[FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussi John Hagelin, Ph.D., Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer

2013-06-17 Thread Carol
Hey Ann,

I just now read your response here to my comment. Apologies I didn't see it 
before. (Sometimes I just plain old miss responses in discussion board formats. 
If I haven't read here in awhile I'll search my name to see if something has 
come up that I might want to address...thus, I just found the response.)

Very well stated - your response. Part of it brought to mind restorative 
justice which folks and/or I have probably mentioned here before. But, like 
you stated, some persons don't seem to have the ability to feel empathy/hurt 
when they have harmed another and thus will never be able to own up. That's 
been a hard lesson to learn and I don't know if I've fully learned it. I battle 
cynicism more than I prefer these days; but I figure it's part of my current 
personal life curriculum and at some point I'll have a more healthy (as opposed 
to unhealthy) cynicism. At least I hope so. It's a funky up and down at this 

Thanks again for the response and for the kind words. 
~Carol :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Carol jchwelch@ wrote:
  I partly agree Ann.
 Hi Carol, I partly agree with what I said also! Nothing is ever as cut and 
 dried as how I presented it. There will always be individual circumstances 
 that make situations very complex and very individual. But basically, I think 
 I believe what I wrote but know that there are exceptions to my points, there 
 would have to be - it is life.
  The point where I disagree is when power differentials are at play and if 
  the person holding the position of power ab-uses their position of trust to 
  their advantage. This of course happens in other areas besides sexual.
 I believe certain individuals in positions of power can abuse that privilege 
 of having power. But power is granted to people by others. There is no 
 inherent power that just emerges that automatically makes one revered as a 
 great financier, a world class artist, a wise sage or a sexy rock star. In 
 all cases, these individuals must first present as such and certain people 
 will gravitate to them and in so doing they often give away their own 
 authority or power to these perceived 'greater beings', usually to gain 
 something in return. 
 Sometimes it is in the form of allowing the powerful one to tell you how to 
 live your life. 
 Sometimes it is thinking by somehow adhering oneself to the perceived 
 'greater human' (either in the form of physical intimacy or simply the 
 intimacy of being as close to them as possible) that one will receive a gift, 
 a blessing, some transfer of that power or it could simply be that it feels 
 good. But I still assert that you have to be willing to give away a certain 
 degree of your autonomy as a human to do this. When you give something away 
 you can also open yourself up to something ultimately unwanted or not counted 
  What makes it worse is when any harms that are exacted because of that 
  abuse of trust are then denied or swept under the rug or minimized. 
 For sure, and it is extra hurtful and a sign of the cowardice of the one 
 attempting to hide what they have done. It is doubly despicable in my 
 opinion. My rule: if you're going to do something you know is wrong or you 
 think you may get caught out on then have the gumption to be ready to own up 
 to it. If you've got it in you to violate or trespass against someone then 
 you need to find it within yourself to own it.
  Yes, the adult-of-reasonable-sound-mind victim of such abuse of trust  has 
  to ultimately accept their responsibility for their choices, even those 
  made under undue influence or because of indoctrination. How much is the 
  victim responsible for and how much is the person in power responsible for? 
  Can it even be measured?
 Measuring may not be useful - bottom line: it happened. Now comes the moment 
 when both sides need to decide what to do with that. The violated needs to 
 think about themselves first, they can not be responsible for the other 
 person/the abuser. The violator needs to look at what would allow them to do 
 what they did and they DO have some responsibility to the violated, to at 
 least, in the most ideal scenario, admit, in some way, their sense of what 
 they did. I think it is a fundamental part of the healing process for the 
 transgressor - to feel vulnerable, wounded, appalled, horrified and to let 
 those feelings be known to the abused. How often this happens is not often 
 enough. But if the abuser is to ever be free from what they did they must 
 feel, somehow and in some way, cut to the core. But often what it is that is 
 within someone capable of great tyranny that is the very thing that disallows 
 this sort of feeling of vulnerability or hurt as a result of having 
 profoundly injured someone emotionally or otherwise. Sociopathy is one word 
 for it.
  I'm not condoning a victim mentality, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussi John Hagelin, Ph.D., Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer

2013-05-27 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Carol jchwelch@... wrote:

 I partly agree Ann.

Hi Carol, I partly agree with what I said also! Nothing is ever as cut and 
dried as how I presented it. There will always be individual circumstances that 
make situations very complex and very individual. But basically, I think I 
believe what I wrote but know that there are exceptions to my points, there 
would have to be - it is life.
 The point where I disagree is when power differentials are at play and if the 
 person holding the position of power ab-uses their position of trust to their 
 advantage. This of course happens in other areas besides sexual.

I believe certain individuals in positions of power can abuse that privilege of 
having power. But power is granted to people by others. There is no inherent 
power that just emerges that automatically makes one revered as a great 
financier, a world class artist, a wise sage or a sexy rock star. In all cases, 
these individuals must first present as such and certain people will gravitate 
to them and in so doing they often give away their own authority or power to 
these perceived 'greater beings', usually to gain something in return. 

Sometimes it is in the form of allowing the powerful one to tell you how to 
live your life. 
Sometimes it is thinking by somehow adhering oneself to the perceived 'greater 
human' (either in the form of physical intimacy or simply the intimacy of being 
as close to them as possible) that one will receive a gift, a blessing, some 
transfer of that power or it could simply be that it feels good. But I still 
assert that you have to be willing to give away a certain degree of your 
autonomy as a human to do this. When you give something away you can also open 
yourself up to something ultimately unwanted or not counted on.
 What makes it worse is when any harms that are exacted because of that abuse 
 of trust are then denied or swept under the rug or minimized. 

For sure, and it is extra hurtful and a sign of the cowardice of the one 
attempting to hide what they have done. It is doubly despicable in my opinion. 
My rule: if you're going to do something you know is wrong or you think you may 
get caught out on then have the gumption to be ready to own up to it. If you've 
got it in you to violate or trespass against someone then you need to find it 
within yourself to own it.
 Yes, the adult-of-reasonable-sound-mind victim of such abuse of trust  has to 
 ultimately accept their responsibility for their choices, even those made 
 under undue influence or because of indoctrination. How much is the victim 
 responsible for and how much is the person in power responsible for? Can it 
 even be measured?

Measuring may not be useful - bottom line: it happened. Now comes the moment 
when both sides need to decide what to do with that. The violated needs to 
think about themselves first, they can not be responsible for the other 
person/the abuser. The violator needs to look at what would allow them to do 
what they did and they DO have some responsibility to the violated, to at 
least, in the most ideal scenario, admit, in some way, their sense of what they 
did. I think it is a fundamental part of the healing process for the 
transgressor - to feel vulnerable, wounded, appalled, horrified and to let 
those feelings be known to the abused. How often this happens is not often 
enough. But if the abuser is to ever be free from what they did they must feel, 
somehow and in some way, cut to the core. But often what it is that is within 
someone capable of great tyranny that is the very thing that disallows this 
sort of feeling of vulnerability or hurt as a result of having profoundly 
injured someone emotionally or otherwise. Sociopathy is one word for it.
 I'm not condoning a victim mentality, but neither do I think victim is a 
 dirty word. (Not saying anyone here thinks that.) I have been a victim (as I 
 think most folks have sometime in their lives) and I have been an abuser. I'm 
 not proud of either. If I can acknowledge both and admit it, I'm healthier 
 for it. And hopefully have learned something in the process.

Yes, the fallibility of the human race is legendary. The woundedness of so many 
could give rise to great beauty and but often it results in smallness and hurt. 
Victims are those wounded but victim could be another word for hero if one is 
big and if one is brave. I think you are probably one of those heroes.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@ wrote:
   These kind of sexual relationships are a bit of a gray area. 
How much interest you should show in other people's private 
   lives is a matter of debate.
   As Barry pointed out, 'Groupie with standards', the 
   phenomenon exists in all fields and 'all walks of life'. In 
   business, in sports, in the movie industry and so on.

[FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussi John Hagelin, Ph.D., Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer

2013-05-26 Thread Jason

These kind of sexual relationships are a bit of a gray area. 
 How much interest you should show in other people's private 
lives is a matter of debate.

As Barry pointed out, 'Groupie with standards', the 
phenomenon exists in all fields and 'all walks of life'. In 
business, in sports, in the movie industry and so on.

Many young women use these guys as fodder for their growth 
and move on.  These women were adults and they knew what 
they were doing.  They are groupies voluntarily and to 
pretend that it's an one-sided affair is not accurate.

---  Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Given the behavior of leaders of the Movement through the years, it is 
 legitimate to ask questions when behavior begins to manifest. It has been 
 this way with spiritual movements for decades. People begin to misbehave and 
 their disciples refuse to believe it, and the gurus and their chief 
 sycophants deny it. Happened with Muktananda, Amrit Desai, Kriyananda - when 
 I met J. Donald Walters, I would never have thought of him as a sexual user, 
 but damned if he didn't turn out to be so - that's why he fled to Italy and 
 stayed there till he died.
 Hagelin is one of the main guys the TMO and Lynch use to promote TM to 
 whomever they think will bite - if he has mis-used his position as a faculty 
 member to prey on his female students, the truth needs to be known. Since Edg 
 had mentioned it, I wondered what the facts are. All legitimate questions and 
 inquiry. The only problem is that some people who want to believe TM and its 
 leaders are pure as the driven snow can't stand the light of truth to be 
 shined on TM and its honchos. Hagelin's behavior if true needs to be made 
 public so the people Hagelin pitches TM and his nonsense physics theories to 
 know how credible he is - after all, TM supposedly makes all things better - 
 and that should include behavior for those in positions of leadership.
  From: feste37 feste37@...
 Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2013 11:23 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussion 
 â€ John Hagelin, Ph.D.,  Igor Kufayev, and Mark 
 McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer
 What a pathetic post. Peddling old gossip, spreading rumors, denouncing 
 others for alleged immorality. If you can't do better than this, Duveyoung, I 
 suggest you STFU. 

 ---  Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  I know only from gossip, but the gossip was a constant patter of 
  tidbits.  I saw him at dinner ONCE with a married lady, but that could 
  have been innocent...yeah, right, sure..  Small town with only 
  about three restaurants to get fancy dancy and of course he was seen 
  around town a lot.  I, with four kids at MSAE had all kinds of pot lucks 
  etc. to hob nob enough to catch the gossip.  Of course, EVEN ONCE, would be 
  enough for my Lutheranism patterns amplified by my TM shame-on-you 
  patterns to glom onto and bookmark the anecdotes. Same deal with Bevan, 
  and I personally saw Larry Domesh indulging in lust sitting a mere 20 feet 
  from Maharishi as he lectured to a private group!  Yup, sex is a powerful 
  mind twister, and, hey, the movement never gave us help-one to meet those 
  challenges, so it's not like we can throw the book at these guys for 
  moral-criminality, but yeah, I do.
  Note:  The Karina Hotel fire was caused by a guy who started his girl 
  friend's room on fire due to her cheating on him. 
  Careful out there on the long rounding courses, kiddies, people be 
  ---  Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   I have heard from time to time about Hagelin's womanizing but nothing 
   very specific - how do you know all this stuff or has it just been kind 
   of circulating around and not specific?
From: Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 3:47 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussion â€ 
   John Hagelin, Ph.D.,  Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick 
   ---  Jason jedi_spock@ wrote:
It takes two to tangle. You seem to imply that he was 
dragging them to the cave with a stone club in hand.
Looks like TM didn't do any good to those women either.

   Maybe we can assign 50% of the blame on the married women, cuz, hey, free 
   will and all that, but. nope.
   The equation changes when one of the partners has so much to offer to the 
   (spiritually, financially, socially) impoverished other.
   He took advantage.  He leveraged.  He must be held to the same standard 
   we held Maharishi about his sexcapades.
   Hagelin never not once ever never once ever said: 
   Hey, babe, nice just meeting you, a minion, and me, a royal scion, and I 
   know you're married, and it's a sin to fuck me, but, hey, let's just put 
   all that aside and not dwell on the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussi John Hagelin, Ph.D., Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer

2013-05-26 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@... wrote:

 These kind of sexual relationships are a bit of a gray area. 
  How much interest you should show in other people's private 
 lives is a matter of debate.
 As Barry pointed out, 'Groupie with standards', the 
 phenomenon exists in all fields and 'all walks of life'. In 
 business, in sports, in the movie industry and so on.
 Many young women use these guys as fodder for their growth 
 and move on.  These women were adults and they knew what 
 they were doing.  They are groupies voluntarily and to 
 pretend that it's an one-sided affair is not accurate.

You mistook my intent in saying what I said. Of course
there is an element of groupie behavior in women falling
onto their backs for people in positions of power or
celebrity. That certainly happens. 

But there is ALSO behavior in which the people IN these
positions of power or celebrity ABUSE their positions,
and make use of them to get their rocks off with these
gullible and stupid women. The TM organization was rife
with this kind of abuse of position. In Europe I saw
dozens of guys on International Staff who specialized
in seducing the course participants, all while claim-
ing to be celibate themselves. They would come on to
some naive TMer or TM teacher and say things like I
know that I should be celibate, but I'm just SO attracted
to you. Then they'd fuck them a few times and forget
them, and run the same number on someone else the next
month, or the next week. When called on this behavior,
many of them would claim not to even be able to 
remember having done the same thing the week or month
before. It was *accepted* behavior, and as we all know
now, modeled on the mindset of their teacher Maharishi,
who did exactly the same thing. 

There IS such a thing as a power differential in real
life. Like the one that bosses have over their secre-
taries when they badger them into having sex with them.
Like the one that therapists have with their vulnerable
patients. Like the one that teachers in schools have
with their students. Abuse these levels of trust and
responsibility in those organizations and you'll get
your ass fired or lose your license or go to prison. 

But when it happens in spiritual organizations, this
same abuse of inherent power differentials and abuse
of trust is largely ignored, and thus quietly sanctioned.
People see it and then look the other way, to avoid 
dealing with the cognitive dissonance of people they
assumed to be trustworthy proving themselves less than
trustworthy. They pretend it never happened, because
hypocrisy is easier to live with than the knowledge
that their assumptions about these people in power are
and have always been false. 

And worse, if someone dares to cry, The Emperor has
no clothes, and in fact is waving his dick at every
woman in town the way Edg just did, the True Believers
gang up on him and try to make *him* the Bad Guy. 

I think it sucks. I lived with such hypocrisy in the
Rama trip, and will never do so again. I saw him fuck
his way through dozens of women, taking advantage of
their naivete and their adoration. I saw him ruin some
of these women's lives, get them pregnant and then
demand that they get abortions, and then dump them as
soon as he was finished with them. I knew many of
these women personally, and provided a shoulder for
them to cry on after being made to feel like a Kleenex
that he'd jacked off into. 

That's WRONG. That an ABUSE OF TRUST. That's inexcusable.

Trying to excuse it by saying that these women are/were 
adults and thus knew what they were doing just doesn't
cut it. The incredible sway that spiritual teachers have
over their students is never to be forgotten. Many of
these women considered Rama almost as a God, and he
encouraged them to think that way. Many of the TM women
probably had their own reasons for bedding Hagelin (to
get close to someone who was close with Maharishi,
and thus possibly pick up some darshan cooties) or
Maharishi himself (*direct* darshan cooties). But
it was still the teachers or the people in power who
took advantage of these women's naivete and their
innocence to fuck them and then throw them away. 

Do NOT try to make me a party in condoning this kind 
of behavior in a spiritual setting, or in any other. 
I once got fired from a job for counseling a woman
who had been the victim of sexual abuse by the CFO
of the company what to do to protect herself. He was
a serial abuser, and *everyone* in the company knew
it and kept quiet about it. I gave her a tape recorder 
and told her to record his next demands to Stay late 
and work (meaning Stay and suck my cock), and she 
did it. The CFO got fired, the resulting lawsuit cost 
the company hundreds of thousands of dollars, and I 
got fired for having suggested it. I considered my
actions a success. 

Power -- real or only perceived -- comes with 
RESPONSIBILITY. You just don't abuse that responsi-
bility, and abuse those you're 

[FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussi John Hagelin, Ph.D., Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer

2013-05-26 Thread Jason

 ---  Jason jedi_spock@ wrote:
  These kind of sexual relationships are a bit of a gray area. 
   How much interest you should show in other people's private 
  lives is a matter of debate.
  As Barry pointed out, 'Groupie with standards', the 
  phenomenon exists in all fields and 'all walks of life'. In 
  business, in sports, in the movie industry and so on.
  Many young women use these guys as fodder for their growth 
  and move on.  These women were adults and they knew what 
  they were doing.  They are groupies voluntarily and to 
  pretend that it's an one-sided affair is not accurate.
---  turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 You mistook my intent in saying what I said. Of course
 there is an element of groupie behavior in women falling
 onto their backs for people in positions of power or
 celebrity. That certainly happens. 
 But there is ALSO behavior in which the people IN these
 positions of power or celebrity ABUSE their positions,
 and make use of them to get their rocks off with these
 gullible and stupid women. The TM organization was rife
 with this kind of abuse of position. In Europe I saw
 dozens of guys on International Staff who specialized
 in seducing the course participants, all while claim-
 ing to be celibate themselves. They would come on to
 some naive TMer or TM teacher and say things like I
 know that I should be celibate, but I'm just SO attracted
 to you. Then they'd fuck them a few times and forget
 them, and run the same number on someone else the next
 month, or the next week. When called on this behavior,
 many of them would claim not to even be able to 
 remember having done the same thing the week or month
 before. It was *accepted* behavior, and as we all know
 now, modeled on the mindset of their teacher Maharishi,
 who did exactly the same thing. 
 There IS such a thing as a power differential in real
 life. Like the one that bosses have over their secre-
 taries when they badger them into having sex with them.
 Like the one that therapists have with their vulnerable
 patients. Like the one that teachers in schools have
 with their students. Abuse these levels of trust and
 responsibility in those organizations and you'll get
 your ass fired or lose your license or go to prison. 
 But when it happens in spiritual organizations, this
 same abuse of inherent power differentials and abuse
 of trust is largely ignored, and thus quietly sanctioned.
 People see it and then look the other way, to avoid 
 dealing with the cognitive dissonance of people they
 assumed to be trustworthy proving themselves less than
 trustworthy. They pretend it never happened, because
 hypocrisy is easier to live with than the knowledge
 that their assumptions about these people in power are
 and have always been false. 
 And worse, if someone dares to cry, The Emperor has
 no clothes, and in fact is waving his dick at every
 woman in town the way Edg just did, the True Believers
 gang up on him and try to make *him* the Bad Guy. 
 I think it sucks. I lived with such hypocrisy in the
 Rama trip, and will never do so again. I saw him fuck
 his way through dozens of women, taking advantage of
 their naivete and their adoration. I saw him ruin some
 of these women's lives, get them pregnant and then
 demand that they get abortions, and then dump them as
 soon as he was finished with them. I knew many of
 these women personally, and provided a shoulder for
 them to cry on after being made to feel like a Kleenex
 that he'd jacked off into. 
 That's WRONG. That an ABUSE OF TRUST. That's inexcusable.
 Trying to excuse it by saying that these women are/were 
 adults and thus knew what they were doing just doesn't
 cut it. The incredible sway that spiritual teachers have
 over their students is never to be forgotten. Many of
 these women considered Rama almost as a God, and he
 encouraged them to think that way. Many of the TM women
 probably had their own reasons for bedding Hagelin (to
 get close to someone who was close with Maharishi,
 and thus possibly pick up some darshan cooties) or
 Maharishi himself (*direct* darshan cooties). But
 it was still the teachers or the people in power who
 took advantage of these women's naivete and their
 innocence to fuck them and then throw them away. 
 Do NOT try to make me a party in condoning this kind 
 of behavior in a spiritual setting, or in any other. 
 I once got fired from a job for counseling a woman
 who had been the victim of sexual abuse by the CFO
 of the company what to do to protect herself. He was
 a serial abuser, and *everyone* in the company knew
 it and kept quiet about it. I gave her a tape recorder 
 and told her to record his next demands to Stay late 
 and work (meaning Stay and suck my cock), and she 
 did it. The CFO got fired, the resulting lawsuit cost 
 the company hundreds of thousands of dollars, and I 
 got fired for having suggested it. I considered my
 actions a success. 
 Power -- real or only 

[FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussi John Hagelin, Ph.D., Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer

2013-05-26 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@... wrote:

 These kind of sexual relationships are a bit of a gray area. 
  How much interest you should show in other people's private 
 lives is a matter of debate.
 As Barry pointed out, 'Groupie with standards', the 
 phenomenon exists in all fields and 'all walks of life'. In 
 business, in sports, in the movie industry and so on.
 Many young women use these guys as fodder for their growth 
 and move on.  These women were adults and they knew what 
 they were doing.  They are groupies voluntarily and to 
 pretend that it's an one-sided affair is not accurate.

I'd have to agree with most of what you write her Jason. I don't actually think 
it's anyone's business who someone has an affair with, has oral sex with, has 
a crush on, pursues sexually or otherwise what they do in their private time. 
If someone high up in the TM movement is a serial 'lover' the only reason it 
seems to be a big deal here is because some people on this forum seem to think 
that such behaviour is not possible or probable of someone with a higher state 
of consciousness. Of course, this is balderdash. Certain activities are not 
appropriate or perhaps what I might term 'moral' or 'ethical' but to view the 
equivalent of a CEO in a corporation incapable of adultery or multiple affairs 
is just plain silly. It is just that because this 'CEO' is part of a 
'spiritual' movement it is deemed extra offensive or, even sillier, points to 
the fact in some people's estimation that the whole practice of TM is invalid. 

And as far as 'preying' on poor women, the alleged transgressions of Hagelin, 
unless he bound, drugged and gagged them, were simply mutual consent 
relationships. I don't buy any of this poor victim stuff for women (or men) who 
go into a sexual situation with another person as anything other than a 
personal choice. If that ended up meaning their spouse and family hated them as 
a result then - guess what- too bad. These are adults who know how it all 
works. If you're married and you choose to fuck someone else it is going to 
create havoc in your life. Period. Deal with it, you'll have to in some form or 
 ---  Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  Given the behavior of leaders of the Movement through the years, it is 
  legitimate to ask questions when behavior begins to manifest. It has been 
  this way with spiritual movements for decades. People begin to misbehave 
  and their disciples refuse to believe it, and the gurus and their chief 
  sycophants deny it. Happened with Muktananda, Amrit Desai, Kriyananda - 
  when I met J. Donald Walters, I would never have thought of him as a sexual 
  user, but damned if he didn't turn out to be so - that's why he fled to 
  Italy and stayed there till he died.
  Hagelin is one of the main guys the TMO and Lynch use to promote TM to 
  whomever they think will bite - if he has mis-used his position as a 
  faculty member to prey on his female students, the truth needs to be known. 
  Since Edg had mentioned it, I wondered what the facts are. All legitimate 
  questions and inquiry. The only problem is that some people who want to 
  believe TM and its leaders are pure as the driven snow can't stand the 
  light of truth to be shined on TM and its honchos. Hagelin's behavior if 
  true needs to be made public so the people Hagelin pitches TM and his 
  nonsense physics theories to know how credible he is - after all, TM 
  supposedly makes all things better - and that should include behavior for 
  those in positions of leadership.
   From: feste37 feste37@
  Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2013 11:23 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussion 
  â€ John Hagelin, Ph.D.,  Igor Kufayev, and Mark 
  McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer
  What a pathetic post. Peddling old gossip, spreading rumors, denouncing 
  others for alleged immorality. If you can't do better than this, Duveyoung, 
  I suggest you STFU. 
  ---  Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   I know only from gossip, but the gossip was a constant patter of 
   tidbits.  I saw him at dinner ONCE with a married lady, but that could 
   have been innocent...yeah, right, sure..  Small town with only 
   about three restaurants to get fancy dancy and of course he was seen 
   around town a lot.  I, with four kids at MSAE had all kinds of pot lucks 
   etc. to hob nob enough to catch the gossip.  Of course, EVEN ONCE, would 
   be enough for my Lutheranism patterns amplified by my TM shame-on-you 
   patterns to glom onto and bookmark the anecdotes. Same deal with Bevan, 
   and I personally saw Larry Domesh indulging in lust sitting a mere 20 
   feet from Maharishi as he lectured to a private group!  Yup, sex is a 
   powerful mind twister, and, hey, the movement never gave us help-one to 
   meet those challenges, so it's not like we can 

[FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussi John Hagelin, Ph.D., Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer

2013-05-26 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@ wrote:
  These kind of sexual relationships are a bit of a gray area.
   How much interest you should show in other people's private
  lives is a matter of debate.
  As Barry pointed out, 'Groupie with standards', the
  phenomenon exists in all fields and 'all walks of life'. In
  business, in sports, in the movie industry and so on.
  Many young women use these guys as fodder for their growth
  and move on.  These women were adults and they knew what
  they were doing.  They are groupies voluntarily and to
  pretend that it's an one-sided affair is not accurate.

 You mistook my intent in saying what I said. Of course
 there is an element of groupie behavior in women falling
 onto their backs for people in positions of power or
 celebrity. That certainly happens.

 But there is ALSO behavior in which the people IN these
 positions of power or celebrity ABUSE their positions,
 and make use of them to get their rocks off with these
 gullible  and stupid women. The TM organization was rife  with this
kind of abuse of position. In Europe I saw
 dozens of guys on International Staff who specialized
 in seducing the course participants, all while claim-
 ing to be celibate themselves. They would come on to
 some naive TMer or TM teacher and say things like I
 know that I should be celibate, but I'm just SO attracted
 to you. Then they'd fuck them a few times and forget
 them, and run the same number on someone else the next
 month, or the next week. When called on this behavior,
 many of them would claim not to even be able to
 remember having done the same thing the week or month
 before. It was *accepted* behavior, and as we all know
 now, modeled on the mindset of their teacher Maharishi,
 who did exactly the same thing.

 There IS such a thing as a power differential in real
 life. Like the one that bosses have over their secre-
 taries when they badger them into having sex with them.
 Like the one that therapists have with their vulnerable
 patients. Like the one that teachers in schools have
 with their students. Abuse these levels of trust and
 responsibility in those organizations and you'll get
 your ass fired or lose your license or go to prison.

 But when it happens in spiritual organizations, this
 same abuse of inherent power differentials and abuse
 of trust is largely ignored, and thus quietly sanctioned.
 People see it and then look the other way, to avoid
 dealing with the cognitive dissonance of people they
 assumed to be trustworthy proving themselves less than
 trustworthy. They pretend it never happened, because
 hypocrisy is easier to live with than the knowledge
 that their assumptions about these people in power are
 and have always been false.

 And worse, if someone dares to cry, The Emperor has
 no clothes, and in fact is waving his dick at every
 woman in town the way Edg just did, the True Believers
 gang up on him and try to make *him* the Bad Guy.

 I think it sucks. I lived with such hypocrisy in the
 Rama trip, and will never do so again. I saw him fuck
 his way through dozens of women, taking advantage of
 their naivete and their adoration. I saw him ruin some
 of these women's lives, get them pregnant and then
 demand that they get abortions, and then dump them as
 soon as he was finished with them. I knew many of
 these women personally, and provided a shoulder for
 them to cry on after being made to feel like a Kleenex
 that he'd jacked off into.

 That's WRONG. That an ABUSE OF TRUST. That's inexcusable.

 Trying to excuse it by saying that these women are/were
 adults and thus knew what they were doing just doesn't
 cut it. The incredible sway that spiritual teachers have
 over their students is never to be forgotten. Many of
 these women considered Rama almost as a God, and he
 encouraged them to think that way. Many of the TM women
 probably had their own reasons for bedding Hagelin (to
 get close to someone who was close with Maharishi,
 and thus possibly pick up some darshan cooties) or
 Maharishi himself (*direct* darshan cooties). But
 it was still the teachers or the people in power who
 took advantage of these women's naivete and their
 innocence to fuck them and then throw them away.

 Do NOT try to make me a party in condoning this kind
 of behavior in a spiritual setting, or in any other.
 I once got fired from a job for counseling a woman
 who had been the victim of sexual abuse by the CFO
 of the company what to do to protect herself. He was
 a serial abuser, and *everyone* in the company knew
 it and kept quiet about it. I gave her a tape recorder
 and told her to record his next demands to Stay late
 and work (meaning Stay and suck my cock), and she
 did it. The CFO got fired, the resulting lawsuit cost
 the company hundreds of thousands of dollars, and I
 got fired for having suggested it. I considered my
 actions a success.

 Power -- 

[FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussi John Hagelin, Ph.D., Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer

2013-05-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
  These kind of sexual relationships are a bit of a gray area. 
   How much interest you should show in other people's private 
  lives is a matter of debate.
  As Barry pointed out, 'Groupie with standards', the 
  phenomenon exists in all fields and 'all walks of life'. In 
  business, in sports, in the movie industry and so on.
  Many young women use these guys as fodder for their growth 
  and move on.  These women were adults and they knew what 
  they were doing.  They are groupies voluntarily and to 
  pretend that it's an one-sided affair is not accurate.
 I'd have to agree with most of what you write her Jason. I 
 don't actually think it's anyone's business who someone 
 has an affair with... 

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but wasn't Edg saying he has 
evidence that a married MUM faculty had sexual relations 
with a student? 

That's probably against the rules at MUM - I don't know. 

My point was, is FFL the best place to slander your own

What about the individuals accused? Don't they get to
post their defense in rebuttal? Shouldn't they at least 
get to know who is doing the accusing? Go figure.

 has oral sex with, has a crush on, pursues sexually or otherwise what they do 
 in their private time. If someone high up in the TM movement is a serial 
 'lover' the only reason it seems to be a big deal here is because some people 
 on this forum seem to think that such behaviour is not possible or probable 
 of someone with a higher state of consciousness. Of course, this is 
 balderdash. Certain activities are not appropriate or perhaps what I might 
 term 'moral' or 'ethical' but to view the equivalent of a CEO in a 
 corporation incapable of adultery or multiple affairs is just plain silly. It 
 is just that because this 'CEO' is part of a 'spiritual' movement it is 
 deemed extra offensive or, even sillier, points to the fact in some people's 
 estimation that the whole practice of TM is invalid. 
 And as far as 'preying' on poor women, the alleged transgressions of Hagelin, 
 unless he bound, drugged and gagged them, were simply mutual consent 
 relationships. I don't buy any of this poor victim stuff for women (or men) 
 who go into a sexual situation with another person as anything other than a 
 personal choice. If that ended up meaning their spouse and family hated them 
 as a result then - guess what- too bad. These are adults who know how it all 
 works. If you're married and you choose to fuck someone else it is going to 
 create havoc in your life. Period. Deal with it, you'll have to in some form 
 or other.
  ---  Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   Given the behavior of leaders of the Movement through the years, it is 
   legitimate to ask questions when behavior begins to manifest. It has been 
   this way with spiritual movements for decades. People begin to misbehave 
   and their disciples refuse to believe it, and the gurus and their chief 
   sycophants deny it. Happened with Muktananda, Amrit Desai, Kriyananda - 
   when I met J. Donald Walters, I would never have thought of him as a 
   sexual user, but damned if he didn't turn out to be so - that's why he 
   fled to Italy and stayed there till he died.
   Hagelin is one of the main guys the TMO and Lynch use to promote TM to 
   whomever they think will bite - if he has mis-used his position as a 
   faculty member to prey on his female students, the truth needs to be 
   known. Since Edg had mentioned it, I wondered what the facts are. All 
   legitimate questions and inquiry. The only problem is that some people 
   who want to believe TM and its leaders are pure as the driven snow can't 
   stand the light of truth to be shined on TM and its honchos. Hagelin's 
   behavior if true needs to be made public so the people Hagelin pitches TM 
   and his nonsense physics theories to know how credible he is - after all, 
   TM supposedly makes all things better - and that should include behavior 
   for those in positions of leadership.

From: feste37 feste37@
   Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2013 11:23 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussion 
   â€ John Hagelin, Ph.D.,  Igor Kufayev, and Mark 
   McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer

   What a pathetic post. Peddling old gossip, spreading rumors, denouncing 
   others for alleged immorality. If you can't do better than this, 
   Duveyoung, I suggest you STFU. 
   ---  Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
I know only from gossip, but the gossip was a constant patter of 
tidbits.  I saw him at dinner ONCE with a married lady, but that 
could have been innocent...yeah, right, sure..  Small town with 
only about three restaurants to get fancy dancy and of course he was 
seen around town a lot.  I, with four kids at MSAE had all kinds of pot 
lucks etc. to hob nob enough to catch the gossip.  Of course, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussi John Hagelin, Ph.D., Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer

2013-05-26 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@... wrote:
  ---  Jason jedi_spock@ wrote:
   These kind of sexual relationships are a bit of a gray area. 
How much interest you should show in other people's private 
   lives is a matter of debate.
   As Barry pointed out, 'Groupie with standards', the 
   phenomenon exists in all fields and 'all walks of life'. In 
   business, in sports, in the movie industry and so on.
   Many young women use these guys as fodder for their growth 
   and move on.  These women were adults and they knew what 
   they were doing.  They are groupies voluntarily and to 
   pretend that it's an one-sided affair is not accurate.
 ---  turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  You mistook my intent in saying what I said. Of course
  there is an element of groupie behavior in women falling
  onto their backs for people in positions of power or
  celebrity. That certainly happens. 
  But there is ALSO behavior in which the people IN these
  positions of power or celebrity ABUSE their positions,
  and make use of them to get their rocks off with these
  gullible and stupid women. The TM organization was rife
  with this kind of abuse of position. In Europe I saw
  dozens of guys on International Staff who specialized
  in seducing the course participants, all while claim-
  ing to be celibate themselves. They would come on to
  some naive TMer or TM teacher and say things like I
  know that I should be celibate, but I'm just SO attracted
  to you. Then they'd fuck them a few times and forget
  them, and run the same number on someone else the next
  month, or the next week. When called on this behavior,
  many of them would claim not to even be able to 
  remember having done the same thing the week or month
  before. It was *accepted* behavior, and as we all know
  now, modeled on the mindset of their teacher Maharishi,
  who did exactly the same thing. 
  There IS such a thing as a power differential in real
  life. Like the one that bosses have over their secre-
  taries when they badger them into having sex with them.
  Like the one that therapists have with their vulnerable
  patients. Like the one that teachers in schools have
  with their students. Abuse these levels of trust and
  responsibility in those organizations and you'll get
  your ass fired or lose your license or go to prison. 
  But when it happens in spiritual organizations, this
  same abuse of inherent power differentials and abuse
  of trust is largely ignored, and thus quietly sanctioned.
  People see it and then look the other way, to avoid 
  dealing with the cognitive dissonance of people they
  assumed to be trustworthy proving themselves less than
  trustworthy. They pretend it never happened, because
  hypocrisy is easier to live with than the knowledge
  that their assumptions about these people in power are
  and have always been false. 
  And worse, if someone dares to cry, The Emperor has
  no clothes, and in fact is waving his dick at every
  woman in town the way Edg just did, the True Believers
  gang up on him and try to make *him* the Bad Guy. 
  I think it sucks. I lived with such hypocrisy in the
  Rama trip, and will never do so again. I saw him fuck
  his way through dozens of women, taking advantage of
  their naivete and their adoration. I saw him ruin some
  of these women's lives, get them pregnant and then
  demand that they get abortions, and then dump them as
  soon as he was finished with them. I knew many of
  these women personally, and provided a shoulder for
  them to cry on after being made to feel like a Kleenex
  that he'd jacked off into. 
  That's WRONG. That an ABUSE OF TRUST. That's inexcusable.
  Trying to excuse it by saying that these women are/were 
  adults and thus knew what they were doing just doesn't
  cut it. The incredible sway that spiritual teachers have
  over their students is never to be forgotten. Many of
  these women considered Rama almost as a God, and he
  encouraged them to think that way. Many of the TM women
  probably had their own reasons for bedding Hagelin (to
  get close to someone who was close with Maharishi,
  and thus possibly pick up some darshan cooties) or
  Maharishi himself (*direct* darshan cooties). But
  it was still the teachers or the people in power who
  took advantage of these women's naivete and their
  innocence to fuck them and then throw them away. 
  Do NOT try to make me a party in condoning this kind 
  of behavior in a spiritual setting, or in any other. 
  I once got fired from a job for counseling a woman
  who had been the victim of sexual abuse by the CFO
  of the company what to do to protect herself. He was
  a serial abuser, and *everyone* in the company knew
  it and kept quiet about it. I gave her a tape recorder 
  and told her to record his next demands to Stay late 
  and work (meaning Stay and suck my cock), and she 
  did it. The CFO got fired, the resulting 

[FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussi John Hagelin, Ph.D., Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer

2013-05-26 Thread Carol
Excellent post Barry.

Yet, I too see your hypocrisy on this board. No, you don't sexually abuse 
others, but you point out their faults and name call and deem some of us 
unworthy to communicate with and (at least in may case) have made false 
accusations. Instead of directly addressing those you deem below you, you speak 
of them in the third person, if you choose to acknowledge their existence at 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@ wrote:
  These kind of sexual relationships are a bit of a gray area. 
   How much interest you should show in other people's private 
  lives is a matter of debate.
  As Barry pointed out, 'Groupie with standards', the 
  phenomenon exists in all fields and 'all walks of life'. In 
  business, in sports, in the movie industry and so on.
  Many young women use these guys as fodder for their growth 
  and move on.  These women were adults and they knew what 
  they were doing.  They are groupies voluntarily and to 
  pretend that it's an one-sided affair is not accurate.
 You mistook my intent in saying what I said. Of course
 there is an element of groupie behavior in women falling
 onto their backs for people in positions of power or
 celebrity. That certainly happens. 
 But there is ALSO behavior in which the people IN these
 positions of power or celebrity ABUSE their positions,
 and make use of them to get their rocks off with these
 gullible and stupid women. The TM organization was rife
 with this kind of abuse of position. In Europe I saw
 dozens of guys on International Staff who specialized
 in seducing the course participants, all while claim-
 ing to be celibate themselves. They would come on to
 some naive TMer or TM teacher and say things like I
 know that I should be celibate, but I'm just SO attracted
 to you. Then they'd fuck them a few times and forget
 them, and run the same number on someone else the next
 month, or the next week. When called on this behavior,
 many of them would claim not to even be able to 
 remember having done the same thing the week or month
 before. It was *accepted* behavior, and as we all know
 now, modeled on the mindset of their teacher Maharishi,
 who did exactly the same thing. 
 There IS such a thing as a power differential in real
 life. Like the one that bosses have over their secre-
 taries when they badger them into having sex with them.
 Like the one that therapists have with their vulnerable
 patients. Like the one that teachers in schools have
 with their students. Abuse these levels of trust and
 responsibility in those organizations and you'll get
 your ass fired or lose your license or go to prison. 
 But when it happens in spiritual organizations, this
 same abuse of inherent power differentials and abuse
 of trust is largely ignored, and thus quietly sanctioned.
 People see it and then look the other way, to avoid 
 dealing with the cognitive dissonance of people they
 assumed to be trustworthy proving themselves less than
 trustworthy. They pretend it never happened, because
 hypocrisy is easier to live with than the knowledge
 that their assumptions about these people in power are
 and have always been false. 
 And worse, if someone dares to cry, The Emperor has
 no clothes, and in fact is waving his dick at every
 woman in town the way Edg just did, the True Believers
 gang up on him and try to make *him* the Bad Guy. 
 I think it sucks. I lived with such hypocrisy in the
 Rama trip, and will never do so again. I saw him fuck
 his way through dozens of women, taking advantage of
 their naivete and their adoration. I saw him ruin some
 of these women's lives, get them pregnant and then
 demand that they get abortions, and then dump them as
 soon as he was finished with them. I knew many of
 these women personally, and provided a shoulder for
 them to cry on after being made to feel like a Kleenex
 that he'd jacked off into. 
 That's WRONG. That an ABUSE OF TRUST. That's inexcusable.
 Trying to excuse it by saying that these women are/were 
 adults and thus knew what they were doing just doesn't
 cut it. The incredible sway that spiritual teachers have
 over their students is never to be forgotten. Many of
 these women considered Rama almost as a God, and he
 encouraged them to think that way. Many of the TM women
 probably had their own reasons for bedding Hagelin (to
 get close to someone who was close with Maharishi,
 and thus possibly pick up some darshan cooties) or
 Maharishi himself (*direct* darshan cooties). But
 it was still the teachers or the people in power who
 took advantage of these women's naivete and their
 innocence to fuck them and then throw them away. 
 Do NOT try to make me a party in condoning this kind 
 of behavior in a spiritual setting, or in any other. 
 I once got fired from a job for counseling a woman
 who had been the victim of sexual abuse by the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussi John Hagelin, Ph.D., Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer

2013-05-26 Thread Carol
I partly agree Ann.

The point where I disagree is when power differentials are at play and if the 
person holding the position of power ab-uses their position of trust to their 
advantage. This of course happens in other areas besides sexual.

What makes it worse is when any harms that are exacted because of that abuse of 
trust are then denied or swept under the rug or minimized. 

Yes, the adult-of-reasonable-sound-mind victim of such abuse of trust  has to 
ultimately accept their responsibility for their choices, even those made under 
undue influence or because of indoctrination. How much is the victim 
responsible for and how much is the person in power responsible for? Can it 
even be measured?

I'm not condoning a victim mentality, but neither do I think victim is a 
dirty word. (Not saying anyone here thinks that.) I have been a victim (as I 
think most folks have sometime in their lives) and I have been an abuser. I'm 
not proud of either. If I can acknowledge both and admit it, I'm healthier for 
it. And hopefully have learned something in the process.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@ wrote:
  These kind of sexual relationships are a bit of a gray area. 
   How much interest you should show in other people's private 
  lives is a matter of debate.
  As Barry pointed out, 'Groupie with standards', the 
  phenomenon exists in all fields and 'all walks of life'. In 
  business, in sports, in the movie industry and so on.
  Many young women use these guys as fodder for their growth 
  and move on.  These women were adults and they knew what 
  they were doing.  They are groupies voluntarily and to 
  pretend that it's an one-sided affair is not accurate.
 I'd have to agree with most of what you write her Jason. I don't actually 
 think it's anyone's business who someone has an affair with, has oral sex 
 with, has a crush on, pursues sexually or otherwise what they do in their 
 private time. If someone high up in the TM movement is a serial 'lover' 
 the only reason it seems to be a big deal here is because some people on this 
 forum seem to think that such behaviour is not possible or probable of 
 someone with a higher state of consciousness. Of course, this is balderdash. 
 Certain activities are not appropriate or perhaps what I might term 'moral' 
 or 'ethical' but to view the equivalent of a CEO in a corporation incapable 
 of adultery or multiple affairs is just plain silly. It is just that because 
 this 'CEO' is part of a 'spiritual' movement it is deemed extra offensive or, 
 even sillier, points to the fact in some people's estimation that the whole 
 practice of TM is invalid. 
 And as far as 'preying' on poor women, the alleged transgressions of Hagelin, 
 unless he bound, drugged and gagged them, were simply mutual consent 
 relationships. I don't buy any of this poor victim stuff for women (or men) 
 who go into a sexual situation with another person as anything other than a 
 personal choice. If that ended up meaning their spouse and family hated them 
 as a result then - guess what- too bad. These are adults who know how it all 
 works. If you're married and you choose to fuck someone else it is going to 
 create havoc in your life. Period. Deal with it, you'll have to in some form 
 or other.
  ---  Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   Given the behavior of leaders of the Movement through the years, it is 
   legitimate to ask questions when behavior begins to manifest. It has been 
   this way with spiritual movements for decades. People begin to misbehave 
   and their disciples refuse to believe it, and the gurus and their chief 
   sycophants deny it. Happened with Muktananda, Amrit Desai, Kriyananda - 
   when I met J. Donald Walters, I would never have thought of him as a 
   sexual user, but damned if he didn't turn out to be so - that's why he 
   fled to Italy and stayed there till he died.
   Hagelin is one of the main guys the TMO and Lynch use to promote TM to 
   whomever they think will bite - if he has mis-used his position as a 
   faculty member to prey on his female students, the truth needs to be 
   known. Since Edg had mentioned it, I wondered what the facts are. All 
   legitimate questions and inquiry. The only problem is that some people 
   who want to believe TM and its leaders are pure as the driven snow can't 
   stand the light of truth to be shined on TM and its honchos. Hagelin's 
   behavior if true needs to be made public so the people Hagelin pitches TM 
   and his nonsense physics theories to know how credible he is - after all, 
   TM supposedly makes all things better - and that should include behavior 
   for those in positions of leadership.

From: feste37 feste37@
   Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2013 11:23 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel