Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-11-22 Thread wendy
Prayers going out to your two boys Kerry.

Happy Thanksgiving!

--- Kerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, it has been one of those weeks...First,
 Bandy...I got up Wed. and Bandy had rubbed all the
 hair off the right side of his face..He has ringworm
 again and I got the fulvicin started again last
 Fri.. It takes several days for it to start working
 so here we go again...I took him to the vet and he
 has an ear infection which has caused him to rub his now he is off the otomax as it seems to
 make him shake his head worse and rub his face..So
 he is on clavamox so we hopefully won't get a skin
 infection...He didn't have a temp either so that is
 a good thing...Anyway, I hope we are on the mend
 again...After Thanksgiving I am going to board him
 for the day and get some help to really clean his
 room with lots of try to get rid of this
 stuff...I don't have any place to keep him so that
 is all I can...wish him luck
   Inky is now on low dose metronidazole..daily..  
 .3cc liquid or 1/8 pill whichever he will take for
 the does help him. This week he is feeling
 bad one day and ok the next so I dont' know what to
 think..I guess it is the IBD that gives him the most
 trouble...When all else fails, he will eat mash
 potatoes..guess it feels good on his stomach...the
 K/D seems to make him sick anymore and he really
 likes it..But we can't have him throwing up all the
 time either...He is drinking ok broth and water..
   Please keep the prayers coming for my 2 boys..We
 are doing the same for you..
   Head butts to all...
   Thanks again,
   Kerry, Bandy and Inky
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Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-11-19 Thread Lance
Prayers for Inky and Bandy. I hope the next update brings good news.  
Bless you all.


Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-11-18 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Poor Bandy! I wish you could get his ringworm under control, he's been
suffering with it for SO long now, poor baby. Is it possible that his immune
system is causing the ringworm reoccurrences? Could it be a low immune
system, making his body more susceptible, or the other way, could his immune
system be attacking the inflamed areas and arggravating the ringworm? I have
not tried to look this up, just trying to come up with a reason WHY he's had
it for so long. Ringworm usually has a life cycle, and disappears on it's
own in a few months.

Is you vet sure it's not an auto-immune system response attacking his own
skin, rather than the ringworm? It's possible that if you're giving
Interferon, it could be causing an extreme immune response


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Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-11-18 Thread catatonya
  We're pulling for you, Bandy, and Inky here.

Kerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well, it has been one of those weeks...First, Bandy...I got up Wed. and 
Bandy had rubbed all the hair off the right side of his face..He has ringworm 
again and I got the fulvicin started again last Fri.. It takes several days for 
it to start working so here we go again...I took him to the vet and he has an 
ear infection which has caused him to rub his now he is off the otomax 
as it seems to make him shake his head worse and rub his face..So he is on 
clavamox so we hopefully won't get a skin infection...He didn't have a temp 
either so that is a good thing...Anyway, I hope we are on the mend 
again...After Thanksgiving I am going to board him for the day and get some 
help to really clean his room with lots of try to get rid of this 
stuff...I don't have any place to keep him so that is all I can...wish him luck
  Inky is now on low dose metronidazole..daily..   .3cc liquid or 1/8 pill 
whichever he will take for the does help him. This week he is feeling 
bad one day and ok the next so I dont' know what to think..I guess it is the 
IBD that gives him the most trouble...When all else fails, he will eat mash 
potatoes..guess it feels good on his stomach...the K/D seems to make him sick 
anymore and he really likes it..But we can't have him throwing up all the time 
either...He is drinking ok broth and water..
  Please keep the prayers coming for my 2 boys..We are doing the same for you..
  Head butts to all...
  Thanks again,
  Kerry, Bandy and Inky

  Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited.

Bandy and Inky update

2006-11-17 Thread Kerry Roach
Well, it has been one of those weeks...First, Bandy...I got up Wed. and Bandy 
had rubbed all the hair off the right side of his face..He has ringworm again 
and I got the fulvicin started again last Fri.. It takes several days for it to 
start working so here we go again...I took him to the vet and he has an ear 
infection which has caused him to rub his now he is off the otomax as 
it seems to make him shake his head worse and rub his face..So he is on 
clavamox so we hopefully won't get a skin infection...He didn't have a temp 
either so that is a good thing...Anyway, I hope we are on the mend 
again...After Thanksgiving I am going to board him for the day and get some 
help to really clean his room with lots of try to get rid of this 
stuff...I don't have any place to keep him so that is all I can...wish him luck
  Inky is now on low dose metronidazole..daily..   .3cc liquid or 1/8 pill 
whichever he will take for the does help him. This week he is feeling 
bad one day and ok the next so I dont' know what to think..I guess it is the 
IBD that gives him the most trouble...When all else fails, he will eat mash 
potatoes..guess it feels good on his stomach...the K/D seems to make him sick 
anymore and he really likes it..But we can't have him throwing up all the time 
either...He is drinking ok broth and water..
  Please keep the prayers coming for my 2 boys..We are doing the same for you..
  Head butts to all...
  Thanks again,
  Kerry, Bandy and Inky

Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited.

Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-11-17 Thread Lernermichelle
Kerry, did you ever try the Immuno-Regulin for Bandy? It should help him  
kick the infection and someone on the list a long time ago said it helped her  
cat kick chronic ringworm. I am quite enamored with the stuff after seeing how  
fast it worked for Lucy with her URI, knock on wood. She got a low dose-- the  
dose recommended for her weight but lower than most people seem to give-- .25 
 ml.  She got it IV twice.
In a message dated 11/17/2006 8:05:03 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Well, it has been one of those weeks...First, Bandy...I got up Wed. and  
Bandy had rubbed all the hair off the right side of his face..He has ringworm  
again and I got the fulvicin started again last Fri.. It takes several days  
it to start working so here we go again...I took him to the vet and he has  an 
ear infection which has caused him to rub his now he is off the  
otomax as it seems to make him shake his head worse and rub his face..So he is  
on clavamox so we hopefully won't get a skin infection...He didn't have a temp  
either so that is a good thing...Anyway, I hope we are on the mend  
again...After Thanksgiving I am going to board him for the day and get some  
help to 
really clean his room with lots of try to get rid of this  
don't have any place to keep him so that is all I can...wish him  luck
Inky is now on low dose metronidazole..daily..   .3cc liquid or  1/8 pill 
whichever he will take for the does help him. This week he is  feeling 
bad one day and ok the next so I dont' know what to think..I guess it  is the 
IBD that gives him the most trouble...When all else fails, he will eat  mash 
potatoes..guess it feels good on his stomach...the K/D seems to make him  sick 
anymore and he really likes it..But we can't have him throwing up all the  time 
either...He is drinking ok broth and water..
Please keep the prayers coming for my 2 boys..We are doing the same for  you..
Head butts to all...
Thanks again,
Kerry, Bandy and Inky


Re: Inky update - Belinda

2006-09-10 Thread catatonya
Kerry,If he's eating and drinking that much I think it's a very good sign. I assume you're not giving broth with salt in it though. That wouldn't be good.take care,  tKerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I am really out of touch with things lately since Inky's been so sick. His last blood work was improved though...BUN 28 down from 79 and CRE 2.3 down from 2.9 which normal is 2.1 so that is much better...I have taken him for fluids 3 times and I am not doing it anymore...I know they need them, but he is so stressed out from it that we both can't handle it...It seems to me that his heart can't take it..He is out of it for nearly 12 hours after receiveing 100 to 150cc of fluids...He won't even get up to eat or drink..He will only
 go to the box..Have any of you ever had a kitty that got so out of it from fluids.. They usually make them feel better, but in Inky's case it just makes him I told his vet that I won't do it unless absolutely necessary and seems to me if he is eating good and drinking alot of water and broth without vomiting, that he should be ok...We have even put fluids evenly on both sides of him and it still makes him feel bad...I think I am just going to keep a good eye on him and make sure he eats and drinks his broth..I give him around 110cc 3 to 4 times a day and he drinks all of water..Any thoughts on this please let me know.  Thanks for all your help,  Kerry, Bandy and Inky  Get your email and more, right on the new 

Re: Inky update - Belinda

2006-09-06 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi,  Inky just doesn't seem to tolerate the fluids, and I don't really know why..He isn't retaining any fluid as he pees alot..He is drinking around 300 to 400cc a day. I am giving him chicken broth all he wants...I measure all the fluids so I don't think he will dehydrate as long as he keeps drinking like this...I do add some water to the broth, too..I don't know if he is even drinking plain water much. The broth bowl goes empty regularly though..If he stops drinking then I will have to get the sub-q's for sure..  I just know when he gets fluids, he feels really bad for about 10 to 12 hrs..I would rather see him eating and drinking on his own than going off all of it for that time period..Does that make any sense?? I do understand how important the fluids are when you were talking about the kidney damage. When his thyroid profile was done the other day, it was in the normal range, he is on 1/4 tapazole now for
 hyper-t  He ate an entire can of chicken k/d yesterday and some grilled chicken breast.. I feed him french fries, too..strange as it may be it is a good way for me to give him his pills..He only weighs 5 lbs now..He has never been a large kitty always around 7.5.  I just don't know what to do other than keep a close eye on him to make sure he drinks enough..Let me know what you think about how much fluid he drinks.  Thanks again for your help,  Kerry, Bandy and Inky 
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Re: Inky update - Belinda

2006-09-06 Thread Belinda

   Hi Kerry,
  Keep an eye on how much he is peeing, Fred pees ALOT and that's 
another reason I have to give him the additional fluids, he also drinks 
pretty good and I add water to his food.  He is barely concentrating his 
urine, not good, so he really needs the fluids.  I do know there is a 
cat on the CRF list that reacted like Inky is, feeling worse after the 
fluids, she (kitties Mom) just wrote yesterday to say after about a week 
and a half they are seeing a difference and their cats is acting more 
normal and doesn't feel bad anymore after fluids.


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Re: Inky update - Belinda

2006-09-05 Thread Kerry Roach
I am really out of touch with things lately since Inky's been so sick. His last blood work was improved though...BUN 28 down from 79 and CRE 2.3 down from 2.9 which normal is 2.1 so that is much better...I have taken him for fluids 3 times and I am not doing it anymore...I know they need them, but he is so stressed out from it that we both can't handle it...It seems to me that his heart can't take it..He is out of it for nearly 12 hours after receiveing 100 to 150cc of fluids...He won't even get up to eat or drink..He will only go to the box..Have any of you ever had a kitty that got so out of it from fluids.. They usually make them feel better, but in Inky's case it just makes him I told his vet that I won't do it unless absolutely necessary and seems to me if he is eating good and drinking alot of water and broth without vomiting, that he should be ok...We have even put fluids evenly on both sides of him and it still makes him feel bad...I
 think I am just going to keep a good eye on him and make sure he eats and drinks his broth..I give him around 110cc 3 to 4 times a day and he drinks all of water..Any thoughts on this please let me know.  Thanks for all your help,  Kerry, Bandy and Inky 
		Get your email and more, right on the  new 

Re: Inky update - Kerry

2006-09-05 Thread Belinda

 He needs to be on Lasix if the fluids are affecting his heart that
badly, many CRF kitties are also heart problem kitties and many getting
fluids are on lasix, your vet should know that. If not maybe you can
have them recommend an internal specialist more versed in CRF
problems. Cats that have both CRF and heart trouble need to be closely
watched, it's balancing act, but honestly Kerry the fluids are very
important to help keep the healthy part of the kidney healthy for as
long as possible. And of course dehydration has it's own set of

Fred doesn't have any heart problems so he is OK with the fluids other
than he just doesn't like getting them, but he has been exceptionally
good for me. I've had to change my routine, he won't eat the treats
anymore so I take him in the bathroom, pet him and explain it's time
for the fluids and it will keep him feeling good for longer and keep
his kidney's working longer, then I stick in the needle among a head
turn and grouching. I hold him in my lap on the floor while he gets
them and for now that is working. He is getting 100mls a day. He gets
a little fidgety towards the end but I just tell him we're almost done
and he patiently sits. Once he knows we're done though, he wants to
get the needle out and go. I just set him on the floor holding him
under his belly, turn the roller up to close off the fluids and let him
walk off and the needle slips out (sometimes he's in a hurry and I
don't quite get the fluids clamped off, oh well, a little waste is
worth it if it keeps Fred happy). What does Inky not like, the stick
or the fluids going in or both?

I had a communicator talk with Fred and tell him the fluids are
essential and he as been much better ever since, he said he knows it's
something I need to do just doesn't get the need for it. I have told
him it will keep him feeling good for a longer time. I have also had
to start pepcid AC, he had been vomiting foam every few days, a sign of
tummy acid and the pepcid AC is suppose to help, so far he has only had
them 2 times, he is getting it every other day. CRF cats that won't
eat good are probably having tummy acid problems even if they aren't
throwing up so the pepcid AC really helps with
that and helps them get their appetite back. It has to be pepcid AC,
not pepcid complete, not sure why that's just what
everyone says, it may be the calcium in the other, some CRF kitties
have high calcium already, the pepcid AC doesn't have calcium in it.

I also have been bringing food to Fred whenever I think about it
because he will usually eat a few bites and I have been adding water to
his food which seems to make it more appetizing to him. Each of these
tricks works for a while and then I need to vary things. Right now he
is tolerating his fluids pretty well but not eating as well so it is a
roller coaster ride!!

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Re: Inky update - Kerry

2006-09-05 Thread Belinda
PS.  Inky's blood work is looking good, thats about what Fred's was 
while we were waiting for the blood work to be redone for the hyper-t, I 
was really upset when his creatinine got so much worse in those 3 
weeks.  I wish now I had followed my instincts and started fluids then, 
it may have made a difference.  His kidney's got that much more damaged 
and that damage can never be reversed as I understand it!!

Part of what I don't understand is how it's possible to get the 
creatinine down from such a high number to a good number again but the 
damage is still there.  If the creatinine is the number signifying the 
amount of damage the kidney's have suffered and the actual amount of 
kidney function left, how can the number get so much better without the 
actual damage reversing some??  Anyone got any ideas about this?

Think I'll ask my vet about that one!!


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Re: Inky update - Belinda

2006-08-31 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Belinda,   I don't have Inky's last blood work papers here, but I am going to get them tomorrow..I can give you the initial tests results done on Aug. 18.  I am only going to list the ones that are not in the normal range..  ALB +4.5 (2.2-4.4 G/DL)  AMY +2650 (330-1100 U/L)  BUN +79 (10-30 MG/DL)  PHOS +9.3 (3.4-8.5 MG/DL)  CRE +2.9 (.3-2.1 MG/DL)  HCT 36.3 ( which is way in the middle so no signs of anemia) I was really pleased with that one..  I do remember when they re-checked his blood before I brought him home, they were around the normal range..except the amylase..AMY it was worse actually over 3000.  I will post those tomorrow or as soon as I get them, but I am sure the BUN was under 30 and the creatine was around 2.3. I don't remember what the phos was at that time..I guess we will re-do blood work in a month or so,
 too..  He hates sub-q fluids, I have to take him as I can't do it by myself at home. He won't let me and really gets stressed out about it..I know I am going to have to find a way to do it here..It does stress him some to take him, too, but I think it is because the fluids always go down his leg and he just can't get around too good for awhile..They talked about putting in a port so it would be easier to do at home...have you had any dealings with one of those?? I still don't think his problem is all related to his kidneys..I really believe he was having pancreatitis attack..The vomiting has stopped and he has a normal stool now. She did say he had liver failure, too, but I know the bilirubin is suppose to be elevated or not normal if that is going on and his was in the middle range of normal..I had a renal kitty in the past and I know no matter how much IV fluids we gave him the BUN and CRE never came down like this or as rapid..  Anyway,
 I guess we will stay on the K/D diet and as much raw food as I can get him to eat..He really likes chicken broth so I give him all he wants..I know for several days, he didn't even drink water just the broth, but lots of it. I did sneak some water in it at times, too..He has so many issues going on, it is hard to deal with..His thyroid test was normal this time, 1/4 tapazole is working for him..I just hate that he is on so much pred right now...10mg daily, but I am going to cut it back to 7.5 then guess we will work our way down if we can..Please let me know what you think..  Thanks for the info,  Kerry, Bandy and Inky 
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Re: Inky update - Kerry LONG

2006-08-31 Thread Belinda

 Hi Kerry,
 I think high phosphorous can make them feel nauseated so that may
be why his appetite goes off, has the vet suggested phos binders? Part
of one of the list messages below:

Powdered Alum. Hydroxide Gel now for over 3
years and have not had any problems. It is a finely ground powder that
mixes easily into canned food, and can be placed in a baggie w/dry
overnight then fed in the morning . it binds with the phosphorus in
the food in the gut and is then excreted through the stool.

It really helps bring it down and helps them get their appetite back.
His creat isn't too bad and the subqs at home should help keep that in
check. His BUN is high but IV fluids should help bring that down.
Fred is just the opposite, his creat is at 4.2 and 4 weeks ago it was
at 2.6, so it got a lot worse, I'm hoping the subqs get it down some.
His BUN was never too bad, it started at 46, went to 48, then back to
44, but he isn't concentrating his urine very good at all and that's
NOT good.

I talked with my vet about a Gif tube or an Endo-Sof
Subcutaneous Catheter Set both used for giving subqs at
home, I think they are similar but I need to talk with her some more
because as I understood it the one she was talking about you still use
needles but the people on the CRF list say you don't, but they are
talking about the gif tube so there may be a difference.

The way my vet explained it to me is, they have to sedate the cat and
cut a small 5ml hole in the back area right below the neck. The
catheter gets inserted and stiched in place down the back, I think the
catheter is about 6 or 7 inches long and has small holes all the way
down. At the end sticking out of the back is a port similar to the
green ports on an Subq bag used to give additional things while subqing
(vitamin B for example). The pictures I've seen of both doesn't look
like what she described so I may be getting it wrong. The main concern
is keeping it sterile and that it doesn't get plugged up. Sometimes
the cats body sees it as a foreign invader and the immune system will
form a membrane around it plugging the holes. This can be fixed
without and surgery there is a manual on the CRF site that explains how
to do it and I guess the girl who wrote it has even talked vets who
have never done it through it.

My vet has personally only inserted 1 of these and the kitty had no
problems for the 4 months it was in, the cat died from unrelated
problems after 4 months. She has worked with another cat that had one
(she didn't insert it) and that cat had it for a year before it had to
be replaced and didn't have any problems for that year or since to my
knowledge. That is the extent of her knowledge and experience with
them. When Fred was being a real poop, I was seriously considering it
and researched it, I'll put some links at the bottom of the page about
it. He's been pretty good lately, although the last two days he hasn't
been as good, but good enough that it isn't necassary yet, but I will
do it if it becomes necessary and he knows it. The fluids are very
important and he will get them one way or another!!

a picture is at the bottom of the page, this is not what I understood
it to be like, because you don't use needles with this, I may have
misunderstood though.

Another site with info on this:



Gif Tube another
site with info:
picture of cat getting tube insert, not too graphic.

From what I understand the gif is made of human grade silicone the
other is a new patented material, Endo-Sof, which is designed to be
compatible with body tissue for up to one year. Lots to learn and my
vet is out until tomorrow so I won't be able to talk to her before then.


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Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Inky update - Belinda

2006-08-31 Thread Belinda
PS.  I forgot to say, high AMY and glucose can be indicator of pancreas 


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Inky update

2006-08-29 Thread Belinda

 What are Inky's BUN and creatinine values, these are the two main
ones associated with Kidney problems"

Fred gets daily fluids now, 100MLs a day, I have to bribe him with
chicken or tuna. His creatinine went from 2.6 to 4.2 in three weeks,
his BUN actually got a little better from 46 to 44 getting no fluids,
so my vet suggested 75MLs a every other day but we talked and I asked
her if it wouldn't be better for him to get fluids everyday since he
got so much worse so quickly. She said yes but since he was NOT good
about getting them she tried to make it easy for me, but he will get
what he needs. The creatinine is the most important to determine the
loss of function.

He has been pretty good, the last couple days he has grumbled a bit but
he is getting his fluids and I think he is putting some weight back
on. I think we redo bloodwork in about a month or so, I hope his
creatinine went down a little. His anemia is OK, he was 24% last time
we checked, he had a dental right before and IV fluids so we weren't
sure how accurate it was, it was 30% before the dental, he isn't acting
anemic so I'm not too worried about that.

I just wanted to impress how important fluids are for a cat with kidney
problems, I asked my vet specifically about it because there is a
person on the CRF list that keeps saying fluids are only to hyrdate
the cat, this is NOT true and I knew my vet had told me that. Yes
they do hyrdate the cat BUT they also help the part of the kidney
that is still functioning to flush the kidneys thereby helping rid the
body of toxins and keeping the healthy functioning part of the the
kidney functioning for as long as possible. CRF is a terminal
disease process but there are things you can do to delay the inevitable
and fluids are a very big part of it. My vet told me the kidney are
made up of tubularies (sp?) and when there is a kidney problem the
tubularies start scarring and closing up with scar tissue. Fluids help
keep the healthy un-scarred tubularies open and working longer so
fluids are important. Not the most scientific explanation but
basically what my vet described as I understood it anyway. Also
getting Inky to drink as much as possible is good also. Wet food if he
will eat it is better than dry and any juice you can get him to drink
is good. I will bring food to Fred when he is in another room and try
and get him to eat a little, I even add water to the wet food.

I hope Inky starts feeling better soon. Lots of prayers and healthy
positive thoughts coming for Inky.

happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Inky update - Belinda

2006-08-29 Thread Nina

I was just going to write to you for an update about Fred. I'm glad he
seems to be doing better and is accepting his subqs a little more
Head bumps to Fred and Inky,

Belinda wrote:

 What are Inky's BUN and creatinine values, these are the two main
ones associated with Kidney problems"
Fred gets daily fluids now, 100MLs a day, I have to bribe him with
chicken or tuna. His creatinine went from 2.6 to 4.2 in three weeks,
his BUN actually got a little better from 46 to 44 getting no fluids,
so my vet suggested 75MLs a every other day but we talked and I asked
her if it wouldn't be better for him to get fluids everyday since he
got so much worse so quickly. She said yes but since he was NOT good
about getting them she tried to make it easy for me, but he will get
what he needs. The creatinine is the most important to determine the
loss of function.
He has been pretty good, the last couple days he has grumbled a bit but
he is getting his fluids and I think he is putting some weight back
on. I think we redo bloodwork in about a month or so, I hope his
creatinine went down a little. His anemia is OK, he was 24% last time
we checked, he had a dental right before and IV fluids so we weren't
sure how accurate it was, it was 30% before the dental, he isn't acting
anemic so I'm not too worried about that.
I just wanted to impress how important fluids are for a cat with kidney
problems, I asked my vet specifically about it because there is a
person on the CRF list that keeps saying fluids are only to hyrdate
the cat, this is NOT true and I knew my vet had told me that. Yes
they do hyrdate the cat BUT they also help the part of the kidney
that is still functioning to flush the kidneys thereby helping rid the
body of toxins and keeping the healthy functioning part of the the
kidney functioning for as long as possible. CRF is a terminal
disease process but there are things you can do to delay the inevitable
and fluids are a very big part of it. My vet told me the kidney are
made up of tubularies (sp?) and when there is a kidney problem the
tubularies start scarring and closing up with scar tissue. Fluids help
keep the healthy un-scarred tubularies open and working longer so
fluids are important. Not the most scientific explanation but
basically what my vet described as I understood it anyway. Also
getting Inky to drink as much as possible is good also. Wet food if he
will eat it is better than dry and any juice you can get him to drink
is good. I will bring food to Fred when he is in another room and try
and get him to eat a little, I even add water to the wet food.
I hope Inky starts feeling better soon. Lots of prayers and healthy
positive thoughts coming for Inky.

Re: Inky update

2006-08-28 Thread Kerry Roach
Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts for Inky..I guess we are holding our own for now..He had 150ml sub-q fluids on Fri..and was to have more on Sunday, but since he is eating and drinking now and we go to the vet on Monday, I thought we would wait for her to check him out..It really stressed him out on Fri. to get them..I thought I was losing him as he quit eating and drinking again..I tried it all, too..even Friskies cat then I grilled him a chicken breast, upped his pred and gave him a dose of transdermal appetite stimulant seemed to work as he is now on his 3rd chicken breast and drank a large box of chicken broth along with some water now..eats a little bit of k/d. I am having a hard time getting the meds in him though..I now put his pill in a french fry and he takes it from me.. So I guess we will just go one day at a long as I can keep him eating, I think he will be ok..and keep him from vomiting..Only once since
 last that is a good thing..  Anyway, sorry to go on and on, but I think you all know how it is..  Bandy has now gone the longest in over 14 months without a fever..If he has had one, you couldn't tell it..eating good and playing with his toys..He only gets meds once a day now..and that is a first, too..his hair is growing back and instead of solid black, it is salt and pepper...he really looks good for a change..  Thanks for all the CRF info, too..I have alot to look into..I forgot to add that I am not sure that is what is Inky's main I was looking at his lab work and comparing it to his past lab back from March..It may be pancreas. His phosphorus level was we aren't using binders as of yet..he will get more lab work I'm sure in a couple of wks..His vet mentioned liver failure, too, but some of those were normal, too..So I don't know..I am just trying to combat several things here with the right type of
 diet for lessen the load on his kidneys, liver and pancreas. Not an easy thing.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Hope your fur babies are doing well!!  Kerry, Bandy, and Inky   
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Re: Inky update

2006-08-28 Thread Nina

I'm glad to hear that Inky is holding his own.  It's really good news 
that he's eating more.  I'm sorry I didn't write sooner, I've been 
dealing with a lot of stuff right now too.  Isn't he funny that he likes 
french fries?  Really good news about Bandy continuing to do well too.  
I don't know how you continue to keep your spirits up, it never seems to 
end at your house.

Prayers to you, Inky and Bandy,

Kerry Roach wrote:

Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts for Inky..I guess we are 
holding our own for now..He had 150ml sub-q fluids on Fri..and was to 
have more on Sunday, but since he is eating and drinking now and we go 
to the vet on Monday, I thought we would wait for her to check him 
out..It really stressed him out on Fri. to get them..I thought I was 
losing him as he quit eating and drinking again..I tried it all, 
too..even Friskies cat then I grilled him a chicken breast, 
upped his pred and gave him a dose of transdermal appetite stimulant seemed to work as he is now on his 3rd chicken breast 
and drank a large box of chicken broth along with some water now..eats 
a little bit of k/d.  I am having a hard time getting the meds in him 
though..I now put his pill in a french fry and he takes it from me.. 
So I guess we will just go one day at a long as I can keep 
him eating, I think he will be ok..and keep him from vomiting..Only 
once since last that is a good thing..

Anyway, sorry to go on and on, but I think you all know how it is..
Bandy has now gone the longest in over 14 months without a fever..If 
he has had one, you couldn't tell it..eating good and playing with his 
toys..He only gets meds once a day now..and that is a first, too..his 
hair is growing back and instead of solid black, it is salt and 
pepper...he really looks good for a change..
Thanks for all the CRF info, too..I have alot to look into..I forgot 
to add that I am not sure that is what is Inky's main I 
was looking at his lab work and comparing it to his past lab back from 
March..It may be pancreas.  His phosphorus level was we 
aren't using binders as of yet..he will get more lab work I'm sure in 
a couple of wks..His vet mentioned liver failure, too, but some of 
those were normal, too..So I don't know..I am just trying to combat 
several things here with the right type of diet for lessen the 
load on his kidneys, liver and pancreas. Not an easy thing.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.  Hope your fur babies are 
doing well!!

Kerry, Bandy, and Inky

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Re: Inky update

2006-08-28 Thread catatonya
Great news, Kerry! You are the best mom!tKerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts for Inky..I guess we are holding our own for now..He had 150ml sub-q fluids on Fri..and was to have more on Sunday, but since he is eating and drinking now and we go to the vet on Monday, I thought we would wait for her to check him out..It really stressed him out on Fri. to get them..I thought I was losing him as he quit eating and drinking again..I tried it all, too..even Friskies cat then I grilled him a chicken breast, upped his pred and gave him a dose of transdermal appetite stimulant seemed to work as he is now on his 3rd chicken breast and drank a large box of chicken broth along with some water now..eats a little bit of k/d. I
 am having a hard time getting the meds in him though..I now put his pill in a french fry and he takes it from me.. So I guess we will just go one day at a long as I can keep him eating, I think he will be ok..and keep him from vomiting..Only once since last that is a good thing..  Anyway, sorry to go on and on, but I think you all know how it is..  Bandy has now gone the longest in over 14 months without a fever..If he has had one, you couldn't tell it..eating good and playing with his toys..He only gets meds once a day now..and that is a first, too..his hair is growing back and instead of solid black, it is salt and pepper...he really looks good for a change..  Thanks for all the CRF info, too..I have alot to look into..I forgot to add that I am not sure that is what is Inky's main I was looking at his lab work and comparing it to his past lab back from March..It may be pancreas. His phosphorus level was we aren't using binders as of yet..he will get more lab work I'm sure in a couple of wks..His vet mentioned liver failure, too, but some of those were normal, too..So I don't know..I am just trying to combat several things here with the right type of diet for lessen the load on his kidneys, liver and pancreas. Not an easy thing.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Hope your fur babies are doing well!!  Kerry, Bandy, and InkyDo you Yahoo!?Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Inky update

2006-08-28 Thread felv

Well, good luck Kerry, you know we are all pulling for both of your boys, 
they've both become like family to most of us over the years. That page on food 
analysis' I posted should help you with choosing foods that are the right levels 
for Inky's many issues. Sometimes you have to sacrifice on one to deal with the 
other, I know. Just do what you can, you know?

Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
SpayNeuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster  Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Re: Inky update

2006-08-26 Thread felv

I was hand feeding Moogie tiny 1/4 inch bits of ham 
lunch meat by hand on the hallway floor near the end, it's all she would eat, 
and the only place she would eat, and only if I had each piece the right itty 
bitty size, and hand fed it to her one tiny bit at a time.

Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
SpayNeuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster  Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Re: Inky update

2006-08-26 Thread felv

Kerry, try a can of the CliniCare RF, he may lap it 
from a bowl, it's worth a try:

Here is a page of home made CRF diets as 

And more diet info:

Here's a enteral diet nutrition caculator:

Do you have him on binders? I have links to get binders 
that don't taste bad too, if you need them. Just look on this page, down in the 
special needs subheading:
Special Needs Cat Resources: 


Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
SpayNeuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster  Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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RE: Inky update

2006-08-25 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Keeping Inky in my prayers, Kerry, and sending him 
positive healing vibes---lots of them.

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Kerry RoachSent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 5:33 
AMTo: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Inky 
Hi guys,
Thanks again for the help..I got Inky home around 6pm, and the first thing 
I did was get him some food. I had all his stuff set up in the living room 
so my dog wouldn't bother him or his food..I put some k/d in a bowl and he went 
for it..I guess he has been eating some thru out the night only a little at a 
time..I fixed him some chicken broth and extra lean raw turkey ( like he has 
been eating for several months) around 10:30 and he drank the juice, but since 
has eaten some of the turkey..Guess we are going to do this one day at a 
time..and slowly not to upset his stomach too much.. I think he has probably 
eaten around lil more than 1/2 can of k/d. I am so happy for this as I 
didn't want to stress him by force feeding...I think he is so glad to be home 
that it made all the difference in the world..He can curl up without that IV in 
his way.
I found him once on the back of the couch then he even came and jumped in 
my lap once...That was a good sign..I just hope he can keep the food down when I 
pill him on Thurs..that scares me, but has to be done..
I looked at his blood work again, and I think he has something going on 
with his pancrease cause all the liver tests were not bad..just the amylase and 
from what I have read, it seems to be the tests that goes along with that...His 
vet said he needs to stay on the k/d cause of the kidney problem so we can try 
to keep those values down...So I guess since he needs lower protein for both the 
kidneys and liver it will be ok for him..I just hope it doesn't flare up his IBD 
Please keep him in your prayers,
Kerry, Bandy and Inky

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Re: Inky update

2006-08-24 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi guys,  Thanks again for the help..I got Inky home around 6pm, and the first thing I did was get him some food. I had all his stuff set up in the living room so my dog wouldn't bother him or his food..I put some k/d in a bowl and he went for it..I guess he has been eating some thru out the night only a little at a time..I fixed him some chicken broth and extra lean raw turkey ( like he has been eating for several months) around 10:30 and he drank the juice, but since has eaten some of the turkey..Guess we are going to do this one day at a time..and slowly not to upset his stomach too much.. I think he has probably eaten around lil more than 1/2 can of k/d. I am so happy for this as I didn't want to stress him by force feeding...I think he is so glad to be home that it made all the difference in the world..He can curl up without that IV in his way.  I found him once on the back of the couch then he even came and jumped in my lap
 once...That was a good sign..I just hope he can keep the food down when I pill him on Thurs..that scares me, but has to be done..  I looked at his blood work again, and I think he has something going on with his pancrease cause all the liver tests were not bad..just the amylase and from what I have read, it seems to be the tests that goes along with that...His vet said he needs to stay on the k/d cause of the kidney problem so we can try to keep those values down...So I guess since he needs lower protein for both the kidneys and liver it will be ok for him..I just hope it doesn't flare up his IBD again.  Please keep him in your prayers,  Kerry, Bandy and Inky 
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Re: Inky update

2006-08-24 Thread Lernermichelle

So glad to hear he is doing better! What a trooper! 

Re: Inky update

2006-08-24 Thread catatonya
It sounds like Inky is glad to be home. What good news! I hope he keeps eating and feeling better.  tonyaKerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi guys,  Thanks again for the help..I got Inky home around 6pm, and the first thing I did was get him some food. I had all his stuff set up in the living room so my dog wouldn't bother him or his food..I put some k/d in a bowl and he went for it..I guess he has been eating some thru out the night only a little at a time..I fixed him some chicken broth and extra lean raw turkey ( like he has been eating for several months) around 10:30 and he drank the juice, but since has eaten some of the turkey..Guess we are going to do this one day at a time..and slowly not to upset his stomach too much.. I think he has probably eaten around lil more than
 1/2 can of k/d. I am so happy for this as I didn't want to stress him by force feeding...I think he is so glad to be home that it made all the difference in the world..He can curl up without that IV in his way.  I found him once on the back of the couch then he even came and jumped in my lap once...That was a good sign..I just hope he can keep the food down when I pill him on Thurs..that scares me, but has to be done..  I looked at his blood work again, and I think he has something going on with his pancrease cause all the liver tests were not bad..just the amylase and from what I have read, it seems to be the tests that goes along with that...His vet said he needs to stay on the k/d cause of the kidney problem so we can try to keep those values down...So I guess since he needs lower protein for both the kidneys and liver it will be ok for him..I just hope it doesn't flare up his IBD again.  Please keep him in your prayers, 
 Kerry, Bandy and Inky  Do you Yahoo!?Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail.

RE: Inky update

2006-08-23 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Kerry, I hope Inky improves so you can bring him home.  I'm sure he'd
feel better there.

If, as Belinda warns, he's developing fatty liver disease, you might
want to ask about having an esophageal feeding tube implanted.  That
saved my dear Luc's life last year.  It takes a little perseverance to
syringe-feed through the neck, but it's less traumatic than syringing by
mouth if the cat hates it.  You can also crush most meds and
tube-deliver them.  Luc had only had the tube in him for a couple of
weeks before his appetite started coming back, but it made ALL the
difference in the meantime.   

Diane R.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: Inky update

Make absolutely sure the vet is getting enough food into him, he 
will die if he doesn't eat.  
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Re: Inky update

2006-08-23 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Belinda,   I had heard about all that, too..and I am concerned about it...He didn't eat much on Tues, but did for me on Monday...I tried this morning to get him to eat and he wouldn't..only 1/2 tsp...I am bringing him home this afternoon late...he will be off the IV as he has been on IV fluids since Fri...I will do what I have to to get food in him at home...I was going to ask to bring him home today anyway no matter what...I think he might start eating if he is home and doesn't have all that IV stuff hooked to him...He was alert and in his litter box when I got there this morning, came to the cage door and talked to me...yesterday he was so drugged with the regalan that he was out of it..but it has worn off by this morning...I hope it isn't too late for him...I tried a/d this morning, he licked the lid and ate a little bit is all...Keep fingers crossed that being home in his environment will help him...Do you think that might?   Thanks for the
 info and help...  Keep him in your prayers,  Kerry, Bandy and Inky 
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Re: Inky update

2006-08-23 Thread TenHouseCats
hopefully your vet will give you the info you need re: fatty-liver; i've never had to deal with having a tube put in but i know it's made the difference between life and death for lots of cats. i've been lucky enough to get stinky, disgusting cheap cat food to work to tempt them--the whitefish, or proplan canned or fish guts in aspic sorts of thingsthat made me say prayers of gratitude-that-i-didn't-have-to-eat-cat-food things when i'd open the cans 

this will sound weird, too (big surprise coming from me), but i've heard others have encountered it, too--with my first fatty-liver cat, the only way i could get her to eat was to keep petting her, while she was eating, on one of two particular spots on her little black-and-white-and-yellow body (which was NOT an attractive combination). there was one spot on her shoulder, and another on her hip.. as long as i kept sroking her, she'd eat, as soon as i'd stop, so would she. go figure.

i knew she's crossed the line when she went after the pounce treats on her own.

On 8/23/06, Kerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Belinda, 
I had heard about all that, too..and I am concerned about it...He didn't eat much on Tues, but did for me on Monday...I tried this morning to get him to eat and he wouldn't..only 1/2 tsp...I am bringing him home this afternoon late...he will be off the IV as he has been on IV fluids since Fri...I will do what I have to to get food in him at home...I was going to ask to bring him home today anyway no matter what...I think he might start eating if he is home and doesn't have all that IV stuff hooked to him...He was alert and in his litter box when I got there this morning, came to the cage door and talked to me...yesterday he was so drugged with the regalan that he was out of it..but it has worn off by this morning...I hope it isn't too late for him...I tried a/d this morning, he licked the lid and ate a little bit is all...Keep fingers crossed that being home in his environment will help him...Do you think that might? 

Thanks for the info and help...
Keep him in your prayers,
Kerry, Bandy and Inky

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-- Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!Maybe That'll Make The DifferenceMaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: 

Re: Inky update

2006-08-23 Thread Belinda

   Hi Kerry,
  It may, like MC was saying some kitties are weird about how they will 
eat when they are off their food.  When Buddie quit eating, I had to sit 
and hold a bowl with a little food in it in front of her every 15 
minutes and I DO mean every 15 minutes.  She would eat a bit or two then 
turn her head, I'd keep tempting her and when it was obvious she was 
done for the moment, I'd wait 15 minutes and try again.  This went on 
for 3 solid weeks pretty much round the clock (I'm a stay at home furmom 
so it wasn't any trouble for me), finally one day she ate almost the 
whole bowl which was about a half a can of Fancy Feast (so about 1.5 
ozs) I cried like a baby, I was so happy.

When Bailey quit eating nothing worked, I had no choice with him but to 
go the tube route, he hated syringe feeding and it terrified him.  He 
never ate again on his own, when he passed he was still being tube fed, 
but it kept him going for 5 months.


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RE: Inky update

2006-08-23 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
When Luc was just starting to get his appetite back, we'd first offer
him some undiluted a/d before we'd thin it down and squirt it down his
tube.  There were times when he'd eat it from a bowl that was sitting in
a bowl stand, but not on the floor (I ascribed this to the angle being
uncomfortable).  But sometimes the only way he'd take it was from a
spoon held by one of us.  We were wondering if he was just starved for
attention. ;-) 

Diane R.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: Inky update

Hi Kerry,
   It may, like MC was saying some kitties are weird about how they will

eat when they are off their food.  
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Re: Inky update

2006-08-23 Thread catatonya
Kerry,I really don't have any advice for you, but I'll pray for you and for Inky.tonyaKerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi,  I know Inky isn't Felv+, but I need some help here...I went out of town last week so I had to board Bandy and Inky since they are both on meds...Anyway, Inky got sick while I was gone. They called me and said he was quite dehydrated so they wanted to start an IV after they had already done blood work which showed him to be in renal and liver failure...As you know, he just turned 20 about 2 wks. this wasn't good news at all...He has been on IV fluids since Fri..and today his bun and creatinine were down, but his amylase was 3200+ and high normal is she has put him back on pred. He is eating k/d which
 he has been on the dry for several yrs, but since he has hyperT and IBD, I have been feeding him raw turkey which has helped the IBD. So now I don't know what to do...She said he really needed to be on a kidney diet, but with the liver values so high..I don't know what to think or to do...Any thoughts or experiences with high amylase, please let us know..It could be something going on with his pancrease, too..He is going to come home on that is the good thing as he looks alert and is eating the canned k/d. No vomiting or runny stool either..  Please keep him in your prayers..  Thanks so much,  Kerry, Bandy and InkyP.S. Bandy is still doing better than he has in months..  How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call

Re: Inky update

2006-08-23 Thread catatonya
I'm sorry Kerry. I was on a liver support group for a while. It was just a yahoo group though, and I don't remember the address. I hope Inky gets well enough to come home. tKerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Inky didn't get to come home today as he threw up in the night so they had to put him back on injections to try to stop that..He won't eat now either, and he ate good for me on Monday..They have added regalan to the list of meds. It seems to make him real drowsy, too..  Michelle, you asked if the amylase is the enzyme and yes, it is...they have some zentonil to start him on. I think that is similiar to what you are talking about as Buster was going to get that back when he had his problem..But he has to take it orally and he can't keep
 anything down yet or as of Tues..So I do hope when I go to visit early Tues morning, he will eat for me.. I want to bring him home as I think he would be more comfortable here, but he needs IV fluids so I don't know what to do..I am going to see if they can back off on some of those meds as his small body might not be able to handle so much at once..  Any other info would be appreciated. Does anyone know of a liver support group? I haven't been able to locate one yet...  Please keep my Inky in your prayers,  Kerry, Bandy and Inky  All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

Re: Inky update

2006-08-22 Thread Lernermichelle

Is amylase a liver enzyme? If so, ask the vet about denosyl, which is 
really just SAMe marketed for veterinary use. It is a natural product that can 
help a lot with liver failure.

Re: Inky update

2006-08-22 Thread wendy

I'm so sorry to hear that Inky had a crash at the
vet's.  I just hate when people have to board.  It
always seems like something goes wrong.  I know that
it always doesn't, but I haven't heard enough good
stories to offset the bad.  Anyone have any on

I'm glad to hear Inky's doing much better!  And Bandy
too!  I don't have any help regarding the questions
you asked.  You might consider reposting with a
specific question; it might catch someone's eye who
might otherwise not read this post.  I hope all is
going well with you.  Please keep us posted on Bandy
and Inky.


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Inky update

2006-08-21 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi,  I know Inky isn't Felv+, but I need some help here...I went out of town last week so I had to board Bandy and Inky since they are both on meds...Anyway, Inky got sick while I was gone. They called me and said he was quite dehydrated so they wanted to start an IV after they had already done blood work which showed him to be in renal and liver failure...As you know, he just turned 20 about 2 wks. this wasn't good news at all...He has been on IV fluids since Fri..and today his bun and creatinine were down, but his amylase was 3200+ and high normal is she has put him back on pred. He is eating k/d which he has been on the dry for several yrs, but since he has hyperT and IBD, I have been feeding him raw turkey which has helped the IBD. So now I don't know what to do...She said he really needed to be on a kidney diet, but with the liver values so high..I don't know what to think or to do...Any thoughts or experiences with high amylase,
 please let us know..It could be something going on with his pancrease, too..He is going to come home on that is the good thing as he looks alert and is eating the canned k/d. No vomiting or runny stool either..  Please keep him in your prayers..  Thanks so much,  Kerry, Bandy and InkyP.S. Bandy is still doing better than he has in months.. 
		How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.

Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-08-13 Thread catatonya
Great newsKerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi all,   I wanted you all to know that Inky is 20 now..this is his birthday week...He is doing ok, eating good. I guess the hyperT keeps him so thin...He is on a small dose of tapazole now so maybe it will help..He still comes and jumps on my computer table with me and gets up on the bath tub.  Bandy and the ringworm are getting better finally...He is on the oral med though. I really hated that, but after 31/2 months of fighting it, I had to do something else..His hair is growing back and he is looking like a real kitty again..I have him on 1/2 the dose. His legs seem to be doing ok now...but we have had a high fever a couple of times in the last 2 weeks..but 1/2 dex knocks it back down for another week or so just like it always has... 
 Just wanted you all to know and thanks as always for all your help and support..  My prayers have been with you that have lost kitties in the recent weeks...It is a tough one, I know...  Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Lil Rascal, Buster and Snoopy  Do you Yahoo!?Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

RE: Bandy and Inky update

2006-08-13 Thread Diane Rosenfeldt

that both your babies are doing well!

Diane R.
Kerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Hi all, 
I wanted you all to know that Inky is 20 now..this is his birthday 
week...He is doing ok, eating good. I guess the hyperT keeps him so 
thin...He is on a small dose of tapazole now so maybe it will help..He still 
comes and jumps on my computer table with me and gets up on the bath 
Bandy and the ringworm are getting better finally...He is on the oral 
med though. I really hated that, but after 31/2 months of fighting it, 
I had to do something else..His hair is growing back and he is looking like 
a real kitty again..I have him on 1/2 the dose. His legs seem to be 
doing ok now...but we have had a high fever a couple of times in the last 2 
weeks..but 1/2 dex knocks it back down for another week or so just like it 
always has...
Just wanted you all to know and thanks as always for all your help and 
My prayers have been with you that have lost kitties in the recent 
weeks...It is a tough one, I know...
Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Lil Rascal, Buster and Snoopy

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invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail 

Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-08-12 Thread TatorBunz

Happy B-Day to the one and only "Inky" 

So glad to hear Bandy is doing better!

 Terrie Mohr-ForkerTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-08-12 Thread Kerry Roach
Thanks guys for all the well wishes...Inky is felv neg..I don't know if I sent a reply to this or not since my computer is still messed up..  Anyway, guess we will keep going one day at a time...I do know that once the fulvicin is stopped that the ringworm can I am going to have to board Bandy next week as I am going out of town for a few days, but when I get back I am going to bleach his room, bowls, beds and all top to bottom just in case...He will have to continue the fulvicin a few more wks since he is only getting 1/2 the dose. Then I guess we will stop it...and see what happens...everything else seems to be doing good at this point. He just keeps amazing us all...  Thanks againhope all your fur-babies are doing good always you and your babies are in our thoughts and prayers..  Kerry, Bandy and Inky
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RE: Bandy and Inky update

2006-08-11 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Congratulations and many happy returns to Inky! He sure 
sounds amazing for 20.
it's sowonderful to hear the good news about Bandy.
PS Sorry, can't remember--is Inky pos or neg?

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Kerry RoachSent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:15 
PMTo: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Bandy and Inky 
Hi all, 
I wanted you all to know that Inky is 20 now..this is his birthday 
week...He is doing ok, eating good. I guess the hyperT keeps him so 
thin...He is on a small dose of tapazole now so maybe it will help..He still 
comes and jumps on my computer table with me and gets up on the bath tub.
Bandy and the ringworm are getting better finally...He is on the oral med 
though. I really hated that, but after 31/2 months of fighting it, I had 
to do something else..His hair is growing back and he is looking like a real 
kitty again..I have him on 1/2 the dose. His legs seem to be doing ok 
now...but we have had a high fever a couple of times in the last 2 weeks..but 
1/2 dex knocks it back down for another week or so just like it always 
Just wanted you all to know and thanks as always for all your help and 
My prayers have been with you that have lost kitties in the recent 
weeks...It is a tough one, I know...
Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Lil Rascal, Buster and Snoopy

Do you Yahoo!?Get on board. You're 
invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor

This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

To Kerry Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-08-11 Thread wendy
Hey Kerry,

I am so happy to hear that Bandy is FINALLY
getting over the ringworm.  I don't think I could have
been as patient as you.  It seems like it's been six
months that you've been dealing with it! 
Congratulations!  So glad Inky is doing well also.  I
hope I have as long with my Julie who turned 17 this
summer.  She is hyper-T too, and is SO thin.  I can
feel every little bone in her little body, poor thing;
a lot of atrophy going on with the hyper-T.  She gets
.25 mg of Tap trans. twice a day.  I think she also
has CRF as well, but need to check on that with
bloodwork soon, now that we most likely have the hyper
T regulated.  I worry about her.  She doesn't seem
dehydrated, but with the CRF, I feel I should be
giving her sub Q more than I do.  When I do, she is so
thin and has such loose skin, that she carries 100
cc's around like a big sack on her legs until her body
absorbs it.  Do you know if this is normal?  

Again, so glad to hear that things are looking up for

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Bandy and Inky update

2006-08-10 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi all,   I wanted you all to know that Inky is 20 now..this is his birthday week...He is doing ok, eating good. I guess the hyperT keeps him so thin...He is on a small dose of tapazole now so maybe it will help..He still comes and jumps on my computer table with me and gets up on the bath tub.  Bandy and the ringworm are getting better finally...He is on the oral med though. I really hated that, but after 31/2 months of fighting it, I had to do something else..His hair is growing back and he is looking like a real kitty again..I have him on 1/2 the dose. His legs seem to be doing ok now...but we have had a high fever a couple of times in the last 2 weeks..but 1/2 dex knocks it back down for another week or so just like it always has...  Just wanted you all to know and thanks as always for all your help and support..  My prayers have been with you that have lost kitties in the recent weeks...It is a tough
 one, I know...  Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Lil Rascal, Buster and Snoopy 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-08-10 Thread Lernermichelle

Happy Birthday to Inky!

Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-08-10 Thread Gina WN
Happy Birthday Inky! I'm also glad to hear Bandy is improving :)GinaKerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi all,   I wanted you all to know that Inky is 20 now..this is his birthday week...He is doing ok, eating good. I guess the hyperT keeps him so thin...He is on a small dose of tapazole now so maybe it will help..He still comes and jumps on my computer table with me and gets up on the bath tub.  Bandy and the ringworm are getting better finally...He is on the oral med though. I really hated that, but after 31/2 months of fighting it, I had to do something else..His hair is growing back and he is looking like a real kitty again..I have him on 1/2 the dose. His legs seem to be doing ok now...but we have had a high fever a couple of times in the
 last 2 weeks..but 1/2 dex knocks it back down for another week or so just like it always has...  Just wanted you all to know and thanks as always for all your help and support..  My prayers have been with you that have lost kitties in the recent weeks...It is a tough one, I know...  Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Lil Rascal, Buster and Snoopy  Do you Yahoo!?Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail Beta.No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery  Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines  
		Do you Yahoo!? Next-gen email? Have it all with the  all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-08-10 Thread Marylyn

You are so lucky. Bless both Bandy and Inky and may their years be 
even longer.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 7:19 
  Subject: Re: Bandy and Inky update
  Happy Birthday to Inky!

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Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-08-10 Thread elizamaggie

Happy birthday to Inky! 

I'm glad Bandy is finally on the road to recovery! You've been so patient and loving to them all!

-- Original message -- From: Kerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Hi all, 
I wanted you all to know that Inky is 20 now..this is his birthday week...He is doing ok, eating good. I guess the hyperT keeps him so thin...He is on a small dose of tapazole now so maybe it will help..He still comes and jumps on my computer table with me and gets up on the bath tub.
Bandy and the ringworm are getting better finally...He is on the oral med though. I really hated that, but after 31/2 months of fighting it, I had to do something else..His hair is growing back and he is looking like a real kitty again..I have him on 1/2 the dose. His legs seem to be doing ok now...but we have had a high fever a couple of times in the last 2 weeks..but 1/2 dex knocks it back down for another week or so just like it always has...
Just wanted you all to know and thanks as always for all your help and support..
My prayers have been with you that have lost kitties in the recent weeks...It is a tough one, I know...
Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Lil Rascal, Buster and Snoopy

Do you Yahoo!?Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail Beta. 

Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-08-10 Thread felv

Yay Bandy! I'm so happy to hear he's finally doing better!

PLEASE Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! 

DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital 
camera (for pictures) and HOMES for CATS! 
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Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.8/415 - Release Date: 8/9/2006

Re: Bandy and Inky update

2006-08-10 Thread Barb Moermond
wow! give Inky a birthday scritch for me! That's an awesome age for a kitty to reach and improvement w/ringworm is ALWAYS a good thing! I bet Bandy is much more comfortable now too.Kerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all,   I wanted you all to know that Inky is 20 now..this is his birthday week...He is doing ok, eating good. I guess the hyperT keeps him so thin...He is on a small dose of tapazole now so maybe it will help..He still comes and jumps on my computer table with me and gets up on the bath tub.  Bandy and the ringworm are getting better finally...He is on the oral med though. I really hated that, but after 31/2 months of fighting it, I had to do something else..His hair is growing back and he is looking like a real kitty again..I have him on 1/2 the
 dose. His legs seem to be doing ok now...but we have had a high fever a couple of times in the last 2 weeks..but 1/2 dex knocks it back down for another week or so just like it always has...  Just wanted you all to know and thanks as always for all your help and support..  My prayers have been with you that have lost kitties in the recent weeks...It is a tough  one, I know...  Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Lil Rascal, Buster and SnoopyDo you Yahoo!?  Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail Beta.Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous 
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