Re: felv cat \needs placement/Tom~Barbara

2005-05-20 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 5/20/2005 7:56:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
I wonder 
  if I would be doing the wrong thing by keeping him when I have 4 non-positive 
  ones that are being exposed. By then are they really being exposed since we 
  don't know that much about felv? 

Seems to me that you just answered 
your own question. 
I've been following Tom's story 
since your first post.
I'm a firm believer that it's a cat 
that "chooses" his person, NOT the person choosing a 
Seems to me that Tom has chosen you, 
right from the very start!
I think you know, deep in your heart 
what is best for Tom, and you!

Re: felv cat \needs placement/Tom~Barbara

2005-05-20 Thread tamara stickler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I'm a firm believer that it's a cat that "chooses" his person, NOT the person choosing a cat.

I have to laugh at the TRUTH of this. I placed my Coebeio THREE TIMES! She was an absolute MONSTER in each of those homes..."Come Get This Cat!" became the standard reply the day(s) following placement. 

Driving to the first placement, she reached her paw through the bars of the crate and held my finger.I almost kept her right then, but I really didn't have room or $$ to keep her. At that home...(a friendly aquaintance of mine from work) she found a small hole in the drywall...set about widening it, and crawled inside the wallShelia no long speaks to me.

The second placement, she knocked down a Christmas Treewhich broke a new glass table and then preceeded to destroy all the crystal glass set out on the bar in the basement.

The third placement, she totally shredded a handmade expensive area two nights!

So I gave up and kept her. She is a very funny, weird, quirky, but nOT destructive cat. She's the best pet I never wanted! ;-) I love her dearly and she makes me laugh constantly. I think she just worked out WHAT would get her sent back and then went out of her way to do it.

Sometimes...even if we aren't meant to keep the animal...we will get that "OH NO" feeling because the HOME just isn't the right one...or something about the person we are placing the animal with...even though she/he said all the right things...something triggers deep in our primative mind as a warning that THIS isn't the right home. (That's what happened to me when I first placed Anne's Simms...LUCKILY I followed through on that instinct and found Anne -or she found us...and she was/is the PERFECT person for Simms!)

Trust your instincts! That's why we have them afterall!

T__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: Here's a nice story for you-my Grandma's crows

2005-05-20 Thread Jen Meyer
When my Mom was a kid, her Dad and brothers used to bring home baby
crows as pets (obviously not encouraged now-a-days)!  They would keep
the baby bird inside until he learned to fly, and then release him into
the outdoors where the crow would usually wake my Grandma up early in
the morning (with loud caws outside her bedroom window) to be
fed...and then would hang around as long as the kids were outside!  The
crows would follow my Mom to school and even wait for her until she came
back out again.  One of my favorite stories is when my Mom was of their crows used to guard her in her stroller!  I even
recall a story about a little girl who wasn't well liked by the other
neighborhood kids (she just wasn't a nice person to be around)...well,
she soon learned that she had to avoid walking down the street in front
of my Grandma's house...if she did, one very confident crow would dive
bomb her head until she got to the other end of the street!  The crows
usually only stuck around for one summer, then would fly south for the

But, man, these birds are such amazingly intelligent little guys!  A few
years ago, one of my uncles brought my Grandma a baby crow who had been
abandoned.  I would go over to her house every now and then to visit
Bozo (the birds were either named Bozo or Ozob  :)  )...I had never
been that close to a crow before!  They are absolutely
can really sense their intelligence in their eyes!  My Grandma would go
outside and call him down from the trees and Bozo would either come
right away or caw at her in defiance from above (crows have some serious
attitude!  :)  ).  He'd keep his distance from anyone he didn't know
well, but once he got to know you, he was a real sweetheart!  He loved
having his head scritched just above his neck...You could hand feed him,
and whatever he didn't want, he'd hide in little nooks and crannies
either in the ground or on you!  I was pulling all kinds of treats out
of my pockets after he got finished with me!  All of the neighborhood
kids knew Bozo and it was good to know that he was making sure they got
to school on time!  :)

Both my Grandma and I, of course, realize that we live in a different
world today and to tame crows is not a good idea, despite the fact that
they do fly off to lead their own lives come winter.  But I am so
thankful for the chance to really get to know one of these creatures for
just a short period of time...just witnessing the relationship between
Bozo and my Grandma was nothing short of magical for me!  I can't help
but think I've got a special little connection, now, with every crow I
see...even if he wants nothing to do with hiding treats in my pockets!


Re: Here's a nice story for you

2005-05-20 Thread Nina
Thanks Tamara,
The saga with the little crow continues.  I'm calling him/her Junior.  
The tree I put her in is not were her nest is.  She may have come from 
the gigantic Palm next door.  I called a couple of bird rehabbers I know 
and finally got in touch with a woman that specializes in crows.  In the 
meantime it had been suggested that I get a box, line it with a towel 
nest and wedge it in the tree for the night, which I did.  She has 
survived the night and her parents know she's there, but according to 
the crow lady, crows are very suspicious and the small tree and box 
might keep them from caring for her.  She also told me that if her tail 
feathers aren't at least 4 long, she's won't be ready to fly for a week 
or two.  She said that crows won't usually feed a fledgling on the 
ground, if it's in a yard they are not comfortable in, (one in which 
they seldom land, or haven't been feeding in).  She told me to keep an 
eye on her, not to feed her because if she's not hungry, she won't cry 
and the parents will be more likely to abandon her.  She also was kind 
enough to tell me to bring her in if the parents don't start caring for 
her.  The problem is, (well, I guess one of the problems), my car has 
been giving me trouble on the freeway, and this woman is an hour and a 
half away.

When I looked out this morning, she was so still, I thought she was 
dead.  I went closer to check, and she stirred weakly.  She's opening 
her mouth, but her call is so weak that I don't think she's drawing the 
parents attention with it.  Mom and Dad are pretty upset, doing a lot of 
circling and cawing, but not approaching Junior.  I probably shouldn't 
have, but she seemed so weak, that I gave her more watered down chicken 
baby food, (the rehabber said it was a good choice), with a little 
Transfer Factor mixed in for the electrolytes.  She gulped that down and 
is now more alert, but not trying to exit the box, (which she can if she 
wants to).  Nothing appears to be broken, legs and wings seem to be 
fine.  I'm watching her as I type this and she's moving around and 
alert.  Are you praying that Mom and Dad get over their cautiousness and 
come take care of Junior?  Please do.

My cats are none to happy about my not letting them out, Ursula is 
probably going to start spraying any minute.  Thanks for caring enough 
to respond, I'll keep you posted,

Re: Here's a nice story for you-my Grandma's crows

2005-05-20 Thread Nina
Hi Jen,
Nice crow story!  I'm hoping mine turns out as nice.  Too bad your 
Grandmother isn't close by, she'd be getting a crow on her doorstep!  As 
I'm typing this, Junior is flapping his wings and cawing, OMG she is so 
cute!  Com'on Mom and Dad, get over your instincts and come take care of 
your baby!  It's really hard for me to watch.  She's back down in the 
box again.  I can't stand anything, especially a baby, being hungry!

Jen Meyer wrote:
When my Mom was a kid, her Dad and brothers used to bring home baby
crows as pets (obviously not encouraged now-a-days)!  They would keep
the baby bird inside until he learned to fly, and then release him into
the outdoors where the crow would usually wake my Grandma up early in
the morning (with loud caws outside her bedroom window) to be
fed...and then would hang around as long as the kids were outside!  The
crows would follow my Mom to school and even wait for her until she came
back out again.  One of my favorite stories is when my Mom was of their crows used to guard her in her stroller!  I even
recall a story about a little girl who wasn't well liked by the other
neighborhood kids (she just wasn't a nice person to be around)...well,
she soon learned that she had to avoid walking down the street in front
of my Grandma's house...if she did, one very confident crow would dive
bomb her head until she got to the other end of the street!  The crows
usually only stuck around for one summer, then would fly south for the
But, man, these birds are such amazingly intelligent little guys!  A few
years ago, one of my uncles brought my Grandma a baby crow who had been
abandoned.  I would go over to her house every now and then to visit
Bozo (the birds were either named Bozo or Ozob  :)  )...I had never
been that close to a crow before!  They are absolutely
can really sense their intelligence in their eyes!  My Grandma would go
outside and call him down from the trees and Bozo would either come
right away or caw at her in defiance from above (crows have some serious
attitude!  :)  ).  He'd keep his distance from anyone he didn't know
well, but once he got to know you, he was a real sweetheart!  He loved
having his head scritched just above his neck...You could hand feed him,
and whatever he didn't want, he'd hide in little nooks and crannies
either in the ground or on you!  I was pulling all kinds of treats out
of my pockets after he got finished with me!  All of the neighborhood
kids knew Bozo and it was good to know that he was making sure they got
to school on time!  :)
Both my Grandma and I, of course, realize that we live in a different
world today and to tame crows is not a good idea, despite the fact that
they do fly off to lead their own lives come winter.  But I am so
thankful for the chance to really get to know one of these creatures for
just a short period of time...just witnessing the relationship between
Bozo and my Grandma was nothing short of magical for me!  I can't help
but think I've got a special little connection, now, with every crow I
see...even if he wants nothing to do with hiding treats in my pockets!


Re: felv cat \needs placement/Tom~Barbara

2005-05-20 Thread TatorBunz

Very well said!
Yep, I think Tom has found the home he wants to stay in!

In a message dated 5/20/2005 7:08:43 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I'm a firm believer that it's a cat that "chooses" his person, NOT the person choosing a cat.

I have to laugh at the TRUTH of this. I placed my Coebeio THREE TIMES! She was an absolute MONSTER in each of those homes..."Come Get This Cat!" became the standard reply the day(s) following placement. 

Driving to the first placement, she reached her paw through the bars of the crate and held my finger.I almost kept her right then, but I really didn't have room or $$ to keep her. At that home...(a friendly aquaintance of mine from work) she found a small hole in the drywall...set about widening it, and crawled inside the wallShelia no long speaks to me.

The second placement, she knocked down a Christmas Treewhich broke a new glass table and then preceeded to destroy all the crystal glass set out on the bar in the basement.

The third placement, she totally shredded a handmade expensive area two nights!

So I gave up and kept her. She is a very funny, weird, quirky, but nOT destructive cat. She's the best pet I never wanted! ;-) I love her dearly and she makes me laugh constantly. I think she just worked out WHAT would get her sent back and then went out of her way to do it.

Sometimes...even if we aren't meant to keep the animal...we will get that "OH NO" feeling because the HOME just isn't the right one...or something about the person we are placing the animal with...even though she/he said all the right things...something triggers deep in our primative mind as a warning that THIS isn't the right home. (That's what happened to me when I first placed Anne's Simms...LUCKILY I followed through on that instinct and found Anne -or she found us...and she was/is the PERFECT person for Simms!)

Trust your instincts! That's why we have them afterall!


 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue
inline: aks.jpginline: logobuttonsq.jpg

Can anyone use a jumbo bottle of Immunoregulin?

2005-05-20 Thread Melbeach
I realized the other day that I still have a bottle of Immunoregulin that I
don't need anymore. I'd hate to just throw it out. It's the jumbo size, so
someone with lots of cats like Hideyo or Sally might be a good candidate. Only
thing is that it requires IV injection. My vet charged $10 per IV, so that
could get expensive. So maybe somebody who does their own IV injections would
get the most out of it. I'm not asking for any money. I think I also have a
bottle of human interferon and other misc stuff I'll throw in with it. Just
let me know and I'll send it to you.

Thanks everyone for being around in my time of need with Brissle. Things are
getting back to normal now with me and Squermie.


Re: Here's a nice story for you

2005-05-20 Thread tamara stickler
Sounds like you're doing GREAT. Good luck  keep us posted!Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks Tamara,The saga with the little crow continues. I'm calling him/her Junior. The tree I put her in is not were her nest is. She may have come from the gigantic Palm next door. I called a couple of bird rehabbers I know and finally got in touch with a woman that specializes in crows. In the meantime it had been suggested that I get a box, line it with a towel "nest" and wedge it in the tree for the night, which I did. She has survived the night and her parents know she's there, but according to the crow lady, crows are very suspicious and the small tree and box might keep them from caring for her. She also told me that if her tail feathers aren't at least 4" long, she's won't be ready to fly for a week or two. She said that crows won't usually feed a fledgling on the ground, if it's in a yard they are not comfortable in, (one in
 which they seldom land, or haven't been feeding in). She told me to keep an eye on her, not to feed her because if she's not hungry, she won't cry and the parents will be more likely to abandon her. She also was kind enough to tell me to bring her in if the parents don't start caring for her. The problem is, (well, I guess one of the problems), my car has been giving me trouble on the freeway, and this woman is an hour and a half away.When I looked out this morning, she was so still, I thought she was dead. I went closer to check, and she stirred weakly. She's opening her mouth, but her call is so weak that I don't think she's drawing the parents attention with it. Mom and Dad are pretty upset, doing a lot of circling and cawing, but not approaching Junior. I probably shouldn't have, but she seemed so weak, that I gave her more watered down chicken baby food, (the rehabber said it was a good choice), with a little
 Transfer Factor mixed in for the electrolytes. She gulped that down and is now more alert, but not trying to exit the box, (which she can if she wants to). Nothing appears to be broken, legs and wings seem to be fine. I'm watching her as I type this and she's moving around and alert. Are you praying that Mom and Dad get over their cautiousness and come take care of Junior? Please do.My cats are none to happy about my not letting them out, Ursula is probably going to start spraying any minute. Thanks for caring enough to respond, I'll keep you posted,Nina__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: stitch

2005-05-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My little buddy is gone...
i never had the chance to take him home for one last play session.
shortly after my arrival he became excited and was really struggling to breath. 
it was time for stitch to finally go to a better place. It took only 39 days 
from the first onset of his symptoms. in the end even the CCNU could not save 
him. It was a tough fight and now it is time for both of us to rest. thanks 
again to everyone for all their support! You have all made a huge difference

Re: stitch

2005-05-20 Thread TatorBunz

ah my heart is breaking for you... :(
I'm so sorry to hear about your furbaby "Stitch"
He will be greeted by the others at the bridge. The time will come when you will be together again someday. He knows that you loved him and wanted what was best for him.
For now he is at a place where there is no illness or pain chasing the butterflies.
Bless you for caring for him til the end..

In a message dated 5/20/2005 8:04:34 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
My little buddy is gone...i never had the chance to take him home for one last play session.shortly after my arrival he became excited and was really struggling to breath. it was time for stitch to finally go to a better place. It took only 39 days from the first onset of his symptoms. in the end even the CCNU could not save him. It was a tough fight and now it is time for both of us to rest. thanks again to everyone for all their support! You have all made a huge difference

 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue
inline: aks.jpginline: logobuttonsq.jpg

Re: felv cat \needs placement/Tom~Barbara

2005-05-20 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 5/20/2005 10:34:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
I have to laugh at the TRUTH of 

Me too!
When I was working at the (pink 
juice happy) vets office with the help of the ONLY compassionate vet at the 
practice, I "smuggled" two cats that were scheduled for euthanasia on 2 
different occassions. Next morning it was "assumed" euthanasia had been carried 
They are 2 big, beautiful Maine 
Coons  I decided to "foster" til I found suitable homes. As time dragged on 
they became so attatched to one another I decided they should be adopted out 
together, which is no easy feat.
After they were here almost 6 months 
I did find (what I thought) a home for both.
Not even 2 weeks later I get call to 
come down  pick the boys up.
They refused to eat, hid 24/7 under 
her claw foot tub, even urinating under there. They were overgrooming due to 
stress,resulting in large bald patches,and to top it off, THEY GOT FLEAS! And poor Cornelius 
is allergic to fleas, it had taken me month to get his skin  coat cleared 
They made it quite clear, I was 
their "chosen" Mom.
End of story. They are staying with 

Re: felv cat \needs placement/Tom~Barbara

2005-05-20 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 5/20/2005 10:08:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

  Trust your instincts! That's why we have them 

It's interesting how we all have 
stories about how we were "chosen".
I agree, trust your instincts, and 
follow your heart.

Re: Can anyone use a jumbo bottle of Immunoregulin?

2005-05-20 Thread mia nicer
Hi Kyle,

If you still have that stuff I would really love to have it. I have so many foster cats myself and with other friends who are fosters. Every littlke bit helps including medicine (which can get very expensive since we are paying for everything out of pocket. Please let me know if you can help us. All my info is below.

Thanks so much,
Mia Nicer2540 Shore Blvd. Apt# 21-O
Astoria, NY 11102

Phone: (646) 226-3277
Melbeach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I realized the other day that I still have a bottle of Immunoregulin that Idon't need anymore. I'd hate to just throw it out. It's the jumbo size, sosomeone with lots of cats like Hideyo or Sally might be a good candidate. Onlything is that it requires IV injection. My vet charged $10 per IV, so thatcould get expensive. So maybe somebody who does their own IV injections wouldget the most out of it. I'm not asking for any money. I think I also have abottle of human interferon and other misc stuff I'll throw in with it. Justlet me know and I'll send it to you.Thanks everyone for being around in my time of need with Brissle. Things aregetting back to normal now with me and Squermie.-KyleMia Nicer
Phone: (646) 226-3277
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: maybe OT - article for newsletter

2005-05-20 Thread PEC2851

Do you have access to Jim Willis's 
He's got a web site.
I contacted him personally a couple of years ago and 
he does not mind, rather he ENCOURAGES people to use his work as humane 
educational tools.
I still give out copies of "Free Kittuns" every year 
during kitten season. (Like now) I usually distribute a few hundred, and that's 
Check his writings out. I am sure you will find 
something appropriate that you can use.Just prepare yourself  have 
the kleenex available!

RE: Digby - Further Update

2005-05-20 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message


Carry on hangin in there. Hoping for "good" news when 
you have allDigby's results, and hope the little fella is still eating 
hugs, Kerry

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Marlene ChornieSent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:53 
PMTo: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Digby - Further 
 Thank you all for your words of encouragement - it 
really helps me to "stay focused" so to speak. The latest on Digby may or 
may not be good. His regular vet wanted to see him yesterday. His 
temp. was still elevated (40.5 C). I weighed him before we took him in, 
and since just this past Sun., he's lost 1.5 oz. His blood work numbers 

RBC - 5.1 (Range = 6.2 - 10.6)
Hb - 81 (93 - 153)
HCT (PCV) - 0.26 (0.28 - 0.49)
Platelets - 31 (93 - 514) (The lab even checked to make sure there was no 
clot in sample tube.)
Band Neutrophil Count - 0.91 (0.0 - 0.3)
Immature Count - 0.26 (0.0 - 0.0) (This immature count refers to 

Some other results that his vet was not overly concerned about were:

Alkaline Phosphatase - 4 (Range = 16 - 113)
ALT - 18 (31 - 105)
Lipase - 94 (29 - 77)

 Apparently, because of his "Immature Count" and the 
Neutrophils, the lab is concerned about an actual leukemia. His vet is 
starting him on Doxycycline, because it could be Hemobart in the bone 
marrow. There's a possibility that he'll have to have a bone marrow 
aspirate which, of course, would mean putting him out briefly. The vet 
took another blood sample yesterday to check the Platelets, and it showed 
some new platelets, but they haven't completed the actual count 
yet. They're also sending a sample to the vet lab to check the 
Reticulocyte count.
 In the mean time, he had just started to turn his nose 
up at canned food, so the vet took him off the Clavamox for at least 24 
hrs. Since that time, his appetite has improved somewhat, and he's been 
taking canned A/D with extra water in it. As his vet put it - let's hope 
it's Hemobart in the marrow, and not something else. She said she never 
thought she'd find herself "praying for Hemobart"!
 Hope all this makes sense - even though I have a medical 
background, I sometimes find it hard to "wrap my mind" around all the 
information I'm being given.

Hangin' in,
MarleneThis email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Re: stitch

2005-05-20 Thread Barbara Lowe
All these little furbuddies make our lives so special. I never will
understand why people are afraid to love an animal or could care less about
having one in their homes. We are blessed with their love and Stitch loved
you and knew he was loved.
take care,
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: stitch

 My little buddy is gone...
 i never had the chance to take him home for one last play session.
 shortly after my arrival he became excited and was really struggling to
breath. it was time for stitch to finally go to a better place. It took only
39 days from the first onset of his symptoms. in the end even the CCNU could
not save him. It was a tough fight and now it is time for both of us to
rest. thanks again to everyone for all their support! You have all made a
huge difference

Re: Here's a nice story for you

2005-05-20 Thread Barbara Lowe
wish you good luck with this baby crow. i have been dreading my afternoon
walks with my dog because i know this is the season for nature's babies.
even if i try to vary our routine, we always seem to find the half dead baby
snake, birds, squirrels, etc.

RE: stitch

2005-05-20 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Michael, I am so sorry. You and Stitch both fought so hard for his life.
At least he knew how much he was loved and cared for. Thank you for
being such a devoted friend to him. Thinking about you at this difficult
and painful time.
love and hugs, Kerry

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: stitch

My little buddy is gone...
i never had the chance to take him home for one last play session.
shortly after my arrival he became excited and was really struggling to
breath. it was time for stitch to finally go to a better place. It took
only 39 days from the first onset of his symptoms. in the end even the
CCNU could not save him. It was a tough fight and now it is time for
both of us to rest. thanks again to everyone for all their support! You
have all made a huge difference

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If 
you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This 
message contains confidential information and is intended only for the 
individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not 
disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Re: maybe OT - article for newsletter

2005-05-20 Thread Barbara Lowe

i had never heard of the story. here's one link to 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 1:17 PM
  Subject: Re: maybe OT - article for 
  Do you have access to Jim Willis's 
  He's got a web site.
  I contacted him personally a couple of years ago and 
  he does not mind, rather he ENCOURAGES people to use his work as humane 
  educational tools.
  I still give out copies of "Free Kittuns" every year 
  during kitten season. (Like now) I usually distribute a few hundred, and 
  that's just LOCALLY.
  Check his writings out. I am sure you will find 
  something appropriate that you can use.Just prepare yourself  have 
  the kleenex available!

Re: RE: Here's a nice story for you-my Grandma's crows

2005-05-20 Thread jenmeyer
- Original Message -
From: MacKenzie, Kerry N. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, May 20, 2005 1:25 pm
Subject: RE: Here's a nice story for you-my Grandma's crows

 I had no idea crows were so sharp

Oh, sure!  They aren't considered a nuisance to some people for
nothin'!  They're clever little guys!  ;)  When I first met Bozo, he
sized me up for quite some time...he'd just stand on the ground about 2
or 3 feet in front of me and literally look me up and down with those
wonderfully intelligent eyes!  It wasn't until some time during my
second visit that he decided I was okay...I was able to feed him,
scratch his head and even walk around with him on my arm...I can vividly
remember every detail of him down to his shiney, black, scaly legs!  :)
 My Grandma loved to tease him...she'd roll him over on his back and
tickle his stomach and he'd flap his wings and wave his feet
around...he'd get miffed because his feathers were ruffled so my Grandma
would then have to fill up the bird-bath (which was obviously intended
for birds much, much smaller than Bozo, but he didn't care) so he could
bathe as only crows can (let's just say there wasn't much water left in
the bath once he was finished)!

He was a cool guy!  :)

But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

RE: RE: Here's a nice story for you-my Grandma's crows

2005-05-20 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Love it! I'm going to be looking at crows in a completely different way from 
now on! Kerry

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: RE: Here's a nice story for you-my Grandma's crows

- Original Message -
From: MacKenzie, Kerry N. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, May 20, 2005 1:25 pm
Subject: RE: Here's a nice story for you-my Grandma's crows

 I had no idea crows were so sharp

Oh, sure!  They aren't considered a nuisance to some people for
nothin'!  They're clever little guys!  ;)  When I first met Bozo, he
sized me up for quite some time...he'd just stand on the ground about 2
or 3 feet in front of me and literally look me up and down with those
wonderfully intelligent eyes!  It wasn't until some time during my
second visit that he decided I was okay...I was able to feed him,
scratch his head and even walk around with him on my arm...I can vividly
remember every detail of him down to his shiney, black, scaly legs!  :)
 My Grandma loved to tease him...she'd roll him over on his back and
tickle his stomach and he'd flap his wings and wave his feet
around...he'd get miffed because his feathers were ruffled so my Grandma
would then have to fill up the bird-bath (which was obviously intended
for birds much, much smaller than Bozo, but he didn't care) so he could
bathe as only crows can (let's just say there wasn't much water left in
the bath once he was finished)!

He was a cool guy!  :)

But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
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you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This 
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disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Ive lost her.....

2005-05-20 Thread anzajaguar

She's gone..Akira crossed over on May 18th at 9:30 amShe fought so 
hard to stayI fought so hard for her...this is so hard..let me start from 
the beggining.

I found her May of 2001, as a little angel in disquiseshe was under a 
car, in the rain, soaking wet, at my work.on a cold day.My assistant 
manager acutally found her adn came running back in.. "Lisa there's a kitten 
under a car...come quick" So I grabbed a can of kitty food and ran 
outside...she was so tiny! and WOA was she full of spunk..even as bad 
off as she was...she uttered one little valiant hiss at usthen she smeeled 
the food..adn forgot she was afraid..We wrapped her up in my sweater adn ran 
inside the which point she decided to start SCREAMING at 
us...(needless to say we got some strange looks from customers) Once 
I had her settled in a little box..I realized how bad off she wasonly 
weighing 1 lb (mabey a bit more) and she looked to be about 4 months oldshe 
was SICK..her eyes sealed shut with gunk, something had attacked her...picked 
her right up..she had scratches on one side and a abcess on the othershe ate 
an entire cann of Friskiesafter she was done ..this little tiny soul...who 
more than likely had never known a kind human..or one at allwas begging to 
be petted..she would jsut purr, and purr, and would have never thought 
a sound so deafening could come out of such a little body..then 3 days later 
my heart sank..we found she was FeLV +... I was so scared and torn..she had 
touched my heart so much...just in those 3 days.I decided to try and save 
her...and I did...she fought so hard..put up with me poking and proding her, 
shoving God knows what down her throat to get meds,and extra nurishment into 
her...we were fighting alot...she had FeLV, was anemic very badly, had worms, a 
kitten flu, and URI, an abcess on her took a whole 3 days for her to 
even have a bowl or urine movement at all..her body absorbed everythingand 
she took it..with out so much as a complaint...she was so strong...on her check 
up her blood values were better and she had gained 2 a WEEK.we were 
on the roadbut still I had to figure out how to beat this FeLV..I didn't 
know what it was.So I got on line..and everything I found was so 
disheartening..tehn I found this ONE LONE SITEthe FeLV siteand it 
changed mine..and her lifeI got the Interferon, researched supplements, you 
name it..she got it...and she kept growing and growing.and getting more and 
more spunky..this little girl had life in her.How would she handle the 
dogs Hum...well that didn't go over very well (mabey a dog attacked 
her???) more work to do..she had to be able to get along with them..adn 
not stress herself outso we worked,and slowly but surely she was ok...adn 
tehn even liked the dogs..and would play with my mini dachshund Lancelot...they 
would play "hide and go pounce" which in their terms was taking turns 
chasing each other around teh house..(and let me tell is awful funny to 
see a 10 dog run by with a 4 lb kitten on his tail..with her tail up in 
the hot pursuit)...then she would jump onto a chair..adn he would be 
looking all over for her with no luck..when she would POUNCE on top of him..and 
off they would go again...for hours!!! She had such a love for life 
she slept with us every day...every night before bed and every morning before we 
got up we would play "cover monsters" where she would attack the evil moving 
thing under the coversthen in came her kitty brotherwho we trapped 
feral, fearing he was related to similar as they were...and that he too 
would have this awful disease..well he didn't ..YEA..but what to do now..more 
researchwe let them live togeather..SHE HATED HIM..absloutly loathed 
him..she would hiss and attack (a whole nother side of my "angel" I had 
never seen ) Indy...bless his heart just kept insisiting she 
like him though...he took her abuse and purred and cued back to herhow could 
he have not won her over?

Then one summer we got a chance to got to the outer banks of NC for 
vacationfor free..couldn't pass that up...but what about Akira..couldn't 
trust anyone to care for make sure she got the perfect balance of she came with us on a 8 hr drive and a 3 hr ferry ride...and 
she was a champ..slept in my lap the whole time...adn once we got to the 
house..she of course hidin a closet..but soon she was out and 
about..exploringalways exploring...that's when I decided to see if she liked 
it outside..we had allready been working on her walking on a leash...why 
not?...SHE LOVED was like her true awful of her to be 
stricken with this awful disease and not to be able to live outside where she 
was so happy...So once we got home...I continued taking her on where 
she got 

Re: Ive lost her.....

2005-05-20 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
What an amazing person you are and what a couragous little angel you had Akira, will be missed, I laughed and cried with your story, I wish you all the best and I hope you know Akira is loving you and watching you from above.

She's gone..Akira crossed over on May 18th at 9:30 amShe fought so hard to stayI fought so hard for her...this is so hard..let me start from the beggining.

I found her May of 2001, as a little angel in disquiseshe was under a car, in the rain, soaking wet, at my work.on a cold day.My assistant manager acutally found her adn came running back in.. "Lisa there's a kitten under a car...come quick" So I grabbed a can of kitty food and ran outside...she was so tiny! and WOA was she full of spunk..even as bad off as she was...she uttered one little valiant hiss at usthen she smeeled the food..adn forgot she was afraid..We wrapped her up in my sweater adn ran inside the which point she decided to start SCREAMING at us...(needless to say we got some strange looks from customers) Once I had her settled in a little box..I realized how bad off she wasonly weighing 1 lb (mabey a bit more) and she looked to be about 4 months oldshe was SICK..her eyes sealed shut with gunk, something had attacked her...picked her right up..she had scratches on one side and a abcess on the othershe
 ate an entire cann of Friskiesafter she was done ..this little tiny soul...who more than likely had never known a kind human..or one at allwas begging to be petted..she would jsut purr, and purr, and would have never thought a sound so deafening could come out of such a little body..then 3 days later my heart sank..we found she was FeLV +... I was so scared and torn..she had touched my heart so much...just in those 3 days.I decided to try and save her...and I did...she fought so hard..put up with me poking and proding her, shoving God knows what down her throat to get meds,and extra nurishment into her...we were fighting alot...she had FeLV, was anemic very badly, had worms, a kitten flu, and URI, an abcess on her took a whole 3 days for her to even have a bowl or urine movement at all..her body absorbed everythingand she took it..with out so much as a complaint...she was so strong...on her check up her blood values were better and she had
 gained 2 a WEEK.we were on the roadbut still I had to figure out how to beat this FeLV..I didn't know what it was.So I got on line..and everything I found was so disheartening..tehn I found this ONE LONE SITEthe FeLV siteand it changed mine..and her lifeI got the Interferon, researched supplements, you name it..she got it...and she kept growing and growing.and getting more and more spunky..this little girl had life in her.How would she handle the dogs Hum...well that didn't go over very well (mabey a dog attacked her???) more work to do..she had to be able to get along with them..adn not stress herself outso we worked,and slowly but surely she was ok...adn tehn even liked the dogs..and would play with my mini dachshund Lancelot...they would play "hide and go pounce" which in their terms was taking turns chasing each other around teh house..(and let me tell is awful funny to see a 10 dog run by with a
 4 lb kitten on his tail..with her tail up in the hot pursuit)...then she would jump onto a chair..adn he would be looking all over for her with no luck..when she would POUNCE on top of him..and off they would go again...for hours!!! She had such a love for life she slept with us every day...every night before bed and every morning before we got up we would play "cover monsters" where she would attack the evil moving thing under the coversthen in came her kitty brotherwho we trapped feral, fearing he was related to similar as they were...and that he too would have this awful disease..well he didn't ..YEA..but what to do now..more researchwe let them live togeather..SHE HATED HIM..absloutly loathed him..she would hiss and attack (a whole nother side of my "angel" I had never seen ) Indy...bless his heart just kept insisiting she like him though...he took her abuse and purred and cued back to herhow could he have not
 won her over?

Then one summer we got a chance to got to the outer banks of NC for vacationfor free..couldn't pass that up...but what about Akira..couldn't trust anyone to care for make sure she got the perfect balance of she came with us on a 8 hr drive and a 3 hr ferry ride...and she was a champ..slept in my lap the whole time...adn once we got to the house..she of course hidin a closet..but soon she was out and about..exploringalways exploring...that's when I decided to see if she liked it outside..we had allready been working on her walking on a leash...why not?...SHE LOVED was like 

Re: maybe OT - article for newsletter

2005-05-20 Thread Gloria B. Lane
GREAT!  Thanks -
At 12:17 PM 5/20/2005, you wrote:
Do you have access to Jim Willis's writings?
He's got a web site.
I contacted him personally a couple of years ago and he does not mind, 
rather he ENCOURAGES people to use his work as humane educational tools.
I still give out copies of Free Kittuns every year during kitten season. 
(Like now) I usually distribute a few hundred, and that's just LOCALLY.
Check his writings out. I am sure you will find something appropriate that 
you can use. Just prepare yourself  have the kleenex available!
inline: 61627bf.jpg

Re: Ive lost her.....

2005-05-20 Thread Barb Moermond
OH Lisa, I'm crying with you reading this. I've followed yours and Akira's story from the start and have been so proud of you both for the effort put forth in learning and teaching each other about cats and people. You feel calm, apart from the incessant tears, because you know in your heart that you did the right thing - all options had been exhausted and when it came time, there was only one thing left to doand you found the strength and courage to do it. She lived a fully happy life with you, and she lived 4 years because of your loving home. Our thoughts and tears are with you


She's gone..Akira crossed over on May 18th at 9:30 amShe fought so hard to stayI fought so hard for her...this is so hard..let me start from the beggining.

I found her May of 2001, as a little angel in disquiseshe was under a car, in the rain, soaking wet, at my work.on a cold day.My assistant manager acutally found her adn came running back in.. "Lisa there's a kitten under a car...come quick" So I grabbed a can of kitty food and ran outside...she was so tiny! and WOA was she full of spunk..even as bad off as she was...she uttered one little valiant hiss at usthen she smeeled the food..adn forgot she was afraid..We wrapped her up in my sweater adn ran inside the which point she decided to start SCREAMING at us...(needless to say we got some strange looks from customers) Once I had her settled in a little box..I realized how bad off she wasonly weighing 1 lb (mabey a bit more) and she looked to be about 4 months oldshe was SICK..her eyes sealed shut with gunk, something had attacked her...picked her right up..she had scratches on one side and a abcess on the othershe
 ate an entire cann of Friskiesafter she was done ..this little tiny soul...who more than likely had never known a kind human..or one at allwas begging to be petted..she would jsut purr, and purr, and would have never thought a sound so deafening could come out of such a little body..then 3 days later my heart sank..we found she was FeLV +... I was so scared and torn..she had touched my heart so much...just in those 3 days.I decided to try and save her...and I did...she fought so hard..put up with me poking and proding her, shoving God knows what down her throat to get meds,and extra nurishment into her...we were fighting alot...she had FeLV, was anemic very badly, had worms, a kitten flu, and URI, an abcess on her took a whole 3 days for her to even have a bowl or urine movement at all..her body absorbed everythingand she took it..with out so much as a complaint...she was so strong...on her check up her blood values were better and she had
 gained 2 a WEEK.we were on the roadbut still I had to figure out how to beat this FeLV..I didn't know what it was.So I got on line..and everything I found was so disheartening..tehn I found this ONE LONE SITEthe FeLV siteand it changed mine..and her lifeI got the Interferon, researched supplements, you name it..she got it...and she kept growing and growing.and getting more and more spunky..this little girl had life in her.How would she handle the dogs Hum...well that didn't go over very well (mabey a dog attacked her???) more work to do..she had to be able to get along with them..adn not stress herself outso we worked,and slowly but surely she was ok...adn tehn even liked the dogs..and would play with my mini dachshund Lancelot...they would play "hide and go pounce" which in their terms was taking turns chasing each other around teh house..(and let me tell is awful funny to see a 10 dog run by with a
 4 lb kitten on his tail..with her tail up in the hot pursuit)...then she would jump onto a chair..adn he would be looking all over for her with no luck..when she would POUNCE on top of him..and off they would go again...for hours!!! She had such a love for life she slept with us every day...every night before bed and every morning before we got up we would play "cover monsters" where she would attack the evil moving thing under the coversthen in came her kitty brotherwho we trapped feral, fearing he was related to similar as they were...and that he too would have this awful disease..well he didn't ..YEA..but what to do now..more researchwe let them live togeather..SHE HATED HIM..absloutly loathed him..she would hiss and attack (a whole nother side of my "angel" I had never seen ) Indy...bless his heart just kept insisiting she like him though...he took her abuse and purred and cued back to herhow could he have not
 won her over?

Then one summer we got a chance to got to the outer banks of NC for vacationfor free..couldn't pass that up...but what about Akira..couldn't trust anyone to care for make sure she got the perfect balance of she came with us on a 8 hr 

Re: Ive lost her.....

2005-05-20 Thread tamara stickler

Thank you for your wonderful tribute to Akira, and for her brave fight.

I think you prob. interrupted the "Why God" question correctly...we don't often get the answer we want...we get the one we need...and like you decided earlier...Akira was ready to go. I'm just sorry she went so young!

As for how you're feeling now...not knowing if its ok to feel ok already...I went through the exact same thing with my Quintapus' passingtwo months agoEnjoy the numb is ok...more tears will come in the next few weeks, when you least expect it...but that's ok too. I think perhaps that initial numbness might be their gift to let us know that they are ok now...its our grief that finds a way in later.

You did the absolute right thing for her...all through her life. God bless you for it. Now, let the other animals be there for you, and you for them as they come to grips with her passing in their own wayits amazing what comfort they can be.

Peace  Praises your way...

She's gone..Akira crossed over on May 18th at 9:30 amShe fought so hard to stayI fought so hard for her...this is so hard..let me start from the beggining.

I found her May of 2001, as a little angel in disquiseshe was under a car, in the rain, soaking wet, at my work.on a cold day.My assistant manager acutally found her adn came running back in.. "Lisa there's a kitten under a car...come quick" So I grabbed a can of kitty food and ran outside...she was so tiny! and WOA was she full of spunk..even as bad off as she was...she uttered one little valiant hiss at usthen she smeeled the food..adn forgot she was afraid..We wrapped her up in my sweater adn ran inside the which point she decided to start SCREAMING at us...(needless to say we got some strange looks from customers) Once I had her settled in a little box..I realized how bad off she wasonly weighing 1 lb (mabey a bit more) and she looked to be about 4 months oldshe was SICK..her eyes sealed shut with gunk, something had attacked her...picked her right up..she had scratches on one side and a abcess on the othershe
 ate an entire cann of Friskiesafter she was done ..this little tiny soul...who more than likely had never known a kind human..or one at allwas begging to be petted..she would jsut purr, and purr, and would have never thought a sound so deafening could come out of such a little body..then 3 days later my heart sank..we found she was FeLV +... I was so scared and torn..she had touched my heart so much...just in those 3 days.I decided to try and save her...and I did...she fought so hard..put up with me poking and proding her, shoving God knows what down her throat to get meds,and extra nurishment into her...we were fighting alot...she had FeLV, was anemic very badly, had worms, a kitten flu, and URI, an abcess on her took a whole 3 days for her to even have a bowl or urine movement at all..her body absorbed everythingand she took it..with out so much as a complaint...she was so strong...on her check up her blood values were better and she had
 gained 2 a WEEK.we were on the roadbut still I had to figure out how to beat this FeLV..I didn't know what it was.So I got on line..and everything I found was so disheartening..tehn I found this ONE LONE SITEthe FeLV siteand it changed mine..and her lifeI got the Interferon, researched supplements, you name it..she got it...and she kept growing and growing.and getting more and more spunky..this little girl had life in her.How would she handle the dogs Hum...well that didn't go over very well (mabey a dog attacked her???) more work to do..she had to be able to get along with them..adn not stress herself outso we worked,and slowly but surely she was ok...adn tehn even liked the dogs..and would play with my mini dachshund Lancelot...they would play "hide and go pounce" which in their terms was taking turns chasing each other around teh house..(and let me tell is awful funny to see a 10 dog run by with a
 4 lb kitten on his tail..with her tail up in the hot pursuit)...then she would jump onto a chair..adn he would be looking all over for her with no luck..when she would POUNCE on top of him..and off they would go again...for hours!!! She had such a love for life she slept with us every day...every night before bed and every morning before we got up we would play "cover monsters" where she would attack the evil moving thing under the coversthen in came her kitty brotherwho we trapped feral, fearing he was related to similar as they were...and that he too would have this awful disease..well he didn't ..YEA..but what to do now..more researchwe let them live togeather..SHE HATED HIM..absloutly loathed him..she would hiss and attack (a whole nother side of my "angel" I had never seen ) Indy...bless his 

Re: Ive lost her.....

2005-05-20 Thread TenHouseCats
lisa, you gave her exactly what she needed--from the very first time
she came in your life, til the moment she went on her next great
adventure.--love. there is nothing more important for anyone, anytime,

thank you for sharing akira's life with all of us.


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

RE: Ive lost her.....

2005-05-20 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Dear Lisa, I just read your story of Akira and I'm crying my eyes out
with you. 
What a truly wonderful account you've given of her life--and the way she
touched--no, changed--yours. You and she had such an incredible bond,
it's obvious she'll live forever in your heart and the hearts of
everyone who got to know her, whether directly, or, like us, through
Words seem so inadequate in the face of all your sorrowplease just
know I'm thinking of you. And thank you for being the most loving friend
Akira could ever have had. much love and many hugs, Kerry

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: Ive lost her.


I am very sad to hear you lost Akira.

I know you did all you could and loved her dearly. She will continue 
to be by your side but as in spirit.

Again I am truly sorry for your loss


This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If 
you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This 
message contains confidential information and is intended only for the 
individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not 
disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Re: felv cat \needs placement/Tom~Barbara

2005-05-20 Thread Terri Brown

Sounds like Tom not only chose you, but you're a goner anyway.


You're not fooling anyone!

=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=

Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 9:04 AM
  Subject: Re: felv cat \needs 
  In a message dated 5/20/2005 7:56:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
wonder if I would be doing the wrong thing by keeping him when I have 4 
non-positive ones that are being exposed. By then are they really being 
exposed since we don't know that much about felv? 
  Seems to me that you just answered 
  your own question. 
  I've been following Tom's story 
  since your first post.
  I'm a firm believer that it's a 
  cat that "chooses" his person, NOT the person choosing a 
  Seems to me that Tom has chosen 
  you, right from the very start!
  I think you know, deep in your 
  heart what is best for Tom, and you!

Re: Ive lost her.....

2005-05-20 Thread Terri Brown

Big hugs to you. I know how you feel.

Goodnight, sweet Akira...

=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=

Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 3:37 PM
  Subject: Ive lost her.
  She's gone..Akira crossed over on May 18th at 9:30 amShe fought 
  so hard to stayI fought so hard for her...this is so hard..let me start 
  from the beggining.
  I found her May of 2001, as a little angel in disquiseshe was under a 
  car, in the rain, soaking wet, at my work.on a cold day.My assistant 
  manager acutally found her adn came running back in.. "Lisa there's a kitten 
  under a car...come quick" So I grabbed a can of kitty food and ran 
  outside...she was so tiny! and WOA was she full of spunk..even as 
  bad off as she was...she uttered one little valiant hiss at usthen she 
  smeeled the food..adn forgot she was afraid..We wrapped her up in my sweater 
  adn ran inside the which point she decided to start SCREAMING at 
  us...(needless to say we got some strange looks from customers) 
  Once I had her settled in a little box..I realized how bad off she wasonly 
  weighing 1 lb (mabey a bit more) and she looked to be about 4 months 
  oldshe was SICK..her eyes sealed shut with gunk, something had attacked 
  her...picked her right up..she had scratches on one side and a abcess on the 
  othershe ate an entire cann of Friskiesafter she was done .this 
  little tiny soul...who more than likely had never known a kind human..or one 
  at allwas begging to be petted..she would jsut purr, and purr, and would have never thought a sound so deafening could come out of such 
  a little body..then 3 days later my heart sank..we found she was FeLV +... 
  I was so scared and torn..she had touched my heart so much...just in those 3 
  days.I decided to try and save her...and I did...she fought so hard..put 
  up with me poking and proding her, shoving God knows what down her throat to 
  get meds,and extra nurishment into her...we were fighting alot...she had FeLV, 
  was anemic very badly, had worms, a kitten flu, and URI, an abcess on her took a whole 3 days for her to even have a bowl or urine movement at 
  all..her body absorbed everythingand she took it..with out so much as a 
  complaint...she was so strong...on her check up her blood values were better 
  and she had gained 2 a WEEK.we were on the roadbut still I had 
  to figure out how to beat this FeLV..I didn't know what it was.So I got on 
  line..and everything I found was so disheartening..tehn I found this ONE LONE 
  SITEthe FeLV siteand it changed mine..and her lifeI got the 
  Interferon, researched supplements, you name it..she got it...and she kept 
  growing and growing.and getting more and more spunky..this little girl had 
  life in her.How would she handle the dogs Hum...well that didn't 
  go over very well (mabey a dog attacked her???) more work to do..she 
  had to be able to get along with them..adn not stress herself outso we 
  worked,and slowly but surely she was ok...adn tehn even liked the dogs..and 
  would play with my mini dachshund Lancelot...they would play "hide and go 
  pounce" which in their terms was taking turns chasing each other around 
  teh house..(and let me tell is awful funny to see a 10 dog run by 
  with a 4 lb kitten on his tail..with her tail up in the hot 
  pursuit)...then she would jump onto a chair..adn he would be looking all 
  over for her with no luck..when she would POUNCE on top of him..and off they 
  would go again...for hours!!! She had such a love for life she slept 
  with us every day...every night before bed and every morning before we got up 
  we would play "cover monsters" where she would attack the evil moving thing 
  under the coversthen in came her kitty brotherwho we trapped feral, 
  fearing he was related to similar as they were...and that he too would 
  have this awful disease..well he didn't ..YEA..but what to do now..more 
  researchwe let them live togeather..SHE HATED HIM..absloutly loathed 
  him..she would hiss and attack (a whole nother side of my "angel" I had 
  never seen ) Indy...bless his heart just kept insisiting she 
  like him though...he took her abuse and purred and cued back to herhow 
  could he have not won her over?
  Then one summer we got a chance to got to the outer banks of NC for 
  vacationfor free..couldn't pass that up...but what about 

Re: maybe OT - article for newsletter

2005-05-20 Thread PEC2851

Hope you found something to 

Re: Ive lost her.....

2005-05-20 Thread Gloria B. Lane
Lisa - I feel so sad for you, it brings tears to my eyes.  We all know what 
you're going through.  Sleep soft sweet Akira.  Gloria

RE: Ive lost her.....

2005-05-20 Thread Chris

Three wonderful yearsthats
what you and Akira gave each other So sorry for your loss.



-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 3:38 PM
Subject: Ive lost her.

gone..Akira crossed over on May 18th at 9:30 amShe fought so hard to
stayI fought so hard for her...this is so hard..let me start from the

I found
her May of 2001, as a little angel in disquiseshe was under a car, in the
rain, soaking wet, at my work.on a cold day.My assistant manager
acutally found her adn came running back in.. Lisa there's a kitten under
a car...come quick So I grabbed a can of kitty food and ran
outside...she was so tiny! and WOA was she full of spunk..even as bad
off as she was...she uttered one little valiant hiss at usthen she smeeled
the food..adn forgot she was afraid..We wrapped her up in my sweater adn ran
inside the which point she decided to start SCREAMING at
us...(needless to say we got some strange looks from customers)
Once I had her settled in a little box..I realized how bad off she wasonly
weighing 1 lb (mabey a bit more) and she looked to be about 4 months oldshe
was SICK..her eyes sealed shut with gunk, something had attacked her...picked
her right up..she had scratches on one side and a abcess on the othershe
ate an entire cann of Friskiesafter she was done ..this little tiny
soul...who more than likely had never known a kind human..or one at allwas
begging to be petted..she would jsut purr, and purr, and would have
never thought a sound so deafening could come out of such a little
body..then 3 days later my heart sank..we found she was FeLV +... I was so
scared and torn..she had touched my heart so much...just in those 3 days.I
decided to try and save her...and I did...she fought so hard..put up with me
poking and proding her, shoving God knows what down her throat to get meds,and
extra nurishment into her...we were fighting alot...she had FeLV, was anemic
very badly, had worms, a kitten flu, and URI, an abcess on her took a
whole 3 days for her to even have a bowl or urine movement at all..her body
absorbed everythingand she took it..with out so much as a complaint...she
was so strong...on her check up her blood values were better and she had gained
2 a WEEK.we were on the roadbut still I had to figure out how
to beat this FeLV..I didn't know what it was.So I got on line..and
everything I found was so disheartening..tehn I found this ONE LONE SITEthe
FeLV siteand it changed mine..and her lifeI got the Interferon,
researched supplements, you name it..she got it...and she kept growing and
growing.and getting more and more spunky..this little girl had life in
her.How would she handle the dogs Hum...well that didn't go over
very well (mabey a dog attacked her???) more work to do..she had to
be able to get along with them..adn not stress herself outso we worked,and
slowly but surely she was ok...adn tehn even liked the dogs..and would play
with my mini dachshund Lancelot...they would play hide and go
pounce which in their terms was taking turns chasing each other
around teh house..(and let me tell is awful funny to see a 10 dog run
by with a 4 lb kitten on his tail..with her tail up in the hot
pursuit)...then she would jump onto a chair..adn he would be looking all
over for her with no luck..when she would POUNCE on top of him..and off they
would go again...for hours!!! She had such a love for life she slept
with us every day...every night before bed and every morning before we got up
we would play cover monsters where she would attack the evil moving
thing under the coversthen in came her kitty brotherwho we trapped
feral, fearing he was related to similar as they were...and that he too
would have this awful disease..well he didn't ..YEA..but what to do now..more
researchwe let them live togeather..SHE HATED HIM..absloutly loathed
him..she would hiss and attack (a whole nother side of my angel
I had never seen ) Indy...bless his heart just kept insisiting
she like him though...he took her abuse and purred and cued back to herhow
could he have not won her over?

one summer we got a chance to got to the outer banks of NC for vacationfor
free..couldn't pass that up...but what about Akira..couldn't trust anyone to care
for make sure she got the perfect balance of she came
with us on a 8 hr drive and a 3 hr ferry ride...and she was a champ..slept in
my lap the whole time...adn once we got to the house..she of course hidin a
closet..but soon she was out and about..exploringalways exploring...that's
when I decided to see if she liked it outside..we had allready