[FairfieldLife] Wow...I wish Marek was still around on FFL to enjoy this...

2015-04-23 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
DJ MISS FTV - Be on right WAVE! | Facebook

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[FairfieldLife] Wow! Now THAT is a bribe!

2015-02-05 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Curious about what other territories besides Iceland Alex's bro got stuck 
ruling, I found myself on a micronation.org Wiki page dedicated to the 
Global Country of World Peace that contained the following rather provocative 
The GCWP has made various unsuccessful attempts at attaining sovereignty as a 
micronation during the years 2000 to 2002, offering sums in excess of $1 
billion to small and impoverished countries in exchange for the sovereignty 
over part of their territory.
Does anyone have anything to add to this reference? Given the dates cited, it 
is clear that this happened during Maharishi's lifetime, and that this bribe 
(there is, after all, no other way of describing it) was offered at his 
instigation. This brings up several questions. 

First, obviously, it tends to discredit Maharishi's own description of the GCWP 
as a country without borders for peace loving people everywhere.He so clearly 
wanted it to be a real country that he was willing to try to bribe some poor 
real country -- *any* real country -- a billion bucks to get the rights to call 
it a real country. 

Second, and equally obviously, he didn't feel that the expenditure of a billion 
dollars was out of the question, financially. I mention this for those who 
claim that the TMO isn't really worth as much money as press estimates say it 

Third, WTF? This includes Maharishi in the same unpleasant group of losers who 
try to buy titles so they can pretend to be royalty. 
I find it difficult to interpret this as anything but megalomania run wild, but 
I wait with 'bated breath for TM True Believers to 'splain it all away...

[FairfieldLife] Wow...talk about faces and how they age...

2014-04-30 Thread TurquoiseBee
Harry and Sally, 25 years after they met:

But wait...there are better photos...

[FairfieldLife] Wow, that's one ugly, expensive SUV

2013-01-26 Thread merudanda
This is what happens when a manufacturer of tanks decides to enter the
luxury car market.
From Russia With Overkill: A $1M Luxury Vehicle Designed For China's
Year Of The Snake


[FairfieldLife] Wow! the times, they are a-changin'....

2012-08-20 Thread sparaig

Not something I expected to see.


[FairfieldLife] WOW-What a cool President! Aren't you just tickled?

2012-07-17 Thread wgm4u
Obama came before the American people today demanding taxes be raised on those 
making over $250,000 a year, including what he admitted would include 3% of 
small businesses. Even if that 3% is correct, which is disputed, that 3% means 
a tax increase on 900,000 small businesses.

(If you make over $250K you're a millionaire?)


[FairfieldLife] Wow, is right!

2012-01-22 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

  [fbPhotosSnowboxCaption] H [fbPhotosSnowboxCaption] OOoooopopo
  Are we allowed to put photos on our posts and if so how? Also, I sent
 a picture to the album 'FFL members' and it hasn't appeared. Any ideas?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@
Ok, sorry, told you I was not great with computers. Here it is:
I am female, 55 years old, American/Canadian dual citizen but
American citizen originally. I live in Victoria, BC. I own two
retail stores, was a professional horse rider/trainer for 30
years. I am married to a non-WTS Canadian man. Have three dogs,
two horses and don't meditate regularly anymore. Two step kids,
well grown up.
Do you need a picture or other info?
   Thanks for all the info, but I wasn't really looking for it.
   I was just trying to point out that the profile you thought
   was publicly viewable wasn't, and thus to the casual reader
   you were just as anonymous as any of the other anonymous
   posters here.
   Thanks also (in another post) for your update on what brought
   you here. What you wind up posting or not posting is up to
   you, and I wish you well with it.
   I guess the only thing I'm wondering about is the thing that
   seems to have set Robin off the most in his interactions
   with Vaj. Vaj says that he and other people witnessed RWC
   becoming violent with his students, including pushing or
   shoving them onstage or allegedly actually hitting them.
   Robin claims that this is not true, and that it was *never*
   Me, because I wasn't there, I don't know. If you have any
   light to shed on this it would be interesting, because I
   for one don't trust the memory of what he did and did not
   do 25 to 30 years ago to a person I suspect could have been
   more than a little delusional at the time.
   My experience with spiritual teachers or former spiritual
   teachers who look back on their lives is that their version
   of events is *rarely* to be trusted. They tend to practice
   revisionist history on their own history. IMO many times
   they do this unconsciously or subconsciously, at other times
   they do it quite consciously. I know, for example, that if
   one had asked the fellow I hung with for a while (Rama -
   Frederick Lenz) whether he had ever struck any of his
   students, he would have looked straight into the asker's
   face (or into the camera) and declared an emphatic No.
   In my opinion he would even have *believed* it as he was
   saying it. But since I actually witnessed him doing this
   a couple of times, and have heard first-hand testimony
   from others confirming that he struck them, I have come
   to the conclusion that his version of events was not to
   be trusted.
   This is what I'm curious about with regard to RWC. He seems
   to be claiming emphatically that he never struck any of his
   students, at any time. Others claim the opposite. You're
   the first person to appear here who seems to have been in
   a position to comment on these claims and counter-claims
   one way or another. I can certainly understand if you don't
   want to, but that was my main motivation in urging you to
   go into a little more depth about what it was like to be
   around him in those days.
   Suit yourself. Talk, don't talk, whatever. :-) I'm just
   clarifying what I was really trying to convey to you orig-
   inally. That is, that in your early posts here you seemed
   to assume that many or most of us already knew what it
   was like to actually be part of WTS and hang with Robin
   at that time. We don't. All that we do know are in the
   form of claims and counter-claims, all as yet unresolved.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@
  I am basically computer-illiterate but if you click on that
  little purple awoelflebater next to the messages on FFL it
  will come up with a profile page. Then click on your
  profile and it will come up.

 Tried that. It comes up with a big Not Found page for me.
 You may be seeing it because you created the profile, but
 we may be unable to see it because of the settings you
 chose (even if you didn't realize it) when setting up
 your account. Your last sentence above makes me suspect
 that this is the issue; I never see any Your Profile

  But, if you don't want to bother, my name is Ann Woelfle
  Bater. What is a TB?

 Good to meet you. TB is an acronym for True Believer. No
 offense intended, but if you hung in there with Robin
 through all the ups and downs, I suspect you probably
 qualified at the time.

 That said, I'm more 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Wow

2012-01-19 Thread Vaj

On Jan 19, 2012, at 6:00 PM, awoelflebater wrote:

 Hi Vaj,
 Well, I don't mean to offend but that does sound a little like the Reader's 
 Digest version of a confrontation. Just out of curiosity, where did you get 
 this description? Did you have close friends involved or are you just curious 
 to know the inside scoop? I have to admit the whole thing is pretty 
 fascinating and I'd be happy to give you a better description but maybe you 
 could tell me about yourself.

I'm being vague deliberately...so you can fill in the details.

I've witnessed many 'cosmic confrontations'. I even got to confront Robindra.

Feel free to contact me offlist if you'd like to know more or if it's too 
private to share online.

[FairfieldLife] Wow

2012-01-17 Thread awoelflebater
Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts they range from 
the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-your-eyes cat fights. Something's 
got some of you going but I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that 
they are right. Good luck to you all.

[FairfieldLife] 'Wow, check this out!'

2011-07-10 Thread Robert

[FairfieldLife] 'Wow, check this out' (part II)

2011-07-10 Thread Robert

[FairfieldLife] Wow, Vaj must be turning in his grave ! ----------was//Re: New study!

2010-03-07 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:

 2. New Study: Transcendental Meditation Technique Taps into Natural Brain
 A new study out in February in the journal Cognitive Processing discovered
 that people who practice the Transcendental Meditation® technique are able
 to systematically tap into a natural mode in the brain -- a deep level of
 function that has been identified by scientists.
 An underlying state of the brain called the default mode network has become
 a hot topic in neuroscience, but scientists hadn't been able to find a way
 to systematically tap into it, said faculty researcher Fred Travis, lead
 author of the study. When I gave a presentation about this study to
 neuroscientists, they were really interested to hear that this was
 The study, a randomized controlled trial, found that the source of higher
 alpha brainwaves during the Transcendental Meditation technique were in
 midline cortical regions of the brain seen during the default mode.
 This state is associated with unfocused thought, Dr. Travis says. Even when
 your eyes are closed, there's organized activity in the brain. But it's
 inner directed. Your cognitive processes aren't responding to tasks at hand,
 but are engaged in a sort of free-flowing thought. Research has shown that
 when you're most deeply in this state, you're not even aware of it, because
 your mind is so engrossed.
 Dr. Travis said that based on seeing the activation of this default mode
 during the Transcendental Meditation technique, one can infer that the
 Transcendental Meditation technique leads to a state of reduced cognitive
 load -- meaning that the brain is working less, i.e., less mental control
 and manipulation, less thinking -- along with a heightened sense of self.
 While research has shown that simply closing one's eyes and relaxing
 increases activity in the default mode, activation in this brain network was
 higher during practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique.
 In addition, relative to eyes-closed rest, during the Transcendental
 Meditation technique there was higher power in alpha waves in the frontal
 cortex (indicating greater inner wakefulness), lower-power beta and gamma
 waves in the frontal cortex (the brain is working less), and greater
 interhemispheric coherence (the brain is working more as a whole).
 The finding of significant brain wave differences between students
 practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique and those simply resting
 with their eyes closed is especially convincing because subjects were
 randomly assigned to conditions, and testing was conducted by a researcher
 unaware of the experimental condition to which the subject had been
 assigned, said David Haaga, Ph.D., coauthor and professor of psychology at
 American University.
 The current research on the default mode network of the brain is valuable
 to us, because we now have a concrete, measurable brain network that's being
 talked about in science that we can use to verify what we experience when we
 practice the Transcendental Meditation technique, Dr. Travis said.

[FairfieldLife] Wow! Talk about the power of prayer!

2010-02-20 Thread TurquoiseB
OK, I guess you guys have gotten the point by now that I'm not
religious, and don't much see the point of praying to imaginary beings.
But imagine being someone who *does* believe in those imaginary beings,
on your knees praying to Him, and having him dump the building you
erected in His honor on you. That'd really mess with your head.

Morocco Minaret Collapse: Many Dead, Injured In Mosque Accident

RABAT, Morocco — A minaret collapsed during Friday prayers –
killing 36 people and injuring 71 – at a crowded mosque in the old
town of the historic Moroccan city of Meknes, the official MAP news
agency said.

Officials blamed the accident on heavy rain that had weakened the
minaret at the Bab Berdieyinne Mosque, according to a statement released
by the Interior Ministry.

King Mohammed VI sent the interior minister and religious affairs
minister to Meknes, a UNESCO heritage city and one of Morocco's four
imperial cities, some 120 kilometers (62 miles) east of the capital

The officials visited some of the injured at hospitals in Meknes. The
more seriously injured were taken to hospitals in the nearby city of
Fes. A team of psychologists also was sent.

The old town of Meknes is a pedestrian zone, which made rescue efforts
more difficult.

MAP, citing official sources, said hospitals had already released 51
people, but were still treating 20 injured victims.

The king has ordered the reconstruction of the mosque, which was built
four centuries ago under Sultan Moulay Ismail, who made Meknes his

Heavy rain battered the city Friday, and more rain has been forecast for
the next week.

[FairfieldLife] Wow! power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
I play debbil's advocate
so let's see,WHO(M) were they praying to?
Perhaps that is not God but a demi god, or just a fallen angel , or an 
enlightened person who died, and humans still alive just can't get over them.
Perhaps then it was the real God full of wrath that was jealous and smashed 
that thing down.
*Or maybe the rain falls on the good and the evil alike*
*or maybe it was not bad at all that this happened;because the praying all 
left their bodies and went on to God or a better life.
*perhaps to stay living in that body was not the best plan,plans for another  
life had arisen.
*perhaps this event will be the ground zero for some spark of invention, for 
uncollapsable timber, or a welling of the heart to instill REAL peace*
This being in the box labeled unfortunate event may not be the truth or 
intent of it existing in the time line.
-What if there is no evil?
What is it is all good?
Can you imagine it being so?
Is the destruction of ___(fill in with any 'end')
evil, or is it good, we just haven't seen the good yet.?
Implosions happen in Vegas quite regularly, thru intent of destruction, OR thru 
intent of building a NEW thing.
Perhaps there is a good plan of growing a good not EVIL thing out of this.
In fact, don't we have that example every winter, where everything is' 
leaves torn off by the winds, ground becomes in hospitable to grow food...could 
we not label that evil, and not to our benefit?
It is not so
it is a meditation slowing resting period for the land, trees, etc...just as we 
too, in accord, must rest, stop, meditate, to re new.
This is not an evil thing to stop and renew
Perhaps I can guide the eyes of you to contemplate, that it is not so bad/evil 
that a temporal structure is in a period of change(what is it now, is it being 
firewood, warming?
Is someone thankful, for a chair they can make out of it, some work they 
wouldn't have had -?
Perhaps the  ever living never dying  soul has gone on to whatever nirvana or 
destiny the plans were for it.
So we here, mourn the shift, the change, us creatures of habit.
Mourn that we cannot understand the Good Intent that is behind the scenes 
It is beauty
It is good
is better than what would have been/transpired had it stayed erected.
Had they stayed in those temporal bodies/shells.


[FairfieldLife] WOW!

2009-04-17 Thread Kirk
WOW The clouds are passing. Eternal, you were right.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] WOW!

2009-04-17 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:51 AM, Kirk kirk_bernha...@cox.net wrote:

 WOW The clouds are passing. Eternal, you were right.

Kirk, the clouds will pass month after month. Each month for at least
a year you will notice that life is getting better and your mind is
getting cleared.  That's why I strongly urge you to stay on the med
for 12 months minimum, 6 months to maintain you and another 6 months
to titrate it out of your system.  And those are minimum numbers.
Neurotransmitter balancing takes a long time.

Re: [FairfieldLife] WOW!

2009-04-17 Thread Kirk
Um, hm, I just reconnected with many of my best friends in the world through 
facebook.  That has been such a breath of fresh air. I have a new job I'm 
starting soon with a groovy chef, and another job prospect doing some 
stand-in stuff in the movies, so all of a sudden some good things are 
happening. It's true a person often is their own worst enemy.

- Original Message - 
From: I am the eternal l.shad...@gmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] WOW!

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:51 AM, Kirk kirk_bernha...@cox.net wrote:

 WOW The clouds are passing. Eternal, you were right.

Kirk, the clouds will pass month after month. Each month for at least
a year you will notice that life is getting better and your mind is
getting cleared.  That's why I strongly urge you to stay on the med
for 12 months minimum, 6 months to maintain you and another 6 months
to titrate it out of your system.  And those are minimum numbers.
Neurotransmitter balancing takes a long time.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] WOW!

2009-04-17 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Kirk kirk_bernha...@cox.net wrote:
 Um, hm, I just reconnected with many of my best friends in the world through
 facebook.  That has been such a breath of fresh air. I have a new job I'm
 starting soon with a groovy chef, and another job prospect doing some
 stand-in stuff in the movies, so all of a sudden some good things are
 happening. It's true a person often is their own worst enemy.

Kirk,  in the obverse, the world is as we are.  Opportunities aren't
things that fall into people's laps.  Opportunities are ever around
us.  Ever watch an operator in high school or college, who could walk
up to a babe and have her eating out of his hands with just a few
words while other guys would just get turned down?  Maybe not, since
you appear to have been the big time operator.  Let's try a different
analogy.  What about the person who is ever seeing money making
opportunities all around them.  We wonder how they can create massive
fortunes while we're just looking for our next job as a wage slave.

There might just be the Support of Nature that Maharishi talked about.
 By adjusting our outlook and behavior slightly, things just seemed to
fall into our lap.

I'm happy for you and hope you prosper.  That way you'll be able to
pay the invoice I'll be sending you. ;-)

You've lived a life of shit for just too long.  Be good to yourself
and your wife and stay on the meds.  The best is yet to come.  A year
to get your neurotransmitters fully adjusted, 6 months to assure that
they stay that way, another 6 months to slow go off the meds.  These
are minimum.

Re: [FairfieldLife] WOW!

2009-04-17 Thread Kirk
Thank you Eternal.

- Original Message - 
From: I am the eternal l.shad...@gmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] WOW!

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Kirk kirk_bernha...@cox.net wrote:
 Um, hm, I just reconnected with many of my best friends in the world 
 facebook. That has been such a breath of fresh air. I have a new job I'm
 starting soon with a groovy chef, and another job prospect doing some
 stand-in stuff in the movies, so all of a sudden some good things are
 happening. It's true a person often is their own worst enemy.

Kirk,  in the obverse, the world is as we are.  Opportunities aren't
things that fall into people's laps.  Opportunities are ever around
us.  Ever watch an operator in high school or college, who could walk
up to a babe and have her eating out of his hands with just a few
words while other guys would just get turned down?  Maybe not, since
you appear to have been the big time operator.  Let's try a different
analogy.  What about the person who is ever seeing money making
opportunities all around them.  We wonder how they can create massive
fortunes while we're just looking for our next job as a wage slave.

There might just be the Support of Nature that Maharishi talked about.
 By adjusting our outlook and behavior slightly, things just seemed to
fall into our lap.

I'm happy for you and hope you prosper.  That way you'll be able to
pay the invoice I'll be sending you. ;-)

You've lived a life of shit for just too long.  Be good to yourself
and your wife and stay on the meds.  The best is yet to come.  A year
to get your neurotransmitters fully adjusted, 6 months to assure that
they stay that way, another 6 months to slow go off the meds.  These
are minimum.

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[FairfieldLife] Wow....Stevie Wonder in his Full Power at 1 hour 25 minutes

2009-01-20 Thread off_world_beings
Check it out:

(earphones required:)



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_re...@... wrote:

 Whatever the cynics say, and whatever the outcome, this is a truly great day 
 for America 
 the world. The world thanks you America for this day of hope and vision.
 ( I've only got as far as the James Taylor bit and the throwback to the 
 spirit of the 60's 
 coming back to infect the 21st century...but mandespite all the corny and 
 in this inauguration ceremony, there are some CLASSIC jems, and the world is 
 and his family and no-one expects him to do it alone, but he represents the 
 future hope 
 we all have waited 30 years or more for.)
 This is in some ways the greatest day of my life, I don't care what happens 

[FairfieldLife] Wow! - Obama Rally Draws 100,000 in Missouri

2008-10-18 Thread do.rflex

All I can say is, wow, Barack said as he took the stage.

Photo: http://obama.3cdn.net/f50f89f95367a271b5_dbm6ivqut.jpg

via: http://my.barackobama.com/page/community/post/stateupdates/gGg2xq

Even Fox Noise posted it: 

[FairfieldLife] Wow! Never-before-seen crop circles sited in China!

2008-07-29 Thread shempmcgurk

[FairfieldLife] Wow...what an imagination I've got!

2008-05-06 Thread TurquoiseB

Whenever the subject of solipsism comes up, I find 
myself remembering one of my favorite characters from
science fiction. He (I don't know if he even has a 
name) is a character in John Brunner's classic The
Sheep Look Up. His function is to act as a kind of
comedic entre-acte between the many intervoven plot
lines. We always come back to him in the same room,
wearing essentially the same clothes, zonked out of
his gourd on that future Earth's latest designer
psychedelic. And in each scene he has the same line.
He sits and watches the TV News, and says over and
over, Wow...what an imagination I've got!

I guess I'm not a fan of solipsism because, frankly,
I just don't have the imagination that its adherents
have. If they actually believe that they create all
of the phenomena and beings around them, they've got
a *lot* more imagination that I have.

I find it difficult, for example to imagine a universe
so devoid of creativity that it would allow creation
to be handled by one point of view. I mean, how boring
is that? Wouldn't it be much more fun to allow it to
be constantly recreated at every moment by a Carl 
Sagan-esque billions and billons of points of view?

It may be elitist of me, but I tend (as was suggested
by Jim) to look down on solipsism a bit. Just a bit.
On the one hand, I think it's as good a form of mental
masturbation as any. On the other...uh...hand, I suspect 
that it's a philosophy that is best left behind with 

I don't see that much difference between a baby crying 
for the tit or Aleister Crowley saying, I have never 
grown out of the infantile belief that the universe 
was made for me to suck. And I don't see that much
difference between them and a holy man sitting alone
in a cave believing that the world outside that cave 
is the creation of his own enlightened imagination.

I guess that's the problem after all. I have too little 
imagination to be a solipsist. I can't see myself ever
being cast as the guy in The Sheep Look Up because I 
really *couldn't* think up all the stuff on the TV News.
It takes billions and billions of other sentient beings 
to do that, and I for one applaud their creativity. 

May we co-create eternally. Even if the solipsists do 
try to take all the credit for our hard work.

[FairfieldLife] Wow, go Johnny Go...'

2008-02-21 Thread Robert
This is so kindergarten,  Wow...
  What a hypocrite...
  The Republican Party is so finished.
  President Obama sounds so good...
  Robert Gimbel  Seattle,WA

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

[FairfieldLife] Wow

2007-09-11 Thread off_world_beings
Just checkin' in after a hiatus. 
Wow, insanity has won the day among the regular FFL posters.

Good luck wit' that.


[FairfieldLife] Wow!

2006-11-01 Thread Rick Archer
Title: Wow!

From a friend:

By a totally freakish accident I found this. It's one of the greatest warning devices I have seen. Mostly it's Moonie stuff; but if you watch closely this is exactly how Mahesh treated people, loving them to death, with-holding love, putting them down, putting them up, manipulating with guilt. -- Everyone should see this and be encouraged to rummage through it for themselves.

I have a Mahesh example for almost all of the items illustrated; I am sure some of the insiders like Patrick Ryan and some of the skin boys could fill in the rest.



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[FairfieldLife] Wow!

2006-08-11 Thread sparaig
Hey, I realize not everyone is into neuroscience the way I am, but the Google 
video search 
engine is quite kool. As a lark, I typed in visual cortex and hit return. 
There are few 
amateur videos hit with those keywords. However, there's been a couple of 
seminars sponsored by IBM and other places that popped up. Here's the URLs. If 
you look 
this kind of stuff, and don't mind getting glassy-eyed on occassion, this is 

Part 1 From Brain Dynamics to Consciousness
Gerald Edelman, The Neurosciences Institute

Part 2 The Emergence of Intelligence in the Neocortical Microcircuit
Henry Markram, EPFL/BlueBrain

Part 3 The Mechanism of Thought
Robert Hecht-Nielsen, UCSD

Part 4 Hierarchical Temporal Memory: Theory and Implementation
Jeff Hawkins, Palm/Numenta

Part 5 How the brain works, what it computes,...
IBM Panel

Part 6 The Uniqueness of the Human Brain
V. S. Ramachandran, UCSD

Part 7 Beyond Dualism
John Searle, UC Berkeley

Part 8 Cortical Dynamics of Working Memory
Joaquin Fuster, UCLA

Part 9 A Quantitative Theory of Cortex
Leslie Valiant, Harvard University

Part 10 The 4 C's of Neuroinformation Theory
Toby Berger, University of Virginia

Part 11 Consciousness
Christof Koch, Caltech

Part 12 The Future of Cognitive Computing
William Pulleyblank, IBM Global Services

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[FairfieldLife] WOW!! Dow breaks 11,000. Mahalakshmi very happy with America!!!

2006-01-09 Thread wmurphy77
Go Bush!!

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[FairfieldLife] Wow, saama-veda -recitation course in Estonia!

2005-08-26 Thread cardemaister

We are going to have Michel Angot - Samaveda recitation course
from September 9th at 20.00 to 11th at 16.00 in Tallinn
and Yoga sutra course from Sept.11 at 20.00 t0 Sept 17th at 16.00 in 

We warmly welcome all your people to this course.

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