[flexcoders] administrativa : yahoogroups thread mode is unusable.

2005-04-01 Thread dduuggllaa

Could someone please instruct me in how to drive thread mode in the
group. It behaves about as broken as is possible.

My needs are simple, folks. 
- I want to walk the thread forward in time
- I want to walk the thread backward in time

I want to do either with out loosing my mind.


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[flexcoders] Need definitive process for deploying swf created from mxml

2005-03-18 Thread dduuggllaa

Could someone please post the definitive way to host a swf generated
from an mxml file. This is a simple Hello World kinda swf no
WebServices, no RemoteObject calls. Thanks.


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Re: Still Need Example of Custom Component Built in Flash

2005-03-15 Thread dduuggllaa


My friend. Is it not possible for someone from the Macromedia
braintrust to post a link to a simple component built in Flash that is
usable in Flex.

This is a very simple and request and I would think you guys have a
closet full of shiney Flash widgets you can share with us
timeline/movieclip averse types. Come on, share.

Douglass Turner

Need example of Custom Component Built in Flash

2005-03-14 Thread dduuggllaa


Would someone be willing to post a simple example of a custom
component built in Flash for use in Flex? The simpler the better. Thanks.

-Douglass Turner

Re: Doesn't a Web Service return XML? Confused

2005-03-12 Thread dduuggllaa

Bingo! Coolness Matt. Thanks.

 mx:operation name=doGoogleSearch resultFormat=xml /

Flex Docs really need to be up on safari.oreilly.com

2005-03-11 Thread dduuggllaa

If there are any Macromedia people out there or others who can
influence decision makers at Macromedia you *really* need to get your
documentation up on safari.oreilly.com.

Having all docs entirely indexed and searchable is a huge win and will
greatly improve our productivity and will increase adoption of this

The current setup is extremely awkward and difficult to use. I have
spent hours wading through the current setup (bizzarly using frames!)
that is encased in some odd Flash template that makes proper
bookmarking an exercise in futility. I am convinced Macromedia is
turning away potential users of Flex not because of the technology
(which is world class) but because of the dilapidated state of the

Not a rant,
Douglass Turner

Need an easy way to dump XML results to a file?

2005-03-11 Thread dduuggllaa

It would be convenient when receiving an XML payload via a remote
service to be able to dump the returned it to a file for debuggin,
diagnostics, etc. Can someone suggest a simple way to do this? Perhaps
using mx:Model ? Thanks.


Re: Need an easy way to dump XML results to a file?

2005-03-11 Thread dduuggllaa

Actually, I'm consuming a web service and want to dump the XML to a
text file (foo.xml). Whatever service I use (HTTP, Web, Remote Object)
I thought there must be a way to generate such a file. 

 You can then output that as you see fit.

And that would be ...? What I'm looking for here is a method on a data
container (my thinking was mx:Model must have such a method) to dump
to foo.xml.


Re: Need an easy way to dump XML results to a file?

2005-03-11 Thread dduuggllaa

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Abdul Qabiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 mx:Model can not be used on runtime. You can look at FlexBuilder
 and network monitor, its just super cool
 You can also install Mozdev's Live HTTP Header extension in
Firefox to see
 the HTTP Header and other data passed while communication to server...
 Are you talking about a flex app that does this?

Wow. I just assumed this was trivial to do. I had no idea I have to
jump through so many hoops.

Let me try a different tack. Is there no way to write an object in XML
to a file on disk? Does the method foo.write(bar.xml) for any object
not exist?


Doesn't a Web Service return XML? Confused

2005-03-11 Thread dduuggllaa

I implemented the Google WebService in Flex. Works fine. I now want to
snoop in the returned results. I'm having a very difficult time
extracting the XML payload.

My service:
mx:WebService id=ws wsdl=http://api.google.com/GoogleSearch.wsdl;

mx:operation name=doGoogleSearch

// ...



The query:
mx:TextInput id=query width=400/
mx:Button label=Search click=ws.doGoogleSearch.send()/

According to a Macromedia technote this should work:

mx:TextArea id=theDump text={ws.doGoogleSearch.result} /

Nope. Instead it produces this:
[object Object]


So I tried:
mx:TextArea id=theDump
text={ws.doGoogleSearch.result.resultElements} /

[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object
Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object
Object],[object Object],[object Object]

Huh? Again.

What am I missing here?


flex-config.xml odds and ends

2005-03-09 Thread dduuggllaa

Sprinkled throughout flex-config.xml are numerous variable names
surrounded by curley braces. 

For example in the white-list section you'll find

Can someone tell me where localserver and the other variables get
defined? Thanks.

-Douglass Turner

Need help understanding error message.

2005-03-09 Thread dduuggllaa

I'm working through the nice Christophe Coenraets tutorial here:

In Lab 1 there is a HTTPService example that calls a JSP page. When I
tried coding it up I got this error:

03/09 13:13:50 ERROR %%404%%/restaurant/restaurant.jsp

I checked my white list and it looks fine. Is this a path problem? My
tree looks like:

Tomcat 5.5\webapps\flex\WEB-INF
Tomcat 5.5\webapps\flex\WEB-INF\classes\samples\restaurant\*.class

I was able to get the restaurant-admin app running without a problem.

Douglass Turner

Tomcat Hosting : Any recommendations?

2005-03-09 Thread dduuggllaa

If anyone out there knows of a top notch Tomcat hosting service that
they have had a good experience with please get in touch with me offline.

Douglass Turner
email: douglass_dot_turner_at_gmail_dot_com

Debugging Cairngorm apps builts with FlexBuilder. Please clarify.

2005-03-08 Thread dduuggllaa

Can someone please clarify how I enable debugging of a Cairngorm app
built in FlexBuilder?

I entered the following URL:

Up pops a dialog saying:
Where is the Flash debugger host running?
(*) Localhost
( ) Other Machine
Enter IP address
[ ]

[OK] [Cancel]

Huh? I click OK

Then another dialog pops up saying:
A connection to the Debugger could not be established by Macromedia
Flash Player 7. Make sure you have selected Enable Remote Debugging on
the Debugger Panel's pop-up menu.

Again, huh? I've had no luck finding this debug panel in FlexBuilder.

-Douglass Turner

Cairngorm namespace bug false alarm. Joy returns.

2005-03-07 Thread dduuggllaa

The problem was I had not done a thorough enough job or replacing
[Dd]emo with [Pp]lay.

All Cairngorm all the time. Rock.

Douglass Turner

Debugging Cairngorm apps builts with FlexBuilder.

2005-03-07 Thread dduuggllaa

I've got my Cairngorm app running. Now I want to poke around using the

So I typed this URL:

A dialog pops that says:
Where is the Flash debugger host running?
(*) Localhost
( ) Other Machine
Enter IP address:
[ ]

[OK] [Cancel]

Huh? I click OK, and then get this dialog.

A connection to the Debugger could not be established by Macromedia
Flash Player 7. Make sure you have selected Enable Remote Debugging on
the Debugger Panel's pop-up menu. Again, huh?

Douglass Turner

Cairngorm namspace bug

2005-03-06 Thread dduuggllaa

Is anyone else seeing the following Cairngorm bug:

Symptom: Changing namespace reference causes my application to hang.

I started with the Index.mxml file from the Cairngorm samples folder,
built an app, made some minor changes, everything was fine. 

However when I changed xmlns:demoView to xmlns:playView in Index.mxml
(similarly in Login.mxml) like so:



pageTitle=Visual i|o Toy marginBottom=5 marginLeft=5
marginRight=5 marginTop=5

The application haaa ...

Tomcat logs look fine. I've poured through the Cairngorm code, nuthin.

Any thoughts?

Douglass Turner

Re: Cairngorm namspace bug

2005-03-06 Thread dduuggllaa


Yes. I cloned the demo package tree, and replaced demp with play and
throught the directory tree. 

Note, if I use xmlns:demoView=com.visualio.play.view.* it works just
fine, so the problem does not appear to be with the com.visualio.*
hierarchy. I've even hacked a bit on the java classes, recompiled them
viaEclipes and it all works fine as long as I use the string demoView.

Does Services.mxml do anything dependant on the demo string? I turned
on the keep-generated-as tag in flex-config.xml and stared at
Services-generated.as but saw nothing weird.


Can't find entry point for Cairngorm

2005-03-03 Thread dduuggllaa

I'm up to speed on Tomcat now and attempting to install Cairngorm. As
the docs are rather thin, I'm assuming Cairngorm is an application
skeleton with an entry point. The file INSTALL.txt mentions an
Index.mxml file that does not appear to be included in the cairngorm
zip file. Can someone from iteration::two place shed some light here?

Douglass Turner
email: douglass_dot_turner_at_gmail_dot_com

Re: Can't find entry point for Cairngorm

2005-03-03 Thread dduuggllaa


Actually, I have and very enjoy your excellent Flex book. Very
What I mean is that it is unclear how you intend users of Cairngorm to
take it out for a spin. Do I now stair at the included code for a
while until I discover an entry point to hook into with a .mxml file I
code up? Has that task been left as an exercise for the student ;-) or

Douglass Turner

Re: Can't find entry point for Cairngorm

2005-03-03 Thread dduuggllaa

Cool. Thanks very much Steven.


MXML - ActionScript : where is the code cached?

2005-03-03 Thread dduuggllaa


In an effort to get a better feel for the mapping from MXML to AS2 I'd
like to spend some time staring at the code generated by MXML. Can
someone please tell me where it is cached? Thanks.

-Douglass Turner

Re: MXML - ActionScript : where is the code cached?

2005-03-03 Thread dduuggllaa

Coolness. Thansk Matt.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Matt Horn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You keep the generated ActionScript files by setting the following
in the
 flex-config.xml file:
 The generated files should be in the same directories as the mxml files,
 with the name {filename}-generated.as.
 matt horn

Re: Experienced programmer new to java app servers, quick question

2005-02-28 Thread dduuggllaa

I'm trying to compile from the command line:
javac -classpath /clearly/the/wrong/path CustomerDelegate.java

Here is my setup:

The java portion of the Cairngorm tree is here:

cd'ing to

LoginVO.java compiles just fine, presumably because it's package
dependancy is not a problem (java.util.Date I get for free)

There is no joy however when I cd to: 

and try to compile CustomerDelegate.java which imports

What I need is the correct -classpath incantation to satisfy the path
dependency for com.iterationtwo.demo.vo.LoginVO within
CustomerDelegate.java so that it compiles.

Douglass Turner
email: douglass_dot_turner_at_gmail_dot_com

Re: Experienced programmer new to java app servers, quick question

2005-02-28 Thread dduuggllaa

I was able to finally compile the file by switching to a DOS shell
rather then the Cygwin shell I prefer. Under Cygwin javac refuses to
parse either Unix style paths or Windows style paths. Isn't that
special ...

Anyway I followed the instructions in INSTALL.txt, copied the
Index.mxml file from the Cairngorm tree I unzip'ed into the Tomcat try
(an oversite, not mentioned in INSTALL.txt) and ... nuthin'. All I see
is the Index.mxml source, not functionality. I checked the Tomcat logs
and it mentions something about a missing web.xml file. Huh? How do I
make this thing actually do anything. 

By the way as I am new to Tomcat, what is the significance of the
environment variable $WEB_APP? Must I define it on Windoze?

Almost there,
Douglass Turner

Re: Experienced programmer new to java app servers, quick question

2005-02-28 Thread dduuggllaa

Good point Steve,

I'll dive into the O'Reilly Tomcat book for a while and see if that

I think you'll find there are a lot of folks like myself who are drawn
to Flex and come from other environments (.Net, php, perl, C++ in my
case). Perhaps a tutorial of some kind to smooth the transition out
would be helpful.


 Respectfully, you're not almost there. :-)
 You have to create a web application under Tomcat (or any other
 appserver - this is not a tomcat specific error you're seeing,
 rather, you haven't created an application context under your
 application server).
 The easiest way of doing this is to take flex.war, unarchive
 it (which will give you a WEB-INF directory, as well as all the
 other files and directories necessary for a webapp) and
 then deploy into that webapp.
 You're going to have to make sure that you deploy your compiled
 class files into that webapp as well...
 To be honest, I'd suggest that you put Cairngorm aside for
 a second, and start with:
 o Creating a new webapp under Tomcat
 o Creating a new flex webapp under Tomcat for MXML only
 o Compiling a Java class into an existing flex-based webapp
 - setting up a RemoteObject call to that java class
 Once you can do/understand those processes above, then you
 might want to think about taking Cairngorm for a spin; but 
 I think it's getting in the way of some more fundamental 
 learning about what's required to get running with Flex in
 a Java Application Server environment.
 Cairngorm isn't a short-circuit way of getting started with
 Flex; rather, once you're already a little immersed in Flex,
 Cairngorm allows you to go from understanding Flex, MXML
 and ActionScript 2.0 to building enterprise-scale RIAs
 by leveraging some knowledge of architectural
 best-practice gained on prior Flex RIA developments along
 the way.
 Steven Webster
 Technical Director

Experienced programmer new to java app servers, quick question

2005-02-27 Thread dduuggllaa


A quicky: I'm trying to install Cairngorm into my Tomcat installation
and can't get CustomerDelegate.java to compile. It's a classpath thing
and I am completely stumped. Could an old Java hand please take 10
seconds and tell me how to properly construct the classpath
incantation for javac so I can get some real work done?

Unless I can get this sorted Cairngorm will sit on my hard disk
gathering bit rot. Thanks.

Douglass Turner
email: douglass_dot_turner_at_gmail_dot_com

Re: MVC Framework for flex

2005-02-25 Thread dduuggllaa

I just installed Tomcat and and trying to insert Cairngorm into it's
directory tree. I'm am pulling my hair out trying to compile the two
Java source files that come with Cairngorm. I am tripping over the
classpath hell of javac. Can you please provide us with the correct
classpath syntax to satisfy javac? Thanks.

-Douglass Turner
email: dturner_at_visual-io_dot_com

 Have you tried the Cairngorm framework, which a large number of
 the folks building big RIAs with Flex on this list are using
 Download here:
 Presentation here:
 More information here:
