[flexcoders] Modules

2007-03-07 Thread darvon4u
I try to create modules by using "http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";>" and flexbuilder 2.0.143459
doesn't know anything about it. 
>From the dropdown suggestions there is no "Module" keyword, and when i
compile it fb gives me "Could not resolve  to a component

Am i not referencing something? What am i doing wrong? How do i get
flexbuilder to see my modules?
Also, I've read in the docs that modules should be now a suggestion in
a wizard when you try to create a new component, but it is not there
either. why?

Thanks in advance!

[flexcoders] disabling COPY in drag/drop operations

2007-02-26 Thread darvon4u
Hi everybody,

Here is an interesting issue. We have a datagrid where the user should
be able to reorder items by dragging/dropping. everything is nice an
easy, except when they hold "ctrl" it copies and messed up the whole
list :(

I have tried to add the dragover and etc event handlers and set
"event.ctrlKey = false" in there, but it does nothing.

Can somebody recommend something? this is one of those things that
should be really easy but it is not. it is easy to disable move
operation, but i want to do the opposite and force move while
disabling copy. anybody?


[flexcoders] dataProvider question

2007-02-22 Thread darvon4u
Here is an interesting one, not sure if i'm missing something or what.

I have a list to show some data.

I also have a component with an xmllist property which is marked as

in actionscript, i instantiate that component and bind this data
property to the list.

When i receive data from webservice, i update the xmllist of the
component. shouldn't the visual list update as well since it is bound
to that component's property?

also, i have tried this with an XMLListCollection as well and same
result. only if i rebind the list to the component's property do i get
the result.

what i am doing wrong? is this by design? should there be something
else wired or triggered for the updates to occur automatically?

thank you in advance if anybody can help in any way,


[flexcoders] drag/drop question

2007-02-05 Thread darvon4u
We're trying to re-rank the collection for datagrid after the user
re-orders the items with drag/drop.

here is an example. before:

1 a
2 b
3 c

now, supposedly we drag item 1 to the last place. we want to rerank it
so the first column still shows the order (line #), while the
collection has been changed.


1 b
2 c
3 a

we have tried everything to get it to work. it just doesn't sort
properly. what i need to do is renumber AFTER EVERYTHING (all the
drag/drop events have been triggered). tried to do this in
dragcomplete or dragdrop handlers, to no avail.

Does anybody have any ideas? spent like 3 days on this, any help would
be truly appreciated!


[flexcoders] FDS

2007-01-23 Thread darvon4u
Hello everybody,

Is there anything other than WebORB out there for .net connectivity? 
We are looking to use reliable/realtime messaging services, and it 
appears that other than java or coldfusion the options are limited.
Now, this has to be connected and realtime, so WebService approach is 
out of the question. We can't do polling either because of the delay 
and heavy requests (want to notify the client whenever data is updated 
vs. polls every seconds).

Is there any other framework out there that will let us integrate flex 
and FDS with a .net backend? Or even any code examples to point in the 
right directions? We're working with C# currently.

Thank you in advance for any pointers, I'm pretty new to this and it 
looks like flex has a ton of potential, just don't want to write our 
own tcp server from scratch :(

Thank you!