[FairfieldLife] It's All About Barry, was A new definition of Do less but accomplish more

2014-11-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 11/23/2014 8:26 PM, anartaxius wrote:

Were I to characterise Barry, I would say he is a terrorist in 
Beliefland. A belief is the pretence you know something you do not 
know, an opinion, an idea not supported by facts, unlike an informed 
belief which is more of an hypothesis that can stand additional 
testing. Like balloons floating in Disney World, mere beliefs, even if 
tightly held, are airy ideas that have no substance, and Barry is the 
pin that attempts to pop the pretence.

It is difficult for Barry, or anyone else, to teach others how to 
abandon their beliefs if they themselves have deep-seated beliefs of 
their own which conflict with their own pedagogy. We all have beliefs 
and we all have an ego that we protect. The problem with this teaching 
style is that it is easy to lapse into hypocrisy.

My style of teaching is similar to Barry's - /every statement, when 
taken to extremes, will be found to be self-contradictory/. The 
difference being that I /want/ to talk about my own cognitive dissonance 
and beliefs.

For example, a pretense that he witnessed Rama levitate up off of a sofa 
hundreds of times, is an easy target because it is obviously contrary to 
common sense, science and even to his own teaching. It was false  on 
it's face and a mistake. Even more so when he is attempting to rid 
others of their beliefs! In fact, this sort of claim is almost pure 

To be confronted with one's own cognitive dissonance, at least for 
Barry, seems to be the most terrifying threat possible - to the point 
that he seems to be almost unable to discuss it with anyone. Barry is 
the loose pin that unraveled due to his own hubris. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] It's All About Barry, was A new definition of Do less but accomplish more

2014-11-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :

Press conference to proclaim someone Enlightened ? What a joke. The 
TMO, thankfully, has more dignity than the Turq can ever imagine. They 
would never ever engage in such circus-activities as this troubled 
poster suggest.

On 11/24/2014 8:46 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Although I didn't read most of what our esteemed colleague wrote below 
(I caught the gist) I had the same thought as Nabby. It is not the job 
or the business of the TMO to go around hanging signs around people's 
necks in order to verify their enlightenment.

/By far the biggest fib Barry ever told was his claim that he witnessed 
REAL levitation. ///I don't know how any adult could possible think that 
anyone is that stupid -it's just pure hubris. Go figure./

But also right up there was his fib about MMY promising enlightenment 
in 5-7 years. I am convinced that this is a total fabrication.
It doesn't even make common sense - in 1965, there were already hundreds 
of people that had been practicing TM for over 10 years. These two 
falsehoods puts Barry into the totally discredited category. /

If there is such a thing then perhaps only one's spiritual teacher (if 
one had one at all) could possibly verify the state of his student's 
state of consciousness. And whose business is that anyway? Putting 
labels on people and dressing them up as poster people for the 
Movement because of their supposed state would be absurd and as far as 
I'm concerned it is a credit to them that they refrain from this. As 
Nabby said, What a joke.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

*/It seems to me that this issue can be easily resolved.
*/If, in fact, the person Nabby is speaking about has attained 
enlightenment as the result of practicing the TM technique (and/or the 
TMSP), then one would think that the TM organization should want to be 
the first to proclaim the truth of this and inform the world of his 
momentous achievement. They should schedule a press conference and 
announce it to the whole world.

*/However, this organization, while giving lectures for over 50 years 
now that proclaim loudly that they are selling the fastest path to 
enlightenment on the planet, has NEVER given a press conference and 
pointed to a single individual and said, This is an example of what 
we are selling. This person is enlightened, and they got that way by 
practicing the techniques we sell. So it's not exactly likely that 
they're going to hold such a press conference now.


*/Just think about that 50+-year track record, and how often the TMO 
has produced someone enlightened.

*/The TM organization likes to talk about the millions of people who 
have learned TM. But somehow, *over the course of 50 years*, that same 
TM organization has NEVER produced *a single person* who it can point 
to publicly and say that this person has actually succeeded in 
attaining enlightenment by practicing the fastest path to it.

*/So I don't think we should hold our breath waiting for Bevan Morris 
or John Hagelin or King Tony Nader to come rushing in to support the 
person Nabby is speaking about and certify or authorize his 
supposed enlightenment. Not gonna happen.

*/Therefore his claim is -- and shall remain -- just that, a claim.
*/Furthermore, it's a claim that NO ONE believes. But that's NOT 
because of any generalized anger and resentment about the concept of 
enlightenment itself, or an equally generalized lack of belief that 
anyone, anywhere can attain it.


*/And I can prove it.
*/All you have to do is compare the person Nabby is talking about to, 
say, Adyashanti, a person who *also* claims to be enlightened. LOTS of 
people seem to believe Adyashanti. He's got a whole *movement* full of 
people who follow him and buy his books and attend meetings with him 
because they believe he is enlightened.

*/So clearly the person Nabby is talking about on this forum does not 
have the same level of believability as Adyashanti. Heck, he doesn't 
have the same level of believability as Bill Cosby.

*/So can you say, Nice straw man argument, Nabby? I think you can.
*/Better luck next time...   :-)/*

Re: [FairfieldLife] It's All About Barry, was A new definition of Do less but accomplish more

2014-11-24 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Richard, you say you want to discuss your own cognitive dissonance (CD) and 
beliefs, but then you brought up turq's! I gotta say, that brought up some CD 
for me big time (-: 

  From: 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife] 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 8:42 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] It's All About Barry, was A new definition of Do 
less but accomplish more
 On 11/23/2014 8:26 PM, anartaxius wrote:
Were I to characterise Barry, I would say he is a terrorist in Beliefland. A 
belief is the pretence you know something you do not know, an opinion, an idea 
not supported by facts, unlike an informed belief which is more of an 
hypothesis that can stand additional testing. Like balloons floating in Disney 
World, mere beliefs, even if tightly held, are airy ideas that have no 
substance, and Barry is the pin that attempts to pop the pretence.
 It is difficult for Barry, or anyone else, to teach others how to abandon 
their beliefs if they themselves have deep-seated beliefs of their own which 
conflict with their own pedagogy. We all have beliefs and we all have an ego 
that we protect. The problem with this teaching style is that it is easy to 
lapse into hypocrisy. 
 My style of teaching is similar to Barry's - every statement, when taken to 
extremes, will be found to be self-contradictory. The difference being that I 
want to talk about my own cognitive dissonance and beliefs. 
 For example, a pretense that he witnessed Rama levitate up off of a sofa 
hundreds of times, is an easy target because it is obviously contrary to common 
sense, science and even to his own teaching. It was false  on it's face and a 
mistake. Even more so when he is attempting to rid others of their beliefs! In 
fact, this sort of claim is almost pure self-deception. 
 To be confronted with one's own cognitive dissonance, at least for Barry, 
seems to be the most terrifying threat possible - to the point that he seems to 
be almost unable to discuss it with anyone. Barry is the loose pin that 
unraveled due to his own hubris. Go figure. 
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[FairfieldLife] It's All About Barry, was I have blocked all the members of the MGC on my email

2014-07-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

So, it's all about Barry.

On 7/15/2014 7:18 AM, fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

It reminded me of a little kid, trying desperately to sound all grown up.

I replied, after he slipped up, after just two or three days, that he 
needed to develop the self-control, of a six year old.

As we can see from this morning, so far, no dice. Maybe he will go 
after Ann, next.

[FairfieldLife] It's All About Barry, was I have blocked all the members of the MGC on my email

2014-07-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 7/15/2014 7:18 AM, fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
 It reminded me of a little kid, trying desperately to sound all grown up.
He's probably over sixty by now. He's been posting messages on the 
internet since at least 1995. Sometimes his messages are about what he 
is currently doing and thinking. Sometimes he writes about the mechanics 
of consciousness. I've been replying to his messages since at least 
1999. Apparently he likes his words to be published so people can read 
them. However, the part about blocking some informants is kind of 
strange, since you he probably reads every single message using Yahoo! 
Neo - that's what obsessives do - but sometimes they won't admit it. 
Some people just feel better when they have someone to talk to.

[FairfieldLife] It's All About Barry, was I have blocked all the members of the MGC on my email

2014-07-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 7/15/2014 7:18 AM, fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
 I replied, after he slipped up, after just two or three days, that he 
 needed to develop the self-control, of a six year old. 
Or, at least a fifth-grader. This is what happens to some people on 
internet discussion groups when they get really involved in social media 
- they lose self control. You need to understand that people like Barry, 
having been a military brat, probably knows hundreds, if not thousands 
of people from all his travels all over the world. If he is like me, he 
has a notebook with all their names he's collected since grade school 
andis friends with them on Facebook or Google+. Sometimes there is a 
really tight bonding between some of the brats. For example, I still 
communicate with my first High School girlfriend, although we are both 
married now and miles apart. Not to mention family members.

Some people don't keep in touch at all. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] It's All About Barry, was I have blocked all the members of the MGC on my email

2014-07-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 7/15/2014 7:18 AM, fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
 As we can see from this morning, so far, no dice. Maybe he will go 
 after Ann, next.
Barry has already gone after Ann. But, if Barry blocks you using his 
email client, you should probably be grateful, since Barry is just about 
the last person on this list you'd want to discuss anything about being 
on a spiritual path. You don't seem to have anything in common with 
Barry, but now that Judy is gone missing, maybe Barry would make a good 
foil - it works for me. One of the advantages his blocking your mail is 
that you don't have to worry about what you say about him, since 
ostensibly he will never read it. Barry is a closet TB - he really 
believes he saw Rama levitate - it's a kind of dissociative identity 
disorder caused by being in a trance-induction state for so many years. 
Some people are very susceptible to suggestion. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] It's all about Barry watching GLEE TV

2013-08-07 Thread Richard J. Williams

You could have saved yourself  a lot of trouble by just
posting I had nothing better to do this morning so
I watched Glee on TV - all suck and I hate you - it's
raining outside now and I have to go to work 9-5 with
idiots at the office so I can pay the rent. LoL!

On 8/7/2013 1:57 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

Well said, salyavin.

As for me, this morning I was at home in my apartment in Paris,
waiting for the torrential rain to let up enough so that I can run to
the Metro and go to work, and while waiting began to surf the TV
channels and found a show actually being broadcast in English. I
had heard of it before, because it's mentioned so often on Huffpost
and on other social media outlets, but I had never seen it before.

Now that I have finally seen Glee, I am convinced that it's pretty
much the perfect metaphor not only for Fairfield Life, but for the
fantasy projected lifestyle that many have come to believe is their
real lifestyle.

I mean, the basic metaphor is an American high school. That's
pretty much synonymous with superficiality, self-absorption, and
lack of contact with reality, right? It's rife with drama queens,
real queens, cliques, mean girl clubs, poseurs, and idiots who
believe they're geniuses.

If you live in the US and haven't seen it, I think you'd find it
*remarkably* reminiscent of Fairfield Life. And possibly life in
Fairfield itself.

Where else, after all, could you find a bunch of people ecstatic
that the rules have been lifted and now they can spend as much
time as they want ragging on the people they don't like, the ones
not cool enough to be in their club? Only on FFL, and GLEE.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb wrote:

   That's the thing that TBs never seem to realize about
   their dreams of an Age Of Enlightenment -- how BORING
   it would be.
  Do you really believe that things would be boring if everyone

 Things would be exactly the same if everyone meditated. Look
 at this place, look at the TMO. I think the point is that *if*
 you got your dreamed of AoE you wouldn't have any of the fun,
 rows and scandals that seem such a motiff around here and in
 the wider movement.

  I mean, I'd expect fewer crimes and such, but look at the famous
people who have been meditating for 40 years: are they boring?

 The only one I can think of is Lynch and I would definitely
 say his career has been sinking to ever more anodyne lows
 as the years go by. The rest of the long termers, Bevan etc,
 don't strike me as embodying any values I would have associated
 with enlightenment before I actually knew what the score was.

 I suspect you have an idea of what the AoE would be like but keep
 getting it confused with mundane reality. That's the TMOs bad, it
 keeps up the myth of a perfect life for all but has yet to deliver
 even a glimpse for us to get excited over, seems like it's all
 dogma to me - get the east facing house, eat the right food, pay
 for the yagyas, get to the dome twice a day and voila! Or not...

  Creating a situation where you operate at lower stress-levels
shouldn't make a lick of difference as to how interesting or
uninteresting people find you unless it is the self-destructive impulses
due to stress that people are finding interesting.

 This is often the way with music and art. And war has always
 been the biggest motivator of industry, do you think we would
 have got to the moon without the Rusky threat, no chance. Forget
 Mars, and Jeebus, in what way would people spending 4 hours a day
 in the dome make them more likely to build huge rockets. It gives
 you *less* time to do stuff, the accomplish more thing is a joke
 isn't it?

  DO you think that the existence of crime and war in the world make
the world a more interesting place to live? What if we used those same
resources to go to Mars or devise a better educational system, or a
better Internet?
  Wouldn't the world be at least as interesting in that situation?

 It would be interesting to live in a fantasy world yes. But I don't
 see any great discoveries coming from meditators, unless I missed
 something, I think TM - fundamentally - don't do jack shit, you are
either a great thinker to start with, or you aren't.

 Would Einstein have discovered things quicker if he spent 20x20 in
 a trance? We'll never know but we can be sure that if he got
brainwashed by the reesh he would have made as many wild unprovable and
speculative claims about physics as certain other scientists
 I could mention. 50 years of meditation has failed *utterly* in this
regard. Hagelin has *not* finished Einstein's work.


[FairfieldLife] It's All About Barry

2013-03-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

  I know him a lot longer than many of you do here...
 Yep, you people hijacked what was a perfectly good 
 subject and drove it off in to the ditch, again.
Yep, it's all about Barry - he wants it that way, Buck. LoL!

Barry gives us something to talk about - to keep the dialog
going. I've been one of the Turq's biggest fans sine the old 
days with the 'Ass Hole Nick', over on Usenet back in 1996. 

Apparently there are zero TMer discussion groups in Paris,
France. So, figure.

This from the Radiance List:

'The 20 Best Small Towns to Visit in 2013'