[FairfieldLife] Rajas

2009-08-24 Thread ruffedgrousepa
Does any one have the e-mail address of all or any of TM movement  Rajas?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deepak Chopra's tribute to Michael Jackson

2009-06-27 Thread ruffedgrousepa

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
> > >
> > > I like a lot of what Chopra says and writes. And then
> > > there's stuff he is just stupid about.
> > >
> > > What i object to about him is his "Dauphin" airs, a
> > > kinda arrogance about him.
> >
> > As I've said before, Chopra was "after my time"
> > in the TMO. I've never read any of his books, do
> > not expect ever to read any of his books, and
> > have no real feel for him other than articles
> > that have been quoted here or published on the
> > Web. That said, there does seem to be something
> > both attention-seeking *and* stupid about him.
> >
> > But what I find more interesting is the enduring
> > hatred that long-term TMers seem to aim at him.
> > Whatever they claim on the surface, the bottom
> > line of it always has struck me as them being
> > *jealous* of him for *making* money by parroting
> > the same unoriginal, recycled spiritual dogma
> > that they had to *pay* money to parrot.
> >
> > The average TM teacher or TM camp follower has
> > spent thousands to hundreds of thousands of
> > dollars learning and then parroting "knowledge"
> > that Maharishi himself (as far as I can tell)
> > was doing nothing more than parroting from other
> > sources. Chopra's main "sin" seems to be that he
> > figured this out and decided to cut out the middle
> > man and keep the parrot-money for himself.
> >
> You are on to something here, which is true...
> He does seem to have the 'Midas Touch'...
> He's a doctor, and doctors are taken seriously in our culture...
> That's one thing that props him up, to the culture...
> He is a prolific writer, but never mentioned Maharishi, in any of his
books, or dedicated any of his books, to whom he learnt, most, if not
all of his stuff...
> So, many people are upset with him, not only because of his wild
success, but because he 'sold out'...and didn't give credit, where some
credit belongs...
> R.g.

Deepak Chorpa's  first successful book," Return of the Rishi " was
intended as a dedicated to Maharishi,  since I had the idea for the name
of the book, Iknow that to be true, although I don't think Deepak Chorpa
realizes that though.

[FairfieldLife] (unknown)

2009-06-09 Thread ruffedgrousepa
I originated the concept of selling books at a discount through
commissioned teachers pta's etc, with the intention of generating
movement donations , while on Purusha. A big success I would say, but my
reaction from various people invoved in the movement on many different
levels, about, did not reflect "the world is my family" sprit , nor the
belief in possiibilities that one would expect from those proposing that
people learn to levitate just like they have learned and are going to
levitate some day themselfs.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Teaching young people meditation (McCartney/lynch concert)

2009-03-26 Thread ruffedgrousepa

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bill smith 
> In posting here , doesn't mean i agree with the views of others who
post here.
> When I learned TM as a young school student , the presentation as i
perceived it, was that, even though we where to give flowers and cloth ,
the teaching was non religious and the teacher does the puja and we
where not to be involved.I wondered about this, and thought
NO devotion? how cruel is that, so while standing at the paja, the only
exception to this cruelty was that I must be Guru Dev.Is there any
other explanation?
> The question about this promotion to me would be, can the movement
handle  more Guru Devs.
> And with that being said ,  it must be added that we do not charge for
the teaching of meditation.

Having emailed and talked with various tmers and organizers etc..,  I
sometimes dont know what to think about what my responsibility should be
, in my hopes for anyone and everyone to enjoy life .I have
found my experience to be so profound, and always looking for ways to
share that.

Even from the very beginning  when the  presentation for TM , left me
with a feeling that my gift of flowers was not to be considered part of
the process.  Guru Dev was able to except that. through transcendental
experiance.   but transcedental experiance can easily be misunderstood
by someone who is not having that same level of experience.

I dont get replys to my emails, and sometimes i get  red-eyed ,and think
it best not to make too much of it.

Without Maharishi's direct involvement I think it be better not to
charge for the Teaching of Meditation.

[FairfieldLife] teaching children (McCartney/Lynch Benefit concert)

2009-03-23 Thread ruffedgrousepa

When I learned TM as a young student , teh presentation was that it was
not a religion and that we are not involved in the puga or teaching, My
thought was no devotion? Why so curel? The only answer was that I was
Guru Dev, Thats how I perceived the puja,  Is thier any other way under
the circumstances?   The question is can those teaching be prepared
for more Guru Devs?

Being said, it must also be added that we do not charge for teaching