[firebird-support] AW: How can I use/map Active Directory Groups within my Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?

2020-03-02 Thread 'Mathias Pannier (unitel)' pann...@ubsysteme.de [firebird-support]
Thank you.

Perhaps I have to recreate the Database with FB 3.0.5?

Can You show me Your Create Mapping Statement?
Does You access your database with Your Windows Account AND the Firebird ROLE?


Von: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com [mailto:firebird-support@yahoogroups.com]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. März 2020 03:42
An: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Betreff: [firebird-support] RE: How can I use/map Active Directory Groups 
within my Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?

Hi again Mathias – just confirming that upgrading from 3.0..4 to 3.0.5 resolved 
this issue for me.

Before (Firebird 3.0.4):

PS C:\Users\PGMRSD1> c:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\PGMRSD1

SQL> select current_user, current_role from rdb$database;
=== ===

After (Firebird 3.0.5):

PS C:\Users\PGMRSD1> c:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\PGMRSD1, Role: FOO

SQL> select current_user, current_role from rdb$database;
=== ===

From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, 2 March 2020 9:07 AM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [firebird-support] RE: How can I use/map Active Directory Groups 
within my Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?

Hi Mathias – I've found a relevant issue… it contains all the keywords you'd 
think to search for but eventually I found it in the changelog by searching the 
source for "mapping":

It is marked as resolved in 3.0.5, I'm hoping to test this out today and will 
let you know how I get on…
(see change 
 in 3.0 branch)


From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, 28 February 2020 5:14 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [firebird-support] RE: How can I use/map Active Directory Groups 
within my Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?

Hi – I've got the same question as Mathias.

I'm also using Firebird 3 (3.0.4), with a new test database containing its own 
security database.

The setup is similar:
create global mapping trusted_auth using plugin win_sspi from any user to user;
create role foo;

Mapping a single user to the role works:
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe -u sysdba foo
Database: foo, User: SYSDBA
SQL> create mapping sjd_foo using plugin win_sspi from user 
'foodstuff\adm_sdrake' to role foo;
SQL> exit;
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\ADM_SDRAKE, Role: FOO
SQL> quit;

But mapping a group does not:
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe -u sysdba foo
Database: foo, User: SYSDBA
SQL> drop mapping sjd_foo;
SQL> create mapping inca_foo using plugin win_sspi from group 
'foodstuff\RBAC_INCA Support' to role foo;
SQL> exit;
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\ADM_SDRAKE
SQL> set trusted role;
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 0P000
Your attachment has no trusted role
SQL> quit;

I've tried multiple groups that I'm a member of, with and without the domain 
prefix, but no luck.
Any clues… is this sort of mapping supported?

Steve Drake

From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, 18 February 2020 10:18 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [firebird-support] How can I use/map Active Directory Groups within my 
Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?


in my actual project I use Trusted User Authentication. As described in the 
documentation I have created this mapping:


In my opinion this means “all AD users are also Firebird users but without 
grants to a specific table”.

If I grant privileges to a domain user it will work fine:


In production environment I have about 300 users. All users are in 3 different 
AD groups. (“basic_user”, “management”, “admins”) – admins are application 
admins no domain admins.
Is it possible to grant to this groups and not to 300 users? Or is it possible 
to create a mapping (map AD groups to firebird groups)? How? The documentation 
about mapping is not good.

grant all on MY_TABLE to "MYDOMAIN\management"; --> this does not work

[firebird-support] AW: How can I use/map Active Directory Groups within my Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?

2020-03-02 Thread 'Mathias Pannier (unitel)' pann...@ubsysteme.de [firebird-support]
Thanks. I know this issue. After I found this issue I have updated from 3.0.4 
to 3.0.5 but the problem is the same.

Von: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com [mailto:firebird-support@yahoogroups.com]
Gesendet: Sonntag, 1. März 2020 21:07
An: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Betreff: [firebird-support] RE: How can I use/map Active Directory Groups 
within my Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?

Hi Mathias – I've found a relevant issue… it contains all the keywords you'd 
think to search for but eventually I found it in the changelog by searching the 
source for "mapping":

It is marked as resolved in 3.0.5, I'm hoping to test this out today and will 
let you know how I get on…
(see change 
 in 3.0 branch)


From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, 28 February 2020 5:14 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [firebird-support] RE: How can I use/map Active Directory Groups 
within my Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?

Hi – I've got the same question as Mathias.

I'm also using Firebird 3 (3.0.4), with a new test database containing its own 
security database.

The setup is similar:
create global mapping trusted_auth using plugin win_sspi from any user to user;
create role foo;

Mapping a single user to the role works:
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe -u sysdba foo
Database: foo, User: SYSDBA
SQL> create mapping sjd_foo using plugin win_sspi from user 
'foodstuff\adm_sdrake' to role foo;
SQL> exit;
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\ADM_SDRAKE, Role: FOO
SQL> quit;

But mapping a group does not:
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe -u sysdba foo
Database: foo, User: SYSDBA
SQL> drop mapping sjd_foo;
SQL> create mapping inca_foo using plugin win_sspi from group 
'foodstuff\RBAC_INCA Support' to role foo;
SQL> exit;
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\ADM_SDRAKE
SQL> set trusted role;
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 0P000
Your attachment has no trusted role
SQL> quit;

I've tried multiple groups that I'm a member of, with and without the domain 
prefix, but no luck.
Any clues… is this sort of mapping supported?

Steve Drake

From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, 18 February 2020 10:18 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [firebird-support] How can I use/map Active Directory Groups within my 
Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?


in my actual project I use Trusted User Authentication. As described in the 
documentation I have created this mapping:


In my opinion this means “all AD users are also Firebird users but without 
grants to a specific table”.

If I grant privileges to a domain user it will work fine:


In production environment I have about 300 users. All users are in 3 different 
AD groups. (“basic_user”, “management”, “admins”) – admins are application 
admins no domain admins.
Is it possible to grant to this groups and not to 300 users? Or is it possible 
to create a mapping (map AD groups to firebird groups)? How? The documentation 
about mapping is not good.

grant all on MY_TABLE to "MYDOMAIN\management"; --> this does not work
FIREBIRD_MANAGEMENT; --> this does not work

I’m using Firebird 3.

Mathias Pannier
ub.unitel GmbH, Schulstraße 16, 06792 Sandersdorf-Brehna
Geschaeftsfuehrung Klaus Richter, Olaf Meyer
Amtsgericht Stendal
HRB 26389 FA Bitterfeld Steuernr. 116/107/08597 Ust.identNr. DE815796778
Deutsche Bank IBAN DE53 86070024 0 6143234 00
Kreissparkasse Anhalt-Bitterfeld IBAN DE69 80053722 0 3050326 82
Dieses E-Mail ist nur für den Empfänger bestimmt, an den es gerichtet
ist und kann vertrauliches bzw. unter das Berufsgeheimnis fallendes
Material enthalten. Jegliche darin enthaltene Ansicht oder Meinungs-
äußerung ist die des Autors und stellt nicht notwendigerweise die
Ansicht oder Meinung von ub.unitel GmbH dar.
Sind Sie nicht der Empfänger, so haben Sie diese E-Mail irrtümlich
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This e-mail message has 

RE: [firebird-support] order by takes too long

2020-03-02 Thread liviuslivius liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]
HiWithout analysis i can only advice to create descending index.Create 
descending index ixd_mytable__timestamp on mytable(timestamp)Regards,Karol 

[firebird-support] RE: How can I use/map Active Directory Groups within my Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?

2020-03-02 Thread FSPAPA INCA Team i...@foodstuffs-si.co.nz [firebird-support]
Hi again Mathias – just confirming that upgrading from 3.0.4 to 3.0..5 resolved 
this issue for me.

Before (Firebird 3.0.4):

PS C:\Users\PGMRSD1> c:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\PGMRSD1

SQL> select current_user, current_role from rdb$database;
=== ===

After (Firebird 3.0.5):

PS C:\Users\PGMRSD1> c:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\PGMRSD1, Role: FOO

SQL> select current_user, current_role from rdb$database;
=== ===

From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, 2 March 2020 9:07 AM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [firebird-support] RE: How can I use/map Active Directory Groups 
within my Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?

Hi Mathias – I've found a relevant issue… it contains all the keywords you'd 
think to search for but eventually I found it in the changelog by searching the 
source for "mapping":

It is marked as resolved in 3.0.5, I'm hoping to test this out today and will 
let you know how I get on…
(see change 
 in 3.0 branch)


From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, 28 February 2020 5:14 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [firebird-support] RE: How can I use/map Active Directory Groups 
within my Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?

Hi – I've got the same question as Mathias.

I'm also using Firebird 3 (3.0.4), with a new test database containing its own 
security database.

The setup is similar:
create global mapping trusted_auth using plugin win_sspi from any user to user;
create role foo;

Mapping a single user to the role works:
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe -u sysdba foo
Database: foo, User: SYSDBA
SQL> create mapping sjd_foo using plugin win_sspi from user 
'foodstuff\adm_sdrake' to role foo;
SQL> exit;
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\ADM_SDRAKE, Role: FOO
SQL> quit;

But mapping a group does not:
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe -u sysdba foo
Database: foo, User: SYSDBA
SQL> drop mapping sjd_foo;
SQL> create mapping inca_foo using plugin win_sspi from group 
'foodstuff\RBAC_INCA Support' to role foo;
SQL> exit;
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\ADM_SDRAKE
SQL> set trusted role;
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 0P000
Your attachment has no trusted role
SQL> quit;

I've tried multiple groups that I'm a member of, with and without the domain 
prefix, but no luck.
Any clues… is this sort of mapping supported?

Steve Drake

From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, 18 February 2020 10:18 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [firebird-support] How can I use/map Active Directory Groups within my 
Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?


in my actual project I use Trusted User Authentication. As described in the 
documentation I have created this mapping:


In my opinion this means “all AD users are also Firebird users but without 
grants to a specific table”.

If I grant privileges to a domain user it will work fine:


In production environment I have about 300 users. All users are in 3 different 
AD groups. (“basic_user”, “management”, “admins”) – admins are application 
admins no domain admins.
Is it possible to grant to this groups and not to 300 users? Or is it possible 
to create a mapping (map AD groups to firebird groups)? How? The documentation 
about mapping is not good.

grant all on MY_TABLE to "MYDOMAIN\management"; --> this does not work
FIREBIRD_MANAGEMENT; --> this does not work

I’m using Firebird 3.

Mathias Pannier
ub.unitel GmbH, Schulstraße 16, 06792 Sandersdorf-Brehna
Geschaeftsfuehrung Klaus Richter, Olaf Meyer
Amtsgericht Stendal
HRB 26389 FA Bitterfeld Steuernr. 116/107/08597 Ust.identNr. DE815796778
Deutsche Bank IBAN DE53 86070024 0 6143234 00
Kreissparkasse Anhalt-Bitterfeld IBAN DE69 80053722 0 3050326 82
Dieses E-Mail ist nur für den Empfänger bestimmt, an den es gerichtet
ist und kann vertrauliches bzw. unter das Berufsgeheimnis fallendes
Material enthalten. Jegliche darin enthaltene Ansicht oder Meinungs-
äußerung ist die des Autors und stellt nicht notwendigerweise die

[firebird-support] order by takes too long

2020-03-02 Thread Matthias Winkler spmm...@gmail.com [firebird-support]

I guess this is another beginners question:

I have a table with 300`000 entries.
Each row has a separate field TIMESTAMP  with its creation data.
Now, I query the latest 100 hundred using:

select first(100) X, Y, TIMESTAMP
order by TIMESTAMP DESC  -- order by takes all the time

This query takes over a minute.
Is there a way to speed this up?

Background:  Infact, the next one hundred are queried remotely by the
server and due to the long processing time my connections times out 

Any ideas?



Re: [firebird-support] How to "remap" the count datatype from BIGINT to INTEGER in firebird 3

2020-03-02 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov s...@ibphoenix.com [firebird-support]
02.03.2020 23:15, Robert martin r...@chreos.com [firebird-support] wrote:
> Obviously this doesn't
> work if your dfms are binary.

   Single line of CMD code:

for /r %i in (.) do convert %i

   WBR, SD.


Visit http://www.firebirdsql.org and click the Documentation item
on the main (top) menu.  Try FAQ and other links from the left-side menu there.

Also search the knowledgebases at http://www.ibphoenix.com/resources/documents/ 


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Re: [firebird-support] How to "remap" the count datatype from BIGINT to INTEGER in firebird 3

2020-03-02 Thread Robert martin r...@chreos.com [firebird-support]
I have dealt with this before on large projects (FB 2.0 / 2.5).  Its not 
really a big deal.  Just do a (text) search through your .dfm 
(form/datamodule) files for the field and edit the text files to change 
the data type to the correct version.  You can even automate the process 
as required. Rebuild the project and your done.  Obviously this doesn't 
work if your dfms are binary.


On 3/03/2020 12:01 am, Roberto Vieweg jjw.roberto.fireb...@gmail.com 
[firebird-support] wrote:
> I think this isn't only my "pain".
> I good solution here will be a configuration for legacy systems, like 
> Authentication legacy.
> Em seg., 2 de mar. de 2020 às 06:13, Mark Rotteveel 
> m...@lawinegevaar.nl  [firebird-support] 
>  > escreveu:
> On 28-02-2020 20:11, Roberto Vieweg jjw.roberto.fireb...@gmail.com
> [firebird-support] wrote:
> > Is possible to use the SET BIND feature
> >
> (https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/blob/master/doc/sql.extensions/README.set_bind.md)
> > from Firebird 3 to remap the datatype of a count statement from
> > to INTEGER?
> >
> > If yes, can you provide details and example how to do this?
> SET BIND is a new feature in Firebird 4, so you cannot use it in
> Firebird 3. In Firebird 4, you can do this with `SET BIND OF
> > Ps.: I have a very big old-application written in Delphi 7, with
> a lot
> > of TSQLQuery with hardcoded count queries mapped to
> TIntegerField. So
> > is impossible to do a migration right now. I need other options
> You could use casts, though I'm surprised that there is no automatic
> coercion within Delphi.
> Mark
> -- 
> Mark Rotteveel

Re: [firebird-support] How to "remap" the count datatype from BIGINT to INTEGER in firebird 3

2020-03-02 Thread Roberto Vieweg jjw.roberto.fireb...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
I think this isn't only my "pain".

I good solution here will be a configuration for legacy systems, like
Authentication legacy.

Em seg., 2 de mar. de 2020 às 06:13, Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl
[firebird-support]  escreveu:

> On 28-02-2020 20:11, Roberto Vieweg jjw.roberto.fireb...@gmail.com
> [firebird-support] wrote:
> > Is possible to use the SET BIND feature
> > (
> https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/blob/master/doc/sql.extensions/README.set_bind.md
> )
> > from Firebird 3 to remap the datatype of a count statement from BIGINT
> > to INTEGER?
> >
> > If yes, can you provide details and example how to do this?
> SET BIND is a new feature in Firebird 4, so you cannot use it in
> Firebird 3. In Firebird 4, you can do this with `SET BIND OF BIGINT AS
> > Ps.: I have a very big old-application written in Delphi 7, with a lot
> > of TSQLQuery with hardcoded count queries mapped to TIntegerField. So
> > is impossible to do a migration right now. I need other options
> You could use casts, though I'm surprised that there is no automatic
> coercion within Delphi.
> Mark
> --
> Mark Rotteveel

[firebird-support] RE: How can I use/map Active Directory Groups within my Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?

2020-03-02 Thread FSPAPA INCA Team i...@foodstuffs-si.co.nz [firebird-support]
Hi Mathias – I've found a relevant issue… it contains all the keywords you'd 
think to search for but eventually I found it in the changelog by searching the 
source for "mapping":

It is marked as resolved in 3.0.5, I'm hoping to test this out today and will 
let you know how I get on…
(see change 
 in 3.0 branch)


From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, 28 February 2020 5:14 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [firebird-support] RE: How can I use/map Active Directory Groups 
within my Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?

Hi – I've got the same question as Mathias.

I'm also using Firebird 3 (3.0.4), with a new test database containing its own 
security database.

The setup is similar:
create global mapping trusted_auth using plugin win_sspi from any user to user;
create role foo;

Mapping a single user to the role works:
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe -u sysdba foo
Database: foo, User: SYSDBA
SQL> create mapping sjd_foo using plugin win_sspi from user 
'foodstuff\adm_sdrake' to role foo;
SQL> exit;
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\ADM_SDRAKE, Role: FOO
SQL> quit;

But mapping a group does not:
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe -u sysdba foo
Database: foo, User: SYSDBA
SQL> drop mapping sjd_foo;
SQL> create mapping inca_foo using plugin win_sspi from group 
'foodstuff\RBAC_INCA Support' to role foo;
SQL> exit;
PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\ADM_SDRAKE
SQL> set trusted role;
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 0P000
Your attachment has no trusted role
SQL> quit;

I've tried multiple groups that I'm a member of, with and without the domain 
prefix, but no luck.
Any clues… is this sort of mapping supported?

Steve Drake

From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, 18 February 2020 10:18 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [firebird-support] How can I use/map Active Directory Groups within my 
Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?


in my actual project I use Trusted User Authentication. As described in the 
documentation I have created this mapping:


In my opinion this means “all AD users are also Firebird users but without 
grants to a specific table”.

If I grant privileges to a domain user it will work fine:


In production environment I have about 300 users. All users are in 3 different 
AD groups. (“basic_user”, “management”, “admins”) – admins are application 
admins no domain admins.
Is it possible to grant to this groups and not to 300 users? Or is it possible 
to create a mapping (map AD groups to firebird groups)? How? The documentation 
about mapping is not good.

grant all on MY_TABLE to "MYDOMAIN\management"; --> this does not work
FIREBIRD_MANAGEMENT; --> this does not work

I’m using Firebird 3.

Mathias Pannier
ub.unitel GmbH, Schulstraße 16, 06792 Sandersdorf-Brehna
Geschaeftsfuehrung Klaus Richter, Olaf Meyer
Amtsgericht Stendal
HRB 26389 FA Bitterfeld Steuernr. 116/107/08597 Ust.identNr. DE815796778
Deutsche Bank IBAN DE53 86070024 0 6143234 00
Kreissparkasse Anhalt-Bitterfeld IBAN DE69 80053722 0 3050326 82
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Re: [firebird-support] Can we please be able to install *_without_* being the root or firebird user?

2020-03-02 Thread Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
On 01-03-2020 07:07, Pól Ua Laoínecháin lineh...@tcd.ie 
[firebird-support] wrote:
> TL;DR - I want to install FB without being the root or firebird user.
> Tried some stuff - explained below - didn't work. Anybody got any
> ideas?

Your question about modifying the build of Firebird would probably be 
more on-topic on the firebird-devel mailing list than on 
firebird-support. However, have you considered using docker to run 
Firebird (eg using https://hub.docker.com/r/jacobalberty/firebird) 
instead of trying to compile/install from sources yourself?

Mark Rotteveel

Re: [firebird-support] Re: order by takes too long

2020-03-02 Thread Thomas Steinmaurer t...@iblogmanager.com [firebird-support]
> Hello,
> ok, I guess I need to create a DESC index on TIMESTAMP of MY_TABLE.
> I could verify this speeds it up from 1 minute to 1 second.
> This works as long as MY_TABLE is a real table.
> But now MY_TABLE is actually a View.
> Can I created a index on a view with firebird?

No, but an index on the underlying table should be used by the optimizer.

Check the execution plan of your query accessing the view.

With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer

Professional Tools and Services for Firebird
FB TraceManager, IB LogManager, Database Health Check, Tuning etc.

Re: [firebird-support] How to "remap" the count datatype from BIGINT to INTEGER in firebird 3

2020-03-02 Thread liviuslivius liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]
It is not whole true.It is developer choice to use persistent fields or not.I 
do not see any benefit to use persistent fields and because of this i have not 
problem with count in my Delphi applications. I have reported the possible 
problem few years ago when fb3 beta was in action. But this was marginal 
problem and was forgotten then.Regards,Karol Bieniaszewski

[firebird-support] Re: order by takes too long

2020-03-02 Thread Matthias Winkler spmm...@gmail.com [firebird-support]

ok, I guess I need to create a DESC index on TIMESTAMP of MY_TABLE.
I could verify this speeds it up from 1 minute to 1 second.
This works as long as MY_TABLE is a real table.
But now MY_TABLE is actually a View.

Can I created a index on a view with firebird?



On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 5:32 PM Matthias Winkler  wrote:

> Hello,
> I guess this is another beginners question:
> I have a table with 300`000 entries.
> Each row has a separate field TIMESTAMP  with its creation data.
> Now, I query the latest 100 hundred using:
> select first(100) X, Y, TIMESTAMP
> from MY_TABLE
> order by TIMESTAMP DESC  -- order by takes all the time
> This query takes over a minute.
> Is there a way to speed this up?
> Background:  Infact, the next one hundred are queried remotely by the
> server and due to the long processing time my connections times out 
> Any ideas?
> BR
> Matthias

AW: AW: [firebird-support] Scalability of connection numbers of client-server solution with Firebird 3.0?

2020-03-02 Thread 'Mathias Pannier (unitel)' pann...@ubsysteme.de [firebird-support]
Nice to know. I thought it was an OS limitation.

Von: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com [mailto:firebird-support@yahoogroups.com]
Gesendet: Sonntag, 1. März 2020 18:28
An: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Betreff: Re: AW: [firebird-support] Scalability of connection numbers of 
client-server solution with Firebird 3.0?

On 19-02-2020 11:59, 'Mathias Pannier (unitel)' 
[firebird-support] wrote:
> Firebird has no limit. But Windows Sockets.
> http://www.firebirdfaq.org/faq292/

That is actually a limitation in Firebird SuperServer and SuperClassic
on Windows, and in Firebird 3 and 2.5.3 it was raised to 2048
connections, see http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-4439.

Mark Rotteveel

ub.unitel GmbH, Schulstraße 16, 06792 Sandersdorf-Brehna
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RE: [firebird-support] How to "remap" the count datatype from BIGINT to INTEGER in firebird 3

2020-03-02 Thread 'm...@spectrumpacsold.com' m...@spectrumpacs.com [firebird-support]
Hello,  why do we keep getting so many copies of this email?   Thanks.


From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com  
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 3:33 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] How to "remap" the count datatype from BIGINT 
to INTEGER in firebird 3



The problem of use CAST, is the result of the same work to convert the
TIntegerFields, so as so is to much work!

I cannot use SET BIND? This command really exists?

Em sex., 28 de fev. de 2020 às 17:06, Dimitry Sibiryakov
s...@ibphoenix.com   [firebird-support] 
mailto:firebird-support@yahoogroups.com> >
> 28.02.2020 20:11, Roberto Vieweg jjw.roberto.fireb...@gmail.com 
>   [firebird-support] wrote:
> > Ps.: I have a very big old-application written in Delphi 7, with a lot
> > of TSQLQuery with hardcoded count queries mapped to TIntegerField.. So
> > is impossible to do a migration right now. I need other options.
> Use CAST() in failing queries.
> --
> WBR, SD.
> ++
> Visit http://www.firebirdsql.org and click the Documentation item
> on the main (top) menu. Try FAQ and other links from the left-side menu there.
> Also search the knowledgebases at 
> http://www.ibphoenix.com/resources/documents/
> ++
> Yahoo Groups Links

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: [firebird-support] Hello, from new member

2020-03-02 Thread 'm...@spectrumpacsold.com' m...@spectrumpacs.com [firebird-support]
I also do not have Windows 2016 Server nor VMware. I put development down for 
few years, just reviewing and picking it back up.  Just trying to get a feel 
for the work and to talk about what I am doing and to get introduced.  Pardon 
the Iron oxide.  I agree, if it works one Windows 2019, then it should 2016. 




From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com  
Sent: Saturday, February 29, 2020 11:54 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Hello, from new member



> Thanks for letting me join. I have one customer for my income and am 
> semi-retired. I am a long time user / sys admin of Firebird 2.7..1 and I need 
> to migrate this version from a Windows Server 2003 OS to a newer Windows 
> Server 2016. It is on a VMware server and has been for many years.. Admins 
> say 2003 is not being supported soon, same MS generated obsolete and no 
> support message but the domain admins want to upgrade it. I know there are 
> always issues but for base compatibility, will this new OS work? Any 
> information on compatibility between Firebird versions and Windows server OS 
> would be most welcome.

Hi Mike,

I don't mean to be smart, but have you tried it out yourself? I don't
have VMware server or Windows Server 2016, but I have run Firebird on
Windows Server 2019 without a problem!

IMHO, if it works on 2019, there is no reason that it shouldn't on 2016.

I searched for the string "firebirdsql windows 2016 server" and the
first article will certainly be of interest to you:


It starts with the line:

"More and more users upgrade to Windows Server 2016 from old
versions,...", so that, to me, means that their users have it running
on 2016, but check out the rest of the article (increase performance).

HTH & rgs,


> ~Mike

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: [firebird-support] How to "remap" the count datatype from BIGINT to INTEGER in firebird 3

2020-03-02 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov s...@ibphoenix.com [firebird-support]
29.02.2020 09:38, Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support] wrote:
> I'm surprised that there is no automatic
> coercion within Delphi.

   DB VCL has some dumb parts because it was designed for using with BDE only.

   WBR, SD.


Visit http://www.firebirdsql.org and click the Documentation item
on the main (top) menu.  Try FAQ and other links from the left-side menu there.

Also search the knowledgebases at http://www.ibphoenix.com/resources/documents/ 


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Re: AW: [firebird-support] Scalability of connection numbers of client-server solution with Firebird 3.0?

2020-03-02 Thread Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
On 19-02-2020 11:59, 'Mathias Pannier (unitel)' pann...@ubsysteme.de 
[firebird-support] wrote:
> Firebird has no limit. But Windows Sockets.
> http://www.firebirdfaq.org/faq292/

That is actually a limitation in Firebird SuperServer and SuperClassic 
on Windows, and in Firebird 3 and 2.5.3 it was raised to 2048 
connections, see http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-4439.

Mark Rotteveel

Re: [firebird-support] RE: How can I use/map Active Directory Groups within my Firebird in Trusted Authentication mode?

2020-03-02 Thread Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
On 28-02-2020 05:13, FSPAPA INCA Team i...@foodstuffs-si.co.nz 
[firebird-support] wrote:
> I'm also using Firebird 3 (3.0.4), with a new test database containing its 
> own security database.
> The setup is similar:
> create global mapping trusted_auth using plugin win_sspi from any user to 
> user;
> create role foo;
> Mapping a single user to the role works:
> PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe -u sysdba foo
> Database: foo, User: SYSDBA
> SQL> create mapping sjd_foo using plugin win_sspi from user 
> 'foodstuff\adm_sdrake' to role foo;
> SQL> exit;
> PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
> Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\ADM_SDRAKE, Role: FOO
> SQL> quit;
> But mapping a group does not:
> PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe -u sysdba foo
> Database: foo, User: SYSDBA
> SQL> drop mapping sjd_foo;
> SQL> create mapping inca_foo using plugin win_sspi from group 
> 'foodstuff\RBAC_INCA Support' to role foo;
> SQL> exit;
> PS C:\Users\adm_sdrake> d:\apps\firebird\isql.exe localhost/3051:foo
> Database: localhost/3051:foo, User: FOODSTUFF\ADM_SDRAKE
> SQL> set trusted role;
> Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 0P000
> Your attachment has no trusted role
> SQL> quit;
> I've tried multiple groups that I'm a member of, with and without the domain 
> prefix, but no luck.
> Any clues… is this sort of mapping supported?

According to the documentation in doc\sql.extensions\README.mapping.html 
it should be supported. However, I have never used it, and I don't have 
a domain to experiment on.

Maybe Alex Peshkoff knows more, and otherwise I'd suggest creating a 
ticket in the tracker, because either something is broken, or the 
current documentation is insufficient.

Mark Rotteveel

Re: [firebird-support] How to "remap" the count datatype from BIGINT to INTEGER in firebird 3

2020-03-02 Thread Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
On 28-02-2020 20:11, Roberto Vieweg jjw.roberto.fireb...@gmail.com 
[firebird-support] wrote:
> Is possible to use the SET BIND feature
> (https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/blob/master/doc/sql.extensions/README.set_bind.md)
> from Firebird 3 to remap the datatype of a count statement from BIGINT
> If yes, can you provide details and example how to do this?

SET BIND is a new feature in Firebird 4, so you cannot use it in 
Firebird 3. In Firebird 4, you can do this with `SET BIND OF BIGINT AS 

> Ps.: I have a very big old-application written in Delphi 7, with a lot
> of TSQLQuery with hardcoded count queries mapped to TIntegerField. So
> is impossible to do a migration right now. I need other options

You could use casts, though I'm surprised that there is no automatic 
coercion within Delphi.

Mark Rotteveel