[FairfieldLife] DLF 4 out of 4 on Charity Navigator

2019-05-13 Thread srijau

 the Maharishi orgs can be searched there, mostly not rated as too small etc

[FairfieldLife] Re: Nxivm former members to break vow of silence by testifying against cult leader

2019-05-13 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The salacious content aside the abstract of the group could be relevant 

 Some quotes from the article:

 the centralisation of control, a belief system vulnerable to critical scrutiny 
and an attempt to change people in fundamental ways.”

 experts say people attracted to change are vulnerable to manipulative ‘cultish 
group behavior’

 As the case against Raniere unspools, larger questions may emerge, including 
how a group which appears to have begun as relatively benign program linked to 
the personal wellness movement could have developed into a hierarchical 
organisation of interlocking subgroups.. and under the control of a single 

 “There’s nothing wrong with a self-help workshop, but people who are attracted 
to change and being changed are vulnerable to the kind of leader we see in cult 
situations – manipulative, interested in control and highly narcissistic.”

 The existence of a cult around Raniere, Boyle-Laisure said, would not 
necessarily mean that a wellness group like Nxivm, which tapped into modern 
obsessions such as wellness, celebrity, affluence and thinness, was inherently 
 “I don’t believe people joined the group saying ‘I want to look thinner,’” she 
said. “They joined because somebody said they had answers to life questions. In 
the process they became controlled about how to look and behave.
 “That is what is so deceptive about cults. The engagement is not clear at the 
outset, people get sucked in, turn over collateral and then it’s too late to 


 eustace10679 posts:
 'Everything was just lies': how alleged sex cult Nxivm deceived its victims



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Upstate NY’s ashram communities,  
 including ™’s Livingston Manor, that other TM one at South Fallsburg, NY in 
there too.. 
 The facility at South Fallsburg was bought subsequently from TM by 
Muktananda’s .org?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Upstate New York, “..a 'burnt district.'  this references where the religious 
revival is related to reform movements of the period, such as abolition 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abolitionism_in_the_United_States, women's rights 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_rights, and utopian social experiments 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utopia#Religious_utopia, the region is expanded 
to include areas of central New York that were important to these movements. “  

 Others there in history too. The earliest Shaker spiritual practice 
ashram-like communities landed in upstate New York. = Shaker Meditative 

 The Amana Society communalists of The True Inspiration, also silent meditators 
in spiritual transcendentalist practice, went through that upstate NY area too, 
building an ashram-like community outside Syracuse initially before they 
migrated to settle and build in Iowa. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 That upstate New York corridor seems to have been a hotbed for this kind of 
breeding. Noyes at Oneida, Joe Smith with the Mormons, and this.  What could 
the astrocartographers say, fertile ground or something in the water?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Nxivm former members to break vow of silence by testifying against cult leader


[FairfieldLife] Re: Nxivm former members to break vow of silence by testifying against cult leader

2019-05-13 Thread eustace10679
'Everything was just lies': how alleged sex cult Nxivm deceived its victims


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Communal Studies

2019-05-13 Thread William Leed wle...@aol.com [FairfieldLife]
THANKS Douglas for sharing this with US & Me Bill Leed. ... ...  May come to & 
hope to come to FF., IA to see Dr Raju  of HYD, Hyderabad  India, a world class 
Vadya ( pulse reader) end of May 26 -27, to 5 or 6 June 19. Martha Blackmore, 
is assisting him & hosting him at her place, Court St.

-Original Message-
From: dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
To: FairfieldLife 
Sent: Mon, May 13, 2019 9:41 am
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Communal Studies


One session of papers presented at the annual conference of the Communal 
Studies Association was on ‘the end of community’ with three in depth papers 
given on three different communal groups. One of the groups was a 19th Century 
group something like our own in Fairfield and the others were of more secular 
communal groups of the earlier 20th Century and late 19th. 
The commonality in their three narratives was what came as diffusion of their 
core values in time as there came along arrivals of newer outsiders in 
membership and fewer of generations born to the older founding generation would 
stay on in community. These trends were supplanting to founding generations 
then in time. Hence, the loss in perspective of foundational core communal 
values over time as those values came to not be so well spoken to (championed) 
or lived in these groups. 
Evidently once core foundational values diminished in time within each group 
example there came in a mundane to the workload of sustaining ‘community’ as 
resources of energy and altruistic goodwill ebbed and dried. The cohesion of a 
communal ‘shakti’ generally went down, people leave, people stop coming.  Each 
group then arriving to point whence their assets of what had been built up to 
facilitate their core values are then auctioned off. The sale.  Within the 
examples in these papers was the group of Zoar separatists, something like our 
own in transcendentalism, seems something of a template for how it goes with 
spiritual practice groups as our own:  Diminution of the cheering of core 
values, administrative rigidity setting in, loss of people, loss of altruism 
towards the community, loss of donors, loss of critical mass, financial crisis, 
and finally an auction of assets attendant to the dispersal of community.  

“..something of a template for how it goes with spiritual practice groups as 
our own:  Diminution in the cheering of core values, administrative rigidity 
setting in, loss of people, loss of altruism towards the community, loss of 
donors, loss of critical mass, financial crisis, and finally an auction of 
assets attendant to the dispersal of community." 
Eroding Core Values and Loss of Communal Critical Mass

A long declining arc of the Dome meditation attendance numbers in what is the 
Fairfield, Ia. meditating community seems far along on this path.”..
Unseen, for as large as our communal ‘artifacts’ here in meditating Fairfield 
appear to be, a tragedy which people coming from the outside will not be able 
to see is the collapse in aggregate numbers attending the communal group 
meditations inside the Domes.
A driving tour yesterday around m

[FairfieldLife] Re: Communal Studies

2019-05-13 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 One session of papers presented at the annual conference of the Communal 
Studies Association was on ‘the end of community’ with three in depth papers 
given on three different communal groups. One of the groups was a 19th Century 
group something like our own in Fairfield and the others were of more secular 
communal groups of the earlier 20th Century and late 19th. 

 The commonality in their three narratives was what came as diffusion of their 
core values in time as there came along arrivals of newer outsiders in 
membership and fewer of generations born to the older founding generation would 
stay on in community. These trends were supplanting to founding generations 
then in time. Hence, the loss in perspective of foundational core communal 
values over time as those values came to not be so well spoken to (championed) 
or lived in these groups. 

 Evidently once core foundational values diminished in time within each group 
example there came in a mundane to the workload of sustaining ‘community’ as 
resources of energy and altruistic goodwill ebbed and dried. The cohesion of a 
communal ‘shakti’ generally went down, people leave, people stop coming.  Each 
group then arriving to point whence their assets of what had been built up to 
facilitate their core values are then auctioned off. The sale. 
 Within the examples in these papers was the group of Zoar separatists, 
something like our own in transcendentalism, seems something of a template for 
how it goes with spiritual practice groups as our own:  Diminution of the 
cheering of core values, administrative rigidity setting in, loss of people, 
loss of altruism towards the community, loss of donors, loss of critical mass, 
financial crisis, and finally an auction of assets attendant to the dispersal 
of community.  

 . Checklist:  
 “..something of a template 
 for how it goes with spiritual practice groups as our own:  
 Diminution in the cheering of core values, 
 administrative rigidity setting in, 
 loss of people, 
 loss of altruism towards the community, 
 loss of donors, 
 loss of critical mass, 
 financial crisis, 
 and finally an auction of assets attendant to the dispersal of community." 

 Eroding Core Values and Loss of Communal Critical Mass


 A long declining arc of the Dome meditation attendance numbers in what is the 
Fairfield, Ia. meditating community seems far along on this path.”

 for as large as our communal ‘artifacts’ here in meditating Fairfield appear 
to be, a tragedy which people coming from the outside will not be able to see 
is the collapse in aggregate numbers attending the communal group meditations 
inside the Domes.


 A driving tour yesterday around meditating Fairfield again for a visitor, this 
time an old SRF (Yogananda) meditator visiting Fairfield.  
 The scale of our whole facility of communal meditating is remarkably stunning 
 when visitors get to see the whole scope of it. 
 It is fun to see and be with people when they 'get it'. 


 In TM community it is said: “The Past is a lesser state of evolution.”  But, 
financial planners warn cautioning us otherwise,  “Past performance is not a 
guarantee of future returns” .  Towards becoming something else like a historic 
site to visit, according to these histories evidently things may not look the 
same as what we may see now as community.

 Already we are hearing grumblings in TM from what is an elder International 
Council of Rajas that the Domes in Fairfield, Iowa are too expensive to 
maintain.  While at the same time the University being without endowment 
requires active and substantial donor cohorts every year to make budget for 
what all they should like to do to keep on.  With prospect in communal core 
values, the hopeful in re-developing community are constrained in reality by 
budget and human resource right now. The complexion of the core group that is 
remaining quite evidently is not what it once was in youth. May providential 
blessings from the superradiance in the Nature of the Unified Field support a 
magnanimous prosperity to our continued journey here in community.  
 Jai Guru Dev,   

 As related point of reference like this template shown of how groups like ours 
 Life-cycle within Communal Spiritual Groups


 Yep, the Dome group meditation attendance numbers in Fairfield seem are at 
catastrophic low levels.

 Srijau notes:  there is no adequate superradiance for America now that's 
obvious to everyone. a good pocket of good influence for Fairflield and some 
other pockets of good influence elsewhere where in some cities there is a lot 
of people doing TM

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The Loss of communal superradiance mass.. 
 There are mornings here more recently with only 160 meditating in the men’s 