Re: [Fis] SYMMETRY & _ On BioLogic

2016-03-11 Thread Francesco Rizzo
Caro Pedro e cari Tutti,
allego un file .doc di alcune pagine di "Etica dei valori economici o
economia dei valori etici" scritte nel 2002 e pubblicate nel 2004
(FrancoAngeli, Milano), il cui contenuto è, a mio giudizio, congruente e
pertinente al tema che si sta affrontando. Naturalmente, chiedo scusa a
tutti per la lunghezza dello scritto e per la pazienza che Vi chiedo di
avere nei miei confronti, dato che uso la lingua italiana. In modo
particolare a Pedro che mi deve sopportare pur essendo, in un certo qual
modo, un diverso che naviga in molti campi del sapere e chiede
semplicemente di trovare, come sempre è accaduto nella Fis, uno spazio per
me prezioso, provvidenziale e  compensativo di tante congiure del silenzio
di cui sono stato oggetto. Ecco perché, fino a quando il mio "pensiero
pensante" funzionerà farò il possibile e l'impossibile per comunicare con
il mondo che amo, conservo e custodisco nel mio cuore. Comunque, io voglio
bene a Tutti perché ho sempre avuto da Dio Padre una misericordia che mi
abilita a per-donare e ad essere per-donato.
Grazie quaresimale e pasquale.
Vostro Francesco

2016-03-11 14:09 GMT+01:00 Pedro C. Marijuan :

> Dear FIS Colleagues,
> Let me start by announcing the *special session on **INFORMATION &
> SYMMETRY*, in the Symmetry gathering this Summer in Vienna (18-22 July)
> The deadline for abstract reception in this
> session has been enlarged until beginnings of next month. Tentatively, it
> will be chaired by our colleagues Jerry Chandler and Abir Igamberdiev. A
> special issue has been planned in cooperation with the journal
> "Information" too. We will celebrate the near 20th anniversary of the first
> joint session with FIS on information and symmetry (Washington 1995) and
> the subsequent special issues (Symmetry & Culture, 1996 and 97). It will be
> a good occasion to meet again and pass over the views developed in this
> period. Old FISers and members of this list are invited to attend.
> And then about the ongoing discussion--responding to the exciting
> exchanges by Louis and Plamen. This type of abstract discussion is rarely
> fertile for biological fundamentals, where structure and function become so
> intertwined that the concrete mechanisms obliterate the quest for too
> far-reaching generalizations, but it may be interesting for approaching
> problems such as "distinctions". Some time ago I tried an approach not so
> different from Spencer Brown's. It was based on "multidimensional
> partitions", a development of Karl Javorszky (of this list) for set theory
> out from classical Euler's partitions (the different ways to decompose
> additively a natural number). It was very interesting finding a natural
> limit for the total distinctional between members of given set, finding a
> curious info dynamics of distinctional gains and losses after addition of
> just one sign or a few signs in the set, a sort of power law in the total
> decomposition, etc. (most of this was coming from previous works by
> Karl--we somehow improved the algorithmic, with a few colleagues here in
> Zaragoza). Then we tried to apply it to prokaryotic complex receptors (2CS,
> 3CS) and to the "language of cells"... but we reached our math limits very
> soon (anyhow, some elementary drafts and publc. were left). I keep thinking
> that it was a serious approach to cellular "distinctions" that could be
> escalated upwards. Later on, in a couple of papers in BioSystems (2010, 99,
> 94-103; and  2013, 114, 8-24) we roughly described prokaryotic and
> eukaryotic signaling machinery in relation with the intelligent advancement
> of the life cycle of each cell.
> About viruses in evolution, we could listen in Vienna (IS4IS & FIS 2015
> Conference) to one of the most advanced thinkers, Guenther Witzany. What
> Plamen suggests about a virus theory from the viewpoint of viruses is not
> science fiction. It is astonishing what a few crucial proteins of HIV
> "know" about hundred molecular components of our lymphocytes. It is as if
> they had conspired with structurally enslaved pieces of former viruses
> temporarily joining them to create havoc in the machinery of the cellular
> host. If just 30% of what Guenther says is right, we have to revise the
> Symbiotic Theory, the Central Dogma, the RNA (inner) cloud, gene
> expression, biosemiosis, etc.
> Echoing the final debates of the previous session, description should go
> first. And in bio-informational matters there is still plenty to describe.
> Best regards--Pedro
> --
> -
> Pedro C. Marijuán
> Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
> Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
> Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
> Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
> 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
> Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 (& 
> 6818)pcmarijuan.iacs@aragon.es
> ---

[Fis] SYMMETRY & _ On BioLogic

2016-03-11 Thread Pedro C. Marijuan

Dear FIS Colleagues,

Let me start by announcing the *special session on *_*INFORMATION & 
SYMMETRY*_, in the Symmetry gathering this Summer in Vienna (18-22 July) The deadline for abstract reception in this 
session has been enlarged until beginnings of next month. Tentatively, 
it will be chaired by our colleagues Jerry Chandler and Abir 
Igamberdiev. A special issue has been planned in cooperation with the 
journal "Information" too. We will celebrate the near 20th anniversary 
of the first joint session with FIS on information and symmetry 
(Washington 1995) and the subsequent special issues (Symmetry & Culture, 
1996 and 97). It will be a good occasion to meet again and pass over the 
views developed in this period. Old FISers and members of this list are 
invited to attend.

And then about the ongoing discussion--responding to the exciting 
exchanges by Louis and Plamen. This type of abstract discussion is 
rarely fertile for biological fundamentals, where structure and function 
become so intertwined that the concrete mechanisms obliterate the quest 
for too far-reaching generalizations, but it may be interesting for 
approaching problems such as "distinctions". Some time ago I tried an 
approach not so different from Spencer Brown's. It was based on 
"multidimensional partitions", a development of Karl Javorszky (of this 
list) for set theory out from classical Euler's partitions (the 
different ways to decompose additively a natural number). It was very 
interesting finding a natural limit for the total distinctional between 
members of given set, finding a curious info dynamics of distinctional 
gains and losses after addition of just one sign or a few signs in the 
set, a sort of power law in the total decomposition, etc. (most of this 
was coming from previous works by Karl--we somehow improved the 
algorithmic, with a few colleagues here in Zaragoza). Then we tried to 
apply it to prokaryotic complex receptors (2CS, 3CS) and to the 
"language of cells"... but we reached our math limits very soon (anyhow, 
some elementary drafts and publc. were left). I keep thinking that it 
was a serious approach to cellular "distinctions" that could be 
escalated upwards. Later on, in a couple of papers in BioSystems (2010, 
99, 94-103; and  2013, 114, 8-24) we roughly described prokaryotic and 
eukaryotic signaling machinery in relation with the intelligent 
advancement of the life cycle of each cell.

About viruses in evolution, we could listen in Vienna (IS4IS & FIS 2015 
Conference) to one of the most advanced thinkers, Guenther Witzany. What 
Plamen suggests about a virus theory from the viewpoint of viruses is 
not science fiction. It is astonishing what a few crucial proteins of 
HIV "know" about hundred molecular components of our lymphocytes. It is 
as if they had conspired with structurally enslaved pieces of former 
viruses temporarily joining them to create havoc in the machinery of the 
cellular host. If just 30% of what Guenther says is right, we have to 
revise the Symbiotic Theory, the Central Dogma, the RNA (inner) cloud, 
gene expression, biosemiosis, etc.

Echoing the final debates of the previous session, description should go 
first. And in bio-informational matters there is still plenty to describe.

Best regards--Pedro

Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 (& 6818)

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