[flexcoders] Help trying to create a slightly complex border.

2008-12-18 Thread dave_defusion
I'm trying to create a postage stamp like border - which would look
like a border of overlapping circles - and am having issues. I want a
constant fill and line/stroke style for all elements of my border.

I was using degrafa to do this using circles and repeaters but
couldn't get a single stroke around the edge of all the circles - so I
thought I'd do it directly in AS3 to see if that was faster, however I
have the following problems.

First I tried doing it using circles, if I try setting the fill and
line styles and then doing circles I get:

- Blank gaps in the fill where the circles overlap - can I (and if so
how do I tell it to) combine these circles into a single shape?
- A border around each individual circle - rather than the shape as a

So I figured I was doing it wrong and took a look at curveTo() and
drawPath() to try and draw a single object - but didn't have much luck
with those either as I found it difficult to figure out how to use
these for my desired result.

The variables I'm working with is radius, circleOffset (the amount
each circle is offset from the previous one), xCircles and yCircles
(the calculated number of circles for the top  bottom and left 
right respectively).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[flexcoders] Getting progress of a POST operation (HTTPService or any other way)?

2008-12-17 Thread dave_defusion
Is it possible to get the progress (or at least bytes sent) for a POST
operation in any way, I'm currently using HTTPService but will happily
change to something else if it will give me the ability to track the
progress of the POST.

[flexcoders] Finding size of a DropShadowFilter (or other BitmapFilters)

2008-12-03 Thread dave_defusion
I'm trying to determine the width of pixels that the DropShadowFilter
is adding to my component when I'm trying to save the BitmapData
(including the drop shadow) - is there some easy to get that or would
I have to calculate it myself based on the filters settings (angle,
blur, etc.)

[flexcoders] Issues trying to create a custom image component

2008-11-28 Thread dave_defusion
I'm trying to create a custom image component so that I can have it
with a border and rounded corners.

I tried doing it by just extending the image component, but quickly
found that it was a bit more difficult than I expected within the
image component - as I couldn't figure out how to move the image
itself around when drawing the border.

So the second solution I came up with was as follows:

* A custom component which has a child as the image
* The image has a mask applied
* The border is drawn using the custom components graphics

This all works out pretty much OK, except for two issues:

1) The child image is only ever displayed if the custom component
extends the Canvas component.

2) Resizing of the component does not work in the same way as resizing
an image component - e.g. if you set a width on an image component
then the image is scaled appropriately. With me extending the Canvas I
just get scroll bars.

The code for the component can be found here on pastie:

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

[flexcoders] Re: Issues trying to create a custom image component

2008-11-28 Thread dave_defusion
I've just this to updateDisplayList:

if(image) {
 image.scaleX = this.scaleX;
 image.scaleY = this.scaleY;
 image.scrollRect = this.scrollRect;

It means I have to manually scale the thing using scaleX  scaleY
rather than using maxWidth  maxHeight, but it is more in line with
how I wanted it to work.

[flexcoders] Runtime exception handling, what's your method?

2008-06-24 Thread dave_defusion
I'm about to embark on my third real Flex app and something I'm still
not happy with is my handling (or lack of) of run time exceptions.
Previously I've setup a logging target to log to the backend any
strange/very rare exceptions that I can think of within my code.

However the lack of a catch-all solution for those totally un-expected
exceptions (which sneak through but are of course the worst kind) is
something that I really miss from my previous (non Flex/flash)
projects where I've had the ability to have a catch-all solution to
wrap the entire application.

I just wondered how other people were handling this, if at all? As
no-one likes it when an error occurs and you don't know about it
without someone telling you about it -- it's even worse if it kills
the app.

[flexcoders] Re: Repeater items with two states and dataProvider binding resetting state

2008-06-21 Thread dave_defusion
 One thing that can help in this kind of situation is not to bind, but 
 to explicitly set the dataProvider.

Won't that also cause the repeater to refresh, or are you saying to
find the child of the repeater and set its data to the data that is

This is what I was thinking of trying but I assumed I'd get the same

[flexcoders] Repeater items with two states and dataProvider binding resetting state

2008-06-20 Thread dave_defusion
I have a Repeater which is repeating an item with two states (an open
state and a closed state), when I open one one of the items I then
load some extra data in.

When the extra data is loaded the item in the data provider (an array
collection) is replaced - that way everything is updated via the bindings.

The problem I have is that when the array collection binding fires the
Repeater recreates/refreshes each of the items so any that were open
close, which is, of course, not what I want.

I'll probably have to code this all up myself without using the
Repeater, but I wondered if anyone else had any thoughts before I
start down that path.

[flexcoders] Getting HTTP status code with HTTPService

2008-05-17 Thread dave_defusion
I've been digging through the documentation and debugged the
HTTPResultEvent but I can't see anyway to get the HTTP status code
using HTTPService, am I wrong is there some way to get it?

[flexcoders] Re: Deep Linking Problems

2008-04-30 Thread dave_defusion
I haven't had any issues with browsermanager/deep linking either, but
I've not gotten to the stage where I really thrash it via testing.

As mentioned earlier the other alternative is to use SWFAddress, here
is an implementation that allows you to use your existing browser
manager code with SWFAddress
 I haven't tested that yet though.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Monday 28 Apr 2008, Brad Keck wrote:
  -URLs failing to update with setFragment()
 I've seen this when an exception was thrown from the code that does it.
  -The back button not changing the URL after a setFragment()
  -The forward button not being enabled after a successful back button
  success with deep linking.  Is it simply a buggy feature of Flex at
  this point, or am I really an inept as I seem?  :)  Are there any
 It seems to work fine here.
 Tom Chiverton
 Helping to administratively market end-to-end synergies
 on: http://thefalken.livejournal.com
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received this email in error please delete it and notify Halliwells
LLP IT Department on 0870 365 2500.
 For more information about Halliwells LLP visit www.halliwells.com.

[flexcoders] Re: Custom Cursors causing slowdown

2008-04-25 Thread dave_defusion
Just getting back to this, would you recommend upping the framerate on
the application then or just put up with the slow cursors. I'm just
conscious that upping the framerate will up the CPU usage slightly
with Flex but I haven't seen much research into how much difference it
will make.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Troy Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I wondered if anyone else had experienced similar issues?
 What you're seeing is your app's actual framerate. Nothing is going
 slower. Here's why...
 If you don't specify any custom cursors, Flash just uses the OS's
 cursor and let's the OS do its standard thing of drawing it (which all
 modern OS's do as a very high priority process, usually part of the
 video driver, so that the mouse is always responsive).
 When you specify a custom cursor, the Flash Player actually does
 something tricky (some may say hacky!). It hides the OS cursor (when
 the mouse is over the Flash Player) and instead moves a DisplayObject
 around the stage tracking the mouse's position.
 So, with the default cursor you're using the OS to draw the cursor;
 with any custom cursors, you're using the Flash Player API to draw it.
 The most obvious effect (if you're app is not performance intensive)
 is that the mouse will only update at your app's framerate, which for
 Flex defaults to 24fps (much lower than any modern OS's mouse
 Personally, I think Adobe should provide a cursor API that's
 implemented as a native OS cursor (provide a bitmap of a fixed
 resolution, for example). At a minimum, I think the Flash Player
 should expose a collection of native cursors that map to the browser's
 native cursors. It's rather irritating that I have to track down and
 embed a hand-grab image, a resize image, etc., in order to have what
 are virtually universal cursors under any OS (and mine won't match the
 OS!). This is one area where AJAX apps are superior.

[flexcoders] Get actual size of a canvas (the internal size)

2008-04-23 Thread dave_defusion
I know I've done this before, but I can't remember where and trawling
through the documentation isn't helping me.

Basically I want to add something to a Canvas that is a 100% of it's
internal size - so as the Canvas grows to add children (as scrolling
is enabled) I want my child to still be 100% the size of the Canvas'
internal area.

If I set it's percentWidth  percentHeight to 100 then it just sizes
up to the displayed portion of the canvas, same goes for the
unscaledWidth  unscaledHeight values passed to updateDisplayList()
they appear to be the visible dimensions of the Canvas. What I need is
the width + it's scroll, so that's why I'm calling it the internal
size of the Canvas.

I've looked at CanvasLayout but I don't think that really helps me as
the layout object is private to the Canvas.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

[flexcoders] Re: Get actual size of a canvas (the internal size)

2008-04-23 Thread dave_defusion
I had a bit of an epiphany after posting this first message, I still
don't think this is right but here's what I'm doing:

1. Add my child with includeInLayout set to false to not cause the
parent Canvas to use it in it's layout calculations (otherwise will
cause problems in step 2).

2. In updateDisplay list update the child with:

child.width  = unscaledWidth + this.maxHorizontalScrollPosition;
child.height = unscaledHeight + this.maxVerticalScrollPosition;

Like I say, not perfect but it seems to be working - if there is
anything better I'd love to hear about it - like I say I'm pretty sure
I got this before somehow (and I know it wasn't the above hack).

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, dave_defusion [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I know I've done this before, but I can't remember where and trawling
 through the documentation isn't helping me.
 Basically I want to add something to a Canvas that is a 100% of it's
 internal size - so as the Canvas grows to add children (as scrolling
 is enabled) I want my child to still be 100% the size of the Canvas'
 internal area.
 If I set it's percentWidth  percentHeight to 100 then it just sizes
 up to the displayed portion of the canvas, same goes for the
 unscaledWidth  unscaledHeight values passed to updateDisplayList()
 they appear to be the visible dimensions of the Canvas. What I need is
 the width + it's scroll, so that's why I'm calling it the internal
 size of the Canvas.
 I've looked at CanvasLayout but I don't think that really helps me as
 the layout object is private to the Canvas.
 Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

[flexcoders] Re: Custom Cursors causing slowdown

2008-04-16 Thread dave_defusion
Thanks for that great explanation. 

Your issues about not supporting the native OS cursors and thus having
to track down your own (which then don't match the native OS) also
bothered me I'd like to see support of at least the minimum set of
cursors defined in CSS2 via the flash player.

On that thought I was just wondering if it was possible to use the
ExternalInterface to do this? By maybe setting a classname on the
Flash object via JavaScript... hm


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Troy Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I wondered if anyone else had experienced similar issues?
 What you're seeing is your app's actual framerate. Nothing is going
 slower. Here's why...
 If you don't specify any custom cursors, Flash just uses the OS's
 cursor and let's the OS do its standard thing of drawing it (which all
 modern OS's do as a very high priority process, usually part of the
 video driver, so that the mouse is always responsive).
 When you specify a custom cursor, the Flash Player actually does
 something tricky (some may say hacky!). It hides the OS cursor (when
 the mouse is over the Flash Player) and instead moves a DisplayObject
 around the stage tracking the mouse's position.
 So, with the default cursor you're using the OS to draw the cursor;
 with any custom cursors, you're using the Flash Player API to draw it.
 The most obvious effect (if you're app is not performance intensive)
 is that the mouse will only update at your app's framerate, which for
 Flex defaults to 24fps (much lower than any modern OS's mouse
 Personally, I think Adobe should provide a cursor API that's
 implemented as a native OS cursor (provide a bitmap of a fixed
 resolution, for example). At a minimum, I think the Flash Player
 should expose a collection of native cursors that map to the browser's
 native cursors. It's rather irritating that I have to track down and
 embed a hand-grab image, a resize image, etc., in order to have what
 are virtually universal cursors under any OS (and mine won't match the
 OS!). This is one area where AJAX apps are superior.

[flexcoders] Re: Custom Cursors causing slowdown

2008-04-16 Thread dave_defusion
Yeah it'd be nice if we could get hold of them and then maybe we could 
put together a cross browser/cross OS facade for using the default
custom cursors that are defined in CSS 2 - at least that way they
wouldn't stand out too much.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Troy Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   On that thought I was just wondering if it was possible to use the
   ExternalInterface to do this? By maybe setting a classname on the
   Flash object via JavaScript... hm
 Already tried that (there's another thread where I raise this issue).
 The Flash Player dictates it's own cursor and CSS doesn't seem to
 apply. I thought it was a brilliant idea for a hack, though!
 I was wondering if anyone knew of an official source of browser
 cursors, say what Firefox uses across platforms (though they just may
 be the native equivalents). CSS references always contain example
 images, but I'm unsure about just snagging those for legal reasons.
 Googling didn't really provide anything useful.

[flexcoders] Re: Custom Cursors causing slowdown

2008-04-16 Thread dave_defusion
Here's a gallery of the default cursors for Windows (IE  Firefox) for
the various CSS properties:


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, dave_defusion [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yeah it'd be nice if we could get hold of them and then maybe we could 
 put together a cross browser/cross OS facade for using the default
 custom cursors that are defined in CSS 2 - at least that way they
 wouldn't stand out too much.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Troy Gilbert troy.gilbert@
On that thought I was just wondering if it was possible to use the
ExternalInterface to do this? By maybe setting a classname on the
Flash object via JavaScript... hm
  Already tried that (there's another thread where I raise this issue).
  The Flash Player dictates it's own cursor and CSS doesn't seem to
  apply. I thought it was a brilliant idea for a hack, though!
  I was wondering if anyone knew of an official source of browser
  cursors, say what Firefox uses across platforms (though they just may
  be the native equivalents). CSS references always contain example
  images, but I'm unsure about just snagging those for legal reasons.
  Googling didn't really provide anything useful.

[flexcoders] Custom Cursors causing slowdown

2008-04-15 Thread dave_defusion
I'm experience an odd situation where when I have added a custom
cursor the mouse movement is noticeably slower (although not massively
obvious - although a colleague did point it out while testing the
app). I've looked through my code and put traces everywhere and
nothing is being called excessively that would cause the slowdown
during this part of the app. Also if I remove just the custom cursor
setting code then everything is fine and dandy.

I'm running on the latest debug player on OS X, I can't say I noticed
it when I was working on Windows - but then again I hadn't noticed it
until my colleague pointed it out.

I wondered if anyone else had experienced similar issues?

[flexcoders] Re: View stack not changing in display even though index changes (first time onl

2008-04-13 Thread dave_defusion
It definitely is some sort of race condition but the thing that is
confusing me is the fact that it's reporting that the selected index
and the selected child are those that I'm expecting but the display is
wrong. I've tried adding a validateNow() call before the change but
that hasn't made much difference. 

I'm gonna have to look at my code to figure out a better way for me to
control when this is called, but it really doesn't make much sense to
me why the viewstack is reporting that it's got everything selected as
expected but no matter how much I try to force it to update (by
calling validateNow or invalidateDisplayList etc.) it doesn't seem to
want to show the correct selected index the first time after the
component is loaded.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sounds like timing.  If you have a button you click to change it, will
 it change the first time?  If so, a validateNow() before you change the
 value might help.
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of dave_defusion
 Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 6:21 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] View stack not changing in display even though
 index changes (first time only)
 I have a view stack setup as a custom component, in it there is a
 property call displaySection which is an int that corresponds to the
 index to set the view stack. This is so that I can then use constants
 for each of the sections external to the view and not worry about the
 implementation within the view.
 It is something like follows:
 public static const SECTION_ONE:int = 0;
 public var displaySection:int = SECTION_ONE;
 If I then change the displaySection externally and trace out the
 selectedIndex and selectedChild of my component both are as expected,
 however the very first time I do this without fail the display does
 not change and the section displayed is always the default one.
 However if I try and do it again then everything works fine.
 I've tried swapping out the displaySection variable for a setter and
 removed the binding and made the selectedIndex/selectedChild change
 happen within commitProperties() and have traced out the initialized
 property of my view and the length of the children and everything is
 always as I expect it to be. However still no matter what I try
 without fail on the first attempt to change the displaySection it
 never works (always does thereafter --- but with nothing discernibly
 different in the trace).
 I've also tried changing the creationPolicy on the viewstack (and all
 the viewstack children) to all, which didn't make any difference.
 I've run through the debugger also and everything appears to be fine.
 I'm really stuck and I'm ready to throw my computer out of the window.
 Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

[flexcoders] Re: View stack not changing in display even though index changes (first time onl

2008-04-13 Thread dave_defusion
So my fix is as follows:

1. Remove the binding
2. In commit properties:

if( this.initialized ) {
this.selectedIndex = this._displaySection;

3. In creation complete handler add call to invalidateProperties();

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, dave_defusion [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It definitely is some sort of race condition but the thing that is
 confusing me is the fact that it's reporting that the selected index
 and the selected child are those that I'm expecting but the display is
 wrong. I've tried adding a validateNow() call before the change but
 that hasn't made much difference. 
 I'm gonna have to look at my code to figure out a better way for me to
 control when this is called, but it really doesn't make much sense to
 me why the viewstack is reporting that it's got everything selected as
 expected but no matter how much I try to force it to update (by
 calling validateNow or invalidateDisplayList etc.) it doesn't seem to
 want to show the correct selected index the first time after the
 component is loaded.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alex Harui aharui@ wrote:
  Sounds like timing.  If you have a button you click to change it, will
  it change the first time?  If so, a validateNow() before you
change the
  value might help.
  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Behalf Of dave_defusion
  Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 6:21 AM
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [flexcoders] View stack not changing in display even though
  index changes (first time only)
  I have a view stack setup as a custom component, in it there is a
  property call displaySection which is an int that corresponds to the
  index to set the view stack. This is so that I can then use constants
  for each of the sections external to the view and not worry about the
  implementation within the view.
  It is something like follows:
  public static const SECTION_ONE:int = 0;
  public var displaySection:int = SECTION_ONE;
  If I then change the displaySection externally and trace out the
  selectedIndex and selectedChild of my component both are as expected,
  however the very first time I do this without fail the display does
  not change and the section displayed is always the default one.
  However if I try and do it again then everything works fine.
  I've tried swapping out the displaySection variable for a setter and
  removed the binding and made the selectedIndex/selectedChild change
  happen within commitProperties() and have traced out the initialized
  property of my view and the length of the children and everything is
  always as I expect it to be. However still no matter what I try
  without fail on the first attempt to change the displaySection it
  never works (always does thereafter --- but with nothing discernibly
  different in the trace).
  I've also tried changing the creationPolicy on the viewstack (and all
  the viewstack children) to all, which didn't make any difference.
  I've run through the debugger also and everything appears to be fine.
  I'm really stuck and I'm ready to throw my computer out of the window.
  Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

[flexcoders] Re: View stack not changing in display even though index changes (first time onl

2008-04-13 Thread dave_defusion
Actually that didn't fix it either, I then had the strange situation
of two of the children showing at the same time in the viewstack.

The (hopefully final) fix I have now is to not have the Viewstack be
the root component in my custom component, now I have a Canvas as the
root in the custom component. Although this is a pointless container
in my case it does seem to fix the issue and even meant I could revert
to the binding I was first attempting to use. To me this looks like
there could be an issue with using a Viewstack as the root of a custom
component in some situations.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, dave_defusion [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 So my fix is as follows:
 1. Remove the binding
 2. In commit properties:
 if( this.initialized ) {
   this.selectedIndex = this._displaySection;
 3. In creation complete handler add call to invalidateProperties();

[flexcoders] View stack not changing in display even though index changes (first time only)

2008-04-12 Thread dave_defusion
I have a view stack setup as a custom component, in it there is a
property call displaySection which is an int that corresponds to the
index to set the view stack. This is so that I can then use constants
for each of the sections external to the view and not worry about the
implementation within the view.

It is something like follows:


   public static const SECTION_ONE:int = 0;

   public var displaySection:int = SECTION_ONE;

If I then change the displaySection externally and trace out the
selectedIndex and selectedChild of my component both are as expected,
however the very first time I do this without fail the display does
not change and the section displayed is always the default one.
However if I try and do it again then everything works fine.

I've tried swapping out the displaySection variable for a setter and
removed the binding and made the selectedIndex/selectedChild change
happen within commitProperties() and have traced out the initialized
property of my view and the length of the children and everything is
always as I expect it to be. However still no matter what I try
without fail on the first attempt to change the displaySection it
never works (always does thereafter --- but with nothing discernibly
different in the trace).

I've also tried changing the creationPolicy on the viewstack (and all
the viewstack children) to all, which didn't make any difference.

I've run through the debugger also and everything appears to be fine.

I'm really stuck and I'm ready to throw my computer out of the window.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

[flexcoders] Trace stopped working

2008-04-08 Thread dave_defusion
I had trace setup and working fine, then I ran the Profiler (okayed
the default options that the profiler had given me) from Flex Builder
and now the flash player doesn't trace to a file.

I've tried un-installing and re-installing the Flash debug player,
removing and re-creating the mm.cfg file etc. etc.

All the trace output does show up in Flex Builder console if I debug
the app - but this is not as handy as tracing to the log file.

Any ideas?

[flexcoders] Re: Global keyboard capture?

2008-03-26 Thread dave_defusion
Thanks to this thread I've not bashed my computer to death today, I
was getting close.

I was having the same issue where after a given action the key up/down
event handlers that I'd registered on the systemManager were no longer
being triggered.

What I was doing was this:

Elsewhere within the app something else (who had a child which I'd
explicitly given focus to via setFocus()) would get removed from the
display (and left for G.C. to pick up) on a keyDown event. At this
point the event handlers registered to the systemManager stopped
picking anything up. It turns out that simply removing the item from
the display doesn't release the focus, so I've manually given focus to
the parentApplication when I remove it.

This smells to me, am I doing anything wrong or is the behaviour you'd
expect of focusing?

Anyway I wouldn't have gotten to the bottom of the issue without this
thread -- so many thanks.

[flexcoders] itemRollOver and itemDoubleClick not firing on datagrid

2008-03-05 Thread dave_defusion
I can't figure out why this isn't working, I thought I was missing
something silly on Monday so didn't look at it all day yesterday in
the hope that a fresh view would show me the issue but I really can't
see what's going on.

Here's what I have:


import mx.events.ListEvent;

private function doRollOver( event:ListEvent ):void
trace( 'ROLL' );

private function doClick( event:ListEvent ):void
trace( 'CLICK' );

private function doDoubleClick( event:ListEvent ):void
trace( 'DOUBLE CLICK' );


mx:DataGrid id=tasksGrid width=100% height=100%
dataProvider={tasksData} itemRollOver=doRollOver(event);
itemClick=doClick(event); itemDoubleClick=doDoubleClick(event);

I'm compiling with Flex 2.0.1 and the only think that I can get to
fire in the above example is the itemClick event.

I have tried adding the listeners via actionscript (within the
creation complete) but that makes no difference. I'm really not sure
why this isn't working.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

[flexcoders] Re: itemRollOver and itemDoubleClick not firing on datagrid

2008-03-05 Thread dave_defusion
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Danny Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For the list components you have to set doubleClickEnabled=true in
 order for them to dispatch doubleClick events

Oh yeah, I always forget about that one. 

So that's the doubleClick sorted, the itemRollOver still doesn't work,
is there anything similarly easy that I'm missing to get that working?

[flexcoders] Re: itemRollOver and itemDoubleClick not firing on datagrid

2008-03-05 Thread dave_defusion
 I just added a handler for itemRollOver in one of my DataGrids and it
 worked. Are you using Item Renderers in your DataGrid or any other
 special case?

I'm using an item renderer, but I tried removing that earlier and that
didn't do anything. The data grid is nested within an accordion which
is inside a SuperTabNavigation but I'm not sure either of those are
special cases.

[flexcoders] Re: Is setting custom headers on HTTPService for a GET possible?

2008-03-01 Thread dave_defusion
Yeah this is the case with Flex, I think it has something to do with
the flash player (but don't quote me on that) -- I'm sure this
question will have been asked on here many times before so maybe you
can find a more detailed answer.

HTTPService definitely has some idiosyncrasies such as if you don't
include a request object then all requests are sent as GET, and
sometimes when you do set a request object requests are sent as either
GET or POST (based on the contentType set on the service). The fact
that all these idiosyncrasies aren't documented makes it very
frustrating to work with HTTPService sometimes -- and like I said it's
probably more down to the flash player than Flex's HTTPService.

I myself am trying to figure out how I can add to or override the
Accept header but haven't had much luck.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, ivo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all,
 Thought I'd repost again since I am curious as to the answer. I am
thinking I am missing something blindingly obvious since no one
bothers to reply. Must be a valid question because I have gotten three
private me too replies.
 I need to communicate with a web service where I need to set custom
headers. Seems to work as expected for both GET and POST under AIR.
Using web browsers the custom headers are only included for POST when
using HTTPService and never for URLLoader. Couldnt find in the docs if
this is by design or a bug since they lead me to believe this should
be possible (except for the blacklisted headers).
 - Ivo
 - Original Message 
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 11:51:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Is setting custom headers on HTTPService
for a GET possible?
 Debugging  a bit further shows that the same behavior happens when
using a URLLoader. Then the custom headers are not sent.
 Under Air tho the custom headers are always sent, GET or POST.
 These headers are all truly custom so they are not in the
URLRequestHeader blacklist.
 Is there a way to set custom headers on a GET? Short of opening a
Socket connection and writing out the HTTP requests?
 - Ivo
 - Original Message 
 From: ivo cervantes_vive@ yahoo.com
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com
 Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 10:06:45 AM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Is setting custom headers on HTTPService for a
GET possible?
 Hey all,
 Don't see it indicated in the docs but debugging revealed that
custom headers set on an HTTPService GET are not sent. Is this correct
or am I missing something?
 var httpService: HTTPService = new HTTPService( );
 httpService. method = 'GET';
 httpService. headers = {customHeader: 'foobar'};
 httpService. send({});
 server-side all I see is:
 [Fri Feb 29 10:05:34 2008] [error] Accept: */*
 [Fri Feb 29 10:05:34 2008] [error] Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
 [Fri Feb 29 10:05:34 2008] [error] Accept-Language: en
 [Fri Feb 29 10:05:34 2008] [error] Connection: keep-alive
 [Fri Feb 29 10:05:34 2008] [error] Content-Length: 14
 [Fri Feb 29 10:05:34 2008] [error] Content-Type: application/
x-www-form- urlencoded
 If I switch method = 'POST' then I see:
 [Fri Feb 29 10:06:12 2008] [error] customHeader: foobar
 - Ivo
 border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:14px
0px;padding:0px 14px;}
 #ygrp-mkp hr{
 border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}
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 #ygrp-mkp #ads{
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 margin:10px 0px;font-weight:bold;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}
 #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc .ad{
 margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}
 #ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:arial, helvetica, clean,
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 #ygrp-mlmsg select, input, textarea {font:99% arial, helvetica,
clean, sans-serif;}
 #ygrp-mlmsg pre, code {font:115% monospace;}
 #ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height:1.22em;}
 #ygrp-text p{
 margin:0 0 1em 0;}
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 padding:0 1px;}
 #ygrp-actbar .left{
 font-family:Verdana;font-size:77%;padding:15px 0;}
 font-family:verdana;font-size:77%;border-top:1px solid #666;
 padding:5px 0;
 #ygrp-mlmsg #logo{
 background-color:#e0ecee;margin-bottom:20px;padding:2px 0 8px 8px;}
 #ygrp-vital #vithd{

[flexcoders] Re: Is it possible to have a dynamic services/channel/endpoint URI?

2008-02-11 Thread dave_defusion
Seems I was being a little dense yesterday, I tried setting the URI of
the endpoint to just URI=/rubyAMF/gateway (note: no http://domain/)
and it works fine. Obvious.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, dave_defusion [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The backend portion of my app is setup the handle accounts
 automatically via an account key (which is currently set via the
 subdomain), e.g.:
 accountA.test.com  will be restricted to accountA
 accountB.test.com  will be restricted to accountB
 I'm going to be putting a Flex frontend on all of this using AMF, but
 I can't figure out what to do with my service/channels as I don't
 really have a single endpoint URI - as it will be different for each
 Is there anyway to make the endpoint URI dynamic?
 The only other thing I can think of would require a massive amount of
 refactoring on the backend (which is nearly complete) to have it
sited at:
 And accounts handled via:
 app.test.com/accountA/  will be restricted to accountA
 app.test.com/accountB/  will be restricted to accountB
 Dynamic endpoints would be the easiest and cleanest solution.

[flexcoders] Re: Is it possible to have a dynamic services/channel/endpoint URI?

2008-02-11 Thread dave_defusion
I didn't know that you could use those placeholders in the URI, do you
know of any documentation on these - I can't seem to find any. 

Although I've found a few examples which mention these 3 {server.name}
, {server.port}, {context.root} - is that all there are (not that I
need any more)?

Also I assume that is the preferred method of handling the URI (rather
than my rooting URI hack).


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Monday 11 Feb 2008, dave_defusion wrote:
  Seems I was being a little dense yesterday, I tried setting the URI of
  the endpoint to just URI=/rubyAMF/gateway (note: no http://domain/)
 Note, this is where you can use {server.name} (etc.) to have the
 interpolate the URI at run time.
 Tom Chiverton

[flexcoders] Is it possible to have a dynamic services/channel/endpoint URI?

2008-02-10 Thread dave_defusion
The backend portion of my app is setup the handle accounts
automatically via an account key (which is currently set via the
subdomain), e.g.:

accountA.test.com  will be restricted to accountA
accountB.test.com  will be restricted to accountB

I'm going to be putting a Flex frontend on all of this using AMF, but
I can't figure out what to do with my service/channels as I don't
really have a single endpoint URI - as it will be different for each

Is there anyway to make the endpoint URI dynamic?

The only other thing I can think of would require a massive amount of
refactoring on the backend (which is nearly complete) to have it sited at:


And accounts handled via:

app.test.com/accountA/  will be restricted to accountA
app.test.com/accountB/  will be restricted to accountB

Dynamic endpoints would be the easiest and cleanest solution.

[flexcoders] Accordion, the FlexEvent.SHOW isn't fired the first time a panel is shown

2007-12-21 Thread dave_defusion
I'm trying to add something into a panel in an accordion, I'm using
the FlexEvent.SHOW to add the contents once the panel is displayed
(this works pretty much everywhere else - e.g. a tab navigator). In my
case trying to add the contents to a non visible element doesn't work
(as I'm trying to get bitmap data), so I have to wait until they're
visible before I can add my stuff. 

But in the Accordion it appears the FlexEvent.SHOW isn't fired the
first time a panel is shown (the event listener added to the VBox that
wraps panels content) -- it's fired the second time the panel is shown
but never on the first time. I've tried listening for
FlexEvent.INITIALIZE but that seems to be firing a little too early
for what I'm doing.

Basically all I need to know is as soon as a given panels content is
displayed. I'd like a one solution fits all so for tab navigators etc.
I only want to add my content when a non visible element becomes
visible, but failing that I can add a specific workaround (if it's
possible) to make it handle accordions different.

Any ideas?

Hope that makes sense.


[flexcoders] Re: Vertical scrolling without horizontal scrolling? How do I make 100% == 100%

2007-12-19 Thread dave_defusion
Setting minHeight (everywhere I've already defined minWidth) doesn't
resolve the issue either.

[flexcoders] Re: Vertical scrolling without horizontal scrolling? How do I make 100% == 100%

2007-12-18 Thread dave_defusion
I too have been having problems with 100% widths and unwanted
horizontal scrollbar.

I've tried adding minWidth=0 to everything that has a width of 100%
but that hasn't fixed the problem that I get an unwanted horizontal

I've also tried using the reflex util
(http://code.google.com/p/reflexutil/) to change these properties at
run time to try and figure out what is causing the problem.

What I (basically) have is the following:

- (1) Tab navigator - 100% width
-- (2) VBox (Tab contents) - 100% width
--- (3a) Text 
--- (3b) HBox - 100% width
--- (3c) Tab navigator - 100% width

I get the vertical and horizontal scrollbars on the outer tab
navigator (1) whenever the content gets taller than the app, in this
case I obviously want vertical scrollbars and no horizontal scrollbars.

With the reflex util I can change the width of the tab contents
children (3a,3b,3c) and I still have horizontal scrollbar. However I
cannot change the width of the VBox that wraps the tab contents (2) -
it simply keeps resetting to the current value every time I try. I can
see that it is the VBox (2) which is overlapping the vertical
scrollbar (and thus causing the horizontal scrollbar) using reflex util.

So I'm really stumped, I either need a solution to this, or a way to
move the scrollbars from the tab navigator (1) to the VBox (2).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


[flexcoders] Re: Adding custom events to the pre-loading sequence

2007-12-06 Thread dave_defusion
rudmonster, an example would be good as I've not been able to announce
custom events from the app that the preloader seems to see, unless I
use the previous suggestion.

My solution to preload the stylesheets was to do it within the
preloader itself so have a 2 step preload, only once both steps were
completed did I announce the complete event.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, rudmonster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I posted an answer this morning but I dont see it so let me try
 (first time posting :)
 All you need to do is extend  mx.preloader.Download progressbar then
 override the FlexEvent.INIT_COMPLETE you can then control when your
 preloader will end ...see here  (sorry ...I am paraphrasing my code dont
 have it with me but you will get the idea)
 public class Preloader extends DownloadProgressBar {
  public var splash:SplashScreen;
  public function CustomPreloader()
  splash = new splashScreen();
  this.addChild(splash) ;
  override public function set preloader( preloader:Sprite ):void
  preloader.addEventListener( FlexEvent.INIT_COMPLETE ,
 FlexInitComplete );
  private function FlexInitComplete( event:Event ):void
   splash.comp= true;   // When this is true I know that the swf 
 has finished downloading
  dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.COMPLETE ) );
 so over riding and binding a var to true I can use another event (like a
 database query result event to call another function inside of my splash
 sprite .as file to remove itself like this:
public function startupComplete( event:ResultEvent):void
 if( this.comp) closeSplash() ;
public function closeSplash( ):void
 if( this.alpha  0){
  this.alpha = this.alpha - fadeOutRate;
 if this sounds like what you want I can send you all my code to do this
 Rudmonster :)
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, hannes.stockner mail@ wrote:
  Now I have a possible solution:
  private function onFlexInitComplete(event:Event):void
  //now we can access the Application.application
  private function onAppReadyEvent(event:AppReadyEvent):void
  dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
  //dispatch AppReadyEvent if you want remove the preloader
  What do you think about it?
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, dave_defusion david.spurr@
   I'm just trying to do the same thing for our app today and there
   be a way, surely it's quite a common requirement. All I want to do
   load the runtime styles  a quick check to the backend, but the
   loading the styles is the most important thing.

[flexcoders] Re: Adding custom events to the pre-loading sequence

2007-12-05 Thread dave_defusion
I'm just trying to do the same thing for our app today and there must
be a way, surely it's quite a common requirement. All I want to do is
load the runtime styles  a quick check to the backend, but the
loading the styles is the most important thing.

[flexcoders] Modules + CSS issues, what are recommend practices

2007-12-02 Thread dave_defusion
We have an application with each core section of the application being
a module (as some users will get access to a restricted set of the app

We have all the CSS declared (via mx:Style source=... / tags) in
the application MXML file. We then compile using a link report to
optimize each of the modules for our application and everything seems
to work fine.

However now the application is nearly finished we just started to
really skin the application (we started with the OSX stylesheet from
scalenine and tweaked from there) everything looked ok until we
noticed some oddities.

The things we noticed were that you could click on a textarea within a
module but you couldn't type into it and wherever date choosers are
used we got the OSX style chrome on the date chooser but couldn't see
nor choose any dates. Removing the OSX stylesheet fixed both of these

I tried tweaking the OSX stylesheet but that did not resolve the
problem the only thing that I did which resolved all these strange
issues was to include the OSX stylesheet within each of the modules

I know I get a few warnings when compiling stating that certain  CSS
declarations aren't going to be evaluated, but the fact that the
styles for things like the date chooser are in the app when the CSS is
only in the main application is really confusing.

[flexcoders] Re: Using Tweener for effect (such as showEffect)

2007-11-29 Thread dave_defusion
Well that was a simple example, the great thing about tweener is that
it can tween multiple properties all at once, without me having to
create a Parallel effect and lots of other effects.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Wednesday 28 Nov 2007, dave_defusion wrote:
  this.setStyle( 'showEffect', this.testShowEffect );
  private function testShowEffect ():void
  trace( 'testShowEffect ' );
  Tweener.addTween( this, { y: this.height, time: 1 } );
 Why not use the built in Resize effect ?

[flexcoders] Embedded asset management strategy

2007-11-28 Thread dave_defusion
In my current project I'm going to be use a handful of icons in quite
a few different classes. I was planning on embedding each of these
into the application and was thinking that a single class with static
properties would be the best way to go. For example if I had a
IconAssetManager class which then handled the embedding of each of the
icons and then everything that needs to use the icons can reference
them from that single point.

So I'm basically asking for a sanity check or any suggestions, has
anyone else had experience of doing this?

Also if I embed an image in more than one place (say as variables of
each class that uses them) then I'm assuming that the image will be
embedded multiple times into the .swf, is this assumption correct?

Thanks in advance,


[flexcoders] Using Tweener for effect (such as showEffect)

2007-11-28 Thread dave_defusion
I would like to use the Tweener class for my showEffect  hideEffect,
however with Tweener whenever you add a tween it kicks off straight
away. I tried doing my tween inside a method and using that as the
effect e.g.:

this.setStyle( 'showEffect', this.testShowEffect );

private function testShowEffect ():void
trace( 'testShowEffect ' );
Tweener.addTween( this, { y: this.height, time: 1 } );

But that method doesn't get called when I change the visible to true.

Any ideas?


[flexcoders] Re: Flex Builder 3 Gotcha

2007-11-27 Thread dave_defusion
Thanks for the tip! I had this happen to me (about the fourth file it
has happened on) once again this morning, but I long ago resolved
myself the the fact that I had to live with it (at a lower
productivity rate when working with that file) as I had tried most
things I could think of (even deleting the file in Flex Builder and
creating a new file with the same name didn't fix the issue).

Your workaround worked perfectly first time, thanks again.

[flexcoders] List itemRenderer based on VBox error when verticalGap

2007-11-27 Thread dave_defusion
I'm using the latest Flex 3 Beta SDK and I've just created an
itemRenderer based on a VBox which I'm using in a List. Everything is
fine until you scroll down and then back up to the top, if you do this
the first item height will have shrunk and it will never resize.

I tried overriding the measure() method but that didn't fix it, but I
did notice that if I removed the verticalGap on the VBox that fixed
the issue.

I'm not sure if this is a known issue or not (haven't tried with Flex
2), but I could do with a workaround for when a verticalGap is applied
(without adding extra containers) if anyone has any thoughts.


[flexcoders] Re: List itemRenderer based on VBox error when verticalGap

2007-11-27 Thread dave_defusion
Actually now it seems the verticalGap isn't exactly the problem - I
thought removing that fixed the issue but it hasn't, just made it
appear 50% of the time when scrolling up and down to the top.

[flexcoders] Custom HTTP service causes Type Coercion failed error on dispatchEvent

2007-11-22 Thread dave_defusion
I have a custom HTTP service, in this service I have done overridden
the dispatchEvent method to enable us to check for and handle any
debug data contained in the HTTP response (as we're using CakePHP on
the backend).

What I'm doing is the following:

override public function dispatchEvent(event:Event):Boolean
var theEvent:Event = event;

if( event.type == ResultEvent.RESULT ) {
theEvent = this.handleCakeResponse( event as ResultEvent ); 

return super.dispatchEvent( theEvent );

This all works fine, except from when there is a FaultEvent being
dispatched, I get the following error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
mx.rpc.events::[EMAIL PROTECTED] to mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent.
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at flash.net::URLLoader/flash.net:URLLoader::redirectEvent()

Note the line 63 in the stack trace refers to the return
super.dispatchEvent( theEvent ); line.

I'm really stuck with this, and now I can't debug an issue that is
occurring as it is trying to dispatch a fault event, which it won't.
Also as the HTTPService isn't released as part of the source code I'm
working blind here so any help would be greatly appreciated.


[flexcoders] Using getStyle() for styleName, how does it work with nesting?

2007-11-09 Thread dave_defusion
I have a custom component, which gets a custom style name using

I'm using this component in a couple of places within a view and I
want it to be styled differently depending on where it is on the page,
for example:

HBox styleName=detailsWrap

HBox styleName=somethingElse

I assumed I could just set the following in the CSS:

.detailsWrap {
myStyleName: 'styleNameOne';

.somethingElse {
myStyleName: 'styleNameTwo';

But that doesn't appear to be working, if I inspect the components at
runtime then I see that the style name isn't been set. This appears to
be due to the nesting as if I do the following in the CSS:

MyComponent {
myStyleName: 'styleNameOne';

Then the style in styleNameOne does get applied.

I've also tried using child selectors, but I'm not sure if they're
really supported in Flex, e.g. I've done:

.detailsWrap * * MyComponent 

But that doesn't work either.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

[flexcoders] Re: Modal Window that doesn't disable the whole flash player

2007-11-09 Thread dave_defusion
Did you get this to work at all? I was digging through the
PopUpManager implementation earlier this week in an attempt to do
exactly this, but haven't had any luck yet.

Any more tips would be really helpful.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can copy the code from PopUpManager and put a modalTransparency
 window wherever you want.
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Mark Ingram
 Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 6:40 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Modal Window that doesn't disable the whole flash
 Hi, I want to know if it's possible to have a modal window that doesn't
 disable the whole of the flash player. For instance, I have an
 application which hosts another application (a widget). When the widget
 is waiting for it's data I use the PopUpManager to display a canvas (in
 order to blur the application and disable the user interface). The
 trouble is, the PopUpManager appears to be shared across all
 applications in the flash player, so the popup isn't added relative to
 the widget, it's added relative to the application. Also, the whole of
 the application is disabled, not just the widget. Does anyone have any
 clever ways around this?

[flexcoders] Re: DataGrid changing dataField property at runtime and updating datagrid

2007-11-07 Thread dave_defusion
That works, thanks for that, although it does seem a bit of a hack to
me. Anyway the important thing for now is that it works.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would try:
 Var cols:Array = dg.columns;
 dg.columns = cols;

[flexcoders] DataGrid changing dataField property at runtime and updating datagrid

2007-11-06 Thread dave_defusion
I've got a custom item renderer on a DataGrid which implements the
IDropInListItemRenderer interface. It uses this to figure out the
dataField the column is set to and then renders the item as appropriate.

That all works OK, but then I want a ComboBox to change the dataField
on the DataGridColumn and for everything to update as appropriate, but
it doesn't seem to want to. The column only appears to update when I
click on the header.

I've tried calling any of these on the data grid:


But they don't seem to be doing anything to the column.

Basically all I'm trying to do is change the dataField of a column at
runtime and use a custom renderer. I'm happy to look at alternative
solutions. E.g. I did think about creating all the columns based on
the data and adding them to the datagrid but have them not be visible,
but that might be a bit too much and wouldn't be as clean as I imagine
my solution to be (if it worked).

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.


[flexcoders] Event bubbling question

2007-10-23 Thread dave_defusion
I have created a custom HTTPService which we're going to use
application wide, this deals with handling common backend responses or
returning the response.

If the users session times out I want this custom HTTPService to
announce a 'UserSessionTimedOut' event then whoever cares about it can
listen for it.

However I've set the custom event to bubble but the listener I've
attached to the Application never sees this event (but it is firing as
if I add a listener to the custom HTTPService itself that listener
sees it). 

This doesn't make sense to me, if I'm telling an event to bubble then
it has to end up at the Application, no?

Any help would be greatly appreciated here.


[flexcoders] Re: Event bubbling question

2007-10-23 Thread dave_defusion
Hi Robert,

That makes perfect sense, I was thinking that it could be something
like that.



--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Robert Csiki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello Dave,
 HttpService object is not a UI component, hence the concept of parent
 does not apply for it, no matter where in your code you define it.
 That's why your event fired by it only uses the targeting phase, I
 guess...makes sense?
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, dave_defusion david.spurr@
  I have created a custom HTTPService which we're going to use
  application wide, this deals with handling common backend responses or
  returning the response.
  If the users session times out I want this custom HTTPService to
  announce a 'UserSessionTimedOut' event then whoever cares about it can
  listen for it.
  However I've set the custom event to bubble but the listener I've
  attached to the Application never sees this event (but it is firing as
  if I add a listener to the custom HTTPService itself that listener
  sees it).
  This doesn't make sense to me, if I'm telling an event to bubble then
  it has to end up at the Application, no?
  Any help would be greatly appreciated here.

[flexcoders] Re: Flex is becoming unviable

2007-10-21 Thread dave_defusion
 It there was a way that I could load the modules in the background while
 the user is doing other things would be great, then it would be there
 right when I need it.

A quick Google search would have shown you that this is possible with
modules, by doing ModuleManager.getModule(MyModule.swf).load();,
this will load the module but not display it, so when it's time for
you to display it it's already been loaded.

However the only time you should really do that is if you're sure the
user is going to use that module while using your app. One of the most
common cases for using modules seems to be when you have sections of
your app (e.g. a preferences section) which the user isn't always
going to require - so you only load that when they want it.


[flexcoders] Re: Mock objects in AS3

2007-10-18 Thread dave_defusion

I have been looking at this (as I would like a mocking framework for
Flex too) this evening and I've had no luck either.

The the registerClassAlias() does add the alias to a given class I
can't then get anything to accept it as being of that type
- I'm not sure what the alias is, but dumping the describeType()
results shows it as an alias property on the type and not as an
implementsInterface node, which is what we need.

I may not have been fully understood what registerClassAlias though.

But it looks (ok, it's late and I'm tired so it may just be that which
is causing my negativity) as if trying to get a class to implement an
interface (or at least appear to implement an interface) dynamically
at run time is a futile effort.

Any thoughts?


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Bjorn Schultheiss

 try add
 flash.net.registerClassAlias( attempt.TestInterface, TestInterface );
 prior to your cast attempt.
 On 17/10/2007, at 1:06 PM, aduston1976 wrote:
  lus I see a number of places on the web where the idea is mentioned,
  e.g. http://www.herrodius.com/blog/?m=200704 . However I cannot find
  any mock frameworks for AS3.
  This evening I spent some time trying to mock one up on my own (ok,
  sorry for the pun!) but I ran into troubles. Is anyone interested in
  thinking about this problem with me?
  Here is what I did during my 20 minutes of playing:
  Define an interface:
  public interface TestInterface
  function setSomething(something : String) : void;
  Run the following code:
  public function flexmock() {
  var i : TestInterface;
  var c : Class =
  flash.utils.getDefinitionByName(attempt.TestInterface) as Class;
  var desc : XML = flash.utils.describeType(c);
  var str : String = desc.toString();
  var a : Object = new Object();
  a[setSomething] = function(something : String) : void {
  trace(something); };
  // will fail on the following line, since a does not implement
  i = TestInterface(a);
  AS3 doesn't support duck typing like Ruby, and I believe there is no
  way to get an object in memory that implements the TestInterface
  interface that my other objects can use as a mock.
  Any thoughts about this? Am I doomed to use elbow grease or code
  generation to create these things?
  BTW, this message is also posted on the ActionScript 3 FlexUnit
  Library forum in Google Groups. Hopefully that isn't some kind of
  forum faux pas.
  Thank you for any comments,

[flexcoders] New ComboBox component

2007-10-17 Thread dave_defusion
Just a quick note to let you know that I've released a new ComboBox
component that implements option selection as you type, unlike the
default ComboBox it does it on part words or full words. This is handy
for quickly jumping to a known option in a large list of options
within the ComboBox.

I just created it as I had gotten so used to that kind of
functionality within drop down boxes (in Firefox especially) that I
really missed it within Flex.

If you're interested an example, description and the download can be
found here: http://www.defusion.org.uk/code/foxycombobox-for-flex/