Re: Bart

2007-02-17 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 2/17/07 1:42:03 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I'm so sorry you had to make the decision to let Bart go.  It sounds  like he 
did come to you for help though.  It's amazing, the tie we share  with cats, 
isn't it?  I'm glad he came to you and didn't die cold and  alone.  I hope 
Charity is doing well.

Deep inside I knew it was the right decision. I have  promised all my fur 
babies that I would never let them  suffer And, clearly Bart was.. My 
biggest regret is that  he didn't "trust" me sooner..I really believe 
that although he was so feral,  he did count on me & maybe even trusted me. 
But,  apparently he was old, lived on the streets & never trusted humans...Who 
can  blame him?  Not me..
His prognosis was, let's say, BAD  I couldn't bare the thought of  what 
he would have to go through.  And, me, now being "disabled", would  have to 
rely on my rescue buddies for transport.  And, w/ all he would have  needed,  I 
was frantic at the thought of NOT being able to get him to  vetjust more 
Thank heavens Charity finally came around, and I  believe with all my heart 
that night of blizzard, she came to me to help  Bart.  And, she was determined, 
no matter what (blizzard, Rottie, etc.)  that she wouldn't give up...  
She knew Bart needed  help - soon, and I know she knew that I was the only 
person she could  trust...
As I said before, it was at least a 3 hour ordeal..She didn't give up,  
neither did I.
I still find it absolutely amazing that this mean old VERY feral boy let me  
help him... I think he also "knew" he was ill.  And probably didn't  want 
to pass - alone, cold on the streets. After all his years, he finally found  
someone to trust - just a shame it took so long.
At the vets, well, what can I say?  His beautiful eyes seemed to be  saying 
"Thank you & it's ok".  I still cry when I remember that  day..  He 
"allowed" me to stroke him & kiss him, which I seemed to  do the entire time we 
there.  Unbelievable - this big, old  feral tom who I had trapped once [memory 
coming back?], lunged out of trap  & went right to my stomach area.  Ended up 
in ER (a regular thing when  trying to help my ferals/strays)  Still have 
"his marks"..  Now I only pray the scars never fade..
Charity is doing very well.. Safe & warm in house. Lots of bedding,  
plenty to eat & guess what?  She DOES use litter box! [Still say she  WAS 
someone's "pet" & they dumped her when she had her babies}
I (sadly) do have her in a large crate.. With her close association w/  
Bart, and all that's been going on with my bunch, well, I feel it's the best  
option right now.  She is NOT showing any symptoms of anything,  and while at 
vet, discussing my Puma, (originally diagnosed w/ [dry] FIP &  toxo), even my 
vet said that the FIP diagnosis could have been  an error... Corona virus 
shows up in many cats.. And, there is just too  many similarities w/ BW 
diagnosing toxo & FIP... Puma has finished all  meds, and is back to his 
old ancient self... YEAH!
Charity goes to vet next week.  Should be a "trip" as I am the only  human 
she trusts!!!  I do intend to have her tested, as I no longer have  any Felv 
kitties.  She was tested when spayed, was negative, but life  on the 
streets?  But even "if" she does come up +, so what???   It's not a death 
sentence, and I'm sure I can make accommodations right  hereHave a large, 
room we are not using.  It's not the Ritz, but  a heck of a lot better than 
on the streets.
And, yes, it is absolutely amazing the tie we share w/ cats. ( Just a  shame 
that there are TOO many people that can't relate)
We are an elite group.  And the people on this list are so  special..I 
joined when I rescued my Ethan [Felv+], who, sadly  passed  But, being at 
the shelter,no-kill, and having many experiences  w/ Felv kitties, I've never 
Now, I can no longer be at shelter, but, I just couldn't even think of  
Gosh, I really rambled, huh?  That's what happens when you're  
And, now, my [semi] good eye is giving out
Just wanted to say thank you for your kind words about my  Bart

Re: Bart

2007-02-17 Thread catatonya
  I'm so sorry you had to make the decision to let Bart go.  It sounds like he 
did come to you for help though.  It's amazing, the tie we share with cats, 
isn't it?  I'm glad he came to you and didn't die cold and alone.  I hope 
Charity is doing well.

  Thank you all so very much for your thoughts, concerns and prayers for 
Bart and me.
  After I sent that post about my feral friend, (around 3:00 AM, EST ), I DID 
go out to barn & struggled (very hard ) to get him in a large crate and into 
secluded area of house I hated having to lift him, he was so painful, but I 
couldn't stand the thought of him being so sick & inside the barn, no matter 
how well I "thought" I had insulated it.. 
  The sad news is, I did have Bart PTS.  I was with him when he crossed the 
bridge, able to snuggle & kiss him.  How strange is that???  He was 
certainly,well probably, the most feral cat I ever came across in all my 
years  And, very, very savvy.  Never could trap him over the past two 
years. (I even got info. from Nina on an alternative method.)
  I honestly "believe" that because I had earned their trust, Charity "led" me 
to him in the blizzard She knew he needed help, so she turned to me.  Even 
when I had my Rottie (who does like cats, just freaked over a "strange" one in 
her territory), out on leash.. The way Ladybug re-acted scared the bejesus 
out of me, but Charity would not give up..When I look back, I am so very 
thankful that none of us got hurt - (me - falling, Bug [born deaf], getting off 
leash & Charity not being challenged by my very large, very territorial, 
Rottie).  I am also very thankful I was "allowed" to get both Charity & Bart 
into my care.
  At the vets this AM, Bart was so good.. Scared, of course, but he kept 
looking at me and I just "knew"
  He had an abdomen so very full of fluid.  Unbelievable.  The vet did pull out 
alot, but I finally asked him to stop.  Besides the fluid in his belly, Bart's 
gums were almost white.NOT a good sign.  And, he had quite a few abscessed 
teeth, and was already "missing" quite a few..
  His "vision" was also questionable..
  My poor boy was also in so much pain. He "wanted" to lay down, but just 
couldn't on that cold, stainless steel table.   Broke my heart..
  Had a conversation w/ vet about the "possibilities" of Bart recovering... 
He explained that although it was almost a textbook case of "wet FIP" (which 
would mean regular draining), he also was most assuredly very anemic.  Epogen, 
transfusions. Also, he "explained" it "could be", lymphosarcoma, 
cardio-vascular, liver, kidneys - I'm sure you all get the picture.  His 
prognosis was very poor, with NO guarantees.
  I just remembered the promise I have made to ALL my babies, so I made the 
dreaded decision..
  My dear vet gave him a tranquilizer prior to the euthanasia solution, and 
Bart just seemed to pass peacefully, as I stroked him & kissed his (big "ole) 
  Not a good day.. I HATE having to "play God"..
  And, you know, it hurts me just as much when it's a feral/stray..
  Just absolutely heartbreaking.  No other words can explain it...
  Well, it's feeding time at Patti's Zoo, and the rest of my charges are 
counting on me.  Can't let them down.  I'm all they have,,,  And, they are 
my world.
  As soon as I am done, I will e-mail Belinda to add Bart to next CLS.
  I will also "try" to e-mail those of you who I have corresponded with off 
list.  Just, please forgive me if I don't get to it tonight
  You are the most wonderful, supportive, loving group of folks out there.. 
I am very thankful to be a part of this group.  Really.
  (A Very Sad) Patti & her clan

Re: Bart

2007-02-08 Thread Gina WN
I believe that Charity led you to Bart to help him in his passing.  Poor mite 
was so sick :(  Bless you Patti for your loving care of animals.

  Thank you all so very much for your thoughts, concerns and prayers for 
Bart and me.
  After I sent that post about my feral friend, (around 3:00 AM, EST ), I DID 
go out to barn & struggled (very hard ) to get him in a large crate and into 
secluded area of house I hated having to lift him, he was so painful, but I 
couldn't stand the thought of him being so sick & inside the barn, no matter 
how well I "thought" I had insulated it.. 
  The sad news is, I did have Bart PTS.  I was with him when he crossed the 
bridge, able to snuggle & kiss him.  How strange is that???  He was 
certainly,well probably, the most feral cat I ever came across in all my 
years  And, very, very savvy.  Never could trap him over the past two 
years. (I even got info. from Nina on an alternative method.)
  I honestly "believe" that because I had earned their trust, Charity "led" me 
to him in the blizzard She knew he needed help, so she turned to me.  Even 
when I had my Rottie (who does like cats, just freaked over a "strange" one in 
her territory), out on leash.. The way Ladybug re-acted scared the bejesus 
out of me, but Charity would not give up..When I look back, I am so very 
thankful that none of us got hurt - (me - falling, Bug [born deaf], getting off 
leash & Charity not being challenged by my very large, very territorial, 
Rottie).  I am also very thankful I was "allowed" to get both Charity & Bart 
into my care.
  At the vets this AM, Bart was so good.. Scared, of course, but he kept 
looking at me and I just "knew"
  He had an abdomen so very full of fluid.  Unbelievable.  The vet did pull out 
alot, but I finally asked him to stop.  Besides the fluid in his belly, Bart's 
gums were almost white.NOT a good sign.  And, he had quite a few abscessed 
teeth, and was already "missing" quite a few..
  His "vision" was also questionable..
  My poor boy was also in so much pain. He "wanted" to lay down, but just 
couldn't on that cold, stainless steel table.   Broke my heart..
  Had a conversation w/ vet about the "possibilities" of Bart recovering... 
He explained that although it was almost a textbook case of "wet FIP" (which 
would mean regular draining), he also was most assuredly very anemic.  Epogen, 
transfusions. Also, he "explained" it "could be", lymphosarcoma, 
cardio-vascular, liver, kidneys - I'm sure you all get the picture.  His 
prognosis was very poor, with NO guarantees.
  I just remembered the promise I have made to ALL my babies, so I made the 
dreaded decision..
  My dear vet gave him a tranquilizer prior to the euthanasia solution, and 
Bart just seemed to pass peacefully, as I stroked him & kissed his (big "ole) 
  Not a good day.. I HATE having to "play God"..
  And, you know, it hurts me just as much when it's a feral/stray..
  Just absolutely heartbreaking.  No other words can explain it...
  Well, it's feeding time at Patti's Zoo, and the rest of my charges are 
counting on me.  Can't let them down.  I'm all they have,,,  And, they are 
my world.
  As soon as I am done, I will e-mail Belinda to add Bart to next CLS.
  I will also "try" to e-mail those of you who I have corresponded with off 
list.  Just, please forgive me if I don't get to it tonight
  You are the most wonderful, supportive, loving group of folks out there.. 
I am very thankful to be a part of this group.  Really.
  (A Very Sad) Patti & her clan

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Re: Bart

2007-02-07 Thread Sheila208
Thank you Patty for loving Bart and doing what was right for him. I know he 
is grateful to you for caring. He is your angel now .  Sheila

RE: Bart-for Patti

2007-02-07 Thread wendy

I just read about you and Bart and his trip to the
vet's this morning.  I am so very sorry that he had to
cross.  You are very brave to do that for him.  Thank
you for taking the wonderful care of him that you did.


--- "MacKenzie, Kerry N."

> Dear Patti
> I have absolutely no doubt at all that smart,
> compassionate little
> Charity led you to Bart.
> Your email brought tears to my eyes. I am glad tho,
> so glad, that Bart
> did not pass alone, had you, loving and caring for
> him, by his side.
> KNEW at least at the end of his life that he was
> loved.
>  >>>Can't let them down.  I'm all they have,,, 
> And, they are my
> world.<<<
> Makes me want to go home right now and give all of
> mine an extra cuddle.
> >>>I am very thankful to be a part of this group.<<<
> I for one am very thankful *you're* part of this
> group Patti! Thanks a
> million for being who you are and doing all you do
> for all the lost
> little souls that find their way to you, hugs, Kerry
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 4:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Bart
> Thank you all so very much for your thoughts,
> concerns and prayers for
> Bart and me.
> After I sent that post about my feral friend,
> (around 3:00 AM, EST ), I
> DID go out to barn & struggled (very hard ) to get
> him in a large crate
> and into secluded area of house I hated having
> to lift him, he was
> so painful, but I couldn't stand the thought of him
> being so sick &
> inside the barn, no matter how well I "thought" I
> had insulated it..
> The sad news is, I did have Bart PTS.  I was with
> him when he crossed
> the bridge, able to snuggle & kiss him.  How
> strange is that???  He
> was certainly,well probably, the most feral cat I
> ever came across in
> all my years  And, very, very savvy.  Never
> could trap him over the
> past two years. (I even got info. from Nina on an
> alternative
> method.)
> I honestly "believe" that because I had earned their
> trust, Charity
> "led" me to him in the blizzard She knew he
> needed help, so she
> turned to me.  Even when I had my Rottie (who does
> like cats, just
> freaked over a "strange" one in her territory), out
> on leash.. The
> way Ladybug re-acted scared the bejesus out of me,
> but Charity would not
> give up..When I look back, I am so very thankful
> that none of us got
> hurt - (me - falling, Bug [born deaf], getting off
> leash & Charity not
> being challenged by my very large, very territorial,
> Rottie).  I am also
> very thankful I was "allowed" to get both Charity &
> Bart into my
> care.
> At the vets this AM, Bart was so good.. Scared,
> of course, but he
> kept looking at me and I just "knew"
> He had an abdomen so very full of fluid. 
> Unbelievable.  The vet did
> pull out alot, but I finally asked him to stop. 
> Besides the fluid in
> his belly, Bart's gums were almost white.NOT a
> good sign.  And, he
> had quite a few abscessed teeth, and was already
> "missing" quite a
> few..
> His "vision" was also questionable..
> My poor boy was also in so much pain. He "wanted" to
> lay down, but just
> couldn't on that cold, stainless steel table.  
> Broke my heart..
> Had a conversation w/ vet about the "possibilities"
> of Bart
> recovering... He explained that although it was
> almost a textbook
> case of "wet FIP" (which would mean regular
> draining), he also was most
> assuredly very anemic.  Epogen, transfusions.
> Also, he "explained"
> it "could be", lymphosarcoma, cardio-vascular,
> liver, kidneys - I'm sure
> you all get the picture.  His prognosis was very
> poor, with NO
> guarantees.
> I just remembered the promise I have made to ALL my
> babies, so I made
> the dreaded decision..
> My dear vet gave him a tranquilizer prior to the
> euthanasia solution,
> and Bart just seemed to pass peacefully, as I
> stroked him & kissed his
> (big "ole) head..
> Not a good day.. I HATE having to "play
> God"..
> And, you know, it hurts me just as much when it's a
> feral/stray..
> Just absolutely heartbreaking.  No other words can
> explain it...
> Well, it's feeding time a

RE: Bart-for Patti

2007-02-07 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Dear Patti
I have absolutely no doubt at all that smart, compassionate little
Charity led you to Bart.
Your email brought tears to my eyes. I am glad tho, so glad, that Bart
did not pass alone, had you, loving and caring for him, by his side.
KNEW at least at the end of his life that he was loved.
 >>>Can't let them down.  I'm all they have,,,  And, they are my
Makes me want to go home right now and give all of mine an extra cuddle.
>>>I am very thankful to be a part of this group.<<<
I for one am very thankful *you're* part of this group Patti! Thanks a
million for being who you are and doing all you do for all the lost
little souls that find their way to you, hugs, Kerry
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Bart

Thank you all so very much for your thoughts, concerns and prayers for
Bart and me.
After I sent that post about my feral friend, (around 3:00 AM, EST ), I
DID go out to barn & struggled (very hard ) to get him in a large crate
and into secluded area of house I hated having to lift him, he was
so painful, but I couldn't stand the thought of him being so sick &
inside the barn, no matter how well I "thought" I had insulated it..

The sad news is, I did have Bart PTS.  I was with him when he crossed
the bridge, able to snuggle & kiss him.  How strange is that???  He
was certainly,well probably, the most feral cat I ever came across in
all my years  And, very, very savvy.  Never could trap him over the
past two years. (I even got info. from Nina on an alternative
I honestly "believe" that because I had earned their trust, Charity
"led" me to him in the blizzard She knew he needed help, so she
turned to me.  Even when I had my Rottie (who does like cats, just
freaked over a "strange" one in her territory), out on leash.. The
way Ladybug re-acted scared the bejesus out of me, but Charity would not
give up..When I look back, I am so very thankful that none of us got
hurt - (me - falling, Bug [born deaf], getting off leash & Charity not
being challenged by my very large, very territorial, Rottie).  I am also
very thankful I was "allowed" to get both Charity & Bart into my
At the vets this AM, Bart was so good.. Scared, of course, but he
kept looking at me and I just "knew"
He had an abdomen so very full of fluid.  Unbelievable.  The vet did
pull out alot, but I finally asked him to stop.  Besides the fluid in
his belly, Bart's gums were almost white.NOT a good sign.  And, he
had quite a few abscessed teeth, and was already "missing" quite a
His "vision" was also questionable..
My poor boy was also in so much pain. He "wanted" to lay down, but just
couldn't on that cold, stainless steel table.   Broke my heart..
Had a conversation w/ vet about the "possibilities" of Bart
recovering... He explained that although it was almost a textbook
case of "wet FIP" (which would mean regular draining), he also was most
assuredly very anemic.  Epogen, transfusions. Also, he "explained"
it "could be", lymphosarcoma, cardio-vascular, liver, kidneys - I'm sure
you all get the picture.  His prognosis was very poor, with NO
I just remembered the promise I have made to ALL my babies, so I made
the dreaded decision..
My dear vet gave him a tranquilizer prior to the euthanasia solution,
and Bart just seemed to pass peacefully, as I stroked him & kissed his
(big "ole) head..
Not a good day.. I HATE having to "play God"..
And, you know, it hurts me just as much when it's a feral/stray..
Just absolutely heartbreaking.  No other words can explain it...
Well, it's feeding time at Patti's Zoo, and the rest of my charges are
counting on me.  Can't let them down.  I'm all they have,,,  And,
they are my world.
As soon as I am done, I will e-mail Belinda to add Bart to next CLS.
I will also "try" to e-mail those of you who I have corresponded with
off list.  Just, please forgive me if I don't get to it tonight
You are the most wonderful, supportive, loving group of folks out
there.. I am very thankful to be a part of this group.  Really.
(A Very Sad) Patti & her clan
IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 

Re: Bart

2007-02-07 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Patti,Bart was so lucky that he had you for a guardian to look after him.Take 

  Thank you all so very much for your thoughts, concerns and prayers for 
Bart and me.
  After I sent that post about my feral friend, (around 3:00 AM, EST ), I DID 
go out to barn & struggled (very hard ) to get him in a large crate and into 
secluded area of house I hated having to lift him, he was so painful, but I 
couldn't stand the thought of him being so sick & inside the barn, no matter 
how well I "thought" I had insulated it.. 
  The sad news is, I did have Bart PTS.  I was with him when he crossed the 
bridge, able to snuggle & kiss him.  How strange is that???  He was 
certainly,well probably, the most feral cat I ever came across in all my 
years  And, very, very savvy.  Never could trap him over the past two 
years. (I even got info. from Nina on an alternative method.)
  I honestly "believe" that because I had earned their trust, Charity "led" me 
to him in the blizzard She knew he needed help, so she turned to me.  Even 
when I had my Rottie (who does like cats, just freaked over a "strange" one in 
her territory), out on leash.. The way Ladybug re-acted scared the bejesus 
out of me, but Charity would not give up..When I look back, I am so very 
thankful that none of us got hurt - (me - falling, Bug [born deaf], getting off 
leash & Charity not being challenged by my very large, very territorial, 
Rottie).  I am also very thankful I was "allowed" to get both Charity & Bart 
into my care.
  At the vets this AM, Bart was so good.. Scared, of course, but he kept 
looking at me and I just "knew"
  He had an abdomen so very full of fluid.  Unbelievable.  The vet did pull out 
alot, but I finally asked him to stop.  Besides the fluid in his belly, Bart's 
gums were almost white.NOT a good sign.  And, he had quite a few abscessed 
teeth, and was already "missing" quite a few..
  His "vision" was also questionable..
  My poor boy was also in so much pain. He "wanted" to lay down, but just 
couldn't on that cold, stainless steel table.   Broke my heart..
  Had a conversation w/ vet about the "possibilities" of Bart recovering... 
He explained that although it was almost a textbook case of "wet FIP" (which 
would mean regular draining), he also was most assuredly very anemic.  Epogen, 
transfusions. Also, he "explained" it "could be", lymphosarcoma, 
cardio-vascular, liver, kidneys - I'm sure you all get the picture.  His 
prognosis was very poor, with NO guarantees.
  I just remembered the promise I have made to ALL my babies, so I made the 
dreaded decision..
  My dear vet gave him a tranquilizer prior to the euthanasia solution, and 
Bart just seemed to pass peacefully, as I stroked him & kissed his (big "ole) 
  Not a good day.. I HATE having to "play God"..
  And, you know, it hurts me just as much when it's a feral/stray..
  Just absolutely heartbreaking.  No other words can explain it...
  Well, it's feeding time at Patti's Zoo, and the rest of my charges are 
counting on me.  Can't let them down.  I'm all they have,,,  And, they are 
my world.
  As soon as I am done, I will e-mail Belinda to add Bart to next CLS.
  I will also "try" to e-mail those of you who I have corresponded with off 
list.  Just, please forgive me if I don't get to it tonight
  You are the most wonderful, supportive, loving group of folks out there.. 
I am very thankful to be a part of this group.  Really.
  (A Very Sad) Patti & her clan

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Re: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread elizabeth trent

I am so sorry.  My heart hurts for you.  What you did was kind though - no
dear one should have to suffer like that.

Love and hugs to you,


 Thank you all so very much for your thoughts, concerns and prayers for
Bart and me.
After I sent that post about my feral friend, (around 3:00 AM, EST ), I
DID go out to barn & struggled (*very hard *) to get him in a large crate
and into secluded area of house I hated having to lift him, he was so
painful, but I couldn't stand the thought of him being so sick & inside the
barn, no matter how well I "thought" I had insulated it..

The sad news is, I did have Bart PTS.  I was with him when he crossed the
bridge, able to snuggle & kiss him.  How strange is that???  He was
certainly,well probably, the most feral cat I ever came across in all my
years  And, very, very savvy.  Never could trap him over the past two
years. (I even got info. from Nina on an alternative method.)
I honestly "believe" that because I had earned their trust, Charity "led"
me to him in the blizzard She *knew *he needed help, so she turned to
me.  Even when I had my Rottie (who does like cats, just freaked over a
"strange" one in her territory), out on leash.. The way Ladybug re-acted
scared the bejesus out of me, but Charity would not give up..When I look
back, I am so very thankful that none of us got hurt - (me - falling, Bug
[born deaf], getting off leash & Charity *not* being challenged by my *very
large, very territorial, *Rottie).  I am also very thankful I was
"allowed" to get both Charity & Bart into my care.

At the vets this AM, Bart was so good.. Scared, of course, but he kept
looking at me and I just "knew"
He had an abdomen so very full of fluid.  Unbelievable.  The vet did pull
out alot, but I finally asked him to stop.  Besides the fluid in his belly,
Bart's gums were almost white.NOT a good sign.  And, he had quite a few
abscessed teeth, and was already "missing" quite a few..
His "vision" was also questionable..
My poor boy was also in so much pain. He "wanted" to lay down, but just
couldn't on that cold, stainless steel table.   Broke my heart..
Had a conversation w/ vet about the "possibilities" of Bart
recovering... He explained that although it was almost a textbook case
of "wet FIP" (which would mean regular draining), he also was most assuredly
*very anemic*.  Epogen, transfusions. Also, he "explained" it "could
be", lymphosarcoma, cardio-vascular, liver, kidneys - I'm sure you all get
the picture.  His prognosis was very poor, with NO guarantees.
I just remembered the promise I have made to ALL my babies, so I made *the
dreaded decision..*
My dear vet gave him a tranquilizer prior to the euthanasia solution, and
Bart just seemed to pass peacefully, as I stroked him & kissed his (big
"ole) head..
Not a good day.. I *HATE* having to "play God"..
And, you know, it hurts me just as much when it's a feral/stray..
Just absolutely heartbreaking.  No other words can explain it...
Well, it's feeding time at Patti's Zoo, and the rest of my charges are
counting on me.  Can't let them down.  I'm all they have,,,  And, they
are my world.
As soon as I am done, I will e-mail Belinda to add Bart to next CLS.
I will also "try" to e-mail those of you who I have corresponded with off
list.  Just, please forgive me if I don't get to it tonight
You are the most wonderful, supportive, loving group of folks out
there.. I am very thankful to be a part of this group.  Really.
 (A Very Sad) Patti & her clan

Re: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread Marylyn
You most certainly are not playing Godyou are acting as a true 
friend to a wonderful cat and with God's blessings.  Do you really think these 
fine animals just wandered into your life by accident?  A wonderful creator saw 
their needs and your compassion and sent them to you.  Some of us swear that 
SUCKER is written on our foreheads.  This is not a bad thing.  It can be a very 
painful thing at times but it is not a bad thing.  It allows our hearts to 
break but, in breaking, they grow---if we have the guts to allow it.  You have 
that courage.  Bart and his friends bless you for this.

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sally Davis 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 5:53 PM
  Subject: Re: Bart

  Dear Patti

  I am so sorry you had to let Bart go. He trusted you and you did the right 
thing. He is now pain free. 

  Bless you


  On 2/6/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Thank you all so very much for your thoughts, concerns and prayers for Bart 
and me.
After I sent that post about my feral friend, (around 3:00 AM, EST ), I DID 
go out to barn & struggled (very hard ) to get him in a large crate and into 
secluded area of house I hated having to lift him, he was so painful, but I 
couldn't stand the thought of him being so sick & inside the barn, no matter 
how well I "thought" I had insulated it.. 

The sad news is, I did have Bart PTS.  I was with him when he crossed the 
bridge, able to snuggle & kiss him.  How strange is that???  He was 
certainly,well probably, the most feral cat I ever came across in all my 
years  And, very, very savvy.  Never could trap him over the past two 
years. (I even got info. from Nina on an alternative method.) 
I honestly "believe" that because I had earned their trust, Charity "led" 
me to him in the blizzard She knew he needed help, so she turned to me.  
Even when I had my Rottie (who does like cats, just freaked over a "strange" 
one in her territory), out on leash.. The way Ladybug re-acted scared the 
bejesus out of me, but Charity would not give up..When I look back, I am so 
very thankful that none of us got hurt - (me - falling, Bug [born deaf], 
getting off leash & Charity not being challenged by my very large, very 
territorial, Rottie).  I am also very thankful I was "allowed" to get both 
Charity & Bart into my care.

At the vets this AM, Bart was so good.. Scared, of course, but he kept 
looking at me and I just "knew"
He had an abdomen so very full of fluid.  Unbelievable.  The vet did pull 
out alot, but I finally asked him to stop.  Besides the fluid in his belly, 
Bart's gums were almost white.NOT a good sign.  And, he had quite a few 
abscessed teeth, and was already "missing" quite a few.. 
His "vision" was also questionable..
My poor boy was also in so much pain. He "wanted" to lay down, but just 
couldn't on that cold, stainless steel table.   Broke my heart..
Had a conversation w/ vet about the "possibilities" of Bart 
recovering... He explained that although it was almost a textbook case of 
"wet FIP" (which would mean regular draining), he also was most assuredly very 
anemic.  Epogen, transfusions. Also, he "explained" it "could be", 
lymphosarcoma, cardio-vascular, liver, kidneys - I'm sure you all get the 
picture.  His prognosis was very poor, with NO guarantees. 
I just remembered the promise I have made to ALL my babies, so I made the 
dreaded decision..
My dear vet gave him a tranquilizer prior to the euthanasia solution, and 
Bart just seemed to pass peacefully, as I stroked him & kissed his (big "ole) 
Not a good day.. I HATE having to "play God"..
And, you know, it hurts me just as much when it's a feral/stray..
Just absolutely heartbreaking.  No other words can explain it...
Well, it's feeding time at Patti's Zoo, and the rest of my charges are 
counting on me.  Can't let them down.  I'm all they have,,,  And, they are 
my world.
As soon as I am done, I will e-mail Belinda to add Bart to next CLS.
I will also "try" to e-mail those of you who I have corresponded with off 
list.  Just, please forgive me if I don't get to it tonight

Re: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread Sally Davis

Dear Patti

I am so sorry you had to let Bart go. He trusted you and you did the right
thing. He is now pain free.

Bless you



 Thank you all so very much for your thoughts, concerns and prayers for
Bart and me.
After I sent that post about my feral friend, (around 3:00 AM, EST ), I
DID go out to barn & struggled (*very hard *) to get him in a large crate
and into secluded area of house I hated having to lift him, he was so
painful, but I couldn't stand the thought of him being so sick & inside the
barn, no matter how well I "thought" I had insulated it..

The sad news is, I did have Bart PTS.  I was with him when he crossed the
bridge, able to snuggle & kiss him.  How strange is that???  He was
certainly,well probably, the most feral cat I ever came across in all my
years  And, very, very savvy.  Never could trap him over the past two
years. (I even got info. from Nina on an alternative method.)
I honestly "believe" that because I had earned their trust, Charity "led"
me to him in the blizzard She *knew *he needed help, so she turned to
me.  Even when I had my Rottie (who does like cats, just freaked over a
"strange" one in her territory), out on leash.. The way Ladybug re-acted
scared the bejesus out of me, but Charity would not give up..When I look
back, I am so very thankful that none of us got hurt - (me - falling, Bug
[born deaf], getting off leash & Charity *not* being challenged by my *very
large, very territorial, *Rottie).  I am also very thankful I was
"allowed" to get both Charity & Bart into my care.

At the vets this AM, Bart was so good.. Scared, of course, but he kept
looking at me and I just "knew"
He had an abdomen so very full of fluid.  Unbelievable.  The vet did pull
out alot, but I finally asked him to stop.  Besides the fluid in his belly,
Bart's gums were almost white.NOT a good sign.  And, he had quite a few
abscessed teeth, and was already "missing" quite a few..
His "vision" was also questionable..
My poor boy was also in so much pain. He "wanted" to lay down, but just
couldn't on that cold, stainless steel table.   Broke my heart..
Had a conversation w/ vet about the "possibilities" of Bart
recovering... He explained that although it was almost a textbook case
of "wet FIP" (which would mean regular draining), he also was most assuredly
*very anemic*.  Epogen, transfusions. Also, he "explained" it "could
be", lymphosarcoma, cardio-vascular, liver, kidneys - I'm sure you all get
the picture.  His prognosis was very poor, with NO guarantees.
I just remembered the promise I have made to ALL my babies, so I made *the
dreaded decision..*
My dear vet gave him a tranquilizer prior to the euthanasia solution, and
Bart just seemed to pass peacefully, as I stroked him & kissed his (big
"ole) head..
Not a good day.. I *HATE* having to "play God"..
And, you know, it hurts me just as much when it's a feral/stray..
Just absolutely heartbreaking.  No other words can explain it...
Well, it's feeding time at Patti's Zoo, and the rest of my charges are
counting on me.  Can't let them down.  I'm all they have,,,  And, they
are my world.
As soon as I am done, I will e-mail Belinda to add Bart to next CLS.
I will also "try" to e-mail those of you who I have corresponded with off
list.  Just, please forgive me if I don't get to it tonight
You are the most wonderful, supportive, loving group of folks out
there.. I am very thankful to be a part of this group.  Really.
 (A Very Sad) Patti & her clan

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can

Re: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread TenHouseCats

i'm so sorry, hon, but i'm very glad that charity and bart were able to ask
for your help.

thank you for loving him enough to give him peace and freedom from such
pain. it is NEVER easy; i don't think that it is playing god, so much as as
accepting the responsibilty of having "dominion over" the creatures granting
into our care. (not at all the same thing as domination) there are some
things they cannot do for themselves.

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread PEC2851
Thank you all so very much for your thoughts, concerns and prayers for Bart  
and me.
After I sent that post about my feral friend, (around 3:00 AM, EST  ), I DID 
go out to barn & struggled (very hard ) to  get him in a large crate and into 
secluded area of house I hated having to  lift him, he was so painful, but 
I couldn't stand the thought of him being so  sick & inside the barn, no 
matter how well I "thought" I had insulated  it.. 
The sad news is, I did have Bart PTS.  I was with him when he crossed  the 
bridge, able to snuggle & kiss him.  How strange is  that???  He was 
certainly,well probably, the most feral cat I ever came  across in all my 
And, very, very savvy.  Never could trap  him over the past two years. (I even 
got info. from Nina on an alternative  method.)
I honestly "believe" that because I had earned their trust, Charity "led"  me 
to him in the blizzard She knew he needed help,  so she turned to me.  
Even when I had my Rottie (who does like cats, just  freaked over a "strange" 
one in her territory), out on leash.. The way  Ladybug re-acted scared the 
bejesus out of me, but Charity would not give  up..When I look back, I am 
so very thankful that none of us got hurt - (me -  falling, Bug [born deaf], 
getting off leash & Charity not  being challenged by my very large, very 
territorial, Rottie).  I  am also very thankful I was "allowed" to get both 
Charity & 
Bart into my  care.
At the vets this AM, Bart was so good.. Scared, of course, but he kept  
looking at me and I just "knew"
He had an abdomen so very full of fluid.  Unbelievable.  The vet  did pull 
out alot, but I finally asked him to stop.  Besides the fluid in  his belly, 
Bart's gums were almost white.NOT a good sign.  And, he had  quite a few 
abscessed teeth, and was already "missing" quite a few..
His "vision" was also questionable..
My poor boy was also in so much pain. He "wanted" to lay down, but just  
couldn't on that cold, stainless steel table.   Broke my  heart..
Had a conversation w/ vet about the "possibilities" of Bart  
recovering... He explained that although it was almost a textbook case of  
"wet FIP" 
(which would mean regular draining), he also was most assuredly  very anemic.  
Epogen, transfusions. Also, he  "explained" it "could be", lymphosarcoma, 
cardio-vascular, liver, kidneys - I'm  sure you all get the picture.  His 
prognosis was very poor, with NO  guarantees.
I just remembered the promise I have made to ALL my babies, so I made  the 
dreaded decision..
My dear vet gave him a tranquilizer prior to the euthanasia solution, and  
Bart just seemed to pass peacefully, as I stroked him & kissed his (big  "ole) 
Not a good day.. I HATE having to "play  God"..
And, you know, it hurts me just as much when it's a feral/stray..
Just absolutely heartbreaking.  No other words can explain  it...
Well, it's feeding time at Patti's Zoo, and the rest of my charges are  
counting on me.  Can't let them down.  I'm all they have,,,   And, they are 
As soon as I am done, I will e-mail Belinda to add Bart to next CLS.
I will also "try" to e-mail those of you who I have corresponded with off  
list.  Just, please forgive me if I don't get to it tonight
You are the most wonderful, supportive, loving group of folks out  
there.. I am very thankful to be a part of this group.  Really.

(A Very Sad) Patti & her clan

Re: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread elizabeth trent

Prayers for you and for Bart



 Just wanted to update (and ask for prayers) about Bart..
Have a vet appt. @ 9:00 AM, can't sleep. I'm too worried
Besides his bloating & being very skinny --- tonight when I picked him
up to put a "warmer" under his bed, he criedas if in pain. (Poor boy,
probably IS )
Another thing. he is hardly eating at all..
I believe the night of the blizzard, Charity *wanted* me to help her
companion Why she wouldn't allow me to scruff her in yard, and ended up
making me follow her out to barn, where, miraculously, Bart was there
It's like she *knew* he was sick & needed help, so she led me to him.
I spent many hours in barn w/ him tonight, mainly to observe.  He was
curled up in his bed, and, every now & then, looking up to make sure "Mom"
was still there.
After his crying when I lifted him, I was afraid to hold him. Didn't want
to put him in any more pain.  And now I'm sure, he *is* in pain, probably
too much..  Poor boy. My heart is breaking because I *hate* having
to make "that decision".
However, I have promised ALL my babies that I will never let them
suffer. I really believe that the meanest, feral cat I have ever
encountered, does know & trust me, that's why he's done such a turn-around.
He *knows* I will take care of him, regardless of what he's suffering
from  I can only take comfort that "if" I have to euthanize him, at
least he won't just suffer & die (alone) out on the streets.
I am *NOT* looking forward to tomorrow, but, I know Bart does need
veterinary help..Only wish he would have "trusted" me sooner.
Better go, and try to get some rest.
I'm going to be a real nut-case tomorrow for sure.
Please, say a prayer (or whatever your venue is) for my dear Bart,,,
Ditto that for me.. I am so scared & heartbroken.
Will update after Bart's appt.
 Patti & Bart & the rest of the clan

Re: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread Nina
Oh Patti, I have been exactly where you are too many times.  The thought 
that keeps running through my mind is how much harder it is on our 
friends and on us when we see them suffering and are not in a position 
to help.  The frantic feeling when we are witness to their suffering, 
but they remain just out of reach is almost too hard to bear.  MC is 
right, Charity and Bart have given you the gift of trust.  You my dear 
are trustworthy.  No matter how difficult, whatever decisions you make 
for Bart will come from love and concern.  They put themselves in your 
hands because they know that.

Sending love, comfort and prayers that the news is good from the vet,


Just wanted to update (and ask for prayers) about Bart..
Have a vet appt. @ 9:00 AM, can't sleep. I'm too worried
Besides his bloating & being very skinny --- tonight when I picked 
him up to put a "warmer" under his bed, he criedas if in pain. 
(Poor boy, probably IS )

Another thing. he is hardly eating at all..
I believe the night of the blizzard, Charity */wanted/* me to help her 
companion Why she wouldn't allow me to scruff her in yard, and 
ended up making me follow her out to barn, where, miraculously, Bart 
was there

It's like she /knew/ he was sick & needed help, so she led me to him.
I spent many hours in barn w/ him tonight, mainly to observe.  He 
was curled up in his bed, and, every now & then, looking up to make 
sure "Mom" was still there.
After his crying when I lifted him, I was afraid to hold him. Didn't 
want to put him in any more pain.  And now I'm sure, he *is* in pain, 
probably too much..  Poor boy. My heart is breaking because I 
*/hate/* having to make "that decision".
However, I have promised ALL my babies that I will never let them 
suffer. I really believe that the meanest, feral cat I have ever 
encountered, does know & trust me, that's why he's done such a 
turn-around.  He *knows* I will take care of him, regardless of what 
he's suffering from  I can only take comfort that "if" I have to 
euthanize him, at least he won't just suffer & die (alone) out on the 
I am *NOT* looking forward to tomorrow, but, I know Bart does need 
veterinary help..Only wish he would have "trusted" me sooner.

Better go, and try to get some rest.
I'm going to be a real nut-case tomorrow for sure.
Please, say a prayer (or whatever your venue is) for my dear Bart,,,
Ditto that for me.. I am so scared & heartbroken.
Will update after Bart's appt.
Patti & Bart & the rest of the clan

Re: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread wendy

I hope and pray that Bart gets good news at the vet's.
 Please keep us posted on him.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Just wanted to update (and ask for prayers) about
> Bart..
> Have a vet appt. @ 9:00 AM, can't sleep. I'm too
> worried
> Besides his bloating & being very skinny ---
> tonight when I picked  him 
> up to put a "warmer" under his bed, he criedas
> if in pain. (Poor boy,  
> probably IS )
> Another thing. he is hardly eating at all..
> I believe the night of the blizzard, Charity  wanted
> me to help her 
> companion Why she wouldn't  allow me to scruff
> her in yard, and ended up making me 
> follow her out to barn,  where, miraculously, Bart
> was there
> It's like she knew he was sick & needed help, so she
> led me to  him.
> I spent many hours in barn w/ him tonight, mainly to
> observe.  He  was 
> curled up in his bed, and, every now & then, looking
> up to make sure  "Mom" was 
> still there.
> After his crying when I lifted him, I was afraid to
> hold him. Didn't want  to 
> put him in any more pain.  And now I'm sure, he is
> in  pain, probably too 
> much..  Poor boy. My heart is breaking
> because I  hate having to make 
> "that decision".
> However, I have promised ALL my babies that I will
> never let them  
> suffer. I really believe that the meanest, feral
> cat I have ever  encountered, does 
> know & trust me, that's why he's done such a 
> turn-around.  He knows I will 
> take care of him, regardless  of what he's suffering
> from  I can only take 
> comfort that "if" I have  to euthanize him, at least
> he won't just suffer & die 
> (alone) out on the  streets.
> I am NOT looking forward to tomorrow, but, I know
> Bart  does need veterinary 
> help..Only wish he would have "trusted" me 
> sooner.
> Better go, and try to get some rest.
> I'm going to be a real nut-case tomorrow for
> sure.
> Please, say a prayer (or whatever your venue is) for
> my dear  Bart,,,
> Ditto that for me.. I am so scared &
> heartbroken.
> Will update after Bart's appt.
> Hugs,
> Patti & Bart & the rest of the clan


Get your own web address.  
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

RE: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Dearest Patti, Praying as hard as I can for Bart, Patti, and for you to
feel strong when you take him to the vet. I'm so glad Charity led him to
you as she surely did. And, you're so right--he does now have you on his
side, and now knows what it is to be loved and cared for. (Looking at my
watch, and you being ET, I think maybe you've been to the vet by now?)
Keep us posted when you have the energy/time. big hugs to you both,
Kerry M
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 3:06 AM
Subject: Bart

Just wanted to update (and ask for prayers) about Bart..
Have a vet appt. @ 9:00 AM, can't sleep. I'm too worried
Besides his bloating & being very skinny --- tonight when I picked
him up to put a "warmer" under his bed, he criedas if in pain. (Poor
boy, probably IS )
Another thing. he is hardly eating at all..
I believe the night of the blizzard, Charity wanted me to help her
companion Why she wouldn't allow me to scruff her in yard, and ended
up making me follow her out to barn, where, miraculously, Bart was
It's like she knew he was sick & needed help, so she led me to him.
I spent many hours in barn w/ him tonight, mainly to observe.  He
was curled up in his bed, and, every now & then, looking up to make sure
"Mom" was still there.
After his crying when I lifted him, I was afraid to hold him. Didn't
want to put him in any more pain.  And now I'm sure, he is in pain,
probably too much..  Poor boy. My heart is breaking because I
hate having to make "that decision".
However, I have promised ALL my babies that I will never let them
suffer. I really believe that the meanest, feral cat I have ever
encountered, does know & trust me, that's why he's done such a
turn-around.  He knows I will take care of him, regardless of what he's
suffering from  I can only take comfort that "if" I have to
euthanize him, at least he won't just suffer & die (alone) out on the
I am NOT looking forward to tomorrow, but, I know Bart does need
veterinary help..Only wish he would have "trusted" me sooner.
Better go, and try to get some rest.
I'm going to be a real nut-case tomorrow for sure.
Please, say a prayer (or whatever your venue is) for my dear Bart,,,
Ditto that for me.. I am so scared & heartbroken.
Will update after Bart's appt.
Patti & Bart & the rest of the clan
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RE: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Patti, you have my heartfelt wishes, hopes and vibes that Bart comes
back from the vet feeling much, much better and will have many years
with you.  But if you have to make the decision, you are right, it is
better for him to go surrounded by your love and compassion than out on
his own.  In either case, hugs to both of you.
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 3:06 AM
Subject: Bart

Just wanted to update (and ask for prayers) about Bart..
Have a vet appt. @ 9:00 AM, can't sleep. I'm too worried
Besides his bloating & being very skinny --- tonight when I picked
him up to put a "warmer" under his bed, he criedas if in pain. (Poor
boy, probably IS )
Another thing. he is hardly eating at all..
I believe the night of the blizzard, Charity wanted me to help her
companion Why she wouldn't allow me to scruff her in yard, and ended
up making me follow her out to barn, where, miraculously, Bart was
It's like she knew he was sick & needed help, so she led me to him.
I spent many hours in barn w/ him tonight, mainly to observe.  He
was curled up in his bed, and, every now & then, looking up to make sure
"Mom" was still there.
After his crying when I lifted him, I was afraid to hold him. Didn't
want to put him in any more pain.  And now I'm sure, he is in pain,
probably too much..  Poor boy. My heart is breaking because I
hate having to make "that decision".
However, I have promised ALL my babies that I will never let them
suffer. I really believe that the meanest, feral cat I have ever
encountered, does know & trust me, that's why he's done such a
turn-around.  He knows I will take care of him, regardless of what he's
suffering from  I can only take comfort that "if" I have to
euthanize him, at least he won't just suffer & die (alone) out on the
I am NOT looking forward to tomorrow, but, I know Bart does need
veterinary help..Only wish he would have "trusted" me sooner.
Better go, and try to get some rest.
I'm going to be a real nut-case tomorrow for sure.
Please, say a prayer (or whatever your venue is) for my dear Bart,,,
Ditto that for me.. I am so scared & heartbroken.
Will update after Bart's appt.
Patti & Bart & the rest of the clan

This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may 
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They should be read or retained only by the intended recipient.  If you have 
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Re: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread TenHouseCats

GLOW to bart, and to you, patti.

and i believe you are right--even the most feral will sometimes come to
those humans they come closest to trusting, knowing that they will help...
"she ain't bad, for a human." and that's really a gift, when you think about


On 2/6/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Patti you and bart are in my prayers.Good luck.


 Just wanted to update (and ask for prayers) about Bart..
Have a vet appt. @ 9:00 AM, can't sleep. I'm too worried
Besides his bloating & being very skinny --- tonight when I picked him
up to put a "warmer" under his bed, he criedas if in pain. (Poor boy,
probably IS )
Another thing. he is hardly eating at all..
I believe the night of the blizzard, Charity *wanted* me to help her
companion Why she wouldn't allow me to scruff her in yard, and ended up
making me follow her out to barn, where, miraculously, Bart was there
It's like she *knew* he was sick & needed help, so she led me to him.
I spent many hours in barn w/ him tonight, mainly to observe.  He was
curled up in his bed, and, every now & then, looking up to make sure "Mom"
was still there.
After his crying when I lifted him, I was afraid to hold him. Didn't want
to put him in any more pain.  And now I'm sure, he *is* in pain, probably
too much..  Poor boy. My heart is breaking because I *hate* having
to make "that decision".
However, I have promised ALL my babies that I will never let them
suffer. I really believe that the meanest, feral cat I have ever
encountered, does know & trust me, that's why he's done such a turn-around.
He *knows* I will take care of him, regardless of what he's suffering
from  I can only take comfort that "if" I have to euthanize him, at
least he won't just suffer & die (alone) out on the streets.
I am *NOT* looking forward to tomorrow, but, I know Bart does need
veterinary help..Only wish he would have "trusted" me sooner.
Better go, and try to get some rest.
I'm going to be a real nut-case tomorrow for sure.
Please, say a prayer (or whatever your venue is) for my dear Bart,,,
Ditto that for me.. I am so scared & heartbroken.
Will update after Bart's appt.
 Patti & Bart & the rest of the clan

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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Patti you and bart are in my prayers.Good luck.

  Just wanted to update (and ask for prayers) about Bart..
  Have a vet appt. @ 9:00 AM, can't sleep. I'm too worried
  Besides his bloating & being very skinny --- tonight when I picked him up 
to put a "warmer" under his bed, he criedas if in pain. (Poor boy, probably 
IS )
  Another thing. he is hardly eating at all..
  I believe the night of the blizzard, Charity wanted me to help her 
companion Why she wouldn't allow me to scruff her in yard, and ended up 
making me follow her out to barn, where, miraculously, Bart was there
  It's like she knew he was sick & needed help, so she led me to him.
  I spent many hours in barn w/ him tonight, mainly to observe.  He was 
curled up in his bed, and, every now & then, looking up to make sure "Mom" was 
still there.
  After his crying when I lifted him, I was afraid to hold him. Didn't want to 
put him in any more pain.  And now I'm sure, he is in pain, probably too 
much..  Poor boy. My heart is breaking because I hate having to make 
"that decision".
  However, I have promised ALL my babies that I will never let them suffer. 
I really believe that the meanest, feral cat I have ever encountered, does know 
& trust me, that's why he's done such a turn-around.  He knows I will take care 
of him, regardless of what he's suffering from  I can only take comfort 
that "if" I have to euthanize him, at least he won't just suffer & die (alone) 
out on the streets.
  I am NOT looking forward to tomorrow, but, I know Bart does need veterinary 
help..Only wish he would have "trusted" me sooner.
  Better go, and try to get some rest.
  I'm going to be a real nut-case tomorrow for sure.
  Please, say a prayer (or whatever your venue is) for my dear Bart,,,
  Ditto that for me.. I am so scared & heartbroken.
  Will update after Bart's appt.
  Patti & Bart & the rest of the clan

 Get your own web address.
 Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

Re: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread BoardMailbox
Prayers for you and Bart, Patti. I know how difficult this is.
In a message dated 2/6/2007 4:07:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,  

Just wanted to update (and ask for prayers) about  Bart..


RE: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-04 Thread Diane Rosenfeldt
Patti, you are a wonder!  Congratulations on getting the furbabies inside
and safe from the storm.  Here are vibes that they both check out OK at the
vet and that Bart doesn't have FIP.  You go girl!!

Diane R.

 -Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 1:12 PM
Subject: OT: Bart & Charty are now safe W/ me!!!

  I know this is OT, but I have written about Bart & Charity, my ferals to
the list.. And off list to Nina & Kerry..
  The other night, we had a (short) blizzard here And, my room mate
was off on an appt. & I had to walk my dogs after feeding. (NOT easy, I am
so afraid of slipping & falling & losing my K-9 babies).
  Anyway, after feeding, when I was out with my Rottie, I heard these
"sweet" cat sounds - turns out it was my dear Charity, she has come around
so much, and her "talking" sounded like she wanted my help.
  Well, my Rottie is deaf, and I am almost blind I couldn't see her, and
(Lady)Bug couldn't hear her, but when Bug SAW her, BAM -- thought for
sure I was going down.  And Charity has "no fear" of dogs, so she proceeded
to approach me   And, Bug is STRONG, and even pulling her leash back,
well, w/ all my "problems", it was tough..
  I finally got Bug back into house and went back out, into the blizzard, to
see if I could get Charity.. I was out for over THREE hours!  I was
able to scruff her when in yard, but she freaked (NO claws!!! She has come a
long way...).  But, having hardly any use of my right arm, I had to let her
go..  So, "we" decided to go out to barn..
  And, while there, guess who comes out? BART  I was shocked!!  He
had been in the blankets, etc. I have over crate, I guess "trying" to keep
warm..  But, I was there w/ food, and he came out...
  By this time, over 3 hours, I had to sit down in my recliner to rest..
And, then, Charity, and Bart, come up, rub against my legs, so I figured the
time was right!!!  I reached down, scruffed Charity, then found out, she
"allowed" me to just hold her...  So, I had to make the long journey
back to house, with her (peacefully) in my arms.. (I had closed the barn
door, and left the food in the well-insulated crate for Bart)  My main
fear was Charity freaking once we got in house 'cause my dogs, 4 BIG, are
very loud..They love cats, but, can act weird when a new one comes
in. Thank heavens, after I gave them a talking-to when entering, none of
them barked, got up, or did anything   So, I got my Charity into a large
crate and there she remains... (She was tested - negative, but that was
over a year agoAnd w/ my Puma, recently being diagnosed w/ FIP & toxo,
well, I didn't want to expose any of my babies Charity will be
re-tested, and we'll go from there...)
  Back to Bart. When I got back to barn, he was in crate, so I closed
the door  When I looked him over, well, now I am really concerned..
He is so bloated  Thought maybe I got a diff. pregnant female, but, he
still has his equipment...  And, Bart, was always SO feral, I could
never get close to him.  Now, he allowed me to pet him, seemed to like it.
But, while stroking him, I could feel his backbone.And other bones.
Made me wonder just what his problem is. Also, his eyes are "clouded",
like cataracts or glaucoma (?).  He also looks OLD. Probably is,
he's been around here since I've been here...2 1/2 years now...  So, I
wormed him, and did not find anything in his feces...And, as bloated as he
was, I figured if it was worms they'd be as big as a snake.  But,
NOTHINGI even used my magnifying glass.
  I worry now that maybe it's FIP. (A very recent topic on list lately.)
I called my rescue partner & she is going to get us a vet appt.  But, before
I neuter him, I am going to have him hospitalized 'til we get all the blood
test results back.. Depending on "what" the results are, I will be faced
w/ having to decide what to do.  I do have another rescue buddy that has
converted her barn into a shelter, w/ indiviual homes, I just don't
  So, Bart is still in crate in barn..  It's very well insulated, and,
when I was "able", I had insulated parts of barn, filling cracks, etc.
I just worry 'cause we're in a deep-freeze.  He has a good bed, lots of
thermals, and the crate is also insulated, w/ thermal on the outside...
But, it's so cold and he's so old.
  He is eating, and I do venture out (slowly & carefully) to feed and water
him daily.  One thing I noticed, his water only had a partial skim on top,
not frozen thru.  So, I guess the barn is pretty well insulated.
  Just pray we can get to vet early this week...
  I would have written sooner, but besides being over-whatever, my room mate
was NOT too happy. But, I told him, d