[FairfieldLife] Timely Reminder: VOTE! [3 Attachments]

2018-06-01 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
Forwarded from: Dr. John Hagelin 

Dear Members of our Fairfield, MVC, and MUM Community,

I wanted to remind you that Tuesday is an important Primary Voting Day. Indeed, 
polls are already open for early voting, and will be open again for early 
voting on Monday—and, of course, on Tuesday.

Primary elections are being held for both major political parties—Republicans 
and Democrats.

Anyone, whether Republican, Democrat or Independent, can change their party 
affiliation at the voting polls to participate in whichever primary they 
choose—Republican or Democratic.

I attach below a sample ballot, so that you know what offices are up for 
election, and who is running.

There are various polling places in Fairfield. You are requested to vote in 
your assigned polling place, which depends on where you live. So please go to 
the polling place where you ordinarily vote.

In case you haven’t voted before, or you forget where to go, I also attach a 
list of polling places below.

The only way we can have a democracy that is responsive to the people is to 
make our voices heard!

So, please vote.

Best wishes,

John Hagelin

Polling Places

Fairfield First Ward* – Fairfield High School Gym Lobby

Fairfield Second Ward* – Former Lincoln Elementary School

Fairfield Third Ward* – Nazarene Family Center

Fairfield Fourth Ward* – Jefferson County Courthouse

Fairfield Fifth Ward* – Pence Elementary School

Maharishi Vedic City – Jefferson Co. Ag Grounds Activity Bldg.

Liberty – Libertyville Community Center

Libertyville – Libertyville Community Center

Batavia – Batavia Community Center

Packwood – Packwood Fire Station

Penn – Pleasant Plain Community Center

Pleasant Plain – Pleasant Plain Community Center
*See ward map  
at http://ia-fairfield.civicplus.com/DocumentCenter/Home/View/244 

To see who’s on the ballot, click this link 


Then click: Primary Election on June 5, 2018. [CONTINUE] 

Then, if you wish, click: Democrat, Republican, or All to filter candidates by 
This message was sent to dickm...@lisco.com  from 
Maharishi University of Management, 1000 North 4th Street, Fairfield, IA 52557 
United States. To unsubscribe, reply to this email with 'unsubscribe' in the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis to create a peaceful world

2018-06-01 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Now this new story, in the last few days, with a university in Arizona is 
coincidental parallel.. but instructive. 

 “..regarding challenges facing the Institution, including those of enrollment, 
financial, leadership and institutional identity, the Board determined to move 
in the direction of new leadership for the benefit of the future mission of the 
Seminary, ..The board said it voted to appoint Patterson as "President Emeritus 
with compensation, effective immediately, which he accepted."

 But then the Trustees turned around a few days later and separated themselves 
entirely from the guy.

 Leader Removed 


 Seminary Votes To Fire Paige Patterson After Ousting Him As President



 The rising of the matriarchy caught him. 
 There is a wider culture change going on. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 you are most intent on creating conflict..

 No, it is already here. 


 Fairfield, Coffee Haus Satsanga today,
 text, paraphrasing conversation..

 " #MeToo? A: If they think for a minute that this isn’t known? This is known 
in our community, this is known in our young people, that right now that the 
MUM and the Maharishi base in whatever .’s exact job with this was, they are 
harboring a predator and in doing so, no matter how they rationalize it, that 
fact is going to cripple anything they do here. Because it gets out.
 ..Like this young person here visiting looking. The person’s mother is 
concerned that if the person came here would get involved with a cult. The mom 
is rightly concerned because, while it is not like it was, because it was 
around the cult of personality. 

 But going through the history of it puts perspective in it.  The overly 
attached, even love of devotion. However folks just being vigilant about your 
keeping your own discernment awake, about your experience of awakening in it 
has come. 

 This young visitor is a bonafide spiritual seeker is a good example, that is 
why they are interested. It is not to get a degree necessarily but they want a 
place of consciousness. This young person wants to talk about consciousness, is 
interested in consciousness, is a very developed person, very developed 
experiences, this is not a beginner though a young person.

 So, putting someone like this in to this? A: The person is going to hear it 
and learn about the history of it; going to see it. If they (the .org & .edu) 
are not vigilant this person is going to be gone and this is precisely the kind 
of person they want. This is the student they want. Someone interested in 
spirituality, the implications of consciousness, this is exactly the person 
they want. 

 ..When these start scratching the surface and learning about it and having 
exposure to the kind of stupid shit that goes on?  A: The person is not a 
child. Though in the young 20’s the person is awake enough to be looking at 
this with more than just what is being presented. But on the other hand see the 
value of it and is here now actively looking and considering. "


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Writes: I don't know of anything worthy of #metoo..

 Did you see that thread a couple of months ago on Facebook about sexual 
harassments in Fairfield that were in the meditating community?  
 Right away in hot reply then there were a couple hundred 'likes' and quite a 
lot of #MeToo’s as comments too.  Yikes. 
 The Dome meditation attendance numbers are very much about spiritual morality 
and how some people have been hurtful of others spiritually, about breach of 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There is quite a lot of experience and science on Peace now within 
spirituality practices of meditation. However, The Global Country of World 
Peace (GCWP) evidently has a conflicted cultural look in caste Hinduism and 
patriarchal colonialism. Spend.. a few minutes on the Maharishi channels.  Our 
own TM Millennials it seem have little taste for more of that. Jai Guru Dev 
srijau writes:
I don't know them, I know their friends, I am two degrees of separation. I have 
zero responsibility . I have never heard of millions on such legal fees. I 
don't know what you are claiming. I know a certain individual may have had 
sexual relations you may not approve of but you have also blanket dissaproved 
of all " true believers" I don't know of anything worthy of #metoo
---In FairfieldLife@yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: In Satsanga Fairfield, Iowa

2018-06-01 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Janet Sussman in Fairfield for a workshop this weekend.
 June 2 and 3.

https://batgap.com/janet-sussman/ https://batgap.com/janet-sussman/

Janet is a specialist on the architecture of the subtle bodies. In her written 
and musical works, as well as her intuitive counseling, she transmits a 
consciousness awakening and an opening into celestial light. Students report 
experiences of unity, of merging with the other while maintaining the core 
value of the Self. 

 Public Program with David Spero in Fairfield, Iowa
May 17, 2018, 7:30pm to 9:00pm CDT
Fellowship of the Holy Spirit
51 North Court St (east side of the town square), Fairfield, IA

 The program consists of silent meditation and also dialog.
Often David will give a spiritual talk.

 http://www.davidspero.org/ http://www.davidspero.org/

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 David Spero visits Fairfield, Ia. this week. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Of David Spero, He was invited by some meditators to come visit Fairfield.

 This was an interesting satsanga that was viscerally spiritual. 
 He is an old meditator having been a student at MIU in the 1970’s. He got the 
™-sidhis as a student/meditator on the old forest academies of that era when 
the sidhis were first taught that way.  He went on for his academic studies 
elsewhere and subsequently spirituality also has unfolded for him in life. He 
has not been back to Fairfield since those earlier MIU days and not involved 
with the TM movement since then. 
 He has on his own been hosting spiritual satsang of darshan and dialogue for 
about 20 years with folks in small groups mostly out West. He does not teach 
techniques at all but does encourage people on in their spiritual practices. He 
evidently is very respectful of ™ and also of the community here. He became 
very sympathetic with the meditating community here on returning to Fairfield 
now yet had not idea of the scope of how it has gone since he had been here in 
the 1970’s. He evidently was impressed with the visit.  
 His satsang is simply sitting in silence for periods of time with a 
transmitting field effect and then talking in dialogue about spiritual 
experience with the transmission. In the transmission there is light, ecstatic 
or devotional feeling, and current of shakti all as the state with it in the 
human system. It is a type of healing.
 Along with his own spiritual experience he evidently is very bright, well 
read/studied/travelled in philosophy, religions, mystery schools and spiritual 
disciplines.  The dialogue was quite an advanced lecture from context of that 
standpoint as some intellects in the group would try to catch him out.  But 
mostly the dialogue was about spiritual states and life.
 Interestingly from the Fairfield meditating community vantage he was quite 
able to freely draw on Maharishi’s books, quoting and explaining points in the 
dialogue using The Science of Being and Art of Living and then The Science of 
Creative Intelligence .  The guy is not a ™ teacher but probably could out 
teach most ™ teachers from The Science of Being. His facility with The Science 
of Being and Art of Living was quaint to hear and does date him as to when he 
was a meditator and involved with ™.  
 His poster quote says:
 Consciousness is Bliss, Freedom, Truth and Reality.  It is Love.  And only by 
abiding in the innocence of your Heart, do you come to know It. -Darshan and 
Dialogue with David Spero

 Notes from the meeting
 ..transmission of:
 Different people, enlightened beings, are technicians in modalities with 
different aspects of spirituality and the human spiritual system. He has 
transmission of shakti down good. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 David Spero is visiting Fairfield this weekend,



 http://www.davidspero.org/ http://www.davidspero.org/





[FairfieldLife] Kauravas of Sweden?

2018-06-01 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
https://youtu.be/v_1vUC11Ccg https://youtu.be/v_1vUC11Ccg