Re: Update on feral babies

2006-06-05 Thread wendy
Hi Beth,

I am sorry you had to find our site, but glad that you
did.  This is the foremost site on FeLV, IMO.  I
second all of what Nina and Lance both said.  Thank
goodness the kittens were FeLV neg.  As far as Ally
goes, FeLV is not a death sentence.  Her results could
still come back negative and even if she is positive,
she might throw off the virus like many cats do.  She
sounds like such a love.  I am so glad you will not
pts.  It's such a shame when that happens too quickly,
and most times needlessly.  If you keep Ally, Blue
will have to get accustomed to her.  You'll have to
introduce them slowly.  Mine still haven't accepted
the new kitten, Smookie, we got in March, but I'm
still hopeful.  Also, check the settings on your
email.  Your email font is coming through REALLY
small, like 9 or less, and the only way I could read
the post is through someone else's post where your
post was at the bottom of their reply.  If you can,
set it to size 12 or so.  Please keep us posted on
little Ally!


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Re: Update on feral babies

2006-06-05 Thread Nina

Oh Beth!  Such good news on the four that tested neg!!  You really are
blessed.  You talked about "surgery", so I assumed you meant the Momma
is now spayed.  Is there someone that puts food/water out for the feral
cats near your in laws?  It would be a Godsend to those kitties if you
could hook up with a feral cat/rescue group in the area to TNR them and
help you figure out a way to provide a caregiver to monitor the
colony.  There's a feral cat group that you might want to join for
There are ways to get financial support for s/n and other vet costs as
well.  I'm so glad you were there to help this litter, but there will
be more, (obviously Momma didn't get pregnant all by herself!), and if
there is felv in the colony, neutering and spaying will cut down on the
fighting, (and of course the breeding), which will cut down on the
suffering.  I'm sorry to be pleading with you to do even more than you
have, but who will, if we don't?

That little Alice sounds like such a doll!  Are you sure there's no way
you could take her in?  From what you say about her greetings, it
sounds like she's certainly chosen you!  I don't know Beth, I don't
believe in coincidence.  I think the ones that come to us this way are
put in our path for a reason.  Maybe the reason Alice and her family
came to you was to help the rest of her colony, maybe it was to help
her and her siblings to find forever homes, and maybe, just maybe, it
was to bring little Alice into your life.  I know she would enrich it
in ways you'd never imagine.  One of the kittens in my felv litter,
Tim, did eventually test neg, because of that, I know that it's
possible, (although, unfortunately, unlikely), for a pos kitten to
clear the virus.
Thank you so much for the good news about the other babies,

Gary Murphy wrote:

  Hello, Nina and Lance thank you so much for your encouragement,
it is a much better day today. The four kittens were all FeLV Neg. 
They get retested in a month, but so far, so good.  Little Alice should
get her IFA results back later this week, she is staying with my in
laws for now, has never been to our house or near Blue.  I am letting
momma (Mia) go again this afternoon.  The 4 negs are staying at our
house, sequestered in a bedroom until the next test.  My heart is
breaking for poor little Alice, she is the nicest one of the bunch,
leaps onto my shoulder whenever she sees me and starts purring.  My
darling Blue is not a purrer or a cuddler, I was looking forward to
that.  If Ally is IFA pos., we will not put her down, but try to find a
home or a rescue to take her.  I am torn on what to do if she is
negative, would like to keep her but afraid.  Our Blue is 14 months
old, we rescued her as a very sick feral at 4 weeks, she has slept in
bed with us since 7 or 8 weeks old, we have no kids and dote on her. 
She is going in tomorrow for the vaccine, we didn't do it when we got
her because of the risk of injection-site sarcoma, but will do it now
with the newer adjuvant-free vaccine.  Please keep your fingers crossed
for Alice, as I will for Ember and the other sweeties.  Thank you again,

Update on feral babies

2006-06-05 Thread Gary Murphy

Hello, Nina and Lance thank you so much for your encouragement, it is a much better day today. The four kittens were all FeLV Neg.  They get retested in a month, but so far, so good.  Little Alice should get her IFA results back later this week, she is staying with my in laws for now, has never been to our house or near Blue.  I am letting momma (Mia) go again this afternoon.  The 4 negs are staying at our house, sequestered in a bedroom until the next test.  My heart is breaking for poor little Alice, she is the nicest one of the bunch, leaps onto my shoulder whenever she sees me and starts purring.  My darling Blue is not a purrer or a cuddler, I was looking forward to that.  If Ally is IFA pos., we will not put her down, but try to find a home or a rescue to take her.  I am torn on what to do if she is negative, would like to keep her but afraid.  Our Blue is 14 months old, we rescued her as a very sick feral at 4 weeks, she has slept in bed with us since 7 or 8 weeks old, we have no kids and dote on her.  She is going in tomorrow for the vaccine, we didn't do it when we got her because of the risk of injection-site sarcoma, but will do it now with the newer adjuvant-free vaccine.  Please keep your fingers crossed for Alice, as I will for Ember and the other sweeties.  Thank you again,