[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-18 Thread William
True student teacher relationships are equal and respectful, though these are 
rare in the realms of spiritual groups or most any other organization. Maya 



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 Yeah William, we wouldn't want to destroy the student/teacher unequal 
 relationship, would we? We wouldn't want to let others know that 
 self-realization can be achieved by anybody, would we?
 Better to keep everything hidden and secretive, unless we charge them money, 
 sex, or power to share it. THAT'S the way social progress is achieved, huh? 
 What a steaming pile of uncompassionate dung, William.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William monroe1@ wrote:
  I think that this tale points out the short comings of the TM teachings 
  and path. The focus is so much on personal experience that those who have 
  some experience or perception out of the ordinary, feel special. This 
  specialness and achievement is a focus of the TM philosophy. What would you 
  expect to happen? Most true spiritual teachings teach humility and 
  compassion, if you have experiences you should keep them to yourself or 
  maybe share them with your teacher. This focus on experience and 
  achievement increases ego and narcissism. 
  The experiences, perceptions and realizations can be true, how we relate to 
  them and process them makes all the difference.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   The example of a possibly enlightened person being featured in a weekly
   TV series on national television in the US presents us with a remarkable
   opportunity. In Enlightened, the character of Amy shows us a person
   who was obviously, certifiably crazy (she was, in fact, certified --
   legally forced to seek therapy) having a subjective experience that she
   associates with enlightenment, and then afterwards expects people
   around her to react to how she feels inside rather than how she acts
   on the outside, in real life. She considers herself an agent of
   change, and expects everyone around her TO change, just as a result of
   coming into contact with her.
   I think this fictional situation really begs to be compared TO real
   life, and how three other people have acted on the outside in real
   life, both in Fairfield and here on FFL. Let's compare Amy to Robin,
   Jim, and Ravi.
   Robin is pretty much yer classic spiritual crazy. Back in the day, he
   had some subjective experiences that he interpreted as enlightenment,
   and felt (and acted) as if everyone around him should react to his
   pronouncement of his own enlightenment not only as if him saying it was
   true made it true, but as if now he was some kind of special person,
   one whose words had weight, and should be listened to and paid
   attention to as if he were really, really, REALLY special -- one of the
   enlightened whose wordiness is next to Godliness.
   We all know how that worked out. Most people laughed at him. Heck, even
   Maharishi -- who he was expecting to climb onto the Robin is
   enlightened bus and support him -- regarded him as a crazy person. So
   how did he react to that? He acted even crazier. We are talking, after
   all, about someone so crazy and so convinced that everyone should regard
   what he said as Truth that he rented a plane and dropped leaflets of his
   own tracts on MIU. Crazy. Bedbug crazy. And now, years later, having
   disavowed the enlightened thang but still as narcissistic as it gets
   and still as convinced of his own specialnessitude, he writes long,
   long, long solipcistic tracts here and *still* expects everyone to not
   only read them, but treat them as the Truth he is convinced they are. If
   anyone (such as myself, or Tom, or others) suggests that he's still more
   than a little bedbug crazy, he lashes out at them and tries to portray
   them negatively and demonize them. THIS is the model of enlightened
   behavior that Robin presents to the world, and to us.
   Now think Jim Flanegin. When he first appeared on FFL, pronouncing *his*
   enlightenment, he was laughed at, too. Suffice it to say he
   reacted...uh...badly. He launched into long, abusive tirades against
   anyone who failed to believe in his enlightenmentnessitude, so much so
   that he embarrassed himself thoroughly and finally skulked off of the
   forum in disgrace. Then, not content with that, he came back two more
   times, anonymously. He made up new screen names and pretended that
   they weren't really him, and started the same abusive routine again,
   consistently lashing out at those who failed to treat him the way
   someone enlightened should be treated. Busted on both of those
   attempts to conceal his identity, now he's back in a fourth incarnation
   on FFL, *still* being easily the person on this forum whose buttons are
   most easily pushed, still lashing out at anyone who challenges either

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-17 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Is your rising sign Dhanu?  Chandra in Kanya?  (I am checking the
time zone, that is why I ask.)
  Yes Obbaji, there's just one TZ for entire India and no DST to worry
about - Lagna around 25 deg in Dhanu.
 Oh good. 24:29 Dhanu for you.  Do you wish for me to expound upon your
deepest desires or tendencies for all of FFL to see?
Gee thanks Obbaji - not sure what purpose that would serve - everyone
has desires and tendencies, but not a problem - all my private life
details are already quite public as it is :-)

 You have Shani taking your Chandra for a ride as we speak, as Shani
transits within one degree from moon
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcwlGjDNkkw tell your wife to please hug
you and understand your position! If she left for India, tell her soon
you can join together again. haha  Your Shukra in the romantic heart,
words of love, your Mangal, uh..no comment, you dog you. Guru loves you,
but you fight Guru as this is not a secret (Lord of 1st in 12th). haha. 
I know that Shukra very well.  Two people close to me have the Kanya
Chandra and you must be on a Merry Go Round
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_ZCOEeM-QI (Care Bear Share) right now,
the past couple of years!
 I salute and bow to you, dear Ravi. Group hug to Ravi!
 Disclaimer: This is not a prediction from an expert.

No need for hugs though, I am in a big hug with everyone since Saturn
started. You are spot on about Shukra, Mangal and Guru though not on
Saturn. Saturn's been incredibly good - spiritually (that's what I care
anyway), inspite of the Sade Sati - my brother-in-law said the 2nd
return's good for money and I have been making my highest ever. However
just to remind you again I have been mostly single for the last 3 years.
I was thinking you could comment on Saturn's return to Tula for my
chart. Anyway I can return the favor if you would like to share your
chart - in public or in private.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-17 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Is your rising sign Dhanu?  Chandra in Kanya?  (I am checking the
 time zone, that is why I ask.)
   Yes Obbaji, there's just one TZ for entire India and no DST to worry
 about - Lagna around 25 deg in Dhanu.
  Oh good. 24:29 Dhanu for you.  Do you wish for me to expound upon your
 deepest desires or tendencies for all of FFL to see?
 Gee thanks Obbaji - not sure what purpose that would serve - everyone
 has desires and tendencies, but not a problem - all my private life
 details are already quite public as it is :-)
  You have Shani taking your Chandra for a ride as we speak, as Shani
 transits within one degree from moon
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcwlGjDNkkw tell your wife to please hug
 you and understand your position! If she left for India, tell her soon
 you can join together again. haha  Your Shukra in the romantic heart,
 words of love, your Mangal, uh..no comment, you dog you. Guru loves you,
 but you fight Guru as this is not a secret (Lord of 1st in 12th). haha. 
 I know that Shukra very well.  Two people close to me have the Kanya
 Chandra and you must be on a Merry Go Round
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_ZCOEeM-QI (Care Bear Share) right now,
 the past couple of years!
  I salute and bow to you, dear Ravi. Group hug to Ravi!
  Disclaimer: This is not a prediction from an expert.
 No need for hugs though, I am in a big hug with everyone since Saturn
 started. You are spot on about Shukra, Mangal and Guru though not on
 Saturn. Saturn's been incredibly good - spiritually (that's what I care
 anyway), inspite of the Sade Sati - my brother-in-law said the 2nd
 return's good for money and I have been making my highest ever. However
 just to remind you again I have been mostly single for the last 3 years.
 I was thinking you could comment on Saturn's return to Tula for my
 chart. Anyway I can return the favor if you would like to share your
 chart - in public or in private.

 One can not take more than they give in a hug, therefore if you are a big hug 
since Shani, it is no less the same as a group hug for Ravi. 
: )  

I kind of decided it would be best not to talk about your personal life on FFL, 
the ratings may shoot through the roof..not enough bandwidth to handle that. 

Shani going into your 11th (Tula), that is an auspicious house. Things will be 
better than now, for sure. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-16 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
   Y meant YMCA; They have large clean lecture rooms---priced to sell.
    Lives in the Shadow with J. Krishnamurti- by Radha Rajagopal Sloss
   This one is interesting because its by, and about, people who knew and 
   loved him as a complete human being---
   with his flaws as well as his greatness. 
   As mentioned, there are a number about his early life I think you'd like. 
   I'll try dig up some titles.  
   Looking forward to meeting you
Ravi, instincts to sing and dance like Freddie, 
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E-WasNzVpIfeature=relmfu makes Bobaji wish 
  for that hurried moment, you Indian devil you. 
 LOL.. On the video, hard to tell who will rock like Freddie - Bob or I. I 
 have always admired Bobaji since I attacked him and he responded in kind.
 I would always be eagerly waiting for his comebacks and he made me work hard, 
 since I'm nowhere as creative as him. I had to rely on the existence/silence 
 to bail me out with good comebacks to him. So both Bob and Curtis have my 
 admiration for standing up tall to my bullying  abuse :-)
 P.S time to reveal your first name, Obba ain't cutting it.

To the pathetic bunch of SOBS, you dudes are some of the most creative and 
belly bursting tickle maker's I have had the pleasure to spit the masala chai 
on my keyboard for. I lack the creative power gods you dudes tap into each day 
by releasing from your mantras. 

 Call me numb, but not blond yet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH3Q_CZy968  
Shani must make its transit into Tula before I could give a hint of a name, 
because Shani has beaten me down with a stick and stripped me of all my 
material grab for anything except the absolute. Shani has molded me to who I am 
and to become. I bow to this lord of dark. It is apparent, the whisper of the 
word must remain as such. I am bound by this cocoon to only hear the flutter of 
your wings soaring the heights of heaven and back, and without those in flight, 
I must say the ambition to seek the same like attainment would dwindle.
Please keep me company with my slanderous blurts until I can be free. : ) 
   From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 2:18:37 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
   Dear Bob - thanks again for all the wonderful places you have suggested. 
   I'm too laid back (read lazy) to really get around out to it on my own - 
   the most I would do is a sunset at the beach. It's still a new place and 
   don't have any close friends to go along with. But it's much appreciated.
   I will try Ojai and K's books as well - I'm sure it will be interesting.
   And with regards to your below comments...
   ***I was serious, in some ways your Enlightenment story is quite 
   traditional---for both Eastern and Western paths. An advantage you have 
   is that you are a natural performer with a sense of humor, I'm sure 
   you've noticed that's more than half the gig. With all the posting you've 
   done and the transcripts from your BatGap interview you have the 
   beginning of a manuscript, just needs to be shaken into a more 
   traditional narrative; you could get it ghosted. You can also job out the 
   media relations (particularly if you have a book) to fill some rooms. I 
   would definitely not be surprised if i walked by a Y and saw you were 
   speaking that night.
   walked by a Y? - what would be a Y?
   Thanks for the compliments, you are right on the money here - indeed I 
   view myself as an entertainer and people enjoy my sense of irreverent 
   playful humor but that only happens when I end up being around people, I 
   don't go too out of my way. I have definitely seem some serious people on 
   Batgap - it seemed they had declared enlightenment out of sheer boredom 
   :-). Anyway I am too lazy to take initiative and sell myself, not even 
   sure what I'm selling or even if I'm interested in selling anything at 
   all. I am more interested in sharing my experiences in the hope it may be 
   of some value to someone, I have a high paying job (which I have no 
   interest in but have to continue for my obligations to my family and till 
   the kids are at least adults) but it discounts the need for any monetary 
   benefit, though money has never fascinated me beyond a useful utility, 
   and soon after my experiences I renounced all my savings and my kids to 
   my ex to be on my own.
   Anyway like I said it would have to happen on its own, on existence's 
   initiative, on someone else's initiative, I'm in no hurry

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-16 Thread Bob Price

Thanks for this. I'm pleased with this new phase of our relationship;
I think you know, I've always admired your posts. If there is a God---
I know he has a sense of humor. 

I enjoyed the book at this link as well as the one by Evelyne Blau. A number of 
are excellent as well.


The period I wanted to point you too is August, 1922. This is the period that 
K's experience reminds me of some
of your descriptions, of some of your experiences. 


In Ojai, you can visit his home and the room he had many of these experiences 

From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 9:32:30 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  Y meant YMCA; They have large clean lecture rooms---priced to sell.
   Lives in the Shadow with J. Krishnamurti- by Radha Rajagopal Sloss
  This one is interesting because its by, and about, people who knew and 
  loved him as a complete human being---
  with his flaws as well as his greatness. 
  As mentioned, there are a number about his early life I think you'd like. 
  I'll try dig up some titles.  
  Looking forward to meeting you
   Ravi, instincts to sing and dance like Freddie, 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E-WasNzVpIfeature=relmfu makes Bobaji wish 
for that hurried moment, you Indian devil you. 

LOL.. On the video, hard to tell who will rock like Freddie - Bob or I. I have 
always admired Bobaji since I attacked him and he responded in kind.

I would always be eagerly waiting for his comebacks and he made me work hard, 
since I'm nowhere as creative as him. I had to rely on the existence/silence to 
bail me out with good comebacks to him. So both Bob and Curtis have my 
admiration for standing up tall to my bullying  abuse :-)

P.S time to reveal your first name, Obba ain't cutting it.
  From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 2:18:37 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
  Dear Bob - thanks again for all the wonderful places you have suggested. 
  I'm too laid back (read lazy) to really get around out to it on my own - 
  the most I would do is a sunset at the beach. It's still a new place and 
  don't have any close friends to go along with. But it's much appreciated.
  I will try Ojai and K's books as well - I'm sure it will be interesting.
  And with regards to your below comments...
  ***I was serious, in some ways your Enlightenment story is quite 
  traditional---for both Eastern and Western paths. An advantage you have is 
  that you are a natural performer with a sense of humor, I'm sure you've 
  noticed that's more than half the gig. With all the posting you've done and 
  the transcripts from your BatGap interview you have the beginning of a 
  manuscript, just needs to be shaken into a more traditional narrative; you 
  could get it ghosted. You can also job out the media relations 
  (particularly if you have a book) to fill some rooms. I would definitely 
  not be surprised if i walked by a Y and saw you were speaking that night.
  walked by a Y? - what would be a Y?
  Thanks for the compliments, you are right on the money here - indeed I view 
  myself as an entertainer and people enjoy my sense of irreverent playful 
  humor but that only happens when I end up being around people, I don't go 
  too out of my way. I have definitely seem some serious people on Batgap - 
  it seemed they had declared enlightenment out of sheer boredom :-). Anyway 
  I am too lazy to take initiative and sell myself, not even sure what I'm 
  selling or even if I'm interested in selling anything at all. I am more 
  interested in sharing my experiences in the hope it may be of some value to 
  someone, I have a high paying job (which I have no interest in but have to 
  continue for my obligations to my family and till the kids are at least 
  adults) but it discounts the need for any monetary benefit, though money 
  has never fascinated me beyond a useful utility, and soon after my 
  experiences I renounced all my savings and my kids to my ex to be on my own.
  Anyway like I said it would have to happen on its own, on existence's 
  initiative, on someone else's initiative, I'm in no hurry. Thanks for the 
  excellent suggestions though - shows your savvy entertainer/businessman 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
   Ravi, I corrected a typo I made below---its

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-16 Thread Ravi Yogi
I'm pretty delighted myself, not that I'm surprised at all :-).
Agree - I think God would have a sense of humor, plus the ability to
mock him/herself and his/her creation. I will look at the links that you
have provided, I would be definitely be interested in K's experiences.
Wait a second, I just remembered reading K's experiences here - (this
was something I found as I tried to make sense of my own experiences)
I have been meaning to order this book for a while - Isabel Clarke
(ed.), Psychosis and Spirituality: Exploring the New Frontier, Whurr
Publishers, London, 2001

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:


 Thanks for this. I'm pleased with this new phase of our relationship;
 I think you know, I've always admired your posts. If there is a God---
 I know he has a sense of humor.

 I enjoyed the book at this link as well as the one by Evelyne Blau. A
number of others
 are excellent as well.


 The period I wanted to point you too is August, 1922. This is the
period that K's experience reminds me of some
 of your descriptions, of some of your experiences.


 In Ojai, you can visit his home and the room he had many of these
experiences in.

 From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 9:32:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
   Y meant YMCA; They have large clean lecture rooms---priced to
    Lives in the Shadow with J. Krishnamurti- by Radha
Rajagopal Sloss
   This one is interesting because its by, and about, people who knew
and loved him as a complete human being---
   with his flaws as well as his greatness.ÂÂ
   As mentioned, there are a number about his early life I think
you'd like. I'll try dig up some titles.ÂÂ
   Looking forward to meeting you
 Â Â  Ravi, instincts to sing and dance like Freddie,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E-WasNzVpIfeature=relmfu makes Bobaji
wish for that hurried moment, you Indian devil you.

 LOL.. On the video, hard to tell who will rock like Freddie - Bob or
I. I have always admired Bobaji since I attacked him and he responded in

 I would always be eagerly waiting for his comebacks and he made me
work hard, since I'm nowhere as creative as him. I had to rely on the
existence/silence to bail me out with good comebacks to him. So both Bob
and Curtis have my admiration for standing up tall to my bullying 
abuse :-)

 P.S time to reveal your first name, Obba ain't cutting it.
   From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 2:18:37 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
   Dear Bob - thanks again for all the wonderful places you have
suggested. I'm too laid back (read lazy) to really get around out to it
on my own - the most I would do is a sunset at the beach. It's still a
new place and don't have any close friends to go along with. But it's
much appreciated.
   I will try Ojai and K's books as well - I'm sure it will be
   And with regards to your below comments...
   ***I was serious, in some ways your Enlightenment story is quite
traditional---for both Eastern and Western paths. An advantage you have
is that you are a natural performer with a sense of humor, I'm sure
you've noticed that's more than half the gig. With all the posting
you've done and the transcripts from your BatGap interview you have the
beginning of a manuscript, just needs to be shaken into a more
traditional narrative; you could get it ghosted. You can also job out
the media relations (particularly if you have a book) to fill some
rooms. I would definitely not be surprised if i walked by a Y and saw
you were speaking that night.
   walked by a Y? - what would be a Y?
   Thanks for the compliments, you are right on the money here -
indeed I view myself as an entertainer and people enjoy my sense of
irreverent playful humor but that only happens when I end up being
around people, I don't go too out of my way. I have definitely seem some
serious people on Batgap - it seemed they had declared enlightenment out
of sheer boredom :-). Anyway I am too lazy to take initiative and sell
myself, not even sure what I'm selling or even if I'm interested in
selling anything at all. I am more interested in sharing my experiences
in the hope it may be of some value to someone, I have a high paying job
(which I have

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-16 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@
Y meant YMCA; They have large clean lecture rooms---priced to
 Lives in the Shadow with J. Krishnamurti- by Radha
Rajagopal Sloss
This one is interesting because its by, and about, people who
knew and loved him as a complete human being---
with his flaws as well as his greatness.Â
As mentioned, there are a number about his early life I think
you'd like. I'll try dig up some titles.Â
Looking forward to meeting you
 Ravi, instincts to sing and dance like Freddie,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E-WasNzVpIfeature=relmfu makes Bobaji
wish for that hurried moment, you Indian devil you.
  LOL.. On the video, hard to tell who will rock like Freddie - Bob or
I. I have always admired Bobaji since I attacked him and he responded in
  I would always be eagerly waiting for his comebacks and he made me
work hard, since I'm nowhere as creative as him. I had to rely on the
existence/silence to bail me out with good comebacks to him. So both Bob
and Curtis have my admiration for standing up tall to my bullying 
abuse :-)
  P.S time to reveal your first name, Obba ain't cutting it.

 To the pathetic bunch of SOBS, you dudes are some of the most creative
and belly bursting tickle maker's I have had the pleasure to spit the
masala chai on my keyboard for. I lack the creative power gods you dudes
tap into each day by releasing from your mantras.

  Call me numb, but not blond yet:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH3Q_CZy968  Shani must make its transit
into Tula before I could give a hint of a name, because Shani has beaten
me down with a stick and stripped me of all my material grab for
anything except the absolute. Shani has molded me to who I am and to
become. I bow to this lord of dark. It is apparent, the whisper of the
word must remain as such. I am bound by this cocoon to only hear the
flutter of your wings soaring the heights of heaven and back, and
without those in flight, I must say the ambition to seek the same like
attainment would dwindle.
 Please keep me company with my slanderous blurts until I can be free.
: )

Obba, I didn't realize that asking for your first name would trigger
such emotions..:-). Remember you are no less creative.
What's another 29 days huh? I can wait until Saturn ingresses Libra.
Saturn has a very special place in my chart too and I suspect there will
be changes in my life as well? It was 2 months before Saturn Mahadasa
started that I had my experiences and with Saturn everything in my life
changed very dramatically - you might want to look if you interested -
Jan 19, 1971 06:58 AM - Jammu, India 32N42, 74E52 - 5:30.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-16 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@


 Y meant YMCA; They have large clean lecture rooms---priced to

 Â Lives in the Shadow with J. Krishnamurti- by Radha
 Rajagopal Sloss

 This one is interesting because its by, and about, people who
 knew and loved him as a complete human being---
 with his flaws as well as his greatness.Â


 As mentioned, there are a number about his early life I think
 you'd like. I'll try dig up some titles.Â

 Looking forward to meeting you

  Ravi, instincts to sing and dance like Freddie,
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E-WasNzVpIfeature=relmfu makes Bobaji
 wish for that hurried moment, you Indian devil you.
   LOL.. On the video, hard to tell who will rock like Freddie - Bob or
 I. I have always admired Bobaji since I attacked him and he responded in
   I would always be eagerly waiting for his comebacks and he made me
 work hard, since I'm nowhere as creative as him. I had to rely on the
 existence/silence to bail me out with good comebacks to him. So both Bob
 and Curtis have my admiration for standing up tall to my bullying 
 abuse :-)
   P.S time to reveal your first name, Obba ain't cutting it.
  To the pathetic bunch of SOBS, you dudes are some of the most creative
 and belly bursting tickle maker's I have had the pleasure to spit the
 masala chai on my keyboard for. I lack the creative power gods you dudes
 tap into each day by releasing from your mantras.
   Call me numb, but not blond yet:
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH3Q_CZy968  Shani must make its transit
 into Tula before I could give a hint of a name, because Shani has beaten
 me down with a stick and stripped me of all my material grab for
 anything except the absolute. Shani has molded me to who I am and to
 become. I bow to this lord of dark. It is apparent, the whisper of the
 word must remain as such. I am bound by this cocoon to only hear the
 flutter of your wings soaring the heights of heaven and back, and
 without those in flight, I must say the ambition to seek the same like
 attainment would dwindle.
  Please keep me company with my slanderous blurts until I can be free.
 : )
 Obba, I didn't realize that asking for your first name would trigger
 such emotions..:-). Remember you are no less creative.
 What's another 29 days huh? I can wait until Saturn ingresses Libra.
 Saturn has a very special place in my chart too and I suspect there will
 be changes in my life as well? It was 2 months before Saturn Mahadasa
 started that I had my experiences and with Saturn everything in my life
 changed very dramatically - you might want to look if you interested -
 Jan 19, 1971 06:58 AM - Jammu, India 32N42, 74E52 - 5:30.

Is your rising sign Dhanu?  Chandra in Kanya?  (I am checking the time zone, 
that is why I ask.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-16 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   To the pathetic bunch of SOBS, you dudes are some of the most creative
  and belly bursting tickle maker's I have had the pleasure to spit the
  masala chai on my keyboard for. I lack the creative power gods you dudes
  tap into each day by releasing from your mantras.
Call me numb, but not blond yet:
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH3Q_CZy968  Shani must make its transit
  into Tula before I could give a hint of a name, because Shani has beaten
  me down with a stick and stripped me of all my material grab for
  anything except the absolute. Shani has molded me to who I am and to
  become. I bow to this lord of dark. It is apparent, the whisper of the
  word must remain as such. I am bound by this cocoon to only hear the
  flutter of your wings soaring the heights of heaven and back, and
  without those in flight, I must say the ambition to seek the same like
  attainment would dwindle.
   Please keep me company with my slanderous blurts until I can be free.
  : )
  Obba, I didn't realize that asking for your first name would trigger
  such emotions..:-). Remember you are no less creative.
  What's another 29 days huh? I can wait until Saturn ingresses Libra.
  Saturn has a very special place in my chart too and I suspect there will
  be changes in my life as well? It was 2 months before Saturn Mahadasa
  started that I had my experiences and with Saturn everything in my life
  changed very dramatically - you might want to look if you interested -
  Jan 19, 1971 06:58 AM - Jammu, India 32N42, 74E52 - 5:30.
 Is your rising sign Dhanu?  Chandra in Kanya?  (I am checking the time zone, 
 that is why I ask.)

Yes Obbaji, there's just one TZ for entire India and no DST to worry about - 
Lagna around 25 deg in Dhanu.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-16 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:

To the pathetic bunch of SOBS, you dudes are some of the most creative
   and belly bursting tickle maker's I have had the pleasure to spit the
   masala chai on my keyboard for. I lack the creative power gods you dudes
   tap into each day by releasing from your mantras.
 Call me numb, but not blond yet:
   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH3Q_CZy968  Shani must make its transit
   into Tula before I could give a hint of a name, because Shani has beaten
   me down with a stick and stripped me of all my material grab for
   anything except the absolute. Shani has molded me to who I am and to
   become. I bow to this lord of dark. It is apparent, the whisper of the
   word must remain as such. I am bound by this cocoon to only hear the
   flutter of your wings soaring the heights of heaven and back, and
   without those in flight, I must say the ambition to seek the same like
   attainment would dwindle.
Please keep me company with my slanderous blurts until I can be free.
   : )
   Obba, I didn't realize that asking for your first name would trigger
   such emotions..:-). Remember you are no less creative.
   What's another 29 days huh? I can wait until Saturn ingresses Libra.
   Saturn has a very special place in my chart too and I suspect there will
   be changes in my life as well? It was 2 months before Saturn Mahadasa
   started that I had my experiences and with Saturn everything in my life
   changed very dramatically - you might want to look if you interested -
   Jan 19, 1971 06:58 AM - Jammu, India 32N42, 74E52 - 5:30.
  Is your rising sign Dhanu?  Chandra in Kanya?  (I am checking the time 
  zone, that is why I ask.)
 Yes Obbaji, there's just one TZ for entire India and no DST to worry about - 
 Lagna around 25 deg in Dhanu.

Oh good. 24:29 Dhanu for you.  Do you wish for me to expound upon your deepest 
desires or tendencies for all of FFL to see? 
You have Shani taking your Chandra for a ride as we speak, as Shani transits 
within one degree from moon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcwlGjDNkkw tell 
your wife to please hug you and understand your position! If she left for 
India, tell her soon you can join together again. haha  Your Shukra in the 
romantic heart, words of love, your Mangal, uh..no comment, you dog you. Guru 
loves you, but you fight Guru as this is not a secret (Lord of 1st in 12th). 
haha.  I know that Shukra very well.  Two people close to me have the Kanya 
Chandra and you must be on a Merry Go Round 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_ZCOEeM-QI (Care Bear Share) right now, the 
past couple of years!
I salute and bow to you, dear Ravi. Group hug to Ravi! 
Disclaimer: This is not a prediction from an expert. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-15 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Bob - thanks again for all the wonderful places you have suggested. I'm 
laid back (read lazy) to really get around out to it on my own - the most I 
would do is a sunset at the beach. It's still a new place and don't have any 
close friends to go along with. But it's much appreciated.

I will try Ojai and K's books as well - I'm sure it will be interesting.

And with regards to your below comments...

***I was serious, in some ways your Enlightenment story is quite 
traditional---for both Eastern and Western paths. An advantage you have is that 
you are a natural performer with a sense of humor, I'm sure you've noticed 
that's more than half the gig. With all the posting you've done and the 
transcripts from your BatGap interview you have the beginning of a manuscript, 
just needs to be shaken into a more traditional narrative; you could get it 
ghosted. You can also job out the media relations (particularly if you have a 
book) to fill some rooms. I would definitely not be surprised if i walked by a 
and saw you were speaking that night.

walked by a Y? - what would be a Y?

Thanks for the compliments, you are right on the money here - indeed I view 
myself as an entertainer and people enjoy my sense of irreverent playful humor 
but that only happens when I end up being around people, I don't go too out of 
my way. I have definitely seem some serious people on Batgap - it seemed they 
had declared enlightenment out of sheer boredom :-). Anyway I am too lazy to 
take initiative and sell myself, not even sure what I'm selling or even if I'm 
interested in selling anything at all. I am more interested in sharing my 
experiences in the hope it may be of some value to someone, I have a high 
job (which I have no interest in but have to continue for my obligations to my 
family and till the kids are at least adults) but it discounts the need for any 
monetary benefit, though money has never fascinated me beyond a useful utility, 
and soon after my experiences I renounced all my savings and my kids to my ex 
be on my own.

Anyway like I said it would have to happen on its own, on existence's 
initiative, on someone else's initiative, I'm in no hurry. Thanks for the 
excellent suggestions though - shows your savvy entertainer/businessman skills.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Ravi, I corrected a typo I made below---its late!
 Bob - thank you, gosh that's a lot to digest. When I said I was moving to LA 
friends suggested Venice and I can see why, it has a lot of charm and beauty. 
did end up in Venice, only for a couple of weeks though but I did enjoy the 
beach, women, the boardwalk and spent some time at the Hare Krishna temple on 
Rose. (even though their teaching are completely alien to me, I always prefer 
music and dance to abstract meditations)
 ***There are a number of great massage places on Main. If you're in a hurry, 
there is one just before the yoga studio on Main, near Rose. If you want 
something exceptional try: Tao Healing..., farther down Main, a few blocks 
before Pico.
 I am not sure how long I would be around here but I would definitely love to 
meet you when you are here so do let me know.
 ***Definitely will.
 Thanks for the great tips, videos and history - that helps. You have an 
knack of coming up with right videos - you obviously have lot of interest in 
 About Krishnamurti - I haven't visited Ojai. I was interested in his 
experiences but didn't find much detail online. I don't know if you realized 
that I am a Telugu Brahmin like JK. JK reminds me of my grand fathers and 
uncles, very eccentric, caustic, sarcastic and intellectual. 
 ***I knew you were both Brahmin, not surprised the link is even closer. I 
believe K helped me a great deal at a time I needed it. I don't think he was 
perfect, but who is. I really recommend books about his early life, up to 
that is where I see similarities in your experience. Most of the books 
are just transcripts of his talks, I enjoy them, but I think you'd get more 
about his earlier life---particularly if the authors are Indian, like a number 
of them are. Highly recommend Ojai, if you can get there for a weekend. I 
attended a couple of week long talks of his in the 70's and still go back to 
enjoy the place. The oak grove, he spoke in, is very beautiful.
 UG Krishnamurti was another, I truly can't disagree when they say that cause 
and effect doesn't apply to enlightenment and that there's not much that can 
done. But a successful Guru should be a good con artist too, give seekers 
techniques, service projects etc to keep them engaged till that time.
 ***I tried, but couldn't get into UG.
 No wonder Telugu Brahmins rarely make good teachers :-) . I have no doubt JK 
was enlightened but my path has been to reject that 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-15 Thread Bob Price


Y meant YMCA; They have large clean lecture rooms---priced to sell.

 Lives in the Shadow with J. Krishnamurti- by Radha Rajagopal Sloss

This one is interesting because its by, and about, people who knew and loved 
him as a complete human being---
with his flaws as well as his greatness. 


As mentioned, there are a number about his early life I think you'd like. I'll 
try dig up some titles.  

Looking forward to meeting you

From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 2:18:37 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

Dear Bob - thanks again for all the wonderful places you have suggested. I'm 
too laid back (read lazy) to really get around out to it on my own - the most I 
would do is a sunset at the beach. It's still a new place and don't have any 
close friends to go along with. But it's much appreciated.

I will try Ojai and K's books as well - I'm sure it will be interesting.

And with regards to your below comments...

***I was serious, in some ways your Enlightenment story is quite 
traditional---for both Eastern and Western paths. An advantage you have is that 
you are a natural performer with a sense of humor, I'm sure you've noticed 
that's more than half the gig. With all the posting you've done and the 
transcripts from your BatGap interview you have the beginning of a manuscript, 
just needs to be shaken into a more traditional narrative; you could get it 
ghosted. You can also job out the media relations (particularly if you have a 
book) to fill some rooms. I would definitely not be surprised if i walked by a 
Y and saw you were speaking that night.

walked by a Y? - what would be a Y?

Thanks for the compliments, you are right on the money here - indeed I view 
myself as an entertainer and people enjoy my sense of irreverent playful humor 
but that only happens when I end up being around people, I don't go too out of 
my way. I have definitely seem some serious people on Batgap - it seemed they 
had declared enlightenment out of sheer boredom :-). Anyway I am too lazy to 
take initiative and sell myself, not even sure what I'm selling or even if I'm 
interested in selling anything at all. I am more interested in sharing my 
experiences in the hope it may be of some value to someone, I have a high 
paying job (which I have no interest in but have to continue for my obligations 
to my family and till the kids are at least adults) but it discounts the need 
for any monetary benefit, though money has never fascinated me beyond a useful 
utility, and soon after my experiences I renounced all my savings and my kids 
to my ex to be on my own.

Anyway like I said it would have to happen on its own, on existence's 
initiative, on someone else's initiative, I'm in no hurry. Thanks for the 
excellent suggestions though - shows your savvy entertainer/businessman skills.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Ravi, I corrected a typo I made below---its
 Bob - thank you, gosh that's a lot to digest. When I said I was moving to LA 
 friends suggested Venice and I can see why, it has a lot of charm and beauty. 
 I did end up in Venice, only for a couple of weeks though but I did enjoy the 
 beach, women, the boardwalk and spent some time at the Hare Krishna temple on 
 Rose. (even though their teaching are completely alien to me, I always prefer 
 music and dance to abstract meditations)
 ***There are a number of great massage places on Main. If you're in a hurry, 
 there is one just before the yoga studio on Main, near Rose. If you want 
 something exceptional try: Tao Healing..., farther down Main, a few blocks 
 before Pico.
 I am not sure how long I would be around here but I would definitely love to 
 meet you when you are here so do let me know.
 ***Definitely will.
 Thanks for the great tips, videos and history - that helps. You have an 
 amazing knack of coming up with right videos - you obviously have lot of 
 interest in movies.
 About Krishnamurti - I haven't visited Ojai. I was interested in his 
 experiences but didn't find much detail online. I don't know if you realized 
 that I am a Telugu Brahmin like JK. JK reminds me of my grand fathers and 
 uncles, very eccentric, caustic, sarcastic and intellectual. 
 ***I knew you were both Brahmin, not surprised the link is even closer. I 
 believe K helped me a great deal at a time I needed it. I don't think he was 
but who is. I really recommend books about his early life, up to 1940, that is 
where I see similarities in your experience. Most of the books available are 
just transcripts of his talks, I enjoy them, but I think you'd get more about 
his earlier life---particularly if the authors are Indian, like a number of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-15 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Y meant YMCA; They have large clean lecture rooms---priced to sell.
  Lives in the Shadow with J. Krishnamurti- by Radha Rajagopal Sloss
 This one is interesting because its by, and about, people who knew and loved 
 him as a complete human being---
 with his flaws as well as his greatness. 
 As mentioned, there are a number about his early life I think you'd like. 
 I'll try dig up some titles.  
 Looking forward to meeting you

  Ravi, instincts to sing and dance like Freddie, 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E-WasNzVpIfeature=relmfu makes Bobaji wish for 
that hurried moment, you Indian devil you. 

 From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 2:18:37 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
 Dear Bob - thanks again for all the wonderful places you have suggested. I'm 
 too laid back (read lazy) to really get around out to it on my own - the most 
 I would do is a sunset at the beach. It's still a new place and don't have 
 any close friends to go along with. But it's much appreciated.
 I will try Ojai and K's books as well - I'm sure it will be interesting.
 And with regards to your below comments...
 ***I was serious, in some ways your Enlightenment story is quite 
 traditional---for both Eastern and Western paths. An advantage you have is 
 that you are a natural performer with a sense of humor, I'm sure you've 
 noticed that's more than half the gig. With all the posting you've done and 
 the transcripts from your BatGap interview you have the beginning of a 
 manuscript, just needs to be shaken into a more traditional narrative; you 
 could get it ghosted. You can also job out the media relations (particularly 
 if you have a book) to fill some rooms. I would definitely not be surprised 
 if i walked by a Y and saw you were speaking that night.
 walked by a Y? - what would be a Y?
 Thanks for the compliments, you are right on the money here - indeed I view 
 myself as an entertainer and people enjoy my sense of irreverent playful 
 humor but that only happens when I end up being around people, I don't go too 
 out of my way. I have definitely seem some serious people on Batgap - it 
 seemed they had declared enlightenment out of sheer boredom :-). Anyway I am 
 too lazy to take initiative and sell myself, not even sure what I'm selling 
 or even if I'm interested in selling anything at all. I am more interested in 
 sharing my experiences in the hope it may be of some value to someone, I have 
 a high paying job (which I have no interest in but have to continue for my 
 obligations to my family and till the kids are at least adults) but it 
 discounts the need for any monetary benefit, though money has never 
 fascinated me beyond a useful utility, and soon after my experiences I 
 renounced all my savings and my kids to my ex to be on my own.
 Anyway like I said it would have to happen on its own, on existence's 
 initiative, on someone else's initiative, I'm in no hurry. Thanks for the 
 excellent suggestions though - shows your savvy entertainer/businessman 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  Ravi, I corrected a typo I made below---its
  Bob - thank you, gosh that's a lot to digest. When I said I was moving to 
  LA friends suggested Venice and I can see why, it has a lot of charm and 
  beauty. I did end up in Venice, only for a couple of weeks though but I did 
  enjoy the beach, women, the boardwalk and spent some time at the Hare 
  Krishna temple on Rose. (even though their teaching are completely alien to 
  me, I always prefer music and dance to abstract meditations)
  ***There are a number of great massage places on Main. If you're in a 
  hurry, there is one just before the yoga studio on Main, near Rose. If you 
  want something exceptional try: Tao Healing..., farther down Main, a few 
  blocks before Pico.
  I am not sure how long I would be around here but I would definitely love 
  to meet you when you are here so do let me know.
  ***Definitely will.
  Thanks for the great tips, videos and history - that helps. You have an 
  amazing knack of coming up with right videos - you obviously have lot of 
  interest in movies.
  About Krishnamurti - I haven't visited Ojai. I was interested in his 
  experiences but didn't find much detail online. I don't know if you 
  realized that I am a Telugu Brahmin like JK. JK reminds me of my grand 
  fathers and uncles, very eccentric, caustic, sarcastic and intellectual. 
  ***I knew you were both Brahmin, not surprised the link is even closer. I 
  believe K helped me a great

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-15 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

Y meant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS9OO0S5w2k YMCA; They have large clean 
lecture rooms---priced to sell.
  Lives in the Shadow with J. Krishnamurti- by Radha Rajagopal Sloss
 This one is interesting because its by, and about, people who knew and loved 
 him as a complete human being---
 with his flaws as well as his greatness. 
 As mentioned, there are a number about his early life I think you'd like. 
 I'll try dig up some titles.  
 Looking forward to meeting you
 From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 2:18:37 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
 Dear Bob - thanks again for all the wonderful places you have suggested. I'm 
 too laid back (read lazy) to really get around out to it on my own - the most 
 I would do is a sunset at the beach. It's still a new place and don't have 
 any close friends to go along with. But it's much appreciated.
 I will try Ojai and K's books as well - I'm sure it will be interesting.
 And with regards to your below comments...
 ***I was serious, in some ways your Enlightenment story is quite 
 traditional---for both Eastern and Western paths. An advantage you have is 
 that you are a natural performer with a sense of humor, I'm sure you've 
 noticed that's more than half the gig. With all the posting you've done and 
 the transcripts from your BatGap interview you have the beginning of a 
 manuscript, just needs to be shaken into a more traditional narrative; you 
 could get it ghosted. You can also job out the media relations (particularly 
 if you have a book) to fill some rooms. I would definitely not be surprised 
 if i walked by a Y and saw you were speaking that night.
 walked by a Y? - what would be a Y?
 Thanks for the compliments, you are right on the money here - indeed I view 
 myself as an entertainer and people enjoy my sense of irreverent playful 
 humor but that only happens when I end up being around people, I don't go too 
 out of my way. I have definitely seem some serious people on Batgap - it 
 seemed they had declared enlightenment out of sheer boredom :-). Anyway I am 
 too lazy to take initiative and sell myself, not even sure what I'm selling 
 or even if I'm interested in selling anything at all. I am more interested in 
 sharing my experiences in the hope it may be of some value to someone, I have 
 a high paying job (which I have no interest in but have to continue for my 
 obligations to my family and till the kids are at least adults) but it 
 discounts the need for any monetary benefit, though money has never 
 fascinated me beyond a useful utility, and soon after my experiences I 
 renounced all my savings and my kids to my ex to be on my own.
 Anyway like I said it would have to happen on its own, on existence's 
 initiative, on someone else's initiative, I'm in no hurry. Thanks for the 
 excellent suggestions though - shows your savvy entertainer/businessman 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  Ravi, I corrected a typo I made below---its
  Bob - thank you, gosh that's a lot to digest. When I said I was moving to 
  LA friends suggested Venice and I can see why, it has a lot of charm and 
  beauty. I did end up in Venice, only for a couple of weeks though but I did 
  enjoy the beach, women, the boardwalk and spent some time at the Hare 
  Krishna temple on Rose. (even though their teaching are completely alien to 
  me, I always prefer music and dance to abstract meditations)
  ***There are a number of great massage places on Main. If you're in a 
  hurry, there is one just before the yoga studio on Main, near Rose. If you 
  want something exceptional try: Tao Healing..., farther down Main, a few 
  blocks before Pico.
  I am not sure how long I would be around here but I would definitely love 
  to meet you when you are here so do let me know.
  ***Definitely will.
  Thanks for the great tips, videos and history - that helps. You have an 
  amazing knack of coming up with right videos - you obviously have lot of 
  interest in movies.
  About Krishnamurti - I haven't visited Ojai. I was interested in his 
  experiences but didn't find much detail online. I don't know if you 
  realized that I am a Telugu Brahmin like JK. JK reminds me of my grand 
  fathers and uncles, very eccentric, caustic, sarcastic and intellectual. 
  ***I knew you were both Brahmin, not surprised the link is even closer. I 
  believe K helped me a great deal at a time I needed it. I don't think he 
  was perfect,
 but who is. I really recommend books about his early life, up to 1940

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-15 Thread Ravi Yogi
Bob, aah, Y for YMCA.. Thank you. The book by Radha should be interesting, her 
being Rosalind's daughter.

Looking forward to meeting you as well !!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Y meant YMCA; They have large clean lecture rooms---priced to sell.
  Lives in the Shadow with J. Krishnamurti- by Radha Rajagopal Sloss
 This one is interesting because its by, and about, people who knew and loved 
 him as a complete human being---
 with his flaws as well as his greatness. 
 As mentioned, there are a number about his early life I think you'd like. 
 I'll try dig up some titles.  
 Looking forward to meeting you
 From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 2:18:37 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
 Dear Bob - thanks again for all the wonderful places you have suggested. I'm 
 too laid back (read lazy) to really get around out to it on my own - the most 
 I would do is a sunset at the beach. It's still a new place and don't have 
 any close friends to go along with. But it's much appreciated.
 I will try Ojai and K's books as well - I'm sure it will be interesting.
 And with regards to your below comments...
 ***I was serious, in some ways your Enlightenment story is quite 
 traditional---for both Eastern and Western paths. An advantage you have is 
 that you are a natural performer with a sense of humor, I'm sure you've 
 noticed that's more than half the gig. With all the posting you've done and 
 the transcripts from your BatGap interview you have the beginning of a 
 manuscript, just needs to be shaken into a more traditional narrative; you 
 could get it ghosted. You can also job out the media relations (particularly 
 if you have a book) to fill some rooms. I would definitely not be surprised 
 if i walked by a Y and saw you were speaking that night.
 walked by a Y? - what would be a Y?
 Thanks for the compliments, you are right on the money here - indeed I view 
 myself as an entertainer and people enjoy my sense of irreverent playful 
 humor but that only happens when I end up being around people, I don't go too 
 out of my way. I have definitely seem some serious people on Batgap - it 
 seemed they had declared enlightenment out of sheer boredom :-). Anyway I am 
 too lazy to take initiative and sell myself, not even sure what I'm selling 
 or even if I'm interested in selling anything at all. I am more interested in 
 sharing my experiences in the hope it may be of some value to someone, I have 
 a high paying job (which I have no interest in but have to continue for my 
 obligations to my family and till the kids are at least adults) but it 
 discounts the need for any monetary benefit, though money has never 
 fascinated me beyond a useful utility, and soon after my experiences I 
 renounced all my savings and my kids to my ex to be on my own.
 Anyway like I said it would have to happen on its own, on existence's 
 initiative, on someone else's initiative, I'm in no hurry. Thanks for the 
 excellent suggestions though - shows your savvy entertainer/businessman 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  Ravi, I corrected a typo I made below---its
  Bob - thank you, gosh that's a lot to digest. When I said I was moving to 
  LA friends suggested Venice and I can see why, it has a lot of charm and 
  beauty. I did end up in Venice, only for a couple of weeks though but I did 
  enjoy the beach, women, the boardwalk and spent some time at the Hare 
  Krishna temple on Rose. (even though their teaching are completely alien to 
  me, I always prefer music and dance to abstract meditations)
  ***There are a number of great massage places on Main. If you're in a 
  hurry, there is one just before the yoga studio on Main, near Rose. If you 
  want something exceptional try: Tao Healing..., farther down Main, a few 
  blocks before Pico.
  I am not sure how long I would be around here but I would definitely love 
  to meet you when you are here so do let me know.
  ***Definitely will.
  Thanks for the great tips, videos and history - that helps. You have an 
  amazing knack of coming up with right videos - you obviously have lot of 
  interest in movies.
  About Krishnamurti - I haven't visited Ojai. I was interested in his 
  experiences but didn't find much detail online. I don't know if you 
  realized that I am a Telugu Brahmin like JK. JK reminds me of my grand 
  fathers and uncles, very eccentric, caustic, sarcastic and intellectual. 
  ***I knew you were both Brahmin, not surprised the link is even closer. I 
  believe K helped me a great deal at a time I needed

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-15 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  Y meant YMCA; They have large clean lecture rooms---priced to sell.
   Lives in the Shadow with J. Krishnamurti- by Radha Rajagopal Sloss
  This one is interesting because its by, and about, people who knew and 
  loved him as a complete human being---
  with his flaws as well as his greatness. 
  As mentioned, there are a number about his early life I think you'd like. 
  I'll try dig up some titles.  
  Looking forward to meeting you
   Ravi, instincts to sing and dance like Freddie, 
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E-WasNzVpIfeature=relmfu makes Bobaji wish 
 for that hurried moment, you Indian devil you. 

LOL.. On the video, hard to tell who will rock like Freddie - Bob or I. I have 
always admired Bobaji since I attacked him and he responded in kind.

I would always be eagerly waiting for his comebacks and he made me work hard, 
since I'm nowhere as creative as him. I had to rely on the existence/silence to 
bail me out with good comebacks to him. So both Bob and Curtis have my 
admiration for standing up tall to my bullying  abuse :-)

P.S time to reveal your first name, Obba ain't cutting it.
  From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 2:18:37 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
  Dear Bob - thanks again for all the wonderful places you have suggested. 
  I'm too laid back (read lazy) to really get around out to it on my own - 
  the most I would do is a sunset at the beach. It's still a new place and 
  don't have any close friends to go along with. But it's much appreciated.
  I will try Ojai and K's books as well - I'm sure it will be interesting.
  And with regards to your below comments...
  ***I was serious, in some ways your Enlightenment story is quite 
  traditional---for both Eastern and Western paths. An advantage you have is 
  that you are a natural performer with a sense of humor, I'm sure you've 
  noticed that's more than half the gig. With all the posting you've done and 
  the transcripts from your BatGap interview you have the beginning of a 
  manuscript, just needs to be shaken into a more traditional narrative; you 
  could get it ghosted. You can also job out the media relations 
  (particularly if you have a book) to fill some rooms. I would definitely 
  not be surprised if i walked by a Y and saw you were speaking that night.
  walked by a Y? - what would be a Y?
  Thanks for the compliments, you are right on the money here - indeed I view 
  myself as an entertainer and people enjoy my sense of irreverent playful 
  humor but that only happens when I end up being around people, I don't go 
  too out of my way. I have definitely seem some serious people on Batgap - 
  it seemed they had declared enlightenment out of sheer boredom :-). Anyway 
  I am too lazy to take initiative and sell myself, not even sure what I'm 
  selling or even if I'm interested in selling anything at all. I am more 
  interested in sharing my experiences in the hope it may be of some value to 
  someone, I have a high paying job (which I have no interest in but have to 
  continue for my obligations to my family and till the kids are at least 
  adults) but it discounts the need for any monetary benefit, though money 
  has never fascinated me beyond a useful utility, and soon after my 
  experiences I renounced all my savings and my kids to my ex to be on my own.
  Anyway like I said it would have to happen on its own, on existence's 
  initiative, on someone else's initiative, I'm in no hurry. Thanks for the 
  excellent suggestions though - shows your savvy entertainer/businessman 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
   Ravi, I corrected a typo I made below---its
   Bob - thank you, gosh that's a lot to digest. When I said I was moving to 
   LA friends suggested Venice and I can see why, it has a lot of charm and 
   beauty. I did end up in Venice, only for a couple of weeks though but I 
   did enjoy the beach, women, the boardwalk and spent some time at the Hare 
   Krishna temple on Rose. (even though their teaching are completely alien 
   to me, I always prefer music and dance to abstract meditations)
   ***There are a number of great massage places on Main. If you're in a 
   hurry, there is one just before the yoga studio on Main, near Rose. If 
   you want something exceptional try: Tao Healing..., farther down Main, 
   a few blocks before Pico.
   I am not sure how long I would be around here but I would definitely love

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-14 Thread William
I think that this tale points out the short comings of the TM teachings and 
path. The focus is so much on personal experience that those who have some 
experience or perception out of the ordinary, feel special. This specialness 
and achievement is a focus of the TM philosophy. What would you expect to 
happen? Most true spiritual teachings teach humility and compassion, if you 
have experiences you should keep them to yourself or maybe share them with 
your teacher. This focus on experience and achievement increases ego and 

The experiences, perceptions and realizations can be true, how we relate to 
them and process them makes all the difference.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 The example of a possibly enlightened person being featured in a weekly
 TV series on national television in the US presents us with a remarkable
 opportunity. In Enlightened, the character of Amy shows us a person
 who was obviously, certifiably crazy (she was, in fact, certified --
 legally forced to seek therapy) having a subjective experience that she
 associates with enlightenment, and then afterwards expects people
 around her to react to how she feels inside rather than how she acts
 on the outside, in real life. She considers herself an agent of
 change, and expects everyone around her TO change, just as a result of
 coming into contact with her.
 I think this fictional situation really begs to be compared TO real
 life, and how three other people have acted on the outside in real
 life, both in Fairfield and here on FFL. Let's compare Amy to Robin,
 Jim, and Ravi.
 Robin is pretty much yer classic spiritual crazy. Back in the day, he
 had some subjective experiences that he interpreted as enlightenment,
 and felt (and acted) as if everyone around him should react to his
 pronouncement of his own enlightenment not only as if him saying it was
 true made it true, but as if now he was some kind of special person,
 one whose words had weight, and should be listened to and paid
 attention to as if he were really, really, REALLY special -- one of the
 enlightened whose wordiness is next to Godliness.
 We all know how that worked out. Most people laughed at him. Heck, even
 Maharishi -- who he was expecting to climb onto the Robin is
 enlightened bus and support him -- regarded him as a crazy person. So
 how did he react to that? He acted even crazier. We are talking, after
 all, about someone so crazy and so convinced that everyone should regard
 what he said as Truth that he rented a plane and dropped leaflets of his
 own tracts on MIU. Crazy. Bedbug crazy. And now, years later, having
 disavowed the enlightened thang but still as narcissistic as it gets
 and still as convinced of his own specialnessitude, he writes long,
 long, long solipcistic tracts here and *still* expects everyone to not
 only read them, but treat them as the Truth he is convinced they are. If
 anyone (such as myself, or Tom, or others) suggests that he's still more
 than a little bedbug crazy, he lashes out at them and tries to portray
 them negatively and demonize them. THIS is the model of enlightened
 behavior that Robin presents to the world, and to us.
 Now think Jim Flanegin. When he first appeared on FFL, pronouncing *his*
 enlightenment, he was laughed at, too. Suffice it to say he
 reacted...uh...badly. He launched into long, abusive tirades against
 anyone who failed to believe in his enlightenmentnessitude, so much so
 that he embarrassed himself thoroughly and finally skulked off of the
 forum in disgrace. Then, not content with that, he came back two more
 times, anonymously. He made up new screen names and pretended that
 they weren't really him, and started the same abusive routine again,
 consistently lashing out at those who failed to treat him the way
 someone enlightened should be treated. Busted on both of those
 attempts to conceal his identity, now he's back in a fourth incarnation
 on FFL, *still* being easily the person on this forum whose buttons are
 most easily pushed, still lashing out at anyone who challenges either
 his own supposed enlightened status or challenges the things he
 believes to be true. THIS is the model of enlightened behavior that
 Jim believes in, and presents to us.
 Finally, think Ravi. His first appearance on FFL was actually more of a
 meltdown than the fictional Amy's. When people here failed to treat him
 as the enlightened being he presented himself as, he became so manic
 and so abusive that almost everyone on the forum was calling for some
 kind of intervention, to help him seek professional help and hopefully
 prevent him from doing harm to either himself or (more likely) to his
 wife. Now he's calmed down a bit, but is still in the same mould as Jim;
 every time someone pushes his buttons he seemingly *has* to react by
 insulting the person who isn't treating him the way he expects to be
 treated, and by trying to discredit them. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-14 Thread obbajeeba
Enjoying your explanation! 
Feeling special. Bliss can give feelings of bliss, therefore no need to 
 Like taking a shit. Do we tell everyone (well, maybe those closest to us.)we 
have taken a dump, it felt great, and it was full of fiber and held together 
just enough to not make a mess to the derriere. 
I think those sharing such events are not necessarily ego driven, but are 
searching for the answers (maybe their health was down before and took strides 
to make the health better)of improvement, they thought they had gotten, because 
why would anyone tell of these things, enlightenment and shit? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William monroe1@... wrote:

 I think that this tale points out the short comings of the TM teachings and 
 path. The focus is so much on personal experience that those who have some 
 experience or perception out of the ordinary, feel special. This specialness 
 and achievement is a focus of the TM philosophy. What would you expect to 
 happen? Most true spiritual teachings teach humility and compassion, if you 
 have experiences you should keep them to yourself or maybe share them with 
 your teacher. This focus on experience and achievement increases ego and 
 The experiences, perceptions and realizations can be true, how we relate to 
 them and process them makes all the difference.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  The example of a possibly enlightened person being featured in a weekly
  TV series on national television in the US presents us with a remarkable
  opportunity. In Enlightened, the character of Amy shows us a person
  who was obviously, certifiably crazy (she was, in fact, certified --
  legally forced to seek therapy) having a subjective experience that she
  associates with enlightenment, and then afterwards expects people
  around her to react to how she feels inside rather than how she acts
  on the outside, in real life. She considers herself an agent of
  change, and expects everyone around her TO change, just as a result of
  coming into contact with her.
  I think this fictional situation really begs to be compared TO real
  life, and how three other people have acted on the outside in real
  life, both in Fairfield and here on FFL. Let's compare Amy to Robin,
  Jim, and Ravi.
  Robin is pretty much yer classic spiritual crazy. Back in the day, he
  had some subjective experiences that he interpreted as enlightenment,
  and felt (and acted) as if everyone around him should react to his
  pronouncement of his own enlightenment not only as if him saying it was
  true made it true, but as if now he was some kind of special person,
  one whose words had weight, and should be listened to and paid
  attention to as if he were really, really, REALLY special -- one of the
  enlightened whose wordiness is next to Godliness.
  We all know how that worked out. Most people laughed at him. Heck, even
  Maharishi -- who he was expecting to climb onto the Robin is
  enlightened bus and support him -- regarded him as a crazy person. So
  how did he react to that? He acted even crazier. We are talking, after
  all, about someone so crazy and so convinced that everyone should regard
  what he said as Truth that he rented a plane and dropped leaflets of his
  own tracts on MIU. Crazy. Bedbug crazy. And now, years later, having
  disavowed the enlightened thang but still as narcissistic as it gets
  and still as convinced of his own specialnessitude, he writes long,
  long, long solipcistic tracts here and *still* expects everyone to not
  only read them, but treat them as the Truth he is convinced they are. If
  anyone (such as myself, or Tom, or others) suggests that he's still more
  than a little bedbug crazy, he lashes out at them and tries to portray
  them negatively and demonize them. THIS is the model of enlightened
  behavior that Robin presents to the world, and to us.
  Now think Jim Flanegin. When he first appeared on FFL, pronouncing *his*
  enlightenment, he was laughed at, too. Suffice it to say he
  reacted...uh...badly. He launched into long, abusive tirades against
  anyone who failed to believe in his enlightenmentnessitude, so much so
  that he embarrassed himself thoroughly and finally skulked off of the
  forum in disgrace. Then, not content with that, he came back two more
  times, anonymously. He made up new screen names and pretended that
  they weren't really him, and started the same abusive routine again,
  consistently lashing out at those who failed to treat him the way
  someone enlightened should be treated. Busted on both of those
  attempts to conceal his identity, now he's back in a fourth incarnation
  on FFL, *still* being easily the person on this forum whose buttons are
  most easily pushed, still lashing out at anyone who challenges either
  his own supposed enlightened status or challenges the things he
  believes to be true. THIS is the model of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-14 Thread obbajeeba
Sometimes, people even say,  I know my shit!  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 Enjoying your explanation! 
 Feeling special. Bliss can give feelings of bliss, therefore no need to 
  Like taking a shit. Do we tell everyone (well, maybe those closest to us.)we 
 have taken a dump, it felt great, and it was full of fiber and held together 
 just enough to not make a mess to the derriere. 
 I think those sharing such events are not necessarily ego driven, but are 
 searching for the answers (maybe their health was down before and took 
 strides to make the health better)of improvement, they thought they had 
 gotten, because why would anyone tell of these things, enlightenment and 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William monroe1@ wrote:
  I think that this tale points out the short comings of the TM teachings 
  and path. The focus is so much on personal experience that those who have 
  some experience or perception out of the ordinary, feel special. This 
  specialness and achievement is a focus of the TM philosophy. What would you 
  expect to happen? Most true spiritual teachings teach humility and 
  compassion, if you have experiences you should keep them to yourself or 
  maybe share them with your teacher. This focus on experience and 
  achievement increases ego and narcissism. 
  The experiences, perceptions and realizations can be true, how we relate to 
  them and process them makes all the difference.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   The example of a possibly enlightened person being featured in a weekly
   TV series on national television in the US presents us with a remarkable
   opportunity. In Enlightened, the character of Amy shows us a person
   who was obviously, certifiably crazy (she was, in fact, certified --
   legally forced to seek therapy) having a subjective experience that she
   associates with enlightenment, and then afterwards expects people
   around her to react to how she feels inside rather than how she acts
   on the outside, in real life. She considers herself an agent of
   change, and expects everyone around her TO change, just as a result of
   coming into contact with her.
   I think this fictional situation really begs to be compared TO real
   life, and how three other people have acted on the outside in real
   life, both in Fairfield and here on FFL. Let's compare Amy to Robin,
   Jim, and Ravi.
   Robin is pretty much yer classic spiritual crazy. Back in the day, he
   had some subjective experiences that he interpreted as enlightenment,
   and felt (and acted) as if everyone around him should react to his
   pronouncement of his own enlightenment not only as if him saying it was
   true made it true, but as if now he was some kind of special person,
   one whose words had weight, and should be listened to and paid
   attention to as if he were really, really, REALLY special -- one of the
   enlightened whose wordiness is next to Godliness.
   We all know how that worked out. Most people laughed at him. Heck, even
   Maharishi -- who he was expecting to climb onto the Robin is
   enlightened bus and support him -- regarded him as a crazy person. So
   how did he react to that? He acted even crazier. We are talking, after
   all, about someone so crazy and so convinced that everyone should regard
   what he said as Truth that he rented a plane and dropped leaflets of his
   own tracts on MIU. Crazy. Bedbug crazy. And now, years later, having
   disavowed the enlightened thang but still as narcissistic as it gets
   and still as convinced of his own specialnessitude, he writes long,
   long, long solipcistic tracts here and *still* expects everyone to not
   only read them, but treat them as the Truth he is convinced they are. If
   anyone (such as myself, or Tom, or others) suggests that he's still more
   than a little bedbug crazy, he lashes out at them and tries to portray
   them negatively and demonize them. THIS is the model of enlightened
   behavior that Robin presents to the world, and to us.
   Now think Jim Flanegin. When he first appeared on FFL, pronouncing *his*
   enlightenment, he was laughed at, too. Suffice it to say he
   reacted...uh...badly. He launched into long, abusive tirades against
   anyone who failed to believe in his enlightenmentnessitude, so much so
   that he embarrassed himself thoroughly and finally skulked off of the
   forum in disgrace. Then, not content with that, he came back two more
   times, anonymously. He made up new screen names and pretended that
   they weren't really him, and started the same abusive routine again,
   consistently lashing out at those who failed to treat him the way
   someone enlightened should be treated. Busted on both of those
   attempts to conceal his identity, now he's back in a fourth incarnation
   on FFL, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-14 Thread turquoiseb
Thanks for chiming in, William. This is the kind of
intelligent discussion I was hoping might arise around
this topic.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William monroe1@... wrote:

 I think that this tale points out the short comings of 
 the TM teachings and path. 

While I do not disagree with you, I would not limit
these shortcomings to the TMO; I have seen the same
scenario play itself out in other organizations. It's
as if in most of them, no support structure was ever
developed for How to handle your enlightenment
experiences, because there was little perceived
need for support. No enlightenment, no need. But
the result of this is that when every so often 
someone does have such an early awakening experience, 
there is nowhere they can turn to get help with it 
and its challenges.

 The focus is so much on personal experience that those 
 who have some experience or perception out of the 
 ordinary, feel special. This specialness and achievement 
 is a focus of the TM philosophy. What would you expect 
 to happen? 

Exactly what has happened, as you suggest.

 Most true spiritual teachings teach humility and 
 compassion, if you have experiences you should keep 
 them to yourself or maybe share them with your teacher. 
 This focus on experience and achievement increases 
 ego and narcissism. 

Not to mention -- in the absence of any kind of 
support structure to help you with awakening 
experiences -- the tendency to rely on self-
validation of what's happening to you. 

Those two qualities of ego and narcissism are the
things I prod for on this forum, among those who
announce their enlightenment or realization or 
whatever they call it. It's *not* that I don't
believe that these experiences exist; I couldn't
believe that, because I've had such experiences
myself. They taught me that the inner, subjective
experience, no matter how profound or groovy it
may be, means nothing unless it bleeds over 
into how one handles oneself out in the world.
I like to see how the self-announced enlightened
handle themselves.

 The experiences, perceptions and realizations can be true, 
 how we relate to them and process them makes all the 

Exactly. Wouldn't it have been nice to have had
an Advanced Program in the TMO that was designed
for people having awakening experiences? You'd have
a whiz-bang subjective experience, and you could go
to the support structure and describe it. Then, 
instead of merely being told Something good is
happening and being brushed off, someone could
actually *talk* to you about it. You know...along
the lines of, Cool. You're experiencing one of
the early stages of enlightenment. The way you
describe your experiences indicates that that's
where you're at right now. Don't panic. It's just
a transitory state, with better ones to follow.
Here's the stuff you need to know about the nature
of this particular passing phase, and the stuff you
need to know about its dangers. That is, these are
the pitfalls you need to watch out for while passing
through this stage -- inflation of ego, a feeling
that if you believe it, it's true, and an increased
sense of elitism and self-importance. Be mindful of 
these traps, avoid them, and enjoy the ride...  :-)

I've actually encountered (but never experienced 
first-hand) such support structures in other spiritual 
paths, primarily those from Tibet. I cannot help but 
think that they must help to smooth out the rough 
edges for those having early awakening experiences.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  The example of a possibly enlightened person being featured in a weekly
  TV series on national television in the US presents us with a remarkable
  opportunity. In Enlightened, the character of Amy shows us a person
  who was obviously, certifiably crazy (she was, in fact, certified --
  legally forced to seek therapy) having a subjective experience that she
  associates with enlightenment, and then afterwards expects people
  around her to react to how she feels inside rather than how she acts
  on the outside, in real life. She considers herself an agent of
  change, and expects everyone around her TO change, just as a result of
  coming into contact with her.
  I think this fictional situation really begs to be compared TO real
  life, and how three other people have acted on the outside in real
  life, both in Fairfield and here on FFL. Let's compare Amy to Robin,
  Jim, and Ravi.
  Robin is pretty much yer classic spiritual crazy. Back in the day, he
  had some subjective experiences that he interpreted as enlightenment,
  and felt (and acted) as if everyone around him should react to his
  pronouncement of his own enlightenment not only as if him saying it was
  true made it true, but as if now he was some kind of special person,
  one whose words had weight, and should be listened to and paid
  attention to as if he were really, really, REALLY special -- one of the
  enlightened whose 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-14 Thread whynotnow7
Yeah William, we wouldn't want to destroy the student/teacher unequal 
relationship, would we? We wouldn't want to let others know that 
self-realization can be achieved by anybody, would we?

Better to keep everything hidden and secretive, unless we charge them money, 
sex, or power to share it. THAT'S the way social progress is achieved, huh? 

What a steaming pile of uncompassionate dung, William.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William monroe1@... wrote:

 I think that this tale points out the short comings of the TM teachings and 
 path. The focus is so much on personal experience that those who have some 
 experience or perception out of the ordinary, feel special. This specialness 
 and achievement is a focus of the TM philosophy. What would you expect to 
 happen? Most true spiritual teachings teach humility and compassion, if you 
 have experiences you should keep them to yourself or maybe share them with 
 your teacher. This focus on experience and achievement increases ego and 
 The experiences, perceptions and realizations can be true, how we relate to 
 them and process them makes all the difference.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  The example of a possibly enlightened person being featured in a weekly
  TV series on national television in the US presents us with a remarkable
  opportunity. In Enlightened, the character of Amy shows us a person
  who was obviously, certifiably crazy (she was, in fact, certified --
  legally forced to seek therapy) having a subjective experience that she
  associates with enlightenment, and then afterwards expects people
  around her to react to how she feels inside rather than how she acts
  on the outside, in real life. She considers herself an agent of
  change, and expects everyone around her TO change, just as a result of
  coming into contact with her.
  I think this fictional situation really begs to be compared TO real
  life, and how three other people have acted on the outside in real
  life, both in Fairfield and here on FFL. Let's compare Amy to Robin,
  Jim, and Ravi.
  Robin is pretty much yer classic spiritual crazy. Back in the day, he
  had some subjective experiences that he interpreted as enlightenment,
  and felt (and acted) as if everyone around him should react to his
  pronouncement of his own enlightenment not only as if him saying it was
  true made it true, but as if now he was some kind of special person,
  one whose words had weight, and should be listened to and paid
  attention to as if he were really, really, REALLY special -- one of the
  enlightened whose wordiness is next to Godliness.
  We all know how that worked out. Most people laughed at him. Heck, even
  Maharishi -- who he was expecting to climb onto the Robin is
  enlightened bus and support him -- regarded him as a crazy person. So
  how did he react to that? He acted even crazier. We are talking, after
  all, about someone so crazy and so convinced that everyone should regard
  what he said as Truth that he rented a plane and dropped leaflets of his
  own tracts on MIU. Crazy. Bedbug crazy. And now, years later, having
  disavowed the enlightened thang but still as narcissistic as it gets
  and still as convinced of his own specialnessitude, he writes long,
  long, long solipcistic tracts here and *still* expects everyone to not
  only read them, but treat them as the Truth he is convinced they are. If
  anyone (such as myself, or Tom, or others) suggests that he's still more
  than a little bedbug crazy, he lashes out at them and tries to portray
  them negatively and demonize them. THIS is the model of enlightened
  behavior that Robin presents to the world, and to us.
  Now think Jim Flanegin. When he first appeared on FFL, pronouncing *his*
  enlightenment, he was laughed at, too. Suffice it to say he
  reacted...uh...badly. He launched into long, abusive tirades against
  anyone who failed to believe in his enlightenmentnessitude, so much so
  that he embarrassed himself thoroughly and finally skulked off of the
  forum in disgrace. Then, not content with that, he came back two more
  times, anonymously. He made up new screen names and pretended that
  they weren't really him, and started the same abusive routine again,
  consistently lashing out at those who failed to treat him the way
  someone enlightened should be treated. Busted on both of those
  attempts to conceal his identity, now he's back in a fourth incarnation
  on FFL, *still* being easily the person on this forum whose buttons are
  most easily pushed, still lashing out at anyone who challenges either
  his own supposed enlightened status or challenges the things he
  believes to be true. THIS is the model of enlightened behavior that
  Jim believes in, and presents to us.
  Finally, think Ravi. His first appearance on FFL was actually more of a
  meltdown than the fictional Amy's. When people here failed to treat 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-14 Thread Ravi Yogi
 As Wally stares at the poster it begins to change and the finger of
 the boys’ innocent hand is bitten by a lizard. The boy recoils but the 
 lizard bites more deeply.
 Pull back we see Wally jump as he pulls his finger out of the
 champagne flute with a lizard biting the end of his finger. As he recoils 
 looks down and sees lizards cawing up his pant leg. He looks up and in the
 reflection of the bar mirror he sees three lizards crawling over his face and
 biting into the soft tissue of his eyelids. He looks over at the bartender 
 head has turned into a massive lizard face. Wally turns to flee and the
 customers have all turned around to reveal they have the faces of a lounge 
 of lizards. He opens his mouth to
 scream and no sound comes out.
 A huge lizard tongue darts out of Wally’s mouth and right behind his 
 tongue a large lizard pokes its out head out of Wally’s gaping mouth and 
 blinks its eyes.
 We hear the loud bark of a women's voice.
 Get the hell of bed you good for nothing lizard faced pieces of *hit. What 
 the hell you think you're playing at? Hit the deck and I mean now.
 Wally, Shankar and NN hit the platinum deck of the Sharma-dumb. The
 overhead lights blind them as they try to rub the sleep out of their eyes. The
 three of them are dressed in green camouflage fatigues. They are standing in
 front a well-preserved older woman dressed in the desert camouflage of a U.S. 
 Corps drill instructor. 
 Drill Instructor
 My name is STONE and I am a US Marine Corps Drill Instructor and you will at 
 all times refer to me as 'Ma'am'! Do you understand?
 Shankar, NN and Wally (in one voice)
 Yes, Ma'am!
 Drill Instructor Stone
 God knows where his Holiness found you pieces of c**p but I guess desperate 
 times call for assholes like you. Do you remember the words he gave  you?
 You mean our mantras?
 Drill Instructor Stone
 No, you numnut, I mean do you remember the passwords he gave you last night!
 Shankar (at attention)
 Yes, Ma'am! 
 We hear the sound of the old CD player click to life.
 Ħayya 'ala-salahh
 From: whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 8:51:08 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
 So adding up both lists, what he likes and dislikes add up to about 90 items, 
 40 of which he dislikes. Doesn't look like a picture of normal mental health 
 to me, Bob. However, you should consider yourself blessed and anointed by 
 Barry The Great to appear on this list of your own making.
 And keep reading those books Bob! Much better to bury your nose in one of 
 those, than in proximity to the back of Barry's trousers. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  11. Bob Price
  12. Women who are still moist
  13. Johannes Vermeer
  14. Architecture
  15. Literature
  16. Tao Te Ching
  17. Well written drama
  18. Pushing buttons of the poorly read.
  19. Chopping wood; Carrying water.
  20. Writing
  21. Great cafe's
  22. Humor
  23. Hot Cars
  24. Young Women
  25. Travel
  26. Intelligent conversation
  27. Slumming and pushing the buttons of his inferiors
  28. Freedom
  29. Outing liars and nut-jobs
  30. Teasing nut-jobs
  31. Cleaning DVD's
  32. Pointing out the obvious about MMY and the deadenders.
  33. Getting real.
  34. Film and television reviews
  35. Tom
  36. Fine beer
  37. Writing fiction
  38. Women of child bearing ages.
  39. China
  40. Japan
  41. Europe
  42. North America
  43. South America
  44. Australia
  45. Good company
  46. FFL
  47. Rick Archer
  48. Homes on the Pacific
  49. Code that easy to explain.
  50. European trains with WIFI
  51. Dogs
  From: whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 2:55:47 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
  I knew I forgot a couple of obvious ones. Also #30, David Lynch, #31, John 
  Hagelin, #32, The Rajas, #33, Bevan Morris, and #34, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 
  I was thinking also of those who Barry likes and all I could come up with 
  was a list of ten:
  1. Curtis.
  2. Curtis.
  3. Curtis.
  4. Curtis.
  5. Curtis.
  6. Curtis.
  7. Curtis.
  8. Curtis.
  9. Bruce Cockburn.
  10. Vaj.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   LOL..thanks Jim, this was really funny, a whole phone book huh?
   My favorites - #2, #16, #20 and #25.
   Here's more
   27. Robin28. Dan
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
I think there are too many people he doesn't like, here and elsewhere,
   to be covered in a simple

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-14 Thread Tom Pall
Maharishi was pushing experiences and the initiators/governors rhapsodizing
about them for years.   On the preparatory courses we had experience
sessions every day.  Then came the sidhis and we weren't to talk about
experiences.   Then it flipped back again.   Right now it's the #1
experience on IA.  Somewhat legit if not with THMD or THP.  If with that
group, it seems to be a requirement to suddenly have the very experiences
and use the new Sanskrit buzzwords Maharishi used in yesterday's live or
recorded presentation.

Somewhat stifling at first to not be able to talk about experiences in
AOL.   There there's one experience that matters:   how you swoon for SSRS,
what miracles you saw him produce.So it's about experience with both
cults, the topic is just different.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-14 Thread Bob Price
Dearest Ravi,

I thought you were ignoring me, that would be very hurtful, you---of 

all the specials---know the ignorant have feelings too.

If there's such as a thing as Enlightenment (I have no reason to
doubt it); I want what you got, cause frankly bro, the rest of the
specials--- in this gin joint, are, well---you know---boooing
ing ing ing!!! You're the cayenne in the pepper, the chilies in the veggies,
and the beamer in the 0-300---you is the man!

I think the Robin may have been on to something; you need to go
big tent, ---some of those Christian babes are d-licious---blue eyes with
bums that never stop---curvy up and down and all around---makes you dizzy just
thinking bout it. 


I can see the banners; The Born Again Brahmin---comes to
Jesus. I'm already making plans; next time you come back as Elmer---you got
what it takes.


PS: I'm out now; I break fast at The Rose, most Saturday's, just look for the 

reading the Financial Post---looking into lasers.


From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 12:49:13 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

Dear Bob, once you have encountered your shadow there is no need to run away 
from oneself to create fiction, not that there's anything wrong with it of 

I am so busy in my inner subjective world, thoroughly enjoying the incredible 
fiction, the fantasies and stories that my mind creates that I rarely look to 
outside for entertainment. But I recently read fiction and couldn't put it down 
until I finished it - The girl with the dragon tattoo by Steig Larsson.

I watched Jim's interview and of course his contributions here day in and day 
out. His simplicity and clarity of expression amazes me. He expresses more in 
less, unlike Rory or I :-).

I thought you mocking Jim with others is pretty lame. The one thing 
enlightenment destroys is the need to compare yourself with others. Jim, Bob 
and I are equally meaningful expressions of the divine. Unlike Robin I dont 
believe God is miising from his creation. He has manifested as many to enjoy 
his/her creation. I am amazed at your creativity but I wouldn't feel the need 
to mock you by comparing your writing to Curtis or Barry, I will choose and 
have chosen to directly attack you.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Yo Whynow,
 You specials, are so, well, you know---special. Its always such a chuckle 
 hearing someone so below par at creating fiction bragging about giving up 
 fiction---wonder if there is a correlation? 
 I attempted to get through your BatGap interview, but unlike Ravi's 
 interview---which is riveting---yours is pretty tough sledding---regret I 
 couldn't finish it; started cleaning DVD's after a minute or two. I'd think 
 with the talent we have around here---Ravi, Rory and Robin---you'd be a bit 
 intimated coming out of the closet on this forum. Oh well, we'll give you a 
 star for effort---if not effortlessness. Have you been checked lately---I'm 
 surprised the Nabster hasn't asked? I know how much you enjoy being Wally 
 ---so I thought we'd put Rowing... into syndication. I thought this episode 
 would be the ticket.
 The Spacecraft Sharma-dum (de Dum Dum) hovers in the night sky over
 the Arabian Gulf. The humidity sweating off the surface of the Gulf covers the
 windows of the Sharma in perspiration. In the distance, gas flares
 fracture the blackness of the desert night. Below the Sharma, American
 destroyers track supertankers; like jaguars eying a bloat of hippos---looking
 for the weak and infirm. In the middle of the blackness of the desert, the 
 lights of the city of Doha illuminate
 the night sky, dispersing light like the finest jeweled carvings---from the 
 lapidaries of Idar-Oberstein.
 We hear the unmistakable sound of Wally snoring. The spacecraft is
 dark except for the light shining on the large meeting table. At one end of 
 table the Zebra is reading a large bible. He is wearing glasses and his 
 horn is gone. 
 And whenever you stand praying,...
 We hear a familiar giggle. The Zebra looks up and sees Maharishi strangely 
 Maharishi (giggling) 
 I thought 'condemned' was a bit strong.
 ...forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also 
 who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses-Mark 11:25
 The Zebra looks up and Maharishi has disappeared. We still hear 
 his giggling. 
 Wally's snoring continues, we hear him groan.
 Wally walks in into The Champagne Bar of the Plaza Hotel on Central
 Park South. The other customers

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-14 Thread Ravi Yogi

LOL..on Born Again Brahmin coming to Jesus, but seriously  have given up being 
a Brahmin(intellectual), the closest label I identify is a Sufi. There are many 
Brahmins here on this though.

Thanks for the videos - losing my religion was one of my favorites back in the 
early 90s.

Anyway I don't ignore anyone much less you.

I thought I had to say something in defense of Jim, I came up with several but 
none seemed right, and I'm never in a hurry to respond to anything. One 
finallly came today and as Robin would say I didnt find any discordance with 
reality as I responded.

About the Rose Cafe - are you serious? In Venice? I thought you were in Napa or 
North Bay somewhere. It's kind of coincidental since when I googled for Coffee 
in Venice Rose Cafe featured prominently. But I stopped at another cafe along 
Rose Ave  - I think Groundwork Coffee Company. Anyway loved Venice Beach - 
the number of beautiful women per square inch in Venice and LA seems pretty 
high :-)

Living and working in Culver City now but I will just stop there tomorrow for 
the heck of it - not sure what time though.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Dearest Ravi,
 I thought you were ignoring me, that would be very hurtful, you---of 
 all the specials---know the ignorant have feelings too.
 If there's such as a thing as Enlightenment (I have no reason to
 doubt it); I want what you got, cause frankly bro, the rest of the
 specials--- in this gin joint, are, well---you know---boooing
 ing ing ing!!! You're the cayenne in the pepper, the chilies in the veggies,
 and the beamer in the 0-300---you is the man!
 I think the Robin may have been on to something; you need to go
 big tent, ---some of those Christian babes are d-licious---blue eyes with
 bums that never stop---curvy up and down and all around---makes you dizzy just
 thinking bout it. 
 I can see the banners; The Born Again Brahmin---comes to
 Jesus. I'm already making plans; next time you come back as Elmer---you got
 what it takes.
 PS: I'm out now; I break fast at The Rose, most Saturday's, just look for the 
 reading the Financial Post---looking into lasers.
 From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 12:49:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
 Dear Bob, once you have encountered your shadow there is no need to run away 
 from oneself to create fiction, not that there's anything wrong with it of 
 I am so busy in my inner subjective world, thoroughly enjoying the incredible 
 fiction, the fantasies and stories that my mind creates that I rarely look to 
 outside for entertainment. But I recently read fiction and couldn't put it 
 down until I finished it - The girl with the dragon tattoo by Steig Larsson.
 I watched Jim's interview and of course his contributions here day in and day 
 out. His simplicity and clarity of expression amazes me. He expresses more in 
 less, unlike Rory or I :-).
 I thought you mocking Jim with others is pretty lame. The one thing 
 enlightenment destroys is the need to compare yourself with others. Jim, Bob 
 and I are equally meaningful expressions of the divine. Unlike Robin I dont 
 believe God is miising from his creation. He has manifested as many to enjoy 
 his/her creation. I am amazed at your creativity but I wouldn't feel the need 
 to mock you by comparing your writing to Curtis or Barry, I will choose and 
 have chosen to directly attack you.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  Yo Whynow,
  You specials, are so, well, you know---special. Its always such a chuckle 
  hearing someone so below par at creating fiction bragging about giving up 
  fiction---wonder if there is a correlation? 
  I attempted to get through your BatGap interview, but unlike Ravi's 
  interview---which is riveting---yours is pretty tough sledding---regret I 
  couldn't finish it; started cleaning DVD's after a minute or two. I'd think 
  with the talent we have around here---Ravi, Rory and Robin---you'd be a bit 
  intimated coming out of the closet on this forum. Oh well, we'll give you a 
  star for effort---if not effortlessness. Have you been checked lately---I'm 
  surprised the Nabster hasn't asked? I know how much you enjoy being Wally 
  ---so I thought we'd put Rowing... into syndication. I thought this 
  episode would be the ticket.
  The Spacecraft Sharma-dum (de Dum Dum) hovers in the night sky over
  the Arabian Gulf. The humidity sweating off the surface of the Gulf covers 
  windows of the Sharma in perspiration. In the distance, gas flares

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread Ravi Yogi
LOL..thanks Jim, this was really funny, a whole phone book huh?
My favorites - #2, #16, #20 and #25.
Here's more
27. Robin28. Dan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...

 I think there are too many people he doesn't like, here and elsewhere,
to be covered in a simple autobiography - perhaps add a  phonebook-like
appendix? From what I have observed, Barry dislikes:

 1. Older women.
 2. people who wait for walk signs (vs. jaywalking).
 3. People in Amsterdam cafes.
 4. Americans.
 5. People who discuss personal spiritual experiences.
 6. Followers of Maharishi.
 7. People he deems dumber than him (everyone is, of course).
 8. Judy.
 9. Me.
 10. Nabby.
 11. Ravi.
 12. Buck.
 13. Shukra69.
 14. Raunchydog.
 15. Rory.
 16. Newcomers to FFL.
 17. Those who are politically conservative.
 18. Practitioners of TM.
 19. Emptybill.
 20. Current followers of Freddy Lenz.
 21. Women in Spain (now that he has left).
 22. Women in France (now that he has left).
 23. People who can't laugh at themselves (LOL).
 24. Those who disagree with his movie reviews.
 25. Women who try to talk to him while he is driving.
 26. People who express spiritual liberation.

 That's all I can come up with at the moment for Mr. Wonderful. I'd
enjoy it if someone would extend this list, starting with the number 27.
Let's see how long this list can grow!

 I'm sure Barry could double or even triple its length without breaking
a sweat. Help us out Barry, eh?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@
   Heh, ease off of the old man. His writing is just soliloquy.
   He doesn't actually discern that other people are really
   there. He thinks we are all characters in some novel he is
   writing and that Judy is his eyes-open nightmare.
  I told him once he should forget the novel about the
  Cathars he supposedly moved to Yurrup to write and
  start writing his autobiography instead. He could use
  all the criticisms of me and the other folks he doesn't
  like that he's posted here and just change the pronouns
  so they refer to himself. Then everyone would
  congratulate him on his honesty and deep self-knowledge.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shukra69 shukra69@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  This post is even scarier than his previous one in the
  extent of its fantasizing.
  But the motivation for it is clear. We all know that
  the only reason Barry is so fascinated by this series
  is that it gives him the opportunity to put down the
  people he doesn't like on FFL, especially those who
  have dared to talk about what they consider their
  He didn't get the reaction he wanted to his first
  posts, so now he's doubling down on the putdowns. But
  those putdowns have become so extreme, so off the wall,
  his descriptions of behavior so completely unlike
  anybody's actual behavior here, the histories he
  relates such gross misrepresentations of what actually
 It is not though. It is honest and accurate.
Yes, yes Stephen - it's right, and so, so, sooo scary - quick  -
go and take shelter in your TM and psychology manuals before I bitch
slap you in my enlightened mania.

  that he's clearly deep into deluded territory.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   Seriously, is there anyone on this forum willing to step up
   to the plate and say that they actually *believe* that Robin,
   Jim and Ravi are actually enlightened? If so, are you
   comfortable with the day-to-day way that they conduct
   themselves, as a kind of demo or role model of what
   enlightenment should be or will be for you when you achieve
   it? Does their example make you want to become all enlightened
   yourself? Honestly curious.
  Well, he's not honestly curious, of course. He's hoping
  to inspire responses he can use as more fodder for his
  But I'll answer his questions straightforwardly. (After
  all, curious as he pretends to be, he won't read my
  responses, so I'm safe.)
  I have *no idea* whether the three of them are (or were,
  in Robin's case) actually enlightened. I wouldn't be
  shocked if they were, I wouldn't be shocked if they
  weren't. It isn't of concern to me either way.
  I'm completely comfortable with the day-to-day way they
  conduct themselves. They're all very smart and thoughtful,
  they all have a good sense of humor; I find most of their
  posts pretty interesting.
  But I don't see them as demos or role models of
  enlightenment because I don't think any such thing exists.
  I think the notion that it does generates serious
  confusion about the nature of enlightenment.
  (It also, of course, generates opportunities for those
  who are troubled by their own failure to achieve
  enlightenment to attack those who consider themselves
  to have achieved it.)
  The example of these three has ZERO influence on my
  motivation to continue to meditate and see where it
  takes me. I've very much enjoyed the journey so far.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shukra69 shukra69@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   This post is even scarier than his previous one in the
   extent of its fantasizing.
   But the motivation for it is clear. We all know that
   the only reason Barry is so fascinated by this series
   is that it gives him the opportunity to put down the
   people he doesn't like on FFL, especially those who
   have dared to talk about what they consider their
   He didn't get the reaction he wanted to his first
   posts, so now he's doubling down on the putdowns. But
   those putdowns have become so extreme, so off the wall,
   his descriptions of behavior so completely unlike
   anybody's actual behavior here, the histories he
   relates such gross misrepresentations of what actually
  It is not though. It is honest and accurate.
 Yes, yes Stephen - it's right, and so, so, sooo scary - quick 
 go and take shelter in your TM and psychology manuals before I bitch
 slap you in my enlightened mania.

Pardon me Stephen - I just checked the manuals and it seems pimp slap
might be more appropriate here - so go hide in your TM and psychology
manuals before I pimp slap you, you retarded bitch.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 Your assessment rings true to me also. Dude tries to be all free and easy, 
 but that's just it, he tries, and the effort shows. Enough about him.
 Anyway, I just bought a beautiful XK8 coupe over the weekend, so I think I 
 will go drive around - I am using any excuse to do so, although the car 
 always wants to exceed the speed limit - go figure

Congratulations, that is one beautiful car ! When I was in the US I realized 
that it was possible to pick up Jaguars at a ridecilously low price compared to 
here and it certainly was tempting to do so. Because of the climate in 
California these cars are also very sought after objects here, close to 100% of 
Jaguars imported are from California ! What colour is it ? :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread whynotnow7
I knew I forgot a couple of obvious ones. Also #30, David Lynch, #31, John 
Hagelin, #32, The Rajas, #33, Bevan Morris, and #34, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

I was thinking also of those who Barry likes and all I could come up with was a 
list of ten:

1. Curtis.
2. Curtis.
3. Curtis.
4. Curtis.
5. Curtis.
6. Curtis.
7. Curtis.
8. Curtis.
9. Bruce Cockburn.
10. Vaj.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 LOL..thanks Jim, this was really funny, a whole phone book huh?
 My favorites - #2, #16, #20 and #25.
 Here's more
 27. Robin28. Dan
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
  I think there are too many people he doesn't like, here and elsewhere,
 to be covered in a simple autobiography - perhaps add a  phonebook-like
 appendix? From what I have observed, Barry dislikes:
  1. Older women.
  2. people who wait for walk signs (vs. jaywalking).
  3. People in Amsterdam cafes.
  4. Americans.
  5. People who discuss personal spiritual experiences.
  6. Followers of Maharishi.
  7. People he deems dumber than him (everyone is, of course).
  8. Judy.
  9. Me.
  10. Nabby.
  11. Ravi.
  12. Buck.
  13. Shukra69.
  14. Raunchydog.
  15. Rory.
  16. Newcomers to FFL.
  17. Those who are politically conservative.
  18. Practitioners of TM.
  19. Emptybill.
  20. Current followers of Freddy Lenz.
  21. Women in Spain (now that he has left).
  22. Women in France (now that he has left).
  23. People who can't laugh at themselves (LOL).
  24. Those who disagree with his movie reviews.
  25. Women who try to talk to him while he is driving.
  26. People who express spiritual liberation.
  That's all I can come up with at the moment for Mr. Wonderful. I'd
 enjoy it if someone would extend this list, starting with the number 27.
 Let's see how long this list can grow!
  I'm sure Barry could double or even triple its length without breaking
 a sweat. Help us out Barry, eh?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@
Heh, ease off of the old man. His writing is just soliloquy.
He doesn't actually discern that other people are really
there. He thinks we are all characters in some novel he is
writing and that Judy is his eyes-open nightmare.
   I told him once he should forget the novel about the
   Cathars he supposedly moved to Yurrup to write and
   start writing his autobiography instead. He could use
   all the criticisms of me and the other folks he doesn't
   like that he's posted here and just change the pronouns
   so they refer to himself. Then everyone would
   congratulate him on his honesty and deep self-knowledge.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread whynotnow7
It is a gold color, with off white leather interior. I have uploaded some 
pictures into the Photos section here, though they apparently must be approved 

I had no idea that this would happen on the weekend. I was enjoying a glass of 
champagne with my wife last Saturday evening in the gazebo outside, and was 
just surfing around, looking at car ads. I used to own a 1985 Jaguar XJ6 Series 
3, a beautiful car that I paid $8500 for. However, it caused me nothing but 
trouble and I sold it many years ago. 

Anyway, I couldn't find any XJ6's from that era that were in the condition I 
wanted, so I began looking at XK8s. Just about then my wife handed me a modest 
check from my father's life insurance policy (God Bless his soul), and this 
quest became a reality. After researching the XK8 for the next several hours, I 
settled on the car to purchase; a 1997 XK8 with just 55K miles, asking $14K. I 
wanted it for $11K and ended up purchasing it for that, less than 24 hours from 
first considering it!

Despite the car's age it is in showroom condition, and handles like it too. 
With a 4.0 liter V8, 290 hp engine, it accelerates from 70 to 110 in seconds, 
and very smoothly. The top end is 155 mph, though I will have to find a race 
track to test that. It actually gets decent gas mileage for such a beast too. 
It is so much fun to drive. Jaguar anticipates everything, from the six speed 
automatic German transmission, to the all leather and burl interior, to the 
handling, which is rock-solid. It even has headlamp washers. What a car. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  Your assessment rings true to me also. Dude tries to be all free and 
  easy, but that's just it, he tries, and the effort shows. Enough about him.
  Anyway, I just bought a beautiful XK8 coupe over the weekend, so I think I 
  will go drive around - I am using any excuse to do so, although the car 
  always wants to exceed the speed limit - go figure
 Congratulations, that is one beautiful car ! When I was in the US I realized 
 that it was possible to pick up Jaguars at a ridecilously low price compared 
 to here and it certainly was tempting to do so. Because of the climate in 
 California these cars are also very sought after objects here, close to 100% 
 of Jaguars imported are from California ! What colour is it ? :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread Bob Price
11. Bob Price
12. Women who are still moist
13. Johannes Vermeer
14. Architecture
15. Literature
16. Tao Te Ching
17. Well written drama
18. Pushing buttons of the poorly read.
19. Chopping wood; Carrying water.
20. Writing
21. Great cafe's
22. Humor
23. Hot Cars
24. Young Women
25. Travel
26. Intelligent conversation
27. Slumming and pushing the buttons of his inferiors
28. Freedom
29. Outing liars and nut-jobs
30. Teasing nut-jobs
31. Cleaning DVD's
32. Pointing out the obvious about MMY and the deadenders.
33. Getting real.
34. Film and television reviews
35. Tom
36. Fine beer
37. Writing fiction
38. Women of child bearing ages.
39. China
40. Japan
41. Europe
42. North America
43. South America
44. Australia
45. Good company
46. FFL
47. Rick Archer
48. Homes on the Pacific
49. Code that easy to explain.
50. European trains with WIFI
51. Dogs

From: whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 2:55:47 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

I knew I forgot a couple of obvious ones. Also #30, David Lynch, #31, John 
Hagelin, #32, The Rajas, #33, Bevan Morris, and #34, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

I was thinking also of those who Barry likes and all I could come up with was a 
list of ten:

1. Curtis.
2. Curtis.
3. Curtis.
4. Curtis.
5. Curtis.
6. Curtis.
7. Curtis.
8. Curtis.
9. Bruce Cockburn.
10. Vaj.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 LOL..thanks Jim, this was really funny, a whole phone book huh?
 My favorites - #2, #16, #20 and #25.
 Here's more
 27. Robin28. Dan
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
  I think there are too many people he doesn't like, here and elsewhere,
 to be covered in a simple autobiography - perhaps add a  phonebook-like
 appendix? From what I have observed, Barry dislikes:
  1. Older women.
  2. people who wait for walk signs (vs. jaywalking).
  3. People in Amsterdam cafes.
  4. Americans.
  5. People who discuss personal spiritual experiences.
  6. Followers of Maharishi.
  7. People he deems dumber than him (everyone is, of course).
  8. Judy.
  9. Me.
  10. Nabby.
  11. Ravi.
  12. Buck.
  13. Shukra69.
  14. Raunchydog.
  15. Rory.
  16. Newcomers to FFL.
  17. Those who are politically conservative.
  18. Practitioners of TM.
  19. Emptybill.
  20. Current followers of Freddy Lenz.
  21. Women in Spain (now that he has left).
  22. Women in France (now that he has left).
  23. People who can't laugh at themselves (LOL).
  24. Those who disagree with his movie reviews.
  25. Women who try to talk to him while he is driving.
  26. People who express spiritual liberation.
  That's all I can come up with at the moment for Mr. Wonderful. I'd
 enjoy it if someone would extend this list, starting with the number 27.
 Let's see how long this list can grow!
  I'm sure Barry could double or even triple its length without breaking
 a sweat. Help us out Barry, eh?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@
Heh, ease off of the old man. His writing is just soliloquy.
He doesn't actually discern that other people are really
there. He thinks we are all characters in some novel he is
writing and that Judy is his eyes-open nightmare.
   I told him once he should forget the novel about the
   Cathars he supposedly moved to Yurrup to write and
   start writing his autobiography instead. He could use
   all the criticisms of me and the other folks he doesn't
   like that he's posted here and just change the pronouns
   so they refer to himself. Then everyone would
   congratulate him on his honesty and deep self-knowledge.


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread whynotnow7
So adding up both lists, what he likes and dislikes add up to about 90 items, 
40 of which he dislikes. Doesn't look like a picture of normal mental health to 
me, Bob. However, you should consider yourself blessed and anointed by Barry 
The Great to appear on this list of your own making.

And keep reading those books Bob! Much better to bury your nose in one of 
those, than in proximity to the back of Barry's trousers. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 11. Bob Price
 12. Women who are still moist
 13. Johannes Vermeer
 14. Architecture
 15. Literature
 16. Tao Te Ching
 17. Well written drama
 18. Pushing buttons of the poorly read.
 19. Chopping wood; Carrying water.
 20. Writing
 21. Great cafe's
 22. Humor
 23. Hot Cars
 24. Young Women
 25. Travel
 26. Intelligent conversation
 27. Slumming and pushing the buttons of his inferiors
 28. Freedom
 29. Outing liars and nut-jobs
 30. Teasing nut-jobs
 31. Cleaning DVD's
 32. Pointing out the obvious about MMY and the deadenders.
 33. Getting real.
 34. Film and television reviews
 35. Tom
 36. Fine beer
 37. Writing fiction
 38. Women of child bearing ages.
 39. China
 40. Japan
 41. Europe
 42. North America
 43. South America
 44. Australia
 45. Good company
 46. FFL
 47. Rick Archer
 48. Homes on the Pacific
 49. Code that easy to explain.
 50. European trains with WIFI
 51. Dogs
 From: whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 2:55:47 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
 I knew I forgot a couple of obvious ones. Also #30, David Lynch, #31, John 
 Hagelin, #32, The Rajas, #33, Bevan Morris, and #34, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 
 I was thinking also of those who Barry likes and all I could come up with was 
 a list of ten:
 1. Curtis.
 2. Curtis.
 3. Curtis.
 4. Curtis.
 5. Curtis.
 6. Curtis.
 7. Curtis.
 8. Curtis.
 9. Bruce Cockburn.
 10. Vaj.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  LOL..thanks Jim, this was really funny, a whole phone book huh?
  My favorites - #2, #16, #20 and #25.
  Here's more
  27. Robin28. Dan
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
   I think there are too many people he doesn't like, here and elsewhere,
  to be covered in a simple autobiography - perhaps add a  phonebook-like
  appendix? From what I have observed, Barry dislikes:
   1. Older women.
   2. people who wait for walk signs (vs. jaywalking).
   3. People in Amsterdam cafes.
   4. Americans.
   5. People who discuss personal spiritual experiences.
   6. Followers of Maharishi.
   7. People he deems dumber than him (everyone is, of course).
   8. Judy.
   9. Me.
   10. Nabby.
   11. Ravi.
   12. Buck.
   13. Shukra69.
   14. Raunchydog.
   15. Rory.
   16. Newcomers to FFL.
   17. Those who are politically conservative.
   18. Practitioners of TM.
   19. Emptybill.
   20. Current followers of Freddy Lenz.
   21. Women in Spain (now that he has left).
   22. Women in France (now that he has left).
   23. People who can't laugh at themselves (LOL).
   24. Those who disagree with his movie reviews.
   25. Women who try to talk to him while he is driving.
   26. People who express spiritual liberation.
   That's all I can come up with at the moment for Mr. Wonderful. I'd
  enjoy it if someone would extend this list, starting with the number 27.
  Let's see how long this list can grow!
   I'm sure Barry could double or even triple its length without breaking
  a sweat. Help us out Barry, eh?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@

 Heh, ease off of the old man. His writing is just soliloquy.
 He doesn't actually discern that other people are really
 there. He thinks we are all characters in some novel he is
 writing and that Judy is his eyes-open nightmare.
I told him once he should forget the novel about the
Cathars he supposedly moved to Yurrup to write and
start writing his autobiography instead. He could use
all the criticisms of me and the other folks he doesn't
like that he's posted here and just change the pronouns
so they refer to himself. Then everyone would
congratulate him on his honesty and deep self-knowledge.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 11. Bob Price
 12. Women who are still moist
 13. Johannes Vermeer
 14. Architecture
 15. Literature
 16. Tao Te Ching
 17. Well written drama
 18. Pushing buttons of the poorly read.
 19. Chopping wood; Carrying water.
 20. Writing
 21. Great cafe's
 22. Humor
 23. Hot Cars
 24. Young Women
 25. Travel
 26. Intelligent conversation
 27. Slumming and pushing the buttons of his inferiors
 28. Freedom
 29. Outing liars and nut-jobs
 30. Teasing nut-jobs
 31. Cleaning DVD's
 32. Pointing out the obvious about MMY and the deadenders.
 33. Getting real.
 34. Film and television reviews
 35. Tom
 36. Fine beer
 37. Writing fiction
 38. Women of child bearing ages.
 39. China
 40. Japan
 41. Europe
 42. North America
 43. South America
 44. Australia
 45. Good company
 46. FFL
 47. Rick Archer
 48. Homes on the Pacific
 49. Code that easy to explain.
 50. European trains with WIFI
 51. Dogs

Good list. About the only one you missed as one
of the things I like is China. SO not a fan. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread Bob Price
 fatigues. They are standing in
front a well-preserved older woman dressed in the desert camouflage of a U.S. 
Corps drill instructor. 

Drill Instructor
My name is STONE and I am a US Marine Corps Drill Instructor and you will at 
all times refer to me as 'Ma'am'! Do you understand?

Shankar, NN and Wally (in one voice)
Yes, Ma'am!

Drill Instructor Stone
God knows where his Holiness found you pieces of c**p but I guess desperate 
times call for assholes like you. Do you remember the words he gave  you?

You mean our mantras?

Drill Instructor Stone
No, you numnut, I mean do you remember the passwords he gave you last night!

Shankar (at attention)
Yes, Ma'am! 

We hear the sound of the old CD player click to life.

Ħayya 'ala-salahh

From: whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 8:51:08 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

So adding up both lists, what he likes and dislikes add up to about 90 items, 
40 of which he dislikes. Doesn't look like a picture of normal mental health to 
me, Bob. However, you should consider yourself blessed and anointed by Barry 
The Great to appear on this list of your own making.

And keep reading those books Bob! Much better to bury your nose in one of 
those, than in proximity to the back of Barry's trousers. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 11. Bob Price
 12. Women who are still moist
 13. Johannes Vermeer
 14. Architecture
 15. Literature
 16. Tao Te Ching
 17. Well written drama
 18. Pushing buttons of the poorly read.
 19. Chopping wood; Carrying water.
 20. Writing
 21. Great cafe's
 22. Humor
 23. Hot Cars
 24. Young Women
 25. Travel
 26. Intelligent conversation
 27. Slumming and pushing the buttons of his inferiors
 28. Freedom
 29. Outing liars and nut-jobs
 30. Teasing nut-jobs
 31. Cleaning DVD's
 32. Pointing out the obvious about MMY and the deadenders.
 33. Getting real.
 34. Film and television reviews
 35. Tom
 36. Fine beer
 37. Writing fiction
 38. Women of child bearing ages.
 39. China
 40. Japan
 41. Europe
 42. North America
 43. South America
 44. Australia
 45. Good company
 46. FFL
 47. Rick Archer
 48. Homes on the Pacific
 49. Code that easy to explain.
 50. European trains with WIFI
 51. Dogs
 From: whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 2:55:47 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
 I knew I forgot a couple of obvious ones. Also #30, David Lynch, #31, John 
 Hagelin, #32, The Rajas, #33, Bevan Morris, and #34, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 
 I was thinking also of those who Barry likes and all I could come up with was 
 a list of ten:
 1. Curtis.
 2. Curtis.
 3. Curtis.
 4. Curtis.
 5. Curtis.
 6. Curtis.
 7. Curtis.
 8. Curtis.
 9. Bruce Cockburn.
 10. Vaj.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  LOL..thanks Jim, this was really funny, a whole phone book huh?
  My favorites - #2, #16, #20 and #25.
  Here's more
  27. Robin28. Dan
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
   I think there are too many people he doesn't like, here and elsewhere,
  to be covered in a simple autobiography - perhaps add a  phonebook-like
  appendix? From what I have observed, Barry dislikes:
   1. Older women.
   2. people who wait for walk signs (vs. jaywalking).
   3. People in Amsterdam cafes.
   4. Americans.
   5. People who discuss personal spiritual experiences.
   6. Followers of Maharishi.
   7. People he deems dumber than him (everyone is, of course).
   8. Judy.
   9. Me.
   10. Nabby.
   11. Ravi.
   12. Buck.
   13. Shukra69.
   14. Raunchydog.
   15. Rory.
   16. Newcomers to FFL.
   17. Those who are politically conservative.
   18. Practitioners of TM.
   19. Emptybill.
   20. Current followers of Freddy Lenz.
   21. Women in Spain (now that he has left).
   22. Women in France (now that he has left).
   23. People who can't laugh at themselves (LOL).
   24. Those who disagree with his movie reviews.
   25. Women who try to talk to him while he is driving.
   26. People who express spiritual liberation.
   That's all I can come up with at the moment for Mr. Wonderful. I'd
  enjoy it if someone would extend this list, starting with the number 27.
  Let's see how long this list can grow!
   I'm sure Barry could double or even triple its length without breaking
  a sweat. Help us out Barry, eh?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@

 Heh, ease off of the old man. His writing is just soliloquy.
 He doesn't actually discern that other people are really
 there. He thinks we are all characters in some novel he

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread whynotnow7
 to flee and the
 customers have all turned around to reveal they have the faces of a lounge 
 of lizards. He opens his mouth to
 scream and no sound comes out.
 A huge lizard tongue darts out of Wally’s mouth and right behind his 
 tongue a large lizard pokes its out head out of Wally’s gaping mouth and 
 blinks its eyes.
 We hear the loud bark of a women's voice.
 Get the hell of bed you good for nothing lizard faced pieces of *hit. What 
 the hell you think you're playing at? Hit the deck and I mean now.
 Wally, Shankar and NN hit the platinum deck of the Sharma-dumb. The
 overhead lights blind them as they try to rub the sleep out of their eyes. The
 three of them are dressed in green camouflage fatigues. They are standing in
 front a well-preserved older woman dressed in the desert camouflage of a U.S. 
 Corps drill instructor. 
 Drill Instructor
 My name is STONE and I am a US Marine Corps Drill Instructor and you will at 
 all times refer to me as 'Ma'am'! Do you understand?
 Shankar, NN and Wally (in one voice)
 Yes, Ma'am!
 Drill Instructor Stone
 God knows where his Holiness found you pieces of c**p but I guess desperate 
 times call for assholes like you. Do you remember the words he gave  you?
 You mean our mantras?
 Drill Instructor Stone
 No, you numnut, I mean do you remember the passwords he gave you last night!
 Shankar (at attention)
 Yes, Ma'am! 
 We hear the sound of the old CD player click to life.
 Ħayya 'ala-salahh
 From: whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 8:51:08 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
 So adding up both lists, what he likes and dislikes add up to about 90 items, 
 40 of which he dislikes. Doesn't look like a picture of normal mental health 
 to me, Bob. However, you should consider yourself blessed and anointed by 
 Barry The Great to appear on this list of your own making.
 And keep reading those books Bob! Much better to bury your nose in one of 
 those, than in proximity to the back of Barry's trousers. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  11. Bob Price
  12. Women who are still moist
  13. Johannes Vermeer
  14. Architecture
  15. Literature
  16. Tao Te Ching
  17. Well written drama
  18. Pushing buttons of the poorly read.
  19. Chopping wood; Carrying water.
  20. Writing
  21. Great cafe's
  22. Humor
  23. Hot Cars
  24. Young Women
  25. Travel
  26. Intelligent conversation
  27. Slumming and pushing the buttons of his inferiors
  28. Freedom
  29. Outing liars and nut-jobs
  30. Teasing nut-jobs
  31. Cleaning DVD's
  32. Pointing out the obvious about MMY and the deadenders.
  33. Getting real.
  34. Film and television reviews
  35. Tom
  36. Fine beer
  37. Writing fiction
  38. Women of child bearing ages.
  39. China
  40. Japan
  41. Europe
  42. North America
  43. South America
  44. Australia
  45. Good company
  46. FFL
  47. Rick Archer
  48. Homes on the Pacific
  49. Code that easy to explain.
  50. European trains with WIFI
  51. Dogs
  From: whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 2:55:47 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
  I knew I forgot a couple of obvious ones. Also #30, David Lynch, #31, John 
  Hagelin, #32, The Rajas, #33, Bevan Morris, and #34, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 
  I was thinking also of those who Barry likes and all I could come up with 
  was a list of ten:
  1. Curtis.
  2. Curtis.
  3. Curtis.
  4. Curtis.
  5. Curtis.
  6. Curtis.
  7. Curtis.
  8. Curtis.
  9. Bruce Cockburn.
  10. Vaj.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   LOL..thanks Jim, this was really funny, a whole phone book huh?
   My favorites - #2, #16, #20 and #25.
   Here's more
   27. Robin28. Dan
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
I think there are too many people he doesn't like, here and elsewhere,
   to be covered in a simple autobiography - perhaps add 
   a  phonebook-like
   appendix? From what I have observed, Barry dislikes:
1. Older women.
2. people who wait for walk signs (vs. jaywalking).
3. People in Amsterdam cafes.
4. Americans.
5. People who discuss personal spiritual experiences.
6. Followers of Maharishi.
7. People he deems dumber than him (everyone is, of course).
8. Judy.
9. Me.
10. Nabby.
11. Ravi.
12. Buck.
13. Shukra69.
14. Raunchydog.
15. Rory.
16. Newcomers to FFL.
17. Those who are politically conservative.
18. Practitioners of TM.
19. Emptybill

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread whynotnow7
Selective recap of Barry's Dislike List: 

One Billion Indians, Three Hundred Million Americans and now #40, Over a 
Billion Chinese. Thank God you are way over there, and I am way over 
here. Is it because you think we all *smell* different from you? ...if you can 
tell us apart, that is...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  11. Bob Price
  12. Women who are still moist
  13. Johannes Vermeer
  14. Architecture
  15. Literature
  16. Tao Te Ching
  17. Well written drama
  18. Pushing buttons of the poorly read.
  19. Chopping wood; Carrying water.
  20. Writing
  21. Great cafe's
  22. Humor
  23. Hot Cars
  24. Young Women
  25. Travel
  26. Intelligent conversation
  27. Slumming and pushing the buttons of his inferiors
  28. Freedom
  29. Outing liars and nut-jobs
  30. Teasing nut-jobs
  31. Cleaning DVD's
  32. Pointing out the obvious about MMY and the deadenders.
  33. Getting real.
  34. Film and television reviews
  35. Tom
  36. Fine beer
  37. Writing fiction
  38. Women of child bearing ages.
  39. China
  40. Japan
  41. Europe
  42. North America
  43. South America
  44. Australia
  45. Good company
  46. FFL
  47. Rick Archer
  48. Homes on the Pacific
  49. Code that easy to explain.
  50. European trains with WIFI
  51. Dogs
 Good list. About the only one you missed as one
 of the things I like is China. SO not a fan. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread Bob Price

yeah, right:-)

From: whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 10:23:52 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

Yeah, I haven't listened to my BatGap interview myself, so you got farther with 
it than I did. If only I were here to make my mark as a spiritual teacher, I 
would have put a premium on entertaining you Bob during my airtime, for future 
fleecing opportunities.:-)

Anyway, I am currently busy writing a certification for an industrial laser, so 
I'll give the fiction a pass, k? Keep up with it though - you may get published 

And enjoy all of your Moist Women too, whilst rooting for truffles, Bob. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Yo Whynow,
 You specials, are so, well, you know---special. Its always such a chuckle 
 hearing someone so below par at creating fiction bragging about giving up 
 fiction---wonder if there is a correlation? 
 I attempted to get through your BatGap interview, but unlike Ravi's 
 interview---which is riveting---yours is pretty tough sledding---regret I 
 couldn't finish it; started cleaning DVD's after a minute or two. I'd think 
 with the talent we have around here---Ravi, Rory and Robin---you'd be a bit 
 intimated coming out of the closet on this forum. Oh well, we'll give you a 
 star for effort---if not effortlessness. Have you been checked lately---I'm 
 surprised the Nabster hasn't asked? I know how much you enjoy being Wally 
 ---so I thought we'd put Rowing... into syndication. I thought this episode 
 would be the ticket.
 The Spacecraft Sharma-dum (de Dum Dum) hovers in the night sky over
 the Arabian Gulf. The humidity sweating off the surface of the Gulf covers the
 windows of the Sharma in perspiration. In the distance, gas flares
 fracture the blackness of the desert night. Below the Sharma, American
 destroyers track supertankers; like jaguars eying a bloat of hippos---looking
 for the weak and infirm. In the middle of the blackness of the desert, the 
 lights of the city of Doha illuminate
 the night sky, dispersing light like the finest jeweled carvings---from the 
 lapidaries of Idar-Oberstein.
 We hear the unmistakable sound of Wally snoring. The spacecraft is
 dark except for the light shining on the large meeting table. At one end of 
 table the Zebra is reading a large bible. He is wearing glasses and his 
 horn is gone. 
 And whenever you stand praying,...
 We hear a familiar giggle. The Zebra looks up and sees Maharishi strangely 
 Maharishi (giggling) 
 I thought 'condemned' was a bit strong.
 ...forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also 
 who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses-Mark 11:25
 The Zebra looks up and Maharishi has disappeared. We still hear 
 his giggling. 
 Wally's snoring continues, we hear him groan.
 Wally walks in into The Champagne Bar of the Plaza Hotel on Central
 Park South. The other customers sit at tables with their backs to him. The bar
 is empty as Wally takes a stool. A bartender stands behind the bar reading a 
 A glass of your finest---my man.
 The bartender pulls a stopper out of an opened bottle of Dom Perignon and 
 starts to fill a flute glass for Wally.
 This is the Plaza, isn't it?
 Yes sir, it certainly is.
 Well then, gets us a new bottle, it must be sundown somewhere!
 Wally chuckles at his own joke, as the bartender pops the cork of a fresh
 bottle. He looks over to the other customers’, but they keep speaking in 
 tones and do not turn around. The bartender fills Wally's glass. Wally looks
 over at a reproduction of a renaissance painting of an effeminate looking boy
 picking up a piece of fruit near a crystal flower vase. Wally looks back at 
 glass of champagne and puts his finger in the glass and then puts it in his
 mouth and licks it.
 What are you reading?  
 It a novel about the about the painter Caravaggio.
 Really, I don't read novels anymore. They're pretty much all the same.
 Its an excellent story. 
 The bartender points at the reproduction. 
 Bartender (con't)
 That poster is one of his paintings. Its called 'Boy Bitten by a Lizard'.
 As Wally stares at the poster it begins to change and the finger of
 the boys’ innocent hand is bitten by a lizard. The boy recoils but the 
 lizard bites more deeply.
 Pull back we see Wally jump as he pulls his finger out of the
 champagne flute with a lizard biting the end of his finger. As he recoils 
 looks down and sees lizards cawing up his pant leg. He

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread Bob Price

that was easy...

From: whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 10:28:30 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

Selective recap of Barry's Dislike List: 

One Billion Indians, Three Hundred Million Americans and now #40, Over a 
Billion Chinese. Thank God you are way over there, and I am way over 
here. Is it because you think we all *smell* different from you? ...if you can 
tell us apart, that is...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  11. Bob Price
  12. Women who are still moist
  13. Johannes Vermeer
  14. Architecture
  15. Literature
  16. Tao Te Ching
  17. Well written drama
  18. Pushing buttons of the poorly read.
  19. Chopping wood; Carrying water.
  20. Writing
  21. Great cafe's
  22. Humor
  23. Hot Cars
  24. Young Women
  25. Travel
  26. Intelligent conversation
  27. Slumming and pushing the buttons of his inferiors
  28. Freedom
  29. Outing liars and nut-jobs
  30. Teasing nut-jobs
  31. Cleaning DVD's
  32. Pointing out the obvious about MMY and the deadenders.
  33. Getting real.
  34. Film and television reviews
  35. Tom
  36. Fine beer
  37. Writing fiction
  38. Women of child bearing ages.
  39. China
  40. Japan
  41. Europe
  42. North America
  43. South America
  44. Australia
  45. Good company
  46. FFL
  47. Rick Archer
  48. Homes on the Pacific
  49. Code that easy to explain.
  50. European trains with WIFI
  51. Dogs
 Good list. About the only one you missed as one
 of the things I like is China. SO not a fan. :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread whynotnow7
Oh, the laser thing? Sorry about that. I really wanted you to be able to hold 
onto your prejudices about me being dumb and poorly read, but dammit, reality 
intrudes... Better luck next time, suckah - 

Anyway, look it up - The FOBA G10 DP-50 laser, running Fobagraf, Laser Type 3, 
EMC and IMP software. Please let me know if you would like further 
clarification, Bob.  Well, back at it. Thanks for the on-going entertainment!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 yeah, right:-)
 From: whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 10:23:52 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
 Yeah, I haven't listened to my BatGap interview myself, so you got farther 
 with it than I did. If only I were here to make my mark as a spiritual 
 teacher, I would have put a premium on entertaining you Bob during my 
 airtime, for future fleecing opportunities.:-)
 Anyway, I am currently busy writing a certification for an industrial laser, 
 so I'll give the fiction a pass, k? Keep up with it though - you may get 
 published someday.
 And enjoy all of your Moist Women too, whilst rooting for truffles, Bob. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  Yo Whynow,
  You specials, are so, well, you know---special. Its always such a chuckle 
  hearing someone so below par at creating fiction bragging about giving up 
  fiction---wonder if there is a correlation? 
  I attempted to get through your BatGap interview, but unlike Ravi's 
  interview---which is riveting---yours is pretty tough sledding---regret I 
  couldn't finish it; started cleaning DVD's after a minute or two. I'd think 
  with the talent we have around here---Ravi, Rory and Robin---you'd be a bit 
  intimated coming out of the closet on this forum. Oh well, we'll give you a 
  star for effort---if not effortlessness. Have you been checked lately---I'm 
  surprised the Nabster hasn't asked? I know how much you enjoy being Wally 
  ---so I thought we'd put Rowing... into syndication. I thought this 
  episode would be the ticket.
  The Spacecraft Sharma-dum (de Dum Dum) hovers in the night sky over
  the Arabian Gulf. The humidity sweating off the surface of the Gulf covers 
  windows of the Sharma in perspiration. In the distance, gas flares
  fracture the blackness of the desert night. Below the Sharma, American
  destroyers track supertankers; like jaguars eying a bloat of 
  for the weak and infirm. In the middle of the blackness of the desert, the 
  lights of the city of Doha illuminate
  the night sky, dispersing light like the finest jeweled carvings---from the 
  lapidaries of Idar-Oberstein.
  We hear the unmistakable sound of Wally snoring. The spacecraft is
  dark except for the light shining on the large meeting table. At one end of 
  table the Zebra is reading a large bible. He is wearing glasses and his 
  horn is gone. 
  And whenever you stand praying,...
  We hear a familiar giggle. The Zebra looks up and sees Maharishi strangely 
  Maharishi (giggling) 
  I thought 'condemned' was a bit strong.
  ...forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also 
  who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses-Mark 11:25
  The Zebra looks up and Maharishi has disappeared. We still hear 
  his giggling. 
  Wally's snoring continues, we hear him groan.
  Wally walks in into The Champagne Bar of the Plaza Hotel on Central
  Park South. The other customers sit at tables with their backs to him. The 
  is empty as Wally takes a stool. A bartender stands behind the bar reading 
  a book.
  A glass of your finest---my man.
  The bartender pulls a stopper out of an opened bottle of Dom Perignon and 
  starts to fill a flute glass for Wally.
  This is the Plaza, isn't it?
  Yes sir, it certainly is.
  Well then, gets us a new bottle, it must be sundown somewhere!
  Wally chuckles at his own joke, as the bartender pops the cork of a fresh
  bottle. He looks over to the other customers’, but they keep 
  speaking in hushed
  tones and do not turn around. The bartender fills Wally's glass. Wally looks
  over at a reproduction of a renaissance painting of an effeminate looking 
  picking up a piece of fruit near a crystal flower vase. Wally looks back at 
  glass of champagne and puts his finger in the glass and then puts it in his
  mouth and licks it.
  What are you reading?  
  It a novel about the about the painter Caravaggio.
  Really, I don't

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread Bob Price

From: whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 10:38:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

Oh, the laser thing? Sorry about that. I really wanted you to be able to hold 
onto your prejudices about me being dumb and poorly read, but dammit, reality 
intrudes... Better luck next time, suckah - 

Anyway, look it up - The FOBA G10 DP-50 laser, running Fobagraf, Laser Type 3, 
EMC and IMP software. Please let me know if you would like further 
clarification, Bob.  Well, back at it. Thanks for the on-going entertainment!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 yeah, right:-)
 From: whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 10:23:52 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
 Yeah, I haven't listened to my BatGap interview myself, so you got farther 
 with it than I did. If only I were here to make my mark as a spiritual 
 teacher, I would have put a premium on entertaining you Bob during my 
 airtime, for future fleecing opportunities.:-)
 Anyway, I am currently busy writing a certification for an industrial laser, 
 so I'll give the fiction a pass, k? Keep up with it though - you may get 
 published someday.
 And enjoy all of your Moist Women too, whilst rooting for truffles, Bob. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  Yo Whynow,
  You specials, are so, well, you know---special. Its always such a chuckle 
  hearing someone so below par at creating fiction bragging about giving up 
  fiction---wonder if there is a correlation? 
  I attempted to get through your BatGap interview, but unlike Ravi's 
  interview---which is riveting---yours is pretty tough sledding---regret I 
  couldn't finish it; started cleaning DVD's after a minute or two. I'd think 
  with the talent we have around here---Ravi, Rory and Robin---you'd be a bit 
  intimated coming out of the closet on this forum. Oh well, we'll give you a 
  star for effort---if not effortlessness. Have you been checked lately---I'm 
  surprised the Nabster hasn't asked? I know how much you enjoy being Wally 
  ---so I thought we'd put Rowing... into syndication. I thought this 
  episode would be the ticket.
  The Spacecraft Sharma-dum (de Dum Dum) hovers in the night sky over
  the Arabian Gulf. The humidity sweating off the surface of the Gulf covers 
  windows of the Sharma in perspiration. In the distance, gas flares
  fracture the blackness of the desert night. Below the Sharma, American
  destroyers track supertankers; like jaguars eying a bloat of 
  for the weak and infirm. In the middle of the blackness of the desert, the 
  lights of the city of Doha illuminate
  the night sky, dispersing light like the finest jeweled carvings---from the 
  lapidaries of Idar-Oberstein.
  We hear the unmistakable sound of Wally snoring. The spacecraft is
  dark except for the light shining on the large meeting table. At one end of 
  table the Zebra is reading a large bible. He is wearing glasses and his 
  horn is gone. 
  And whenever you stand praying,...
  We hear a familiar giggle. The Zebra looks up and sees Maharishi strangely 
  Maharishi (giggling) 
  I thought 'condemned' was a bit strong.
  ...forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also 
  who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses-Mark 11:25
  The Zebra looks up and Maharishi has disappeared. We still hear 
  his giggling. 
  Wally's snoring continues, we hear him groan.
  Wally walks in into The Champagne Bar of the Plaza Hotel on Central
  Park South. The other customers sit at tables with their backs to him. The 
  is empty as Wally takes a stool. A bartender stands behind the bar reading 
  a book.
  A glass of your finest---my man.
  The bartender pulls a stopper out of an opened bottle of Dom Perignon and 
  starts to fill a flute glass for Wally.
  This is the Plaza, isn't it?
  Yes sir, it certainly is.
  Well then, gets us a new bottle, it must be sundown somewhere!
  Wally chuckles at his own joke, as the bartender pops the cork of a fresh
  bottle. He looks over to the other customers’, but they keep 
  speaking in hushed
  tones and do not turn around. The bartender fills Wally's glass. Wally looks
  over at a reproduction of a renaissance painting of an effeminate looking 
  picking up a piece of fruit near a crystal flower vase. Wally looks back at 
  glass of champagne and puts

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 that was easy...

Easy prey don't realize they're easy prey. :-)

 From: whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 10:28:30 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
 Selective recap of Barry's Dislike List: 
 One Billion Indians, Three Hundred Million Americans and now #40, Over a 
 Billion Chinese. Thank God you are way over there, and I am way over 
 here. Is it because you think we all *smell* different from you? ...if you 
 can tell us apart, that is...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
   11. Bob Price
   12. Women who are still moist
   13. Johannes Vermeer
   14. Architecture
   15. Literature
   16. Tao Te Ching
   17. Well written drama
   18. Pushing buttons of the poorly read.
   19. Chopping wood; Carrying water.
   20. Writing
   21. Great cafe's
   22. Humor
   23. Hot Cars
   24. Young Women
   25. Travel
   26. Intelligent conversation
   27. Slumming and pushing the buttons of his inferiors
   28. Freedom
   29. Outing liars and nut-jobs
   30. Teasing nut-jobs
   31. Cleaning DVD's
   32. Pointing out the obvious about MMY and the deadenders.
   33. Getting real.
   34. Film and television reviews
   35. Tom
   36. Fine beer
   37. Writing fiction
   38. Women of child bearing ages.
   39. China
   40. Japan
   41. Europe
   42. North America
   43. South America
   44. Australia
   45. Good company
   46. FFL
   47. Rick Archer
   48. Homes on the Pacific
   49. Code that easy to explain.
   50. European trains with WIFI
   51. Dogs
  Good list. About the only one you missed as one
  of the things I like is China. SO not a fan. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread maskedzebra
Maybe the most ironic utterance I have ever come across (seen in context). 
Whew. I thought Letterman had a hold of something, You, Barry: you make 
Letterman seem like Oral Roberts. I think we should take up a fund in gratitude 
for the wisdom you condescend to provide us with little aphorisms like this 
one. It has certainly changed me, Barry. I kiss your hand amongst the lovely 
stars asunder.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  that was easy...
 Easy prey don't realize they're easy prey. :-)
  From: whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 10:28:30 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
  Selective recap of Barry's Dislike List: 
  One Billion Indians, Three Hundred Million Americans and now #40, Over a 
  Billion Chinese. Thank God you are way over there, and I am way 
  over here. Is it because you think we all *smell* different from you? ...if 
  you can tell us apart, that is...
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
11. Bob Price
12. Women who are still moist
13. Johannes Vermeer
14. Architecture
15. Literature
16. Tao Te Ching
17. Well written drama
18. Pushing buttons of the poorly read.
19. Chopping wood; Carrying water.
20. Writing
21. Great cafe's
22. Humor
23. Hot Cars
24. Young Women
25. Travel
26. Intelligent conversation
27. Slumming and pushing the buttons of his inferiors
28. Freedom
29. Outing liars and nut-jobs
30. Teasing nut-jobs
31. Cleaning DVD's
32. Pointing out the obvious about MMY and the deadenders.
33. Getting real.
34. Film and television reviews
35. Tom
36. Fine beer
37. Writing fiction
38. Women of child bearing ages.
39. China
40. Japan
41. Europe
42. North America
43. South America
44. Australia
45. Good company
46. FFL
47. Rick Archer
48. Homes on the Pacific
49. Code that easy to explain.
50. European trains with WIFI
51. Dogs
   Good list. About the only one you missed as one
   of the things I like is China. SO not a fan. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread whynotnow7
Oh please, don't flatter yourself Barry.:-) Is being a racist part of your free 
and easy lifestyle, or do you just play one on TV? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  that was easy...
 Easy prey don't realize they're easy prey. :-)
  From: whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 10:28:30 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People
  Selective recap of Barry's Dislike List: 
  One Billion Indians, Three Hundred Million Americans and now #40, Over a 
  Billion Chinese. Thank God you are way over there, and I am way 
  over here. Is it because you think we all *smell* different from you? ...if 
  you can tell us apart, that is...
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
11. Bob Price
12. Women who are still moist
13. Johannes Vermeer
14. Architecture
15. Literature
16. Tao Te Ching
17. Well written drama
18. Pushing buttons of the poorly read.
19. Chopping wood; Carrying water.
20. Writing
21. Great cafe's
22. Humor
23. Hot Cars
24. Young Women
25. Travel
26. Intelligent conversation
27. Slumming and pushing the buttons of his inferiors
28. Freedom
29. Outing liars and nut-jobs
30. Teasing nut-jobs
31. Cleaning DVD's
32. Pointing out the obvious about MMY and the deadenders.
33. Getting real.
34. Film and television reviews
35. Tom
36. Fine beer
37. Writing fiction
38. Women of child bearing ages.
39. China
40. Japan
41. Europe
42. North America
43. South America
44. Australia
45. Good company
46. FFL
47. Rick Archer
48. Homes on the Pacific
49. Code that easy to explain.
50. European trains with WIFI
51. Dogs
   Good list. About the only one you missed as one
   of the things I like is China. SO not a fan. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread Bhairitu
Movies about trolls.
Documentaries (would rather watch paint dry). ;-)

On 10/12/2011 11:44 PM, Ravi Yogi wrote:
 LOL..thanks Jim, this was really funny, a whole phone book huh?
 My favorites - #2, #16, #20 and #25.
 Here's more
 27. Robin28. Dan

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7whynotnow7@...
 I think there are too many people he doesn't like, here and elsewhere,
 to be covered in a simple autobiography - perhaps add a  phonebook-like
 appendix? From what I have observed, Barry dislikes:
 1. Older women.
 2. people who wait for walk signs (vs. jaywalking).
 3. People in Amsterdam cafes.
 4. Americans.
 5. People who discuss personal spiritual experiences.
 6. Followers of Maharishi.
 7. People he deems dumber than him (everyone is, of course).
 8. Judy.
 9. Me.
 10. Nabby.
 11. Ravi.
 12. Buck.
 13. Shukra69.
 14. Raunchydog.
 15. Rory.
 16. Newcomers to FFL.
 17. Those who are politically conservative.
 18. Practitioners of TM.
 19. Emptybill.
 20. Current followers of Freddy Lenz.
 21. Women in Spain (now that he has left).
 22. Women in France (now that he has left).
 23. People who can't laugh at themselves (LOL).
 24. Those who disagree with his movie reviews.
 25. Women who try to talk to him while he is driving.
 26. People who express spiritual liberation.

 That's all I can come up with at the moment for Mr. Wonderful. I'd
 enjoy it if someone would extend this list, starting with the number 27.
 Let's see how long this list can grow!
 I'm sure Barry could double or even triple its length without breaking
 a sweat. Help us out Barry, eh?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybillemptybill@
 Heh, ease off of the old man. His writing is just soliloquy.
 He doesn't actually discern that other people are really
 there. He thinks we are all characters in some novel he is
 writing and that Judy is his eyes-open nightmare.
 I told him once he should forget the novel about the
 Cathars he supposedly moved to Yurrup to write and
 start writing his autobiography instead. He could use
 all the criticisms of me and the other folks he doesn't
 like that he's posted here and just change the pronouns
 so they refer to himself. Then everyone would
 congratulate him on his honesty and deep self-knowledge.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-13 Thread P Duff
Tom Pall wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 5:12 PM, richardwillytexwilliams willy...@yahoo.com

 The poor fellow MUST be frustrated and angry...

 Tom Pall:
 Where do I find these easy rules?  I'm too busy trying
 figure out which direction to face when I take crap in
 the morning...

 Have you figured out which corn cob to use - brown or
 white, wet or dry?

 Corn cob?   Might be worth a try.   Someone gave me a toilet brush for
 Christmas.   After a few weeks I switched back to using paper.

Corn cob???  For all the good it'll do you, you might as well stuff it 
up your ass.  But I know what you mean about the toilet brush.  Somebody 
once gave me some eau de toilette, but the taste was so perfume-like 
that I also had to go back.

P Duff

Dirt kicked to the curb goes into the gutter.
Professionals kicked to the curb go into retail.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread authfriend
This post is even scarier than his previous one in the
extent of its fantasizing.

But the motivation for it is clear. We all know that
the only reason Barry is so fascinated by this series
is that it gives him the opportunity to put down the
people he doesn't like on FFL, especially those who
have dared to talk about what they consider their

He didn't get the reaction he wanted to his first
posts, so now he's doubling down on the putdowns. But
those putdowns have become so extreme, so off the wall,
his descriptions of behavior so completely unlike
anybody's actual behavior here, the histories he
relates such gross misrepresentations of what actually
happened, that he's clearly deep into deluded territory.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 Seriously, is there anyone on this forum willing to step up
 to the plate and say that they actually *believe* that Robin,
 Jim and Ravi are actually enlightened? If so, are you
 comfortable with the day-to-day way that they conduct
 themselves, as a kind of demo or role model of what
 enlightenment should be or will be for you when you achieve
 it? Does their example make you want to become all enlightened
 yourself? Honestly curious.

Well, he's not honestly curious, of course. He's hoping
to inspire responses he can use as more fodder for his

But I'll answer his questions straightforwardly. (After
all, curious as he pretends to be, he won't read my
responses, so I'm safe.)

I have *no idea* whether the three of them are (or were,
in Robin's case) actually enlightened. I wouldn't be
shocked if they were, I wouldn't be shocked if they
weren't. It isn't of concern to me either way.

I'm completely comfortable with the day-to-day way they
conduct themselves. They're all very smart and thoughtful,
they all have a good sense of humor; I find most of their
posts pretty interesting.

But I don't see them as demos or role models of
enlightenment because I don't think any such thing exists.
I think the notion that it does generates serious 
confusion about the nature of enlightenment.

(It also, of course, generates opportunities for those 
who are troubled by their own failure to achieve
enlightenment to attack those who consider themselves
to have achieved it.)

The example of these three has ZERO influence on my
motivation to continue to meditate and see where it
takes me. I've very much enjoyed the journey so far.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread whynotnow7
Exactly. What you recount of my first few years after liberation is a great 
example of what I just posted about growing silence. When I first experienced 
my enlightenment, I was both insecure about it, and defiant too. The experience 
of silence along with activity and the dissolution of my cocooned ego became 
permanent one day, and I thought, wow, it actually happened!. 

However, when I spoke about that experience on here, it was strongly 
challenged, and I fought fire with fire for awhile, seeing those who challenged 
me as foes, not recognizing at the time, that the silence and calm would 
continue to permeate everything. Some of what I said was appropriate, for 
example, my insistence which I carry to this day that *anyone* can achieve 
surrender and liberation.

Anyway, what has happened since that day in the Spring of 2005 when I dissolved 
into freedom, more or less, is that my silence and peace of mind has deepened 
to the point where everything that was a challenge, and unraveling, when I 
first began living my liberation is no longer seen  or experienced in the same 
way. There is a confidence in this growing silence and peacefulness that makes 
someone saying something about me or my experience inconsequential. 

Thanks for bringing all of that up. Seriously, it is enjoyable to see how far 
the journey has taken me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 The example of a possibly enlightened person being featured in a weekly
 TV series on national television in the US presents us with a remarkable
 opportunity. In Enlightened, the character of Amy shows us a person
 who was obviously, certifiably crazy (she was, in fact, certified --
 legally forced to seek therapy) having a subjective experience that she
 associates with enlightenment, and then afterwards expects people
 around her to react to how she feels inside rather than how she acts
 on the outside, in real life. She considers herself an agent of
 change, and expects everyone around her TO change, just as a result of
 coming into contact with her.
 I think this fictional situation really begs to be compared TO real
 life, and how three other people have acted on the outside in real
 life, both in Fairfield and here on FFL. Let's compare Amy to Robin,
 Jim, and Ravi.
 Robin is pretty much yer classic spiritual crazy. Back in the day, he
 had some subjective experiences that he interpreted as enlightenment,
 and felt (and acted) as if everyone around him should react to his
 pronouncement of his own enlightenment not only as if him saying it was
 true made it true, but as if now he was some kind of special person,
 one whose words had weight, and should be listened to and paid
 attention to as if he were really, really, REALLY special -- one of the
 enlightened whose wordiness is next to Godliness.
 We all know how that worked out. Most people laughed at him. Heck, even
 Maharishi -- who he was expecting to climb onto the Robin is
 enlightened bus and support him -- regarded him as a crazy person. So
 how did he react to that? He acted even crazier. We are talking, after
 all, about someone so crazy and so convinced that everyone should regard
 what he said as Truth that he rented a plane and dropped leaflets of his
 own tracts on MIU. Crazy. Bedbug crazy. And now, years later, having
 disavowed the enlightened thang but still as narcissistic as it gets
 and still as convinced of his own specialnessitude, he writes long,
 long, long solipcistic tracts here and *still* expects everyone to not
 only read them, but treat them as the Truth he is convinced they are. If
 anyone (such as myself, or Tom, or others) suggests that he's still more
 than a little bedbug crazy, he lashes out at them and tries to portray
 them negatively and demonize them. THIS is the model of enlightened
 behavior that Robin presents to the world, and to us.
 Now think Jim Flanegin. When he first appeared on FFL, pronouncing *his*
 enlightenment, he was laughed at, too. Suffice it to say he
 reacted...uh...badly. He launched into long, abusive tirades against
 anyone who failed to believe in his enlightenmentnessitude, so much so
 that he embarrassed himself thoroughly and finally skulked off of the
 forum in disgrace. Then, not content with that, he came back two more
 times, anonymously. He made up new screen names and pretended that
 they weren't really him, and started the same abusive routine again,
 consistently lashing out at those who failed to treat him the way
 someone enlightened should be treated. Busted on both of those
 attempts to conceal his identity, now he's back in a fourth incarnation
 on FFL, *still* being easily the person on this forum whose buttons are
 most easily pushed, still lashing out at anyone who challenges either
 his own supposed enlightened status or challenges the things he
 believes to be true. THIS is the model of enlightened behavior that
 Jim believes in, and presents to us.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread Tom Pall
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 10:22 AM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:

 This post is even scarier than his previous one in the
 extent of its fantasizing.

 But the motivation for it is clear. We all know that
 the only reason Barry is so fascinated by this series
 is that it gives him the opportunity to put down the
 people he doesn't like on FFL, especially those who
 have dared to talk about what they consider their

Could someone give me the name, time and cable station offering this series
so I can join Barry in spewing hate on those self-proclaimed enlightened,
uh, well-I-thought-I-was-enlightened people? It's interesting to me that
even when I never address these people, I see they are inflamed and lash out
at me spewing hate when it's not even in their direction, they matter so
little in my scheme of things.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread whynotnow7
What else can he do? He is unaware that he creates the Jim who is always losing 
his temper, or the crazy Ravi, or the egomaniacal Robin. Those stories about us 
are his creation, and really have very little to do with us or our 

For some reason he exaggerates these aspects of us so he can get angry at those 
projected images. I honestly don't think he can help himself. 

He just sounds kind of pissed off and confused like a lot of people, insisting 
on the reality of his stories. That is all they are though, is stories, and 
Ravi, I, and Robin have figured this out.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 This post is even scarier than his previous one in the
 extent of its fantasizing.
 But the motivation for it is clear. We all know that
 the only reason Barry is so fascinated by this series
 is that it gives him the opportunity to put down the
 people he doesn't like on FFL, especially those who
 have dared to talk about what they consider their
 He didn't get the reaction he wanted to his first
 posts, so now he's doubling down on the putdowns. But
 those putdowns have become so extreme, so off the wall,
 his descriptions of behavior so completely unlike
 anybody's actual behavior here, the histories he
 relates such gross misrepresentations of what actually
 happened, that he's clearly deep into deluded territory.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Seriously, is there anyone on this forum willing to step up
  to the plate and say that they actually *believe* that Robin,
  Jim and Ravi are actually enlightened? If so, are you
  comfortable with the day-to-day way that they conduct
  themselves, as a kind of demo or role model of what
  enlightenment should be or will be for you when you achieve
  it? Does their example make you want to become all enlightened
  yourself? Honestly curious.
 Well, he's not honestly curious, of course. He's hoping
 to inspire responses he can use as more fodder for his
 But I'll answer his questions straightforwardly. (After
 all, curious as he pretends to be, he won't read my
 responses, so I'm safe.)
 I have *no idea* whether the three of them are (or were,
 in Robin's case) actually enlightened. I wouldn't be
 shocked if they were, I wouldn't be shocked if they
 weren't. It isn't of concern to me either way.
 I'm completely comfortable with the day-to-day way they
 conduct themselves. They're all very smart and thoughtful,
 they all have a good sense of humor; I find most of their
 posts pretty interesting.
 But I don't see them as demos or role models of
 enlightenment because I don't think any such thing exists.
 I think the notion that it does generates serious 
 confusion about the nature of enlightenment.
 (It also, of course, generates opportunities for those 
 who are troubled by their own failure to achieve
 enlightenment to attack those who consider themselves
 to have achieved it.)
 The example of these three has ZERO influence on my
 motivation to continue to meditate and see where it
 takes me. I've very much enjoyed the journey so far.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread whynotnow7
LOL- yeah, that's me Tom, ol' hate spewer himself.:-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@... wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 10:22 AM, authfriend jstein@... wrote:
  This post is even scarier than his previous one in the
  extent of its fantasizing.
  But the motivation for it is clear. We all know that
  the only reason Barry is so fascinated by this series
  is that it gives him the opportunity to put down the
  people he doesn't like on FFL, especially those who
  have dared to talk about what they consider their
 Could someone give me the name, time and cable station offering this series
 so I can join Barry in spewing hate on those self-proclaimed enlightened,
 uh, well-I-thought-I-was-enlightened people? It's interesting to me that
 even when I never address these people, I see they are inflamed and lash out
 at me spewing hate when it's not even in their direction, they matter so
 little in my scheme of things.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread Vaj

On Oct 12, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Tom Pall wrote:

Could someone give me the name, time and cable station offering  
this series so I can join Barry in spewing hate on those self- 
proclaimed enlightened, uh, well-I-thought-I-was-enlightened  
people? It's interesting to me that even when I never address  
these people, I see they are inflamed and lash out at me spewing  
hate when it's not even in their direction, they matter so little  
in my scheme of things.

Hate-darshan, gotta love it. Come and get your hate-darshan for free  
you f*cking assh*les!

Hey, at least they didn't make you sit on their lap and cop a feel  
for your penis - perhaps while showing you some sleight of hand  
tricks... ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread Tom Pall
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:43 PM, Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net wrote:

 On Oct 12, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Tom Pall wrote:

 Could someone give me the name, time and cable station offering this series
 so I can join Barry in spewing hate on those self-proclaimed enlightened,
 uh, well-I-thought-I-was-enlightened people? It's interesting to me that
 even when I never address these people, I see they are inflamed and lash out
 at me spewing hate when it's not even in their direction, they matter so
 little in my scheme of things.

 Hate-darshan, gotta love it. Come and get your hate-darshan for free you
 f*cking assh*les!

 Hey, at least they didn't make you sit on their lap and cop a feel for your
 penis - perhaps while showing you some sleight of hand tricks... ;-)

Better things can happen to me.  Like that time I got talked into wearing a
kilt to a costume party.   Got drunk as Hell at the party, staggered to my
car, fell asleep beside it.I'm told that two young ladies passed by,
wondered to each other whether or not it's true men don't wear anything
under their kilts.  Well, I was stone cold out when it appears they lifted
up my kilt.  They saw I was in the state God made me.   As they left, one
said to the other that perhaps they should leave a little momento of their
visit.  One happened to have some blue ribbon in her purse.  Every so
quietly they tied it around my pride and joy then left.   Nature called, I
went over to the bushes and felt the ribbon.   I looked down and said well,
I don't know where you've been, Lad, but at least you won first prize.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread Tom Pall
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:43 PM, Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net wrote:

 On Oct 12, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Tom Pall wrote:

 Could someone give me the name, time and cable station offering this series
 so I can join Barry in spewing hate on those self-proclaimed enlightened,
 uh, well-I-thought-I-was-enlightened people? It's interesting to me that
 even when I never address these people, I see they are inflamed and lash out
 at me spewing hate when it's not even in their direction, they matter so
 little in my scheme of things.

 Hate-darshan, gotta love it. Come and get your hate-darshan for free you
 f*cking assh*les!

 Hey, at least they didn't make you sit on their lap and cop a feel for your
 penis - perhaps while showing you some sleight of hand tricks... ;-)

Hold on there, Vaj.   Is the RC posting here the same guy who gave the
you're enlightened already seminars at the Best Western and played hide
the salami with underage boys in his mobile home on the BW parking lot?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread Bhairitu
On 10/12/2011 09:33 AM, Tom Pall wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 10:22 AM, authfriendjst...@panix.com  wrote:

 This post is even scarier than his previous one in the
 extent of its fantasizing.

 But the motivation for it is clear. We all know that
 the only reason Barry is so fascinated by this series
 is that it gives him the opportunity to put down the
 people he doesn't like on FFL, especially those who
 have dared to talk about what they consider their

 Could someone give me the name, time and cable station offering this series
 so I can join Barry in spewing hate on those self-proclaimed enlightened,
 uh, well-I-thought-I-was-enlightened people? It's interesting to me that
 even when I never address these people, I see they are inflamed and lash out
 at me spewing hate when it's not even in their direction, they matter so
 little in my scheme of things.

It's HBO.  Do you have a subscription to it?  It should be repeating 
throughout the week and available OnDemand.  If you are still traveling 
and in a hotel check to see if they have HBO on the TV as some do.   
Otherwise there is always the eyepatch solution.  New episodes air at 
9:30 PM Mondays.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread Tom Pall
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

 It's HBO.  Do you have a subscription to it?  It should be repeating
 throughout the week and available OnDemand.  If you are still traveling
 and in a hotel check to see if they have HBO on the TV as some do.
 Otherwise there is always the eyepatch solution.  New episodes air at
 9:30 PM Mondays.

Thanks, but I'm in a hotel that appeals more to dudes.   Lots of ESPN,
Showtime, PPV and FOX.   Within stumbling distance from South Carolina,
which pretty much serves as the Barbary Coast to North Carolina.   There's
even a big flea market right across the border that appeals to the Hispanic
population, plus the sports bars, liquor stores and mega gas stations which
sell gas $0.20-0.80 less per gallon than available anywhere in N.C.  Also
raw milk, free range chickens and eggs.  I'd imagine meth is available so
one doesn't have to drive all the way to Heavenly Mountain to get some.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 What else can he do? He is unaware that he creates the Jim who is always 
 losing his temper, or the crazy Ravi, or the egomaniacal Robin. Those stories 
 about us are his creation, and really have very little to do with us or our 
 For some reason he exaggerates these aspects of us so he can get angry at 
 those projected images. I honestly don't think he can help himself. 
 He just sounds kind of pissed off and confused like a lot of people, 
 insisting on the reality of his stories. That is all they are though, is 
 stories, and Ravi, I, and Robin have figured this out.

I sympatize with the Turqo; I mean, what else can he do other than what is 
described above ? 

The poor fellow MUST be frustrated and angry, it's the most natural state for 
such a human being. 
First he joined the movement of a real Yogi, then unable to follow his easy 
rules he got bored and left, (well, that's his own story anyway). Restlessness 
carried him to yet another teacher who eventually killed himself.
Somewhere inside his subconsciousness the Turqo is well aware that he missed 
the only chance he had to gain enlightenment by dropping TM, then spent the 
rest of his life in a meaningless limbo. 
I've seen that happen to a few others I know who are also approaching old age 
with little or nothing in their hands, who share his deep frustrations of a 
life which missed the target so miserably.

He certainly has my deepest sympathy, but he should have seen it coming.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread Tom Pall
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 4:28 PM, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:
  What else can he do? He is unaware that he creates the Jim who is always
 losing his temper, or the crazy Ravi, or the egomaniacal Robin. Those
 stories about us are his creation, and really have very little to do with us
 or our personalities.
  For some reason he exaggerates these aspects of us so he can get angry at
 those projected images. I honestly don't think he can help himself.
  He just sounds kind of pissed off and confused like a lot of people,
 insisting on the reality of his stories. That is all they are though, is
 stories, and Ravi, I, and Robin have figured this out.

 I sympatize with the Turqo; I mean, what else can he do other than what is
 described above ?

 The poor fellow MUST be frustrated and angry, it's the most natural state
 for such a human being.
 First he joined the movement of a real Yogi, then unable to follow his easy
 rules he got bored and left, (well, that's his own story anyway).

Where do I find these easy rules?  I'm too busy trying figure out which
direction to face when I take crap in the morning, too busy greasing myself
up like I'm going to a star in a greased pig contest, too busy trying to
figure out what to eat for breakfast, be it what my mother cooked for me
(recycled concentration camp food), a boiled apple, something appropriate to
my dosha (kilbasa and eggs, an Irish Fry, the full monty) or nothing at all
and in which direction to face.   Heck, when I started TM I had time to do
TM.  Now I'm so confused about which rule, issued which day, month, year, in
which country, to follow that I don't have time to meditate.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread whynotnow7
Your assessment rings true to me also. Dude tries to be all free and easy, 
but that's just it, he tries, and the effort shows. Enough about him.

Anyway, I just bought a beautiful XK8 coupe over the weekend, so I think I will 
go drive around - I am using any excuse to do so, although the car always wants 
to exceed the speed limit - go figure.:-) 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  What else can he do? He is unaware that he creates the Jim who is always 
  losing his temper, or the crazy Ravi, or the egomaniacal Robin. Those 
  stories about us are his creation, and really have very little to do with 
  us or our personalities. 
  For some reason he exaggerates these aspects of us so he can get angry at 
  those projected images. I honestly don't think he can help himself. 
  He just sounds kind of pissed off and confused like a lot of people, 
  insisting on the reality of his stories. That is all they are though, is 
  stories, and Ravi, I, and Robin have figured this out.
 I sympatize with the Turqo; I mean, what else can he do other than what is 
 described above ? 
 The poor fellow MUST be frustrated and angry, it's the most natural state for 
 such a human being. 
 First he joined the movement of a real Yogi, then unable to follow his easy 
 rules he got bored and left, (well, that's his own story anyway). 
 Restlessness carried him to yet another teacher who eventually killed himself.
 Somewhere inside his subconsciousness the Turqo is well aware that he missed 
 the only chance he had to gain enlightenment by dropping TM, then spent the 
 rest of his life in a meaningless limbo. 
 I've seen that happen to a few others I know who are also approaching old age 
 with little or nothing in their hands, who share his deep frustrations of a 
 life which missed the target so miserably.
 He certainly has my deepest sympathy, but he should have seen it coming.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

  The poor fellow MUST be frustrated and angry...
Tom Pall:
 Where do I find these easy rules?  I'm too busy trying
 figure out which direction to face when I take crap in
 the morning...

Have you figured out which corn cob to use - brown or
white, wet or dry?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread Tom Pall
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 5:12 PM, richardwillytexwilliams willy...@yahoo.com

   The poor fellow MUST be frustrated and angry...
 Tom Pall:
  Where do I find these easy rules?  I'm too busy trying
  figure out which direction to face when I take crap in
  the morning...
 Have you figured out which corn cob to use - brown or
 white, wet or dry?

Corn cob?   Might be worth a try.   Someone gave me a toilet brush for
Christmas.   After a few weeks I switched back to using paper.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread obbajeeba
On topic and off topic of corn cobs, years ago, someone wrote a bunch of in TMO 
humor songs. I think one was entitled, My experience is better than yours. 
 It made me crack up when I heard this compilation of songs. 
I would love to hear them again. 
Does anyone have a link to them?  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@... wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 5:12 PM, richardwillytexwilliams willytex@...
The poor fellow MUST be frustrated and angry...
  Tom Pall:
   Where do I find these easy rules?  I'm too busy trying
   figure out which direction to face when I take crap in
   the morning...
  Have you figured out which corn cob to use - brown or
  white, wet or dry?
 Corn cob?   Might be worth a try.   Someone gave me a toilet brush for
 Christmas.   After a few weeks I switched back to using paper.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread emptybill

Heh, ease off of the old man. His writing is just soliloquy. He doesn't
actually discern that other people are really there. He thinks we are
all characters in some novel he is writing and that Judy is his
eyes-open nightmare.

His paradigm for reflexive awarenss is John Brunner's famous line:

Christ, what an imagination I've got!

(see below)

In Stand on Zanzabar -- John Brunner's great, sprawling,
sprinting, lunatic of a novel written in 1968 – the author foresees
the world of 2010 as a place where
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StandOnZanzibar :

…the population of Earth has reached 7 billion. The Soviet Union
is defunct as a superpower, but China is rapidly industrializing and
increasing in power. Giant corporations have large enough economies to
control entire countries.

In-vitro fertilization and genetic mapping are becoming a reality.

A computer the size of a large book is more powerful than the most
massive supercomputers of the Sixties.

Personalized digital avatars of yourself feature in everyday

Religious denominations are rapidly polarizing on moral issues like

And ordinary people suddenly snap and go on killing sprees in schools,
workplaces, and malls.
One of the famous through lines of the multi-viewpoint novel is provided
by a stoner named Bennie Noakes, who spends most of his time wasted on a
drug called Triptine, randomly flipping through the 1000 channels
available on the teevee and musing
Christ, what an imagination I've got!
because the sheer weirdness of what he is seeing is getting so dense
that it has become impossible for him to believe it.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...

 What else can he do? He is unaware that he creates the Jim who is
always losing his temper, or the crazy Ravi, or the egomaniacal Robin.
Those stories about us are his creation, and really have very little to
do with us or our personalities.

 For some reason he exaggerates these aspects of us so he can get angry
at those projected images. I honestly don't think he can help himself.

 He just sounds kind of pissed off and confused like a lot of people,
insisting on the reality of his stories. That is all they are though, is
stories, and Ravi, I, and Robin have figured this out.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread whynotnow7

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 Heh, ease off of the old man. His writing is just soliloquy. He doesn't
 actually discern that other people are really there. He thinks we are
 all characters in some novel he is writing and that Judy is his
 eyes-open nightmare.
 His paradigm for reflexive awarenss is John Brunner's famous line:
 Christ, what an imagination I've got!

Very funny and well said!

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:
 Heh, ease off of the old man. His writing is just soliloquy.
 He doesn't actually discern that other people are really
 there. He thinks we are all characters in some novel he is
 writing and that Judy is his eyes-open nightmare.

I told him once he should forget the novel about the
Cathars he supposedly moved to Yurrup to write and
start writing his autobiography instead. He could use
all the criticisms of me and the other folks he doesn't
like that he's posted here and just change the pronouns
so they refer to himself. Then everyone would
congratulate him on his honesty and deep self-knowledge.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread emptybill

Hum, not a bad idea but he has too much hubris to pull that one off.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Heh, ease off of the old man. His writing is just soliloquy.
  He doesn't actually discern that other people are really
  there. He thinks we are all characters in some novel he is
  writing and that Judy is his eyes-open nightmare.

 I told him once he should forget the novel about the
 Cathars he supposedly moved to Yurrup to write and
 start writing his autobiography instead. He could use
 all the criticisms of me and the other folks he doesn't
 like that he's posted here and just change the pronouns
 so they refer to himself. Then everyone would
 congratulate him on his honesty and deep self-knowledge.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread shukra69

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 This post is even scarier than his previous one in the
 extent of its fantasizing.
 But the motivation for it is clear. We all know that
 the only reason Barry is so fascinated by this series
 is that it gives him the opportunity to put down the
 people he doesn't like on FFL, especially those who
 have dared to talk about what they consider their
 He didn't get the reaction he wanted to his first
 posts, so now he's doubling down on the putdowns. But
 those putdowns have become so extreme, so off the wall,
 his descriptions of behavior so completely unlike
 anybody's actual behavior here, the histories he
 relates such gross misrepresentations of what actually
It is not though. It is honest and accurate.
 that he's clearly deep into deluded territory.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Seriously, is there anyone on this forum willing to step up
  to the plate and say that they actually *believe* that Robin,
  Jim and Ravi are actually enlightened? If so, are you
  comfortable with the day-to-day way that they conduct
  themselves, as a kind of demo or role model of what
  enlightenment should be or will be for you when you achieve
  it? Does their example make you want to become all enlightened
  yourself? Honestly curious.
 Well, he's not honestly curious, of course. He's hoping
 to inspire responses he can use as more fodder for his
 But I'll answer his questions straightforwardly. (After
 all, curious as he pretends to be, he won't read my
 responses, so I'm safe.)
 I have *no idea* whether the three of them are (or were,
 in Robin's case) actually enlightened. I wouldn't be
 shocked if they were, I wouldn't be shocked if they
 weren't. It isn't of concern to me either way.
 I'm completely comfortable with the day-to-day way they
 conduct themselves. They're all very smart and thoughtful,
 they all have a good sense of humor; I find most of their
 posts pretty interesting.
 But I don't see them as demos or role models of
 enlightenment because I don't think any such thing exists.
 I think the notion that it does generates serious 
 confusion about the nature of enlightenment.
 (It also, of course, generates opportunities for those 
 who are troubled by their own failure to achieve
 enlightenment to attack those who consider themselves
 to have achieved it.)
 The example of these three has ZERO influence on my
 motivation to continue to meditate and see where it
 takes me. I've very much enjoyed the journey so far.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread whynotnow7
I think there are too many people he doesn't like, here and elsewhere, to be 
covered in a simple autobiography - perhaps add a  phonebook-like appendix? 
From what I have observed, Barry dislikes:

1. Older women.
2. people who wait for walk signs (vs. jaywalking).
3. People in Amsterdam cafes.
4. Americans.
5. People who discuss personal spiritual experiences.
6. Followers of Maharishi.
7. People he deems dumber than him (everyone is, of course).
8. Judy.
9. Me. 
10. Nabby.
11. Ravi.
12. Buck.
13. Shukra69.
14. Raunchydog.
15. Rory.
16. Newcomers to FFL.
17. Those who are politically conservative.
18. Practitioners of TM.
19. Emptybill.
20. Current followers of Freddy Lenz.
21. Women in Spain (now that he has left).
22. Women in France (now that he has left).
23. People who can't laugh at themselves (LOL).
24. Those who disagree with his movie reviews.
25. Women who try to talk to him while he is driving.
26. People who express spiritual liberation.

That's all I can come up with at the moment for Mr. Wonderful. I'd enjoy it if 
someone would extend this list, starting with the number 27. Let's see how long 
this list can grow! 

I'm sure Barry could double or even triple its length without breaking a sweat. 
Help us out Barry, eh?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Heh, ease off of the old man. His writing is just soliloquy.
  He doesn't actually discern that other people are really
  there. He thinks we are all characters in some novel he is
  writing and that Judy is his eyes-open nightmare.
 I told him once he should forget the novel about the
 Cathars he supposedly moved to Yurrup to write and
 start writing his autobiography instead. He could use
 all the criticisms of me and the other folks he doesn't
 like that he's posted here and just change the pronouns
 so they refer to himself. Then everyone would
 congratulate him on his honesty and deep self-knowledge.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four Enlightened People

2011-10-12 Thread Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:


 Finally, think Ravi. His first appearance on FFL was actually more of
 meltdown than the fictional Amy's. When people here failed to treat
 as the enlightened being he presented himself as, he became so manic
 and so abusive that almost everyone on the forum was calling for some
 kind of intervention, to help him seek professional help and
 prevent him from doing harm to either himself or (more likely) to his
 wife. Now he's calmed down a bit, but is still in the same mould as
 every time someone pushes his buttons he seemingly *has* to react by
 insulting the person who isn't treating him the way he expects to be
 treated, and by trying to discredit them. THIS is the model of
 enlightened behavior that Ravi believes in, and presents to us as
 something we should both revere and hope to aspire to.


Yeah WTF indeed? Really hilarious the way you spin it Barry.
But what you say is right - enlightenment is nothing special and there
is no need to revere the enlightened and treat them as special,
conversely there is no need for the enlightened to act special, there's
no moral, legal ethical code binding the outer behavior.
To say that I demanded respect from anyone on this list when I came
aboard is ridiculous. It's all out there, I really gave it all back and
had so much fun. I have a rule - if someone lobs shit at me - I double
down and lob it back - I'm a yogi you see and don't like attachments :-)
Can't you see how you are contradicting yourself - you say enlightenment
is nothing special but then at the same time demand some kind of morally
appropriate behavior and that they need to be a role model -  WTF?
So I'm a low vibe slimeball narcissistic like you except enlightened, I
think that's what bothers you most. That there can be someone like me
who can be as rude as you but possibly enlightened. You feel ashamed of
your behavior but I don't. I'm proud to be an enlightened narcissistic
asshole - I have repeatedly said so. You are full of shame and guilt
whereas I''m untouched by it - I playfully indulge - I can love you
Your behavior comes from a sense of separateness, mine comes from a
sense of oneness, there's a playful detached way in how I behave that
you can't measure from my words.