"News from other Occupy Wall Street protests around Iowa"

Fairfield: In lieu of continuous occupation, a local group of protesters
organized an informational gathering in Howard Park and also screened the
documentary “The Corporation” at a local coffeehouse. Video from the park


#Occupy Fairfield: Awareness and Education from Wayside Shine Productions
on Vimeo.

One of the Fairfield supporters, Rianna Koppel, also had this to say:

I don’t want to speak on behalf of the entire Occupy Fairfield Group, but I
can speak personally on why I don’t think we are occupying a public space

Fairfield is home to a community that is based in Transcendental
Meditation. At our university, Maharishi University of Mangement, many
students, staff, and faculty are already working on many projects that
relate directly to sustainability, consciousness, local economy, local
cooperatives — financial and otherwise, farmer’s markets and CSAs, and
many, many more.

What I think the purpose of our local Occupy movement is has to do more
with education, awareness, and continued promotion of local projects and
activities that are already taking place to support each other in our
community. I think that this is the perspective that everyone is taking
here in Fairfield, and so through the Occupy movement, we have strengthened
and rallied our community. We do not need to occupy a public space
consistently in order to do what we see as the next step from this movement.

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