Re: [fd-dev] [OT] Linux vs. BSD

2002-12-12 Thread Day Brown

In general, I dont see the error recovery option vaible in Linux, 

Maybe its a lack of familiarity, because I am always _much_ more
knowledgable about what's going on with a Linux system then with a DOS
System.  It does not just get stuck, you always can open other terms, or
see some log's about what is happening by pressing Alt+F2, Alt+F3, etc. 
The kernel is very verbose about everything whats going on inside
(dmesg), and about what hardware was recognised (cat /proc/pci, etc.).

And often, so verbose, so full of arcane nomenclature, that it is less 
informative to those who have not seriously studied Linux. Mostly I see 
this a result of the fact that Linux evolved in the network environment, 
and includes a vast array of tools for dealing with that, whereas I work 
on *personal* desktops whose only network is the ISP. And when it comes 
to identifying problems within a given pc case, the quick dos boot makes 
life a lot easier, to fiddle with Jesus Jumpers  DIP sw, or swap out 

I use dos cause I am trying to trace hardware problems, and have all 
kinds of controller cards, drives,  cables to swap out. I dont do windoz.

Usually I carry around a Linux Kernel floppy or CD, to diagnose which
hardware is in a computer, and to realize maintainance and recovery
tasks.  (Wow! _how_ offtopic one can get!)

I have done much the same with dos, but with dos, I am already familar 
with the diagnostic tools, hotkeys, nomenclature,  file managers (which 
are much more elegant than MC). Diagnosis, maintenance, and repair will 
be popular uses for dos for quite a while yet. Have you been able to 
access a WIN NTFS with a linux floppy?

DBAnd with setting up your own comunity ISP based on Linux ;-)

No.  Seriously, ppp is quite a standard protocoll and maybe what is
breaking things are more likely changing login procedures.


Yes, I see that the problem is past the ppp because I do get the 
'connect' and then the %ascend% prompt. I just got an email from ozcom 
support saying that they were doing system maintenance on 0400 friday. 
I'll get on the stick and order some newer Linux distros before then. 
Thanx for the tip, I'll watch out for Debian.

Between the server, and all the java/flash crap on the nets, I can see 
that dos browsing is going to get even less functional. And yes, I have 
considered trying to establish another local ISP with a non-win server. 
But I already have a life.

I've read of an xwin port to dos, and if Mozilla can be made to run on 
dos, then dos surfing might become feasible again. With modern hardware 
so fast, I dont see the need to have apps running in the 'background' 
when they can be so rapidly transfered from a disk cache or vdisk. If 
dos dont do popups, I'd consider that a 'feature'.

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[fd-dev] jpg editor

2002-12-08 Thread Day Brown
last time I looked NEOPAINT didnt do jpg.
is there a dos tool?

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Re: [fd-dev] [OT] Linux vs. BSD

2002-12-08 Thread Day Brown
Andreas K. Foerster wrote:

On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 05:35:29PM +0600, Day Brown wrote:


Anyone care to suggest what the percentage of downloads need to be 
compled vs just extracted to the appropriate directory and run? Anyone 
care to offer how often this needs to be done in dos,... drdos, romdos, 
freedos, msdos?

If Linux is too complicated for you, then just let it be.
But there are people, who need more than just Dos!

BTW. I think I had much more trouble with installing some Dos programs,
than I had with installing Linux programs.


No, I was quite sincere Andreas. I am a big frog in a small pond, and 
locals are beginning to look into windoz alternatives. The local small 
town, Leslie AR, ISP has had increasing problems with their win NT 
servers. Mac and Linux users moving into the area cant logon. I prolly 
was the only one who liked using dos/arachne/nettamer, and I couldnt 
make them work either.

Being stubborn about not using Microsoft software, which I have not used 
since I got COMPAQ DOS 3.31, I started getting, installing, and trying 
SUSE. SUSE 6.4 finally did get past the 'connect'.

And, along the way, got a pretty good notion of what Linux installation 
has been like. (and let's not get into the BSD thing again. Unless you 
love BSD, you really dont giva rat's rectal orifice).  My experience 
lacks some continuity cause my house burned down in 96, but in general 
the install scripts have dispensed with much more of the arcane trivia 
and PnP detected correctly much more of the hardware as time went on.

But I was looking for wider input than my experience, and yours is 
certianly hopeful. Which distros have you used? I found COREL to be 
appealling to windoz users, but I could not get anything installed on it 
beyond what came on the CDs (the DELUX has WORDPERFECT, PHOTOPAINT,  WINE)
which was considerable, and adequate for most folks. But COREL's PPP 
driver wont get past the 'connect' any more at our ISP.

Then, last month, SUSE wouldnt logon any more. But I'd already received a
new REDHAT [PINK TIE], and that did the trick. And in my email, a note 
from the ISP that they'd 'upgraded'.  This issue may get into a whole 
nother thread, been seeing snippets of it around.

But I can see where the distro outfits might want you to havta go back 
to them for 'upgrades' (and more money) to keep up. And to do that, make 
it harder to install other things. The REDHAT RPM, for instance tells me 
that it 'will not install anything from an archive with a major number 
higher than 3'.  I dunno if I can blame that on CHEAPBYTES.COM. I do 
know that the MANDRAKE 9 they sent dont install. And dont tell me to go 
to the original distro. I got REDHAT 5.2 soon after the fire, and spent 
a couple weeks fussing with CDs that had 'corrupted RPM' all over them.

But of course, people who dont have trouble, dont post here.

One of the things FREEDOS could be good for is a boot disk that could 
get a system online to download whatever patches are needed to get it up 
and running despite CD file read errors. I think I recall one of the 
Linux distros mentioning that faulty archives would be logged, and then 
the correct ones downloaded later. Which wouldda been nice for MANDRAKE, 
but it didnt get installed far enuf to get online.

In general, I dont see the error recovery option vaible in Linux, 
whereas it is always duck soup to use a boot floppy in FREEDOS, and once 
you have an operating system on the screen, try to figure out what the 
problem is. In general, what I have seen in many Linux install scripts, 
is that the only user option is to abort, and discard the wasted hour(s).

But in any case, I am being confronted with the choice of which distro 
to put on new and used computers in the area, and I'd rather not get 
calls for 'support' if I can help it. Having all the bells and whistles 
takes a back seat, cause most of these Arkie users dont have that much 
experience to know how to use them anyway.  

But if Microsoft is true to it's reputation, it is deliberately trying 
to sabotage the non-win system logon process. I know of two Mac users 
who now have win NT/XP machines. And if this be so, then all of us 
dos/linux users will be confronted with ppp drivers that dont work. How 
to download the patches without an isp? seems like back to the basic BBS 

Does FREEDOS still have a support BBS?

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Re: [fd-dev] [OT] Linux vs. BSD (was:Dosemu)

2002-12-07 Thread Day Brown
Eric Auer wrote:

Okay, have to add my 2c here, too...

Linux and BSD are both Unix operating systems and therefore similar.
But they started out as replacement of two different mainframe Unix
operating systems, therefore they differ. For example devices and
configuration files and directory structure sometimes are in different
styles. When I said that most Linux distros would adhere to common
standards, I meant that they use very similar style for the directory
structure and so on, which allows you to install software for one Linux
on another Linux without recompiling the software in many cases.

Anyone care to suggest what the percentage of downloads need to be 
compled vs just extracted to the appropriate directory and run? Anyone 
care to offer how often this needs to be done in dos,... drdos, romdos, 
freedos, msdos?


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Re: [fd-dev] ANNOUNCE: Free FDISK 1.1.2 (Beta) is now availablefor download!

2002-12-01 Thread Day Brown
Brian E. Reifsnyder wrote:

Who's confused?  The name seems pretty straight forward to me.  If you were
searching online for a free fdisk replacement program you would probably go
to a search engine and type free fdisk as the search criteria.  Both
google and yahoo list my web site as the first one.  So I think the name
sounds good.

Lotsa folks already have a program on the drives named 'FDISK'.
btw: will your version run on other versions of dos? Seems like I've 
launched 'FDISK' and been told it didnt find the right version.

Of course, if they do, they can easily rename..

boy that was fast reply.


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Re: [fd-dev] ANNOUNCE: Edit 0.6

2002-11-30 Thread Day Brown
Joe Cosentino wrote:

  The new verison of Edit can be downloaded from  []


Will it let you split the screen vertically, so that you can eyeball two 
sections of text or code side by side, and scroll either of them?

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Re: [fd-dev] Fonts

2002-11-25 Thread Day Brown
murphy wrote:

One of the things that would be neat for FD, is a codepage for english,
which replaces all the other foreign letters with diagonal and curved
geometric shapes which would go a long ways twards smoothing out the
appearance of ANSI color scrollbar menus.

Back in the BBS days, I created a font that also included electronic
circuit symbols so that we could lay out circits in ascii messages in
the newsgroup.

You should try FontSet a small tool i programmed long days ago.. :)
Sure it is Freeware...
Look at

Well, I did, but the hard part is a consensus on how much of the std 
font to change.
spoze it'd work with dosemu?


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Re: [fd-dev] Dosemu

2002-11-23 Thread Day Brown
Windoz, and to a lesser, but significant extent, Linux, shows that it is 
easier to add features than it is to squash bugs. Multiuser would not 
hurt were this not so; but part of the reliability of dos is that you do 
only have one thing running, and if it crashes, you have a much better 
idea of where to look.

Given DTR speeds of 10 to 100meg/sec and that few dos apps run even 1 
meg, You can load/unload dos apps faster than a multitasking gui can 
open and close background 'running' apps. but of course, it mostly 
depends on what you want to do. If it is read and type like now in ascii 
doing email, dos is faster. But if you need to work with multimedia, by 
all means use Linux.

However, I think that the global market in single user text apps is 
sufficient to support dos. If you are working with text, why would you 
not want the typicaly 98% of screen area instead of the small windows 
which gui offers?

Were Freedos to offer a text mode ansi color scrollbar email tool and a 
fully functional graphic surf tool to display webpages like Mozilla, it 
would be much more than a small niche market. Especially given the 
ongoing threat of sabotage software from the online interface.I am 
hardput to think of anything out there that does not rely on the 
background of a multitasking os to wreak havoc.

Altho, as it is, running Linux Mozilla online, and then having my 
personal text work on a dos drive is an even more robust kind of 
firewall that I cannot fathom how it could be breached.

BUt, if we want to see the net more available to the vast masses of poor 
people, a simple dos based surf tool would run better on the kind of 
limited hardware and electric power peasants would be able to get. The 
statline ansi color pulldown scrollbar menu system of dos text editors 
like DEXTER, (DR.EXE) is much more developed than anything I've seen in 
Linux; the text mode editors still think I have a mono monitor, and the 
gui ones lack even more of the functionality. I've not been able to find 
any Linux tool which will split the screen vertically, and make changing 
panels like you can with MC (linux file mgr) or DR.EXE. But Dexter is 
not an office WYSIWYG tool for putting out memos or letters in a zillion 
fonts. But if you want to work with long texts or source code, it is 
gonzo faster on limited hardware.

I've not seen any file manager with all the functionality of Directory 
Wizard (DW.EXE), but then again, most Linux users dont move files around 
nearly as much as I do, or bother copying critical data to a dos drive. 
MC gives you that one statline with F1 thru F10 options. DW gives you 
that series, but also two more menus opened up with the ctrl  alt keys 
and an 'Fx'. And lets you install macros or hotkey for other uses.

Given a much more complex file tree and much more hanging on it, it is 
no wonder that 'FIND filename' in Linux takes forever compared to FF.EXE 
in dos, which is prolly on a much smaller drive.

I dont really know what most users do with, or want from, their 
computers; I only hear from the people who have trouble. But one thing I 
think we'd all agree with, is that they'd have less of it if they werent 
running windoz. I expect that most of them will figure this out in a few 
more years, and whenever new systems get installed or sold, it will be 
Linux with perhaps a dos partition in case of trouble. Hardware support 
people would have a much easier time if the user could logon in dos and 
provide the readouts on the status of the system independant of any 
problems the operating system might have.

I see that increasingly, systems are left on all the time; I also see 
that there are memory management problems which arise out of the 
multi-tasking in which apps, even when closed, dont give back all the 
dram they've been using. You can avoid that problem with dos. Even when 
the app is not coded properly, you can use pc-mag's MARK.COM  
RELEASE.COM to tag memory, and dump anything, no matter what it is, or 
why it it is there. hmmm.. does the Linux terminal have anything like 
WAITASEC.COM? and why didnt they set it up so you could hit the 'print 
screen' button during boot to get a hardcopy of error messages?

One last thing dos will be around for is the same reason you can still 
buy black and white camera film. I recently saw the 'BB.EXE' text mode 
demo, a fine example of ASCII art, a tradition going all the way back to 
line printers. People routinely see the Linux penguin during boot in 
ANSI color, and there are many other expressions of this tradition which 
will be around forever. Few people who saw the movie, 'The Matrix' knew 
that the falling green letters on a computer screen was what many of us, 
who first started working with text on screen saw... when it crashed.

Dos is, like Film Noir, oil paint, or clay, an artistic medium. It is 
the main reason I sub here, to get tipped off to tools that I might use 
in my own artistic endeavors in the medium.


Re: [fd-dev] Dosemu

2002-11-22 Thread Day Brown
Eric Auer wrote:

well, you really ARE a pessimist.

Au Contraire, I think some distro programmers will figure it out, and 
realize that: Linux comes from Unix, which is a multi-user networked 
operating system. As such it sux for the single user desktop. I dont 
think it would be that big a deal to design a distro for the single 
user, and some have made some modifications to that end, but.. they've
got a long ways to go before reaching the convenience of dos, which was 
always built for the single user, and tweaked over the years for that 

Some Linux lovers have told me how to change the boot so it comes right 
up to my personal xwin kde, or do, as you have suggest ways to install 
software or whatever, but I dont do windoz, and I sure as shit dont 
build them. Start talking about building kernels and makefiles and 
compiling binaries to most people who just want to sit and do email, and 
their eyes glaze over looking out the window and thinking they awta go 

If Nettamer would do my email anymore, I'd be using it; writing ascii in 
a gui screen is fundamentaly oxymoronic. But my new local ISP will not 
log me in with any of the dos ppp drivers, and I have other things to do 
besides debug that problem. There must be someone who knows more about 
it. But in both cases, dos and linux, I look at the computer skill of 
most users, and dont see reasonable solutions.

For example, you dont turn off net servers. But I dont like the idea of 
my computer in my quiet rural home running all the damn time. As people 
realize that they can telecommute from the boondocks, this will become a 
more obvious problem, you can hear the damn blowers in the kitchen while 
you get another cuppa java. So, with dos, I close the app, and hit the 
power button. [that's a period] I find it a p*** in the a** to havta 
go thru so many clicks to close the browser, kde, and wait for the 
shutdown to close all the open files [which are there for a network 
which does not exist].

I'm not ragging on Linux, cause it is a great operating system for 
sysads, networks, and servers. But the newbie so commonly sees the 
message to 'consult with your system administrator', that he knows he 
will be scrod if he tries to fix the problem himself. The only 'system 
administrator' I have is behind my navel.

FWI: SCROD- pluperfect subjunctive case.

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Re: [fd-dev] ANNOUNCE: DISPLAY 0.06

2002-11-21 Thread Day Brown
DISPLAY is nice cause it's sticky, there after you use a GUI tool. But 
it comes back to the 25 line mode. If you could set it to default to 50 
instead, then you wouldnt havta add the MODE CON:.. line to the end of 
the batch program that launches a graphic app.

AITOR.SM wrote:

(Day could you post this reply on my behalf? I have no good qccess to

The screen current mode is not entirely a DISPLAY bussiness. You should
use MODE CON  (different paprameters for differet modes, I have no
refs. here).

Provided that they are IMPLEMENTED  ;-))


Given the larger size and better resolution of modern monitors, can
tweak DISPLAY so that the 80x50 screen is the default?

I tried it with a drdos 7 drive, with the cyrillic font, and it
kept it
even after a graphic app. mem says it takes an extra 10k, but I
dunno if
that is still a problem in a graphic mode. Arachne always wanted as
as I could give it.

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Re: Re]: [fd-dev] ncurses

2002-11-21 Thread Day Brown
what does it produce in dos, .bat, .com, .exe?
and if you create ncurses source code in dos, can you export it and have 
the same code compile in Linux?

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