for joining box on the site; I've got some muck to 

 I'm embarrassed on her behalf.



 And that is, is that he is really, his own cult.

 Perhaps that's the reason he talks about cults so much.

 If you subscribe to some things Curtis has written, you should always be 
suspicious of the topics people constantly bring up, especially it they make a 
repeated, and concerted effort to distance themselves from the given subject or 
behavior in question.

 You see it all the time with politicians who champion anti gay legislation.

 Those are one to look for as being closeted gays.

 With Barry, everything is hunky dory so long as you go along with his opinions.

 But you veer off, and don't correct in time, and... his 
cult pattern emerges.

 And since we're sorta on the topic, even though you have often referred to Sal 
Sunshine, as stupid, I would not go that far, simply out of courtesy, but she 
sure is clueless as to any kind of social cues.

 Anyway, I don't think I've ever seen anyone as happy and gabby as she is, even 
if she does excel at making a fool of herself.

 Oh, one other thing.  I did get a big laugh out of Barry fashioning himself as 
some sort of humanitarian after someone posted that personal information about 

 As he seems to be gearing up for an awards ceremony at some point, it sounds 
like for the 10th plus year (in a row), he is going to be the recipient of the 
Inadvertent Irony Award  (-:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating Post, Judy

2015-07-13 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I think Doug's right in this case. Salyavin was being quite snotty, assuming 
erroneously that my post on t3rinity's email was gratuitous; and I got a little 
snotty back. The exchange wouldn't have improved from there. 

 At least now anybody who's curious knows my post on FFL2 was not at all 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 Your thread here has descended to being personalized slurs between yourselves. 
Take your personal stuff this way offline between you.  Thanks in advance,  

 The only difference here, Doug, is that Judy is attempting to illustrate to 
Salyavin that a double standard is being supported. These kinds of exchanges 
have often degenerated into mud slinging in the past but with the removal or 
movement of many to the alternate forum this is less inclined to happen here 
now. Explanations for why someone posted something are not necessarily personal 
or not being a good citizen.
 In short: Be a good citizen — Treat others with respect and report content 
that violates our Guidelines. Stay on topic — Keep your content relevant to the 
group and moderate it correctly. Follow the law — We'll take appropriate action 
if we find you breaking the law. Here's how you can get the most out of Groups: 
Share what you know. Find the groups that are right for you. Chances are, 
someone can benefit from what you have to contribute. Be courteous. Everyone 
wants to be treated with respect, and showing respect to others makes the 
community better for all members. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 salyavin wrote:

 I thought it inadvertently revealed who Judy is. Imagine the thought process 
that remembered a post from long ago that she thought might be embarrassing to 
two people, searching for it, joining the group and hoping it does the job she 
never managed to do herself.

 Who does that? Does it sound like a reasonable way to spend the day? And what 
did she put in the reason for joining box on the site; I've got some muck to 

 I'm embarrassed on her behalf.


 OK, when I responded to this earlier, I couldn't find the FFL2 post that had 
reallly inspired my post with t3rinity's 2008 email, so I didn't mention it. 
Now I've found it. Here it is, if you have the guts to look:



 But I bet you don't.

 It's a link to a crazy essay Robin Carlsen wrote more than 30 years ago when 
he was in the throes of his purported Unity consciousness experience--and by 
his own estimation today, nutty as a bedbug. He repudiated the essay when 
t3rinity posted it a couple of years ago on FFL in order to embarrass him.

 Note that this time, t3rinity doesn't bother to date the essay nor point out 
that Robin has disavowed it, leaving the entirely false impression that it 
represents Robin's current thinking. t3rinity posted it with the intention of 
drawing me in to defend Robin, but I decided to post t3rinity's 2008 email 

 That's called Turnabout is fair play. Or What goes around, comes around.

 If you had any integrity, you'd now be embarrassed on t3rinity's behalf 


[FairfieldLife] Speaking of skewering...

2015-07-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating Post, Judy

2015-07-13 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Your thread here has descended to being personalized slurs between yourselves. 
Take your personal stuff this way offline between you.   Blimey, there really 
isn't going to be much left if you remove people's right have disagreements. 
But I don't blame you really, Judy is way tedious and personal attacks are kind 
of her speciality. And the others just follow what she says so it'll be good to 
force them to try and be creative like myself, otherwise all you'll get is 
slanging matches, probably against me because I'm the only person who you 
haven't banned or who hasn't gone to the freer version of FFL to have a good 
time without your Stalinist diktats. Did you like my piece on TM and Anxiety? 
I've got oodles more to share about mental health and I look forward to you 
posting something in return.  Jai Guru Us!








 Thanks in advance,  -JaiGuruYou  
 In short: Be a good citizen — Treat others with respect and report content 
that violates our Guidelines. Stay on topic — Keep your content relevant to the 
group and moderate it correctly. Follow the law — We'll take appropriate action 
if we find you breaking the law. Here's how you can get the most out of Groups: 
Share what you know. Find the groups that are right for you. Chances are, 
someone can benefit from what you have to contribute. Be courteous. Everyone 
wants to be treated with respect, and showing respect to others makes the 
community better for all members. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 salyavin wrote:

 I thought it inadvertently revealed who Judy is. Imagine the thought process 
that remembered a post from long ago that she thought might be embarrassing to 
two people, searching for it, joining the group and hoping it does the job she 
never managed to do herself.

 Who does that? Does it sound like a reasonable way to spend the day? And what 
did she put in the reason for joining box on the site; I've got some muck to 

 I'm embarrassed on her behalf.


 OK, when I responded to this earlier, I couldn't find the FFL2 post that had 
reallly inspired my post with t3rinity's 2008 email, so I didn't mention it. 
Now I've found it. Here it is, if you have the guts to look:



 But I bet you don't.

 It's a link to a crazy essay Robin Carlsen wrote more than 30 years ago when 
he was in the throes of his purported Unity consciousness experience--and by 
his own estimation today, nutty as a bedbug. He repudiated the essay when 
t3rinity posted it a couple of years ago on FFL in order to embarrass him.

 Note that this time, t3rinity doesn't bother to date the essay nor point out 
that Robin has disavowed it, leaving the entirely false impression that it 
represents Robin's current thinking. t3rinity posted it with the intention of 
drawing me in to defend Robin, but I decided to post t3rinity's 2008 email 

 That's called Turnabout is fair play. Or What goes around, comes around.

 If you had any integrity, you'd now be embarrassed on t3rinity's behalf 


[FairfieldLife] The scammy TM Org's worthlessness revealed by one question

2015-07-13 Thread Duveyoung
What does all the recent attention given to Pluto spiritually do to ones 
nervous system?

Pretty damned silly question, eh?  

Unless you're a TM person.

Proof? Ask ANY TM leader to answer it?

We don't get to know get a trustable answer to that question, because:  
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is dead, and not one person in the movement would DARE 
answer that question and at the same time demand that we give that answer the 
least authority compared to how much respect an answer from a still living 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi would garner.


We have NO GURU.  Our Guru died.  No one now speaks for the Absolute.

 Girish is not our guru.  Bev and Hag are not gurus.  The King for fuckin' sure 
ain't anyone's guru.  

Are they?  ARE THEY?  Will you dare tell me the movement now has a new guru?

I dare you.


 We cannot get an enlightened answer for the above sample question that even 1% 
of those in the movement would believe.  There would be pure bullshit answers 
given with tons of wiggle room and hemming and hawing, but if Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi was in the room, all would turn to him for the REAL answer.  

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi would have answered that question with GREAT INTENSITY, 
because he sponsored and supported astrology, and he MADE MONEY because his 
followers were instructed that astrology-out-of-India, Jyotish, was not merely 
better than Western astrology, but, rather, it was SACRED RITUAL, and we have 
to conduct jyotish ceremonies conducted by the movement to get special 
attention from the gods, and is very expensive, but of course.

You're fucking damned right Maharishi Mahesh Yogi would answer that question if 
someone in a teacher training course asked it.  I know, because I was on such 
courses, and suchlike questions were very seriously entertained.  I could pony 
up a one hour lecture that would answer that question -- all bullshit, but it'd 
be great.

Try to ask this question to anyone in the movement.  Step aside as the puke 
spews.  Push back and demand a definitive answer from someone higher up, and 
watch yourself get your badge pulled for being a trouble maker.  

 AND DON'T YOU EVEN ASK FOR GIRISH TO TELL US.  He's never going to meet with 
us, because we would toss cream pies in his false-flag-Potemkin-Village face 
which will never speak wisdom or cite Vedic verses or giggle us into loving 

 He's a corporate raider and that's fucking that.

Our Guru is dead.  The TM movement cannot evolve from this point with any sense 
of Vedic purity.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating Post, Judy

2015-07-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Actually, it's sorta sweet over there, Ann. 

 It's as though Barry's taken a wife, and we get to see the honeymoon, all up 
close and personal.

 They haven't yet come up with pet names for one another, but I suspect that 
should be happening soon.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 I have, so far managed to refrain from looking at FFL2 (except for that first 
morning Alex said he had set up a new site for the sake of quelling the moaning 
of the masses). For all I know, they're rehearsing for their next collaborative 
performance of Much Ado About Nothing. Or, perhaps, they are discussing how 
to help in ending world hunger or are raising money for the homeless. It's 
amazing how much positivity and intelligence can be generated when people get 
together as like-minded individuals. The whole is greater than the sum of the 
parts - or so they say. Yes, I am sure FFL2 must be a dazzling example of the 
heights to which individuals can soar when they put their mind to it.  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Yes, that post from t3rinity in 2008 really captures who Barry is.

 I thought it inadvertently revealed who Judy is. Imagine the thought process 
that remembered a post from long ago that she thought might be embarrassing to 
two people, searching for it, joining the group and hoping it does the job she 
never managed to do herself.

 Who does that? Does it sound like a reasonable way to spend the day? And what 
did she put in the reason for joining box on the site; I've got some muck to 

 I'm embarrassed on her behalf.



 And that is, is that he is really, his own cult.

 Perhaps that's the reason he talks about cults so much.

 If you subscribe to some things Curtis has written, you should always be 
suspicious of the topics people constantly bring up, especially it they make a 
repeated, and concerted effort to distance themselves from the given subject or 
behavior in question.

 You see it all the time with politicians who champion anti gay legislation.

 Those are one to look for as being closeted gays.

 With Barry, everything is hunky dory so long as you go along with his opinions.

 But you veer off, and don't correct in time, and... his 
cult pattern emerges.

 And since we're sorta on the topic, even though you have often referred to Sal 
Sunshine, as stupid, I would not go that far, simply out of courtesy, but she 
sure is clueless as to any kind of social cues.

 Anyway, I don't think I've ever seen anyone as happy and gabby as she is, even 
if she does excel at making a fool of herself.

 Oh, one other thing.  I did get a big laugh out of Barry fashioning himself as 
some sort of humanitarian after someone posted that personal information about 

 As he seems to be gearing up for an awards ceremony at some point, it sounds 
like for the 10th plus year (in a row), he is going to be the recipient of the 
Inadvertent Irony Award  (-:

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Tue 14-Jul-15 00:15:05 UTC

2015-07-13 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 07/11/15 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 07/18/15 00:00:00
58 messages as of (UTC) 07/13/15 23:45:26

 12 awoelflebater
  7 dhamiltony2k5
  6 steve.sundur
  6 salyavin808 
  6 s3raphita
  4 j_alexander_stanley
  4 feste37 
  3 authfriend
  3 Duveyoung 
  1 yifuxero
  1 ultrarishi 
  1 laughinggull108 
  1 email4you mikemail4you
  1 curtisdeltablues
  1 Mail Uzer mail_uzer
  1 Bhairitu noozguru
Posters: 16
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating Post, Judy

2015-07-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 I think Doug's right in this case. Salyavin was being quite snotty, assuming 
erroneously that my post on t3rinity's email was gratuitous; and I got a little 
snotty back. The exchange wouldn't have improved from there. 

 At least now anybody who's curious knows my post on FFL2 was not at all 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 Your thread here has descended to being personalized slurs between yourselves. 
Take your personal stuff this way offline between you.  Thanks in advance,  

 The only difference here, Doug, is that Judy is attempting to illustrate to 
Salyavin that a double standard is being supported. These kinds of exchanges 
have often degenerated into mud slinging in the past but with the removal or 
movement of many to the alternate forum this is less inclined to happen here 
now. Explanations for why someone posted something are not necessarily personal 
or not being a good citizen.
 In short: Be a good citizen — Treat others with respect and report content 
that violates our Guidelines. Stay on topic — Keep your content relevant to the 
group and moderate it correctly. Follow the law — We'll take appropriate action 
if we find you breaking the law. Here's how you can get the most out of Groups: 
Share what you know. Find the groups that are right for you. Chances are, 
someone can benefit from what you have to contribute. Be courteous. Everyone 
wants to be treated with respect, and showing respect to others makes the 
community better for all members. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 salyavin wrote:

 I thought it inadvertently revealed who Judy is. Imagine the thought process 
that remembered a post from long ago that she thought might be embarrassing to 
two people, searching for it, joining the group and hoping it does the job she 
never managed to do herself.

 Who does that? Does it sound like a reasonable way to spend the day? And what 
did she put in the reason for joining box on the site; I've got some muck to 

 I'm embarrassed on her behalf.


 OK, when I responded to this earlier, I couldn't find the FFL2 post that had 
reallly inspired my post with t3rinity's 2008 email, so I didn't mention it. 
Now I've found it. Here it is, if you have the guts to look:



 But I bet you don't.

 It's a link to a crazy essay Robin Carlsen wrote more than 30 years ago when 
he was in the throes of his purported Unity consciousness experience--and by 
his own estimation today, nutty as a bedbug. He repudiated the essay when 
t3rinity posted it a couple of years ago on FFL in order to embarrass him.

 Note that this time, t3rinity doesn't bother to date the essay nor point out 
that Robin has disavowed it, leaving the entirely false impression that it 
represents Robin's current thinking. t3rinity posted it with the intention of 
drawing me in to defend Robin, but I decided to post t3rinity's 2008 email 

 That's called Turnabout is fair play. Or What goes around, comes around.

 If you had any integrity, you'd now be embarrassed on t3rinity's behalf 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating Post, Judy

2015-07-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Actually, it's sorta sweet over there, Ann. 

 It's as though Barry's taken a wife, and we get to see the honeymoon, all up 
close and personal.

 They haven't yet come up with pet names for one another, but I suspect that 
should be happening soon.  
NIce. I am happy for them. It is amazing the kind of connections one can 
make online. Forums are no exception. You just know when the vibe is right and 
all is groovy. Listen to me, I'm just a tad giddy with the news. Are we sure 
Sal is a woman? There are many men out there with that name. That's fine my be 
me though, I'm one of those FB posters who changed their profile picture to all 
those neat rainbow colors to show my support for same sex marriage so even if 
Sal is a man I'm all for it. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 I have, so far managed to refrain from looking at FFL2 (except for that first 
morning Alex said he had set up a new site for the sake of quelling the moaning 
of the masses). For all I know, they're rehearsing for their next collaborative 
performance of Much Ado About Nothing. Or, perhaps, they are discussing how 
to help in ending world hunger or are raising money for the homeless. It's 
amazing how much positivity and intelligence can be generated when people get 
together as like-minded individuals. The whole is greater than the sum of the 
parts - or so they say. Yes, I am sure FFL2 must be a dazzling example of the 
heights to which individuals can soar when they put their mind to it.  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Yes, that post from t3rinity in 2008 really captures who Barry is.

 I thought it inadvertently revealed who Judy is. Imagine the thought process 
that remembered a post from long ago that she thought might be embarrassing to 
two people, searching for it, joining the group and hoping it does the job she 
never managed to do herself.

 Who does that? Does it sound like a reasonable way to spend the day? And what 
did she put in the reason for joining box on the site; I've got some muck to 

 I'm embarrassed on her behalf.



 And that is, is that he is really, his own cult.

 Perhaps that's the reason he talks about cults so much.

 If you subscribe to some things Curtis has written, you should always be 
suspicious of the topics people constantly bring up, especially it they make a 
repeated, and concerted effort to distance themselves from the given subject or 
behavior in question.

 You see it all the time with politicians who champion anti gay legislation.

 Those are one to look for as being closeted gays.

 With Barry, everything is hunky dory so long as you go along with his opinions.

 But you veer off, and don't correct in time, and... his 
cult pattern emerges.

 And since we're sorta on the topic, even though you have often referred to Sal 
Sunshine, as stupid, I would not go that far, simply out of courtesy, but she 
sure is clueless as to any kind of social cues.

 Anyway, I don't think I've ever seen anyone as happy and gabby as she is, even 
if she does excel at making a fool of herself.

 Oh, one other thing.  I did get a big laugh out of Barry fashioning himself as 
some sort of humanitarian after someone posted that personal information about 

 As he seems to be gearing up for an awards ceremony at some point, it sounds 
like for the 10th plus year (in a row), he is going to be the recipient of the 
Inadvertent Irony Award  (-: