RE: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 38, Issue 1

2008-03-02 Thread whocares whocares

Hi Karen,
I'm sorry that I missed you. I ordered the Transfer Factor and used your 
distributor number. Thank you so much. I haven't called you this weekend 
because I'm working the weekend 12 1/2 hr day shifts with a long commute. I 
will call you Monday evening if that's okay with you. I have many questions 
that you may be able to help me with.
Thank you for the gracious offer.

RE: more questions and thankyou

2008-02-26 Thread whocares whocares

Firstly, thankyou to everyone who responded and for the advice thusfar. Milli's 
diahrea is getting better with Neorase and probiotics, etc..
I've gotten 5 of the 7 new ones tested and they've all come back FeLV+. 5 are 
housed together and the other 2 are each in their own rooms. I have 8 immune 
challenged cats of my own (some of which are permanent fosters) and am a little 
worried now. 
What precautions do I have to take? Is FeLV extremely contagious? My dishwasher 
has a sani cycle which I've been using. Does sanitizing kill the virus? Is it 
easily spread on clothes? How close does the contact have to be between cats? 
How long does the virus live outside the body?
Lance, how much DMG do you give? I have some for my HCM kitty. 
I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Does anyone know where I can get Transfer 
Factor? No naturpath, etc. here seems to have heard of it.
I'm way over my head here. Please give me as much advice (even if it sounds 
simple) as you can.

new member with FeLV+ foster kitty Milli

2008-02-24 Thread whocares whocares


Hi,This is my first post so please bear with me. I'm posting this through 
email. If there's a more efficient way please let me know. 2 weeks ago I took 
in 7 filthy, reeking, matted, very, very ill cats from a horrific shelter in 
the area. All were emaciated, dehydrated, infected eyes, URI's, ear 
mites/infections, severe diahrea, etc.. My vet didn't think they'd make it 
through the first night but here they are getting healthier by the day. Some 
still need injectable antibiotic combos daily but they are improving.One of 
these had severe gingivitis - very infected teeth that had to be dealt quickly. 
She survived the anaesthetic and had all except 4 teeth removed (her canines 
were sticking sideways out of her mouth they were so infected).She had a blood 
panel done and she tested positive for FeLV. Her other levels correlate with 
the positive diagnosis. She may be up to 8 yrs old? She has a severe URI which 
is improving. However, she has terrible diahrea. She is on a daily injectable 
antibiotic combo and also gets injectable B12 and injectable B complex. I have 
her on probiotics and Standard Process Whole Body Support. I have Collostrum. 
Do you recommend it and how much should I give her? She's tiny and fragile - 4 
- 5 lbs now. Do you recommend Interferon? What else can I give her? She is 
isolated in a very large sunny warm bathroom and very happy and very active 
(even a bit hyper). She has gone from NASTY cat in the beginning to sweet 
cuddly lap cat now. Two of the others have been tested (awaiting results) and 
the other 4 will have blood panels this week. Some of these new cats are 
isolated together and some are isolated alone. My own cats and other permanent 
fosters I have are fragile and don't get vaxed - can't due to auto immune 
diseases, severe HCM, vaccinosis, etc. so the new ones have no contact with 
mine.Any and all suggestions, advice would be gratefully accepted.ThanksEl