Re: Lucy has a large bladder stone

2005-02-10 Thread Barbara Lowe

i mentioned to my regular vet on our last visit 
that Puff daddy has oxalate crystals (chinese alt. medicine vet diagnosed that 
last year when i was going to him for alternative treatments) so he gets 
potassium citrate while the ones with struvite crystals get vit c in their diet. 
all get 200 iu e daily also. he mentioned to be careful what food I feed as most 
diets are geared for preventing struvite crystals. nobody gets dry food ever since 3 got blocked. 
Good luck to Lucy !!

Re: Lucy has a large bladder stone

2005-02-10 Thread Barbara Lowe

my vet is off today so can't ask him. have you called another vet just to 
inquire whether there's any test to determine or why it would not show up in the 
tests your vet did. Your vet should not balk at a second opinion. unfortunately 
it's just the costs. 
I've learned my vet is not totally up to date on all things.(he didn't know 
about the new felv+-fip vaccine mentioned on here last week, was it? or was it 
Likewise when Jelly roll got sick, I was the one to bring up going to a 
specialist. the vet at that time I was seeing, was like, oh sure--do that. (but 
why didn't she suggest it???) 
My sister also had same problem with a cat not eating wet food. she cooked 
up that calcium rich chicken broth of frazer's (tho didn't do the end step of 
bone mashing because bones were still too hard--I've never been able to get that 
step either--must buy strong chickens)and her cat actually liked it-good 
thiing because she hates to cook--so now he eats it and she's tapered off on the 
broth and he doesn't seem to miss it on the canned food. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 10:50 
  Subject: Re: Lucy has a large bladder 
  I wish I could get her to eat wet food. She won't at all. I also wish I 
  could figure out definitively what kind of stone she has so I know if I am 
  doing the right thing by doing the struvite dissolution diet. If anyone has 
  any tips of getting a better diagnosis, please let me know.
  In a message dated 2/10/05 9:46:55 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
nobody gets dry food ever since 3 got blocked. 

Good luck to Lucy !!

So sorry about Simon

2005-02-08 Thread Barbara Lowe

Dear Michelle,
I am really sorry Simon died. 
It's taken me awhile to let you know because who 
among us hasn't been there, done that, second guessed up to twenty times 
wondering if we were doing the right thing, everything we could do for our 
beloved cats infected with this horrible virus. In the end, it comes down to we 
do the best we can. We do more than those miserable awful people one sees on 
television or in news articles about starving their pets-deliberately ignoring a 
dying animal that for some mysterious reason they decided in the first place to 
bring home and call their own. This past week while "clean sweeping" my office, 
I came across all the photos of my felv+ cats who have passed away and missed 
them all--all over again. But just like Simon, if you had not found him to 
love,all would have died so many years ago without having any chance 
at catnip mouses, feather toys, red dot lazer pointers, all they can eat food 
dishes, maid service at the litter box and warm comfy laps to rule their 
kingdoms from. He always sounded like such a wonderful cat in your emails and 
I'm sure that courageous little loving soul railed against the disease racking 
his body but never never against the people who loved him. 

Barbara who misses Jelly Roll, Lenny, Skippy 

(but just knows those little demonic angels are 
sneaking up on their dog buddy Maddy topounce on her sensitive toes so 
she'll jump up and leave that nice warm spot in the grass for them to snooze 

Re: life spans of positives

2005-02-08 Thread Barbara Lowe
Lenny almost made it to her first birthday--but she was always a very thin
undersized cat. I rescued her along with Jelly roll and his two sisters from
a local pound where they were very sick. Jelly Roll died last Nov at 2 1/2.
(other sister died suddenly at 3 months from ?). Princess who is negative is
still with me.
Skippy was around 8 months old -developed fip.
I wish I could have had them as long as four years or 9 or 13. I'm just glad
I did get to know them.
There were 3 kittens a local rescue asked me to take in who all were already
showing signs of jaundice by the time I was notified-so 3 different times
had kittens die before 3 months old.

Re: Lysine question

2005-02-04 Thread Barbara Lowe
i give princess (jelly roll's sister who is still negative-just got her test
results back yesterday)500 1x daily for her sneezing. i use solgar capsules
and open them up and spread in her food. i looked thru my vets guide
tonatural remedies for cats and one dr for herpes said 250-500 a day, the
second said 250 2x daily for average sized cat. before reading on this list
that others gave their +'s lysine, i didn't (and actually keep forgetting to
add it to clancy's routine). my book mentioned it's good for inflammatory
conditions of the gums like stomatitis. i'd suggest opening the capsule and
sprinkling half of it in his food and mixing up really really good. clancy
my remaining postive eats his pills and capsules in those pill pockets but
i've learned i've got to watch him with capsules as once he's crunched down
on them,the powder spills out.

Re: Wellness - is it any good anymore?

2005-02-02 Thread Barbara Lowe
i still feed the turkey and the beef and chicken to my cats but since
there's 7, i'm splitting two cans among them(plus activa life-or what I have
left since that co. went out of business, merrick and Petguard premium).
haven't had the problems you mention.

Re: What's you number?

2005-02-02 Thread Barbara Lowe

had two dogs-maddy died from cancer last year-so 
now just Frasier who's 12 or 13(pound rescue) so we're looking for a buddy but 
not actively and down to 7 kitties-only 1 positive(trying to catch him again to 
get him tested as hoping what worked for mr. bean has worked on clancy)--had 
9--tho when i used to foster kittens i once had 17 kittens running around here. 
(plus my gang). (the lab mix-Maddy-loved it--lots of snacks by licking faces-and 
all other parts--after the kittens started switching to solids). 


Re: UTI's

2005-02-02 Thread Barbara Lowe

i give mine Vit C (actually Belfied's MegaC plus) for the struvite 
crystals. the one cat that had oxalate crystals gets potassium citrate. they all 
get 200 iu Vit E daily in their food. No one gets any dry food anymore so have 
not had any more flutd problems(knock on wood!)

- Original Message - 

  Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 11:44 
  Subject: Re: UTI's
  No, she's never had it before. One of the foods I feed them is Wysong 
  Uretic, which is one of the better healthy brands' formula for preventing 
  crystals. Maybe I will stop feeding the other stuff for a while and see if 
  limiting it to just that helps. Both Simon and my negative, Quincy, had 
  struvite crystals at different points and giving antibiotics along with 
  limiting to that food seemed to do the trick.
  In a message dated 2/2/05 11:39:27 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
I learned about interstitial cystitis, I'm much more suspicious about 
bladder issues now. It COULD be a bacterial infection, but it could be 
struvite or oxalate crystals. Or, as in my Smoky's case, it could just 
be the whim of the gods. Has she had bacterial infections 
before? Even if you can't get a sample right now, I highly recommend 
switching her to the s/o diet sooutbreaks will be severely limited if 
not eliminated.

Re: Wellness and Eagle Pack

2005-01-25 Thread Barbara Lowe
two/3 months ago i purchased a case of eagle pack canned food and one of the
cans had botulism. i called the company and they immediately responded--sent
me a coupon for a whole case, paid me to send back the can and contents if i
still had them(i did-in the refrig) . I had been preoccupied and opened the
can and the smell-peey! adn then saw bottom of can had popped. they
wanted the original contents and can to trace the shipment to figure out
what happened. actually what i later realized probably happened was that
particular can was not part of the purchased case but among the loose
freebies given me by a store owner from her sales rep--so it was probably
older. my cats still eat the chicken and lamb cans. so still sounds like a
responsible company to me...
- Original Message -
From: Faye Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 7:47 PM
Subject: Wellness and Eagle Pack

 I just found out from a dog board I belong to that these companies have
 bought out.  Wellness was bought out in 2003 and by 2004, all the original
 family who started the company had been fired (4 months ago). I stopped
 using Wellness about that time because I got 5 cases of canned food from
 their new plant that my cats would not eat.  The ones that finally ate the
 food started having minor bacterial infections.  I am not sure the
 infections are food related but I was concerned enough to drop Wellness
 go to Eagle Pack.  I had no idea the food had changed.  Now, Eagle Pack
 to be watched.

 If I learn any more about this, I will post it.  Let's just hope that
 whoever bought these fine companies will maintain their integrity.

Re: Simon is having a good morning

2005-01-19 Thread Barbara Lowe
We love hearing purr-fectly good news. Sneak some roast beef slices for us,
buddy. Way to go!
Mr. Bean, Clancy, Puff Daddy, Dopey, Milk dud, Dieffenbacher, and Princess
7-Layer Eatsalot and oh yeah, our human-Barbara

Re: Injured Leeloo not eating-- Important

2005-01-18 Thread Barbara Lowe

maybe calicivirus? i copied some info from a google search. when i fostered 
kittens sometimeone would start to limp and that was the usual 

Calicivirus has 
also been found in cats 
with lymphocytic-plasmacytic gingivitis and stomatitis . The superficial lesions 
heal rapidly, and the infected cat regains appetite 2-3 days after onset. The 
clinical course usually is 7-10 days. An acute febrile response, inappetence, 
and depression are common signs. Serous rhinitis and conjunctivitis also can 

  - Original Message - 
  Steve Williams 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 5:02 
  Subject: RE: Injured Leeloo not eating-- 
  It's a back left leg. We assumed and 
  the vet assumed she injured herself as it happened overnight and the vet wrote 
  "probable fracture at left stifle". I think it was hard for the vet to 
  feel the injury since it was at the leg joint. I'm trying to get a hold 
  of the vet.
-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 1:53 
PMTo: felvtalk@vlists.netSubject: Re: Injured Leeloo 
not eating-- Important
Is it a front leg? Are you sure it is a fracture? Apparently 
there is some disease that kittens sometimes get that makes them limp on a 
front leg and they need a particular treatment-- I am not sure if it is an 
antibiotic. The woman who runs the shelter where my cats came from 
mentioned to me the other day that she euthanized a few kittens for this 
problem years ago before finding out it was a treatable condition. I 
thought you had known she injured herself. 

Re: My current Guilt

2005-01-17 Thread Barbara Lowe

time to get the book Fall of Freddie the Leaf. 
that's what the grief counsellors always told the parents and teachers to read 
to the elementary school kids for help in explaining the circle of life. It will 
definitely be at your local library.
i'd also suggest having a little funeral for the 
mouse to help your son. have you also read him the poem about the Rainbow 
and even qualified animal rescuers don't save all 
teh animals they rescue so dont' beat yourself up over this. 
and what was that really weird book Gary Larson 
wrote about a little girl who thought she was helping to rescue some reptile and 
do the totally wrong thing to save it?(like it was not a water animal and she 
put it in the water so it drowned) you in essence did "no harm" other than 
kept him from being part of the food chain when some predator would have found 
him in a weak condition and ate him instead.

Re: OT: My current Guilt

2005-01-17 Thread Barbara Lowe

sometimes I get to hear the stories of how my 
foster kittens were rescued. two women who clean the bathrooms at a local state 
park/beach were leaving the parking lot and noticed a cardboard box. they almost 
left without checking but decided, "aw go get it". inside were two shivering 
kittens. this was in the dead of winter. they survived. they were meant to die 
by whatever lunatic dropped them off because even tho the restaurant stays open 
at the park, it is used very very rarely. 

another kitten came to the shelter via a mom who 
was obviiously not well off--rusted car-grubby clothes-small whining toddler w/ 
filthy face--told our supervisor who was having a really really bad day that 
they couldn't afford the vet bills and the kitten-maybe 4 weeks old-was not as 
active as it had been. the shelter had had over a dozen animals dumped on them 
that day--all grown and all sick. supervisor said couldn't fit in this tiny 
kitten.(she felt this family would just turn around and adopt another 
kitten somewhere as they just didn't want to pay the vet bills--PLUS there was 
also a scare of distemper in the area that summer). I was there for whatever 
reason and followed the mom out to her car. she was crying and I fell for it and 
took the kitten immediately to vet to make sure no distemper. he perked up and 
was a little pig. meanwhile no one at shelter knew I had the kitten. they get a 
phone call and a visit in person from this woman's very angry husbandwho 
wasshowing signs of being "under some influence" threatening them 
wanting his kittten back. they had no idea but teh supervisor remembered, 
"oh damn Barbara was here." but said that was just another adopter looking for a 
kitten who claimed to be a volunteer who took your kitten. the guy 
cursing, spilled the beans that the baby had thrown the kitten against the wall. 
never knew or cared if baby or the drunk guy--I kept that kitten til it went to 
a good home. The woman I realized later, showed signs of being abused, she 
still cared enough to rescue the kitten. I always think about her and wish I had 
been smart enough to know how to rescue her. 

another group of kittens came to me via two 
restaurant waitresses who saw the group being thrown from a car in their parking 
lot. crying kids in the back of a station wagon and the mom just tossed the 
kittens one by one--right by a very busy roadway. they think they found them 
all. thank goodness they had a very understanding boss who let them take over an 
hour to catch them. 

You did the best you could with the mouse. that's 
all any of us can do. 
Perhaps when you have time, you can google how to 
care for wildlife. spring is coming and that means baby birds falling out of 
nests,etc. a very helpful wildlife rehabilitator on the animals board on ebay 
always shows up to help with info how to and what not to do with animals. she 
made me feel better about a tiny tiny baby snake I found who died. I know a 
squirrel rescuer thru my vet--why those darn things always find me when I'm out 
walking with my dogs--so i can call her to make sure should I bring it to her or 
not. Frankly if you can catch a wild mouse, that probably meant he was not in 
good shape. 
take care,

Re: Simon today

2005-01-17 Thread Barbara Lowe

Michelle, I pray for you and Simon every day. stay strong for him.


2005-01-14 Thread Barbara Lowe

sorry for shouting. just came back from walking my 
dog and there was a phone message-the vet said, got back the bloodwork and Mr. 
Bean's leukemia test came back negative. omigod omigod omigod

and of course being the cynic i am i keep waiting 
for the other shoe to drop or rather the disaster that will take its(leukemia's) 

I contacted the vet's office that did his CBC a few 
years ago to get those records so I can go over them with my vet. (he was 
originally at the other office but now has his own practice.) (dont' remember 
exactly what his CBC was last time other than the devastating news he was 
postive because in between those years, my dad died, had to take care of my mom 
with parkinson's and then her dying and one kitty dying from fip, 2 from 
leukemia and then my dog with her cancer. ) 

should have gotten Clancy tested again while I had 
him there at the vet since he still hates his mommy for vet catch game 
yesterday. he's my only other postive knock on would be so great if he 
wasn't positive because it woudl mean I could foster again.

waiting to hear back from my vet who was w/ an 
guess I will reorder that ambrotose 

Re: I'm worried abt Levi

2005-01-13 Thread Barbara Lowe
mites? food allergies? air too dry? one of my postives gets hives (or
whatever those skin bumps are) every falll and this year I gave him vit B6
25 mcg. daily and no more bumps. I can't catch 3 of my cats to ever cut
their nails or clean ears so mites is always a worry for me.  read something
gross about a vet who purposely infected himself with ear mites and reported
how the scratching noise inside his ear was close to driving him insane.
okay i got my gingko and unfortunately now remembering how much fun it is to
try to catch my gang for the vet visit today. bringing four in if we can get
them. i always picture the other ones left behind in the house high fiving
paws and breathing huge sighs of relief it wasn't their turn
the dog just groans and sleeps thru it all unless they pole vault over his
head during the chase...

Re: Re:Levi - re: Barbara's reply

2005-01-13 Thread Barbara Lowe

now 5:45. back from the vet's. (3:30 appt) yeah, it 
was alot of fun. of course the little terrors all were very sweet THERE. at home 
trying to catch themKamikaze artists--(no guys you can't bust thru the glass 
windows, no don't go into the oven, no-jumping in the toilet is not a good 
thing..yes, everybody sniff the catnip and ooh look, turkey in the cat carriers. 
go IN. I know the housecleaners think I do dope what with all the catnip 
sprinkled all over the houseI understand that much spanish)
and of course the tiniest one went into the huge 
carrier I needed for the big bruiser
will know what's up with the bloodwork on Mr. Bean 
tomorrow hopefully to see if any good news. bad news is I have to 
catch3 again for dental work. after Bean's bloodwork the vet said 
using oh heck what was it? percoram? I have seen it mentioned on this list--for 
his inflamed mouth. all were good weight and good eyes. no mites! He also 
asked me to look into transfer factor. 
everybody hates mommy tonight, 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 3:03 
  Subject: Re:Levi - re: Barbara's 
  Barbara you're flipped! Thanks for the 
  giggles!Barbara Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
food allergies? air too dry? one of my postives gets hives (orwhatever 
those skin bumps are) every falll and this year I gave him vit B625 mcg. 
daily and no more bumps. I can't catch 3 of my cats to ever cuttheir 
nails or clean ears so mites is always a worry for me. read 
somethinggross about a vet who purposely infected himself with ear mites 
and reportedhow the scratching noise inside his ear was close to driving 
him insane.okay i got my gingko and unfortunately now remembering how 
much fun it is totry to catch my gang for the vet visit today. bringing 
four in if we can getthem. i always picture the other ones left behind 
in the house high fivingpaws and breathing huge sighs of relief it 
wasn't their turnthe dog just groans and sleeps thru it all unless 
they pole vault over hishead during the 
  Do you Yahoo!?Meet the all-new My Yahoo! 
   Try it today! 

Re: Levi - re: Barbara's reply

2005-01-13 Thread Barbara Lowe
Mr. Bean tested positive a few years back. I just want to see if anything
going on-any difference what with all the vits and supplements he's been
getting for 3 yrs.
peroxicam. that's it. if I get the gel cap can I puncture it and just mix it
in his food as this is one cat that doesn't like the pill pocket for meds.

Re: Claudia needs all the healing vibes she can get!

2005-01-13 Thread Barbara Lowe
Title: Message

Oh gosh, poor Claudia. here's hoping the morning 
brings great news of full recovery!

Re: Levi - re: Barbara's reply

2005-01-13 Thread Barbara Lowe
thanks for the info. i'll mix it in fish flavored canned food. 

Re: Simon got chemo today

2005-01-13 Thread Barbara Lowe
good news and miracles do happen. Go Simon!
and yes, enjoy him. (so much easier said than done sometimes when this
crappy virus takes over our babies and our fears overtake us)
and her kitties who
still hate their mommy after today's vet appt.


2005-01-12 Thread Barbara Lowe
i give it to my 13 yr old dog 1x daily as prevention for arthritis. never
read about giving it to cats.  I have to hide it in liverwurst. he goes for
a check up next week and i am going to ask for x rays to see how he's doing
as I've noticed limping very very occassionally.
- Original Message -
From: Faye Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 11:09 AM
Subject: MSM

 Do any of you give MSM to your cats?  If so, do you find it helpful and if
 so, what results do you get?  Do you give it long term or short term?

Re: Simon's rally

2005-01-12 Thread Barbara Lowe

I am amazed at the strength of your cat but feel he 
must get it from his very brave owner! don't know medically what to do-but going 
with your heart and mind seems to have worked in the past. I wish you all 

Re: Sharing food

2005-01-12 Thread Barbara Lowe

wait wait don't get stressed reading what I wrote. 
remember I am no doctor. have no medical training. I oly have the books and the 
wonderful people on this list and the internet to guide me. my cats all share 
litter boxes and i have 2 postiives and 5 negatives-and the little monsters run 
to each other's plates--I just to keep them from sharing. And i also just 
remembered that Clancy who is one of my postives gave Dopey a very nasty 
puncture wound 2 0r 3 years ago that I came home from a weekaway taking care of 
my mom to find Dopey with a huge -oh what the heck is it called?-a big squishy 
abscess on her back. she still is negative. I now have Dopey separated as she 
fights with Clancy who is usually a big baby --more so for just peace of mind in 
the household here. 
lysine is a supplement and I sound like an idiot to 
say I dont' know what it is exactly but even my non-holistic vet recommended it. 
I can't look it up in one of my books right now as I have to run to post office. 
if no one else explains by time I get back this evening I will look it 
adn I'm sorry. I forget what exactly is your 
situation with your pets-how many and which are +/-?
oops remind me i have to get more gingko while i'm 

  - Original Message - 
  Cherie A 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 11:46 
  Subject: Re: Sharing food
  All, 5 share boxes and they all share food, now I am worried. What is 
  Lysine? What does it do for Princess?Barbara Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

i do not let mine share food dishes because the 
little buggers lick their plates and to me, that's "sharing saliva"(tho they 
do try claiming they're starving!!) ...however nothing i can do about litter 
boxes sharing in a mixed household. Jelly roll tested negative at 8 wks old 
then was positive a year later even tho he'd had vacs and was on vit c and 
other supplements. he came from a litter of 3 and his biggest sister died at 
12 weeks and i never had an autopsy done. his other sister, Princess who is 
negative(knock on wood), does have feline herpes-and red that runs from her 
eyes and sneezes if I dont' keep her on lysine 2x day 500 mg. 

  - Original Message - 
  A Gabbert 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 
  11:13 AM
  Subject: Sharing food
  I am curious since all of this has happened with Snowball and now 
  Amber, I have read numerous things, it is said that if cats share foods, 
  the uninfected cat can be infected, but I have also read and heard from 
  this group that the FeLV virus pretty much dies as soon as it hits air. 
  When I asked my vet she said prolonged nose to nose contact and a bite 
  from the infected cat, I am confused, can someone give my some correct 
  Thank you

Re: Quimble Only Has a Few Days Left...

2005-01-12 Thread Barbara Lowe
even tho there's a waiting list, tell them to try Angels Gate in Fort
Salonga Northport. Long Island.  perhaps if the poster sounds desperate
enough they'll take him in. did they post on petfinder also?
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:37 PM
Subject: Quimble Only Has a Few Days Left...

 Hi FeLV Talk List Group,

 I found an ad posted on the Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens website
and thought you might be interested.

 Click on the link below to view the details:

 Hi All,

 Just thought I'd see if there were any resources out there for this guy,
seems a shame he may not make it.  Call in your favors if you have any.



 We have put up a website where anyone may post a FeLV/FIV/FIP cat/kitten
they are fostering or are in need of finding a new home for.  We are
providing this FREE service because many of these cats are automatically
euthanized when they test positive. Many cats/kittens that test positive
live healthy, long, quality lives.  With preventative treatment many cats
that would otherwise be euthanized can and do live many years of quality
life, and make loving, wonderful pets.

 If you find yourself in a situation with a FeLV/FIV/FIP positive
Cat/Kitten and for reasons beyond your control can't keep them, we'd like to
offer you the opportunity to try and find a loving home for your Cat/Kitten.
It doesn't cost you anything and you may save the life of a wonderful,
loving cat/kitten and make another families life happy and complete.

 I personally am owned by a FeLV positive kitty, Bailey. He found me at my
work place almost 7 years ago, he is a happy, HEALTHY cat. He has brought
great joy to our lives (and his brothers and sisters, we have 6 kitties),
for the last 7 years. Had he found some one else his life may have ended 7
years ago, what a shame and waste that would have been. I know that someday
he MAY get sick and I'll lose him to this disease, but then again he MAY NOT
get sick and he will enrich our lives for many more years to come. Whatever
is in the future, we take one day at a time, that's all you can do.  Please
pass this information on to every animal lover you know, join us in the
crusade to save lives.

 To post an ad go to:

 The ONLY condition we have is; we DO NOT allow 'FREE TO GOOD HOME ADS',
there is good reason for this. Many times animals offered Free to good homes
wind up in the hands of people who turn around and sell them to labs, where
they suffer horrible fates. Then you have those that are looking for animals
to use as bait for training their fighting dogs (an illegal activity, but
still goes on everywhere), or maybe food for their pet snake. Also you run
the very real risk of an animal abuser taking your loved pet home and
torturing it anytime they please until they tire of it and kill it. These
people have been known to show up at your door with families (including
 For more information on the dangers of 'FREE TO GOOD HOME ADS', please
visit this website:
 If you have posted a 'FREE TO GOOD HOME AD', please return and change it.

 To join our support group (people owned by FeLV, FIV or FIP positive
kitties), go to:

 Thank you for caring.
 If you have any questions, please contact me
 Ad Administrator
 Belinda Sauro

Re: Quimble Only Has a Few Days Left...

2005-01-12 Thread Barbara Lowe
here's the link
 phone 631-269-7641

founder's name is Susan Marino.

- Original Message -
From: Barbara Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: Quimble Only Has a Few Days Left...

 even tho there's a waiting list, tell them to try Angels Gate in Fort
 Salonga Northport. Long Island.  perhaps if the poster sounds desperate
 enough they'll take him in. did they post on petfinder also?
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:37 PM
 Subject: Quimble Only Has a Few Days Left...

  Hi FeLV Talk List Group,
  I found an ad posted on the Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens website
 and thought you might be interested.
  Click on the link below to view the details:
  Hi All,
  Just thought I'd see if there were any resources out there for this guy,
 seems a shame he may not make it.  Call in your favors if you have any.
  We have put up a website where anyone may post a FeLV/FIV/FIP cat/kitten
 they are fostering or are in need of finding a new home for.  We are
 providing this FREE service because many of these cats are automatically
 euthanized when they test positive. Many cats/kittens that test positive
 live healthy, long, quality lives.  With preventative treatment many cats
 that would otherwise be euthanized can and do live many years of quality
 life, and make loving, wonderful pets.
  If you find yourself in a situation with a FeLV/FIV/FIP positive
 Cat/Kitten and for reasons beyond your control can't keep them, we'd like
 offer you the opportunity to try and find a loving home for your
 It doesn't cost you anything and you may save the life of a wonderful,
 loving cat/kitten and make another families life happy and complete.
  I personally am owned by a FeLV positive kitty, Bailey. He found me at
 work place almost 7 years ago, he is a happy, HEALTHY cat. He has brought
 great joy to our lives (and his brothers and sisters, we have 6 kitties),
 for the last 7 years. Had he found some one else his life may have ended 7
 years ago, what a shame and waste that would have been. I know that
 he MAY get sick and I'll lose him to this disease, but then again he MAY
 get sick and he will enrich our lives for many more years to come.
 is in the future, we take one day at a time, that's all you can do.
 pass this information on to every animal lover you know, join us in the
 crusade to save lives.
  To post an ad go to:
  The ONLY condition we have is; we DO NOT allow 'FREE TO GOOD HOME ADS',
 there is good reason for this. Many times animals offered Free to good
 wind up in the hands of people who turn around and sell them to labs,
 they suffer horrible fates. Then you have those that are looking for
 to use as bait for training their fighting dogs (an illegal activity, but
 still goes on everywhere), or maybe food for their pet snake. Also you run
 the very real risk of an animal abuser taking your loved pet home and
 torturing it anytime they please until they tire of it and kill it. These
 people have been known to show up at your door with families (including
  For more information on the dangers of 'FREE TO GOOD HOME ADS', please
 visit this website:
  If you have posted a 'FREE TO GOOD HOME AD', please return and change
  To join our support group (people owned by FeLV, FIV or FIP positive
 kitties), go to:
  Thank you for caring.
  If you have any questions, please contact me
  Ad Administrator
  Belinda Sauro


2005-01-11 Thread Barbara Lowe
so sorry for the loss of your furbaby. January is really a cruel month. 
take care,

Re: anyone else use ambrotose ?

2005-01-11 Thread Barbara Lowe
Title: Message

sorry so late to thank everyone who took the time 
to help me debate over continuing the use of this. I'm going to schedule some 
bloodwork for Mr. Bean to see what's happening if any change in him and will 
then go from there. 

Re: I told my son

2005-01-08 Thread Barbara Lowe

sorry in all my mail box i could not find the 
original email about how old your son was however there were a few children's 
books dealing with deaths of pets--perhaps your library has them or if you live 
near one of those chain stores where one can 
read a book without buying it you can find them. i remember one was The Tenth 
good thiing about Barney. (sorry been a long time since i owned a bookstore and 
my memory has deleted all kinds of info)
So sorry again for the loss of your family's beloved Snowball.

Re: Simon stopping chemo and does not have long

2005-01-07 Thread Barbara Lowe

  Sending prayers for you and Simon. I'm so sorry. 

Re: Simon is eating

2005-01-07 Thread Barbara Lowe

I truly believe everyone's prayers helped Jelly Roll and me have some good 
days. so glad you have this time for some joy.

anyone else use ambrotose ?

2005-01-05 Thread Barbara Lowe

my Chinese alternative medicine vet a few years ago 
recommended ambrotose along with some chinese immune enhancer. (he would never 
tell me the name of the chinese drug only saying he made it up himself). I tried 
both and Mr. Bean is doing okay-occassional minor pickiness at foodtime but I 
just usually have to swish the left over food around in the bowl and he comes 
back thinking i added new stuff. Mr. Bean is 7 years old and not 100% sure when 
he became positive--what happened was gingivitis and made our regular vet do 
bloodwork and when it came back positive, surprised us both. (bean was my first 
foster and had been tested as a kitten). Now he's on MegaC+, Prozyme, Vit E 200 
, pet tinic, coQ10-20 mg.-all daily, vit a  d 1x week and i only feed 
canned-wellness, merrick, eagle and no fish content.He's affectionate, fur is 
good adn he loves to play. He does stick his tongue out most of the time so i 
have to check his mouth for gingivitis.
clancy will eat any pill if put in a pill pocket 
and his age is undetermined-probably 7-8 yrs old now-came as a rescue foster and 
never left--was told he has allergies and that he had tested negative and utd on 
shots. only discovered he was postive when had to test my cats 3 years ago for 
potential blood donors. usually fine until wintertime and then bumps all over 
his skin. read this year to give him VitB 6 25 mcg and also the salmon oil 
capsules. everyone also gets Dancing paws Edible coat conditioner. I almost got 
thru a whole bag of missing link with the gang but they started leaving their 
food so switched to prozyme. clancy's skinisgreatand 
nowthe bottle of B6 is almost gone. 
I stopped the chinese herb about a year ago--as 
most ofthe cats hated the taste.(vet is an hour away adn all the cats scream the 
whole way plus discovered I could get the ambrotose for less than half the price 
he was charging me from the company online. 
my question after all this is about the ambrotose. 
should I reoder it? Jelly Roll was on it but he died last Nov. i had his 
sister Princess on it even tho she is negative--her only problem is her 
eyes--she has herpes which flares up and red runs from her eyes but it never 
seems to bother her. I hadn't planned on keeping her but the shelter thought no 
one would ever adopt her until her eyes cleared up so I kept her and even tho 
she rules the household-I have never regretted it. she gets Lysine 500 mg 
2xday. if I forget her sneezing starts up and the snot flies. I did find halo 
pets eyewash helped clear up the problem but for a sweet cat, she turns into 
vampire kitty when it's eyedrop time and the session would stress her out and 
all the others so stopped. 
thanks for listening,

Re: food dilemma - Kerry

2005-01-04 Thread Barbara Lowe
I've had success with those Pill Pockets-some sort of gooey capsule you can
hide the pills in and also that high calcium energy broth anitra frazer has
in her book. they love that when I pour some on their wet food. (tho my
family complains that I never cook for them just the cats and dog...) I
can't find the book right now in this black hole of an office but I think
the recipe's in the archives,no?  I've also cooked chicken livers and mashed
them up when the gang gets finicky. knock on wood everybody's eating fine--I
know the sense of anxiety and frustration full well when one of the
positives starts going off their food and leaves their food dish full of
expensive supplements untouched.

Barbara and angels Jelly Roll, Lenny, Skippy
and the devils on earth-Princess 7 Layer Eats alot, Puff Daddy,
Dieffenbacher, Milk Dud, Dopey, and the +'s-Mr. Bean and Clancy...and the
d*g who suffers them all-Frasier

Re: Tai has gone to the bridge

2005-01-03 Thread Barbara Lowe
I am so sorry for your loss. I keep picturing her waking up by the bridge
and luxuriating in her freedom from pain and illness and all the other
furbabies we all lost this year leaping over to her and rolling and playing.
You were so kind and so brave to fight against this insidious virus with her
these past weeks and show her love.
Barbara and Angels Jelly Roll, Lenny and Skippy

Re: kitty needs home: Northern NJ

2005-01-03 Thread Barbara Lowe

just a suggestion, tell them also to post on the 
petfinder urgent board. (and angels' gate in fort salonga northport (long 
island) did take in a couple of felv+'s. i dont know if they have any room 
right now tho. 

Re: CLS Service for Monday Dec. 20 2004

2004-12-21 Thread Barbara Lowe

oh gosh i am so sorry. Such a sweet lively soul.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 11:00 
  Subject: Re: CLS Service for Monday Dec. 
  20 2004
  Belinda, it looks like Zest did not make it to the CLS. Zest passed away 
  at the Marley Fund House early Tuesday morning (December 14). 

Re: Massive Spraying Issue!

2004-12-15 Thread Barbara Lowe
hi, so sorry he's causing you so much stress. i have one female who stress
sprays and she has her own room -small-but big enough for her needs, in the
basement. unfotunately it cut off my fostering any rescues for a local
shelter. i read your post right after i was unpacking xmas decorations and
realized the damn cat had peed on an articial snow garland last year--i
never noticed the tell tale yellow until unpacking this year. i've had Dopey
since she was two weeks old and much as I love her, if i could find a single
cat household for her, off she'd go-even if she is my son's cat. thanks for
the input on the other meds and remedies.
hope you find some solution. hope we both do.
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: Massive Spraying Issue!


 I have seen four (4) separate veterinarians in the
 course of two (2) years and now I use ALL of them
 regularly. All of the vets are aware of each other and
 are informed that I am consulting with the other(s).
 Together we are trying to figure out what exactly the
 problem is. So far, we have all failed.

 Dartagnan gets is urine tested like clockwork once
 every year. The vets and me are debating on whether or
 not I should invest in having it tested twice a year.
 However, if it comes up negative once a year, then it
 probably will continue to be negative no matter how
 many time I have it ran. By continuing to have the
 urine tested, I am throwing money away that could be
 needed elsewhere.

 Since I reside in Southern Indiana all the
 veterinarians that I have dealt with use the same
 diagnostic laboratory: Antech Diagnostic located in
 Illinois. They handle most, if not all, of the
 Southern Indiana veterinarian values. To my knowledge,
 there is no one else.

 Unfortunately, I am EXTREMELY familiar with FLUTD, but
 Dartagnan tests negative. He has never had it and
 shows no symptoms of developing it in the future.

 Due to financial strain, I am feeding the kids Purina
 One Special Diet: Urinary Tract Health Formula. Not
 the best, I know, but not the absolute worst either.

 In the past, I have used Hill's Prescription Diet c/d
 and s/d, but it got too expensive for such a poor
 formulated cat food. Anything by Science Diet is NOT
 ideal when it comes to high quality/humane grade cat
 food. But then again, neither is Purina. Sigh.

 Dartagnan may very well be the youngest, but he is by
 far NOT the smallest! Matter of fact, he is the
 biggest kitty in the bunch; therefore, if anyone
 should feel bullied it is the others. :)

 I do not know HOW he got so big, but lack of genetic
 backgrounds comes with the territory of rescues and
 Dartagnan is definitely a rescue. I am beginning to
 understand WHY he was dumped in the first place!

 As far as Homeopathic and supplementation goes, all of
 the kids gets 1,000 mg of vitamin C, 1,000 of
 L-Lysine, 30 mg Q-Sorb Co Q-10 and 475 mg of Natural
 Whole Herb Cranberry Fruit daily.

 I have tried both St. John's Wort 300 mg daily and
 Feliway, but they did not work either. I have
 personally thought about Rescue Remedy, but am
 apprehensive about buying it as everything else has
 not helped, why should that? I am wasting so much
 money as it is and nothing has not worked yet. I would
 not be surprised if Rescue Remedy did not work

 Dartagnan has been a indoor kitty all of his life and
 would never survive outside. Besides, it is 20 degrees
 here in Southern Indiana and I seriously doubt he
 would make it through the harsh weather elements.

 The garage is out of the question too as it has been
 converted a living space according to my insurance
 policy and it provides additional space for the other

 Currently, he is separated from all household
 furnishing by being quarantined to a Kennel Crate.
 It is a metal large dog style one (1) that is big
 enough for him and a litter box. I have a sheet draped
 over the back of it to prevent him from spraying in
 between the bars and aiming for the walls.

 At this point in time, he eats, sleeps and potties
 there. I keep the Kennel as clean as I do the litter
 boxes, but what a way to live! Literally confined to a


 --- Barbara Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 wow. your cat definitely has a problem.

 just out of curiosity have you had his urine tested
 lately?  and by a different vet who uses a different

 do you feed dry food(I stopped dry altogether when 3
 of my cats got Flutd) and no fish in any of the canned
 foods. (fish is hidden in alot of chicken/turkey/beef
 canned foods--it's on the labels)

 Also no organ meats and no yeast. Anitra Frazier's
 book has alot of info on inappropriate spraying.

 have you also tried over on the holisticat website? or
 asked on their mailing list?

 I'm also wondering because he is the youngest that
 maybe some of the others are bullying him.

 one of my cats had alkaline crystals

Re: Massive Spraying Issue!

2004-12-15 Thread Barbara Lowe
i'm currently test driving that on dopey who manages to wiggle out of hers.
she just keeps rolling and rolling and rolling and rolling but i put duct
tape on my shopping list today to keep that piddle pants on her.
so at least I get some entertainment out of it. the other cats just sit
around on high somewhere nearby and watch also.
ps just kidding about the duct tape, folks!

Re: Massive Spraying Issue!

2004-12-14 Thread Barbara Lowe
wow. your cat definitely has a problem. just out of curiosity have you had
his urine tested lately?  and by a different vet who uses a different lab?
do you feed dry food(I stopped dry altogether when 3 of my cats got Flutd)
and no fish in any of the canned foods. (fish is hidden in alot of
chicken/turkey/beef canned foods--it's on the labels)  Also no organ meats
and no yeast. Anitra Frazier's book has alot of info on inappropriate
spraying. have you also tried over on the holisticat website? or asked on
their mailing list? I'm also wondering because he is the youngest that maybe
some of the others are bullying him. one of my cats had alkaline crystals,
the other had acidic--so one gets vitamin C the other gets potassium
citrate. they both get 400 IU Vit E 1x week and 10,000 A and 400 units Vit D
once a week. Have you tried Rescue Remedy at all? I've been researching thru
books for my one female cat who stress sprays. I know her problem is I have
too many cats for her liking. Just recently read about St John's wort and
phenylalanine in the Veterinarians's guide to natural remedies for
Cats-Martin Zucker. book also mentions B12 folic. (st johns' -100 milligrams
2x day, phenylalnine 100 milligrams 2x day, B12 folic -each capsule contains
800 micrograms of both nutrients-give equilvalent of about 200 micrograms of
each nutrient-1/4 capsule--the book is referring to a specific b12 folic
tha's sold thru health professionals but can use stuff sold at health food
So that's what I'm off to buy tomorrow.
in the meantime can you put the cat in a garage? or outside?

Re: kurt needing help

2004-12-03 Thread Barbara Lowe
Good morning,
Sending many many good wishes and vibes for a full recovery for Kurt --take
care of yourself also. So sorry you are going through this bad time  right
best wishes,

- Original Message -
From: maca cats [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 8:56 AM
Subject: kurt needing help

 hello everybody,

 i ave been mostly lurking lately, and as alwzys i have felt for every
 loss and smiled for every good news. only work and tha cats don't give
 me much spare time to write.

 i am writing out of desperation now. my oldest one (10 yo), Kurt, is
 very sick. he is suppossed to be neg for Felv and Fiv (last test was a
 month ago, but we don't have IFA available here, so I am not completely
 sure). a month ago he had a general infection that cleared after a hard
 week of fever and pain on all his little body . he lost weight, but
 regained some during the past 3 weeks. then again last saturday he
 started decaying again, but this time with anemia and fever. blood test
 confirmed haemobartonella, with hematocrit of 24, which is not critical,
 but the fever doesn't go down with anything and i have been force
 feeding for 5 days now. Whenever we had cases of haemobart before, they
 were much better after 5 days of treatment. i am using doxy and
 homeopathy as well. my vet will come in an hour to put a line with
 saline, as he seems very dehydrated.

 what I am asking for is your good vibes and any advice you can give.
 kurt is my special one, the one that showed me that cats are not pets,
 but family. he is the love of my life of cats, and i am not prepared for
 loosing him yet.

 thanks for listening


Re: Grace is doing great!

2004-12-03 Thread Barbara Lowe
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 1:56 AM
Subject: Grace is doing great!

 I had to post just one more time tonight.  I got up from the computer 
 and was greeted by the sight of Grace racing through the house!  She's 
 acting like a kitten again.  She hasn't felt this good in what seems 
 like a very long time.  I'm so thrilled!  I just watched her swipe at 
 our huge street cat Kimba, and then throw herself on the ground and 
 roll with abandon.  It's hard to believe she seemed at deaths door just 
 two Mondays ago.  Could it be the VO?!  I'm so happy, I just had to 
 share.  Keep up the prayers, they're working!

Re: [FeralFriendsOnline] Advice needed for placing a FeLVpositive cat - CT

2004-12-02 Thread Barbara Lowe
tell her try the animal hospice in Ft. Salonga NY
angels' gate i will try to find their website but if you put that info in a
google it wil come up. do not even mention my name or referral. they treat
the animals holistically and feed BARF diets. they won't just let the cat
die-she will be loved if they have room.
- Original Message -
From: Denise Uriarte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 12:36 PM
Subject: FW: [FeralFriendsOnline] Advice needed for placing a FeLVpositive
cat - CT

 To: My FeLV Talk List Friends:

 Please see email below. Below is a email from a Liho Chen, a person on my
feral friend chat list, who trapped and is boarding a semi-friendly 8 month
old FeLV+ kitty named Suzu.  Suzu is currently being boarded at a vets
office and despritely needs a permanent home. Liho is willing to transport
her any where in the country if a solid permanent loving home can be found.
Please reply directly to Liho at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 if you can help Suzu.  She is a light colored cubby grey tabby with a
really sweet face !!! Liho can provide a picture of Suzu upon request.


 Denise Uriarte

 Permission to crosspost.

 -Original Message-
 From: Liho Chen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 7:47 PM
 Subject: [FeralFriendsOnline] Advice needed for placing a FeLVpositive
 cat - CT

 I recently trapped two of my ferals whom I suspect from the same litter.
 Tiger is a very healthy boy but Suzy was tested with FeLV. A further IFA
 test confirms the infection. I have already returned Tiger back to the
 colony but I would like to look for a good home for Suzu. Suzu is a
 8-month-old semi-tame girl. Her general health condition is good. She has
 not shown any sign of infection. She allows me to pet on her but is still
 pretty shy. She does not scratch nor bite. I tried to contact a few
 shelters in Connecticut, but none of them would like to take a FeLv
 cat. I also contacted the Best Friends Animal Society in Utah but they
 me that their space for FeLv positive cats is full. I also post an ad on
 of the web sites for pets with special needs
 ( ) but got
 nothing so far. She is staying with my vet because I am not able to take
 home (I have 7 at home). I desperately need resources. Please let me know
 you know any place that will take good care of FeLv positive cats. I can
 her to any place in this country as long as they will take good care of

 Thanks, Liho
 A picture of Suzu is attached.
 Please support TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return) -
 A Humane, Effective, and Easy way to Help Feral Cats.
 Together -- we can make No More Homeless Pets a REALITY!

Re: [FeralFriendsOnline] Advice needed for placing a FeLVpositive cat - CT

2004-12-02 Thread Barbara Lowe

you have to call them. someone on petfinder board posted kittens were 
dumped on her driveway. they took them in however tested postive. i told her to 
take them in person to the hospice and throw themselves on her mercy. she did 
manage to get thru in a phone call and i guess because they are senior citizens, 
angels gate took the cats in for them. they're always fund raising and looking 
for volunteers -just like everyone else--animals are $$$ esp. a ton of sick 
animals. you have such a great website for those cats--did you try forwarding 
the link so she could read the whole story? just a thought. 
if i didn't have dopey who sprays, i'd take your little blackies in. she's 
my son's cat so i have to keep HER!

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 2:21 
  Subject: Re: [FeralFriendsOnline] Advice 
  needed for placing a FeLVpositive cat - CT
  In a message dated 12/2/2004 2:20:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
her try the animal hospice in Ft. Salonga NYangels' gate i will try to 
find their website but if you put that info in agoogle it wil come up. 
do not even mention my name or referral. they treatthe animals 
holistically and feed BARF diets. they won't just let the cat"die"-she 
will be loved if they have room.
  You know, I emailed them a few weeks ago and didn't get a response. 

  º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º Adopt a 
  special needs pet! º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºKittens and cats with 
  Feline Leukemia need caringhomes; for more information, visit: or

Re: [FeralFriendsOnline] Advice needed for placing a FeLVpositive cat - CT

2004-12-02 Thread Barbara Lowe

thank god your brother will be okay. sending wishes for a speedy recovery 
and happy adoption thoughts to you and yours. and don'tyou have lots of 
photos oif the siblings cuddling up so these people can oooh and aaah and 
fall in love with more than one...

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 2:51 
  Subject: Re: [FeralFriendsOnline] Advice 
  needed for placing a FeLVpositive cat - CT
  In a message dated 12/2/2004 2:36:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
you have to call them. someone on petfinder board posted kittens were 
dumped on her driveway. they took them in however tested postive. i told her 
to take them in person to the hospice and throw themselves on her mercy. she 
did manage to get thru in a phone call and i guess because they are senior 
citizens, angels gate took the cats in for them. they're always fund raising 
and looking for volunteers -just like everyone else--animals are $$$ esp. a 
ton of sick animals. you have such a great website for those cats--did you 
try forwarding the link so she could read the whole story? just a thought. 

if i didn't have dopey who sprays, i'd take your little blackies in. 
she's my son's cat so i have to keep HER!
  I actually have prospective adopters coming this weekend! 
  Hopefully, they work out and will take one (maybe two, wouldn't that be great 
  if they took a pair?). They recently lost a positive and are looking for a 
  companion for their remaining positive. They sound really nice and are driving 
  from Philadelphia to meet them, so wish us luck!
  Since I was able to board the cats at the vet, I ended up not needing to 
  pursue the Angels Gate thing. Three is manageable right now and it looks like 
  I won't be able to get out to CA until next year, so hopefully room becomes 
  available with the Marley Fund by that time. 
  My brother, who is a Marine, was injured in an explosion in Fallujah and 
  he's currently home now in CA and recovering from surgery on his lower legs 
  (which will be fine, thank goodness, he should heal just fine).It was 
  looking like I might need to go over there on short notice to help take care 
  of him but the damage isn't as bad as they first thought and he's not 
  wheelchairbound so he told me to stay home for a while and let him 
  adjust to being home and heal up a little first before I go and visit. 
  So,the kittens are going to be fine here for a while, thank 
  goodness. Should be good until space opens up at theMarley Fund and who 
  knows, maybe they will be adopted! I can hope, can't I?
  Think "get adopted" thoughts for us this weekend!
  Melissaand the kittens in NJ
  º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º Adopt a 
  special needs pet! º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºKittens and cats with 
  Feline Leukemia need caringhomes; for more information, visit: or

Re: Mandy

2004-12-02 Thread Barbara Lowe

  I am so sorry for the pain you and your husband 
  are feeling right now. You both have so many memories to cherish and so many 
  good times to miss having with Mandy.
  I know that our furbabies at the bridge are 
  grooming and purring over her and showing her the best place to lay in the sun 
  and watch over us all.
  Barbara and angel Jelly 

Re: sudden kitten death - addition to CLS

2004-12-02 Thread Barbara Lowe

i am so sorry you lost her so young. and yes when I 
used to foster kitttens for a rescue shelter I lost two felv negatives very 
suddenly each who had no signs of any illness. I am glad Endora got to share a 
loving life with you for awhile. and I just know my Jelly Roll is bounding up to 
her because he loved being a big brother. What a great name-Endora! Thank 
you for rescuing her. 

Barbara and angel Jelly Roll and his sister, 
Princess Seven Layer eatsalot who now hangs out with me alot since he's 

  - Original Message - 
  To: FELV TALK List 
  Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 9:46 
  Subject: sudden kitten death - addition 
  to CLS
  Please add Endora to the CLS. She is one of two kittens I took in 
  back in October. She was about 4 months old.
  Last night she was fine and playful, I didn't see her this morning, just 
  put her food out and headed to work. I came home tonight and found her 
  dead on the floor.
  Has this happened to anyone? She had an upper respiratory and 
  finished her medicine by the end of the first week of November (almost a month 
  ago) and wasfine. Otherwise she hadn't had a problem.
  I've never taken in kittens this youngbefore, but I figured if they 
  made it past 2 months, the next "hurdle" would be 1.5 to 2 years old. I 
  never thought I could lose them so fast.
  "Folk will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a 
  dog" C. Doran
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Finding Sophie

2004-11-30 Thread Barbara Lowe
hope sophie is just resting somewhere safe inside the house. one time my
very first foster cat Mr. Bean disappeared for hours. just when I called the
shelter to tell them I had lost my very first charge, he crawled out of
the grandfather clock. even my engineer husband couldn't figure out how the
darn cat did it.

Re: Hello All

2004-11-24 Thread Barbara Lowe

I also found more info in my cat books. one vet 
mentions a possible taurine deficiency adn that cats with seizures probably have 
a need for even higher levels than what is found in cat food. suggested dosage 
is 500 miligram capsules 2-3 times daily. 
another vet suggests 125 miligram taurine with B6 
and niacinamide combination 1 daily. (50 m.B6 and 10 milligrams 
another states to be aware of overdosiing on 
light-either too much or too little. exposure to tv/video games. suggests 
installing full spectrum lighting if cat is experiencing more seizures duringn 
shorter daylight hours. (full spectrum lights are the same you get for 
growing plants). 
some of my cats are pilled easily with those new 
pill pockets--sold in pet stores--either chicken or fish flavored. one of mycats 
even chows down a horse sized pill if wrapped in one of those things. or you can 
get a pill shooter from your vet. sort of a plastic plunger. just be careful to 
get guidance from your vet how to use.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 3:22 
  Subject: Re: Hello All
  Sorry you had to find us, but this is the best group of people you'll 
  find for knowledge and help.
  If you search the archives from1998, you will find a lot of 
  discussion of seizures etc. My Ninja started having seizures and at 
  first they were about one every 3 weeks but after a few months of that, they 
  accelerated to 2 and 2 weeks and then at 5 at 10 days. THAT was a bad 
  day for both of us. I'd actually been disappointed when her toxo test 
  was negative because toxo CAN be treated. I couldn't afford the CT, but 
  based on the type of seizure and the acceleration, meningioma was the 
  diagnosis we based the treatment on. We did eventually have to add 
  phenobarbital to her mix, but the initial thing that controlled the seizures 
  was prednisone. I don't know if it would be effective in Tux's case, but 
  it would be something to discuss with your vet. I gather from your email 
  that the phenobarbital is not controlling the seizures and that Tux is still 
  on the toxo treatment??john kerr 
joined last night. I have a male cat named Tux that my brother found in 
the a dumpster last August(03'). The vet said that they thought he was 5 
weeks old when we got her.Tux was fine until May of this year. 
One afternoon he had a seizure and we took him to the vet. Vet ran all 
the tests etc. and finally realized that he has toxoplasmosis. They put 
him on medicine for that. He continued to have seizures so they put him 
on phenobarbital.He has tested negative twice for FELV. However, his 
white blood cell count and his platelet count have been low each time. 
Likewise, the toxo levels have remained the same. This leads me to 
believe that he may have FELV since he can't fight the toxo. He acts 
normal except for after the seizures. He has never been outside since we 
have had him.I know that seizures in cats are not t! hat common. The 
longest he has gone without one is 6 weeks. Lately it is every 10 days 
or so. I'm just wondering if anyone has had any similar 
situations.JohnBarb+Smoky the 
  House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom 
  he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making 
  me smile." - Anonymous
  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! 
  Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses. 

Re: OT: Gary and spraying - irrepsonsible rescue group - LONG

2004-11-23 Thread Barbara Lowe
just another possiblity. years ago we adopted a dog as a friend for our dog
while livingin mexico. we had the second dog fixed down there. well we got
home to the states and another neighbor's dog kept trying to climb into our
yard. long story short. my american vet yelled at me that my dog was in
heat. (he turned out to be crazy also because I will never forget him
shoving the jar full of stuff in my face showing me proof the dog had only
had a partial spay. I got another vet)
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Gary and spraying - irrepsonsible rescue group - LONG

 There are also flank spays-- where the spaying is done through the side
 rather than the belly. I don't think they are very common, but they do
exist so you
 might want to check for a scar there as well.

Re: Jelly Roll --

2004-11-18 Thread Barbara Lowe
thank you for the info on vet board. it really digs at me that that prick
told me i was over reacting. I really thank everyone for commenting because
I need to know someone cares about all our loveable kitties on this list adn
that I'm NOT crazy.

Re: OT:Help is needed: Owner of compound for cats fret about felines' future...CA.

2004-11-18 Thread Barbara Lowe

actually the article in the paper said the couple tried to 
build another compound and the city granted the permit but on condition they 
adhered to certain codes which would have resulted in a very large bill. the 
article made it sound like they are retiring and want to sell their land 
now--that's why they're closing their rescue operations. However I've also 
learned not to believe everything I read so the newspaper might have slanted the 
article to make it sound like this couple is giving up on helping cats. I feel 
bad for the cats regardless. unfortunately i'll be paying off Jelly roll's vet 
bills for awhile so I'm strapped. (and now Clancy the felv+ foster cat that came 
to stay 5 years ago is showing signs of something bothering him-problem is I 
can't catch the big dope.)

- Original Message - 

  Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 12:16 
  Subject: OT:Help is needed: Owner of 
  compound for cats fret about felines' future...CA.
  From: "Linda" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, November 
  17, 2004 1:18 AMSubject: please read this and help in any way you can 
  Hi;I am trying desperately to help a cat shelter in the San Diego 
  areathat is closingin about a week and a half.first off, 
  forgive me if i sent you more than one email about this andforgive me if 
  you aren't involved in any way in cat rescue.But, whether you are or 
  aren't, Chateau Du Meow is closing!
  Apparently they 
  are without the proper zoning permits or something tothat effect, and the 
  city has closed them down.It is my understanding that many cats have 
  been placed elsewhere, but Ireally can't be certain.I took a cat 
  there myself several months ago, as he was a semi-feraland fiv+, and this 
  shelter catered to "unadoptables," but there werealso many adoptable 
  kitties there tooAt the time, the place really impressed me, as it was 
  spacious comparedto others I'd seen, and the cats seemed comfortable 
  andwell-looked-after.If you know anyone looking for a cat and 
  wanting to save a life, thismay be a great opportunity.If you or 
  any group with which you are affiliated can take even 1-2cats, we may be 
  able to save them all.If you can't, perhaps you can donate $ or time 
  to a group who could. Ican go down there this weekend (or really any 
  day before closing) toretrieve cats for any groups or people willing to 
  take them. I can'ttake any cats myself, as I live in a studio apt. 
  with 3 cats already,and my bathroom is tiny and windowless.I am 
  willing to donate some money (though not a lot) and time to helpanyone or 
  any group who can take any of the remaining cats.Please 
  cross-post!!Any questions, call me at: 310-686- 9010 or call Johanna 
  at Chateau DuMeow at 858- 481-9777Thank you so 
  MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!More 
  will be posted soon. is for those of you in WA. 
  state and would like to attend.'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE 
  RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless 

Jely Roll

2004-11-17 Thread Barbara Lowe

I'm so sorry. I just need someone to talk to since 
my husband is out of town. I've been waiting forJelly's ashes to come 
back-to get a call from the vet that they had his ashes back--adn I really 
thought I was handling his passing well--giving lots of attention to the other 
animals here but last night I looked aat the calendar and ralized, what th eheck 
where is he already? I called the crematory this morning and they said he 
went to the specialists vet--called there--no cat. then thought let me try my 
regular vet jsut in case. well after searching yes they did have him since nov. 
13th. no one called, the woman I just spoke to didn't even say "im sorry. I 
called the crematory to get whose signature is on the receiving form and will 
have to have a very painful discussion with the vets at my regular vet's office 
concerning this so no one else has to go thru this anguish. I will also be 
informing them (the office that has the records of my 8 pets)since my original 
vet had left their practice to open his own a fewmonths ago before this all 
happened (but I had stayed at first office because there is another good vet 
there)that I will be changing vets. thank god for the specialists' reception who 
just talked to me for 10 minutes and listened to me cry and comforted me. I know 
jelly's really playing in fields chasing his big sister and Lenny his adopted 
sister at the bridge but I still needed to have him back. sorry for typos and 
whatever i'm typing this without my contacs in. thanks for listening and being 
barbara and angel Jelly 

Jelly Roll --

2004-11-17 Thread Barbara Lowe

i just now got the call back from the head of the 
vet's office that screwed up this morning. I am so mad. I cannot believe how I 
was talked to by this man. He was never my vet--I used a different dr. at the 
practice who unfortunately is away on vacation til first week in Dec and was on 
vacation when Jelly's ashes were returned. Get this? I'm overreacting 
according to Dr. Travis head partner of Ft Hill Animal Hospital in Huntington 
NY. Because I wasn't in their loose leaf notebook of private cremations, I was 
not notified. They claim they had no idea who Jelly Roll belonged to. (yeah 
that's a common name like Rover, right?) They claim the last name looked like 
Rowe not Lowe(my name). Their excuse is they had no idea why this crematory was 
delivering the remains to them because it was not their regular crematory. (so 
why accept them then) Now when Jelly had to be put to sleep I had to call 
the specialists' crematory agency who said they would as a favor to me if IF IF 
my regular vet said it was okay, they would deliver Jelly's remains to the 
Huntington vet because that one was only 10 mins from my house rather than the 
hour I would have had to drive to the specialists' office. The crematory said 
they would call my Huntington vet for me. the huntington vet signed for the 
remains which means they accepted responsiblity for Jelly. They just stuck him 
in the back room where dr. travis claims are so many other remains that people 
haven't picked up over the years and would have done nothing to contact me. I've 
been their client for double digit years--with over let's see,5 dogs, 
numerous foster kittens from an animal shelter, presently 7 cats and at least 5 
angel cats. the vet I use there jokes they should name a wing after me for what 
I have paid over the years. 
I really did start the conversation tonight with 
Dr. T ratherrationally-calmly. I was trying to explain to him I just 
wanted to be sure this experience did not happen to anyone else and that I 
really wanted someone at their office to say,"ya know what? yeah, we screwed 
up-we're sorry. we know you loved your cat." Nada. nothing. his attitude 
continued to be that I was overreacting. When I asked why no one bothered to do 
a computer search of the name Jelly Roll, he couldn't answer that except to say 
that wasn't the procedure-for cremation, they go to the loose leaf notebook of 
names. (and the 3rd vet at the office also knows Jelly Roll because he-Dr. 
W had to do the 2nd weekly shot of chemo for me for two weeks in a row at 35$ a 
shot). I''m just floored. I am so amazed at the callousness of this vet who 
should realize his practice is suffering a loss of clientele since my original 
vet there left earlier this year to open his own practice.Ft Hill always used to 
be busy. When I was there recently on a Friday for Jelly's 2nd chemo shot of the 
week,Dr. W. commented onhow quiet the office was. I drive by 
there and there are no cars in the parking lot-which is very unusual. I only 
stayed at Ft Hill because Jelly roll's "crash" occurred before my original 
vet's new clinic building was complete and then I took Jelly to the specialists 
at another clinic. I ended my phone call with Dr. T tonight that there are other 
vets and the office in the morning will be getting a phone call request from me 
to transfer my 8 pets' records. The techs and front desk people who used to work 
at Ft. Hill who are very caring all went to the new clinic and now so am I. I 
will just have to explain to the vacationing dr. what happened and why I cannot 
return to Ft Hill. 
thank you for listening. It is too late for me to 
call anyone locally. 
And thank you all who have cried with me and 
comforted me during Jelly's illness and then this fiasco this morning. Thank you 
for all the emails. I told Jelly's sister all about them. 
oh god i am just so floored. 

hope everyone's kitties are doing okay. (and 
doggies too---poor Frasier here can't get any respect from the cats--they all 
treat him as a rubbing post and Jelly's sister insists on sleeping against his 
back or against his head)
thank god for animals. thank god for all of you. 


Re: opinions wanted please

2004-11-17 Thread Barbara Lowe
this has been a hard post for me to follow considering what happened today
with Jelly but as I read all the answering posts tonight I was reminded of
my old vet who now has a new clinic elsewhere and of the staff I know went
with him. Over the years I've gone to Dr. Gantt, I've mentioned to him the
unhelpful attitude of one tech (like how I show up for appts with 2 dogs and
3 cat carriers and all she does is say, you're next and walks away without
offering to carry a single carrier and expects me to follow her somehow...)
and the patronizing cold attitude of one front desk female
receptionist -they are still at Ft Hill while the good ones were hired away
by Dr. G.

so I say go for it. talk to the vet in person and explain you just want the
tech to learn from her oversight and understand how she endangered your
pets' health and caused you alot of anxiety. I pray you get a better
reaction than I did tonight with my now Ex vet.  Emphasize to your vet you
do not have a problem with the vet.

Re: OT: Is this wrong? - yes!

2004-11-13 Thread Barbara Lowe
in NY the SPCA says a dog must have adequate shelter from wind and rain. a
czrdboard box is not enough shelter for example. check with your local
animal control officer/shelter/rescue for the law or ask the police. they
can look it up in village codes or perhaps you can access that info online
for your locale. If you do have animal control come to see the situation, be
sure to tell them all the info--like if there's no food or water. Since you
leave for work, the owner could claim he brings the dog inside during the
day so ask a neighbor or mailman perhaps if they see the dog outside all
day---when you come home, you can tell if the dog has been out all day---the
area around him--does the owner pick up the feces?/digging/are there any
complaints about barking?  Poor dog. Why oh why do some people get animals?
Animal control will check to see if the dog has been given adequate medical
care--vaccinations and if it is properly licensed. Just in case the owner
claims the dog is destructive inside the house, suggest in advance to the
officers that the dog can be crated in a proper sized kennel.
The officers do not have to give your name to the pet owner.
Please report this poor dog's condition. Thank you!

Jelly roll

2004-11-09 Thread Barbara Lowe

Hi everyone, the little guy had to be put to sleep 
on Saturday. The worst was I could not be there for him due to my work 
duties upstate. I just got home and wanted to let everyone know who has emailed 
me off and on-list and thank you all so much for the prayers and wishes and 
information. It really didn't hit me til I just got here so i'm getting 
off now to go tell his sister. 
who will miss that little chin warmer, Jelly 

Re: Please Help

2004-11-09 Thread Barbara Lowe

I am so sorry to read about Kaleigh's 
passing. It breaks our hearts to see our furbabies lose the battle and the only 
thing that keeps me going is knowing that they know we loved them and they gave 
love in return. (after this past week of dealing with an idiot dog owner across 
from my parents' house upstate who lets his two beautiful dogs run loose on a 
road where cars drive 75 miles per hour and I've had to rescue them 3 times in 
the last 4 days, we are so lucky we were given the "genes" to appreciate the 
love of our animals and know enough to keep them safe to the best of our 

Jelly roll p.s.(and Maddy too)

2004-11-09 Thread Barbara Lowe

I sat down with his sister, Princess Seven Layer 
Eats alot (she's a calico and Jelly was a grey and white tuxedo) and told her 
that her brother had died and cried on her that the worst thing was I had been 
unable to be there with him. I then went downstairs to get the dishes out 
to feed everyone the afternoon meal. One of the kitchen cabinet doors above the 
refrigerator came loose and fell down a little blocking the refrigerator door so 
I could not open it so had to look up and adjust the door.(my kitchen was only 
renovated 2 years ago adn these are all new cabinets, too). I reached to grab 
the one cabinet knob and realized there was a grey and white wooden angel cat 
hanging from the knob which I had totally forgotten one of my friends had given 
me 2 years ago and that I hung it there way overhead out of sight. I feel 
comforted in taking that as a sign from Jelly roll and "the furry powers that 
be" which is a strange coincidence as I never felt I had any sign from my black 
lab mix who also died from cancer back in June until this weekend when I had to 
keep rescuing my idiot neighbor's dogs who kept running across a very busy and 
fast roadway to our side. his black lab who never saw me before in her life came 
running to me out of the path of a speeding truck when I saw her--I panicked 
andscreamed out, "Maddy" which is my angel lab's name and this 
strange dog came to me. She then leaned against my leg almost knocking me down 
just like Maddy would do in her younger days. 
just wanted to share.

Re: I put out a plea online for AB blood

2004-11-09 Thread Barbara Lowe

hi, I'm still scrolling thru all the messages I 
recd since I was off line since last thursday. Thank you so much for doing so 
much legwork--I only wish Jelly could have lived longer to purr thank you to you 
all you people on this list are making me cry 
thank you so much. I so miss the little 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 4:48 
  Subject: Re: I put out a plea online for 
  AB blood
  barbara, i sent out a note to a vet 
  student here at msu, and here's the response from the person SHE forwarded it 
  Dear Mary Christine, I was forwarded an email about 
  AB cat blood via Emily at MSU. If the cat truly is type AB ( very rare) 
  it is a universal recipeint for either type A OR B feline blood. I double 
  checked with our board certified critical care Dr. and he agreed. A 
  cross match with the donor blood would confirm compatability.There 
  are some blood banks for cat blood: Midwest Animal Blood Services in 
  MI 517-851-8244 Animal Blood Bank in CA 800-243-5759 You 
  might check with University of Penn vet school, I'm not sure if they supply to 
  private practice. Maybe an all feline practice near them might have a screened 
  donor? Hope they have good luck with their cat.Alice Parr LVTBlood 
  Donor ProgramMichigan State University[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 9:05 
Subject: I put out a plea online for AB 

Thank you all for that idea. I posted on 
Petfinder Urgent animal board and on Ebay animals board. If there are any 
lists you can cross post to I would appreciate it. smacking myself for not 
thinking of this sooner but then I didnt' know there was a blood shortage 
also. (so will be looking into bringing my negatives in for blood donating 
when I get back for others' sick animals) I donate platelets and never 
thought about an animal blood bank. 
Barbara Lowe and the Jelly Roll
I called the vet's office and informed them I 
have asked online for AB blood and that I would pay for any vet 
costs/testing/whatever for a donor. I will also reimburse the donor for 
transportation costs and whatever else-meals-though I will need receipts. 
Jelly's regular vet is Dr. Post at the Center for Specialized Veterinary 
Care in Westbury Long Island NY 516-420- who is away at an 
oncology convention and Dr. Cohen is overseeing his case.

Re: agonic is gone

2004-11-09 Thread Barbara Lowe
oh god I am so sorry. I'm so glad though your family found him and loved
- Original Message -
From: maca cats [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 1:56 PM
Subject: agonic is gone

 I want to thank everybody for prayers and healing thoughts. the little
 boy could fight no longer and went to the bridge, very peacefully and
 surrounded by love. he was a tiny orange tabby, 3 weeks old, and her 2
 moms (cat and human) loved him deeply.

 belinda please add him to cls.

 thank you,


Re: transport for baby kittens needed

2004-11-04 Thread Barbara Lowe

likewise with North Shore animal league. very disturbing info 
comes from former techs  volunteers. they do get the publicity and we can 
only hope it trickles down. we had a good laugh just over a month ago. they told 
potential adopteres they had NO kittens!!! (and why those people couldn't 
just open the classifieds and see all the desperate ads...)

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 11:32 
  Subject: Re: transport for baby kittens 
  I totally agree with you 
  BelindaI'm not much on Pasado either if you have money amazinghow 
  fast they jump to your corner! Really have no use for them 
  In a message dated 11/3/2004 9:53:38 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I personally don't trust groups that don't get back to you with a 
real message. I'll tell you a story that will upset some, but it's 
true because it happened to me. Everybody loves Best Friends, but I 
have reservatins about them. I wrote to them three about an urgent 
situation passed on to me from another group. I aksed if they knew of 
any group that dealt with the particular situation that was going on. 
I had always heard how great Best Friends was about helping at the very 
least with references to other groups that may be in a better position to 
help if they themselves couldn't. I waited and waited for a reply ... 
nothing. I even asked them to please let me know if they didn't have 
nay help so I would atleast know they had received my messages ... nothing. 

So I decided to do a test for my own curiosity, I wrote 
to them a 4th time, this time saying that I had recently inherited a 
substantial amount of money and wanted to make a donation, and asked them 
how I would go about it, well lo and behold got a reply THAT VERY 
DAY!!! Incidentally I did write and tell them exactly what I had done 
(the three emails and then the fourth concerning money), surprisingly 
I never heard another thing from them, no explanation, no "we're sorry 
we must not have gotten the previous emails", nothing. I do not trust 
this group because that little test tells me money talks and is in my 
opinion is their first priority. 
I find it very hard to believe that out of 4 emails 
within a two week time period the ONLY one I got a response to was the one 
saying I wanted to give them money, I truly pray it is a coincidence but I 
really can't see how it was. I'm not saying they don't do alot of 
good, but they will never get a dime from me. 
I also had a similar experience with Pasados' Safe Haven 
a local rescue, I wouldn't never donate to them either. I'm starting 
to think the bigger and more well known a rescue gets, the more money is the 
most important driving factor and the animals start to become a lesser 
-- Belinda Happiness is being owned by 
cats ... 
  MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!More 
  will be posted soon. is for those of you in WA. 
  state and would like to attend.'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE 
  RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless 

Re: Jelly Roll

2004-11-04 Thread Barbara Lowe
i'm in NY-Long Island to be exact. problem is I am leaving today til monday
and will offline til then. the vet hospital is The center for Specialized
Veterinary Care in Westbury Long Island New York. 516-420-. the results
from cornell univer. should come back today hopefully to say whether he
really is that rare AB blood. Thank you, though for your thoughts.
Barbara and Jelly R.
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: Jelly Roll

 Where are you?  Maybe we can find a healthy AB kitty to donate blood in
 your area.  Did Jelly get to see his sister today?  It must be torture
 to have to leave him at the vet's, but you certainly couldn't provide
 him with an oxygen cage..  Thank you for letting us know what's happening.
 Much love,

 Barbara Lowe wrote:

  I got to visit him today for an hour while his sister was getting her
  blood typed to see if she is a match. Unfortunately not. She is B and
  he is AB. There is also a blood shortage so don't even know if he will
  be able to get real blood. He did recognize me and the little bugger
  stole the comfortable chair in the office when I got up to get
  something. He seemed to be laughing at me because he stretched out on
  the warm spot I left and rolled over to get his belly scratched. The
  techs say he ate last night but would not eat anything for them today.
  I got him to eat some baby food maybe 3 spoonfuls.  His breathing is
  more labored so they are putting him in an oxygen cage while he is on
  24 hr drip of chemo. I told them take no extraordinary measures if he
  goes into cardiac arrest. Again I told him I know he's the biggest
  fighter there is but if he wants to go, I will understand and that
  it's okay.  I felt terrible when he saw the carrier I brought his
  sister in because he ran over to it and wanted IN! but settled for
  hanging out on top of it til he stole the chair again from me. I have
  to go upstate to finish some estate business so I told him I couldn't
  come visit til Sunday evening. For such a sick kitty with such
  terribly low numbers, he sure is hanging in there and enjoyed his ears
  being scritched. His sister who loved him all his life and slept next
  to him and gave mutual baths is still negative. She is quieter since
  we got home and has been climbing on my lap every time I sit down. I
  hate this disease. I hate this disease.
  Barbara and the Jelly Roll

Re: Jelly Roll

2004-11-04 Thread Barbara Lowe
hmm...all options i will explore when i get back sunday night/mon am. thanks
for sharing this info
I keep telling myself he had 2 1/2 yrs more than he was going to. i found
him in the pound -he and his two sisters had uri's and were going to be pts.
I just wish
Barbara and Jelly R.
- Original Message -
From: Gloria B. Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: Jelly Roll

 Well, it is possible to provide him with an oxygen cage, but of
 course you'd need to be home with him. And he's got some other things
 that he's being treated for.  Maybe for visits?

 I have a carrier that was converted into an oxygen cage/carrier by a
 friend's husband - he's an engineering type. I got it from her, just
 in case, before my Cala died. If you're ever interested, I'll be glad
 to share the carrier (I'm in Arkansas).

 My friends used it for her kitty, and then she loaned the carrier to
 me.  The problem is getting a vet to prescribe the O2 tank that
 connects to the carrier -they think you're crazy...  and of course
 you'd need to be home with him.   Think the O2 tanks are rented on a
 monthly fee?

 People have O2 at home all the time - too bad it's not done more for
 cats and dogs that want to be home.


 Where are you?  Maybe we can find a healthy AB kitty to donate blood
 in your area.  Did Jelly get to see his sister today?  It must be
 torture to have to leave him at the vet's, but you certainly
 couldn't provide him with an oxygen cage..  Thank you for letting us
 know what's happening.
 Much love,
 Barbara Lowe wrote:
   I got to visit him today for an hour while his sister was getting
 her blood typed to see if she is a match. Unfortunately not. She is
 B and he is AB. There is also a blood shortage so don't even know
 if he will be able to get real blood. He did recognize me and the
 little bugger stole the comfortable chair in the office when I got
 up to get something. He seemed to be laughing at me because he
 stretched out on the warm spot I left and rolled over to get his
 belly scratched. The techs say he ate last night but would not eat
 anything for them today. I got him to eat some baby food maybe 3
 spoonfuls.  His breathing is more labored so they are putting him
 in an oxygen cage while he is on 24 hr drip of chemo. I told them
 take no extraordinary measures if he goes into cardiac arrest.
 Again I told him I know he's the biggest fighter there is but if he
 wants to go, I will understand and that it's okay.  I felt terrible
 when he saw the carrier I brought his sister in because he ran over
 to it and wanted IN! but settled for hanging out on top of it til
 he stole the chair again from me. I have to go upstate to finish
 some estate business so I told him I couldn't come visit til Sunday
 evening. For such a sick kitty with such terribly low numbers, he
 sure is hanging in there and enjoyed his ears being scritched. His
 sister who loved him all his life and slept next to him and gave
 mutual baths is still negative. She is quieter since we got home
 and has been climbing on my lap every time I sit down. I hate this
 disease. I hate this disease.
   Barbara and the Jelly Roll

I put out a plea online for AB blood

2004-11-04 Thread Barbara Lowe

Thank you all for that idea. I posted on Petfinder 
Urgent animal board and on Ebay animals board. If there are any lists you can 
cross post to I would appreciate it. smacking myself for not thinking of this 
sooner but then I didnt' know there was a blood shortage also. (so will be 
looking into bringing my negatives in for blood donating when I get back for 
others' sick animals) I donate platelets and never thought about an animal blood 
Barbara Lowe and the Jelly Roll
I called the vet's office and informed them I have 
asked online for AB blood and that I would pay for any vet 
costs/testing/whatever for a donor. I will also reimburse the donor for 
transportation costs and whatever else-meals-though I will need receipts. 
Jelly's regular vet is Dr. Post at the Center for Specialized Veterinary Care in 
Westbury Long Island NY 516-420- who is away at an oncology 
convention and Dr. Cohen is overseeing his case.
Thank you!!!

Re: I put out a plea online for AB blood

2004-11-04 Thread Barbara Lowe

i thought of that however again i have the 
problemof having two other felv+'s in the house. the other negatives have lived 
with them all their lives. I have a female cat in th ebasement who is separated 
because of severe anxiety from too many cats(8) well now, 7. she sprays 
everywhere in the house and all medical has been treated adn ruled out. yet i 
would take in another animal if he/she is that rare 1% of the cat population. 
barbara and the Jelly Roll

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 9:07 
  Subject: Re: I put out a plea online for 
  AB blood
  I've heard of shelters and rescues being open to typing their animals if 
  the owner in need agreed to give the donor animal a permanet home. 

  Something you may want to consider.
  TBarbara Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Thank you all for that idea. I posted on 
Petfinder Urgent animal board and on Ebay animals board. If there are any 
lists you can cross post to I would appreciate it. smacking myself for not 
thinking of this sooner but then I didnt' know there was a blood shortage 
also. (so will be looking into bringing my negatives in for blood donating 
when I get back for others' sick animals) I donate platelets and never 
thought about an animal blood bank. 
Barbara Lowe and the Jelly Roll
I called the vet's office and informed them I 
have asked online for AB blood and that I would pay for any vet 
costs/testing/whatever for a donor. I will also reimburse the donor for 
transportation costs and whatever else-meals-though I will need receipts. 
Jelly's regular vet is Dr. Post at the Center for Specialized Veterinary 
Care in Westbury Long Island NY 516-420- who is away at an 
oncology convention and Dr. Cohen is overseeing his case.
Thank you!!!
  Do you Yahoo!?Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. 

Re: prayers for agonic

2004-11-03 Thread Barbara Lowe
Praying really really hard for Agonic. and wishing many curses on the heads
of the family members who abandoned their relative's cat and her kittens to
this fate!
Barbara and Jelly R.

Re: transport for baby kittens needed

2004-11-03 Thread Barbara Lowe
Hmm...I've been curious about this rescue group. they claim to rescue from
up and down the eastern seaboard and are based here on Long Island but when
locals  have sent them emaiils regarding rescuing URGENT kittens needing
rescue LOCALLY, there has been no reply other than canned messages about it
costs $175 to rescue a kitten. their website says they can't save them all
however they do save the best.  One director of a local rescue shelter was
informed by a friend that she could put in an order -for example-a long
haired white kitten and would be contacted when one was available. The
friend also informed her that this group has a long waiting list. When there
are so many homeless and desperate kittens already on Long Island needing
foster care, why do we need to ship more up here?  I myself contacted this
group about offering to foster (when I received a message about desperate 24
hours to live kittens so I would have fostered them at my parents' and
friends) and only received the canned message about paying up front $175 for
a kitten.
I'd appreciate any information you personally first hand know about this
group so I can make an informed decision about this group.
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 9:35 PM
Subject: OT: transport for baby kittens needed

 If you can help, please reply to Barbra at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 KNOW THAT MIGHT BE ABLE TO HELP - or any groups you might belong to.

 We pulled 23 baby kittens this weekend that were slated to die. There
 will be 5 kitties in TWO CARRIERS from TN to MD.  A small car is fine
 for all legs up to MD. The rest of the kitties get on board in MD.
 These are all babies and take up very little room. I was able to find
 great homes for all of them. I have people coming from VT, NH and MA to
 save these babies. I will rescue them, but I DESPERATELY need your help
 to get them to safety. From MD to NY we will need big vehicles or maybe
 2 regular size cars.

 PLEASE help us in this mission at a second chance for life. These
 babies haven't even had an opportunity to begin their lives (at 5-9
 weeks old) and are about to be put to sleep.

 They will NOT have a chance at life without your help.

 YOU can change their fate!

 We could really use YOUR help.


 Contact the coordinator Barbra directly off the list


 As always, your help will be so greatly appreciated.

 All kittens are UTD on shots, traveling with health records and have
 tested negative for FeLV/FIV.

 All carriers will be supplied.

 The kittens will be coming from temporary foster care and going to
 rescue and onto their approved forever homes. The rescue group is Kitty

 Please let me know what leg(s) you could drive.

 Saturday November 6th  04

 Leg 1 Bristol, TN to Ft. Chiswell, VAFilled Thanks

 148.29 miles (1 hours, 20 minutes)

 4:50am to 6:10am

 Leg 2 Ft. Chiswell, VA to Buchanan, VA Filled **NEEDED**

 88.77 miles (1 hour 35 minutes)

 6:20am to 7:55am

 Leg 3 Buchanan, VA to Harrisonburg, VA   **NEEDED**

 61.15 miles (1 hour, 5 minutes)

 8:05am to 9:10am

 Leg 4 Harrisonburg, VA to Strasburg, VA   **NEEDED**

 50.00 miles (1 hour, 10 minutes)

 9:20am to 10:30am

 Leg 5 Strasburg, VA to Hagerstown, MD  **NEEDED**

 63.32 miles (1 hour, 20 minutes)

 10:40am to 12:00pm

 Leg 6 Hagerstown, MD to Harrisburg, PA  **NEEDED**

 76.48 miles (1 hours, 19 minutes)

 12:15pm to 1:35pm

 Leg 7 Harrisburg, PA to Allentown, PA**NEEDED**

 81.06 miles (1 hour 26 minutes)

 1:45pm to 3:15pm

 Leg 8 Allentown, PA to Woodbridge, NJ **NEEDED**

 72.86 miles (1 hour 27 minutes)

 3:25pm to 4:55pm

 Leg 9 Woodbridge, NJ to Long Beach, NY   **NEEDED**

 56.41 miles (1 hour 27 minutes)

 5:10pm to 6:40pm

 Arrive at Kitty ResQ 6:40 PM

 Long Beach, NY


 You can't change the world by adopting one animal, but you can
 change the whole world for that one animal.

Jelly Roll

2004-11-03 Thread Barbara Lowe

I got to visit him today for an hour while his 
sister was getting her blood typed to see if she is a match. Unfortunately not. 
She is B and he is AB. There is also a blood shortage so don't even know if he 
will be able to get real blood. He did recognize me and the little bugger stole 
the comfortable chair in the office when I got up to get something. He seemed to 
be laughing at me because he stretched out on the warm spot I left and rolled 
over to get his belly scratched. The techs say he ate last night but would not 
eat anything for them today. I got him to eat some baby food maybe 3 
spoonfuls. His breathing is more labored so they are putting him in an 
oxygen cage while he is on 24 hr drip of chemo. I told them take no 
extraordinary measures if he goes into cardiac arrest. Again I told him I know 
he's the biggest fighter there is but if he wants to go, I will understand and 
that it's okay. I felt terrible when he saw the carrier I brought his 
sister in because he ran over to it and wanted "IN!" but settled for hanging out 
on top of it til he stole the chair again from me. I have to go upstate to 
finish some estate business so I told him I couldn't come visit til Sunday 
evening. For such a sick kitty with such terribly low numbers, he sure is 
hanging in there and enjoyed his ears being scritched. His sister who loved him 
all his life and slept next to him and gave mutual baths is still negative. She 
is quieter since we got home and has been climbing on my lap every time I sit 
down. I hate this disease. I hate this disease.
Barbara and the Jelly 

Jelly Roll-having blood trransfusion today

2004-11-02 Thread Barbara Lowe

his two doctors have decided he needs a transfusion 
as his breathing is more labored and his heart is racing.(he also has a 
heart murmur). My other felv+ Lenny who was a little under one year old 
had a transfusion at the end and it gave us about a week -that was our Christmas 
present-that she lived til the new year so hoping this new blood will give us 
time also. thanks for listening and all your good wishes and 
barbara and the Jelly 

Re: OT - speaking of humans.....

2004-11-02 Thread Barbara Lowe

Your stepdad and family are the greatest! 
how sad that this situation is not unique. the first week I started fostering 
years ago, some waitresses came to the shelter with kittens that a station wagon 
full of little kids and their mom just pulled into the restaurant parking lot 
next to 3 very very busy fast roads and mom chucked the kittens out one by one 
while the children were screaming and crying. the kittens were lucky their boss 
was so understanding while these two waitresses who had just gone outside on a 
10 min.cigarette break then spent a few hours chasing down frightened 
everyday I thank god I was hard wired to love 
barbara and the Jelly 

and of course Jelly R. has to have a rare blood type!

2004-11-02 Thread Barbara Lowe

Ack! this is so frustrating. now the vets, after 
testing, think he has a very rare blood type-AB which is only 1% of the cat they have to send his blood to Cornell for retesting and 
confirmation. meanwhile they recom'd giving him oxyglobin-a cow hormone. 
it can make it difficult to evaluate his hemacrit later but since that's only 48 
hours and the Cornell test is 48 hours (and then they have to special order AB 
blood) I know his sister is B because when my other felv+ kitten Lenny 
needed a transfusion she could not be a donor. and I asked about procrit and 
epogen and the problem is that the chemo he's on-cytosar would negate any 
effects. They would put him on that after the 5-6 weeks of chemo when he is at 
home. today is just not my day. went for my first general physical in years and 
the dr. realized her idiot staff had neglected to tell me to get MY blood work 
done first so we could discuss it during my physical. round and round we 
tomorrow is another day. the dr. said I could go 
tonight around 9 pm to visit him-it's almost an hour drive both ways  in 
the dark so I'll have to see if I can con my husband into a date at the vet 
hospitalimagine his joy. He tolerates all the pets and they just love 
him.good thing my dr. took my blood pressure before I learned all this 
Barbara and the Jelly 

Re: lack of appetite

2004-11-01 Thread Barbara Lowe
my specialist is at his Conn. practice today(we're in ny) so i have an appt
at 2 pm  with an internal specialist at same center as the first vet said
they need to do a hemocrit and then see if a transfusion is necessary. he's
just lying around. did walk downstairs on his own two flights of stairs to
litter box(would not use one i brought upstairs for him)but he's tired. I
tried some canned tuna but no interest. he ran away from me. i will try
again in awhile as don't want to stress him.
thanks to all who sent info and good wishes.
Barbara and the Jelly Roll
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: lack of appetite

 I looked up pica cats concrete and found this site.  It's on Feline
 Chronic Renal Failure.  They say it might be a symptom of anaema or very
 occasionally  a sign of calcium deficiency.  If  Tamara is right and
 it's a craving for salt, Jelly should be interested in canned tuna
 water.  WE ALL HATE FeLV!
 Barbara Lowe wrote:

 I got him to eat little less than a quarter of canned food about 1. then
 abruptly stopped so called the vet for something for nausea. the
 dont' have a dispensary per se and my vet doesn't open til 8 am tomorrow.
 the spec. on call suggested regulan. I tried again about 6 thirty pm
 him 1/2 pepcid a/c tab and waited 20 mins then tried with a small can of
 kitten food. ended up smearing it on a flat spoon and force feeding him
 getting it on roof of his mouth. he ate the whole can however then left
 room and i caught him licking a concrete statue. I know that means he's
 deficient in something but just too stressed this moment to think
 and can't find it in any of my books. I know when they eat strange things
 it's called pica. I hate this. Little Lenny that i lost last Dec. started
 licking the snow shovel and concrete and would eat nothing voluntarily
 Barbara and Jelly roll.

Re: Humans make me crazy sometimes

2004-11-01 Thread Barbara Lowe
I'm hoping the situation is just that the rescue group doesn't know you and
might have recently had some problems with other foster moms who were not as
conscientious as you. (shelter i work with sometimes- once had foster family
who painted 7 black kittens with nail polish so they could distinguish them
for medication purposes--but on their fur! and returned them to the shelter
full of fleas and other problemsI always try to tell people who have not
had a positive experience with any rescue group to try to remember that the
rescue people do not know you personally. never been to your house for
dinner, etc. and that they mostly have met alot of not so good people. (my
favorite has to be the one who started screaming at me why couldn't they
adopt a female puppy just because they had an un neutered male dog in their
house? and I was just in the parking lot carrying in stacks of
newspaper--the yeller didn't even know I volunteered there)
We here know you are the absolute greatest person in the world to socialize
these foster kitties but alas, your friend has taken that decision out of
your hands. Hope it all works out for everyone.

Jelly staying at hospital

2004-11-01 Thread Barbara Lowe

He vomited at least twice that I know of(kinda hard 
with 8 cats who think--ooh another meal when any of them vomit)and then had 
diarrhea in the carrier the minute we walked in the clinic's door. His hemocrit 
is holding steady at 8 however the white blood cell count has gone down and a 
transfusion wouldn't help that. he's staying the night on IV's and sub-q for 
meds as they are afraid he might get septus(infection). prognosis is not the 
greatest but at least we were given last week after his first chemo round where 
he was almost 90% back to his usual lovable interactive self. As we were driving 
to the vet, I thought about how this past summer my 14 yr old mixed breed dog 
Madison had cancer and how we were so lucky to have had such a great last 
day--she got to go swimming -she loved to "play submarine"-run her nose and blow 
bubbles under the water and she walked along the beach with Frasier her lifelong 
buddy and me and had some deli meat-her favorite-for lunch and about 30 
mins. later while trying to go for a walk, suddenly ran back to the mini van and 
jumped in and died on the seat. I was thinking how I could not give Jelly 
Roll that kind of last day as he is an indoor only cat but at least your prayers 
got me one more week of my loving cat. I know I sound fatalistic when Jelly is 
still fighting but I did tell him at the clinic if he needed to go, it was okay. 
He has surprised me before(and the vets). I will drive in and see him mid day 
after voting and before my dr's appt. 
Thanks for listening,

Re: Jelly staying at hospital

2004-11-01 Thread Barbara Lowe

thank you. I forgot about this. 
however right now since he's vomiting so have to wait and see if he survives 
this bout and when he can keep stuff in him, I will try it.thanks.
barbara and the Jelly Roll whose 
sister Princess Seven Layer Eatsalot came running to the door tonight when I 
came home.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 5:54 
  Subject: Re: Jelly staying at 
  Barb please try the DMG for Jelly.our cat was at a crit of 9 and put 
  on this supplement. When the cancer took him a month later his crit was 
  low normal (I forget the number) the DMG helped him battle the anemia and over 
  come it it can only help and cannot hurt at all.

lack of appetite

2004-10-31 Thread Barbara Lowe

Jelly is not eating on his own last two days. He 
licks baby food (and some SD a/d ) off spoon but i feel he's uncomfortable--i 
tried pepcid a/c but is there anything else besides slippery elm for possible 
upset? also stupid question, how long before eating should i give him the pepcid 
a/c or is it during or after? I put all sorts of stinky food in front of 
him but no interest. (and of course this is the week all the oncologists are off 
to an oncology convention for the week.)
barbara and the jelly 

Re: Update on the ferals

2004-10-31 Thread Barbara Lowe
Yeay! and thanks for updating us. (when I get back next week, I let myself
be conned into rescuing two teenage kittens)

Re: lack of appetite

2004-10-31 Thread Barbara Lowe
HI, I joined and will go thru their messages. he ate half a jar of baby food
for lunch if I hold the food on a spoon for him. I'll have to post on the
cancer list also for ideas.  it could be so many reasons why--second chemo
round--the cancer, etc.  It's so maddening to be spoonfeeding him while 7
other cats are trying to break down the closed door to get at his food.

Re: lack of appetite

2004-10-31 Thread Barbara Lowe
I got him to eat little less than a quarter of canned food about 1. then he
abruptly stopped so called the vet for something for nausea. the specialists
dont' have a dispensary per se and my vet doesn't open til 8 am tomorrow.
the spec. on call suggested regulan. I tried again about 6 thirty pm giving
him 1/2 pepcid a/c tab and waited 20 mins then tried with a small can of
kitten food. ended up smearing it on a flat spoon and force feeding him by
getting it on roof of his mouth. he ate the whole can however then left the
room and i caught him licking a concrete statue. I know that means he's
deficient in something but just too stressed this moment to think straight
and can't find it in any of my books. I know when they eat strange things
it's called pica. I hate this. Little Lenny that i lost last Dec. started
licking the snow shovel and concrete and would eat nothing voluntarily but
Barbara and Jelly roll.

Re: Is there a list for feral lovers?

2004-10-29 Thread Barbara Lowe
well if none of the other cats appears to be nursing, you're probably right
in guessing she's the only mom. probably because of their circumstances--out
in the wild and lack of constant food source, the 6-8 wk olds could very
well still be nursing. since you have her, they will be hungry and hopefully
will be easier to trap then when you use stinky food/tuna like for bait.
good luck. you guys are great to care about these ferals

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: Is there a list for feral lovers?

 Guess what?  When I went to the site, two of the ferals came right up
 and started begging for food.  Rubbing and bumping and meowing.
 Obviously not all of them are feral, if any.  We were able to get those
 two into carriers and we trapped two more.  One of the trapped cats is
 Momma.  She's still nursing and very emaciated, but very sweet.  I'm
 hoping her kittens are too.  I spotted 4 kittens scrabbling for cover.
 They look like they're anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks.  They could be older,
 but small because of their circumstances.  We found someone that says
 they are willing to take ferals for relocation, but now we seem to have
 tame cats on our hands.  I spotted 8 grown cats, but who knows how many
 of them are out there.

 As I'm typing this, I've just become concerned about whether the momma
 we caught might not be the momma to the older kittens.  What if she has
 tinnies out there that won't make it through the night without her?  Her
 breasts definitely had milk in them, not firm or, full.  What else
 should I have looked for to determine how old her kittens might be?  I'm
 thinking we should bring her back and release her just in case.  I'm
 pretty sure we'll be able to catch her again, she's so tame.
 Aaaah!  Rescue is not for sissies!

 Nina wrote:

  Thank you for your advise.  Contacting the media sounds like a good
  idea.  I don't know if we'll be able to find the homeless guy again.
  He may have already had to move on.  I wrote an email to the website.  Chris, I couldn't find the list feralcats on
  Yahoo.  I'm not very savvy at this Internet thing, so I'll try again
  when I get home.  I'll also try to contact Alley Cat Allies.
  Jill's deceased mom has a very crowded garage and I'm going over to
  help her consolidate the junk to make room for holding crates that
  we're scrounging together.  Her mom's house is being renovated and we
  can't house them there.  Jill told me why we can't bring them to her
  house, but I can't remember why just now.  I don't know what we're
  going to do after we catch them, we'll just have to cross that bridge
  when we get to it.  Sorry about rambling on and on.
  Barbara, I wish you were closer too!   Any and all suggestions are
  welcome.  Thanks for caring,
  Barbara Lowe wrote:
  get a large dog cage and cover it(three sides-top, bottom and sides
  just not
  the front opening) with an old blanket--perhaps something of this guy
  been feeding them as they recognize  his smell as friendly. put
  their food
  in there and perhaps can get them to go into it.  or can anyone be
  there the
  day it's getting torn down to put out food to get the cats away from
  hovel?  such a heartbreaking story.  did you try contacting any media
  to get
  attention to this plight? sometimes then the rescue groups will step
  in to
  help when they stand to gain something like free, good will
  to say but fact of life). I'm here in NY so can't help physically.
  but if
  you need money to buy the large dog carrier/or wire cage--I can help
  that- what's the name of that one group-Alley Cat Allies--perhaps
  they have
  a link to local groups that might help. (oh also if you can get it, try
  spraying the inside of the cage with that Feliway spray or Rescue
  Remedy and
  try sprinkling some catnip in there also--anything to tempt the wild
  into it...) can the homeless guy catch the kittens? do you  have a
  fishing net?  I wish I was closer! (can someone keep the kittens in the
  large cage then so they don't use the same litter box or eat from the
  felv+'s bowls?  sad thing to say but they could be felv+ anyway)
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 2:19 PM
  Subject: Is there a list for feral lovers?
  Hi Everyone,
  I just got a call from an acquaintance of mine with a sad and
  tale.  Her name is Jill.  She was rescuing a sea gull covered in oil
  a parking lot in Camarillo, CA.  A homeless man (mentally disabled as
  well), approached her in tears.  He told her the house he's been
  squatting in is about to be torn down (within a day or two), and he
  to find somewhere else to live.  He's been feeding stray or feral
  Jill couldn't determine

Re: Is there a list for feral lovers?

2004-10-28 Thread Barbara Lowe
get a large dog cage and cover it(three sides-top, bottom and sides just not
the front opening) with an old blanket--perhaps something of this guy who's
been feeding them as they recognize  his smell as friendly. put their food
in there and perhaps can get them to go into it.  or can anyone be there the
day it's getting torn down to put out food to get the cats away from this
hovel?  such a heartbreaking story.  did you try contacting any media to get
attention to this plight? sometimes then the rescue groups will step in to
help when they stand to gain something like free, good will publicity--(sad
to say but fact of life). I'm here in NY so can't help physically. but if
you need money to buy the large dog carrier/or wire cage--I can help with
that- what's the name of that one group-Alley Cat Allies--perhaps they have
a link to local groups that might help. (oh also if you can get it, try
spraying the inside of the cage with that Feliway spray or Rescue Remedy and
try sprinkling some catnip in there also--anything to tempt the wild ones
into it...) can the homeless guy catch the kittens? do you  have a large
fishing net?  I wish I was closer! (can someone keep the kittens in the
large cage then so they don't use the same litter box or eat from the
felv+'s bowls?  sad thing to say but they could be felv+ anyway)
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 2:19 PM
Subject: Is there a list for feral lovers?

 Hi Everyone,
 I just got a call from an acquaintance of mine with a sad and desperate
 tale.  Her name is Jill.  She was rescuing a sea gull covered in oil in
 a parking lot in Camarillo, CA.  A homeless man (mentally disabled as
 well), approached her in tears.  He told her the house he's been
 squatting in is about to be torn down (within a day or two), and he has
 to find somewhere else to live.  He's been feeding stray or feral cats,
 Jill couldn't determine which.   After Jill got the sea gull off to a
 rehabilitation, she went to the address he had given her.  The house is
 a hovel, broken windows, fallen in roof, there is sewage from a backed
 up septic tank mixed with flood waters from the storm we've been having,
 just a mess.  She spotted a couple of the adults running for cover, and
 two of the three kittens, she's guessing they're about 8 weeks old.
 There are no other houses in the area that these guys might get a
 handout from and if they're taking refuge in this abandoned house,
 there's a good chance that they will be caught in there when they
 demolish it.

 She's called all the rescue groups in the area looking for a feral
 colony that she might be able to relocate these cats to, once they're
 caught and neutered.  Everyone has turned her down.  I'm going to help
 her trap and I've called everyone I know that might be able to give me
 ideas about how to help them.  If these kittens are indeed that young,
 and have been handled by the kind homeless man, there is a chance that
 they can be adopted out and find homes.

 I need some ideas on how to help these guys.  I'm going to get out there
 and help her trap, but what do we do with them after that?  I can't
 foster anyone here, I can't expose them to FeLV!  I already have four
 dogs and seven cats living with me and there isn't a room where I can
 segregate them, even the garage has a stray, who hates cats, living in
 it.  Does anyone know of a sanctuary that will take ferals that we could
 relocate them to?  Does anyone know of a email list that is interested
 in helping ferals?

 I know this is off topic, but I also know how much you guys love cats.
 If you can think of anything that might help, please email me back.
 Thank you for caring,

Jelly roll gained weight!

2004-10-28 Thread Barbara Lowe

Today we went for our second week of chemotherapy. 
He gets two shots every week. He's still been a picky eater not chowing down 
like he used to (which was why he was a chub-ball) however this morning he ate 
more-- like 3 tablespoons of food and after the techs gave him his shot, said he 
was very very feisty. the vet said his color (mouth) was very good-lots of nice 
pink. He ws very good on the car ride upstate last weekend and I was able to get 
all the tag sale pricing  other work done for my parents' estate and first 
weekend in Nov. he'll go back up with me for the actual sale. (praying he stays 
feisty and continues to improve). Meanwhile anyone want a polar bear 
Barbara and Jelly Roll

Re: Coco

2004-10-26 Thread Barbara Lowe
I am so sorry you lost your great kitty to this unfair virus. I am heartened
that your feral cat realized the dream of a loving  home and kind person and
returned your feelings in kind.

Re: Mega C Plus/Does anyone know about this?

2004-10-23 Thread Barbara Lowe
slapping myself upside the head, i forgot to mention i've only had the cats
on it for 4-6 months. they were on ester C before. Mr Bean does seem to have
improved on it. his coat is better. i tried to see if he really has
gingivitis and can't tell as he wiggles too much so i think he might just be
fussy eater lately because he smells the junk food I give jelly roll to
tempt him to eat and wants some too.
- Original Message -
From: Faye Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 4:20 PM
Subject: Mega C Plus/Does anyone know about this?

 This is the founder of Innova pet foods and veterinarian who has
 published articles on various topics including FeLV. Supposedly, he has
 successfully converted every FeLv positive cat to negative in his

 Has anyone tried his Mega C Plus?

Re: Jelly roll good news bad news

2004-10-22 Thread Barbara Lowe
that's horrible. like it's that woman's fault instead of our health care
system that prevents people from getting the care they need. Thank you
though for giving me more perspective on my guilt.  Jelly ate some food
this morning again though he did drink alot of water last night.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: Jelly roll good news bad news

 People should feel guilt about buying expensive cars and clothes and wine
 when there are people who can not afford health care, but not about
 medical care to their own loved ones.  My partner and I were upset about
 article we read about a woman who spent $25,000 on a kidney transplant for
her cat
 and was interviewed about it, and then she got all sorts of hate mail
 doing that when there are humans who can not afford it. She said she does
 drink, gamble, go on vacation, or buy anything expensive, so why can't she
 her hard earned money to save her cat's life?  My partner and I were so
 upset-- why don't people send hate mail to people who spend $25,000 on a
car-- why
 is that somehow ok and spending it save a life is not?

 In a message dated 10/22/04 9:17:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I know where you're coming from, Barbara, but you needn't feel guilty.
 You are two different families, in two entirely separate situations. You
 love and care for Jelly Roll, and will do whatever you can to help him.
 The family love their little girl and will do whatever it takes to help
 her. We would all go crazy if we started thinking otherwise. Lots of
 love and hugs to Jelly Roll, and hope the treatment goes well. Kerry
 -Original Message- 

Re: Please Help

2004-10-22 Thread Barbara Lowe

sometimes i just show up at my vet--with a very 
sick animal and they have to take me because otherwise it looks bad to the other 
customers there. did you explain it's a real emergency since you have no faith 
in the other vet? is she eating? sorry this is happening. i know how one 
can feelhelpless. did you google online or check out archives to see if they 
cover this? have you tried a probiotic?(sold at health food stores) the natural 
vet remedies book i have suggests fasting anyway--but your cat might be 
dehydrated. you have to catch her and see how elastic her skin is. what did the 
good vet say about the blood in her stools a year ago? has she been urinating at 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 12:58 
  Subject: Please Help
  I have been on the list for a while but do not write oftenmy cat 
  Kalleigh is sick today. She is 3 years old and has been felv+ since 
  birth. She hasn't had any problems except anemia and blood in her stools 
  about a year ago. Today she is throwing up what looks like runny 
  poop. It is very dark brown. She has also lost weight in the last 
  couple of days and stays hidden. I can't get her into the good vet in 
  town and will end up taking her to the bad one so she can get meds. Has 
  anyone had any experience with anything like this?
  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! 
  Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish. 

Re: Please Help

2004-10-22 Thread Barbara Lowe

can you take her temp also? (and don't panic. jelly 
roll had 104 temp 2 days ago and now he's normal as he can be for a felv+ cat 
undergoing chemo) another general cat care book i have says if the vomit is 
black or bloody, time to get to a vet now. wish I could help more. hang in 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 12:58 
  Subject: Please Help
  I have been on the list for a while but do not write oftenmy cat 
  Kalleigh is sick today. She is 3 years old and has been felv+ since 
  birth. She hasn't had any problems except anemia and blood in her stools 
  about a year ago. Today she is throwing up what looks like runny 
  poop. It is very dark brown. She has also lost weight in the last 
  couple of days and stays hidden. I can't get her into the good vet in 
  town and will end up taking her to the bad one so she can get meds. Has 
  anyone had any experience with anything like this?
  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! 
  Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish. 

Re: Mega C Plus/Does anyone know about this?

2004-10-22 Thread Barbara Lowe
Jelly roll was on it adn so is Clancy whose allergies have erupted again
(tho they hadn't for almost 2 yrs--and I think he has gingivitis or stomatis
as his eating is off but i can't catch him as he was a foster cat who came
to stay and is a big big bulldog of a cat). Mr. Bean-6+ yrs old  is also on
it and he's been great knock on scratching post wood--tho occassionally his
gingivitis flares up.) I have all my cats(felv+ and -) on it except the one
who had oxalate crystals/flutd. as for miracle cure, I guess not since Jelly
roll now has acute undifferentiated leukemia but he was great until 3 weeks
- Original Message -
From: Faye Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 4:20 PM
Subject: Mega C Plus/Does anyone know about this?

 This is the founder of Innova pet foods and veterinarian who has
 published articles on various topics including FeLV. Supposedly, he has
 successfully converted every FeLv positive cat to negative in his

 Has anyone tried his Mega C Plus?

Re: Need advice on needle breaking off shot

2004-10-22 Thread Barbara Lowe
I would at least call a vet to ask. (don't beat yourself up about it. Hey,
you're taking care of an otherwise homeless cat).
let us know,

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 7:40 PM
Subject: OT: Need advice on needle breaking off shot

 Hi.  I give insulin shots to a cat at the local shelter twice a day.  I
 the very thinnest needles. Tonight when i drew the insulin, the needle
bent and
 I straightened it.  This must have weakened it, because when I gave him
 shot and withdrew the syringe the needle had broken off.  he did not seem
 feel it, and I checked him over in detail and pet him for about 20 minutes
 could not find it. At one point I thought I felt it, but then I didn't
 It is not necessarily in his neck, but it might be.  He is acting normal.
 do you think I should do? Do you think this could hurt him/ get infected/
 etc.? Should I take him to a vet for x-rays or something to see if it is
in there
 and needs to be removed? He is diabetic and FIV+ and otherwise healthy,
 although he has a bit of a runny eye today.

OT: cats insulin page link

2004-10-22 Thread Barbara Lowe

awk! I deleted whoever sent message to list about 
broken needle. I found this webpage while googling--maybe this person could 

OT: broken needle more info!!!!!!

2004-10-22 Thread Barbara Lowe

You might bend the needle while putting the cap 
back on and when you did the injection it could break off - in the cat's skin. Worst case? The 
needle breaks off and 
goes all the ay in and is now under the skin. An incision would have to be made 
in order to remove the needle the and the incision 
would require stitches to close it. Definitely not something we are going to do 
ourselves, so a trip to the vet or emergency clinic would be called for, 

(got this off the webpage I just posted link 

Jelly roll good news bad news

2004-10-21 Thread Barbara Lowe

Hi all,
woke up this morning and heard someone getting in 
trouble on my desk in the office and Jelly roll had jumped up there and was 
scoping out how to get to his favorite thing--the scotch tape gun. he ate 
canned food on his own not alot but he ate. 
then the dr. called, the bone marrow tests came 
back and it's Acute undifferentiated leukemia which is not good. they want to 
start him on injectable chemo-cytosar 1x weekly for 5-6 weeks. prognosis is 3 
weeks to 9 months. so we start this afternoon. 
Has anyone else's cat been on cytosar? any side 
It's $200 a session and I feel so guilty after 
reading in local paper today about a family who is having a fund raiser for 
their little girl's special treatments that also cost $200/wk that aren't 
covered by insurance.

it's such an adventure being owned by cats. Or is 
that guilt trip?
Barbara and Jelly 

thursday night

2004-10-21 Thread Barbara Lowe

Thank you all for the messages regarding Jelly 
roll. it helps to know there are many out there who do not question why I put 
myself thru this for "a cat" --you all understand why!
little bug ate some a/d tonight after his first 
shot and then finished off a jar of baby food. i keep sneaking in good stuff 
into the baby food but he licks around it. 
thanks again and gnite

Re: slightly but not totally off-topic: sounding off

2004-10-20 Thread Barbara Lowe
I would definitely say something to her boss---even as a petsitter, you were
still her client--she neglected her duty which she was paid for. How could
you trust her to watch/take care of your pets at the vet's hospital? Can her
boss really trust that she's doing a competent job?  I've had to scream
bloody murder at my vet because there's one tech who for some reason doesn't
do her full duties(I sit there in the office with two dogs, 3 cat carriers
and she pulls my chart and says, follow me--how the hell do I do that,
lady--get your ass over here and carry two cats for me--she doesn't clean
their ears which is included in the office visit until I pointedly ask 3
times--after the vet has told her once to do it and then leaves the
room)yes you definitely need to vent but to someone who will inform this
woman a job is a job, it's called work not fun, one is not going to fun
they are going to work to get paid. She endangered your pets.
- Original Message -
From: Mackenzie, Kerry N. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:07 PM
Subject: slightly but not totally off-topic: sounding off

 Hi all
 rgh! I need to vent!
 I discovered that the vet's technician---she works for the vets' clinic
 I use---that I hire to look after my 9 kitties twice a day when I have
 to go out of town has been ignoring our agreement and failed to add the
 necessary supplements to the 6 FeLV cats' food--e.g. no L-Lysin, no
 CoQ10, etc. Sheer laziness and apathy, I guess---not misunderstanding,
 since I showed her what I do, and also left clear written directions. It
 takes about five minutes, I'd say, to add the necessary to the six
 She knows they're FeLV cats, professed at the outset to know exactly
 what's involved with FeLV cats, and knows exactly what supplements I
 give them. She knew that Caramel had been very ill recently, and she
 knew that Flavia almost died earlier in the year.  This was the third
 time I'd used her. The first time seemed to go very well, the second
 time there was a bit of a red flag, and the third time I began to
 realize that she was just doing her own thing.
 It is incredibly disappointing when someone who professes to care for
 animals reveals themselves to be so, well, uncaring and irresponsible.
 She had no explanation/excuse apart from 'family emergency'. (Twice?)
 She did apologize profusely and offered me a refund when she realized
 the game was up.
 Obviously she's no longer going to be looking after my cats.
 Those cats depended on her and she let them down.
 Thanks for listening! Kerry

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Re: You people are quiet today

2004-10-19 Thread Barbara Lowe
be glad very glad you could not hear me screaming from here. last night
jelly roll had 103.7 temp but it was late and no way was i driving in
rainstorm one hour to go to vet--I did talk with them--and since Jelly was
eating, my exhaustion won out and I decided to check himduring often during
the night and then go today to vet if necessary. temp in am was 104 so
called vet and off we went. first I got held up for 20 mins. by world's
longest funeral procession--when I actually started to count cars, I counted
137 so have no idea how many were that I didn't count. since it was in
center of a large town, every time the light changed, the procession was
held up trying to turn in front of me, blocking me from driving straight
through. I asked the police officer could I please go and he just snarled at
me, so what if it's a sick cat?
got to vet and after 3 1/2 hours, the bloodwork showed the wbc hadn't gone
down more but they are still very very low. the cat also fought the staff
trying to take its temp and they said, for a sick animal, he's a fighter.
Meanwhile out in waiting room, when Ipolitely asked a tall gentleman
watching another tv set if he could turn off the tv mounted on wall over my
head(the waitiing room has 4 tv's and noone was watching the one over my
head, they were all facing the other way watching Emergency Vets on Animal
Planet)the man threw a hissy fit and his partner joined in on me for
upsetting him. (Remind me to just let that damn QVC channel stay on next
time.)  the vet said the appetite stimulants dont' work that well on cats by
the way. and then told me Jelly had fleas. (courtesy of visiting a friend
over the weekend who had an abandoned mom cat with 6 kittens I guess) so had
to get treatment for 7 cats and 1 dogs.  when I got home, I proceeded to
have fun chasing 3 half feral cats around my house who in the process peed
all over my cedar chest that holds all my clothes, peed under our king sized
bed bookcase headboard(which when the company brought it into the house,
said -decide now lady where you want this because you ain't never gonna move
this again)-peed in the bathroom where i finally cornered the last one and
all over me too--but i did get them all. then it was after 4 pm and i still
had not had lunch but the gang decided they wanted their lunch also. halfway
thru walking the poor dog on his afternoon walk, the rain came down again
and we got drenched. realized i also had to wash every single pet bedding
and people bedding because of the fleas and that laundry is still not done.
then the remarkable phone system my brilliant engineer husband set
up(sarcasm there.)decided to go kablooey--the downstairs phone with teh
ans. machine rings but I can't talk on it---the upstairs one does not ring
but I can talk on that one and that running upstairs and downstairs made up
for our cut short dog walk but at least the cats got exercise too because
they proceeded to get spooked by my activity and run like crazy up and down
the stairs also. Through it all, Jelly slept. He woke up at 6 and peeked his
head around the corner of the kitchen and I set out a small can of Fancy
Feast and turned around to get the baby spoon to feed him if he would and
turned back to find he was eating on his own. he finished half of that and
also ate some Petguard Premium and some SD a/d. So I stood there hardly
daring to breathe while he ate and thanked God for tipping me for all the
laughs I gave him today.
Now I will be quiet again.
g'nite and hope everyone and their fur babies are sleeping peacefully, too
Barbara and Jelly Roll (who climbed the stairs to come sleep upstairs

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:17 PM
Subject: You people are quiet today

 This is just a test.  I haven't gotten an email from the list today and
 I want to make sure I'm still receiving.

Re: You people are quiet today

2004-10-19 Thread Barbara Lowe
Aww, hope your doggie is feeling better soon and you, too. 
- Original Message - 
From: Gloria B. Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: You people are quiet today

 In Arkansas, the weather's changing, hot then cold then hot, so I got 
 a weird virus (cough).  No energy.  Also, sick old doggie, lots of 
 medicating (sigh).
 This is just a test.  I haven't gotten an email from the list today 
 and I want to make sure I'm still receiving.

Need name of holistic vet in NJ again

2004-10-18 Thread Barbara Lowe

Good evening, my helpful youngest cat-jelly roll's 
sister-Princess Seven Layer Eats a Lot deleted a whole bunch of mailing list 
emails I hadn't gone through yet plus some I was trying to keep. I lost the 
email from a list member who recommended her holistic vet in NJ--can't recall if 
it was someone on this list or the feline cancer one. The list member said the 
vet was available for phone consultation.
thank you,
Barbara and a big headache at 

Re: Jelly Roll -eating less

2004-10-17 Thread Barbara Lowe
i did get a whole jar of baby food into him at lunchtime by holding the
spoon in front of him today plus he ate on his own, some eagle brand food
and chicken livers first. i will take him back to vet because he had
interest at dinnertime(usually I only feed the gang 2x day however added on
a small evening meal for jelly and of course everyone wants some) but only
ate a little so maybe the gingivitis is a problem again. last visit he had
even gained weight so will be curious to see what his weight is this time if
i can get an appt. before our next checkup on 26th. forgetful me didn't ask
how much he weighed so i could check at home...
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2004 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: Jelly Roll -eating less

 Have you tried syringe feeding him to get more calories in him and get him
 going with food? I don't remember if you had started that. Sometimes that
 them going.

Re: Jelly Roll -eating less

2004-10-17 Thread Barbara Lowe
 What is Jelly Roll's hematocrit?  Has it been holding steady or is it
 The loss of appetite could be due to the chemo and all the meds, but if
 Roll is becoming increasingly anemic, a declining appetite is,
 very typical.  It depends on what is causing the anemia as to how much
 there is for some improvement with treatment.  If the anemia is due to the
 virus causing complete  bone marrow failure, there is little hope anything
 reverse the is just a matter of time.  Some members have
 using epogen, which is supposed to stimulate the bone marrow to produce
red cells,
 but it seems to be most effective when there is some other cause than
 complete bone marrow failure due to FeLV.  I wish I could offer you more
words of
Thank you , Sally, for listening and your informative reply.

 the hematocrit did decline according to last week's tests. I'm calling the
vet tonight to leave mess. to call him when he gets in tomorrow. our next
appt is not until the 26th. he ate some chick livers and eagle brand canned
food on his own for lunch and i spoon fed him a jar of baby food. he did eat
the whole jar. I had added a 3rd meal since he seemed interested in food in
the evening but tonight he only ate a little. had already given him up 2
1/4's of pepcid so didn't want to give more. maybe his gingivitis is
bothering him again.
thanks for listening.
barbara and Jelly Roll

Re: Jelly Roll -eating less

2004-10-17 Thread Barbara Lowe

the vet is off tomorrow-in another state. I will 
ask him Tuesday.Thank you.
Jelly ate another jar of baby food 
tonight---I gave him some nettles in liquid form and as a reward gave him a 
spoonful of baby food and he wanted almost the whole jar. And thank you for the 
prayers. at least the day is ending better than it started. I prepared all 8 
cats' breakfasts with all their supplements and the 5th can of food I opened, I 
was preoccupied and had dished it onto the 8 bowls and then realized the food 
really stunk. looked at the can and saw the bottom was blown out--friggin' 
botulism. so all the vitamins and careful measuring of supplements had to be 
dumped. you can believe eagle brand holistic cat food is getting a long letter 
from me! 
Barbara and Jelly Roll

Have you tried peroxicam for the gingivitis? I got it in liquid form, 
with what's suppose to be fish flavor. It actually just tastes like a 
heavy oil, they probably don't expect owners to taste it. It's a 
prescription, so ask your vet about it. It has really helped relieve their 
sore mouths. I'm praying for Jelly and you.

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