[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:
 All readers:  Please consider that the piece is once
 again presented to your minds, because it was mindfully
 sought for for just such a reason by the poster -- to
 present it to you. He put this again into your minds.
 Consider that the piece had to be unholy ripped from
 its resting place, and by a vile intent has it been
 thus unearthed.  Consider that this creepy zombie
 piece is now enlivened by the poster's shakti with an
 intent to maraud this place of discourse with a
 purposeful besmirching of our atmosphere.  Consider
 that this text-zombie was puppeteered by the poster to
 deliver an energy of malevolence at two targeted 
 persons but equally delivered the energy to you other
 readers also.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ wrote:
  Edg's response went over the edge.  He may have felt
  goaded, but his post is ugly.

I've been pondering this tactic of Barry's with some
bemusement. Edg's correct that it was intended to
upset both Edg and me, but what leaves me scratching
my head is that at the time he wrote his comments on
my photo, Edg assumed they would wound me deeply; and
Barry figured the repost would rip the scab off the
wound. He's done his damndest to inflict such wounds
on me himself many times in the past.

Er, no, sorry, guys. I haven't been insecure about
my appearance since I was an adolescent. Even if I
thought Edg and Barry really did find my photo
repulsive, enough men (more than my share, in fact)
have found me attractive (and still do) that it
wouldn't bother me in the slightest that there were
exceptions. Chacun a son gout, and all that.

What's so interesting is that both Edg and Barry
are convinced that a woman's sense of self-worth is
heavily dependent on how men regard her looks. That
can only be because they themselves value women
based on their physical attractiveness.

I'm not a good test case, as it happens. If I were
genuinely unattractive, I might well be sensitive
about it. If I were psychologically insecure, I
might be sensitive about my looks even though I'm
not unattractive. But I'm neither unattractive nor
psychologically insecure, so all the energy that
Edg and Barry have put into trying to make me feel
bad about myself has actually only reflected badly
on them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
  It seems no one notices the country is going 
 down the drain and, maybe that is why.  No one 
lurkernomore wrote:
 Maybe people are happy to not wake up everyday 
 hearing about the war on terror. 

So, you just had to mention the war on terror 
once again this morning? LOL!

 Maybe the people are relieved to not have to 
 hear each day that we have not been attacked  
 due to great leadership of Dick Cheney and George 
 Bush. Please tell me how the country is going 
 down the drain. Cite a few examples, or how now, 
 all of the sudden we are going down the drain.  
 Here's a quote I hear recently.  Wall Steet 
 owns the upside. The taxpayer owns the downside

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-02 Thread Duveyoung

Hmmm, Ruth called my post ugly, and I think she nailed it.  And I
admitted that I gave myself permission to be as mean as Godzilla making
a Bambi pancake.  In other words, I wasn't even talking about your
picture at all -- just pretending to do that and riffing in a vile low

To me a woman's looks change by the thought. Bam, bam, bam, she's ugly,
she's sexy, she's kind, she's evil, and on and on it goes.  I think this
is what keeps men from looking for very long into their faces -- they
are all Mother Divine I tells ya, and whole worlds scintillate before
their inner ken like motes suspended in rays of light.  It makes men
shit their pants.  Hard enough to please one's employer every day, what
chance to a Sat Yuga Goddess with a Kali Yuga man's personality?

Yeah, I think all men are built to look first and feel later and to
judge the book by the cover, but, if a guy is really looking for a
partner (rare,) the woman's looks  only allure until she says the first
word, then all bets are off.  The most beautiful babe can be a psychic
black hole, and that energy cannot be as easily disguised as a pimple
being covered by makeup.  If a guy's merely looking for sex, then he can
pretty much stop paying attention to energy, and the lady is beautiful
all night long.

My post's energy was, I thought at the time, an appropriate echoing of
your energy when you scoured me in a personal attack.  I often feel you
nuke others instead of chide them in a friendly banterly way, and I
still scratch my head when you do this to a newbie who's come here to
try to get some sort of merit badge.  That
blasting-while-also-correcting is  certain to scare away tons of folks
who don't have the ego strength to hang here for their intellectual
betterment.  Shit, I barely have the strength.  When Ruth said the word
ugly, it wasn't a paper cut to me.  Ruth's heart counts.  But your
blasts equally are as sure to hurt others as much as Ruth's well aimed
arrows.  Tell me why I shouldn't conclude that you're always trying to
thin the herd here.

The physician desires disease, and Judy desires incorrectitudes; seems
to me, you'd want a lot more dunderheads, blowhards, and crocked cocks
here in order to be sure that the entire spectrum of nonsense can be
displayed and that your creative intelligence will have easy pickings.  
Not to say that I alone am not enough to keep you typing all day long,
but that you might enjoy your job here more if you didn't have the
same old grind of See Barry, stomp Barry, grind Berry, make Barry bread
from Barry bones.  Seriously, if we had another pompous asshole with no
ability to see himself as others do, would that be refreshing to you?

For the record, I can point to no post of yours that would be proof that
you, Judy, have a lousy life due to your blasting others in real life. 
Just as others here do not know me, not really, I cannot know you, not
really.  Almost all accusations here are doomed to ultimately be close
to 100% projection.

Do you agree?  I bet you don't.  I bet you think you could identify
Barry from an audio only recording of ten conversations of tourists
overheard in a Spanish cafe like spotting a guy in a police lineup with
a burglar's mask still being worn.  I don't have such certainty.  The
Barry we see here is too haughty to be much of a success in the real
world, so, I'm guessing he's got some very nice and proper masks that he
can don, but we won't see them worn here, eh?  Nab, different story
maybe, but in general I think most posters hold back huge hunks of what
they are.  Judging Barry is definitely hunting elephants with a
woodsman's axe because they're so tree-like donchaknow.

Glad to hear my darts didn't hit any tender spots over there, but damned
if I didn't think I was doing a SWAT attack.  For a moment, I swear I
was Bruce Willis reloading in mid-air while spinning like a top and
mowing down the surrounding hoard of world class evil creeps.  Not that
you're a world class evil creep, mind you, just that I felt that way
while shooting from the hip.

Ah, coffee and a nearby mirror start my day.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  All readers:  Please consider that the piece is once
  again presented to your minds, because it was mindfully
  sought for for just such a reason by the poster -- to
  present it to you. He put this again into your minds.
  Consider that the piece had to be unholy ripped from
  its resting place, and by a vile intent has it been
  thus unearthed.  Consider that this creepy zombie
  piece is now enlivened by the poster's shakti with an
  intent to maraud this place of discourse with a
  purposeful besmirching of our atmosphere.  Consider
  that this text-zombie was puppeteered by the poster to
  deliver an energy of malevolence at two targeted
  persons but equally delivered the energy to you other
  readers also.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 Hmmm, Ruth called my post ugly, and I think she nailed it.
 And I admitted that I gave myself permission to be as mean
 as Godzilla making a Bambi pancake.  In other words, I
 wasn't even talking about your picture at all -- just
 pretending to do that and riffing in a vile low vibe.

I thought that might be the case. But it was a really
stupid thing to do. It made you look terrible and didn't
touch me at all.

 My post's energy was, I thought at the time, an
 appropriate echoing of your energy when you scoured
 me in a personal attack.

Oh, please. Go back and reread the thread. You 
made a total ass of yourself from the start, well
before I joined it. You freaked out at me because
you asked for a general vote on whether you or
do.rflex was the bigger liar and fuckhead, and
I voted for you. (That was after you had threatened
him with a lawsuit.)

(Some really interesting comments from do.rflex
about Barry and from Barry about do.rflex, as
well as from Edg about Barry and Barry about Edg.
Fascinating how alliances change. The thread was
titled Time to vote -- Who's a bigger liar and
fuckhead? John or Edg? back in August 2007.)

 I often feel you nuke others instead of chide them in
 a friendly banterly way, and I still scratch my head
 when you do this to a newbie who's come here to try
 to get some sort of merit badge.

Yeah? When, exactly, have I ever done that?

 Seriously, if we had another pompous asshole with no
 ability to see himself as others do, would that be
 refreshing to you?

God, no. Taking on assholes is a very poor second-
best to having intelligent discussions with decent
human beans.

 Almost all accusations here are doomed to ultimately
 be close to 100% projection.
 Do you agree?  I bet you don't.

Projection in what sense? Anybody who assumes how
people behave here reflects how they behave in real
life is deluded. But characterizing how people behave
here is no more likely to be projection than
characterizing how they behave in real life if one
*knows* them in real life.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
  I wasn't even talking about your picture at 
Judy wrote:
 You made a total ass of yourself...

It's just normal trollish activity. Barry and
John are just trolling. Barry once tried to 'out
me' by publishing my real name on the internet,
not realizing I had already posted under my real
name. John once trolled to my place of employ 
and copied a photo of me. 

Just today John copied a photo of me from my 
Yahoo! profile. Can you believe that?


But the vibe I get from Edg is downright mean - 
he just seems to want to start a fight with 
people. Edg seems really prone to outbursts. I 
shut him up real quick though - now he won't 
even speak to me, and that's probably a good 
thing - no telling what he might do next!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-02 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@... 

 , Nelson nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
It seems no one notices the country is going down the drain and, maybe 
  that is why.  No one cares?
 Maybe people are happy to not wake up everyday hearing about the war on 
 terror.  Maybe the people are relieved to not have to hear each day that we 
 have not been attacked  due to great leadership of Dick Cheney and George 
 Bush. Please tell me how the country is going down the drain.  Cite a few 
 examples, or how now, all of the sudden we are going down the drain.  Here's 
 a quote I hear recently.  Wall Steet owns the upside.  The taxpayer owns the 

  I am not happy to see continuing efforts to pass legislation that is eroding 
our freedoms.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
Barry REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, *REALLY* doesn't like
to be laughed at...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Here are the two photos that she chose to
 represent herself on this forum:

Oopsie. Barry, the computer expert, couldn't manage
to get more than a small piece of the top of the 
second photo to show up in his post, nor did any of
his commentary or his quote from Edg's old post appear,
at least on the Web site.

Not being a computer expert like Barry, I don't
know how to get even a piece of a photo into a post,
but here's the URL for the one that *wasn't* making
fun of him--the one he, er, scalped (Freudian, much?):


This was my response at the time, BTW, to Edg's
remarks on the photo:

Only three possibilities here that I can see:

(1) There's something badly wrong either with
your monitor or your eyes.

(2) You're hallucinating.

(3) You've been looking at the photo I posted
called Barry's fantasy image of Judy.

 Let's hear what
 *he* has to say (as badly formatted as ever) about
 Ms. Stein's appearance, and what it might say about
 the karma of the life she has chosen to live:

What *Edg's* commentary on my appearance might
say about *my* karma??

I think you miswrote, Barry. Try to calm down,
then have another go.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 I ask you...is there an appreciable difference between
 the two photos? 

Of course. One is making a face, the other is smiling.  What is the purpose of 
your post?  Nothing good that I can see. 

If you feel that there is, please con-
 sider the words of the poster to this forum whom
 Raunchydog and enlightened_dawn11 and others
 have referred to as a great writer. Let's hear what
 *he* has to say (as badly formatted as ever) about
 Ms. Stein's appearance, and what it might say about
 the karma of the life she has chosen to live:

Edg's response went over the edge.  He may have felt goaded, but his post is 

Is the purpose of this forum just to spew at each other, showing how 
unenlightened we are?  Does anyone feel good after any of these exchanges?  I 
hope not. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread Duveyoung
Ruth, Ruth, Ruth,

Hey, that was one fine piece of when angry, destroy Rome writing if I do say 
so myself.

Now, with time passed, and with Judy not recently having nailed my hide to some 
door, I find my resonance with the piece has diminished.

I don't personally need to revisit my reasons for writing the piece.  Who was 
I back then?  I'm so over him. You?

Now this new guy I'm settling into, he's one slippery narcissistic but fucking 
humble stumbling old schooler who ignores that the root word of Dude! is dud, 
but who's nonetheless trying to surf the gelling-into-a-new-person processing 
like it was the last frothing of a wave.  Stay tuned, I might lock into another 
temporary norm any nanosecond.  (Marek, do you feel you personality gel when 
you once again hit the beach?)

But, yeah, Ruthy, I'm sorry, but yeah, it was a Sherman's March piece -- no 
prisoners taken.  I gave myself permission to run one mean fucking brutal 
spirit.  That done, done.  But ya never know what you are until ya wuz it. 
Another mask for the back of the closet that I don't particularly want to wear 

I do feel Judy has a chip on her shoulder, and that folks like me do  seem to 
automatically take a whack at it, and then she has a reason to launch her 

Her type of skills can easily drive wedges into the armor of just the sort of 
person I present here, and so, it probably is impossible for her to restrain 
from correcting moi. I do think she's the titchiest type who unfortunately is 
also the fastest leather slapping gunslinger here.  I don't think she knows 
when she's picking a fight, and so she is truthfully reporting that she's 
merely reacting to someone else's attack in both degree and kind.  That she 
attempts to nuke may be a measure of how injured she is feeling on the her side 
of the keyboard if she's asserting that she merely giving a bit-o-tit for a 
lotta-rat-a-tat-tat.  Who gets up each day to do what she does if not one in 
great pain?  I know pain, and it'll do that to ya; ergo the piece in question.  

All readers:  Please consider that the piece is once again presented to your 
minds, because it was mindfully sought for for just such a reason by the poster 
-- to present it to you. He put this again into your minds.  Consider that the 
piece had to be unholy ripped from its resting place, and by a vile intent 
has it been thus unearthed.  Consider that this creepy zombie piece is now 
enlivened by the poster's shakti with an intent to maraud this place of 
discourse with a purposeful besmirching of our atmosphere.  Consider that this 
text-zombie was puppeteered by the poster to deliver an energy of malevolence 
at two targeted persons but equally delivered the energy to you other readers 
also.  Consider that I wrote the piece from an situation of immediacy and 
emotional rushing, and that the poster has put it before you with all the 
calculation and psychopathic perversion of a stone cold mafioso hit man.  Your 
peace of mind just got two bullets in the head and one in the heart by someone 
born blind to the color pain.  You might consider these things.


PS Anyone here having trouble with how this text appears in your email reader?  
I'm no longer listening to the one complainer, so if others here would really 
really really like me to somehow find a way to get my text to wrap to fit your 
screen, let me know.  I do all composing online in Yahoo's form.   

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  I ask you...is there an appreciable difference between
  the two photos? 
 Of course. One is making a face, the other is smiling.  What is the purpose 
 of your post?  Nothing good that I can see. 
 If you feel that there is, please con-
  sider the words of the poster to this forum whom
  Raunchydog and enlightened_dawn11 and others
  have referred to as a great writer. Let's hear what
  *he* has to say (as badly formatted as ever) about
  Ms. Stein's appearance, and what it might say about
  the karma of the life she has chosen to live:
 Edg's response went over the edge.  He may have felt goaded, but his post is 
 Is the purpose of this forum just to spew at each other, showing how 
 unenlightened we are?  Does anyone feel good after any of these exchanges?  I 
 hope not.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
Edg wrote:

 That she attempts to nuke may be a measure of how injured
 she is feeling on the her side of the keyboard if she's
 asserting that she merely giving a bit-o-tit for a lotta-
 rat-a-tat-tat. Who gets up each day to do what she does
 if not one in great pain?

One who *isn't* in great pain, actually.

What a weird question.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 Edg wrote:
  That she attempts to nuke may be a measure of how injured
  she is feeling on the her side of the keyboard if she's
  asserting that she merely giving a bit-o-tit for a lotta-
  rat-a-tat-tat. Who gets up each day to do what she does
  if not one in great pain?
 One who *isn't* in great pain, actually.
 What a weird question.

  Much of the recent posting looks weird from the viewpoint of any practical 
  It seems no one notices the country is going down the drain and, maybe that 
is why.  No one cares?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Edg wrote:
   That she attempts to nuke may be a measure of how injured
   she is feeling on the her side of the keyboard if she's
   asserting that she merely giving a bit-o-tit for a lotta-
   rat-a-tat-tat. Who gets up each day to do what she does
   if not one in great pain?
  One who *isn't* in great pain, actually.
  What a weird question.
   Much of the recent posting looks weird from the
 viewpoint of any practical use. It seems no one
 notices the country is going down the drain and,
 maybe that is why.  No one cares?

Well, I doubt that would be what's sent Barry off
his rocker.

As to the country, I've been following it pretty
closely. Looks to me as if it ain't in good shape,
but not in down-the-drain territory. Except for
California, maybe...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Edg wrote:
That she attempts to nuke may be a measure of how injured
she is feeling on the her side of the keyboard if she's
asserting that she merely giving a bit-o-tit for a lotta-
rat-a-tat-tat. Who gets up each day to do what she does
if not one in great pain?
   One who *isn't* in great pain, actually.
   What a weird question.
Much of the recent posting looks weird from the
  viewpoint of any practical use. It seems no one
  notices the country is going down the drain and,
  maybe that is why.  No one cares?
 Well, I doubt that would be what's sent Barry off
 his rocker.
 As to the country, I've been following it pretty
 closely. Looks to me as if it ain't in good shape,
 but not in down-the-drain territory. Except for
 California, maybe...

  Blago didn't get to be ethics  chairman so maybe there is hope.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
Edg wrote:

 That she attempts to nuke may be a measure of how injured
 she is feeling on the her side of the keyboard if she's
 asserting that she merely giving a bit-o-tit for a lotta-
 rat-a-tat-tat. Who gets up each day to do what she does
 if not one in great pain?

One who *isn't* in great pain, actually.

What a weird question.
 Much of the recent posting looks weird from the
   viewpoint of any practical use. It seems no one
   notices the country is going down the drain and,
   maybe that is why.  No one cares?
  Well, I doubt that would be what's sent Barry off
  his rocker.
  As to the country, I've been following it pretty
  closely. Looks to me as if it ain't in good shape,
  but not in down-the-drain territory. Except for
  California, maybe...
   Blago didn't get to be ethics  chairman so maybe there is hope.

We are hitting some turbulence, people, so please fasten your seat belts...
No need to be 'Scared'...
We've all been here before, haven't we?
Anyway, I'm not sure how good my predictive powers are lately...
But, I am getting the feeling that if California, doesn't get it's act 
together, spiritually, there may be the 'Big/One
Earthquake: there sometime in August of this year...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread lurkernomore20002000
, Nelson nelsonriddle2...@... wrote:

   It seems no one notices the country is going down the drain and, maybe that 
 is why.  No one cares?

Maybe people are happy to not wake up everyday hearing about the war on 
terror.  Maybe the people are relieved to not have to hear each day that we 
have not been attacked  due to great leadership of Dick Cheney and George 
Bush. Please tell me how the country is going down the drain.  Cite a few 
examples, or how now, all of the sudden we are going down the drain.  Here's a 
quote I hear recently.  Wall Steet owns the upside.  The taxpayer owns the 