Re: libre graphics meeting

2009-05-06 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Máirín Duffy wrote:

On Thu, 7 May 2009, María Leandro wrote:

Excelent program, but I'm really really far :(

I think it moves around all over the world :)

I think it only moves between France and Montreal but I could be wrong.
It was in Poland last year and it was supposed to be in Singapore this 
year before it got moved.
The organization is pretty open to suggestion on where to hold it, so 
it's possible to suggest your home town. :)

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Artwork Quality (was Re: Sound themes)

2008-10-29 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Mairin Duffy wrote:

William Jon McCann wrote:

I think a lot of the responsibility is on the desktop team (and also
the upstream community) to communicate more effectively. 
What do you mean by upstream? You mean the Fedora Artwork team is the 
upstream for the Fedora-branded artwork, right?

I think the GNOME art team upstream, at least, accepts and understands 
that individual distros will impose their own branding on their 
desktops, and I don't think there is any issue with that. (Andreas, I 
won't put any words in your mouth but I remember we'd discussed this 
at the GNOME usability summit not long ago.)
We know upstream that this happens and for stuff like backgrounds it 
doesn't really matter I think (hence why it completely blew my mind that 
some people got upset by the background decision [1], since the only 
people who will see that one is the few people who compile GNOME 
gnome-backgrounds is a nice little package with  some cool stuff in it, 
but I'm confident that most people will replace their background with a 
crappy pic of their dog or whatever anyway. Backgrounds are also 
relatively cheap to produce and is highly visible (ie people who don't 
really care about computers will actually notice them, I wouldn't say 
the same thing is true for icons and widgets, except when things looks 
"weird and unpolished").

When it comes to widgets, things can possibly get a bit more 
unpredictable for app developers and will result in a couple of more 
bugs (and fixes for one thing in Fedora and another thing upstream, but 
probably not the same thing).

As for icons I think Fedora does exactly the right thing with Mist. It 
follows the tango guidelines, so it will work well with 90% of the other 
stuff out there and is shipped with gnome-themes, so any bug fixes will 
benefit both ways, but still allows Fedora to maintain the distinct blue 
Another cool thing is that Susan Kare  [2] originally designed Mist for 
Eazel [3], so it's a nice nod to computer history. :)


- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo Icon Theme in F10?

2008-10-18 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

Regarding icons using different perspective, it is much worse for any
theme especially when new applications do not have icons that follow
either guideline (Blender, KOffice, xsane, about-me, gFTP, etc.) .
The Blender icon in the package from is tango styled. Might 
be a issue that it seem to lack a 24x24 size

. I'll look into it.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo Icon Theme in F10?

2008-10-18 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Here's some of that feedback. There are other screenshots at
the bottom of the page I wanted to do the full critique on,
but after spending some hours doing the critique that is
complete there, I felt that what is there sufficiently and
objectively demonstrates that Echo is not ready to be a
default icon set:

While I agree with a good part of your criticism, I think you go a bit 
too far in defending the current set and making it look like is not 
broken (maybe is not broken as much, but broken enough to need 

Palm OS Device (gnome-pilot) icon is:
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo vs the destkop

2008-09-27 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Thu, 2008-09-25 at 17:22 -0400, William Jon McCann wrote:
In my opinion it's applications fault. The day icon themes were born to

the world, people should have accepted the fact and make it possible to
change every icon on desktop by looking them up in icon themes. It's not
only because the Echo icon theme, we can replace the upstream icons if
needed for Fedora, the biggest issue I see there is that it effectively
blocks creating themes designed specially for people with disabilities,
like HiContrast icon theme.
The theming functionality is mostly there already (with 2.24 all of 
evolution is themeable etc. please file bugs where it's not), but the 
contributions to HighContrast are few and far between. It would be cool 
to see more icon creation happening for those.

We also fail to support the art communities upstream.  Andreas has
practically begged you to work with him upstream.  We simply don't
have enough good artists around to have turf wars over icon sets.  I
will join him in asking you to work upstream.

Unless I pay people, I can only kindly ask them to help us. I think 
people should be free to work on what they enjoy best. Just wanted to 
make that clear.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo vs the destkop

2008-09-27 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Thu, 2008-09-25 at 15:28 +0200, Hylke Bons wrote:

I think what Andreas means is that when you install an application
that is not in the default Fedora install, it's going to look out of
All the most popular OSS packages now use the same icon style
upstream, which is a major achievement, but instead Fedora chooses to
do it all over again.

I guess you are wrong here - you are talking only about GTK/Gnome
applications, but Fedora equally supports QT/KDE applications, that use
totally different style (oxygen). And because we want full desktop
integration for both QT and GTK applications we are left with no other
choice that create our own icons style that will not clash very much
with either of them. The perspective choices were done by Diana when she
started the icon set some years ago and we're probably not going to
rethink them.
This sounds interesting and reminds me of a similar project 
(, but for Fedora only.
However, I have a hard time seeing where the Echo style are a in-between 
style between GNOME and KDE.

I don't think the differences between KDE style and GNOME style differs 
that much to begin really, if one compares the following screenshots:

Same perspectives, similar outlines etc. Sightly different colors, KDE 
drops the outline at 48, GNOME at 128.
The guidelines are not set it stone, and we're happy to change them 
where needed.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo vs the destkop

2008-09-25 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

William Jon McCann a écrit :

Hi Bill,

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 5:53 PM, Bill Nottingham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When we approved Echo as the default icon theme for F10, I was under the
assumption that this was already more or less known as a feature to the
Desktop group, and they were OK with the coverage provided and the
experience given. Is that the case?



I strongly disagree with the decision to use the Echo icon theme.  For
one, there is simply not enough time before Fedora 10 to fix the
problems that you point out.  There is also the fact that the quality
of the artwork is noticeably lower than the upstream GNOME and Tango
icon themes.

See the baseset[1]. Also there are issue on system->Administration 
that neither gnome nor

tango addressed that were done on Echo theme.
If the system -> Administration looks out of place with the rest of the 
system, does it help to introduce another icon style so the rest of the 
system looks out of place instead?

A icon set is a mighty beast, bigger than it might appear at first. It 
have taken about 3 years for the 6-7 core icon developers upstream (with 
several others occasionally helping out) to where it is now. We're 
welcoming all interested contributors to help out upstream with open 
arms. I've had a very good experience with working together on with 
Fedora developers in GNOME and would love for more collaboration to happen.
btw, big thanks to Mike Langlie, who did a great job on the icons for 

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Ech0] Features for Fedora 10 Beta

2008-09-19 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Andreas Nilsson wrote:
Would it be suitable to mention on the wiki under Benefits where it 

"A unique set of icon that combines elegance and usability."
That it will also mean a drawback in terms of integration on Fedora 
for 3rd party developers such as Mozilla [1], Medsphere [2] and 
VMWare [3]?

* VMware is closed source software, outside of the Fedora mission, so 
it does not matter;
* I doubt that Medsphere OpenVista should be a blocker, it does not 
like a software I would recommend to be run on Fedora;
* by Mozilla I guess you mean Firefox, as Thunderbird and Seamonkey do 
not use the GNOME icon theme anyway. After covering the base icons, I 
think the most obvious goal for Echo is to cover the Firefox icons.
The reason for my concerns was because some kind of predictability in 
the look of feel across distros was the reason Mozilla agreed to do 
Linux visual integration in the first place (the alternative was keep on 
using the WinXP style).
I don't think integration with 3rd party applications should be a 
concern, otherwise we are going to a slippery slope and may get to 
think  about consistency with Windows icons (via Wine).
I don't think the slope is that slippery really, because Windows is a 
completely different platform all together (don't use platform 
technologies, follow the HIG or anything like that either).
If 3rd party developers trying to integrate with your platform isn't a 
concern at all, I rest my case. Just thought it was worth mentioning as 
all design decisions have pros and cons and that it would be unfortunate 
not listing any possible cons.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo] New Actions dialog-* + process-stop icons

2008-09-16 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:


I've just finished creating new icons for:
dialog-no (stock gtk-no)
dialog-cancel (also gtk-cancel)
dialog-yes (stpck gtk-yes)
dialog-ok (also gtk-ok)
dialog-apply (stock gtk-apply)

Following the current echo style, I created a template for all those
icons, so they are consistent between themselves. Finding good metaphors
for those icons is hard, because dialog-{no,cancel} I usually associated
with the same metaphor(s), in gtk stock icons gtk-no is just red globe
and is too much similar to media-record. Next dialog-{yes,ok,apply} also
are associated with same metaphor and in gtk stock icons the gtk-yes is
just green globe, which works better than the red globe for gtk-no...
Also process-stop is currently also using an icon that is very much
similar to already established metaphors for dialog-cancel...
Matthew Paul Thomas suggested at one point that gtk-yes and gtk-no 
should picture dead kittens, as 99 % of the dialogs that use gtk-yes and 
gtk-no should use proper verbs for the buttons instead. (If you see one 
that does, please help save humanity by filing a bug :) )
The reason we decided to stay with the red and green balls in GKT+ is 
because of how I've seen the symbols being (mis)used in applications. A 
lot of time these are used to indicate on and off states and other weird 
So after a lot of though I decided to leave the icons that are already

in echo with (nearly) untouched metaphor, for process-stop use the same
metaphor as uses gnome-icon-theme, for dialog-apply use same as for
dialog-ok, but in blue instead of green, for dialog-no used some sort of
"this way is blocked" kind of metaphor and for dialog-yes used "no"
metaphor (could be interpreted as some sort of "this way is open" kind
of metaphor).

Stop and Cancel are in most situations pretty much the same thing.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Good news about Echo

2008-09-08 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Matthias Clasen wrote:

On Mon, 2008-09-08 at 11:09 +0200, Martin Sourada wrote:


Heh, didn't occurred to me that I could check gtk docs :-D Thanks for
the link, seems like many of the stock icons are already in the
icon-naming-spec (though under different names). I think
icon-naming-utils create symlinks for those correctly, but I'll check it

Our gnome-icon-theme package has a patch to create the gtk stock
symlinks, even if the other legacy symlinks are left out, since the gtk
stock names are not really legacy.

Ah, cool! Do you have a url to that patch?
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Good news about Echo

2008-09-08 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Fri, 2008-09-05 at 09:35 -0400, Matthias Clasen wrote:

I'm here... So, I think we need to act quickly to make Echo the default
for the beta, to test the waters before F10. For Gnome, the way to do
that is to change the inheritance of the Fedora icon theme to pull in
Echo instead of Mist.

b) GTK+ stock icons

Not sure about that, I'll probably need to look into gnome-icon-theme to
see which are still missing.

Here is the list of stock items:

Even though the same team drew both GTK+ stock and gnome-icon-theme, we 
only ship icon-naming-spec stuff with gnome-icon-theme. So even though 
some items are the same, there is a bunch of icons in there that are 
specific to GTK+.
These are actually used quite a lot in unexpected places, like the 
games, 3rd party applications etc. so they are quite important.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo for F10? [was: Re: [Echo] One Canvas workflow + making commits easier]

2008-08-28 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Andreas Nilsson wrote:

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 15:46 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
What about the percentage of coverage you're going to see on a fresh 
Fedora install, in all apps etc?

That would not be so easy to count... Even for gnome menus its a lot of


Is the number higher than the current default style?

Echo is worse in case of coverage percentage than Mist+Gnome, that we
know most certainly. But the current default does not cover everything
either. Therefore I wonder where we should focus our efforts with
coverage - just follow gnome+mist and do the same you did there, or
rather focus on the pieces that are missing in gnome+mist (like we are
doing now when we try to improve the coverage of gnome menus). I
personally think gnome+mist icon themes can coexist pretty good with
Echo though final state would be that we wouldn't need those two as Echo
fallback themes.

Hi Martin!
My concern was mainly that if the new set don't do a better job with 
coverage than the old one, I would consider it a regression.

- Andreas

Ugh, reading this again I make it sound all snobbish or something.
What I meant was that a consistent system is a beautiful system in the 
way that people can actually forget about the icon looks all together 
and focus on their function.
Therefore, if you think Echo is the way forward, it might be better to 
wait a little while longer until things are in a more release-ready state.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo for F10? [was: Re: [Echo] One Canvas workflow + making commits easier]

2008-08-28 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 15:46 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
What about the percentage of coverage you're going to see on a fresh 
Fedora install, in all apps etc?

That would not be so easy to count... Even for gnome menus its a lot of


Is the number higher than the current default style?

Echo is worse in case of coverage percentage than Mist+Gnome, that we
know most certainly. But the current default does not cover everything
either. Therefore I wonder where we should focus our efforts with
coverage - just follow gnome+mist and do the same you did there, or
rather focus on the pieces that are missing in gnome+mist (like we are
doing now when we try to improve the coverage of gnome menus). I
personally think gnome+mist icon themes can coexist pretty good with
Echo though final state would be that we wouldn't need those two as Echo
fallback themes.

Hi Martin!
My concern was mainly that if the new set don't do a better job with 
coverage than the old one, I would consider it a regression.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo for F10? [was: Re: [Echo] One Canvas workflow + making commits easier]

2008-08-27 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 15:11 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Some information on the current % would be good.


Indeed, but it's not so easy as it might seem. We could count the
coverage of the icon-naming-specs, we could count the coverage of gnome
menus in desktop live cd, coverage of main menus in other spins... Which
number however is the most relevant one? I think menus themselves are
not enough, icon-naming-specs on the other side does not include most of
the icons in menus, ...
What about the percentage of coverage you're going to see on a fresh 
Fedora install, in all apps etc?

Is the number higher than the current default style?
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: accessible login

2008-08-27 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Matthias Clasen wrote:

Hey artists,

the new gdm has a nice and easy way to turn on HighContrast / LargePrint themes.
You can see screenshots of it here:

Unfortunately, as the screenshots show, a number of the icons that gdm
uses don't have
HighContrast versions, which makes the experience a bit less awesome
than it could be.

The list of required icons is fairly short, so it seems doable to
reach a 100% accessible login screen, as far as icons are concerned:

preferences-desktop-accessibility (this may just need to be scaled down)
session-properties (not in the screenshots)

Regarding the icons used in the buttons, I don't think the buttons 
should use any icons at all, as the word clearly speaks for itself and 
the icons used currently only lead to confusion (and uglyness).

I filed a bug on this a while ago [1]

Regarding the other icons, it seems that we have all the icons you 
listed, except preferences-desktop-keyboard (and possibly 
session-properties, couldn't find it) in the HighContrast-SVG 
folder/theme [2].
I'm not sure what the status is on that set though. Calum or Luca should 


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo] printer sketches

2008-08-06 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Nicu Buculei wrote:
BTW, speaking of comparing various icon sizes, have you seen jimmac's 
screencast about "one canvas workflow"?

If so, what opinion have you about this, as you have a lot of 
experience working with icons, could it be of benefit or the 
[possible] benefits does not compensate for the additional work?

I tried this out for the first time a couple of days ago and it's dead 
simple to get started with and it's really nice not having to copy and 
paste things around when you need to change the color of a element 
across 5 sizes and stuff like that. The Gossip icon [1] was dead simple 
to migrate, just had to fix some gradient. I also created a icon from 
scratch for Seahorse [2] yesterday using the method. Jimmac posted a 
updated screencast [3] and fixed the script so you don't have to care 
about the name of the layer or the metadata, but just fix the text on 


- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Mist/gnome-icon-theme] Missing symlinks in rawhide

2008-07-30 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:


I recall andreasn called for cooperation in hunting bad citizens in case
of icons usage. As I am on rawhide right now, where the icon-theme-utils
are not used for generating symlinks in Mist and gnome-icon-theme, I
though I could point out some icons that are "missing" ;-)

From what I noticed, there are these missing icons in the gnome menus:

* Applications -> Sound & Video -> Avidemux Video Editor (GTK)
- gnome-multimedia
- avidemux-2.4.2-1.lvn10.i386

* Applications -> System Tools -> Disk Management
- disks
- usermode-1.97-1.i386

* System -> Help
- gnome-help
- yelp-2.22.1-2.fc10.i386

* System -> Preferences -> Hardware -> Mouse
- gnome-dev-mouse-optical
- control-center-2.23.4-4.fc10.i386

* System -> Preferences -> System -> Authorisations
- gtk-dialog-authentication
- PolicyKit-gnome-0.8-5.fc10.i386

* System -> Administration -> Add/Remove Software
- system-software-installer
- gnome-packagekit-0.2.3-4.20080618.fc10.i386

* System -> Administration -> Users and Groups
- system-config-users
- system-config-users-1.2.80-1.fc10.noarch

In addition to that icon for System -> Administration falls back to
bluecurve (I am not sure what icon name it uses). Places -> Bookmarks
uses icon with old gnome design (I am not sure here either about the
icon name). I believe it could use same icon as epiphany uses.
I think there is a bug open in GNOME bugzilla about the last one, but 
I'm not sure.
Matthias Clasen asked for help with filing bugs on themes-list [1] a 
short while ago, so if you could file some bugs in GNOME bugzilla [2] 
about these issues it would be great!


- Andreas

Also I noticed that the icon that appears in evolution's status bar (on
close button) is displayed as broken image (I believe) instead of the
traditional close icon.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

HighRes Mist icons

2008-07-05 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Hi all!
As there are requirements for large size icons in apps like GNOME Do [1] 
and Elisa [2], I recently started working on Mist icons with a bigger, 
256x256 canvas. With some assistance from Kalle Persson and Hylke Bons, 
I now I have something that is usable and will try to merge these into 
gnome-themes trunk next week if everything goes well. It takes a bit of 
time to put these together, because of the level of detail (textures, 
shadows etc.), but I only have some stuff like folder-open left for it 
to be fully usable.
There is also some action going on in Gossip [3] and Banshee [4] trunk, 
but help is greatly needed for other apps, so if anyone is interested in 
helping out, you're more than welcome.

You can find the icons here:
and a preview here:
Just unpack the attached file in ./icons in your home folder.
Hope you like the icons!


- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: IAX Phone Icon Request

2008-06-16 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Stojan Dimitrovski wrote:

Hi again,

I was advised to put Metadata in the SVGs including license and creator.
That's what I did.

License: Public Domain.

Here's the new ZIP. I strongly advise using this one.

Did some modifications on the 16x16 version of the icon. Aligned the 
lines closer to the grid and made sure all lines was 1px thick.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: IAX Phone Icon Request

2008-06-13 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Stojan Dimitrovski wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'd like to claim the "IAX Phone applications" icon request from the

I already finished a 48x48 Tango-standards (some exceptions as to the
buttons and darker gradients) icon of the phone (smaller versions are to
follow after the acknowledgment of this design). Please do knock me out
with suggestions on what to do with it and what to change.


Great work on this!
A couple of suggestions:
* Perhaps some highlight on the ends of the phone handle to make it go 
out instead of inwards.
* Make the shadow under the phone build from a square instead of a 
circle. Easiest to get done by creating a rectagle, round the corner 
radius a bit and use blur on it.
* The phone buttons looks a bit strange. Probably because of the 
perspective. I would enforce the perspective on the phones body as well.

Could you post the svg as well?
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: standard I meant, f10 codename

2008-05-30 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Adam Sobotka wrote:
1] Most standard. That's a hard to say..what I meant is that standard 
icon set should be near tango, at least with isometry. I remember how 
confusing was my experiments with ubuntu, until I applied tango icon 
scheme which is similar on all distros. That doesn't mean that I don't 
like echo or human icon schemes, it's a great to have an option...but 
in default there should be flat, tango like icons. Just my toughts.

I assume you mean the current default, ie. Mist.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Mist and gnome-icon-theme plans for GNOME 2.24/Fedora 10

2008-05-22 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 21:43 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
Fewer and fewer icons in applications are actually hardcoded, as they 
need to work with HighContrast, even though there are still some who 
needs to be fixed. See "Known Applications" on
With my upstream hat on, I can say that we're really happy for all the 
help we can get in this area. Both with icons and code for apps to not 
hardcode their icons.

Firefox and Openoffice are of course exceptions, as they rely heavily on 
their own theming infrastructure, even though we did a lot of work on 
using GTK+ stock items in as many places as possible in Firefox3.

- Andreas

That's great. We make sure that when we experience such an issue, we'll
help as much as possible to solve it.

As a side note, I noticed gnome-power-manager is listed among those that
work well, and last time I checked, it used gpm-primary-xyz.png naming
scheme for the battery indication icons. I think, in regard to other
power managers, if there are any, it would make sense to at least remove
the "gpm" part; and as a matter of fact, two of these battery states are
already listed in the icon-naming-specs:

battery-caution  The icon used when the battery is below 40%.
battery-low  The icon used when the battery is below 20%.

I think it would make sense to use those instead of gpm-primary-020 and
gpm-primary-040 and extend it to these as well:

battery-emptyThe icon used when the battery is (nearly) empty.
battery-medium   The icon used when the battery is bellow 60%.
battery-high The icon used when the battery is bellow 80%.
battery-full The icon used when the battery is bellow 100%.

Also, the same names with -charging suffix for batteries that are
charging and perhaps as an extra icons same names with ups-, phone- or
whatever-other-device-with-battery- prefix...

Any thoughts on this?
Indeed. battery-low and caution isn't really used by any application, as 
Richard likes to have a lot of battery states, so we shipped 
power-manager with all the states instead. Not sure what the KDE power 
manager use.

I'll bring it up with Rodney, who's maintaining the naming-spec.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Mist and gnome-icon-theme plans for GNOME 2.24/Fedora 10

2008-05-19 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Sun, 2008-05-18 at 14:31 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
What are the outstanding issues with Mist/gnome-icon-theme that makes it 
a target for replacement?
The application coverage is pretty good (full coverage in key 
applications such as Firefox, Rhythmbox, Pidgin, Gimp, OpenOffice etc.) 
and looks good together with the rest of the Fedora desktop elements.
The development is largely done upstream in GNOME (bugzilla and IRC 
mostly), so therefore the development might seem a bit silent to the 
Fedora community. Let me know if there is any way I can improve that.

- Andreas

None, there just seems to be people like me or Luya who thinks having
our own icon set would be good to have in Fedora and are willing to work
on it. And due to the "work with upstream" nature of Fedora it could
also help to pave way for other icon theme developers (we won't patch
applications to hardcode Echo icons instead of their own, rather work
with the devs to fix their applications so they would use icons from
selected icon theme, if available). I believe in this area it is desired
to join forces with Mist/gnome-icon-theme/Tango/Oxygen developers :)

Fewer and fewer icons in applications are actually hardcoded, as they 
need to work with HighContrast, even though there are still some who 
needs to be fixed. See "Known Applications" on
With my upstream hat on, I can say that we're really happy for all the 
help we can get in this area. Both with icons and code for apps to not 
hardcode their icons.

Firefox and Openoffice are of course exceptions, as they rely heavily on 
their own theming infrastructure, even though we did a lot of work on 
using GTK+ stock items in as many places as possible in Firefox3.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Mist and gnome-icon-theme plans for GNOME 2.24/Fedora 10

2008-05-18 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Andreas Nilsson wrote:

• King Size - Even though 48x48 px canvas currently works well on the 
desktop for most people, there is a tendency to move towards higher 
resolution screens. There are also emerging projects such as GnomeDO 
and Elisa that require larger sized icons. Therefore we recently 
started experimenting with Large sized (256x256) icons for the most 
common icons. Lapo Calamandrei and Jakub Steiner will be taking care 
of the bits in gnome-icon-theme and I'll be fixing the ones in Mist. 
Help is greatly needed in this area.

This raises an interesting question about the default icon set in 
Fedora 10.

Lately Echo development gained some momentum, so maybe we should put 
our collective asses at work and come with a plan: try to get Echo as 
default in F10, so focus on it or we will rely again on Mist and help 
with those large sized icons (certainly, people can work on both, all 
is about the focus).

What are the outstanding issues with Mist/gnome-icon-theme that makes it 
a target for replacement?
The application coverage is pretty good (full coverage in key 
applications such as Firefox, Rhythmbox, Pidgin, Gimp, OpenOffice etc.) 
and looks good together with the rest of the Fedora desktop elements.
The development is largely done upstream in GNOME (bugzilla and IRC 
mostly), so therefore the development might seem a bit silent to the 
Fedora community. Let me know if there is any way I can improve that.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Mist and gnome-icon-theme plans for GNOME 2.24/Fedora 10

2008-05-18 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Wed, 2008-05-14 at 15:23 +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:

Andreas Nilsson wrote:

• King Size - Even though 48x48 px canvas currently works well on the 
desktop for most people, there is a tendency to move towards higher 
resolution screens. There are also emerging projects such as GnomeDO and 
Elisa that require larger sized icons. Therefore we recently started 
experimenting with Large sized (256x256) icons for the most common 
icons. Lapo Calamandrei and Jakub Steiner will be taking care of the 
bits in gnome-icon-theme and I'll be fixing the ones in Mist. Help is 
greatly needed in this area.

This raises an interesting question about the default icon set in Fedora 10.

Lately Echo development gained some momentum, so maybe we should put our 
collective asses at work and come with a plan: try to get Echo as 
default in F10, so focus on it or we will rely again on Mist and help 
with those large sized icons (certainly, people can work on both, all is 
about the focus).

Well, some of the issues Andreas mentioned are same for Echo as for
gnome-icon-theme, so the Echo devs can help with it as well. What I have
on mind is especially correct usage of icons as per icon naming specs. 

Also would be nice if we could "fix" applications to use generic icons
instead of their own more, so that choosing different than
gnome-icon-theme will not result in inconsistent looking desktop, e.g.
pidgin, gajim, empathy could use emotes from the icon themes instead of
their own, etc. I noticed many of the app specific icons are handled by
the gnome-icon-theme people as well, so if we could move as much icons
as possible from app specific places to /usr/share/icons/hicolor and fix
apps to look up for them in the traditional icon theme places it would
greatly help other icon theme developers.

As for me, I hope we can get Echo in for Fedora 10.

Hylke Bons [1] is the guy responsible for the emotes icons in Pidgin and 
I could talk to the Gossip people about the issue.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Mist and gnome-icon-theme plans for GNOME 2.24/Fedora 10

2008-05-14 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Hi all!
I thought I should share some of the plans for Mist and gnome-icon-theme 
(witch makes up for a big porportion of the icons used on Fedora).

• King Size - Even though 48x48 px canvas currently works well on the 
desktop for most people, there is a tendency to move towards higher 
resolution screens. There are also emerging projects such as GnomeDO and 
Elisa that require larger sized icons. Therefore we recently started 
experimenting with Large sized (256x256) icons for the most common 
icons. Lapo Calamandrei and Jakub Steiner will be taking care of the 
bits in gnome-icon-theme and I'll be fixing the ones in Mist. Help is 
greatly needed in this area.
• Dropping icon-naming-utils - We're looking into dropping the 
dependency on icon-naming-utils sometime in the foreseeable future. This 
requires changes to the applications to use icon-naming-spec names, 
therefore icon-naming-utils is disabled during the unstable release 
(2.23) of GNOME so we can hunt those issues down.
• Moving to one canvas per icon - We want to move all the sizes of a 
icon into one canvas and have a script split them up during installation 
of the theme to their respective folders. This will hopefully make the 
icons easier to maintain.
• Emblems - A lot of the emblems are still using the old GNOME style and 
only comes in one size. Kalle Persson is working on updated emblems.
• As usual we will also fix icon bugs in individual applications. Last 
cycle we did a lot of work on Firefox3, Evolution and Banshee as well as 
a lot of other applications. We're currently looking into Seahorse, 
Hugin, Abiword and whatever pops up along the road.

Help is always needed and highly appreciated ,especially with tracking 
down and fixing ugly application in the menus. You can catch me in 
#fedora-art most of the time if you have any questions.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo] Reworked media-optical icon

2008-05-07 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Wed, 2008-05-07 at 10:40 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
Makes sense. It's not in upstream gnome-icon-theme, but is a 
fedora-specific patch, currently being discussed in
Sorry for mixing up the name, I work with a Martyn, so hence the grammar 

- Andreas

That's a valuable reference! Thanks for the link :) Reading through the
comments, I think the best way to solve this would be to put the
specific media into -extras (we don't have it in echo yet, but could be
easily created) and just go with the basic ones for the basic theme. Any
objections? The new gnome seems to be written to allow this way of
handling devices icons nicely (as described in the bug).


I'm leaning towards that solution as well.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo] Reworked media-optical icon

2008-05-07 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Wed, 2008-05-07 at 07:58 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:

Hi Martyn!

Hi Andreas!


Is there a sane user case for when you need to use these labels?
The only one I can think of is "I have both a Blueray and a HDDVD player 
on my machine. I inserted both yesterday and they are both movie X, now 
I can't tell them apart". Not a very common situation though.
I personally never found labels like these helping since I only use one 
disc media at a time and with different titles. Instead they tend make 
things look more busy, especially at the smaller sizes.

- Andreas

That's one of the reasons it is not differentiated in 16x16. At bigger
sizes one of the reasons might be (re)writeable media - having although
you most likely know what media you have put in your drive, I've already
met people who thought they were using CD while it was a DVD... Also, in
the isometric perspective the text helps (subjectively) to define the
perspective. Also, for some reason I don't know, upstream default (gnome
icon theme) does that distinction as well.
Makes sense. It's not in upstream gnome-icon-theme, but is a 
fedora-specific patch, currently being discussed in
Sorry for mixing up the name, I work with a Martyn, so hence the grammar 

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo] Reworked media-optical icon

2008-05-06 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Sun, 2008-05-04 at 22:59 +0200, Martin Sourada wrote:


I've just finished reworking the media-optical icon to follow the
guidelines and to have all the necessary sizes. There remains one simple
question to answer (apart from approval from you ;-) - how we will make
the derivations: media-optical-{cd,dvd,bd,hddvd}? Just add the text (CD,
DVD, BLU-RAY, HD DVD)? Use label with the text? Use different colours?
Any suggestions? I'd prefer one of the text variants, since it's clear
what the text says (while different colours might cause confusion).
Also, there is an alternative that we just symlink all those to

Comments welcome,


I've added two variants (in 22x22 size) of the derivations. One utilises
text, the other colour. IMHO, the text is hard do read, but good enough
to be able to tell if it's CD, DVD, Blu-Ray or HDDVD; and I like it more
than the colour variants. It'll work better for desktop-size icons
[48x48]. Also, the text isn't usable for 16x16 icon, so I'd go with just
one icon for all for this size.

Any comments?



Hi Martyn!
Is there a sane user case for when you need to use these labels?
The only one I can think of is "I have both a Blueray and a HDDVD player 
on my machine. I inserted both yesterday and they are both movie X, now 
I can't tell them apart". Not a very common situation though.
I personally never found labels like these helping since I only use one 
disc media at a time and with different titles. Instead they tend make 
things look more busy, especially at the smaller sizes.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [RFE]...

2008-04-01 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:

RFE for cool user/avatar image to use as default for
"other/guest" accounts in GDM on live spins and with installation

We had an effort like this about a year ago and collected a number of 

I think it would be *trivial* for the Art team to either resurrect 
those submission or gather a number of new ones (it seems our team 
grew in number since then), the real requirement would be for the 
desktop guys to make use of those images.

I knew there was something we missed last release. Anyone want to help 
me out to get those in in upstream GNOME?

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: new icons?

2008-03-14 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Andreas Nilsson wrote:

Valent Turkovic wrote:
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Máirín Duffy 

Valent Turkovic wrote:
 > On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 4:32 PM, Nicu Buculei 

 >> Valent Turkovic wrote:
 >>  >
 >>  >
 >>  > Hi,
 >>  > I'm looking at gnome menu icons in current rawhide and they look
 >>  > really out of place. If I remember correctly is was agreed 
upon that
 >>  > there will be an update of this icons with some other. Please 

 >>  > me if I'm wrong.
 >>  The icons in your screenshot look exactly the same as the icons 
in F8.

 > I know that, but they look "old" compared to the rest of the 

 > Are you looking to update them?



If you open gnome menu to me icons look like from some old linux
desktop, they don't look as polished as other visual elements of
fedora desktop. I don't understand what you don't understand here.
I'm not an artists but I can give you my honest opnion that they look
misplaced and "old" compared to any other icon. If you look at firefox
or evolution icons they look much better on fedora desktop that icons
for "Accesories", "Education", "Games". Games icon looks really retro,
and it that was the intent of the artwork then I wouldn't say
anything, but I guess it is not.

How long are these icons being used? When was the last update of them?
Which year? Which fedora release?

English is not my primary language so there statements may look a bit
to direct and harsh but this is not my intention and all I would like
to start is some constructive discussion.


Hi Valent!
These menu icons are about 1 to 1,5 years old (so quite new actually), 
the latest addition to the set itself was about 5 weeks ago. You can 
see the details here: (under 

Fixes for them are more than welcome, just file bugs in bugzilla with 
attached patches.

- Andreas
To clarify myself, that doesn't mean we haven't been drawing a single 
pixel in the GNOME Artwork Team the last month. :)
Our recent work have been icons and other graphics for Firefox 3, 
Evolution, Tomboy, Seahorse and Banshee (we fixed rhythmbox already) 
among others.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: new icons?

2008-03-14 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Valent Turkovic wrote:

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Máirín Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Valent Turkovic wrote:
 > On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 4:32 PM, Nicu Buculei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >> Valent Turkovic wrote:
 >>  >
 >>  >
 >>  > Hi,
 >>  > I'm looking at gnome menu icons in current rawhide and they look
 >>  > really out of place. If I remember correctly is was agreed upon that
 >>  > there will be an update of this icons with some other. Please correct
 >>  > me if I'm wrong.
 >>  The icons in your screenshot look exactly the same as the icons in F8.
 > I know that, but they look "old" compared to the rest of the artwork.
 > Are you looking to update them?



If you open gnome menu to me icons look like from some old linux
desktop, they don't look as polished as other visual elements of
fedora desktop. I don't understand what you don't understand here.
I'm not an artists but I can give you my honest opnion that they look
misplaced and "old" compared to any other icon. If you look at firefox
or evolution icons they look much better on fedora desktop that icons
for "Accesories", "Education", "Games". Games icon looks really retro,
and it that was the intent of the artwork then I wouldn't say
anything, but I guess it is not.

How long are these icons being used? When was the last update of them?
Which year? Which fedora release?

English is not my primary language so there statements may look a bit
to direct and harsh but this is not my intention and all I would like
to start is some constructive discussion.


Hi Valent!
These menu icons are about 1 to 1,5 years old (so quite new actually), 
the latest addition to the set itself was about 5 weeks ago. You can see 
the details here: 
(under size/categories)

Fixes for them are more than welcome, just file bugs in bugzilla with 
attached patches.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: new icons?

2008-03-13 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Valent Turkovic wrote:

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 4:32 PM, Nicu Buculei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Valent Turkovic wrote:
 > Hi,
 > I'm looking at gnome menu icons in current rawhide and they look
 > really out of place. If I remember correctly is was agreed upon that
 > there will be an update of this icons with some other. Please correct
 > me if I'm wrong.

 The icons in your screenshot look exactly the same as the icons in F8.

I know that, but they look "old" compared to the rest of the artwork.
Are you looking to update them?

I'm not sure what you mean exactly with "looks old", but patches are 
always welcome!

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: new icons?

2008-03-12 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Valent Turkovic wrote:

I'm looking at gnome menu icons in current rawhide and they look
really out of place. If I remember correctly is was agreed upon that
there will be an update of this icons with some other. Please correct
me if I'm wrong.

Keep doing great work you do!



Hi Valent!
In what way do they look out of place?
You can file potential bugs against the gnome-icon-theme module in GNOME 

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: howto print posters?

2008-03-11 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Valent Turkovic wrote:

I would like to print these posters:

But I the print shop doesn't support svg file format. I tried printing
to PDF from Inkscape but get terrible results :(
I would like to sent them the print file in vector format if possible,
is there any other option beside exporting posters as bitmaps?


Hi Valent!
Did you try Inkscape from trunk? pdf support is a bit better than in 
previous versions. (you can set dpi etc.)
Another thing you can try is to import the svg's (or bitmaps in worst 
case) into scribus and generate a pdf from there, although I'm not sure 
how good the svg support is in the stable version, so you might need to 
compile that one from source as well. The scribus output will give you a 
document in cmyk, unlike Inkscape were you'll just get rgb (even though 
the printer can just convert it for you in most cases).

Very nice posters, btw!
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo future

2008-02-06 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 23:06 +0100, Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:

Martin Sourada wrote:
Easier would be making tango-compiliant theme to play well with GNOME apps.

That would be pointless. We are offering an alternative that is
stylistically (coincidentally) in between the tango style and oxygen
style. I personally think that Echo can work quite good together (to
some extent) with both, while tango and oxygen really don't work
together at all...

Hey Martin!
I'm not sure I agree that the oxygen-style and tango-style clash that 
hard and we're slowly trying to move closer to the oxygen-style. The 
latest Firefox 3 stuff is a small step in that direction (+ our HighRes 
experiments [1], [2]).

And yeah, I would be rather happy if Livio's flames calmed down a bit 
too and really hope it haven't put the tango-project in a bad light. :/
Some apps are using hardcoded pixmaps, but better are tangoish, than 

Hard-coded pixmaps are bad, if you keep fillings bugs about those, the
situation might improve for all the people trying to make their own icon
themes (and guessing from look at there are a lot of
It's also mega-important for HighContrast where the interface will be 
quite useless if hardcoded.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Firefox Trunk tangoified

2008-01-28 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Mark wrote:

2008/1/27, Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I want to tell you the good news.

Firefox in Trunk is now better tangoified :) !
Still some icons are missing, but Firefox is nearer its release :) .

I think that you should see what progress is being made and try to make
Echo so beautiful and vibrant.

Imo, the current Echo has no life and its perspective doesn't play well
with GNOME nor KDE (most of GNOME apps are going to use Tango!, not Echo
and KDE apps are going to use Oxygen).

PS: I wonder is some beautiful day Fedora can be tangoified so well. Now
I'm filing bugs against different programs, about hardcoded pixmaps.
Also, some of our config tools names should be included in
icon-naming-utils ( specs).

Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek

I think you have made your point clear now about the echo bashing.
(you bash on it as often as you can). The people who make Echo will
likely not like your continuous bashing.

And about the firefox tangofied.. do you have a screenshot? i rather
don't install it yet (did so a few days ago but reverted back to 2.0).

And for Oxygen. I personally think that Echo is a nice attempt but
won't really get off the ground in a distribution anytime soon so
perhaps Oxygen can be used. It's a (nearly) finished icon theme

Hi Mark!
You can check it out in Michael Ventnors blog [1] (along with his other 
cool work on firefox3, like native gtk+ printing support etc.).
It's possible to just untar one of the nightly builds into a folder in 
your home directory [2] so you can run both ff2 and ff3 on the same system.


- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

first part of the icon review (with bugzilla links)

2008-01-02 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Hi Máirín!
Hope you had a nice Christmas. Here is the first batch of the list I 
promised on irc.

Added fedora-art list to cc.
- Andreas

* gthumb icon looks blurry. the artwork itself would probably look fine 
if it wasn't so blurred.

- fixed in trunk

* actually the fedora icon looks slightly blurry too - it looks like it 
is not aligned to the pixel grid.

- -open a bug about this?

* blog entry poster' icon looks... pretty bad. I think this one needs 
actual artwork.

- fixed in trunk!

* Contacts icon looks blurry, the artwork would probably look fine if it 
wasn't blurred.


* Email icon looks blurry. There should be an alternative icon for this 
in the gnome-icon-theme though, an image of an envelope. I'm guessing 
this is some kind of icon theme/packaging issue?


* Ekiga icon looks blurry. The artwork would be okay if it wasn't blurry.
- fixed in trunk

* Abiword icon looks blurry. There is likely alternate artwork for this 

- this will be fixed in 2.6

*Gnumeric icon looks blurry. There is likely alternate artwork for this 
as well.


* Tasks icon looks blurry. I know there is an icon for this in the gnome 
icon theme but it seems to only be in the 24x24 dir, but a 22x22 one 
could be easily made...


* CD player icon is blurry. The artwork doesn't really match the theme 


* Bluetooth analyzer - would probably be ok if not so blurry.

* Bluetooth filesharing - would probably be ok if not so blurry.

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: A pretty please (regrading Fedora 9 theme)

2008-01-02 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Valent Turkovic wrote:

On 1/1/08, Máirín Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Valent Turkovic wrote:

Here are one audio review which also says artwork for Fedora 8 is lacking:

and one random forum comment:
"Artwork quite poor compared to version 7."

I could point at a lot more reviews and magazine articles that saw it as
an improvement. It's artwork, it's subjective, you can't please everyone
and if you do you're probably doing something wrong. For every negative
comment I've seen or heard about the F8 theme, I've seen 9 or 10
positive ones.

Did you listen to Linux Action Show podcast review in the link that is
provided? They also mention icons and few other issues, but best
listen to it if you can.

Hi Valent!
It seems like they were kind of vague on what exactly was wrong with the 
icons. I didn't quite understand if they complained the category icons 
in the Applications menu or the icons on the top panel. Since they 
mentioned Red Hat 9 it might have been the top panel ones (bluecurve), 
but I can't say for sure. Bugs should probably be filed on that.

Reviews are just reviews. I've seen a lot of positive ones about Fedora 
8 as well.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: An Idea about branding the Firefox and Thunderbird apps for F9

2007-12-31 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Rogue wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi All,

I was just toying around with the Splash![1] addon for mozilla apps and
I believe we can leverage the same for branding the applications, via a
custom Fedora centric splash screen.

What do you folks think about it?

- -Rogue

Hi Rogue!
Eeek, please don't! :)
Part of the reason neither firefox or thunderbird don't have splash 
screens out of the box, like Netscape 4.77 did (and mozilla browser as 
well, if my memory don't play me any tricks) is that they load in a snap.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

first part of the icon review (with bugzilla links)

2007-12-31 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Ah, seems I put fedora-art in cc, but sent it from the wrong e-mail account.
Hope it gets delivered correctly this time.
- Andreas

Hi Máirín!
Hope you had a nice Christmas. Here is the first batch of the list I 
promised on irc.

Added fedora-art list to cc.
- Andreas

* gthumb icon looks blurry. the artwork itself would probably look fine 
if it wasn't so blurred.

- fixed in trunk

* actually the fedora icon looks slightly blurry too - it looks like it 
is not aligned to the pixel grid.

- -open a bug about this?

* blog entry poster' icon looks... pretty bad. I think this one needs 
actual artwork.

- fixed in trunk!

* Contacts icon looks blurry, the artwork would probably look fine if it 
wasn't blurred.


* Email icon looks blurry. There should be an alternative icon for this 
in the gnome-icon-theme though, an image of an envelope. I'm guessing 
this is some kind of icon theme/packaging issue?


* Ekiga icon looks blurry. The artwork would be okay if it wasn't blurry.
- fixed in trunk

* Abiword icon looks blurry. There is likely alternate artwork for this 

- this will be fixed in 2.6

*Gnumeric icon looks blurry. There is likely alternate artwork for this 
as well.


* Tasks icon looks blurry. I know there is an icon for this in the gnome 
icon theme but it seems to only be in the 24x24 dir, but a 22x22 one 
could be easily made...


* CD player icon is blurry. The artwork doesn't really match the theme 


* Bluetooth analyzer - would probably be ok if not so blurry.

* Bluetooth filesharing - would probably be ok if not so blurry.

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Tangoification and Echo

2007-12-21 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:

You're blind if you don't see Echo uglyness...
(seems I'm not receiving a whole bunch of e-mail from the mailing list, 
so I'm responding to this one instead of it's parent)

Hi Jakub!
I glad to hear that you enjoy the work we have put into gnome-icon-theme 
and friends, but it saddens me to read that you're so harch on the work 
of Luya and others who are using something different. If you don't like 
it, don't use it. Your comments isn't helping anyone.

Thanks for understanding.
- Andreas

Consider this a yellow card from a list moderator.
This is not how civilized people talk on a mailing list. Please stop.

Dnia 20-12-2007, czw o godzinie 18:46 -0500, Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams

On Thu, 2007-12-20 at 23:11 +0100, Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:


Stop. If you have specific problems then bring those up. If you're just
going to use the mailing list to vent on then you need to find a
psychiatrist because you have serious issues.

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Testing Firefox 3 Beta 2 with native icons

2007-12-20 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

Beta 2 version of Firefox 3 now support native icons from GTK. I took 
opportunity to test Echo
icons theme. I can easily tell both left, right arrow and refresh need some 
work. At
least, it is a good news Firefox 3 will be native for Linux distributions.

A lot of the great work is done by Michael Montreal who's been 
tirelessly been sending patches. Buy him a beer next time you meet him 
at a conference. :)
Check out the nighly builds [1] and feel free to report all issues you 
run into, we're hoping to get a whole bunch of stuff in now that beta2 
is over.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Ubuntu Hardy Heron's theme

2007-12-12 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Laith Juwaidah wrote:


I just found this digg[1] today.

	I NEVER liked Ubuntu's theme (the orangy one), but now with that brown color, 
that smooth bar, those round edges around the bubble, and the 
semi-transparant menu, it looks pretty amazing!

We really should beat that, we can't let that brown-ish thing beat us!

I'm sure there's a good blue theme that looks better than that 


Hi Laith!
Note that these mockups are one of many wild design suggestions from the 
Ubuntu community. It is in no way the final theme.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

distrowatch review

2007-11-12 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Hi all!
Stumbled upon a review of Fedora7 on distrowatch.

"With every new Fedora release, the team puts together a new look and 
feel. I like the new look; however, I still wonder why Fedora has to use 
the classic icon theme for many applications (e.g. Evolution, they have been using for what seems like forever. In my 
opinion Fedora has used it for too long. For me it is as ugly now as it 
was when it first came out."

Seems the last bits of Bluecurve needs to be cleaned out, as it sticks 
out as a sore thumb. Did we make any progress on mizmo's icon report a 
while back?

Should I open bugs regarding those issues?

"The other parts of the look and feel (e.g. boot splash, GDM theme, 
desktop wallpaper) look very nice and professionally designed. 
Personally I think that the look and feel of Fedora 7 was the best theme 
of any distribution I've ever tested. However, the theme for Fedora 8 is 
very nice because it provides a nice professional look that adds to the 
desktop without distracting the user."

Good work everyone!
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo ]Recreating the Status Pages once again

2007-10-02 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Mon, 2007-10-01 at 21:34 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
We have tried to cut down on the amount of desktop-files that refer to 
some whatever.png in /usr/share/pixmaps as much as we could, but file a 
bug if that's not happen to be the case.

- Andreas

IIRC the problematic icons are usually system-config-* which is more of
a Fedora specific problem. What do you think about icons like
blueradio-48 (gnome-obex-server executable), where the 48 looks like
size suffix? I think that the suffix should be removed (leaving only

Or call it gnome-obex-server.
I'll file a bug about it in gnome bugzilla.

And yes, the real solution is probably not having a application launcher 
at all so you don't have to start it by hand all the time.

Then there could just be a on/off checkbox in the control center somewhere.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo ]Recreating the Status Pages once again

2007-10-01 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Sat, 2007-09-29 at 18:59 +0200, Martin Sourada wrote:

the rest of the pages. Will let you know when I am finished with
recreating the things that are in specs.


Hi Martin!
The application icons are named as their application, so the Icon entry 
in the desktop-files refer to these names:

totem instead of multimedia-video-player
rhythmbox instead of multimedia-audio-player
inkscape instead of graphics-vector
sound-juicer instead of multimedia-cd-extractor
firefox/epiphany instead of internet-web-browser
evolution instead of internet-mail
We have tried to cut down on the amount of desktop-files that refer to 
some whatever.png in /usr/share/pixmaps as much as we could, but file a 
bug if that's not happen to be the case.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo ]Recreating the Status Pages once again

2007-10-01 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Sat, 2007-09-29 at 18:59 +0200, Martin Sourada wrote:

the rest of the pages. Will let you know when I am finished with
recreating the things that are in specs.


I have finished the pages for icons that are in the icon naming specs.
Only the Actions [1] currently contains even additional icons; the
others [2-11] are only for the icons in specs (more will come later,
need to create the lists first).
Speaking of spec coverage. With GNOME 2.20 out of the door, there was 
recently a stable release of gnome-icon-theme (so that means more icons 
for Mist).
Here is a status page for those interested:

actions: done
apps: missing preferences-desktop-multimedia
categories: done
devices: done
emblems: missing emblem-syncronized
emotes: done
mimetypes: done
places: done
status: missing mail-signed, mail-signed-verified, sync-error, 
sync-syncronizing, task-passed-due, user-away, user-idle, user-offline, 

If anyone have any ideas for metaphors and/or are interested in helping 
fixing those last bits, you're more than welcome!

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo] from which icon set derive missing icons?

2007-09-29 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

On Sat, 2007-09-29 at 10:58 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:

Martin Sourada wrote:


the current state of things in Echo is that we derive first from
Clearlooks and then from Gnome. I'd suggest to drop the Clearlooks as
the Gnome icon theme has already 22x22 icon set and so we would improve
the current situation a lot. Also, I think that the Gnome icon theme
styling is closer to Echo than Clearlooks is (and I'd strongly suggest
to use Gnome or Tango metaphors rather than Bluecurve ones). It would be
especially helpful for action icons as we use mostly the same
perspective for these (flat). It has one drawback though (which should
be easy to fix) - it uses gnome foot instead of fedora logo for the
menu. Any thoughts on this? 


Um, Clearlooks don't have any icons, does it?
- Andreas

It does have some gtk stock icons like gtk-apply, gtk-cancel, etc. But
it derives from Bluecurve and together they pull a set of icons that are
blurry in menus... And I think that the new Gnome icon set is visually
closer to Echo than Clearlooks + Bluecurve.


Ah, I see!
Yes, agreed.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo] from which icon set derive missing icons?

2007-09-29 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:


the current state of things in Echo is that we derive first from
Clearlooks and then from Gnome. I'd suggest to drop the Clearlooks as
the Gnome icon theme has already 22x22 icon set and so we would improve
the current situation a lot. Also, I think that the Gnome icon theme
styling is closer to Echo than Clearlooks is (and I'd strongly suggest
to use Gnome or Tango metaphors rather than Bluecurve ones). It would be
especially helpful for action icons as we use mostly the same
perspective for these (flat). It has one drawback though (which should
be easy to fix) - it uses gnome foot instead of fedora logo for the
menu. Any thoughts on this? 


Um, Clearlooks don't have any icons, does it?
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 8 Test 2 Icon Review

2007-09-23 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Andreas Nilsson wrote:

Andreas Nilsson wrote:

Máirín Duffy wrote: 

ekiga: I know there is a sharp icon around, but I can't find the bug 
#. I'll look into this.

Seems the icons are svn is sharp.

gnumeric: vdepizzol did this and sent it off to the maintainer, weird 
that's it's not upsteam yet. [3]

What package installs this icon, Compiz?

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Missing pieces

2007-09-18 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Matthias Clasen wrote:

- Do we want to make some fixes for the menu icon review issues ?

Andreas and Steven have given a lot of great info towards fixing some 
of the identified issues, but I haven't had time to sit down yet and 
go through all of their feedback. I'm not 100% sure how to fix the 
problems once a good replacement icon has been identified, for 
example, I think it would involve setting up some symlinks and 
modifying some desktop files maybe?

It would be great if we could get some fixes in for test 3 though.

There are some alternatives :
1. Patch the applications in Fedora and send the fixes upstream later.
2. Install the icons from some fedora-art package into either 
/usr/share/icons/gnome/$size/apps or /usr/share/icons/mist/$size/apps or 
something, then fix most of the other issues upstream later.
3. Symlinks, but that only works in some cases, as the desktop-files 
refer to *.png in a couple of cases.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 8 Test 2 Icon Review

2007-09-18 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Quick update.

Andreas Nilsson wrote:

Andreas Nilsson wrote:

Máirín Duffy wrote: 

new login: Hylke Bons drew a better icon for this [1], can't recall 
the bug number though.

Bug filed:
login window: could use a modified version of Hylke's icon [1]. I'll 
open a bug about this.

Bug filed:

All for now. Looking into the others.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 8 Test 2 Icon Review

2007-09-18 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Rogue wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Martin Sourada wrote:

Also, during the review I have done for Echo icons, I have found that
some applications do not install their icons into the hicolor icon theme
while they are recommended to do so [2].

22x22 is just a really bad idea, since it breaks everybody who follows
the earlier recommendation to install a 48x48, which scales down nicely
to 24x24. Also in the age of rising dpi, it doesn't make much sense to
make icons even smaller...


And therefore enforces the creation of smaller sizes which is good,
because not every icon that looks good at 48x48 is good at 24x24 - there
are four times less pixels... I don't know whether making smaller icons
makes sense or not, but the trend is here and I think we should follow
it. Tango does this, Gnome as well, why we should differ?

I am no UI expert, but from a maintainability perspective, if we were
ascertain the sizes that we would like to use, wouldn't that work out
better in the long run?

I mean, a 22x22 as well as a 24x24 sounds like a maintenance nightmare
to me. Is there a sound reasoning why we have both of them?

The reason is the KDE Desktop.
In order for the icons to look well in qt/kde applications they need to 
be 22x22. I've spoken to Kenneth Wimer about this and they wanted to 
change KDE4 to use 24x24 as well (as it's dividable by 8), but it was 
too late in the process. I'll check what they can do for KDE4.1 and 
stuff though. I would love to have this issue out of the way.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 8 Test 2 Icon Review

2007-09-16 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Andreas Nilsson wrote:

Máirín Duffy wrote: 

Totally! Always worth it as it makes stuff look sharp and professional.

gthumb - Fixed in trunk already
fedora icon - here [1]

blog entry poster: what app is this?
e-mail: also
ekiga: I know there is a sharp icon around, but I can't find the bug 
#. I'll look into this.


abiword: I've submitted a fix [2], but the abiword developers haven't 
had time to put it in yet.
gnumeric: vdepizzol did this and sent it off to the maintainer, weird 
that's it's not upsteam yet. [3]

tasks: also

...and even more coming:

sound & video
cd-player: I was a bit suprised that this app was still part of the 
desktop release. A quick workaround might be to use devices/media-optical

system tools:
bluetooth analyzer: there is a good bluetooth icon around, I'll see if I 
can find it
Bluetooth filesharing: this one could become problematic if used on a 
background using the same blue as the icon. I'll see if I can come up 
with something better.
new login: Hylke Bons drew a better icon for this [1], can't recall the 
bug number though.
disk usage analyzer: Seems it only installs the icon in the scalable 
size. Will look into this.

root-password, selinux etc: will put these on my todo

about Gnome: hm, this is weird, works well on a ubuntu install (gnome 
2.18) over here, but not on my foresight vmware image (gnome 2.20). 
Could be a idea to have the desktop-file refer to "Icon=start-here" 
instead of Icon=gnome-logo-icon-transparent.

about fedora: same as above [2]

Authentication: what app is this?
bootloader: could use "Icon=boot" in the desktop file.
keyboard: should use "Icon=preferences-desktop-keyboard" in the desktop 

language: should use "Icon=preferences-desktop-locale" in the desktop file.
login window: could use a modified version of Hylke's icon [1]. I'll 
open a bug about this.

network: should use "Icon=preferences-system-network" in the desktop file.
services: hm, there is application-system
soundcard detection: there is devices/sound-card

keyboard icons: preferences-desktop-keyboard could be used.
I assume the planned merge [3] of all the keyboard preferences will take 
care of this

preferred applications:

desktop effects: I know Lapo Calamandrei have one for this around.

Internet & network
bluetooth: same as above.

database access properties: I might have a replacement icon around.

That's all I can think of for now.
- Andreas


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 8 Test 2 Desktop Live Echo Icon Review

2007-09-16 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:
There are many problems with Echo - icons are still lookin incosistent 
and so... Fancy.

In my opinion it is better to use Mist iconset even in F9, F10 etc.

Echo on this stage aren't ready.  Also, Echo will be messing around 
with style. GNOME uses beautiful, bright, contrasted icons which are 
perfect for bright and dark GTK themes - Echo icons are looking ugly on 
buttons and other widgets.

Sorry for my opinion, I just hate Echo from its beginning :| .

Hi Jakub!
(I'm Andreas, a GNOME upstream artist)
Ouch, Hate is quite a strong word and certainly something I would avoid 
to use for a graphical interface, even though you might have some 
problems with it. I'm sure Martin, Luya and others are doing their best 
to do a good job with the set.
Full icon coverage across a operating system is quite a task, or, heck, 
it's a insanely massive amount of work. I understand your concerns about 
the final look of the Fedora 9 system, but we're not there yet and I'm 
certain the Fedora art team can make a wise decision where to go when 
the time comes.

Always love, never hate.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 8 Test 2 Icon Review

2007-09-15 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Hi folks,

I installed Fedora 8 Test 2 last night, and after updating it I took 
some time tonight to take screenshots of the application menus to show 
what the icons look like in a default installation of Fedora (well 
except I installed Inkscape, sorry, I couldn't live without it for 
that long. :) )

Overall, the icon coverage looks pretty good and the icons for the 
most part are pretty consistent, but there are still some icons that 
have problems. They either look fuzzy, or do not fit the icon theme / 
don't look polished. Some of this may be due to technical or packaging 
issues I think? I noticed the puplet icon gets less blurry if you 
increase the size of GNOME panel. But some issues may be due to there 
not being an appropriate icon available or the upstream icon not being 
that great.

Is it worth it to take some time to make sure the initial set of icons 
in the menus for a default Fedora install all have perfect and 
consistent coverage? Is it possible to address all these issues?

Here's my 'hit list' of icons to address with screenshots, if so: 

Totally! Always worth it as it makes stuff look sharp and professional.

gthumb - Fixed in trunk already
fedora icon - here [1]

blog entry poster: what app is this?
e-mail: also
ekiga: I know there is a sharp icon around, but I can't find the bug #. 
I'll look into this.


abiword: I've submitted a fix [2], but the abiword developers haven't 
had time to put it in yet.
gnumeric: vdepizzol did this and sent it off to the maintainer, weird 
that's it's not upsteam yet. [3]

tasks: also

Need to run off now, I'll cover the rest later.
- Andreas


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Art Studio Spin?

2007-09-07 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Jeff Spaleta wrote:

So... now that the Fedora Electronics Lab is consumable from rawhide
and is appearing on the torrent server I thought this would be a good
time to ask.

Is there interest in building a spin which is myopically focused on
the art designer?
Is the desktop oriented livecd good enough.. or is there room for a
yet more focused spin
for the designer usage case? And if so, can it be done inside the
existing Fedora repository space without reaching for external bits?

-jef"Fedora spins are the new drug... and I want to be the new drug
pusher hanging out in the neighborhood playground, or library, or
coffe eshop, or where ever."spaleta

Hi Jeff!
This seems to be similar to what Ubuntu Studio [1] is doing, Nice to 
have more alternatives, even though I guess it's still a bit of a niche 
For a graphics designer GIMP, Inkscape and Scribus are the killer apps, 
so make sure to include those!
Perhaps some nice web-devel tools would be nice as well, like NVU (is 
that still alive?) and Firefox with firebug installed by default.
One thing that would probably be cool to put on a cd is a collection of 
good, free fonts (open font license, public domain stuff or whatever) 
that a designer can use right out of the box.

- Andreas


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: xdg user dirs icons (was [ubuntu-art] xdg-user-dirts icon set for Ubuntu Human theme])

2007-08-20 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Hi Máirín!
It seems to work well in the Finder [1] sidebar as it gives the 
different places unique shapes.
My initial reaction to the ubuntu-folders-thing are that the shapes are 
very weak, so it seems to be more decoration than being actually useful.

This would probably be worth discussing upstream as well.

- Andreas

Máirín Duffy wrote:
Some food for thought from Sankarshan - we should consider have icons 
for the xdg folders in Fedora as well.


 Original Message 
Subject: [Fwd: [ubuntu-art] xdg-user-dirts icon set for Ubuntu Human 

Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 18:20:06 +0530
From: Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Máirín Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hash: SHA1

How relevant is this from a Fedora perspective ?


-  Original Message 
Subject: [ubuntu-art] xdg-user-dirts icon set for Ubuntu Human theme
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 17:30:01 +0200
From: Valentyn Kukushkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everybody!
As you all already know the next Ubuntu release Gutsy comes with a new
xdg-user-dirs tool which manage “well known” user directories like the
Desktop, Documents, Downloads and the Music folders.

I've just created first xdg-user-dirs icon set for Ubuntu Human theme.
This is a first experiment, so feel free to comment or contact me.

Here's the preview:

- --

You see things; and you say 'Why?';
But I dream things that never were;
and I say 'Why not?' - George Bernard Shaw
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo Icons Guidelines Discussion: Icon Sizes

2007-08-18 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:


another thing do discuss in Echo Icons Guidelines [1] are the sizes of
icons [2] that will be in the package. So I propose three basic sizes
and one optional size, following the tango example [3]:

The optional, 32x32, size is used in Windows (which is probably not our
target desktop) and sometimes it could appear in notification area (if
the panel is big enough). They usually look nice if rendered directly
from the scalable variant.

Hi Martin!
32x32 is used in KDE a lot and is also used on the gnome-main-menu 
(SLAB), as well in the new control-center shell.

We put that size in gnome-icon-theme for that reason.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Do we need another Echo?

2007-08-17 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

What's wrong with isometric icons? That's one of the things I really
miss in tango. I think we should continue with the Echo effort, but it
would be perhaps good to base them more on tango - i.e. use our styling
and perspective, but mostly tango or gnome shapes. The echo icons are
great so far, I even heard an opinion that they are better then oxygen
icons, they have touch of Fedora and there would me many people
disappointed if we stopped the effort.

Hi Martin!
Another possibility would be to do it the other way around, using Echo 
shapes (isometric and stuff) and your own metaphors for save-as etc., 
but use the tango styling. That would give you the benefit of not having 
to redo everything in every application on the desktop, as it would fit 
in with what's already there, but still have control over your base set.

Just a idea. Keep up the good work!
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: [Echo Icons] Current adding/fixing/packaging process?

2007-08-05 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Martin Sourada wrote:

5. In what state it is acceptable for default icon set in release (i.e.
what currently missing icons MUST be done)?

Hi Martin!
How is the coverage of echo-icon-theme compared to the current set (mist 
+ gnome-icon-theme)?

Current icon-naming-spec coverage of g-i-t here:
Some gaping holes here and there, but I hope we can fix those before the 
2.20 release.
There is also a growing list of application-specific icons:

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: shutdown compared ubuntu vs fedora

2007-05-19 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Valent Turkovic wrote:

Hi. I started a thread on fedora-desktop mailing list and they
suggested you also get involved you I joined this list also. Here are
some of the key points from thread going on fedora-desktop mailing

Please look at the video:

Matthias Clasen:

The logout dialog is one of the best-hated derivations from upstream
that you can find in Ubuntu.

Hated by whom? And why? Can you explain a bit?

Hi Valent!
Funny thing is that some people have asked the Ubuntu dialog to be 
replaced by the one used in SLED 10 SP1. :) [1]

Sorry, but the current logout/shutdown/whatever dialog in Ubuntu is 
quite bad and mostly just a copy of the one used in WinXP, but with some 
more crack added. These actions can and must be designed in a better 
way, putting some shiny graphics there won't do much help.

Some interesting reading on the subject can be found by Joel [2], Moishe 
[3] and Arno [4]

Regarding the symbols used in the Ubuntu I find most, if not all of them 
a bit weird. The button used for hibernate looks the same as the one I 
press when I start my Dell laptop in the morning. Ubuntu's sleep symbol 
looks the same, but use another color.
I therefore find it a bit confusing when the words and symbols used 
conflict. What do I trust, the symbol or the verb?


- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Including scalable icons to improve size coverage

2007-04-19 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Matthias Clasen wrote:

On Thu, 2007-04-19 at 15:00 -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:


I wonder why Tango is not an option? Or is that upstream, choice c?

I didn't exclude anything, just point out the opinions that I have heard
so far. I'll also point out that gnome, Mist and Tango all have the
problem that we need to do extra surgery to get the fedora logo in the
panel, which is already solved for Echo and Bluecurve.

Hi Matthias!
"start-here" in the naming-spec [1] is intended for distro-logos, 
although I'm not 100% sure if the panel currently use that or not.
You should be able to just patch gnome-icon-theme or Mist and put the 
fedora logo instead of the gnome-foot in there instead, or create a 
icon-theme with just the start-here icon and have that inherent, say Mist.
Here is a fedora-logo that Stephen Brandt did [2,3,4,5] that goes well 
together with g-i-t/Mist (and tango-icon-theme).


- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo-icon-theme status

2007-03-02 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

This is a request to provide a comparison chart for the number of icons
done for Echo with Tango and Generic icons.

I think the focus should be on the generic icons instead of application
based icons that can be done on post Fedora 7.

Do you mean gnome-icon-theme?
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Echo icon coverage

2007-02-07 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

Quoting Leo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


On 2007-02-06, Matthias Clasen said:

Echo(16): 92 of 95 GTK+ stock icons missing
Echo(16): 221 of 266 icon-naming-spec icons missing
Echo(24): 71 of 103 GTK+ stock icons missing
Echo(24): 193 of 266 icon-naming-spec icons missing
Echo(48): 0 of 5 GTK+ stock icons missing
Echo(48): 88 of 266 icon-naming-spec icons missing

Seems too little time for Fedora 7 to adopt Echo.

Let's do our best to complete some of them. Less talk, more action.
Afterall, Tango got included by default on GNOME even though the entire set was
not finished. Let's focus on essential icons.

Hi Luya!
I assume you mean gnome-icon-theme (and not tango-icon-theme), the 
module with all the icons was already in there, we just updated the set 
to follow the naming-spec and the (tango) style guidelines.

I see your point though, just wanted to clear stuff up. :)
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: GDM themes/face browser

2007-01-12 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Andreas Nilsson wrote:

Nicu Buculei wrote:
Speaking of GDM, the plan[1] for Fedora 7 is to use Fast User 
Switching with GDM face browser by default, so:
- I think we should talk about this, to be sure how it will look 
(Ubuntu people are talking about 3D effects with AIGLX[2])

- start making GDM theme mockups and themes with a face browser
- think if we need additional faces (there are some in 
/usr/share/pixmaps/faces/ not sure if those are enough/original/pretty)

Hi Nicu!
Garrett Lesage and myself did some initial work on this some time ago.

And not last: we want a user pictures collection to be distro 
specific, upstreamed to GNOME or upstreamed to f.d.o (GDM and KDM)?
Our plan was to ship these with GNOME, as the current stuff in 
/usr/share/pixmaps/faces/ is just plain weird.

I think a good selection of maybe 10-15 pictures are good.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: GDM themes/face browser

2007-01-12 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Nicu Buculei wrote:

Máirín Duffy wrote:

'Standard image size: 48×48 or 64×64 – currently undecided'

Maybe it should be the same size as some of the avatars or buddy 
icons that are already in wide use today? E.g. livejournal avatars 
are 100x100 and aim buddy icons are 50x50. There's already a lot of 
these icons that are easily available for users to add in for 

I think this pretty much depend on how we want the GDM screen to 
look. And for our large screens I think 50x50 is to low. Depending on 
the layout, even 100x100 may be low.

I *think* the largest size for a buddy icon in Gaim is 96x96 (gaim 
2.0, conversation window).

Yeh, I'm just thinking about all those sites like that 
have tons and tons of the 50x50 icons for people to use - even 
sometimes places release official buddy icons for their movies, TV 
series, or music albums (snakes on a plane and battlestar galactica 
official buddy icons are a couple examples)

If the technical max is 128x128 maybe 100x100 is a good size because 
there are also a ton of icons available at that size already (See 

I guess my point is rather than trying to set a new standard, maybe go 
with one that's already out there and gives folks a LOT more choices.


Heh, I totally missed both those. Guess I'm getting old or something. ;)
I'm all for 100x100.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: GDM themes/face browser

2007-01-12 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Máirín Duffy wrote:

Hey Andreas!

Nicu Buculei wrote:
- think if we need additional faces (there are some in 
/usr/share/pixmaps/faces/ not sure if those are enough/original/pretty)

Andreas Nilsson wrote:

Garrett Lesage and myself did some initial work on this some time ago.

This is really nice. I noticed this:

'Standard image size: 48×48 or 64×64 – currently undecided'

Maybe it should be the same size as some of the avatars or buddy icons 
that are already in wide use today? E.g. livejournal avatars are 
100x100 and aim buddy icons are 50x50. There's already a lot of these 
icons that are easily available for users to add in for themselves.

Just an idea anyway!

Sounds like a good idea. I think we need to aim as high as required by 
gdm (128x128?) as photos will scale down properly, but not up without 
things looking bad. The hope is that people will replace these with a 
picture of themselves, their dog or some random funny picture they found 
on the internet when personalizing their system.

- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: GDM themes/face browser

2007-01-12 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Nicu Buculei wrote:

John Baer wrote:

I posted my completed GDM login package to 

for your consideration.

Speaking of GDM, the plan[1] for Fedora 7 is to use Fast User 
Switching with GDM face browser by default, so:
- I think we should talk about this, to be sure how it will look 
(Ubuntu people are talking about 3D effects with AIGLX[2])

- start making GDM theme mockups and themes with a face browser
- think if we need additional faces (there are some in 
/usr/share/pixmaps/faces/ not sure if those are enough/original/pretty)

Hi Nicu!
Garrett Lesage and myself did some initial work on this some time ago.
- Andreas

Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Gnome splash Image

2006-08-19 Thread Andreas Nilsson

Hi Steve!
The reason that GNOME has a splash screen is because it starts up so 
slow that the user has to have something to look up while the system 
starts nautilus, the panel and other stuff. Other than that it mostly 
gets in the way of getting peoples work done. Imagine if your tv had a 
splash screen that appeared for 10 seconds when you turned it on. I know 
I would go nuts, because I don't want to know the name of the 
tv-manufacturer one more time, I want to watch CSI!
The splash will probably still be in the 2.16 release, but hopefully we 
can kill it for 2.18.

- Andreas

Steve Barnhart wrote:

I really hope its not dropped for GNOME. It adds another nice piece of
artwork/polish to fedora and gnome in general. If its still going to
be, hopefully you can make a gnome one still for use :)

On 8/19/06, Tommy Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Uttered Máirín Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, spake thus:

> Cool! I added my feedback directly to the deviation.

I just gave an unofficial presentation, to some programmers at a large
airframe manufacturing company in the US northwest that must remain
nameless, about some safe programming techniques for POSIX threads.
I used your deviation as the slide background but didn't call
attention to it in any way; most especially, I didn't mention any
possible FC6 connections.

It looked really well on the projection screen, even though I had to
wash out the image to use as a slide background.

If you're interested, look here:

For some reason, slide 23 got a resounding laugh...


I'm already an anomaly, I shall soon be an anachronism, and I have
every intention of dying an abuse!

Fedora-art-list mailing list