Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
By the way, 330,000 Americans, the top one tenth of one percent, own as much 
wealth as the bottom 150 million Americans. Makes you sick, doesn't it? Seems 
like sci-fi, but it is a fact. We are owned by this incredibly tiny group of 
people. Call it what you want, but it *clearly* is not democracy, and to stay 
true to the principles of this country, that must change; it is evil, an 
absence of light in the country's soul. 
---In,  wrote :

 Doesn't matter. I paid more proportionately than all of them did, because I 
can't take tax breaks, or off-shore jobs for profit, or pay lobbyists to lower 
my tax rate. And I am supposed to be GRATEFUL for being ripped off by this 
class of oligarchs?? Am I supposed to bow my head in gratitude because some of 
the wealthy are as unprincipled as beasts, actually worse? I don't know where 
you are picking up your 'second-class citizen' thinking Mike. The "rich fucks" 
(those specifically working hard to avoid paying their taxes) would be happy to 
see you working for a dollar a day, with no benefits. What do you owe them, and 
how have they brainwashed you so successfully?  

 PS I grew up among the wealthy, and believe me, they are no more special or 
intelligent or thoughtful or generous than the rest of us citizens of the 
United States of America. Just ordinary folks with fat wallets and an 
obligation to this great country to pay their fair share.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Chances are, those rich fucks,pay more in taxes every year than you pay in a 
life time. They probably also spend more in a year then you will in a life time 
and they create lots of jobs for others to make money and pay taxes on as well. 
Are there crooks among them? Of course, just as there are crooks at every level 
on the economic scale from politicians to welfare cheats. Dude , it's kali yuga!
 You say the system is screwed.Yep, but who created the system. Politicians. 
Politicians we all elected. Politicians that promised us all what we wanted to 
hear. Politicians that buy our votes. They tell you what you want to hear, you 
elect them and then they do what they want and profit off what they created, 
leaving you the short end of the stick and you want to get even.  So you elect 
them again and the beat goes on(modern day slavery)..
 BHO has nine months left and 1.1 trillion dollars to spend. He'll spend his 
time traveling while he can, seeing the world and blaming his failures on 
everyone else while he rules by executive order. When BHO was elected, he was 
probably worth a few hundred thousand and not off a Senate salary. He'll retire 
form office worth tens of millions, again not off of a Presidential salary. And 
are you any better off than you were eight years ago?

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 7:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
   I don't despise people for being rich - I am doing quite well myself, thank 
you. What I have an issue with is the lies and fantasies we are told, to keep 
an economic system in place that rewards the few, and hurts the many - "trickle 
down economics". There will always be people who earn more than others. No 
problem. But the playing field must be even. You don't get to become too big to 
fail, nor do you get to avoid your taxes in a democracy. 

 If you read what I have said consistently, I have never proposed communism, or 
any other political/economic system. No, but everyone must play by the rules. 
These rich fucks, stashing their money overseas, or having a deeply cynical 
attitude about this country, and feeling justified to not pay taxes like the 
rest of us, make me puke. Screw them, and if you align with that bunch, you 
deserve the same fate. No one enjoys being exploited, and the citizens of this 
country have had enough. Even Warren Buffett puts on a show of wishing his 
taxes were higher. (Clearly speaking out of both sides of his mouth, as he 
could freely donate his fair share to the Treasury at any time, but doesn't, as 
he injects himself with more, more, more).

 I am proud to be an American, and I support the government, as messy as it can 
get. I absolutely despise those in government and outside it, who get their 
kicks from bashing it. It also tickles me to no end that President Barack Obama 
still has many months left in office. I'll bet Mitch McConnell drinks himself 
into a stupor every night, knowing that the next time he turns on the TV, the 
President will still be BLACK. The Civil War ended a long time ago, and the 
slave owners lost. Let's all make sure it stays that way. 
---In,  wrote :

 BTW Ollie, if it were not for those 1%er's you so despise, you probably 
wouldn't have Jack Shit! No job, no house /apartment, transportation, computer, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Doesn't matter. I paid more proportionately than all of them did, because I 
can't take tax breaks, or off-shore jobs for profit, or pay lobbyists to lower 
my tax rate. And I am supposed to be GRATEFUL for being ripped off by this 
class of oligarchs?? Am I supposed to bow my head in gratitude because some of 
the wealthy are as unprincipled as beasts, actually worse? I don't know where 
you are picking up your 'second-class citizen' thinking Mike. The "rich fucks" 
(those specifically working hard to avoid paying their taxes) would be happy to 
see you working for a dollar a day, with no benefits. What do you owe them, and 
how have they brainwashed you so successfully?  

 PS I grew up among the wealthy, and believe me, they are no more special or 
intelligent or thoughtful or generous than the rest of us citizens of the 
United States of America. Just ordinary folks with fat wallets and an 
obligation to this great country to pay their fair share.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Chances are, those rich fucks,pay more in taxes every year than you pay in a 
life time. They probably also spend more in a year then you will in a life time 
and they create lots of jobs for others to make money and pay taxes on as well. 
Are there crooks among them? Of course, just as there are crooks at every level 
on the economic scale from politicians to welfare cheats. Dude , it's kali yuga!
 You say the system is screwed.Yep, but who created the system. Politicians. 
Politicians we all elected. Politicians that promised us all what we wanted to 
hear. Politicians that buy our votes. They tell you what you want to hear, you 
elect them and then they do what they want and profit off what they created, 
leaving you the short end of the stick and you want to get even.  So you elect 
them again and the beat goes on(modern day slavery)..
 BHO has nine months left and 1.1 trillion dollars to spend. He'll spend his 
time traveling while he can, seeing the world and blaming his failures on 
everyone else while he rules by executive order. When BHO was elected, he was 
probably worth a few hundred thousand and not off a Senate salary. He'll retire 
form office worth tens of millions, again not off of a Presidential salary. And 
are you any better off than you were eight years ago?

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 7:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
   I don't despise people for being rich - I am doing quite well myself, thank 
you. What I have an issue with is the lies and fantasies we are told, to keep 
an economic system in place that rewards the few, and hurts the many - "trickle 
down economics". There will always be people who earn more than others. No 
problem. But the playing field must be even. You don't get to become too big to 
fail, nor do you get to avoid your taxes in a democracy. 

 If you read what I have said consistently, I have never proposed communism, or 
any other political/economic system. No, but everyone must play by the rules. 
These rich fucks, stashing their money overseas, or having a deeply cynical 
attitude about this country, and feeling justified to not pay taxes like the 
rest of us, make me puke. Screw them, and if you align with that bunch, you 
deserve the same fate. No one enjoys being exploited, and the citizens of this 
country have had enough. Even Warren Buffett puts on a show of wishing his 
taxes were higher. (Clearly speaking out of both sides of his mouth, as he 
could freely donate his fair share to the Treasury at any time, but doesn't, as 
he injects himself with more, more, more).

 I am proud to be an American, and I support the government, as messy as it can 
get. I absolutely despise those in government and outside it, who get their 
kicks from bashing it. It also tickles me to no end that President Barack Obama 
still has many months left in office. I'll bet Mitch McConnell drinks himself 
into a stupor every night, knowing that the next time he turns on the TV, the 
President will still be BLACK. The Civil War ended a long time ago, and the 
slave owners lost. Let's all make sure it stays that way. 
---In,  wrote :

 BTW Ollie, if it were not for those 1%er's you so despise, you probably 
wouldn't have Jack Shit! No job, no house /apartment, transportation, computer, 
television, electricity, food, cloths, medical care, education, political or 
legal representation. You'd probably be living under a totalitarian system like 
Pol Pot, or Kim Jung Un doing what they tell you to do as long as you are of 
any use to them. You certainly wouldn't be on the internet complaining about 
 If you think Christ was anti capitalist you better re read your Bible(if you 
have one). Christ used one parable in which he described a wealthy man that 
divided his fortune up 

Re: [FairfieldLife] History of Capitalism

2016-03-28 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I started watching and found something amusing. He starts off with Christ being 
pissed at the *money changers* in the temple. We're all told this story but 
what most aren't told is, that it was a racket. Remember how Buddha pissed off 
the Brahmans by telling people not to waste their money on yagyas? Pretty much 
the same here with Christ. Christ was pissed at the temple priests. They would 
tell the common man that he needed to make a sacrifice for his sins at the 
temple. He needed a special lamb, which the priest just happened to have for 
sale, which he raised right down the road in Bethlehem. The priest was paid for 
the lamb, he raised and sold for such purposes plus he got to keep either all 
or at least half the lamb after it is sacrificed. See the meat market outside 
the Temple. The money changers took your Roman coins with images of the Cesar, 
a God,  and exchanged them, at a price, for Temple coins to buy the lamb 
with.It was a salvation racket! Jesus was on to it, I'm sure others were as 
well but Jesus raised hell about it in the temple and embarrassed the priests, 
hitting them in the pocket book. Of course , the temple priests were determined 
to get even and the rest is history. 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 7:25 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] History of Capitalism
    Excellent video, begins with the 14-th century, through 2015. Mentions two 
perennial problems/complaints: 1. treatment of producers - the workers, and 2. 
production of what some people might consider useless or harmful goods.  (the 
problems associated with 1. and 2. will be covered in part II).  Here's part 
I:, 11 min.
 HISTORY OF IDEAS - Capitalism 
||||   HISTORY OF IDEAS - Capitalism  Though capitalism 
seems like just plain common-sense nowadays, it is a theory of human society 
with a distinctive history and set of assumptions. Please subs...||
|  View on |Preview by Yahoo|

     #yiv4107001065 #yiv4107001065 -- #yiv4107001065ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 We are a nation of laws.
  One of Maharishi's favorite says was "well begun is half done".
 Violating a nations laws to get into the country is not "well begun". It is 

 Get in line,apply for entry, wait their turn, let all *righteousness be 
fulfilled*(get vetted),be issued appropriate documents and they are welcomed.

 Oh Mikey, in terms of the illegal Mexicans, many States in the US need them, 
rely on them (as you can see if you read the article). Most of the horse 
industry in California depends upon the Mexicans to keep it alive whether it is 
hunters/jumpers or racehorses. The amount of landscapers, pool help, cleaning 
people and agricultural workers allow the State to run the way it does as a 
productive and thriving place. The well-heeled as well as the business owner in 
all sorts of industries positively need them. Whether they are papered or not 
is pretty much irrelevant to those who rely on this kind of labor. You can't 
have it both ways - resent the influx of illegals while at the same time 
profiting from their illegality by not giving them a living wage, health 
benefits or any of the other amenities that legal residents are privileged to 
receive. Being an illegal alien is not something anyone really wants because it 
means they are not afforded the same guarantees and rights that legals are.

  This applies to EVERYONE, even Muslims and Syrian refugees.
 The problem Syrian refugees face is that most are unable to be vetted because 
there are no records of who they are or their background.Were they Baathist 
Party members, criminals, did they take up arms against the United States or 
our allies? Nobody knows. A handful can be vetted to some extent. Persecuted 
Christians often belong to well established churches who's pastors have been 
able to vouch for them as members of their congregations and of any criminal 
complaints against them. However, Obama refuses to grant them refugee status 
because the Syrian government doesn't persecute them, only ISIS and Al Qaeda 
who rape, behead and crucify them.


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 8:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again


---In,  wrote :

 Why do you think he's so popular? He was nothing until he brought up the 
*illegal*immigration issue.
 Cruz will get it done also. 

 I think there was about seven hundred miles of fence built. The majority of 
illegals come through parts where there is no fence, Arizona to Texas. But a 
fence is not all that is needed. Increased border patrols, electronic 
monitoring( that includes seismic) , aircraft surveillance. 
 We might as well be flagging them in.   Border patrol doesn't even bother to 
pick them up and detain them.The courts don't even issue them summons to appear 
in court anymore.
Check it out:

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 11:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

   "I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe 
me, and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on 
our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."

 Oh yes! I forgot that The Drumpf will get it done.  
 Did you know there already is a fence along about a third of the border?  It's 
not like we're waving the illegals in with flags, Mike.





Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Chances are, those rich fucks,pay more in taxes every year than you pay in a 
life time. They probably also spend more in a year then you will in a life time 
and they create lots of jobs for others to make money and pay taxes on as well. 
Are there crooks among them? Of course, just as there are crooks at every level 
on the economic scale from politicians to welfare cheats. Dude , it's kali yuga!
You say the system is screwed.Yep, but who created the system. Politicians. 
Politicians we all elected. Politicians that promised us all what we wanted to 
hear. Politicians that buy our votes. They tell you what you want to hear, you 
elect them and then they do what they want and profit off what they created, 
leaving you the short end of the stick and you want to get even.  So you elect 
them again and the beat goes on(modern day slavery)..BHO has nine months left 
and 1.1 trillion dollars to spend. He'll spend his time traveling while he can, 
seeing the world and blaming his failures on everyone else while he rules by 
executive order. When BHO was elected, he was probably worth a few hundred 
thousand and not off a Senate salary. He'll retire form office worth tens of 
millions, again not off of a Presidential salary. And are you any better off 
than you were eight years ago?

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 7:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
    I don't despise people for being rich - I am doing quite well myself, thank 
you. What I have an issue with is the lies and fantasies we are told, to keep 
an economic system in place that rewards the few, and hurts the many - "trickle 
down economics". There will always be people who earn more than others. No 
problem. But the playing field must be even. You don't get to become too big to 
fail, nor do you get to avoid your taxes in a democracy. 
If you read what I have said consistently, I have never proposed communism, or 
any other political/economic system. No, but everyone must play by the rules. 
These rich fucks, stashing their money overseas, or having a deeply cynical 
attitude about this country, and feeling justified to not pay taxes like the 
rest of us, make me puke. Screw them, and if you align with that bunch, you 
deserve the same fate. No one enjoys being exploited, and the citizens of this 
country have had enough. Even Warren Buffett puts on a show of wishing his 
taxes were higher. (Clearly speaking out of both sides of his mouth, as he 
could freely donate his fair share to the Treasury at any time, but doesn't, as 
he injects himself with more, more, more).
I am proud to be an American, and I support the government, as messy as it can 
get. I absolutely despise those in government and outside it, who get their 
kicks from bashing it. It also tickles me to no end that President Barack Obama 
still has many months left in office. I'll bet Mitch McConnell drinks himself 
into a stupor every night, knowing that the next time he turns on the TV, the 
President will still be BLACK. The Civil War ended a long time ago, and the 
slave owners lost. Let's all make sure it stays that way.
---In,  wrote :

BTW Ollie, if it were not for those 1%er's you so despise, you probably 
wouldn't have Jack Shit! No job, no house /apartment, transportation, computer, 
television, electricity, food, cloths, medical care, education, political or 
legal representation. You'd probably be living under a totalitarian system like 
Pol Pot, or Kim Jung Un doing what they tell you to do as long as you are of 
any use to them. You certainly wouldn't be on the internet complaining about 
If you think Christ was anti capitalist you better re read your Bible(if you 
have one). Christ used one parable in which he described a wealthy man that 
divided his fortune up to be managed by three servants while he was away on a 
long trip. When the man returned he wanted to know what each servant did with 
the money that he gave him to take care of. One man invested and increased the 
fortune, the other tried but lost it all, the last man buried his share and 
returned it to the master when he came home. The man congratulated the one that 
increased his fortune, the one that lost it was recognized as at least having 
tried, but the one that buried it and returned it all was scolded for missing 
out on an opportunity to do something with what he had been provided.
  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 2:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
 We have accepted millions of Vietnamese, Mexicans, Central Americans and 
others. No big deal. The real problem this country faces is the entrenched 
racism and xenophobia, much of which is being directed at our current 

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 a shade of grey with regard to Donald Trump, from the NYT today. 

 How the G.O.P. Elite Lost Its Voters to Donald Trump
 How the G.O.P. Elite Lost Its Voters to Donald Trump
 The party establishment abandoned its most faithful voters, blue-collar 
workers who faced economic pain while donors, lawmakers and lobbyists prospered.
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I fail to see any of the individuals that you have pictured as having 
accomplished anything on the scale that Al Qaeda or ISIS has.

 They are for the most part Freaking individual nuts. 

 ISIS is an organization that represents an ideology based on a political 
religion that tolerates no other ideologies. BIG DIFFERENCE!
 So, I guess you can live with how Islamic culture treats women and other 
minority groups because  diversity is a wonderful thing to be experienced!


 I enjoy a good discussion as much as the next guy but your lack of ability to 
reason and conclude rationally has defeated me. You are invested, heartily, in 
believing what you do to the point where you are becoming hysterical and 
jumping to all sorts of erroneous assumptions and conclusions. Live in your 
small shell of fear, mistrust and animosity - you have made that choice. But 
rest assured, you will never - and those close to you will never - become the 
victim of any terrorist attack on American soil between now and when you die. 
More likely, you will be hit and killed by some drunk driver, or break your 
neck falling off a step ladder.

 And BTW, I now know what fuels Trump's popularity. This has been an 
interesting and fruitful discussion with you in this regard. It is something 
that, up to this point, has largely eluded me but you have gone a long way to 
show me that otherwise seemingly rational and "normal" Americans are not so 
rational and normal after all - not when it comes to unwarranted fears and 
prejudices against those they have been convinced by others are going to 
threaten their livelihood and way of life. You are being used, Mikey, in an 
agenda that will accomplish exactly what you fear will happen but it will be 
accomplished by people like yourselves and all those who drive your 
irrationality. That is the irony of it all - you are the creator of your own 
worst nightmare and you are already living it in your mind before it even 

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 10:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike


---In,  wrote :

 So you want to add to the problems that already exist.

 False conclusion, Mike. I am making a point that aberrational human beings are 
just that, aberrational, irrespective of whatever country or culture they come 
from. And America has its share, for sure, irrespective of their color or race. 
Why you insist on harping on about Muslims and culture is beyond me - in the 
case of the refugees it is moot. A bad guy is a bad guy - get over it.

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 7:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] For Mike






[FairfieldLife] Green Tara mantra

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
3 min video of the Dalai Lama chanting the Green Tara mantra.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Donald might become independent??

2016-03-28 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
She looks like a vodka type person.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 4:58 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Donald might become independent??
I hope I got that right!?
Trump update
||||   Trump update  Maxine Taylor interprets the surprise 
indicated in Trump's Republican National Convention chart||
|  View on |Preview by Yahoo|

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monospace;}#yiv7710263714 #yiv7710263714ygrp-mlmsg * 

[FairfieldLife] The Cosmic Powers

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Great Cosmic Powers 
 The Great Cosmic Powers The Great 
Cosmic Powers(Marile Puteri Cosmice) are Kali,Tara,Tripura 
Sundari,Bhuvaneshwari,Tripura Bhairavi,Chinnamasta,Dhumavati,Bag...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Improve Capitalism?

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
6 min video on how to improve Capitalism, but not give it up.

 How to Improve Capitalism 
 How to Improve Capitalism 
Capitalism doesn't have to be overcome or destroyed. It could just be improved. 
Here's how. SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new films every week: http://tinyur...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The terrorists are already here, entrenched with numerous positions in banking, 
industry and government. Hint, hint, it ain't the syrians, arabs, iranians, 
iraqis, or any other Muslims. All you xenophobes are terrified by outside 
influences while the second largest terrorist attack on US soil was caused by 
an ex-military white guy. I'll say it again, "An ex-military white guy". Who 
vetted *that* guy?? 

 Speaking of who comes and who goes, perhaps those moronic radical preachers 
telling their flocks that TM and its peaceful influence is demonic ought to 
think about their negative influence on this country and GTFO. The only thing 
'born again' about those yokels is their ego. They probably get reborn as North 
Koreans anyway. lol

 ---In,  wrote :

 It doesn't matter how intense something is if it is incomplete!

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 11:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
   Mike, please read this article.  Here is some of it.  REALITY CHECK, MIKE, 
REALITY CHECK COMING YOUR WAY!  Have a good week.  I recommend the book "The 
Middle Way" by Thich Nhat Hanh for you.  And, no, the Middle Way doesn't mean 
taking a position in the "middle."  
 "Every refugee goes through an intensive vetting process, but the precautions 
are increased for Syrians. Multiple law enforcement, intelligence and security 
agencies perform “the most rigorous screening of any traveler to the U.S.,” 
says a senior administration official. Among the agencies involved are the 
State Department, the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center, the Department of 
Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. A DHS officer conducts 
in-person interviews with every applicant. Biometric information such as 
fingerprints are collected and matched against criminal databases. Biographical 
information such as past visa applications are scrutinized to ensure the 
applicant’s story coheres.
 What percentage of applicants “pass” the screening process?
 Just over 50%.
 How long does the whole process take? 
 Eighteen to 24 months on average.
 How many have been resettled here? 
 About 1,800 over the past year. They’ve been placed in dozens of states across 
the country, but most are in big states with large immigrant populations, such 
as California, Texas, Illinois and Michigan.
 Who are they?
 According to a senior administration official, roughly half the refugees 
admitted have been children. Around 25% are adults over 60. Only 2% of those 
admitted, the senior administration official said, have been single males of 
“combat age.”
 This Is How the Syrian Refugee Screening Process Works
 This Is How the Syrian Refugee Screening Proces... It takes 18 to 24 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Emily, are you not understanding that the FBI has said that they can not 
properly vet these refugees?

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 11:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

   Did I say I wanted open borders?  No, I didn't.  Did I say I wanted to 
exclude whole populations?  No I didn't  

 By the way, the bill for potential "refugees" is considering refugees from all 
over the world, not just Syria.  

 How many refugees does the United States admit? Each year the President, in 
consultation with Congress, determines the numerical ceiling for refugee 
admissions. For Fiscal Year (FY) 2016, the proposed ceiling is 85,000 
 Refugee Ceilings and Admitted Refugees to the United States, FY 2009-2015
(Source: Refugee Processing Center

 Over one-third of all refugee arrivals (35.1 percent, or 24,579) in FY 2015 came 
from the Near East/South Asia—a region that includes Iraq, Iran, Bhutan, and 
Afghanistan.  Another third of all refugee arrivals (32.1 percent, or 22,472) 
in FY 2015 came from Africa. Over a quarter of all refugee arrivals (26.4 
percent, or 18,469) in FY 2015 came from East Asia — a region that includes 
China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. 

 Are you not understanding that the majority of Syrian refugees applying are 
women and children?  Are you not understanding that it is a vetting process 
that takes up to TWO YEARS as currently structured?  

 Mike, these are the facts!  What are you making up in your head?  

 Yes, ISIS 

[FairfieldLife] History of Capitalism

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Excellent video, begins with the 14-th century, through 2015. Mentions two 
perennial problems/complaints: 1. treatment of producers - the workers, and 2. 
production of what some people might consider useless or harmful goods.  (the 
problems associated with 1. and 2. will be covered in part II).  Here's part 
I:, 11 min.

  HISTORY OF IDEAS - Capitalism 
 HISTORY OF IDEAS - Capitalism 
Though capitalism seems like just plain common-sense nowadays, it is a theory 
of human society with a distinctive history and set of assumptions. Please 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Tue 29-Mar-16 00:15:05 UTC

2016-03-28 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/26/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/02/16 00:00:00
81 messages as of (UTC) 03/29/16 00:08:49

 24 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 18 awoelflebater
 11 emily.mae50
  7 hepa7
  5 dhamiltony2k5
  3 Bhairitu noozguru
  2 yifuxero
  2 olliesedwuz
  2 jr_esq
  2 email4you mikemail4you
  1 wleed3 WLeed3
  1 vox_9 
  1 upfronter
  1 s3raphita
  1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
Posters: 15
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I don't despise people for being rich - I am doing quite well myself, thank 
you. What I have an issue with is the lies and fantasies we are told, to keep 
an economic system in place that rewards the few, and hurts the many - "trickle 
down economics". There will always be people who earn more than others. No 
problem. But the playing field must be even. You don't get to become too big to 
fail, nor do you get to avoid your taxes in a democracy.  

 If you read what I have said consistently, I have never proposed communism, or 
any other political/economic system. No, but everyone must play by the rules. 
These rich fucks, stashing their money overseas, or having a deeply cynical 
attitude about this country, and feeling justified to not pay taxes like the 
rest of us, make me puke. Screw them, and if you align with that bunch, you 
deserve the same fate. No one enjoys being exploited, and the citizens of this 
country have had enough. Even Warren Buffett puts on a show of wishing his 
taxes were higher. (Clearly speaking out of both sides of his mouth, as he 
could freely donate his fair share to the Treasury at any time, but doesn't, as 
he injects himself with more, more, more).

 I am proud to be an American, and I support the government, as messy as it can 
get. I absolutely despise those in government and outside it, who get their 
kicks from bashing it. It also tickles me to no end that President Barack Obama 
still has many months left in office. I'll bet Mitch McConnell drinks himself 
into a stupor every night, knowing that the next time he turns on the TV, the 
President will still be BLACK. The Civil War ended a long time ago, and the 
slave owners lost. Let's all make sure it stays that way. 
---In,  wrote :

 BTW Ollie, if it were not for those 1%er's you so despise, you probably 
wouldn't have Jack Shit! No job, no house /apartment, transportation, computer, 
television, electricity, food, cloths, medical care, education, political or 
legal representation. You'd probably be living under a totalitarian system like 
Pol Pot, or Kim Jung Un doing what they tell you to do as long as you are of 
any use to them. You certainly wouldn't be on the internet complaining about 
 If you think Christ was anti capitalist you better re read your Bible(if you 
have one). Christ used one parable in which he described a wealthy man that 
divided his fortune up to be managed by three servants while he was away on a 
long trip. When the man returned he wanted to know what each servant did with 
the money that he gave him to take care of. One man invested and increased the 
fortune, the other tried but lost it all, the last man buried his share and 
returned it to the master when he came home. The man congratulated the one that 
increased his fortune, the one that lost it was recognized as at least having 
tried, but the one that buried it and returned it all was scolded for missing 
out on an opportunity to do something with what he had been provided.

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 2:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
   We have accepted millions of Vietnamese, Mexicans, Central Americans and 
others. No big deal. The real problem this country faces is the entrenched 
racism and xenophobia, much of which is being directed at our current 

 These are not Christian ideas, or well-thought out principles being expressed 
- it is rank ignorance, arrogance and fear. The current economic nightmare we 
are facing has NOTHING to do with minorites and immigrants, but rather 
legislation passed mainly by a bunch of old rich white guys. They are the enemy 
and the ones who should be expelled from this great country. The one percenter, 
anti-job, anti-equality, anti-government radicals are the ones destroying this 
country a hell of a lot more effectively than ISIS or any other Islamic 
organization could. Jesus would be deeply ashamed.

---In,  wrote :

 Right, there is *intent* to play the emotions, especially when you show 
bloodied children and lifeless bodies. What's the saying... A picture is worth 
a thousand words. The the next step is that we have to bring them all here into 
our communities or we are heartless bastards. Just as you predictably pointed 
out, the excuse is, *They will enrich our communities with diversity* That's 
just pure BS! There is no way to accurately vet who is coming, what their 
intent is, how or even if, they will adapt to a foreign culture. Meanwhile, 
ISIS is infiltrating the ranks of genuine refugees, intent on doing as much 
harm as they can. Other refugees, not all mind you, who may not be terrorists 
are exactly what liberals proclaim to hate... violent, misogynistic, homophobic 
, anti -Semitic, xenophobic bastards that are convinced 

[FairfieldLife] The Donald might become independent??

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I hope I got that right!?

 Trump update 
 Trump update Maxine Taylor 
interprets the surprise indicated in Trump's Republican National Convention 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Any connection?

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Bold & Beautiful: Maya/Myron

 Maya's Past Revealed 
 Maya's Past Revealed This feature 
is not available right now. Please try again later. 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Michelle Penis Was Big On Ellen Show 
 Michelle Penis Was Big On Ellen Show Michelle Obama Shows Her Penis On 
The Ellen Show, And It Is A 9 incher not 12 inches BUY THE DR. OF COMMON SENSE 
APP TODAY http://whateverh...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
It doesn't matter how intense something is if it is incomplete!

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 11:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
    Mike, please read this article.  Here is some of it.  REALITY CHECK, MIKE, 
REALITY CHECK COMING YOUR WAY!  Have a good week.  I recommend the book "The 
Middle Way" by Thich Nhat Hanh for you.  And, no, the Middle Way doesn't mean 
taking a position in the "middle."  "Every refugee goes through an intensive 
vetting process, but the precautions are increased for Syrians. Multiple law 
enforcement, intelligence and security agencies perform “the most rigorous 
screening of any traveler to the U.S.,” says a senior administration official. 
Among the agencies involved are the State Department, the FBI’s Terrorist 
Screening Center, the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland 
Security. A DHS officer conducts in-person interviews with every applicant. 
Biometric information such as fingerprints are collected and matched against 
criminal databases. Biographical information such as past visa applications are 
scrutinized to ensure the applicant’s story coheres.What percentage of 
applicants “pass” the screening process?Just over 50%.How long does the whole 
process take? Eighteen to 24 months on average.How many have been resettled 
here? About 1,800 over the past year. They’ve been placed in dozens of states 
across the country, but most are in big states with large immigrant 
populations, such as California, Texas, Illinois and Michigan.Who are 
they?According to a senior administration official, roughly half the refugees 
admitted have been children. Around 25% are adults over 60. Only 2% of those 
admitted, the senior administration official said, have been single males of 
“combat age.”This Is How the Syrian Refugee Screening Process Works 
||||   This Is How the Syrian Refugee Screening Proces...  
It takes 18 to 24 months.||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|


---In,  wrote :

Emily, are you not understanding that the FBI has said that they can not 
properly vet these refugees?

  From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 11:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
 Did I say I wanted open borders?  No, I didn't.  Did I say I wanted to exclude 
whole populations?  No I didn't  
By the way, the bill for potential "refugees" is considering refugees from all 
over the world, not just Syria.  

How many refugees does the United States admit?
Each year the President, in consultation with Congress, determines the 
numerical ceiling for refugee admissions. For Fiscal Year (FY) 2016, the 
proposed ceiling is 85,000. Refugee Ceilings and Admitted Refugees to the 
United States, FY 2009-2015
(Source: Refugee Processing Center)

   - Over one-third of all refugee arrivals (35.1 percent, or 24,579) in FY 
2015 came from the Near East/South Asia—a region that includes Iraq, Iran, 
Bhutan, and Afghanistan. 
   - Another third of all refugee arrivals (32.1 percent, or 22,472) in FY 2015 
came from Africa.
   - Over a quarter of all refugee arrivals (26.4 percent, or 18,469) in FY 
2015 came from East Asia — a region that includes China, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

Are you not understanding that the majority of Syrian refugees applying are 
women and children?  Are you not understanding that it is a vetting process 
that takes up to TWO YEARS as currently structured?  
Mike, these are the facts!  What are you making up in your head?  
Yes, ISIS is a terrorist group and they are engaging in terrorist activities 
and it's a real bummer for everyone.  I am sure that we will do our best as a 
nation to keep terrorists out.  As we are doing currently.  
Honestly, Mike, I believe strongly we need to take stock of our domestic 
situation.  My priorities are different though.  Building a wall for billions 
and billions of dollars is not even on the list. 
---In,  wrote :

The latest Omnibus spending bill has funding for up to 300,000 refugees over 
the next few years. Doesn't mean there will be that many but the potential is 
there.The FBI has said there is no way to thoroughly  vet these refugees. There 
are no public records available on them. All public records in Syria have been 
destroyed due to the war. ISIS also captured a passport office in Syria and has 
thousands of blank Passports. ISIS has openly threatened to send their people 
here as they have done in Europe. There is no point in admitting people here if 
we don't know who they are and the FBI has admitted there is no way to really 
know who each refugee is.
As for a wall, so you want open borders. Let 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]

|   ||


|   |  
FBI Director Admits US Can’t Vet All Syrian Refugees For Terror Ties [VIDEO]
 FBI director James Comey said during a House Committee on Homeland Security 
hearing on Wednesday that the federa...  |   |




  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 12:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
    I am reposting this as my prior post didn't come through.  Doug, did you 
delete my post or was it a Yahoo thing?  I will eliminate the caps in my 
statement this time.  "Mike, please read this.  A reality check for you."  And, 
in my prior post, I recommended a book for you, but I will resist the impulse 
this time.  Have a good week.  
This Is How the Syrian Refugee Screening Process Works 
||||   This Is How the Syrian Refugee Screening Proces...  
It takes 18 to 24 months.||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|


---In,  wrote :

Emily, are you not understanding that the FBI has said that they can not 
properly vet these refugees?

  From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 11:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
 Did I say I wanted open borders?  No, I didn't.  Did I say I wanted to exclude 
whole populations?  No I didn't  
By the way, the bill for potential "refugees" is considering refugees from all 
over the world, not just Syria.  

How many refugees does the United States admit?
Each year the President, in consultation with Congress, determines the 
numerical ceiling for refugee admissions. For Fiscal Year (FY) 2016, the 
proposed ceiling is 85,000. Refugee Ceilings and Admitted Refugees to the 
United States, FY 2009-2015
(Source: Refugee Processing Center)

   - Over one-third of all refugee arrivals (35.1 percent, or 24,579) in FY 
2015 came from the Near East/South Asia—a region that includes Iraq, Iran, 
Bhutan, and Afghanistan. 
   - Another third of all refugee arrivals (32.1 percent, or 22,472) in FY 2015 
came from Africa.
   - Over a quarter of all refugee arrivals (26.4 percent, or 18,469) in FY 
2015 came from East Asia — a region that includes China, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

Are you not understanding that the majority of Syrian refugees applying are 
women and children?  Are you not understanding that it is a vetting process 
that takes up to TWO YEARS as currently structured?  
Mike, these are the facts!  What are you making up in your head?  
Yes, ISIS is a terrorist group and they are engaging in terrorist activities 
and it's a real bummer for everyone.  I am sure that we will do our best as a 
nation to keep terrorists out.  As we are doing currently.  
Honestly, Mike, I believe strongly we need to take stock of our domestic 
situation.  My priorities are different though.  Building a wall for billions 
and billions of dollars is not even on the list. 
---In,  wrote :

The latest Omnibus spending bill has funding for up to 300,000 refugees over 
the next few years. Doesn't mean there will be that many but the potential is 
there.The FBI has said there is no way to thoroughly  vet these refugees. There 
are no public records available on them. All public records in Syria have been 
destroyed due to the war. ISIS also captured a passport office in Syria and has 
thousands of blank Passports. ISIS has openly threatened to send their people 
here as they have done in Europe. There is no point in admitting people here if 
we don't know who they are and the FBI has admitted there is no way to really 
know who each refugee is.
As for a wall, so you want open borders. Let Mexico and central America send 
anyone and everyone( you did say whole populations, didn't you) they want with 
no restraints. WTF wouldn't come?Why not several hundred million Indians and 
Chinese?With populations in the billions, they wouldn't miss a few. I bet they 
need jobs and just want to improve their lives also. Why even bother to make 
them come here to improve their lives? Why not just tax the hell out of 
everybody here and send the money to people in their native countries where the 
dollars will go further? Better yet, if you want to be *enriched* by their 
cultures , why don't you just go live with them.

  From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 9:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

 You and I support the same thing theoretically; I support a *controlled* entry 
and exit of foreigners also.  Absolutely.  SO DOES THE UNITED STATES.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Well mark that one down as another we can agree on!

  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 11:48 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
 On 03/28/2016 08:21 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
     We are a nation of laws.  

 And WAY too many of them.  We need one more new law: for every new law passed 
two old ones need to be retired. Won't happen because lawyers use outdated laws 
to win their cases.  Should read:
 We are a nation tangled mess of laws.  
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Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Mike, please read this article.  Here is some of it.  REALITY CHECK, MIKE, 
REALITY CHECK COMING YOUR WAY!  Have a good week.  I recommend the book "The 
Middle Way" by Thich Nhat Hanh for you.  And, no, the Middle Way doesn't mean 
taking a position in the "middle."   "Every refugee goes through an intensive 
vetting process, but the precautions are increased for Syrians. Multiple law 
enforcement, intelligence and security agencies perform “the most rigorous 
screening of any traveler to the U.S.,” says a senior administration official. 
Among the agencies involved are the State Department, the FBI’s Terrorist 
Screening Center, the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland 
Security. A DHS officer conducts in-person interviews with every applicant. 
Biometric information such as fingerprints are collected and matched against 
criminal databases. Biographical information such as past visa applications are 
scrutinized to ensure the applicant’s story coheres.
 What percentage of applicants “pass” the screening process?
 Just over 50%.
 How long does the whole process take? 
 Eighteen to 24 months on average.
 How many have been resettled here? 
 About 1,800 over the past year. They’ve been placed in dozens of states across 
the country, but most are in big states with large immigrant populations, such 
as California, Texas, Illinois and Michigan.
 Who are they?
 According to a senior administration official, roughly half the refugees 
admitted have been children. Around 25% are adults over 60. Only 2% of those 
admitted, the senior administration official said, have been single males of 
“combat age.”
 This Is How the Syrian Refugee Screening Process Works 
 This Is How the Syrian Refugee Screening Proces... It takes 18 to 24 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Emily, are you not understanding that the FBI has said that they can not 
properly vet these refugees?

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 11:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
   Did I say I wanted open borders?  No, I didn't.  Did I say I wanted to 
exclude whole populations?  No I didn't  

 By the way, the bill for potential "refugees" is considering refugees from all 
over the world, not just Syria.  

 How many refugees does the United States admit? Each year the President, in 
consultation with Congress, determines the numerical ceiling for refugee 
admissions. For Fiscal Year (FY) 2016, the proposed ceiling is 85,000 
 Refugee Ceilings and Admitted Refugees to the United States, FY 2009-2015
(Source: Refugee Processing Center

 Over one-third of all refugee arrivals (35.1 percent, or 24,579) in FY 2015 came 
from the Near East/South Asia—a region that includes Iraq, Iran, Bhutan, and 
Afghanistan.  Another third of all refugee arrivals (32.1 percent, or 22,472) 
in FY 2015 came from Africa. Over a quarter of all refugee arrivals (26.4 
percent, or 18,469) in FY 2015 came from East Asia — a region that includes 
China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. 

 Are you not understanding that the majority of Syrian refugees applying are 
women and children?  Are you not understanding that it is a vetting process 
that takes up to TWO YEARS as currently structured?  

 Mike, these are the facts!  What are you making up in your head?  

 Yes, ISIS is a terrorist group and they are engaging in terrorist activities 
and it's a real bummer for everyone.  I am sure that we will do our best as a 
nation to keep terrorists out.  As we are doing currently.  

 Honestly, Mike, I believe strongly we need to take stock of our domestic 
situation.  My priorities are different though.  Building a wall for billions 
and billions of dollars is not even on the list.  
---In,  wrote :

 The latest Omnibus spending bill has funding for up to 300,000 refugees over 
the next few years. Doesn't mean there will be that many but the potential is 
there.The FBI has said there is no way to thoroughly  vet these refugees. There 
are no public records available on them. All public records in Syria have been 
destroyed due to the war. ISIS also captured a passport office in Syria and has 
thousands of blank Passports. ISIS has openly threatened to send their people 
here as they have done in Europe. There is no point in admitting people here if 
we don't know who they are and the FBI has 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I am reposting this as my prior post didn't come through.  Doug, did you delete 
my post or was it a Yahoo thing?  I will eliminate the caps in my statement 
this time.  "Mike, please read this.  A reality check for you."  And, in my 
prior post, I recommended a book for you, but I will resist the impulse this 
time.  Have a good week.   

 This Is How the Syrian Refugee Screening Process Works 
 This Is How the Syrian Refugee Screening Proces... It takes 18 to 24 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Emily, are you not understanding that the FBI has said that they can not 
properly vet these refugees?

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 11:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
   Did I say I wanted open borders?  No, I didn't.  Did I say I wanted to 
exclude whole populations?  No I didn't  

 By the way, the bill for potential "refugees" is considering refugees from all 
over the world, not just Syria.  

 How many refugees does the United States admit? Each year the President, in 
consultation with Congress, determines the numerical ceiling for refugee 
admissions. For Fiscal Year (FY) 2016, the proposed ceiling is 85,000 
 Refugee Ceilings and Admitted Refugees to the United States, FY 2009-2015
(Source: Refugee Processing Center

 Over one-third of all refugee arrivals (35.1 percent, or 24,579) in FY 2015 came 
from the Near East/South Asia—a region that includes Iraq, Iran, Bhutan, and 
Afghanistan.  Another third of all refugee arrivals (32.1 percent, or 22,472) 
in FY 2015 came from Africa. Over a quarter of all refugee arrivals (26.4 
percent, or 18,469) in FY 2015 came from East Asia — a region that includes 
China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. 

 Are you not understanding that the majority of Syrian refugees applying are 
women and children?  Are you not understanding that it is a vetting process 
that takes up to TWO YEARS as currently structured?  

 Mike, these are the facts!  What are you making up in your head?  

 Yes, ISIS is a terrorist group and they are engaging in terrorist activities 
and it's a real bummer for everyone.  I am sure that we will do our best as a 
nation to keep terrorists out.  As we are doing currently.  

 Honestly, Mike, I believe strongly we need to take stock of our domestic 
situation.  My priorities are different though.  Building a wall for billions 
and billions of dollars is not even on the list.  
---In,  wrote :

 The latest Omnibus spending bill has funding for up to 300,000 refugees over 
the next few years. Doesn't mean there will be that many but the potential is 
there.The FBI has said there is no way to thoroughly  vet these refugees. There 
are no public records available on them. All public records in Syria have been 
destroyed due to the war. ISIS also captured a passport office in Syria and has 
thousands of blank Passports. ISIS has openly threatened to send their people 
here as they have done in Europe. There is no point in admitting people here if 
we don't know who they are and the FBI has admitted there is no way to really 
know who each refugee is.

 As for a wall, so you want open borders. Let Mexico and central America send 
anyone and everyone( you did say whole populations, didn't you) they want with 
no restraints. WTF wouldn't come?Why not several hundred million Indians and 
Chinese?With populations in the billions, they wouldn't miss a few. I bet they 
need jobs and just want to improve their lives also. Why even bother to make 
them come here to improve their lives? Why not just tax the hell out of 
everybody here and send the money to people in their native countries where the 
dollars will go further? Better yet, if you want to be *enriched* by their 
cultures , why don't you just go live with them.

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 9:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

   You and I support the same thing theoretically; I support a *controlled* 
entry and exit of foreigners also.  Absolutely.  SO DOES THE UNITED STATES.  
It's why I carry a passport when I travel; other countries do too.  

 We can't be the world's safety net and we aren't, with respect to the Syrian 
refugees.  Remember that Obama, whom you despise doesn't 

[FairfieldLife] Hate is Never the Answer

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
On 03/28/2016 08:21 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 

We are a nation of laws.

And WAY too many of them.  We need one more new law: for every new law 
passed two old ones need to be retired. Won't happen because lawyers use 
outdated laws to win their cases.  Should read:

We are a nation tangled mess of laws.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
We are a nation of laws. One of Maharishi's favorite says was "well begun is 
half done".Violating a nations laws to get into the country is not "well 
begun". It is criminal.
Get in line,apply for entry, wait their turn, let all *righteousness be 
fulfilled*(get vetted),be issued appropriate documents and they are welcomed. 
This applies to EVERYONE, even Muslims and Syrian refugees.The problem Syrian 
refugees face is that most are unable to be vetted because there are no records 
of who they are or their background.Were they Baathist Party members, 
criminals, did they take up arms against the United States or our allies? 
Nobody knows. A handful can be vetted to some extent. Persecuted Christians 
often belong to well established churches who's pastors have been able to vouch 
for them as members of their congregations and of any criminal complaints 
against them. However, Obama refuses to grant them refugee status because the 
Syrian government doesn't persecute them, only ISIS and Al Qaeda who rape, 
behead and crucify them.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 8:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

---In,  wrote :

Why do you think he's so popular? He was nothing until he brought up the 
*illegal*immigration issue.
Cruz will get it done also. 
I think there was about seven hundred miles of fence built. The majority of 
illegals come through parts where there is no fence, Arizona to Texas. But a 
fence is not all that is needed. Increased border patrols, electronic 
monitoring( that includes seismic) , aircraft surveillance. We might as well be 
flagging them in.   Border patrol doesn't even bother to pick them up and 
detain them.The courts don't even issue them summons to appear in court anymore.
Check it 
  From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 11:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
 "I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe 
me, and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on 
our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."
Oh yes! I forgot that The Drumpf will get it done.  Did you know there already 
is a fence along about a third of the border?  It's not like we're waving the 
illegals in with flags, Mike.   

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p a 

[FairfieldLife] Palmyra

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Why do you think he's so popular? He was nothing until he brought up the 
*illegal*immigration issue.
 Cruz will get it done also. 

 I think there was about seven hundred miles of fence built. The majority of 
illegals come through parts where there is no fence, Arizona to Texas. But a 
fence is not all that is needed. Increased border patrols, electronic 
monitoring( that includes seismic) , aircraft surveillance. 
 We might as well be flagging them in.   Border patrol doesn't even bother to 
pick them up and detain them.The courts don't even issue them summons to appear 
in court anymore.
Check it out:

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 11:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
   "I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe 
me, and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on 
our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."

 Oh yes! I forgot that The Drumpf will get it done.  
 Did you know there already is a fence along about a third of the border?  It's 
not like we're waving the illegals in with flags, Mike.



Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I fail to see any of the individuals that you have pictured as having 
accomplished anything on the scale that Al Qaeda or ISIS has.

 They are for the most part Freaking individual nuts. 

 ISIS is an organization that represents an ideology based on a political 
religion that tolerates no other ideologies. BIG DIFFERENCE!
 So, I guess you can live with how Islamic culture treats women and other 
minority groups because  diversity is a wonderful thing to be experienced!


 I enjoy a good discussion as much as the next guy but your lack of ability to 
reason and conclude rationally has defeated me. You are invested, heartily, in 
believing what you do to the point where you are becoming hysterical and 
jumping to all sorts of erroneous assumptions and conclusions. Live in your 
small shell of fear, mistrust and animosity - you have made that choice. But 
rest assured, you will never - and those close to you will never - become the 
victim of any terrorist attack on American soil between now and when you die. 
More likely, you will be hit and killed by some drunk driver, or break your 
neck falling off a step ladder.

 And BTW, I now know what fuels Trump's popularity. This has been an 
interesting and fruitful discussion with you in this regard. It is something 
that, up to this point, has largely eluded me but you have gone a long way to 
show me that otherwise seemingly rational and "normal" Americans are not so 
rational and normal after all - not when it comes to unwarranted fears and 
prejudices against those they have been convinced by others are going to 
threaten their livelihood and way of life. You are being used, Mikey, in an 
agenda that will accomplish exactly what you fear will happen but it will be 
accomplished by people like yourselves and all those who drive your 
irrationality. That is the irony of it all - you are the creator of your own 
worst nightmare and you are already living it in your mind before it even 

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 10:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike


---In,  wrote :

 So you want to add to the problems that already exist.

 False conclusion, Mike. I am making a point that aberrational human beings are 
just that, aberrational, irrespective of whatever country or culture they come 
from. And America has its share, for sure, irrespective of their color or race. 
Why you insist on harping on about Muslims and culture is beyond me - in the 
case of the refugees it is moot. A bad guy is a bad guy - get over it.

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 7:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] For Mike






2016-03-28 Thread email4you [FairfieldLife]

The Organic Center is your trusted, go-to source of information for 
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[FairfieldLife] Sucks! DJT is as good as ??

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Is HE the Illuminati's #1 Target for 2016? Threatens to Reveal 9/11 Conspiracy 
as President 
 Is HE the Illuminati's #1 Target for 2016? Threatens... Donald Trump commented that if he 
was elected president, he would reveal who really knocked down the World Trade 
Centers. Like JFK's cryptic speech on ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] TM As a Yoga of Renunciation

2016-03-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Although TM is generally considered a technique for Karma Yoga, it has an 
element of renunciation working along with the active pursuit of attaining 
transcendental consciousness or the union with the divine intelligence.  So, 
the famous Maharishi Effect can be described as the effect of a yoga of loss, 
which sounds counter-intuitive but can be understood in the language of 
jyotish.  How can there be an advantage to a loss?

 Here is how:

 First, meditation by itself is an activity relating to the 12th house, or the 
loss of anything, including thoughts.  However, the increase in this activity 
causes causes a mysterious increase, called argala, in the

 A.  11th house, which is the field related to friends, spouse and unearned 

 B.  2nd house, which is related to family, food and wealth and knowledge.

 C.  9th house, which is related to good luck, or bhagya, the guru and 
religion.  Since this the 10th house or karma from the 12th house, it is 
related to samadhi, the siddhis, and higher knowledge.

 So, the ME may be supported by scientific studies.  But it's already predicted 
in the techniques of jyotish.