Re: What's that utility to monitor disk i/o again?

2009-12-19 Thread William Witt

On 12/19/2009 06:54 PM, Marcel Rieux wrote:

On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 6:37 PM, Marcel  wrote:

I installed it about 2 days ago but it seems the upgrade to F12
destroyed the yum.log without making any back-up.

BTW, I'm not talking about iotop.

You are probably looking for atop.


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Re: Grub timeout ignored?

2009-12-06 Thread William Witt

On 12/06/2009 03:37 PM, Clemens Eisserer wrote:


I am running Fedora 12, and I have the problem that grub seems to
ignore the timeout-value set.
In /etc/grub.conf I've set timeout=5

however grub always skips the menu, and loads the first/default entry
Any ideas what could be the problem?

Thank you in advance, Clemens

You probably sitll have the menu hidedn.  Look for the line in your 
/boot/grub/grub.conf that says:


and comment it out with a #.


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Re: F12 Lost Gnome Panels

2009-12-04 Thread William Witt

On 12/04/2009 09:52 AM, BeartoothHOS wrote:

On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 18:36:52 -0500, William Witt wrote:

This is probably the problem. A partial copy or corrupted .gconf
directory.  So try this:

-After a reboot at the login screen press Crtl+Alt F2 -Log in text mode
with your user acct -issue the following commands
mv .gconf bak.gconf
mv .gconfd bak.gconfd
mv .gnome2 bak.gnome2
mv .gnome2_private bak.gnome2_private

Very Dumb Question : are there supposed to be spaces in those
commands?? I thought mv took two arguments: what to move, and where to;
but I see no spaces here.

There are spaces...perhaps check your font rendering.  The first one is:
mv [space] .gconf [space] bak.gconf


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Re: CD drive difficulty

2009-12-04 Thread William Witt

On 12/04/2009 10:06 PM, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

I'm just finishing installing F12 XFCE and encountered a problem
with the CD drive: When I push the eject button, the tray is first
extended fully outward and then is immediately retracted. I'm
reasonably certain that this is not a hardware problem, but rather
is some sort of misconfiguration issue.

Some background: The CD/DVD drive was installed a few weeks ago as a
replacement for one that would no longer burn DVDs; it seems to be in
good shape. This is a multiboot installation, and the drive performs
properly on the other partitions, including one running F12 KDE and
another with F11 XFCE.

Any help that you can offer will be appreciated.

-- cmg

I haven't experienced this personally, but I did se a thread on it a 
while back on FedoraForum:


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Re: F12 Lost Gnome Panels

2009-12-03 Thread William Witt

On 12/03/2009 04:33 PM, Beartooth wrote:

I should perhaps mention that this machine (my #1) got royally,
unbootably bollixed a few days ago, and ended up with a fresh install of
F12 -- into which I began trying to scp /home/btth from #2 -- and messed
that up so that there seem to be several partial copies scattered all
over it in spots, to the point that the hard drive thinks it's
effectively full  At any rate, df -h shows it far fuller than it
ought to be.

This is probably the problem. A partial copy or corrupted .gconf 
directory.  So try this:

-After a reboot at the login screen press Crtl+Alt F2
-Log in text mode with your user acct
-issue the folloing commands
mv .gconf bak.gconf
mv .gconfd bak.gconfd
mv .gnome2 bak.gnome2
mv .gnome2_private bak.gnome2_private

-This is the tactical nuke of gnome config problems.  This will force 
gnome to recreate your gnome configuration on next login
-Press Crtl-Alt F1 and you should be back at the GUI login screen, so 
log in again and see if you have panels.  All of your old config 
settings are stored in th bak. directories so you can selectively copy 
them over if you have something (like f-spot) that is not easy to just 

Hopefully this helps


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Re: Setting up a VM to run an F12 guest on an XP host

2009-11-29 Thread William Witt

On 11/29/2009 07:16 PM, john wendel wrote:

On 11/29/2009 01:35 PM, Alan Milnes wrote:

2009/11/28 john

I know very little about Windows, so I'm seeking your advice.

I'd like to run F12 on an XP box (so I can get some work done), could
someone point me to the right software. The big problem is that I
don't have
admin privs on the XP box so I can't install anything. Is it even

You don't install F12 from within XP so as long as you can boot from a
CD/DVD this won't be an issue. Just boot from a F12 LiveCD and the
installer should sort it all out for you - this is called Dual Boot,
each time the computer starts you have the choice to run F12 or
Windows XP (one will be set as a default and you will have 10 seconds
to make a decision when the screen comes up).


Unfortunately, there is an intrusion detection system on the network
that keeps me from setting up a dual-boot system. If I boot the F12 live
cd, my network connection is disabled and the admins come and beat me
about the head. So I think running F12 in a VM is going to be the best I
can do.



I may be coming out of left field on this, but if you are working in the 
kind of place that has intrusion detection on the network, (I'm a 
sysadmin on such a network), then you are probably better off talking to 
the sysadmins.  If you really need it to do your job, there may be some 
approved virtualization tech that they are more than happy to install 
for you, or the security people will shoot it down.  If it's the 
organization's hardware and network then they have every right to 
approve or deny the installation of software.  If you really, truly, 
need to use it to do your job and they deny it, get the denial in 
writing so you can CYA.

Where I work, if someone were caught installing software on the systems 
I administer like this, that person would probably loose their job and 
possibly their freedom for several years.


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Re: changing GDM background image on F12

2009-11-28 Thread William Witt

On 11/28/2009 09:03 PM, Mikkel wrote:

On 11/28/2009 07:56 PM, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:

Todd  writes:

As the subject says, he's trying to change the background for the GDM
screen.  Since GDM doesn't provide a panel, there isn't really a
convenient way to browse to system-preferences-appearance... :)

Using gconftool-2 is generally the best way to achieve this, and works
fine for me on F-12 (as it has in past releases).  Why it's not
working for Fred remains to be seen.

You can also set it as a user's background via the normal preferences
setting and then make that the system default (via the bottom Make
Default button).


Would that affect GDM's background, or only the Gnome desktop's
background? They are not the same thing.


Yes, if you set a default background it effects the GDM background, but 
takes restarting GDM (or a reboot) to see it.


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