Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-06 Thread danfriedman2002


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 that's a pretty interesting beginning. Estes Park initiation. What did you 
think of Rinpoche?


Dear Micheal,

That was all pre-TM, and a long time ago. In the late 60's I couldn't get 
enough of the Self-Deveopment teachings coming around. Trungpa Rimpoche was 
probably the result of Paul Reps' writings. I was on a Yoga Retreats marathon.

I probably, at that time, delved into Western self-development movements with 
equal gusto. That also led me towards TM, but first a stop at the University 
for 4 years' graduate work in Counseling  Personal Development.

Once Initiated in Jan '70, I stayed the Course. These days I help, when I can, 
with the publication of the TM works. I find it rewarding and am sometimes even 

Now, Michael, tell me something I don't know about you. Probably best, however 
to stay away from your MUM years, as I think you may have covered some of that 

What else fills your life?

Yours Truly,

 From: danfriedman2002
 Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 7:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina
   Dear Michael,

Thank you for your personal interest.

I began practicing TM in 1970. I had been investigating the spiritual landscape 
in NYC and California for a few years prior; including Swami Satchitananda (of 
Woodstock fame) and Trungpa Rimpoche. I'd been to some spiritual confluences in 
Colorado also. Read extensively (I am a consummate reader, something Maharishi 
kind of discouraged later, but that's my makeup).

Once I decided that Maharishi had something (I'd read extensively again; SRM 
was on my block [WEA] and got my hands on a book of  early lectures entitled 
Meditations of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

So I drove out to the Ricky Mountain National Park where Maharishi was 
conducting TTC in a Boyscout Camp outside Estes Park.

I rented a cabin (that was built for Summer visitors and therefore uninsulated 
and unheated, in a community of hippies. Roomed with a Canadian, but that's a 
story for another time.

I head over to Maharishi's for an audience. Rick Archer was attending. After 
waiting awhile (you must know by now that I am an impatient sort), the Course 
Leader explains that Maharishi is making Teachers that day, but that he 
personally, along with his wife will initiate me next day. Bring 
know the drill.

I liked it and stayed in the Mountain cabin for months. Came out and went to 
Amherst for the one-monther. Then on to Europe for TTC.

It's been a nice trip for me, so I am glad you asked about it, and I could 
relive it. I understand when you express your displeasure with TMSP rounds.

It ain't always easy.

Hope all is well.

Your well deserved friend,



Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-06 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I like to write sometimes but not about TM or TM stuff. 

what fills my life these days is watching my daughter grow up and hoping she 
will use her graphic arts talents for something other than being a tatoo artist 
when she hits 21.

 From: danfriedman2002
Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 7:23 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

that's a pretty interesting beginning. Estes Park initiation. What did you 
think of Rinpoche?

Dear Micheal,

That was all pre-TM, and a long time ago. In the late 60's I couldn't get 
enough of the Self-Deveopment teachings coming around. Trungpa Rimpoche was 
probably the result of Paul Reps' writings. I was on a Yoga Retreats marathon.

I probably, at that time, delved into Western self-development movements with 
equal gusto. That also led me towards TM, but first a stop at the University 
for 4 years' graduate work in Counseling  Personal Development.

Once Initiated in Jan '70, I stayed the Course. These days I help, when I can, 
with the publication of the TM works. I find it rewarding and am sometimes even 

Now, Michael, tell me something I don't know about you. Probably best, however 
to stay away from your MUM years, as I think you may have covered some of that 

What else fills your life?

Yours Truly,

 From: danfriedman2002
Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your personal interest.

I began practicing TM in 1970. I had been investigating the spiritual landscape 
in NYC and California for a few years prior; including Swami Satchitananda (of 
Woodstock fame) and Trungpa Rimpoche. I'd been to some spiritual confluences in 
Colorado also. Read extensively (I am a consummate reader, something Maharishi 
kind of discouraged later, but that's my makeup).

Once I decided that Maharishi had something (I'd read extensively again; SRM 
was on my block [WEA] and got my hands on a book of  early lectures entitled 
Meditations of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

So I drove out to the Ricky Mountain National Park where Maharishi was 
conducting TTC in a Boyscout Camp outside Estes Park.

I rented a cabin (that was built for Summer
visitors and therefore uninsulated and unheated, in a community of hippies. 
Roomed with a Canadian, but that's a story for another time.

I head over to Maharishi's for an audience. Rick Archer was attending. After 
waiting awhile (you must know by now that I am an impatient sort), the Course 
Leader explains that Maharishi is making Teachers that day, but that he 
personally, along with his wife will initiate me next day. Bring 
know the drill.

I liked it and stayed in the Mountain cabin for months. Came out and went to 
Amherst for the one-monther. Then on to Europe for TTC.

It's been a nice trip for me, so I am glad you asked about it, and I could 
relive it. I understand when you express your displeasure with TMSP rounds.

It ain't always easy.

Hope all is well.

Your well deserved friend,

Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-06 Thread danfriedman2002


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 I like to write sometimes but not about TM or TM stuff. 


 what fills my life these days is watching my daughter grow up and hoping she 
will use her graphic arts talents for something other than being a tatoo artist 
when she hits 21.


Thanks for this. We have a lot in common (in addition to our both coming on to 
TM which, in itself is improbable).

My son is an artist too. I have written about him here. Traing at Music and Art 
and later U of Wisconson Art History, and later Pratt Institute Art Education. 
Tough career choice. He does have a two-person show coming up in March, and I 
wish him well. 

And I do wish your daughter well. You need to be patient and 'open'. I have 
found the art path to be windy (from a perspective like yours and mine). I 
sometimes falsely compare it to my daughter, who's career more closely aligns 
with mine, although she's found more success than I.

Now I am glad to have saved your Post for last. I knew I'd enjoy it most.

Where's home?


 From: danfriedman2002
 Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 7:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 that's a pretty interesting beginning. Estes Park initiation. What did you 
think of Rinpoche?


Dear Micheal,

That was all pre-TM, and a long time ago. In the late 60's I couldn't get 
enough of the Self-Deveopment teachings coming around. Trungpa Rimpoche was 
probably the result of Paul Reps' writings. I was on a Yoga Retreats marathon.

I probably, at that time, delved into Western self-development movements with 
equal gusto. That also led me towards TM, but first a stop at the University 
for 4 years' graduate work in Counseling  Personal Development.

Once Initiated in Jan '70, I stayed the Course. These days I help, when I can, 
with the publication of the TM works. I find it rewarding and am sometimes even 

Now, Michael, tell me something I don't know about you. Probably best, however 
to stay away from your MUM years, as I think you may have covered some of that 

What else fills your life?

Yours Truly,

 From: danfriedman2002
 Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 7:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina
   Dear Michael,

Thank you for your personal interest.

I began practicing TM in 1970. I had been investigating the spiritual landscape 
in NYC and California for a few years prior; including Swami Satchitananda (of 
Woodstock fame) and Trungpa Rimpoche. I'd been to some spiritual confluences in 
Colorado also. Read extensively (I am a consummate reader, something Maharishi 
kind of discouraged later, but that's my makeup).

Once I decided that Maharishi had something (I'd read extensively again; SRM 
was on my block [WEA] and got my hands on a book of  early lectures entitled 
Meditations of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

So I drove out to the Ricky Mountain National Park where Maharishi was 
conducting TTC in a Boyscout Camp outside Estes Park.

I rented a cabin (that was built for Summer visitors and therefore uninsulated 
and unheated, in a community of hippies. Roomed with a Canadian, but that's a 
story for another time.

I head over to Maharishi's for an audience. Rick Archer was attending. After 
waiting awhile (you must know by now that I am an impatient sort), the Course 
Leader explains that Maharishi is making Teachers that day, but that he 
personally, along with his wife will initiate me next day. Bring 
know the drill.

I liked it and stayed in the Mountain cabin for months. Came out and went to 
Amherst for the one-monther. Then on to Europe for TTC.

It's been a nice trip for me, so I am glad you asked about it, and I could 
relive it. I understand when you express your displeasure with TMSP rounds.

It ain't always easy.

Hope all is well.

Your well deserved friend,




Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-06 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
We live in South Carolina - daughter is 14 and her mother had a mandatory 
guidance counselor meeting with student, parent and counselor. The idea was to 
try to give the kids some sense of direction in terms of their post high school 
future. So guidance lady asks my daughter if she has any idea of what she might 
like to do after high school, daughter says Well, I want to either be a tattoo 
artist or a psychiatrist.

The counselor just sat there open mouthed and didn't know what to say.
Daughter says she said psychologist but mom swears she said psychiatrist

At any rate, I am hoping she will become a staff artist working for Blizzard 
Entertainment so I can get free World of Warcraft stuff.

 From: danfriedman2002
Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

I like to write sometimes but not about TM or TM stuff. 

what fills my life these days is watching my daughter grow up and hoping she 
will use her graphic arts talents for something other than being a tatoo artist 
when she hits 21.


Thanks for this. We have a lot in common (in addition to our both coming on to 
TM which, in itself is improbable).

My son is an artist too. I have written about him here. Traing at Music and Art 
and later U of Wisconson Art History, and later Pratt Institute Art Education. 
Tough career choice. He does have a two-person show coming up in March, and I 
wish him well. 

And I do wish your daughter well. You need to be patient and 'open'. I have 
found the art path to be windy (from a perspective like yours and mine). I 
sometimes falsely compare it to my daughter, who's career more closely aligns 
with mine, although she's found more success than I.

Now I am glad to have saved your Post for last. I knew I'd enjoy it most.

Where's home?


 From: danfriedman2002
Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 7:23 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

that's a pretty interesting beginning. Estes Park initiation. What did you 
think of Rinpoche?

Dear Micheal,

That was all pre-TM, and a long time ago. In the late 60's I couldn't get 
enough of the Self-Deveopment teachings coming around. Trungpa Rimpoche was 
probably the result of Paul Reps' writings. I was on a Yoga Retreats marathon.

I probably, at that time, delved into Western self-development movements with 
gusto. That also led me towards TM, but first a stop at the University for 4 
years' graduate work in Counseling  Personal Development.

Once Initiated in Jan '70, I stayed the Course. These days I help, when I can, 
with the publication of the TM works. I find it rewarding and am sometimes even 

Now, Michael, tell me something I don't know about you. Probably best, however 
to stay away from your MUM years, as I think you may have covered some of that 

What else fills your life?

Yours Truly,

 From: danfriedman2002
Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your personal interest.

I began practicing TM in 1970. I had been investigating the spiritual landscape 
in NYC and California for a few years prior; including Swami Satchitananda (of 
Woodstock fame) and Trungpa Rimpoche. I'd been to some spiritual confluences in 
Colorado also. Read extensively (I am a consummate reader, something Maharishi 
kind of discouraged later, but that's my makeup).

Once I decided that Maharishi had something (I'd read extensively again; SRM 
was on my block [WEA] and got my hands on a book of  early lectures entitled 
Meditations of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

So I drove out to the Ricky Mountain National Park where Maharishi was 
conducting TTC in a Boyscout Camp outside Estes Park.

I rented a cabin (that was built for Summer
visitors and therefore uninsulated and unheated, in a community of hippies. 
Roomed with a Canadian, but that's a story for another time.

I head over to Maharishi's for an audience. Rick Archer was attending. After 
waiting awhile (you must know by now that I am an impatient sort), the Course 
Leader explains that Maharishi is making Teachers that day, but that he 
personally, along with his wife will initiate me next day. Bring 
know the drill.

I liked it and stayed in the Mountain cabin for months. Came out and went to 
Amherst for the one-monther. Then on to Europe for TTC.

It's been a nice trip for me, so I am glad you asked about it, and I could 
relive it. I understand when you express your

Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-06 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]

We live in South Carolina - daughter is 14 and her mother had a mandatory 
guidance counselor meeting with student, parent and counselor. The idea was to 
try to give the kids some sense of direction in terms of their post high school 
future. So guidance lady asks my daughter if she has any idea of what she might 
like to do after high school, daughter says Well, I want to either be a tattoo 
artist or a psychiatrist.

The counselor just sat there open mouthed and didn't know what to say.
Daughter says she said psychologist but mom swears she said psychiatrist

Be a liberated Dad and remind her that she can be *both* a psychiatrist and a 
tattoo artist. I, for one, would love to see the tattoos a full-time shrink 
would create.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
what type of art is she inclined toward?

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 We live in South Carolina - daughter is 14 and her mother had a mandatory 
guidance counselor meeting with student, parent and counselor. The idea was to 
try to give the kids some sense of direction in terms of their post high school 
future. So guidance lady asks my daughter if she has any idea of what she might 
like to do after high school, daughter says Well, I want to either be a tattoo 
artist or a psychiatrist.

 The counselor just sat there open mouthed and didn't know what to say.
 Daughter says she said psychologist but mom swears she said psychiatrist

 At any rate, I am hoping she will become a staff artist working for Blizzard 
Entertainment so I can get free World of Warcraft stuff.


 From: danfriedman2002
 Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 9:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 I like to write sometimes but not about TM or TM stuff. 


 what fills my life these days is watching my daughter grow up and hoping she 
will use her graphic arts talents for something other than being a tatoo artist 
when she hits 21.


Thanks for this. We have a lot in common (in addition to our both coming on to 
TM which, in itself is improbable).

My son is an artist too. I have written about him here. Traing at Music and Art 
and later U of Wisconson Art History, and later Pratt Institute Art Education. 
Tough career choice. He does have a two-person show coming up in March, and I 
wish him well. 

And I do wish your daughter well. You need to be patient and 'open'. I have 
found the art path to be windy (from a perspective like yours and mine). I 
sometimes falsely compare it to my daughter, who's career more closely aligns 
with mine, although she's found more success than I.

Now I am glad to have saved your Post for last. I knew I'd enjoy it most.

Where's home?


 From: danfriedman2002
 Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 7:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 that's a pretty interesting beginning. Estes Park initiation. What did you 
think of Rinpoche?


Dear Micheal,

That was all pre-TM, and a long time ago. In the late 60's I couldn't get 
enough of the Self-Deveopment teachings coming around. Trungpa Rimpoche was 
probably the result of Paul Reps' writings. I was on a Yoga Retreats marathon.

I probably, at that time, delved into Western self-development movements with 
equal gusto. That also led me towards TM, but first a stop at the University 
for 4 years' graduate work in Counseling  Personal Development.

Once Initiated in Jan '70, I stayed the Course. These days I help, when I can, 
with the publication of the TM works. I find it rewarding and am sometimes even 

Now, Michael, tell me something I don't know about you. Probably best, however 
to stay away from your MUM years, as I think you may have covered some of that 

What else fills your life?

Yours Truly,

 From: danfriedman2002
 Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 7:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina
   Dear Michael,

Thank you for your personal interest.

I began practicing TM in 1970. I had been investigating the spiritual landscape 
in NYC and California for a few years prior; including Swami Satchitananda (of 
Woodstock fame) and Trungpa Rimpoche. I'd been to some spiritual confluences in 
Colorado also. Read extensively (I am a consummate reader, something Maharishi 
kind of discouraged later, but that's my makeup).

Once I decided that Maharishi had something (I'd read extensively again; SRM 
was on my block [WEA] and got my hands on a book of  early lectures entitled 
Meditations of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

So I drove out to the Ricky Mountain National Park where Maharishi was 
conducting TTC in a Boyscout Camp outside Estes Park.

I rented a cabin (that was built for Summer visitors and therefore uninsulated 
and unheated, in a community of hippies. Roomed with a Canadian, but that's a 
story for another time.

I head over to Maharishi's for an audience. Rick Archer was attending. After 
waiting awhile (you must know by now that I am an impatient sort), the Course 
Leader explains that Maharishi is making Teachers that day, but that he 
personally, along with his wife will initiate me next day. Bring 
know the drill.

I liked it and stayed in the Mountain cabin for months. Came out and went to 
Amherst for the one-monther. Then on to Europe for TTC.

It's been a nice trip for me, so I am glad you asked about it, and I could 
relive it. I

Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-06 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Now I hadn't thought of that - I'll talk it over with her and see what she 

 From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]

We live in South Carolina - daughter is 14 and her mother had a mandatory 
guidance counselor meeting with student, parent and counselor. The idea was to 
try to give the kids some sense of direction in terms of their post high school 
future. So guidance lady asks my daughter if she has any idea of what she might 
like to do after high school, daughter says Well, I want to either be a tattoo 
artist or a psychiatrist.

The counselor just sat there open mouthed and didn't know what to say.
Daughter says she said psychologist but mom swears she said psychiatrist

Be a liberated Dad and remind her that she can be *both* a psychiatrist and a 
tattoo artist. I, for one, would love to see the tattoos a full-time shrink
 would create.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-06 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
She has no favorites as to what she looks at or enjoys - her own art, she's all 
over the place, sometimes she likes painting in acrylics, other times she sits 
in front of the tv while we are watching a movie and lo and behold in half an 
hour there is a fine portrait of one of the characters in the movie. 

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

what type of art is she inclined toward?

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

We live in South Carolina - daughter is 14 and her mother had a mandatory 
guidance counselor meeting with student, parent and counselor. The idea was to 
try to give the kids some sense of direction in terms of their post high school 
future. So guidance lady asks my daughter if she has any idea of what she might 
like to do after high school, daughter says Well, I want to either be a tattoo 
artist or a psychiatrist.

The counselor just sat there open mouthed and didn't
know what to say.
Daughter says she said psychologist but mom swears she said psychiatrist

At any rate, I am hoping she will become a staff artist working for Blizzard 
Entertainment so I can get free World of Warcraft stuff.

 From: danfriedman2002
Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

I like to write sometimes but not about TM or TM stuff. 

what fills my life these days is watching my daughter grow up and hoping she 
will use her graphic arts talents for something
other than being a tatoo artist when she hits 21.


Thanks for this. We have a lot in common (in addition to our both coming on to 
TM which, in itself is improbable).

My son is an artist too. I have written about him here. Traing at Music and Art 
and later U of Wisconson Art History, and later Pratt Institute Art Education. 
Tough career choice. He does have a two-person show coming up in March, and I 
wish him well. 

And I do wish your daughter well. You need to be patient and 'open'. I have 
found the art path to be windy (from a perspective like yours and mine). I 
sometimes falsely compare it to my daughter, who's career more closely aligns 
with mine, although she's found more success than I.

Now I am
glad to have saved your Post for last. I knew I'd enjoy it most.

Where's home?


 From: danfriedman2002
Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 7:23 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

that's a pretty interesting beginning. Estes Park initiation. What did you 
think of Rinpoche?

Dear Micheal,

That was all pre-TM, and a long time ago. In the late 60's
I couldn't get enough of the Self-Deveopment teachings coming around. Trungpa 
Rimpoche was probably the result of Paul Reps' writings. I was on a Yoga 
Retreats marathon.

I probably, at that time, delved into Western self-development movements with 
gusto. That also led me towards TM, but first a stop at the University for 4 
years' graduate work in Counseling  Personal Development.

Once Initiated in Jan '70, I stayed the Course. These days I help, when I can, 
with the publication of the TM works. I find it rewarding and am sometimes even 

Now, Michael, tell me something I don't know about you. Probably best, however 
to stay away from your MUM years, as I think you may have covered some of that 

What else fills your life?

Yours Truly,

 From: danfriedman2002
Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your personal interest.

I began practicing TM in 1970. I had been investigating the spiritual landscape 
in NYC and California for a few years prior; including Swami Satchitananda (of 
Woodstock fame) and Trungpa Rimpoche. I'd been to some spiritual confluences in 
Colorado also. Read extensively (I am a consummate reader, something Maharishi 
kind of discouraged later, but that's my makeup).

Once I decided that Maharishi had something (I'd read extensively again; SRM 
was on my block [WEA] and got my hands on a book of  early
lectures entitled Meditations of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

So I drove out to the Ricky Mountain National Park where Maharishi was 
conducting TTC in a Boyscout Camp outside Estes Park.

I rented a cabin (that was built for Summer
visitors and therefore uninsulated and unheated

Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-06 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 9/6/2014 6:23 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
 Now, Michael, tell me something I don't know about you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
neat. thanks

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 She has no favorites as to what she looks at or enjoys - her own art, she's 
all over the place, sometimes she likes painting in acrylics, other times she 
sits in front of the tv while we are watching a movie and lo and behold in half 
an hour there is a fine portrait of one of the characters in the movie. 




 From: steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 11:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina
   what type of art is she inclined toward?



---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 We live in South Carolina - daughter is 14 and her mother had a mandatory 
guidance counselor meeting with student, parent and counselor. The idea was to 
try to give the kids some sense of direction in terms of their post high school 
future. So guidance lady asks my daughter if she has any idea of what she might 
like to do after high school, daughter says Well, I want to either be a tattoo 
artist or a psychiatrist.

 The counselor just sat there open mouthed and didn't know what to say.
 Daughter says she said psychologist but mom swears she said psychiatrist

 At any rate, I am hoping she will become a staff artist working for Blizzard 
Entertainment so I can get free World of Warcraft stuff.


 From: danfriedman2002
 Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 9:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 I like to write sometimes but not about TM or TM stuff. 


 what fills my life these days is watching my daughter grow up and hoping she 
will use her graphic arts talents for something other than being a tatoo artist 
when she hits 21.


Thanks for this. We have a lot in common (in addition to our both coming on to 
TM which, in itself is improbable).

My son is an artist too. I have written about him here. Traing at Music and Art 
and later U of Wisconson Art History, and later Pratt Institute Art Education. 
Tough career choice. He does have a two-person show coming up in March, and I 
wish him well. 

And I do wish your daughter well. You need to be patient and 'open'. I have 
found the art path to be windy (from a perspective like yours and mine). I 
sometimes falsely compare it to my daughter, who's career more closely aligns 
with mine, although she's found more success than I.

Now I am glad to have saved your Post for last. I knew I'd enjoy it most.

Where's home?


 From: danfriedman2002
 Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 7:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 that's a pretty interesting beginning. Estes Park initiation. What did you 
think of Rinpoche?


Dear Micheal,

That was all pre-TM, and a long time ago. In the late 60's I couldn't get 
enough of the Self-Deveopment teachings coming around. Trungpa Rimpoche was 
probably the result of Paul Reps' writings. I was on a Yoga Retreats marathon.

I probably, at that time, delved into Western self-development movements with 
equal gusto. That also led me towards TM, but first a stop at the University 
for 4 years' graduate work in Counseling  Personal Development.

Once Initiated in Jan '70, I stayed the Course. These days I help, when I can, 
with the publication of the TM works. I find it rewarding and am sometimes even 

Now, Michael, tell me something I don't know about you. Probably best, however 
to stay away from your MUM years, as I think you may have covered some of that 

What else fills your life?

Yours Truly,

 From: danfriedman2002
 Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 7:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina
   Dear Michael,

Thank you for your personal interest.

I began practicing TM in 1970. I had been investigating the spiritual landscape 
in NYC and California for a few years prior; including Swami Satchitananda (of 
Woodstock fame) and Trungpa Rimpoche. I'd been to some spiritual confluences in 
Colorado also. Read extensively (I am a consummate reader, something Maharishi 
kind of discouraged later, but that's my makeup).

Once I decided that Maharishi had something (I'd read extensively again; SRM 
was on my block [WEA] and got my hands on a book of  early lectures entitled 
Meditations of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

So I drove out to the Ricky Mountain National Park where Maharishi was 
conducting TTC in a Boyscout Camp outside Estes Park.

I rented a cabin (that was built for Summer visitors and therefore uninsulated 
and unheated, in a community

Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 We live in South Carolina - daughter is 14 and her mother had a mandatory 
guidance counselor meeting with student, parent and counselor. The idea was to 
try to give the kids some sense of direction in terms of their post high school 
future. So guidance lady asks my daughter if she has any idea of what she might 
like to do after high school, daughter says Well, I want to either be a tattoo 
artist or a psychiatrist.

 The counselor just sat there open mouthed and didn't know what to say.
 Daughter says she said psychologist but mom swears she said psychiatrist

 At any rate, I am hoping she will become a staff artist working for Blizzard 
Entertainment so I can get free World of Warcraft stuff.


 From: danfriedman2002
 Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 9:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 I like to write sometimes but not about TM or TM stuff. 


 what fills my life these days is watching my daughter grow up and hoping she 
will use her graphic arts talents for something other than being a tatoo artist 
when she hits 21.


Thanks for this. We have a lot in common (in addition to our both coming on to 
TM which, in itself is improbable).

My son is an artist too. I have written about him here. Traing at Music and Art 
and later U of Wisconson Art History, and later Pratt Institute Art Education. 
Tough career choice. He does have a two-person show coming up in March, and I 
wish him well. 

And I do wish your daughter well. You need to be patient and 'open'. I have 
found the art path to be windy (from a perspective like yours and mine). I 
sometimes falsely compare it to my daughter, who's career more closely aligns 
with mine, although she's found more success than I.

Now I am glad to have saved your Post for last. I knew I'd enjoy it most.

Where's home?


 From: danfriedman2002
 Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 7:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 that's a pretty interesting beginning. Estes Park initiation. What did you 
think of Rinpoche?


Dear Micheal,

That was all pre-TM, and a long time ago. In the late 60's I couldn't get 
enough of the Self-Deveopment teachings coming around. Trungpa Rimpoche was 
probably the result of Paul Reps' writings. I was on a Yoga Retreats marathon.

I probably, at that time, delved into Western self-development movements with 
equal gusto. That also led me towards TM, but first a stop at the University 
for 4 years' graduate work in Counseling  Personal Development.

Once Initiated in Jan '70, I stayed the Course. These days I help, when I can, 
with the publication of the TM works. I find it rewarding and am sometimes even 

Now, Michael, tell me something I don't know about you. Probably best, however 
to stay away from your MUM years, as I think you may have covered some of that 

What else fills your life?

Yours Truly,

 From: danfriedman2002
 Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 7:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina
   Dear Michael,

Thank you for your personal interest.

I began practicing TM in 1970. I had been investigating the spiritual landscape 
in NYC and California for a few years prior; including Swami Satchitananda (of 
Woodstock fame) and Trungpa Rimpoche. I'd been to some spiritual confluences in 
Colorado also. Read extensively (I am a consummate reader, something Maharishi 
kind of discouraged later, but that's my makeup).

Once I decided that Maharishi had something (I'd read extensively again; SRM 
was on my block [WEA] and got my hands on a book of  early lectures entitled 
Meditations of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

So I drove out to the Ricky Mountain National Park where Maharishi was 
conducting TTC in a Boyscout Camp outside Estes Park.

I rented a cabin (that was built for Summer visitors and therefore uninsulated 
and unheated, in a community of hippies. Roomed with a Canadian, but that's a 
story for another time.

I head over to Maharishi's for an audience. Rick Archer was attending. After 
waiting awhile (you must know by now that I am an impatient sort), the Course 
Leader explains that Maharishi is making Teachers that day, but that he 
personally, along with his wife will initiate me next day. Bring 
know the drill.

I liked it and stayed in the Mountain cabin for months. Came out and went to 
Amherst for the one-monther. Then on to Europe for TTC.

It's been a nice trip for me

[FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-05 Thread danfriedman2002
I got into The Masters and The Path and am digging it! I appreciate your 
having provided a voice recording of CW Leadbeater, allowing me to read in his 
voice, which is cool. So I'm digging it and it's cool.


In return here's HW Ledbetter:

 Lead Belly Sings Goodnight Irene 
 Lead Belly Sings Goodnight Irene 
A folklorist, John Lomax and his son Alan Lomax, with funding from the Library 
of Congress recorded Huddie William Ledbetter, commonly known as Lead B...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-05 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
CW Leadbeater, the man who loved teen boys (which is the reason he was kicked 
out of the Theosophical Society to begin with and his ouster caused a split in 
the TS) and the one who made up out of whole cloth the bull manure about 
Maitreya being a master. A liar, boy lover and huckster - this is one of your 
heroes and you accuse me of making stuff up? But you love to adore someone who 
based his career on made up bullshit like Marshy and CW Leadbeater.

In 1906, Leadbeater had been forced out of the Theosophical Society in
 shame and disgrace after admitting under oath to having performed 
sexual acts on young boys in his care. However, only a couple of years 
later, Annie Besant – who was soon to become the president of the 
Theosophical Society – invited Leadbeater back and readmitted him, much 
to the shock and disgust of many members. 

That Leadbeater never reformed his ways is apparent from the mass of 
accusations, eyewitness reports, complaints, court cases, and police 
investigations that continued to hound the rest of his Theosophical 
career around the world up to his death in 1934. His lifelong sexual 
obsession and abuse of boys has been well documented in many places, 
particularly in Gregory Tillett’s lengthy biographical study “The Elder 
Brother: A Biography of Charles Webster Leadbeater” and in this document 
containing verbatim legal transcripts, court reports, confessions, and 
graphic letters written by Leadbeater to boy proteges, at

In 1909, soon after having been readmitted and raised to a place of 
prominence by Besant, Leadbeater claimed that he had discovered via his 
supposed clairvoyant and spiritual powers that the coming of Maitreya 
was imminent. Now it must be explained that the “Coming of Maitreya” is 
initially a Buddhist doctrine. It is said that Gautama Buddha stated 
that the next Buddha would come 5,000 years after him and would be 
called or referred to by the Indian name of Maitreya.

Since Gautama lived 2,600 years ago, this would mean that the Buddha 
Maitreya is not due to appear on the scene until another 2,400 years 
from now.

But Leadbeater claimed that Maitreya was first of all going to appear as a 
Bodhisattva and World Teacher and then sometime later on would 
succeed Gautama as the Buddha. Even more surprisingly, he announced that Christ 
and Maitreya are one and the same person. According to him, this being – who he 
called the “Christ-Maitreya” or “Lord Maitreya the 
Christ” – was a highly advanced soul living in a physical body here on 
the physical plane, somewhere in the Himalayas, and that he had 
spiritually overshadowed and worked through “the Master Jesus” during 
the three years of the latter’s public ministry. Thus, according to this line 
of thought, Jesus and Christ are two distinct beings.

Apparently unperturbed by or oblivious to the fact that equating 
Maitreya with Christ is offensive to the majority of both Buddhists and 
Christians, Leadbeater declared that the coming of Maitreya – or, in 
other words, the Second Coming of Christ – was near and that he was 
intending to make his reappearance on the world scene by means of 
overshadowing another individual, this time a young Indian man called 
Jiddu Krishnamurti who Leadbeater had seen playing on the beach near 
Theosophical Society headquarters in Adyar, India, one day and taken a 
shine to.
Much to the distress of Krishnamurti’s father – who considered 
Leadbeater to be a predatory menace and corrupting influence towards all
 young boys – Leadbeater and Besant eventually managed to seize custody 
of the boy and the next twenty years were spent carefully grooming and 
training him – some might instead be inclined to call it brainwashing – 
for his eventual “mission.”

Maitreya in the Light of Real Theosophy
Maitreya in the Light of Real Theosophy
Some frequent search terms used by visitors to both this site and our sister 
site at are Blavatsky and Maitreya, Theosophy Maitreya, and What did Blavatsky 
say abou...  
View on blavatskytheosophy... Preview by Yahoo  

 From: danfriedman2002
Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 3:32 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

I got into The Masters and The Path and am digging it! I appreciate your 
having provided a voice recording of CW Leadbeater, allowing me to read in his 
voice, which is cool. So I'm digging it and it's cool.


In return here's HW Ledbetter:

 Lead Belly Sings Goodnight Irene
   Lead Belly Sings Goodnight Irene  
A folklorist, John Lomax and his son Alan Lomax, with funding from the Library 
of Congress recorded Huddie William Ledbetter, commonly known as Lead B...  
View on by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-05 Thread danfriedman2002
-in-the-light-of-real-theosophy/ Some 
frequent search terms used by visitors to both this site and our sister site at 
are Blavatsky and Maitreya, Theosophy Maitreya, and What did Blavatsky say 

 View on blavatskytheosophy...
 Preview by Yahoo



 From: danfriedman2002
 Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 3:32 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina
   I got into The Masters and The Path and am digging it! I appreciate your 
having provided a voice recording of CW Leadbeater, allowing me to read in his 
voice, which is cool. So I'm digging it and it's cool.


In return here's HW Ledbetter:

 Lead Belly Sings Goodnight Irene
 Lead Belly Sings Goodnight Irene 
A folklorist, John Lomax and his son Alan Lomax, with funding from the Library 
of Congress recorded Huddie William Ledbetter, commonly known as Lead B...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 





Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-05 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I stand publicly corrected! In my defense, not that there can be much of a 
defense in this case, it was all those years of TMSP that made me so 

 From: danfriedman2002
Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

CW Leadbeater, the man who loved teen boys (which is the reason he was kicked 
out of the Theosophical Society to begin with and his ouster caused a split in 
the TS) and the one who made up out of whole cloth the bull manure about 
Maitreya being a master. A liar, boy lover and huckster - this is one of your 
heroes and you accuse me of making stuff up? But you love to adore someone who 
based his career on made up bullshit like Marshy and CW Leadbeater.


I think you need to become a better reader. There are remedial programs 
available for reading deficiencies like yours. Don't be ashamed for being slow, 
there is no stigma for those who try.

I thanked s3erifina for her generosity.
I wrote that HW Ledbetter is one of my heroes. I even included a photograph of 
Ledbetter, so you wouldn't get yourself confused again.
This was a follow up to my heartfelt post describing my love of some Bluesmen 
who had really lived a life and developed such skill that they could express 
their soul thru their music.
In response, you write, for a second time, about some sexual deviancy. What's 
on your mind?

Giving up trying to help lost causes,

P.S. Where do you find the words that you paste into your Posts. Do the words 
look nice?

In 1906, Leadbeater had been forced out of the Theosophical Society in
shame and disgrace after admitting under oath to having performed
sexual acts on young boys in his care. However, only a couple of years
later, Annie Besant – who was soon to become the president of the
Theosophical Society – invited Leadbeater back and readmitted him, much
to the shock and disgust of many members.

That Leadbeater never reformed his ways is apparent from the mass of
accusations, eyewitness reports, complaints, court cases, and police
investigations that continued to hound the rest of his Theosophical
career around the world up to his death in 1934. His lifelong sexual
obsession and abuse of boys has been well documented in many places,
particularly in Gregory Tillett’s lengthy biographical study “The Elder
Brother: A Biography of Charles Webster Leadbeater” and in this document
containing verbatim legal transcripts, court reports, confessions, and
graphic letters written by Leadbeater to boy proteges, at

In 1909, soon after having been readmitted and raised to a place of
prominence by Besant, Leadbeater claimed that he had discovered via his
supposed clairvoyant and spiritual powers that the coming of Maitreya
was imminent. Now it must be explained that the “Coming of Maitreya” is
initially a Buddhist doctrine. It is said that Gautama Buddha stated
that the next Buddha would come 5,000 years after him and would be
called or referred to by the Indian name of Maitreya.

Since Gautama lived 2,600 years ago, this would mean that the Buddha
Maitreya is not due to appear on the scene until another 2,400 years
from now.

But Leadbeater claimed that Maitreya was first of all going to appear
as a Bodhisattva and World Teacher and then sometime later on would
succeed Gautama as the Buddha. Even more surprisingly, he announced that
Christ and Maitreya are one and the same person. According to him, this
being – who he called the “Christ-Maitreya” or “Lord Maitreya the
Christ” – was a highly advanced soul living in a physical body here on
the physical plane, somewhere in the Himalayas, and that he had
spiritually overshadowed and worked through “the Master Jesus” during
the three years of the latter’s public ministry. Thus, according to this
line of thought, Jesus and Christ are two distinct beings.

Apparently unperturbed by or oblivious to the fact that equating
Maitreya with Christ is offensive to the majority of both Buddhists and
Christians, Leadbeater declared that the coming of Maitreya – or, in
other words, the Second Coming of Christ – was near and that he was
intending to make his reappearance on the world scene by means of
overshadowing another individual, this time a young Indian man called
Jiddu Krishnamurti who Leadbeater had seen playing on the beach near
Theosophical Society headquarters in Adyar, India, one day and taken a
shine to.
Much to the distress of Krishnamurti’s father – who considered
Leadbeater to be a predatory menace and corrupting influence towards all
young boys – Leadbeater and Besant eventually managed to seize custody
of the boy and the next twenty years were spent carefully grooming and
training him – some might instead be inclined to call it brainwashing –
for his eventual

Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-05 Thread danfriedman2002

I admire your response. You are a man of honor (but we do disagree on a few 

Let's hope that we can enjoy our time together in this world.


Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-05 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Thanks Dan - just out of curiosity when did you start TM and how did you get 
into it?

 From: danfriedman2002
Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina


I admire your response. You are a man of honor (but we do disagree on a few 

Let's hope that we can enjoy our time together in this world.


Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-05 Thread danfriedman2002
Dear Michael,

Thank you for your personal interest.

I began practicing TM in 1970. I had been investigating the spiritual landscape 
in NYC and California for a few years prior; including Swami Satchitananda (of 
Woodstock fame) and Trungpa Rimpoche. I'd been to some spiritual confluences in 
Colorado also. Read extensively (I am a consummate reader, something Maharishi 
kind of discouraged later, but that's my makeup).

Once I decided that Maharishi had something (I'd read extensively again; SRM 
was on my block [WEA] and got my hands on a book of  early lectures entitled 
Meditations of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

So I drove out to the Ricky Mountain National Park where Maharishi was 
conducting TTC in a Boyscout Camp outside Estes Park.

I rented a cabin (that was built for Summer visitors and therefore uninsulated 
and unheated, in a community of hippies. Roomed with a Canadian, but that's a 
story for another time.

I head over to Maharishi's for an audience. Rick Archer was attending. After 
waiting awhile (you must know by now that I am an impatient sort), the Course 
Leader explains that Maharishi is making Teachers that day, but that he 
personally, along with his wife will initiate me next day. Bring 
know the drill.

I liked it and stayed in the Mountain cabin for months. Came out and went to 
Amherst for the one-monther. Then on to Europe for TTC.

It's been a nice trip for me, so I am glad you asked about it, and I could 
relive it. I understand when you express your displeasure with TMSP rounds.

It ain't always easy.

Hope all is well.

Your well deserved friend,

Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

2014-09-05 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
that's a pretty interesting beginning. Estes Park initiation. What did you 
think of Rinpoche?

 From: danfriedman2002
Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I Want to Publicly Thank s3erifina

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your personal interest.

I began practicing TM in 1970. I had been investigating the spiritual landscape 
in NYC and California for a few years prior; including Swami Satchitananda (of 
Woodstock fame) and Trungpa Rimpoche. I'd been to some spiritual confluences in 
Colorado also. Read extensively (I am a consummate reader, something Maharishi 
kind of discouraged later, but that's my makeup).

Once I decided that Maharishi had something (I'd read extensively again; SRM 
was on my block [WEA] and got my hands on a book of  early lectures entitled 
Meditations of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

So I drove out to the Ricky Mountain National Park where Maharishi was 
conducting TTC in a Boyscout Camp outside Estes Park.

I rented a cabin (that was built for Summer visitors and therefore uninsulated 
and unheated, in a community of hippies. Roomed with a Canadian, but that's a 
story for another time.

I head over to Maharishi's for an audience. Rick Archer was attending. After 
waiting awhile (you must know by now that I am an impatient sort), the Course 
Leader explains that Maharishi is making Teachers that day, but that he 
personally, along with his wife will initiate me next day. Bring 
know the drill.

I liked it and stayed in the Mountain cabin for months. Came out and went to 
Amherst for the one-monther. Then on to Europe for TTC.

It's been a nice trip for me, so I am glad you asked about it, and I could 
relive it. I understand when you express your displeasure with TMSP rounds.

It ain't always easy.

Hope all is well.

Your well deserved friend,