[FairfieldLife] Re: The Tragedy Of Knowledge: Equating Wealth With Evolution - redux

2008-08-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I posted this last week, and noticed that none of 
 the self-appointed arbiters of what is truth and
 what is lies on FFL replied to it.
 Following the guideline asserted so often by one
 of these arbiters that says that non-response to 
 one of her posts indicates agreement with it,

Um, actually that is *not* an assertion I often
make (Barry's lying again); and I don't believe,
on those few occasions when I have made it, that
I've made it in some absolute sense, as opposed
to referring to a specific occasion.

 assuming that's the case with this post, and thus
 wanted to thank her for her support and approval.

But if *Barry* wants to adopt the assertion as an
absolute, I can dig up hundreds, if not thousands,
of things I've said in posts that, on this basis,
we must conclude Barry agrees with, since he never
responded to them.

In other words, Barry's claim is what's known as a
double-edged sword. (Do they sell Band-Aids in
Sitges? He might want to stock up.)

Whaddya think, Barry, shall I do that? They'd
include, for example, almost all the times I've
pointed out that you were lying.

I'm very encouraged by this development; it now
appears, as I hopefully suggested in a previous
post this morning, that Barry really has made a
breakthrough concerning his chronic dishonesty,
hypocrisy, and general phoniness.

We may be on the verge of seeing the *real* Barry
Wright. As I said, it looks as though the
Maharishi Effect is indeed working.

Jai Guru Dev!

(Of course, this conclusion all depends on whether
Barry responds to this post by denying that he has
decided to 'fess up about his dishonesty, etc., and
plans to continue to be a liar, hypocrite, and
phony. If he does, all bets are off.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Tragedy Of Knowledge: Equating Wealth With Evolution - redux

2008-08-11 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What it *did* inspire in me was a series of ruminations
 about What Went Wrong With The TM Movement. 

There's nothing wrong with some rumination, but real ruminants
actually finish ruminating on the same batch of material, dump a load
of manure, and move on to greener pasture. Jeez, Barry, you've been
ruminating on the same TM material for what, 12 years now? Is there no
end to it? Or are you just going to keep doing the same shit,
different day routine ad infinitum?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Tragedy Of Knowledge: Equating Wealth With Evolution - redux

2008-08-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  What it *did* inspire in me was a series of ruminations
  about What Went Wrong With The TM Movement. 
 There's nothing wrong with some rumination, but real ruminants
 actually finish ruminating on the same batch of material, dump 
 a load of manure, and move on to greener pasture. Jeez, Barry, 
 you've been ruminating on the same TM material for what, 12 
 years now? Is there no end to it? Or are you just going to keep 
 doing the same shit, different day routine ad infinitum?

Actually, this was different shit.

I hadn't posted before about Maharishi's obsession
with money being the *specific* root cause of pretty 
much everything that's wrong with the TM organization.
I think it is. I was just surprised that no one -- even 
the TBs -- seemed to disagree with the premise.

I mean, even Her You're-A-Liarness is avoiding dealing 
with the subject. What's UP with that? I'm beginning to
think she's afraid that she'll have to agree with me.

Just to present some balance, it's the thing that 
fucked up the Rama trip, too. And so many other spir-
itual movements. I'm beginning to believe that there
was a good reason that some religions made it impossible
for their priests or rabbis to even *touch* money, or be
associated with it in any way. The minute they do, things
seem to start going to hell in a handbasket.

Let's phrase it a different way. Is there ANYONE here
who believes that how much money you have is a valid
indicator of your spiritual evolution? Anyone?

If not, why did you put up with a movement that was
structured around that idea for so many years?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Tragedy Of Knowledge: Equating Wealth With Evolution - redux

2008-08-11 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley
 j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   What it *did* inspire in me was a series of ruminations
   about What Went Wrong With The TM Movement. 
  There's nothing wrong with some rumination, but real ruminants
  actually finish ruminating on the same batch of material, dump 
  a load of manure, and move on to greener pasture. Jeez, Barry, 
  you've been ruminating on the same TM material for what, 12 
  years now? Is there no end to it? Or are you just going to keep 
  doing the same shit, different day routine ad infinitum?
 Actually, this was different shit.
 I hadn't posted before about Maharishi's obsession
 with money being the *specific* root cause of pretty 
 much everything that's wrong with the TM organization.
 I think it is. I was just surprised that no one -- even 
 the TBs -- seemed to disagree with the premise.


Gee, Barry, maybe because there are probably 5,000 posts in the 
archive of this forum that already dealt with the subject and it 
really isn't worth anyone's time to respond to the same observation 
from a Johnny-come-lately?

 I mean, even Her You're-A-Liarness is avoiding dealing 
 with the subject. What's UP with that? I'm beginning to
 think she's afraid that she'll have to agree with me.
 Just to present some balance, it's the thing that 
 fucked up the Rama trip, too.

Hey, since you're so into honesty, Mr. Cool, why not call the Rama 
trip what it was: your involvement in a cult.

If TM is/was a cult, then your involvement of many years with this 
Rama character was triple or quadruple cult.

Indeed, it was such a powerful cult influence on you that TO THIS DAY 
you actually believe that you witnessed levitation by the guy.

Do you not understand, Barry, that you did NOT -- I repeat did NOT -- 
see actual levitation despite your continual insistance that you had?

You are the #1 victim on this forum of a cult and yet you'd like us 
to believe that you're above this sort of thing when, in reality, you 
still haven't overcome the Rama cult's influence on you DESPITE YOUR 

You need to contact a deprogrammer.  If you like I can contact one on 
the internet on your behalf.

Tell me, Barry, what do you think the deprogrammer would say when I 
inform him that I have a correspondent who actually believes in 
levitation and claims to have witnessed his cult guru having done it 
on dozens of occasions?

I suspect that he will email me back telling me that he will take you 
on as a client sight unseen because you are obviously still suffering 
from the throes of cult brainwashing if you still believe such 
nonsense decades after being in contact with the cult guru.

And, of course, if I inform him that the cult guru committed suicide 
well that will get you put onto the priority list for treatment.

All of the things you smugly sneer at from your on-highness perch, as 
you do on a daily basis on this forum, Barry, are actually things 
that you are the most guilty of yourself.  You, more than anyone, is 
an example of the effects of being in a cult.  Although Nabby claims 
to have seen levitation, his observations at least are of the hopping 
10 feet variety, not the hovering delusion that you insist you saw.  
Nabby can be dismissed as a bliss ninny schmuck, the type we've all 
seen one too many times.  

But you, hey, you need to be deprogrammed, and fast.

Shall I contact a deprogrammer for you?  I can certainly do that and, 
with your permission, share the email correspondence with this 

 And so many other spir-
 itual movements. I'm beginning to believe that there
 was a good reason that some religions made it impossible
 for their priests or rabbis to even *touch* money, or be
 associated with it in any way. The minute they do, things
 seem to start going to hell in a handbasket.
 Let's phrase it a different way. Is there ANYONE here
 who believes that how much money you have is a valid
 indicator of your spiritual evolution? Anyone?
 If not, why did you put up with a movement that was
 structured around that idea for so many years?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Tragedy Of Knowledge: Equating Wealth With Evolution - redux

2008-08-11 Thread John

As we found last week, you have the tendency to make assumptions 
without any evidence.  For all of your accusations, you need to point 
out what evidence do you have?  You should show the names, time, 
location and amount of money.  Also, you should indicate your sources.

Further, you need to present the criteria of all your accusations, 
such as laws or principles that are being violated.

If you cannot present any of these necessary evidence and criteria, 
your accusations are baseless and amount to irrelevant rants 
indicating rash judgements and biases.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I posted this last week, and noticed that none of 
 the self-appointed arbiters of what is truth and
 what is lies on FFL replied to it.
 Following the guideline asserted so often by one
 of these arbiters that says that non-response to 
 one of her posts indicates agreement with it, I'm 
 assuming that's the case with this post, and thus
 wanted to thank her for her support and approval. 
 Onwards and upwards. I shall endeavor to make more
 posts about TM, Maharishi and the TMO in the future 
 that even the TBs agree with.
 John's recent post attempting to equate the story
 of this Brazilian millionaire with meditation being 
 a good thing that creates 'cosmic efficiency' failed 
 to inspire me. What it *did* inspire in me was a 
 series of ruminations about What Went Wrong With 
 The TM Movement. What *happened* to turn it from 
 a meditation movement with promise into the world-
 wide laughingstock and parody of spirituality it 
 is today?
 I think that a large part of the answer lies in
 Maharishi's fascination with and worship of money,
 and creating an environment in which his students
 were taught to worship money as well.
 Look at the baseline myth underlying TM -- it's
 supposedly a set of teachings descended from a guy
 so holy that he lived a life of poverty in the
 forests of India and had to be dragged kicking and
 screaming *out* of the forests and into the position
 of Shankaracharya.
 Now look at Maharishi and what he did with those
 teachings. He created an environment in which:
 * Those with the most money have the most power and
 * Those with the most money got the most attention
 from him and got special privileges, including get-
 ting to dress up in silly costumes and pretend to
 be the 'Rajas' of an imagainary country.
 * Those with a little less money can be on Purusha
 or Mother Divine and have their own personal ser-
 vants to wait on them hand and foot, while being
 regarded as significantly better than the rank and
 file (those who...ugh...work for a living).
 * The achievements of the TM movement tend to be
 measured in terms of how many gaudy, ostentatious
 palaces and phalluses it can build.
 * The teachings *themselves* became progressively
 more expensive and out of the reach of ordinary
 people who make an ordinary living. The pinnacle of
 this was probably the enlightenment course, which
 promised enlightenment for a million dollars and
 didn't deliver.
 * Who gets held up as role models for what it is
 to be a good student of enlightenment in the TMO?
 The people who are richest and who give the most
 money to Maharishi, that's who. (Or those who are
 the most famous and whom he could use for publicity
 purposes to raise more money.)
 * Who gets the prime seats at any function and got
 to actually sit in the same room with Maharishi
 towards the end? Only the rich.
 I'm sorry, but there is a CLEAR teaching going on
 here, and it's such a *pervasive* teaching that
 people like John don't even realize that they've
 bought into it and accepted it as if it were true
 and valuable.
 That teaching is: Being wealthy equates to being
 spiritually evolved. Giving lots of that wealth to
 Maharishi equates to being even more spiritually
 And an extraordinary number of people seem to have
 bought this teaching hook, line, and sinker. They
 don't even *question* it.
 FORGET Maharishi's early talk on the tragedy of
 knowledge in which the essence of the pathway to
 enlightenment is lost over generations when no more
 enlightened teachers are left in the tradition to
 embody it. That's not the real tragedy. The real
 tragedy of knowledge is a teacher so stupid as
 to have missed the whole *point* of his own teacher's
 lifestyle and values and example, so stupid as to
 have come to believe that the only thing that matters
 in the quest for enlightenment is money -- the more
 money the better.
 THAT is a real tragedy. For the teacher himself, and
 for all of his students.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Tragedy Of Knowledge: Equating Wealth With Evolution - redux

2008-08-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let's phrase it a different way. Is there ANYONE here
 who believes that how much money you have is a valid
 indicator of your spiritual evolution? Anyone?
 If not, why did you put up with a movement that was
 structured around that idea for so many years?

How long did you say you were with the movement,

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Tragedy Of Knowledge: Equating Wealth With Evolution - redux

2008-08-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As we found last week...

The only people entitled to refer to themselves as 
'we' are kings, editors, and people with tapeworms.
-- Mark Twain

...you have the tendency to make assumptions
 without any evidence. For all of your accusations, you 
 need to point out what evidence do you have? You should 
 show the names, time, location and amount of money. Also, 
 you should indicate your sources.

With all due lack of respect, I don't need to do shit.

I merely stated things that would be obvious to anyone
who had spent any time in the TM movement and paid
attention. Sorry that you haven't.

If you don't like my opinions, present one of your own.
I have no need to defend mine.