Re: [Fis] January Lecture--Information and the Forces of History

Dear Howard and Colleagues,

Many thanks for your contribution! This is the third time we have a New Year 
Lecture, and the first one devoted to humanities. Well, to the "inhumanities" 
should I say, as what you have depicted succinctly with the Lucifer Principle 
describes the main evil that has been torturing human history.

There are matters of detail to comment (as previous messages have already 
pointed out), but also of general perspective. First about the apparent 
simplicity. The LP scheme looks simple, too simple... but at the same time it 
may be powerful, really powerful in explanatory capabilities. I really do not 
particularly like any of the three components involved (super-organism, pecking 
order, meme/group-identity), and do not trust much about their respective 
"scientificity", but their combination is chilling. It reminds some of the 
Marxian strictures about class struggle, partially right but missing and 
transposing essential ingredients of human life. Presumably some more 
objectivity in this case --but also missing some counterpart, say the 
"Archangel Principle", that has confronted and resisted the solvent forces of 
the Luciferian complex and, in the long trend, supported the complexity growth 
of societies and improved their structural decency.

With only the action of LP, history would not go beyond barbaric empires 
briefly raising from a mosaic of ever fighting tribes... That's plausible, and 
some parties may remind Tom Stonier in this list, late 90's I think, on warfare 
as part of the adaption scenario of human evolution. Then, what could be the AP 
"bright forces" of history that have counteracted LP? The Pantheon of 
politheistic cultures could give a hint... I venture to single out three 
components of AP: knowledge, justice, and the third... what about 

Anyhow, both the details of your LP scheme and the general canvas of human 
history need an informational perspective, we completely agree. And it is 
interesting that the whole trinity of LP have biological/informational origins; 
but disentangling the info physics from the info bios has not been done yet 
(and so your final comment is well intended but still confusing in my view). 
Let me ad, looking both at the achievements of our times and at the open 
intractable conflicts, that it is amazing the absence of a real international 
system of justice...

Discussing on justice, on its capability to social problem solving and to 
quench the LP permanent hunger, might not be a bad idea.

Best wishes to all for the New Year.

De: Fis [] en nombre de 
Enviado el: lunes, 04 de enero de 2016 6:45
Asunto: [Fis] January Lecture--Information and the Forces of History

The Force of History--Howard Bloom

In 1995, I published my first book, The Lucifer Principle: a Scientific 
Expedition Into the Forces of history.  It sold roughly 140,000 copies 
worldwide and is still selling.  Some people call it their Bible.  Others say 
that it was the book that predicted 9/11.  And less than two months ago, on 
November 13, 2015, some current readers said it was the book that explained 
ISIS’ attacks on Paris.  Why?  What are the forces of history?  And what do 
they have to do with information science?
The Lucifer Principle uses evolutionary biology, group selection, neurobiology, 
immunology, microbiology, computer science, animal behavior, and anthropology 
to probe mass passions, the passions that have powered historical movements 
from the unification of China in 221 BC and the start of the Roman  Empire in 
201 BC  to the rise of the Empire of Islam in 634 AD and that empire’s modern 
manifestations, the Islamic Revolutionary Republic of Iran and ISIS, the 
Islamic State, a group intent on establishing a global caliphate.  The Lucifer 
Principle concludes that the passions that swirl, swizzle, and twirl history’s 
currents are a secular trinity.  What are that trinity’s three components?  The 
superorganism, the pecking order, and ideas.
What’s a superorganism?  Your body is an organism. But it’s also a massive 
social gathering.  It’s composed of a hundred trillion cells.  Each of those 
cells is capable of living on its own.  Yet your body survives thanks to the 
existence of a collective identity—a you.  In 
 Harvard biologist William Morton Wheeler noticed that ant colonies pull off 
the same trick.  From 20,000 to 36 million ants work together to create an 
emergent property, a collective identity, the identity of a community, a 
society, a colony, or a supercolony.  Wheeler observed how the colony behaved 
as if it were a single organism.  He called the result a 
Meanwhile in roughly 1900, when he was still a child, Norway’s Thorleif 
Schjelderup Ebbe got into a strange habit: counting the number of pecks the 
chickens in his family’s flock landed 

[Fis] Pedro's trinity

2016-01-05 Thread Hans von Baeyer
It seems to me that Pedro himself incarnates the third element of his AP.
What undoubtedly accounts for most of the success, and certainly for the
longevity of FIS, is his profound, utter, and unshakeable KINDNESS -- a
virtue that may not be as deep as compassion or love, but that has a much
broader reach.  If human society were shaped by the forces of reason,
justice, and kindness, what a paradise this world would be!

Hans Christian von Baeyer
Fis mailing list

Re: [Fis] January Lecture--Information and the Forces of History

2016-01-05 Thread HowlBloom

good commentary, pedro.
where do compassion and love--the archangel principle--fit into  the   
lucifer principle?  and why have groups progressed in  complexity since the end 
of the last ice age eleven thousand years ago?
to form a superorganism, a cohesive group, you need huge amounts of  
collaboration and cooperation.  love is one cohesive force, one bonding  
one form of social glue.  justice is another.  
justice resolves differences in the group without violence.  justice  is at 
work in chimpanzee societies, where new leaders are required to uphold the  
weak and the downtrodden and to settle disputes.  if a new leader doesn't  
understand this imperative and is a mere bully, the females in the group 
oust  him from power.
justice is at work in !Kung San societies, where the days are devoted to  
hunting and gathering and the nights are devoted to story telling and dispute 
but where does the increasing complexity of human societies come  from?  
humans are drawn to the sight of other humans.  when architects  in the 1960s 
tried to fashion contemplative spaces around office buildings so  the 
buildings'  inhabitants could get a touch of calm during lunch hours,  it 
work.  the buildings' workers shunned the contemplative spots and  sat on the 
buildings' outdoor steps.  why?  to watch the sight of  other people going 
by on the sidewalk.
we love the sight of others.  and the more others, the better.   from that 
impulse came cities.  from that impulse came smartphones and  facebook.
but guess what?  the more communication and the more information  exchange, 
the more collaboration.  and the richer and more long-distance  that 
collaboration becomes.  the more global.
the more we communicate, the more group iq we add to the global  brain.  
(the topic of my second book, Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass  Mind from 
the Big Bang to the 21st Century)
one more thing.  nature seems to have  an inexorable itch for  novelty.  
and we, nature's children, are novelty hunters too.  from  our itch for 
novelty comes, guess what?   innovation.
put innovation and increasing group size together and you get a long-term  
march forward, a march in which humans do the cosmos' work--helping her 
reinvent  herself.  helping her lift herself up the staircase of shock and  
creativity. the staircase of complexity. the staircase of the  supersized 
with warmth and oomph--howard
In a message dated 1/5/2016 12:23:57 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Dear Howard and Colleagues,  

Many  thanks for your contribution! This is the third time we have a New 
Year  Lecture, and the first one devoted to humanities. Well, to the 
"inhumanities"  should I say, as what you have depicted succinctly with the 
Principle  describes the main evil that has been torturing human history. 

There are matters of  detail to comment (as previous messages have already 
pointed out), but also of  general perspective. First about the apparent 
simplicity. The LP scheme looks  simple, too simple... but at the same time it 
may be powerful, really powerful in explanatory  capabilities. I really do 
not particularly like any of the three components  involved (super-organism, 
pecking order,  meme/group-identity), and do not  trust much about their 
respective "scientificity", but their combination is chilling. It reminds some 
of the Marxian  strictures about class struggle, partially  right but 
missing and transposing essential ingredients of human life.  Presumably some 
objectivity in this case  --but also missing some counterpart, say the 
"Archangel Principle", that has  confronted and resisted the solvent forces of 
the Luciferian complex and, in the  long trend, supported the complexity 
growth of societies and  improved their structural decency. 

With only the action of LP, history would not  go beyond barbaric empires 
briefly raising from a mosaic of ever  fighting tribes... That's plausible, 
and some parties may remind Tom  Stonier in this list, late 90's I think, on 
warfare as part of the adaption  scenario of human evolution. Then, what 
could be the AP "bright forces" of  history that have counteracted LP? The 
Pantheon of politheistic cultures could give a hint... I venture to  single out 
three components of AP:  knowledge, justice, and the third... what about  

Anyhow, both the details of your LP scheme and the general canvas  of human 
history need an informational perspective, we completely agree. And  it is 
interesting that the whole trinity of LP have biological/informational  
origins; but disentangling the info physics from the info bios has not been  
done yet (and so your final comment is well  intended but  still confusing in 
my view). Let me ad, looking  both at the achievements of our times and at 
the open intractable conflicts,  that it is amazing the absence of a real