[flexcoders] It's about time (zones)...

2009-11-09 Thread Andy

Time zone support really seems pretty minimal in Flex/ActionScript.

I have had my share of trouble trying to work around limitations, but would 
really like to see additional timezone support.

I know I am not alone from some of the blog entries out there... so I found 
these related bugs that you may want to vote for.


Hopefully if enough people take the time to point out how lacking this is, 
Adobe will dedicate some time to improving this.


[flexcoders] interpolateValues with minimum and maximum

2008-10-21 Thread Andy


I am attempting to create a LineChart where a user can select an area
of the chart to zoom in on that area of the chart.

To accomplish this I am setting the minimum and maximum values on the
horizontal/vertical axes representing the area the user selected.  I
am also using interpolateValues to connect the dots so there is a
continuous line for the series.

This works for the most part, but the problem is this:  When certain
points are removed, the resulting line considers only the points
within the specified range and not the entire series when plotting the

For example, given the following set of points:
{(1, 1000),(2, 2000),(3, 1000),(4, 2000),(5, 1000) }

This would be a line which zig zags between 1000 and 2000.

Now, if you reduce the maximum for the vertical axis to 1999, the
series is plotted as a straight line at 1000.  One would expect a
chart of this data would be the same zig zag form with the tops
removed, not a straight line.

The code below illustrates what i am trying to describe.

Is there a simple solution for this that I am missing?  Or do I have
to create my own LineRenderer?

Any direction is appreciated.


?xml version=1.0?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
private var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
{ x: 1, a: 1000, b: 100 },
{ x: 2, a: 2000, b: 1100},
{ x: 3, a: 1000, b: 100 },
{ x: 4, a: 2000, b: 1100},
{ x: 5, a: 1000, b: 100 }]);
mx:Label text=verticalAxis minimum /
mx:NumericStepper id=vmin value=0
maximum={vmax.value} stepSize=10/ 
mx:Label text=verticalAxis maximum /
mx:NumericStepper id=vmax value=2000
minimum={vmin.value} maximum=2500 stepSize=10 / 

mx:Panel height=100% width=100%
mx:LineChart id=linechart height=100% width=100%
mx:LinearAxis baseAtZero=false /
mx:LinearAxis baseAtZero=false
minimum={vmin.value} maximum={vmax.value} /

mx:LineSeries yField=a displayName=a
interpolateValues=true /
mx:LineSeries yField=b displayName=b
interpolateValues=true /


Re: [flexcoders] Hiding lineseries in a chart

2008-10-21 Thread Andy Buttaro

Try using a filter function on the ArrayCollection.


- Original Message 
From: Richard Rodseth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:49:12 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Hiding lineseries in a chart

I forget whether it's called visible or something else, but there is a 
property for this. I have successfully bound this to a boolean model variable 
and controlled it with a checkbox. In my case there *is* data.

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:28 PM, seona.bellamy [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

Hi guys,

I'm new to the list, and pretty new to Flex as well. I've been
learning as I go while working on a project, so I'm not sure if I'm
doing everything the most elegant way possible, but I'm hoping to
refine it as I go. :)

Anyway, I've hit a problem that I just can't seem to find my way around.

I have a line chart, which can have up to 8 lines in it. I've got a
function set up so that when the user logs in it goes and gets the
data relevant to them, and populates the arrayCollection that's being
used as the graph's data provider.

If I have less than 8 sets of data returned, however, is there a way
to hide the extra line series? They don't show up as lines on the
graph, but their colours do show up in the legend and it just looks silly.

I've played around with a few different things and Googled
extensively, but I can't figure out how to make this work.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.





Re: [flexcoders] BitmapData- the quality of image degrades when rotating bitmapImage

2008-02-02 Thread Andy Milam
This isn't a Flex issue as much as it is a Flash embed issue.
Add this to your html container:
This affects the quality rendered from the local Flash player. Your rotated 
bitmaps will thank you for it.
(this assumes you are using AC_RunActiveContent.js to embed your flash file)

- Original Message 
From: Yochikoh Haruomi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, February 2, 2008 4:43:22 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] BitmapData- the quality of image degrades when rotating 


Dear list,

Is there a way to rotate a Bitmap without having

quality degraded? ( or least degraded) 

I load  an external image and crop a part of the image

(using bitmap data)  to display in a container. From

the design, the container needs to be rotated .

Whether I rotate the container or add the cropped

bitmapImage in the rotated container. The quality does

degrade dramatically .

Is there a solution for this? Any suggestion is



var _assetLoader: Loader;

loadAsset(printabl e.swf);

function loadAsset(src: String):void{

_assetLoader= new Loader();

_assetLoader. contentLoaderInf o.addEventListen er(Event. INIT,doneLoadLis 

_assetLoader. load(new URLRequest(src) );


function doneLoadListener( e:Event): void{

var assetW:Number= _assetLoader. content.width;

var assetH:Number= _assetLoader. content.height;

var bitmapData:BitmapDa ta= new

BitmapData(assetW/ 2,assetH/ 2,false,0xFF );

var bitmapImage: Bitmap= new Bitmap(bitmapData) ;

bitmapData.draw( _assetLoader) ;

ctnMc.addChild( bitmapImage) ;

ctnMc.rotation= 60;




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border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:14px 0px;padding:0px 14px;}
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#ygrp-mlmsg pre, code {font:115% monospace;}
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margin:0 0 1em 0;}
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margin:0 0 0 0;}
#ygrp-text tt{
blockquote{margin:0 0 0 4px;}


[flexcoders] Is there a way to make the AIR release version show stack traces?

2007-11-02 Thread Andy Goldstein
We have compiled our SWF with -debug=true, but when we package it as
an AIR file and install it, we do not see the stack trace window when
errors occur, making our application behave unpredictably, and our
users are unable to quickly identify the issue.  Is it possible to
have installed AIR applications show stack traces when errors occur?


[flexcoders] Newbie needs advice with writing data

2007-10-17 Thread Andy Gaffney
Hi all, hope you can help.

I have just started learning Flex and I want to prove an essential  
Component of my Application.

I  need to be able to have a View where the user can add their images  
 captions to the Model.
What is the simplest way of doing this?

I think I need a web service to do this, but since I am making a  
Kiosk application, I think Iwill need to
use localhost with some scripting.  I haven't done any back-end work  
since CGI/Perl so I am looking
for a solution that will be easy to learn and implement.

Thanks for your thoughts.


[flexcoders] Adding Flash Library items to a Flex App

2007-03-23 Thread Andy Parker

Ok, this should be simple but like all things critical to my flash projects
they end up being hacks or major work-arounds. Essentially, I need to add a
Flash Library item (set to export as a default class in Flash 9 Preview) -
to my Flex application. I won't go into why but just consider the need for
Flash interface for graphics creation a requirement for now. Seeing as this
was no big deal (attachMovieClip in as2) before how would i go about this in
as3/Flex? Please provide example - not just theory, if you can as I've
almost read every theory/method out there but no up to date examples and
nothing my designer brain can grasp.

Here's what im doing so far.
- Created a flash movie with a graphic movieclip set to export on first
frame / class name as default of name of movieclip - this object doesn not
live on stage but in the library (unless the workflow needs to change but
i'd rather it not as there will be other objects to load in as well)
- Using the Image class to load in swf. All is good so far.
- So how do actualy add a child of this swf (one of the classes compiled in
this swf) to a member of my Application?

Heres what i was thinking i could do -

var myLibObject:Image = new Image();
myLibObject.source = packages/MyLibrary.swf;
myCanvas.addChild(myLibObject.Circle); // Circle is a library item/class in
the flash library / Obviously this doesn't work but not sure how classes
within the flash document class are referenced

[flexcoders] Help with Resource Bundle with Embedding Imgs

2006-10-13 Thread Andy
I've been trying to use the Resource Bundle Class in Flex 2 to create
a Localitzation of IMGs and CSS. Now i've been stuck on the IMG
portion for a few days. 

I have followed the many examples given by Adobe's Live Docs @

Class for the image (RedJpg.as)

package { 
import mx.core.SpriteAsset; 

public class RedJpg extends SpriteAsset { 

Class for Embedding the Image (MyClassesBundle.as)

import mx.resources.ResourceBundle;

public class MyClassesBundle extends ResourceBundle
public function MyClassesBundle () {

override protected function getContent():Object
var contentObj:Object = new Object();
contentObj.push(RedJpg, RedJpg);
//contentObj.push(hello, hello);
return contentObj;

Code to call it in the actual MXML:

private var rb:ResourceBundle;

public function getIMG():void
var sprite:SpriteAsset = SpriteAsset(rb.getObject(RedJpg));
testIMG.source = sprite; 

To embed an JPG to a Class. Somehow i cannot get this to work. It
seems to fail at the MyClassesBundle class file, telling me that
push is not a function. Am i just blatantly missing something stupid
right here? Any help? Am i just missing an Import of some class? But
every example i look for online seems to just give these codes. Some
with even errors. Still if anyone has gotten this to work, any
guidence would be helpful.

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[flexcoders] another screwing from microsoft

2006-03-29 Thread Andy Johnston
Anyone care to comment on this little gem?


how will this affect RIA's in general, swf in particular?

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[flexcoders] TextEvents

2006-03-01 Thread Andy
Forgive a newbie question, but I'm having some trouble getting my Text
Event listener to work properly.  I want to get a callback whenever
the text changes in any way.  I was trying to add a listener:

myTextField.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, textChanged);


public function textChanged(e:Event):void
  testLabel.text = myTextField.text;
(in reality, I'd want to do something more advanced with the updated
text, but for now, let's stick to this)

Whenever this callback gets called, however, it uses the old text.

That is, if I type 'a' then 'b' in the text field, testLabel will
display just 'a'

Also, the TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT only gets called when text is added,
and I can't find any callback for when text is added, deleted, or
changed in any way.  Does such a thing exist, or do I need a
completely new approach?


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[flexcoders] virus warning!!!!

2006-02-06 Thread Andy Johnston
yo all got a virus warning on:

Incoming email '[flexcoders] Re: SetEventHandler Limitations?' From: 
Win32:VB-CD2 [Wrm]
0606-1, 06/02/2006

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[flexcoders] release date for flex 2?

2006-01-15 Thread Andy Johnston
I know this has been floating around a lot, but I'm just wondering how 
much time I should devote to learning flex 2 now in the alpha? I love 
the new setup but I am worried I will invest time now and the alpha 
license will expire and we'll have to wait 6months to 1 year to actually 
see the finished product, by which time I will have thoroughly forgoten 
all this stuff. Will there be the opportunity to get the beta version?

cheers andy

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Re: [flexcoders] release date for flex 2?

2006-01-15 Thread Andy Johnston
I was hoping that would be the case. Are you sure it will be public 
though? I saw the online form to sign up as a beta tester, nothing about 
public beta..

Will there be the opportunity to get the beta version?


They have stated that a new public beta will be issued before the
alpha expires. From everything I understand they do not intend to
orphan the pioneers. (It would also be illogical and *really* bad


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[flexcoders] Flex Builder 2 panel align

2006-01-13 Thread Andy Johnston
Hey all just wondering with this constraints based layout for Flex 
Builder 2 is it possible to simply align a Panel to centre of a liquid 
layout? Why can't you set x and y values to a %?

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[flexcoders] Re: Scrollbar placement

2005-11-17 Thread Andy

Have you tried placing the form inside a box? That way when the form 
is too large for the box its in it should scroll by default. Without 
mocking up your problem yet that would be my first attempt at it.



Andy Rayne
Senior Consultant
Macromedia Consulting (EMEA)
Office: + 44 (0) 131 338 6902
Mobile: +44 (0) 7917 428 950

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, svktiilikainen 

 Old question, but did not find working solutions.
 I have a structure in a tab navigator (see below) and I would like 
 to have the scrollbar (when needed) in a specific place. The tab 
 contains a HBox and a Form. HBox is of fixed size and place and 
 should always be visible - no scrollbar. The contents of the Form 
 are created dynamically and are of various sizes and formats. The 
 Form should have a scrollbar when needed. Now the scrollbar is 
 always on parent container, VBox, so that the fixed-place HBox 
 scrolls as well. 
 Setting the sizes does not seem to help, neither does setting 
 vScrollPolicy on various components. How can I force the scrollbar 
 on the Form scrollableContents?
   mx:VBox id=myTab width=100% height=100%
 mx:HBox id=fixedField width=100% height=40
   !-- label and text inputs here, no scroll needed --
 mx:Form id=scrollableContents width=100% height=100%
   !-- contents: formitems etc. created dynamically with 
 !-- other tabs here --

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Re: [flexcoders] Accordian Header Colors

2005-06-23 Thread Andy Goodfellow

Does anyone know how to change the font color of the selected accordion
header? I can get things like the background and fill color to change
fine using either actionscript skinning or a swc theme file, I just
can't seem to find any documentation on how to change the font color of
a selected header. Thanks in advance.

-AndyOn 1/9/05, dave buhler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Manish.

I'll give it a shot tomorrow (just got home from the office).

Perhaps I was using selectedFillColors and not the hyphenated css
style declaration?

I got the headers working with Lin's example, but I'd still prefer to
externalize the styles.


On Sun, 09 Jan 2005 01:41:24 +0530, Manish Jethani
 dave buhler wrote:
  None of my attempts to change the accordian header colors (or
  'colours' for the Canadian/British FlexCoders) was successful within
  my Css.
 Okay, here's how you set the _colours_ (Indian ;-) ) using CSS:
 Accordion {
 fill-colors: blue, white;
 selected-fill-colors: blue, lime;
 theme-color: blue;
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Re: [flexcoders] Flex.NET Alpha/Beta Registration Where? How?

2005-05-11 Thread Andy Goodfellow
Yes yes! I'd like to be a part of that as well!


On 5/11/05, Tolulope Olonade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Came across a blog coupla days ago where someone was directing another to
 where to register for Flex.NET testing from Macromedia. 
 Anybody knows where or how I can join??? 
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Re: [flexcoders] More Competition

2005-05-04 Thread Andy Goodfellow
I went to download the trial and saw this at the bottom: Snapp MX
uses a Flash Remoting Gateway to communicate with web services.  If
you do not have this product, a trial version can be obtained from

So much for this quote from the press release, For the first time,
developers can learn and use one tool to create web-based business
systems for all common environments. With Snapp MX, they are no longer
tethered or restricted to a specific language and/or platform. 

On 5/4/05, sreejithunni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Rich Internet Application Development Propelled Into High Gear ...
  ... After extensive testing over two months on Macromedia's Flex(TM),
  Laszlo Systems' OpenLaszlo(TM) and Snapp MX, it ultimately selected
  Snapp MX. ... 
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Re: [flexcoders] htmlText and embedded fonts

2005-04-13 Thread Andy Goodfellow

Has this been answered anywhere? I'm having the same issues with
embedded fonts not being displayed in the htmlText of an mx:TextArea


On 1/19/05, jayar_flexer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i have a textarea with htmltext and want to rotate it 180 degree.
  Therefor i have to embed the font used in the textfield. But when the
  font is embedded and i use the htmlText-tag, no text will be 
  displayed in the textfield. If i click the right mouse button on the 
  textfield and select 'select all', the text is in the clipboard.
  How can i use htmltext, embedded fonts and rotation?
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RE: [flexcoders] Passing an array to titlewindow

2005-04-06 Thread Andy Rayne
Hi Jeroen,
Don't you just pass the array in as part of the initObject? Like this.
var parentToPopUpOver = this;

var isModal : Boolean = true;

var initObj = { stuff: yourArray  };

var titleWindowComp = mx.managers.PopUpManager.createPopUp( parentToPopUpOver, 
TitleWindowComp, isModal, initObj ); 


Andy Rayne
Development Consultant 
Office: +44 (0)131 338 6902

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-Original Message-
From: Jeroen De Vos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 06 April 2005 15:30
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Passing an array to titlewindow

Hi all, 

I need to pass an array, containing data to fill up a combobox, to a 
titlewindow (created by the popupmanager). 

How do I do this? 



Jeroen De Vos 
Gemeentelijk Havenbedrijf Antwerpen 

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RE: [flexcoders] Passing an array to titlewindow

2005-04-06 Thread Andy Rayne
Have a variable in your titleWindow called fileTypes when the window loads it 
will be populated with what you set in your initobj

Andy Rayne
Development Consultant 
Office: +44 (0)131 338 6902

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-Original Message-
From: Jeroen De Vos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 06 April 2005 15:43
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Passing an array to titlewindow

Thanks for your answer.
I create the popup like this:
var doctypes:Array;
//here is some code to fill up the doctypes array
PopUpManager.createPopUp(app, CreateFileWindow, true, {deferred: true , 
filetypes: doctypes});
How can I access the 'filetypes' variable in the title window?
Can someone give me an example?


Van: Omar Ramos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Verzonden: woensdag 6 april 2005 16:33
Aan: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Onderwerp: RE: [flexcoders] Passing an array to titlewindow

Hi jeroen,
You can use the init obj of the title window to set any variables on you 
Omar Ramos
Itacon Corporation
Technology Manager


From: Jeroen De Vos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 10:29 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Passing an array to titlewindow

Hi all, 

I need to pass an array, containing data to fill up a combobox, to a 
titlewindow (created by the popupmanager). 

How do I do this? 



Jeroen De Vos 
Gemeentelijk Havenbedrijf Antwerpen 

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