On Aug 16, 2009, at 11:27 PM, Rick Archer wrote:


This is all written as though there will definitely be no public option. I think it's too early to call. But those who wrote it take delight in doing so because it enables them to grind their anti- Obama ax once again. I agree that the 14th amendment should be changed. Corporate lobbying is this country's greatest curse. And changing it would be a serious Catch 22, as the corporate lobbyists would fight such change so fiercely. BTW, how do you think health care reform would be coming along if Hillary were president? I suspect she'd be getting twice the flak Obama is getting. Her praise for him was quite effusive in last week'sFareed Zakaria interview. Maybe working closely with him has given her a perspective Raunchy can't attain.

The lobbyists have already made one of the biggest wins they could have prayed for and that was, despite huge, almost astronomical purchasing powers for hordes of meds, Obama appears to have conceded to not give the taxpayers a price reduction for the millions and millions of drugs they will have to purchase from Big Pharma. One widget one price, a million widgets the same price? WTF? How can we pretend to be anything like the Canadian plans, when they get HUGE discounts for a much smaller population for their pharmaceuticals. Seniors in Maine line up for buses to New Brunswick and get 60+% savings on the same meds in Canada. And he can't get a discount. It's insane. Time to scrap the plan.

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