RE: [FairfieldLife] RIP Public Option

2009-08-17 Thread Rick Archer
From: []
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:54 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RIP Public Option
A month ago, Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address that 'any
plan I sign must include an insurance exchange: a one-stop shopping
marketplace where you can compare the benefits, cost and track records of a
variety of plans - including a public option to increase competition and
keep insurance companies honest - and choose what's best for your family.'

[Now that we don't have a public option how will Obama keep the insurance
companies honest? RD]

We've had a process that started out in backrooms with K Street Lobbyists,
moved to deliberate campaigns of misinformation by many members of the
press, to shows of downright stupidity by the pundit class and members of
congress who did everything in town hall meetings from rudely answering cell
phone calls, shouting down constituents as outsiders and NAZIs, and
demonstrating complete incompetence by explaining why reading the bills they
vote on was too complex and long for them. We've had POTUS go back on the
campaign trail, completely unable to read a coherent explanation about what
the plan is and left to decry things like 'we're not going to kill any one's

[Ever since Baucus took the public option off the table and Rahm Emanuel
said Obama would consider signing a bill without a public option, I knew the
fix was in. Saying that we lost the public option because of incompetence is
too kind. It was an intentional screw up, a Kabuki dance, a game of
distraction and let's you and him fight. The opening act was a beer with
the president. The main attraction was right-wing rage and left-wing
indignation. It was quite a show. The final act was the insurance companies
and Big Pharma getting exactly what they wanted. 

There aren't any do overs or creep toward a better bill. This is it
folks. THERE WILL NEVER BE A PUBLIC OPTION. We will never check the power of
the K Street until we change the 14th amendment and corporations are no
longer people. Sadly, won't feel the full impact of a health care bill
until Obama leaves office and we will have long forgotten exactly how we
were fooled. Take a bow, Obama. RD]
This is all written as though there will definitely be no public option. I
think it's too early to call. But those who wrote it take delight in doing
so because it enables them to grind their anti-Obama ax once again. I agree
that the 14th amendment should be changed. Corporate lobbying is this
country's greatest curse. And changing it would be a serious Catch 22, as
the corporate lobbyists would fight such change so fiercely. BTW, how do you
think health care reform would be coming along if Hillary were president? I
suspect she'd be getting twice the flak Obama is getting. Her praise for him
was quite effusive in last week's Fareed Zakaria interview. Maybe working
closely with him has given her a perspective Raunchy can't attain.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RIP Public Option

2009-08-17 Thread Vaj

On Aug 16, 2009, at 11:27 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

This is all written as though there will definitely be no public  
option. I think it's too early to call. But those who wrote it take  
delight in doing so because it enables them to grind their anti- 
Obama ax once again. I agree that the 14th amendment should be  
changed. Corporate lobbying is this country's greatest curse. And  
changing it would be a serious Catch 22, as the corporate lobbyists  
would fight such change so fiercely. BTW, how do you think health  
care reform would be coming along if Hillary were president? I  
suspect she'd be getting twice the flak Obama is getting. Her  
praise for him was quite effusive in last week'sFareed Zakaria  
interview. Maybe working closely with him has given her a  
perspective Raunchy can't attain.

The lobbyists have already made one of the biggest wins they could  
have prayed for and that was, despite huge, almost astronomical  
purchasing powers for hordes of meds, Obama appears to have conceded  
to not give the taxpayers a price reduction for the millions and  
millions of drugs they will have to purchase from Big Pharma. One  
widget one price, a million widgets the same price? WTF? How can we  
pretend to be anything like the Canadian plans, when they get HUGE  
discounts for a much smaller population for their pharmaceuticals.  
Seniors in Maine line up for buses to New Brunswick and get 60+%  
savings on the same meds in Canada. And he can't get a discount. It's  
insane. Time to scrap the plan.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RIP Public Option

2009-08-17 Thread Bhairitu
Rick Archer wrote:
 Corporate lobbying is this
 country's greatest curse. And changing it would be a serious Catch 22, as
 the corporate lobbyists would fight such change so fiercely. 
This has been a battle since the founding of this country.  Immigrants 
from Europe came here to escape feudalism while feudalism lords have 
been trying to establish it here.   The feudalist lords are winning.  
They are the lords of Wall Street and the boardroom.   They want to make 
the populace their serfs.  I hope that if they get anywhere near that 
far the public wakes up and burns the feudalist lords alive in their 

[FairfieldLife] RIP Public Option

2009-08-16 Thread raunchydog
A month ago, Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address that 'any 
plan I sign must include an insurance exchange: a one-stop shopping marketplace 
where you can compare the benefits, cost and track records of a variety of 
plans – including a public option to increase competition and keep insurance 
companies honest – and choose what's best for your family.'

[Now that we don't have a public option how will Obama keep the insurance 
companies honest? RD]

We've had a process that started out in backrooms with K Street Lobbyists, 
moved to deliberate campaigns of misinformation by many members of the press, 
to shows of downright stupidity by the pundit class and members of congress who 
did everything in town hall meetings from rudely answering cell phone calls, 
shouting down constituents as outsiders and NAZIs, and demonstrating complete 
incompetence by explaining why reading the bills they vote on was too complex 
and long for them.  We've had POTUS go back on the campaign trail, completely 
unable to read a coherent explanation about what the plan is and left to decry 
things like 'we're not going to kill any one's grandma.'

[Ever since Baucus took the public option off the table and Rahm Emanuel said 
Obama would consider signing a bill without a public option, I knew the fix was 
in. Saying that we lost the public option because of incompetence is too kind. 
It was an intentional screw up, a Kabuki dance, a game of distraction and 
let's you and him fight. The opening act was a beer with the president. The 
main attraction was right-wing rage and left-wing indignation. It was quite a 
show. The final act was the insurance companies and Big Pharma getting exactly 
what they wanted. 

There aren't any do overs or creep toward a better bill. This is it folks. 
THERE WILL NEVER BE A PUBLIC OPTION. We will never check the power of the K 
Street until we change the 14th amendment and corporations are no longer 
people. Sadly, won't feel the full impact of a health care bill until Obama 
leaves office and we will have long forgotten exactly how we were fooled. Take 
a bow, Obama. RD]