[FairfieldLife] Re: Finally, a TMO poster boy worthy of being one

2011-11-13 Thread shukra69
Clint is also a Republican, respects private property, doubt that he would 
agree with what you think he would.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 The following photo and quote were tweeted by bad movie critic Richard
 Roeper the other day, synthesized from an interview in GQ with the
 speaker. I hope this shoves a big, Dirty Harry-sized corncob up the ass
 of homophobes everywhere:
 I'm Clint Fucking Eastwood, and this is what I
 have to say about gay marriage. BRAVO.
 The actual money quote was: These people who are making a big deal out
 of gay marriage? I don't give  a fuck about who wants to get married to
 anybody else! Why not?! We're  making a big deal out of things we
 shouldn't be making a deal out of.  They go on and on with all this
 bullshit about 'sanctity' -- don't give  me that sanctity crap! Just
 give everybody the chance to have the life  they want.
 Try to imagine what Clint would say if he found out that a bunch of fat
 men wearing dresses and gold crowns were declaring his fellow meditators
 equally unsanctified and unwelcome in the domes, for the sin of visiting
 spiritual teachers other than Maharishi. Who, incidentally, is DEAD, and
 thus not giving the best spiritual advice lately.
 Based on only meeting him once, and very briefly, I can easily see Clint
 walking up to the dome door guard, being asked for his dome pass,
 pulling back his suit coat to reveal the 44 Magnum tucked into his belt,
 and saying, Go ahead...make my day, as he walks past the blissnazi and
 goes inside. And if he did -- or if *anyone* did the same thing and made
 it public, all of this banning horseshit would be over forever. It
 would be like Rick's story of Bevan getting whupped to the ground by an
 angry husband and being too much of a pussy to ever do anything about
 The thing that enables spiritual nazis to keep getting away with being
 spiritual nazis is allowing them to keep their actions hidden. Bitching
 about it on an Internet forum read by at most 50 people don't do shit.
 If you don't like the policy, challenge it, and bring a couple of
 reporters and a film crew with you. Anything else is silent agreement
 with the nazis' right to do what they're doing.
 My best Clint moment in the TMO was on an ATR course in Switzerland.
 For some reason, I was given a nice room on the fourth floor -- sunny,
 spacious, and with a private bath. After a few days there, the course
 got a new German course leader. I guess he didn't like the room that had
 been assigned to him, so he decided to take mine. I came back from lunch
 one day to find that he had entered my room, packed up all my stuff and
 put it into my suitcase, and placed it outside the door, along with a
 note that said, I am the new course leader. I am taking this room. You
 have been moved to another room on the first floor. A key to the new
 room was lying on top of the note.
 But I still had the key to my original room. So, after knocking and
 finding it empty, I quietly opened the door and moved back in. I
 gathered up all of the course leader's things, not bothering to pack
 them, walked over to the window, and threw them out. I remember his puja
 set making a really pleasing clanking sound as it hit the pavement
 below. Then I moved back into my room, and did my afternoon's program,
 not mentioning the incident to anyone else.  Interestingly, NO ONE ever
 mentioned it to me, either. The German nazi avoided me and all contact
 with me for the rest of the course, as did anyone else with any official
 capacity with the TMO.
 Buck, and others...stop bitching about the dome policies and just
 challenge them. Walk right past the blissnazis at the door, plop your
 ass down on the foam, and do your thing. See what happens. My bet is
 that if enough people did this, you wouldn't have to bitch on FFL any
 more. What, after all, are they going to DO to you? Call the cops, and
 then explain to them that they're keeping you out of the domes because
 you saw another teacher? Get real.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Finally, a TMO poster boy worthy of being one

2011-11-12 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:

 On Nov 12, 2011, at 3:35 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  Buck, and others...stop bitching about the dome policies and just 
  challenge them. Walk right past the blissnazis at the door, plop your ass 
  down on the foam, and do your thing. See what happens. My bet is that if 
  enough people did this, you wouldn't have to bitch on FFL any more. What, 
  after all, are they going to DO to you? Call the cops, and then explain to 
  them that they're keeping you out of the domes because you saw another 
  teacher? Get real. 
 No, but since it is private property they can ask anyone
 they want to leave.  And as much enjoyment as I would 
 get out of hearing of it afterwards, the thought of anyone~~
 including Buck's whiny ass~~getting arrested, esp for something
 so stupid, isn't something I would wish on anyone.
 My feeling is, it's their little kingdom, they can do
 whatever the hell with it they want to.  As long s they 
 confine their nonsense to property they own, I don't really
 think there's anything anyone can do.  Seems like a letter
 to the editor would be somewhat more effective than
 trespassing anyway.

Sal is absolutely 100 percent correct here, except that
it isn't just her feeling, it's the legal reality. And
Barry's lurid fantasies notwithstanding, it really isn't
the sort of story that would make a splash on 60 
Minutes. (Unless it was an armed Clint Eastwood who got
arrested, maybe, but then the story would be about how
Clint Eastwood's mind was failing.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Finally, a TMO poster boy worthy of being one

2011-11-12 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:

 On Nov 12, 2011, at 3:35 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  Buck, and others...stop bitching about the dome policies 
  and just challenge them. Walk right past the blissnazis at 
  the door, plop your ass down on the foam, and do your thing. 
  See what happens. My bet is that if enough people did this, 
  you wouldn't have to bitch on FFL any more. What, after all, 
  are they going to DO to you? Call the cops, and then explain 
  to them that they're keeping you out of the domes because 
  you saw another teacher? Get real. 
 No, but since it is private property they can ask anyone
 they want to leave.  And as much enjoyment as I would 
 get out of hearing of it afterwards, the thought of anyone~~
 including Buck's whiny ass~~getting arrested, esp for something
 so stupid, isn't something I would wish on anyone.

I do not disagree. I was suggesting what the 
radical Clint approach might be. I don't
really think anyone would ever do it.

 My feeling is, it's their little kingdom, they can do
 whatever the hell with it they want to.  As long s they 
 confine their nonsense to property they own, I don't really
 think there's anything anyone can do.  Seems like a letter
 to the editor would be somewhat more effective than
 trespassing anyway.

Again, I do not disagree. But have any such 
letters to the editor ever been written? Or
has it always been What happens within the
kingdom stays in the kingdom?

I ask because that's often a big issue with
tight religious or social groups. One need
think no further than the systematic coverup
of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, but
I saw similar stuff in the New Mexico Pueblos.

The Pueblo people are very private, and very
distrustful of non-Native Americans. Or even
of Native Americans from other tribes or 
Pueblos. Thus they tend to keep their issues
or problems in house and never share them
with others, hoping that they can either fix
things themselves or that they'll someday go
away. For example, one of the Pueblos near
Santa Fe had *epidemic* instances of drug
abuse, and not party drugs, either. We're
talking crystal meth and heroin. But they
never said a word about it to State or Federal
authorities, both of which had the resources
and the manpower to help them -- and thus the
members of their tribe -- fight the problem,
or care for its victims. It finally took a 
series of Miami-like machine gun killings on
the Pueblo for them to admit where the problem
came from, and that its source was drugs. Only
after the issue had gone public were they 
able to ask for help, and get it.

I've seen essentially the same thing in spiritual
communities. There is often a group dream, or
idealized vision of what the community should
be, or really is. Problem is that this does not
always reflect the reality of the community. When
it doesn't, the tendency in many groups is to 
cover it up, rather than go public and thus 
work towards fixing it.

I guess all I'm suggesting is that a few such 
letters to the editor might enable those who feel
strongly that essentially excommunicating from a
spiritual community those who see other teachers
is neither right nor spiritual to do something 
about it. Whereas talking about it only amongst 
ourselves kinda perpetuates the problem.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Finally, a TMO poster boy worthy of being one

2011-11-12 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 I've seen essentially the same thing in spiritual
 communities. There is often a group dream, or
 idealized vision of what the community should
 be, or really is. Problem is that this does not
 always reflect the reality of the community. When
 it doesn't, the tendency in many groups is to 
 cover it up, rather than go public and thus 
 work towards fixing it.

It's important to distinguish between communities
in Fairfield. There's the TMO community, the MUM
community, the TM (as opposed to TMO) community,
the non-TM spiritual community, and the nonspiritual
townie community, all within the Fairfield
community at large, some overlapping. If you're
thinking of go public as extending beyond the
Fairfield community, you're just fantasizing.

 I guess all I'm suggesting is that a few such 
 letters to the editor might enable those who feel
 strongly that essentially excommunicating from a
 spiritual community those who see other teachers
 is neither right nor spiritual to do something 
 about it. Whereas talking about it only amongst 
 ourselves kinda perpetuates the problem.

Seems to me Buck's idea of a gathering of TM-Sidhis
practitioners in the dome parking lots could be an
effective basis for getting a public conversation

(And let's try not to exaggerate. Being banned from
the domes constitutes excommunication from the
community of those who do their program in the domes,
not from the TM community as a whole.)