Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Not exactly my idea Ann. I'm for ending all immigration, just for a while. 
That way we aren't profiling. Then resume it at a later date based on what an 
immigrant can offer the country. Do they have a trade, skill, or education that 
will contribute to the economy?  Can they be self sufficient when they come 
here? Will they need public financial support? How will they make America 
better? Do they even want to make America better? This way, when a disaster 
really strikes and there is a genuine need to resettle people, we can take a 
fair portion.BTW, had your burqa fitting yet?


 As a matter of fact...






 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 9:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'


---In,  wrote :

 I saw a video the other day,I'll look for it and try to post it here if I can. 
It explains statistically that in order for a culture to grow, it requires that 
each couple produce at least 2.11 children to replace them. If they produce 
less , there will be failure to grow and collapse will be inevitable. Most 
European countries are producing less than 1.9, many as low as 1.3 per couple. 
Muslim immigrants are reproducing in far greater numbers, numbers far beyond 
what is *needed* to grow. Europe is quickly being conquered by Islam by natural 
reproduction.  The United States is well on it's way with the same scenario. 


 Maybe it's time for a little ethnic cleansing or sterilization, Mike? No 
abortion though.
 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 12:56 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'
 The Bulgarian Orthodox Church says so.  The church fears that it's a Muslim 
invasion.  One wonders if ISIS had orchestrated this mass migration in the 
first place.  Is that possible?

 Don't let Muslim migrants in, says Bulgaria's Orthodox Church
 Don't let Muslim migrants in, says Bulgaria's Or...
 Bulgaria's Orthodox Church has called on its government not to let any more 
Muslim refugees into the country to prevent an "invasion". The Balkan EU m...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 







Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike (Smile)

2015-09-27 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Oh yes, they are more precise. Instead of dropping ten, a hundred, thousand or 
ten thousand bombs, as was done in Dresden Germany during WW2, hoping one is 
going to hit the target, one will do. Far less collateral damage and far fewer 
innocent civilians being hurt or killed. You must also ask yourself of the 
intent of a society that places military targets among civilians. The 
Palestinians in Gaza were/are notorious for doing so, placing military 
munitions under schools, and missile launchers in parks or near hospitals etc. 
Then they have the audacity to blame Israeli military for damage or accidental 
deaths of children or the elderly when they attack the source of the fire 
pouring down on Israeli families. It's a an evil political tactic, designed to 
shift blame from it's origin.< So I take it that you believe that evil should 
not be resisted. Don't attack ISIS, you might hurt a child that they are hiding 
behind, while they continue executing anyone that gets in their way or doesn't 
submit to their authority. Really? Please don't try to shame Christians for 
standing up to evil, it is their duty. Even Yogananda spoke about, as a child, 
that he stood up to a bully and beat the snot out of him for attacking his 
 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 4:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike (Smile)
    Doesn't apply - You are assuming that laser-guided munitions are more 
precise. They aren't. The laser part is precise. The bomb is still a bomb, 
exploding 360 degrees, causing lots of collateral damage, blowing innocent 
women and children to pieces, much more so that the direct violence we abhor. 
It is easy to kill when the gore is removed from our senses, and much more 
evil, imo - no ownership of the act. No thorn here, just the cold blooded 
destruction of families, communities and nations. 
Again, it is the "peace loving" Christians responsible  for this hell on earth. 
So they are hypocrites twice, once for their absence from the violence they 
encourage, and second because they talk about peace endlessly, while waging war 
- btw, that second phrase is an MMY quote. 
Very bad karma, and even Jesus cannot save them. 911 certainly wasn't a random 
event. If the radical Christians continue to create enemies abroad and having 
done so, try and kill them all, they will bring further domestic attacks to 
this country. Exactly the same mindset as the radical Muslims, their mirror 
image, only more aggressive.
---In,  wrote :

What did Maharishi used to say? Sometimes it takes a thorn to remove a thorn, I 
think. A well guided laser *thorn* would be much better than poking around with 
a big rusty nail.

  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 12:11 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike (Smile)
 Interesting stuff - thanks for the specifics. Yes, Dances With Wolves was well 
I find it curious the Western revulsion at violence done directly, though we 
have no such squeamishness when aiming a laser guided munition at a village. On 
the one hand, decrying the public be-headings by ISIS, while on the other, 
blowing the heads, arms, and legs off large segments of the populations we 
Hypocrisy, anyone? 
---In,  wrote :

I'm speaking primarily of plains Indians. Ever watch Dances with Wolves? Now 
before you say "that's just Hollywood", it was a pretty accurate portrayal  of 
plains Indian life, although toned down greatly.  I read a book called *Indian 
Depredations* by Big Foot Wallace, one of the original Texas Rangers in which 
he chronicles attacks by Comanche, Kiowa, and other native Texas bands on 
settlers. There were a couple of bands in Texas that none of the other *tribes* 
or nations liked as they were cannibalistic. I could go into the nature of 
plains Indian depredations in detail but they were quite gruesome. Let's put it 
this way, An old saying among those with firsthand experience with Indians was 
" save your last bullet for yourself, you don't want to be captured alive". 
Yes, self mutilation was a common practice among plains Indians. Lots of 
*cutting*. Women cut them selves in mourning a lost loved one. Ever hear of the 
sun Dance? Sitting Bull cut something like a hundred pieces of flesh from his 
arms.  Of course we know of the mutilations of dead soldiers at the Little Big 
Horn. My great grand father arrived a couple of days after and helped bury the 
dead.Human sacrifice was limited more to the Aztec and Mayan, to my knowledge, 
although I'm pretty sure it happened in South American tribes as well. Ever 
hear of shrinking heads? < Not intending to paint all with a broad brush, there 
were  relatively more sophisticated nations as well, Hopi, Navajo Cherokee etc. 
But nobody remembers a *good* 

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'

2015-09-27 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I think.

  From: "Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 10:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'
    Damn girl! You look gorgeous!


 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 8:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'

---In,  wrote :

Not exactly my idea Ann. I'm for ending all immigration, just for a while. That 
way we aren't profiling. Then resume it at a later date based on what an 
immigrant can offer the country. Do they have a trade, skill, or education that 
will contribute to the economy?  Can they be self sufficient when they come 
here? Will they need public financial support? How will they make America 
better? Do they even want to make America better? This way, when a disaster 
really strikes and there is a genuine need to resettle people, we can take a 
fair portion.BTW, had your burqa fitting yet?

As a matter of fact...

  From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 9:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'

---In,  wrote :

I saw a video the other day,I'll look for it and try to post it here if I can. 
It explains statistically that in order for a culture to grow, it requires that 
each couple produce at least 2.11 children to replace them. If they produce 
less , there will be failure to grow and collapse will be inevitable. Most 
European countries are producing less than 1.9, many as low as 1.3 per couple. 
Muslim immigrants are reproducing in far greater numbers, numbers far beyond 
what is *needed* to grow. Europe is quickly being conquered by Islam by natural 
reproduction.  The United States is well on it's way with the same scenario. 

Maybe it's time for a little ethnic cleansing or sterilization, Mike? No 
abortion though.  From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 12:56 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'
 The Bulgarian Orthodox Church says so.  The church fears that it's a Muslim 
invasion.  One wonders if ISIS had orchestrated this mass migration in the 
first place.  Is that possible?
Don't let Muslim migrants in, says Bulgaria's Orthodox Church

|  |
|  | |  | Don't let Muslim migrants in, says Bulgaria's Or... 
Bulgaria's Orthodox Church has called on its government not to let any more 
Muslim refugees into the country to prevent an "invasion". The Balkan EU m... | 
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


 #yiv0425845900 #yiv0425845900 -- #yiv0425845900ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Down One Cry Baby

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Right, question authority!

 Question authority, your own beliefs, your own assumptions, your own sanity 
every moment of every day. That's my motto. Allow them to change and morph and 
be prepared to be surprised when you find you discard old stuff and take up 
hitherto rejected ideas.

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 9:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Down One Cry Baby


---In,  wrote :

 Emily, I'll listen to anything he has to say out of curiosity, with an open 
mind and heart but quite frankly, I'm not Catholic and will take anything he 
has to say with a grain of salt. However, there sure seems to be a *stir* about 
him and his role during these times.

 Even if you were Catholic you should take everything he says with a grain of 
salt. Evaluate everything no matter your predisposition. 

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 4:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Down One Cry Baby
   Re: "Could he be tied to the Anti-Christ ? He seems to be advocating the one 
world order and one world spiritual system that will be the mark of the Anti 

 Mike, assuming your mind and heart are not closed and that your thought 
process retains flexibility and hesitates to assume that your opinion is 
necessarily right, when the transcript comes out, read his speech given at 
Independence Hall in Philly today (or watch it in a re-run on CSPAN).  It is 
the exact opposite of what you say here and was stated purposefully, 
intelligently, and compassionately.  

---In,  wrote :

 I'm not Catholic so I know very little about some things that I've been 
hearing but they sound quit dire. We've all heard of the letters of Fatima  but 
know little of what was in them. The third letter of Fatima was supposed to be 
published in 1960 but Pope John23 refused, it was supposed to be absolutely 
horrifying. Later, another appearance occurred in Italy and a warning was that 
since this letter was not published that many Bishops, priests, cardinals etc, 
were leading the church into perdition. There is also prophecy that this is the 
last Pope.  Could he be tied to the Anti-Christ ? He seems to be advocating the 
one world order and one world spiritual system that will be the mark of the 
Anti -Christ. Time will tell. The fourth blood Moon is tomorrow. We are now in 
the year of Jubilee, a great time for those in the will of God but all hell 
could break out for the rest. May you live in interesting times.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Bear TV

2015-09-27 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Imagine that curling up in bed next to you.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 3:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Bear TV
    (Karhu = bear)

Juuso (you-saw) the Bear, almost a 1000 pounds (500 kilos)!

||||   karhutv  Home Best of YouTube Popular on YouTube 
Music ||
| View on www.yout...|Preview by Yahoo|


  #yiv2276874867 #yiv2276874867 -- #yiv2276874867ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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2015-09-27 Thread email4you [FairfieldLife]
Growing Doubt: 
a Scientist’s Experience of GMOs

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Growing Doubt: a Scientist’s Experience of GMOsThe commercial purpose of GMOs 
is not to feed the world or improve farming. They exist to gain patent rights 
over seeds and plant breeding and to drive agricultur... |
|  |
| View on www.greenmedinfo... | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |


Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'

2015-09-27 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Damn girl! You look gorgeous!

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 8:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'

---In,  wrote :

Not exactly my idea Ann. I'm for ending all immigration, just for a while. That 
way we aren't profiling. Then resume it at a later date based on what an 
immigrant can offer the country. Do they have a trade, skill, or education that 
will contribute to the economy?  Can they be self sufficient when they come 
here? Will they need public financial support? How will they make America 
better? Do they even want to make America better? This way, when a disaster 
really strikes and there is a genuine need to resettle people, we can take a 
fair portion.BTW, had your burqa fitting yet?

As a matter of fact...

  From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 9:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'

---In,  wrote :

I saw a video the other day,I'll look for it and try to post it here if I can. 
It explains statistically that in order for a culture to grow, it requires that 
each couple produce at least 2.11 children to replace them. If they produce 
less , there will be failure to grow and collapse will be inevitable. Most 
European countries are producing less than 1.9, many as low as 1.3 per couple. 
Muslim immigrants are reproducing in far greater numbers, numbers far beyond 
what is *needed* to grow. Europe is quickly being conquered by Islam by natural 
reproduction.  The United States is well on it's way with the same scenario. 

Maybe it's time for a little ethnic cleansing or sterilization, Mike? No 
abortion though.  From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 12:56 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'
 The Bulgarian Orthodox Church says so.  The church fears that it's a Muslim 
invasion.  One wonders if ISIS had orchestrated this mass migration in the 
first place.  Is that possible?
Don't let Muslim migrants in, says Bulgaria's Orthodox Church

|  |
|  | |  | Don't let Muslim migrants in, says Bulgaria's Or... 
Bulgaria's Orthodox Church has called on its government not to let any more 
Muslim refugees into the country to prevent an "invasion". The Balkan EU m... | 
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

  #yiv2126606579 #yiv2126606579 -- #yiv2126606579ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2126606579 
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{margin:0;}#yiv2126606579 #yiv2126606579ygrp-mkp .yiv2126606579ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2126606579 #yiv2126606579ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv2126606579ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv2126606579 
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#yiv2126606579ygrp-sponsor #yiv2126606579ygrp-lc .yiv2126606579ad 
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{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv2126606579 #yiv2126606579activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2126606579 #yiv2126606579activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv2126606579 #yiv2126606579activity span 
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{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2126606579 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv2126606579 .yiv2126606579bold 
.yiv2126606579bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv2126606579 dd.yiv2126606579last 
p a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Love & Mercy

2015-09-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
On 09/27/2015 10:00 AM, Sal Sunshine 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

On Sep 27, 2015, at 11:26 AM, Bhairitu 

"Love & Mercy" is the story of Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys.  It is 
a surprising good film with Paul Dano playing Wilson in his early days 
and John Cusack playing him in the later years. Elizabeth Banks plays 
Melinda, Wilson's second wife and Paul Giamatti, Dr. Eugene Landy the 
doctor who ran Wilson's life for quite a while.

The casting is so well done that the actors who play the Beach Boys 
look a lot like them.  The studio musicians of The Wrecking Crew were 
well cast too as Hal Blaine is a character in the film.

The film makers, director Bill Pohlad and writer Oren Moverman did not 
just want to show Wilson's tribulations but also his process of 
writing a song and they do an excellent job.  They were assisted in 
the production of the film by Brian himself and his wife Melinda.

*This is quite a story and there is no mention of TM nor Maharishi in 
it but that's because it covers the period before the Beach Boys 
involvement with TM.


Yep, that’s it, totally.  What flavor Kool-Aide are you drinking 
today, Bhair?  :)

Professional musician's Kool-Aide.  No LSD either.  I saw the Beach Boys 
in fall 1966 in Seattle and was introduced to Mike Love and Al Jardine 
by Stephen Stills in fall 1967.

Pet Sounds came out in 1966 and Smiley Smile in Sept 67.  The Beatles 
met Maharishi in August 67 and went to India in Feb 68.   So most of the 
band in the 60s part was before Maharishi.  And yes the Cusack part 
takes place beginning in the late 70s through early 90s.  If you have 
the disc check out the extras.  I rented it at Redbox on Blu-ray and 
it's not a "rental edition" so I was up to 2 AM to watch all the extras.

Beach Boys discography:

I also met with Al DeLory who is  portrayed in the film in fall of 
1967.  The band I had in high school had a member who was originally 
from LA and related to the Wilson.

Small world.

The movie opens when he met his second wife, in 86.  And then flashes 
back and forth to the good old days, in the 60s.  Plenty of room to 
mention anything.  The reason they didn’t was undoubtedly because 
after the Beach Boys’ involvement, which for everyone except Mike Love 
lasted about 5 minutes, Brian made it perfectly clear he didn’t give a 
hoot in hell, even going on TV and giving away the mantras.  One of 
his finer performances, I might add. :)

I am enjoying the movie, which I’m watching right now.  Apart from his 
second wife, it focuses on his relationship with his crackpot 
“therapist” Eugene Landy.  For Wilson, as for many, many others, TM 
was an all-too-brief stop in a life filled with far more important 
issues. He just didn’t give a crap.  Get over it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.

2015-09-27 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Oh F*ing boy! I feel so honored! I've been invited to give the TMO more money!

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 1:54 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.
> Sender: gcwpnews@
> Date: Friday, 25 September 2015 12:10:09 -0500
> X-Google-Sender-Auth: d7b7e88776d0drt6d
> Subject: Devi Devantri Guru Moon of the Global Country or World Peace
> Following consultation with 26 Rajas of Maharishi's worldwide movement,His 
> Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj > Raja Raam has announced two beautiful new 
> initiatives, to begin immediately following the conclusion of the > Devi 
> Devantri Guru Moon on Sunday,27 September across all >domains of the Global 
> Country of World 
> Peace.
> In a Royal Proclamation to prepare for the celebration of Vaisakhi 
> DeviPurnamah of the Vedic Calendar, His>Majesty has proclaimed the conclusion 
> of DeviDevantri Guru Moon as the auspicious time of inauguration 
> of>permanentMaharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagyas in each of the 192 domains 
> of the GlobalCountry of World
>Peace, with each country supporting at least 108 MaharishiPandits for World 
> In a worldwide satellite conference celebration, amid cheers, applause,and 
> the sounds of conches and
>ringing bells, His Majesty announced: "It isa great joy to invite all 
>certified governors of Maharishi’s teaching,>sidhas,and meditators to 
>contribute to these ongoing yagyas. The Rajas of each domainwill personally 
>be>contacting each National Director to develop a world plan to invite all 
>members of Maharishi’s worldwide
> movement tocontribute financially to this beautiful program which will 
> quickly ensureinvincibility for every> nation and enlightenment for every 
> individual. 

>In thisway, each valued disciple of His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam 
>willcontinue to sanctify the world with his blessing. This invitation will be 
>ofparticular interest to all members of Maharishi’s world-wide movement who 
>maynot have not had the opportunity to contribute financially previously. 

>Wewarmly invite you to contribute to this continuing Maharishi Devi 
>DevantriGlobalYagya. The aim of HisMajesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja and H.E. 
>Rajas is to have as large acontribution as possible from every citizen in each 
>of their domains. Underof the guidance of the Global Maharishi Jyotish 
>Advisory Council, Rajas willinaugurate the First Annual Global Tour of their 
>domains, immediately uponconclusion of DeviDevantri Guru Moon, to provide an 
>opportunity for all citizens to personallyoffer their donations to the Rajas 
>of the Global Country of World Peace.
> His Majesty explained that it was always Maharishi's wish that the Rajasof 
> Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace would tour the countries of their 
> domainseach year as a celebration of gratitude for their continuous blessings 
> on ourworldwide movement and creating Heaven on Earth, and to honour 
> allcitizens by personally accepting their financial donations for the 
> >permanent continuation ofthe Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya program.
 > More details of requesting for funding for these beautiful annual tours 
 > byour beloved Rajas will >be announced shortly. In the meantime, all 
 > interested inproviding advanced funding should please >contact the Raja 
 > Annual Global Tour(RAGT) office at ragt@...
> By the Royal Order 
> of 
> His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam,
> First Ruler of The Global Country of World Peace
  #yiv7051436767 #yiv7051436767 -- #yiv7051436767ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv7051436767 
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#yiv7051436767ygrp-mkp #yiv7051436767hd 
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{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv7051436767 #yiv7051436767ygrp-mkp .yiv7051436767ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv7051436767 #yiv7051436767ygrp-mkp .yiv7051436767ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv7051436767 #yiv7051436767ygrp-mkp .yiv7051436767ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv7051436767 #yiv7051436767ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv7051436767ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv7051436767 
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#yiv7051436767ygrp-sponsor #yiv7051436767ygrp-lc .yiv7051436767ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv7051436767 #yiv7051436767actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv7051436767 
 #yiv7051436767activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv7051436767 

[FairfieldLife] Re: FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.

2015-09-27 Thread feste37
This is one of the most bizarre and ludicrous communications I have ever seen 
from the TM organization. I suggest that anyone who wants to honor MMY's legacy 
financially should consider a donation to the David Lynch Foundation, which is 
doing excellent work in school and with vets. I'm afraid that these two aspects 
of the movement are rather like the Silly Party and the Sensible Party in the 
Monty Python sketch. I can only hope that the Sensible Party eventually 
Election Night Special - Monty Python's Flying Circus 
 Election Night Special - Monty Python's Flying Circu... Subscribe to the Official Monty 
Python Channel here - In the lead up to 
the 2015 UK general election, Michael Pali...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 I don't understand the self-sabotage in a message like this. It is the 
ungainly combination of a fund-raising initiative, and a Vedic ceremony.  

 Granted, the TMO must generate sustainable revenue streams, above and beyond 
what the TM and Sidhis programs bring in, so why not just say that? with the 
provision that the money might be spent on yagyas? 

 Putting it this way, issued as a 'Royal Proclamation', substantially reduces 
the potential pool of contributors right away. Marketing 101.  
---In,  wrote :


 > Sender: gcwpnews@
 > Date: Friday, 25 September 2015 12:10:09 -0500
 > X-Google-Sender-Auth: d7b7e88776d0drt6d
 > Subject: Devi Devantri Guru Moon of the Global Country or World Peace
 > Following consultation with 26 Rajas of Maharishi's worldwide movement, His 
 > Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj > Raja Raam has announced two beautiful new 
 > initiatives, to begin immediately following the conclusion of the > Devi 
 > Devantri Guru Moon on Sunday, 27 September across all >domains of the Global 
 > Country of World 
 > Peace.

 > In a Royal Proclamation to prepare for the celebration of Vaisakhi Devi 
 > Purnamah of the Vedic Calendar, His 
 >Majesty has proclaimed the conclusion of Devi Devantri Guru Moon as the 
 >auspicious time of inauguration of
 >permanent Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagyas in each of the 192 domains of 
 >the Global Country of World

 >Peace, with each country supporting at least 108 Maharishi Pandits for World 
 > In a worldwide satellite conference celebration, amid cheers, applause, and 
 > the sounds of conches and
 >ringing bells, His Majesty announced: "It is a great joy to invite all 
 >certified governors of Maharishi’s teaching, 
 >sidhas, and meditators to contribute to these ongoing yagyas. The Rajas of 
 >each domain will personally be
 >contacting each National Director to develop a world plan to invite all 
 >members of Maharishi’s worldwide

 > movement to contribute financially to this beautiful program which will 
 > quickly ensure invincibility for every 
 > nation and enlightenment for every individual. 

>In this way, each valued disciple of His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam 
>will continue to sanctify the world with his blessing. This invitation will be 
>of particular interest to all members of Maharishi’s world-wide movement who 
>may not have not had the opportunity to contribute financially previously. 

 >We warmly invite you to contribute to this continuing Maharishi Devi Devantri 
 >GlobalYagya. The aim of His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja and H.E. Rajas is 
 >to have as large a contribution as possible from every citizen in each of 
 >their domains. Under of the guidance of the Global Maharishi Jyotish Advisory 
 >Council, Rajas will inaugurate the First Annual Global Tour of their domains, 
 >immediately upon conclusion of Devi Devantri Guru Moon, to provide an 
 >opportunity for all citizens to personally offer their donations to the Rajas 
 >of the Global Country of World Peace.
 > His Majesty explained that it was always Maharishi's wish that the Rajas of 
 > Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace would tour the countries of their 
 > domains each year as a celebration of gratitude for their continuous 
 > blessings on our worldwide movement and creating Heaven on Earth, and to 
 > honour all citizens by personally accepting their financial donations for 
 > the >permanent continuation of the Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya 
 > program.

 > More details of requesting for funding for these beautiful annual tours by 
 > our beloved Rajas will >be announced shortly. In the meantime, all 
 > interested in providing advanced funding should please >contact the Raja 
 > Annual Global Tour (RAGT) office at ragt@...

 > By the Royal Order 
 > of 
 > His Majesty 

[FairfieldLife] Who's Got Pizzazz and Zip?

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Trump, according to Bill Clinton.  It appears that Slick Willy is playing a 
psychological game with the Republicans.  He's saying underneath the statement 
that if the dumb conservatives made Trump their candidate, Hillary will win.  
Does that make sense?

 Bill Clinton believes Donald Trump could win GOP nomination
 Bill Clinton believes Donald Trump could win GOP nom...
 “He’s a master brander,” the former president says of the real estate mogul 
and current Republican frontrunner. "He’s got a lot of pizzazz and zip."
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





[FairfieldLife] FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 > Sender: gcwpnews@
 > Date: Friday, 25 September 2015 12:10:09 -0500
 > X-Google-Sender-Auth: d7b7e88776d0drt6d
 > Subject: Devi Devantri Guru Moon of the Global Country or World Peace
 > Following consultation with 26 Rajas of Maharishi's worldwide movement, His 
 > Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj > Raja Raam has announced two beautiful new 
 > initiatives, to begin immediately following the conclusion of the > Devi 
 > Devantri Guru Moon on Sunday, 27 September across all >domains of the Global 
 > Country of World 

 > Peace.
 > In a Royal Proclamation to prepare for the celebration of Vaisakhi Devi 
 > Purnamah of the Vedic Calendar, His
 >Majesty has proclaimed the conclusion of Devi Devantri Guru Moon as the 
 >auspicious time of inauguration of
 >permanent Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagyas in each of the 192 domains of 
 >the Global Country of World
>Peace, with each country supporting at least 108 Maharishi Pandits for World 
 > In a worldwide satellite conference celebration, amid cheers, applause, and 
 > the sounds of conches and
>ringing bells, His Majesty announced: "It is a great joy to invite all 
>certified governors of Maharishi’s teaching,
 >sidhas, and meditators to contribute to these ongoing yagyas. The Rajas of 
 >each domain will personally be
 >contacting each National Director to develop a world plan to invite all 
 >members of Maharishi’s worldwide
> movement to contribute financially to this beautiful program which will 
> quickly ensure invincibility for every
 > nation and enlightenment for every individual. 

>In this way, each valued disciple of His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam 
>will continue to sanctify the world with his blessing. This invitation will be 
>of particular interest to all members of Maharishi’s world-wide movement who 
>may not have not had the opportunity to contribute financially previously. 

>We warmly invite you to contribute to this continuing Maharishi Devi Devantri 
>GlobalYagya. The aim of His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja and H.E. Rajas is 
>to have as large a contribution as possible from every citizen in each of 
>their domains. Under of the guidance of the Global Maharishi Jyotish Advisory 
>Council, Rajas will inaugurate the First Annual Global Tour of their domains, 
>immediately upon conclusion of Devi Devantri Guru Moon, to provide an 
>opportunity for all citizens to personally offer their donations to the Rajas 
>of the Global Country of World Peace.

 > His Majesty explained that it was always Maharishi's wish that the Rajas of 
 > Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace would tour the countries of their 
 > domains each year as a celebration of gratitude for their continuous 
 > blessings on our worldwide movement and creating Heaven on Earth, and to 
 > honour all citizens by personally accepting their financial donations for 
 > the >permanent continuation of the Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya 
 > program.

 > More details of requesting for funding for these beautiful annual tours by 
 > our beloved Rajas will >be announced shortly. In the meantime, all 
 > interested in providing advanced funding should please >contact the Raja 
 > Annual Global Tour (RAGT) office at ragt@...
 > By the Royal Order 
 > of 
 > His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam,
 > First Ruler of The Global Country of World Peace


[FairfieldLife] Re: FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I don't understand the self-sabotage in a message like this. It is the ungainly 
combination of a fund-raising initiative, and a Vedic ceremony.  

 Granted, the TMO must generate sustainable revenue streams, above and beyond 
what the TM and Sidhis programs bring in, so why not just say that? with the 
provision that the money might be spent on yagyas? 

 Putting it this way, issued as a 'Royal Proclamation', substantially reduces 
the potential pool of contributors right away. Marketing 101.  
---In,  wrote :


 > Sender: gcwpnews@
 > Date: Friday, 25 September 2015 12:10:09 -0500
 > X-Google-Sender-Auth: d7b7e88776d0drt6d
 > Subject: Devi Devantri Guru Moon of the Global Country or World Peace
 > Following consultation with 26 Rajas of Maharishi's worldwide movement, His 
 > Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj > Raja Raam has announced two beautiful new 
 > initiatives, to begin immediately following the conclusion of the > Devi 
 > Devantri Guru Moon on Sunday, 27 September across all >domains of the Global 
 > Country of World 
 > Peace.

 > In a Royal Proclamation to prepare for the celebration of Vaisakhi Devi 
 > Purnamah of the Vedic Calendar, His 
 >Majesty has proclaimed the conclusion of Devi Devantri Guru Moon as the 
 >auspicious time of inauguration of
 >permanent Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagyas in each of the 192 domains of 
 >the Global Country of World

 >Peace, with each country supporting at least 108 Maharishi Pandits for World 
 > In a worldwide satellite conference celebration, amid cheers, applause, and 
 > the sounds of conches and
 >ringing bells, His Majesty announced: "It is a great joy to invite all 
 >certified governors of Maharishi’s teaching, 
 >sidhas, and meditators to contribute to these ongoing yagyas. The Rajas of 
 >each domain will personally be
 >contacting each National Director to develop a world plan to invite all 
 >members of Maharishi’s worldwide

 > movement to contribute financially to this beautiful program which will 
 > quickly ensure invincibility for every 
 > nation and enlightenment for every individual. 

>In this way, each valued disciple of His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam 
>will continue to sanctify the world with his blessing. This invitation will be 
>of particular interest to all members of Maharishi’s world-wide movement who 
>may not have not had the opportunity to contribute financially previously. 

 >We warmly invite you to contribute to this continuing Maharishi Devi Devantri 
 >GlobalYagya. The aim of His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja and H.E. Rajas is 
 >to have as large a contribution as possible from every citizen in each of 
 >their domains. Under of the guidance of the Global Maharishi Jyotish Advisory 
 >Council, Rajas will inaugurate the First Annual Global Tour of their domains, 
 >immediately upon conclusion of Devi Devantri Guru Moon, to provide an 
 >opportunity for all citizens to personally offer their donations to the Rajas 
 >of the Global Country of World Peace.
 > His Majesty explained that it was always Maharishi's wish that the Rajas of 
 > Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace would tour the countries of their 
 > domains each year as a celebration of gratitude for their continuous 
 > blessings on our worldwide movement and creating Heaven on Earth, and to 
 > honour all citizens by personally accepting their financial donations for 
 > the >permanent continuation of the Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya 
 > program.

 > More details of requesting for funding for these beautiful annual tours by 
 > our beloved Rajas will >be announced shortly. In the meantime, all 
 > interested in providing advanced funding should please >contact the Raja 
 > Annual Global Tour (RAGT) office at ragt@...

 > By the Royal Order 
 > of 
 > His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam,
 > First Ruler of The Global Country of World Peace


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Eclipse Tonight

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Unified Field has blessed those of us living at the south entry to 
Fairfield with a crystal clear sky to view the eclipse.  The kind of night you 
can see every star in the milkyway. The eclipse lights a perspective of the 
moon that makes it an  orb up there.   Close your eyes too.  It is fabulous 
meditating now too. Just pulls you inside deep.  Another few minutes to peak.   

---In,  wrote :

 Is also Ammachi's birthday today.  Beautiful evening.  Did 108 recitations of 
Gayatri to cover the bases.   -JaiGuruYou! 

---In,  wrote :

 Here in FF, it is wonderfully serene, the air is lovely and soft, and the moon 
as absolutely gorgeous. I cringe in embarrassment for anyone who is hiding in 
fear of such beauty and wonder.

---In,  wrote :

 I cut and pasted this off the FB page of someone I know who went to MIU when I 
did. They are obviously of the opinion that eclipses are bad for you. This is 
good for a laugh if not full fledged hilarity. I will make sure to drag out the 
chaise, put on my bikini and bathe in the blood moon rays tonight. I'll report 

 "Today's Eclipse 
 Video about the Super Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse today and tonight. 
Any lunar eclipse or solar eclipse for that matter, is highly inauspicious. 
(not good for you)
 Probably the easiest way to understand this is that there are deities or 
positive beings that reside in the grahas or planets. When eclipsed or blocked, 
the planets don't shine their auspicious rays on the earth. An analogy would be 
lying on the beach with the sun on your face trying to get some sun color and 
someone stands between you and the sun for a long period of time. Obviously you 
won't get the direct rays of the sun that you had anticipated. The person 
eclipsed your sun rays.
 Every planet shines its rays towards the earth just like the moon. We all know 
the moon affects the mind of the individual as it waxes or wanes (gets bigger 
and smaller) throughout the month. When the moon gets full it is very powerful 
on our minds. Some people can't handle all that power. It makes them go a bit 
crazier than usual. Hence the term lunacy. "Luna" meaning moon.
 For years people have recorded crime statistics that show during the full moon 
people behave different than usual and more crimes are committed during the 
full moon period. Spiritually, the full moon can be highly auspicious and bring 
great results towards us during a full moon. When blocked during an eclipse, 
those good full moon rays or auspicious effects or blessings, are suspended.
 Contrary to very popular opinion, one should not look at the eclipse, should 
not be outside in the eclipse and should not eat during the eclipse. The media 
loves these rare and unique astrological events. Everyone consequently runs 
outside to witness the event. School kids are even assigned by their teachers 
to go outside and watch it as it unfolds. 
The reality is is very inauspicious to do so. Especially for pregnant women. If 
you need to watch it, then watch it on television or YouTube after the fact but 
don't watch it in person.
 It is said by the great Saints and Masters, the best thing to do during an 
eclipse is fast, meditate, pray or do something that is good for you and 
aligns you with the positive energies in the Universe. Enjoy."


[FairfieldLife] Spiritual Fascist?

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It [fascist] seems to have become another word like 'cult' that has lost its 
particular meaning in over use. 

 Misuse of the word?   This morning at the TM group meditation room for 
meditators that is downtown in Fairfield there was graffiti written on a 
printed notice about obtaining the new Meditator Badges pinned on the board 
there by the door. 
  The printed notice read, “Meditator Badges.. The Invincible America 
Department (IAD) is issuing badges for TM Meditators. This means that 
Meditators can have a permanent badge to use to gain entry to badge-restricted 
events in the Dome or other campus venues, events such as Maharaja's visits or 
special celebration days, rather than seeking approval for each occasion. To 
obtain a Meditator badge you may contact..” 

 Someone with an ink pen had circled the word, 'badge-restricted' and drawing a 
line over to the side wrote, “Facsism”.   Without an explanation it is hard to 
know what was meant by the term, as these excerpts below note about using the 
word, Fascist.

---In,  wrote :

So the Pope doesn't live up to your fascist standards? 


 Said like a true Marxist …which just proves my point.

 Following the defeat of the Axis Powers in World War II, the term fascist has been used as a 
pejorative word, often referring to 
widely varying movements across the political spectrum. George Orwell wrote in 1944 that "the word 
'Fascism' is almost entirely meaningless ... almost any English person would 
accept 'bully' as a synonym for 'Fascist'". Richard Griffiths said in 2005 that 
"fascism" is the "most misused, and over-used word, of our times". "Fascist" is 
sometimes applied to post-war organizations and ways of thinking that academics 
more commonly term "neo-fascist;.

 Contrary to the popular use of the term, Communist states have sometimes been 
referred to as "fascist", typically as an insult. Marxist interpretations of 
the term have, for example, been applied in relation to Cuba under Fidel Castro and Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh Herbert Matthews, of the New York 
Times asked "Should we now place Stalinist Russia in the same category as 
Hitlerite Germany? Should we say that she is Fascist?" J. Edgar Hoover wrote extensively of "Red 
Fascism". Chinese Marxists used the term to denounce the Soviet Union during 
the Sino-Soviet Split, and likewise, the Soviets used the term to identify 
Chinese Marxists and social democracy (coining a new term of "social fascism;).  

---In,  wrote :

 So the Pope doesn't live up to your fascist standards?  I just got bored with 
the distraction as there was much more going on in the world last week.
 On 09/26/2015 11:54 AM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... [FairfieldLife] 
 Seven Ways Pope Francis Slapped Conservatives in the United States
 By Ben Shapiro, 25 Sep 2015
 Many conservatives viewed the prospect of the Pope’s visit to the United 
States with a mixture of hope and trepidation: hope, because the Pope’s visit 
would force heavy media coverage of religious issues; trepidation, because of 
Pope Francis’ mixed record on issues ranging from climate change to illegal 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Eclipse Tonight

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
FW:  Since there will be a lunar eclipse on Sunday evening, and some people are 
reluctant to go out at that time, the Full Moon Celebration has been 
rescheduled for 2:00 pm Sunday in Dalby Hall. The event will therefore take 
place well before the eclipse.

---In,  wrote :

 Is also Ammachi's birthday today.  Beautiful evening.  Did 108 recitations of 
Gayatri to cover the bases.   -JaiGuruYou! 

---In,  wrote :

 Here in FF, it is wonderfully serene, the air is lovely and soft, and the moon 
as absolutely gorgeous. I cringe in embarrassment for anyone who is hiding in 
fear of such beauty and wonder.

---In,  wrote :

 I cut and pasted this off the FB page of someone I know who went to MIU when I 
did. They are obviously of the opinion that eclipses are bad for you. This is 
good for a laugh if not full fledged hilarity. I will make sure to drag out the 
chaise, put on my bikini and bathe in the blood moon rays tonight. I'll report 

 "Today's Eclipse 
 Video about the Super Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse today and tonight. 
Any lunar eclipse or solar eclipse for that matter, is highly inauspicious. 
(not good for you)
 Probably the easiest way to understand this is that there are deities or 
positive beings that reside in the grahas or planets. When eclipsed or blocked, 
the planets don't shine their auspicious rays on the earth. An analogy would be 
lying on the beach with the sun on your face trying to get some sun color and 
someone stands between you and the sun for a long period of time. Obviously you 
won't get the direct rays of the sun that you had anticipated. The person 
eclipsed your sun rays.
 Every planet shines its rays towards the earth just like the moon. We all know 
the moon affects the mind of the individual as it waxes or wanes (gets bigger 
and smaller) throughout the month. When the moon gets full it is very powerful 
on our minds. Some people can't handle all that power. It makes them go a bit 
crazier than usual. Hence the term lunacy. "Luna" meaning moon.
 For years people have recorded crime statistics that show during the full moon 
people behave different than usual and more crimes are committed during the 
full moon period. Spiritually, the full moon can be highly auspicious and bring 
great results towards us during a full moon. When blocked during an eclipse, 
those good full moon rays or auspicious effects or blessings, are suspended.
 Contrary to very popular opinion, one should not look at the eclipse, should 
not be outside in the eclipse and should not eat during the eclipse. The media 
loves these rare and unique astrological events. Everyone consequently runs 
outside to witness the event. School kids are even assigned by their teachers 
to go outside and watch it as it unfolds. 
The reality is is very inauspicious to do so. Especially for pregnant women. If 
you need to watch it, then watch it on television or YouTube after the fact but 
don't watch it in person.
 It is said by the great Saints and Masters, the best thing to do during an 
eclipse is fast, meditate, pray or do something that is good for you and 
aligns you with the positive energies in the Universe. Enjoy."


Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Damn girl! You look gorgeous!

 If you think that looks good you should see my whole face, LOL. ;-)

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 8:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'


---In,  wrote :

 Not exactly my idea Ann. I'm for ending all immigration, just for a while. 
That way we aren't profiling. Then resume it at a later date based on what an 
immigrant can offer the country. Do they have a trade, skill, or education that 
will contribute to the economy?  Can they be self sufficient when they come 
here? Will they need public financial support? How will they make America 
better? Do they even want to make America better? This way, when a disaster 
really strikes and there is a genuine need to resettle people, we can take a 
fair portion.BTW, had your burqa fitting yet?


 As a matter of fact...






 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 9:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'


---In,  wrote :

 I saw a video the other day,I'll look for it and try to post it here if I can. 
It explains statistically that in order for a culture to grow, it requires that 
each couple produce at least 2.11 children to replace them. If they produce 
less , there will be failure to grow and collapse will be inevitable. Most 
European countries are producing less than 1.9, many as low as 1.3 per couple. 
Muslim immigrants are reproducing in far greater numbers, numbers far beyond 
what is *needed* to grow. Europe is quickly being conquered by Islam by natural 
reproduction.  The United States is well on it's way with the same scenario. 


 Maybe it's time for a little ethnic cleansing or sterilization, Mike? No 
abortion though.
 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 12:56 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'
 The Bulgarian Orthodox Church says so.  The church fears that it's a Muslim 
invasion.  One wonders if ISIS had orchestrated this mass migration in the 
first place.  Is that possible?

 Don't let Muslim migrants in, says Bulgaria's Orthodox Church
 Don't let Muslim migrants in, says Bulgaria's Or...
 Bulgaria's Orthodox Church has called on its government not to let any more 
Muslim refugees into the country to prevent an "invasion". The Balkan EU m...

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 Preview by Yahoo 








[FairfieldLife] The Eclipse Tonight

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I cut and pasted this off the FB page of someone I know who went to MIU when I 
did. They are obviously of the opinion that eclipses are bad for you. This is 
good for a laugh if not full fledged hilarity. I will make sure to drag out the 
chaise, put on my bikini and bathe in the blood moon rays tonight. I'll report 

 "Today's Eclipse 
 Video about the Super Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse today and tonight. 
Any lunar eclipse or solar eclipse for that matter, is highly inauspicious. 
(not good for you)
 Probably the easiest way to understand this is that there are deities or 
positive beings that reside in the grahas or planets. When eclipsed or blocked, 
the planets don't shine their auspicious rays on the earth. An analogy would be 
lying on the beach with the sun on your face trying to get some sun color and 
someone stands between you and the sun for a long period of time. Obviously you 
won't get the direct rays of the sun that you had anticipated. The person 
eclipsed your sun rays.
 Every planet shines its rays towards the earth just like the moon. We all know 
the moon affects the mind of the individual as it waxes or wanes (gets bigger 
and smaller) throughout the month. When the moon gets full it is very powerful 
on our minds. Some people can't handle all that power. It makes them go a bit 
crazier than usual. Hence the term lunacy. "Luna" meaning moon.
 For years people have recorded crime statistics that show during the full moon 
people behave different than usual and more crimes are committed during the 
full moon period. Spiritually, the full moon can be highly auspicious and bring 
great results towards us during a full moon. When blocked during an eclipse, 
those good full moon rays or auspicious effects or blessings, are suspended.
 Contrary to very popular opinion, one should not look at the eclipse, should 
not be outside in the eclipse and should not eat during the eclipse. The media 
loves these rare and unique astrological events. Everyone consequently runs 
outside to witness the event. School kids are even assigned by their teachers 
to go outside and watch it as it unfolds. 
The reality is is very inauspicious to do so. Especially for pregnant women. If 
you need to watch it, then watch it on television or YouTube after the fact but 
don't watch it in person.
 It is said by the great Saints and Masters, the best thing to do during an 
eclipse is fast, meditate, pray or do something that is good for you and 
aligns you with the positive energies in the Universe. Enjoy."


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Right, it sounds about *normal*. Parr for the course.

 What, Jack Parr or par as in golfing? LOL

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 7:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.



 The way this thing is worded is extremely creepy to me. "Rajas", "domains" - 
not to mention all the other gobbeldy gook jargon. It makes the whole thing 
sound too far out, too airy fairy and just plain weird. I tend to have a 
visceral reaction to this kind of thing.
---In,  wrote :


 > Sender: gcwpnews@
 > Date: Friday, 25 September 2015 12:10:09 -0500
 > X-Google-Sender-Auth: d7b7e88776d0drt6d
 > Subject: Devi Devantri Guru Moon of the Global Country or World Peace
 > Following consultation with 26 Rajas of Maharishi's worldwide movement, His 
 > Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj > Raja Raam has announced two beautiful new 
 > initiatives, to begin immediately following the conclusion of the > Devi 
 > Devantri Guru Moon on Sunday, 27 September across all >domains of the Global 
 > Country of World 
 > Peace.

 > In a Royal Proclamation to prepare for the celebration of Vaisakhi Devi 
 > Purnamah of the Vedic Calendar, His 
 >Majesty has proclaimed the conclusion of Devi Devantri Guru Moon as the 
 >auspicious time of inauguration of
 >permanent Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagyas in each of the 192 domains of 
 >the Global Country of World

 >Peace, with each country supporting at least 108 Maharishi Pandits for World 
 > In a worldwide satellite conference celebration, amid cheers, applause, and 
 > the sounds of conches and
 >ringing bells, His Majesty announced: "It is a great joy to invite all 
 >certified governors of Maharishi’s teaching, 
 >sidhas, and meditators to contribute to these ongoing yagyas. The Rajas of 
 >each domain will personally be
 >contacting each National Director to develop a world plan to invite all 
 >members of Maharishi’s worldwide

 > movement to contribute financially to this beautiful program which will 
 > quickly ensure invincibility for every 
 > nation and enlightenment for every individual. 

>In this way, each valued disciple of His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam 
>will continue to sanctify the world with his blessing. This invitation will be 
>of particular interest to all members of Maharishi’s world-wide movement who 
>may not have not had the opportunity to contribute financially previously. 

 >We warmly invite you to contribute to this continuing Maharishi Devi Devantri 
 >GlobalYagya. The aim of His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja and H.E. Rajas is 
 >to have as large a contribution as possible from every citizen in each of 
 >their domains. Under of the guidance of the Global Maharishi Jyotish Advisory 
 >Council, Rajas will inaugurate the First Annual Global Tour of their domains, 
 >immediately upon conclusion of Devi Devantri Guru Moon, to provide an 
 >opportunity for all citizens to personally offer their donations to the Rajas 
 >of the Global Country of World Peace.
 > His Majesty explained that it was always Maharishi's wish that the Rajas of 
 > Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace would tour the countries of their 
 > domains each year as a celebration of gratitude for their continuous 
 > blessings on our worldwide movement and creating Heaven on Earth, and to 
 > honour all citizens by personally accepting their financial donations for 
 > the >permanent continuation of the Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya 
 > program.

 > More details of requesting for funding for these beautiful annual tours by 
 > our beloved Rajas will >be announced shortly. In the meantime, all 
 > interested in providing advanced funding should please >contact the Raja 
 > Annual Global Tour (RAGT) office at ragt@...

 > By the Royal Order 
 > of 
 > His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam,
 > First Ruler of The Global Country of World Peace




[FairfieldLife] Re: The Eclipse Tonight

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Is also Ammachi's birthday today.  Beautiful evening.  Did 108 recitations of 
Gayatri to cover the bases.   -JaiGuruYou! 

---In,  wrote :

 Here in FF, it is wonderfully serene, the air is lovely and soft, and the moon 
as absolutely gorgeous. I cringe in embarrassment for anyone who is hiding in 
fear of such beauty and wonder.

---In,  wrote :

 I cut and pasted this off the FB page of someone I know who went to MIU when I 
did. They are obviously of the opinion that eclipses are bad for you. This is 
good for a laugh if not full fledged hilarity. I will make sure to drag out the 
chaise, put on my bikini and bathe in the blood moon rays tonight. I'll report 

 "Today's Eclipse 
 Video about the Super Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse today and tonight. 
Any lunar eclipse or solar eclipse for that matter, is highly inauspicious. 
(not good for you)
 Probably the easiest way to understand this is that there are deities or 
positive beings that reside in the grahas or planets. When eclipsed or blocked, 
the planets don't shine their auspicious rays on the earth. An analogy would be 
lying on the beach with the sun on your face trying to get some sun color and 
someone stands between you and the sun for a long period of time. Obviously you 
won't get the direct rays of the sun that you had anticipated. The person 
eclipsed your sun rays.
 Every planet shines its rays towards the earth just like the moon. We all know 
the moon affects the mind of the individual as it waxes or wanes (gets bigger 
and smaller) throughout the month. When the moon gets full it is very powerful 
on our minds. Some people can't handle all that power. It makes them go a bit 
crazier than usual. Hence the term lunacy. "Luna" meaning moon.
 For years people have recorded crime statistics that show during the full moon 
people behave different than usual and more crimes are committed during the 
full moon period. Spiritually, the full moon can be highly auspicious and bring 
great results towards us during a full moon. When blocked during an eclipse, 
those good full moon rays or auspicious effects or blessings, are suspended.
 Contrary to very popular opinion, one should not look at the eclipse, should 
not be outside in the eclipse and should not eat during the eclipse. The media 
loves these rare and unique astrological events. Everyone consequently runs 
outside to witness the event. School kids are even assigned by their teachers 
to go outside and watch it as it unfolds. 
The reality is is very inauspicious to do so. Especially for pregnant women. If 
you need to watch it, then watch it on television or YouTube after the fact but 
don't watch it in person.
 It is said by the great Saints and Masters, the best thing to do during an 
eclipse is fast, meditate, pray or do something that is good for you and 
aligns you with the positive energies in the Universe. Enjoy."


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 28-Sep-15 00:15:01 UTC

2015-09-27 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 09/26/15 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 10/03/15 00:00:00
110 messages as of (UTC) 09/27/15 22:12:29

 34 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 18 awoelflebater
 11 Bhairitu noozguru
  9 jr_esq
  8 olliesedwuz
  6 dhamiltony2k5
  5 emptybill
  5 emily.mae50
  4 srijau
  2 feste37 
  2 email4you mikemail4you
  2 Dave Ryan ryandave177
  1 s3raphita
  1 jamesalan735
  1 hepa7
  1 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
Posters: 16
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Love & Mercy

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 "Love & Mercy" is the story of Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys.  It is a 
surprising good film with Paul Dano playing Wilson in his early days and John 
Cusack playing him in the later years.  Elizabeth Banks plays Melinda, Wilson's 
second wife and Paul Giamatti, Dr. Eugene Landy the doctor who ran Wilson's 
life for quite a while.  
 The casting is so well done that the actors who play the Beach Boys look a lot 
like them.  The studio musicians of The Wrecking Crew were well cast too as Hal 
Blaine is a character in the film.
 The film makers, director Bill Pohlad and writer Oren Moverman did not just 
want to show Wilson's tribulations but also his process of writing a song and 
they do an excellent job.  They were assisted in the production of the film by 
Brian himself and his wife Melinda.
 This is quite a story and there is no mention of TM nor Maharishi in it but 
that's because it covers the period before the Beach Boys involvement with TM.

 Love & Mercy Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Brian Wilson Biopic HD 
 Love & Mercy Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Brian Wilson B... Subscribe to TRAILERS: 
Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK:
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Thanks for the heads up on this. I'm a Cusack fan but not so much a BB fan. 
Nevertheless, this looks worth a look at. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Eclipse Tonight

2015-09-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

There's a hill and about 1800 miles between your view and mine. ;-)

On 09/27/2015 06:55 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Here in FF, it is wonderfully serene, the air is lovely and soft, and 
the moon as absolutely gorgeous. I cringe in embarrassment for anyone 
who is hiding in fear of such beauty and wonder.

---In,  wrote :

I cut and pasted this off the FB page of someone I know who went to 
MIU when I did. They are obviously of the opinion that eclipses are 
bad for you. This is good for a laugh if not full fledged hilarity. I 
will make sure to drag out the chaise, put on my bikini and bathe in 
the blood moon rays tonight. I'll report back...

"Today's Eclipse

Video about the Super Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse today and tonight.
Any lunar eclipse or solar eclipse for that matter, is highly 
inauspicious. (not good for you)

Probably the easiest way to understand this is that there are deities 
or positive beings that reside in the grahas or planets. When eclipsed 
or blocked, the planets don't shine their auspicious rays on the 
earth. An analogy would be lying on the beach with the sun on your 
face trying to get some sun color and someone stands between you and 
the sun for a long period of time. Obviously you won't get the direct 
rays of the sun that you had anticipated. The person eclipsed your sun 

Every planet shines its rays towards the earth just like the moon. We 
all know the moon affects the mind of the individual as it waxes or 
wa! nes (gets bigger and smaller) throughout the month. When the moon 
gets full it is very powerful on our minds. Some people can't handle 
all that power. It makes them go a bit crazier than usual. Hence the 
term lunacy. "Luna" meaning moon.

For years people have recorded crime statistics that show during the 
full moon people behave different than usual and more crimes are 
committed during the full moon period. Spiritually, the full moon can 
be highly auspicious and bring great results towards us during a full 
moon. When blocked during an eclipse, those good full moon rays or 
auspicious effects or blessings, are suspended.

Contrary to very popular opinion, one should not look at the eclipse, 
should not be outside in the eclipse and should not eat during the 
eclipse. The media loves these rare and unique astrological events. 
Everyone consequently runs outside to witness the event. School kids 
are even assigned by their teachers to go outside and watch it as it 
The reality is is very inauspicious to do so. Especially for pregnant 
women. If you need to watch it, then watch it on television or YouTube 
after the fact but don't watch it in person.

It is said by the great Saints and Masters, the best thing to do 
during an eclipse is fast, meditate, pray or do something that is good 
for you and

aligns you with the positive energies in the Universe. Enjoy."


2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


Kindle edition by Dave Ryan. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @
Insight which follows is designed for both meditators and non-...
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 Preview by Yahoo 

Most Helpful Customer Reviews For a seeker's library
 By D. Hurst
 on September 15, 2015
 Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase Dave Ryan's, 'A Pirate's Call...' 
lets the mind diverge from reality, but at the same time contemplate it via 
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Ryan's ability to put into pictures and words what we experience while 
transcending, while at the same time describing the effects of transcendence in 
everyday activity. The ideas describing these ordinary experiences are 
delivered in a most creative voice and are entertaining as well as highly 
thought-provoking. This book invites the reader to return to it often as a 
reference to furthering one's spiritual contemplation and aspirations. I highly 
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 Was this review helpful to you? Yes
 Alot of wonderful perceptions, about truth, awareness and meditation.
 By Spidermark
 on September 15, 2015
 Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase I feel like I got alot out of this 
book. Ryan has a clear understanding of alot of spiritual principals, that I 
can relate to. I love the way the book is put together. It is informative, and 
helpful, without being preachy, and is also playful and humorous in the 
process. A fun read. I do not come across many books of this nature. Poetic, 
and smart, funny and profound. Nice combination of qualities. I recommend this 
 Was this review helpful to you? Yes
 Dave adds his 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.

2015-09-27 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Right, it sounds about *normal*. Parr for the course.
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 7:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.

The way this thing is worded is extremely creepy to me. "Rajas", "domains" - 
not to mention all the other gobbeldy gook jargon. It makes the whole thing 
sound too far out, too airy fairy and just plain weird. I tend to have a 
visceral reaction to this kind of thing.

---In,  wrote :



> Sender: gcwpnews@

 > Date: Friday, 25 September 2015 12:10:09 -0500
> X-Google-Sender-Auth: d7b7e88776d0drt6d
> Subject: Devi Devantri Guru Moon of the Global Country or World Peace
> Following consultation with 26 Rajas of Maharishi's worldwide movement,
His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj > Raja Raam hasannounced two beautiful new 
initiatives, to begin immediately following the conclusion of the > Devi 
Devantri Guru Moon on Sunday,27 September across all >domains of the Global 
Country of World 
> Peace.

> In a Royal Proclamation to prepare for the celebration of Vaisakhi Devi
Purnamah of the Vedic Calendar, His>Majesty has proclaimed the conclusion of 
DeviDevantri Guru Moon as the auspicious time of inauguration 
of>permanentMaharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagyas in each of the 192 domains of 
the GlobalCountry of World

 >Peace, with each country supporting at least 108 Maharishi
Pandits for World Peace.

> In a worldwide satellite conference celebration, amid cheers, applause,
and the sounds of conches and

 >ringing bells, His
 Majesty announced: "It isa great joy to invite all certified governors of 
Maharishi’steaching,>sidhas,and meditators to contribute to these ongoing 
yagyas. The Rajas of each domainwill personally be>contacting each National 
Director to develop a worldplan to invite all members of Maharishi’s worldwide

 > movement to
contribute financially to this beautiful program which will 
quicklyensureinvincibility for every> nation and enlightenment for every 

>In thisway, each valued disciple of His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam 
>willcontinue to sanctify the world with his blessing. This invitation will be 
>ofparticular interest to all members of Maharishi’s world-wide movement who 
>maynot have not had the opportunity to contribute financially previously. 

warmly invite you to contribute to this continuing Maharishi Devi 
DevantriGlobalYagya. The aim of HisMajesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja and H.E. 
Rajas is to have as large acontribution as possible from every citizen in each 
of their domains. Underof the guidance of the Global Maharishi Jyotish Advisory 
Council, Rajas willinaugurate the First Annual Global Tour of their domains, 
immediately uponconclusion of DeviDevantri Guru Moon, to provide an opportunity 
for all citizens to personallyoffer their donations to the Rajas of the Global 
Country of World Peace.

 > His Majesty explained that it was always Maharishi's wish that the Rajasof 
 > Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace would tour the countries of their 
 > domainseach year as a celebration of gratitude for their continuous 
 > blessings on ourworldwide movement and creating Heaven on Earth, and to 
 > honour allcitizens by personally accepting their financial donations for the 
 > >permanent continuation ofthe Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya program.
 > More details of requesting for funding for these beautiful annual tours 
 > byour beloved Rajas will >be announced shortly. In the meantime, all 
 > interested inproviding advanced funding should please >contact the Raja 
 > Annual Global Tour(RAGT) office at ragt@...

> By the Royal Order 
> of 
> His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam,
> First Ruler of The Global Country of World Peace


  #yiv9402031145 #yiv9402031145 -- #yiv9402031145ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9402031145 
#yiv9402031145ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv9402031145 
#yiv9402031145ygrp-mkp #yiv9402031145hd 
0;}#yiv9402031145 #yiv9402031145ygrp-mkp #yiv9402031145ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9402031145 #yiv9402031145ygrp-mkp .yiv9402031145ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv9402031145 #yiv9402031145ygrp-mkp .yiv9402031145ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv9402031145 #yiv9402031145ygrp-mkp .yiv9402031145ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9402031145 #yiv9402031145ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv9402031145ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9402031145 
#yiv9402031145ygrp-sponsor #yiv9402031145ygrp-lc #yiv9402031145hd {margin:10px 
#yiv9402031145ygrp-sponsor #yiv9402031145ygrp-lc .yiv9402031145ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv9402031145 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Eclipse Tonight

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Here in FF, it is wonderfully serene, the air is lovely and soft, and the moon 
as absolutely gorgeous. I cringe in embarrassment for anyone who is hiding in 
fear of such beauty and wonder.

---In,  wrote :

 I cut and pasted this off the FB page of someone I know who went to MIU when I 
did. They are obviously of the opinion that eclipses are bad for you. This is 
good for a laugh if not full fledged hilarity. I will make sure to drag out the 
chaise, put on my bikini and bathe in the blood moon rays tonight. I'll report 

 "Today's Eclipse 
 Video about the Super Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse today and tonight. 
Any lunar eclipse or solar eclipse for that matter, is highly inauspicious. 
(not good for you)
 Probably the easiest way to understand this is that there are deities or 
positive beings that reside in the grahas or planets. When eclipsed or blocked, 
the planets don't shine their auspicious rays on the earth. An analogy would be 
lying on the beach with the sun on your face trying to get some sun color and 
someone stands between you and the sun for a long period of time. Obviously you 
won't get the direct rays of the sun that you had anticipated. The person 
eclipsed your sun rays.
 Every planet shines its rays towards the earth just like the moon. We all know 
the moon affects the mind of the individual as it waxes or wanes (gets bigger 
and smaller) throughout the month. When the moon gets full it is very powerful 
on our minds. Some people can't handle all that power. It makes them go a bit 
crazier than usual. Hence the term lunacy. "Luna" meaning moon.
 For years people have recorded crime statistics that show during the full moon 
people behave different than usual and more crimes are committed during the 
full moon period. Spiritually, the full moon can be highly auspicious and bring 
great results towards us during a full moon. When blocked during an eclipse, 
those good full moon rays or auspicious effects or blessings, are suspended.
 Contrary to very popular opinion, one should not look at the eclipse, should 
not be outside in the eclipse and should not eat during the eclipse. The media 
loves these rare and unique astrological events. Everyone consequently runs 
outside to witness the event. School kids are even assigned by their teachers 
to go outside and watch it as it unfolds. 
The reality is is very inauspicious to do so. Especially for pregnant women. If 
you need to watch it, then watch it on television or YouTube after the fact but 
don't watch it in person.
 It is said by the great Saints and Masters, the best thing to do during an 
eclipse is fast, meditate, pray or do something that is good for you and 
aligns you with the positive energies in the Universe. Enjoy."


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.

2015-09-27 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
either one or is that iether one

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 8:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.

---In,  wrote :

Right, it sounds about *normal*. Parr for the course.
What, Jack Parr or par as in golfing? LOL
  From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 7:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.

The way this thing is worded is extremely creepy to me. "Rajas", "domains" - 
not to mention all the other gobbeldy gook jargon. It makes the whole thing 
sound too far out, too airy fairy and just plain weird. I tend to have a 
visceral reaction to this kind of thing.

---In,  wrote :



> Sender: gcwpnews@

 > Date: Friday, 25 September 2015 12:10:09 -0500
> X-Google-Sender-Auth: d7b7e88776d0drt6d
> Subject: Devi Devantri Guru Moon of the Global Country or World Peace
> Following consultation with 26 Rajas of Maharishi's worldwide movement,
His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj > Raja Raam hasannounced two beautiful new 
initiatives, to begin immediately following the conclusion of the > Devi 
Devantri Guru Moon on Sunday,27 September across all >domains of the Global 
Country of World 
> Peace.

> In a Royal Proclamation to prepare for the celebration of Vaisakhi Devi
Purnamah of the Vedic Calendar, His>Majesty has proclaimed the conclusion of 
DeviDevantri Guru Moon as the auspicious time of inauguration 
of>permanentMaharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagyas in each of the 192 domains of 
the GlobalCountry of World

 >Peace, with each country supporting at least 108 Maharishi
Pandits for World Peace.

> In a worldwide satellite conference celebration, amid cheers, applause,
and the sounds of conches and

 >ringing bells, His
 Majesty announced: "It isa great joy to invite all certified governors of 
Maharishi’steaching,>sidhas,and meditators to contribute to these ongoing 
yagyas. The Rajas of each domainwill personally be>contacting each National 
Director to develop a worldplan to invite all members of Maharishi’s worldwide

 > movement to
contribute financially to this beautiful program which will 
quicklyensureinvincibility for every> nation and enlightenment for every 

>In thisway, each valued disciple of His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam 
>willcontinue to sanctify the world with his blessing. This invitation will be 
>ofparticular interest to all members of Maharishi’s world-wide movement who 
>maynot have not had the opportunity to contribute financially previously. 

warmly invite you to contribute to this continuing Maharishi Devi 
DevantriGlobalYagya. The aim of HisMajesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja and H.E. 
Rajas is to have as large acontribution as possible from every citizen in each 
of their domains. Underof the guidance of the Global Maharishi Jyotish Advisory 
Council, Rajas willinaugurate the First Annual Global Tour of their domains, 
immediately uponconclusion of DeviDevantri Guru Moon, to provide an opportunity 
for all citizens to personallyoffer their donations to the Rajas of the Global 
Country of World Peace.

 > His Majesty explained that it was always Maharishi's wish that the Rajasof 
 > Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace would tour the countries of their 
 > domainseach year as a celebration of gratitude for their continuous 
 > blessings on ourworldwide movement and creating Heaven on Earth, and to 
 > honour allcitizens by personally accepting their financial donations for the 
 > >permanent continuation ofthe Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya program.
 > More details of requesting for funding for these beautiful annual tours 
 > byour beloved Rajas will >be announced shortly. In the meantime, all 
 > interested inproviding advanced funding should please >contact the Raja 
 > Annual Global Tour(RAGT) office at ragt@...

> By the Royal Order 
> of 
> His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam,
> First Ruler of The Global Country of World Peace


  #yiv3505030157 #yiv3505030157 -- #yiv3505030157ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3505030157 
#yiv3505030157ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3505030157 
#yiv3505030157ygrp-mkp #yiv3505030157hd 
0;}#yiv3505030157 #yiv3505030157ygrp-mkp #yiv3505030157ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv3505030157 #yiv3505030157ygrp-mkp .yiv3505030157ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv3505030157 #yiv3505030157ygrp-mkp .yiv3505030157ad p 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.

2015-09-27 Thread srijau
this looks to be a fake

[FairfieldLife] Re: FW: Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya.

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I don't understand the self-sabotage in a message like this. It is the 
ungainly combination of a fund-raising initiative, and a Vedic ceremony.  

 Granted, the TMO must generate sustainable revenue streams, above and beyond 
what the TM and Sidhis programs bring in, so why not just say that? with the 
provision that the money might be spent on yagyas? 

 Putting it this way, issued as a 'Royal Proclamation', substantially reduces 
the potential pool of contributors right away. Marketing 101. 

 The way this thing is worded is extremely creepy to me. "Rajas", "domains" - 
not to mention all the other gobbeldy gook jargon. It makes the whole thing 
sound too far out, too airy fairy and just plain weird. I tend to have a 
visceral reaction to this kind of thing.
---In,  wrote :


 > Sender: gcwpnews@
 > Date: Friday, 25 September 2015 12:10:09 -0500
 > X-Google-Sender-Auth: d7b7e88776d0drt6d
 > Subject: Devi Devantri Guru Moon of the Global Country or World Peace
 > Following consultation with 26 Rajas of Maharishi's worldwide movement, His 
 > Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj > Raja Raam has announced two beautiful new 
 > initiatives, to begin immediately following the conclusion of the > Devi 
 > Devantri Guru Moon on Sunday, 27 September across all >domains of the Global 
 > Country of World 
 > Peace.

 > In a Royal Proclamation to prepare for the celebration of Vaisakhi Devi 
 > Purnamah of the Vedic Calendar, His 
 >Majesty has proclaimed the conclusion of Devi Devantri Guru Moon as the 
 >auspicious time of inauguration of
 >permanent Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagyas in each of the 192 domains of 
 >the Global Country of World

 >Peace, with each country supporting at least 108 Maharishi Pandits for World 
 > In a worldwide satellite conference celebration, amid cheers, applause, and 
 > the sounds of conches and
 >ringing bells, His Majesty announced: "It is a great joy to invite all 
 >certified governors of Maharishi’s teaching, 
 >sidhas, and meditators to contribute to these ongoing yagyas. The Rajas of 
 >each domain will personally be
 >contacting each National Director to develop a world plan to invite all 
 >members of Maharishi’s worldwide

 > movement to contribute financially to this beautiful program which will 
 > quickly ensure invincibility for every 
 > nation and enlightenment for every individual. 

>In this way, each valued disciple of His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam 
>will continue to sanctify the world with his blessing. This invitation will be 
>of particular interest to all members of Maharishi’s world-wide movement who 
>may not have not had the opportunity to contribute financially previously. 

 >We warmly invite you to contribute to this continuing Maharishi Devi Devantri 
 >GlobalYagya. The aim of His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja and H.E. Rajas is 
 >to have as large a contribution as possible from every citizen in each of 
 >their domains. Under of the guidance of the Global Maharishi Jyotish Advisory 
 >Council, Rajas will inaugurate the First Annual Global Tour of their domains, 
 >immediately upon conclusion of Devi Devantri Guru Moon, to provide an 
 >opportunity for all citizens to personally offer their donations to the Rajas 
 >of the Global Country of World Peace.
 > His Majesty explained that it was always Maharishi's wish that the Rajas of 
 > Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace would tour the countries of their 
 > domains each year as a celebration of gratitude for their continuous 
 > blessings on our worldwide movement and creating Heaven on Earth, and to 
 > honour all citizens by personally accepting their financial donations for 
 > the >permanent continuation of the Maharishi Devi Devantri Global Yagya 
 > program.

 > More details of requesting for funding for these beautiful annual tours by 
 > our beloved Rajas will >be announced shortly. In the meantime, all 
 > interested in providing advanced funding should please >contact the Raja 
 > Annual Global Tour (RAGT) office at ragt@...

 > By the Royal Order 
 > of 
 > His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam,
 > First Ruler of The Global Country of World Peace


[FairfieldLife] Love & Mercy

2015-09-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
"Love & Mercy" is the story of Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys. It is a 
surprising good film with Paul Dano playing Wilson in his early days and 
John Cusack playing him in the later years. Elizabeth Banks plays 
Melinda, Wilson's second wife and Paul Giamatti, Dr. Eugene Landy the 
doctor who ran Wilson's life for quite a while.

The casting is so well done that the actors who play the Beach Boys look 
a lot like them.  The studio musicians of The Wrecking Crew were well 
cast too as Hal Blaine is a character in the film.

The film makers, director Bill Pohlad and writer Oren Moverman did not 
just want to show Wilson's tribulations but also his process of writing 
a song and they do an excellent job.  They were assisted in the 
production of the film by Brian himself and his wife Melinda.

This is quite a story and there is no mention of TM nor Maharishi in it 
but that's because it covers the period before the Beach Boys 
involvement with TM.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 You don't know.  

---In,  wrote :

 I think.

 From: "Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 10:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'
 Damn girl! You look gorgeous!


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 8:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'


---In,  wrote :

 Not exactly my idea Ann. I'm for ending all immigration, just for a while. 
That way we aren't profiling. Then resume it at a later date based on what an 
immigrant can offer the country. Do they have a trade, skill, or education that 
will contribute to the economy?  Can they be self sufficient when they come 
here? Will they need public financial support? How will they make America 
better? Do they even want to make America better? This way, when a disaster 
really strikes and there is a genuine need to resettle people, we can take a 
fair portion.BTW, had your burqa fitting yet?


 As a matter of fact...






 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 9:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'


---In,  wrote :

 I saw a video the other day,I'll look for it and try to post it here if I can. 
It explains statistically that in order for a culture to grow, it requires that 
each couple produce at least 2.11 children to replace them. If they produce 
less , there will be failure to grow and collapse will be inevitable. Most 
European countries are producing less than 1.9, many as low as 1.3 per couple. 
Muslim immigrants are reproducing in far greater numbers, numbers far beyond 
what is *needed* to grow. Europe is quickly being conquered by Islam by natural 
reproduction.  The United States is well on it's way with the same scenario. 


 Maybe it's time for a little ethnic cleansing or sterilization, Mike? No 
abortion though.
 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 12:56 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Don't Let Muslim Migrants In'
 The Bulgarian Orthodox Church says so.  The church fears that it's a Muslim 
invasion.  One wonders if ISIS had orchestrated this mass migration in the 
first place.  Is that possible?

 Don't let Muslim migrants in, says Bulgaria's Orthodox Church
 Don't let Muslim migrants in, says Bulgaria's Or...
 Bulgaria's Orthodox Church has called on its government not to let any more 
Muslim refugees into the country to prevent an "invasion". The Balkan EU m...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 









Re: [FairfieldLife] Love & Mercy

2015-09-27 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
On Sep 27, 2015, at 11:26 AM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

"Love & Mercy" is the story of Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys.  It is a 
surprising good film with Paul Dano playing Wilson in his early days and John 
Cusack playing him in the later years.  Elizabeth Banks plays Melinda, Wilson's 
second wife and Paul Giamatti, Dr. Eugene Landy the doctor who ran Wilson's 
life for quite a while.  

The casting is so well done that the actors who play the Beach Boys look a lot 
like them.  The studio musicians of The Wrecking Crew were well cast too as Hal 
Blaine is a character in the film.

The film makers, director Bill Pohlad and writer Oren Moverman did not just 
want to show Wilson's tribulations but also his process of writing a song and 
they do an excellent job.  They were assisted in the production of the film by 
Brian himself and his wife Melinda.

This is quite a story and there is no mention of TM nor Maharishi in it but 
that's because it covers the period before the Beach Boys involvement with TM.
Yep, that’s it, totally.  What flavor Kool-Aide are you drinking today, Bhair?  
:)  The movie opens when he met his second wife, in 86.  And then flashes back 
and forth to the good old days, in the 60s.  Plenty of room to mention 
anything.  The reason they didn’t was undoubtedly because after the Beach Boys’ 
involvement, which for everyone except Mike Love lasted about 5 minutes, Brian 
made it perfectly clear he didn’t give a hoot in hell, even going on TV and 
giving away the mantras.  One of his finer performances, I might add. :)

I am enjoying the movie, which I’m watching right now.  Apart from his second 
wife, it focuses on his relationship with his crackpot “therapist” Eugene 
Landy.  For Wilson, as for many, many others, TM was an all-too-brief stop in a 
life filled with far more important issues. He just didn’t give a crap.  Get 
over it. 

[FairfieldLife] Bear TV

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
(Karhu = bear)

Juuso (you-saw) the Bear, almost a 1000 pounds (500 kilos)!

 karhutv Home Best of YouTube 
Popular on YouTube Music 
 View on www.yout... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike (Smile)

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Doesn't apply - You are assuming that laser-guided munitions are more precise. 
They aren't. The laser part is precise. The bomb is still a bomb, exploding 360 
degrees, causing lots of collateral damage, blowing innocent women and children 
to pieces, much more so that the direct violence we abhor. It is easy to kill 
when the gore is removed from our senses, and much more evil, imo - no 
ownership of the act. No thorn here, just the cold blooded destruction of 
families, communities and nations.  

 Again, it is the "peace loving" Christians responsible  for this hell on 
earth. So they are hypocrites twice, once for their absence from the violence 
they encourage, and second because they talk about peace endlessly, while 
waging war - btw, that second phrase is an MMY quote. 

 Very bad karma, and even Jesus cannot save them. 911 certainly wasn't a random 
event. If the radical Christians continue to create enemies abroad and having 
done so, try and kill them all, they will bring further domestic attacks to 
this country. Exactly the same mindset as the radical Muslims, their mirror 
image, only more aggressive. 
---In,  wrote :

 What did Maharishi used to say? Sometimes it takes a thorn to remove a thorn, 
I think. A well guided laser *thorn* would be much better than poking around 
with a big rusty nail.


 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 12:11 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike (Smile)
   Interesting stuff - thanks for the specifics. Yes, Dances With Wolves was 
well researched. 

 I find it curious the Western revulsion at violence done directly, though we 
have no such squeamishness when aiming a laser guided munition at a village. On 
the one hand, decrying the public be-headings by ISIS, while on the other, 
blowing the heads, arms, and legs off large segments of the populations we 

 Hypocrisy, anyone?  
---In,  wrote :

 I'm speaking primarily of plains Indians. Ever watch Dances with Wolves? Now 
before you say "that's just Hollywood", it was a pretty accurate portrayal  of 
plains Indian life, although toned down greatly.  I read a book called *Indian 
Depredations* by Big Foot Wallace, one of the original Texas Rangers in which 
he chronicles attacks by Comanche, Kiowa, and other native Texas bands on 
settlers. There were a couple of bands in Texas that none of the other *tribes* 
or nations liked as they were cannibalistic. I could go into the nature of 
plains Indian depredations in detail but they were quite gruesome. Let's put it 
this way, An old saying among those with firsthand experience with Indians was 
" save your last bullet for yourself, you don't want to be captured alive". 
Yes, self mutilation was a common practice among plains Indians. Lots of 
*cutting*. Women cut them selves in mourning a lost loved one. Ever hear of the 
sun Dance? Sitting Bull cut something like a hundred pieces of flesh from his 
arms.  Of course we know of the mutilations of dead soldiers at the Little Big 
Horn. My great grand father arrived a couple of days after and helped bury the 
dead.Human sacrifice was limited more to the Aztec and Mayan, to my knowledge, 
although I'm pretty sure it happened in South American tribes as well. Ever 
hear of shrinking heads? < Not intending to paint all with a broad brush, there 
were  relatively more sophisticated nations as well, Hopi, Navajo Cherokee etc. 
But nobody remembers a *good* Indian! 

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 10:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike (Smile)
   What tribes or nations are you referring to here? I am curious, because none 
of that behavior, except for tool making, occurred among the first nations in 
what is now California, Oregon and Washington. The nations were tiny compared 
to they are today, and self-sufficient. It was considered extreme bad manners, 
and even crazy, to go from one nation into another. They didn't practice any 
self-mutilation either. Just like us whiteys, first nation peoples aren't all 
the same. And you are aware of course that it was the whites, not the 
"Indians",  who began collecting scalps. 

 There is no need to justify their slaughter, and death by disease, by 
considering them savage and barbarian. I don't think guilt-tripping is 
appropriate either, but acknowledging that theirs was as diverse and complex a 
group of cultures as ours, at least recognizes the reality of what happened.
---In,  wrote :

 Isn't it horrible? We brought them guns and whiskey. Had we never come, they 
could still be chasing buffalo(on foot), living in tepees, using stone and bone 
tools, killing each other over 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New member has proposal for Fairfield Group

2015-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I am sorry, but the removal of TM from the mysticism and traditions of the 
past, is a GOOD thing. I agree that having more knowledgeable teachers would be 
helpful, though to say that the goals of humanity cannot be achieved solely 
with TM is completely false, an ego trip that has evolved from TM's simplicity. 
Some people are just never happy. :-) 
---In,  wrote :

 Well Pundit Bill, you're an expert on the Vedas so you should know.  You 
should also then know that TM is just "a meditation for the masses."  For that 
shanti mantras are generally given.  And as you know Maharishi originally just 
gave a shanti mantra.  Also in real systems instead of parrots you train people 
to be actual meditation teachers who give the mantra along with shaktipat.  
However Maharishi did not have the credentials to make those kind of teachers.
 On 09/26/2015 10:06 AM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... [FairfieldLife] 
   Bari2 opines:
 And TM really is "yoga lite" and a mere shadow of what can be learned 
 So exactly what is "that" which is the "Sun" to TM's "mere" shadow?