Slinky - sad news

2007-03-28 Thread Lomaxturtle
Awww your story of telling slinky about friends at the bridge has just  
raised a few memories of my previous kitties. It is heartbreaking to go through 
this and my heart goes out to you and Slinky. Slinky will know you have done  
everything possible and are still helping him to feel better by helping him  
cross to the pain free bridge. So hard to let them go but Slinky is far better  
off with you helping him to cross over and having so much love and comfort  
throughout his journey xxx enjoy your time with him - quality time is priceless 
no matter how short that time maybe xxx
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble  xxx


Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-27 Thread Beth Noren

Thinking of you and Slinky at this difficult time, so glad that he was able
to spend his life with such a good friend at his side.  Peace and hugs to
you both,

Beth N.

On 3/26/07, Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Nina (and EVERYONE!), thank you soo much!  It is so helpful to know
that those doubts are normal and that it won't be an indication that I made
the wrong decision.  I honestly don't know how I would get through this time
without all of you!

MC and Barb have been absolutely amazing chatting with me online and
helping me sort things out - thanks!

And all of you, your words of encouragement and support mean so much to

I know this is going to be near impossible and that it's going to hurt a
lot...but somehow I'll manage to get through it.  Thank you for sharing this
journey with me and for lending me your strength!

I've been telling Slink all about my other pets who are waiting for him at
the Rainbow Bridge... and telling him that I'm gonna help him get rid of his
tired weak body and feel wonderful again.  I hope he'll carry a piece of my
heart with me...and I know I'll have him in my heart forever.

He'll always be my most precious kitty...the kitty of my heart.  I truly
don't think I understood the depths of love and responsibility I was capable
of feeling until he came into my life.  He has taught me S MUCH (which
I'll write more about someday) and I will cherish those lessons always.  I
can only hope I've been able to show him the same depth of love, acceptance,
and security he has shown me.

Thank you again for being here with me.  I've got less than 24 hours now
to be with my precious baby, so I'm going to make the most of it.  GLOW to
you and your babies!


*Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

I'm so sorry. My eyes filled with tears when I read your news this
morning. I had such high hopes for a miracle for you and your Slinky
boy. I know you haven't come to this decision lightly and that the only
reason you would even consider this is to spare him any unnecessary
suffering. MC has a quote that has given me comfort, something about it
being better to let them go a day too soon than an hour too late.

I have been on both sides of this terrible coin; waiting with hope only
to have them suffer, and living afterward with the fear that I made the
decision to help them cross too soon. No matter what we do in these
circumstances we may be plagued by the possibility that we did the wrong
thing, (the dreaded "what ifs"). I just wanted to let you know that I
understand, and that I don't believe that it is possible to do "the
wrong thing" when these hard decisions are made from our hearts. When
we lose the hope of recovery, then letting them go is the last gift of
love we can bestow on them. The last act of protection we can provide.

I had such terrible regrets when I helped my Jazzy cross, but in the
weeks that followed I found myself replacing my self-recriminations with
acceptance. Even if I hadn't made the decision I did, she most likely
would have been gone by then. Finally, I was able to forgive myself,
not so much for the decisions I made, but for not being able to control
the circumstances of our time together. I was able to forgive myself
for not being able to save her. At least I can know that because I made
the decision I did, when I did, her suffering was not prolonged. I know
that she knows I will always love her, that I'm grateful for the time
she graced my life and that no matter how many tears I shed, I will
never be sorry I took her in. I can rest easier knowing that my sweet
bottle baby, whom I had protected and nurtured from the time I became
her surrogate mom, never had a moment of fear or want. Not even at the
end of her all too short life.

I'm glad that you've made it possible to spend this time in Slinky's
company. With how hard you've both fought, with all you and your family
have done for your darling Slink, I'm praying that you will be spared
the torture of any "what ifs". Hold that angel close and know that he
has worked his way into all our hearts.
Much love to you,

Marissa Johnson wrote:
> Thanks for that reminder Phaewryn. I've actually been able to
> postpone tomorrow's meeting (my boss had asked if I wanted to this
> morning because I've been sick, but like a dope I said I'd be
> okay!...but I was able to call everyone and tell them we're postponing
> it. I think it's for the best all the way around). So I've made the
> appointment for tomorrow evening at 6:40 - the last appointment of the
> day - and have found a friend to go with me.
> I can't believe I'm doing this. It seems so...FINAL. And I guess it
> is, I know it's what's best but that doesn't make it any
> easier.
> Anyway, Slink and I have the rest of tonight and all of tomorrow to be
> with each other. Thanks again for all your support!
> MJ

Looking for earth-friendly autos?
Browse Top Cars by "Green 

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-27 Thread catatonya
  You and Slinky are in my prayers.

Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all.  Thank you so much for all the GLOW and well wishes.  Slinky and I 
just got back from the vet (and a spin through the park).  I am sad to report 
that his HCT has dropped to just over 5!  It was a little above 7 on Friday.  
The vet didn't even want to give him the IR shot today because she said his 
platlettes (sp?) are so low that when they stick him in the vein he just 
bleeds.  She thought an IV injection would do more harm than good.
  She agrees with me that it's best to let him go.  She said she's never seen a 
cat with HCT that low who was still awake and breathing ok (which, amazingly, 
he is).  But she also indicated that as the RBC's drop, his organs will shut 
down and things will just get worse.
  Unfortunately, I'm not sure when this will happen.  I needed to bring him 
home right now so I'd have some time to say goodbye and do some of his favorite 
things.  But I have a HGE day at work tomorrow and am not sure I'll get 
through it if I put him down tonight.  Tomorrow night I have an evening meeting 
for work that I can't get out of!  So it might have to be Wednesday.  I don't 
know...I'd just die if he gets worse before then, but some things can't be 
rescheduled (I've already missed several days of work to take care of him and 
be with him).  
  He's pretty much the same...still breathing fine, eating, drinking, and using 
his box.  So I guess for now I'll just see how it goes.  They said they'd fit 
me in any time.  
  Thanks again for all your support!  I will be getting another kitty 
eventually (he is my only and my first as an adult!!)...but I don't think I'm 
up for another FeLV pos.  I'm thinking maybe one who's missing an eye or has a 
bad leg or is deaf or something.  Something that makes them difficult to adopt 
but isn't life threatening...I just don't think I can go through this again 
right now.
  I hope all your furkids are well.  I'll let you know when I need to add 
Slinky to the CLS.
  MJ and Slinky

  8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time
with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-27 Thread Gussies mom
Marissa -
  I think these kitties become so precious to us in part because so many people 
view FeLV kitties as throw aways. We feel extra protective because people don't 
understand why we go through this. All my FeLV kitties that have passed were my 
most precious babies. 
  I didn't want to go through this again, but the FeLV kitty I took from the 
shelter needed me.(BTW our shelter does NOT euthanise just because a cat tests 
positive :)). I turned in my healthy foster so I could take the FeLV one. I set 
myself up for heartache, but I put myself aside so he could be happy.
  The most important lesson you have learned is that these kitties have as much 
to give as any healthy animal. Anytime I hear someone talk about an FeLV kitty 
I encourage them to keep them and make them a part of their life. I want people 
to know these animals can live with this virus. It has become a mission for me. 
You are now someone who can spread the word so more of these beautiful babies 
can know life.
  I know your heart is aching, but you did an amazing thing - you gave this 
beautiful boy a happy life.

Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nina (and EVERYONE!), thank you soo much!  It is so helpful to know 
that those doubts are normal and that it won't be an indication that I made the 
wrong decision.  I honestly don't know how I would get through this time 
without all of you!
  MC and Barb have been absolutely amazing chatting with me online and helping 
me sort things out - thanks!
  And all of you, your words of encouragement and support mean so much to me!  
  I know this is going to be near impossible and that it's going to hurt a 
lot...but somehow I'll manage to get through it.  Thank you for sharing this 
journey with me and for lending me your strength!
  I've been telling Slink all about my other pets who are waiting for him at 
the Rainbow Bridge... and telling him that I'm gonna help him get rid of his 
tired weak body and feel wonderful again.  I hope he'll carry a piece of my 
heart with me...and I know I'll have him in my heart forever.  
  He'll always be my most precious kitty...the kitty of my heart.  I truly 
don't think I understood the depths of love and responsibility I was capable of 
feeling until he came into my life.  He has taught me S MUCH (which I'll 
write more about someday) and I will cherish those lessons always.  I can only 
hope I've been able to show him the same depth of love, acceptance, and 
security he has shown me.
  Thank you again for being here with me.  I've got less than 24 hours now to 
be with my precious baby, so I'm going to make the most of it.  GLOW to you and 
your babies!

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm so sorry. My eyes filled with tears when I read your news this 
morning. I had such high hopes for a miracle for you and your Slinky 
boy. I know you haven't come to this decision lightly and that the only 
reason you would even consider this is to spare him any unnecessary 
suffering. MC has a quote that has given me comfort, something about it 
being better to let them go a day too soon than an hour too late. 

I have been on both sides of this terrible coin; waiting with hope only 
to have them suffer, and living afterward with the fear that I made the 
decision to help them cross too soon. No matter what we do in these 
circumstances we may be plagued by the possibility that we did the wrong 
thing, (the dreaded "what ifs"). I just wanted to let you know that I 
understand, and that I don't believe that it is possible to do "the 
wrong thing" when these hard decisions are made from our hearts. When 
we lose the hope of recovery, then letting them go is the last gift of 
love we can bestow on them. The last act of protection we can provide. 

I had such terrible regrets when I helped my Jazzy cross, but in the 
weeks that followed I found myself replacing my self-recriminations with 
acceptance. Even if I hadn't made the decision I did, she most likely 
would have been gone by then. Finally, I was able to forgive myself, 
not so much for the decisions I made, but for not being able to control 
the circumstances of our time together. I was able to forgive myself 
for not being able to save her. At least I can know that because I made 
the decision I did, when I did, her suffering was not prolonged. I know 
that she knows I will always love her, that I'm grateful for the time 
she graced my life and that no matter how many tears I shed, I will 
never be sorry I took her in. I can rest easier knowing that my sweet 
bottle baby, whom I had protected and nurtured from the time I became 
her surrogate mom, never had a moment of fear or want. Not even at the 
end of her all too short life.

I'm glad that you've made it possible to spend this time in Slinky's 
company. With how hard you've both fought, with all you and your family 
have done for your darling Slink, I'm prayin

RE: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread Diane Rosenfeldt
Marissa -- 
I know how bittersweet this next day will be for you.  Comfort vibes to you.
Slinky knows how very deeply he is loved.  How could he not when it shines
out of every word you write?  We will look forward to your Slink stories
when you are ready.
Diane R.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa Johnson
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 6:17 PM
Subject: Re: Slinky - Sad News

Nina (and EVERYONE!), thank you soo much!  It is so helpful to know that
those doubts are normal and that it won't be an indication that I made the
wrong decision.  I honestly don't know how I would get through this time
without all of you!
MC and Barb have been absolutely amazing chatting with me online and helping
me sort things out - thanks!
And all of you, your words of encouragement and support mean so much to me!

I know this is going to be near impossible and that it's going to hurt a
lot...but somehow I'll manage to get through it.  Thank you for sharing this
journey with me and for lending me your strength!
I've been telling Slink all about my other pets who are waiting for him at
the Rainbow Bridge... and telling him that I'm gonna help him get rid of his
tired weak body and feel wonderful again.  I hope he'll carry a piece of my
heart with me...and I know I'll have him in my heart forever.  
He'll always be my most precious kitty...the kitty of my heart.  I truly
don't think I understood the depths of love and responsibility I was capable
of feeling until he came into my life.  He has taught me S MUCH (which
I'll write more about someday) and I will cherish those lessons always.  I
can only hope I've been able to show him the same depth of love, acceptance,
and security he has shown me.
Thank you again for being here with me.  I've got less than 24 hours now to
be with my precious baby, so I'm going to make the most of it.  GLOW to you
and your babies!

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm so sorry. My eyes filled with tears when I read your news this 
morning. I had such high hopes for a miracle for you and your Slinky 
boy. I know you haven't come to this decision lightly and that the only 
reason you would even consider this is to spare him any unnecessary 
suffering. MC has a quote that has given me comfort, something about it 
being better to let them go a day too soon than an hour too late. 

I have been on both sides of this terrible coin; waiting with hope only 
to have them suffer, and living afterward with the fear that I made the 
decision to help them cross too soon. No matter what we do in these 
circumstances we may be plagued by the possibility that we did the wrong 
thing, (the dreaded "what ifs"). I just wanted to let you know that I 
understand, and that I don't believe that it is possible to do "the 
wrong thing" when these hard decisions are made from our hearts. When 
we lose the hope of recovery, then letting them go is the last gift of 
love we can bestow on them. The last act of protection we can provide. 

I had such terrible regrets when I helped my Jazzy cross, but in the 
weeks that followed I found myself replacing my self-recriminations with 
acceptance. Even if I hadn't made the decision I did, she most likely 
would have been gone by then. Finally, I was able to forgive myself, 
not so much for the decisions I made, but for not being able to control 
the circumstances of our time together. I was able to forgive myself 
for not being able to save her. At least I can know that because I made 
the decision I did, when I did, her suffering was not prolonged. I know 
that she knows I will always love her, that I'm grateful for the time 
she graced my life and that no matter how many tears I shed, I will 
never be sorry I took her in. I can rest easier knowing that my sweet 
bottle baby, whom I had protected and nurtured from the time I became 
her surrogate mom, never had a moment of fear or want. Not even at the 
end of her all too short life.

I'm glad that you've made it possible to spend this time in Slinky's 
company. With how hard you've both fought, with all you and your family 
have done for your darling Slink, I'm praying that you will be spared 
the torture of any "what ifs". Hold that angel close and know that he 
has worked his way into all our hearts. 
Much love to you,

Marissa Johnson wrote:
> Thanks for that reminder Phaewryn. I've actually been able to 
> postpone tomorrow's meeting (my boss had asked if I wanted to this 
> morning because I've been sick, but like a dope I said I'd be 
> okay!...but I was able to call everyone and tell them we're postponing 
> it. I think it's for the best all the way around). So I've made the 
> appointment for tom

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread Marissa Johnson
Nina (and EVERYONE!), thank you soo much!  It is so helpful to know that 
those doubts are normal and that it won't be an indication that I made the 
wrong decision.  I honestly don't know how I would get through this time 
without all of you!
  MC and Barb have been absolutely amazing chatting with me online and helping 
me sort things out - thanks!
  And all of you, your words of encouragement and support mean so much to me!  
  I know this is going to be near impossible and that it's going to hurt a 
lot...but somehow I'll manage to get through it.  Thank you for sharing this 
journey with me and for lending me your strength!
  I've been telling Slink all about my other pets who are waiting for him at 
the Rainbow Bridge... and telling him that I'm gonna help him get rid of his 
tired weak body and feel wonderful again.  I hope he'll carry a piece of my 
heart with me...and I know I'll have him in my heart forever.  
  He'll always be my most precious kitty...the kitty of my heart.  I truly 
don't think I understood the depths of love and responsibility I was capable of 
feeling until he came into my life.  He has taught me S MUCH (which I'll 
write more about someday) and I will cherish those lessons always.  I can only 
hope I've been able to show him the same depth of love, acceptance, and 
security he has shown me.
  Thank you again for being here with me.  I've got less than 24 hours now to 
be with my precious baby, so I'm going to make the most of it.  GLOW to you and 
your babies!

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm so sorry. My eyes filled with tears when I read your news this 
morning. I had such high hopes for a miracle for you and your Slinky 
boy. I know you haven't come to this decision lightly and that the only 
reason you would even consider this is to spare him any unnecessary 
suffering. MC has a quote that has given me comfort, something about it 
being better to let them go a day too soon than an hour too late. 

I have been on both sides of this terrible coin; waiting with hope only 
to have them suffer, and living afterward with the fear that I made the 
decision to help them cross too soon. No matter what we do in these 
circumstances we may be plagued by the possibility that we did the wrong 
thing, (the dreaded "what ifs"). I just wanted to let you know that I 
understand, and that I don't believe that it is possible to do "the 
wrong thing" when these hard decisions are made from our hearts. When 
we lose the hope of recovery, then letting them go is the last gift of 
love we can bestow on them. The last act of protection we can provide. 

I had such terrible regrets when I helped my Jazzy cross, but in the 
weeks that followed I found myself replacing my self-recriminations with 
acceptance. Even if I hadn't made the decision I did, she most likely 
would have been gone by then. Finally, I was able to forgive myself, 
not so much for the decisions I made, but for not being able to control 
the circumstances of our time together. I was able to forgive myself 
for not being able to save her. At least I can know that because I made 
the decision I did, when I did, her suffering was not prolonged. I know 
that she knows I will always love her, that I'm grateful for the time 
she graced my life and that no matter how many tears I shed, I will 
never be sorry I took her in. I can rest easier knowing that my sweet 
bottle baby, whom I had protected and nurtured from the time I became 
her surrogate mom, never had a moment of fear or want. Not even at the 
end of her all too short life.

I'm glad that you've made it possible to spend this time in Slinky's 
company. With how hard you've both fought, with all you and your family 
have done for your darling Slink, I'm praying that you will be spared 
the torture of any "what ifs". Hold that angel close and know that he 
has worked his way into all our hearts. 
Much love to you,

Marissa Johnson wrote:
> Thanks for that reminder Phaewryn. I've actually been able to 
> postpone tomorrow's meeting (my boss had asked if I wanted to this 
> morning because I've been sick, but like a dope I said I'd be 
> okay!...but I was able to call everyone and tell them we're postponing 
> it. I think it's for the best all the way around). So I've made the 
> appointment for tomorrow evening at 6:40 - the last appointment of the 
> day - and have found a friend to go with me.
> I can't believe I'm doing this. It seems so...FINAL. And I guess it 
> is, I know it's what's best but that doesn't make it any 
> easier.
> Anyway, Slink and I have the rest of tonight and all of tomorrow to be 
> with each other. Thanks again for all your support!
> MJ

Looking for earth-friendly autos? 
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Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread TenHouseCats

beautiful, nina.

On 3/26/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm so sorry.  My eyes filled with tears when I read your news this
morning.  I had such high hopes for a miracle for you and your Slinky
boy.  I know you haven't come to this decision lightly and that the only
reason you would even consider this is to spare him any unnecessary
suffering.  MC has a quote that has given me comfort, something about it
being better to let them go a day too soon than an hour too late.

I have been on both sides of this terrible coin; waiting with hope only
to have them suffer, and living afterward with the fear that I made the
decision to help them cross too soon.  No matter what we do in these
circumstances we may be plagued by the possibility that we did the wrong
thing, (the dreaded "what ifs").  I just wanted to let you know that I
understand, and that I don't believe that it is possible to do "the
wrong thing" when these hard decisions are made from our hearts.  When
we lose the hope of recovery, then letting them go is the last gift of
love we can bestow on them.  The last act of protection we can provide.

I had such terrible regrets when I helped my Jazzy cross, but in the
weeks that followed I found myself replacing my self-recriminations with
acceptance.  Even if I hadn't made the decision I did, she most likely
would have been gone by then.  Finally, I was able to forgive myself,
not so much for the decisions I made, but for not being able to control
the circumstances of our time together.  I was able to forgive myself
for not being able to save her.  At least I can know that because I made
the decision I did, when I did, her suffering was not prolonged.  I know
that she knows I will always love her, that I'm grateful for the time
she graced my life and that no matter how many tears I shed, I will
never be sorry I took her in.  I can rest easier knowing that my sweet
bottle baby, whom I had protected and nurtured from the time I became
her surrogate mom, never had a moment of fear or want.  Not even at the
end of her all too short life.

I'm glad that you've made it possible to spend this time in Slinky's
company.  With how hard you've both fought, with all you and your family
have done for your darling Slink, I'm praying that you will be spared
the torture of any "what ifs".  Hold that angel close and know that he
has worked his way into all our hearts.
Much love to you,

Marissa Johnson wrote:
> Thanks for that reminder Phaewryn.  I've actually been able to
> postpone tomorrow's meeting (my boss had asked if I wanted to this
> morning because I've been sick, but like a dope I said I'd be
> okay!...but I was able to call everyone and tell them we're postponing
> it.  I think it's for the best all the way around).  So I've made the
> appointment for tomorrow evening at 6:40 - the last appointment of the
> day - and have found a friend to go with me.
> I can't believe I'm doing this.  It seems so...FINAL.  And I guess it
> is,  I know it's what's best but that doesn't make it any
> easier.
> Anyway, Slink and I have the rest of tonight and all of tomorrow to be
> with each other.  Thanks again for all your support!
> MJ

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread Nina

I'm so sorry.  My eyes filled with tears when I read your news this 
morning.  I had such high hopes for a miracle for you and your Slinky 
boy.  I know you haven't come to this decision lightly and that the only 
reason you would even consider this is to spare him any unnecessary 
suffering.  MC has a quote that has given me comfort, something about it 
being better to let them go a day too soon than an hour too late. 

I have been on both sides of this terrible coin; waiting with hope only 
to have them suffer, and living afterward with the fear that I made the 
decision to help them cross too soon.  No matter what we do in these 
circumstances we may be plagued by the possibility that we did the wrong 
thing, (the dreaded "what ifs").  I just wanted to let you know that I 
understand, and that I don't believe that it is possible to do "the 
wrong thing" when these hard decisions are made from our hearts.  When 
we lose the hope of recovery, then letting them go is the last gift of 
love we can bestow on them.  The last act of protection we can provide.

I had such terrible regrets when I helped my Jazzy cross, but in the 
weeks that followed I found myself replacing my self-recriminations with 
acceptance.  Even if I hadn't made the decision I did, she most likely 
would have been gone by then.  Finally, I was able to forgive myself, 
not so much for the decisions I made, but for not being able to control 
the circumstances of our time together.  I was able to forgive myself 
for not being able to save her.  At least I can know that because I made 
the decision I did, when I did, her suffering was not prolonged.  I know 
that she knows I will always love her, that I'm grateful for the time 
she graced my life and that no matter how many tears I shed, I will 
never be sorry I took her in.  I can rest easier knowing that my sweet 
bottle baby, whom I had protected and nurtured from the time I became 
her surrogate mom, never had a moment of fear or want.  Not even at the 
end of her all too short life.

I'm glad that you've made it possible to spend this time in Slinky's 
company.  With how hard you've both fought, with all you and your family 
have done for your darling Slink, I'm praying that you will be spared 
the torture of any "what ifs".  Hold that angel close and know that he 
has worked his way into all our hearts. 
Much love to you,


Marissa Johnson wrote:
Thanks for that reminder Phaewryn.  I've actually been able to 
postpone tomorrow's meeting (my boss had asked if I wanted to this 
morning because I've been sick, but like a dope I said I'd be 
okay!...but I was able to call everyone and tell them we're postponing 
it.  I think it's for the best all the way around).  So I've made the 
appointment for tomorrow evening at 6:40 - the last appointment of the 
day - and have found a friend to go with me.
I can't believe I'm doing this.  It seems so...FINAL.  And I guess it 
is,  I know it's what's best but that doesn't make it any 
Anyway, Slink and I have the rest of tonight and all of tomorrow to be 
with each other.  Thanks again for all your support!

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread Marissa Johnson
Thanks for that reminder Phaewryn.  I've actually been able to postpone 
tomorrow's meeting (my boss had asked if I wanted to this morning because I've 
been sick, but like a dope I said I'd be okay!...but I was able to call 
everyone and tell them we're postponing it.  I think it's for the best all the 
way around).  So I've made the appointment for tomorrow evening at 6:40 - the 
last appointment of the day - and have found a friend to go with me.
  I can't believe I'm doing this.  It seems so...FINAL.  And I guess it is,  I know it's what's best but that doesn't make it any easier.
  Anyway, Slink and I have the rest of tonight and all of tomorrow to be with 
each other.  Thanks again for all your support!

  When I lost Moogie, I had to drop her off at the vet and go to work. 
They called and told me that she was dying and there wasn't anything else to 
do... I rushed back over, but only got about 30 minutes with her. I wish I 
would have blown off work and spent that morning with her. You can't get that 
time back.
  My thoughts are with you. 
Special Needs Cat Resources

Now that's room service! Choose from over 150,000 hotels 
in 45,000 destinations on Yahoo! Travel to find your fit.

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When I lost Moogie, I had to drop her off at the vet and go to work. They
called and told me that she was dying and there wasn't anything else to
do... I rushed back over, but only got about 30 minutes with her. I wish I
would have blown off work and spent that morning with her. You can't get
that time back.

My thoughts are with you.

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread Lance

I'm saddened to read that Slinky is so anemic and not doing well. It's
wonderful that you've be able to spend some time with him doing things
he likes, and that he is somehow managing to hang in there. I'm also
sorry that you have a tough day at work tomorrow right after what may be
his last night with you. You two will be in my thoughts and prayers. He
looks like a very sweet boy. Thank you for posting the pics.


On Mon, 26 Mar 2007 10:02:44 -0700 (PDT), "Marissa Johnson"
> Hi all.  Thank you so much for all the GLOW and well wishes.  Slinky and
> I just got back from the vet (and a spin through the park).  I am sad to
> report that his HCT has dropped to just over 5!  It was a little above 7
> on Friday.  The vet didn't even want to give him the IR shot today
> because she said his platlettes (sp?) are so low that when they stick him
> in the vein he just bleeds.  She thought an IV injection would do more
> harm than good.
>   She agrees with me that it's best to let him go.  She said she's never
>   seen a cat with HCT that low who was still awake and breathing ok
>   (which, amazingly, he is).  But she also indicated that as the RBC's
>   drop, his organs will shut down and things will just get worse.
>   Unfortunately, I'm not sure when this will happen.  I needed to bring
>   him home right now so I'd have some time to say goodbye and do some of
>   his favorite things.  But I have a HGE day at work tomorrow and am
>   not sure I'll get through it if I put him down tonight.  Tomorrow night
>   I have an evening meeting for work that I can't get out of!  So it
>   might have to be Wednesday.  I don't know...I'd just die if he gets
>   worse before then, but some things can't be rescheduled (I've already
>   missed several days of work to take care of him and be with him).  
>   He's pretty much the same...still breathing fine, eating, drinking, and
>   using his box.  So I guess for now I'll just see how it goes.  They
>   said they'd fit me in any time.  
>   Thanks again for all your support!  I will be getting another kitty
>   eventually (he is my only and my first as an adult!!)...but I don't
>   think I'm up for another FeLV pos.  I'm thinking maybe one who's
>   missing an eye or has a bad leg or is deaf or something.  Something
>   that makes them difficult to adopt but isn't life threatening...I just
>   don't think I can go through this again right now.
>   I hope all your furkids are well.  I'll let you know when I need to add
>   Slinky to the CLS.
>   Thanks!
>   MJ and Slinky
> -
> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40?  Find a flick in no time
>  with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.
  Lance Linimon

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread dede hicken
My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Dede and Ki

--- Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all.  Thank you so much for all the GLOW and well
> wishes.  Slinky and I just got back from the vet
> (and a spin through the park).  I am sad to report
> that his HCT has dropped to just over 5!  It was a
> little above 7 on Friday.  The vet didn't even want
> to give him the IR shot today because she said his
> platlettes (sp?) are so low that when they stick him
> in the vein he just bleeds.  She thought an IV
> injection would do more harm than good.
>   She agrees with me that it's best to let him go. 
> She said she's never seen a cat with HCT that low
> who was still awake and breathing ok (which,
> amazingly, he is).  But she also indicated that as
> the RBC's drop, his organs will shut down and things
> will just get worse.
>   Unfortunately, I'm not sure when this will happen.
>  I needed to bring him home right now so I'd have
> some time to say goodbye and do some of his favorite
> things.  But I have a HGE day at work tomorrow
> and am not sure I'll get through it if I put him
> down tonight.  Tomorrow night I have an evening
> meeting for work that I can't get out of!  So it
> might have to be Wednesday.  I don't know...I'd just
> die if he gets worse before then, but some things
> can't be rescheduled (I've already missed several
> days of work to take care of him and be with him).  
>   He's pretty much the same...still breathing fine,
> eating, drinking, and using his box.  So I guess for
> now I'll just see how it goes.  They said they'd fit
> me in any time.  
>   Thanks again for all your support!  I will be
> getting another kitty eventually (he is my only and
> my first as an adult!!)...but I don't think I'm up
> for another FeLV pos.  I'm thinking maybe one who's
> missing an eye or has a bad leg or is deaf or
> something.  Something that makes them difficult to
> adopt but isn't life threatening...I just don't
> think I can go through this again right now.
>   I hope all your furkids are well.  I'll let you
> know when I need to add Slinky to the CLS.
>   Thanks!
>   MJ and Slinky
> -
> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40?  Find a flick in no time
>  with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service 
of your God"
   Mosiah 2:17


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Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread C & J
I'm so sorry to hear this, I feel like I know Slinky.  It is times like these 
that make life so tough.  Try to stay strong, and know that even though it 
might be cut short, Slinky has had a great life.  Most kitties don't receive 
the love and support you have given.

You and Slinky are in my thoughts and prayers.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marissa Johnson 
  Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 11:02 AM
  Subject: Slinky - Sad News

  Hi all.  Thank you so much for all the GLOW and well wishes.  Slinky and I 
just got back from the vet (and a spin through the park).  I am sad to report 
that his HCT has dropped to just over 5!  It was a little above 7 on Friday.  
The vet didn't even want to give him the IR shot today because she said his 
platlettes (sp?) are so low that when they stick him in the vein he just 
bleeds.  She thought an IV injection would do more harm than good.

  She agrees with me that it's best to let him go.  She said she's never seen a 
cat with HCT that low who was still awake and breathing ok (which, amazingly, 
he is).  But she also indicated that as the RBC's drop, his organs will shut 
down and things will just get worse.

  Unfortunately, I'm not sure when this will happen.  I needed to bring him 
home right now so I'd have some time to say goodbye and do some of his favorite 
things.  But I have a HGE day at work tomorrow and am not sure I'll get 
through it if I put him down tonight.  Tomorrow night I have an evening meeting 
for work that I can't get out of!  So it might have to be Wednesday.  I don't 
know...I'd just die if he gets worse before then, but some things can't be 
rescheduled (I've already missed several days of work to take care of him and 
be with him).  

  He's pretty much the same...still breathing fine, eating, drinking, and using 
his box.  So I guess for now I'll just see how it goes.  They said they'd fit 
me in any time.  

  Thanks again for all your support!  I will be getting another kitty 
eventually (he is my only and my first as an adult!!)...but I don't think I'm 
up for another FeLV pos.  I'm thinking maybe one who's missing an eye or has a 
bad leg or is deaf or something.  Something that makes them difficult to adopt 
but isn't life threatening...I just don't think I can go through this again 
right now.

  I hope all your furkids are well.  I'll let you know when I need to add 
Slinky to the CLS.


  MJ and Slinky

  8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time
  with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.


  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG Free Edition.
  Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.18/733 - Release Date: 3/25/2007 
11:07 AM

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread Kelley Saveika


I'm so sorry.


On 3/26/07, elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Marissa, my heart hurts with you.


 On 3/26/07, Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all.  Thank you so much for all the GLOW and well wishes.  Slinky and
> I just got back from the vet (and a spin through the park).  I am sad to
> report that his HCT has dropped to just over 5!  It was a little above 7 on
> Friday.  The vet didn't even want to give him the IR shot today because she
> said his platlettes (sp?) are so low that when they stick him in the vein he
> just bleeds.  She thought an IV injection would do more harm than good.
> She agrees with me that it's best to let him go.  She said she's never
> seen a cat with HCT that low who was still awake and breathing ok (which,
> amazingly, he is).  But she also indicated that as the RBC's drop, his
> organs will shut down and things will just get worse.
> Unfortunately, I'm not sure when this will happen.  I needed to bring
> him home right now so I'd have some time to say goodbye and do some of his
> favorite things.  But I have a HGE day at work tomorrow and am not sure
> I'll get through it if I put him down tonight.  Tomorrow night I have an
> evening meeting for work that I can't get out of!  So it might have to be
> Wednesday.  I don't know...I'd just die if he gets worse before then, but
> some things can't be rescheduled (I've already missed several days of work
> to take care of him and be with him).
> He's pretty much the same...still breathing fine, eating, drinking, and
> using his box.  So I guess for now I'll just see how it goes.  They said
> they'd fit me in any time.
> Thanks again for all your support!  I will be getting another kitty
> eventually (he is my only and my first as an adult!!)...but I don't think
> I'm up for another FeLV pos.  I'm thinking maybe one who's missing an eye or
> has a bad leg or is deaf or something.  Something that makes them difficult
> to adopt but isn't life threatening...I just don't think I can go through
> this again right now.
> I hope all your furkids are well.  I'll let you know when I need to add
> Slinky to the CLS.
> Thanks!
> MJ and Slinky
> --
> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time
> with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread elizabeth trent

Marissa, my heart hurts with you.


On 3/26/07, Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all.  Thank you so much for all the GLOW and well wishes.  Slinky and I
just got back from the vet (and a spin through the park).  I am sad to
report that his HCT has dropped to just over 5!  It was a little above 7 on
Friday.  The vet didn't even want to give him the IR shot today because she
said his platlettes (sp?) are so low that when they stick him in the vein he
just bleeds.  She thought an IV injection would do more harm than good.

She agrees with me that it's best to let him go.  She said she's never
seen a cat with HCT that low who was still awake and breathing ok (which,
amazingly, he is).  But she also indicated that as the RBC's drop, his
organs will shut down and things will just get worse.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure when this will happen.  I needed to bring him
home right now so I'd have some time to say goodbye and do some of his
favorite things.  But I have a HGE day at work tomorrow and am not sure
I'll get through it if I put him down tonight.  Tomorrow night I have an
evening meeting for work that I can't get out of!  So it might have to be
Wednesday.  I don't know...I'd just die if he gets worse before then, but
some things can't be rescheduled (I've already missed several days of work
to take care of him and be with him).

He's pretty much the same...still breathing fine, eating, drinking, and
using his box.  So I guess for now I'll just see how it goes.  They said
they'd fit me in any time.

Thanks again for all your support!  I will be getting another kitty
eventually (he is my only and my first as an adult!!)...but I don't think
I'm up for another FeLV pos.  I'm thinking maybe one who's missing an eye or
has a bad leg or is deaf or something.  Something that makes them difficult
to adopt but isn't life threatening...I just don't think I can go through
this again right now.

I hope all your furkids are well.  I'll let you know when I need to add
Slinky to the CLS.


MJ and Slinky

8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time
with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread Leslie Lawther

*Marissa... every loss on this list feels like I've lost one of my own!  I'm
so, so sorry... hugs to you and to Slinky*
*Leslie =^..^=*

On 3/26/07, MacKenzie, Kerry N. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Dear Marissa,
Your Slinky is truly amazing, a walking miracle, defying all the odds.
Enjoy every possible moment with your brave little trooper. Try not to even
think of his passing. I'm glad he has such an upbeat, loving mom. big hugs
to you both, Kerry
 -Original Message-
*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Marissa Johnson
*Sent:* Monday, March 26, 2007 12:03 PM
*Subject:* Slinky - Sad News

Hi all.  Thank you so much for all the GLOW and well wishes.  Slinky and I
just got back from the vet (and a spin through the park).  I am sad to
report that his HCT has dropped to just over 5!  It was a little above 7 on
Friday.  The vet didn't even want to give him the IR shot today because she
said his platlettes (sp?) are so low that when they stick him in the vein he
just bleeds.  She thought an IV injection would do more harm than good.

She agrees with me that it's best to let him go.  She said she's never
seen a cat with HCT that low who was still awake and breathing ok (which,
amazingly, he is).  But she also indicated that as the RBC's drop, his
organs will shut down and things will just get worse.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure when this will happen.  I needed to bring him
home right now so I'd have some time to say goodbye and do some of his
favorite things.  But I have a HGE day at work tomorrow and am not sure
I'll get through it if I put him down tonight.  Tomorrow night I have an
evening meeting for work that I can't get out of!  So it might have to be
Wednesday.  I don't know...I'd just die if he gets worse before then, but
some things can't be rescheduled (I've already missed several days of work
to take care of him and be with him).

He's pretty much the same...still breathing fine, eating, drinking, and
using his box.  So I guess for now I'll just see how it goes.  They said
they'd fit me in any time.

Thanks again for all your support!  I will be getting another kitty
eventually (he is my only and my first as an adult!!)...but I don't think
I'm up for another FeLV pos.  I'm thinking maybe one who's missing an eye or
has a bad leg or is deaf or something.  Something that makes them difficult
to adopt but isn't life threatening...I just don't think I can go through
this again right now.

I hope all your furkids are well.  I'll let you know when I need to add
Slinky to the CLS.


MJ and Slinky

8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a 
flick<>in no time
with theYahoo! Search movie showtime 

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP
to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding
tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses
or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a
partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer,
then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a
person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or
matter, and (ii) such taxpayers should seek advice based on the taxpayers
particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.

This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the
use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have
received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are
not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this

Leslie =^..^=

To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden
patch, or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That
only one life breathed easier because you lived - that is success.
---Ralph Waldo Emerson

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread Kelly L

At 10:02 AM 3/26/2007, you wrote:

I am so very sorry about SLinky and all the sadness and pain right 
now. My thought will be with you...and hope for a gently journey into 
the light.


Hi all.  Thank you so much for all the GLOW and well wishes.  Slinky 
and I just got back from the vet (and a spin through the park).  I 
am sad to report that his HCT has dropped to just over 5!  It was a 
little above 7 on Friday.  The vet didn't even want to give him the 
IR shot today because she said his platlettes (sp?) are so low that 
when they stick him in the vein he just bleeds.  She thought an IV 
injection would do more harm than good.

She agrees with me that it's best to let him go.  She said she's 
never seen a cat with HCT that low who was still awake and breathing 
ok (which, amazingly, he is).  But she also indicated that as the 
RBC's drop, his organs will shut down and things will just get worse.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure when this will happen.  I needed to 
bring him home right now so I'd have some time to say goodbye and do 
some of his favorite things.  But I have a HGE day at work 
tomorrow and am not sure I'll get through it if I put him down 
tonight.  Tomorrow night I have an evening meeting for work that I 
can't get out of!  So it might have to be Wednesday.  I don't 
know...I'd just die if he gets worse before then, but some things 
can't be rescheduled (I've already missed several days of work to 
take care of him and be with him).

He's pretty much the same...still breathing fine, eating, drinking, 
and using his box.  So I guess for now I'll just see how it 
goes.  They said they'd fit me in any time.

Thanks again for all your support!  I will be getting another kitty 
eventually (he is my only and my first as an adult!!)...but I don't 
think I'm up for another FeLV pos.  I'm thinking maybe one who's 
missing an eye or has a bad leg or is deaf or something.  Something 
that makes them difficult to adopt but isn't life threatening...I 
just don't think I can go through this again right now.

I hope all your furkids are well.  I'll let you know when I need to 
add Slinky to the CLS.


MJ and Slinky

8:00? 8:25? 8:40? 
Find a 
flick in no time
Search movie showtime shortcut.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.413 / Virus Database: 268.18.17/732 - Release Date: 3/24/2007

RE: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Dear Marissa, 
Your Slinky is truly amazing, a walking miracle, defying all the odds.
Enjoy every possible moment with your brave little trooper. Try not to
even think of his passing. I'm glad he has such an upbeat, loving mom.
big hugs to you both, Kerry
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 12:03 PM
Subject: Slinky - Sad News

Hi all.  Thank you so much for all the GLOW and well wishes.  Slinky and
I just got back from the vet (and a spin through the park).  I am sad to
report that his HCT has dropped to just over 5!  It was a little above 7
on Friday.  The vet didn't even want to give him the IR shot today
because she said his platlettes (sp?) are so low that when they stick
him in the vein he just bleeds.  She thought an IV injection would do
more harm than good.
She agrees with me that it's best to let him go.  She said she's never
seen a cat with HCT that low who was still awake and breathing ok
(which, amazingly, he is).  But she also indicated that as the RBC's
drop, his organs will shut down and things will just get worse.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure when this will happen.  I needed to bring
him home right now so I'd have some time to say goodbye and do some of
his favorite things.  But I have a HGE day at work tomorrow and am
not sure I'll get through it if I put him down tonight.  Tomorrow night
I have an evening meeting for work that I can't get out of!  So it might
have to be Wednesday.  I don't know...I'd just die if he gets worse
before then, but some things can't be rescheduled (I've already missed
several days of work to take care of him and be with him).  
He's pretty much the same...still breathing fine, eating, drinking, and
using his box.  So I guess for now I'll just see how it goes.  They said
they'd fit me in any time.  
Thanks again for all your support!  I will be getting another kitty
eventually (he is my only and my first as an adult!!)...but I don't
think I'm up for another FeLV pos.  I'm thinking maybe one who's missing
an eye or has a bad leg or is deaf or something.  Something that makes
them difficult to adopt but isn't life threatening...I just don't think
I can go through this again right now.
I hope all your furkids are well.  I'll let you know when I need to add
Slinky to the CLS.
MJ and Slinky


8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick
<>  in no
with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.
IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other 
than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
taxpayers should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances 
from an independent tax advisor.
This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of 
the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this 
email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named 
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread wendy

My heart just dropped when I saw your subject line,
but was happy to hear that Slinky had not yet passed. 
I am the ever hopeful type, and usually refuse to give
up.  Some people call that stubborn; I call it
perseverance.  I just don't want to give up on Slinky
yet; he's fighting so hard.  I hope that over the next
few days, you are able to do all you need to do and
stay relatively sane.  If you need ANYTHING, just ask.
 We're here for you and Slinky.  Prayers going out for
Slinky and you.  Here's to a miracle turnaround...


--- Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all.  Thank you so much for all the GLOW and well
> wishes.  Slinky and I just got back from the vet
> (and a spin through the park).  I am sad to report
> that his HCT has dropped to just over 5!  It was a
> little above 7 on Friday.  The vet didn't even want
> to give him the IR shot today because she said his
> platlettes (sp?) are so low that when they stick him
> in the vein he just bleeds.  She thought an IV
> injection would do more harm than good.
>   She agrees with me that it's best to let him go. 
> She said she's never seen a cat with HCT that low
> who was still awake and breathing ok (which,
> amazingly, he is).  But she also indicated that as
> the RBC's drop, his organs will shut down and things
> will just get worse.
>   Unfortunately, I'm not sure when this will happen.
>  I needed to bring him home right now so I'd have
> some time to say goodbye and do some of his favorite
> things.  But I have a HGE day at work tomorrow
> and am not sure I'll get through it if I put him
> down tonight.  Tomorrow night I have an evening
> meeting for work that I can't get out of!  So it
> might have to be Wednesday.  I don't know...I'd just
> die if he gets worse before then, but some things
> can't be rescheduled (I've already missed several
> days of work to take care of him and be with him).  
>   He's pretty much the same...still breathing fine,
> eating, drinking, and using his box.  So I guess for
> now I'll just see how it goes.  They said they'd fit
> me in any time.  
>   Thanks again for all your support!  I will be
> getting another kitty eventually (he is my only and
> my first as an adult!!)...but I don't think I'm up
> for another FeLV pos.  I'm thinking maybe one who's
> missing an eye or has a bad leg or is deaf or
> something.  Something that makes them difficult to
> adopt but isn't life threatening...I just don't
> think I can go through this again right now.
>   I hope all your furkids are well.  I'll let you
> know when I need to add Slinky to the CLS.
>   Thanks!
>   MJ and Slinky
> -
> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40?  Find a flick in no time
>  with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate 
in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q&A.

Re: Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread Barb Moermond
Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry his time is approaching.  Spend all the quality time 
with him that you can.  GLOW to you both for strength, peace and calm...

Marissa and Slinky}
Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his 
life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
- Anonymous

- Original Message 
From: Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 11:02:44 AM
Subject: Slinky - Sad News

Hi all.  Thank you so much for all the GLOW and well wishes.  Slinky and I just 
got back from the vet (and a spin through the park).  I am sad to report that 
his HCT has dropped to just over 5!  It was a little above 7 on Friday.  The 
vet didn't even want to give him the IR shot today because she said his 
platlettes (sp?) are so low that when they stick him in the vein he just 
bleeds.  She thought an IV injection would do more harm than good.
She agrees with me that it's best to let him go.  She said she's never seen a 
cat with HCT that low who was still awake and breathing ok (which, amazingly, 
he is).  But she also indicated that as the RBC's drop, his organs will shut 
down and things will just get worse.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure when this will happen.  I needed to bring him home 
right now so I'd have some time to say goodbye and do some of his favorite 
things.  But I have a HGE day at work tomorrow and am not sure I'll get 
through it if I put him down tonight.  Tomorrow night I have an evening meeting 
for work that I can't get out of!  So it might have to be Wednesday.  I don't 
know...I'd just die if he gets worse before then, but some things can't be 
rescheduled (I've already missed several days of work to take care of him and 
be with him).  
He's pretty much the same...still breathing fine, eating, drinking, and using 
his box.  So I guess for now I'll just see how it goes.  They said they'd fit 
me in any time.  
Thanks again for all your support!  I will be getting another kitty eventually 
(he is my only and my first as an adult!!)...but I don't think I'm up for 
another FeLV pos.  I'm thinking maybe one who's missing an eye or has a bad leg 
or is deaf or something.  Something that makes them difficult to adopt but 
isn't life threatening...I just don't think I can go through this again right 
I hope all your furkids are well.  I'll let you know when I need to add Slinky 
to the CLS.
MJ and Slinky

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Slinky - Sad News

2007-03-26 Thread Marissa Johnson
Hi all.  Thank you so much for all the GLOW and well wishes.  Slinky and I just 
got back from the vet (and a spin through the park).  I am sad to report that 
his HCT has dropped to just over 5!  It was a little above 7 on Friday.  The 
vet didn't even want to give him the IR shot today because she said his 
platlettes (sp?) are so low that when they stick him in the vein he just 
bleeds.  She thought an IV injection would do more harm than good.
  She agrees with me that it's best to let him go.  She said she's never seen a 
cat with HCT that low who was still awake and breathing ok (which, amazingly, 
he is).  But she also indicated that as the RBC's drop, his organs will shut 
down and things will just get worse.
  Unfortunately, I'm not sure when this will happen.  I needed to bring him 
home right now so I'd have some time to say goodbye and do some of his favorite 
things.  But I have a HGE day at work tomorrow and am not sure I'll get 
through it if I put him down tonight.  Tomorrow night I have an evening meeting 
for work that I can't get out of!  So it might have to be Wednesday.  I don't 
know...I'd just die if he gets worse before then, but some things can't be 
rescheduled (I've already missed several days of work to take care of him and 
be with him).  
  He's pretty much the same...still breathing fine, eating, drinking, and using 
his box.  So I guess for now I'll just see how it goes.  They said they'd fit 
me in any time.  
  Thanks again for all your support!  I will be getting another kitty 
eventually (he is my only and my first as an adult!!)...but I don't think I'm 
up for another FeLV pos.  I'm thinking maybe one who's missing an eye or has a 
bad leg or is deaf or something.  Something that makes them difficult to adopt 
but isn't life threatening...I just don't think I can go through this again 
right now.
  I hope all your furkids are well.  I'll let you know when I need to add 
Slinky to the CLS.
  MJ and Slinky

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 with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.