[FairfieldLife] Underwear Soup (Re: The sane voice of Vaclav Klaus on global-warming)

2007-05-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ask not from whom does the globe warm, it warms from we.
> And until we taste the still-dilute redolence of industry in 
> our water and air, until we become outraged at upstream pissers, 
> until someone goes up to Adam and smacks him a good one in the 
> puss and says spit that apple out of your mouth, we're all going 
> to be served underwear soup.

Very nice indeed.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Underwear Soup (Re: The sane voice of Vaclav Klaus on global-warming)

2007-05-16 Thread Vaj

On May 16, 2007, at 1:11 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

My parents didn't want me to be vegan -- always pushed me to eat meat.
"It's just soup!" "But, Mom, there's a big pork hock in it." "Don't
eat that, just enjoy the veggies in it." Like that.

I would tell her this, "Suppose I cook up a nice soup and as I ladle
it out into your bowl you notice that my underwear is in the pot? Can
I tell you to not eat my gotchies but enjoy the rest of the soup?"

She didn't get it. Meat was life to her.


FRIDAY, MAY 11. 2007
Dramatic headlines flooded the news back in 2004 and again today as  
Lamont Thomas, 31, and Jade Sanders, 27 were convicted of malice  
murder, felony murder, involuntary manslaughter and cruelty to  
children last week in Georgia. http://www.news4jax.com/news/13286030/ 

Headlines such as these fuel the nay-sayers and convince them that  
the benefits of vegan or strict vegetarian diets are false and help  
them rationalize the reasoning they maintain on their stance that  
consuming animal products is the best and only way to obtain proper  

It is true that the couple are vegans, but its not the diet that  
killed the child. It was negligence. It was lack of knowledge and  
information to nourish the child properly. It had nothing to do with  
abstaining from meat or dairy by any means. The parents of Crown(the  
baby) fed the child soymilk and apple juice instead of nursing the  
child with breast milk. The child wasn't obtaining enough nutrients  
not because of the diet the parents practiced, but by lack of  
nutrients in general. The parents were starving the child...not due  
to being vegan, but by depriving the child with essential nutrients  
which the mother would have been able to provide.

When people read the headlines, they won't read the details, they  
probably won't even scan the article. They'll just assume that it was  
the diet that caused it, when it wasn't that at all and dismiss the  
good veganism brings. Regardless if the parents were vegan or not,  
the child would have died on that diet. The difference is, if the  
parents were not vegan, the headlines would have read differently. It  
would have said, "Parents convicted of murder", not "Omnivore Meat  
Eating Parents Convicted of Murdering their Infant!". Its sad that  
the child died because the negligence, but it was involuntary  
manslaughter by all means. I'm convinced that the parents did not  
intentionally kill their child. They just didn't know better. And  
unfortunately, such ignorance will lead to Anti-Vegetarians to make  
claims that vegans shouldn't have kids, or that vegan diets are not  
sufficient for pregnant mothers and nursing mothers. I've even read  
some stupid articles claiming that vegans choose not to breast feed  
because human breast milk is against our beliefs. Vegans choose not  
to consume animal milk, human milk is a separate issue. Animals are  
not being harmed or dying from it. Whether a mother chooses to breast- 
feed is her choice and no one else should say otherwise. If the  
author of that article was educated and not just angry, he wouldn't  
make such false claims, but I guess we're all entitled to our own  
beliefs. I just hope people learn from this mistake and not dismiss  
it as a fault in veganism.

[FairfieldLife] Underwear Soup (Re: The sane voice of Vaclav Klaus on global-warming)

2007-05-16 Thread Duveyoung
My parents didn't want me to be vegan -- always pushed me to eat meat.
 "It's just soup!"  "But, Mom, there's a big pork hock in it."  "Don't
eat that, just enjoy the veggies in it."  Like that.

I would tell her this, "Suppose I cook up a nice soup and as I ladle
it out into your bowl you notice that my underwear is in the pot?  Can
I tell you to not eat my gotchies but enjoy the rest of the soup?"

She didn't get it.  Meat was life to her.

This global warming debate is like that.  We have these folks saying,
"What's a little carbon cloud from China, breath the air for
crissakes."  They're saying, you know, ignore, nay, enjoy the nuance
of Eau du Fruit de Looms wafting in your oxygen.

To me it's not about if we're reaching the so-called tipping point.  I
think we're near or passed it, but to complain about it NOW, when,
like for 200 years, we've been spewing every manner of filth into
ocean and atmosphere is a cruel twisting of the knife in Mother
Nature's back.

Howzbout you go camping, hike for three days, get above the tree line,
find a flat spot, pitch a tent, thank God for the glorious display of
beauty, grab a cup and walk to the stream for a drink.  Dip it into
the stream.  Ah, pure mountain water, but wait, who's that sumbitch
pissing just twenty yards up-stream?  Why, I think I'll kill the

I mean whoever saw the first person pissing in a stream should have
stopped that practice right on the spot, eh?  Just would have taken a
well thrown rock, and maybe we wouldn't have six billion people
pretending that mercury in tuna fish ain't so bad a price to pay for
modern life.

It's not the bottom of the slippery slope that rankles me -- it's that
first step onto it.

Are we humans contributing to global warming by 80% compared to
nature's 20%, or is it that we're doing only 1% damage?  WHO CARES! 
STOP PISSING IN MY STREAM.  Hell, one molecule of turd in a hundred
million gallons of water is TOO MUCH UNDERWEAR IN THE SOUP.

An airplane with three guys in it crashed into a major reservoir for
Napa, CA where I lived at the time.  For YEARS, they couldn't find the
bodies or plane.  I called the tap water "Dead Man's Soup."

Then there's that joke about the guy offering a woman at the bar
$5,000 for sex.  She's never done it for money before, but hey, five
big clams is hard to ignore, so she accepts the offer.  In the motel
room, the guy says, "I was lying about the money. I only have $50." 
She's miffed, says she's no whore.

He says, "We already established that.  Now we're just talking about

Like that, when I throw away my Styrofoam fast food containers, when I
toss my old batteries, when I dump my crankcase oil "out in the vacant
lot," or when I, for instance, piss into the public's flowing mindset
-- even if the piss if anti-Falwell flavored -- who am I to throw any
stone at anyone?

Ask not from whom does the globe warm, it warms from we.

And until we taste the still-dilute redolence of industry in our water
and air, until we become outraged at upstream pissers, until someone
goes up to Adam and smacks him a good one in the puss and says spit
that apple out of your mouth, we're all going to be served underwear soup.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk"  
> wrote:
> >
> > Czech president calls for rational debate on global warming, 
> > rejects "current hysteria" 
> > 
> > The Associated Press 
> > Wednesday, May 16, 2007 
> > PRAGUE, Czech Republic: Czech President Vaclav Klaus on Wednesday 
> > called for a rational debate on global warming, rejecting what he 
> > called "hysteria" driven by enviromentalists.
> > 
> > "Let's bring the debate to whether the 0.6 (degree Celsius warming 
> > over the last century) is much or little, how much Man has 
> > contributed to the warming and ... if there is anything at all Man 
> > can do about it," Klaus said when presenting his book "Blue, Not a 
> > Green Planet."
> > 
> > He charged that groups other than scientists have now seized on the 
> > topic and ambitious environmentalists are fueling a global warming 
> > hysteria that has no solid ground in fact and allows manipulation 
> of 
> > people.
> > 
> > "It is about a key topic of our time, and that is the topic of 
> human 
> > freedom and its curtailment," Klaus said.
> > 
> > "The approach of environmentalists toward nature is similar to the 
> > Marxist approach to economic rules, because they also try to 
> replace 
> > free spontaneity of the evolution of the world (and of mankind) 
> > with ... global planning of the world's development," Klaus writes 
> in 
> > his book.
> > 
> > "That approach ... is a utopia leading to completely other than 
> > wanted results," he says.
> > 
> > Klaus, an economist by profession, has repeatedly warned that 
> policy 
> > makers are pushed by the widespread fear of global warming to adopt 
> > enormously costly programs that eve