Bugzilla Outage/Upgrade - 2010-01-09

2010-01-06 Thread Ricky Zhou
Outage Notification - 2010-01-09 02:00 UTC

There will be an outage starting at 2010-01-09 02:00 UTC, which will last
approximately 3 hours.

To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at
or run:

date -d '2010-01-09 02:00 UTC'

Affected Services:


Unaffected Services:

CVS / Source Control
Fedora Hosted
Fedora People
Fedora Talk
Mirror System
Translation Services

Ticket Link:


Reason for Outage:

Red Hat IT will be performing a bugzilla upgrade from version 3.2 to 3.4.

Contact Information:

Please join #fedora-admin in irc.freenode.net or respond to this email to track
the status of this outage.  Note that the Fedora Infrastructure team does not
run bugzilla.redhat.com, though.

Fedora-devel-announce mailing list

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Bugzilla Outage/Upgrade - 2010-01-09

2010-01-04 Thread Ricky Zhou
Outage Notification - 2010-01-09 02:00 UTC

There will be an outage starting at 2010-01-09 02:00 UTC, which will last
approximately 3 hours.

To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at
or run:

date -d '2010-01-09 02:00 UTC'

Affected Services:


Unaffected Services:

CVS / Source Control
Fedora Hosted
Fedora People
Fedora Talk
Mirror System
Translation Services

Ticket Link:


Reason for Outage:

Red Hat IT will be performing a bugzilla upgrade from version 3.2 to 3.4.

Contact Information:

Please join #fedora-admin in irc.freenode.net or respond to this email to track
the status of this outage.  Note that the Fedora Infrastructure team does not
run bugzilla.redhat.com, though.

Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: problem with https://fedoraproject.org/en/verify

2010-01-01 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2010-01-01 06:39:19 PM, Richard Zidlicky wrote:
 I should kick my butt - have completely forgotten that I set user 
 agent and other headers
 in .wgetrc to emulate dillo, which did accept gzip encoding.
 There is probably nothing you could do to help users like this, not even sure 
 is worth considering this as wget bug. 
Ah, that explains why I couldn't find any entries for wget in the logs - 
thanks for getting this cleared up.

 Happy New Year
Same to you!


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: ssh key help

2010-01-01 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2010-01-01 08:34:40 PM, Gregory Sieranski wrote:
 I was having problems with my ssh key passphrase so I generated a new key. I
 uploaded it to my account and was wondering if someone can help me to get it 
 my fedorapeople's page and on publictest6?
I just looked checked on those machines, and your key appears to be there as of
about half an hour ago.  I don't see any login attempts from you in the logs 

 Also, I am using the following commands to connect:
 ssh gsieran...@publictest6.fedoraproject.org
 ssh gsieran...@fedorapeople.org
 Are these correct?
Those look good to me.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: problem with https://fedoraproject.org/en/verify

2009-12-31 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-12-31 10:24:53 PM, Richard Zidlicky wrote:
 sorry to use this contact address, was not sure where else to direct 
No problem at all, this is the right place to report website issues like 

 The procedure in this page has one significant stumbling point - the 
 file is a gzipped file - at least when it is downloaded using wget.
 ( I have tested it with 
 https://fedoraproject.org/static/checksums/Fedora-12-i386-CHECKSUM )
That definitely shouldn't be a gzipped file - does the file command say 
that it is one?  This is what the file should look like:

[ri...@gamma ~]$ wget 
--2009-12-31 16:34:26--  
Resolving fedoraproject.org...,,, ...
Connecting to fedoraproject.org||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1511 (1.5K) [text/plain]
Saving to: “Fedora-12-i386-CHECKSUM”

100%[==] 1,511   
--.-K/s   in 0s

2009-12-31 16:34:27 (5.54 MB/s) - “Fedora-12-i386-CHECKSUM” saved [1511/1511]

[ri...@gamma ~]$ cat Fedora-12-i386-CHECKSUM
Hash: SHA1

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)



Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Websites Meeting Time

2009-12-18 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-12-17 11:36:49 PM, Sijis Aviles wrote:
 I know i'm bringing this up from the grave but we should try to meet
 this Friday or next week.
 I believe we should meet at our previous schedule Fridays at 2 or 3 PM, right?
Sounds good to me, I'll be around.

See you then,

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-12-18

2009-12-18 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:00  hiemanshu #startmeeting Fedora Websites
20:00  zodbot Meeting started Fri Dec 18 20:00:24 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
hiemanshu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to:  (Meeting topic: 
Fedora Websites)
20:00  hiemanshu #topic Who's here
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Who's here (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
20:00  * sijis is partially here
20:00  hiemanshu ricky: ping
20:00  hiemanshu tatica, mchua: ping
20:00  * ricky is here
20:01  tatica hiemanshu, pong
20:02  hiemanshu So Lets move on
20:02  hiemanshu #topic get.fp.o
20:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: get.fp.o (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
20:02  * mchua here
20:02  hiemanshu sijis: around?
20:02  sijis somewhat...
20:03  sijis want me to talk about get.fp.o?
20:03  hiemanshu yup
20:03  * tatica : maria leandro :D
20:03  * digvijay here but for first time hence looking around
20:03  ricky Welcome
20:03  * mchua not usually around, but here for Fedora Insight questions
20:03  hiemanshu digvijay: Welcome
20:03  sijis so, i have to get started with get.fp.o project.
20:03  digvijay hiemanshu, ricky : thanks
20:04  sijis the idea it to be done with it before the next release.
20:04  hiemanshu sijis: Aim for F13-Alpha?
20:04 -!- RodrigoPadula [n=rodri...@] has quit Ex-Chat
20:04  sijis currently on the repo, there is a specific branch for the work 
going on. you will see me start making changes to that in the next couple of 
20:05  sijis hiemanshu: i don't know when the date for that is.. however, 
that would be a good time to do it. ideally, it should be before
20:05  sijis as initially it was proposed to do it by f12 release.
20:05  hiemanshu sijis: I think it about 20 weeks or so
20:05  sijis i would say.. lets target that.. but the sooner the better would 
work as well.
20:06  hiemanshu sijis: I ll update the trac with F13 Alpha as target
20:06  hiemanshu sijis: Anything else?
20:06  sijis nope. that's it on that.
20:06  hiemanshu #topic start.fp.o
20:06 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: start.fp.o (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
20:06  hiemanshu sijis: you are up again
20:07  sijis so, there was a ticket requested a while back to make start.fp.o 
20:07  sijis i currently have all the changes done on my repo locally
20:08  sijis ricky said he'll work with me to get that done on the infra side 
too when he's done with school.
20:08  sijis (which is in a week or so)
20:08  ricky It started yesterday, actually :_)
20:08  ricky **:-)
20:08  sijis i know there's a bunch of infra stuff going on.. so it may be a 
tad longer.
20:09  * giarc_ shows up late...
20:09  sijis however, i expect it to be done relatively short (next week or 
20:09  sijis this is more of an FYI.. as its currently just a static html page
20:10  sijis any questions/concerns on this?
20:10  * hiemanshu has nothing
20:11  hiemanshu Lets move ahead
20:11  hiemanshu #topic spins.fp.o
20:11 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: spins.fp.o (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
20:11  * mchua requests ping when Fedora Insight comes up, needs to finish a 
blog post
20:11  hiemanshu So spins was done intime for F12 release
20:11  hiemanshu mchua: sure
20:11  mchua thanks.
20:11  hiemanshu and sijis and mizmo did a really good job with it
20:11  ricky Biiig thanks to sijis :-)
20:11  ricky (And mizmo)
20:12  hiemanshu But we still have a few tickets for it pending
20:13  sijis thanks all.
20:13  sijis i'm slowly going through those tickets.
20:13  hiemanshu .webticket 6
20:13  zodbot #6 (implement sub-nav feature) - fedora-websites - Trac - 
20:13  hiemanshu .webticket 7
20:13  zodbot #7 (spins.fp.o needs to document language support) - 
fedora-websites - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/ticket/7
20:14  hiemanshu .webticket 3
20:14  zodbot timed out - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/ticket/3
20:14  hiemanshu These are the 3 tickets that are currently pending
20:14  hiemanshu and have to be worked on
20:14  sijis the big one is the #6 ticket
20:15  hiemanshu sijis, ricky: ANything you want to add?
20:15  sijis nope
20:15  ricky Nope
20:16  hiemanshu #topic blogs.fp.o
20:16 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: blogs.fp.o (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
20:16  hiemanshu nb_: ping
20:16  hiemanshu I am not too sure if nb is around
20:16  hiemanshu but we still need to get documentation of the blogs, and I 
think the redirection issue is still unfixed
20:16 -!- mbroyles [n=mbroy...@nat/redhat/x-pjbswkvqruzdepms] has quit 
20:17  hiemanshu ricky: do you think pinging the docs team could help?
20:17  ricky Is there a specific description of what documentation is needed?
20:17  sijis i think it was just 'how to 

Meeting Log - 2009-12-17

2009-12-17 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:01  mmcgrath #startmeeting Infrastructure
20:01  zodbot Meeting started Thu Dec 17 20:01:37 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:01  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:  (Meeting topic: 
20:01 -!- wzzrd [n=wz...@a80-101-129-77.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined 
20:01  mmcgrath #topic Who's here?
20:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Who's here? (Meeting 
topic: Infrastructure)
20:01  * nirik is hanging out in the back
20:01  sspreitzer .fas sspreitzer
20:02  zodbot sspreitzer: sspreitzer 'Sascha Thomas Spreitzer' 
20:02  * mmcgrath is here
20:02  mmcgrath is anyone else?
20:02  mmcgrath this could be a very short meeting :)
20:02  sspreitzer yes
20:02  sspreitzer ;)
20:03 -!- giarc [i=hidde...@gnat.asiscan.com] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:03 -!- TonyH [n=ubu...@host86-149-5-85.range86-149.btcentralplus.com] has 
joined #fedora-meeting
20:03  * ricky is here, sorry
20:04  smooge here
20:04  mmcgrath well, lets get started
20:04 -!- sdog [n=s...@69.36-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left 
#fedora-meeting []
20:04  mmcgrath #topic The Move
20:04 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: The Move (Meeting 
topic: Infrastructure)
20:04  mmcgrath so yeah, the move didn't go quite to the standards that we 
generally set in Infrastructure but..
20:04  mmcgrath things are up and running right now.
20:04  mmcgrath there's still a great deal of work to do though.
20:05  mmcgrath smooge: you have anything to add to that?
20:06  smooge we have to get a list of whats left over.. and move over 
various IPs from old space to new one
20:06  mmcgrath smooge: yeah
20:06  mmcgrath there's lots of documentation to do.
20:07  mmcgrath so that's really it.
20:07  smooge many of the subzones are looking fro wildcard.fedoraproject.org 
which isn't up/listed in PHX2 when I looked on tuesday
20:07  smooge working on documenting racks and cabling
20:07  mmcgrath yeah
20:07  mmcgrath Ok, well there's really nothing specific to talk on that, 
just general work to do with renaming, etc.
20:07  mmcgrath #topic Open Floor
20:07 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Open Floor (Meeting 
topic: Infrastructure)
20:07  mmcgrath anyone have anything specific they'd like to discuss?
20:08  sspreitzer !
20:08  sspreitzer hello everyone
20:08  sspreitzer I have received an email from the ambassadors and gerold 
20:08  sspreitzer you might know him
20:09  sspreitzer that an ISP in Tunis has gotten hold of an IBM p510
20:09  sspreitzer and it should act as a mirror for Fedora Project
20:10  sspreitzer i currently work for IBM
20:10  sspreitzer so I have been inquired because those guys want additional 
hdd for the p510
20:11 -!- JSchmitt [n=s450...@fedora/JSchmitt] has quit Remote closed the 
20:11  sspreitzer the thing is, the system has 2 bays left
20:11  sspreitzer and the hdd parts options are not huge
20:12  sspreitzer so its internally ultra wide scsi 320
20:12  sspreitzer and the biggest disk is 146 GB
20:12  sspreitzer one disk costs abt. 650 USD
20:12  smooge hi sspreitzer
20:12  sspreitzer I wanted to know what your guys opinion is on that
20:12  sspreitzer hey smooge
20:13  smooge well currently the fedora complete is just over 1TB in size to 
20:13  sspreitzer mine is; too expensive parts, better sell the p510 and buy 
intel/amd stuff from it
20:14  sspreitzer ok
20:14  sspreitzer smooge, what if you only mirror the media?
20:14  smooge so they would want to mirror small amounts.
20:14  mmcgrath sspreitzer: sorry this really isn't the place, #fedora-admin 
would probably be better for that stuff.
20:14  sspreitzer okay?
20:15  mmcgrath Ok, so it sounds like nothing else meeting related... :)
20:15  mmcgrath I'll close the meeting in 30 seconds.
20:18 -!- nucleo [n=nuc...@fedora/nucleo] has quit KVIrc Insomnia 4.0.0, 
revision: 3702, sources date: 20091205, built on: 2009-12-17 17:32:54 UTC
20:18 -!- nucleo [n=nuc...@fedora/nucleo] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:21 -!- jroysdon [n=nnjro...@ox.roysdon.org] has quit Client Quit
20:21 -!- _lmr_ [n=...@] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:24 -!- inode01 [n=ino...@fedora/inode0] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:24  mmcgrath #endmeeting
20:24 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Channel is used by 
various Fedora groups and committees for their regular meetings | Note that 
meetings often get logged | For questions about using Fedora please ask in 
#fedora | See http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/FedoraMeetingChannel 
for meeting schedule
20:24  zodbot Meeting ended Thu Dec 17 20:24:47 2009 UTC.  Information about 
MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot .
20:24  zodbot Minutes:

Meeting Log - 2009-12-10

2009-12-10 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:00  skvidal meeting?
20:00  * skvidal awaits
20:00  * dgilmore is here
20:00  dgilmore mmcgrath:
20:00  dgilmore mmcgrath:
20:00  dgilmore mmcgrath:
20:00  mmcgrath #startmeeting
20:00  zodbot Meeting started Thu Dec 10 20:00:40 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00  mmcgrath #topic Who's here?
20:00  * mmcgrath is
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Who's here?
20:00  * dgilmore 
20:00  mmcgrath smooge: ping
20:00 -!- a-k [n=akist...@2002:638e:1ba0:3:20d:56ff:fe10:bb8d] has joined 
20:01  smooge here
20:01  * a-k is
20:01  smooge putting clothes in dryer
20:01  mmcgrath So the outage is this weekend, I figured we should all go 
over the timelines and such
20:01  mmcgrath jwb: This might interest you
20:01  mmcgrath Oxf13: ^^
20:02  * skvidal is here
20:02  * jwb is semi here
20:02  mmcgrath So here's the basics
20:02  mmcgrath #action - Tonight we'll migrate db1, db2 and the vpn to PHX2
20:02  * nirik is sitting in the back in the cheap seats. 
20:02  a-k mmcgrath: #topic?
20:02  mmcgrath #action - Sometime before Sat. Morning mail will start to go 
through bastion3 in PHX2
20:02  mmcgrath #topic Timeline
20:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Timeline
20:02  smooge #topic movement to PHX
20:02  mmcgrath #action - Tonight we'll migrate db1, db2 and the vpn to PHX2
20:03  mmcgrath #action - Sometime before Sat. Morning mail will start to go 
through bastion3 in PHX2
20:03  * mmcgrath doesn't get this bot stuff sometimes
20:03  mmcgrath The mail part is still in an unknown state to me
20:03  mmcgrath I've got a ticket open, I've pinged people about it's 
priority, I'm waiting to hear back.
20:03  mmcgrath #action - Smooge is working on some resolvers for us, those 
should be in place ASAP but isn't a blocker for the move.
20:03  mmcgrath it is a blocker to start turning things on though.
20:04  dgilmore mmcgrath: do we have the new bastion host up?
20:04  mmcgrath dgilmore: yes, bastion3.fedoraproject.org is up and running
20:04  mmcgrath Ok, this takes us to Friday morning.
20:04  smooge #action - Smooge will email out named scheme for PHX2 resolve 
20:04  mmcgrath #action jwb/ someone in releng will tell me as soon as they 
are done writing to /mnt
20:05  mmcgrath #action at that time I'll mount the public mirrors as read 
20:05  jwb mmcgrath, will likely be two sets of things there
20:05  jwb updates, and rawhide
20:05  mmcgrath jwb: totally fine, just let me know when it's done.
20:05  jwb k
20:05  mmcgrath Ok, this is where the coordination stuff happens.
20:05  mmcgrath I'll be flying to PHX at noon on Friday.
20:05  mmcgrath smooge: when do you leave?
20:06  smooge I leave at ~0900 tomorrow morning
20:06  mmcgrath that's localtime?
20:06  dgilmore smooge: MST
20:06 -!- Sonar_Guy [i=...@fedora/sonarguy] has quit Read error: 104 
(Connection reset by peer)
20:06  mmcgrath k
20:07  mmcgrath We both have access to PHX1 and PHX2 from Friday to Wed I 
20:07  * SmootherFrOgZ is around
20:07  smooge sorry 0800 tomorrow mornign ariving at ~0900 MST
20:07  mmcgrath k
20:07  mmcgrath So I'll be heading to PHX1 in the afternoon to give 
everything a final look over
20:07  mmcgrath this is still Friday.
20:08 -!- Sonar_Guy [i=...@fedora/sonarguy] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:08  smooge mmcgrath, when do you get there
20:08  mmcgrath I'll probably shut down stuff like db1 since it's not being 
used at that point.
20:08  smooge nm.. see now
20:08  mmcgrath I get in at 3:30
20:08  smooge 03:30 or 15:30
20:08  mmcgrath 15
20:08  skvidal what's the plan for mail at this point?
20:09  * mdomsch is here finally
20:09  mmcgrath skvidal: I said that already :)
20:09  skvidal oh
20:09  skvidal it had just scrolled off
20:09  skvidal so I missed it on the divider :(
20:09  skvidal sorry
20:09  mmcgrath skvidal: I've got a ticket open and have pinged people about 
it's priority
20:09  mmcgrath no worries.
20:09  mmcgrath I'm hoping for that to get done tonight, if it's not done by 
then I'm going to need to hand that off to someone to keep bugging people until 
it gets done because I won't be around on Friday
20:09  mmcgrath skvidal: but the good news is we aren't the blockers on that 
20:10  mmcgrath bastion3 is setup and listening and ready to forward mail.
20:10  mmcgrath Ok, so here's what is left
20:10  mmcgrath #action Friday night they'll be configuring the new netapp 
head unit in PHX2
20:10  mmcgrath Then sleep
20:10  mmcgrath #action Smooge and Mike will meet at PHX1 at 05:15 am
20:11  mmcgrath #action Disable nagios
20:11  mmcgrath #action make a final backup of sigul and a few other bits 
(this will probably be done the night before, just forgot to meniton it)
20:11  mmcgrath #action power everything down
20:11  mmcgrath #action movers will arrive at 05:45 to move
20:11  jwb action 

Re: Add translations to start.fp.o

2009-12-05 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-25 11:59:37 PM, Sijis Aviles wrote:
 I'm setting up translations for start.fp.o website
 I've already have start.fp.o on the fedora-web repo configured and
 working for using genshi so that translations can be setup. Before i
 commit those changes I want to make sure I have puppet setup
 accordingly for the new setup. This is what i have setup on puppet:
Hey, sorry for the slow response.  The changes look fine to me, and we 
can test them out on staging first if we want to be sure.  I'll probably 
be pretty swamped for the next 1.5 weeks of so, but can we talk sometime 
after then to get this all setup?


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-12-03

2009-12-03 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:00  mmcgrath #startmeeting
20:00  zodbot Meeting started Thu Dec  3 20:00:39 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00  * mmcgrath see's an a-k
20:00  mmcgrath a-k: you going to fudcon by chance?
20:01  mmcgrath #topic who's here?
20:01  a-k Nope.  Sorry.  It would probably be great.
20:01  * mmcgrath is
20:01  * ricky 
20:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: who's here?
20:01  * abadger1999 here
20:01  * a-k is
20:01  mmcgrath a-k: that's the nice thing about fudcons, there's always 
another one in the future :)
20:01  * SmootherFrOgZ is
20:01  dgilmore mmcgrath: present
20:01  mmcgrath SmootherFrOgZ: you fudconing it?
20:01 -!- tmz [n=...@fedora/tmz] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:01  SmootherFrOgZ mmcgrath: yep
20:01  mmcgrath excellent.
20:02  Ac-town ello'
20:02  * ricky will unfortunately be buried in finals/work for FUDCon/The Move 
20:03  mmcgrath ricky: that's ok, it happens.
20:03  mmcgrath well, lets get started.
20:03  mmcgrath #topic Meeting Tickets
20:03 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Meeting Tickets
20:03  * mmcgrath is slowly pulling it up
20:03  mmcgrath and no meeting tickets.
20:03  mmcgrath well that's easy
20:03  mmcgrath #topic FUDCon
20:03 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: FUDCon
20:03  mmcgrath so lots of us will be at fudcon
20:04  mmcgrath who all at the meeting is going?
20:04  * nirik won't be making it this time, happy to hang out on irc if I can 
provide input for anyone/anything tho. 
20:04  mmcgrath aww
20:04  * dgilmore will be tehre
20:04  ricky To all that are going, have a safe trip :-)
20:05 -!- JSchmitt [n=s450...@fedora/JSchmitt] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:05  mmcgrath Well, hopefully nothing will go completely bad.
20:05  mmcgrath lets talk a bit about what infrastructure related stuff will 
be going on
20:05  mmcgrath J5: ping
20:05  mmcgrath lmacken: ping
20:06  * abadger1999 will be if thisplane gets me to BOS for the bus :-)
20:06  mmcgrath Will you guys be having any sort of moksha / fedora community 
20:06  J5 mmcgrath: hey, I haven't planned any as I want to concentrate on 
the messaging stuff
20:06  mmcgrath ah, so a specific focus on getting plans ready for qpid?
20:07  J5 mmcgrath: for me at least.  I think luke is doing some moksh stuff
20:07  mmcgrath abadger1999: do you have any F-I specific hackfests?
20:07  abadger1999 J5: You and Oxf13 leading that together?
20:07  abadger1999 mmcgrath: At least jds2001 and I will be working on pkgdb 
20:07  J5 abadger1999: 0xf13 is running the hackfest and there are two other 
amqp talks
20:08  abadger1999 mmcgrath: I want to work on a little light porting to amqp
20:08  abadger1999 And then I'm running a Packaging Committee hackfest that 
may take most of my hackfest time.
20:08  mmcgrath yeah, I think mdomsch wanted a crash course in how to dance 
with amqp
20:09 -!- JSchmitt [n=s450...@fedora/JSchmitt] has quit Remote closed the 
20:09  mmcgrath I'm planning on having a virt_web hackfest for those 
interested in web based virtualization
20:10  mmcgrath but that's only mildly F-I related.
20:10  SmootherFrOgZ cool
20:10  mmcgrath that's really all I've got on FUDCon, anyone have anything 
20:11  mmcgrath alllrighty
20:11  mmcgrath #topic The Move
20:11 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: The Move
20:11  mmcgrath so yeah, did everyone see my announcement on this?
20:11  mmcgrath https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1845 
--- there it is!
20:11  mmcgrath so I'm a little worried about how this whole move is going to 
20:12 -!- easter_egg [n=free...@201-75-22-126-ma.cpe.vivax.com.br] has quit 
System going down for system halt NOW 
20:12  mmcgrath lots of stuff that was supposed to be done weeks ago is still 
not done.
20:12  mmcgrath and I have no ETA on when it will get done.
20:12  mmcgrath and this has thrown a massive wrench into our plans.
20:12  mmcgrath which is why the Services still in question in ticket 1845 
is so large.
20:13  Ac-town What needs to be done?
20:13 -!- JSchmitt [n=s450...@fedora/JSchmitt] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:13  mmcgrath Ideally, the 5 servers we have in the new colo would be 
powered on and networked right now.
20:13  mmcgrath That way I could do a dump and load of our databases on it.
20:14  mmcgrath we'd have a short down time for our databases..  but then on 
actual move day, they'd stay up.
20:15  mmcgrath Ac-town: but right now we're blocking on network.
20:15  mmcgrath and it's not a matter of getting an IP address for those 
20:15  mmcgrath they have to design the new vlan, hook us up to the core 
switches, and expose us to the internet.
20:15  mmcgrath and I just have no idea the status of all that at this time.
20:15  lmacken mmcgrath: pong; yeah, I'm hoping to get people interested in a 

Re: Local users get to play root?

2009-11-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-19 10:23:53 AM, Till Maas wrote:
 So at least one major security protection measure is not in place and
 attackers can create their own repositories with signed packages that
 have well known security flaws, e.g. a package with a bad setuid root
 binary, and install it, if it is not already installed in a newer
I might be wrong on this, but wouldn't the attacker need to trick 
yum/packagekit into using the malicious repo first?  I didn't think that 
was allowed for non-root users.

Note that even if the repomd.xml files were signed, it'd be easy for an 
attacker to just take an old one with a valid signature and host a repo 
with outdated packages.  I thought metalink 
over https was supposed to address the problem of outdated repos though.


Description: PGP signature
fedora-devel-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-11-19

2009-11-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:00  mmcgrath #startmeeting Infrastructure
20:00  zodbot Meeting started Thu Nov 19 20:00:35 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:  (Meeting topic: 
20:00  mmcgrath #topic Who's here?
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Who's here? (Meeting 
topic: Infrastructure)
20:00  * ricky 
20:00  dgilmore yo
20:00 -!- geppetto [n=ja...@code.and.org] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:00  jcollie yo
20:00  pitr helo
20:01  jcollie is the NFR conf call supposed to be streamed and recorded?
20:01  mmcgrath jcollie: no idea, is that mechanism all working?
20:01 -!- a-k [n=akist...@2002:6390:a3ef:3:20d:56ff:fe10:bb8d] has joined 
20:01 -!- sijis [n=si...@adsl-70-131-60-234.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has 
joined #fedora-meeting
20:01  * nirik is hanging around in the back. 
20:01 -!- josemm [i=jos...@fedora/josemm] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:01  jcollie mmcgrath: should be
20:01  * a-k is around
20:02  mmcgrath Ok, lets get started.
20:02  mmcgrath #topic F12
20:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: F12 (Meeting topic: 
20:02  mmcgrath .tiny https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/report/9
20:02  zodbot mmcgrath: http://tinyurl.com/5onzad
20:02  mmcgrath lets go through what hasn't been closed yet
20:02  mmcgrath .1787
20:02  mmcgrath that's me, I'll close it now
20:02  mmcgrath .ticket 1787
20:02  zodbot mmcgrath: #1787 (Change Freeze) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac 
- https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1787
20:02  mmcgrath .ticket 1788
20:02  zodbot mmcgrath: #1788 (Websites) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - 
20:02  * ricky closes all of the websites ones
20:02  mmcgrath k
20:02 -!- tmz [n=...@fedora/tmz] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:02  ricky Oops, they already were :-)
20:02  * sijis is here..
20:02  mmcgrath .ticket 1790
20:02  zodbot mmcgrath: #1790 (Verify RELENG permissions) - Fedora 
Infrastructure - Trac - 
20:03  * josemm is here
20:03 -!- RadicalRo [n=radi...@] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:03  mmcgrath smooge mentioned he might be a little late to the meeting 
today but that one's him and I'm sure it's fine.
20:03  mmcgrath .ticket 1796
20:03  zodbot mmcgrath: #1796 (Disable wiki caching) - Fedora Infrastructure 
- Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1796
20:03  mmcgrath I'll do it now
20:03  mmcgrath .ticket 1794
20:03  zodbot mmcgrath: #1794 (Lessons Learned) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1794
20:03  mmcgrath And the last one, lessons learned.
20:03  mmcgrath what did we learn this release?
20:03  mmcgrath what did and didn't go well?
20:03  smooge egooms is here just a little slow
20:03  * abadger1999 shows up
20:04  sijis sixxs is not allowing uploads. i checked yesterday
20:04  mmcgrath I think the number of mirrors we had at release time was 
quite good, sat at 85% for a long time
20:04  mmcgrath sijis: yeah I saw your note on that on release day, what's 
the deal?
20:04  sijis so i couldn't add the torrents for ipv6 folks
20:04  mdomsch the bitflip still caught some mirrors by surprise
20:04  sijis yeah, i dunno, i posted a message on the forum and i haven't 
heard back.
20:04  mdomsch even though I had told them about it beforehand
20:04  mdomsch someone wanted a reminder that they should run report_mirror 
after manually bitflipping
20:05  mdomsch before the bitflip, we had ~160 mirrors checked in and ready 
with ISOs
20:05  mmcgrath smooge: just checking if 1790 is done
20:05  geppetto having rsync of everything available was a huge win, IMO
20:05  mdomsch right after the bitflip, we had ~17 ready, up to almost 100 
within a few hours, and by today, we're at about 140
20:06  smooge mmcgrath, closing right now
20:06  mmcgrath mdomsch: 'caught some mirrors by surprise' was it a pretty 
big problem or just general murmurings?
20:06  mdomsch mmcgrath, general
20:06  smooge which is an improvement off the old days :)
20:06  mdomsch our emails aren't necessarily high priority
20:06  mmcgrath yeah
20:06  mmcgrath nirik: were you hanging out in #fedora on release day?  How'd 
the mirrors hold out?
20:06  mmcgrath were people having problems getting to isos?
20:07  dgilmore sijis: they have never allowed uploads
20:07  mmcgrath EvilBob: how about you?
20:07  mdomsch also, we didn't have mirrors.*.kernel.org for several hours on 
release day due to their DNS breakage
20:07  * mmcgrath should have been in there but forgot.
20:07  dgilmore sijis: they allow you to recommend a torrent
20:07  nirik mmcgrath: things were good.
20:07  sijis dgilmore: that's what i meant. :|
20:07  nirik opening up the 

Re: [PATCH] Make it clear that 'Hash: SHA1' does not specify the checksum hash

2009-11-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-19 05:19:58 PM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
 This should only be needed until the rel-eng adds some explanatory text
 directly to the *-CHECKSUM files.  This is planned for F13 (by Oxf13 ;).
 Thoughts?  Is 'warning' too strong?  I wasn't sure if 'note' would
 stand out enough.  Perhaps I'm just grumpy after seeing so much
 confusion about this. ;)
 I'm also torn about the placement.  It might be better to move up to
 the top of the page, above the Windows user? note.
  fedoraproject.org/data/content/verify.html |3 +++
  1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 diff --git a/fedoraproject.org/data/content/verify.html 
 index f763b01..51a2402 100644
 --- a/fedoraproject.org/data/content/verify.html
 +++ b/fedoraproject.org/data/content/verify.html
 @@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
 +p class=warning
 +${Markup(_('Please note that the lt;igt;Hash: SHA1lt;/igt; line in 
 the CHECKSUM file is part of the PGP signature.  It does 
 lt;bgt;notlt;/bgt; specify the type of hash used to verify the .iso 
  ${Markup(_('Next, import Fedora\'s GPG key(s):'))}
Tiny thing, I'd use emph instead of i for this.   Also, it might be 
good to place this above the checksum links at least for those that just 
click the links immediately.

While we're making changes to this page, there's also the issue that 
is woefully out of date and still references SHA1 for those that click 
on the Windows user link :-(

Not what can really be done abou that last bit though.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Installation problem on fedora 12

2009-11-18 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-19 09:29:11 AM, shahmir karim wrote:
 Thanks for the latest fedora 12. After try the fedora 11 I wait for this 
 12. Unfortunately
 after download and burn the iso image to usb (that work on fedora 11. I'm 
Hi, we don't support unetbootin for creating live USBs, but we do have 
instructions for creating a live USB from windows or Fedora: 

To do it from a non-Fedora distribution, you can also use dd to write 
the Live CD iso file directly to the usb device, and that will create a 
live USB.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: website

2009-11-18 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-18 09:36:06 PM, astur wrote:
 I've finished the translation for fedora website in Asturian language
 (three letters code ast)
 I would like to know if you can activate it for our language?
I've added it to the languages list, and it should show up in an hour or 

Thanks for the translations!

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Enabling wiki cache for ticket 1795

2009-11-16 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-16 01:08:24 PM, Mike McGrath wrote:
  modules/fedora-web/files/cache.conf |2 +-
  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
 diff --git a/modules/fedora-web/files/cache.conf 
 index fdd4f9e..2f11448 100644
 --- a/modules/fedora-web/files/cache.conf
 +++ b/modules/fedora-web/files/cache.conf
 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  IfModule mod_disk_cache.c
CacheRoot /srv/cache/mod_cache
# Disabled for normal use, to be enabled on release days
 -  #CacheEnable disk /wiki/
 +  CacheEnable disk /wiki/
CacheEnable disk /static/
CacheEnable disk /wiki/Image:
+1, but isn't this adding another layer on top of the caching that 
mediawiki already has?  I remember having some trouble remembering to 
flush all of those caches in the past.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Change Request: Force SSL for /keys and /verify

2009-11-16 Thread Ricky Zhou
Thanks to Sijis for pointing this need out.

diff --git a/modules/fedora-web/files/redirects.conf 
index a88613f..a679ebd 100644
--- a/modules/fedora-web/files/redirects.conf
+++ b/modules/fedora-web/files/redirects.conf
@@ -9,3 +9,8 @@ RewriteRule ^/([^/]+/)?legal/trademarks/guidelines$ 

 # Comment this out when there is a prerelease available
 #RewriteRule  ^(/.*)?/get-prerelease$ $1/get-fedora [R=302]
+RewriteEngine On
+RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
+RewriteRule ^/([^/]+/)?(keys|verify)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} 


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-11-12

2009-11-12 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:02  mmcgrath #startmeeting Infrastructure
20:02  zodbot Meeting started Thu Nov 12 20:02:30 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:02  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:  (Meeting topic: 
20:03  skvidal grumbel
20:03 -!- herlo [n=cli...@fedora/herlo] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:03  dgilmore ::sigh::
20:03  mmcgrath who's here?
20:03  * ricky 
20:03  * a-k is
20:03  mdomsch here briefly
20:04  mdomsch customer presentation in ~10m to leave for
20:04  * nirik is around in the back
20:04  * Oxf13 
20:04  mmcgrath Ok, so lets get started.
20:05  mmcgrath So, we've got a release next week!
20:06  mmcgrath 3 cheers!
20:06  mmcgrath So, lets go over the tickets to make sure we're in good shape.
20:06  mmcgrath ricky: you around by chance?
20:06  skvidal he said he was
20:06  ricky mmcgrath: Yup
20:06  mmcgrath ricky: so lets do this one first
20:06  mmcgrath .ticket 1788
20:06  zodbot mmcgrath: #1788 (Websites) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - 
20:07  mmcgrath What exactly is going to happen come tuesday?
20:07  ricky There will be a DNS switch for spins.fp.o to point to the 
proxies in advance (and extra link checking on that site once the torrents come 
20:07  * herlo is here
20:08 -!- npatil [n=npa...@] has quit Remote closed the 
20:08  ricky Apart from that, it'll be the normal process for pushing out the 
new process - syncStatic will be pointed at the f12 branch
20:08  ricky We'll also be updating 
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Websites_Release_SOP as we go this time
20:08  mmcgrath so http://spins-test.fedoraproject.org/ is 100% completed?
20:09  ricky I need to ask sijis about the blank download tab, but modulo 
some last minute browser/link checking, it should be done
20:09  mmcgrath Ok.
20:09  * mmcgrath just wants to make sure no surprises for that since it's the 
one major difference this round.
20:09  mmcgrath ricky: anything else on that?
20:10  dgilmore ricky: are we going to put the desktop[ spin on the spins 
20:10  mmcgrath I thought I saw it there once.  Maybe only in a mockup.
20:10  ricky I didn't think so, but we can double check the initial email 
that the board sent to the websites team with the requirements
20:10  mmcgrath I assume if it's not there now it won't be at least by 
release day?
20:10 -!- thomasj [n=thom...@fedora/thomasj] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:10  ricky It won't be there on release day
20:11  mmcgrath k
20:11  mmcgrath well if it's decided we need it we can always add it later.
20:11  mmcgrath ricky: thanks
20:11  mmcgrath Ok
20:11  mmcgrath .ticket 1787
20:11  zodbot mmcgrath: #1787 (Change Freeze) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac 
- https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1787
20:11  mmcgrath We've had a pretty good freeze so far, except for ibiblio1
20:11  mmcgrath but it's all taken care of now.
20:11  mmcgrath .ticket 1789
20:12  zodbot mmcgrath: #1789 (Verify Mirror Space) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1789
20:12  mmcgrath smooge: you comfortable with this?
20:12  smooge one sec
20:13  smooge we will go over until Oxf13 removes alpha/beta
20:13  mmcgrath k, and we've also got 9 to remove for extra buffer.
20:13  Oxf13 I hope to be removing those today
20:13  mmcgrath 9 is competely my fault, I forgot to get /pub/archives/ setup 
during the freeze.
20:13  smooge ok as soon as 9 goes we are beut
20:13  mmcgrath but I'd think with all that taken care of, we'll be in our 
normal window for a normal release.
20:13  mmcgrath smooge: excellent, go ahead and note that in the ticket and 
close it.
20:14  mmcgrath .ticket 1792
20:14  zodbot mmcgrath: #1792 (RHIS Communication) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1792
20:14  smooge I thought it was there til this release
20:14  mmcgrath They know, I'll send another ticket.
20:14  mmcgrath smooge: naw, that one's kind of a one time thing, verify we 
have enough space for the release.  If we do.  Go ahead and close it.
20:14  mmcgrath .ticket 1790
20:14  zodbot mmcgrath: #1790 (Verify RELENG permissions) - Fedora 
Infrastructure - Trac - 
20:15  mmcgrath smooge: this one though (also to you) has kind of two parts.
20:15  mmcgrath which should stay open until after the launch.
20:15  mmcgrath Oxf13: you said you'll be staging pretty soon here?
20:15  * mdomsch has to run to a presentation
20:15  mdomsch 2 things:
20:15  mmcgrath mdomsch: take it
20:15  mdomsch 1) how early can we bitflip?  hours early please. :-)
20:15  mdomsch give mirrors time to catch the bitflip themselves
20:16  smooge working on that one til it gets over into staging and then check
20:16  mmcgrath 

Re: rsyncd: s/ignore unreadable/ignore nonreadable/

2009-11-12 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-12 11:47:46 PM, Matt Domsch wrote:
 the syntax is actually 'ignore nonreadable'.  man rsyncd.conf.
 diff --git a/modules/rsync/files/rsyncd.conf.secondary1 
 index 0fbee6c..bc3c301 100644
 --- a/modules/rsync/files/rsyncd.conf.secondary1
 +++ b/modules/rsync/files/rsyncd.conf.secondary1
 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.bz2 *.iso 
 *.ogg *.ogv
  use chroot = false
  transfer logging = false
  timeout = 600
 -ignore unreadable = yes
 +ignore nonreadable = yes
  timeout = 3600
  read only = yes 
  exclude = .snapshot/ .~tmp~/ /.private/ /.private/** **/.nfs*
 diff --git a/modules/rsync/files/rsyncd.conf.sync1 
 index d3a12eb..54aad56 100644
 --- a/modules/rsync/files/rsyncd.conf.sync1
 +++ b/modules/rsync/files/rsyncd.conf.sync1
 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.bz2 *.iso 
 *.ogg *.ogv *.bz2 *
  use chroot = false
  transfer logging = false
  timeout = 600
 -ignore unreadable = yes
 +ignore nonreadable = yes
  timeout = 3600
  read only = yes 
  exclude = .snapshot/ .~tmp~/ /.private/ /.private/** **/.nfs*
 diff --git a/modules/rsync/files/rsyncd.conf.sync2 
 index d3a12eb..54aad56 100644
 --- a/modules/rsync/files/rsyncd.conf.sync2
 +++ b/modules/rsync/files/rsyncd.conf.sync2
 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.bz2 *.iso 
 *.ogg *.ogv *.bz2 *
  use chroot = false
  transfer logging = false
  timeout = 600
 -ignore unreadable = yes
 +ignore nonreadable = yes
  timeout = 3600
  read only = yes 
  exclude = .snapshot/ .~tmp~/ /.private/ /.private/** **/.nfs*


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

[Change Request] Re: [ke...@wsr.com: broken link on home page]

2009-11-11 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-11 03:07:42 PM, Ricky Zhou wrote:
  It would be reasonable to provide some automation for a single 
  document, but since no two documents seem to use the same 
  naming/directory structure, such an effort would have to be on a per 
  document basis.  It might seem to make more sense to restructure the 
  site so there was some consistency, but given the number of 
  documents/formats/languages and the slowness of cvs that turns out 
  to be a huge job.
 Would it be possible to get even a plain white list of languages links 
 to the HTML documents for just 
 http://docs.fedoraproject.org/install-guide/f12/ and 
 http://docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes/f12/, or could we get a list 
 of URLs that need to be directed to the main docs.fp.o index?
 We can't really change the link on the website at this point, being way 
 past the string freeze, and it's pretty important that those links go to 
 something especially for the F12 release (although fp.o is already 
 currently full of these broken links for F11 docs).
If this is fine with you guys, here's a change request to add redirects 
for those two to the docs.fp.o index page where visitors can choose 
their language and version of the document they want.


diff --git a/modules/fedora-docs/files/fedora-docs-proxy.conf 
index 259cfbd..61dfc04 100644
--- a/modules/fedora-docs/files/fedora-docs-proxy.conf
+++ b/modules/fedora-docs/files/fedora-docs-proxy.conf
@@ -7,6 +7,15 @@ RewriteRule ^(.*)/fc7$  http://docs.fedoraproject.org/$1/f7/ 
 RewriteRule ^/release-notes/f10preview(.*) /release-notes/f10$1 [R=301,L]
 RewriteRule ^/release-notes/f11preview(.*) /release-notes/f11$1 [R=301,L]
+# Language selection indexes for these documents are gone now, so redirect
+# to the main docs page where users can choose their language.
+RewriteRule ^/release-notes/f11/$ / [R=301,L]
+RewriteRule ^/release-notes/f12/$ / [R=301,L]
+RewriteRule ^/install-guide/f11/$ / [R=301,L]
+RewriteRule ^/install-guide/f12/$ / [R=301,L]
 Directory /srv/web/docs
   Options Indexes


Alternatively, we can update all links to point at eg.  
http://docs.fedoraproject.org/install-guide/f12/en-US/html/ and mark 
those as translatable, which would be a late break of the string freeze, 
but still a pretty small one (the effect would be that all website links 
would point to the English doc until translators update them to point to 
their specific language's URL).


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: [Change Request] Re: [ke...@wsr.com: broken link on home page]

2009-11-11 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-11 03:53:25 PM, Ricky Zhou wrote:
 If this is fine with you guys, here's a change request to add 
 redirects for those two to the docs.fp.o index page where visitors can 
 choose their language and version of the document they want.
 diff --git a/modules/fedora-docs/files/fedora-docs-proxy.conf 
 index 259cfbd..61dfc04 100644
 --- a/modules/fedora-docs/files/fedora-docs-proxy.conf
 +++ b/modules/fedora-docs/files/fedora-docs-proxy.conf
 @@ -7,6 +7,15 @@ RewriteRule ^(.*)/fc7$  http://docs.fedoraproject.org/$1/f7/ 
  RewriteRule ^/release-notes/f10preview(.*) /release-notes/f10$1 [R=301,L]
  RewriteRule ^/release-notes/f11preview(.*) /release-notes/f11$1 [R=301,L]
 +# Language selection indexes for these documents are gone now, so redirect
 +# to the main docs page where users can choose their language.
 +RewriteRule ^/release-notes/f11/$ / [R=301,L]
 +RewriteRule ^/release-notes/f12/$ / [R=301,L]
 +RewriteRule ^/install-guide/f11/$ / [R=301,L]
 +RewriteRule ^/install-guide/f12/$ / [R=301,L]
  Directory /srv/web/docs
Options Indexes
It looks like John is already working on fixing this in docs CVS, so 
disregard this change request.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: broken link on home page

2009-11-11 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-11 03:09:17 AM, richard wrote:
 On the Fedora Home Page (http://fedoraproject.org/index.html) there is a link
 to the release notes.
 What's new in Fedora 11? Read the release notes. 
 where is this supposed to take me?
 I assume it is supposed to go to http://docs.fedoraproject.org/ but it does
 not, it takes me to a blank page.
Thanks a lot for the report!  The documentation team has added a
redirect to the correct page now, so the release notes link should work.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: change request: switch MM off using pgpool

2009-11-05 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-05 03:08:15 PM, matt_dom...@dell.com wrote:
 all MM apps running on bapp1 are stalled because pgpool is hung.  MM has lots 
 of connections to pgpool, more than it can handle.  Until this is understood, 
 go back to not using pgpool for MM.
 diff --git a/modules/mirrormanager/templates/mirrormanager-prod.cfg.erb 
 index e17022d..1b60465 100644
 --- a/modules/mirrormanager/templates/mirrormanager-prod.cfg.erb
 +++ b/modules/mirrormanager/templates/mirrormanager-prod.cfg.erb
 @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
  # This is for local development purposes.  It won't be used for
  # production.
 -sqlobject.dburi=notrans_postgres://mirroradmin:%= mirrorPassword 
 +sqlobject.dburi=notrans_postgres://mirroradmin:%= mirrorPassword 
  # if you are using a database or table type without transactions
  # (MySQL default, for example), you should turn off transactions


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-10-29

2009-10-29 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:00  mmcgrath #startmeeting Infrastructure
20:00  zodbot Meeting started Thu Oct 29 20:00:17 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:  (Meeting topic: 
20:00 -!- a-k [n=akist...@2002:6387:a3ec:3:20d:56ff:fe10:bb8d] has joined 
20:00  mmcgrath Who's here?
20:00  * ricky 
20:00  * a-k is
20:00  * jcollie .
20:00  * skvidal is around
20:00  smooge here
20:01  fchiulli fchiulli is
20:01  smooge how can I help
20:01 -!- SMParrish_mobile [n=kv...@] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:01  mmcgrath I don't see any ticket items so we'll just get started
20:01  mmcgrath I'd like to keep this meeting fairly short because smooge and 
I (and whoever else has free time right now) will be busy doing 5.3 - 5.4 
20:02  mmcgrath #topic Search Engine
20:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Search Engine 
(Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:02  mmcgrath a-k: take it, any updates here?
20:02  smooge yum clean metadata; yum -y update ;  rkhunter something or 
20:02  a-k Mostly huzaifas and I are just working through the list of 
candidates.  2 down, 8 to go, so far.
20:02  a-k We're going to put what we find into a table format sometime next 
week, basically to make it easier for quantitative comparison.
20:02  * dgilmore is here
20:02  mmcgrath nod
20:02  * mdomsch is here
20:03 -!- greenlion1 [n=green...@fedora/greenlion] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:03  * abadger1999 is here
20:03  a-k I'm still excluding the Java ones.  If we were to include Java, 
GCJ only, not Sun/IBM/BEA, true?
20:03  dgilmore a-k: if it works with openjdk it is ok
20:03 -!- XulLunch is now known as XulWork
20:03  mmcgrath a-k: correct
20:03  mmcgrath is there a difference between gcj and openjdk
20:03  * mmcgrath doesn't even know
20:04  a-k OK.  That's what I figured.  That's all I have.
20:04  mmcgrath Cool
20:04  mmcgrath #topic Rawhide network drops
20:04 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Rawhide network drops 
(Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:04  mmcgrath an update to the latest kernel has fixed this
20:05  mmcgrath or seems to have, we'll keep an eye on it.
20:05  mmcgrath #topic Fedora Talk
20:05 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora Talk (Meeting 
topic: Infrastructure)
20:05  mmcgrath jcollie: want to take this?  Whats done, whats left, when 
will we be ready for re-launch?
20:05  J5 moksha built successfully, not sure if Fedora Community will since 
it requires moksha
20:05  jcollie mostly what is left is some testing, plus a pretty front end
20:06  jcollie there are commands on asterisk2 to start/stop streaming and 
recording but you need to be in sysadmin-tools for that
20:06  J5 mmcgrath: how do I deal with fedora communities build requirement 
for moksha?
20:07  jcollie plus we need to write down the process for transferring 
recordings to alt
20:07  mmcgrath J5: see #fedora-admin
20:07  jcollie and implement that process too i guess :)
20:07  mmcgrath nod
20:08  mmcgrath jcollie: so things are on the up and up?
20:08 -!- sijis [n=si...@] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:08  jcollie ianweller is supposed to be working on a nicer web front end
20:08  * sijis is here late.
20:08  mmcgrath nod
20:08  jcollie yep all the basics should be working
20:08  mmcgrath excellent.
20:08  mmcgrath anything else on that?
20:09  jcollie you can test it out by using asterisk2.fp.o instead of 
talk.fp.o in your sip client
20:09  mmcgrath ah, very cool.
20:09  jcollie i think that's about it unless anyone has questions
20:09  mmcgrath any questions?
20:10  mmcgrath alrighty
20:10  jcollie oh yeah we need to review the updated docs and then make them 
20:10  mmcgrath yeah that's a good bonus too
20:10  mmcgrath #topic qpid is up and running in staging
20:10 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: qpid is up and 
running in staging (Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:10  mmcgrath You can test it with 
20:11  mmcgrath J5: do your new FC and moksha have additional uses for the 
message bus?
20:12  J5 mmcgrath: it just displays the time ping
20:13  J5 there is a demo tab with the timeping app
20:13  mmcgrath cool
20:13  mmcgrath If anyone else has use cases for the now brand new not in 
production message bus, send it to the list!
20:13  mmcgrath Anyone have any questions or comments on that?
20:14  mmcgrath alrighty
20:14  mmcgrath #topic Open Floor
20:14 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Open Floor (Meeting 
topic: Infrastructure)
20:14  J5 We should get together at FUDCon to discuss format for the payloads 
(e.g. are we going to use QMF or spin our own message format).  I'm putting 
some stuff together for that
20:15  mmcgrath J5: nod we do need to set up a time 

Re: [PATCH] Include a link to /verify for pre-releases

2009-10-23 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-10-23 10:36:07 AM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
 Anyone opposed to adding the /verify link for now?  Or does anyone
 see a problem with how I've done it here?  I don't know the templating
 stuff very well, so I could be doing it all wrong.  The site did
 build for all languages with this applied, which seems like a good
 sign. :)
Looks good to me, thanks!  Make sure to push this to the f12-beta 
branch, so it'll go live (and then get into master when we merge into 


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-10-22

2009-10-22 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:02  mmcgrath #startmeeting
20:02  zodbot Meeting started Thu Oct 22 20:02:04 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:02  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:02  mmcgrath #topic Who's here?
20:02  smooge here
20:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Who's here?
20:02  * a-k is
20:02  * mdomsch ducks
20:03 -!- rdieter [n=rdie...@fedora/rdieter] has quit Remote closed the 
20:03  mmcgrath Well, lets just get started.
20:03  mmcgrath #topic -- Beta Release
20:03 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: -- Beta Release
20:03  mmcgrath https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/report/9
20:03  skvidal hi
20:04  mmcgrath Looks like almost everything was closed
20:04  mmcgrath .ticket 1711
20:04  zodbot mmcgrath: #1711 (Release day ticket) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1711
20:04  * mmcgrath closes that now.
20:04 -!- mchua_afk is now known as mchua
20:04  mmcgrath mchua: you going to be around for a bit?
20:04  * jcollie is here for a few minutes till my plane boards
20:04  mmcgrath jcollie: k.
20:04  mmcgrath .ticket 1715
20:04  zodbot mmcgrath: #1715 (Lessons Learned) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1715
20:04  mmcgrath So the beta launch went off without a hitch as far as I know.
20:04  mmcgrath Anyone think otherwise?
20:05  mmcgrath I guess there was one ppc link missing from the 
get-prerelease page.
20:05  mmcgrath The mirrors were in great shape by the time we sent the email 
20:05  mdomsch how early was the bitflip?
20:05  mmcgrath 4 hours prior to the release
20:05  mdomsch fwiw, the crawler is taking ~4 hours to get through everyone
20:05  mmcgrath At the time of release we were at 85% success rate.
20:06  mmcgrath I actually never saw any failures while browsing but our test 
script found some.
20:06  * nb here
20:06  mmcgrath Anyone have anything else on the release?
20:07  mmcgrath k
20:07  mmcgrath in the interest of jcollie's plane
20:07  mmcgrath #topic FAD for fedoratalk starts tomorrow
20:07 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: FAD for fedoratalk 
starts tomorrow
20:07  jcollie woo baby
20:07  mmcgrath jcollie: you have any last minute details you need me to take 
care of or are we in good shape?
20:08  jcollie have the asterisk 1.6.2 rpms been copied to the infra repos?
20:08  jcollie they are in my puppet1 home dir
20:08  mmcgrath jcollie: doesn't look like it, or if they have they didn't 
get in the right repos
20:08  mmcgrath is still on asterisk2.
20:08  * ricky is here
20:08  mmcgrath I'll get that right after the meeting.
20:08  jcollie that's about it as long as asterisk2 is in good shape i think 
we're good for tomorrow
20:08  smooge there were some errors in puppet after I removed the lock on 
20:08  mmcgrath Cool.
20:09  mmcgrath smooge: yeah I just disabled it again
20:09  mmcgrath I'll get it in shape so there are no errors by tomorrow.
20:09 -!- LunchCzar is now known as PayCzar
20:09  smooge i noticed that there was an article on LWN today about a 
hardware asterisk unit that was 'completely' open
20:10  * mmcgrath saw that too.
20:10  mmcgrath +1 to open hardware :)
20:10  mmcgrath jcollie: ok, anything else besides that?
20:10  jcollie that'd be cool... is the LWN article in the open yet?
20:10  jcollie i don't think so
20:10  mmcgrath jcollie: 
20:10  smooge you beat me
20:10  mmcgrath Ok, so that's really it on the FAD which starts tomorrow!
20:10  jcollie hmm i'll have to wait a couple weeks to read it i don't have a 
20:11  mmcgrath #topic Fedora Insight
20:11 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora Insight
20:11  mmcgrath mchua: ping
20:11  mmcgrath ok, I'll assume mchua's out for now
20:12  mmcgrath I've got the Fedora Insight staging install and going (at 
least what I could)
20:12  nb I think all of the packages for FI have been reviewd and approved
20:12  * nb just approved xinha a few minutes ago
20:12  mmcgrath the only thing missing is the branding stuff.
20:12  mmcgrath Which is why it looks like this atm - 
20:12  mmcgrath shoot, still no J5 :)
20:12  mmcgrath that's his ear :)
20:13  mmcgrath Eventually it will look like this - 
20:13 -!- warren [n=war...@redhat/wombat/warren] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:13  mmcgrath mizmo: you around by chance?
20:13  mizmo mmcgrath: yeppers
20:13  smooge cool
20:13  smooge to the look
20:13  mmcgrath mizmo: oh!  actually I may have answered my own question.
20:13  mizmo kk
20:13  nb nice, i like what it will look like
20:13  mmcgrath mizmo: I noticed none of the pictures were sized correctly, 
then I realized they were stored elsewhere
20:14  mmcgrath like MEGA J5 and MONDO 

Meeting Log - 2009-10-15

2009-10-15 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:06  mmcgrath #startmeeting
20:06  zodbot Meeting started Thu Oct 15 20:06:16 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:06  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:06  mmcgrath Who's here?
20:06  * a-k is
20:06  * sijis is here
20:06  * collier_s here
20:06  * nirik is around
20:06  brothers_ here
20:07  mmcgrath Not too much going on this week, just focusing on things to 
get the beta ready
20:07  mmcgrath #topic Beta Tickets
20:07 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Beta Tickets
20:07 -!- Fedora11 [n=evil...@fedora/bobjensen] has quit Leaving
20:07  mmcgrath #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/report/9
20:07 -!- Fedora11 [n=evil...@fedora/bobjensen] has joined #Fedora-Meeting
20:07  mmcgrath .ticket 1709
20:07  zodbot mmcgrath: #1709 (f12-beta website) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1709
20:07  mmcgrath hiemanshu: ping
20:07  mmcgrath sijis: ping
20:07  mmcgrath ricky: ping?
20:07  smooge hi
20:07  hiemanshu mmcgrath, pong
20:07  mmcgrath After the F12 release, should we leave this one to you guys 
or would you like us to continue tracking it?
20:08  sijis mmcgrath: pong
20:08  mmcgrath is the f12 beta website in good shape?
20:09  hiemanshu Its only gonna be a few changes
20:09  sijis yeah, i think so.
20:09  hiemanshu So yeah
20:09  sijis i know we got the banner for the countdown.
20:09  sijis i'll have to look at the ticket a little closer (honestly)
20:10  * dgilmore id here
20:10  mmcgrath nod that's probably all that needs to get done.
20:10  mmcgrath Ok, moving on
20:10  mmcgrath .ticket 1711
20:10  zodbot mmcgrath: #1711 (Release day ticket) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1711
20:10  mmcgrath tracking ticket, in good shape.
20:10  mmcgrath .ticket 1712
20:10  zodbot mmcgrath: #1712 (verify releng permissions) - Fedora 
Infrastructure - Trac - 
20:11  mmcgrath smooge: this one's assigned to you though I suspect there's 
nothing else needed atm.
20:11  * ricky /me is here, sorry
20:11 -!- mizmo [n=du...@fedora/mizmo] has quit Sláinte Mhath!
20:11  smooge yes. I need to know what I should do about it. Will discuss 
after meeting.
20:12  mmcgrath nod
20:12  mmcgrath And that's really all the tickets left, we're in good shape 
it seems.
20:12  mmcgrath #topic Search Engines
20:12 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Search Engines
20:12  mmcgrath a-k: you want to take this one?
20:12  a-k Sure.
20:12  a-k I didn't find any engines written in Python, but I found 4 written 
in Perl, according to their documentation.  2 are not actively maintained.  
Huzaifas and I split the 4 between us.
20:13 -!- Fedora11 [n=evil...@fedora/bobjensen] has quit Leaving
20:13  a-k Most engines are written in C.  Are we willing to consider them?  
The preference had been Python.
20:13  abadger1999 a-k: C is okay.
20:13  mmcgrath a-k: C is perfectly ok.
20:13  a-k OK.  That opens it up quite a bit more.
20:14  dgilmore there are a few in java also
20:14  mmcgrath a-k: I was talking with huzaifas last night about this very 
topic.  I didn't mean to imply that language had as much weight as it has had :)
20:14  * ianweller is here
20:14  mmcgrath we have a preference for python and all but it's not a hard 
requirement at all.  We just want the best tool for the job.
20:14  dgilmore the one archive.org uses could be good to use
20:14  a-k Roger.  We'll look at the others.
20:14  mmcgrath a-k: any of them look particularly interesting?
20:15  a-k Of the Perl ones, Namazu looked good.  Huzaifas is looking at that 
20:15  a-k OpenFTS is not maintained, but it has a Python interface for apps 
to access it.
20:15  mmcgrath cool, well lets keep talking about this at the weekly 
meetings.  I think a few people are interested in the outcome of this.
20:15  mmcgrath yeah :( for unmaintained apps
20:15  dgilmore a-k: it needs to be maintained
20:16  a-k dgilmore:  yeah.  I figured
20:16  mmcgrath Ok, anything else on that?
20:16  a-k I don't think so.
20:16  mmcgrath K.
20:16  mmcgrath nb: you around?
20:17  mmcgrath 'mm kay
20:17  mmcgrath So really that's all that's going on at the moment that's 
meeting worthy
20:17  mmcgrath #topic Open Floor
20:17 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Open Floor
20:18  mmcgrath anyone have anything they'd like to discuss?
20:18  mmcgrath If not we'll close the meeting in 30
20:19  sijis blogs.
20:19  sijis so, i know there are minor things on it.. but i believe nb's 
thought its to put a public notice about it soon.
20:20  smooge how is it situated to go ?
20:21  mmcgrath sijis: yeah
20:21  mmcgrath I'm not sure the status of that at the moment either.
20:21  mmcgrath I'd like to get it finalized though
20:21  mmcgrath this last 10% for projects always seems to 

Meeting Log - 2009-10-15

2009-10-15 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:06  mmcgrath #startmeeting
20:06  zodbot Meeting started Thu Oct 15 20:06:16 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:06  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:06  mmcgrath Who's here?
20:06  * a-k is
20:06  * sijis is here
20:06  * collier_s here
20:06  * nirik is around
20:06  brothers_ here
20:07  mmcgrath Not too much going on this week, just focusing on things to 
get the beta ready
20:07  mmcgrath #topic Beta Tickets
20:07 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Beta Tickets
20:07 -!- Fedora11 [n=evil...@fedora/bobjensen] has quit Leaving
20:07  mmcgrath #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/report/9
20:07 -!- Fedora11 [n=evil...@fedora/bobjensen] has joined #Fedora-Meeting
20:07  mmcgrath .ticket 1709
20:07  zodbot mmcgrath: #1709 (f12-beta website) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1709
20:07  mmcgrath hiemanshu: ping
20:07  mmcgrath sijis: ping
20:07  mmcgrath ricky: ping?
20:07  smooge hi
20:07  hiemanshu mmcgrath, pong
20:07  mmcgrath After the F12 release, should we leave this one to you guys 
or would you like us to continue tracking it?
20:08  sijis mmcgrath: pong
20:08  mmcgrath is the f12 beta website in good shape?
20:09  hiemanshu Its only gonna be a few changes
20:09  sijis yeah, i think so.
20:09  hiemanshu So yeah
20:09  sijis i know we got the banner for the countdown.
20:09  sijis i'll have to look at the ticket a little closer (honestly)
20:10  * dgilmore id here
20:10  mmcgrath nod that's probably all that needs to get done.
20:10  mmcgrath Ok, moving on
20:10  mmcgrath .ticket 1711
20:10  zodbot mmcgrath: #1711 (Release day ticket) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1711
20:10  mmcgrath tracking ticket, in good shape.
20:10  mmcgrath .ticket 1712
20:10  zodbot mmcgrath: #1712 (verify releng permissions) - Fedora 
Infrastructure - Trac - 
20:11  mmcgrath smooge: this one's assigned to you though I suspect there's 
nothing else needed atm.
20:11  * ricky /me is here, sorry
20:11 -!- mizmo [n=du...@fedora/mizmo] has quit Sláinte Mhath!
20:11  smooge yes. I need to know what I should do about it. Will discuss 
after meeting.
20:12  mmcgrath nod
20:12  mmcgrath And that's really all the tickets left, we're in good shape 
it seems.
20:12  mmcgrath #topic Search Engines
20:12 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Search Engines
20:12  mmcgrath a-k: you want to take this one?
20:12  a-k Sure.
20:12  a-k I didn't find any engines written in Python, but I found 4 written 
in Perl, according to their documentation.  2 are not actively maintained.  
Huzaifas and I split the 4 between us.
20:13 -!- Fedora11 [n=evil...@fedora/bobjensen] has quit Leaving
20:13  a-k Most engines are written in C.  Are we willing to consider them?  
The preference had been Python.
20:13  abadger1999 a-k: C is okay.
20:13  mmcgrath a-k: C is perfectly ok.
20:13  a-k OK.  That opens it up quite a bit more.
20:14  dgilmore there are a few in java also
20:14  mmcgrath a-k: I was talking with huzaifas last night about this very 
topic.  I didn't mean to imply that language had as much weight as it has had :)
20:14  * ianweller is here
20:14  mmcgrath we have a preference for python and all but it's not a hard 
requirement at all.  We just want the best tool for the job.
20:14  dgilmore the one archive.org uses could be good to use
20:14  a-k Roger.  We'll look at the others.
20:14  mmcgrath a-k: any of them look particularly interesting?
20:15  a-k Of the Perl ones, Namazu looked good.  Huzaifas is looking at that 
20:15  a-k OpenFTS is not maintained, but it has a Python interface for apps 
to access it.
20:15  mmcgrath cool, well lets keep talking about this at the weekly 
meetings.  I think a few people are interested in the outcome of this.
20:15  mmcgrath yeah :( for unmaintained apps
20:15  dgilmore a-k: it needs to be maintained
20:16  a-k dgilmore:  yeah.  I figured
20:16  mmcgrath Ok, anything else on that?
20:16  a-k I don't think so.
20:16  mmcgrath K.
20:16  mmcgrath nb: you around?
20:17  mmcgrath 'mm kay
20:17  mmcgrath So really that's all that's going on at the moment that's 
meeting worthy
20:17  mmcgrath #topic Open Floor
20:17 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Open Floor
20:18  mmcgrath anyone have anything they'd like to discuss?
20:18  mmcgrath If not we'll close the meeting in 30
20:19  sijis blogs.
20:19  sijis so, i know there are minor things on it.. but i believe nb's 
thought its to put a public notice about it soon.
20:20  smooge how is it situated to go ?
20:21  mmcgrath sijis: yeah
20:21  mmcgrath I'm not sure the status of that at the moment either.
20:21  mmcgrath I'd like to get it finalized though
20:21  mmcgrath this last 10% for projects always seems to 

Re: Meeting Log - 2009-10-15

2009-10-15 Thread Ricky Zhou
Sorry for the noise, I somehow sent this to the wrong list.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-10-08

2009-10-08 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:00  mmcgrath #startmeeting
20:00  zodbot Meeting started Thu Oct  8 20:00:34 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00  mmcgrath #topic who's here?
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: who's here?
20:00 -!- notting [n=nott...@redhat/notting] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:00  * nirik is a but busy, but hanging around in the back anyhow. 
20:00  Ac-town .fasinfo actown
20:00  zodbot Ac-town: User: actown, Name: Derrick Dymock, email: 
act...@gmail.com, Creation: 2009-10-03, IRC Nick: Actown, Timezone: US/Pacific, 
Locale: en, Extension: 5138529, GPG key ID: 0xFEB5BB3B, Status: active
20:01  zodbot Ac-town: Approved Groups: cla_done cla_fedora sysadmin-test 
20:01  zodbot Ac-town: Unapproved Groups: sysadmin ambassadors
20:01  * a-k is
20:01  mmcgrath smooge: ping
20:01  mmcgrath ricky: ping
20:01  mmcgrath abadger1999: ping
20:01  mmcgrath dgilmore: ping
20:01  mmcgrath mdomsch: ping
20:01  mmcgrath skvidal: ping
20:01  smooge ping
20:01  * mmcgrath can't ever remember everyone to ping
20:01  skvidal hi
20:01  mmcgrath so ping
20:01  abadger1999 pong
20:01  skvidal soaping?
20:01  mdomsch so it is
20:01 -!- tmz [n=...@fedora/tmz] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:01  abadger1999 :-)
20:01  * SmootherFrOgZ here
20:01  skvidal ping *
20:01  * sijis is here
20:01  * leemwilliams is loitering
20:02  Ac-town btw, sorta here, working on test day stuff on a server box in 
20:02  Ac-town but ill keep up
20:02  mmcgrath Ok, lets get started.
20:02  mmcgrath This should probably be quick.
20:02  smooge for i in $SYSADMIN_LIST; do { ping $i; if $? == pong continue}'
20:02  mmcgrath #topic Beta tickets
20:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Beta tickets
20:02  mmcgrath .ticket 1709
20:02  zodbot mmcgrath: #1709 (f12-beta website) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1709
20:02  mmcgrath AFAIK that's well under way though still not using mizmo 's 
20:03  mmcgrath .ticket 1710
20:03  zodbot mmcgrath: #1710 (Verify Mirror Space) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1710
20:03  mmcgrath smooge: any word on that?
20:03  mmcgrath basically we usually ping Oxf13 to find out how much he needs 
and then make sure we have that.
20:03  mmcgrath the *trick* is to make sure that content stays under 1T of 
20:03  Oxf13 hrm, yeah
20:03  mmcgrath That's a new self-imposed rule of ours.
20:04  Oxf13 so I'd say take the size of F11, increase it by 10% and use that 
as a good guess
20:04  mmcgrath Oxf13: what's different from the alpha?
20:04  mmcgrath we have spins we didn't before?
20:04  Oxf13 oh wait
20:04  Oxf13 sorry, you're asking about Beta, not final
20:04  Oxf13 Beta should be roughly the same size as Alpha
20:04  mmcgrath yeah still on the Final for now.
20:04  mmcgrath k.
20:04  mmcgrath smooge: so go ahead and update the ticket with that info and 
make sure we're not going overboard.
20:05  smooge ok I will do so.
20:05  mmcgrath excellent
20:05  mmcgrath .ticket 1711
20:05  zodbot mmcgrath: #1711 (Release day ticket) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1711
20:05  mmcgrath that's just the tracker bug
20:05  * mmcgrath is looking at 
20:05  mmcgrath #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/report/9
20:05  mmcgrath btw
20:05  mmcgrath #action Smooge will update the ticket and check on mirror 
space for the beta
20:05  * mmcgrath thinks those work :)
20:06  mmcgrath .ticket 1712
20:06  zodbot mmcgrath: #1712 (verify releng permissions) - Fedora 
Infrastructure - Trac - 
20:06  mmcgrath smooge: that's another one that's assigned to you.  It's got 
two steps.  First is when releng stages the content, next is when it is made 
available on release day.
20:06  mmcgrath nothing to do atm.
20:06  mmcgrath .ticket 1713
20:06  zodbot mmcgrath: #1713 (MM Redirects) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - 
20:06  mmcgrath mdomsch:  has that all closed already (woot)
20:06  mmcgrath .ticket 1715
20:06  zodbot mmcgrath: #1715 (Lessons Learned) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1715
20:06 -!- ggruener [n=ggrue...@p4fe296aa.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined 
20:06  mmcgrath this is a after the Beta ticket so there's nothing to do 
20:07  mmcgrath Also as you note the beta slipped.
20:07  mmcgrath #info The new beta release day is 2009-10-20
20:07  mmcgrath #info this also means our change freeze is extended by a week.
20:07  mmcgrath Ok, anyone have any questions or comments on the beta?
20:08  smooge not at the moemnt
20:09  mmcgrath alllrighty
20:09  mmcgrath #topic Cloud Stuff
20:09 -!- zodbot 

Re: [CHANGE REQUEST] Open freemedia form for October

2009-10-07 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-10-07 11:07:53 PM, Nick Bebout wrote:
 I'd like to request approval (on behalf of Susmit) to do the following
 (As outlined in the FreeMedia Infrastructure SOP):
 cd /puppet/modules/freemedia/files
 cp FreeMedia-form.html.orig FreeMedia-form.html
 git commit -a -m 'opening freemedia form for month `date +%B`'
 git push
 And a few days later,
 cd /puppet/modules/freemedia/files
 cp FreeMedia-close.html Freemedia-form.html
 git commit -a -m 'closing freemedia form for month `date +%B`'
 git push
 This is a routine activity normally done on the beginning of the month
 for a few days to allow individuals to submit requests to the freemedia

Not a big deal, but watch out for the backticks inside of single quotes 


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: FW: [Fedora Infrastructure] #1719: MM hotfix: crawler incorrectly creating dir entries for not up-to-date mirrors

2009-10-05 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-10-05 10:40:31 AM, matt_dom...@dell.com wrote:
 Requesting +1s to apply this hotfix, which only affects the MM crawler.
 Matt Domsch
 Technology Strategist, Dell Office of the CTO
 linux.dell.com  www.dell.com/linux
 -Original Message-
 From: Fedora Infrastructure [mailto:t...@fedorahosted.org]
 Sent: Mon 10/5/2009 10:38 AM
 To: mdom...@fedoraproject.org
 Cc: ri...@fedoraproject.org; n...@fedoraproject.org
 Subject: [Fedora Infrastructure] #1719: MM hotfix: crawler incorrectly 
 creating dir entries for not up-to-date mirrors
 #1719: MM hotfix: crawler incorrectly creating dir entries for not up-to-date
  Reporter:  mdomsch  |   Owner:  mdomsch   
  Type:  bug  |  Status:  new   
  Priority:  major|   Milestone:  Fedora 12 
 Component:  Web Application  | Version:  Production
  Severity:  Normal   |Keywords:  hotfix
  = phenomenon =
  nb reported that running report_mirror would report hundreds of
  directories deleted on each run.
  = reason =
  crawler is creating HostCategoryDir entries for not up-to-date directories
  (in fact, dirs that nb has excluded on his mirror).  report_mirror then
  deletes these entries.
  = recommendation =
  commit 20986e503db481d4760e6e3ea74b07863a8e1cf9
  Author: Matt Domsch m...@domsch.com
  Date:   Sun Oct 4 22:25:15 2009 -0500
  crawler: don't create HCDs for directories which aren't up2date
  diff --git a/server/crawler_perhost b/server/crawler_perhost
  index 9553fb8..8964c7e 100755
  --- a/server/crawler_perhost
  +++ b/server/crawler_perhost
  @@ -303,6 +303,9 @@ def sync_hcds(host, host_category_dirs):
   if hcd.count()  0:
   hcd = hcd[0]
  +# don't create HCDs for directories which aren't up2date on
  the mirror
  +# chances are the mirror is excluding that directory
  +if not up2date: continue
   hcd = HostCategoryDir(host_category=hc, path=path,
   if hcd.directory is None:


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-10-01

2009-10-01 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:00  mmcgrath #startmeeting
20:00  zodbot Meeting started Thu Oct  1 20:00:14 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00 -!- fenrus02 [n...@fedora/fenris02] has quit  
20:01 -!- skvidal [n=s...@fedora/skvidal] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:01  ricky Clearly, nobody noticed because the m was lowercased :-)
20:01  mmcgrath Who all is here?
20:01  mmcgrath #topic Who is here
20:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Who is here
20:01  * ricky 
20:01  * bochecha is around
20:01  Ccielogs I am :)
20:01  * a-k is here
20:01  Ccielogs #info
20:02  * mdomsch somewhat
20:02 -!- rishi_ [n=ri...@dsl-hkibrasgw2-fef0de00-68.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit 
Read error: 113 (No route to host)
20:02  * abadger1999 here
20:02 -!- spoleeba [n=...@fedora/Jef] has quit Leaving
20:03  leemwilliams thought I'd stop by ;)
20:03 -!- thekadafk [n=the...@64-71-7-198.static.wiline.com] has joined 
20:03  mmcgrath Ok, lets get started
20:03  mmcgrath #topic Change Freeze
20:03 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Change Freeze
20:03  mmcgrath Just a reminder...
20:03  mmcgrath we are change frozen!
20:03  * thekadafk is hanging for a minute before heading out to eat
20:03  mmcgrath Check the list for directions on knowing whether or not 
something can be changed.
20:04  * nirik is sorta kind here in the back. 
20:04  mmcgrath Any questions on that?
20:04  mmcgrath Ok, so next topic
20:04  mmcgrath #topic The Beta Release
20:04 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: The Beta Release
20:04  mmcgrath Lets get some tickets together.
20:05 -!- amitphukan [n=aphu...@nat/redhat-us/x-vtkthmkjkbriuhww] has joined 
20:05  mmcgrath First ticket is the new website
20:05  mmcgrath ricky: you on that one as usual?
20:06  ricky Yup, and other websites people have been helping a lot more with 
the release stuff too
20:06 -!- Sonar_Guy [n=...@fedora/sonarguy] has quit Leaving
20:06  mmcgrath ricky: ok, go ahead and accept
20:06  mmcgrath .ticket 1709
20:06  zodbot mmcgrath: #1709 (f12-beta website) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1709
20:07  mmcgrath Anyone with access already want to get
20:07  mmcgrath .ticket 1710
20:07  zodbot mmcgrath: #1710 (Verify Mirror Space) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1710
20:07  mmcgrath Ok, I'll go ahead and take that one.
20:08  mmcgrath .ticket 1711
20:08  zodbot mmcgrath: #1711 (Release day ticket) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1711
20:08  mmcgrath that's a release day ticket, just a tracking one.  I'll 
accept that one.
20:08  mmcgrath smooge: you around?
20:09  mmcgrath k, next ticket is
20:09  mmcgrath .ticket 1712
20:09  zodbot mmcgrath: #1712 (verify releng permissions) - Fedora 
Infrastructure - Trac - 
20:09  smooge I am here
20:09  mmcgrath This is to verify we don't accidentally leak permissions
20:09  mmcgrath smooge: hey do you want some of these beta tickets?
20:09  smooge mmcgrath, sorry I went to get my theraflu
20:09  mmcgrath 1710 and 1712 would be good ones.
20:09 -!- thekadafk [n=the...@64-71-7-198.static.wiline.com] has quit 
20:09  smooge I will take them
20:09  mmcgrath smooge: k, go ahead and accept them.
20:09  smooge 09,10,11, and 12?
20:10  smooge or just 10 and 12?
20:10  mmcgrath just 10 and 12
20:10  mmcgrath .ticket 1713
20:10  zodbot mmcgrath: #1713 (MM Redirects) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - 
20:10  smooge thanks.. doing so
20:10  mmcgrath mdomsch: you want to get this one?
20:10  mdomsch sure
20:11  mdomsch though if the release number is 11.9[0123] it's done
20:11  mmcgrath :)
20:11  mmcgrath mdomsch: k, if it's already done go ahead and close that 
20:11  mdomsch done
20:11  mmcgrath .ticket 1714
20:11  zodbot mmcgrath: #1714 (Infrastructure Change Freeze) - Fedora 
Infrastructure - Trac - 
20:11  mmcgrath this one is in place already
20:12 -!- rishi [n=ri...@gnu-india/supporter/debarshi] has quit Read error: 110 
(Connection timed out)
20:12  mmcgrath Ok then
20:12  mmcgrath here's the page - 
20:13  mmcgrath That look reasonable to everyone?
20:14  smooge one sec
20:15 -!- krichard [n=krich...@cpe-024-211-252-120.nc.res.rr.com] has joined 
20:15  smooge looks good.
20:15  mmcgrath Ok
20:15  mmcgrath so now the thing that, at present, isn't looking so hot
20:15  mmcgrath 
20:15  mmcgrath So lets go through these.
20:16  mmcgrath mchua: ping
20:16  mmcgrath dgilmore: ping

Meeting Log - 2009-09-24

2009-09-24 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:00  mmcgrath #startmeeting Infrastructure
20:00  zodbot Meeting started Thu Sep 24 20:00:57 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:  (Meeting topic: 
20:00  * ricky 
20:00  mmcgrath #topic Who's here?
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Who's here? (Meeting 
topic: Infrastructure)
20:01  * nirik is around. 
20:01  * collier_s is
20:01  * a-k is here
20:01  Ccielogs good evening :)
20:01  * SmootherFrOgZ is
20:02  abadger1999 Hello
20:02 -!- mikaellundberg [n=mikae...@81-233-188-46-no87.tbcn.telia.com] has 
joined #fedora-meeting
20:02  * bochecha is here
20:02  SmootherFrOgZ abadger1999: hey ;)
20:02  smooge here
20:02  mmcgrath Ok, lets get started
20:02  smooge between sneezes
20:02 -!- _buno_ [n=be...@nrbg-4dbe7b51.pool.mediaways.net] has joined 
20:02  abadger1999 :-)
20:02  mmcgrath #topic Meeting Tickets
20:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Meeting Tickets 
(Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:03  mmcgrath Ah, I see no tickets :)
20:04 -!- azneita [n=azne...@] has quit Network is unreachable
20:04  mmcgrath soo
20:04  SmootherFrOgZ :)
20:04  mmcgrath #topic Beta release
20:04 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Beta release (Meeting 
topic: Infrastructure)
20:04  mmcgrath The beta release will be in a few weeks.
20:04  mmcgrath that means we're going to be change frozen starting Tuesday 
next week.
20:04  mmcgrath So if you've got something to get in, get it in ASAP.
20:04  mmcgrath also, if you've got any major changes to do.  Please try to 
get it in before the beta is done.  It's hard to make changes between the beta 
and final release.
20:04  mmcgrath at least it has been in the past.
20:05 -!- krichard [n=krich...@cpe-024-211-252-120.nc.res.rr.com] has joined 
20:05 -!- rishi [n=ri...@gnu-india/supporter/debarshi] has quit Read error: 145 
(Connection timed out)
20:05  smooge no changes I know of at the moment from me.
20:05  mmcgrath K, any questions or comments on the upcomming freeze?
20:06  mmcgrath Allrighty
20:06 -!- cassmodiah [n=c...@fedora/cassmodiah] has quit Remote closed the 
20:06  mmcgrath #topic Our first mirror
20:06 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Our first mirror 
(Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:06  mmcgrath So I finally setup our first mirror
20:06  mmcgrath http://serverbeach1.fedoraproject.org/
20:06  mmcgrath I'd like to get it serverbeach branded at some point since 
they're paying for the whole thing and they've been good to us.
20:07  mmcgrath But it should start showing up in our mirror list soon if 
it's not there already.
20:07  mmcgrath we'll get a lot of interesting metrics from this, like 
package info.
20:08  smooge cool
20:08  smooge how much disk space did it take and how is it set up?
20:08  mmcgrath it's setup just like a normal mirror, only pulling in 10, 11 
and EPEL.
20:08  mmcgrath excluding debug, and ppc for the moment
20:08  mmcgrath and we have
20:09  mmcgrath used about 150G and have 225G more available.
20:10  mmcgrath any other questions on that?
20:10  smooge not at the moment
20:10  SmootherFrOgZ nope
20:10 -!- mikaellundberg [n=mikae...@81-233-188-46-no87.tbcn.telia.com] has 
20:10  smooge It will be intersting how it handles release
20:11  mmcgrath probably not very well, it's not a very beefy box in that 
20:11  smooge and to see if disk layouts and schedulers will affect it
20:11  mmcgrath only so much you can do with a two disk raid1 array as a 
mirror :)
20:12  mmcgrath but I too am curious how it will behave
20:12  Ccielogs :)
20:12  mmcgrath Ok
20:12  mmcgrath really that's all i have for this week.
20:12  mmcgrath so I'll open the floor
20:13  mmcgrath #topic Open Floor
20:13 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Open Floor (Meeting 
topic: Infrastructure)
20:13  mmcgrath anyone have anything they'd like to discuss?
20:14  mmcgrath no one has anything?
20:14  mmcgrath sweet, short meeting :)
20:14  skvidal I had a question
20:14  SmootherFrOgZ pxe move ?
20:14  skvidal oh nevermind
20:14  SmootherFrOgZ oops
20:14  SmootherFrOgZ phx move ?
20:14  SmootherFrOgZ any news ?
20:14  smooge mmcgrath, well then it should be as good as the old RH mirrors 
from 2001.
20:14 -!- JSchmitt [n=s450...@fedora/JSchmitt] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:14  mmcgrath SmootherFrOgZ: still going on AFAIK.  I've put in a purchase 
for 4 new servers for PHX2 that will get installed early
20:14  mmcgrath that way we can test network out and all that.
20:14  mmcgrath as well as have some services migrated over prior to shutting 
PHX down
20:15  mmcgrath not sure when they'll get delivered though
20:15 -!- dwmw2_HIO is now known as dwmw2_gone
20:15  SmootherFrOgZ k. i can't remenber if our cloud 

Meeting Log - 2009-09-17

2009-09-17 Thread Ricky Zhou
19:59  mmcgrath #startmeeting Infrastructure
19:59  zodbot Meeting started Thu Sep 17 19:59:45 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:59  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:59 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:  (Meeting topic: 
19:59  mmcgrath #topic Who's here?
19:59 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Who's here? (Meeting 
topic: Infrastructure)
19:59  * ricky 
19:59  * nirik is in the back. 
19:59  * SmootherFrOgZ is
20:00  * skvidal nods
20:00 -!- notting [n=nott...@redhat/notting] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:00  * collier_s here
20:00  * a-k is here
20:00 -!- sseiersen|Laptop [n=sc...@] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:01  mmcgrath Ok, doesn't look like we have any meeting tickets so we'll 
just get right into it
20:01  mmcgrath #topic FAS accounts and capcha
20:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: FAS accounts and 
capcha (Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:02  mmcgrath One thing I wanted to make known is we recently implemented a 
capcha in FAS.
20:02  mmcgrath by we I mean abadger1999
20:02  mmcgrath the problem was mostly caused from spammers we think.
20:02 -!- RodrigoPadula [n=rodri...@] has quit Saindo
20:02  mmcgrath STill more research to do but as many as 2 in every 3 account 
we have in FAS was created by a spammer.
20:02  mmcgrath or at least someone who didn't verify their email.
20:02  mmcgrath But!  no more :)
20:03  ricky :-)
20:03  smooge here
20:03  mmcgrath we re-consider freeing up those account names as well.  
Something worth discussing.
20:03  mmcgrath they'd not have been in any groups or anything so it might be 
20:03  mmcgrath might not be though, more research required.
20:03  * ricky is all for freeing up accounts that have never been verified (ie 
never logged on)
20:03  mdomsch yo
20:03  mmcgrath mdomsch: hey
20:03  * ianweller rolls in for da lulz
20:04  mmcgrath anyone have any questions or comments on that?
20:04  mdomsch wow, that's crazy
20:04  mmcgrath mdomsch: indeed :)
20:04  notting so, does this screw up all our account/registration growth 
20:05  mmcgrath notting: it does as far as what we have done in the past but 
we can get new stats I think.
20:05  abadger1999 mmcgrath: It'll be interesting if our initial registration 
20:05  mmcgrath abadger1999: I'm almost positive it will.
20:05  ricky Did we ever really assume that # accounts = # of active people?
20:05  mmcgrath ricky: depends on 'we'
20:05  abadger1999 It'll only drop significantly if the accounts are being 
created by a machine.
20:05  mmcgrath I really don't consider a contributor a contributor unless 
they have a fedorapeople account.
20:05  ricky I guess the question is if those specific numbers are usually 
quoted to the press or anything
20:06  ricky Same here - I get my counts from ls /home/fedora | wc -l on 
fedorapeople.org :-)
20:06  mmcgrath ricky: some are.  *but* generally we encourage people to use 
'contributor' when siting those numbers.
20:06  abadger1999 People that sign up but never verify email would still get 
through the captcha.
20:06  mmcgrath and we define a contributor as cla_done + one group
20:06  mmcgrath which is the fedorapeople count.
20:06  mmcgrath and that count will stay the same
20:07  mmcgrath So that's really all there is on that.
20:07  mmcgrath One thing I wanted to talk about was with affix
20:08  mmcgrath but I don't see him around right now so we'll wait.
20:08  mmcgrath he's looking for search engines for us.
20:08  mmcgrath Ok, so next topic
20:08  mmcgrath #topic PHX1 to PHX2 move
20:08 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: PHX1 to PHX2 move 
(Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:08  mmcgrath So smooge and I have been working to get the various network 
maps, inventory and other related directions to RH's IT department.
20:09  mmcgrath Much of that stuff is available in gobby.
20:09  smooge makes gobby gravy
20:09  mmcgrath smooge also put some network diagrams up 
20:09 -!- sseiersen|Laptop [n=sc...@] has quit Remote closed the 
20:09  mmcgrath It looks like we're going to be moving into 5 racks.
20:09  mmcgrath and spread properly so power isn't an issue.
20:09  mmcgrath we might expand into the 6th rack but I'm not counting on it, 
at least not for November.
20:10  smooge and look at smaller pdu's as we expand
20:10  * Oxf13 
20:10  Oxf13 here
20:10  mmcgrath smooge: yeah, are you a fan of those 1U horizontally mounted 
20:10  smooge mmcgrath, more that I am a fan of PDU's that aren't treated 
like checkbooks :)
20:11  smooge most PDU's have too many plugs for what you can use with modern 
20:11  mmcgrath maybe we should start getting servers with 4PS's in them :)
20:11  mmcgrath then double the PDU's
20:11  mmcgrath oh wait, that's the same as just 

Meeting Log - 2009-09-10

2009-09-10 Thread Ricky Zhou
19:59  mmcgrath #startmeeting
19:59  zodbot Meeting started Thu Sep 10 19:59:28 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:59  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:59 -!- notting [n=nott...@redhat/notting] has joined #fedora-meeting
19:59  mmcgrath #topic Infrastructure -- Meeting start!  Who's here?
19:59 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- 
Meeting start!  Who's here?
19:59  * mmcgrath is
19:59 -!- Pikachu_2014 [n=pikac...@85-171-16-27.rev.numericable.fr] has joined 
19:59  * nirik is hanging around
19:59  * skvidal is here
19:59 -!- jpwdsm [n=ja...@desm-46-077.dsl.netins.net] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:00 -!- heffer [n=fe...@fedora/heffer] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:00  * smooge raises his hand and says Not Here
20:00  * heffer is just lurking
20:00  * jpwdsm hangs out in the back
20:00  mmcgrath smooge: I think that logic just took some iq points from me.
20:00  * Oxf13  
20:00 -!- akistler [n=akist...@adsl-99-142-18-184.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has 
joined #fedora-meeting
20:01  mmcgrath Ok, lets get started
20:01  mmcgrath #topic Infrastructure -- Tickets
20:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- 
20:01  * mdomsch here
20:01  mmcgrath Oh, and there's no meeting tickets.
20:01  mmcgrath that's easy
20:01  mmcgrath #topic Infrastructure -- IPv6
20:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- IPv6
20:01  mmcgrath mdomsch: want to take it quick on this one?  Mostly just 
about what problem we saw and what we did about it.
20:02  mdomsch 2 classes of problem
20:02  mdomsch 1 we can fix
20:02  mdomsch so we did.  we lowered the MTU for IPv6 packets, from 1500 to 
20:02  mmcgrath We do have one confirmed report that that seems to have fixed 
his/her problem
20:02  mdomsch apparently some packets were considered too large for some 
routers between our customers and us
20:02  mdomsch s/customers/users/
20:03  mdomsch hopefully that'll help
20:03  mdomsch problem 2: other routers dropping packets for unknown reasons
20:03  mdomsch 0xf13 may have been bit by this
20:03  mdomsch last I knew, this was progressing between Sprint and Indiana 
gigapop NOCs, or at least bouncing between them
20:03  mmcgrath well, in Oxf13's case his router was sending IPv6 info even 
though his router wasn't configured to use it.
20:04  smooge I have seen this for 'security reasons'. Various IPS sometimes 
think IPV6 is a security problem and will drop/degrade service
20:04  mdomsch if someone pops into #fedora-admin with questions, please try 
to help
20:04 -!- drago01 [n=li...@chello062178124135.3.13.univie.teleweb.at] has quit 
Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
20:04  mdomsch moving on from problems
20:04  mmcgrath nod
20:04  mdomsch I'd like to get opentorrent built for el5
20:05  mmcgrath mdomsch: is it in Fedora already?
20:05  mdomsch it depends on libowfat which I branched for EL-5 but haven't 
finished the work of de-dietlibc-ing it
20:05  mmcgrath ah
20:05  mdomsch mmcgrath, and no, opentorrent is not in Fedora yet
20:05  mmcgrath k
20:05  mmcgrath that'll be another nice ipv6 service though
20:05  mdomsch that's the only other service we offer at ibiblio that we 
could serve on v6
20:06  mmcgrath nod
20:06  mmcgrath mdomsch: emails are still bouncing around about our glue
20:06  mdomsch everything else (cvs, git, ...) are in non-v6-capable data 
20:06  mmcgrath but it'll happen eventually
20:06  mdomsch oh, and MM is ready to go
20:06  mmcgrath sweet
20:06  mmcgrath did we re-enable mirrors.fp.o for ipv6?
20:06  smooge mdomsch, I wonder if we could do a app6to4 proxy
20:06  Oxf13 fwiw, I replaced my router's firmware with dd-wrt, so I 
shouldn't have this issue anymore
20:06  mdomsch mmcgrath, no we haven't yet
20:06 -!- djf_jeff [n=j...@modemcable026.33-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has quit 
I quit
20:07  mdomsch I need dgilmore to push the package to epel-testing :-)
20:07 -!- tibbs_ [n=ti...@fedora/tibbs] has quit Konversation terminated!
20:07 -!- drago01 [n=li...@chello062178124135.3.13.univie.teleweb.at] has 
joined #fedora-meeting
20:07  mmcgrath ah, of course :)
20:07  mdomsch smooge, we could, but it might be slow...
20:07  mmcgrath nod I worry about the performance people would see if we 
start running our own proxies.
20:07  mmcgrath but if people care enough about it we can look closer and see 
exactly what we're talking about
20:07  mmcgrath anywho
20:08  mmcgrath mdomsch: anything else on ipv6?
20:08  mdomsch that's all
20:08  mmcgrath sweet.
20:09  mmcgrath #topic Change Freeze
20:09 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Change Freeze
20:09  dgilmore mdomsch: ill do it now
20:09  mmcgrath The change freeze will start for the beta on the 29th
20:09  mmcgrath Oxf13: what are our odds of a slip?
20:10  notting ask after the blocker meeting tomorrow?
20:10  skvidal 

Red Hat Delivers Grant To Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science

2009-09-10 Thread Ricky Zhou
Red Hat Summit – Chicago – Sept. 1, 2009 – Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT),
the world's leading provider of open source solutions, today announced
that it has gifted a grant to Carnegie Mellon University’s School of
Computer Science (SCS) to create a state-of-the-art, open source
computer laboratory. The laboratory, which will be officially dedicated
later this year, will be available to all students, faculty and staff to
promote the development and use of free and open source software.


As a CMU student, this (and what the plans are for this lab) are all of
great interest to me, so if anybody knows who's driving this, I'd really
love to hear more information about this!


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: File not found

2009-09-02 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-29 09:30:54 PM, Steen Jarbøel wrote:
 This link
 Opgraderingsguide til Fedora 11
 on page:
 does not work.
Hi, thanks for the report!  We just fixed this in the repo, so the fix
should go live in a few minutes.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: join fedora

2009-09-02 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-09-02 08:09:33 AM, KHILESH CHAUHAN wrote:
 Best wishes sir,
 My self khilesh chauhan from bhilai (chhattisgarh) .Currently doing B.E.
 in I.T. 3rd semester.
  I want to join fedora project as a application developer for os . Please help
 me regarding my query.
 How i can join fedora.
Hi, you might be interested in some of the teams listed at
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join#OS_Developer - do any of those
topics look interesting to you?

Thanks, and welcome!

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Enabling confirm-edit again for smolt

2009-08-25 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-25 01:06:56 PM, Mike McGrath wrote:
 This had gotten disabled during a conversion process of making 
 mediawiki-ConfirmEdit a package I think
 These files will enable the math based captcha again


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: [PATCH] shared session data

2009-08-25 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-25 03:25:39 PM, Mike McGrath wrote:
 My smolt change requires shared session data
 can I get 2 +1's


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: smolt change request

2009-08-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-21 01:36:01 PM, Mike McGrath wrote:
 I'd like to do the hotfix described here:
 Changes are already upstream.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: [PATCH/RFC] mailman: Use Mailman's Secure_MakeRandomPassword() for list passwords

2009-08-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-21 05:51:23 PM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
 This should generate a bit stronger passwords than the previous code,
 which encoded the passwords as hex, limiting the characters in the
 password to the set [0-9a-f].
 The mailman_server class is only included on collab[12] and hosted1,
 so it isn't actually affected by the current freeze policy.  But I
 still wanted to float this by the list for comments and review.
 The current fedora-mailing-list-setup script creates a list password
 file('/dev/urandom', 'r').read(4).encode('hex')
 This seems to be a good bit weaker than it needs to be.  Unless
 someone has better alternatives for creating decent list passwords, I
 suggest we take advantage of Mailman.Utils.Secure_MakeRandomPassword()
 from mailman.  The Secure_MakeRandomPassword() code is in:
  configs/mailman/fedora-mailing-list-setup   |2 +-
  modules/mailman/files/fedora-mailing-list-setup |2 +-
  2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 diff --git a/configs/mailman/fedora-mailing-list-setup 
 index 8ccdda7..80b2c58 100755
 --- a/configs/mailman/fedora-mailing-list-setup
 +++ b/configs/mailman/fedora-mailing-list-setup
 @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def create_list(listname, owner_mail):
  host_name = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST
  web_page_url = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN % urlhost
 -listpasswd = file('/dev/urandom', 'r').read(4).encode('hex')
 +listpasswd = 
  mlist = MailList.MailList()
 diff --git a/modules/mailman/files/fedora-mailing-list-setup 
 index 7d5dcd3..bf10b81 100755
 --- a/modules/mailman/files/fedora-mailing-list-setup
 +++ b/modules/mailman/files/fedora-mailing-list-setup
 @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def create_list(listname, owner_mail):
  host_name = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST
  web_page_url = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN % urlhost
 -listpasswd = file('/dev/urandom', 'r').read(4).encode('hex')
 +listpasswd = 
  mlist = MailList.MailList()


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Websites Meeting Time

2009-08-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, as I mentioned in the meeting, this is the last week where I will
be able to make websites meetings at the current time.  Here's a
whenisgood with my tentative good times starting from next week:


Please fill it in and hopefully we can find an alternative time that's
good for everybody.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: [Change Request] Mercurial upgrade on app1

2009-08-20 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-20 02:59:03 PM, Diego Búrigo Zacarão wrote:
 There is a bug related to Mercurial-1.2.x that is boring some of our
 translators when using Transifex[1].
 Could I have +1's for updating it with the following version?
 [1] http://transifex.org/ticket/279


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: [Change Request] Add script/cron job for checking git repo perms

2009-08-20 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-20 07:54:24 PM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
 The git::check-perms class includes a script for checking that the
 permissions of git repositories are generally proper for shared
 repositories.  It also runs this script each day via a cron job.
+1 (Although I didn't think fedorahosted.org was covered under the
change freeze).


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: [Change Request] Add script/cron job for checking git repo perms

2009-08-20 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-20 09:15:41 PM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
 Ricky Zhou wrote:
  +1 (Although I didn't think fedorahosted.org was covered under the
  change freeze).
 I would have guessed it wasn't too.  But according to Environments.odg
 it is.
Are you sure?  We're still in the prerelease freeze, so the machines
covered are a bit more limited than a full freeze.

 Speaking of which, would exporting that .odg to a .png or other format
 make it easier to link to via the wiki for those that don't normally
 have OOo installed?  Or would that just make it too likely to get out
 of sync?
That'd be a nice idea - that document could already use some updating
now, and it couldn't hurt to make a PNG version ta the same time as it
gets updated.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

[Change Request] Don't replace sigul db files.

2009-08-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
 modules/sigul/manifests/init.pp |3 +++
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/sigul/manifests/init.pp b/modules/sigul/manifests/init.pp
index d2b6dc9..20a88bd 100644
--- a/modules/sigul/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/modules/sigul/manifests/init.pp
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ class sigul::bridge inherits sigul {
 group   = sigul,
 mode= 0600,
 source  = puppet:///config/secure/sigul_bridge_cert8.db,
+replace = false,
 require = Package[sigul],
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ class sigul::bridge inherits sigul {
 group   = sigul,
 mode= 0600,
 source  = puppet:///config/secure/sigul_bridge_key3.db,
+replace = false,
 require = Package[sigul],
@@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ class sigul::bridge inherits sigul {
 group   = sigul,
 mode= 0600,
 source  = puppet:///config/secure/sigul_bridge_secmod.db,
+replace = false,
 require = Package[sigul],

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Recent change freeze exception - MXs for our domains

2009-08-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, we had a @fedoraproject.org mail outage today because Red Hat's MXs
changed IPs.  Previously, we had our MXs set to
mx[123].fedoraproject.org, which pointed to the IPs of the MXes.  With
the last change, we switched to setting the MXs directly to
mx[12].redhat.com, which should always point ot the right place.

Additionally, the change also reenables tummy, telia, and ibiblio, which
we took out for the mass reboot.  

Stephen and Mike +1ed these changes on IRC while we were working on it.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

[Change Request] Set replace = false on some db files which I missed.

2009-08-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
I missed a few files in my earlier change request.

 modules/sigul/manifests/init.pp |3 +++
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/sigul/manifests/init.pp b/modules/sigul/manifests/init.pp
index 20a88bd..f613182 100644
--- a/modules/sigul/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/modules/sigul/manifests/init.pp
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ class sigul::server inherits sigul {
 group   = sigul,
 mode= 0600,
 source  = puppet:///config/secure/sigul_server_cert8.db,
+replace = false,
 require = Package[sigul],
@@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ class sigul::server inherits sigul {
 group   = sigul,
 mode= 0600,
 source  = puppet:///config/secure/sigul_server_key3.db,
+replace = false,
 require = Package[sigul],
@@ -104,6 +106,7 @@ class sigul::server inherits sigul {
 group   = sigul,
 mode= 0600,
 source  = puppet:///config/secure/sigul_server_secmod.db,
+replace = false,
 require = Package[sigul],

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

[PATCH] Add a comment about the behavior of autodisablePuppet.

2009-08-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
 modules/puppet/manifests/init.pp |5 +
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/puppet/manifests/init.pp b/modules/puppet/manifests/init.pp
index 686de0a..bac8819 100644
--- a/modules/puppet/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/modules/puppet/manifests/init.pp
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ class puppet::client {
 $puppetEnvironment = production
+# Note: Even if autodisablePuppet is set, puppet will not shut down a
+# currently running puppet service - otherwise, a puppet run will kill
+# itself.  Thus, any running puppet service will need to be stopped
+# manually after a puppet run (although it will not come back
+# automatically on reboots).
 service { puppet: 
 ensure  = $autodisablePuppet ? {
 true= undef,

Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

[PATCH] Try an autodisablePuppet fix.

2009-08-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
 manifests/nodes/backup1.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp   |2 +-
 .../nodes/proxy1.stg.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp  |1 +
 .../nodes/sign-bridge1.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp|2 +-
 .../nodes/sign-vault1.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp |2 +-
 modules/puppet/manifests/init.pp   |   10 --
 5 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/manifests/nodes/backup1.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp 
index 7f1a1d9..0dbf6bc 100644
--- a/manifests/nodes/backup1.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp
+++ b/manifests/nodes/backup1.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 node backup1{
-$autodisablePuppet = 1
+$autodisablePuppet = true
 include phx
 #include global
 include openvpn::client
diff --git a/manifests/nodes/proxy1.stg.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp 
index f9a1289..2c303fe 100644
--- a/manifests/nodes/proxy1.stg.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp
+++ b/manifests/nodes/proxy1.stg.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 node 'proxy1.stg.fedora.phx.redhat.com' {
+$autodisablePuppet = true
 include phx
 include proxy
diff --git a/manifests/nodes/sign-bridge1.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp 
index d710016..4147862 100644
--- a/manifests/nodes/sign-bridge1.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp
+++ b/manifests/nodes/sign-bridge1.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 node sign-bridge1.fedora.phx.redhat.com {
-$autodisablePuppet = 1
+$autodisablePuppet = true
 $fas_groups = [ 'sysadmin-main', 'sysadmin-releng' ]
 include phx
 include fas::client
diff --git a/manifests/nodes/sign-vault1.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp 
index 1b5641d..a1e0ab0 100644
--- a/manifests/nodes/sign-vault1.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp
+++ b/manifests/nodes/sign-vault1.fedora.phx.redhat.com.pp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 node sign-vault1 {
-$autodisablePuppet = 1
+$autodisablePuppet = true
 $fas_groups = [ 'sysadmin-main', 'sysadmin-releng' ]
 include phx
 include fas::client
diff --git a/modules/puppet/manifests/init.pp b/modules/puppet/manifests/init.pp
index 54ca3e3..686de0a 100644
--- a/modules/puppet/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/modules/puppet/manifests/init.pp
@@ -18,8 +18,14 @@ class puppet::client {
 service { puppet: 
-ensure  = running,
-enable  = true,
+ensure  = $autodisablePuppet ? {
+true= undef,
+default = running,
+enable  = $autodisablePuppet ? {
+true= false,
+default = true,
 require = Package[puppet],

Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: Freeze break request for sigul fine tuning

2009-08-18 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-18 11:28:04 PM, Jesse Keating wrote:
 Sigul changes are very low risk, as we're mostly done with the signing
 and puppet is currently disabled on these hosts.  However vault may be
 rebuilt tomorrow and if so I want the puppet modules to be correct for
 the rebuild.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: Updating the mail notification hook used for the fedora-web git repository

2009-08-18 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-16 07:10:52 PM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
 I was thinking about updating the mail notification hooks used in the
 fedora-web git repository.  We switched the infrastructure puppet
 repository to these a month or so back and they have worked well.  The
 output is a bit nicer than the current hook and it is called from the
 proper place (the post-receive hook rather than the update hook that
 is currently (ab)used for this).
 Partly, I'd like to convert things so we can get wider testing of the
 newer hook scripts, with an eye toward eventually converting most of
 the other hosted repositories to these scripts.  To that end, I
 whipped up a short shell script to do the dirty work:
 The script is also at ~tmz/bin/git-mail-hook-update on hosted1.
 I also noticed while looking at the config file for fedora-web.git (on
 hosted1) that we don't have receive.denyNonFastForwards set.  This
 might be something good to enable.  It prevents pushing updates that
 are not fast forwards, even if the --force option to push is used.
 This option is set when initializing a shared repository.  I think
 that when the fedora-web git repo was setup on fedorahosted.org that
 it was not created as a shared repository.  Either that or it was done
 so long ago that the git version in use did not do this by default.
 My bet is on the former, as the config also has 'bare = false' and
 some other options that are not typically set when creating a bare,
 shared, repository -- like having branch and remote settings.
 So with permission, I'd also like to update the config file to look
 like this (as well as adding the hooks.mailinglist setting):
 repositoryformatversion = 0
 filemode = true
 bare = true
 sharedrepository = 1
 denyNonFastforwards = true
 The diff with the current config is:
 --- /git/fedora-web.git/config~   2009-01-08 21:19:38.0 +
 +++ /git/fedora-web.git/config2009-08-16 22:05:51.0 +
 @@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
   repositoryformatversion = 0
   filemode = true
 - bare = false
 - logallrefupdates = true
 + bare = true
   sharedrepository = 1
 -[remote origin]
 - url = /git/fedora-web.git
 - fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
 -[branch master]
 - remote = origin
 - merge = refs/heads/master
 + denyNonFastforwards = true
 Sound good?
Sounds good to me - feel free to make all the change mentioned, and
thanks for checking all of this out!


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Thoughts on NOPASSWD and disabling agent forwarding on publictest machines?

2009-08-17 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-17 02:44:58 PM, Mike McGrath wrote:
 On a related note, I would like to have a policy of rebuilding the test
 boxes more often then we do.  Just a thought.
Agreed.  publictest15 is nearing a year old, which I think is way too
long for a publictest machine.  It has all sorts of junk on it now (like
the errors that Eric got about /opt/zimbra when trying to setup zikula).  

Here s a summary of our currently running publictest machines and the
date they were built on (from an rpm -qa --last | tail -1):

publictest1:  Sun 10 May 2009 09:46:49 PM GMT
publictest2:  Fri 29 May 2009 11:06:26 PM UTC
publictest3:  Thu 11 Jun 2009 09:25:56 PM UTC
publictest6:  Tue 23 Jun 2009 08:34:50 PM UTC
publictest7:  Tue 30 Jun 2009 08:24:36 PM UTC
publictest10: Tue 02 Dec 2008 10:45:16 PM UTC
publictest14: Tue 16 Dec 2008 10:38:09 PM UTC
publictest15: Thu 28 Aug 2008 06:26:33 PM UTC
publictest16: Thu 23 Oct 2008 06:14:22 PM UTC

All the 2008 ones should probably be rebuilt when possible - any
thoughts as to what a good policy for this would be?  Maybe after ~4-6
months, we should stop putting new projects on publictest machines, and
rebuild them once all current projects are finished?

The wiki pages could also be great for tracking some of this stuff.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

publictest10 rebuild

2009-08-17 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, is anybody currently using publictest10?  I haven't seen any logins
from anybody other than mmcgrath, myself, smooge, and nb (for doing a
yum update) since May, and this machine is due for a rebuild, as
mentioned in the earlier thread.

If anybody still needs anything from pt10, now's a good time to copy
it off - otherwise, it'll be rebuilt sometime in the next few days.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Thoughts on NOPASSWD and disabling agent forwarding on publictest machines?

2009-08-15 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, I've been thinking about sudo passwords (particularly on publictest
machines, where security holes in apps being developed cant turn up from
time to time).  

Could enabling NOPASSWD for sudo and disabling agent forwarding on
publictest machines be a good option for lowering the possible impact if
anything were to happen on the publictest machines?

The specific situation that I'm thinking about right now is:
 * Command execution hole in some app in testing (this has happened)
 * Kernel bugs like the two that have shown up in the past month
 * People like me regularly entering their FAS password on publictest
   machines and having SSH agent forwarding enabled

Maybe this is being too paranoid or not the best ultimate solution (Mike
mentioned that he was looking into alternatives to entering sudo
passwords, for example), but it does seem like a real risk given the
freedom we allow for testing stuff out on the publictest machines.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: [Change Request] Enable rw /mnt/fedora on puppet1

2009-08-14 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-14 11:43:37 AM, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
 Currently we're mounting /mnt/fedora ro on puppet1.  I think that this
 was a change committed in puppet that affected the /etc/fstab file.
 That didn't come into play until we rebooted puppet1 last night -- the
 reboot caused the new fstab to be used and mount /mnt/fedora ro.
Yow, that was my mistake, +1 to fixing it :-)


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: Temporary FI platform

2009-08-14 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-14 09:19:12 PM, Mel Chua wrote:
 How will access be defined? Will there be more of a web-based apply
 for access / permissions thing, or will it be tied to my
 fedoraproject id? And if it is the latter, is there a specific group I
 should apply to to get the ball rolling?

 Ideally, it'll be tied to FAS. I'm not sure how much work that will be  
 to hook up, though - so we'll start with just create a web-based  
 account until that looks like it isn't going to work much longer.  
 (Which should be pretty soon; my personal panic-meter on this is  
 probably going to kick in around a dozen test users or so.)
I think docs has already done a good amount of work for FAS integration,
so definitely ask them about that :-)  Hopefully this kind of thing
won't need particularly fine grained permissions though - I don't know
how much of that is supported by the FAS plugin that the docs team had.
I'd definitely like to see the code for that somewhere though :-)


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: Temporary FI platform

2009-08-14 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-14 09:42:21 PM, Ricky Zhou wrote:
 I'd definitely like to see the code for that somewhere though :-)
Oops, and just a few seconds later, I discover
https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-zikula/ with its git repo at
git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/fedora-zikula.git.  And if that wasn't
enough, it's already in the infrastructure repo, so you can just yum
install zikula-module-fedora-fasauth when you set it up on a publictest


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Websites Meeting - 2009-08-14 17:00 UTC

2009-08-14 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, here's a really late reminder that we'll be meeting at 17:00 UTC in
#fedora-websites.  See you all there!


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: [Change Request] Bodhi masher update on releng2 and relepel1

2009-08-13 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-13 01:00:59 PM, Luke Macken wrote:
 I'd like to do a bodhi masher upgrade on releng2 and relepel1.  There are no
 critical changes for the app1-6 bodhi instances, so there is no need to 
 those just yet.  Effected code paths for releng2/relepel1 bodhi mashers:
 - Fix a bug that would cause duplicate update IDs across Fedora 10/11 
 - Fixes koji session timeout bug that has been lurking for a while
 - Remove some noisy debugging statements

This will probably have to go after the mass reboot today.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: IPTable setting for Infrastructure

2009-08-13 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-13 11:59:35 AM, Frank Chiulli wrote:
 I recently installed F11 over F10.  Everything appears to be working
 just fine.  However, I just remembered that Mike McGrath had sent out
 an email about settings for IPTables that he wanted everyone to use.
 Unfortunately, I did not bookmark the page.  I did try the
 Infrastructure SOPs
 but did not see it there.  Unless, of course, I can only see out of
 one eye.
 Does anyone have the link?
It's at
but it's down now due to a scheduled outage.  I think it's linked from
hte Orientation SOP, but maybe we should link it from elsewhere as well.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

[Change Request] Spam l10n-admin-members instead.

2009-08-13 Thread Ricky Zhou
The db connection limit errors were our fault, we'll look into those
separately, the rest of the spam should go to l10n-admin-members instead

 modules/transifex/templates/00-default.conf.erb |5 +
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/transifex/templates/00-default.conf.erb 
index 320fec0..067a1d4 100644
--- a/modules/transifex/templates/00-default.conf.erb
+++ b/modules/transifex/templates/00-default.conf.erb
@@ -31,10 +31,7 @@ logging.basicConfig(
-   ('Diego Burigo Zacarao', 'dieg...@gmail.com'),
-   ('Dimitris Glezos', 'dimit...@glezos.com'),
-   ('Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams', 'ivazquez...@gmail.com'),
-   ('Fedora Admins', 'ad...@fedoraproject.org'),
+   ('Fedora Admins', 'l10n-admin-memb...@fedoraproject.org'),

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: Temporary FI platform

2009-08-13 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-13 12:48:14 AM, Mel Chua wrote:
 The short: It looks like zikula isn't going to make it in time for us to  
 use it as a platform for FI for the F12 cycle. Therefore, proposal:  
 Temporarily use wordpress as a quick-and-dirty FI platform for this  
 release cycle only, designing the workflow for zikula so that we have a  
 constant motivation (argh, this workflow isn't made for this  
 software!) to drive the zikula stuff forward and migrate to it ASAP.
Are the same things that were blocking zikula for the docs team blocking
zikula for marketing?  Would it be that hard to get even an initial,
relatively blank zikula instance on servers that are not covered by the
Infrastructure change freeze and then work on polishing that?

I'm asking because this is almost making it seem like we have the
ability to easily setup and play with a wordpress instance while somehow
being unable to do this with zikula, which doesn't make all that much
sense to me (although I am totally unfamiliar with the specifics here) -
are there any specific things that are blocking marketing from working
on an initial zikula instance at the moment?


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-marketing-list mailing list

Re: [Change Request] Move Fedora Community's beaker session secret

2009-08-12 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-12 02:10:54 PM, Luke Macken wrote:
 Trivial change,
 I would like to move Fedora Community's beaker.session.secret into our
 passwords git module (and change it, of course).


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

xen15 outage - sorry :-(

2009-08-11 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, here's a quick report of what just happened on xen15 and its

At around 3:00 UTC, I saw a puppet error email complaining about an
error on running /sbin/service iscsi start on xen15.  I logged onto
xen15 and stupidly ran a /etc/init.d/iscsi restart, realizing what I had
actually done a moment later.

I saw disk errors on the consoles of db2 and relepel1, which were on
iscsi.  At this point, I tried to shut all iscsi guests on that machine
down (db2, relepel1, sign-bridge1) with xm shutdown.  db2 and relepel1
both finished shutting down, but I had to xm destroy sign-bridge1 as it
hung at the end.

After all guests were down, I followed the Logging Out procedure at
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ISCSI_Infrastructure_SOP, ran
/etc/init.d/iscsi restart, then followed the Logging In procedure.

At that point, I was able to xm create all three guests again, and they
seem back up now (although an unrelated VPN outage is still keeping web
apps down at the moment).

If anybody sees any issues on any of these hosts - particularly with
data on db2, it could be related to this.  Sorry about this, I'll
definitely think more before I run a command like that next time.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Change request - Convert smolt host table to innodb

2009-08-11 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hi, we've been looking at all the smolt outages recently, and after
looking into it a bit, we'd like to try converting the host table in the
smolt database to InnoDB so that we will get row level locking.

This is a very low impact change, and when we tested in staging, it
caused smolt to stop accepting new submissions for about 20 minutes
(smoltSendProfile will simply time out during that period).  If we run
into any issues, we can easily revert back to MyISAM (and doing so took
5 minutes on staging).  

Can I get two +1s for this?


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

[Change Request] Don't try to restart iscsi{,d}

2009-08-11 Thread Ricky Zhou
In light of what I just did to xen15, I'd like to make this change so
that puppet never makes the same mistake :-)

 modules/iscsi-initiator-utils/manifests/init.pp |4 +++-
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/iscsi-initiator-utils/manifests/init.pp 
index 4fbd54c..193b377 100644
--- a/modules/iscsi-initiator-utils/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/modules/iscsi-initiator-utils/manifests/init.pp
@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ class iscsi-initiator-utils::initiator {
 file { '/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi':
 content = template(iscsi-initiator-utils/initiatorname.iscsi.erb),
 require = Package['iscsi-initiator-utils'],
-notify = [Service['iscsi'], Service['iscsid']],
+# Never, ever notify this service - do any restarts manually
+# after making sure that nothing is using a disk on iscsi.
+#notify = [Service['iscsi'], Service['iscsid']],

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: start.fp.o issue

2009-08-11 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-11 06:53:17 PM, Ian Weller wrote:
 For some reason on some computers start.fp.o is showing Fedora 11
 Leonidas released in 7808 days. It doesn't have an image so it's alt
 text. It's loaded by JavaScript since the F11 released image is up for
 a brief period beforehand.
Any idea what kind of computer this happens on so that we can reproduce?
I've replaced the counter script with the normal banner rotation on
start.fedoraproject.org now (although you should still be able to
reproduce the issue at http://ricky.fedorapeople.org/).


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-08-07

2009-08-07 Thread Ricky Zhou
17:00  ricky #startmeeting Fedora Websites
17:00  zodbot Meeting started Fri Aug  7 17:00:40 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
ricky. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:00  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to:  (Meeting topic: 
Fedora Websites)
17:00  fedbot Meeting started Fri Aug  7 17:00:41 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
ricky. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:00  fedbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00  ricky #topic Who's here?
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Who's here? (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
17:00 -!- FergatROn [i=469ef...@gateway/web/freenode/x-znxwvjoycljtqtlo] has 
joined #fedora-websites
17:01 -!- stickster_afk is now known as stickster
17:01 -!- stickster is now known as stickster_afk
17:01  FergatROn has the meeting started?
17:01  * sijis is here.
17:01  ricky It just did :-)
17:01  FergatROn awesome! I had to jump through some hoops to get here. :D
17:01  ricky Hehe, nice :-)
17:02  sijis welcome. :)
17:02  ricky mizmo, nb, onekopaka_away, ianweller, any other interested 
parties: ping
17:02  FergatROn thanks sijis
17:02  * nb 
17:02  * ianweller halfway
17:02  * nb halfway also
17:02 -!- hiemanshu_phone [i=75612...@gateway/web/freenode/x-kejtprvjgfkblkuf] 
has joined #fedora-websites
17:02  FergatROn Is there an agenda, ricky or is it all in your head? :D
17:02  * hiemanshu_phone is here
17:02  * ricky doesn't have very much for this meeting unfortunately :-(
17:03  * ricky is half-looking at the FESCo meeting too
17:03  ricky #topic Tasks
17:03 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Tasks (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
17:03  nb yeah, i need to get moving on blogs stuff
17:03  FergatROn what's the FESCo meeting?
17:03  hiemanshu_phone me is back frome hospital so i can help
17:04  sijis nb: i'm trying to setup blogs-test on pt15, so we can have 
something to test the ssl piece on.
17:04  ricky hiemanshu_phone: Hope you're feeling better
17:04  hiemanshu_phone ricky not that well when u have one hand to use :(
17:04  * nb would prefer to set up ssl on value1/2, but i know infra does not 
want to do that
17:04  mizmo ricky: pong
17:04  * FergatROn brb - changing clients
17:04 -!- FergatROn [i=469ef...@gateway/web/freenode/x-znxwvjoycljtqtlo] has 
quit Page closed
17:04  ricky On the bright side, you'll learn to type really fast one-handed 
17:04  * nb wonders why we do not want to do that?
17:05 -!- FergatROn [i=469ef...@gateway/web/freenode/x-qhfrngtmidiaqoks] has 
joined #fedora-websites
17:05  ricky First, we don't want to deal with separate certs on the app 
17:05  nb true
17:05  hiemanshu_phone ricky yeah :)
17:05  * ricky is done with FESCo stuff - just had to say one line there :-)
17:06  ricky OK, so sijis is working on getting a test instance setup on 
publictest15/16 to see what changes would be needed to run this properly
17:06  FergatROn [ot] amazing how I searched and searched for a web irc 
client and freenode had one available. /facepalm
17:06  ricky Hehe
17:06  sijis haha.
17:06  FergatROn some pretty sketchy sites out there with irc clients 
17:07  hiemanshu_phone yeah m using the webclient too :)
17:07  ricky OK, so any other updates on this for now?
17:07  sijis hiemanshu_phone: if you have a smart phone, you can get putty or 
an irc client.
17:07  sijis ricky: nope. just trying to set that test site up.
17:07  ricky Thanks for working on that
17:07  hiemanshu_phone sijis i do have both, but phirc is pretty buggy :(
17:08  FergatROn ricky: sorry, i haven't been here,but what's the test site?
17:08  ricky http://blogs-test.fedoraproject.org/wp/
17:08  ricky The goal is to the login to require https
17:08  ricky Normally a trivial task, but not so thanks to wordpress :-)
17:09  hiemanshu_phone fergatron new here? Seeing you for the first time :)
17:09  ricky (it's a little more complex than that - we're putting a reverse 
proxy in front of it, which is what's making this tough)
17:09  FergatROn yup, hiemanshu_phone - I've been to one other meeting a 
couple months back
17:09  sijis related... anyone get a hold of bretm (wp package owner)?
17:09  FergatROn You guys have probably talked about this already, but what 
about those hosting their own blogs - will planet.fedoraproject.org pick this 
up too or do they have to blog on both platforms?
17:10  hiemanshu_phone sijis i did
17:10  ricky FergatROn: Planet is just an aggregator in front of blog 
services like blogs.fp.o
17:10  ricky So people will follow the same procedures for getting those 
blogs on planet
17:10  FergatROn ok ricky
17:11  FergatROn can I log into the test server now?
17:11  FergatROn I wouldn't mind testing.
17:11  ricky Not with your FAS info!  :-)
17:11  ricky It's running against a test FAS now
17:11  ricky (http://publictest3.fedoraproject.org/accounts/)

Meeting Log - 2009-08-06

2009-08-06 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:01  * skvidal is here
20:01  * nirik nods. 
20:01 -!- josedamiangarrid [n=dam...@] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:01  * LinuxCode 
20:01  * SmootherFrOgZ here
20:01  * onekopaka is here
20:01  * dgilmore is here
20:01  smooge #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure
20:01  zodbot Meeting started Thu Aug  6 20:01:53 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:01  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:  (Meeting topic: 
Fedora Infrastructure)
20:01  * ricky 
20:02  onekopaka hey.
20:02  * thekad just is
20:02  smooge #topic rollcall
20:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: rollcall (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Infrastructure)
20:02  onekopaka no.
20:02 -!- stickster_afk is now known as stickster
20:02  * onekopaka 
20:02  * LinuxCode 
20:02  smooge hi guys
20:02  * ricky (again)
20:02  smooge sorry.. I got / and # mixed up
20:02  onekopaka stickster: are you going to join us?
20:02  smooge so I was trying to figure out why /startmeeting wasn't doing 
20:02  * iarlyy ( learner )
20:02  abadger1999 here
20:03  smooge hello everyone and thankyou for arriving before I did :)
20:03  * nirik is here in the back
20:03  abadger1999 Anything for you smooge ;-)
20:03 -!- cweyl|work [n=cw...@c-69-181-105-172.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined 
20:04  * sijis is here.
20:04  dgilmore smooge: the bill is in the mail
20:04  skvidal abadger1999: quit being nice to smooge. He'll get used to it 
and expect things to be that way
20:04  smooge .tiny 
20:04  zodbot smooge: http://tinyurl.com/2hyyz6
20:05  smooge #topic Important Tickets http://tinyurl.com/2hyyz6
20:05 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Important Tickets 
http://tinyurl.com/2hyyz6 (Meeting topic: Fedora Infrastructure)
20:05  onekopaka #link http://tinyurl.com/2hyyz6
20:05  abadger1999 skvidal: Sorry.  I'll call him out for a duel later.
20:05 -!- tatica [n=tat...@fedora/tatica] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:05 -!- Sparks_ [n=spa...@fedora/Sparks] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:05  smooge We currently have one one important one and one that I will 
have in an hour or so
20:05  LinuxCode that the AGPL issue ?
20:05  smooge abadger1999, the important ticket is the one for you
20:06  LinuxCode no, nvm
20:06  skvidal abadger1999: you don't have to go quite that far - some casual 
passive-aggressive abuse is all that's really necessary :)
20:06  smooge #topic tickets 1503
20:06 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: tickets 1503 (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Infrastructure)
20:06  abadger1999 I've updated the implementation proposal:
20:06  abadger1999 
20:07  abadger1999 It now has a rough plan for dealing with staging and 
publictest envs.
20:07  abadger1999 ricky: Does that look doable to you?
20:07  abadger1999 It's basically mod_auth_pgsql on the proxies for staging; 
mod_auth_pam individually for each publictest.
20:07  * ricky is reading though it now
20:08  ricky I'm not crazy about mod_auth_pam
20:08  ricky publictest servers are generally designed to be public so that 
everybody can see the progress
20:09  ricky For example, with the docs team and zikula - most interested 
people aren't in sysadmin-test
20:09  abadger1999 nod
20:09 -!- JSchmitt [n=s450...@fedora/JSchmitt] has quit Remote closed the 
20:09  abadger1999 ricky: for that matter, staging is designed to be open for 
people to test.
20:10  abadger1999 The thing is... we have to have some limit if we deal in 
20:10  ricky If this will be a burden we will have for *only* AGPLv3 apps, 
then it's their loss for whoever is testing the AGPL code
20:10  thekad maybe limiting to cla_done ?
20:10  ricky But it would be really bad if this had to affect everything on 
those machines.
20:10  f13 wait a tic
20:10  abadger1999 It will have to affect everyone on staging.
20:11  LinuxCode thekad, that would allow everyone access
20:11  * f13 just had a wonderful idea.
20:11  abadger1999 well actually...
20:11  thekad LinuxCode, everyone in fp.o
20:11  f13 does the AGPL allow for you to just put in a link that says 
please contact foo if you would like a copy of the source ?
20:11  abadger1999 No I think we could do per-machine in publictest and 
per-app in staging.
20:11  LinuxCode thekad, exactly, that is not desirable
20:11  abadger1999 f13: No.
20:11  f13 and if so, we could just use that, and...
20:11  f13 damn.
20:11  LinuxCode f13, from what I gathered no
20:11  * abadger1999 finds the license to be sure he's correct on that.
20:11  f13 ok, crawling back into my hole.
20:11  LinuxCode It has be out there, i.e. a link
20:11  ricky If anything, I'd rather do the always keep 

Re: crontab configuration

2009-08-05 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-05 04:32:57 PM, Mike Chambers wrote:
 Ok, in F11 it had /etc/anacrontab file that I could edit to get my
 cron.daily time to be set.  But I don't see that file and can't find
 where the time is set that I want it ran from.  I believe it was 4am
 this morning when it ran but I don't know where that time to run came
My random guess from an rpm -ql cronie is /etc/regularly-jobs.  All
these anacron/crontab changes should hopefully be mentioned the release
notes somehow :-/


Description: PGP signature
fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Questions about Wiki translations

2009-08-05 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-05 10:40:25 AM, Jean-Baptiste Hétier wrote:
 I would be interested in translating Wiki Pages from English to French.  I
 have read the instructions on
 http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Languages#Translating but I have a few
 questions left before getting started.
 First of all, as I understood, the translation's dictionary (FrenchDict for
 instance) is supposed to be a mapping between English pages and translated
 pages.  I've had a look at FrenchDict and GermanDict and was surprised to
 see that they both contain such a mapping *and* translations of English
 terms into French and German.  Did I miss something or are such
 translations of English terms not supposed to be part of the dictionary?
 Also, how does the Wiki uses that dictionary?  On the Wikipedia for
 example, when a page is available in other languages, there is a link in
 the left-hand menu.  Is there a similar feature on FedoraProject?  Is it
 not active for the moment?
 Eventually, how can a user search for pages in his/her language?  Such a
 feature is (I think) essential but I didn't find it.
Sorry, I'm not too familiar with the state of translations on the wiki.
Sadly, a lot of this stuff might be outdated information from back when
we used different wiki software.  Some work has been done with making
the wiki translatable in a similar way to mediawiki, but that hasn't
gone through to completion unfortunately.  

You might try asking fedora-trans-l...@redhat.com if they have any more
up to date procedures for translating the wiki.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Fedora bug submitting process

2009-08-03 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, Jon and I had a great conversation (log below) about how confusing
submitting a bug to Fedora can be.  There are a ton of great points here
about some of the useless/confusing fields that get presented. 

I'm not sure what options we have for improving this, whether it's
making a friendly, stripped down page for bug submission (which won't
help the situation with the bug pages themselves, unfortunately), or
maybe having a simplified, step-by-step bug submission form like GNOME
has (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/simple-bug-guide.cgi), but this area
definitely needs our attention - bug reporting is one of the easiest
ways to make the jump from Fedora users to Fedora contributors, which is
very important :-)

01:21  mccann hey ricky
01:42  ricky mccann: Hey
01:42  mccann ricky: hey again :)
01:43  mccann ricky: is there anyone thinking about or working on making a 
separate bugzilla for fedora?
01:43  ricky No, thankfully :-)  Running a bugzilla is *painful*
01:44  ricky Luckily, Red Hat has people dedicated to running their bugzilla, 
so we're very happy to be able to use that :-)
01:46  mccann well many of us are not so happy
01:46  mccann besides the reasons you gave it doesn't make much sense to 
share them
01:47  ricky We, it is very nice to share bugs with RHEL as well
01:47  ricky For example, a lot of times, security/other bugs that get 
reported against Fedora/RHEL apply to upstream/downstream as well
01:48  mccann linking bugs sure
01:49  mccann but fedora and rhel have dramatically different audiences
01:49  mccann and should be designed as such
01:49  mccann currently red hat bugzilla is completely inappropriate for 
01:49  ricky In what places?
01:49  mccann in everything
01:49  mccann the design
01:50  mccann it is just targeting the wrong audience
01:50  * ricky hates the slowness for example, but that's my biggest complaint
01:52 -!- daMaestro [n=...@fedora/damaestro] has joined #fedora-websites
01:55  ricky Are there specific pages that are particularly wrongly targetted?
01:56  ricky Like the individual bug pages, or the bug submission page?
01:56  ricky Oh, and my second biggest complaint is the poor integration with 
FAS, which we unfortunately have to live with :-(
01:57  ricky One thing that we can do with the new bug page is design a 
better interface to that
02:01  mccann the new bug workflow is horrific
02:01  mccann scares me
02:02  mccann bug yeah I think the FAS thing is a problem too
02:02  mccann we should be integrating with koji and stuff too right?
02:02  ricky Yeah.  Of all the problems, the FAS one is the most hopeless one
02:02  mccann stuff that launchpad does maybe
02:02  ricky In what ways could it interface with koji?
02:02  mccann or the simplicity of kwestie
02:03  ricky And what are the main confusing parts in the new bug page?
02:03  mccann ricky: the whole new bug workflow is bad not just the page
02:03  * ricky is looking at it now :-)
02:03  mccann choosing Fedora vs. Red Hat is bad
02:03  * mccann pulls it up
02:03  ricky The first impression is that you have to click through two 
screens to get to the place that 90% of Fedora bugzilla users probably want to 
02:04  mccann first of all https://bugzilla.redhat.com/ is strange
02:04  mccann since I was looking for fedora and i got this
02:04  mccann makes me do a double take
02:04  ricky Yeah, the front page looks totally Red Hat/RHEL-centric
02:05  mccann if I manage to get past that... and many may not
02:05  ricky It might be good to have common links on the front page
02:05  ricky For example, one that goes directly to reporting bugs in RHEL, 
Fedora, and EPEL
02:05  mccann well for me I'd prefer to have a different account for my 
fedora bugs and my rhel bugs
02:05  mccann but i'll be specific about the new bug workflow for now
02:05  mccann i clicked new
02:06  ricky Darn, mizmo isn't around - she'd be the first person I'd want to 
be here for a discussion like this :-)
02:06  mccann what does All:  Show all products mean?
02:06  ricky Wow, I had never clicked that link before
02:06  mccann its the first one :)
02:06  ricky I wasn't aware that jboss stuff was here as well
02:06  mccann and other?  wtf
02:07  mccann i want fedora
02:07  mccann ok I click Fedora (duh)
02:07  mccann ok now what is all this stuff
02:07  ricky OK, so that's annoying/useless, but hopefully not too confusing 
02:07  mccann i have another list
02:07  ricky Yeah - if anything, I'd emphasize Fedora/EPEL more
02:07  mccann annoying is worse than confusing
02:07  ricky I'd rename Fedora EPEL to EPEL to reduce confusion there
02:07  mccann point is that at every turn people will flee
02:08  ricky Fedora Hosted Projects needs to die
02:08  ricky I don't even know what Fedora Management Console is
02:08  mccann creating a bug MUST be one click from the home screen
02:08  ricky And documentation/localization should stay but be deemphasized
02:08  ricky Agreed - that's a good requirement to have
02:08  ricky Two 

Meeting Log - 2009-07-31

2009-07-31 Thread Ricky Zhou
17:00  ricky #startmeeting Fedora Websites
17:00  onekopaka k
17:00  zodbot Meeting started Fri Jul 31 17:00:05 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
ricky. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:00  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to:  (Meeting topic: 
Fedora Websites)
17:00  ricky #topic Who's here?
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Who's here? (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
17:00  * nb 
17:00  * stickster  
17:00  * onekopaka 
17:00  * ricky 
17:00 -!- mizmo [n=du...@nat/redhat/x-xjvducmcqyezityp] has quit Sláinte 
17:00  * hiemanshu is here
17:00  ricky ianweller_away, mchua, any-interested-advisory-board-people: ping
17:01  hiemanshu onekopaka: nb ?
17:01  onekopaka ricky: ianweller_away sent mail to the list saying he's gone.
17:01  ricky onekopaka: Oh, which list
17:01  onekopaka ricky: mizmo is also not here (hence her quiting the irc 
17:01  onekopaka ricky: f-w-l
17:01  * hiemanshu dint get any
17:02  ricky All right then.
17:02  ricky #topic get-fedora redesign
17:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: get-fedora redesign 
(Meeting topic: Fedora Websites)
17:02  ricky #link 
- stickster's email about that
17:02  * hiemanshu doesnt like what mizmo did to the mockup
17:02  onekopaka #link 
17:03  ricky So mizmo posted a unfinished mockup today - I think we should 
hold back the comments until it's actually done, since it could still be 
changing a lot as she works on it
17:03  hiemanshu onekopaka: that mockup in my idea is _BAD_
17:03  hiemanshu ricky: where are the other options? x86_64
17:03  stickster Critiques of in-progress works can be helpful
17:03  hiemanshu mainly thats what we spoke of
17:03  stickster hiemanshu: Can you be a bit more specific please?
17:03  onekopaka hiemanshu: I know, I figured that you would say that.
17:04  ricky stickster: Well, I'm saying this based on what mizmo said last 
meeting about not wanting to post her unfinished mockup
17:04  stickster ricky: OK, understandable
17:04  hiemanshu stickster: the main reason we wanted a new look because we 
wanted people to be able to find pages easy
17:04  stickster I think the thing to remember about this design is that it's 
going to be in accordance with the requirements that are being developed on FAB
17:04  ricky So did everybody see the stickster's email?
17:05  stickster Board meeting notes from yesterday are also good reading
17:05  * onekopaka looks at taht now.
17:05  hiemanshu ricky: not really, will read it after the meeting
17:05  onekopaka that*
17:05  stickster 
17:05  ricky Basically, there was some disagreement about the target audience 
requirements for the page in the past, which led to the page being messy with 
our attempts to please everybody
17:05  onekopaka links = pain when using irssi
17:05 -!- caillon [n=cail...@c-98-248-36-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined 
17:06  ricky So the board has made the call of exactly who this page will be 
targetted at, so that there will be no question about those requirements
17:06  stickster There's a thread on FAB about this now, as a matter of fact.
17:06  hiemanshu ricky: is there a meeting log?
17:06  ricky Of course, how that gets implemented and for example, how the 
page targetted at people that know what they want is presented is still up to us
17:07  ricky hiemanshu: It wasn't an IRC meeting, so there's no log, but 
there are minutes posted on fedora-advisory-board
17:07  onekopaka ricky: a phone meeting?
17:07  ricky #link 
board meeting minutes
17:07  hiemanshu ricky: hmmm, i wanted to read it out so i can have a proper 
idea what people really think
17:08  ricky hiemanshu: The summary of what a lot of people think is that the 
original design of the get-fedora page got derailed by trying to please 
17:08  * hiemanshu agrees
17:08  onekopaka especially with KDE.
17:08  stickster ricky: And in addition, we don't have a good enough 
presentation for the many custom spins that are done every cycle.
17:08  ricky For example the random inconsistent buttons on the left side 
that links to different arches/desktop environments
17:09  ricky Ah, yes - one big part that I left out is a redesign of 
17:09  hiemanshu ricky: a cleaner look like what other Distros have (Gentoo  
Debian) would be better
17:09  stickster The Board wants two redesigns to happen. One will be a clear 
route to a single default spin that is the landing place for people who are new 
to Fedora or Linux in general.
17:09  stickster The second is a better showcase for all spins 

Meeting Log - 2009-07-30

2009-07-30 Thread Ricky Zhou
19:59  smooge #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure
19:59  zodbot Meeting started Thu Jul 30 19:59:49 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:59  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:59 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:  (Meeting topic: 
Fedora Infrastructure)
20:00  smooge #topic Who is here?
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Who is here? (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Infrastructure)
20:00  * lmacken  
20:00  * onekopaka 
20:00  * ricky 
20:00  smooge Fedora Infrastructure Meeting. I don't know how to 'Yell' in a 
channel my announcements will be a bit muted :)
20:00  smooge smooge is here
20:01 -!- fontana-afk is now known as fontana
20:01  * f13  
20:01 -!- jpwdsm [n=ja...@desm-47-239.dsl.netins.net] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:01  * SmootherFrOgZ is around
20:01  * mdomsch is here for a short time
20:01  * abadger1999 stands up to be counted
20:01  * jpwdsm is here
20:01  smooge okie dokie
20:01  smooge Thank you all for showing up.
20:01  smooge mmcgrath is in class this week. and I will try to run this 
quickly and clearly
20:02  smooge We will start with Tickets
20:02  * fontana is here
20:02  smooge #topic tickets 
20:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: tickets 
 (Meeting topic: Fedora Infrastructure)
20:02  * J5 is here
20:02  onekopaka smooge: ick. make that into a tinyurl.
20:02  onekopaka .tiny 
20:02  zodbot onekopaka: http://tinyurl.com/2hyyz6
20:02  onekopaka #link 
20:03  smooge thank you onekopaka
20:03  * onekopaka hopes the #link worked
20:03  smooge I forgot it was .tiny and not /tiny
20:03  smooge #link 
20:03  smooge #topic tickets -- 1503 Licensing.
20:03 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: tickets -- 1503 
Licensing. (Meeting topic: Fedora Infrastructure)
20:04  smooge abadger1999, you and spot have updates
20:04  abadger1999 So we got back a lot of good information from legal.
20:04  * abadger1999 thinks fontana might be here if we have furhter questions.
20:04  fontana abadger1999:  yes :)
20:04  * lmacken waves at fontana 
20:05  ricky Nice :-)
20:05  smooge ok at this point we are looking at how we can best comply with 
the AGPL
20:05  lmacken fontana: oh, I left you a gift from the SFLC on your door 
frame btw :)
20:05  abadger1999 If we link to the srpms and the trac query for all 
hotfixes applied to fedora infrastructure apps, we should be covered.
20:05  * fontana waves back at lmacken
20:05  smooge and its going to be about methodology to make sure that the 
source code is available to users
20:05  lmacken fontana: from ian sullivan
20:05 -!- herlo [n=cli...@fedora/herlo] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:05  fontana lmacken: got that, thanks (was wondering who put it there)
20:05  abadger1999 I think that's reasonable for production.
20:05  smooge abadger1999, I thought the trac entries were NOT acceptable.
20:05  abadger1999 config files are not copyrightable so that should be fine.
20:05  * abadger1999 looks at hte email again
20:06 -!- sijis [n=si...@adsl-70-131-122-61.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has 
joined #fedora-meeting
20:06  * sijis is here.
20:06  abadger1999  + links to base srpm and tickets in trac that have 
patches attached
20:06  abadger1999  * Red Hat Legal says that this is OK.
20:06  lmacken sounds like we need a HotfixSOP
20:06  abadger1999 So the mirrormanager example from last week that said what 
we changed but didn't provide a patch would not be okay.
20:06  ricky For reference, hereis what the link woud look like:
20:06  ricky .tiny 
20:07  zodbot ricky: http://tinyurl.com/numfgb
20:07  abadger1999 But if we have a patch we are okay.
20:07  smooge lmacken, we will need a HotfixSOP and a testing/integration SOP
20:07  abadger1999 So if everyone else agrees that that's fine, it just 
leaves the question of staging and publictest.
20:08  onekopaka yay more SOPs!
20:08  * herlo likes SOps
20:08  smooge abadger1999, thanks. I misread and thought it was the next one 
20:08  abadger1999 fontana: Did spot send you the followup questions?  

Re: Redesign of downloads (Websites meeting reminder)

2009-07-30 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-30 01:51:40 PM, Paul W. Frields wrote:
 One of the issues the Board has been discussing recently is the state
 of our various download pages for Fedora.  This topic springs directly
 from the process of getting to the heart of Fedora's goals.  Along the
 way we've determined that one of the steps we can take is to improve
 the clarity of how we present the Fedora distribution.  The way many
 people come into contact with that presentation is through our
 download site, which needs to provide a first-rate experience for
 everyone who uses it.  This topic clearly falls into the Board's
 domain, because it's to do not with the production of the Fedora
 distribution, but rather with the way it's presented, and with the
 design of one of the essential public-facing pieces of the project.
 A good, user-centric design must be simple and easy to follow, and
 provide a route for all users to reach what they want.  The most
 effective route for new users of the website is usually very different
 than for experienced ones, but all routes must be attractive and
 effective for the people using them.  The experience we currently
 provide for both these groups on our download site is not terribly
 attractive or effective, and needs revision.  Thanks to some dedicated
 community members, there was some work done to redesign these
 experiences in the past, but for a variety of reasons those efforts
 didn't fully succeed.  The Board and I want to see them back on the
 front burner, so that we are providing the best possible presentation
 of the many faces of Fedora, whether that presentation is more of an
 introduction to free software, or intended for experienced users.
Hey, this would be great to discuss at tomorrow's websites meeting if
any of you can make it - it'll be at 17:00 UTC in #fedora-websites on
Freenode (unfortunately this is at the same time as the FESCo meeting). 

For those on fedora-websites-list, the full message that I mercilessly
trimmed here is at


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: errors on fedora electronic lab page

2009-07-29 Thread Ricky Zhou
CCing this to chitlesh.

On 2009-07-29 10:52:17 PM, Simao Cardoso wrote:
 On http://chitlesh.fedorapeople.org/FEL/
 section: Circuit and PCB Layout
 On Tools, the links have wrong names.
 Where is Alliance should be gerbv and where is gds2pov should be gEDA.
 I could say it's a joke but you simple copy from section above and
 forget to change the name. The urls are correct.
 Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: AGPL Licensing: Another configuration file example

2009-07-27 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-27 10:46:02 AM, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
 This wsgi script also helps illustrate some of smooge's concerns about
 what happens when configuration information is mixed into a script.  It
 has two areas that differ between upstream's distribution and our own:
 The first is bad application design but I've seen this done frequently
 in PHP apps (and it sounds like Java frameworks like JBoss promote this
 as well).  The fact that our apps are doing it shows it can occur in any
 language although we should be able to change our apps to work around it
 fairly easily:
 The scripts that start up our web applications under mod_wsgi all seem
 to have a bit of config tweaking.  Historically, this is because we
 deployed with a start-app.py script that used the config file
 exclusively and started as a standalone daemon.  The app.wsgi script
 would load the standalone daemon config file and then make some config
 changes in the wsgi script before starting the application server.  This
 can be seen in the attached wsgi script in lines like this::
Another example of something that could be considered mixing code and
configuration in .wsgi files is the usage of WSGI middleware (in TG1 at
least, Toshio mentioned that things might be more cleanly separated in
TG2 now).  Right now, to add middleware to a TG1 application, we'd edit
the .wsgi to add code to wrap the application in middleware - it isn't
100% clear to us where this kind of change would fall from the license's
standpoint though.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: Fedora-wiki is broken since this morninng (~ 06.00 am GMt+00)

2009-07-25 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-25 08:05:53 PM, Peter Lemenkov wrote:
 Hello All!
 I'm always get this message while trying to visit pages since this morning:
Hi, this was due to a configuration error I made yesterday, can you
check and see if it's fixed now?


Description: PGP signature
fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fedora website: unable to access pages

2009-07-25 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-25 05:39:19 PM, Bhavin Joshi wrote:
 Hello Fedora webmasters,
 When I try to access my wiki pages, I got following errors:
Hi, we think this was due to a configuration error we made yesterday,
can you see if it's fixed now?

Thanks for the report,

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Proposed setup for sigul bridge/server for review

2009-07-24 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-25 03:53:23 AM, Jesse Keating wrote:
 There is a bridge that clients communicate with (and I'm thinking
 of forcing this through an ssh tunnel through bastion) and that
 interacts with koji.  There is also the server itself that has
 the gpg keys on it and does the signing action.  The server
 initiates a connection to the bridge, so only the bridge has to
 listen for connections.
 I think I have this mostly setup right, but I'd like some more eyes
 on it before I commit.  Thanks!
Looks excellent to me, my only two comments are that you might want to
make the files:


require = Package[sigul],

as well since they require the /var/lib/sigul directory (which I assume
is provided by the package).


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: webmas...@fedoraproject.org

2009-07-24 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-24 04:53:29 PM, prabakaran wrote:
 we are planned to introduce 'alternate operating systems' for students other
 than windows in line with changing trend OS field.
 Also we are very much impressed with your achievements on this field. For this
 we need all the stable releases of your OS in DVD.
 Can we have the same from you?.(Unfortunately we cannot download from web)
Hi, that sounds great!  You should probably join the Fedora Ambassadors
list (http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-ambassadors-list)
and see if you can requests resources there for an event.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Introduction

2009-07-23 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-24 12:37:30 AM, Julius Serrano wrote:
 I am  Julius Serrano and I've been using linux for quite some time now. I
 started with red hat 6.0 but I had most of my experiences with RH7.2, RH9.0,
 RHEL4 and RHEL5. I am a programmer and a systems and database administrator by
 profession. I have skills with Python (which is my language of choice), PHP 
 Java, although my Python web framework experience mostly come from Zope.
 Programming is my main passion but I also have administration skills. My
 sysadmin experience cover NIS, LDAP, NFS, Samba, some Postfix, some Xen
 failover clustering, and some DRBD. I also have experience with the
 administration of Apache, Nagios, CVS and Subversion. As for being a db admin,
 I manage MySQL databases including their replication.
Hey, welcome - Python is our language of choice too :-)  We usually have
a few Python/TurboGears-related challenges going on.  We have weekly
meetings on Thursdays at 20:00 UTC (the next one is in about 3 hours) in
#fedora-meeting on Freenode, so if you can make that, be sure to stop in
and say hi to everybody.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: blogs.fedoraproject.org Update

2009-07-23 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-24 01:27:34 AM, susmit shannigrahi wrote:
 It is not working for me.
 I can't login with my FAS credentials.
Hi, this is not live yet, please do not enter your real FAS credentials
there (it's currently going against a test FAS).  When we do make this
live, it will be over SSL to avoid passwords being transmitted in


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-07-23

2009-07-23 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:00  mmcgrath #startmeeting
20:00  zodbot Meeting started Thu Jul 23 20:00:16 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00  * ricky 
20:00  mmcgrath #topic Infrastructure -- Who's here?
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- 
Who's here?
20:00  * ricky (oops)
20:00  * dgilmore 
20:00  * dgilmore 
20:00  * dgilmore 
20:00  * LinuxCode 
20:01  * johe here
20:01  * nirik is around. 
20:01  mmcgrath K.  lets get started on ticket
20:01  mmcgrath s
20:01  mmcgrath #topic Infrastructure -- Tickets
20:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- 
20:01  mmcgrath .tiny 
20:01  zodbot mmcgrath: http://tinyurl.com/47e37y
20:01  * davivercillo is here
20:01  mmcgrath So the first and only meeting item is, again,
20:01  mmcgrath .ticket 1503
20:01  zodbot mmcgrath: #1503 (Licensing Guidelines for apps we write) - 
Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - 
20:01  onekopaka hello
20:01  mmcgrath last time we talked about the the whole metting
20:01  * onekopaka was here.
20:02  mmcgrath this time lets kill it after 10 minutes max.
20:02  onekopaka is*
20:02  mmcgrath abadger1999: around?
20:02  dgilmore mmcgrath: i think we could again
20:02  smooge here
20:02  * abadger1999 arrives
20:02  dgilmore did we get input on what source we have to make available? 
and how we have to make it available if we went with AGPL everywhere?
20:02  mmcgrath abadger1999: so give us the latest poop
20:02  smooge dgilmore, spot is working on it with legal
20:02  LinuxCode I assume this is the AGPLv3 issue ?
20:02  smooge or I should wait until abadger1999
20:03  * skvidal is here
20:03  LinuxCode wasnt somebody supposed to be here ?
20:03 -!- mchua [n=mc...@nat/redhat/x-fd7206a424906029] has joined 
20:03  ricky LinuxCode: They were at OSCON
20:03  LinuxCode ohh
20:03  abadger1999 spot is talking to legal.  So I think we don't have much 
to say here.
20:03  LinuxCode the person spot mentioned ?
20:03  abadger1999 Unless people have new questions since last year
20:03  mmcgrath abadger1999: so no progress since last week?
20:03  * LinuxCode hasnt, but sees both sides of the argument
20:04  dgilmore abadger1999: right. until we clear up the legal requirements 
we can do anything
20:04  abadger1999 mmcgrath: Well, spot has the list of questions now and it 
has gone from him to legal.  But we haven't gotten a writeup yet.
20:04  abadger1999 So we can make no progress.
20:04  mmcgrath k
20:04  mmcgrath Is Bradley Kuhn here?
20:04  * mmcgrath notes domsch invited him
20:05  ricky I think he was OSCONing, so mdomsch moved it up a week
20:05  mmcgrath ah, k
20:05  abadger1999 I'd like to go ahead with relicensing python-fedora to 
lgplv2+ since that won't be affected by whatever we decide regarding agpl.
20:05  mmcgrath ah.  so he did :)
20:05  mmcgrath abadger1999: What all are we accomplishing with that?
20:06  abadger1999 mmcgrath: Right now it's gplv2.  LGPLv2+ will make it so 
more people can use it.
20:06  abadger1999 for instance, if someone writes code with the apache 
license, python-fedora will work under the LGPLv2+.
20:06  abadger1999 also, mdomsch would like it to change.
20:07  mmcgrath k
20:07  mmcgrath well, if thats all we have on that I'll move on
20:07  abadger1999 mirrormanager is MIT licensed.  But when used with 
python-fedora, the combined work is GPLv2.
20:07  skvidal together - they fight crime!
20:07  abadger1999 with python-fedora LGPLv2+, mirrormanager remains MIT in 
20:07  onekopaka hmm.
20:08  abadger1999 s/inpractice//
20:08  mmcgrath skvidal: that's good, I'm pretty sure smolt is committing 
20:08  mmcgrath abadger1999: ok, thanks for that
20:08  mmcgrath anyone have anything else on this topic before we move on?
20:08  * LinuxCode shakes head
20:08  mmcgrath k
20:09  mmcgrath #topic Infrastructure -- Mirrors and 7 years bad luck.
20:09 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- 
Mirrors and 7 years bad luck.
20:09  LinuxCode haha
20:09  smooge you broke it
20:09  LinuxCode its your fault
20:09  LinuxCode lol
20:09  mmcgrath So, as far as I know the mirrorsr are on the mend.
20:09  LinuxCode +1 can confirm that
20:09  smooge I believe so.
20:09 -!- Sonar_Gal [n=and...@fedora/SonarGal] has quit Leaving
20:09  LinuxCode had first updates today
20:10  mmcgrath jwb just did a push that finished.
20:10  mmcgrath so there's a bash update coming out.
20:10  mmcgrath we're trying to time how long it takes that update takes to 
get to our workstations
20:10  jwb mmcgrath, i see it on d.f.r.c, but i haven't gotten it via yum yet
20:10  mmcgrath so if any of you see a 

Web Group Cleanup

2009-07-23 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, I just went through and removed all inactive accounts for the web
group.  If you feel that you have been wrongly removed, please let me


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Javascript Error on fp.o

2009-07-22 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-22 10:32:36 AM, Sijis Aviles wrote:
 A javascript error on fp.o was noticed a few days ago and brought to
 our attention on #fedora-admin. The error was noticed on IE7 and i
 could also confirm it on IE6.
 I think i know what the problem is, it was the do with an extra comma
 in the banner[] array.
Hey, thanks or looking at this!  This is a trivial change, and there
isn't much much chance of it introducing any breakage, so feel free to
commit this right away.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Red Hat Bugzilla Front Page query In Progress broken

2009-07-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-21 09:25:57 PM, Edwin ten Brink wrote:
 I'm not sure where to file this bug against Red Hat Bugzilla.

 On my Red Hat Bugzilla Front Page, under Open Issues: In Progress  
 Reported by You, no bugs appear even though there should be one in  
 progress. It seems that the query generating the list is broken.

 The link for show list starts with:
 which does not feel entirely correct.

 Could somebody please fix this, or tell me where to file this bug?
There's a bugzilla product in bugzilla :-)


Description: PGP signature
fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Red Hat Bugzilla Front Page query In Progress broken

2009-07-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-21 10:11:34 PM, Edwin ten Brink wrote:
 On 07/21/2009 09:34 PM, Ricky Zhou wrote:
 On 2009-07-21 09:25:57 PM, Edwin ten Brink wrote:

 I'm not sure where to file this bug against Red Hat Bugzilla.

 On my Red Hat Bugzilla Front Page, under Open Issues: In Progress
 Reported by You, no bugs appear even though there should be one in
 progress. It seems that the query generating the list is broken.
 There's a bugzilla product in bugzilla :-)

 Ok, thanks, let me rephrase: I'm not sure if it is the /product/  
 bugzilla as shipped with Fedora XX which has the bug, or the specific  
 /configuration of Red Hat Bugzilla/, which might make a difference in  
 where to report this.
Sorry if I was unclear, the Bugzilla product I was referring to is a
product (just like the Fedora product) and that's where bugs go (see
507268 for an example of what I'm talking about).  If it were an issue
with the bugzilla package, you'd file it in the bugzilla component in
the Fedora product :-)


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Fedora Community Post-mortem meeting log

2009-07-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
16:30  mmcgrath #startmeeting
16:30  zodbot Meeting started Tue Jul 21 16:30:32 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:30  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:30  mmcgrath abadger1999: ping
16:30  mmcgrath rishi: ping
16:30  mmcgrath err
16:30  mmcgrath ricky: ping
16:30  mmcgrath rishi: sorry
16:30  abadger1999 yep.
16:30  mmcgrath lmacken: ping
16:30  ricky pong
16:30  mmcgrath spot: ping
16:30  mmcgrath J5: ping
16:30 -!- tc141516 [i=ble...@fedora/tc1415] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:31  J5 pong
16:31 -!- Viking-Ice [n=johan...@valhalla.rhi.hi.is] has quit Ex-Chat
16:31 -!- nixdude [n=...@pool-70-109-10-41.atl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined 
16:31 -!- Viking-Ice [n=johan...@valhalla.rhi.hi.is] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:31  * spot is here
16:31 -!- drago01 [n=li...@chello062178124130.3.13.univie.teleweb.at] has 
joined #fedora-meeting
16:31  * nixdude 1s too
16:32  mmcgrath I've not seen lmacken today so I'll assume he's not able to 
make it.
16:32  mmcgrath So this meeting's just a quick round up of what happened 
during the fedora community deployment, trying to shake out some communication 
issues, and hopefully clear up any misunderstandings.
16:32  mmcgrath or missed emails or notifications or anything
16:32  mmcgrath We have a hard stop in 30 minutes when the packaging 
committee meets and I hope it won't go anywhere near that long.
16:33  mmcgrath There's two main points of contention that I know of
16:33  mmcgrath 1) deployment times/expectations and 2) is the very late in 
the game license change.
16:33  mmcgrath anyone have anything they'd like to add to that?
16:33  abadger1999 General communication is an issue but could be talked 
about some other time.
16:33  mmcgrath K, so I'll knock 1) out because I think it's more straight 
forward then 2)
16:33  mmcgrath yeah
16:34  mmcgrath So around the F10 launch, just a day or so before the launch 
J5 came to me asking for fedora community to be deployed.
16:34  smooge ok here I am
16:34  ricky s/10/11 :-)
16:34  mmcgrath We didn't know much about it at that time
16:34  mmcgrath ricky: this was F10
16:34  ricky Oh, wow, my mistake :-)
16:34 -!- neverho0d [n=...@] has quit Read error: 110 (Connection 
timed out)
16:34  mmcgrath it was in our final freeze and I made it known that it was 
just not possible to deploy it at that time.
16:34  mmcgrath that final 2 week freeze is critical
16:35  mmcgrath So flash forward to F11.
16:35  mmcgrath We had a few minor issues when deploying to test,
16:35  mmcgrath we got it ready in staging.
16:35  mmcgrath but at no point in time did I have a date for when this was 
to go live.
16:35  mmcgrath Now, on the F11 release date, lmacken told me that it was to 
go live that day and that spot said so.
16:35  mmcgrath This put me in a horribly ackward position.
16:36  mmcgrath spot is very much one of us, but he's also the boss (both my 
manager and the Fedora Project Engineering lead)
16:36  spot So, we definitely had a communication breakdown here.
16:36 -!- stickster is now known as stickster_food
16:36  spot In our Fedora Community meetings, I repeatedly asked luke to make 
sure you knew about our schedule
16:37  spot I'm not sure where it fell apart, but we definitely can do better.
16:37  mmcgrath So if it was just a communications breakdown (that happens) 
then there's not much else to discuss on it.  We'll just all be more careful 
next time.
16:37  mmcgrath There were also some announcements that went out about it 
being live before it was actually live
16:37  spot Yeah, we had every intent of giving you advance notice.
16:37 -!- shepherd [n=sheph...@unaffiliated/shepherd] has quit Read error: 60 
(Operation timed out)
16:37  mmcgrath but I don't think those were public
16:38 -!- sm|test-1ox [n=morph...@] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:38  spot mmcgrath: yeah, that was because it was mentioned in the early 
F11 interviews
16:38 -!- runa_b [n=ru...@] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:38  mmcgrath nod
16:38  spot before the instance was live
16:38  J5 It partly has to do with not being clear on what checkmarks need to 
be hit to get things deployed.  What do you do to get it into staging and then 
what was needed after things were in staging to say ok it is good to go
16:38 -!- paragn_ [n=par...@] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:38 -!- shepherd [n=sheph...@unaffiliated/shepherd] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:39  mmcgrath so one note I think I'd like to make more clear (not related 
to fedora community directly) is that maybe we should have a more clear feature 
process similar to the OS.
16:39  mmcgrath our livecycle is very tied to the Fedora releases.
16:39  J5 agreed
16:39  abadger1999 J5: Partly but not all -- we would not make a new app 
go-live date coincide with the release date no matter what.
16:39  mmcgrath and I think we're starting 


2009-07-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-21 09:28:31 PM, samuel sanchez farfán wrote:
 Hola, me gustaria que me facilitases un link ya sea ftp o un enlace en 
 directa del fedora core 5 versión ppc. Lo quiero para PS3


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: MirrorManager crawler patch

2009-07-20 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-20 09:34:47 AM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
  2) MirrorManager currently doesn't check timestamps, and the solution to
 this isn't trivial, especially since with FTP, which returns
 directory listing data as just the text of the output.  This is
 almost impossible to parse accurately, especially when time zones are
 involved, and when time zone data isn't even returned by FTP.
 Maybe you could check a hash of the repomd.xml file? You shouldn't have to
 track too many different hashes.
For what it's worth, this hash checking already happens on repomd.xml
files for mirrors that are crawled via HTTP, and my patch added that
check to FTP mirrors as well.  

When talking on IRC with Matt, we realized that the check shouldn't be
necessary at all though, since the other files in the repodata are
successfully getting the repodata directory marked outdated (and we did
confirm that this was happening with the last bu mirror crawl).

Overall, I think the crawling has been working fine even without the
timestamp checking (apart from some issues caused by the timestamp
problem we recently saw), I just wanted to mention why that was
currently disabled.  

As another side note, mirrormanager is currently aware of what
directories are repositories:

 mdomsch sure
 mdomsch so, MM does know that that dir is a repository
 mdomsch class Directory:  repository = SingleJoin('Repository')
 mdomsch bu the crawler doesn't do anything special with that knowledge
 mdomsch perhaps it should
 mdomsch by definition, a Repository is a Directory that has a child 
directory named 'repodata'
 mdomsch but the whole directory tree starting at that Directory down, is 
part of the repository

So all of the framework should be in place for marking an entire
repository out of date if the repodata is out of date.  


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Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: An Introduction

2009-07-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-19 06:59:13 PM, Jason Walsh wrote:
 Around the same time I started running Linux, I cut my teeth on
 programming with Java. Shortly after, I learned the breath of fresh
 air that is Python. I have been actively coding personal projects in
 Python for about a year now, and have contributed small amounts of
 code to the open-source project Crunchy. While I have mainly used
 Django for Web development, I have also dabbled in TurboGears and
 other frameworks.
Hey, welcome - a lot of our apps are written in Python, primarily
TurboGears, so that's great!  If you're interested in working with
those, we always have a lot of tasks on most of our web apps.

We mostly hang out in #fedora-admin on Freenode if you're not there
already, and we have weekly meetings in #fedora-meeting at 20:00 UTC on
Thursdays (if you can make it, please come any say hi there :-))


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Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

MirrorManager crawler patch

2009-07-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, I think we might have found a bug in the mirror crawler where it
did not do the repomd sha256sum check if a mirror is checked via FTP.  I
think the crawler might still need a good bit of cleanup apart from
this, but here is an initial attempt at a patch to fix this:


I did some testing of this against fedora.bu.edu on bapp1 and it seemed
to mark the F10/F11 repodata directories outdated as expected.  

Given the mirror issues that we've been havin recently, it might be
worth considering live patching this until the next mirrormanager


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Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: MirrorManager crawler patch

2009-07-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-20 12:13:41 AM, Ricky Zhou wrote:
 Hey, I think we might have found a bug in the mirror crawler where it
 did not do the repomd sha256sum check if a mirror is checked via FTP.  I
 think the crawler might still need a good bit of cleanup apart from
 this, but here is an initial attempt at a patch to fix this:
I just took a closer look at this with Matt, and it turns out that my
extra code in this patch shouldn't be necessary (and in fact, doesn't
seem to run at all).  I'm going to look at testing this more on another
outdated site.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: MirrorManager crawler patch

2009-07-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-20 12:28:34 AM, Ricky Zhou wrote:
 I just took a closer look at this with Matt, and it turns out that my
 extra code in this patch shouldn't be necessary (and in fact, doesn't
 seem to run at all).  I'm going to look at testing this more on another
 outdated site.
Hi, Matt and I just spoke on IRC more, and I think we have a slightly
better idea of the issue now.  I think mirrormanager returning outdated
mirrors might have actually been related to the mounts issue as well.

One issue that we realized was that for F10 updates, yum uses a URL
similar to


to generate the directory to get repodata from.  However, this returns
the path to pub/fedora.redhat/linux/updates/10/x86_64 on mirrors, and
while that may be up to date (since mirrormanager only checks the 10
newest files in that directory, and the recent timestamp issues may have
made this test unreliable), the
pub/fedora.redhat/linux/updates/10/x86_64/repodata may not be.

In the case of the bu mirror, we found that
pub/fedora.redhat/linux/updates/10/x86_64/repodata was properly marked
outdated, but pub/fedora.redhat/linux/updates/10/x86_64 was not.

Another issue that Matt mentioned is that report_mirror will tell
mirrormanager to mark any directory that the site claims to have as
up2date, the idea being that mirrors run rsync  report_mirror.  This
does seem to be cause issues during mass mirror issues like this though,
and Matt also brought up the issue that some mirrors may run
report_mirror even if the rsync fails.  

Some issues/responses we discussed:
1) For the first issue, we need to mark an entire repository outdated if
   the repodata is outdated.  This should start happening properly as
   well now that the timestamps issue is fixed, although we can do this
   explicitly in the code as well.
2) MirrorManager currently doesn't check timestamps, and the solution to
   this isn't trivial, especially since with FTP, which returns
   directory listing data as just the text of the output.  This is
   almost impossible to parse accurately, especially when time zones are
   involved, and when time zone data isn't even returned by FTP.
3) Perhaps it could be good to change some behavior with report_mirror.
   Right now, when public mirrors run it, it gives the benefit of
   starting to send traffic to the mirror as soon as possible after
   syncing, but in situations like the current one, this behavior can
   lead to outdated mirrors being marked up2date in MirrorManager.


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Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list

Re: Bugzilla bot account / Fedora mail alias

2009-07-17 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-17 07:48:34 AM, Matt Domsch wrote:
 The trick is, you can't create a bugzilla account with
 @fedoraproject.org directly for some reason.  Maybe this is fixed.  I
 had to create a bugzilla account with another email address, then
 request of the bugzilla administrators to change the email address for
 the account.
Hi, are you talking about a restriction in bugzilla, or the current
limitation where FAS doesn't assign bugzilla permissions to accounts
that don't match the email address given in FAS?

If it's the former, hopefully that's fixed now - I think I've created an
@fedoraproject.org account once at some point in the past 2 years or so


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