Re: F8(1) vs multimedia production(0)

2008-08-14 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/8/14 Lyvim Xaphir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Let's see how many more you run off.

Don't let us stop you ..

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Re: Is Apache included with Fedora

2008-08-12 Thread Bill Crawford
Yes, but the important point is that he wouldn't have known the
background to the rename, which was "The Apache project isn't just a
web server".

Could try "yum search apache" but that will return several other
things (I get several hundred lines of output).

2008/8/12 Björn Persson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Adil Drissi wrote:
>> I want to use Apache-Mysql-Php in my fedora 8.
>> I did "yum install apache" the result was "no package apache available" but
>> httpd is already installed.
>> So i want to know if apache is installed in my machine under the name httpd
>> or i have to download it myself. If it is already installed please tell me
>> how to start it.
> In the philosophy of teaching a man to fish rather than giving him a fish,
> I'll give you this tip:
> If you run "rpm --query --info httpd" you'll get a description of the package
> where it says, among other things, "Apache HTTP Server".
> If you don't know the name of the package you can ask about the package that
> owns a certain file, for example "rpm --query --info --file /usr/sbin/httpd".
> Björn Persson
> --
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Re: How to change LBA48 addressing capability

2008-07-08 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/7/8 Dan Hensley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I recently sent an inquiry to this list about fdisk being unable to seek
> one of my two basically identical disks.  Both are Western Digital 250Gb
> disks.
> Unable to seek on /dev/sdb
> This disk operates just fine when booting Fedora Core 6.  However, as
> soon as I boot Fedora 9, I get the above error.  testdisk seems to
> think /dev/sdb is only 137gb, and hdparm confirms something strange.

There are two other possibilities: a jumper on the drive is "clipping"
its capacity, and / or the presence of a "host protected area"
effectively doing the same thing. Check for jumpers on the drive, see
if the "libata.ignore_hpa=1" option is still supported by the current

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Re: Fedora ain't playin' around w/Firefox 3.

2008-06-20 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/6/20 Mauriat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If I enable this anti-phishing, then I have automatically downloaded
> from Google "lists of reporting phishing and malware sites". Everytime
> I happen to visit one of these sites on the list, then automatically
> that url AND google cookie information is uploaded back to Google.

If you're logged into gmail, for example, you have a cookie for
Google. That will be sent (by design) with any request to
for a page, due to the way the browser is designed; that's not in
itself sinister at all. Google can already track every time you visit ...

> So, I can safely say that if I use google (i.e. I have a cookie from
> Gmail), then google knows that it was me specifically who visited that
> malware site.

Quite possibly, but we'd have to redesign the browser to not send the
cookie, I suspect. Or there could be a domain to
download these lists from, which would sidestep the issue. Someone
want to contact Google and suggest this (as a way to allay the privacy

> So while Google cannot track me for every possible URL, in the least
> Google now can track me for every site in these "lists". And Google is
> the "list provider". Curious: How do I know what sites are on these
> lists?

You could ask them to show you the list?

> The Google Privacy Policy which blanket covers cookie usage pretty
> much says they can do whatever they want with that information from
> the cookie. Curious: Why does Google need a cookie to double check
> these lists of for that matter to download these lists?

It probably doesn't, but if you're downloading from their domain via
HTTP then the cookie will be sent, by the browser, without any
intervention, because that's the way it works.

> If I do not use any form of google service (mail, reader, etc.) then I
> guess there isn't much info google can connect with cookies, but most
> people (myself included) use many google services. While it may not be
> too much of a big deal, I think there is enough ambiguity to be
> confusing. I do wish though that a completely open non-profit group
> would provide this service instead of Google.

Sure, but most non-profit groups will have fewer resources for a start
... even the hosting bandwidth for the list would probably cripple
most people. Think slashdot effect, but a hit for every user that has
this enabled whenever they download the list, plus the hits to check
the urls when they're encountered.

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Re: MythTV and repo conflicts...

2008-06-13 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/6/13 Daniel B. Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> My current repo list is the default fedora repos PLUS livna.
> When I tried to install MythTV, I get this error:
> Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package mythmusic
> Some say that I need to disable livna, install atrpms repos, enable it, then
> yum remove faad2
> But if so, it would remove:
> Any advice?

Where is the mythmusic package from?

If possible, you want to *replace* the faad2 rpm (rather than remove
it) with one that has the missing library, or find the package that
provides it (I'm guessing this will be from atrpms). This means making
sure it has the same versions of the libs you need for the other
packages on your system, obviously ...

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Re: Thunderbird

2008-06-06 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/6/6 Patrick O'Callaghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> As you say, people have strange expectations of email. It would be fun
> to collect war stories of this sort :-)

news:alt.sysadmin.recovery might be fun for that sort of thing ;)

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Re: iptables help needed

2008-06-03 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/6/3 Simon Slater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>I have run the script but the results may be a little unexpected.
> Following are messages from the script.  None are as a result of
> requesting web pages from the laptop, which still has the message that
> the proxy server is refusing requests and wireshark shows the same
> patterns.  These logged packets are when Evolution is fetching the
> email.

Sounds like the reset is originating from outside your network, or
there's a problem with the address ... is the IP address of the laptop
definitely routable, or being NAT'd? You might just find that you're
trying to route packets out onto the internet from addresses with the
other end of your link doesn't accept packets for coming the other
way, and is thus rejecting the packets. Or, the reset might be a
side-effect of your provider running a "no servers" policy, ...

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Re: (fedora) Re: Problems playing audiostreams in F9

2008-06-02 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/6/2 Jouk Jansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If they are installed at the "standard" location.
> Actually this is an system which upgraded from F8->F9. When running F8 the
> web-page above just worked. I checked and all installed gstreamer-packages
> are now at F9-level. Or should I install additional packages to get the
> codecs?

Well, have you installed a package of codecs? Those aren't included in
Fedora. If you had them before you must have installed them from
somewhere, either as an rpm package or from a tarball. If you did, did
you have RealPlayer itself (which installs stuff in /usr/local) or
something like the "w32codec" package?

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Re: Problems playing audiostreams in F9

2008-06-02 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/6/2 Jouk Jansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>   Result : silence (I can see in the firefox window the knobs of mplayer)

Where are your RealPlayer codecs installed?

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Re: updating USB flash drive MBR to allow boot

2008-05-30 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/30 Javier Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> heads/cylinder 16 (FAT) != 247 (HD)
> sect/track 32 (FAT) != 62 (HD)
> Current partition structure:
> Warning: Incorrect number of heads/cylinder 16 (FAT) != 247 (HD)
> Warning: Incorrect number of sectors per track 32 (FAT) != 62 (HD)
>  1 * FAT32 LBA0   0 33  1021 179 28   15646688 [LITTLE OWL]

I see similar mismatches with a 'phone memory card. Could you try
opening in fdisk and toggling the "dos compatability" flag?

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Re: SCIM and other Problem in XFCE in FC9 -SOLVED

2008-05-30 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/29 das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The problem of not being able to make SCIM work in XFCE-Fedora 9 is
> solved. The Bugzilla entry was:
> God knows why they changed the title of this entry from 'SCIM not
> working in XFCE in F9' to a very obtuse an unrepresentative 'No hotkeys
> defined for non-Asian locales'. Read it to understand why the change of
> title is so comprehensively meaningless. I presume some workload
> distribution problem internal to Redhat office is there behind this
> renaming. Anyway the content is there for anyone.

Just because you're pissed off it took a long time to solve doesn't
make you right. I've read all that, and yes, the title is accurate;
it's a bit more specific than "it doesn't work" which appears to be
what you want.

If bugzilla titles were required to be vague, we'd all have trouble
finding things. And for developers, it helps to have an accurate
statement of a problem. You can't legislate against that, and expect
them to carry on helping you.

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Re: Dag Repo

2008-05-30 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/29 Ed Greshko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish

You don't reply to "where can I get fish for [purpose X]?" by telling
him to look in the dried up river bed over there ;)

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Re: PGP signatures.

2008-05-28 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/28 Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Though I seriously doubt that most of use would be using gpg in a way
> that required such a level of personal identify assurance.

While that may be true, it's not really polite to pollute the "web of
trust" with "possibly dubious" signatures (I'm not for a moment
suggesting or assuming that there's anything dubious in this case, but
the principle is important). There are people who do take these things
seriously, and we shouldn't make things more difficult for them just
because we don't agree with them. Well, not always :o)

[What do you do if you encounter a key that's signed by both someone
you trust personally, *and* someone you don't trust?]

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Re: PGP signatures.

2008-05-28 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/28 Mike Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> What is mean by "name"?  Guess I am clueless to gpg and don't know my
> way around it (viewing man gpg at the moment) and nto sure what to do
> for example, when like someone's signature says invalid from evo on an
> email to the list?

It's usually the email address listed as the "user id" for the key (or subkey).

I find it easiest to do this via kgpg, actually - you just right click
and choose "Sign keys" from the menu.

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Re: PGP signatures.

2008-05-28 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/28 Patrick O'Callaghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> gpg --sign-key 

--lsign-key, please, unless you have met the person and seen their passport.

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Re: should I bugzilla xcdroast

2008-05-28 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/28 Aaron Konstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I rebooted and that did not help. I am just confused.

:-/ guess that doesn't work any more.


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Re: verifying iso images downloaded by jigdo during installation

2008-05-28 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/28 TV Sivaraman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I used prozilla to download FC9, it works the same way as jigdo and had no
> problem with DVD and I checked using sha1sum.

Erm ... this is a respin with Everything in it. Multiple DVD images.
Not the single image install disc you're looking at.

Also, this is NOT the same as jigdo; it's not just a "download
accelerator". It builds the image from pieces which it downloads, then
assembles the ISO image; not just by fetching byte ranges of the same
URL from multiple sources.

> Visit one of the mirror sites
> ( or in particular,
> one of my favorites, switch mirror in Switzerland
> (
> and download the SHA1SUM file.

That's of no use to him, as he's already observed, hence his questions.

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Re: should I bugzilla xcdroast

2008-05-28 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/27 Aaron Konstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I made the changes you indicate . xcdroast still does not work.
> You are doing this with f7, f8 or f9?

This was F8, not tried since I updated to F9 (don't burn many discs).

Did you log out and in again? It's only set when you log in (and
knowing my luck, it's probably been superceded by some PoKicylit or
ConKolesit mechanism.

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Re: F9: evolution mail with URL

2008-05-27 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/27 Patrick O'Callaghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I also use KDE and open new pages in new windows, and it all works. This
> is FF3beta5, KDE4, Fedora 9.

I've seen something similar happen a couple of times, and I think in
the end restarting may have fixed it. It's hard to reproduce though.

Occasionally the new firefox windows seem to open on the same virtual
desktop as an already open firefox window instead of the current
desktop. I wasn't able to pinpoint exactly what caused it, but might
have been a combination of a previously crashed firefox session being
restored, plus flash applets being visible.

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Re: Vertical bars in status tray (KDE4-F9)

2008-05-22 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/22 Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I gather you are referring me to...
> # grep panel /etc/xdg/autostart/*
> redhat-print-applet.desktop:X-KDE-autostart-after=panel
> sealertauto.desktop:X-KDE-autostart-after=panel
> user-dirs-update-gtk.desktop:X-KDE-autostart-after=panel
> NetworkManager service isn't running
> The presence of those bars seems meaningless to me.

Yeah, I saw something similar a while back and "cured" it by rm -f
/etc/xdg/autostart/* ... if the service isn't running that would
explain the applet not showing up properly. Failing that, I don't
know, but I suspect something similar (some applet that's decided to
not show up for the time being). Could just be debris left from
drawing the ones that are showing up and not redrawing some bit of
screen in between?

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Re: Vertical bars in status tray (KDE4-F9)

2008-05-22 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/22 Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have two white vertical bar type objects in my system tray on KDE4
> (F9) fairly thin, the other about twice the thickness.
> If I hover over them or right click on them, I get nothing.
> Does anyone know what they represent?

Quite likely the "network manager applet" and possibly the "printer applet".

See /etc/xdg/autostart/

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Re: ethernet icon in system tray

2008-05-22 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/22 g <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> anyway, would you know where it is configed? i grepped _all_ files under
> '~/.kde' and found nothing. even when i grepped 'klipper'.


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Re: kde4 problem

2008-05-22 Thread Bill Crawford
2008/5/22 Don Levey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Clearly, there should be some basic switch I can flip in a config file
> somewhere, but I don't know what it is.  How can I get my KDE back?


Disable the desktop compositing (don't worry about the long list of
individual effects, you just want to find something with enabled=true
and change it to false. Can verify the exact section and option later
if I remember (I'm not at an f9 machine right now, sorry).

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