Re: [FairfieldLife] World Naked Bike Ride 2013

2013-03-12 Thread Bill Coop
On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:

> Only in San Francisco would you have such an event but it is tomorrow.

Not only in SF. WNBR events have been held in St. Louis, Houston, Seattle
Denver, New York, Los Angeles, and Miami, as part of "70 cities in 20

Why hasn't there been one in Fairfield yet?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Drinking coffee made from snow....

2013-03-12 Thread Bill Coop
On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 3:33 PM, <> wrote:

> I am not surprised - I am not a small person, and yet rarely finish my
> meal at a restaurant, due to the amount of food served. My wife has a
> pretty good theory, tying the amount of food served to the corporate profit
> margin needed per restaurant, vs. what makes sense for the body.
> Also saw something today about the mislabeling of food, particularly
> seafood, in the US. Stay away from the Calimari appetizer - Some of it is
> actually sliced, and deep fried, pig rectum. I wish I was joking.

Urban legend.

[FairfieldLife] Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-12 Thread Bill Coop
 Maharishi Vidya Mandir chairman accused of molestation

A married woman working as a teacher at Maharishi Vidya Mandir in
 has filed a complaint against the chairman of Maharishi Vidya Mandir group
of schools Girish Chandra Varma for molestation and mental torture.

Varma has just been granted bail in a firing incident earlier this year at
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram in Allahabad and came back to Bhopal couple of
days ago.
The woman filed a complaint to the State Women's Commission (SWC) alleging
that Varma threatened that she and her husband, who also worked with the
group, would lose their jobs if she failed to cooperate with him.

The woman said that the accused used to insist her husband take her along
on tours to other cities and countries. Each time, a five star hotel was
booked with adjoining rooms. Varma would send her husband away on errands
and then molest her.

She did not say anything earlier fearing social ostracism but when it
became too much to take, she told her husband and decided to file a
There have been counter allegations that the husband had been trying to
extort money from Varma since 2011 for a new house with claims that he sent
various abusive e-mails and letters to Varma and maligned Varma's image on
social networking sites.

[FairfieldLife] Dr. Oz in The New Yorker: "The Operator"

2013-02-12 Thread Bill Coop
The New Yorker did a big profile on Dr.  Mehmet Oz in their February 4
issue. This passage may be of interest to some here:

On October 17th, Oz broadcast a program titled "GMO Foods: Are They
Dangerous to Your Health?" Oz was not subtle. "You're probably eating them
right now and don't even know," he began, darkly invoking "the brave new
world of food. Are they safe?" Oz then introduced Jeffrey Smith, the author
of "Genetic Roulette," who says that engineered foods may cause many
serious diseases, including colitis, asthma, and cancer. Smith has also
made a film version of the book; Oz, for the sake of full disclosure, noted
that "my wife, Lisa, was a narrator in Jeffrey's film." He added that no
scientists were willing to share the stage with Smith. "So today we are
doing something we have never done before," Oz said. "After Jeffrey makes
his points, he has to leave the stage before we can speak with the
scientists in favor of genetically modified foods." Other than to say that
Smith was controversial, Oz did not indicate why no scientists would appear
with him.

When I asked Lisa about her involvement, she said that Smith presented a
point of view that needed to be heard, and that the safety of genetically
modified foods has not been proved. "I think Mehmet and I both feel, in
general, that our mission is to empower the viewer or reader," she said.
"To give them the most information and the greatest number of tools they
can use to make their own choices."

On the show, Oz identified Smith as a scientist, but Smith has no
experience in genetics or agriculture, and has no scientific degree from
any institution. He studied business at the Maharishi International
University, founded by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Before the show aired,
Bruce Chassy, a noted molecular biologist, wrote to Oz; he is a founder of
Academics Review, a group of researchers who often debunk popular
scientific claims. Chassy is professor emeritus in the department of food
science and human nutrition at the University of Illinois. "As a
public-sector scientist, researcher, and academic administrator with more
than forty years' experience, I am appalled that any medical professional
would give a platform to the likes of Mr. Jeffrey Smith to impart health
information to the public," Chassy wrote. "His only professional experience
prior to taking up his crusade against biotechnology is as a ballroom-dance
teacher, yogic flying instructor, and political candidate for the Maharishi
cult's natural-law party."

Graphic images of rats covered in tumors appeared on a monitor; the images
were taken from a study, published in September, contending that the tumors
were caused by genetically modified corn. The study was publicized widely
throughout the world, but it was denounced by the European Union Food
Safety Authority, rejected in a rare joint statement by the six French
national scientific academies, and ridiculed by scores of scientists. None
of that deterred Smith, who attacked the Food and Drug Administration for
"ignoring" these problems. On the show, Oz never challenged him, although
agricultural biotechnology has been under review by the F.D.A. for decades,
and no agency, in the United States or anywhere else, has found evidence
that genetically modified foods are metabolized by the body any differently
from any other type of food.

There are many legitimate and articulate opponents of genetically modified
products and, for that matter, of conventional medicine itself. But Oz has
consistently chosen guests with dubious authority to argue those positions.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: L Ron ads

2013-02-11 Thread Bill Coop
FWIW, I routinely get ads for MUM when reading this thread. Right now, I've
got one for an online Ayurveda class.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: SCI Insurance Group

2013-02-11 Thread Bill Coop
Thanks, but I'm more interested in the old SCI Insurance Group. Did anyone
here get solicitations for it, or actually sign up? The rate of claims by
that group, compared to the claims by other groups underwritten by the same
large insurance company, were used as evidence for the health benefits of

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 10:10 PM, <> wrote:

> --- In, Bill Coop  wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone remember the SCI Insurance Group?
> >
> > It was a health insurance plan active in Fairfield in the early 1980s.
> Only
> > open to people who'd been meditating for more than six months could
> enroll.
> > A couple of thousand people signed up. Dick Alexander may have been one
> of
> > the people involved.
> >
> > It's hard to say when it went out of operation (late 1980s?), or what
> > happened to it. Does anyone know?
> >
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to:
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] SCI Insurance Group

2013-02-09 Thread Bill Coop
Does anyone remember the SCI Insurance Group?

It was a health insurance plan active in Fairfield in the early 1980s. Only
open to people who'd been meditating for more than six months could enroll.
A couple of thousand people signed up. Dick Alexander may have been one of
the people involved.

It's hard to say when it went out of operation (late 1980s?), or what
happened to it. Does anyone know?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Letter I just sent to the editor of the local paper

2013-01-30 Thread Bill Coop
Whitewashing the Second Amendment
As the Supreme Court reviews a historic gun-rights case, lost is the
Second Amendment's controversial history—when it wasn't a bulwark
against tyranny but a way of enforcing it.
—By Stephanie Mencimer | Wed Mar. 19, 2008 11:00 PM PDT

Last week at an American Constitution Society briefing on the Heller
case, NAACP Legal Defense Fund president John Payton explained the
ugly history behind the gun lobby's favorite amendment. "That the
Second Amendment was the last bulwark against the tyranny of the
federal government is false," he said. Instead, the "well-regulated
militias" cited in the Constitution almost certainly referred to state
militias that were used to suppress slave insurrections. Payton
explained that the founders added the Second Amendment in part to
reassure southern states, such as Virginia, that the federal
government wouldn’t use its new power to disarm state militias as a
backdoor way of abolishing slavery.

This is pretty well-documented history, thanks to the work of Roger
Williams School of Law professor Carl T. Bogus. In a 1998 law-review
article based on a close analysis of James Madison’s original
writings, Bogus explained the South’s obsession with militias during
the ratification fights over the Constitution. “The militia remained
the principal means of protecting the social order and preserving
white control over an enormous black population,” Bogus writes.
“Anything that might weaken this system presented the gravest of
threats.” He goes on to document how anti-Federalists Patrick Henry
and George Mason used the fear of slave rebellions as a way of
drumming up opposition to the Constitution and how Madison eventually
deployed the promise of the Second Amendment to placate Virginians and
win their support for ratification.

On 1/29/13, Rick Archer  wrote:
> Thanks. I notified the paper to amend my letter as follows:
> “In other words, our fledgling nation, with no professional military, needed
> its citizenry to be able to mobilize quickly to repel another British
> invasion, Indian uprising, slave rebellion, etc.”
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Michael Jackson
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 1:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Letter I just sent to the editor of the local
> paper
> One of the other things that is ignored from history is the fact that in
> some states like South Carolina, prior to and after the Revolutionary War,
> the population of blacks outnumbered whites by two or three to one.
> In SC, the militia was begun by white planters from Barbados who were
> creating homes and plantations here like they had in Barbados - and as in
> SC, the slaves in Barbados outnumbered the whites - thus the Barbadians
> created their militia in the advent of slave revolts (there were three I
> think)
> When the influx of white planters came to South Carolina, they decreed the
> systems of law and commerce that served them in Barbados had to be
> instituted in SC, including the militia system. South Carolina was not the
> only place where militias were mandated by the white powers that made the
> decisions and they were created for fear of slave revolt.
>   _
> From: Rick Archer> >
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 2:22 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Letter I just sent to the editor of the local
> paper
> "The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting. It's about defending ourselves
> against governmental tyranny."
> Thus read a placard at a recent pro-gun rally. For many who invoke the
> second amendment, this is the implication. The black, socialist, Muslim,
> foreign-born president with the funny name is going to take away all our
> guns like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao did so he can impose a tyrannical
> dictatorship. There was no massacre at Sandy Hook. The government staged the
> event as a pretense to enact stricter gun laws. Such are the paranoid
> fantasies entertained by an alarmingly large percentage of those who
> consider themselves psychologically qualified for unfettered gun ownership.
> In the media, the second amendment is usually truncated as "the right to
> bear arms". The entire amendment reads: "A well-regulated militia being
> necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep
> and bear arms shall not be infringed." In other words, our fledgling nation,
> with no professional military, needed its citizenry to be able to mobilize
> quickly to repel another British invasion, Indian uprising, etc.
> Today, the second amendment is an anachronism. Its purpose is fulfilled by
> the U.S. Armed Forces. They are well-regulated. Those who regard the
> official military and police as t

Re: [FairfieldLife] For those who love Paris...

2013-01-30 Thread Bill Coop
On 1/28/13, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Here are some rare early color photographs of the
> place, taken in the early 1900s:

And for those who don't like Paris, there's the Global Reconstruction
program. It seeks to demolish the inauspicious buildings of Paris and
rebuild the city on a strict grid, with every building facing due

   My Reconstruction of the World programme is to save the people
   from the ignorance which allows them to design unfortunate

In other words, it is necessary to destroy the city to save it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: On 21 December thousands of young Yogic Flyers will gather of the Mayan, Mixtec, Zapotec

2012-12-19 Thread Bill Coop
 *We have taught 9,000 Yogic Flyers in the last weeks in 54 schools, and
there are total 257 schools which will bring at least 20,000 Yogic Flyers
all practicing in school at the same time next year.*

With 20,000 Yogic Flyers in South America, a few hundred in Iowa, more or
less, hardly seem to worth worrying about.

On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Buck  wrote:

> This is fabulous.
> Indeed we welcome our new meditating Mayan brothers and sisters to the
> spiritual revolution of this new millennium.
> --- In, Dick Mays  wrote:
> >
> > From: Maharishi's Global Family Chat 
> >
> >
> >
> > Maharishi's Global Family Chat Summary
> > December 14, 2012
> > Click here to see the video programme (posted by date)
> >
> > On 21 December, in one week, thousands of young Yogic Flyers
> > from local schools will come together
> > at the holy gathering of the Mayan, Mixtec, Zapotec
> > and other tribes to be held at Monte Alban in southern Mexico
> >
> > Raja Luis began with an overview of Maharishi's offer to every nation of
> the gift of invincibility, which means every aspect of life harmonious. The
> practical programme for this is establishing groups of Yogic Flyers, such
> as those in India and the US. In the same way in every country we want to
> have invincibility, as a platform for all our knowledge. The first school
> in Latin America started 2007—one school was enough to create invincibility
> for one nation. Then gradually more countries came along—Colombia, Peru,
> Mexico, Ecuador—very small numbers of Yogic Flyers compared to the whole
> population, but enough that one can feel the new trend in the destiny of
> the whole nation.
> >
> >
> >
> > This year we were able to establish groups enough for Latin America,
> especially in military schools. In the meantime other groups grew up, such
> as in Colombia where Fr Mejia's groups are very stable. It now happens that
> in Peru 800-900 children will also become Yogic Flyers in the same week as
> the group in Mexico.
> >
> > The situation in the indigenous schools of southern Mexico is unique
> because of the very surprising quality of freshness and innocence of
> consciousness of the students. Of the 80 schools where the project has
> started, 54 have already received the TM-Sidhi programme. These indigenous
> people belong to 14 different language groups. They love their traditions,
> and also want education. They see the gift of Transcendental Meditation and
> the TM-Sidhi programme as a fulfilment of their traditional role and Dharma.
> >
> >
> >
> > The project has been organized by Nature
> > Next week on the 20th of December is the end of the academic year, plus
> the Winter festival is the next day on the 21st, plus the calendar of the
> indigenous people of the area ends, and a new time starts. This new time
> coincides with the start of a new type of education, which is characterised
> by a new role for education, and a new quality for society. The project has
> basically been arranged by the parents, and they see it, together with the
> children, as the fulfilment of their personal and community Dharma.
> >
> > Raja Luis and his Teachers are happy to be able to honour the desire of
> the children and elders to celebrate in their holy place of Monte Alban on
> the 21st December. The whole thing is unfolding in a very innocent way from
> the mothers and communities of the indigenous people; the authorities of
> education system are the channel that is organizing the gathering of the
> school children.
> >
> >
> > Photo of Monte Alban, the sacred place of Zapotec and Mayan where the
> celebration of 21st will be held.
> > This is the first time that this location has been made available for
> group practise
> > of Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying.
> >
> > These people are all members of Solar traditions, all the way to Ecuador
> and Peru. The awakening of their culture through transcending and Yogic
> Flying, connecting with the deep culture in accord with Natural law, is
> happening in exactly those countries connected with this culture. Their
> view is that ego-based culture is now going, and consciousness-based
> culture is starting. The experience of the Teachers and students is very
> different than in other schools.
> >
> >
> >
> > How many Yogic Flying students can come together on the 21st depends on
> fundraising, and the speed that the money can be made available in Mexico,
> because the buses to fetch the children have to be booked and travel one or
> two days to fetch them in the rural areas. Everyone is invited to
> contribute as comfortable. The quickest way will be to send your
> contribution directly to the project in Mexico. Please also send an email
> to Joseluis@... to inform the organisers that you have sent that amount
> so they can plan how many buses to order. Each child costs US $10 to $20
> for the bus trip—please see below for donation details.
> >
> >
> >
> > We want to help as

Re: [FairfieldLife] Invisible America tallies

2012-12-11 Thread Bill Coop
The total comprises two numbers: "Community" plus something else, which we
can call "X". Is "Community" the number of people in the Domes? Is "X" the
number of Pandits?

The "Community" tallies haven't changed much.

"X", whatever it is, became zero on 11/27. Perhaps someone just forgot to
add that number to the total, or perhaps the Pandits all left or went on
strike. "X" was zero on 10/25/12 for just one day. The current outage has
gone on for 14 days.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 4:14 AM, Share Long  wrote:

> My guess is that both MUM and MSAE students were on Thanksgiving break and
> lots of older sidhas were visiting family for Thanksgiving.
>   --
> *From:* eustace10679 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sunday, December 9, 2012 10:55 PM
> *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Invisible America tallies
> What happened on 11/27 and the number of flyers at the domes
> fell so abruptly?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Billionaires Club

2012-12-04 Thread Bill Coop
On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 10:08 AM, mjackson74  wrote:

> I have heard that MMY said in the 1990's that the TM folks should only be
> teaching TM to the wealthy of the world. Does anyone know when and under
> what circumstances he said that and exactly what he said?

My recollection is that he believed rich people are an influential elite,
and that if they adopted TM then the rest of society would follow their
lead. It's a reasonable conclusion and is the basis for a lot of modern
marketing. Similarly, he forbade teachers from initiating their friends for
free because he believed that people don't value anything properly unless
they pay for it. But I think he said those things earlier than the 1990s.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: John Farrow in the news?

2012-11-27 Thread Bill Coop
No one's "gloaming". It's helpful to differentiate between the easily
confused identitiea and careers of John T. Farrow and John C. Farrow, one
of whom was been in the news recently. I'm sure we all hope that the
allegations, like any allegations of this kind, are untrue.

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 6:27 AM, raunchydog  wrote:

> Nabby is correct. A person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. An
> arrest on the public record and reported in the news does not mean a person
> is guilty. Sandusky was a high profile case, not the same as John's at all.
> Speculation prior to Sandusky's trial was about a profit driven media
> feeding salacious material to a scandal hungry public. Unless you've
> figured out how to make a buck off it, there is no commercial value in
> John's case whatsoever. BTW what *is* anyone's motivation on FFLife for
> gloaming on to this? Sadly, human nature dictates that the bigger the train
> wreck, no matter how horrifying, the harder it is to avoid watching. John's
> case in comparison to Sandusky's is a small train wreck, not worth watching.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: John Farrow in the news?

2012-11-20 Thread Bill Coop
This isn't a rumor - John C. Villiers Farrow has been arrested and
held on $800,000 bond. It's been reported widely and is based on
accusations from two different youths. As far as I can tell, his only
association with TM was going to the ashram in 1968 with his sisters.

It'd be easy to assume that John T. Farrow is related to the other
Farrows connected to TM, but apparently he is no relation. It looks
like he wrote a dissertation for MERU in 1977.

Was John T. Farrow ever a Fairfield resident, perhaps when he was
editing the volumes of scientific research with OJ?

On 11/20/12, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In, Bill Coop  wrote:
>> Is this a correct summary?
>> John C[harles Villiers] Farrow is accused of child molestation.
> "accused of child molestation" is rather vague. In a study was released in
> Denmark a couple of years ago it turned out that 85% of those sentenced to
> prison for "child molestation" towards family members was accuitted, AFTER
> they had served years in prison.  The reason was that it turned out that the
> girls (it mostly is) regretted and admitted to having lied.  Then they had
> to go to prison.
> Laywers state that they expect the mumbers to be rising.
> If I were you I'd be very careful in distributing these kind of rumours. You
> have also violated a principle rule for FFL; here the dept. of rumours
> belongs to the creator of this blog, Rick Archer. If you have some rumour
> that you find so juicy that you simple can't handle it alone, just e-mail it
> to him. If there is even the slightest possebility, however dim, that there
> could be something in these rumours trust him to publish it here. Don't
> worry if the basis of your rumour are vile fantasies or downright false,
> trust Rick to publish them here for you. It's his great hobby in life to
> dwell on those sorts of things, so why deny him this pleasure ? I'm sure you
> will agree !
> Welcome, and best wishes for your happy future posting at this place !
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to:
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: John Farrow in the news?

2012-11-20 Thread Bill Coop
Is this a correct summary?

John C[harles Villiers] Farrow is accused of child molestation. He has
some acting credits and screen-writing aspirations, and now lives in
Maryland. He attended TM Teacher Training with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
at Rishikesh in 1968, along with his sisters Mia and Prudence. He has
no other known connection to the TMO.

John T. Farrow  is unrelated to the other Farrows.  He is a researcher
and coeditor (with David Orme-Johnson) of 5 volumes of TM research. He
listed his academic qualifications in testimony in the Kropinski case,
transcribed at Trancenet.
"Currently I am vice president of a corporation in San Diego that
deals with computer software.  I graduated from Yale University in
1963 with a bachelor's degree, and went on to do a Ph.D. at Cornell
University in the area of the biochemistry of the nervous system. From
there, I went as a postdoctoral research fellow to Brandeis
University, to the biochemistry department there, to pursue research
on the biochemistry of the nervous system."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Predictions for Iowa caucus tonight

2012-01-04 Thread Bill Coop
On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 11:23 AM, feste37  wrote:

> My predictions for the Republican caucus tonight:
> 1. Mitt Romney
> 2. Rick Santorum
> 3. Ron Paul
>  Remember, you read it here first.

Good predictions.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Good bye Christopher

2011-12-16 Thread Bill Coop
Hitchen said in his memoir, *Hitch-22*, that his mother ran off with a
follower of Maharishi. The two later committed suicide in Athens.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Levitation Vs. Flying

2011-11-26 Thread Bill Coop
On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Robert  wrote:

> BTW, if you go through the third chapter of 'Patanjali's Yoga Sutras',

You will find that there is one sutra for 'flying' and another sutra for
> levitation...
> The sutra he gave out was for flying and not levitation.
> I don't think Patanjali would have discriminated between 'flying' and
> levitation if there was no difference.
> The sutra for levitation has to do with the 'Mastering of Prana' in the
> throat, and loosening from the grip of the feeling of being stuck in a
> swamp, thorns and mud.
> Look in the Yoga Sutras and you will find it...
> Maharishi experimented with various techniques and yoga sutras on the 'Six
> Month Courses', and was getting feed-back from the participants before
> formulated and structuring the the TM-Sutra Program...
> He seemed to want to simplify the practice for the masses, but there is
> much more to be gained by the yoga sutras if you investigate the whole
> thing.
> I don't understand why Maharishi never demonstrated it in public, or even
in private. He meditated in public so he wasn't shy about conducting
demonstrations. He had others demonstrate Yogic Flying on many occasions.
But he never did so himself. Did anyone ever see him participate in the
TM-sutra? I'd presume that he would have been among the most capable

Re: [FairfieldLife] Occupy Vedic City

2011-11-11 Thread Bill Coop
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Rick Archer  wrote:


Where did you find that sign?

[FairfieldLife] Occupy Fairfield

2011-11-05 Thread Bill Coop
"News from other Occupy Wall Street protests around Iowa"

Fairfield: In lieu of continuous occupation, a local group of protesters
organized an informational gathering in Howard Park and also screened the
documentary “The Corporation” at a local coffeehouse. Video from the park

#Occupy Fairfield: Awareness and Education from Wayside Shine Productions
on Vimeo.

One of the Fairfield supporters, Rianna Koppel, also had this to say:

I don’t want to speak on behalf of the entire Occupy Fairfield Group, but I
can speak personally on why I don’t think we are occupying a public space

Fairfield is home to a community that is based in Transcendental
Meditation. At our university, Maharishi University of Mangement, many
students, staff, and faculty are already working on many projects that
relate directly to sustainability, consciousness, local economy, local
cooperatives — financial and otherwise, farmer’s markets and CSAs, and
many, many more.

What I think the purpose of our local Occupy movement is has to do more
with education, awareness, and continued promotion of local projects and
activities that are already taking place to support each other in our
community. I think that this is the perspective that everyone is taking
here in Fairfield, and so through the Occupy movement, we have strengthened
and rallied our community. We do not need to occupy a public space
consistently in order to do what we see as the next step from this movement.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The unreasonable price of TM instruction

2011-09-02 Thread Bill Coop
I hear that back in the '60s the fee for initiation was one week's salary.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Secret of Levitation BBC for summer time lurkers

2011-08-25 Thread Bill Coop
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 1:07 AM, merudanda  wrote:

>  The all-knowing BBC  believed that nobody dared to ask  Maharishi Mahesh
> Yogi if he can and will/have use(d) his levitation skills?
> lol (actually a question  from the 60s  asked already during his India
> tours)
> check part  2-4 with MMY, and of course Hagelin, and ...
> YouTube Direktlink

Paul McCartney asked Maharishi about levitation in 1968 and Maharishi didn't
know anyone who could do it. We may never know about him but what about the
current leadership? Can the Rajas fly higher or longer than others?

[FairfieldLife] Plugged sewer line

2011-08-23 Thread Bill Coop
FAIRFIELD, Iowa, Aug. 12 -- The Iowa Department of Natural Resources issued
the following news release:

A plugged sewer line in Fairfield resulted in an estimated 285,000 gallons
of untreated sewage being released into Crow Creek, a tributary of Cedar
Creek, during the last three days.

The blockage was discovered Thursday when a citizen complained about an odor
to the wastewater treatment plant operator. Further investigation determined
that the sewer line was plugged causing untreated sewage to overflow from a
manhole cover. The line was cleared Thursday soon after the plug was
discovered. The leak was reported to the DNR on Friday and the Fairfield
wastewater treatment plant will receive a notice of violation for not
reporting the incident within 12 hours as required.

The DNR checked Crow Creek and a portion of Cedar Creek and no dead or
stressed fish were observed.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Top 10 one liners in STEEL MAGNOLIAS

2011-08-15 Thread Bill Coop
On 8/15/11, Bob Price  wrote:
> "Miss Truvy, I promise that my personal tragedy will not interfere with my
> ability to do good hair."
> "I love ya more than my luggage."
> "Well, you know what they say: if you don't have anything nice to say about
> anybody, come sit by me! "
> "Ouiser, I'd recognize this penmanship anywhere. You have the handwritin' of
> a serial killer."
> "I'm not crazy, I've just been in a very bad mood 40 years!"
> " I don't like her. I don't trust anyone who does their own hair. I don't
> think it's natural."
> "Ouiser, you sound almost chipper. What happened today - you run over a
> small child or something?"
> "Well, we went skinny dipping and we did things that frightened the fish."
> "A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste."
> "The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to
> accessorize."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: the Karina

2011-07-30 Thread Bill Coop

If anyone can remember other hotels where significant training sessions
occurred please let me know. I'm still putting together a Google Earth file
of the important locations in the TMO history.

On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Mike Dixon  wrote:

> I think it's the hotel by itself. Above Sol Balmoral and across the gully.
> Remember all the dynamiting over by where Balmoral is? Karina was a long
> hotel with a long swimming pool.Karina faced the road which went down to the
> water. I think there was a small beach at the bottom of that gully.
>  *From:* Bill Coop 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Saturday, July 30, 2011 5:00 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: the Karina [1 Attachment]
> On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Mike Dixon  wrote:
>  Karina was down near the bottom of Cala Antene, about a half mile from
> the water.
> Could it be the current Hotel Sol Balmoral, or a hotel by itlself, across
> a gully to the north?
> =en&ll=39.468701,3.276597&spn=0.00617,0.05&sll=39.481785,3.275299&sspn=0.789649,1.422729&t=h&z=17

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: the Karina [1 Attachment]

2011-07-30 Thread Bill Coop
On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Mike Dixon  wrote:

> Karina was down near the bottom of Cala Antene, about a half mile from the
> water.

Could it be the current Hotel Sol Balmoral, or a hotel by itlself, across a
gully to the north?,+Mallorca,+Spain&hl=en&ll=39.468701,3.276597&spn=0.00617,0.05&sll=39.481785,3.275299&sspn=0.789649,1.422729&t=h&z=17

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: the Karina [1 Attachment]

2011-07-30 Thread Bill Coop
Attached is an aerial view of the "Hotel Samoa" with a link to the Google

The "Karina" doesn't show up with that name-probably changed since, or even
torn down. If anyone can find it on the map let me know.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Sandals

2011-07-22 Thread Bill Coop
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Mark Landau  wrote:

> Why did so many skin boys get disillusioned?  Because, as Robin says, the
> images that forced themselves upon us forced us to revise our estimation of
> the man.  Bevan never really became skin boy.  He always wanted to, but was
> "spared" that.  Most of the skin boys got close enough to the man to see his
> underbelly.  And it wasn't as pretty as we all thought it was.

"No man is a hero to his valet-de-chambre"—Marshal Catinat (1637–1712).

"Few men have been admired by their domestics".—Montaigne: Essays, book iii.
chap. 2.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Sandals

2011-07-20 Thread Bill Coop
The real prize would be the deerskin.  I think I heard that it was inherited
from Guru Dev.

[FairfieldLife] Homes for sale

2011-07-18 Thread Bill Coop
Two TMO stalwarts have their MSV homes on the market.

Maharishi Vedic City Mayor Bob Wynne,-N173093,-N,-A,-N0
"Elegance and grandeur grace the halls of this 5-bedroom, 4.5 bath, 4341 sq.
ft. stately mansion... MSV design by Dr. Eike Hartmann."

MUM professor Robert Schneider,-N166026,-N,-A,-N0
"The Bow of Rama graces the front door of this 4 bedroom, 2 bath, one-story
Maharishi Sthapatya Veda(SM) design masterpiece ... A royal and sublime
environment is generated in this house designed by Sturla Sighvatsson, a
master architect."

[FairfieldLife] In memoriam: Jim Bennetti

2011-03-29 Thread Bill Coop
 JAMES BENETTI James C. "Jim" Benetti, 67, a resident of Henderson for 19
years, passed away March 3, 2011, at Nathan Adelson Hospice in Las Vegas. He
was born in Detroit, and grew up on a beautiful little farm in rural
Michigan. He pursued math and physics, earning his undergraduate degree from
Univ. of Michigan and his master's degree from Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison.
In his work life, he employed his sharp analytical skills and intuitive
talents at the State of Wisconsin and the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. He was deeply interested in spiritual development - his own and
others' - and being of service to others. He was a teacher of the Art of
Living programs and Transcendental Meditation (TM). He was a friend of Bill
W's for more than 42 years and loved his Monday night "brothers" very
dearly. His survivors include wife, Joy; son, Tony; daughter-in-law,
Miranda; soon-to-arrive grandchild; brother, Toby; brother-in-law, Jay;
nieces; and nephews. We will miss him very much but draw strength from his
acceptance of and surrender to God's will. A memorial service will be held
at the Benetti residence 2-5 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Cremation arrangements
handled by Neptune Society. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the
Art of Living Foundation,, Nathan Adelson Hospice or a charity of your choice.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: tm teacher training cost?

2011-03-16 Thread Bill Coop
I gather that the process of checking and training are mostly formulaic.
Checkers follow a standard flowchart. Teachers recite phrases in Sanskrit
that they don't necessarily understand, accompanied by specified hand
gestures. The simple, standard formula is what allowed TM to spread so
easily and quickly. It could even be programmed into a computer. That
doesn't mean the result isn't meaningful, just that there is no magic in the
training procedure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] DOME ANNOUNCEMENTS--Evening with Bob Roth / questions and answers

2011-03-10 Thread Bill Coop
On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Rick Archer  wrote:

> Subject: DOME ANNOUNCEMENTS--Evening with Bob Roth / questions and answers
> An interactive evening with Bob Roth,
> Vice-President of the David Lynch Foundation
> Monday night, March 7
> 8:00 p.m.
> Dalby Hall
> - Questions and answers on the film "David Wants to Fly"

Any reports on the Q&A session?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Iraqi American Filmmaker Beaten in Fairfield

2011-03-08 Thread Bill Coop
Nobody has mentioned the obvious:

What happened to the Maharishi Effect?

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Peter  wrote:

> Couldn't agree more Buck, but..Alshaibi went and found trouble, it
> didn't find him. Who the hell gets drunk and walks into a townie party at
> 1:00 in the morning uninvited? WTF was he thinking? I could drive about 20
> minutes from my house right now get out of my car and I could practically
> guarantee you that I would be robbed and assaulted within the half hour. But
> I don't plan to do that! He has a large degree of responsibility for what
> happened to him. Hard to say to a man who has had the crap beaten out of
> him, but tis true.
> --- On Tue, 3/8/11, Buck  wrote:
> > From: Buck 
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Iraqi American Filmmaker Beaten in Fairfield
> > To:
> > Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2011, 9:34 PM
> > What vicious hooligans.
> > Animals.  Asking the guy's name at the door and giving
> > him a fist in the face.  Kicking him when he's
> > down.  That's bad like a bunch of hogs in a pen.
> > Really bad breeding.  Ought to just be removed from the
> > breeding pool.  Reform school at least.  I hope
> > the cops figure out who these asocial perps were.  We
> > don't need that in our town.  In the civil society the
> > thing to do to protect us all is isolate such asocial-ism at
> > least.  Jury trial the little shits in an open court
> > and send them packing.
> >
> > -Buck
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > Rick Archer:
> > > > Alshaibi is currently working on a film about
> > > > discrimination against Arabs in the United
> > > > States...
> > > >
> > > So, how many Arabs live in Fairfield, IA, one
> > > or two MUM students?
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
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[FairfieldLife] In memoriam: JOYCE COLLIN-SMITH

2011-02-15 Thread Bill Coop
An early follower, who left in the 1960's, just passed away.

JOYCE COLLIN-SMITH, who has died aged 91, was a former journalist who found
herself irresistibly drawn to consciousness-raising ideas and gurus; over
more than half a century she dived with more enthusiasm than discrimination
into self-development movements and esoteric sects, but her efforts to find
the True Way usually ended in disillusionment.

Joyce Hartley was born in Oxford in 1919 into a family of journalists and
writers.  ...

After the war she met Rodney Collin-Smith, better known as Rodney Collin, a
leading disciple of the "Fourth Way" spiritual development gurus PD
Ouspensky and GI Gurdjieff, and author of such works as The Theory of
Eternal Life and The Theory of Celestial Influence. The latter was an
ambitious attempt to unite astronomy, physics, chemistry, human physiology
and world history within a theory that the planets rule different organs of
the human body. ...

Back in England, Joyce moved on to Pak Subuh, the Indonesian "Messiah" who,
in the 1920s, had founded an international spiritual movement called Subud
and claimed to be a channel of latihan kejiwaan (spiritual energy) from a
higher power. In 1956, when Subuh and his wife Ibu visited London, Joyce
experienced the "releasing" effect of latihan, but became perturbed by the
sometimes violent cleansing that was part of the process and by an element
of sexual stimulation that "rose to such a pitch that people were breaking
up their marriages and linking up with others, and again others, like a
perpetual version of an oldfashioned 'excuse me' dance." ...

*Perhaps inevitably, in the early 1960s Joyce moved on to the Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi, who initiated her into the practice of Transcendental
Meditation (TM) in his early days in the West. Feeling that she had finally
found "a genuine master - a Guru", she spent about eight years with the
Maharishi and also served as his driver.*
*After a while, however, she began to feel that the guru was beginning to
lose "his cleanness of intent". She noted that he was becoming "rather
ruthless" in the use of his spiritual power, showing no concern when people
began breaking down as a result of practising TM (she herself was once
driven to the brink of suicide as a result of overindulging in the
practice), demanding big fees for "spiritual benefits", and discarding those
followers who could not pay.*
*It was the beginning of her disillusionment with him. The final straw was
the arrival of the Beatles. ..*.

After leaving the Maharishi, she set herself up as an astrological
consultant, Tarot reader, esoteric writer and spiritual teacher of her own

In 1988 she recorded her spiritual adventures in an autobiographical work
entitled Call No Man Master. Other works include The Pathless Land, an
exploration of esoteric experience "from Astrology to Zaphkiel", and two
novels, Locusts and Wild Honey and Of Fire and Music.

[FairfieldLife] In memorium: Mary "Maryo" Hummell

2011-02-09 Thread Bill Coop
In case anyone here knew her-

HUMMELL, Mary Ossinia "Maryo" Passed away peacefully under the care of
Hospice on Jan. 16, 2011. She was born in Casper, WY on Sept. 9, 1930. She
was the daughter of Ossie Cordle of Kentucky and Mary Royce Cordle of
Wyoming. Maryo grew up on a gentleman's-ranch outside of Casper, WY and
loved music, art and the outdoors. From a young age she studied music and
voice and learned to play the accordion, autoharp and banjo. She graduated
from Colorado Women's College and later married and settled in Denver to
raise a family. As a young adult she performed folk music with the likes of
Judy Collins. In 1965 she remarried and moved to California. In 1969 she
trained to be an instructor of Transcendental Meditation, joined the
organization's international staff and was involved with administering
courses in Europe and the United States. In 1974 she moved to St. Petersburg
to be near her aging parents. For the next 37 years she continued as a TM
instructor and organized dozens of in-residence retreats specialized
educational tours in Florida. However, she continued to be regarded
nationally for her professional contributions. She is survived by two
daughters, Charlyn Hummell of St. Petersburg and Becki Wolff of Santa
Barbara, CA; and many wonderful grandchildren; and great-grandchildren; and
friends. Those who knew Maryo are better for it and she will be greatly
missed. A Celebration Of Life will be held to honor Maryo's life on
Saturday, Feb. 12th at 11 am at the Fountains at Boca Ciega senior community
in the Friendship Room, 1255 Pasadena Avenue. South, St. Petersburg, FL
33707. Please RSVP to

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The status of Charlie Lutes

2011-02-06 Thread Bill Coop
On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 12:43 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

> --- In, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Nabs, Thanks for the insights. I don't know about the whole CIA
> thing and MMY, other than to say I met several of them and you couldn't pick
> them out of a crowd.
> >
> > That's a perfect agent.
> >
> >  And the CIA has an unpublished budget. I can see them being interested
> in the whole influx of Indian teachers to the US. As for Nancy, I think it
> was a test, though it seems like a mean thing to do. :-)
> >
> >
> > I haven't read the book through so I don't know how she reacted yet.
> >
> > As I have posted before, the CIA had a keen interest in Maharishi which
> ended around 1995.
> >
> > They sent armed asassins to the Kulm, twarted by the WYMS, and blew upp
> His DC3 on an airfield in Germany.
> Sorry, it was a DC4. It was all newly furbished and about to take off to
> Switzerland. His secretaries called the pilots to get out, 200 meters from
> the plane ut blew upp. 20 minutes before planned take-off.
> The CIA blew up MMY's plane on the ground in Switzerland? Why would they do
that, and how do you know they were responsible?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi was a manipulator.

2011-01-28 Thread Bill Coop
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 9:08 AM, wgm4u  wrote:

> MMY tried to seduce Western Culture (and India) into adopting MMY Vedic
> Culture, he didn't come to the West to enlighten Joe Blow (you)as much as
> you might like to think.
> And he made no bones about it, his distaste for Western Democracies is well
> known. To do this he only taught the most simple techniques of Yoga (still
> very valuable).
>  And he never did advance a technique for recluses (monks like Guru Dev).
> Why? you may ask, and ask, and ask,? well, we will never know! MMY was an
> enigma, and the speculation will continue about him until the cows come
> home!

(Since the cows haven't come home yet, there's still time for speculation.)

Maharishi, after founding the SRMF, became frustrated with the failure of
Indians to listen to his message. He saw how much more likely his countrymen
were to follow fashions imported from the West. So he reasoned that the best
way to get his message across to India was to first make it fashionable
outside of India. He may have also been aware that many Westerners have much
more disposable income than the average Indians of that era.

If the entire Western movement was mostly intended to be a support program
for the spiritual rebirth of India along a neo-Vedic path, then it makes
sense that he would have devoted the fees from expensive course into
building a large school system in the homeland.

Perhaps because of tax issues, he didn't live in India during the last four
decades of his life. But I'd guess he always regarded it as the center of
the universe, the omphalos. From that perspective the rest of the world is
on the periphery.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Dome Numbers

2011-01-25 Thread Bill Coop
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 3:32 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

> --- In, blusc0ut  wrote:
> >
> > > But Marcos did leave, and that was surely a very positive thing
> > > for the Philippines. See, I don't think the Maharishi Effect,
> > > if it exists, necessarily always works the way we--including
> > > Maharishi--expect or intend it to.
> > That's a nice perspective to have, but for me nothing more than a
> > rationalization. Take the Iran example, was it better to have Chomeini
> > than the Shah?
> I don't know, and nor do you. But the people wanted Khomeini and they hated
> the "Shah". Maharishi gave them what they wanted without bloodshed.
> Was the reason the siddhas had to leave that they had
> > fulfilled their task,
> It seems so. Also the government was collapsing and anyone in position to
> issue visas was fleeing the country, big time. Also the airport was closing
> and we simply had to go. I was on the last flight of an international
> airline (KLM) to leave the airport.
The story according to Wikipedia:

In 1984, about 1,200 members of the movement moved into Manila at the
invitation of Ferdinand Marcos, the President of the Philippines. They named
him the president and founding father of the Unified Field Based
Civilization. Marcos praised Maharishi's plan to use the Philippines as the
base for "this new kingdom of enlightenment" and, in a public ceremony, rang
the "Maharishi bell".[45] Imelda Marcos was given the "crown of
consciousness of the royal order of the age of enlightenment".[46] The
members rented an entire floor of Manila's finest hotel, along with hundreds
of rooms in other hotels.

They bought a large but financially troubled university, the University of
the East, for $1 million, leading to a boycott by students and attacks on
the Maharishi as an imperialist.[47] A government cabinet member reported an
investigation found that the movement members had deposited millions of
dollars in Philippine bank accounts and were negotiating to buy several more
colleges and universities in the area, plus hotels and other buildings.

Posters promoting the benefits of Transcendental Meditation were posted
across the city and the members spread out across the city to promote the
technique, leading to a response from Catholic Cardinal Jaime Sin. The
movement took responsibility for the lack of violence at a large
anti-government rally protesting the assassination of Benigno Aquino, but
not for violent attacks by the military on rioters, two typhoons, or an
eruption of Mount Mayon, which also occurred during their stay.[48] The
University of the East was purchased back by its stakeholders, and the
movement characterized the entire transaction as a $250,000 loan.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharaja and Family PHOTOS+his pickup truck

2011-01-25 Thread Bill Coop
When the TM leaders went to Smith Center, KS, to break ground for the new
university out there they arrived in a white limo, perhaps the same one
pictured here. It became a running joke for the townsfolk.