[FairfieldLife] Re: The Pundit Sex Talk

2014-03-16 Thread emptybill
The quote, the claim, the view:
  Shankara, as related in his classic work The Crest Jewel of Discrimination - 
"A wise man views women as corpses, bags of urine and feces."
  Shankara and his principle disciples were all renunciates (sannyasin-s). 
Their lives were not dedicated to achieving as much sensory and sensual 
pleasure as humanly possible - like most of us. 
   Renunciation is not a objective in itself but is rather a means – a codified 
consequence of behavior to aid single-minded dedication to a goal. That goal, 
for Advaita Vedantin-s, is ascertainment of the primacy of the field of 
essence-awareness as the reality of human identity (satyam-jñanam-anantam  or 
essence, awareness, limitlessness). Afterward there occurs the application of 
discrimination between that Real and the limited senses/mind/intellect. 
Finally, following that discernment is realization of the indivisibility of 
Reality-Brahman and all appearances (i.e. the universe of experience - both 
external and internal). 
  There is incomprehension and antipathy towards this goal and its lifestyle on 
FFL, which just demonstrates biased ignorance towards the source-teachings at 
the root of this lineage. 

 Read it and sleep.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Pundit Sex Talk

2014-03-16 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/16/2014 10:26 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

On 3/16/2014 8:41 AM, awoelflebater@...  wrote:

After all, in case anyone hadn't noticed, women have
energy-filled, moisture-laden orgasms too.

"Women vibrate at a slightly different rate that passes kundalini
very easily. It is problematic though, because a woman also picks
up negative energy, it affects her more." - Zen Master Rama

Loosely translated as: Women should stay away from Bawwy.

Apparently that's the case. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Pundit Sex Talk

2014-03-16 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 3/16/2014 8:41 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:

 After all, in case anyone hadn't noticed, women have energy-filled, 
moisture-laden orgasms too. >
 "Women vibrate at a slightly different rate that passes kundalini very easily. 
It is problematic though, because a woman also picks up negative energy, it 
affects her more." - Zen Master Rama 
 Loosely translated as: Women should stay away from Bawwy.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Pundit Sex Talk

2014-03-16 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/16/2014 8:41 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
After all, in case anyone hadn't noticed, women have energy-filled, 
moisture-laden orgasms too.

"Women vibrate at a slightly different rate that passes kundalini very 
easily. It is problematic though, because a woman also picks up negative 
energy, it affects her more." - Zen Master Rama


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Pundit Sex Talk

2014-03-16 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Re "A wise man views women as corpses, bags of urine and faeces.":
 These remarks have a long history. See Marcus Aurelius's cynical advice: 
"Sexual intercourse is the rubbing together of abdomens, accompanied by the 
spasmodic ejaculation of a sticky liquid".

 These maxims which try to reduce sexual love to something unworthy of a noble 
man miss the mark. An adolescent infatuated with an "ordinary" girl is far 
closer to the real. As Oscar Wilde said: ""It is only shallow people who do not 
judge by appearances." 
 They say "Love is blind" - but I say that anyone who sees his beloved as 
someone miraculous has realised that life, our very existence, our realisation 
that even being born is something incredibly unlikely and a unique opportunity 
must experience a sense of astonishment and wonder. Falling in love is probably 
the closest most people get to approaching that sense; a few philosophers don't 
need sexual love but that is not because they are above the common herd (with a 
sneer on their faces) but rather because they walk around in a daze in which 
even the vision of a garden of flowers can astonish and elevate their 

 Thanks for that Seraphita. I could requote the above as, "A narrow minded and 
half blind man destined to live a life of sexual frustration and/or loneliness 
coupled with a poverty born of lack of interaction with half the population 
views women as corpses, bags of urine and faeces - poor, fearful sod that he 
would be. And this very man who, as a protection against energy loss by 
spilling his precious sticky bodily fluid on the behalf of the shit-filled 
corpse in favour of his pursuit of "enlightenment", is benefitting how? Heh, 
those enlightened guys really got a handle on reality I see. I wonder how many 
"enlightened" women have told their women "disciples"to avoid those 
waste-filled corpses called "men". After all, in case anyone hadn't noticed, 
women have energy-filled, moisture-laden orgasms too. (Buck, hide your eyes.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Pundit Sex Talk

2014-03-15 Thread s3raphita
Re "A wise man views women as corpses, bags of urine and faeces.":
 These remarks have a long history. See Marcus Aurelius's cynical advice: 
"Sexual intercourse is the rubbing together of abdomens, accompanied by the 
spasmodic ejaculation of a sticky liquid".

 These maxims which try to reduce sexual love to something unworthy of a noble 
man miss the mark. An adolescent infatuated with an "ordinary" girl is far 
closer to the real. As Oscar Wilde said: ""It is only shallow people who do not 
judge by appearances." 
 They say "Love is blind" - but I say that anyone who sees his beloved as 
someone miraculous has realised that life, our very existence, our realisation 
that even being born is something incredibly unlikely and a unique opportunity 
must experience a sense of astonishment and wonder. Falling in love is probably 
the closest most people get to approaching that sense; a few philosophers don't 
need sexual love but that is not because they are above the common herd (with a 
sneer on their faces) but rather because they walk around in a daze in which 
even the vision of a garden of flowers can astonish and elevate their 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Pundit Sex Talk

2014-03-15 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Or maybe everybody thought your "issue" was stupid and offensive, and itself 
homophobic.  Wouldn't be the first time you've shown your true colors.

 On another point, it's pretty amazing that you've been reading all the posts 
here and are still ostentatiously portraying these dudes as "teenagers" and 
"adolescents," when they're 20-40 years old.

 Finally, you appear to think there's something highly unusual and outrageous 
about institutions housing groups of young celibate men performing religious 
duties. You might want to Google "Catholic seminaries" or "Catholic 

 Mentally prepubescent Bawwy has clumsily attempted to push so many buttons 
here and missed that he has now virtually reduced his fingers to stumps. Poor 
shlump, at what age/stage can one finally be called infirm because our Bawwy 
seems to have reached it. Does FFL have some sort of retirement clause or 
mentally incompetent category to which repetitious and overly juvenile and 
obvious posters can become permanently relegated? Seriously, this guy is 
becoming more embarrassing by the day. Can he not somehow be saved from further 
public humiliation - I mean the "world press" and untold numbers of "lurkers" 
are watching this whole thing unfold.


 I see that no one has had the stones to talk about the issue raised in my 
earlier post about homosexuality among Maharishi pundits ( a pity, really, 
because "Gay Vedic Pundits Riot" makes a *much* better headline than "Vedic 
Pundits Riot. :-), so I'll switch over for this cafe rap to the issue of pundit 
sexuality of the straight kind. 

When you think about it, even that might be a button-pusher for some here. They 
don't really think of Hindu monks chanting the Vedas as *having* a sex life. It 
just doesn't *compute* for them, or "go with" the descriptions of what such 
holy pundits are supposed to be like that were presented to them by Maharishi. 
So they ignore the fact that these are guys either in their teens or slightly 
older, many of them who have lived in cloistered environments containing only 
other men since they were eight years old. These guys may literally have never 
*seen* a woman in all that time, much less touched one. 

But once these boys reach puberty they're just like any other boys -- filled to 
the brim with out-of-control hormones, and able to spring a woodie in response 
to the slightest provocation, even a passing breeze. 

So when these boys *do* reach puberty, who gives them the "sex talk?" And what 
does this talk *sound* like? 

In my "mind's eye" version, the guy giving the talk is named Cheechananda. He's 
OLD, by pundit standards, almost in his thirties. He's been behind barbed wire 
in institutions like this since he was eight himself, and has never seen a 
woman since he waved goodbye to his mother as he was taken away to become a 
pundit. All he knows about women, sex, and sexuality is what he's read in the 
scriptures he chants and what he's been told by the Indian males who were his 
teachers. Now he has to pass down that priceless wisdom to Chongji, a new 
recruit who is starting to tentpole his dhoti at inappropriate times and thus 
clearly needs to hear the "sex talk." 

What's a bramacharya gonna do in a situation like this?

Does the older, wiser monk go "soft core," and describe women and their 
mysteries the way that the Manusmriti does? "God for a woman is her husband and 
the only thing she can hope for is the privilege of being with her husband in 
her next life." and "Though destitute of virtue, or seeking pleasure 
(elsewhere), or devoid of good qualities, (yet) a husband must be constantly 
worshipped as a god by a faithful wife."? 

Or will he go "hard core" and invoke someone nearer to the present day in the 
TMO's claimed lineage, Shankara, as related in his classic work The Crest Jewel 
of Discrimination? "A wise man views women as corpses, bags of urine and feces."

The mind boggles. 

But the heart chuckles. Oh, the pitfalls and traps silly human beings open up 
in front of them when they attempt to make the round pegs of adolescent boys 
fit into the square pegs of their beliefs and assumptions. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Pundit Sex Talk

2014-03-14 Thread authfriend
Or maybe everybody thought your "issue" was stupid and offensive, and itself 
homophobic.  Wouldn't be the first time you've shown your true colors.

 On another point, it's pretty amazing that you've been reading all the posts 
here and are still ostentatiously portraying these dudes as "teenagers" and 
"adolescents," when they're 20-40 years old.

 Finally, you appear to think there's something highly unusual and outrageous 
about institutions housing groups of young celibate men performing religious 
duties. You might want to Google "Catholic seminaries" or "Catholic 


 I see that no one has had the stones to talk about the issue raised in my 
earlier post about homosexuality among Maharishi pundits ( a pity, really, 
because "Gay Vedic Pundits Riot" makes a *much* better headline than "Vedic 
Pundits Riot. :-), so I'll switch over for this cafe rap to the issue of pundit 
sexuality of the straight kind. 

When you think about it, even that might be a button-pusher for some here. They 
don't really think of Hindu monks chanting the Vedas as *having* a sex life. It 
just doesn't *compute* for them, or "go with" the descriptions of what such 
holy pundits are supposed to be like that were presented to them by Maharishi. 
So they ignore the fact that these are guys either in their teens or slightly 
older, many of them who have lived in cloistered environments containing only 
other men since they were eight years old. These guys may literally have never 
*seen* a woman in all that time, much less touched one. 

But once these boys reach puberty they're just like any other boys -- filled to 
the brim with out-of-control hormones, and able to spring a woodie in response 
to the slightest provocation, even a passing breeze. 

So when these boys *do* reach puberty, who gives them the "sex talk?" And what 
does this talk *sound* like? 

In my "mind's eye" version, the guy giving the talk is named Cheechananda. He's 
OLD, by pundit standards, almost in his thirties. He's been behind barbed wire 
in institutions like this since he was eight himself, and has never seen a 
woman since he waved goodbye to his mother as he was taken away to become a 
pundit. All he knows about women, sex, and sexuality is what he's read in the 
scriptures he chants and what he's been told by the Indian males who were his 
teachers. Now he has to pass down that priceless wisdom to Chongji, a new 
recruit who is starting to tentpole his dhoti at inappropriate times and thus 
clearly needs to hear the "sex talk." 

What's a bramacharya gonna do in a situation like this?

Does the older, wiser monk go "soft core," and describe women and their 
mysteries the way that the Manusmriti does? "God for a woman is her husband and 
the only thing she can hope for is the privilege of being with her husband in 
her next life." and "Though destitute of virtue, or seeking pleasure 
(elsewhere), or devoid of good qualities, (yet) a husband must be constantly 
worshipped as a god by a faithful wife."? 

Or will he go "hard core" and invoke someone nearer to the present day in the 
TMO's claimed lineage, Shankara, as related in his classic work The Crest Jewel 
of Discrimination? "A wise man views women as corpses, bags of urine and feces."

The mind boggles. 

But the heart chuckles. Oh, the pitfalls and traps silly human beings open up 
in front of them when they attempt to make the round pegs of adolescent boys 
fit into the square pegs of their beliefs and assumptions.