Re: Question about dist-cvs make targets

2010-01-07 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2010/1/7 Jesse Keating
 As I proceed to port our make system over into fedpkg, I've ran across a
 couple targets that are giving me pause.

 Is anybody out there making use of the following targets?


 If so, please reply to which one, and in what scenario you use those
 targets.  Thanks!

I have used make patch quite a bit when developing patches. I guess
it's just a wrapper around gendiff though, so it maybe redundant i.e.
in my use case I could have been using gendiff.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Openoffice PDF output depends on gnome theme

2010-01-04 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2010/1/4 Prasan
 I use the 'darklooks' gtk theme and 3.1.1 comes with Fedora
 12 x86_64.
 The document background is dark when this theme is used  as expected and the
 default text color is white. When I convert a document to PDF using the
 built-in pdf exporter I expect the PDF to be normal( white background, black
 text). This works for normal text but all the math equations and some
 drawings are still in white. (i.e. white in white background)
 Is this the expected behaviour (the true WYSIWYG even considering the gtk
 theme) or is this a bug in openoffice?.

Sounds like a bug to me.

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How did I end up as the package owner for emacs?

2010-01-03 Thread Jonathan Underwood

Sometime in the past few weeks I've ended up as the package owner for
emacs, without actually requesting it. I've previously been a
co-maintainer (i.e. watchbugzilla, watchcommits, commit, approveacls),
but haven't requested package ownership at any point, so I'm wondering
what turn of events brought this about, and whether it's a bug with
the pkgdb. If a package is orphaned by its owner, does the next person
with commit access become the package owner or something like that? If
so, I think that needs a bit more thinking. I'm not really grumbling
about become the package owner (though I'm not sure I have enough
knowledge of emacs internals to take on that role), though I am
genuinely confused as to how this happened. Unfortunately the emacs
package does seem to get bumped around various RH employees - it'd be
nice if there was a bit more communication about this when it happens.


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: need help in contributing to se-linux policy development

2010-01-03 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2010/1/3 sai ganesh
     my name is sai. i am a fedora-ambassador.i want to contribute to the
 development of se-linux policies.i am  a Redhat certified se-linux policy
 administrator.i am well versed in development of se-linux can i
 contribute ?
 whom should i contact?

 i have already tried contacting the  owners of the se-linux packages.i
 didn't get any response.

Perhaps you'd be better off sending a mail to the fedora-selinux-list:


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: How did I end up as the package owner for emacs?

2010-01-03 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2010/1/3 Karel Klic
 Hi Jonathan,

 you became the owner in the pkgdb when Daniel Novotny and I agreed to
 transfer the package ownership to me. We discovered that the next person
 with commit access become the owner when a package is orphaned, and the
 package owner cannot be changed in pkgdb. I asked about the solution on IRC,
 and when I got no answer I postponed it. From my point of view it is not
 important who is the owner when I can fix bugs and commit changes.

 I apologize to you for not sending an email about the change, that would
 have been be the right thing.

 Nonetheless, I am also interested in how to change the owner to certain
 person from the list of package maintainers.

Hi Karel,

Aha - thanks for explaining what happened. I just tried releasing
package ownership using the pkgdb web interface, but that doesn't seem
to work... will continue to investigate.


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: ABRT considered painful

2009-12-31 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/12/29 Michael Schwendt
 What's wrong with ABRT?

 Originally, with stock F-12, I had received a couple of good backtraces in
 bugzilla. Incredibly useful. A wonderful improvement over F-11 and older.

 And later? - Recently, in all the backtraces dozens of debuginfo packages
 are missing. :-(

Locally, for the past few days, debuginfo packages have failed to
install for me because I have the rpmfusion-{free,nonfree}
repositories activated, and the main mirrorlist for rpmfusion seems to
have gone down, so debuginfo never completes, and abrt carries on its
merry way. I suspect others are seeing this.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: ABRT considered painful

2009-12-31 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/12/31 Jonathan Underwood
 2009/12/29 Michael Schwendt
 What's wrong with ABRT?

 Originally, with stock F-12, I had received a couple of good backtraces in
 bugzilla. Incredibly useful. A wonderful improvement over F-11 and older.

 And later? - Recently, in all the backtraces dozens of debuginfo packages
 are missing. :-(

 Locally, for the past few days, debuginfo packages have failed to
 install for me because I have the rpmfusion-{free,nonfree}
 repositories activated, and the main mirrorlist for rpmfusion seems to
 have gone down, so debuginfo never completes, and abrt carries on its
^^ debuginfo-install

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: dist-git proof of concept phase 2 ready for testing

2009-12-21 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/12/21 Jesse Keating
 On Mon, 2009-12-21 at 05:06 +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
 So what do you suggest doing in such a case? Temporarily reverting the F-n
 branch to the old release, build, then bump it up again? This sounds really
 suboptimal to me (in addition to being a regression from our current CVS
 setup, which does allow creating such branches)! Branching is really part of
 what VCSs are for.

 You're right, branching is a real part, that's why you would start the
 foo-1.1 work on a topic branch, and only merge it into origin/F-12 when
 you're ready to build it and push it through bodhi.  Just like you'd
 work on a new feature on a feature branch and only bring it over to
 origin/master when you're ready to merge it with everything else.

 Treat the origin/F-?? as the master for that release, do your long
 running not immediately ready for build work on topic branches thereof
 and only merge them when you're ready to build.  This reduces the
 surprise should another developer need to quickly build out an update
 that is unrelated to any major change you may have cooking.

Something that would be really nice on top of this would be allowing
*any* contributor to create and push private/topic branches while only
allowing contributors allowed by the ACL to push to the branches from
which builds occur.

Use case: I see a problem with a package. I fix it and push to a topic
branch, and then contact the package owners and ask them to merge it.
Faster workflow than going through bugzilla.

 This might all be one pony too far at this stage though, and might be
phase 10 wishlist stuff.


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Koji stuck?

2009-12-20 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/12/19 Kevin Fenzi
 I've seen this same thing in some other emacs packages builds.
 Something just causes them to get stuck. ;(

 I guess I would say try canceling and re-submitting, if that doesn't
 work, try a local mock and see if you can see where it's getting stuck.

Well, strangely, I did a mockbuild locally before dropping the job
into koji and it completed fine. I see later posts refer to a gcc
problem, so I'll try playing with those - I think I'll need to rebuild
emacs locally as well though with different debug options to really
get to the bottom of it.


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: dist-git proof of concept phase 2 ready for testing

2009-12-19 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/12/18 Jesse Keating
 Phase two, write access with ACLs, is ready for testing.  Please not
 that URLs have changed since my original announcement.

 git clone ssh://[fedoraacco...@]

 will get you a cone via ssh, in which you can git pull and git push.

 The repos are the same from phase1, although I've done a few commits
 here and there to test things.  They are not tied to the CVS repos, so
 changes you make here are truly throw away.

 Please test cloning and writing to packages and branches of packages
 that you would normally have write access to, or normally would /not/
 have write access to.  I'm interested in seeing both of those cases

I checked out emacs-vm and the commited and pushed a change to the
spec file and was quite surprised to find that the change was pushed
to all branches. Is that intended ?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: dist-git proof of concept phase 2 ready for testing

2009-12-19 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/12/19 Jonathan Underwood
 I checked out emacs-vm and the commited and pushed a change to the
 spec file and was quite surprised to find that the change was pushed
 to all branches. Is that intended ?

Er, ignore that, I was confusing myself.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Koji stuck?

2009-12-19 Thread Jonathan Underwood

I kicked off a couple of builds last night which appear stuck on koji.
I had checked they build locally with a make mockbuild before
submitting and all was fine.

The builds are:

Should I just cancel and resubmit, or?


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Possible wrong versions tagged into f12-final

2009-12-16 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/12/16 Jesse Keating
 On Mon, 2009-11-09 at 11:19 +, Quentin Armitage wrote:
 I've noticed what might be a couple of anomalies regarding which
 versions of packages have been tagged into f12-final.

 freenx-client: 0.9-9.fc12 was built as part of the dist-f12-rebuild, but
 0.9-10.fc11 tagged has been tagged into f12-final.

 gauche: was built during the mass F12 rebuild, but has been tagged into f12-final. It appears that
 0.8.14-2.fc12 was built after 0.8.14-3.fc12 (during the mass F12

 Quentin Armitage

 Yeah, looks like some fallout around the mass rebuild and getting things
 tagged over.  Too late to do anything about F12 now, owners of those
 packages might consider issuing updates (which would then be picked up
 in F13)

Bug #548216 filed for freenx-client
Bug #548218 filed for gauche

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: texlive 2009 - should set TEXMFCNF?

2009-11-22 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/10/30 Jindrich Novy
 I'm presenting a complete list of packages shipped in TeX Live to
 discuss another possible obsoletions:


I think the latest TeXLive doesn't include dvipdfm as its
functionality is now covered by dvipdfmx. Anyway, In both cases I am
the packager, and would rather see the texlive variant shipped and the
packages obsoleted.

Again, would prefer if we obsoleted the separate package and went with
the texlive variant. Here however we may need to shipp a separate
package for the japanese patched version. Or we could integrate the
japanese patch into texlive - this may need some work though, as the
japanese patch seems to be unmaintined presently. Longer term I hope
xdvi just goes away, as its functionality increasingly gets added to
evince - xdvi is only minimally maintained at this point and is
rather... crusty.


Yep, we should simply go with the texlive version - I am happy with
this, as dvipng maintainer.


I'm not primary maintainer of this one, but again, I think we should
go with the texlive shipped version (which is ahead of the version
available as a separate tarball).

Let me know if you need any help with this.


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Local users get to play root?

2009-11-19 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/11/19 Chris Adams
 Once upon a time, Jesse Keating said:
 That is incorrect, unless somehow your ssh tunneled VNC registers as
 local console login, which I doubt.  In your case, none of your users
 would be allowed to install software/updates.

 VNC looks like a local console login.

Since I am just sat logged into a F12 gnome session over vnc, I tried it:

$ geany
Command not found. Install package 'geany' to provide command 'geany'? [N/y]
 * Installing packages..
 * Getting information..
 * Resolving dependencies..
 * Waiting for authentication.. The transaction failed:
not-authorized, Failed to obtain authentication.

This gnome session was started by logging into GDM over vnc - GDM with
xdmcp enabled, and connecting from a remote machine to the VNC port
via ssh forwarding.


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Local users get to play root?

2009-11-18 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/11/18 Rahul Sundaram
 On 11/18/2009 10:38 PM, nodata wrote:
 Yikes! When was it decided that non-root users get to play root?


 This is horrible!

 The subject of the mail doesn't actually match the description in the
 bug report.  Richard Hughes says:

 PackageKit allows you to install signed content from signed
 repositories without a password by default. It only asks you to
 authenticate if anything is unsigned or the signatures are wrong

 If you have a problem with this, do explain why. Not suggesting it is
 not a problem but being more descriptive does help.

Well, it's all a bit inconsistent presently:

$ yum install maxima
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
You need to be root to perform this command.
$ maxima
Command not found. Install package 'maxima' to provide command 'maxima'? [N/y]
 * Installing packages..
 * Getting information..
 * Resolving dependencies..
The following packages have to be installed:
 sbcl-1.0.30-2.fc12.x86_64  Steel Bank Common Lisp
 wxBase-2.8.10-6.fc12.x86_64Non-GUI support classes from the wxWidgets 
 wxGTK-2.8.10-6.fc12.x86_64 GTK2 port of the wxWidgets GUI library
 gnuplot-common-4.2.6-1.fc12.x86_64 common gnuplot parts
 cl-asdf-20071110-7.fc12.noarch Another System Definition Facility
 gnuplot-4.2.6-1.fc12.x86_64A program for plotting mathematical
expressions and data
 maxima-runtime-sbcl-5.19.2-1.fc12.x86_64   Maxima compiled with SBCL
 common-lisp-controller-6.15-8.fc12.noarch  Common Lisp source and
compiler manager
Proceed with changes? [N/y]
 * Waiting for authentication..
 * Running..
 * Resolving dependencies..
 * Downloading packages..
 * Testing changes..
 * Installing packages..
 * Scanning applications.. [...@withnail ~]$ Command not found.
Install package 'maxima' to provide command 'maxima'? [N/y] ^C

... and what's more it bails with command not found anyway which
component isn't working here?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Identifying remaining core font users

2009-11-13 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/11/13 Nicolas Mailhot
 • xdvik-0:22.84.14-7.fc12
  — /usr/bin/pxdvi-xaw3d
  — /usr/bin/xdvi-xaw3d

A more crusty piece of code than xdvi you never did see. It's very
much in bugfix only mode upstream, so I very much doubt upstream, such
as it is, will be moving to a modern tool kit and using fontconfig. I
don't think it'd be  a useful expenditure of time in any case. A
better expenditure of time would be to work out what (if any)
functionality is missing in evince-dvi which prevents us from dropping
xdvi altogether.


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: odd file requires

2009-11-09 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/11/9 Todd Zullinger
 Seth Vidal wrote:
 Take a look through, see if you see a package you're responsible for
 and, if you can, figure out a way to not need the file-requires.

 In the case of puppet (and probably some of the others listed in the
 /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp section), puppet provides an emacs file,
 but it also owns %{_datadir}/emacs so as not to require emacs.  AFAIK,
 since puppet provides this file, the filelists don't need to be
 downloaded to resolve the dep.  At least, I don't recall ever seeing
 it download them when I've installed or updated puppet.

Note that actually the problem raised in Seth's list is actually the
ftnchek package doing a Requires: /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp

Reported, with a patch here:


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: texlive 2009 - should set TEXMFCNF?

2009-10-29 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/10/29 Jindrich Novy
 Currently I'm trying to not to replace any package that has a separate
 upstream and is already packaged separatelly in Fedora.

IMO I think we'd be better off adopting the texlive versions of the
packages, rather than doing a half-and-half job on this by packaging
individual upstreams. The reason being that Fedora then benefits from
the integration and testing work done by the texlive team. The texlive
xdvipdfmx, for example is (I think), ahead of the 0.4 upstream


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: texlive 2009 - should set TEXMFCNF?

2009-10-29 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/10/29 José Matos
 On Thursday 29 October 2009 17:26:25 Jonathan Underwood wrote:
 IMO I think we'd be better off adopting the texlive versions of the
 packages, rather than doing a half-and-half job on this by packaging
 individual upstreams. The reason being that Fedora then benefits from
 the integration and testing work done by the texlive team. The texlive
 xdvipdfmx, for example is (I think), ahead of the 0.4 upstream


 I am not sure if Jindrich is talking about this but the same could be said
 about the other pure latex packages. If the packages are available on texlive
 they could obsolete the previous versions available on Fedora.


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: texlive 2009 - should set TEXMFCNF?

2009-10-25 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/10/25 Neal Becker
 I wonder if texlive should include a /etc/profile.d package to set TEXMFCNF,
 so that other packages, such as xdvipdfmx will work?  Or, should texlive
 just obsolete xdvipdfmx and include it's own version?

IMO the latter.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: status of forked zlibs in rsync and zsync

2009-10-01 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/10/1 Toshio Kuratomi
 On 10/01/2009 03:10 AM, Josephine Tannhäuser wrote:
 2009/9/14 Adam Williamson

 Hi, everyone. We - the QA group - have recently been researching the
 feasibility of using zsync to reduce the size of live image downloads.
 This has hit a roadblock in the form of the problem where both rsync and
 zsync use forked zlibs rather than linking against the system copy.

 Imho, allow zsync for fedora. If you can solve the zlib-problem of rsync,
 the problem of zsync will be solved as well, cause the integrity of zsync in
 fedora fails on rsync-compatibility, which needs a forked zlib.

 If you want it in, do the work.  I've outlined the possibilities several

 A) You're a coder and want to get your hands dirty with the rsync
 protocol.  Check out how librsync manages to use the system zlib and if
 possible to do this compatibly, apply it to zsync and rsync, possible as
 a build time option.  Push the changes upstream if possible.  If it's
 impossible to apply the librsync strategy, having a good explanation of
 what librsync is doing and why it can't work for rsync/zsync would be
 great for crossing this option off the list.

librsync is not wire compatible with rsync, and also hasn't kept up to
date with rsync protocol changes, so it may not be as straightforward
to lift ideas from librsync.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Intel graphics users: send me your VBIOS

2009-09-27 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/9/25 Adam Jackson
 That reminds me, I am seeing xrandr settings not persist across
 suspend/resume - which component is that best filed against - kernel
 or xorg?

 Start with X.  In fact, in general, report KMS bugs against X, it's
 easier than trying to find them in the huge pile of kernel bugs.

OK, filed as BZ #525939. Seems related to BZ #520068 (reported against kernel).

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Opinions on packaging ATLAS (for the x86 architecture)

2009-09-25 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/9/25 Jussi Lehtola
 On Fri, 2009-09-25 at 16:30 +0100, Jonathan Underwood wrote:
 Well, my point was that packages that do respect CFLAGS get built
 currently with certain options, and however Atlas builds, the default
 package should have comparable options. On x86, I see that is
 presently -march=i686 -mtune=atom, and IIRC -march=i686 implies sse
 and sse2 (not sure about sse3). Anyway, whatever it implies, I think
 that should be the default for the main Atlas package too.

 No, -march=i686 does not use SSE; excerpt from gcc man page:

 i686 Same as generic, but when used as march option, PentiumPro
     instruction set will be used, so the code will run on all i686
     family chips.

Ah, right, thanks. Then I am advocating that Atlas be built without
SSE for the main package (option 1 of Deji's proposals, I think).

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: status of forked zlibs in rsync and zsync

2009-09-16 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/9/15 Simo Sorce
 On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 12:34 -0700, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
 This would be great if maintainers were willing to fix issues after
 fact.  Look at rsync -- there's no incentive to fix the library issue
 this point because rsync is already in the distribution.  We need to
 this lack of incentive for other reasons -- but we need to fix it
 we start trying to get more packages into the distro with less initial

 Sorry but the packager may have no way to influence upstream.
 And to be honest having a huge patch against rsync and/or zsync to
 extract a library against the will of the rsync and/or zsync upstream is
 contrary to fedora policy as (AFAIK).

 And yes I am the maintainer of rsync and I am not doing the job, because
 I don't want to have to create or maintain such patcheset until the day
 I am reasonably sure upstream will want such patches.

 Finally as ajax said, we need to be reasonable, I don't think this
 problem warrants blocking our acceptance of zsync.

Looking through the mailing list archives, as far as I can tell, noone
has tried this course of action yet:

1) Ask zlib upstream to accept the changes that the rsync devs made to
zlib and issue a new release
2) Ask rsync upstream to support the new version of zlib
3) Ask zsync upstream to support the new version of zlib

Surely that's the right solution, and the first thing that should be tried?


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: AucTeX dependencies and TeXLive 2009

2009-09-02 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/9/2 Matthew Saltzman
 On Tue, 2009-09-01 at 18:50 +0100, Jonathan Underwood wrote:
 2009/9/1 Jonathan Underwood
  Is that intentional? Seems emacs-auctex requires 11.85, while your
  package provides 11.84.
  AucTeX is the upstream for the preview tex package - so this is
  another case where we need to decide whether to go with upstream or
  the texlive version.
  In this case, I think we have to go with the upstream (AucTeX) one as
  each Auctex release is tested against the bundled preview class.

 Actually, there is an option to install the AucTeX bundled preview
 privately for auctex. so both versions could co-exist, if we wanted to
 do that (although that's not my recommendation).

 Meanwhile, is there a workaround?  I can install the right tex-preview
 alongside texlive-preview, but still can't install the old dvipng and
 kpathsea to get emacs-auctex.  That kpathsea wants texlive-2007.

I don't see an easy one without rebuilding emacs-auctex against
Jindrich's new packages, and that's not an option for the main F-11
repo. One the new texlive is in rawhide, we can fix this stuff up


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: another spin of TeX Live 2009 packages

2009-09-01 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/8/31 Patrice Dumas

 I haven't followed closely the new packaging of texlive, so you should
 take my comments with caution...

 On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 01:15:21PM +0200, Jindrich Novy wrote:

 The new packages obsolete the ancient tetex stuff:

 I think that the stand-alone tex4ht could be better than the texlive one.
 It was updated many time a year in the past (but it may change).


 In the past, the version in CTAN of this package used to lag a lot. I'd
 still advise taking the files from the web, especially since there is also
 the old style in the stand-alone package.

 and these utilities:

 Haven't some of those an upstream different from texlive?

They do - however I lean towards using ones that come from texlive
though, so we benefit from the integration work the TeXLive developers
do. Once we start down the road of packaging everything with another
upstream separately we get closer to basically developing out own TeX
distribution, and we don't have the manpower to do that. A purest
approach wouldn't consume the class files and packages from TeXLive
either, but would rather take the .dtx files etc from ctan. Clearly
this would be crazy. I think it's fair to regard TeXLive as upstream -
in most cases the other upstreams are more like development sandboxes.

Jonathan (who presently maintains or comaintains most of those
packages at the mo).

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: another spin of TeX Live 2009 packages

2009-09-01 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/9/1 Neal Becker
 IIRC xdvipdfmx is from texlive (but has not been updated for some time)

Well, technically, upstream is the xetex project

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: AucTeX dependencies and TeXLive 2009

2009-09-01 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/8/31 Thomas Moschny
 2009/8/31 Jindrich Novy
 Then installation of emacs-auctex runs without problems. So it seems
 like yum has a hard time to resolve both installation of emacs-auctex and
 obsoletion of dvipng in one transaction even though emacs-auctex
 contains unversioned Requires: to dvipng and texlive-dvipng should
 successfully obsolete it.

 But doing installation that way, I end up with both installed:


 Is that intentional? Seems emacs-auctex requires 11.85, while your
 package provides 11.84.

AucTeX is the upstream for the preview tex package - so this is
another case where we need to decide whether to go with upstream or
the texlive version.

In this case, I think we have to go with the upstream (AucTeX) one as
each Auctex release is tested against the bundled preview class.

Jonathan (emacs-auctex maintainer).

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Dragonfly Mail Agent

2009-09-01 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/8/31 Neal Becker
 We already have ssmtp, esmtp.  Is this something different?

I don't think they have local mail delivery capability, though that is
being worked on for esmtp.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: AucTeX dependencies and TeXLive 2009

2009-09-01 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/9/1 Jonathan Underwood
 Is that intentional? Seems emacs-auctex requires 11.85, while your
 package provides 11.84.

 AucTeX is the upstream for the preview tex package - so this is
 another case where we need to decide whether to go with upstream or
 the texlive version.

 In this case, I think we have to go with the upstream (AucTeX) one as
 each Auctex release is tested against the bundled preview class.

Actually, there is an option to install the AucTeX bundled preview
privately for auctex. so both versions could co-exist, if we wanted to
do that (although that's not my recommendation).

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: TeX Live 2009 for Fedora

2009-08-20 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/8/20 Mary Ellen Foster
 2009/8/20 Jindrich Novy

 Maybe a good idea is to start directly with TeX Live 2009 in Fedora
 because TL 2008 has different package set and TL 2009 contains newest
 packages and will likely be released this year. And before that we can
 help with testing :)

 One more issue: some packages (like R, for example) still depend on
 tetex-latex, which I guess used to be a virtual provide of texlive
 but is now gone. What's the plan for dealing with this?

 Here's the full list of things that require tetex-latex according to 


These packages should be updated to require tex(latex).

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: pygtk2 and its numpy dependency

2009-08-11 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/8/10 Adam Jackson
 a) remove the explicit Requires: numpy from pygtk2, require apps that
 actually want this function to Require it themselves

 b) fake the numpy data type ABI in pygtk2 itself by cult-and-pasting it
 from numpy

 c) declare that get_pixels_array() just doesn't work in Fedora
 (historically true, back in like FC3)

 d) leave things as they are

 I lean towards a).  I think b) is icky but doable, since that ABI is
 effectively unbreakable anyway (inherited from the older python-numeric
 module).  The other two are way lame.


A possible (e) occured to me:

e) Place the numpy.linalg stuff in a subpackage of numpy, which
requires atlas and friends. Keep only the core numpy functionality in
numpy itself, with other subpackages for the stuff. Then
pygtk2 could just require the basic numpy package which would be
smaller in size and have a lot less deps.

I've no idea how hard this would be, and what might break, though. So
it may be a stupid idea.


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: acer one

2009-07-24 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/7/24 roland
 Hi everybody,

 I am trying to install fed 11 on an acer aspire one (netbook), using a

 Following the doc of fedora everything should go standard except for
 usb_DVD. You will find in the attached picture the error that is generated
 when installing fed 11.

The picture is missing, perhaps stripped by the mail list software.
It's considered bad form to post attachments to mailing lists in any
case - can you put the image on a pastebin somewhere? One place is

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Re: acer one

2009-07-24 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/7/24 NoSpaze
 Am Freitag, den 24.07.2009, 14:23 +0200 schrieb roland:
 I am trying to install fed 11 on an acer aspire one (netbook), using a
 Following the doc of fedora everything should go standard except for
 usb_DVD. You will find in the attached picture the error that is generated
 when installing fed 11.

 Can't find any attachment. Anyway, I do had success in installing/
 upgrading/ using F11 on my aspire one. Installed with a livecd on USB
 (obviously, i386). something like this:

 # yum install livecd-tools
 # livecd-iso-to-disk /home/rodolfo/Fedora-11-image.iso /dev/sdc1

 Verifying image...
 Fragment sums:
 Fragment count: 20
 Percent complete: 100.0%   Fragment[20/20] - OK
 The media check is complete, the result is: PASS.
 It is OK to use this media.
 Copying live image to USB stick
 Updating boot config file
 Installing boot loader
 USB stick set up as live image!

 # greets!

Yes - I can report success doing exactly the same.

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Re: how much junk should i have to install for a 32-bit toolchain?

2009-07-20 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/7/20 Robert P. J. Day
 On Sun, 19 Jul 2009, Jonathan Underwood wrote:

 2009/7/19 Robert P. J. Day
  but i'm starting to wonder if this is worth the trouble, how much
  *more* i?86 content i'll have to dump on this machine and, most
  importantly, should this be my concern or do i have the right to at
  least *suggest* that the software providers might consider supplying a
  64-bit toolchain to avoid all this nonsense, for the sake of the
  increasing number of 64-bit systems out there?

 I think they're working on porting to 64 bit, but it's a fair bit of

 If you don't like installing so much i386 packages you could
 consider using a mock chroot sandbox, to avoid contaminating your
 main system.

 i may just throw 32-bit f11 on via virtualbox and do it all there.

That works too. Or qemu-kvm which is available in the fedora repos.

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Re: how much junk should i have to install for a 32-bit toolchain?

2009-07-19 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/7/19 Robert P. J. Day
 but i'm starting to wonder if this is worth the trouble, how much
 *more* i?86 content i'll have to dump on this machine and, most
 importantly, should this be my concern or do i have the right to at
 least *suggest* that the software providers might consider supplying a
 64-bit toolchain to avoid all this nonsense, for the sake of the
 increasing number of 64-bit systems out there?

I think they're working on porting to 64 bit, but it's a fair bit of work.

If you don't like installing so much i386 packages you could consider
using a mock chroot sandbox, to avoid contaminating your main system.

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Re: Setting up OpenVPN semi-manually

2009-07-15 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/7/13 Bill Davidsen
 I have a VPN gateway using OpenVPN, running a custom distribution. It has
 keys which were generated by hand, installed by hand, etc. It has no GUI, no
 X, firewall only.

 I am looking for a doc on how I take a key from a file on the server, and
 install it using the NetworkManager. Just poking the GUI didn't make it
 obvious, I got one working by taking NM out and installing by hand using my
 Slackware notes, but that's really ugly.

Did you try ricght clicking on the NM applet, selecting edit
connections and then chosing the VPN tab? There i see a import
button amongst other things? I've never used this functionality
though, so I am just guessing.


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Re: Random screen blanking -- a clue

2009-07-12 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/7/12 Richard Shaw
 Just to gather more data, would everyone reply with the version and
 source they are using for the nvidia drivers? I want to see if we can
 figure out which package is the culprit...

I see it on my 3 machines. All 3 are intel graphics. So it's not
nvidia specific.

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Re: kvm/qemu network problem

2009-07-10 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/7/10 Bret
 I set up a windows xp virtual machine.  Windows recognizes the nic and set
 up a driver for it, however it will not get an ip address from my router.  I
 set up win xp before and everything worked, however, I deleted the vm a
 while back ago and now need it back.  (Guess I shouldn't have gotten rid of
 it)  Anyway, all I get is the win generated ip address and
 cannot connect to the internet.

 Running Fedora 11 x86_64 on:

 ASUS motherboard
 Intel Core 2 Quad
 Atheros based 10/100/1000 nic
 nvidia geforce 8400

 Any help appreciated

You don't detail how you went about setting up your networking - by
default virt-manager will set up NAT networking on the host machine,
such that the guest gets an ip from the host for a local (to the host)
network. That should work for most use cases, but if you really need
your guest to be visible on the network and get an IP address from
your router you need to use bridged networking. A slightly out of date
howto is here:

It's out of date in that F11 NetworkManager does (I think) support
bridging, so it may not be necessary to disable NM.


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Re: kvm/qemu network problem

2009-07-10 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/7/10 Bret
 thanks for the help, it is set up as the default NAT network, but is unable
 to connect to the net.

In which case the problem isn't that your guest isn't getting an IP
address from your router, but that your guest isn't getting an IP
address from your host. Here are some hints to debug this situation:

 I will give that link a try.

I don't think that's what you want to do, unless you want your guest
visible to other hosts on your home network. I would start by getting
the NAT configuration working properly.

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2009-07-07 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/7/7 Adam Jackson
 On Tue, 2009-07-07 at 09:56 +0100, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 10:24:24AM +0200, drago01 wrote:

 Oh poo, and what's the difference? None. None whatsoever but more marketing.

 You can't distribute GPL'ed software unless you have the right to do it.

 The promise makes quite sure to tell you you have no right[1], but you can
 infringe that they won't sue *you*[2].

 I am unable to read the Community Promise in any way that implies either
 of the above.  Please cite exactly which statement in the Community
 Promise you take issue with.

Not answering Ajax's question specifically, but this looks a bit iffy:

If you file, maintain, or voluntarily participate in a patent
infringement lawsuit against a Microsoft implementation of any Covered
Specification, then this personal promise does not apply with respect
to any Covered Implementation made or used by you.

So, say a few years have passed and C# and the CLI is now a very key
component of the stack, and Red Hat (for example) filed a patent
lawsuit against MS for something unrelated, MS could turn around and
revoke the promise not to sue Red Hat for distributing a C#/CLI
implementation, crippling the product that Red Hat now relies on. So I
doubt that RMS's concerns are much assuaged by the Community Promise.
But I'm just guessing. With similar reasoning it probably cripples the
OIN's ability to sue back as well.


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Re: F11 scp stalls - rsync command

2009-06-28 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/6/28 Beartooth TpBkR
        I let it alone for most of one day -- longer than any scp command
 has taken here before.

I have seen this problem in situations where a router isn't dealing
well with window rescaling and out of window packets. I worked around
it by doing this on the machines:

echo 1  /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal

If that fixes the issue, to make it persist across reboots, you need
to add it to rc.local.


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Re: F11 scp stalls - rsync command

2009-06-28 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/6/28 Mikkel L. Ellertson
 Jonathan Underwood wrote:

 I have seen this problem in situations where a router isn't dealing
 well with window rescaling and out of window packets. I worked around
 it by doing this on the machines:

 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal

 If that fixes the issue, to make it persist across reboots, you need
 to add it to rc.local.

 Wouldn't it be better to add
 net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal = 1
 to /etc/sysctrl.conf, rather then adding the command to rc.local?

Yes, in principle. My recollection is that this didn't work when I
tried it though - the init scripts parse sysctl.conf fairly early, and
before the netfilter/conntrack kernel modules were loaded with the
result that the entry in sysctl had no effect. That test was a few
releases ago though, so the situation may have changed with F-11.

The whole concept of sysctl.conf is a bit flawed presently, IMO.
Presently it's parsed once at startup, whereas it would be a better
design if it contained settings that were applied when a module was
loaded. To do that, modprobe would have to parse it for each module,
which might be prohibitively slow - have never investigated.


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F-11 libvirt no longer creating firewall/iptables rules for virtual network?

2009-06-24 Thread Jonathan Underwood

I am not sure if I'm bumping into a bug, but on a new F-11 install I
no longer see libvirt/virt-manager creating iptables rules for virtual
machines - does anyone else see this?


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Re: F-11 libvirt no longer creating firewall/iptables rules for virtual network?

2009-06-24 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/6/24 Patrick Mansfield
 It happens for me ... when I didn't really want it. But I figured out I
 just need to allow samba ports in my general firewall rules, then the
 libvirt additions should just work (right now I'm just running iptables
 -I INPUT -i virbr0 -j ACCEPT after libvirt is running).

 What is iptables showing?

 I see virbr0 in mine and more.

hm, odd. Wonder what is different about my config. I'm just using a
very simple firewall setup with only ssh loaded. After the libvirtd
service is started, I see no mention of virbr0 in iptables output:

# iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywherestate
ACCEPT icmp --  anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywherestate NEW
tcp dpt:ssh
REJECT all  --  anywhere anywhere
reject-with icmp-host-prohibited

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
REJECT all  --  anywhere anywhere
reject-with icmp-host-prohibited

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

and yet ifconfig shows the virbr0 bridge has been created succesfully.

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Re: Fedora LaTeX SIG?

2009-06-11 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/6/11 Neal Becker
 I'm interested.  Migration to texlive was discussed here before.  Died after
 nobody wanted to try to inspect licences of all the packages, IIRC.

Well, it's not so much that (Tom Callaway actually did go through a
number of the files packaged). The problem is that the way in which
texlive is put together makes it totally miserable from a distribution
packaging perspective, essentially dumping a vast ammount of upstream
tarballs into one tarball. This in turn makes it a really horrific job
from a license auditing point of view.

In my opinion, the root of the problem(s) from a distribution
packaging POV is that texlive is itself a distribution with its own
package format and manager etc. which has no integration with
distribution packaging systems. Roughly and broadly speaking this is
how things are right now (grossly oversimplified):

1) Texlive amalgamates and consumes vast numbers of upstream packages.
2) These packages are are unpacked and built into a build tree, and
texlive folk also add their own modifications and patches to integrate
the whole lot into a useable system. This build tree pretty much
defines the filesystem layout.
3) the buildtree componenets are distributed as texlive packages using
their packaging format. For distributions the buildtree is more or
less made available in a couple of big tarballs.

For any other software, Fedora would expect to be doing part 2 itself,
and this is where the problem lies.

What I believe we need to work on is expanding the tool set used for 2
by texlive such that they can be used inside RPM packaging in order to
allow us to control packaging ourselves, working from the true
upstreams, rather than the tarballs of the texlive sandbox. The trick
is to also take advantage of the integration work done by the texlive

The problem is, this is an awful lot of work. I have made stabs at
starting it, but, well, paid work and sleep are the enemy of Fedora


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Re: GRUB 2 in Ubuntu 9.10

2009-06-10 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/6/10 Matthias Clasen
 On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 18:41 +0200, Dennis J. wrote:

 If that's the case then it obviously makes sense to stick with grub
 legacy but given it's status who is going to be upstream for this? What I
 fear is a similar situation like we had with rpm where nobody really took
 ownership and vendors carried their own individual patches wich doesn't
 really work well with fedoras stay close to upstream mantra.

 For better or worse, we are effectively running a grub fork, and I see
 very little desire to change that...

Is extlinux worth considering as a replacement? I know Foresight has
gone that road.

Jonathan (who knows nothing about bootloaders).

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Re: Mono ( Moonlight) Licensing? Revisited

2009-05-31 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/5/31 Frank Murphy (Frankly3D)

 Doesn't clarify things for me.

Yes, things have changed a fair bit since the OIN was initially set up
- most notably the agreements that now exist between MS and Novell.
Presumably, since Novell were a key player in the OIN, this now
weakens the whole OIN effort, particularly w.r.t mono etc. Looks like
this could really do with being revisited by Legal.

Some interesting commentary on some aspects of the article originally
linked to by the OP:


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Re: Mono ( Moonlight) Licensing? Revisited

2009-05-31 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/5/31 Rahul Sundaram
 On 05/31/2009 06:28 PM, Jonathan Underwood wrote:
 2009/5/31 Frank Murphy (Frankly3D)

 Doesn't clarify things for me.

 Yes, things have changed a fair bit since the OIN was initially set up
 - most notably the agreements that now exist between MS and Novell.
 Presumably, since Novell were a key player in the OIN, this now
 weakens the whole OIN effort, particularly w.r.t mono etc. Looks like
 this could really do with being revisited by Legal.

 If you have specific concerns, take it fedora-legal list. Developers
 cannot give you any legal opinions.

I wasn't asking them to.

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Re: Packaging Survey - May 2009

2009-05-27 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/5/27 Rahul Sundaram

 I put up all the suggested packages from different sources and their
 status at

 Thanks for all your feedback. If you find anything more, feel free to
 drop me a mail.

Why not combine this info with


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Re: Selinux, Fail2ban, iptables BUG

2009-05-23 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/5/23 Jim

 Has anyone run across this problem run across this while running
  fail2ban-0.8.3-18.fc10.noarch  ??

 there are two Redhat bug reports on this same problem and they seem to think
 it's fixed, but it isn't.
 Bug #

This is a design problem with fail2ban and the way is (ab)uses gamin. See:

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Re: [OT] SSH login script - Help

2009-04-26 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/4/26 Mikkel L. Ellertson
 It depends on what you are trying to do. If it is a task that you do
 often, then it is worth while. But for tasks like this, that you do
 infrequently, it is handy to have a key pair with a good pass
 phrase. You use ssh-agent and ssh-add to unlock the key before
 running the script, and then use ssh-add -d to lock it again when
 you are done.

For the interested, there's a great 3 part series on the IBM
developerworks site about ssh key management.

which, in particular, discusses the keychain script:

which is available in Fedora with a quick yum install keychain.

HTH someone.

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Re: Editor to program in C

2009-04-04 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/4/4 Paul Smith
 Dear All,

 I am starting to learn how to program in C, and I am looking for a
 proper editor for that. Do you recommend Kate to me? Or is there
 something better?

There's a number of options, all present in the fedora repositories. I
suggest you try a few and see which you like. Here's some suggestions:

1) Programmers text editors such as emacs and vim. These are
exceptionally powerful, but have a bit of a learning curve.

2) IDEs. There are several in fedora including anjuta, geany,
kdevelop, eclipse. For eclipse you'll also want to install the
eclipse-cdt package for c/c++ editing.

That said, even the simple gedit, which is installed by default has
good syntax highlighting for c/c++.

Try a few, see what you're comfortable with.

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Re: Anyone unable to run specifc applications after recent selinux-policy?

2009-03-26 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/3/26 Mike Cloaked
 I am now wondering if this is due to the broken libX11 package
 libX11-1.1.5-1.fc10.i386 - a number of issues have followed that - and a new
 version (-2) is pushed to testing a few hours backmaybe that will fix

For reference:

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Re: F10 VS vlc

2009-03-25 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/3/25 Dennis Kaptain

 Asunto: F10 VS vlc


 I just noticed last night that vlc no longer displays its GUI. It still
 plays audio (haven't tried video yet), but I get no control panel from
 it anymore. I have to kill it (kill -9) to stop it, and there are no

 As recently as this past weekend it was working fine.

 Did perhaps an update install a broken one? Any other ideas?


 Please do me a favor. Install keepassx and see if it starts. I have vlc and 
 have the same problem. I'm wondering if my keepassx problem is the same 
 problem that vlc is having ie. no GUI displays.

 I found the sourceforge site where I need to file a bug report but I'm 
 thinking this really isn't a keepassx (or vlc) bug at all but something else 
 so I hesitate.

It may be a libX11 bug - a similar bug (no GUI) has been reported for
emacs, and only started occuring in the past day or so following a
libX11 update.

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Re: F10 VS vlc

2009-03-25 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/3/25 Dennis Kaptain

 Asunto: Re: F10 VS vlc

 2009/3/25 Dennis Kaptain :
  Asunto: F10 VS vlc
  I just noticed last night that vlc no longer displays its GUI. It still
  plays audio (haven't tried video yet), but I get no control panel from
  it anymore. I have to kill it (kill -9) to stop it, and there are no
  As recently as this past weekend it was working fine.
  Did perhaps an update install a broken one? Any other ideas?
  Please do me a favor. Install keepassx and see if it starts. I have vlc and
 have the same problem. I'm wondering if my keepassx problem is the same 
 that vlc is having ie. no GUI displays.
  I found the sourceforge site where I need to file a bug report but I'm
 thinking this really isn't a keepassx (or vlc) bug at all but something else 
 I hesitate.

 It may be a libX11 bug - a similar bug (no GUI) has been reported for
 emacs, and only started occuring in the past day or so following a
 libX11 update.

 That makes 3 applications affected , emacs, vlc, and keepassx.
 This is a list of packages I upgraded at the time things stopped working.

 [r...@confianza ~]# grep Mar 24 08 /var/log/yum.log
 Mar 24 08:54:15 Updated: selinux-policy-3.5.13-49.fc10.noarch
 Mar 24 08:54:51 Updated: selinux-policy-targeted-3.5.13-49.fc10.noarch
 Mar 24 08:54:55 Updated: libX11-1.1.5-1.fc10.i386
 Mar 24 08:54:58 Updated: gtk2-2.14.7-7.fc10.i386
 Mar 24 08:54:58 Updated: lcms-libs-1.18-1.fc10.i386
 Mar 24 08:55:15 Updated: 1:java-1.6.0-openjdk-
 Mar 24 08:55:17 Updated: ffmpeg-libs-0.4.9-0.55.20080908.fc10.i386
 Mar 24 08:55:17 Updated: postgresql-libs-8.3.7-1.fc10.i386
 Mar 24 08:55:18 Updated: lcms-1.18-1.fc10.i386
 Mar 24 08:55:23 Updated: libX11-devel-1.1.5-1.fc10.i386
 Mar 24 08:55:24 Updated: 1:java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin-
 Mar 24 08:55:26 Updated: uniconvertor-1.1.3-5.fc10.i386
 Mar 24 08:55:27 Updated: xorg-x11-drv-vesa-2.2.0-3.fc10.i386
 Mar 24 08:55:28 Updated: keepassx-0.3.4-3.fc10.i386
 [r...@confianza ~]#

 libX11 and/or gtk2. These are the most likely suspects on the list.

Yep. BZ entry of relevance:

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Re: LAN addresses in IPv6

2009-03-09 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/3/9 Robert Moskowitz
 Hold your breath. I am working with some FC9 and FC10 boxes to work with
 shorewall6. My plan is to work out the resulting IP6tables and copy those to
 Centos boxes. At least those rules that should work with the Centos kernel.

Out of interest, are you using the Fedora packages of shorewall6 for F-10?

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2009-02-10 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/2/10 Mark Haney
 Oh?  And how come I can install the same set of software in Gentoo and
 not need an extra 50+MB of dependencies?  I wish I had an example at the
 moment, but I don't.  However, I'm sure one will pop up sooner or later.

Because gentoo builds from source on your local machine, building in
support for componenets as specified by your USE flags, whereas Fedora
is a binary distribution, and dependencies are generated during the
building of those binaries.

Now, why don't my apples taste like oranges?


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Re: emacs-wiki-mode

2009-01-27 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/1/27 suvayu ali

 Can anyone point me where I can get packages for emacs-wiki-mode for
 F10? I looked in rpmfind and pbone without any success.

Muse mode is available in the Fedora repos. Muse supercedes wiki mode.
Installation is easy:

yum install emacs-muse


yum install xemacs-muse

More info:

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Re: Icecast RPM question

2009-01-19 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/1/19 Seann Clark

   I do not know who the maintainer of the icecast RPM for Fedora is, but I
 found some things that have been very odd since I installed Fedora 9. The
 solution to this is rather simple though, but here is the problem:

Seann, you'd be far better off putting all that detail in a bugzilla
report at, and then the paclage maintainer
will see it, and (hopefully) fix the Fedora packages.


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Re: jEdit on F10?

2009-01-15 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2009/1/15 Alan Evans
 Has anyone successfully installed jEdit on Fedora 10? How did you do it?

 Honestly, I've never used it myself. Although it looks to be a very
 capable editor. Most of the developers at my company just switched to
 it (Windows users, all), so I thought it would be prudent to test it
 out myself.

 I just can't see a relatively painless way to install it.

Have you tried enabling the jpackage repository?

looks like they have jedit (have never installed/used it myself tho):


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Re: F9 and up: XDMCP support?

2008-12-23 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/12/22 Daniel B. Thurman
 # cat /etc/gdm/custom.conf:
 # GDM configuration storage


That needs to be true, not True.

You also need gdm-2.24.1-4.fc10 which is in updates testing.

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Re: Evince can't show some Chinese characters in pdf file

2008-12-15 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/12/15 L

 On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 9:36 AM, L wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 9:23 AM, L wrote:

 I use evince on fedora 9. It works very well on most occasions, but
 failed to show Chinese characters in this pdf file (echoed as squares).

 I tried xpdf (did not fin xpdf-chinese-simplified rpm), have
 fonts-chinese installed (assume I have installed all Chinese support I can
 think of).

 Could someone offer help?

 attached is the exmaple pdf file.



 this is a follow-up. when this attachment is viewed at gmail, It was
 opened ok, not sure what viewer is used in gmail?

 In addition, This file can be viewed correctly using gv. I  still prefer
 open it  using evince. hope some fix?

It's more likely to get fixed if you file a bug report against evince
at You can help everyone by providing as
much info as possible, including the pdf file you are having problems


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Re: Emacs Fonts vs. F10

2008-12-06 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/12/6 Jonathan Ryshpan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 When I start emacs under F10 it displays everything in a very small
 font, and reports that it can't find any fonts.  In particular running
$ emacs --debug-init
 produces this line in the emacs message buffer:
Warning: no fonts matching 
 `-*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1' available [2 times]
$ xfontsel -fn '-*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1'
 works just fine.
 Attempting to change the font to anything using Options-Set Font/Fontsel...
 always seems to always provoke the message from emacs
mouse-set-font: Font not found

 Does anyone know what's going on?  It looks like the system is missing
 an rpm, but it's not obvious which one.

Emacs 22 (in F10) uses the legacy Xorg fonts, so you need to install
those. Start with a

yum install xorg-x11-fonts-misc

and depending on what fonts you're wanting to use, you may need some of


This is a packaging bug with Emacs. Alas the emacs package is
presently unmaintained, but there's a few of us awaiting approval to
take the package over, at which point the bug will get fixed.


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Re: Fedora 10 - additional repositories

2008-12-03 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/12/2 Armin Moradi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 If you are a KDE fan, you might want to try kde-redhat repository

I think the role of this repo these days is more for testing KDE
packages which are shortly to appear in the Fedora repos - therefore
enabling this repo is only adviseable if you're planning to test the
packages and can deal with the possibility of breakage.

[Rex, Kevin - apologies in advance if I have misrepresented kde-redhat.]


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Re: SANE can't find device if used through VNC - F9 (SOLVED)

2008-12-03 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/12/3  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 2:44 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm lost there Jonathan. Where do I start?
  Assuming you are running a gnome desktopthere is authorizations
  dialog in the system-preferences-system  menu.
  you should be able to adjust the authorizations for device access...
  including scanners.

 In fact... as jeff says system-preferences-system-Authorisations

 Then in the left hand pane, scroll down until you see device-access.
 As a sub-item of that entry you'll see Directly access scanners.
 Select that. In the right hand pane you'll see (amongst other things)
 Implicit authorisations ... click the Edit button. Hopefully it is
 self explanatory from then on...

 Bingo. Thank you so much.
 Is it possible to grant these authorizations remotely through the terminal?

Have never done it myself - seems to involve editing an XML file, so
you'd need to do a bit of reading to find the syntax. Have a look at:

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Re: Trying to install NX

2008-12-02 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/12/2 matjazk [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 hi jim

 this problem is related to nxagent. at startup it looks for font fixed, 
 which is not present in fc10 distro any more. this is the reason why your 
 session is terminated.
 to fix that just install fixed font on server side.
 you can do that by installing following package:


 package can be found at:

That's a missing dependeny for the nx package - please file a bug so
it gets fixed.

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Re: SANE can't find device if used through VNC - F9

2008-12-02 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/12/1  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I got a F9 machine that I access through VNC. If I'm at the machine, I can 
 SANE and scan without any problems. If I, however, do this remotely through 
 SANE cannot find my HP scanner.
 I tried the same using X11 from a Mac and it didn't work either. However, if I
 login as root and launch SANE, it works, if finds the scanner and scans.
 Any idea how to solve this issue?

 Anybody? I'm still searching for an answer on this issue. Still unresolved.

This is probably ConsoleKit/PolicyKit in action. When you log in sat
at the machine, you're a console user with physical access to the
machine, and so you get permissions to access the hardware. When
logging in remotely the permissions don't get set to allow you to
access connected hardware. I suggest having a read about
ConsoleKit/PolicyKit and working out what policy you need to change to
get the permissions you want when logging in via VNC.


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Re: SANE can't find device if used through VNC - F9

2008-12-02 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/12/2 Jeff Spaleta [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 2:44 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm lost there Jonathan. Where do I start?
 Assuming you are running a gnome desktopthere is authorizations
 dialog in the system-preferences-system  menu.

 you should be able to adjust the authorizations for device access...
 including scanners.

In fact... as jeff says system-preferences-system-Authorisations

Then in the left hand pane, scroll down until you see device-access.
As a sub-item of that entry you'll see Directly access scanners.
Select that. In the right hand pane you'll see (amongst other things)
Implicit authorisations ... click the Edit button. Hopefully it is
self explanatory from then on...

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Re: ssmtp problem

2008-10-07 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/10/7 Marc Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 05:50:19PM -0600, kwhiskerz wrote:
 When I try to send mail as root to me, or as me to root, the following
 error ensues: send-mail: Cannot open localhost.localdomain:25. System
 mail is not delivered.

 Correct.  Ssmtp is a mail forwarder, not an MTA.  You have no local MTA
 running, therefore you cannot accept/deliver local mail.

 Put sendmail back.  It was configured to do what you say you want out of
 the box.

An alternative is to use esmtp (a lightweight ssmtp equivalent) with
postfix for local mail delivery - see here:

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Re: ssmtp problem

2008-10-07 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/10/7 Jonathan Underwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 2008/10/7 Marc Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 05:50:19PM -0600, kwhiskerz wrote:
 When I try to send mail as root to me, or as me to root, the following
 error ensues: send-mail: Cannot open localhost.localdomain:25. System
 mail is not delivered.

 Correct.  Ssmtp is a mail forwarder, not an MTA.  You have no local MTA
 running, therefore you cannot accept/deliver local mail.

 Put sendmail back.  It was configured to do what you say you want out of
 the box.

 An alternative is to use esmtp (a lightweight ssmtp equivalent) with
 postfix for local mail delivery - see here:

oops, I meant procmail, not postfix.

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Re: kvm?

2008-09-25 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/9/25 Neal Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I've been using virtualbox, and it's pretty nice.  I'm wondering if any of 
 the more open virtualization efforts have progressed to the point that I'd 
 want to try replacing virtualbox.  What I'm interested in is:

 1) Able to run windoze/linux guest on linux x86_64 host
 2) good performance (on modern hardware)
 3) Decent gui

 Last I checked, #3 was not there.  Virtualbox has a good gui for managing 

I use kvm to run  windows on a daily basis, and it seems fine to me.
virt-manager present a nice gui. But I've never used VB, so can't

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Re: non-disclosure of infrastructure problem a management issue?

2008-08-21 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/8/21 Bjoern Tore Sund [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 It has now been a full week since the first announcement that Fedora had
 infrastructure problems and to stop updating systems.  Since then there
 has been two updates to the announcement, none of which have modified the
 don't update advice and noen of which has been specific as to the exact
 nature of the problems.  At one point we received a list of servers, but not
 services, which were back up and running.

 The University of Bergen has 500 linux clients running Fedora.  We average
 one reinstall/fresh install per day, often doing quite a lot more. Installs
 and reinstalls has had to stop completely, nightly updates have stopped, and
 until the nature of the problem is revealed we don't even know for certain
 whether it is safe for our IT staff to type admin passwords to our
 (RHEL-based, for the most part) servers from these work stations.

 Sometimes unfortunate events happen beyond anyone's control.  We understand
 this as well as anyone.  We trust the assurances that the infrastructure
 team is working hard on resolving the matter and are greatful to them for
 the job they do.  So far nothing that has happened with this issue has
 reflected poorly on them.

 Sadly, the same cannot be said about the Management of the Fedora project.
  Their choice of complete non-disclosure is enough to eradicate any and all
 confidence that Fedora is a trustworthy platform for Linux installations.
  What information they have released has been deliberately vague and,
 frankly, useless.  For a day or two to secure things this may be a workable
 strategy.  For a full week, not giving the community participants any chance
 whatsoever to protect themselves from threats indicated but not specified?
  This is poor management and poor judgement and reflects very badly not only
 on the Fedora project but on Fedora's RedHat sponsor as well.  The issue is
 more than serious enough and has gone on for more than long enough that
 someone higher up the scale should have stepped in a long time ago and made
 sure that all relevant info was released to the community.

 We strongly encourage both the Fedora management and RedHat as a Fedora
 sponsor to immediately release any and all information relating to the
 current infrastructure problems.

I suspect that if you really want a response to this, you'll need to
send it to the fedora-advisory-board


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Re: Kernel Version

2008-08-21 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/8/21 Robert C Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I have been using Windows for over 15 years but I'm new to Linux.  I
 recently installed Fedora 9 from a Live CD and allowed it to update
 itself over the net.  I am trying to find out my kernel version.  On the
 GNOME desktop from the top menu bar I select System -- About This
 Computer.  That window has a line that says Kernel Linux
 2.6.27-0.244.rc2.git1.fc10.i686.  Is this the kernel version?

That suggests that somehow after installing Fedora 9 (the current
stable release) you enabled the development software repository and
updated to the current development (rawhide) version - I really don't
think you wanted to do this if you're new to linux, this is only
suitable for developers and testers. You should really consider
reinstalling Fedora 9 and not enabling the development repositories.

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Re: b43 not working with latest kernel

2008-07-02 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/7/3 Nicolae Ghimbovschi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I've submitted this bug to bugzilla.

Bug number?

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Re: empty log files

2008-07-01 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/7/1 michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I can't recall doing anything 'wrong' but I now notice most of my log
 files are, unexpectedly, empty (see example, below). Anybody care to
 suggest how I can debug why this is so? Thanks, M

Did you by chance happen to install vmware? Installing vmware seems to
change the SEli9nux context of /etc/services, which prevents syslog
from working. To fix:

1) run /sbin/restorecon -v /etc/services
2) /sbin/service syslog restart


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Re: gnome desktop XDMCP in domU

2008-06-28 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/6/28 David Hláčik [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 i have Fedora 9 on xen as domU, i have installed yum groupinstall Gnome
 Desktop ...  . I want to access Gnome Desktoup through XDMCP protocol, but
 unfortunately X server will not start when there is no graphical output
 where to start.
 How can i solve this problem?

 And of course  i have edited gdm/custom.conf and added to [XDMCP] Enable =

 Thanks in advance!

XDMCP doesn't currently work with the GDM in F-9. I believe it does
with KDM, but haven't triedd myself.


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Re: ssh tunnel problems

2008-06-24 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/6/24 Rick Bilonick [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I haven't followed this thread closely but...  On the server that does not
 work do you know if the line AllowTcpForwarding yes is present in
 /etc/ssh/sshd_config ?


 I checked and it was set to no but commented. I set it to yes and
 un-commented it, restarted the network, but still same error message. I
 will have more time tomorrow to redo and include -v, etc.

You did also restart the sshd service, right?

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Re: texlive problems

2008-06-17 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/6/17 Norman Gaywood [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Interesting read. That thread seems to indicate that the problem has
 been fixed upstream and it was touch and go if the update would make it
 to the first release of F9. Seems this problem will go away eventually.

It may have been forgotten by the packager - I recommend you file a
bug report at about this.


 3. There seems to be a problem with pdf metapost processing. I haven't
 tracked this down fully yet but a collection of metapost and latex files
 that process correctly with tetex, produces this:
 $ pdflatex premath.tex

 ! Package graphics Error: Cannot convert premath-1.mps from MPS to PDF.
 (graphics)The support file `supp-pdf.tex' is missing.

 Still no solution for this. However,
 On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 07:26:30PM -0400, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
 $ rpm -qf `locate supp-pdf`

 locate supp-pdf



 as part of the texlive-texmf-doc-2007-17.fc9 package. This path is not
 searched in normal latex processing.

This seems like a bug, please report this at bugzilla as well.


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Re: Evolution Exchange breakage

2008-06-08 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/6/7 Matthew Saltzman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Suddenly, Evolution has stopped working with the exchange connector.
 Whenever I try to read a folder, I get a pop-up with

Error while Refreshing folder (or Error while opening
folder ...)
Lost connection to Evolution Exchange backend process

 Sometimes I get a folder doesn't exist message.

 Calendars seem to be OK.

 I tried using the previous kernel, and I tried backing out the latest
 Evolution update, downgrading to evolution-2.12.3-4.fc8.x86_64.rpm, but
 neither helps.

 Anybody else seeing this?  Any suggestions?

evolution --force shutdown
cd ~/.evolution
rm -rvf exchange
cd ~/.evolution/mail
rm -rvf exchange

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Re: Evolution Exchange breakage

2008-06-08 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/6/8 Jonathan Underwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 evolution --force shutdown

Sorry, that should be
evolution --force-shutdown

 cd ~/.evolution
 rm -rvf exchange
 cd ~/.evolution/mail
 rm -rvf exchange

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Re: Evolution Exchange breakage [RESOLVED]

2008-06-08 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/6/8 Matthew Saltzman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Sun, 2008-06-08 at 19:49 +0100, Jonathan Underwood wrote:
 2008/6/8 Jonathan Underwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  evolution --force shutdown

 Sorry, that should be
 evolution --force-shutdown

  cd ~/.evolution
  rm -rvf exchange
  cd ~/.evolution/mail
  rm -rvf exchange

 Yep, that appears to have taken care of it.  Thanks!

 Takes a couple hours to get everything synchronized again, though...

Really? Do you have a slow internet connection to the exchange server
or a lot of mail or both? It takes a few seconds for me (couple of
thousand mails only, though).

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Re: Evolution lockup

2008-06-04 Thread Jonathan Underwood
2008/6/2 Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Every time I try to compose a new message in Evolution, it locks up. I have 
 to force quit to kill it and then restart it. Whenever this happens I get the 
 following message in /var/log/messages:

 gnome-keyring-daemon[2851]: couldn't write 139 bytes to client : Broken pipe
 gnome-keyring-daemon[2851]: couldn't read 4 bytes from client

 Anyone else having this problem?

 # rpm -qa | grep evolution

 # rpm -qa | grep keyring

Yes I see exactly the same thing with these versions (all updates
including testing):
rpm -qa | grep evolution
# rpm -qa | grep keyring

In /var/log/messages:
Jun  4 10:14:31 localhost gnome-keyring-daemon[2910]: couldn't read 4
bytes from client:

repeated many times.

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Re: spec hacks for vanilla and git-based kernel rpm builds

2007-07-02 Thread Jonathan Underwood

On 02/07/07, Dave Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There's another reason I'd like to get this done for F8.
I'd still really like us to ship 2.6.23 for f8, but with the shorter
devel schedule, it's unclear if it's going to land upstream in time.
We've shipped -rc's as GA kernels before, but I always felt 'dirty' for
doing this (especially when we name them incorrectly).
Shipping it with 'rc3' or whatever in the title seems a little more
honest at least about what we're shipping, and at the same time,
it prevents bad reviewers from writing Fedora still ships with a 2.6.22

Sort of related to this - it's (usually? often?) the case that the
shipped kernel is based on a stable point release - eg. on this F-7
box, the kernel is based on according to the %changelog, and
yet the kernel rpm is kernel-2.6.21-1.3228. Would it not be sensible
to also add that last point number?


ps. Sorry to Dave for sending this mail to him alone rather than the list
pps. Why does this list not set the Reply-To to the list rather than
the message sender?

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Rethinking the Ralink wireless driver situation

2007-06-20 Thread Jonathan Underwood


In F-7 a decision was made to bundle in the rt2x00 wireless drivers
for Ralink cards. I contend this was a poor decision because, simply
put, they do not work. Not for any ralink chipset device I have tried
(and I've tried several). Upstream rt2x00 developers have also gone on
a 3 month development hiatus. See:

But, upstream also maintains what they refer to as enhanced legacy
drivers - basically the open source drivers provided by Ralink but
polished to be more consistent with general use (eg. ripping out the
odd /etc/Wireless configuration tree, and placing firmware in
/lib/firmware). This work *really* well on all devices I have tried
for which rtx00 does not work. It's a hassle for an end user to
install them though, as it involves blacklisting the broken rtx00
modules. Not a big deal, but it wrecks the out of the box

So, please please consider bundling the rt2400, rt2500, rt2470, rt61
and rt73 drivers for F-8 and ditching rt2x00 until they make it into
the upstream kernel.


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