in search of a cat sitter in brooklyn new york

2006-09-11 Thread JENI RECA
I know this maybe a shot in the dark, since I think most of the people on this list don't live in new york, but I thought I would try. Maybe someone would know someone that cat sits. My husband and I are going to my sister's wedding in California from sept 18-25th, we are looking for a cat sitter for our two feluks. I had a coworker lined up, but he just bailed on me. I live in bed-stuy, new york. Does anyone know anyone around that does do some cat sitting. Come in play, socialize, feed, and scoop litter. Neither of the cats are on meds, just a little lysine in thier food every day. One as most of you know is a feral and doesn't really go for the human contact stuff and the other one is a complete opposite and would fall over in love with anyone that petted him. Any suggestions or recommendation is highly appreciated!

Re: in search of a cat sitter in brooklyn new york

2006-09-11 Thread niuniu

Hi Jeni,
If you haven't find anyone yet you can try to call murray hill animal
hospital and ask for sarah. I don't know if she still works there, but
she does petsitting. The ph # to the hospital is  212 685 2857
Good luck!


 I know this maybe a shot in the dark, since I think most of the people on
this list don't live in new york, but I thought I would try.  Maybe someone
would know someone that cat sits.  My husband and I are going to my sister's
wedding in California from sept 18-25th, we are looking for a cat sitter for
our two feluks.  I had a coworker lined up, but he just bailed on me.  I
live in bed-stuy, new york.  Does anyone know anyone around that does do
some cat sitting.  Come in play, socialize, feed, and scoop litter.  Neither
of the cats are on meds, just a little lysine in thier food every day. One
as most of you know is a feral and doesn't really go for the human contact
stuff and the other one is a complete opposite and would fall over in love
with anyone that petted him.  Any suggestions or recommendation is highly

Question about Brooklyn.

2005-12-14 Thread Lernermichelle

Hi. I know that you said that fasting Brooklyn made his stools solid 
for the first time. Did that last after you started feeding him again? And how 
long had he had loose stools before that, and how loose?

I am still struggling with Lucy's diarrhea. I am considering fasting her 
and was just wondering about this.


RE: Brooklyn

2005-12-06 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.

Rebecca, great to hear the good news about Brooklyn!! Kerry
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of veggiepugs
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2005 11:16 PM
Subject: Brooklyn

Hi Everyone...been so busy haven't been on list for a bit. My sister is
getting married and things are hectic here and 
there. Just wanted to update everyone who has been so helpful and
encouraging with Brooklyn. He is doing well. I 
finally got up the strength and into a routine of giving him his meds.
It's been almost a week and he is doing better. 
No more vomiting, but all he wants to eat now is dry food. Not
interested in the canned food anymore, I think it's 
because he's afraid there's going to be nasty stuff in it since I tried
to hide the meds in it. 

His poopies (that's the professional term we use around here) are
becoming more solid, no more liquid poops. That's 
happening slowly but surely and guess whatI moved the litterbox to
where he kept going on the floor, and he's 
been using the litterbox CONSISTENTLY! He was just trying to tell me
THIS is where the potty should beif it's not 
where it should be, I'm goin here anyway lol. 

I have to say I'm totally entertained by his bad manners. LOL. He begs
for food WORSE than the dogs do! He stole a 
french fry from my plate! I sit at a snack table and eat since it's just
me, and he reaches up with his paw and tries to 
knock it off the table. If he can't get it or I'm eating he just meows
incessantly until i give him SOMETHING. And if I 
don't pay attention to his begging, he paws ME! Today he wanted
biscuits. The cat is hilarious. He is so cuddly it's 
amazing. He needs a bath though. How would I do that? I know from
experience that cats aren't too fond of baths (I 
used to work in a grooming department and have a NASTY scar from a cat
who didn't want a bath that day). 

Anyway, other than that, no other news except that I asked for the
roomba for xmas. It just sounded so great. LOL. 

Happy Holidays everyone and hug your kitties for us here in furball
wonderland. :)



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Re: Brooklyn

2005-12-05 Thread catatonya
Sounds good! I hope Brooklyn keeps improving, bad manners or not!!!tonyaveggiepugs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi Everyone...been so busy haven't been on list for a bit. My sister is getting married and things are hectic here and there. Just wanted to update everyone who has been so helpful and encouraging with Brooklyn. He is doing well. I finally got up the strength and into a routine of giving him his meds. It's been almost a week and he is doing better. No more vomiting, but all he wants to eat now is dry food. Not interested in the canned food anymore, I think it's because he's afraid there's going to be nasty stuff in it since I tried to hide the meds in it. His poopies (that's the professional term we use around here) are becoming more solid, no more liquid poops. That's
 happening slowly but surely and guess whatI moved the litterbox to where he kept going on the floor, and he's been using the litterbox CONSISTENTLY! He was just trying to tell me "THIS is where the potty should beif it's not where it should be, I'm goin here anyway" lol. I have to say I'm totally entertained by his bad manners. LOL. He begs for food WORSE than the dogs do! He stole a french fry from my plate! I sit at a snack table and eat since it's just me, and he reaches up with his paw and tries to knock it off the table. If he can't get it or I'm eating he just meows incessantly until i give him SOMETHING. And if I don't pay attention to his begging, he paws ME! Today he wanted biscuits. The cat is hilarious. He is so cuddly it's amazing. He needs a bath though. How would I do that? I know from experience that cats aren't too fond of baths (I used to work in a grooming department and have a NASTY scar from a cat who didn't want a
 bath that day). Anyway, other than that, no other news except that I asked for the roomba for xmas. It just sounded so great. LOL. Happy Holidays everyone and hug your kitties for us here in furball wonderland. :)HugsRebecca


2005-12-04 Thread veggiepugs
Hi Everyone...been so busy haven't been on list for a bit. My sister is getting 
married and things are hectic here and 
there. Just wanted to update everyone who has been so helpful and encouraging 
with Brooklyn. He is doing well. I 
finally got up the strength and into a routine of giving him his meds. It's 
been almost a week and he is doing better. 
No more vomiting, but all he wants to eat now is dry food. Not interested in 
the canned food anymore, I think it's 
because he's afraid there's going to be nasty stuff in it since I tried to hide 
the meds in it. 

His poopies (that's the professional term we use around here) are becoming more 
solid, no more liquid poops. That's 
happening slowly but surely and guess whatI moved the litterbox to where he 
kept going on the floor, and he's 
been using the litterbox CONSISTENTLY! He was just trying to tell me THIS is 
where the potty should beif it's not 
where it should be, I'm goin here anyway lol. 

I have to say I'm totally entertained by his bad manners. LOL. He begs for food 
WORSE than the dogs do! He stole a 
french fry from my plate! I sit at a snack table and eat since it's just me, 
and he reaches up with his paw and tries to 
knock it off the table. If he can't get it or I'm eating he just meows 
incessantly until i give him SOMETHING. And if I 
don't pay attention to his begging, he paws ME! Today he wanted biscuits. The 
cat is hilarious. He is so cuddly it's 
amazing. He needs a bath though. How would I do that? I know from experience 
that cats aren't too fond of baths (I 
used to work in a grooming department and have a NASTY scar from a cat who 
didn't want a bath that day). 

Anyway, other than that, no other news except that I asked for the roomba for 
xmas. It just sounded so great. LOL. 

Happy Holidays everyone and hug your kitties for us here in furball wonderland. 


Re: medicating Brooklyn

2005-11-30 Thread TenHouseCats
one of my bengal friends, who's on daily heart meds, SWEARS by the
3-fishy-flavor compounding flavor--he's nowhere near as fond of the
other choices

and i can't believe i was a catmom for more than 15 years before
someone taught me about scruffing

wonder how much of his attitude is his name? them brooklyn folks can
be tough! (yes, it's a joke--first cup of coffee and all that)

AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: medicating Brooklyn

2005-11-30 Thread wendy
Hey Rebecca,

I am glad you are feeling more confident about giving
Brooklyn his meds.  Good for you for sticking it out
and being persistent!  Good luck giving him his meds
and I hope that it gets easier really fast!  Tell
Brooklyn we said Meow, meow.  That means You're
welcome.  lol.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: medicating Brooklyn

2005-11-30 Thread Nina
Another hint for flavor compounding...  Banana.  I don't know why banana 
works so well to cut bitterness, but it does.  It's not a flavor that I 
would have every associated with cats, but it does work.


TenHouseCats wrote:

one of my bengal friends, who's on daily heart meds, SWEARS by the
3-fishy-flavor compounding flavor--he's nowhere near as fond of the
other choices

and i can't believe i was a catmom for more than 15 years before
someone taught me about scruffing

wonder how much of his attitude is his name? them brooklyn folks can
be tough! (yes, it's a joke--first cup of coffee and all that)

medicating Brooklyn

2005-11-29 Thread veggiepugs
i got to the vet hospital and they said your appt is for thursday! i said no, 
this is important to do now, so i have to 
see someone now, i said my cat is sick and needs medication that I can't give 
him so I have to see someone about it 
he cant go on like this he feels terrible. The girl was SO nice and i saw the 
head honcho vet who is always impossible 
to get an appt with. He showed me how to adminster meds and i said you make it 
look so easy (he did this with 
liquid form) and the vet tech then showed me a way and told me instead of a 
towel, to sit on the bed with the 
comforter aroudn him. She said i could also put him in his carrier and this way 
he has no where to go but that looked 
a little harder. They showed me how to hold his head and said not to be afraid 
to hold the scruff. I think I'm too 
easy, I need to be more assertive and let him know he has to do this...ITS FOR 
HIS OWN GOOD! Lol now i really 
sound like a mom! Well, I wanted to be sure I could do it, so I tried holding 
him the way she showed me an he was 
pretty good. They did agree though that he's a tough one. They were able to get 
in the meds, but he spit some out! 
So it was as if he were like FINE! you got me but im just gonna spit it out! 
THERE! lol. Well, they gave me a 1cc 
syringe but they had used the fatter one, and i said hey this looks like a lot 
more, i know it's not but i have to put a 
whole syringe in while the other one looks like less and goes faster (no way i 
was gonna push that skinny plunger alll 
the way down) so i said gimme the fat one. it will go quicker. So they gave me 
both. LOL. 

Patti, the dr told me that both met. and famitidone or however you spell it 
both only come in IV...though he looked 
kind of unsure of that...i think he didnt think i could inject. I said listen, 
i want to do whatever i have to do to treat 
him at home. I do not want him in the hospital. If i have to inject him, I will 
do it, and you can show me how. Well 
he gave me that story and said he would flavor it with some fish taste (YUCK!) 
and make it liquid. So, no more pills! 
they did give him a pill no problem though...looked so easy! It's the front 
legs. Someone needs to hold his front legs! 
so I'm going to try the comforter and quick syringe tomorrow. Wish me luck. At 
least they gave him a nice dose at the 
vets for today. He ate dinner. Yay! The vet said...that he is eating is a 
god sign. Yay! So day by dayday by 

Hugs...i love everyone here already...and if you didn't guess it a 
huge mushy sentimental person so 
beware of the occasional emotional outbursts. LOL!

Brooklyn says THANKS A LOT EVERYONE lol but really he means thank you. lol


Brooklyn again

2005-11-26 Thread veggiepugs
Thank you SO much to EVERYONE who gave their opinions. I think it is so 
important to get every viewpoint possible 
because it always gives me more to think about, and helps me to think of things 
I otherwise would not have. And 
even if some of the ideas are opposing or just slightly different, I like to 
have ALL the information I can. I like to 
gather from all directions and utilize everyone's input, because everyone's 
experience is unique to them. Who knows! 
The tiniest thing can end up being coincidental and I would be glad to have 
known it. Anyhow, Brooklyn isn't 
interested in the food I just gave him with his meds. The vet did seem very 
knowledgable about FeLV because I 
initially called him the day after I took brooklyn home. He's new at the 
hospital I go to, a very young doctor. In any 
case, I had just called the hospital and told them to have a dr call me back 
that I could speak to about cats. He spent 
a GOOD deal of time answering my good and dumb questions and was so informative 
and patient. I told him how 
much I appreciated that. Because he sounded so knowledgable about it, I wanted 
to come and see him. So we did. 
He was so nice to Brooklyn, talked to him and snuggled him, petted him. I like 
that. I hate when vets are cold and so 
abrupt. Especially with a fragile animal. They need comfort and calming. 
Anyhow, he said he would treat this as a reg. 
GI infec IN CASE that's what it was he wants to nip it in the bud. The pepcid 
type pill certainly can't hurt, but Sandy, 
I hope that the Flagyl doesn't. He also said he doesn't want to think about 
vaccines or neutering until Brooklyn is 
back on his feet and feeling and looking good. So, right now its about treating 
what we see. Yes he did want a fecal 
but I didn't get one in time for the visit. He gave me a tube and told me to 
get one and bring it over so he can do 
one. As far as the isoflourine, yes I know of it, I read of it when I was 
researching spaying my rabbit. I asked every vet 
what they used and if they didn't say isoflourine on a rabbit, I went to 
another vet because I knew they hadn't been 
up to date on rabbit healthcare. I went through about 4 vets until I found the 
ABSOLUTE best vet which, DUH I just 
remembered, she sees cats too! her practice is called Catnip  Carrots and she 
specializes in rabbits/guinea pigs and 
Cats. Cats primarily. Boy am I dumb. But see...talking these things out is what 
helps us to come up with answers! 
Anyhow, thank you to EVERYONE for all your viewpoints. I appreciate them all 
because they are given out of caring. 
Hugs to all of you!
-Rebecca  Brooklyn

Re: Brooklyn again

2005-11-26 Thread Dudes
 he said he would treat this as a reg.
 GI infec IN CASE that's what it was he wants to nip it in the bud. The
pepcid type pill certainly can't hurt, but Sandy,
 I hope that the Flagyl doesn't.

For what it's worth, I do think that Cotton got enough doses in him to help
a lot.  His tootsie roll litterbox deposits are much more tolerable.  So at
least it was all for something, even though it made him feel so bad.  As
soon as I can get him on super-premium food, probably Innova, I think they
will improve even more.

And I'm hoping my extra-fluffy girl, Miss will slim down a bit.  She's
gained a lot of weight within the last year or two, and it's a worry to me.

Re: Brooklyn again

2005-11-26 Thread Nina

Hi Rebecca,
Forgive me if you've been going over this in previous posts, but I 
haven't had time to read all the emails...  Is Brooklyn eating okay with 
out the meds mixed in?


veggiepugs wrote:

Thank you SO much to EVERYONE who gave their opinions. I think it is so important to get every viewpoint possible 
because it always gives me more to think about, and helps me to think of things I otherwise would not have. And 
even if some of the ideas are opposing or just slightly different, I like to have ALL the information I can. I like to 
gather from all directions and utilize everyone's input, because everyone's experience is unique to them. Who knows! 
The tiniest thing can end up being coincidental and I would be glad to have known it. Anyhow, Brooklyn isn't 
interested in the food I just gave him with his meds. The vet did seem very knowledgable about FeLV because I 
initially called him the day after I took brooklyn home. He's new at the hospital I go to, a very young doctor. In any 
case, I had just called the hospital and told them to have a dr call me back that I could speak to about cats. He spent 
a GOOD deal of time answering my good and dumb questions and was so informative and patient. I told him how 
much I appreciated that. Because he sounded so knowledgable about it, I wanted to come and see him. So we did. 
He was so nice to Brooklyn, talked to him and snuggled him, petted him. I like that. I hate when vets are cold and so 
abrupt. Especially with a fragile animal. They need comfort and calming. Anyhow, he said he would treat this as a reg. 
GI infec IN CASE that's what it was he wants to nip it in the bud. The pepcid type pill certainly can't hurt, but Sandy, 
I hope that the Flagyl doesn't. He also said he doesn't want to think about vaccines or neutering until Brooklyn is 
back on his feet and feeling and looking good. So, right now its about treating what we see. Yes he did want a fecal 
but I didn't get one in time for the visit. He gave me a tube and told me to get one and bring it over so he can do 
one. As far as the isoflourine, yes I know of it, I read of it when I was researching spaying my rabbit. I asked every vet 
what they used and if they didn't say isoflourine on a rabbit, I went to another vet because I knew they hadn't been 
up to date on rabbit healthcare. I went through about 4 vets until I found the ABSOLUTE best vet which, DUH I just 
remembered, she sees cats too! her practice is called Catnip  Carrots and she specializes in rabbits/guinea pigs and 
Cats. Cats primarily. Boy am I dumb. But see...talking these things out is what helps us to come up with answers! 
Anyhow, thank you to EVERYONE for all your viewpoints. I appreciate them all because they are given out of caring. 
Hugs to all of you!

-Rebecca  Brooklyn



2005-11-25 Thread veggiepugs
Hi All-
Well, tomorrow is Brooklyn's vet visit and just today he suddenly started 
feeling sick. He was fine yesterday. He has 
diarrhea, has been vomiting and is lethargic and not eating. I'm not happy, but 
at least we are seeing the vet 
tomorrow. This all worries me of course, but I don't want to jump to any 
conclusions before seeing the vet and in the 
meantime he is still up for cuddling and I will do that all of tonight with him.

I think I read very briefly here that someone lost their kitty. I am so very 
sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you. 

Sending Hugs

Re: Brooklyn

2005-11-25 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Hi Rebecca,good luck with your kitty.hope all is well with your Brooklyn.I just lost my beautiful Maizee Grace,she was a Calico with the craziest paint scheme that I had ever. I will add you to my prayers.It is so stressful and disheartening to see such beautiful creatures go through so much.  Sherry  veggiepugs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Hi All-Well, tomorrow is
 Brooklyn's vet visit and just today he suddenly started feeling sick. He was fine yesterday. He has diarrhea, has been vomiting and is lethargic and not eating. I'm not happy, but at least we are seeing the vet tomorrow. This all worries me of course, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions before seeing the vet and in the meantime he is still up for cuddling and I will do that all of tonight with him.I think I read very briefly here that someone lost their kitty. I am so very sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you. Sending HugsRebecca
		 Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

Re: photo of Brooklyn

2005-11-23 Thread Terri Brown

Siggie says "Thank you!"


  - Original Message - 
  From: veggiepugs 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:48 
  Subject: Re: photo of Brooklyn
  Siggie...omg that is such a cute name. Hi Siggie! 
  ---Original Message--- From: Terri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Subject: Re: photo of Brooklyn Sent: Nov 22 '05 
  21:35  He looks like my Siggie! 
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, 
  Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, 
  Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' =^..^=  
   Furkid Photos! [LINK:] 
  My Personal Page: [LINK:] 
   - Original Message -  FROM: 
  veggiepugs  TO: [LINK:] 
SENT: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 
  9:50 AM  SUBJECT: Re: New 
  Member   Actually, DUH I have links 
  to Brooklyn's Photos I can share...I forgot... 
   and here's my doggies website... 

Re: photo of Brooklyn

2005-11-22 Thread Terri Brown

He looks like my Siggie!

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' 

Furkid Photos! 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: veggiepugs 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:50 
  Subject: Re: New Member
  Actually, DUH I have links to Brooklyn's Photos I can share...I 
  here's my doggies website...http://www.linusnlucy.comenjoy!-Rebecca

Re: photo of Brooklyn

2005-11-22 Thread veggiepugs
Siggie...omg that is such a cute name. Hi Siggie!

  ---Original Message---
  From: Terri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: photo of Brooklyn
  Sent: Nov 22 '05 21:35
  He looks like my Siggie!
  =^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6
  furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome'  =^..^=
  Furkid Photos! [LINK:]
  My  Personal Page: [LINK:]
  - Original Message -
  FROM: [LINK: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] veggiepugs
  SENT: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:50   AM
  SUBJECT: Re: New Member
  Actually, DUH I have links to Brooklyn's Photos I can share...I
  and   here's my doggies website...