Re: [Felvtalk] People who don't care about animals...

2017-05-28 Thread Amani Oakley

When people don't care about animals, you can make them give a crap by 
explaining to them that psychopathic killers start out killing animals. If you 
can't get them to give a damn about abused animals, they sure perk up when they 
realize that after practicing on animals, these killers move on to children and 
other people.


-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
Sent: May-29-17 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] People who don't care about animals...

I have read a lot on the subject of sociopaths and criminals, and most of them 
started being cruel to animals as young children.

It's also amazing to me that there seems to be no middle ground for cats - 
people either love them or hate them, and I don't understand why. I personally 
brought home all kinds of strays as a child and my parents either let me keep 
them, or they found good homes for them. I had dolls but preferred to dress up 
my cats and push them around in doll-buggies. They didn't seem to mind a bit! I 
think it is important for parents to allow their kids to have pets and care for 
them, to cultivate a caring for animal life.

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of ROBERT 
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2017 2:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] People who don't care about animals...

I have, obviously ( as do all of us) a very difficult time reconciling how 
someone could NOT care about animals or worse... use and abuse them for profit. 
  In truth... I think my anger at such people is more than a bit beyond the 
pale and I worry, honestly, about getting myself in real legal trouble should I 
encounter someone in the act of purposely harming an animal...   I try to 
remind myself to NOT be so self Righteous since I had nothing to do with the 
caring I have for animals I was simply "made" that way... it was part of me 
from the earliest years that I can remember  Had my genes been 
different..perhaps I'd be running a dog fighting ring..Beyond this, though, 
I feel it IS justified to require people to at least ACT decently even if their 
heart does not melt for animals   Ok... so maybe they don't particularly 
care about the miserable lives many animals ( and people) have  I don't ask 
that they _ feel_ differently but I DO expect that they will not con
 tribute to or exacerbate that misery   This is MY line in the sand and I 
have NO forgiveness in my heart for people who do so People never cease to 
amaze me both with their capacity for goodness and caring and their utter lack 
of these same traits... how such polar opposites can exist in the same  ( 
purportedly sentient) species boggles my mind.   It does my heart a world 
of good to know that all of you are out there making life better for the little 
creatures that can do so little to improve their own lot... your kindness 
humbles me


Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Hi......sad news....

2017-05-28 Thread Ardy Robertson
Oh so sorry about Martin. But thank you for being his caring family
while he was here...

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2017 10:12 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Hi..sad news

My sweet, beautiful, Martinjust one yr. Of age lost his fight on
Thursday, May 25th.   Rest now my baby boy. Always remembered, always

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Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] People who don't care about animals...

2017-05-28 Thread Ardy Robertson
I have read a lot on the subject of sociopaths and criminals, and most of them 
started being cruel to animals as young children.

It's also amazing to me that there seems to be no middle ground for cats - 
people either love them or hate them, and I don't understand why. I personally 
brought home all kinds of strays as a child and my parents either let me keep 
them, or they found good homes for them. I had dolls but preferred to dress up 
my cats and push them around in doll-buggies. They didn't seem to mind a bit! I 
think it is important for parents to allow their kids to have pets and care for 
them, to cultivate a caring for animal life.

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of ROBERT 
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2017 2:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] People who don't care about animals...

I have, obviously ( as do all of us) a very difficult time reconciling how 
someone could NOT care about animals or worse... use and abuse them for profit. 
  In truth... I think my anger at such people is more than a bit beyond the 
pale and I worry, honestly, about getting myself in real legal trouble should I 
encounter someone in the act of purposely harming an animal...   I try to 
remind myself to NOT be so self Righteous since I had nothing to do with the 
caring I have for animals I was simply "made" that way... it was part of me 
from the earliest years that I can remember  Had my genes been 
different..perhaps I'd be running a dog fighting ring..Beyond this, though, 
I feel it IS justified to require people to at least ACT decently even if their 
heart does not melt for animals   Ok... so maybe they don't particularly 
care about the miserable lives many animals ( and people) have  I don't ask 
that they _ feel_ differently but I DO expect that they will not con
 tribute to or exacerbate that misery   This is MY line in the sand and I 
have NO forgiveness in my heart for people who do so People never cease to 
amaze me both with their capacity for goodness and caring and their utter lack 
of these same traits... how such polar opposites can exist in the same  ( 
purportedly sentient) species boggles my mind.   It does my heart a world 
of good to know that all of you are out there making life better for the little 
creatures that can do so little to improve their own lot... your kindness 
humbles me


Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] My handsome....he was the 5th of my babies to suffer from this horrific disease. I even tried LTCI INJECTIONS. with my Joe....I've lost Clayton, and Apache and Charlie.

2017-05-28 Thread rosebudcocopuff

Thank you so much
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kat  wrote:

>Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] My handsome....he was the 5th of my babies to suffer from this horrific disease. I even tried LTCI INJECTIONS. with my Joe....I've lost Clayton, and Apache and Charlie.

2017-05-28 Thread kat

Dear Patti,


As heartbreaking as this awful disease is, thank you for caring for these babies and giving them a loving home, even if it is only a short while.  Martin can now play with your other kitties (Joe, Clayton, Apache, & Charlie) until you meet all of them at the Rainbow Bridge.


Sleep Soft, little Martin...


Kat (Mew Jersey)


Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2017 at 7:43 PM
From: rosebudcocopuff 
Subject: [Felvtalk] My handsomehe was the 5th of my babies to suffer from this horrific disease. I even tried LTCI INJECTIONS. with my JoeI've lost Clayton, and Apache and Charlie.��. I'm sad, broken hearted and angry. I've been in rescue for 20 yrs. But this is the first I've been broken hearted and watched FELV take them one by onethank you all for your love and kindness

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Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Animal Welfare

2017-05-28 Thread dlgegg
It is frustrating.  People say they are just animals, but even so, they deserve 
respect and kindness.  Lest we forget that science considers us animals 
descended from apes.  Does that mean we do not deserve kindness and respect.

> Jennifer...
Yes... I am already swamped daily with petition after petition as well 
as plea after plea for money to help everything from Housepets to 
Miniature Donkeys  If fact...  it's hard to NOT go vigilante as the 
laws of the land as they now stand still do not accord animals the 
justice they deserve... You can virtually devastate the life of an 
animal...well loved by it's human family or unknown to anyone and still 
get little more than a slap on the wrist in the legal system It is 
up to us as citizens to make it known to these reprobates that WE think 
of them as defective and if they are unreachable to shun them in every 
way possible
I'm tempted to say more but the world of email has a way of coming round 
and misquoting you later on down the road

On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 08:58 PM, 

> Send Felvtalk mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Felvtalk digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: People who don't care about animals... 
> (
>2. Re: Hi..sad news (
>3. Re: Hi..sad news (Jennifer Olson)
>4. Animal WELfare (Jennifer Olson)
>5. Re: People who don't care about animals... (kat)
>6. My handsomehe was the 5th of my babies to
>   suffer from this horrific disease.   I even tried LTCI
>   INJECTIONS.  with my JoeI've lost Clayton, and Apache and
>   Charlie.?.  I'm sad, broken hearted and angry.   I've been 
> in
>   rescue for 20 yrs. But this is the first I've been broken 
> hearted
>   and watched FELV take them one by onethank you all for your
>   love and kindness (rosebudcocopuff)
>7. Re: My handsomehe was the 5th of my babies
>   to suffer from this horrific disease.   I even tried LTCI
>   INJECTIONS.  with my JoeI've lost Clayton, and Apache and
>   Charlie.?.  I'm sad, broken hearted and angry.   I've been 
> in
>   rescue for 20 yrs. But this is the first I've been broken 
> hearted
>   and watched FELV take them one by onethank you all for your
>   love and kindness (Sandy)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 27 May 2017 13:40:51 -0500
> From: To:
> Cc: ROBERT CHAPEL Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] People who don't care about 
> animals...
> Message-ID: <20170527144051.CI95V.45582.root@pamxwww10-z01>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> I agree completely.  I think that these people who do this also do so 
> unto their fellow humans.  One thing they lack is the love of God.
>  ROBERT CHAPEL  wrote:
> I have, obviously ( as do all of us) a very difficult time reconciling 
> how someone could NOT care about animals or worse... use and abuse 
> them for profit.?? In truth... I think my anger at such people is more 
> than a bit beyond the pale and I worry, honestly, about getting myself 
> in real legal trouble should I encounter someone in the act of 
> purposely harming an animal...?? I try to remind myself to NOT be 
> so self Righteous since I had nothing to do with the caring I have for 
> animals I was simply "made" that way... it was part of me from the 
> earliest years that I can remember? Had my genes been 
> different..perhaps I'd be running a dog fighting ring..??? Beyond 
> this, though, I feel it IS justified to require people to at least ACT 
> decently even if their heart does not melt for animals?? Ok... so 
> maybe they don't particularly care about the miserable lives many 
> animals ( and people) have? I don't ask that they _ feel_ 
> differently but I DO expect that they will not contribute to or 
> exacerbate that misery?? This is MY line in the sand and I have NO 
> forgiveness in my heart for people who do so? People never cease 
> to amaze me both with their capacity for goodness and caring and their 
> utter lack of these same traits... how such polar opposites can exist 
> in the same? ( purportedly sentient) species boggles my mind.?? It 
> does my heart a world of good to know that all of you are out there 
> making life better for 

Re: [Felvtalk] Martin...

2017-05-28 Thread rosebudcocopuff

Thank you so actual name is Patti.   Unfortunately, I no longer have 
internet service at my home..(too many vet bills).Yes, Martin was FELV..I 
had known that, but still had him re tested recently.   He passed 
quickly..I tried the LTCI injections with my first FELV.spent thousands.   But 
my little Joe ultimately died.I HATE that disease..  anyone here may 
telephone me any time...due to me not having internet...most days.   Area code 

Thanks for being there
Powered by Cricket Wireless


>I'm sorry to hear about Martin... I don't know that I've heard about him 
>before on this forum but having him die in under year suggests to me 
>that he was FeLV...  I'm beginning to have a rather visceral reaction 
>comparable to those I have upon hearing of people who abuse animals 
>whenever I hear the name of that disease... It's become my decided 
>enemyRobbing both quality of AND life from these wonderful little 
>creatures so early on.. BTW... a small request.  Perhaps people 
>could identify themselves if they are not regular contributors to the 
>list if their email identity does not include their name  It's seems 
>a little odd to me to address a note to
>rosebudcocopuff :)   Thank you RBCCpuff for providing a loving home for 
>this fellow...  a large chunk of luck in an otherwise unlucky life..
>Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Animal Welfare

2017-05-28 Thread ROBERT CHAPEL

Yes... I am already swamped daily with petition after petition as well 
as plea after plea for money to help everything from Housepets to 
Miniature Donkeys  If fact...  it's hard to NOT go vigilante as the 
laws of the land as they now stand still do not accord animals the 
justice they deserve... You can virtually devastate the life of an 
animal...well loved by it's human family or unknown to anyone and still 
get little more than a slap on the wrist in the legal system It is 
up to us as citizens to make it known to these reprobates that WE think 
of them as defective and if they are unreachable to shun them in every 
way possible
I'm tempted to say more but the world of email has a way of coming round 
and misquoting you later on down the road

On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 08:58 PM, 

Send Felvtalk mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit

or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Felvtalk digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: People who don't care about animals... 

   2. Re: Hi..sad news (
   3. Re: Hi..sad news (Jennifer Olson)
   4. Animal WELfare (Jennifer Olson)
   5. Re: People who don't care about animals... (kat)
   6. My handsomehe was the 5th of my babies to
  suffer from this horrific disease.   I even tried LTCI
  INJECTIONS.  with my JoeI've lost Clayton, and Apache and
  Charlie.?.  I'm sad, broken hearted and angry.   I've been 
  rescue for 20 yrs. But this is the first I've been broken 

  and watched FELV take them one by onethank you all for your
  love and kindness (rosebudcocopuff)
   7. Re: My handsomehe was the 5th of my babies
  to suffer from this horrific disease.   I even tried LTCI
  INJECTIONS.  with my JoeI've lost Clayton, and Apache and
  Charlie.?.  I'm sad, broken hearted and angry.   I've been 
  rescue for 20 yrs. But this is the first I've been broken 

  and watched FELV take them one by onethank you all for your
  love and kindness (Sandy)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 27 May 2017 13:40:51 -0500
From: To:
Cc: ROBERT CHAPEL Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] People who don't care about 

Message-ID: <20170527144051.CI95V.45582.root@pamxwww10-z01>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

I agree completely.  I think that these people who do this also do so 
unto their fellow humans.  One thing they lack is the love of God.


I have, obviously ( as do all of us) a very difficult time reconciling 
how someone could NOT care about animals or worse... use and abuse 
them for profit.?? In truth... I think my anger at such people is more 
than a bit beyond the pale and I worry, honestly, about getting myself 
in real legal trouble should I encounter someone in the act of 
purposely harming an animal...?? I try to remind myself to NOT be 
so self Righteous since I had nothing to do with the caring I have for 
animals I was simply "made" that way... it was part of me from the 
earliest years that I can remember? Had my genes been 
different..perhaps I'd be running a dog fighting ring..??? Beyond 
this, though, I feel it IS justified to require people to at least ACT 
decently even if their heart does not melt for animals?? Ok... so 
maybe they don't particularly care about the miserable lives many 
animals ( and people) have? I don't ask that they _ feel_ 
differently but I DO expect that they will not contribute to or 
exacerbate that misery?? This is MY line in the sand and I have NO 
forgiveness in my heart for people who do so? People never cease 
to amaze me both with their capacity for goodness and caring and their 
utter lack of these same traits... how such polar opposites can exist 
in the same? ( purportedly sentient) species boggles my mind.?? It 
does my heart a world of good to know that all of you are out there 
making life better for the little creatures that can do so little to 
improve their own lot... your kindness humbles me

Felvtalk mailing list


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 27 May 2017 15:27:34 -0500
From: To:
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] 

Re: [Felvtalk] Martin...

2017-05-28 Thread ROBERT CHAPEL

I'm sorry to hear about Martin... I don't know that I've heard about him 
before on this forum but having him die in under year suggests to me 
that he was FeLV...  I'm beginning to have a rather visceral reaction 
comparable to those I have upon hearing of people who abuse animals 
whenever I hear the name of that disease... It's become my decided 
enemyRobbing both quality of AND life from these wonderful little 
creatures so early on.. BTW... a small request.  Perhaps people 
could identify themselves if they are not regular contributors to the 
list if their email identity does not include their name  It's seems 
a little odd to me to address a note to
rosebudcocopuff :)   Thank you RBCCpuff for providing a loving home for 
this fellow...  a large chunk of luck in an otherwise unlucky life..


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] People who don't care about animals...

2017-05-28 Thread dlgegg
I have to get one of those plaques, really do need one or maybe more to put in 
each room

 kat  wrote: 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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