Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home

2006-12-12 Thread Tad Burnett

That's OK... Munch and Jet and Lovey and Thurston slept right through it

Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn wrote:

No offense meant. I am blunt sometimes. I don't want you to have any regrets. I 
the links help.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:


Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home

2006-12-12 Thread Gloria Lane

I totally agree...

On Dec 12, 2006, at 10:33 PM, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn wrote:

Did you read any of the literature I sent? Because it doesn't sound  
like you did. FIP
is NOT CONTAGIOUS. Corona virus is contagious, but 80% to 100% of  
cats in shelters
ALREADY HAVE CORONA. Perhaps you may want to read the literature.  
How do you know you
can't change the shelter's policy, how many times have you tried in  
the past? I would
think that once every 3 to 6 months wouldn't be too often  
(picketing out front
sometimes helps, but these days that may get you imprisoned as a  

Or, who knows, maybe saving this one cat is enough for you, and  
your life mission is
complete, who I am to judge? I hope you find her a home, and you  
live the rest of
your days in blissful peace and happiness (at least until the  
shelter starts testing
all their cats and decides to kill them ALL since they likely ALL  
test corona
positive). Like they say, maybe you can't save every life, but to  
the one you do
save, it means everything! What really matters is that you feel  
good inside, and that
you can honestly look back on this in the future and say "I did the  
best I could" and
be at peace with that. That's all any of us can really do. (I just  
speak from
experience, as I know I look back on my life and regret all the "I  
could have done

mores" I left behind.)
Have you posted her on the FIP cats and kittens for adoption  
section of the

bemikitties adoption website yet? 

You can also post her to these yahoogroups:

And to these websites:

And, if you tell me your city and state, I will send you a list of  
all the no kill
shelters in a 200 mile or so radius to you. Or, if you prefer to  
not give out that
information, you can find a partial list on my webpage (scroll down  
a way) at: (if you or anyone else knows  
of any I don't have

listed PLEASE send me their info)

Remember, pictures speak louder than words, so if you can, get a  
picture of her (go
for the most pathetic looking pose you can get) and post a link to  
her picture every
time you post her somewhere. If you need someone to host the image  
so you can link to
it, send it to me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will upload  
it to my website

and send you the URL.

I hope this is more along the lines of the type of information and  
assistance you

require. Good luck!

Best Regards,


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat  
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home

2006-12-12 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
No offense meant. I am blunt sometimes. I don't want you to have any regrets. I 
the links help.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home

2006-12-12 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Dry FIP often has different symptoms, commonly neurological issues, and they
usually survive longer than the wet FIP victims do. Dry FIP usually presents
with vague clinical signs, Like anorexia, losing weight, depression, anemia,
fever, and a dull coat (sometimes with a "greasy" look). Many cats with dry
FIP become jaundiced, and get various eye problems, usually the iris (the
colored part of the eye around the pupil) changes color, parts of it may
appear brown. The cat may bleed into the eye, or white precipitates appear
on the cornea.

Wet FIP usually results in organ failure, due to the nature of the disease,
the organs just "seep" serum like fluid (not sure of the actual terminology
off the top of my head) out into the abdomen and chest cavities, often death
from wet FIP is caused by respiratory failure, combined with anemia, and
other conditions caused by organs failing to perform their functions.

I, personally, feel that humane euthanasia IS a valid course of action for a
cat that is highly suspected of being FIP positive IF (NOTE THE IF) the cat
is showing symptoms and is ill. Obviously, any cat that has been diagnosed
as FIP+ MUST have clinical symptoms, otherwise it's just a Corona infection,
and NOT FIP. I think euthanasia should definitely happen BEFORE the cat goes
into multi-organ failure, FIP is 100% fatal, prolonging the cat's life is
not buying it much quality time in the end stages of FIP. I am NOT a
hard-core picket sign toting vegan no kill activist (PETA comes to mind)
though, I feel that suffering needlessly is cruelty, not a humane and
peaceful death. Unless you are using the cat as a test subject to try to
develop new treatments for FIP (sadly, often cats MUST suffer in the name of
science), then I don't think the current treatment options buy enough
quality time to justify allowing the cat to suffer needlessly in advanced
stages (and with wet FIP, we're talking a matter of a few weeks commonly).
Hopefully, in a couple of years, I will have changed my mind on this topic,
because new treatments will be produced, and enough trials will have been
run to show that treatment is a viable option for symptomatic FIP cases.

It would be interesting to know if this kitten's brother had wet or dry FIP,
if that information is available...


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home

2006-12-12 Thread JENI RECA
thank you for all the information and the websites, and hopefully I will 
find her a  home.

I was truly offended by some of the comments you wrote to me.
I will not let you judge me in that way, but it seems that you have already 


From: "Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 23:33:57 -0500

Did you read any of the literature I sent? Because it doesn't sound like you 
did. FIP
is NOT CONTAGIOUS. Corona virus is contagious, but 80% to 100% of cats in 
ALREADY HAVE CORONA. Perhaps you may want to read the literature. How do you 
know you
can't change the shelter's policy, how many times have you tried in the 
past? I would
think that once every 3 to 6 months wouldn't be too often (picketing out 

sometimes helps, but these days that may get you imprisoned as a terrorist).

Or, who knows, maybe saving this one cat is enough for you, and your life 
mission is
complete, who I am to judge? I hope you find her a home, and you live the 
rest of
your days in blissful peace and happiness (at least until the shelter starts 
all their cats and decides to kill them ALL since they likely ALL test 
positive). Like they say, maybe you can't save every life, but to the one 
you do
save, it means everything! What really matters is that you feel good inside, 
and that
you can honestly look back on this in the future and say "I did the best I 
could" and
be at peace with that. That's all any of us can really do. (I just speak 
experience, as I know I look back on my life and regret all the "I could 
have done

mores" I left behind.)
Have you posted her on the FIP cats and kittens for adoption section of the
bemikitties adoption website yet?

You can also post her to these yahoogroups:

And to these websites:

And, if you tell me your city and state, I will send you a list of all the 
no kill
shelters in a 200 mile or so radius to you. Or, if you prefer to not give 
out that
information, you can find a partial list on my webpage (scroll down a way) 
at: (if you or anyone else knows of any I 
don't have

listed PLEASE send me their info)

Remember, pictures speak louder than words, so if you can, get a picture of 
her (go
for the most pathetic looking pose you can get) and post a link to her 
picture every
time you post her somewhere. If you need someone to host the image so you 
can link to
it, send it to me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will upload it to my 

and send you the URL.

I hope this is more along the lines of the type of information and 
assistance you

require. Good luck!

Best Regards,


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Talk now to your Hotmail contacts with Windows Live Messenger.

Re: Faint positive tests question

2006-12-12 Thread Barbara Oberst
Hi Wendy,
  Thanks for your reply.  I'm having other 8 cats vaccinated this week, and 5 
tested first (the vet recommended this) (Five are my own cats; the 3 fosters, 
who are littermates of the positive cat, already tested negative 2 months ago). 
 She told me the one who's positive most likely does have it, but it just 
hasn't shown up in his bone marrow yet.  The only bright thing is that, once 
the others are vaccinated in the 2-step process, I can mix the positive cat 
with them.  At least he can live out his life somewhat normally, and have the 
run of the house, instead of being a prisoner in 1 room by himself.

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi and welcome to our group. Glad you found it. Many
kittens test positive for FeLV early on, only to test
negative later on. The mother's antibodies still
remaining in kitty's system is what causes this. 
About 40% of cats who actually contract FeLV throw off
the virus. Chances are this is what happened with
your kitten, thank goodness. Most of us here believe
that the FeLV virus is very hard to pass, and
therefore mix positives and negatives. I did for four
years and none of the other kitties contracted the
virus. Because your kitten is now negative, you can
probably safely assume your others will be ok. If you
are worried about it, get another test just to double
check, and then you should be good to let him out! 
Keep us updated!

Dallas, Tx

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Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

2006-12-12 Thread Gloria B. Lane
A diagnosis of FIP means that they've diagnosed one of the Corona Viruses 
(not FIP), and then made a best-guess of FIP, so I'm not sure I'd trust a 
diagnosis of FIP.


- Original Message - 
From: "Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

FIP is 100% fatal, usually in a short time period. If she indeed is 
showing FIP
symptoms, she wont make it long anyways, euthanasia IS a humane 
alternative. HOWEVER,
if she is ONLY corona positive and NOT showing symptoms of FIP, then 
that's entirely
different. Many shelters fail to understand WHAT Corona is, and that is 
NOT the same
as FIP. Sounds like that may be the case here. I know you are just 
desperately trying
to save this one cat, BUT, there is a MUCH BIGGER issue at stake here. I 
hope you may
be willing to work on it once you understand (even if the understanding 
comes too

late for this one kitten), so, in that hope, here goes:

Education is the key. You need to call a meeting with the shelter's board 
directors (if they are non-profit, they are required to have a board), and 
you need
to come to that meeting fully prepared with facts, statistics, and studies 
that show
the facts about Corona virus, and it's relation to FIP. You see, it's 
simply not the
same thing. The fact that this kitten's brother succumbed to FIP does NOT 
mean that
she will, EVEN if she is corona positive. While it's a sad fact that many 
shelters do
euthanise any cats that test positive for Corona (in the mis-informed hope 
stopping the spread of the virus), it's not a policy based on any good 
Infection with Coronavirus (Feline Enteric Corona Virus, or FECV) is 
actually very
common in cats but most of the time it does not cause any problems, other 
than maybe
mild diarrhea. Occasionally, the virus mutates within an infected cat, and 
it is this
mutated form that causes the disease of FIP. Coronavirus is ubiquitous 
among cats and
infection with the virus is particularly common where large numbers of 
cats are kept
together. It is estimated that 25 to 40 per cent of household pet cats are 
This infection rate increases to 80 to 100 per cent of cats kept in 
Although coronavirus is the cause of FIP, infection with coronavirus does 
not mean
that the cat will go on to develop FIP. In comparison to the number of 
cats infected
with the virus, the number that develop FIP is very small. It is only when 
the virus
mutates that FIP may develop. While the word is still out as to exactly 
what causes
the Corona virus to mutate into FIP in certain cats, studies indicate that 
it may be
a genetic predisposition (suspected due to cats of a close relation often 
together), or a specific strain of Corona (suspected due to FIP cropping 
up in
specific closed populations in unique geographic locations), or a 
combination of both

of those variables.

In addition, diagnosing FIP is highly tricky, and the fact that you are 
sending out a
biopsy and implying that this kitten's fate rests on it's result further 
shows the
lack of education on the part of the shelter taking that action. Because 
most cats
will test positive for Corona and NEVER get FIP, it makes the diagnosis 
very complex,
and that is further complicated by the fact that there are two specific 
forms of FIP,
wet FIP and dry FIP. The best way to get a good SUSPICION of FIP diagnosis 
is be
running several lab tests, and interpreting the result of them all, and 
the relation
of those to each other. if they ALL lean towards a FIP diagnosis, THEN one 
can begin
to assume FIP exists in the cat. REMEMBER, THERE IS NO TEST THAT CAN 
DIAGNOSIS. Here is the proper diagnostic testing recommendations for a 
LIVE cat:

Non-effusive (“dry”) FIP profile:

FCoV antibody titre:

FCoV antibody titres in dry FIP are usually equal to or greater than 1280. 
antibody titre of zero rules out non-effusive FIP. Note: many healthy cats 
and cats
with diseases other than FIP have FCoV antibodies. The presence of FCoV 
alone is NOT diagnostic of FIP, if the other parameters of the profile do 
indicate a diagnosis of FIPA healthy cat with a high FCoV antibody titre 
is NOT a cat

with dry FIP.
Albumin:Globulin ratio (A:G)
In FIP the globulin concentration in serum or plasma is raised to over 
Consequently the A:G is usually lowered. An A:G of < 0.4 indicates FIP is 
likely, provided that globulins are raised, remember than a low albumin 
(e.g. in
liver disease) can also artificially lower the A:G. An A:G of >0.8 rules 
out FIP; A:G

of between 0.4-0.8 - consider other parameters.
AGP level
AGP is an acute phase protein which is useful in distinguishing FIP from 
clinically similar conditions. In FIP, AGP levels are usually greater than 

Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home

2006-12-12 Thread Patricia Lamoretti
That's the tough part ... if I come up with anything, I will surely let you 
know, although I think you're under some time constraints.  Let's just keep in 
touch ... PAT

that would be great Pat, because Hami did have a sister cheesie so I know 
she would enjoy some it's just finding that special person to 
give them a home...

From: Patricia Lamoretti 

Subject: Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 17:46:44 -0800 (PST)

A friend of mind just found out that one of her fosters may have dry FIP as 
well. If we could find one person that could take both kittens (he's 
approx. 6 months) they could have company and live out their lives together. 
I've had experience with the effusive FIP but know nothing about 
non-effusive FIP. Are the results on testing the same (Alb:Glob ratio, 
fever ... ) I've read a little and will go back to the Winn Foundation for 
more information but if anyone can enlighten me, it would be helpful. PAT

JENI RECA wrote: Hi,
I wanted to thank everyone for thier concerns and also for all the litature
about FIP. She still needs a home and this is want I am trying to find for
her. I can not change the ways of the shelter. I wished every shelter
would keep FIP and also Feluks but most shelters do not have the room or the
assistants of keeping these special cats and so this is why thier are
wonderful groups of people that fight for these cats such as yourselves.
Our shelter can not keep the cat and expose her to our other cats in risk of
getting them sick. She as far as I know is a dry fip and hopefully can find
a home where she can live out the rest of her life. I am very appreciative
of this group because of the lengths to help others and wanted to thank
everyone that is trying to help her. Again if you have any suggestions or
help it is much appreciated.

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Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home

2006-12-12 Thread JENI RECA

that would be great Pat, because Hami did have a sister cheesie so I know 
she would enjoy some it's just finding that special person to 
give them a home...


From: Patricia Lamoretti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 17:46:44 -0800 (PST)

A friend of mind just found out that one of her fosters may have dry FIP as 
well.  If we could find one person that could take both kittens (he's 
approx. 6 months) they could have company and live out their lives together. 
 I've had experience with the effusive FIP but know nothing about 
non-effusive FIP.  Are the results on testing the same (Alb:Glob ratio, 
fever ... )  I've read a little and will go back to the Winn Foundation for 
more information but if anyone can enlighten me, it would be helpful.  PAT

I wanted to thank everyone for thier concerns and also for all the litature
about FIP. She still needs a home and this is want I am trying to find for
her. I can not change the ways of the shelter. I wished every shelter
would keep FIP and also Feluks but most shelters do not have the room or the
assistants of keeping these special cats and so this is why thier are
wonderful groups of people that fight for these cats such as yourselves.
Our shelter can not keep the cat and expose her to our other cats in risk of
getting them sick. She as far as I know is a dry fip and hopefully can find
a home where she can live out the rest of her life. I am very appreciative
of this group because of the lengths to help others and wanted to thank
everyone that is trying to help her. Again if you have any suggestions or
help it is much appreciated.

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Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home

2006-12-12 Thread Patricia Lamoretti
A friend of mind just found out that one of her fosters may have dry FIP as 
well.  If we could find one person that could take both kittens (he's approx. 6 
months) they could have company and live out their lives together.  I've had 
experience with the effusive FIP but know nothing about non-effusive FIP.  Are 
the results on testing the same (Alb:Glob ratio, fever ... )  I've read a 
little and will go back to the Winn Foundation for more information but if 
anyone can enlighten me, it would be helpful.  PAT

I wanted to thank everyone for thier concerns and also for all the litature 
about FIP. She still needs a home and this is want I am trying to find for 
her. I can not change the ways of the shelter. I wished every shelter 
would keep FIP and also Feluks but most shelters do not have the room or the 
assistants of keeping these special cats and so this is why thier are 
wonderful groups of people that fight for these cats such as yourselves. 
Our shelter can not keep the cat and expose her to our other cats in risk of 
getting them sick. She as far as I know is a dry fip and hopefully can find 
a home where she can live out the rest of her life. I am very appreciative 
of this group because of the lengths to help others and wanted to thank 
everyone that is trying to help her. Again if you have any suggestions or 
help it is much appreciated.

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about exposed FIP cat that needs a home

2006-12-12 Thread JENI RECA

I wanted to thank everyone for thier concerns and also for all the litature 
about FIP.  She still needs a home and this is want I am trying to find for 
her.  I can not change the ways of the shelter.  I wished every shelter 
would keep FIP and also Feluks but most shelters do not have the room or the 
assistants of keeping these special cats and so this is why thier are 
wonderful groups of people that fight for these cats such as yourselves.  
Our shelter can not keep the cat and expose her to our other cats in risk of 
getting them sick.  She as far as I know is a dry fip and hopefully can find 
a home where she can live out the rest of her life.  I am very appreciative 
of this group because of the lengths to help others and wanted to thank 
everyone that is trying to help her.  Again if you have any suggestions or 
help it is much appreciated.


Visit MSN Holiday Challenge for your chance to win up to $50,000 in Holiday 
cash from MSN today!

Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

2006-12-12 Thread Kelley Saveika

Well, I think we have to try to lead them to water.  Then we will see if
they want to drink.

Honestly if they weren't willing to be educated I'd probably volunteer my
time elsewhere.  It would be too sad to see all those cats dying needlessly
because of a crazy policy.  But that's just me.

On 12/12/06, TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

only if they want to be educated.

On 12/12/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  No, but educating at the last minute CAN save the NEXT ONE. This is a
> shelter we are talking about. One kitten's death is a small price to pay if
> the education we offer now, at the last minute, changes the shelter's policy
> for the future! I'm sure this shelter has killed hundreds (if not thousands)
> of Corona-positive cats already by this point, before this one caring member
> finally found this group and the education we offer. It's never too late to
> educate!
> Phaewryn
> Please save Whitey!
> VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat
> owners:
> Special Needs Cat Resources:

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

2006-12-12 Thread TenHouseCats

only if they want to be educated.

On 12/12/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 No, but educating at the last minute CAN save the NEXT ONE. This is a
shelter we are talking about. One kitten's death is a small price to pay if
the education we offer now, at the last minute, changes the shelter's policy
for the future! I'm sure this shelter has killed hundreds (if not thousands)
of Corona-positive cats already by this point, before this one caring member
finally found this group and the education we offer. It's never too late to


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

2006-12-12 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
No, but educating at the last minute CAN save the NEXT ONE. This is a
shelter we are talking about. One kitten's death is a small price to pay if
the education we offer now, at the last minute, changes the shelter's policy
for the future! I'm sure this shelter has killed hundreds (if not thousands)
of Corona-positive cats already by this point, before this one caring member
finally found this group and the education we offer. It's never too late to


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

2006-12-12 Thread Susan Loesch
I just forwarded it

TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  is there someone on the list who can 
crosspost this onto the FIP list, please? that's about the best chance 
right now, because trying to educate people at the last minute isn't gonna do a 
whole lot of good.

  On 12/12/06, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  

  On 12/12/06, JENI RECA <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:   The other cat was 
diagnosed with FIP Hami's litermate that was put to sleep, 
so since Hami was with her and exposed we can not keep her in our 
shelter...rules/policies and so forth. 
  This doesn't make any sense.  FIP is a mutation of a coronavirus to which 
almost all cats are exposed.  It isn't directly contagious.  

  I would love to get her into a home
so she will not be put to sleep, she is pending a biopsy and it should come 
back tommorow and then they most likely will have to put her to sleep.
  Is she symptomatic?  My understanding is that FIP is fatal 100% of the time.  


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

2006-12-12 Thread TenHouseCats

is there someone on the list who can crosspost this onto the FIP list,
please? that's about the best chance right now, because trying to
educate people at the last minute isn't gonna do a whole lot of good.

On 12/12/06, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 12/12/06, JENI RECA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The other cat was diagnosed with FIP Hami's litermate that was put to
> sleep,
> so since Hami was with her and exposed we can not keep her in our
> shelter...rules/policies and so forth.

This doesn't make any sense.  FIP is a mutation of a coronavirus to which
almost all cats are exposed.  It isn't directly contagious.

I would love to get her into a home
> so she will not be put to sleep, she is pending a biopsy and it should
> come
> back tommorow and then they most likely will have to put her to sleep.

Is she symptomatic?  My understanding is that FIP is fatal 100% of the

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

2006-12-12 Thread Kelley Saveika

On 12/12/06, JENI RECA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The other cat was diagnosed with FIP Hami's litermate that was put to
so since Hami was with her and exposed we can not keep her in our
shelter...rules/policies and so forth.

This doesn't make any sense.  FIP is a mutation of a coronavirus to which
almost all cats are exposed.  It isn't directly contagious.

I would love to get her into a home

so she will not be put to sleep, she is pending a biopsy and it should
back tommorow and then they most likely will have to put her to sleep.

Is she symptomatic?  My understanding is that FIP is fatal 100% of the

Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

2006-12-12 Thread JENI RECA
The other cat was diagnosed with FIP Hami's litermate that was put to sleep, 
so since Hami was with her and exposed we can not keep her in our 
shelter...rules/policies and so forth.  I would love to get her into a home 
so she will not be put to sleep, she is pending a biopsy and it should come 
back tommorow and then they most likely will have to put her to sleep.  I 
will be  honest with you, I do not know enough about FIP, but so one asked 
me try to find a home for her, because they most likely will have to put her 
to sleep.  Thank you for your concern and if you know of anyone willing to 
open thier home to her please let me know.


From: "Leslie Lawther" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 14:26:06 -0500

*Jeni, are you sure you mean FIP???  FIP cannot be diagnosed except through
necropsy.  Just because a kitten was exposed to the Corona Virus does not
mean the kitten has FIP...  *
*Leslie =^..^=*

On 12/12/06, JENI RECA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Everyone,
Urgent help, looking for home for FIP cat.  Hami is a 5 month old female
spayed kitten, black and white.  Her sister was put to sleep due to FIP,
now since Hami was exposed and possibly showing signs of FIP they are
to put her to sleep tommorow.  They are just pending biopsy, and trying to
give her a little time to find a home.  Need help, she is  a sweet girl
deserves a home.  In the new york area, Long island, willing to
travel.  Any
help or suggestions appreciated!
Thank you

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Leslie =^..^=

To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden
patch, or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That
only one life breathed easier because you lived - that is success.
---Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

2006-12-12 Thread Leslie Lawther

*Jeni, are you sure you mean FIP???  FIP cannot be diagnosed except through
necropsy.  Just because a kitten was exposed to the Corona Virus does not
mean the kitten has FIP...  *
*Leslie =^..^=*

On 12/12/06, JENI RECA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Everyone,
Urgent help, looking for home for FIP cat.  Hami is a 5 month old female
spayed kitten, black and white.  Her sister was put to sleep due to FIP,
now since Hami was exposed and possibly showing signs of FIP they are
to put her to sleep tommorow.  They are just pending biopsy, and trying to
give her a little time to find a home.  Need help, she is  a sweet girl
deserves a home.  In the new york area, Long island, willing to
travel.  Any
help or suggestions appreciated!
Thank you

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by Pandora

Leslie =^..^=

To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden
patch, or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That
only one life breathed easier because you lived - that is success.
---Ralph Waldo Emerson

urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

2006-12-12 Thread JENI RECA

Hi Everyone,
Urgent help, looking for home for FIP cat.  Hami is a 5 month old female 
spayed kitten, black and white.  Her sister was put to sleep due to FIP, and 
now since Hami was exposed and possibly showing signs of FIP they are going 
to put her to sleep tommorow.  They are just pending biopsy, and trying to 
give her a little time to find a home.  Need help, she is  a sweet girl that 
deserves a home.  In the new york area, Long island, willing to travel.  Any 
help or suggestions appreciated!

Thank you

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by Pandora