Re: [flexcoders] TabNavigator.

2005-03-07 Thread alf
try using the tabBar and the repeater tag.
Quoting Gareth Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Unfortunately around 30 tabs is as specific as we can get at the moment.
Its quite a large project with some standards that have already been
put in place for multirow tabs.
The DHTML versions of the controls required are finished and it would
be a shame to have to write custom components to get similar
functionality out of flex.

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RE: [flexcoders] Autocomplete text filed

2005-03-03 Thread alf
I'll send it this way:
=== ===
// Create the local shared object at the top level of the domain so that
// all text fields in all Flash movies in the domain can access it. = SharedObject.getLocal(textfieldAutoComplete, /);
// When the user types into the text field or when they bring focus
// to it (either programmatically, by tab index, or by clicking with
// the mouse) call the custom makeAutoCompleteOptions() method.
TextField.prototype.onChanged = function () {
TextField.prototype.onSetFocus = function () {
TextField.prototype.makeAutoCompleteOptions = function () {
// Create a copy of the array stored in the shared object
// for the text field with the current text field's name.
var history =[this._name].concat();
// If the text is not empty, find any partial matches in the history array
if (this.text != ) {
for (var i = 0; i  history.length; i++) {
// Removes any elements that don't match from the history array.
if (history[i].indexOf(this.text) != 0) {
history.splice(i, 1);
// If the history array is undefined or has no elements,
// remove any existing list box, and exit this method.
if (history.length == 0 || history.length == undefined) {
// Create a list box and position it just underneath the text field.
this._parent.attachMovie(FListBoxSymbol, autoCompleteHistory, 10);
this._parent.autoCompleteHistory._x = this._x;
this._parent.autoCompleteHistory._y = this._y + this._height;
// Resize the list box to fit the width of the text field.
this._parent.autoCompleteHistory.setSize(this._width, 50);
// If history has fewer than three elements, shorten the list box.
if (history.length  3) {
// Fill the list box with the elements from history, and
// set the handler to call when any changes occur to the
// list box (via changes to the text field's contents.)
this._parent.autoCompleteHistory.setChangeHandler(setValue, this);
// The setValue() method is the change handler function for the list box.
TextField.prototype.setValue = function (lb) {
// usingArrows indicates whether the method was called due to the user
// the arrow keys. If she used the arrow keys, exit the function because we
// don't want to close the list box until she has actually selected a value.
if (this.usingArrows) {
this.usingArrows = false;
// Set the text field value to the selected value
// from the list box, and then remove the list box.
this.text = lb.getSelectedItem().label;
TextField.prototype.onKillFocus = function () {
// Remove the list box when the text field loses focus.
// If the text field contains no text, exit the method.
if (this.text == ) {
// Get the array stored in the shared object for the text field. Exit this
// method if the array already contains the text field's text value.
var history =[this._name];
for (var i = 0; i  history.length; i++) {
if (this.text == history[i]) {
// If the shared object doesn't already have an
// array for this text field, create one.
if ([this._name] == undefined) {[this._name] = new Array();
// Add the text field's text value to the shared object's array.[this._name].push(this.text);
// Create a key listener to respond whenever keys are pressed.
keyListener = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function () {
// Get the current focus, and create a reference to the list box.
var focus = eval(Selection.getFocus());
var ach = focus._parent.autoCompleteHistory;
// Get the key code for the key that has been pressed.
var keyCode = Key.getCode();
if (keyCode == 40) {
// If the key is the down arrow, set usingArrows to true and set the
// selected index in the list box to the next value in the list.
focus.usingArrows = true;
var index = (ach.getSelectedIndex() == undefined) ?
0 : ach.getSelectedIndex() + 1;
index = (index == ach.getLength()) ? 0 : index;
// Scroll if the selected index is not visible in the list box.
if (index  ach.getScrollPosition() + 2) {
} else if (index  ach.getScrollPosition()) {
} else if (keyCode == 38) {
// If the key is the up arrow, do a similar thing as when the
// down arrow is pressed, but move the selected index up instead of down.
focus.usingArrows = true;
var index = (ach.getSelectedIndex() == undefined) ?
0 : ach.getSelectedIndex() - 1;
index = (index == -1) ? ach.getLength() - 1 : index;
if (index  ach.getScrollPosition() + 2) {
} else if (index  ach.getScrollPosition()) {

Re: [flexcoders] n00b question: Flex compnents

2005-03-02 Thread alf
Quoting Eric Diamond [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I am a visual designer who is looking into Flex for a client solution.
I know there are standard components like accordions, datagrids, etc.
that can be used to create an interface. Is there a guide that lists
all of them out so I can know what is out-of-the-box-standard and what
might have to be custom written? I am having a hard time find the right
stuff on the Macromedia site. Can someone point me to the light? Thanks
in advance!
Eric Diamond
where clarity comes first
847 674 6568
847 414 6467 mobile
AIM: ericdiamondmm

Array for Tree?

2005-03-01 Thread alf
Hi All,
I've seen many examples for building XML datamodels to populate a Tree in Flex
But I haven't seen any examples for Tree  Array as a dataprovider.
are their any examples out there that I missed?
if not can someone post an example?

indent text

2005-03-01 Thread alf
Hi All,
I'm trying to have text indent when I use p/p. so far I haven't seen the
results I want. I'm about 60% done with my Rich Text Editor. this is just one
of the road blocks (that and
right now I'm displaying HTML text on the fly. I can make selected text: Bold,
Italic, Underlined, Bullet text, A specific color, URL, left|center|right
justified,  Change the font size.
on my check list I still have:
-Formatting paragraphs properly
-embedding images
-image position
-adding style attributes to the RTE component
once My component looks pretty I'll post some screen shots.

How to build a TreeNode in AS?

2005-03-01 Thread alf
Hi All,
Are there any examples on How to build a TreeNode in AS?
aer there any examples out there?

Re: ViewStack Navigation Problems

2005-02-28 Thread alf
Hi All,
I'm Having trouble Navigating through the ViewStack component I can get to the
First and Last 80% w/o bugs but next and previous ViewStackChildren are still
avoiding me. Can someone look at my code and let me know what I'm doing wrong?
== CODE ==
var n:Number=0;
function addViewStackChild()
trace(adding child to noteList);
var s:String;
var d:Date=new Date();
s=n +  - (RDJ)  + ((d.getMonth() + 1) + / + d.getDate() + / +
d.getFullYear() +   + d.getHours() + : + d.getMinutes() + : +
var note:mx.core.UIObject=mx.core.UIObject(noteList.createChild(noteComp, ,
function removeViewStackChild()
trace(note removed);
function firstViewStackChild()
var i:Number = 1;
var last:Number = n -i;
noteList.selectedIndex = last;
trace(first button pressed  + last );
function nextViewStackChild()
var i:Number = 1;
var next:Number = noteList.selectedIndex() +i;
noteList.selectedIndex = next;
trace(next button pressed  + next );
function previousViewStackChild()
var i:Number = 1;
var previous:Number = noteList.selectedIndex() -i;
noteList.selectedIndex = previous;
trace(previous button pressed  + previous );
function lastViewStackChild()
noteList.selectedIndex = 0;
trace(last button pressed  + 0 );
== END CODE ===

unknown function fires. Why?

2005-02-24 Thread alf
Hi All,
I have a remote object function firing when a user taps the control 
(Crtl), TAB,
or ENTER key. why is this happening? has anyone encountered this before? is
there a way do disable those keys in my flex application?


Re: [flexcoders] Sample code for printing from a DataGrid: does not work?

2005-02-24 Thread alf
Hi Tracy,
I'm using that same function w/o problems to print the info in the 
datagrid BUT
I whish I could figure out how to add a headder and footer to the 
printjob. I'm
just too unfamiliar with the print function. I've actually never used 
it before
this project.

Quoting Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
The Sample code for printing from a DataGrid posted on the MM site
under the url below does not work:
It is close, it is actually putting the data into the page, but still
only the visible area prints. If I generate 100 lines, the output is
the correct three pages and each page starts on the correct line, but
only the 8 visible lines print on each page.
Has anyone else tried this and succeeded?

RE: [flexcoders] Sample code for printing from a DataGrid: doesnot work?

2005-02-24 Thread alf
Hi Tracy,
All I did was change the datagrid name. (If I can remember correctly)
but here is my code just incase (Hoping that someone will help w/ the headder
and footer adding):
== Start Code ==
function doPrint() {
var pj : PrintJob = new PrintJob();
// position of currently visible rows stored
var prev_vPosition:Number = historyDg.vPosition;
var prev_width:Number = historyDg.width;
var prev_height:Number = historyDg.height;
if(pj.start() != true)
// number of rows per view, ignoring fractions (floor)
var rowsPerPage:Number = Math.floor((historyDg.height -
historyDg.rowHeight)/ historyDg.rowHeight);
// number of pages to be printed, if there are any fractions, have
one page for that (ceil)
var pages:Number = Math.ceil(historyDg.dataProvider.length /
for (var i=0;ipages;i++) {
// move the visible row position.
historyDg.vPosition = i*rowsPerPage;
// size box relative to the grid
var b=
delete pj;
// position of currently visible rows restored
historyDg.vPosition = prev_vPosition;
== END Code ==

Quoting Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Have you run the example as is? Maybe there is something else
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Sample code for printing from a DataGrid:
doesnot work?
Hi Tracy,
I'm using that same function w/o problems to print the info in the
datagrid BUT
I whish I could figure out how to add a headder and footer to the
printjob. I'm
just too unfamiliar with the print function. I've actually never used
it before
this project.
Quoting Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
The Sample code for printing from a DataGrid posted on the MM site
under the url below does not work:
It is close, it is actually putting the data into the page, but still
only the visible area prints. If I generate 100 lines, the output is
the correct three pages and each page starts on the correct line, but
only the 8 visible lines print on each page.
Has anyone else tried this and succeeded?

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RE: [flexcoders] Sample code for printing from a DataGrid:doesnot work?

2005-02-24 Thread alf
Hi All,
Well so far my printing has made me go baldlol but seriously.
I have got it to print a header on one page the datagrid contents on another
page, and my footer on the last page.
Not fun at all. I for what the server costs you'd expect better functionality
than this. Little things like this make clients unhappy and in the end MM
looses because if this issue doesn't get taken care of quick this will really
hinder the future of Flex.
Hey Matt! I agree with Robert. there should be some kind of 
mx:FlashPaper tag
for v2.0 of Flex. that would make my day.

also could you look at my print function located in this email below 
and help me
get a headder on each page w/ a footer on the last page?

Quoting Robert Brueckmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

It's funny you send this email because I posted something about printing
last night...I am using the same exact code you're using from the
example on MM's site and I would say it works intermittently, at best,
when I try to print my first, if you read my post from
last night, I thought it was only when I tried to print it in landscape,
because the first few times I tested it, it was actually working in
portrait but when I switched the landscape, it stopped
you said, it printed the correct number of pages but only the visible
content was printed...then I tried to print again in portrait layout and
it stopped working in that format as well...very strange behavior. The
whole printing functionality in Flex is very weak and is sort of the
bane of my existence at the moment being as the application I developed
is a reporting application. Right now, as terrible as it sounds, I tell
the users to launch the PDF version of the report they're viewing and
use that to print anything they want...thing is not everything in the
application is available in PDF format...maybe Flex 2.0 will come around
to this...I really hope so anyways. Ideally, if they could provide a
mx:FlashPaper component for THAT would be the epitome of

I'm going to continue to investigate this, as I hope you and Art will to
and maybe we can come up with something collaboratively...because there
doesn't seem to be a quick fix to this conundrum.


From: Tracy Spratt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 2:32 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Sample code for printing from a
DataGrid:doesnot work?

I get the same misbehavior with that. Hmmm.
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 2:10 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Sample code for printing from a
DataGrid:doesnot work?
Hi Tracy,
All I did was change the datagrid name. (If I can remember correctly)
but here is my code just incase (Hoping that someone will help w/ the
and footer adding):
== Start Code ==
function doPrint() {
var pj : PrintJob = new PrintJob();
// position of currently visible rows stored
var prev_vPosition:Number = historyDg.vPosition;
var prev_width:Number = historyDg.width;
var prev_height:Number = historyDg.height;
if(pj.start() != true)
// number of rows per view, ignoring fractions (floor)
var rowsPerPage:Number = Math.floor((historyDg.height -
historyDg.rowHeight)/ historyDg.rowHeight);
// number of pages to be printed, if there are any
fractions, have
one page for that (ceil)
var pages:Number = Math.ceil(historyDg.dataProvider.length
for (var i=0;ipages;i++) {
// move the visible row position.
historyDg.vPosition = i*rowsPerPage;
// size box relative to the grid
var b=
delete pj;
// position of currently visible rows restored
historyDg.vPosition = prev_vPosition;
== END Code ==

Quoting Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Have you run the example as is? Maybe there is something else
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Sample code for printing from a DataGrid:
doesnot work?
Hi Tracy,
I'm using that same function w/o problems to print the info in the
datagrid BUT
I whish I could figure out how to add a headder and footer to the
printjob. I'm
just too unfamiliar with the print function. I've actually never used
it before
this project.
Quoting Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
The Sample code for printing from a DataGrid posted on the MM site
under the url below does not work:
It is close, it is actually putting the data into the page, but still
only the visible area prints. If I generate 

RE: [flexcoders] Looping through content of a DG

2005-02-24 Thread alf
Hi Tarik,
Try: myDg.dataProvider.length
Quoting Tarik Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Hey Matt, thanks. I went with the cell renderer route for now. :)
So once that's all done, now I need to loop through the datagrid and 
see how things are positioned. I've done a good job of locking up IE 
trying to XMLObject to inspect what I could possibly use. And spent a 
bunch of time on the API Ref, but can't figure it out.

mx:DataGrid id=myDG
How can I find out how many items are in myDG (I tried myDG.length, 
myDG.items.length, etc...)? On the API ref it doesn't list any method 
or property that would tell me that as far as I can tell.

And having that, how would I loop over the content - mostly need the 
name of the property (the array?). myDG.items, mgDG._items, etc.. ?


From: Matt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 8:49 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] advice on drag n drop
Maybe you could use the cellPress event on DataGrid as some form of 
click indicator and then add double-click support.  If you get the 
double cellPress in your time period that'd be the indicator to pop 
your editor.   We have double-click on a button described in a 

From: Tarik Ahmed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 6:36 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] advice on drag n drop  

Hey guys. So I got a data grid that I enabled drag and drop to easily 
allow users to position the items. And that works. However the 
previous functionality I had was that when you click on a row a 
pop-up happens that let's you edit the details. The problem now is 
that when you drag a row, the pop-up happens and it also does the 
dragging and dropping.

The first thing that comes to mind is to make a cell renderer that 
acts like an edit button, so you have to click on a specific column 
which has a button in it to edit an item.

But... what I'm wondering is if it's possible to only do the popup ( 
as a result of this: 
change=editQuestion(, if no drag 
occured. Like a dragIncomplete=... kinda thing. I dunno. :)

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Re: [flexcoders] dateField questions?

2005-02-23 Thread alf
Thanks!! worked like a charm.
Once created the datefield, use this code in a ActionScript function:
inputDate.selectedDate = new Date();
where inputDate:
mx:DateField id=inputDate dateFormatter=formatDate /
You can format it using this function:
function formatDate(item) {
var df:DateFormatter = new DateFormatter();
df.formatString = DD/MM/; // this the mask
return df.format(item);
Hope it helps...;-)
Isaac Bibás Forado

Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [flexcoders] dateField questions?

2005-02-23 Thread alf
Hi ibibas,
How would I set up a function to accept an argument like this:
I know this isn't correct:
function getCurrentDate(myArg)
var myArg;
myArg.selectedDate = new Date();
I would like to make the function generic so I could reuse it on other screens
using the same external AS file.
Once created the datefield, use this code in a ActionScript function:
inputDate.selectedDate = new Date();
where inputDate:
mx:DateField id=inputDate dateFormatter=formatDate /
You can format it using this function:
function formatDate(item) {
var df:DateFormatter = new DateFormatter();
df.formatString = DD/MM/; // this the mask
return df.format(item);
Hope it helps...;-)
Isaac Bibás Forado

Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [flexcoders] theme

2005-02-23 Thread alf
use the theme= or themeColor= attribute of the mx:Application tag
Quoting Robert Brueckmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
If I wanted to apply the haloBlue theme to my Flex app, what do I need
to do? Is there an easy way to do this because setting the theme
attribute in the mx:CairngormApplication tag doesn't seem to be doing
the trick...thanks for any help!

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RE: [flexcoders] dateField questions?

2005-02-23 Thread alf
Hi Tracy,
Works great!
Here is the code for whoever needs it ;)
my AS:
My Function:
function getCurrentDate(dateField:mx.controls.DateField)
dateField.selectedDate = new Date();
my MXML:
mx:DateField id=commDate/
Quoting Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Take out the re-declaration of var myArg, make sure you pass in a 
reference not a string and that should work fine.

If you will always be passing in a date field, type the argument:
public function setCurrentDate(dateField:mx.controls.DateField):Void
-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] dateField questions?
Hi ibibas,
How would I set up a function to accept an argument like this:
I know this isn't correct:
function getCurrentDate(myArg)
var myArg;
myArg.selectedDate = new Date();
I would like to make the function generic so I could reuse it on 
other screens
using the same external AS file.

Once created the datefield, use this code in a ActionScript function:
inputDate.selectedDate = new Date();
where inputDate:
mx:DateField id=inputDate dateFormatter=formatDate /
You can format it using this function:
function formatDate(item) {
var df:DateFormatter = new DateFormatter();
df.formatString = DD/MM/; // this the mask
return df.format(item);
Hope it helps...;-)
Isaac Bibás Forado

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RE: [flexcoders] theme

2005-02-23 Thread alf
np thats what the list is for ;)
Quoting Robert Brueckmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
themeColor did the trick. I couldn't seem to find that anywhere in the
docs. Thanks!

Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] theme

use the theme= or themeColor= attribute of the mx:Application tag
Quoting Robert Brueckmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
If I wanted to apply the haloBlue theme to my Flex app, what do I need
to do? Is there an easy way to do this because setting the theme
attribute in the mx:CairngormApplication tag doesn't seem to be doing
the trick...thanks for any help!

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dateField questions?

2005-02-23 Thread alf
Hi All,
How does one access the dateField component and set a specific date to be
visible on init? right now by default is comes up blank and showToday only
highlights Todays date on the popup dateChooser.

RE: [flexcoders] How to reference column name in my code?

2005-02-18 Thread alf
Could you give me a hint on how to add it to my code?
Quoting Matt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Did you see getColumnIndex(name) in the ASDoc?

And each DataGridColumn has a columnName property too.


Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 10:44 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] How to reference column name in my code?

Hi All,
included is a snippet of code that hides  shows columns in the datagrid.
How do I reference columnName instead of columns[i] ?? I also have code that
switches columns ( thanks Manish ;) ) but when I switch a column my code
the wrong column because it is referencing the columns[i] instead of the
help would be nice.
// Hide Columns Code:
var initialRender : Boolean = true;
var columns : Array = new Array();
var columnWidths : Array = new Array();
function getAllColumns() {
if ( initialRender ) {
for ( var i=0; i  historyDg.columnCount; i++ ) {
columns[i] = historyDg.columns[i];
initialRender = false;
function layoutColumns()
tabNav_1.selectedChild = details;
var count : Number = 0;
if ( wMonthCheck.selected )
historyDg.addColumnAt(count, columns[0]);
if ( hoursCheck.selected )
historyDg.addColumnAt(count, columns[1]);

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RE: [flexcoders] any good examples out there for Flex EJBs?

2005-02-10 Thread alf
Hi Robert,
Could you provide a simple example please?
Quoting Robert Stuttaford [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I've successfully integrated Flex with an EJB that exposed it's logic via
the old Flash Remoting for Java. Simply referenced the Flash Remoting bean
declarations and it worked like a bomb!
-Original Message-
From: Steven Webster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 10 February 2005 08:40 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] any good examples out there for Flex  EJBs?
any good examples out there on Flex  EJBs ( Enterprise Java Beans ) 

a link to source code  tutorial would be helpful.
There is no need for a specific example of Flex and EJBs; let me
Assuming for now that your EJB architecture is one of Entity
Beans (whether CMP or BMP, EJB 1.x or 2.x, it doesn't matter)
and perhaps you have a Statless Session EJB as a facade pattern...
I would strongly advocate that you provide a POJO business
delegate class in front of your Stateless Session EJB, that
presents a service interface to Flex, that has no knowledge
of the underlying implementation of the services (ie that it
is an EJB tier).
Your plain old business delegate should deal in value objects/
transfer objects, that you likely have anyway as part of your
EJB tier.
Flex will then simply perform RemoteObject calls onto your POJO
business delegate, and your business delegate will handle the
interaction with your EJB tier.
In Reality J2EE - Architecting for Flash MX which I wrote in
2002, I had an example (of an online banking app) with a
Flash MX front end, and using Flash Remoting (which is the
underlying technology in RemoteObject with Flex) to invoke a
J2EE business tier that was built using CMP/CMR Entity Beans
running in JBoss appserver. Though it is possible with
Remoting to remote directly onto an EJB home interface, I
showed how a much simpler/easier and arguably (if I'm
arguing :) ) better practice was to front the EJB tier with
a POJO business delegate.
So that's my thinking -- present a POJO architecture on the
server, and just stick with the regular patterns for
RemoteObject invocation, passing of value objects over the
wire, maintaining common object model of VOs/DTOs on the
client and server, as is advocated by the Cairngorm
microarchitecture, and as is discussed in Developing Rich
Clients with Macromedia Flex (and the chapter we cover
all this stuff in, is a free download from
Some links for you:
Reality J2EE - Architecting for Flash MX
Developing Rich Clients with Macromedia Flex
Free Chapter (Chapter 20)
I hope this helps !
Steven Webster
Technical Director
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RE: [flexcoders] using implements mx.core.MXMLObject in a class?

2005-02-07 Thread alf
Hi Matt,
could you give me an example of how to add a child to a viewstack through a
class with the corresponding mxml? it could just be a partial code, I can
figure out the rest. its the start that I'm having problems with now.
also what you meant by calling at least some functions you were saying 
to add an
init() function to smth like the initilise or creationComplete tag in mxml?

Quoting Matt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
The only function that MXMLObject requires is the initialized method. It's
essentially the equivalent of the initialize event on a UIObject

I think what you're doing is fine, the only thing that I'm guessing is an
issue is the timing of when setupListener is called. If you were to call it
in the initialized method I'm betting it would be too early because it's
possible not all of your UI objects have been created. But no biggie, maybe
you just call setupListener in the initialize event handler of the document
itself. Don't limit yourself to trying to have absolutely no code in your
MXML, if you have one or two event handlers to help get the rest of your
code setup I don't see that as being a problem.

Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 1:01 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] using implements mx.core.MXMLObject in a class?

Hi All,
Can someone help me understand the useage of the implementation of the
MXMLObject in MXML componen class based in Actionscript?
I've been trying since this morning but the hardest part is finding
documentation on the subject ( I waen to livedocs, MM site 
documentation that
came with flex/fb first )  I still can't find the info I'm looking for.
I'm using:
class MyClassName implements mx.core.MXMLObject
//my constructor, member, pub/priv code here.
My problem is I don't really know what are the proper members, functions,
to use when I'm building a Codless mxml document and a AS Class controler
that mxml document.
I'm trying to build a class that adds/removes children from a viewstack 
navigate through it too. all w/ simple click functions.
my code is posted below, can someone give me a little more insight?
// IciPostItNotes class
class IciPostItNotes implements mx.core.MXMLObject
// Arrays that receive data to populate component
public var iciPostItNotesArray:Array; // receives array of
multible notes
w/properties for each note
public var iciQuickNotesArray:Array; // ignore this propery
public var iciNotesArrayHasData:Boolean; // indicates if
has data or not
// Invisible Note properties
public var iciCurrentNoteInView:Number; // gets current
selected viewstack
public var iciNotesAreEditableEditable:Boolean; // indicates if
note is
editable or not
public var iciNotesArrayChangeFlag:Boolean; // indicates if note
array has
// Visible Note Properties
public var iciNotesID:Number; // note id #
public var iciNoteTitle:String; // Note title (
noteAuthor+noteDate )
public var iciNoteAuthor:String // Author of note
public var iciNoteDate:Date; // Date note was created
public var iciNoteIndex:String; // [n] of (sum of childern)
like: 1 of
public var iciNoteText:String; // contains note text
public var view;
function initialized(doc : Object, id: String) : Void
view = doc;
function setupListener() : Void
view.add_pb.addEventListner(click, this);
view.remove_pb.addEventListner(click, this);
view.edit_pb.addEventListner(click, this);
view.first_pb.addEventListner(click, this);
view.previous_pb.addEventListner(click, this);
view.next_pb.addEventListner(click, this);
view.last_pb.addEventListner(click, this);
view.quickNotes_cb.addEventListner(change, this);
public function click(event_obj:Object):Void
case add_pb:
view.iciNotes_ViewStack_vs.createChild.smth // Need to
set up code
trace(create child in viewstack);
case remove_pb:
view.iciNotes_ViewStack_vs.destroyChild.smth //
Need to set up code
trace(do child in viewstack);
case edit_pb:
view.iciNotes_PostItNotes_txt.editable = true;
trace(do edit current tf in viewstack);
case first_pb:
view.iciNotes_ViewStack_vs.selectedIndex = 0;
trace(goto first child in view stack);
case previous_pb:
view.iciNotes_ViewStack_vs.selectedIndex =
previous; // Need to set up
trace(goto previous child in viewstack);
case next_pb:
view.iciNotes_ViewStack_vs.selectedIndex = next;
// Need to set up code
trace(goto next child in viewstack);
case last_pb:
view.iciNotes_ViewStack_vs.selectedIndex = last;
// Need to set up code
trace(goto last child in viewstack);

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Re: [flexcoders] Flex Icons

2005-02-01 Thread alf
Hi Michael,
look into the: mx.managers.CursorManager Class.
and: mx.skins.cursor.BusyCursor
Hope this helps,
Quoting Michael van Leest [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Uhmmm this is pretty strange question, but can I use the Flex icons such
as the wait state pointer ( clock thingy)?? And if so, where can I find
these files?? I'm building a cms and want to use these icons so it's all
the same throughout the application. The only thog I want to do is give
them a specific colorglow
Thanks in advance!

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