[FairfieldLife] Re: What did ‘Guru Dev’ say on Spir itual Morality and its Moral Compass

2018-09-01 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 "You are a human being, therefore you have the power to discriminate what is 
good and what is bad, and you can accomplish the greatest human goals. Don't 
think of yourself as weak or fallen. Whatever has happened in the past, 
understand that it was done unknowingly. But now be careful, begin doing the 
type of acts appropriate for a human being. Discern for yourself what is good 
and what is bad. Adopt the good and reject the bad.
 As a human being, if you don't know Paramàtmà, then understand that you have 
sold a diamond for the price of spinach."  -SBS

 In TM we say “Jai Guru Dev” a lot; 
 but, what did Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi’s teacher) have 
to say 
 about morality and behavior? Let us look at this for a bit.
 Let us look more at what Maharishi’s teacher had to say about character and 

 Of morality Guru Dev evidently is saying,
 That our 
 Spiritual in morality is judging in discernment how we take care of ourselves 
and others in either enhancing spiritual wellbeing or not. 
 ..Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s teacher) says:
 “Dhanàrjana has said,
 [Sanskrit:] akçtvà parasantàpaü, àgatvà khalamandiram | anullaïghya 
satàm vartmaü yadalpamapi tad bahu ||
 This means, not harming others, not associating with bad persons, not plunging 
the àtman in entanglements, and whatever small amount we earn will be plenty. 
If you make trouble for others while earning your money, that wealth will 
remain behind, but the harm that you have given to the person will carry along 
with your subtle body. Therefore, don't act such that you carry along a baggage 
of sin with you.
 The meaning of àgatvà khalamandiram is this Þ if you associate with base 
people, your intellect (buddhi) gets spoiled, and once your intellect is 
spoiled, a fall is certain.
[The phrase] buddhinà÷àt praõasyati Þ Direct association with base objects 
is much more precipitous. So going to the home of the wicked for the purpose of 
making money is forbidden.

 The meaning of anullaïghya satàm vartmaü is thisÞthat path which is in 
accord with the Vedas and ֈstras given by good people should never be 
 If a situation arises in your daily dealings where you have to come into 
contact with a base person, then you should approach him just like you go to 
the toilet — do the job and leave. Nobody lingers in the toilet for long. If 
you discipline your intellect in this way, then there is no doubt of harm 
through association with the low. A pure mind goes near Paramàtmà, and the 
impure mind wanders through various types of emotional states.”



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Of moral integrity, Maharishi’s teacher’s teachings about moral character.. 

 Teaching #50, 
 "For all kinds of progress, both in this world and the next, keep the mind 
pure, and it is essential to increase the purity of the mind to remain pure. 
Therefore you must keep the company of good people while foregoing the company 
of the bad. Always study the scriptures; take care to maintain a pure diet 
(thoughts); perform Bhagavàn's bhajan and worship, as well as repetition of 
mantras; practice truth and non-injury (ahimsà), and the other precepts of 
good conduct; you must always keep yourself within proper bounds."  -Guru Dev 
Swami Brahmananda Saraswati


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "A man learns from the company he keeps. As one's company is good or evil, so 
such things will be learned. It is a notable fact that on seeing his 
companions' behavior, a man does likewise; whether he is aware of it at all or 
not, he nevertheless acts accordingly. So the point is that man's actions and 
thoughts accord with the company he keeps. Therefore, if someone falls in with 
a bad crowd, then his actions and thoughts will be corrupted; moreover, those 
with whom he comes into contact will also sink. Hence, one should strive to 
associate with good company." -Guru Dev, SBS 
 Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati reflecting,
 You should understand that if someone is of poor character, he is not a [real] 
devotee, and is just putting on a show to cheat people. Save yourself from such 
deceitful people, and save innocent pious people from them.



 As a matter of principle, one should reject those deserving rejection and 
honor those deserving honor. If unworthy people are honored, then their number 
will increase and their stench will spoil society. -SBS
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Consideration of bad spiritual morality and bad character in behavior runs 
throughout Brahmananda Saraswati’s discourses. Like discourses #17, 19, 22, 33, 
50 and throughout, morality by what enhances spirituality or does not as a 

 Of bad morality and bad character different people have dealt with their 
feelings around behavior displayed in the communities ofTM differently. There 
evidently wa

[FairfieldLife] Re: Support in Nature

2018-09-01 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 ..protective care of nature as a spiritual power.
 Support of Nature: A 

 Life Supported by Natural Law Lectures by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 

 Maharishi said:

 “The unified field is the unmanifest basis of the whole creation, the creator 
and governor of the whole universe. Through Transcendental Meditation it is 
simple to open our awareness to this state of transcendence. Spontaneously, the 
conscious mind identifies itself with the self-referral unified field, the 
fountainhead of all the streams of activity in nature.  As we gain more and 
more familiarity with that self-referral performance, our thoughts and actions 
spontaneously begin to be as orderly and evolutionary as all the activity of 

 “This training is of supreme practical value for our lives.”

 Support in Nature, a Provident protective care of unasked for grace in elegant 
favour of nature as a spiritual power.   ..Support of Nature.

 The presentation of providence as support in nature that is in spiritual 
cultivation was a strong feature in both Guru Dev’s and Maharishi’s practical 
teaching of life. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Brahmananda Saraswati (Guru Dev) from a mid-20th Century Himalayan India and 
then Maharishi in the opening decade of the modern 21st Century taught to this 
practicality of spiritual life.   

 Maharishi in a 1985 lecture:   
 All who are practicing the Transcendental Meditation and ™-Sidhi program are 
the real scientists of this generation, on the forefront of scientific 

 ..Now Vedic Science offers the knowledge to develop a fully integrated man, 
whose mind, body, intellect, and behavior are in perfect accord with all the 
laws of nature. Human brain physiology is the hardware of that cosmic computer 
which can create anything through proper programming. Human awareness has the 
ability to identify completely with the total potential of natural law, the 
unified field, which is transcendental consciousness, the self-referral state 
of consciousness. The Transcendental..
 Life Supported by Natural Law
 World Assembly on Vedic Science
 Lectures by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 July 9-17, 1985, Washington, D.C.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What did Guru Dev (Maharishi’s teacher) say 
 about cultivating this support in nature?  
 It is a theme that recurs in his talks about spirituality and spiritual life.  

 This is one discourse that considers a support in nature that comes from 
meditation and spiritual practices. 
 Swami Brahmananda Saraswati said: 
 “If you want to benefit from Bhagavàn (the Transcendent), then do spiritual 
practice and make him manifest in one location.
 The all-pervasive, formless divine being (bhagavatsattà ) is incapable of 
action; it is merely a witness. Only when it manifests itself in one place with 
the help of màyà can it take some action in màyà's world, characterized as 
it is by the three guṇas. This is like the fire which remains unmanifest in 
wood; even though it is all-pervading, it cannot light the wood, nor can it 
perform any act. But when wood is rubbed, the wood can burn and act as we 
desire. Similarly, when the all-pervasive divine being manifests in some site 
with the help of our spiritual practice, then there can be some worldly benefit.
 Spiritual practice is a staircase by which the devotee climbs to Bhagavàn 
(the Transcendent), and Bhagavàn climbs down to the devotee. Only by spiritual 
practice does the being of Bhagavàn, which abides in all animate and inanimate 
things, manifest itself in one site and thus acts in accordance with the 
devotee's desires. Only when the formless, unmanifest pure existence manifests 
itself in a form with attributes can any activity take place. Hence if you want 
to receive Bhagavàn's blessings, then carry out spiritual practice and make 
him manifest, either inside or outside. Once Bhagavàn manifests in one's 
heart, only then will all the poverty of life be eliminated.”


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 In this nature of phenomenology, there is someone who conducted what became an 
empirical study of 'support of nature' as phenomenology.  Gathered data, 
authored a paper on support of nature experience. Became the work of a PhD 
thesis. Collected people’s experience that became data. The work of the paper 
allows for something that would seems more purely subjective to become more 
objective to look at. Nature’s providence in meditating human’s nature in, 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Support of Nature, in findings of phenomenological support that is operational 
as nature in the human life form in practical life. Phenomenal.  ‘..Know this 
to be that which you are seeking’, also. 

 email sharing by experience from a friend to FFL.. 

 "Yes, our source of the source is Mother Divine. We expand in consciousness 
from the Self to a clear vi

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Karma Yoga

2018-09-01 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 from inside Fairfield's spiritual satsanga 


 "The heart chakra in many systems is considered as sort of the crowning jewel 
of the human energy system because especially in a place (Fairfield, Iowa) 
where we have people who do a lot of meditating a lot of the chakras like the 
3rd eye or brow chakras in a lot of mediators are activated, although not 
necessarily, funnily enough, it does not always happen that way. But a lot of 
times the chakras above the head, your heads, are very developed. TM in 
particular does a fantastic job of opening the chakras above the head, that is 
what makes that transcendence experience possible. That is also why people 
sometimes collapse down in their meditation when they go into deeper states of 
their meditation, they actually slump down in meditation a bit because their 
energy is actually shooting up and out. Now that is great but it is not going 
to live in the world that way.   

 The chakras when they are healthy nest with each other one in to the other. 
Where we get in to trouble is when we start getting blocks between these 
chakras where this can be partial and it is very rare to be complete or you 
would be really really sick if they are really truly blocked chakras. But they 
can be diminished and that will manifest in certain kinds of conditions, 
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual .  So, we want to open those blocks 

 In the human energy system there are the chakras that serve as pins that pin 
the larger light body to its relationship to this little “meat suit” physical 
body .  The chakras are really good at transferring information in and out of 
this system. The larger light body moves out and around the physical body. So 
when we open these and start talking to them and invite them to talk to each 
other then the whole system becomes more activated. This is when some people 
reference things like change in aura size, that people come to have large 
auras. Why is that possible?  Because their chakras have become un-blocked so 
that the energies that are available to it spread out. A lot of people here in 
Fairfield actually do have big chakras, and very big auric fields. They can go 
out a thousand feet. 

 .that the ‘expansion of consciousness’ is great but that to live it here on 
earth we need to open up that heart. 
 So this is to help with this to move energy in the body and activate certain 
areas. All to purpose then the cultivated purpose is to help open connections 
between the chakras and clear them, orient them, help them so that they are 
spinning in the right direction and that they articulate and communicate with 
each other. 

 What we want to do is cultivate the strength of our energy body so that we can 
take that incredible of development of consciousness and live in the world and 
actually live it.  To do that we need to be attending to the condition of this 
incredible system that we have that is just waiting to be employed. The easiest 
place to influence this is the heart chakra because as the heart goes the rest 
of the system will go.


 But if you open up and cultivate this heart how good we feel in that sense of 
joy, well being and comfort here. That is a function of the open heart."






 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sit up and meditate, ‘meditation is something you do’.. 
 Back a few years ago when people were being subsidized with grant money to 
stay in Fairfield and meditate with the large group in the Domes some few were 
gaming the money system then by just coming in to the Dome meditation and 
sleeping. Even on FFL this was called out for what is was, the ‘dozing for 
dollars’ program. 
 The dullness in slumber consciousness of the group was palpable then. 

 Some of us who do sit up while we meditate started the ‘STFU and meditate’ 
pushback back against this corruption.  Others in an orthodox appeasement were 
insistent that slumped over or flat out laying down sleeping for meditation is 
an important experience in meditation.  

 Mostly you can see that this was just lack of discipline in people’s lives and 
It got to be pretty bad for a while. The dozing for meditation sleep-a-tation 
became something that TM’ers were being more commonly known for in wider 
spiritual circles. 

 You’d see TM’ers doing this like an entitlement within the shakti of other 
spiritual groups.  TM’er’s use to come in to the darshan area where Ammachi was 
transmitting darshan and lay out in front at the darshan hall as this very 
spiritual transmission was going on.  Same thing with Karunamayi in her public 
meetings. It was such dullness to what was going on, so lame and so obvious to 
™’ers taking some entitlement. The saints finally asked in turn that people 
stop with bringing the sleep consciousness in and doing that, effectively 
stopping it for what dulln

[FairfieldLife] File - FFL Acronyms

2018-09-01 Thread FairfieldLife

BC - Brahman Consciousness
BN - Bliss Ninny or Bliss Nazi
CC - Cosmic Consciousness
GC - God Consciousness
MMY - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
OTP - Off the Program - a phrase used in the TM movement meaning to do 
something (such as see another spiritual teacher) considered in violation of 
Maharishi's program.
POV - Point of View
SBS - Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Maharishi's master
SCI – Science of Creative Intelligence
SOC - State of Consciousness
SSRS - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Pundit-ji)
SV - Stpathya Ved (Vedic Architecture)
TB - True Believer (in TM doctrines)
TNB - True Non-Believer
TMO - The Transcendental Meditation organization
TTC – TM Teacher Training Course
UC - Unity Consciousness
WYMS - "World Youth Meditation Society" later changed to "World Youth Movement 
for the Science of Creative Intelligence" was founded by Peter Hübner in 
Germany, as a national TM outlet competing with SIMS, Students International 
Meditation Society
YMMV = Your Mileage may vary

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